green book - C.H. Briggs
green book - C.H. Briggs
aranteed Grea u G t THE ff Stu 100 % Please use promo code, MGB03, to take advantage of the promotional pricing. MINI l y, A 20 Ju 16 GREEN BOOK ug u s t, S e p t e e mb r Change is inevitable. As a consumer society and in our industry we thrive on it. Whether or not you ĞŵďƌĂĐĞŝƚĚŽĞƐŶ͛ƚƌĞĂůůLJŵĂƩĞƌĂƐŝƚǁŝůůŚĂƉƉĞŶĂŶLJǁĂLJ͘ŚĂŶŐĞŝƐƚŚĞĐƵƌƌĞŶĐLJŽĨĐŽŵŵĞƌĐĞ͘^ŽŵĞƟŵĞƐŝƚďĞŶĞĮƚƐƵƐĂŶĚƐŽŵĞƟŵĞƐŝƚĚŽĞƐŶ͛ƚ͘tĞǁĞƌĞƐĂĚƚŽůĞĂƌŶƚŚĂƚ^,K<ŝƐƌĞŵŽǀŝŶŐŝƚƐďƌĂŶĚ ĨƌŽŵƚŚĞh^ŵĂƌŬĞƚĂƐǁĞƚŚŽƌŽƵŐŚůLJĞŶũŽLJĞĚƚŚĞŝƌĞĐůĞĐƟĐŵĂƌŬĞƟŶŐĂŶĚĞdžƉƌĞƐƐŝǀĞĐŽůŽƌƉĂůĞƩĞ͘ƚ ƚŚĞƐĂŵĞƟŵĞǁĞĐĂƵŐŚƚǁŝŶĚŽĨĂŶĞǁ/<KEΡͲƚŚĞŝŶŶŽǀĂƟǀĞ^ŝůŐƌĂŶŝƚΠĂƉƌŽŶĨƌŽŶƚƐŝŶŬĨƌŽŵůĂŶĐŽ ĨĞĂƚƵƌĞĚŝŶƚŚŝƐĞĚŝƟŽŶ͘tĞ͛ƌĞĂůƐŽĚĞůŝŐŚƚĞĚƚŽƐĞĞŶĞǁĚĞƐŝŐŶƐƚĂŬĞƐŚĂƉĞŝŶƚŚĞĞdžƉĂŶĚĞĚŽƌŝĂŶΠ ƐŝŶŬĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶĂŶĚƚŚĞƌĞůĞĂƐĞŽĨĂŶĞǁĐŽŵƉĂĐƚͲƐŚĂƉĞĚďŽǁůĨƌŽŵ^ƚĞƌůŝŶŐΠ͘^ŽĂƐŽŶĞĚŽŽƌĐůŽƐĞƐ͕ ŵĂŶLJŚĂǀĞŽƉĞŶĞĚƚŽĨĞĞĚŽƵƌĚĞƐŝƌĞ͘ 'ĂƌŶĞƌŝŶŐŝŶƐƉŝƌĂƟŽŶĨƌŽŵĂŶŽƚŚĞƌĞƌĂ͕ƚŚĞŶĞǁϭϵϮϵZĞĮŶĞĚĐŽůůĞĐƟŽŶƐĨƌŽŵŵĞƌŽĐŬĂƌĞĨĞĂƚƵƌĞĚ ŝŶĨƵůůĨŽƌĐĞĂůŽŶŐǁŝƚŚĂƌĞĚĞƐŝŐŶĞĚĚŝƐƉůĂLJƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ͘KƵƌĨƌŝĞŶĚƐĂƚZĞǀͲͲ^ŚĞůĨĐŽŶƟŶƵĞƚŽŽīĞƌŶĞǁ ƐŽůƵƟŽŶƐĂŶĚŝŶŶŽǀĂƟǀĞƉƌŽĚƵĐƚƐƚŽƵƟůŝnjĞĐŚĂůůĞŶŐŝŶŐŬŝƚĐŚĞŶƐƉĂĐĞƐĂŶĚƐŝŵƉůLJĐƌĞĂƚĞĞĸĐŝĞŶĐLJ͘/ ŵĞĂŶǁŚŽŐĞƚƐĞdžĐŝƚĞĚŽǀĞƌŽƌŐĂŶŝnjŝŶŐ<ͲƵƉƐʹǁĞĚŽ͊ ^ŽǁĞ͛ƌĞĞŵďƌĂĐŝŶŐĐŚĂŶŐĞʹŶŽƚũƵƐƚĨŽƌƚŚĞƐĂŬĞŽĨĚŽŝŶŐŝƚďƵƚďĞĐĂƵƐĞŝƚ͛ƐŐŽŽĚʹŶŽ͕ŝƚ͛ƐŐƌĞĂƚ͊ ĞƐŝŐŶ͕ĞĸĐŝĞŶĐLJ͕ŽƌŐĂŶŝnjĂƟŽŶʹǁĞ͛ǀĞŐŽƚŝƚʹƚƵƌŶƚŚĞƉĂŐĞƐĂŶĚĞŶũŽLJ͊ Best regards, C.H. Briggs David Cheslock Market Segment Manager - Hardware & Wood [email protected] 2 Please use promo code, MGB03 to take advantage of the promotional pricing. Valtec Ultra™ Conversion Lacquer Valtec Ultra conversion lacquer is high performance, pot-catalyzed lacquer formulated to use on kitchen cabinets, furniture, or anywhere a tough, durable coating is needed. It is built on a unique resin backbone that provides the user many of the properties of a trandional post-catalyzed product, without the associated issues of adding the catalyst themselves and shorter pot life. Allow us to show you how Valspar’s professional products, rapid repsonse, and customer focus will help SURYLGH\RXZLWKWKHEHVWZRRG¿QLVKLQJVROXWLRQVLQWKH industry. Briggs Item # VSNUC48091 VSNUF48011 VSNUF48015 VSNUF48021 VSNUF48025 VSNUF48041 VSNUF48045 VSNUF48061 VSNUW35121 VSNUW35125 VSNUW35141 VSNUW35145 Size 1 gal 1 gal 5 gal 1 gal 5 gal 1 gal 5 gal 1 gal 1 gal 5 gal 1 gal 5 gal Color Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear White White White White Finish Gloss Matte Matte Satin Satin Soft Soft Semi Satin Satin Soft Soft Price $33.86 $33.86 $158.99 $33.86 $158.99 $33.86 $158.99 $33.86 $36.32 $170.99 $36.32 $170.99 We have a full range of easy to apply, reliable, and durable coatings to enhance your craft. Contact our Finish Expert, Mark Litwin, for more information at (610) 401-1460 or [email protected]. Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 3 INTRODUCING 1929 REFINED Briggs Item # CAROLYNE Available Finishes PN Carolyne Polished Nickel G10 ORB DAVENPORT Available Finishes G10 Davenport Gunmetal GM ORB CRAWFORD Available Finishes G10 Crawford Golden Champagne BBZ ORB ESQUIRE Available Finishes PNSS Esquire Polished Nickel/Stainless Steel Polished Nickel/Gunmetal Satin Nickel/Oil-Rubbed Bronze 4 G10ORB PNGM Mfg Item # AMBP36585G10 AMBP36585PN AMBP36585ORB AMBP36584G10 AMBP36584PN AMBP36584ORB AMBP36580G10 AMBP36580PN AMBP36580ORB AMBP36582G10 AMBP36582PN AMBP36582ORB BP36585G10 BP36585PN BP36585ORB BP36584G10 BP36584PN BP36584ORB BP36580G10 BP36580PN BP36580ORB BP36582G10 BP36582PN BP36582ORB AMBP36607G10 AMBP36607ORB AMBP36607GM AMBP36606G10 AMBP36606ORB AMBP36606GM AMBP36605G10 AMBP36605ORB AMBP36605GM AMBP36602G10 AMBP36602ORB AMBP36602GM AMBP36601G10 AMBP36601ORB AMBP36601GM BP36607G10 BP36607ORB BP36607GM BP36606G10 BP36606ORB BP36606GM BP36605G10 BP36605ORB BP36605GM BP36602G10 BP36602ORB BP36602GM BP36601G10 BP36601ORB BP36601GM AMBP36595G10 AMBP36595ORB AMBP36595BBZ AMBP36594G10 AMBP36594ORB AMBP36594BBZ AMBP36593G10 AMBP36593ORB AMBP36593BBZ AMBP36616G10 AMBP36616ORB AMBP36616BBZ AMBP36613G10 AMBP36613ORB AMBP36613BBZ BP36595G10 BP36595ORB BP36595BBZ BP36594G10 BP36594ORB BP36594BBZ BP36593G10 BP36593ORB BP36593BBZ BP36616G10 BP36616ORB BP36616BBZ BP36613G10 BP36613ORB BP36613BBZ AMBP36559PNGM AMBP36559PNSS AMBP36559ORBG AMBP36558PNGM AMBP36558PNSS AMBP36558ORBG AMBP36557PNGM AMBP36557PNSS AMBP36557ORBG AMBP36556PNGM AMBP36556PNSS AMBP36556ORBG BP36559PNGM BP36559PNSS BP36559G10ORB BP36558PNGM BP36558PNSS BP36558G10ORB BP36557PNGM BP36557PNSS BP36557G10ORB BP36556PNGM BP36556PNSS BP36556G10ORB Description in(mm) Sale Price 5-1/16(128) CTC Pull $7.13 3-3/4(96) CTC Pull $6.27 1-3/8(35) DIA Knob $5.13 1-1/4(32) LGTH Knob $4.57 6-5/16(160) CTC Pull $7.69 5-1/16(128) CTC Pull $7.13 3-3/4(96) CTC Pull $6.55 1-1/2(38) LGTH Knob $6.85 1-1/4(32) LGTH Knob $5.13 6-5/16(160) CTC Pull $7.69 5-1/16(128) CTC Pull $7.13 3-3/4(96) CTC Pull $6.27 1-3/4(44) DIA Knob $5.99 1-3/8(35) DIA Knob $5.13 6-5/16(160) CTC Pull $7.98 5-1/16(128) CTC Pull $7.41 3 & 3-3/4 (76 & 96) CTC Pull $6.55 2-5/8(67) LGTH Knob $5.99 Sale prices in this catalog are effective from January 4, 2016 through March 31, 2015. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 3 Please use promo code, MGB03, to take advantage of the promotional pricing. Briggs Item # AMBP36629G10 BP36629G10 Available Finishes AMBP36629ORB BP36629ORB AMBP36629BBZ BP36629BBZ AMBP36628G10 BP36628G10 AMBP36628ORB BP36628ORB AMBP36628BBZ BP36628BBZ REVITALIZE AMBP55346BBZ AMBP55344BBZ AMBP55343BBZ AMBP55340BBZ AMBP55342BBZ BP55346BBZ BP55344BBZ BP55343BBZ BP55340BBZ BP55342BBZ SEA GRASS AMBP36623G10 AMBP36623ORB AMBP36623BBZ AMBP36622G10 AMBP36622ORB AMBP36622BBZ AMBP36621G10 AMBP36621ORB AMBP36621BBZ AMBP36615G10 AMBP36615ORB AMBP36615BBZ AMBP36617G10 AMBP36617ORB AMBP36617BBZ AMBP36614G10 AMBP36614ORB AMBP36614BBZ BP36623G10 BP36623ORB BP36623BBZ BP36622G10 BP36622ORB BP36622BBZ BP36621G10 BP36621ORB BP36621BBZ BP36615G10 BP36615ORB BP36615BBZ BP36617G10 BP36617ORB BP36617BBZ BP36614G10 BP36614ORB BP36614BBZ OBERON AMBP36608PNF BP36608PNFA Available Finishes AMBP36608G10F BP36608G10FA AMBP36608GMF BP36608GMFA AMBP36603G10 BP36603G10 AMBP36603PN BP36603PN AMBP36603GM BP36603GM AMBP36550G10 AMBP36550PN AMBP36550ORB AMBP36549G10 AMBP36549PN AMBP36549ORB AMBP36548G10 AMBP36548PN AMBP36548ORB AMBP36547G10 AMBP36547PN AMBP36547ORB AMBP36546G10 AMBP36546PN AMBP36546ORB BP36550G10 BP36550PN BP36550ORB BP36549G10 BP36549PN BP36549ORB BP36548G10 BP36548PN BP36548ORB BP36547G10 BP36547PN BP36547ORB BP36546G10 BP36546PN BP36546ORB AMBP55268CPN AMBP55268CBBZ BP55268CPN BP55268CBBZ G10 Revitalize & Grace Revitalize Golden Champagne BBZ ORB Available Finishes G10 Sea Grass Golden Champagne Oberon Polished Nickel Polished Nickel/Frosted BBZ ORB PN PNFA G10 G10FA GM GMFA WELLS Available Finishes PN Wells Oil-Rubbed Bronze Traditional Classics Clear/Polished Nickel Clear/Golden Champagne Mfg Item # GRACE REVITALIZE G10 ORB TRADITIONAL CLASSICS Description in(mm) Sale Price 1-3/4(44) DIA Knob $5.13 1-3/8(35) DIA Knob $3.99 5-1/16(128) CTC Pull 3-3/4(96) CTC Pull 3(76) CTC Pull 1-1/4(32) LGTH Knob 1-1/4(32) DIA Knob $4.57 $3.99 $3.43 $2.57 $2.57 6-5/16(160) CTC Pull $7.69 5-1/16(128) CTC Pull $7.13 3-3/4(96) CTC Pull $6.27 3(76) CTC Cup Pull $6.55 1-3/4(44) LGTH Knob $5.99 1-1/2(38) LGTH Knob $5.41 $5.70 1-3/8(35) DIA Knob $5.13 6-5/16(160) CTC Pull $7.69 5-1/16(128) CTC Pull $7.13 3-3/4(96) CTC Pull $6.55 1-1/2(38) LGTH Knob $5.41 1-1/4(32) LGTH Knob $4.85 1-5/16(33) DIA Knob $4.57 Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 5 40 $ INTRODUCING THE NEW 1929 REFINED COLLECTIONS 8-BOARD KIT PRICE While Supplies Last Update Your Existing Tower Today NEW COLLECTION 8-BOARD KIT 1 Esquire 2 Bar Pulls & Oberon 4 Davenport 3 Revitalize & Grace Revitalize 5 Sea Grass 6 Wells 7 $ NEW FINISH EXTENSION BOARD 7 Crawford Traditional Classics 8 Carolyne MFG Item# Briggs Item# CSGKIT01 AMCSGKIT01-8 board kit MFG Item# Briggs Item# CSG305 AMCSG305-Traditional Classic Board For Additional Information and Ordering Contact C.H. Briggs Customer Care: Phone: 1-800-355-1000 • 6 TO COMPLETE THE SET! Please use promo code, MGB03, to take advantage of the promotional pricing. NEW! TWO DISPLAY TOWER OPTIONS 4-SIDED DISPLAY TOWER 2-SIDED DISPLAY TOWER Brushed Nickel Finish Finish 40 Display Boards Including 8 New Collections Vibrant Brushed 20Nickel Display Boards Including 6 NewVibrant Collections and Top Selling Products and Top Selling Products Dimensions: 26-1/4in DIA x 72-1/2in H Cost: $450.00 Dimensions: 18in DIA x 72-1/2in H with Locking Bolt Cost: $250.00 • Break up the "Sea of Sameness" in your showroom with our bright, fresh new Tower! Devnshire® • More productive board layout offers more of our best selling products on fewer boards. • Streamlined Tower design enhances the shopping experience. 5-1/2in CSG Board Polished Chrome Finish 15in MFG Item# Briggs Item# TWR4SC02 AMTWR4SC02-4 sided tower TWR2SC02 AMTWR2SC02-2 sided tower Forte® For Additional Information and Ordering Contact C.H. Briggs Customer Care: Phone: 1-800-355-1000 • Forte® 4-Sided Tower 2-Sided Tower Polished Chrome Finish Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 7 Above Appliance Pullout Take advantage of those inaccessible cabinet spaces with Rev-A-Shelf’s Above Appliance Pullout. This chrome, door mounted pullout rack turns hard-to-reach cabinets into functional storage space for everyday items or small appliances. &GUKIPGFVQƂVKPVQKPFGGRYCNNECDKPGVT[YKVJCKPOKPKOWO JGKIJVVJKUTGXGTUKDNGRWNNQWVƂVUGKVJGTUKFGQH[QWTECDKPGV#FLWUVCDNG door mount brackets allow for easier installation, and the attractive chrome wire racks add style to any cabinet interior. Note: 15” minimum cabinet opening 15-1/2 in. minimum opening height required for frameless cabinetry. Part Number $;&5 8 Description Above Appliance Organizer Dimensions 13”W x 19”D x 15-1/2”H 6DOH3ULFH $ Please use promo code, MGB03, to take advantage of the promotional pricing. Collapsible Corner Lazy Susan Get more out of your corner cabinets with Rev-A-Shelf’s new Collapsible Corner Lazy Susan for face frame inset and frameless cabinets. Featuring rotational soft-stop and soft-close technology, these lazy susans are the perfect solution to your ninety-degree corner cabinet needs. The Collapsible Lazy Susan’s special design allows the doors to collapse KPYCTFDGHQTGTQVCVKQPRTQVGEVKPICICKPUVƂPIGTRKPEJ6JGƂXGYC[ CFLWUVCDNGFQQTOQWPVDTCEMGVUGPUWTGCRGTHGEVƂVCPFVJGYJKVG polymer trays with chrome rails match any décor. Part Number Description Dimensions $;&&/6)/+': Collapsible Corner Lazy Susan Hardware for frameless cabinets 15”W x 15-1/4”D x 25”-35”H $ $;&&/6,1+': Collapsible Corner Lazy Susan Hardware for face frame inset cabinets 15”W x 15-1/4”D x 25”-35”H $ $;/'&& 32 in. White Plastic Tray Set with chrome rail for Collapsible Lazy Susan 32” Diameter $ 6DOH3ULFH Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 9 Õ«čVViÃÃÀÞÌ{ÎÓ-iÀiÃΰÜ> iÀ K-Cup Drawer Insert Patent Applied For Featuring K-Cup Series Concealed runners and soft-close Transform your messy coffee corner into a clean and chic beverage station with our new line of K-Cup organizers. These beautiful solid wood drawer inserts CPFUV[NKUJGKNNGTRCPGNCEEGUUQTKGUPGCVN[QTICPK\G[QWTRQFUCPF EQPFKOGPVUfreeing up valuable workspace. They are the perfect addition to any beverage station and an absolute must for all coffee and tea lovers. Tiered K-Cup Organizer Patent Applied For Tiered K-Cup Organizer (1-1/2” Face Frame) Part Number Description Dimensions $;:7&'.& Tiered K-Cup Drawer for 18 in. cabinet (no slides included) 14-7/16”W x 21”D x 3-3/4”H $ $;:7&'6&.& Soft-Close Tiered K-Cup Drawer for 18 in. cabinet $ 14-15/16”W x 21-1/2”D x 4-1/4”H 6DOH3ULFH K-Cup Drawer Insert (Trim to Fit) Part Number Description Dimensions $;&',.&83 K-Cup Drawer Insert for 18 in. base cabinet or smaller 16”W x 19-3/4”D x 2-5/16”H $ $;&',.&83 K-Cup Drawer Insert for 24 in. base cabinet or smaller 22”W x 19-3/4”D x 2-5/16”H $ 6DOH3ULFH -%WR#EEGUUQT[VQ5GTKGUKPYCNNƂNNGT 10 Part Number Description Dimensions $;.&83 K-Cup Accessory to 432 Series 3 in. wall filler Fits all 432 series 3 in. wall fillers 6DOH3ULFH $ Please use promo code, MGB03, to take advantage of the promotional pricing. NON-FLAMMABLE CONTACT ADHESIVES STA’-PUT SPHS 1RQÁDPPDEOH6ROYHQWEDVHG=HUR92&3DWHQWHGQRQÁDPPDEOH SURSHOODQW+LJKVWUHQJWKJUDE%RQGVODPLQDWHZRRGSURGXFWVPRVW PHWDOVXUHWKDQHIRDPVSDUWLFOHERDUGDQGPDQ\RWKHUPDWHULDOV 9 GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality 9 GREENGUARD Children & Schools 927&&RPSOLDQW 91RQÁDPPDEOH Briggs Item # Description Price/Ea CCSPHS35ABC 34 lb Recyclable Clear SPHS STA’-PUT Contact Adhesive Canister $366.52 CCSPHS35ABR 34 lb Recyclable Red SPHS STA’-PUT Contact Adhesive Canister $366.52 CCSPHS375C2V 375 lb Returnable Clear SPHS STA’-PUT Contact Adhesive Canister $2,482.03 STA’-PUT S120 1RQÁDPPDEOH6ROYHQWEDVHG3RVWIRUPJUDGH6XLWDEOHIRUERQGLQJ GHFRUDWLYHODPLQDWHZRRGSDUWLFOHERDUGPHWDO0')KDUGERDUG SO\ZRRGDQGPDQ\RWKHUPDWHULDOV 927&&RPSOLDQW 91RQÁDPPDEOH Briggs Item # Description Price/Ea CCS12005C *DO3DLO&OHDU61)67$ 3876SUD\*UDGH&RQWDFW$GKHVLYH $146.40 CCS12005R *DO3DLO5HG61)67$ 3876SUD\*UDGH&RQWDFW$GKHVLYH $146.40 CCS12055C *DO&OHDU61)67$ 3876SUD\*UDGH&RQWDFW$GKHVLYH $1,385.80 CCS12055R *DO5HG61)67$ 3876SUD\*UDGH&RQWDFW$GKHVLYH $1,385.80 STA’-PUT S170 1RQÁDPPDEOH6ROYHQWEDVHG+LJKVROLGVHigh green strength. $JJUHVVLYHJUDEWDFN+LJKVWUHQJWKERQGV4XLFNGU\WLPH*RRGVSUD\ SDWWHUQ)RUODPLQDWHSDUWLFOHERDUG0')DQGPDQ\RWKHUPDWHULDOV 927&&RPSOLDQW 91RQÁDPPDEOH Briggs Item # Description Price/Ea CCS17005B *DO3DLO%OXH61)67$ 3876SUD\%UXVK*UDGH&RQWDFW$GKHVLYH $181.34 CCS17105C *DO3DLO&OHDU61)67$ 3876SUD\%UXVK*UDGH&RQWDFW$GKHVLYH $181.34 CCS17055B *DO%OXH61)67$ 3876SUD\%UXVK*UDGH&RQWDFW$GKHVLYH $1,748.50 1-888-751-0409 · Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 11 SUMMER SAVINGS WITH KV ® Pricing effective July 1 through September 30, 2016 CH Briggs is ready to say yes to your order for over 4,000 KV items thanks to our exclusive Simple Source Program. So whether you’re looking for cabinet hardware, door hardware, ergonomic items, closet accessories or kitchen convenience items, we offer: Instant pricing Shipping within 24 – 48 hours from order placement No minimum order quantities Contact our Customer Care Group to see for yourself! Easy access to absolutely anything KV! Soft Close, Undermount Waste & Recycling Bins Wood drawer box captures bin and provides a clean NEUTRALLOOK)NSTALLSINMINUTESUSINGSELFALIGNING brackets. Bins with optional Lids. Color coordinated aluminum side rails provide stability and conceal slide hardware. Bins with optional Lids. )NSTALLSINMINUTESUSINGSELFALIGNINGBRACKETS Drawer Slides 8450FM Drawer Slides 8400 Drawer Slides 3OFTCLOSEDELIVERSSUPERIORPERFORMANCEINDAMPENING action, effortless drawer opening and smooth operation. 100 lb. load rating. Lever disconnect for easy drawer removal. Use on box drawer applications to to 24" wide. 100 lb. load rating. sSIDECLEARANCE sMMANDTRADITIONALHOLEPATTERNS s.ONHANDEDDESIGN s&ACEFRAMEMOUNTINGHOLE s,EVERDISCONNECTFOREASYDRAWERREMOVE sMAXDRAWERWIDTH s2/(3COMPLIANT s.ONHANDEDDESIGN s$RAWERADJUSTMENTWITHOUTREMOVAL s(OLDINDETENT 12 Please use promo code, MGB03, to take advantage of the promotional pricing. SUMMER SAVINGS WITH KV ® Pricing effective July 1 through September 30, 2016 Briggs Item # Sell Price WUSC Waste & Recycling KVWUSC12135WH $125.35 KVWUSC12135PT $128.01 KVWUSC12150WH $130.68 KVWUSC12150PT $133.35 KVWUSC12227WH $129.30 KVWUSC12227PT $131.87 KVWUSC15235WH $133.35 KVWUSC15235PT $136.01 KVWUSC18250WH $146.69 KVWUSC18250PT $149.36 USC Waste & Recycling KVUSC12135WH $107.72 KVUSC12135PT $109.01 KVUSC12150WH $111.60 KVUSC12150PT $114.20 KVUSC15235WH $114.20 KVUSC15235PT $115.50 KVUSC18250WH $124.58 KVUSC18250PT $127.17 Briggs Item # 8400 Drawer Slides KV8400B8 KV8400B10 KV8400B12 KV8400B14 KV8400B16 KV8400B18 KV8400B20 KV8400B22 Sell Price $7.16 $7.29 $7.45 $7.66 $7.93 $8.13 $8.39 $8.70 KV8400B24 $9.11 KV8400B26 $9.43 KV8400B28 8450FM Drawer Slides KV8450FMB12 KV8450FMB14 KV8450FMB16 KV8450FMB18 KV8450FMB20 KV8450FMB22 KV8450FMB24 KV8450FMB26 KV8450FMB28 $9.81 $12.13 $12.13 $12.13 $12.14 $12.29 $12.49 $12.77 $12.96 $13.06 Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 13 Discover the many facets of the CORIAN ®SINKCOLLECTION and see designs take shape. EASY TO CLEAN SUSTAINABLE DESIGN SEAMLESS INTEGRATION N STAIN RESISTANT Unlike other surfaces, an original lookcan be created via seamless integration from counter to sink. 14 Please use promo code, MGB03, to take advantage of the promotional pricing. New DuPont™ Corian® Shapes Introducing 10 new shapes for Corian® sinks and lavatories DuPont™ proudly presents a wide array of new shapes and sizes within the Corian® sink collection. This expansion introduces 10 new elegant sinks and lavatories* that are made to complement both Residential and Commercial applications. Corian® 5610 Corian® 9980 ADA-compliant Kitchen sink. Shallow at front edge, slopes toward drain. 27”w x 16”l x 5-1/2”d Large Single Bowl Sink Straight sides with sharp corners. 28.5”x16.75”x7.5” Corian® 7720 Corian® 7412 Rectangular Lavatory Flat walls with a flat bottom 19.5”x12.5”x5” U-Shaped Lavatory for 18” cabinet. Sloped edges on side with flat bottom. 17.75”x10.75”x4.6” Corian® 9412 Corian® 5414 Double bowl sink; Square bowls. Straight sides with sharp corners. 31”x16.75”x7.5” Corian® 7418 Great for a variety of applications including Healthcare. 14” Diameter, 5” Depth Corian® 5315 Baby Bowl Square, U-Shaped profile Baby Bath for integration into Lavatory. Sloped edges on Corian® Surfaces. Standard with side with flat bottom. Overflow. 22.5”x 12.5”x 5” 19.5”x12.5”x5” Corian® Sink Color Options White Frost White Mocha Crema Almond *Made from acrylic-modified polyester. Corian® 5216 Corian® 5218 Deep, square sink. Offset drain to minimize splash. 16” square, 12” Deep Larger, more shallow square sink. Offset drain to minimize splash. 18” Square; 10” deep Printed representation of colors may vary from actual samples. Measurements are inside-bowl dimensions: length x width x depth, and are not exact. See technical drawing. All lavatories and sinks have front overflows, with additional options where listed. Dimensions differ slightly. Accessible sinks can be installed as ADA compliant when installed per Accessibility Guidelines requirements. Please refer to the Corian® Positioning Guidelines available on the Corian® Sinks page at Customer Care: 800-355-1000 Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 15 More than beautiful. Introducing Blanco IKON™... ...the apron front sink now in BLANCO’s patented SILGRANIT® material. Featuring the perfect combination of design, function and durability, the IKON™ is the personal design statement that sets your kitchen apart. Briggs Item # BL401734* BL401733* BL401732* Color White Cafe Brown Anthracite List Price $1,395.00 $1,395.00 $1,395.00 * Indicates lead-time item Ikon™ Apron Front Sink in Anthracite Featured Net Price Sinks $209 Diamond Single $257 Diamond 1-3/4 *Sink shown in Biscotti *Sink shown in Cafe Brown BL440176 Biscuit BL441220 Biscotti BL440172 Cafe Brown BL440173 Metallic Gray BL440174 Anthracite BL440181 Biscuit BL441222 Biscotti BL440177 Cafe Brown BL440178 Metallic Gray BL440179 Anthracite $257 Diamond Double Equal *Sink shown in Biscuit Diamond 1-3/4 with Low Divide *Sink shown in Cinder BL440185 White BL440186 Biscuit BL441223 Biscotti BL440182 Cafe Brown %/7UXIÀH BL440183 Metallic Gray BL441470 Cinder BL440179 Anthracite BL441593 BL441595 BL441597 BL441596 BL441591 BL441590 White Biscotti Cafe Brown Truffe Cinder Anthracite Matching strainers and disposal covers are available. 16 $279 $257 Diamond Super Single *Sink shown in Anthracite BL441767 BL441766 BL441771 BL441765 BL441764 BL441768 White Biscotti Cafe Brown Truffe Cinder Anthracite Please use promo code, MGB03, to take advantage of the promotional pricing. Introducing the New Sterling® McAllister® D-Bowl This sink is the perfect selection for a small kitchen remodel or to serve as a secondary or island sink. The D-Bowl features: • • • • A unique curved wall not seen in other D-shaped sinks Thoughtful design to maximize counter space behind the sink 9-1/2” sink depth to increase versatility Introductory Net Price: $93.00 10" Pair the new McAllister® D-bowl with an elegant and economial Kohler Faucet List Prices Shown %HOOHUD &UXHWWH Vibrant Stainless Finish KO560CP KO560VS Polished Chrome Vibrant Stainless $ $ Vibrant Stainless Finish KO780CP KO780VS )RUWH 6LPSOLFH Polished Chrome Vibrant Stainless $ $ Vibrant Stainless Finish KO596CP KO596VS Polished Chrome $30 Vibrant Stainless $ Vibrant Stainless Finish KO10433CP Polished KO10433VS Vibrant Stainless Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 17 $ $ Every design is a journey. Introducing Shown: bohemian edge one of 23 new laminates from the modern odyssey collection™ new for 2016 Find a path to your unique destination with the new Modern Odyssey Collection™. This nature-inspired laminate collection from Nevamar offers a versatile palette to create exceptional environments anywhere. For samples, call 1.877.726.6526, or visit us at Engineered by Panolam Manufactured in North America by Panolam Industries International, Inc. C.H. Briggs distributes Nevamar in North Carolina and South Carolina 18 7KH6HOHFWLRQ&HQWHUDW7HOIRUG 7KH%ULJJV6HOHFWLRQ&HQWHUDW7HOIRUGVKRZFDVHVDZLGHSDOHWWHRIPDJQL¿FHQWQDWXUDOVWRQHVIURPDURXQGWKH world, housed completely indoors for convenient viewing. Browse through aisle upon aisle of natural stone slabs while accompanied by expert consultants who will assist you in selecting the perfect material for your next project. &KHFN2XW2XU1HZHVW$UULYDOV &LHORGH0DU¿O/RW7' Cielo Quartzite Lot T1 Magma Circa Lot T12 Lapidus Lot T7 Taj Mahal Quartzite Lot T5 551 East Church Road, Telford, PA 18969 Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Saturday, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. *Appointments can be scheduled online at or by phone at 1.800.355.1000. Sale prices in this catalog are effective from July 5, 2016 through September 30, 2016. Pricing & descriptions are subject to change wihout notice. 19 P.O. Box 15188 • Reading, PA 19612-5188 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LANCASTER, PA PERMIT NO. 472