The Coatesville Chronicle


The Coatesville Chronicle
The Coatesville Chronicle
Your Community Newspaper October 2013 Published by Wendy Whitfield
Editor: 278 Coatesville Riverhead Highway R.D.3 Albany. 415 8835 [email protected]
Coatesville Celebrates
Scouting with the P.M.
All generations of the Coatesville Scouting movement were brought together on September 10th to celebrate Joseph Easley’s
presentation of his Chief Scout’s Award. Fantastic work by all the people who have stepped up and grasped the baton from those
before them. That’s what makes a great community work well , giving your time and energy to others reaps plentiful rewards!
October s issue includes
Shaking hands with the Prime Minister
A cut-out guide : What s on at the Hall
Ag Day -Saturday 19th October
Shake them Boas! the Gatsby Party has
been rescheduled to 23rd November
Going Going ...Gone!
Use those fireworks considerately,
give your neighbours a chance to move
sensitive stock and horses
Issue no.141 proudly sponsored by
320 Coatesville Riverhead Highway. 415 9206
Coatesville Motors
Full mechanical Repairs
for Petrol and Diesel Vehicles
Coatesville Riverhead Highway 415 7494
222 State Highway 17, Albany 415 6701
Ken Freeman
Specialising in Business and Advisory Services
Chartered Accountant
Going..going... gone!
Auctioneer Alan Curtis raises the
stakes at Coatesville School’s first Art
Auction and the children benefit by an
extra $5500 in the budget for kids with
learning differences. The quality of the
art on sale was excellent and the piano
playing, just devine! The evening was so
successful that all involved were keen to
do it again next year. A huge thank-you
to all those who contributed to a fantastic
Fernielea’s delicious new
season menu is on the way.
Look out for an even better
selection of healthy freshly
made salads, and more gluten
free options in the cabinet.
Freshly squeezed juices will
also be on board, so come
along and bring the kids to
check out the new garden and
kid’s playground makeover!
Who wants to cook on a Friday
night? We do! and we make
great pizza! Looking forward to
seeing you soon,
Rain & the team.
With You In Spirit!
Holy Cross Church
is having a garage sale
on Saturday 19th October
Albany Village.
Come along and,
grab a bargain and a sausage.
A bunch of ex Coatesville school parents
have just had a fantastic holiday in Italy
with Tony Lambert’s and Andrea Bizarri’s
( Andrea, Ristorante Italiano. Mission Bay)
small group tour of the region around Rome.
The food and special places, generally off
the beaten tourist track, made this a really
memorable holiday. Supermarket shopping
for a DIY dinner at Andreas beautiful family
home being just one of the highlights. They
missed all the dreadful weather you all
had, but they didn’t miss a second of the
Americas Cup despite technology doing
it’s best to thwart them. They put phones
in glasses for amplification, and ipads in
roasting dishes and fretted and swore when
the internet crapped out, which it did-- often. They were in spirit with you, late
every night- to the bitter end!
Residents and
September was a busy month
for us with The Coatesvile Clean up
with double the turn out from last year
plus the “Meet the Candidate night
which was a hugh success with the hall
half filled UNTIL.....half the audience
realised it wasnt a meeting to discuss a
TV 3 program earlier in the week about a
woman who it seemed was keeping more
dogs than the law allowed. Once they all
departed we got down to business with
an overview of YOUR Coatesville Plan
(copies available on cost recovery basis).
The three candidates John McLean,
Ross Craig and Peter Brydon, all spoke
to support their potential roles as local
board members and then answered
set questions and questions from the
audience. They were followed by
Councillor Penny Webster who provided
an overview on Zoning and subdivision
plans for Coatesville.
The following issues were highlighted on
the night and we will be working on them
with the local Board.
Can we prioritize roading issues?
What is the Coatesville Zone boundary?
Could there be a dedicated area or
building for representatives of fire
police and ambulance, to make these
more accessible to Coatesville?
Who are the council contacts for animal
How can we make boundary fencing
part of a property compliance issue.
We’ll do our best to respond to these in
next month’s Chronicle.
Happy People Let Go Of Grudges
Forgiving and forgetting is necessary for your
own happiness, as holding a grudge means you’re
also holding onto resentment, anger, hurt and
other negative emotions that are standing in
the way of your own happiness. Letting go of
a grudge frees you from negativity and allows
more space for positive emotions to fill in.
Executive quality 3-5 bedroom homes for professional clients.
Phone Executive House Rentals Ltd
021 215 5310 or (09) 3781302.
Email [email protected]
Perfect Lawns in half the time
At Your Place!
For the largest range
of Mowers in Rodney,
give us a call!
Facts about the CRRA Firework Courtesy
12 Nov 1992 An interest meeting held
with 34 ratepayers
26 Nov 1992 First Steering Committee
Meeting held, committee elected,
Gordon Stevenson Chairman
28 April 1993 Coatesville Resident and
Ratepayers Incorporated Society formed.
First meeting of the formalised body held.
Original foundation members still serving
on committee Alan Curtis & Hilary Bladen
Issues still current and still
unresolved since early years:
•Straightening of “S” bend immediately
west of Coatesville
•Traffic speed within the village area
•Safety improvement on Coatesville
Riverhead Highway(CRH)
•Under-grounding of power in village
•Walkways and bridle paths
•Village entrance signs
Dear Editor,
With the impending Guy Fawkes
coming up, can you give a gentle
reminder to readers to consider their
neighbours if they intend to let off
There are quite a few new residents
who have come here to live here in the
past year and may not aware of the
implications of letting off fireworks
with stock in the area, particularly
We have 6 horses on 2
adjoining properties in our vicinity.
I would appreciate if you could do
this please. Many thanks.
A Beautiful Cut...every time
Kings Plant Barn Complex, Silverdale
Ph: 0800 800 960 •
Thank-you from
the Scout Group to
all the locals who supported our Scrap
Metal Drive at the weekend.
We now have massive pile to sort
this week but it would not have been
possible without the generous response
from over 80 local families.... we
will keep you informed on how much
we end up earning.
And Finally.....
On Sat November 9th
Scouts are holding a
Jamboree Fundraising
Quiz Night
and Auction Evening
Tickets are available
from Phil Smith
([email protected]) or
•Widening of Screen and Mahoenui Valley
Road junctions with CRH
•Parking areas outside hall and towards
•Sealing of Glenmore and
Mahoenui Valley Roads.
•Additional land for the reserve
•Notice board at dairy
•Neighbourhood watch system
•Landscape plan and planting on reserve
•Rehabilitation and re-siting of the hall
•One footpath come bridle path
•Footpath for SH18/CRH junction
•Footpath around the reserve
Happy people Treat Everyone With Kindness
Kindness is not only contagious, it’s also
proven to make you happier. When you’re kind to
others, your brain produces feel-good hormones
and neurotransmitters like serotonin and
you’re able to build strong relationships with
others, fostering positive feelings all around.
021 129 2371 ....
$20 Per Person
We have several auction items signed by John
Key from our Presentation Evening.There will
also be numerous locally donated items
for Auction.Anyone else who would like
to help by donating something can also
contact Phil (above)
You can easily get
your Chronicle on
an iphone or ipad
by uploading the
Coatesville App
from the App
Store - free.
It’s looking good!
black cottage cafe
Support black cottage café in the running to win the title of NZ’s Café of the Year 2013 and with two signature
dishes in the competition, voting for Black Cottage will be easy!
The first dish entered in the competition is Buttermilk Pecan French toast, – a real treat for those with a sweet
tooth! The second dish is a Chilli Cornbread Grill, which as well as being utterly delicious, is also entirely
gluten free. Featuring a homemade cornbread cooked in the tin, Sponsors Watties and Meadow Fresh are well
represented in this dishes, which uses tinned tomatoes, tomato paste, whole kernel and creamed corn, buttermilk,
yoghurt and unsalted butter.
Voting for Black Cottage Café couldn’t be easier, and even better – as a supporter you could win a share of
$11 000 prize money just for voting. You can vote by texting ‘7472’ to the number ‘4249’; you can visit www. and vote online, and you can also download the NZ Café of the Year app and vote that way.
Foot Clinic
Lynley K McDonald, Podiatrist
155 Tawa Road Kumeu 0274 828 683, 412 9058
Qualified & experienced instructor
now accepting pupils for professional
237 Old North Road. Kumeu 027 234 2473
Joseph Easley is honoured by the Prime Minister
Tuesday September 10th will
forever be remembered as the night
the Prime Minister came to Scouts at
Coatesville. An historic event when the
Rt. Honourable John Key, Prime Minister
and MP for Helensville was invited to
present Joseph Easley with his Chief
Scout’s Award.
The evening had taken months
of secret planning and preparation and
the hall was beautifully set out with
display boards decorated with hundreds
of photos of the achievements and
activities of Coatesville Cubs and Scouts.
Photo displays going back to 2006
were complimented with old scouting
uniforms, memorabilia and an amazing
stage backdrop depicting an old fashioned
scout campsite.
The evening was designed
as a “Celebration of Scouting” with
emphasis on Scouting in Coatesville
to be highlighted by the Chief Scout’s
Award presentation to Joseph Easley. The
plan was to celebrate the rejuvenation of
Coatesville Scout Group from a low of
3 scouts and no Scout Leaders back in
2008 and to emphasise just what could be
achieved both by Scouts, Leaders and the
Cubs have always thrived at
Coatesville but Scouts almost became
extinct just at the time Joseph and several
others were about to move from Cubs up
to Scouts. The low scout numbers and no
leaders forced several parents to step up,
attend some courses and become leaders
and thus ensure the preservation of the
Scout Group. Since those ‘Bad Days’
the entire group has grown year by year
and finally we now have children in all 4
sections Keas, Cubs, Scouts and Venturers.
Joseph’s Chief Scout’s Award is the
pinnacle of what a Scout can achieve
and it highlights not only his hard work
and efforts but also the commitment,
enthusiasm, and time put in by our
volunteer leaders.
Ph 09 420 6433 021 386615
[email protected]
Ian Darke
Trade Cert Hort (Honours)
Garden Maintenance
The evening started at 6pm for
the Cubs who were finishing off painting
the garden toadstool ornaments they had
made on previous Cub nights. Guests
arrived from 6.30 to view the displays and
Richard had specially made
the trip up from Tauranga with his son
Andrew (also an early Coatesville leader)
so strong was his affinity with Coatesville
Scout Group.
This enthusiasm and support for
Coatesville Scout Group was also
highlighted by the number of past
scouts and leaders who lent uniforms
and memorabilia for our displays and
by the fact that 8 of the 12 Coatesville
Queen Scouts attended the evening.
The “official information sheet”
suggestion to get “the Best person”
to present the award
famous sportsmen, council officials,
mayors and MP’s. So it was jokingly
proposed by our committee that we
should invite our local MP... John
Rt Hon John Key awards Joseph with the Chief Scout’s Award
Getting a positive reply stunned the
and the process was then set
to reminisce with old friends and finally
get a date that would work
at 7pm John Key arrived in a two car
This meant a lot of
public secrecy with
Phil Smith, the Scout Group
sent out a few
Leader, met Prime Minister John Key at
response was
the car door and introduced him to Joseph
Easley. Both then escorted Mr Key to
view the scout’s kitchen trailer and the
Prime Minister John Key was
cub’s activities before going into the hall
and spoke to the audience.
to spend some time at the display boards
entirely on the children
highlighting Joseph’s achievements from
his time as a Cub and
Cubs through Scouts and the challenges
had and how his son
and activities undertaken to earn his
Cub and Scout. His
Chief Scout’s Award. The Prime Minister
hilarious account
then viewed the other displays and was
and huhu grubs
introduced to Cubs, Scouts, Leaders and
Bear Grylls
Scouting Officials as well as speaking to
many of the guests before the formalities
was the
began. Also invited to celebrate Scouting
in Coatesville were Coatesville’s Queen
Scouts and many past Coatesville Scout
Phil then invited Joseph Easley
and Cub Leaders who had laid the
and read out his resume of Cub
foundations of the Scout Group we have
achievements culminating with
today. Among the founding leaders
Scout’s Award and then asked
present were Rodney Swift and Richard
John Key to present the
(Hape) Goodall.
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email: [email protected]
For professional service & great deals see
Angela Nunn and Tim Malone
Your locally owned and operated travel specialists.
A Celebration
of Coatesville
John Key was presented
with a Coatesville Scarf and everyone
turned to observe the flag down
ceremony before being invited to mix
and mingle and enjoy the fabulous
supper. Mr Key kindly extended his
stay for an extra half hour to meet
and have photos with all those who
wanted before finally departing and
leaving the scout group to reminisce
on a truly fantastic evening.
It was great for the
Coatesville Scout Group to be able
to unite for such a prestigious event
which, we later learned, may have
been the first time a Prime Minister
has ever actually presented a Chief
Scout’s Award. The evening also
reunited a link with our Queen
Scouts and past Leaders and some
have agreed to help mentor Joseph
and our other Venturers through their
Queen Scout Award so hopefully we
can get some more names on that
Honours Board in a few years.
We are also hoping that this event
may be the inspiration that many
other children can use to achieve
the highest honours while with
Coatesville Scout Group.
We are always looking for
help with leaders, activities, and
events and are hoping to be able to
use the publicity of Mr Key’s visit to
grow our Scout Group so if anyone is
keen to assist in any way please get
in touch.
[email protected]
John Key talks to some of our Cubs
Speaking to...Sam Couch
Cubs looking on from left ...Joshua
Callendar and Kyle Maxwell
Standing behind watching are
Scouts Felix Glover-Clark and
Harry Palubinskas
Coatesville Queen Scouts:
Back Row: Regan Pearson, Michael
Hay, Andrew Bartley, Kris Bartley,
(you know who!), Sarah Sutherland
(nee Pennington) Victoria Arundel
Front Row: Scott Hay, Martin
Roest (8 of the 13 Coatesville
Queen’s Scouts ...... absent on the
night were Campbell Jensen, Grant
de Leeuw, Garth Freeman, Laura
Pennington and Marc Walker)
The prime minister shakes hands
with Jack Ringer.
Looking on from left... Jamie Bowie,
Felix Glover-Clark
and from Right ...
Jared Main and Tom Applegath
A memorable evening!
Very special thanks must go
to Leanne and Billy for their help with
organising and cooking the fabulous
food, Mary Logan for organising the
displays, Ross Patterson for creating
the campsite display and others too
numerous to name for all their help
and support as well.
Thanks to Phil Smith for this article.
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Due to unseen circumstances we had to postpone this
event back in August. However, we have set a new date in
November and look forward to you joining us for a great
night. Our Annual Coatesville Bash is a fantastic way to
support the school while getting to know your community, so
dig out those feather boas’s and book online now!
Bring your cheque book for our
Rarotongan Island Resort
holiday auction and your cash for our
games (gold coins), raffles, cocktails and food.
BYO OK. Book online now!
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Free Quotes on larger jobs.
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nurseries 415 8806
[email protected] It’s all Happening
on – 2013/2014
Coatesville Scouting Group
Cubs – 8-11 year olds Leader Gerard Maxwell Ph 027 203 6412
Email [email protected]
Scouts – 11- 14 year olds Leader Phil Smith Ph 021 129 2371
Email [email protected]
Venturers – 14- 17 year olds Leader Glenn Easley Ph 021 611 391
Email [email protected]
Monday 9am & Thursday 6pm (during term time) $15 per class
Contact Abraham Pardo Ph 021 122 1530
Email [email protected]
Modern Dance Classes for Ladies
Most Wednesday evenings (during term time) at 7.30pm $10 per class
Contact Heather Seel on 415-9116 or 021 664 749
Email [email protected]
Reiki Sharing Evening
Open to all lineages & levels 6.30-10.30 Various days
Contact Martin Turbak on 414 6264
Email [email protected]
Green Gym
Morning classes (Tues 8.15,Wed 9am,Thur 8.15, Fri 9.15) $15 per class,
concession $10 per class
Contact Tarnia Harman Email [email protected]
Coatesville Country Garden Club
First Tuesday of the month, general membership currently full
However guests are welcome at the winter meeting in the hall
Contact Mary Logan on 415 3170 or Judith Howard on 414 4338
Email [email protected] or [email protected]
e Institute
Coatesville Woman’s
First Thursday of the month. 7.15pm Visitors welcome.
Please phone President Denise Bott 09 412 8564 for finalised details
Albany Felting Group
Third Thursday of the month, 10am - 2pm
Spin, knit, crochet and weave as well as felting.
Contact Kim O’Connor 09 945 0007
email [email protected]
Yoga with Gemma
Mondays 9.15 - 10.15am open class
Monday 10.30 - 11.30am - beginners 09 412 2501 / 021 109 2023
Real Estate Market Update
Ten year gain in property values solid
An analysis of Barfoot & Thompson
sales shows that the average price for a three
bedroom home in Auckland has risen by 78%
from $324,651 to 576,716.*
There was a marked difference between
the first five years of the period compared to
the second. Between 2003 and 2008 there was
a 51% increase, with the following five years to
2013 showing a 17% increase.
The area with the highest percentage
gain was Central Auckland (102%), closely
followed by West Auckland (100%) and the
North Shore (97%). The area with the lowest
percentage increase was Franklin/Manukau
Rural with 58%.
Managing Director Peter Thompson
says “While this represents a solid return for
those who have committed to home ownership
over that period the level of increase is in line
with the returns achieved from other forms of
investment during a similar period.**”
For more information visit
* Averages for 12 months to August for 2003,
2008, 2013
** Source: NZX Asset Clas Performance
Report. Annual return for 10 years to June
2010. Listed property 8.3%, corporate bonds
7.4%, government bonds 6.9%, NZ cash 6%
and NZ shares 5.8%.
Smart Searchers:
54% of New Zealanders now own
smartphones. The majority (77%) have used
their smartphone for a general internet search,
and 33% have used their smartphone to search
for a flat or house. Surprisingly, most websites
are still not optimised for mobile use. However is set up to deliver a seamless
mobile experience.
If you’ve been thinking about selling your
property, call us now!
As well as over 60 branches across Auckland
and Northland, Barfoot & Thompson is the
only real estate company with an office located
right in Coatesville. Feel free to phone or call
in and see us soon. Our experienced staff are
ready to offer expert advice and help with all
your real estate needs.
Barfoot & Thompson Coatesville
320 Coatesville-Riverhead Hwy Ph 415 9206
Ciao,Would you like to learn Italian?
Do you need help for your holiday/
business in Italy? Too complicated? I will
make it easier for you. Small groups or
individual sessions to meet your needs.
Call or email Alberto. First session free of
charge. Testimonials available.
My email address is: [email protected]
my mobile number is 027-9762246
Thanks to my fine contributors
and loyal advertisers
without whom this paper would be very thin....
Deadline is the 20th of the month.
Thanks for your support !
Recipe of the Month
Spicy Lamb
1 kg approx deboned lamb leg
2 tsp ground paprika
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tsp cumin
½ tsp ground chilli flakes
2 cloves of garlic, crushed and chopped
Salt and pepper
3 tbsps oil
Chopped fresh coriander ( optional)
1 cup thick plain yoghurt
Juice of 1 lemon
4 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
2 tsp sesame oil
Combine oil, chilli, garlic and spices into a paste.
Rub into lamb, sprinkle with salt and pepper then place in a
plastic bag and marinate for at least 4 hrs, longer if possible.
Remove from fridge an hour before needed so meat is room
Heat oil in a fry pan and cook the lamb for 3 to 4 minutes
each side until slightly brown.
Remove from heat and place lamb into a roasting dish and
cook until tender. About 180C. This will depend on how thick
your deboned lamb is.
When cooked remove from oven and rest for 10 minutes
before slicing. Mix together the sauce ingredients and place
in a sauce bottle. Gently drizzle sauce over sliced lamb. Top
with chopped coriander and serve with crispy roast potatoes
and vegetables. ENJOY! Liz curtis
Classifieds $5 per line
Carol’s Beauty Therapy & Spray Tanning at 86 The Avenue, Albany.
Phone 415 4445. Professional services at affordable prices. Est 1990”
Elite Carpet Cleaning: Steam cleaning and flood restoration for
carpets, rugs and upholstery 0800 GET ELITE (0800 438-354)
Organic Hair Studio Barrett Rd Highly skilled Colour & Cut specialists.
Organic retail at wholesale prices. Ltd hours,& Thurs night 412 7199.
Wanted to buy: Label Clothing, sizes 12 - 18 ph, Elaine 027 515 7007
Bridal & Ball NZ in Albany village have affordable wedding, bridesmaid,
pageant, ball and evening dresses for sale or hire.Call Karen on
0800BRIDAL or visit our website
Coatesville’s Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner. Phone Thomas de Vere
415 7757 or 020 4004 5533
“Six Weeks To A New You” - Special Offer For A Limited Time.
Results Guaranteed!! Phone Personal Trainer And Lifestyle Coach
Debbie Downing 0274 418769 Tractor & Lawnmowing, Gardening your local contractors.
Graeme and Amanda Nicholson 412 2020 or 027 533 3114
Firewood for sale. Dry split pine, free delivery $80 cubic metre.
027 499 1273 or 415 9186
Team Prema Online Technology Specialists, Websites | Online Software |
Social Networking, (09) 630 3343 | [email protected]
Always happy to hear your news! W
Recycling bins are collected every OTHER Friday, Oct 18. Nov 1, 15. Provide
easy access to postboxes for Bob and Jackie our posties, especially where there
are lots of postboxes together. Please place rubbish AWAY from your postboxes
and help keep our posties safe.
Classifieds $5 per line [email protected] 415 8835
If you are new to exercise, or just haven’t done anything for a while.
Grab a friend and come try the NEW Green Gym Stretch & Strengthen
class, Wed 9am at the hall.1st class Free.
Please see or ph Tarnia 027 272 3722.
Maths and Physics Tuition. Secondary, Tertiary, NCEA, Cambridge,
Baccalaureate, Statistics,Calculus. Martyn Smit 021 170 9059
[email protected]
Local Shearer, Kevin Abel 021 223 5033,
Pilates Classes in the Hall with Abraham 021 122 1530
Browns Bay Hospice Shop Clyde Road opp Whitcoulls is always in
need of your fabulous used clothing and bric a brac. 479 7448
Who’s Your Caterer? Beautifully presented, great tasting food at
competitive prices. Helen Cato. 415 7771 021 211 8223
Albany Fences and Retaining Ph Mike 094155618
Lifestyle specialist and advice Ph Mike 094155618
Coatesville Mulch Mowing 1 to 50 acres, local contractor, affordable
rates. Phone Warren and Brenda Mills on 415 6503 or 0274 950893.
Eat Your Heart Out Local catering by Kathy Lambert
Great food, anytime, anywhere. ph Kathy on 415 9907
Scout Marquee for hire. Very reasonable rates. 447 1863Semi -retired builder looking to do your odd professional building jobs
at competitive prices.09 414 4551 or 022 170 0576 Cleaning available local lady living in the area for the past 14 years
please call Michelle on 021 083 85867.
Reflexology, Reiki and Cranial Sacral Therapy - Ease your aches,
pains, health conditions with a relaxing bodywork treatment.
Amanda - Albany 0223 942909 Home Handyman Service. Want those jobs around the house finished
before summer starts. For Building, repairs and maintenance.
Call Mark 0221 955 746
Wanted to rent 2-3 bedroom home with 10 acres
Careful tenants. Phone Jo 0210438039
BakeaShape Cake Tin Hire & Icing Accessories
Ph: 09 411 7145 027 468 1547
Quality Cleans starting at just $60! Check out our listing on Trademe
for services and prices. Done and Dusted Cleaning and Home Services.
Refs available. Contact Julie 021 052 6049 or
[email protected]
Water lillies ,very hardy canary yellow, long flowering.Can grow in up to
1.5m deep.Beautiful foliage.Ready to go in buckets $15
Ph 027 653 3404 A’LA FOIS Gardens.
Be part of The
Coatesville App!
Ph Wendy 415 8835
The Coatesville Residents and Ratepayers Association has developed a webpage for
Coatesville and invites you to link up! Cost:A $30 one off payment to link up, plus $30
per year. Please contact Mike Rowe at [email protected] 849 2585 weekdays