Photonics in Germany 2011


Photonics in Germany 2011
in Deutschland
in Germany
Publisher / Herausgeber
trias Consult
Johannes Lüders
Crellestraße 31
D – 10827 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 781 11 52
[email protected]
Photo Credits / Bildnachweis
Title Photo / Titelfoto
Frank Brückner, Berlin
Page / Seite
S 8 TRUMPF GmbH & Co. KG
S 58 Fraunhofer IOF
S 72 Fraunhofer IOF
S 115 Lumino Licht Elektronik GmbH
Uta Eickworth, Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 917 08 117
[email protected]
Printing / Druck
GCC Grafisches Centrum Cuno, Calbe
2011, Printed in Germany
ISSN 2191-7191 (Printausgabe)
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Table of Contents
Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan
Federal Minister for Education and Research
Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung
News Ways in Photonics
Neue Wege in den
Optischen Technologien
Peter Leibinger
Spokesperson for the "Photonik 2020" Initiative:
Light is the Future – the "Photonik 2020"
Frank Schlie-Roosen
Federal Ministry of Education and Research:
BMBF LED Lead Market Initiative in Germany
Evelyn Moeck
Germany Trade & Invest:
Germany – Where Expanding Markets and Next
Generation Technologies Meet
Birgit Ladwig
Hightech and Innovation in German Small
and Medium-sized Companies
Gerhard Hein, VDMA:
Why are Photonics Companies Investing
in Germany?
New Dimensions and Current Solutions
in Photonics
Neue Dimensionen und aktuelle Lösungen
in den Optischen Technologien
Production and Mechanical Engineering
Reinhart Poprawe, Ingomar Kelbassa
Fraunhofer ILT:
Tailored Light for Next Generation
Products and Emerging Applications
Klaus Stolberg, Andreas Büchel
Jenoptik Laser GmbH:
Tools of Light
Andreas Tünnermann
Fraunhofer IOF:
Challenges in Modern Optics
Life Sciences
Markus Sticker
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH:
Optical Imaging in Life Sciences
and Medical Diagnostics
Klaus Irion
Karl Storz GmbH & Co.KG:
Endoscopic Imaging and Treatment
Peter Schubert
R-Biopharm AG:
Analytical Applications in Life Sciences
and Diagnostics
Communication and Information
Jörg-Peter Elbers
Fast Communication with Light –
Photonics for the Networked Society
Hans-Joachim Grallert
Fraunhofer HHI:
Convergence? – Microphotonics as
the Successor Technology to
Markus Ehbrecht, Frank Guse
QIOPTIQ Photonics GmbH & Co KG:
Image Acquisition and Projection Techniques:
Modern Head-up Displays for the
Automotive Industry
Lighting and Energy
Berit Wessler
Solid State Lighting – the Light of the Future
Andreas Bett
Fraunhofer ISE:
III-V Multi-Junction Solar Cells and
Concentrating Optics
Emerging Technologies
Dieter Meschede
Universität Bonn:
Quantum Optics – Optics and Photonics
at the Doorsill of Quantum Technology
Martin Wegener
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology:
Photonic Metamaterials:
Optics Starts Walking on Two Feet
Marc Vrakking, Max-Born-Institut:
Ultrashort Lasers that Probe Deep inside Matter
Ruth Houbertz-Krauß
Fraunhofer ISC:
Ultra-short Laser Pulses for 3D Patterning –
Enabler for Optical and Life Science
Organic Electronics
Michael Kröger
InnovationLab GmbH:
Forum Organic Electronics:
Innovation and Growth in a Green
Walter Fix, Klaus Schmidt
PolyIC GmbH & Co.KG:
Printed Electronics - Process and
Christian May
Fraunhofer IPMS:
Roll to Roll Fabrication of OLED
Lighting Devices
Results and Services from Research
Clusters and Institutions
Ergebnisse und Dienste von Clustern
und Einrichtungen der Forschung
TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH
Fraunhofer IOSB
Fraunhofer IOF
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Fraunhofer HHI
Fraunhofer IWS
Fraunhofer IWS, Roth & Rau Microsystems GmbH
Fraunhofer IAP
Omicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
TOPTICA Photonics AG
Northrop Grumman LITEF GmbH
LASOS Lasertechnik GmbH
HighFinesse GmbH
Sacher Lasertechnik GmbH
Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH
Advanced Optics SCHOTT AG
II-VI Deutschland GmbH
eagleyard Photonics GmbH
Vertilas GmbH
Data Transmission
ADVA AG Optical Networking
u2t Photonics AG
High Precision Solutions and Equipments
ZygoLOT GmbH
Leica Microsystems GmbH
tec5 AG
Sypro Optics GmbH
Häcker Automation GmbH
Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG
LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH
Vistec Electron Beam Lithography Group
Berliner Glas KGaA Herbert Kubatz
GmbH & Co.
Innovations and Competencies
in Industry
Innovationen und Kompetenzen
aus Unternehmen
Markets and Networks
Laser, Optics
LightTrans GmbH
JCMwave GmbH
LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH
German Society of Applied Optics
Optical instruments have changed the world. The telescope
enabled researchers to describe the earth as a sphere in
an endless universe; the microscope made microbiology
possible. Electric light replaced flames, X-rays revolutionized medicine. And the laser, invented in 1960 without a
specific application in mind, conquered factories as a universal tool and has since become the backbone of the
modern communication society.
The utilization of the photon has led to the development
of a highly-specialized industry in which Germany is the
world leader. The turnover of optical technologies production in Germany was about 20 billion euros last year. However, we cannot stop here: we are facing increasingly fierce
competition for market leadership, talent and technologies.
Education, research and innovation are becoming increasingly important. They are the basis for economic growth
and social prosperity. In order to maintain and enhance
our excellent position in this globally competitive market,
we need to invest now – in the training of skilled labour,
in excellent research and development, and in structures
that promote innovation. Science, industry and politics will
have to close ranks.
Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan,
Federal Minister of Education
and Research
Bundesministerin für Bildung
und Forschung
This is where Germany's High-Tech Strategy 2020
comes in. It aims to further improve the conditions for innovations and create lead markets in fields in which there
is high societal demand, such as climate and energy, health
and nutrition, mobility, security and communication. The
consistent utilization of light as a resource will make important contributions to meeting these challenges – keeping
people healthy, using resources sustainably, and generating
and using energy in an efficient way. We want to use the full
potential of photonics to strengthen our country and make
it more competitive on an international scale. We are aware
that we are not only responsible for the here and now, but
also for the future.
Prof. Dr Annette Schavan, MdB
Federal Minister of Education and Research
Optische Instrumente haben die Welt verändert. Das Teleskop erlaubte es den Forschern, die Erde als eine Kugel in
einem unendlichen Universum zu beschreiben, das Mikroskop machte die Mikrobiologie möglich. Elektrisches Licht
löste die Flamme ab, Röntgenstrahlen revolutionierten die
Medizin. Und der Laser, 1960 noch eine Erfindung auf der
Suche nach einer Anwendung, eroberte als Universalwerkzeug die Fabrikhallen; mittlerweile ist er das Rückgrat der
modernen Kommunikationsgesellschaft.
Mit der Nutzbarmachung des Photons hat sich in Deutschland ein hoch spezialisierter Industrie- und Wirtschaftszweig
entwickelt, der international an der Spitze steht. Allein der
Produktionsumsatz für Optische Technologien am Standort
Deutschland betrug im vergangenen Jahr rund 20 Milliarden
Euro. Doch wir dürfen nicht stehenbleiben: Der Wettbewerb
um Marktführerschaft, Talente und Technologien nimmt zu.
Bildung, Forschung und Innovation werden immer wichtiger.
Sie legen die Grundlage für wirtschaftliches Wachstum und
sozialen Wohlstand. Um unsere hervorragende Position im
globalen Wettbewerb zu halten und auszubauen, müssen
wir jetzt investieren – in die Ausbildung von Fachkräften, in
exzellente Forschung und Entwicklung und in innovations-
fördernde Strukturen. Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und Politik
müssen dafür gemeinsam voranschreiten.
An dieser Stelle setzt die Hightech-Strategie 2020 an.
Sie zielt darauf ab, die Rahmenbedingungen für Neuerungen
weiter zu verbessern und Leitmärkte in den gesellschaftlichen Bedarfsfeldern Klima und Energie, Gesundheit und
Ernährung, Mobilität, Sicherheit und Kommunikation zu
schaffen. Zur Lösung dieser Herausforderungen wird die
konsequente Nutzung des Rohstoffs Licht wichtige Beiträge
leisten – wenn es um die Erhaltung der Gesundheit geht
genauso wie bei der nachhaltigen Nutzung von Ressourcen
und der effizienteren Erzeugung und Nutzung von Energie.
Wir wollen das Potenzial der Photonik nutzen, um unser Land
für den globalen Wettbewerb zu stärken. Denn wir haben
nicht nur Verantwortung für das Hier und Jetzt, sondern auch
für das Morgen.
Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan, MdB
Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung
New Ways in Photonics
Light is the Future –
the "Photonik 2020" Initiative
Light is one of the key technologies for the German economy. In many areas of photonics, German companies are
already global market leaders at the forefront of technology. This success is founded on longstanding collaboration
between industry, science and politics. In the future, it’s
our desire to not only maintain our leading position but to
continue to build on it. Germany aims to remain a leader
in optical technologies, as these are key drivers of growth
and innovation. Mastering photon technology is essential
if Germany is to have a principal role in areas such as climate protection, mobility issues, technologies required for
modern production facilities, development and distribution
of information, and medical engineering.
In order to achieve this, we will continue our efforts to
develop and strengthen the cooperation between industry,
science and politics. As part of the "Photonik 2020" initiative, in 2009 three industry associations, VDMA (German
Engineering Federation), ZVEI (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers Association) and SPECTARIS (German
High-Tech Industry Association) joined forces with research
institutions, small and medium sized enterprises and large
companies to form the new "photonics industry." The goal
was to continue building on Germany's leading role in light-
Figure 1:
The use of lasers for cutting, welding and labeling has become an
integral feature of production plants around the world.
based solutions in the areas of production and engineering,
life science and medical engineering, communication and
information, and energy and the environment. To this end,
the German photonics industry, which currently employs
around 120,000 people, will invest up to 20 billion Euros
in research and development over the next ten years. This
equates to around 10% of total sales revenue.
Germany's politicians are also aware of the importance
of photonics and are supporting applied research in optical technologies. The Federal Ministry of Education and
Research's current funding program "Optical Technologies
– Made in Germany" will run until 2012. Meanwhile, the
"Photonik 2020" initiative launched its strategy development process at the end of March 2010 in Berlin, where
around 300 experts in optical technologies from science
and industry convened, and has set the goal of defining
guidelines to shape the future of optical technologies in
Germany. Our support is targeted toward those research
projects that have the greatest potential for impacting the
Apart from this, the principal reason for the success of the
German photonics industry is that Germany offers prime
Figure 2:
LED and OLED semiconductor technologies will bring about a
revolution in light technology.
Peter Leibinger,
spokesperson for the
"Photonik 2020" initiative
and Vice-Chairman
of the Management
Board at TRUMPF
conditions as a location for optical technologies. We have
succeeded in establishing the entire innovation and value
chain at a leading international level. The companies, suppliers and research institutions in Germany work together
in a tightly integrated network, and outstanding standards
of excellence are achieved in research and development.
Light-based solutions offered by the German photonics
industry are as fascinating as they are diverse. Take lasers, for example: The use of lasers for cutting, welding
and labeling has become an integral feature of production
plants around the world. Yet despite the advancement of
laser technology in the industrial processing of materials,
these are still the pioneer days. Half a century after its
invention, the laser still has its best years ahead of it –
and the photon is the tool of the future. In medicine, the
photon has the potential for a paradigm shift away from the
treatment of diseases and toward preventing them in the
first place. The foundation for this will be laid as a result of
improved understanding of life processes, from the cellular
right down to the molecular level, gained by means of optical methods. Light is also the number one driver of innovation in telecommunications and information technology. It
is already the case that no telephone or Internet calls can
be made without light. As far as the visualization of data in
information technology is concerned, the future will bring
many new display technologies offering unprecedented levels of brilliance. LED and OLED semiconductor technologies will bring about a revolution in light technology. They
meet the technical requirements of our time – high energy
efficiency, long service life and completely new design possibilities – in a way that no other light source does. Also,
photovoltaics, the energy source of the future, is only just
beginning to reveal its potential.
Figure 3:
Half a century after its invention, the photon is the tool of the
Figure 4:
Photovoltaics, the energy source of the future, is only just beginning to reveal its potential.
Light is the future – and for the German photonics industry the future looks brilliant. New developments in optical
technologies will shape the decades to come. Germany
will be at the center, leading these developments rather
than merely on the sidelines, thanks to the joint "Photonik
2020" initiative bringing industry, science and politics together.
Johann-Maus-Straße 2
D – 71254 Ditzingen
Phone +49 (0)7156 - 303 - 0
Mail [email protected]
BMBF LED Lead Market Initiative
in Germany
Dr. Frank Schlie-Roosen
The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
supports collaborative research projects at the interface
between science and industry. This type of research funding has also been successful in the development of industrial laser applications – so successful that German
companies and institutes working in this area are now internationally renowned and highly sought-after.
The area of incoherent light is also benefiting from
cooperative activities between science and industry. The
direct electronic emission of light – the light-emitting diode – is expected to conquer more and more areas of
application and become the most important source of light
in coming years. Its advantages include superior energy
efficiency, simple tuning and control, low-priced production
and regulated disposal. German scientists and companies
were pioneers in making LED technology ready for use in
the area of general lighting.
But innovations are not just about facts and data. The
success or failure of new technologies depends on a large
number of individual decisions in individual situations. And
people tend to base such decisions more on habit than on
technological facts, which they cannot verify themselves.
Producers, retailers and consumers have become accustomed to certain technologies, particularly if the technology
in question has not changed for many decades, as is the
case with light technology. In the area of light, examples
of these entrenched ways of thinking include measuring
light output in watts, the price ranges that are considered
"acceptable", the cognitive model of lamp and bulb, and
the existence of separate sales channels for different light
technologies. New and different technologies give rise to
uncertainty, to the extent that people sometimes opt for
an outdated solution just because it is a known quantity.
Economists refer to this phenomenon as “path dependence”, which can sometimes even cause market failure.
It means that new technologies are sometimes not applied at all – or applied much later than would have been
technologically possible. The BMBF conducted talks with
experts in late 2008 and concluded that in Germany, path
dependence might lead to market failure particularly in the
building illumination and outdoor lighting sectors. These
market segments are characterized by long investment cycles and autonomous, decentralized decisions taken by a
large number of different stakeholders, many of them in the
public sector. The risk involved in an investment decision is
an important factor in such markets, and these considerations are often an argument against new LED technology.
The LED Lead Market Initiative was launched by the
BMBF at the beginning of 2009 with the aim of making the
risks of LED technology easier to calculate:
• by developing neutral, scientifically sound measuring
and characterisation
• by supporting and documenting manufacturer-independent best practice examples
• by developing adapted business and contract models
for financing LED projects and risk management
Key stakeholders active in the fields of indoor and outdoor
lighting are involved in the LED Lead Market Initiative (including ZVEI, Lichttechnische Gesellschaft, Verband Kommunaler Unternehmen, ÖPP/Partner Deutschland, and the
Climate Change Finance Forum). Other partners, including lighting technology manufacturers, are involved in the
working groups. The LED Lead Market Initiative has thus
become the national platform on which stakeholders discuss problems related to LED use in general lighting and
promote the development of solutions.
The design of neutral measuring processes is needed
for potential insurance solutions for LED projects and for
the development of a seal of quality in the area of lighting technology that will make it easier for consumers and
purchasers to decide in favour of quality. Because such
a seal of quality can only be successful if introduced at
a European level, the BMBF and the partners in the LED
Lead Market Initiative have initiated a dialogue with the
European Commission.
The BMBF organized the “Kommunen in neuem Licht"
(local communities in a New Light) competition in 2010,
which raised awareness of the issue among public-sector
decision-makers. More than 140 proposals were submitted
and evaluated by a jury. As a result, 10 local LED projects
are being realized and documented so that real problems
and solutions can be investigated and assessed for followup projects.
LED technology is still young and new. It only became
evident a few years ago that this technology was suitable
for lighting purposes. Global competition in this area is only
just beginning. This means that success no longer depends
on research activities. The market will decide which areas
will see investments and which technologies will assert
themselves. Or rather, the markets will decide, because demand for LED technology comes from a number of different
market segments. In China, for example, huge areas are
equipped with central electrical lighting for the first time,
so no allowances need to be made for existing systems.
In Africa and India, the main challenge is providing lighting
in areas that are not connected to the grid. This requires
systems with integrated power generation and storage, for
which a sales and maintenance structure needs to be developed. In the USA and in Europe, where electric light has
been used in buildings since 1930/1940 and in public
spaces since 1960/70, replacement solutions (retrofits)
play a particularly important role in the market launch of
LED technology.
The introduction of LED technology for general lighting
will trigger enormous investments across the world. According to market researchers, production capacities for LEDs
would have to grow by an average of 30% p.a. over the next
20 years for the lighting market to be fully exploited. Significant further investments can be expected in the area of
application and in other, completely new lighting markets,
such as LED furniture and textiles or lighting control via
mobile phones.
Because German and European companies are world
leaders in the field of light technology, it is important to
apply the new LED technology here as quickly as possible.
This is the only way to ensure that German manufacturers
can successfully reposition themselves during the technological transition and that the environmental advantages of
this technology can be applied both quickly and effectively.
With its LED Lead Market Initiative, the BMBF wants to
contribute to this development and show that the Federal
Government’s High-Tech Strategy goes beyond the research
stage and shapes the entire innovation process.
MinR. Dr. Frank Schlie-Roosen
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Referat 513
Heinemannstrasse 2
D – 53175 Bonn
Phone +49(0)228 - 9957-3259
Mail [email protected]
Germany –
Where Expanding Markets
and Next Generation
Technologies Meet
Germany can proudly claim to be Europe's leading nation
in photonics and an optimal production and investment
Employing a workforce of almost 120,000 people, the
photonics industry in Germany is in excellent shape. Around
10 percent of turnover is reinvested in research and development, with around half of that turnover generated by new
products. Total sector turnover in 2010 is expected to grow
to EUR 21.2 billion – up 15 percent from the previous year.
Germany enjoys a reputation as an export nation – this is
also the case for products in photonics. Exports increased
by 16 percent in 2009 (EUR 14.4 billion), representing
around two-thirds of overall turnover. As for imports, Asian
Evelyn Moeck
Mechanical and
Electronic Technologies
Germany Trade
and Invest GmbH, Berlin
suppliers dominate imports to Germany with 43 percent,
followed by imports from EU countries and North America. Photonics products “Made in Germany” benefit from
a healthy international reputation thanks to the country’s
focus on high quality engineering. The industry landscape
consists of more than 1,000 companies; typically small
and medium-sized entities. The specific structure of the
photonics industry makes a strong network imperative. In
Germany, significant efforts are made to ensure close contact between industry and research, politics and industry,
customers and suppliers, as well as between competitors.
International companies are welcomed at these networks
to link expertise and markets around the world.
technology is equipping
cars with "active" safety
features to prevent accidents.
Source: Volvo.
Investment Opportunities in Photonics
in Germany
Photonics applications are ubiquitous and include everything from products used in everyday life to the most
highly advanced scientific operations. Areas of application
that have been identified as pivotal in Germany include
information and telecommunication, health sector and life
sciences, illumination and energy, industrial production,
optical sensor technology, and manufacturing of optical
components and systems.
Over the last thirty years, the use of optical components has grown to the point that the global telecommunications market has come to depend on this key technology
to link all of its backbone services as well as link into
the access network. Because of this dependence on fiber
optical components and optical systems, photonics is considered an enabling technology. German companies play a
major role in this market. The expansion of high-speed communication worldwide has provided many opportunities for
the development of associated component technologies.
Photonics solutions can make networks more transparent,
dynamic, faster and environmentally friendly.
New technologies are also revolutionizing health care
industry methods for predicting, preventing and treating
illnesses. Photonic solutions and applications have an important role to play. As Europe’s most populous country,
Germany has the largest health care market in Europe,
and an aging population that will demand new and better
products. Maintaining Germany's high level of health care
quality, while at the same time keeping the healthcare system affordable, is a specific goal of German health policy.
Innovative products can help contribute to achieving this
goal. Microscopes and endoscopes help to understand cell
processes, tissues and model organisms, as well as supporting the development of drugs specific to the patient.
The lighting industry is the biggest beneficiary of photonics solutions. The future prospects of this segment depend on using efficient light which could help reduce CO2
emissions in Germany by approximately six million tons.
The year 2012 will mark the end of conventional light-bulb
production in Europe; ushering in a new era of flexible photonic light sources – such as LEDs – that are an essential
element of future energy savings. Current forecasts predict
that every third light source will be an LED by 2025. The
greatest growth potential exists in the auto industry, general lighting, electric equipment, signage and displays. The
high level of consumer acceptance towards energy efficient
lighting alternatives proves Germany as the European entry
market par excellence.
The photovoltaic market is another important optical
technologies application segment. The total installed solar
energy output in Germany will increase tenfold by the year
2017. Germany is the largest photovoltaic market worldwide and enjoys an unmatched international reputation. In
New optical technologies for enhanced visualization for clinicians
and surgeons . Source: Carl Zeiss.
order to maintain this market leader position, all photovoltaic manufacturers are engaged in increasing the efficiency
of their products and the productivity of their processes.
For their next-generation production lines, non-contact processing equipment- which prioritizes laser-based processing – is considered essential. Photovoltaic industry R&D
investments of around EUR 1 billion are planned through
2013. Cooperation projects with industry participants and
institutes across this market segment create new investment opportunities for international investors.
Incentives in the Photonics Industry in Germany
Germany offers numerous incentives for all investors – regardless of whether they are from Germany or not. There is
a large selection of programs available designed to support
a wide variety of business activities at different stages of
the investment process. Support ranges from cash incentives for the reimbursement of direct investment costs to
incentives for labor and R&D. Most notable for the photonics industry is the "Optical Technologies" framework
program provided by the federal government.
Germany Trade and Invest and its services
Germany Trade & Invest is the foreign trade and inward
investment agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its
mission is to promote Germany as a location for industrial
and technological investments and to identify investors for
the German market. With our team of industry experts,
incentive specialists and other investment related services
we assist companies in setting up business operations in
Germany. All services are treated with the utmost confidentiality and provided free of charge.
Germany Trade and Invest GmbH
Friedrichstraße 60
D – 10117 Berlin
Phone +49(0) 30 - 200 099 - 0
+49(0) 30 - 200 099 - 111
Mail [email protected]
Hightech and Innovation in German
Small and Medium-sized Companies
Birgit Ladwig
Head of Photonics + Precision Technology /
Analytical, Bio and Laboratory Technology
Without a doubt, photonics is one of the key industries
of the future for the German economy, and this notwithstanding the fact that the importance of photonics is not
widely acknowledged by the general public. Nevertheless,
photonics products can be found in nearly all spheres of
life and the photonics industry remains highly innovative
and experiences above average growth rates and employs
around 120,000 people. As a key enabling technology,
photonics is at home in a broad range of industries like
photovoltaics, production and semiconductor technologies
and life sciences.
With an impressive export ratio of almost 68 percent,
the German photonics industry has proven to be internationally competitive. German companies have already secured a large piece of the future photonics market and
currently hold a nine percent share of an industry with an
annual turnover worth of around 256 billion Euros worldwide. Although Asian countries and the US share a larger
proportion of the total value, German producers have been
able to establish themselves successfully in a number of
niche markets. This is especially true for innovation-intensive high-tech areas and for products that require very high
precision and quality values. Companies such as these
have not been focusing as much on the cost-driven mass
production of optical appliances.
In the future, it will be particularly important for small
and medium-sized companies to be at the cutting edge of
innovation and uphold their technological leadership. In
many areas, German companies are already at the vanguard of technological development and it is important
for SPECTARIS to further promote this development. For
German producers, there is no alternative to innovation.
The German photonics industry always has to remain one
step ahead of its competitors in Asia and the US. Innovation is the key to this position. If the German photonics
industry can maintain its present market position, it will
almost certainly contribute substantially to broader German economic growth. This will undoubtedly create new
growth areas for the industry in addition to the already
established photonics base industries. As the year 2009
has demonstrated, international competitiveness through
new innovative growth industries is of crucial importance
for the export-driven German economy.
Project Grants: A Success Story!
For the high-tech industry in Germany, project grants have
become indispensable for R & D and have made a significant contribution to the continuing status of Germany as
a technological innovator and leader. Each year more than
five billion Euros of capital investment grants are awarded
under the auspices of the Federal Project Promotion and
Grant Program. It is important to note the extent of public
leverage in the funding equation: for each publicly funded
euro, two euros from private sources are added. Significantly, according to a study by the Center for European
Economic Research, no windfall gains were observed in
relation to the Project Grant Program.
The photonics industry has benefited enormously
from the Federal Project Grant Program. The grants have
been an important factor in the industry’s marked turnover growth and increase in employee numbers over the
past few years. The figures speak for themselves: In 2005,
around 100,000 employees produced a turnover of circa
16.3 billion Euros. In 2008 however, turnover and employee
numbers had climbed to 22 billion Euros and 120,000
respectively. The advantages of project grants reach far
beyond immediately striking financial data. Professional
networks and connections built-up during projects supported by grants remain intact even after the grants have
expired. The results are impressive – follow-up projects
arise, new partnerships are created and research teams
continue to cooperate. These partnerships further support
the recruitment and training of skilled employees, who benefit from the expertise extended networking possibilities
provide. The photonics industry has become dependent on
the close vertical networks developed between producers
and users thanks to the Federal Project Grant Program.
Crucially, the program has also helped to extend these
networks to incorporate universities and other scientific
Heraeus Noblelight GmbH
Heraeus Noblelight GmbH
Carl Zeiss AG
Spectra Physics GmbH
Schott AG
Future Potentials and Markets
Photons instead of electrons – scientists entitle the 21st
century as „Century of Light“. A current essay by Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision Engineering (IOF) shows how the German Photonics industry can
contribute to solving global challenges. Photonics will be
of fundamental importance for the technological advancement of the following four areas:
• Information and communication
• Health and Nutrition
• Energy and Environment
• Security and Mobility
The essay states that the photonics industry is very well
positioned in terms of technology and produces essential
future instruments for markets with tremendously increasing economic importance since it is an enabling technology
for many industries.
As an overall conclusion, it can be stated that the
above-average innovation potential of the photonics sector makes it a key industry for economic growth in Germany and Europe. Using this innovation potential was also
made possible by project grants, which were an important
instrument to develop a global market leadership. After a
short-term slowdown during the economic crisis, this highly
future-oriented sector is in full recovery, with great potential
for future growth.
SPECTARIS German Industry Association for Optical,
Medical and Mechatronical Technologies
Deutscher Industrieverband für optische, medizinische
und mechatronische Technologien e.V.
Birgit Ladwig
Werderscher Markt 15
D – 10117 Berlin
Phone +49(0)30 - 4140 21 - 31
+49(0)30 - 4140 21 - 33
Mail [email protected]
Why Are Photonics Companies
Investing in Germany?
Gerhard Hein, Managing Director
of the VDMA-Division “Lasers and Laser
Systems for Material Processing”
and Head of the VDMA-Forum “Photonics”
The short answer boils down to four factors:
• Because business, science and research policy in Germany have leveraged exemplary collaboration and joint
efforts which have established global excellence in the
field of optical technologies.
• Because Germany’s professional education and institutional landscape guarantee adequate availability of
what is the sine qua non asset in the innovation process and the production environment: highly qualified
• Because Germany’s value generation chain is an outstanding example of a seamless, closed-loop system
in which the supplier network ensures high reliability.
• And because German economic and labour market
policy provides effective instruments for retaining core
staff during periods of crisis – instruments that the rest
of the world envies.
The clear messages that this sends to companies seeking
to invest here are examined in greater detail below, also
drawing in particular on examples from the German laser
industry. The aforementioned excellence in optical technologies opens up huge opportunities in manufacturing
engineering applications, for example, but just as clearly in
connection with environmental protection, energy efficiency
and the conservation of natural resources, healthcare and
state-of-the-art communications. And ultimately in the context of opening up photonics-based mass markets through
customised materials or organic electronics. As a manu-
facturing location, Germany needs more than just to have
new products developed here. Rather, we have to ensure
that these products can also continue to be produced right
here in this country. The fundamental principle is to provide
suitable manufacturing technologies and production engineering clusters that work efficiently together and attract
high-profile applications.
One benchmark of particularly current relevance for the
outstanding cooperation between business – ranging from
classic medium-size companies to major global corporations – and science and research policy is the ongoing
2nd Agenda Process Photonics 2020, which no longer exclusively involves laser technology, for example – although
the special emphasis obviously does focus there – but also
treats separate technology issues or the timely development of specific application areas. An overall strategy for
Germany is emerging! It will lay out how the key photonics
technologies can be applied even more effectively to solve
the urgent issues of vital importance to the future of society. In this context, particularly emphasis is also being
placed on the opportunity for Germany to assume a pioneering role with respect to the link between environmental protection and cost-effective production. State-of-the-art
laser technology will have more and more answers at the
ready for megatrends such as energy efficiency and e-mobility. Innovative laser sources will prove that the resulting
products such as electric vehicles, high-performance batteries, fuel cells or solar panels can be produced profitably
in Germany. The entire agenda process is being led by the
Laser und Lasersysteme
für die Materialbearbeitung
industry, and most of the experts involved come from the
field of photonics or from business sectors that make use
of photonics. That means that the market is uncompromisingly defining innovation!
Not least through strategically and regionally targeted
funding measures, Germany has established a densely woven institutional landscape with a functionally optimised
structure. Not only does it conduct essential basic research
and make fundamental contract research contributions under the guise of “outsourced development departments”,
but it also assumes a key role in the specialised training
of experts and managers. Companies recruiting new staff
logically establish bonds through the support of functionally focussed Masters level studies, scholarships and the
provision of work-study positions. This is the only way to
maintain outstanding innovative capabilities, which are
borne out by a 40% share of university degree holders in
the laser technology sector – a sector that currently invests
14% of its earnings in R&D activities. Optical technologies
generate up to 80% of their earnings through exports, but
also purchase material from suppliers at a rate of nearly
50% of turnover – more than 80% of which involves sourcing from within Germany. This clearly testifies to the country’s uniquely seamless value generation chain and high
supply reliability.
In 2009, and with carryover into 2010, beside the
agenda process compounded by high planning insecurities, viable paths out of the global financial and economic
crisis had to be found. Maintaining a decisive orientation
towards the future despite extremely difficult economic conditions proved to be a challenge of the first order! Through
the responsibly handled application of labour market policy
instruments – such as the flexibilisation of working hours
negotiated fairly with the collective wage agreement parties
and the German regulations on short-time working arrangements – the industry was able to implement a rather “soft”
adjustment of the workforce levels in the photonics sector
and to maintain strong and qualified personnel coverage
for the coming economic upswing. At its historical peak in
2008, the workforce numbered 110,000 people in all. That
figure fell by less than 7% during the crisis in 2009. From
2005 to 2008, the number of employees in the industry
had increased by about 27%. So optical technologies also
appear to be a veritable “job machine” during economic
growth phases. Taken together, these facts constitute
persuasive arguments for successful entrepreneurship in
photonics and for the reality-based formulation of economic
and labour market policy!
VDMA - Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Laser für die Materialbearbeitung
Forum Photonik im VDMA
Corneliusstraße 4
D – 60325 Frankfurt am Main
Phone +49(0) 69 - 756081 - 43
+49(0) 69 - 756081 - 11
E-Mail [email protected]
New Dimensions
and Current Solutions
in Photonics
Tailored Light for Next Generation
Products and Emerging Applications
Akad. Oberrat Dr.-Ing. Ingomar Kelbassa
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhart Poprawe M.A.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Reinhart Poprawe M.A.
When the Laser was demonstrated for the first time, it was
immediately applied to several applications, such as medical and materials processing – but technology was not mature enough at that time, so a phase of great enthusiasm
was followed by a phase of even greater disappointment
of the user society which lead to further delays. Only now,
50 years later, the industrial and scientific communities
created networks allowing coherent strategic approaches
towards the exploitation of the huge application potential
of “Tailored Light”.
Especially in the 1980s, when industry started to implement Lasers in cutting and welding processes in large
scale production first in electronics and later in automotive, the relevance of Lasers as key enablers for relevant
innovations got obvious. Today, this relevance can be seen
in stable growth of the market for optical technologies as a
whole. It is expected, that with the capability of high power,
high modularity and long life, in the next decade the technology will experience a serious boost and thus will lead
to leveraged innovations in practically all relevant societal
trends, such as mobility, health, energy or environment.
The scope of these innovations is vast and in the following only a few highlights can be described briefly. For further in depth information please see
Direct Production of Next Generation Products
Parts, components and products in general underlie geometry as well as material specific restrictions if conventional
manufacturing processes such as casting, forging, milling,
grinding etc. are considered, only. A part which has been
designed for function exclusively might be not manufacturable with conventional processes and a part which is
manufacturable shows functional restrictions due to not
meeting the optimum design specifications.
An alternative to dissolve this classical manufacturing
dilemma is contributed by Laser based direct production
processes such as Selective Laser Melting – SLM – and
In-volume Selective Laser-induced Etching – ISLE. These
direct production processes offer specific advantages such
as nearly unrestricted geometrical freedom and unique
achievable properties of the parts produced. Due to the
newest availability of high-power, high-brightness Laser radiation another two dilemmas can be dissolved: 1. Scale vs.
Scope and 2. Accuracy vs. Productivity. Hence, individual,
integrated, next generation parts designed for function can
be produced directly and very cost-effective.
High Volume Selective Laser Melting (SLM)
The ILT-developed SLM is a Laser Additive Manufacturing
– LAM – process that produces (or “prints”) metallic components – layer by layer – directly from 3D-CAD data. Hence,
the near-net-shape parts can be directly used in various
applications, e.g. in the medical, aerospace (Figure 1) or
automotive industry.
Figure 1: Nozzle Guide Vane (NGV) patch for use in an aero engine additively manufactured by SLM
However, the state-of-the-art process and cost efficiency is
not yet suited for large scale series production. The major
cost driver for SLM is the manufacturing cycle-time, which
only depends on the volume of material that has to be builtup. Therefore, a significant increase of the build-up rate
needs to be accomplished to achieve a larger process and
cost efficiency. This increase of the build-up rate is accomplished by the use of increased Laser power. Concerning
simple test geometries, the build-up time can be reduced to
less than 10 % compared with the state-of-the-art. Hence,
the individualized and cost efficient series production of
complex shaped parts by High Power SLM becomes an
economical reality.
Figure 2:
Laser polished
injection glass
mold half (left)
and manufactured
end product flacon
Figure 3:
µ-tube made
from fused silica
As a potential surface finishing operation Laser polishing
can be used to accomplish certain minimized roughnesses
and gloss levels automatically (Figure 2).
In-volume Selective Laser-induced Etching (ISLE)
The miniaturization of products in micro optics, medical
technology and micro system technology requires transparent components with structure sizes in the μm-range and
accuracies of sub-μm. In-volume Selective Laser-induced
Etching (ISLE) is an appropriate manufacturing process for
micro processing of transparent materials such as sapphire and glasses, e.g. fused silica. By focusing the subps laser radiation into the volume the material is locally
modified. By scanning the laser focus with a certain pulse
overlap, connected volumes of modified material are created in a first process step. The modified volumes are
subsequently removed by chemical etching in a second
process step.
Exemplary, μ-tubes (Figure 3) made from fused silica
can be produced by ISLE with an irradiation time of approx.
60 seconds.
With high-rate laser ablation using ultra short pulsed
laser radiation in the picosecond (ps) and femtosecond
(fs) regimes, accuracies of less than 5 μm and surface
roughnesses less that 0.5 μm can be achieved for e.g.
the manufacturing of molds. Compared with conventional
nanosecond (ns) ablation the accuracies have been signifi-
Figure 4:
Injection mold
with 100 ns
pulse duration
(left, remaining
melt / debris)
and 10 ps
pulse duration
(right, complete
avoidance of
melt / debris)
cantly increased (Figure 4). This test geometry has been
manufactured with ns-ablation (left, remaining melt and
debris) in comparison with ps-ablation (right, no remaining
melt and debris) and adapted processing conditions with
pulse burst ablation.
In the meantime sub-ps-lasers with average powers of
up to 1 kW are available and promise ablation rates in the
order of cm3/s depending on the material. Laser milling
becomes reality.
Photonics Production Aachen
Research in Photonics is focused to several regions in Germany. Due to the fact, that RWTH Aachen University is a
leading German university in production research, photonics research in Aachen is focused to production. More than
800 full time researchers are working in fields of application such as utilisation of tailored light as a manufacturing
tool, high power lasers and the development of production
technologies for light sources like LED and OLED or optical
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Reinhart Poprawe M. A.
Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT
Steinbachstr. 15
D – 52074 Aachen
Phone +49(0)241 - 8906 - 109
+49(0)241 - 8906 - 121
Mail [email protected]
Tools of Light
Jenoptik produces laser systems that are indispensable to the
photovoltaic industry and all its efficiency needs.
A shimmering curtain moves across a wafer from one end
to the other. It’s all over in a second, and the machine is
ready to start again. What we cannot see with our bare
eyes, however, is that in that short period of time, the device is able to create up to 20,000 microscopic holes in
the silicon, each one between 50 to 100 μm in diameter.
And this takes just a single laser source that is scanned
across the wafer by a special mirror system.
This innovation is part of the Jenoptik Group’s most
recent initiative for the solar industry. Even as recently
as 2009, experts had yet to foresee the massive decline
in solar cell prices – and increase in demand – we are
Metal Wrap
Through (after
Jenoptik’s laser applications lab of JENOPTIK Laser GmbH
and who works closely with researchers at the Fraunhofer
Institute for Solar Energy Systems in Freiburg, Germany.
One idea involves removing contacts from the front side of
the solar cells for more surface to convert sunlight. Solar
cell efficiency thus increases by 0.4 to 0.6 percent – which
may not sound like much, but since solar cells are only
17 percent efficient as a rule, every increase is welcome.
In the new designs, contact “fingers” are incorporated
into the backs of the cells. This can be done in one of two
ways: Either metal contacts connect the front and back and
carry the electrical charge through (“metal wrap through”),
Laser Doping for
Selective Emitter
(surface texture
after laser doping),
Fraunhofer ISE
Laser Ablation of
Dielectric Layers
witnessing now. The photovoltaic industry has thus entered
a new phase in which more efficient production methods
and higher cell efficiency are both crucial in terms of competition.
Lasers play a very important role in this, especially
when it comes to the crystalline silicon solar cells that
make up more than two thirds of the market. Unlike thin
film solar cells that have been produced with Jenoptik
lasers from the start, the more traditional crystalline silicon
cells have so far been produced using semiconductor processes. “But as completely new cell concepts are now needed,
production methods also have to change. And lasers are
the method of choice”, said Guido Bonati, president of
JENOPTIK Laser GmbH, located in Jena, Germany.
“People have thought of all sorts of clever ways to obtain
more efficiency,” said Klaus Stolberg, who is in charge of
or the semiconductor is itself shaped differently so that the
emitter points through to the back (“emitter wrap through”).
Either way, holes are required to “wrap” them to the back
– and these holes are formed through the use of lasers.
“Lasers are non-contact, highly precise, and fast. Other
procedures would either be far too slow or environmentally
unsound. Also, lasers do not damage the material, and
microcracks are avoided”, explained Klaus Stolberg. The
challenge his team faced was to cater to the varying wafer
properties within the industry. The solution does not only
solve the problem, but also presents a unique selling point:
As the first company on the market, Jenoptik offers a tunable laser. Both its pulse repetition rate and pulse lengths
can be adjusted for differences in wafer thickness, and it
drills microvias faster than anything else available. The
JenLas®disk IR70 laser was presented for the first time at
Klaus Stolberg,
Manager Laser Applications
Lasers & Material Processing
Lasers Business Unit
the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy conference
and exhibition in Valencia, Spain, in September 2010.
But that’s not all. The JENOPTIK-VOTAN™ Solas
1800/3600 serves the solar industry with a ready-to-use
production system that uses every available method to
make both solar cells and the production process more
efficient. The modular system is able to process more than
3,600 wafers an hour in its fully automated version, all
while allowing for a choice of features.
One of the features that JENOPTIK-VOTAN™ Solas
performs is selective emitter doping as a means of making solar cells up to another 0.6 percent more efficient.
Laser Fired
Fraunhofer ISE
Andreas Büchel,
Product Manager
"Crystalline Photovoltaics",
Lasers & Material Processing
Laser Processing Systems
Business Unit
Laser fired contacts, yet another feature, use lasers to
literally shoot metal contacts through the electrically isolating passivation layer. This leads up to 20,000 high-quality
contacts in solar cells.
As a fifth feature, the machine provides for laser edge
isolation, which isolates the negative and positive terminals of the cells from each other in order to avoid short
circuits between front and back. A laser is used to scribe a
precise groove all around the edge to remove the emitter.
One last feature is Jenoptik’s thermal laser separation
method, which is used to cut wafers. A laser beam applies
its energy along a line, both warming and expanding the
Thermal Laser
Laser Edge
The silicon, which is conductive for positive charges, needs
to be prepared (doped) for negative charge carriers. Previously, the entire wafer had been doped. “With the new
method, laser light is used to insert the doping material
only into selected contact regions. This is very efficient,
as several tens of contact fingers can be doped simultaneously”, said Andreas Büchel, product manager “Crystalline Photovoltaics”, JENOPTIK Automatisierungstechnik
The machine’s laser ablation feature is used to drive a
metallization paste through the top layer of the photovoltaic
wafer to form an electrical contact with the emitter. This
means that the dark blue top layer of silicon nitride needs
to be opened locally – and with caution, as the nanometerthin emitter lies beneath it. Jenoptik provides the precision
needed with a femtosecond laser.
material. A cooling agent is then immediately applied to
reabsorb the energy. The material then cools down and –
as if by magic – breaks with microscopic precision, without
material contact or loss. The innovation received the Best
of West Award 2008, and was predicted to have a major impact on semiconductor production. And it has also become
an essential Jenoptik product for the photovoltaic industry
as part of the JENOPTIK-VOTAN™ Solas system.
JENOPTIK I Lasers & Material Processing
Göschwitzer Strasse 29
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49(0) 3641 - 65 - 4300
Mail [email protected]
Challenges in Modern Optics
Andreas Tünnermann,
Fraunhofer Institute for
Applied Optics and Precision
Engineering IOF, Jena
which are essentially influenced by physical effects and
not by chemical imperfections. “New” materials are currently being qualified for high-performance optics applications in the optics industry. In addition to semiconductors
and ceramics, carbon-based materials such as diamond
are being increasingly used. This latter features, excellent
optical, mechanical and chemical properties, including a
wide transparency range at a simultaneously high damage
threshold and both heat conductivity and chemical inertness, of key importance for high-performance applications.
Similar benefits are offered by sapphire and silicon, which
can be produced with a high degree of purity and are of
considerable interest for future optics applications.
The micro- and nanostructuring of optical materials
today means that it is possible to realize fundamentally
new – artificial – material properties independent of intrinsic material parameters. Analogous to the behavior of
electrons in crystal lattices, it was determined that light
behaves similarly in expanded
Spectral characterization of light transmission by optical metamaterials
dielectric structures with periodically varying relative refractive indexes – so-called photonic crystals – if the period
interval only has a magnitude
of half the wavelength. In periodic media such as this, light
has new, specific propagation
properties which are unknown
in conventional media. The appeal of these new media lies
in the fact that the properties
can be set via the geometry
(period interval, symmetry, relative refractive index) of the
photonic crystals. Today, threedimensional structures can be
produced to prevent the propagation of light in all directions
in specific frequency ranges. If
The control of light in all its properties will play a key role
in the defining technologies of this century. This covers its
guiding and both spatial and temporal shaping, even under
the most extreme conditions with regard to wavelength,
power, and time. For this purpose, optical functional units
will be integrated within one system with general or complete functionality.
Thanks to the work of materials scientists and chemists in recent decades, the optics industry now has a large
number of organic and inorganic materials at its disposal
with controllable optical properties. A prominent example
from the field of glass concerns fused silica (SiO2), the
base material for a multitude of optical elements such as
the optical fiber which has enabled the non-diffractive diffusion of light in the near infrared spectral range over tens
of thousands of kilometers and thus revolutionized transmission of information. Ultramodern transmission fibers
show intrinsic attenuation losses of less than 0.1 dB/km,
Spliced fiber bundle
Laser spliced fiber
defects are entered into these structures, the light can be
localized to these defects on tiny areas or be guided along
specific paths. The combination of dielectric and metallic
nanostructures enables the realization of metamaterials,
whose material constants permittivity εr and permeability
μr can assume negative values. Of particular interest are
metamaterials with real relative reflective indexes in the
range -∞ < n <1. These materials promise perfect imaging
beyond the Abbe limit. The manufacture of these artificial
optical materials is extremely complicated and requires
recourse to processes in laser and electron beam lithography.
The linking of these “new” materials with traditional
refractive and diffractive optics to produce complex optical
Diffractive optical
element, etched
into fused silica
Loop of 9 coupled
micro disc resonators. Parameters
of a micro disc:
diameter: 40 µm,
thickness: 1 µm,
distance between
the resonators:
400 nm
SEM micrograph
of the cross section of a photonic
crystal fiber
pyramid structure
for light outcoupling, prepared
by electron beam
Andreas Tünnermann in the laboratory
functions presents a particular challenge today, as microand nanostructures must here be functionally integrated in
macroscopic systems. Optical systems engineering represents the technological platform for the manufacture and
hybrid integration of such optical systems. Among others,
it presupposes the introduction in optics of production processes adapted from the semiconductor industry such as
highly parallelized wafer level-based production technologies or bonding technologies. Optical technologies are thus
at a similar technological crossroads as electronics were
in the 1960s, when the step from discrete components
to microchips was taken. Such components will in future
constitute miniaturized versions of well-known optical elements and enable the implementation of totally new optical
functions, opening up the development of new areas of
application for optics in important emerging areas: energy,
information, environment, health, mobility, and safety.
Fraunhofer-Institut für
Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik IOF
Albert-Einstein-Str. 7
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49(0) 36 41 - 807 - 0
+49(0) 36 41 - 807 - 600
Mail [email protected]
Optical Imaging in Life Sciences
and Medical Diagnostics
Markus Sticker
The developed countries are facing a rapid demographic
change towards an ageing society. This will confront the
health care systems with enormous challenges. The case
number of cases of age-related diseases like cancer,
dementia, cardiovascular diseases, and loss of sight is
expected to rise sharply over the next decades. At the
same time, the financial resources of public health care
systems are likely to decline and therefore not keep pace
with the expected increase in costs for treatment and nursing care. To address these challenges, medical research
and practice must advance towards better prevention of
diseases, their early and specific diagnosis, and towards
personalised therapies. Optical imaging techniques hold
the potential to successfully address these challenges in
various fields from research to diagnostics. Some of the
most impressive developments in recent years are presented here.
Optical Imaging in Life Science Research
PhotoActivated Localization-Microscopy (PAL-M) is a technology at the leading edge of research and innovation. The
more than 10 fold increase in lateral resolution offered
by PAL-M represents a significant breakthrough in fluorescence microscopy. PAL-M utilizes the principle of pointillism
to resolve structures far below the diffraction limit. The
principle benefits from the fact that a system can spatially
resolve two very close molecules, provided that they are imaged sequentially. Recent advances in labeling techniques
enable this relatively easily. A highly modified form of a
total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRF) is
used in order to achieve the out-of-focus discrimination and
speed needed for single molecule detection. Thousands of
images are rapidly acquired, and then used to compute a
superresolution image. Given this unprecedented resolution, cellular organization and communication and dynamic
processes which for example endow our brain with its impressive processing capability can now be explored in extraordinary detail. PAL-Microscopy allows the scientist to
peer inside living cells to study dynamic interactions down
to the size of individual molecules.
Often researchers need to explore three-dimensional
structures deep inside live biological samples. Here, multiphoton microscopy is the best choice. A single beam of
a pulsed, ultrafast and tunable infrared laser is rapidly
scanned across the sample. A high level of laser output
power is required to achieve the necessary photon density
at the focus, such that it becomes highly probable that two
or more photons will excite a fluorophore in a similar way
to single photon with half the wavelength. However, outside
the laser focus the light intensity decreases exponentially,
and the laser light rapidly becomes too weak to generate
fluorescence emission. This well-confined focal excitation
provides some crucial advantages: The emitted light can
be collected much more efficiently, and the infrared radiation used penetrates much deeper into biological tissue.
Optical Imaging for Clinical Diagnostics
Histopathology: Since more than 100 years the microscope is the fundamental instrument in the daily work of
pathologists in their diagnostic work with tissue and cells.
Research of cell migration. CLC2 cell expressing tdEOS-Paxillin.
Left: high resolution
PAL-M image. Right:
Sum widefield image
with diffraction-limited
resolution. Sample
kindly provided by Mike
Davidson, University of
Cross-sectional OCT image
of the papilla in micrometer
resolution. Analysis of the
retinal nerve fiber layer
Multicolor Multiphoton Imaging:
Projecting neurons in Drosophila
melanogaster, antibody triple staining
showing synaptic connectivity.
Virtual microscopy and today’s IT infrastructure are currently changing the classical workflow into a digital one.
Microscopic images of whole tissue sections can now be
saved as a virtual slide. The virtual slide is stored on an
image server where the image data can be accessed via
intranet or by internet from all over the world at any time.
Specific features within the images can be quantified with
image analysis software, offering the pathologist additional
information for a more detailed diagnosis.
Ophthalmology: With over 9.000 systems installed
worldwide, optical coherence tomography (OCT) has entered the field of ophthalmology with great success. Light
backscattered from retinal structures is analysed interfer-
Intraoperative images
demonstrating a tumor cavity
viewed under conventional
white light (left) and violetblue illumination with the appropriate observation filters
(right). The patient had previously been given 5-ALA.
Images kindly provided by
Walter Stummer, University
Hospital Münster.
ometrically. The short temporal coherence of broadband
light sources allows depth resolutions in the micrometer
range. Rapidly scanning the beam over the retina enables
to acquire 2D or 3D data sets. Cross-sectional images and
maps reveal the details of retinal abnormalities that are
otherwise difficult to detect. Important applications include
the diagnosis of age related macular degeneration (AMD),
the most prevalent cause of sight of loss in elderly people,
and follow up evaluation of therapeutic response. Damage
related to Glaucoma can also be tracked by evaluating the
retinal nerve fiber layer and optic nerve head.
Surgical microscopes are used as optical and digital
visualisation systems in various fields like neuro-, ophthalmic- and ENT- (ear, nose and throat) surgery. It is particularly important in neurosurgery to develop reliable, minimally
invasive and efficient surgical procedures. When removing
malignant brain tumours, the main difficulty is distinguishing between healthy tissue and the edges of the tumour.
Pre-operatively administering 5-ALA to the patient, the malignant tissue shows up red using fluorescence-assisted
surgical technology. This enables the surgeon to work with
much more precision and to remove the tumour completely,
without compromising the vital functions of the brain.
Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH
Dr. Markus Sticker
Advanced Development Microscopy
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49(0) 3641 - 64 - 2914
Mail [email protected]
Endoscopic Imaging and Treatment
Dr. Klaus-Martin Irion
Global Vice President
Research & Technology
New endoscopic solutions continue to expand the spectrum of medical examinations and interventions now and
in the future.
Over the last 20 years, endoscopy has gained considerable importance in the field of medicine. This is down
to new optoelectronic visualization technologies and the
transition from open to so-called minimally invasive surgery (MIS). This technique allows complex, surgical interventions through the smallest, artificial openings using
remote controlled surgical instruments and thin caliber
Today, MIS interventions are performed with rigid endoscopes, while flexible endoscopes are primarily employed
in diagnostic applications via natural orifices. The decisive
advantage of this operating technique is the considerable
reduction in the trauma caused when creating an approach
as there is no need for extensive abdominal incisions. Consequently, patients suffer considerably less pain, experience shorter recovery times and can return to work more
Rigid endoscopes have already existed for over 100
years. The technological breakthrough in terms of image
quality and risk minimalization came in the 1960s when
Karl Storz introduced cold light and the transmission of the
light via integrated optical fibers [1] and with the transition from conventional lens systems to so-called rod lens
systems led by Harold Hopkins [2].
The first flexible endoscopes based on arranged image
waveguide bundles were introduced by Hirschowitz [3] in
Fig.1: Rigid HOPKINS® rod lens endoscope with high resolution
3-chip camera system (left), endoscopic HDTV image in 16:9
format (right).
Fig. 1a
Fig. 1b
Nowadays we differentiate between three endoscopic visualization systems:
1. Rigid HOPKINS®rod lens endoscopes with proximal HD
camera system (Fig.1)
This system combination of high resolution optical
transmission system and the best electronic and endoscopically employable imaging system with 3-chip
technology currently available guarantees an image
quality in HDTV quality in the 1080p standard along
the whole length of the transmission path.
2. Flexible videoscopes with a distally integrated miniature image sensor (Fig. 2)
The videoscopes with distal image sensor technology
have now almost completely replaced conventional,
flexible fiber endoscopes with larger endoscope diameters. In comparison with fiber endoscopes, videoscopes offer improved image resolution by about
tenfold. Localized image errors resulting from broken
fibers do not occur with electronic endoscopes.
3. Semi-flexible mini-endoscopes with proximal camera
(Fig. 3)
Extremely thin caliber endoscopes with diameters of
up to 0.3 mm can be realized via semi-flexible multifiber bundles. Their resolution can reach up to 50,000
pixels depending on the diameter. The main application
fields of these miniature endoscopes are the diagnosis
and treatment of very small lumen hollow organs such
as the tear duct or salivary duct. In addition, these
types of systems have recently been utilized for optical
Fig. 2: Flexible video bronchoscope system
with integrated camera control unit including
light source, monitor, keyboard.
Fig. 2
Fig. 4:
Multi-functional flexible platform for
performing endoluminal operations:
ANUBIS® NOTES scope with three
working channels, of which
two can be angled; whole system (left),
distal end piece with coagulation
forceps and suction catheter (right).
Endoscopy and MIS surgery are a success story for how
an imaging system can be optimally combined with a treatment approach.
The new NOTES technique (Natural Orifice Transluminal
Endoscopic Surgery) represents a possible further development for MIS and flexible endoscopy. This is an operative,
endoscopic procedure in which the instruments are introduced through natural orifices, such as the mouth, vagina,
or anus, using a flexible endoscope. A small intra-corporeal
incision in the stomach, the vagina, or the intestine allows
the surgeon access to the actual operating site. Following
the successful completion of the operation the incision
is sealed with the corresponding closing technique (clip,
The advantage of these methods is that the approaches usually heal without pain for the most part and that they
involve no external scars. This technique is essentially still
experimental but is already being used on patients in a
number of variations [4].
The longer, indirect approaches place new requirements
on the endoscopic operating systems, which could not be
adequately fulfilled by the previous, flexible endoscopes.
For this reason, flexible endoscopic operating platforms
have been developed, which make operations using two
flexible instruments possible. (Fig. 4)
The function of the folding out of the instrument working channels allows ergonomic handling of the instruments
in a defined triangulation angle in front of the optical system. As a result of the longer, flexible channels, the coupling of energy, e.g., for tissue cutting and coagulation,
Fig. 4b
is still proving difficult in NOTES. Alongside existing high
frequency surgery methods this is a good possibility for
lasers with flexible applicator systems to establish a place
for themselves.
It is still not possible to foresee to what extent and
in which medical applications NOTES will be successful.
However, it is now clear that new technological challenges
are to be expected in terms of optoelectronic imaging,
miniaturization and the system integration of microoptics,
microelectronics and micromechanics.
[1] DE 1113788 (1962) Einrichtung an Endoskopen mit einer
proximalen Lichtquelle (Equipment on endoscopes with a
proximal light source)
[2] US 3,257,902 (1966) Optical System Having Cylindrical
[3] Berci G. (1976) Endoscopy Application, Century-Crofts
[4] Marescaux J. (2007) Surgery without Scars, Arch Surg
142 (9): 823-827
Dr. Klaus M. Irion
Mittelstrasse 8
D – 78532 Tuttlingen
Phone +49(0) 7461 - 708 - 219
Mail [email protected]
Fig. 3: Mini-endoscope system for diagnostics and treatment
of calculi in the salivary duct. Outer diameter: 1.1 mm; Working
channel: 0.45 mm; Irrigation channel: 0.2 mm.
Fig. 3b
Fig. 3c
Analytical Applications
in Life Sciences and Diagnostics
Dr. Peter Schubert,
Director R&D,
R-Biopharm AG
A wealth of applications in life sciences and diagnostics
utilize optical measurements to determine the concentration or activity of for example biomarkers or contaminants.
The applied measurements are based on optical principles
as diverse as absorption, fluorescence, luminescence, refractometrie or surface plasmon resonance.
Analytical methods in life sciences are integrated approaches that have to combine some or all of the following steps: sample preparation, analyte separation, specific
labelling, sensitive detection and data analysis. These often complex procedures require in many cases a considerable amount of time, the infrastructure of a laboratory
and trained staff. A challenge of today is to convert these
laborious procedures into easy to use test formats that can
be applied at the point of need by untrained people. To do
so, robust assays and portable, miniaturized instrumentation have to be developed.
In the following, concepts of analytical procedures in the
life sciences with considerable impact in the field are introduced. However, a detailed review is beyond the scope
of this article.
Figure 1:
Schematic multiplex lateral flow test strip: A
defined volume of a solution containing the
biomarkers or contaminants of interest is applied
to the sample pad. While the reagent pad is soaked
with the sample solution, the binding of specific
detection reagents to the analytes takes place. The
solution is running over the membrane driven by
capillary force. When the reagent/sample solution is
passing through the test lines, the analyte/detection
reagent complexes are captured by immobilized
analyte specific antibodies at the respective testline,
while excess unbound detection reagents pass the
lines. The control line is necessary to capture the
excess of detection reagents. If detection reagents
are captured at the control line, the test run is valid.
The waste pad absorbs the excess sample solution.
The test strips are mounted into a plastic housing
for better handling by the customer.
Analytical applications
A very successful application of the above mentioned principles is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). A great deal
of applications and instruments have been developed that
allow the detection of theoretically a single molecule of
DNA. During the PCR-reaction, the amplification of a specific DNA-fragment is accompanied by the amplification of
a fluorescent signal that can be detected in real time (real
time PCR). The unparalleled sensitivity has lead to a widespread use of real time PCR in fields as diverse as food
and feed analysis (e.g. detection of genetically modified
organisms), clinical diagnostics (e.g. pathogen detection,
gene analysis) or cancer research (e.g. expression patterns
of tumour markers).
PCR is, however, a laborious method that requires trained
staff and complex instrumentation. Since the enzymatic
DNA amplification requires cyclic heating and cooling, the
instruments have a large energy consumption. Furthermore
intense sample preparation is necessary which may lead to
contamination and false results. With the available assays
and instrumentation it is therefore not possible to apply
this method directly at the point where the information is
needed, for example at the bedside in the clinic. Recent
developments in the field of isothermal PCR may lead to
nucleic acid amplification and detection at the point of care
in the future. The basic biochemical concepts for amplification already exist, furthermore easy to use portable instrumentation is available that offers thermal control of the
enzymatic reactions and sensitive fluorescent detection
with data analysis. If it is possible to simplify the sample
preparation for isothermal PCR, this technique will be a
promising application in the future.
Point of care test systems (clinical diagnosis) or field
tests (food and feed analysis) gain considerable attention.
They allow for example a fast diagnosis of critically ill people or a quick decision whether a product is contaminated
or not at the point of need. Such test systems must offer a
titative readout of test strips by fluorimetry or reflectometry
and the calculation of analyte concentrations (Figure 2).
The introduced techniques, PCR and lateral flow assays are very different, but they share the need to use a
label (fluorophore or coloured nano particle) and a specific
biomolecule for analyte detection. Analyte specific biomolecules like antibodies and nucleic acids can be modified
with labels for sensitive detection. Furthermore antibodies
and nucleic acids bind with very high specificity and affinity
to their respective target of interest and can therefore be
used to trigger specificity in analytical applications. In the
future, these specific biomolecules (especially antibodies)
and the respective reporters (e.g. enzymes or fluorophores)
should be generated exactly suitable to the requirements
of the application that is to be developed.
Figure 2: The RIDA®
QUICK SCAN electronic test
strip reader was developed
to meet today's increasing
quantification and documentation requirements.
The reader can be used as a
portable battery-operated
mobile or as a stationary
unit in a laboratory.
After incubation, the test
strips are placed in the reader and read by an optical
unit. Use of the reader
ensures an objective evaluation of test bands present
on the test strips. These
might be either printed on
a portable printer using
thermo paper, or may be exported via USB to a PC.
short time to result and they should be very easy to apply.
Furthermore the sensitivity and specificity of the analyte
detection must be comparable to lab based methods. One
approach that offers fast and reliable data generation and
ease of use is the so called immunchromatographic test
or lateral flow assay. Membranes, antibodies and detection
reagents are combined in a way that complex samples can
be analysed with a test strip and the result is obtained
within 15 minutes (Figure 1). Crude samples can be used,
without the need for excessive and time consuming sample
preparation. The key technology of lateral flow assays are
analyte specific antibodies coupled to coloured nano particles (e.g. colloidal gold or latex beads). The more analyte
is present in a sample, the more of the labeled antibodies
are immobilized at a defined location and can be detected
with an optical readout. It is, however, necessary to lower
the detection limits of these assays or to develop new
detection principles. For many years lateral flow test strips
allowed only a qualitative or semi-quantitative result, but
latest instrumentation offers today the possibility for quan-
The key principles of many successful analytical applications in life sciences and diagnostics are the combination
of analyte specific biomolecules with a sensitive optical
detection. Robust, easy to perform assays and miniaturized
instrumentation for the use at the point of need are already
available. It is, however, necessary to develop applications
for the use with crude samples and to lower the detection
limits of currently available assays.
Dr. Peter Schubert
R-Biopharm AG
An der neuen Bergstraße 17
D – 64297 Darmstadt
+49(0) 6151 - 8102 - 37
[email protected]
Fast Communication with Light –
Photonics for the Networked Society
Jörg-Peter Elbers
Optical Networking
Photonic communication networks form the foundation of
our networked society. Whether it is a voice call, an email,
or a multimedia application, or whether we use a smart
phone, computer or TV: optical networks always provide for
a fast, secure and reliable transport of the required data,
all the while remaining invisible to the user. And optical
networks are essential for machine-to-machine communication also: Be it connections between data center servers,
or system components in a car, plane or ship – without photonics, many areas of daily life would remain in the dark.
Product innovations made in Germany
a) 40/100 Gb/s capable optical transport platform from
ADVA AG Optical Networking (top left)
b) 100 Gb/s protocol tester from JDSU (top right)
c) coherent 40 Gb/s long-haul transceiver from
Cisco-CoreOptics (bottom left)
d) coherent 100 Gb/s receiver module from u²t (bottom
The importance of photonic networks will increase further
in the future: Continuous traffic growth [1] can only be sustainably managed with fiber-to-the home/office roll-outs.
Due to its practically unlimited bandwidth, fiber connections are fast-becoming an important factor for locating
businesses, and drive the development of new services
and applications. The trend to source storage, applications
and computing resources in data center “clouds” poses
new challenges for high-speed optical networks (including
flexibility, scalability and energy efficiency). Photonic technologies will also increase their influence within the data
center, moving from parallel optical interconnects over chipto-chip to on-chip photonics. In addition, new applications
will demand more photonic networking technology: Be it information networks for smart grids/smart metering/smart
cities or networks for e-health/e-learning/e-government –
photonic networks will provide the robust infrastructure
required for the delivery of mission-critical applications.
With a global volume of approximately 20 Billion USD [2],
the photonic communications market is a strategic one for
the future. Boasting a network of more than 50 companies
and 20 universities/research institutes, Germany is one of
the world’s leading research and development centers for
optical communications technology. Germany is the third
largest exporter of telecommunications technology in the
OECD after Korea and the USA [3]. Optical communications
technology from Germany is renowned on an international
level. Companies such as ADVA Optical Networking, AlcatelLucent and Nokia Siemens Networks, as well as a number
of smaller enterprises (e.g., Keymile, ELCON, Microsens)
deliver systems, subsystems (e.g., FOC, Cisco-CoreOptics)
Researchers from Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute carrying out high speed optical transmission experiments
Strategic research
areas in photonic
and components (e.g., u2t). Several of these companies
also undertake production in Germany (e.g., ADVA Optical
Networking, ELCON, Microsens, Nokia Siemens Networks,
u2t). In addition, measurement equipment (JDSU), cabling
systems/vehicle networks (e.g., LEONI, ADC Krone) and
components for optical interconnects (e.g., Vertilas, ULM
Photonics) are developed in Germany.
Photonic communications solutions are a good example for high-tech „Made in Germany“. Recent product innovations developed in Germany include: 40 Gb/s
and 100 Gb/s transponders/muxponders for wavelength
division multiplex systems (ADVA Optical Networking,
Alcatel-Lucent, Nokia Siemens Networks), 40 Gb/s transceiver modules (Cisco-CoreOptics), coherent 100 Gb/s
receivers (u2t) and 100 Gb/s protocol testers (JDSU).
These successes were partly facilitated by research
grants from the BMBF (German Ministry for Education and
Research), more specifically in the research programs
Eibone and 100GET. A new BMBF research program „Nextgeneration broadband access networks“ has just started
and targets the development of novel fiber to the home
(FTTH)"solutions. In addition, three strategic research areas for photonic communications were identified in the
framework of the „Photonik 2020“ initiative: „Photonics
for the information highway“, „Photonics in data centers“
as well as „Photonics everywhere“. In all, these areas are
attractive opportunities for focused R&D to drive the networked society „at the speed of light“.
[1] The global IP traffic alone grows 34% per year.
Source: Cisco Visual Networking Index 2010.
[2] Source: Photonics21 Strategic Research Agenda 2009
and own research.
[3] Source: OECD Communications Outlook 2009.
Dr. Jörg-Peter Elbers
Vice President Advanced Technology CTO Office
ADVA AG Optical Networking
Fraunhoferstr. 9a
D – 82152 Martinsried
Phone +49(0) 89 - 890665 - 617
+49(0) 89 - 890665 - 22617
Mail [email protected]
UItrafast Pulse Diagnostics
your partner in ultrafast
Wavelength Conversion
OPOs|Harmonics Generators
Pulse Management
APE Angewandte Physik & Elektronik GmbH
Plauener Str. 163 - 165 Haus N|13053 Berlin|Germany
Phone +49 30 986 011 30
[email protected]|
Pulse Compressors|Cavity Dumpers|Pulse Pickers
Convergence? –
Microphotonics as the Successor Technology
to Microelectronics?
From Internet backbones and satellite links to connecting buildings and apartments, the future of wide area networks belongs to photonic transmission technology. Mobile
telephony – and certainly broadband mobile telephony –
would be unthinkable without fiber optic infrastructures. In
computer technology too, whether it be board-to-board or
chip-to-chip connections, photonic transmission is steadily
increasing in importance. In this context, integrated microphotonics seem a development designed to overcome the
limitations of microelectronics.
When it comes to wide area transmission, everybody
agrees that photonics are a key technology. The spread
of high bit rate applications from the multimedia sector –
pictures, videos and TV in fixed and mobile networks – and
continually rising levels of data traffic are the two factors
driving comprehensive use of fiber optics. Technologically
speaking, this is obvious, but it’s now national programs
and political decision-making that set the pace of coverage,
both of wide area networks (WANs) and local connections
as with Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH). Mainly realized through
the satellite infrastructure, global area networks will increasingly rely in the future on photonic satellite-to-satellite
and terrestrial-to-satellite links. In tandem with this, mobile wireless base stations with the new LTE (Long Term
Evolution) mobile wireless standard are being networked
with fiber optic cables. In short, we can expect exponential growth in data rates and data volumes with ever more
powerful end devices.
Since the 1970s electronic integrated circuits have been
a key building block for the progressive networking of society. Complex circuits, and particularly ever more powerful
end devices, PCs and smart phones, were only made possible by the advent of microelectronics. Continuous advances in capability and performance – like higher pulse
frequencies and larger
numbers of integrated
transistors – have leveled out over the past
few years. Physical
limits and limits in chip
manufacturing have
led to what has been
termed “multi-core processing technology”
as a viable alternative
which can offer higher
computational power
per CPU, more efficient
use of energy and so
on. Such multi-core
processing technology,
however, places high
Electro optical modulator
demands on the data
with travelling wave electrode
for high Frequency application
transmission rate not
only between cores
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Grallert
Executive Director of the
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
themselves but also on board-to-board and chip-to-chip
connections. This means that apart from general issues
of higher performance there is also a need for solutions
for key problems such as heat removal from tightly packed
chips or the complex connections between silicon modules.
Such sets of requirements can only be addressed by photonic transmission technologies.
Against this background, microphotonics is developing into
a research field with high potential – and with also high
expectations placed on it. Can microphotonics replace
microelectronics in a similar way to how glass fiber optics replaced expensive, limited capacity, energy guzzling
and less scalable copper wires? Can microphotonics turn
into a killer technology – one that makes existing technology obsolete? Photonics itself has shown in transmission
technology that it is indeed fully capable of replacing the
established techniques with qualitative new ones.
lent chances for taking a lead position on the emerging
microphotonics market.
This is the point where the experiences of institutions and
enterprises in Germany can play their part. For instance:
• Basic chip-level technologies
• CMOS/SiGe based electronic components (IHP –
Leibniz Institute for Innovative Microelectronics;
realization in association with the Technical University of Berlin)
• III/V-based optical and optoelectronic components
(Fraunhofer HHI)
• Hybrid wafer-level integration (Fraunhofer IOF – 3D Integration on the Wafer Level; Fraunhofer IZM – 3D chip
• Polymer-based hybrid integration (Fraunhofer HHI –
technology and fully fledged applications in association
with FOC, u2t, Aifotec)
• Board-level hybrid integration of optical interconnects
based on thin glass with special emphasis on waveguide technology and interface concepts (Fraunhofer
IZM in association with Siemens, Würth Electronics and
ERNI Electronics)
In a first phase, convergence between microelectronics and
microphotonics is set to have tremendous importance –
because especially in photonics there are still a lot of unanswered questions such as:
• How is light generated in silicon-based technologies?
• Which silicon-based technologies should be used for
which purpose?
• Can manufacturing costs be significantly lowered?
• Can design and fabrication methods be largely standardized?
• How and where can broad expertise in microphotonics
be built?
Much research work in the direction of microphotonics or
(hybrid) photonic integration has already been initiated –
and has already delivered some presentable promising
Even so, microelectronics and microphotonics still
seemed destined to live together for a long time yet in a
state of convergence.
Particularly in terms of expertise in microphotonics, Germany is excellently positioned with its universities, research facilities and small and medium-sized enterprises.
The chief competitor in this global marketplace is the USA
which invests heavily in the development of microphotonics. Yet cooperation with European partners – for instance
within the framework of Photonik 2020 – still offers excel-
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Grallert
Executive Director
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
Einsteinufer 37
D – 10587 Berlin
Phone +49(0) 30 - 31002 - 200
Mail [email protected]
Image Acquisition and
Projection Techniques:
Modern Head-up Displays
for the Automotive Industry
Markus Ehbrecht
QIOPTIQ Photonics
GmbH & Co KG
Recent progress in image acquisition and projection techniques has influenced the usage of technological equipment in various fields, such as Medical & Life Sciences, Security, Industrial Manufacturing and Entertainment. Image
acquisition will be extended from the classical 2-D image to
multimodal and multispectral imaging and combined with
enhanced data processing to allow much higher degree
of automation and real time analysis. Topics of current
research activities cover several areas like illumination,
system design and methods for data processing. Fusion
of data from various sources will lead to a more comprehensive level of information and will enable more robust
automated decisions in a shorter time, which is especially
interesting for medical and security applications.
Also, the field of image projection benefits from new
developments and is boosting one of the current social
megatrends: mobility. With the miniaturization process in
electronics and the development of broadband data transfer solutions, advanced projection devices are the key to
the availability of mobile visual information. It is expected
that multi-media devices like laptops, mobile phones, or
Fig. 1: Israel, et. al. 2010: Contact analog Information in the
Head-up Display – How much information supports the driver?,
in "Advances in Ergonomics Modeling and Usability Evaluation",
CRC Press Inc., Picture courtesy of AUDI AG
Frank Guse
QIOPTIQ Photonics
GmbH & Co KG
cameras will be equipped with micro-projectors, based on
integrated laser or LED-projection. Another class of systems are head-mounted displays (HMD) and head-up displays (HUD). Both are able to combine real world scenery
with additional information (fig. 1) and are opening a new
market for assistance systems. Currently HUDs are introduced into the automotive market.
HUDs are optical projection devices that add visual
information to the user’s field-of-view, so that the user sees
the information with both eyes simultaneously and with
the same eye accommodation as the user sees the outside world (fig. 2). As the standard usage of HUD is in far
sight situations, the HUD's functionality is to generate a
virtual image at a distance within the depth-of-focus of the
unaccommodated eye, with an angular size and angular
resolution that matches the human visual system. Further,
the luminance of the virtual image needs to be adaptable
to different daylight and night time conditions to ensure
comfortable viewing while absolutely avoiding blinding.
HUDs have been used in combat aircrafts for more than
40 years. In the late 1980's, American and Japanese car
makers started to offer HUDs as an addition to the driver's
instrument panel of high-end cars. Over the last decade,
HUDs have also become available in European cars. Whereas most automotive HUDs use the windshield to reflect the
information into the driver's field-of-view, French car maker
Peugeot recently introduced a semi-transparent combiner
mirror being located in between the windshield and the
steering wheel.
The projected information content changed over the
years from the original speedometer and tachometer,
to the addition of navigation systems, to the inclusion
of warning symbols from a variety of driver assistance
sensors such as distance radar, lane detection, and night
vision cameras. Modern content management software
displays information derived automatically from the current
driving situation and is able to localize danger in the driver's
field-of-view. As it is proven by studies that the driver's
response time is reduced by a factor of 2x when a warn-
Fig. 2:
Schematic of an
automotive Head-up
Fig. 3:
One liter Head-up
Display for mid-size
and compact cars
ing symbol is directly projected into his field-of-view, HUDs
are now acknowledged as an important safety feature in
The basic layout of a HUD typically comprises a transparent LCD that is backlit with LEDs, and a projection unit
that generates the virtual image. The size of the virtual
image, the projection distance and the eyebox format, i.e.
the size of a window through which a cyclopic driver would
see the entire virtual image, define the étendue of the
projection system. As space constraints in cars prove to be
the major obstacle for HUDs, it is the HUD's design challenge to find the most compact solution for a pre-defined
The number of design variables, such as freeform optics and the position and orientation of the optical elements, easily exceed standard lens design tasks. A consistent data work flow from the lens design software to
the diamond turning manufacturing of the molding tools
needs to be assured, as well as assembly and test devices
appropriate for freeform surfaces have to be provided. Although important groundwork was laid by the development
of progressive-addition lenses in the spectacle industry,
the technological maturation of freeform precision optics
remains an active subject of current R&D programs.
Today, typical automotive windshield type HUDs generate a virtual image of up to 200x80mm at a distance of 2m,
that is visible in an eyebox window of 120x60mm2, and
that fills a volume of 4 liters. Such HUDs may comprise up
to five freeform mirrors made of molded plastics, building
a complicated folded beam path. That type of system is too
complex, too large, and too costly for most automobiles.
As an innovative solution, we recently demonstrated a fullcolor HUD with the same étendue as the 4-liter system,
that is only one liter in volume (fig. 3). This system was
based on a combiner mirror, two reflective freeform mirrors,
and two freeform lenses. To reduce weight and cost, these
components were all molded from plastic materials. This
new level of performance enables the integration of HUDs
in mid-size and even compact cars in the future, thus opening a new exciting, up-to-now unaccessible market.
Dr. Markus Ehbrecht
Dr. Frank Guse
Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co. KG
Hans-Riedl-Straße 9
D – 85622 Feldkirchen (München)
Phone +49(0)89 - 255 458 - 101
+49(0)89 - 255 458 - 141
Mail [email protected]
Solid State Lighting –
the Light of the Future
Berit Wessler,
Light sources based on inorganic semiconductors, i.e. light
emitting diodes (LEDs), are at the edge to start a new
era in lighting: Solid State Lighting (SSL). What the transistor meant to the development of electronics, the lightemitting diode means to the field of photonics as these
tiny light sources will revolutionize modern lighting due to
their unique properties such as long lifetime, robustness,
colour tuneability, and instantaneous switching. But most
important: Light emitting diodes are mercury-free and will
become the light source with the highest energy-efficiency
in the near future. Thus, LEDs are able to outperform all
existing light sources and can save significant amounts
of energy as well as financial resources. Moreover, solid
state light sources can go beyond pure replacement of existing light sources by providing new capabilities including
the control of the spectrum, color temperature and spatial
emission pattern.
The perfect match to these point light sources are LEDs
based on organic semiconductors (OLED) which enable a
completely new type of light as they are extremely slim,
diffuse area light sources.
Status today
LEDs made tremendous efficiency and brightness improvements within the last ten years thus enabling their
entrance into many applications. There is no mobile
phone today without these versatile light sources, starting
from key pad illumination up to flash lights. Starting with
dashboards in the interior of automobiles, LEDs have now
also taken over the exterior lighting of cars: from break
lights to even headlamps. In the short term, the LED market will be dominated by their for backlighting of laptops
and LCD-TVs.
The biggest boost to the LED market, however, is expected with the emergence of LEDs into the general lighting
market, the “megamarket” of the future. OSRAM expects
that the lighting market (without traditional luminaires) will
double within the next five years with the growth coming
exclusively from SSL. In 2015 65% of sales of the lighting
market will be generated from SSL.
The paradigm shift:
Chances – Changes – Challenges
If LEDs and also OLEDs are to reach high market penetration, significant progress is yet to be made in terms of performance and cost. Apart from technological challenges,
a paradigm shift across the whole value chain will have to
be managed as SSL is a completely different light source
from today’s products which also has consequences for
the luminaire market. Thus the lighting industry faces both,
huge challenges on the one hand but also great chances
for growth on the other hand.
The chances:
• Light with new functionalities will be available: adaptable, intelligent and individual
• Light solutions will be demanded rather than single
light sources
• LED will open up new design possibilities and have an
even greater social impact
• Light will provide comfort, well-being and have positive
influence on health
The changes:
• Long lifetime all the way up to mount & forget will impact business models:
• Lamp replacement market will no longer exist
• Lamp & fixture differentiation becomes somewhat
• Illumination transfers from consumer good to investment: Total cost of ownership rather than initial cost
must dominate the buying decisions
• “Abilities” become key: reli-ability, interchange-ability,
upgrade-ability, maintain-ability
• Guaranties gain more importance
• New business models will come up: emergence of contracting
LED chip fabrication at OSRAM Opto Semiconductors in
High brightness LEDs for illumination from OSRAM Opto
Modern illumination with LEDs @ OSRAM Opto Semiconductors
The challenges:
To seize the above mentioned chances and also be prepared for the changes, the following fields of action need
to be addressed.
• Increase of system efficiency and decrease of system
The two key challenges are performance and cost. The
efficacy barrier of 100 lm/W for white LEDs has been
broken in production but there is potential of up to 200
lm/W or higher. Thus the fierce efficacy race is ongoing.
However, not only the LED itself but also the system
components need substantial improvement, i.e. electronics, cooling and optics. Cost need to be reduced by
a factor of ten by highly automated manufacturing and
new process technologies.
• Exploitation of the full potential of LEDs
Intelligent lighting solutions need to be developed with
controlled adaptation of intensity and spectral distribution. New functionalities need to be explored, i.e. combining lighting with communication in playable wallpaper or with photovoltaics for autarkic systems. In turn,
team up between the lighting industry, light planners,
architects and the building sector is crucial.
• Exploration of the impact of light on health and wellbeing
Non visual aspects of light on human beings, on their
well-being, health and performance, is a fast growing
and yet not well understood research field. One goal of
the chronobiology is to strengthen the circadian rhythm
by dynamic light. Scientific prove as well as more knowledge in the general public about light quality and these
effects is needed.
• Acceleration of turning technology into innovation
One of the crucial factors to gain significant market
share in this fast growing market is speed. For successful market penetration and to facilitate the shift
to SSL supporting measures are necessary to accelerate the transfer from leading-edge technology into
the market, i.e. demonstrate benefits of SSL in pilot
projects, set-up incentive programs and elaborate new
financing concepts.
There are still many challenges ahead but the remarkable
progress and prospects will pave the way for a bright future
of solid state lighting. As innovation leader and one of the
two leading lighting manufacturers in the world OSRAM is
driving the transition to SSL.
Historic city center of Regensburg illuminated by energysaving LED luminaires
Hellabrunner Str. 1
D – 81543 München
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III-V Multi-Junction Solar Cells
and Concentrating Optics
A Perfect Match for Highest Efficiencies
Dr. Andreas Bett, Fraunhofer
Institute for Solar Energy
Systems ISE, Freiburg
1. Introduction
Photovoltaics (PV) plays an essential role for establishing
a sustainable energy supply in the near future. The PV
production capacity and the installed power have grown
strongly in recent years, for example an additional power
of 3.8 GW was installed in Germany in 2009 and for 2010
one expects more than 5 GW. Along with this growth a
continuous cost reduction has been achieved. However,
still a further reduction is necessary to reach “grid parity”,
i.e. the cost which the end-user pays for electricity. The key
factors for that are Research and Development to increase
the efficiency and the throughput as well as a higher production capacity. Today different PV technologies are on the
market. These include mono- and multi-crystalline Silicon
flat plate modules, thin film technologies (like a-Si, μSi-a-Si,
CIS, CdTe), III-V solar cells, organic and dye solar cells. All
these technologies have specific advantages and particular
fields of application. Yet, the highest efficiency of any photovoltaic device has been realized with III-V multi-junction
solar cells, which have recently surpassed the 40% mark
under concentrated sunlight. These rather expensive devices, which are today’s standard for the
power source of satellites in space, are
now also entering the terrestrial market.
This is enabled through the use of a
perfect partner: concentrating optics.
2. III-V Multi-Junction Solar Cells
The basic task of a photovoltaic device
is to transform light of the solar spectrum into electrical energy. The part of
the spectrum that can be used by a
conventional single-junction solar cell
is determined by the bandgap of its
semiconductor material. Light with energies below the bandgap is lost. The idea
of a multi-junction solar cell is now to
stack several solar cells with increasing
bandgaps on top of each other in order
Field installations
of a CPV system
from Concentrix
Solar. [Courtesy:
Concentrix Solar
to exploit a larger part of the solar spectrum (see Fig. 1).
III-V semiconductor compounds are the perfect material
for this task due to the possibility to vary the bandgap.
For the choice of the bandgaps to be used a central design aspect needs to be considered: As the subcells are
stacked directly on top of each other and are thus series
connected, the device current is limited ultimately by the
smallest current generated by one of the subcells. Thus,
semiconductors should be chosen in a way that each subcell generates a similar current. Simulations at Fraunhofer
ISE showed that a triple-junction solar cell with subcells
made of Ga0.35In0.65P, Ga0.83In0.17As and Ge is a very promising design. However, as the semiconductors in the two
upper cells do not have the same lattice constant as the
Ge substrate it is difficult to grow the III-V semiconductor
layers with a high crystal quality, since at the interface of
materials with different lattice constants strain is present
that results in the creation of dislocations and other crystal
defects. Fraunhofer ISE has succeeded in overcoming this
obstacle by applying a trick called metamorphic growth.
With this concept it is possible to localize the defects in a
region of the solar cell that is not electrically active. As a result,
the active regions of the solar cell remain relatively free of defects
– a prerequisite for achieving the highest efficiencies.
By choosing the metamorphic Ga0.35In0.65P/Ga0.83In0.17As/Ge
material combination, a solar cell structure could be chosen for
the first time that is completely current matched under the terrestrial solar spectrum. This is what makes the structure very
efficient for solar energy conversion and has lead to an efficiency
value of 41.1% at a sunlight concentration factor of 454 – a world
record in 2009 (see Fig. 2). In addition, the metamorphic crystal growth now enables the use of a much larger range of III-V
compound semiconductors for growing multi-junction solar cells.
Several groups worldwide have developed a high number of
different designs for III-V multi-junction solar cells in terms of the
number of subcells and semiconductors used. However, due to
the technical complexity and the expensive materials used III-V
multi-junction solar cells are rather expensive compared to conventional single-junction solar cells. In order to benefit from their
high efficiencies another trick is used: The multi-junction solar
cells are placed in concentrating optics.
3. Concentrator Optics
In High-Concentrating Photovoltaic (HCPV) systems concentrating optics like mirrors or lenses are used to focus the light on
very small solar cells. Concentration factors of up to 1000 are
realized. Here the concentration factor is defined as ratio of the
aperture to the active cell area. Thus the required expensive
semiconductor area is significantly reduced compared to flatplate modules. This enables the use of III-V multi-junction solar
cells in terrestrial applications. One of the CPV concepts available
on the market is the FLATCON® concentrator module developed
at Fraunhofer ISE and commercialized by Concentrix Solar GmbH.
The concentrator module uses a Fresnel lens to concentrate the
sunlight by a factor of 500 on a small solar cell, which is placed
on a copper plate to enable passive cooling (see Fig. 3). The
modules are positioned on a two-axis tracker, which assures that
the solar cells are in the focus of the lenses throughout the day
(see Fig. 4). The high efficiency of the III-V multi-junction solar
cells used in this concept is one of the key aspects that lead to
high operating AC efficiencies of around 25% for the CPV system.
The most promising application for CPV systems are solar
power stations with 1 to 100 MWp in countries with a large fraction of direct solar radiation. In these applications the perfect
match of highly-efficient III-V multi-junction solar cells and concentrating optics are expected to lead to cost-competitive production
of electrical energy.
Fraunhofer Institute for
Solar Energy Systems ISE
Dr. Andreas Bett
Heidenhofstr. 2
D – 79110 Freiburg
Phone +49(0) 761 - 4588 - 5257
Mail [email protected]
Fig. 1: Sketch of a III-V triple-junction solar cell. The subcells
are interconnected with tunnel diode. Each subcell uses a
different part of the solar spectrum.
Fig. 2: Photo of a solar cell made of Ga0.35In0.65P/
Ga0.83In0.17As/Ge with a cell area of 5 mm², which reached
an efficiency of 41.1% under concentrated sunlight.
Fig. 3: Sketch of the core of the FLATCON® concentrator
module used by Concentrix Solar: A Fresnel lens concentrates the sunlight on a small solar cell.
Quantum Optics – Optics and Photonics
at the Doorsill of Quantum Technology
D. Meschede,
Professor of Physics,
Institut für Angewandte
Physik, Universität Bonn
50 years ago, the world’s first laser was operated. It set
off a technological revolution which is not yet completed
and continues to let optical technologies enter ever more
domains of our daily life. Laser radiation allows us to concentrate light very efficiently in time and space. The corresponding concentration of energy gives rise to important
applications such as gentle eye surgery or high density
optical data media. Also, today’s world-wide communication is impossible without optical fibre links. In short, 21st
century photonics seems to rival electronics in its impact
on our societies.
But there is something else: Quantum optics, exploiting the quantum properties of light and now knocking at
the door of technological applications. The quantum signature of light becomes apparent with the observation of
photons, the elementary quanta of energy that material
samples can absorb or emit. The quantum properties of
light, its truly photonic, granular character, were explored
and studied as soon as the laser existed. One important
reason for its technological relevance is that even single
photons can be detected and discriminated with excellent
efficiency. And photons have quantum properties that can
be manipulated with conventional optical devices such as
polarizers. As a result, photons are today probably the best
studied and most widely applied quantum objects at all.
They are furthermore the ideal means to manipulate “the
other” quantum objects we know, including stored atoms,
ions, or solid state systems acting as artificial atoms.
Over the last two decades, research in atomic and
optical physics has dramatically changed our view of the
quantum world: We have learned to understand the role of
random quantum processes sufficiently well to proceed to
the world of quantum engineering, where quantum devices
evolve in a completely controlled way but still take advantage of the inherent randomness of quantum processes.
An example is the so-called quantum key distribution: Pairs
of photons which are individually unpolarized, but have correlated polarizations, are shared by two nodes A and B of
a network. Any individual polarization measurement gives
random results, e.g. horizontal (H) or vertical (V). The joint
measurements, however, are strictly correlated, yielding
e.g. HH or VV only. Such correlations can be used to encipher and transmit information faithfully from one node
to the other while warranting that no eavesdropper can
decipher the keyed message.
Elementary quantum objects look like bits, the elementary carriers of information: The polarization states
“H” and “V” of a photon may be associated with the “0”s
and “1”s of our ubiquitous information devices. Quantum
bits or qubits are the quantum analogue of classical bits,
and their new aspect is the option to create
quantum superposition states. Two qubits can
contain the numbers 0, 1, 2, and 3 in parallel,
while two classical bits can represent only one
of the four. 20 years ago the mathematician
Shor discovered that quantum algorithms acting on such arrays of qubits would allow us
to perform calculations that no conventional
computer could carry out. The vision of the
Fig. 1:
The blue stream represents a matter wave of atoms (“atom laser”) which is coupled out of a reservoir of ultracold Rubidium atoms.
Courtesy N. Spethmann, Universität Bonn.
Fig. 2:
Bottle shaped microresonator for light with a diameter of about
36 µm (scale bar: 30 µm) made from an optical fibre. The light
beam is confined by total internal reflection and can oscillate up
to 100 million times between the two outer turning points. The
green fluorescence is caused by doped Erbium atoms.
Courtesy A. Rauschenbeutel, Universität Mainz.
quantum computer was born and has since inspired physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists, and others to
strive for this goal. The quantum computer is probably the
most beautiful, promising, and not surprisingly also the
technologically most challenging aspiration of quantum
The key to the future realization of a quantum computer is the control of light matter interactions at the single
photon-single atom level. Laboratories around the world are
working towards this goal. They find that the methods to
tightly control the propagation, absorption, and emission
of light by microscopic samples of matter are opening new
horizons also for other applications. Intense research has
for instance been devoted to the creation of single photon
sources. The concept is simple: A (potentially artificial)
atom can only emit a single photon at a time. By repeated
excitation of this atom a deterministic single photon source
is established.
Quantum repeaters are an example for what real world
applications of quantum technology will require: Today,
quantum key distribution is limited to transmission ranges
below 100 km because of the inherent attenuation by optical fibre links. The classic method of long distance communication, repeater amplifiers, cannot be used in the quantum world, because amplifiers would destroy the fragile
quantum information carried by the photons. The quantum
repeater thus actively creates quantum correlations between adjacent quantum channel, to transmit quantum information over larger distances. The requirement: quantum
memories where the information propagating from adjacent
channels can be received, stored and manipulated – an
elementary quantum processor.
Several technological developments are contributing to,
and profiting from, the emergence of quantum technologies: Laser cooling in the 1980s gave access to trapped
ultracold atoms and ions; stored ions will soon be replacing
current atomic clocks and lead to improved time-keeping
devices for e.g. navigation and networking applications;
atomic matter waves (“atom lasers”, Fig. 1) give rise to a
new generation of quantum sensors for gravitational and
rotational effects; microstructuring of optical components,
e.g. micro resonators (Fig. 2) will merge quantum optical
technologies with other lines of miniaturized technology.
In summary, quantum optical concepts and devices
have the prospect of bringing quantum effects, once considered a curiosity beyond our intuition, to technological
Prof. Dr. Dieter Meschede
Universität Bonn
Institut für Angewandte Physik
Wegelerstraße 8
D – 53115 Bonn
Phone +49(0) 228 - 733477 - 78
Mail [email protected]
Photonic Metamaterials:
Optics Starts Walking
on Two Feet
In about every optics textbook, the reader is informed early
on that the magnetic response of electromagnetic materials at optical frequencies is pretty much negligible. This
limits the possibilities of optics. In fact, half of optics has
been missing as mankind has only been able to directly
control the electric component of the electromagnetic light
wave inside of natural materials – but not the magnetic
Following the ideas of Sir John Pendry and others, artificial materials called metamaterials can enable an effective magnetic response by densely packing sub-wavelength
sized electromagnets called split-ring resonators (SRR) into
an effective material. A SRR is simply a metallic ring with a
slit (Fig.1). It can be viewed as a miniature LC circuit that
leads to a resonance wavelength that is roughly an order
of magnitude larger than the diameter of the ring. Thus,
operation wavelengths of 1 μm and below require feature
sizes of some tens of nanometers.
Meanwhile, a variety of corresponding planar structures
has been realized via electron-beam lithography [1,2],
even including first visible negative-index metamaterials
[3]. However, electron-beam lithography is of limited use
for fabricating truly three-dimensional structures. Optics
itself comes to the rescue in the form of direct laser writing (DLW), which can be viewed as the three-dimensional
analogue of electron-beam lithography. Using very tightly
focused femtosecond laser pulses and two-photon absorpFig.1:
Scheme of a magnetic
gold split-ring resonator
(SRR) that can be
viewed as a miniature
LC-circuit [1].
Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener
Karlsruhe Institute of
Technology (KIT),
Institute of Applied Physics,
Institute of Nanotechnology,
and DFG-Center for Functional Nanostructures
and Nanoscribe GmbH
tion, essentially arbitrary three-dimensional photoresist
structures can be made. With commercially available instruments (see, e.g.,, lateral feature sizes
down to about 100 nm can routinely be fabricated today.
In what follows, we briefly discuss two recent examples,
namely three-dimensional gold-helix metamaterials [4] and
three-dimensional invisibility cloaks [5].
Metamaterials are often associated with negative refractive
indices and/or “perfect lenses”. However, there is much
more to metamaterials and negative indices may not lead
to any actual optics products within the next decades.
Thus, it is interesting to ask whether other applications
taking advantage of the newly acquired magnetic control
can be found. Chiral helical metamaterials represent an
early example [4]. A three-dimensional helix can be viewed
as an elongated version of a SRR (Fig.2). In fact, it is just
a magnetic coil into which the light field can induce an
electrical current that can lead to a local magnetic field
parallel to the incident electric field of the light. Due to
the obvious handedness of the helices, coupling to the
light field is very different for left-handed circularly polarized
light and right-handed circularly polarized light, respectively.
Furthermore, it turns out that the spectral response of the
helices is rather broadband, covering more than one octave. A corresponding structure made via DLW and subsequent electroplating is shown in Fig.3. Measurements and
numerical calculations [4] have shown indeed that one circular polarization of light is nearly completely transmitted,
whereas the other circular polarization is blocked (mainly
reflected). Thus, this structure can be applied as a compact and broadband circular polarizer – quite in analogy to
the good old wire-grid linear polarizers that are frequently
used in Fourier-transform spectrometers in many spectral
Further possibilities arise for spatially inhomogeneous
metamaterials. The concepts of transformation optics allow for mapping desired but fictitious distortions of spacetime (like in General Relativity) onto actual Cartesian space
with locally tailored optical properties. In essence, one
shapes optical space rather than real space (in analogy
to optical path length and geometrical path length). Generally, this again requires control of both the electric as well
as the magnetic component of light to ensure that the
wave impedance equals the vacuum impedance to avoid
undesired reflections of light. One fascinating benchmark
examples for the far-reaching concepts of transformation
optics are invisibility cloaks, where light is guided around
a region in space that subsequently becomes invisible. In
the so-called carpet cloak geometry [5], one even gets away
with only a control of the local isotropic refractive index.
Fig.4 schematically shows that this index variation can be
realized by a local variation of the volume filling fraction
of a dielectric woodpile photonic crystal used in the longwavelength limit. Optical microscopy on structures fabricated via DLW has demonstrated the first three-dimensional
invisibility cloaks indeed [5].
[1] S. Linden, C. Enkrich, M. Wegener, J. Zhou, T. Koschny, and
C.M. Soukoulis, Magnetic response of metamaterials at
100 THz, Science 306, 1351 (2004)
[2] G. Dolling, C. Enkrich, M. Wegener, C.M. Soukoulis, and S.
Linden, Simultaneous negative phase and group velocity
of light in a metamaterial, Science 312, 892 (2006)
[3] C.M. Soukoulis, S. Linden, and M. Wegener, Negative
refractive index at optical wavelengths, Science 315, 47
[4] J.K. Gansel, M. Thiel, M.S. Rill, M. Decker, K. Bade, V. Saile, G. von Freymann, S. Linden, and M. Wegener, Gold helix
photonic metamaterial as broadband circular polarizer,
Science 325, 1513 (2009)
[5] T. Ergin, N. Stenger, P. Brenner, J.B. Pendry, and M. Wegener, Three-Dimensional Invisibility Cloak at Optical Wavelengths, Science 328, 337 (2010)
Prof. Dr. Martin Wegener
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Institut für Angewandte Physik
Institut für Nanotechnologie
and DFG-Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN)
Wolfgang-Gaede-Strasse 1
D – 76131 Karlsruhe
Phone +49(0)721 - 608 - 3400
Mail [email protected]
Fig.2: Continuous transition between a SRR and a
metallic helix [4].
Fig.3: Gold-helix metamaterial made by direct laser writing
and electroplating with a lattice constant of 2 µm. This structure can be applied as a compact infrared circular polarizer
with one octave bandwidth [4].
Fig.4: Scheme of a three-dimensional invisibility cloaking structure that has actually been made by direct laser writing [5].
Ultrashort Lasers that
Probe Deep inside
Marc Vrakking
In the 50 years since the discovery of the laser, the development
of sophisticated laser systems accessing novel parameter regimes
and the use of these lasers in
fundamental research have gone
hand in hand and developed symbiotically. Laser development has
sparked the emergence of new
research fields, and demands
from fundamental research have
often provided the motivation for
the development of novel laser
systems. This is certainly also
true for one of the latest research
fields to make its appearance,
so-called “attosecond science”,
where light pulses with – currently – a duration as short as 80
attoseconds (1 as = 10 -18 s) are
used to observe and control the
motion of electrons inside atoms,
molecules and in the condensed
Attosecond science has its
roots in high intensity laser physics, where, late in the 1980’s,
it was observed that atoms exposed to intense laser fields can
emit radiation in the extreme
ultra-violet (XUV) or – even – soft
x-ray wavelength range. This
emission process, termed “highharmonic generation” because of
the characteristic frequency spectrum of the XUV light that consists
of odd multiples of the driver
laser frequency (see Figure 1),
was soon thereafter understood
Figure 1:
Photoelectron momentum map resulting from ionization of Ar atoms by a high-harmonic laser beam,
showing a series of concentric rings due to the fact
that the harmonic photons have a frequency that is an
odd multiple of the near-IR Ti:Sapphire driver laser
Figure 2:
The three-step model of high-harmonic generation
in terms of a three-step mechanism: electrons are first extracted
from an atom by means of strong
field ionization, are accelerated
in the laser field and then driven
back towards the ion that was
left behind, setting the stage for
a recombination process that is
accompanied by photon emission
(see Figure 2). A salient feature
of this mechanism is that it predicts that the first ionization step
is not continuous, but rather occurs only in very short, attosecond time-scale bursts around the
peaks of the electric field of the
intense driver laser. From this
it naturally follows that the XUV
radiation is not continuous, but
occurs in bursts that are much,
much shorter than the optical
period of the driver laser, which,
for the popular Ti:Sapphire laser,
itself is only 2.5 femtoseconds
long (1 fs = 10 -15 s). The first
attosecond laser pulses were
demonstrated in 2001, and since
then attosecond science has developed explosively, with dozens
of research groups around the
world joining the field. European
research groups have led the way,
with German research institutions
occupying a very prominent role.
Attosecond pulses are the required tool for studies of electron
dynamics on its natural timescale. Therefore, since 2001, they
have been used to investigate
Figure 3:
Left-right asymmetry of D+ fragments resulting from two-color XUV+IR dis-
sociative ionization of D2 as a function of the fragment kinetic energy and
the delay between the XUV and IR pulses, revealing two mechanisms that
control the localization of the single electron in a D2+ molecular ion
technology in surface sciultrafast atomic proence. On the other hand,
cesses, such as Auger
the development of high
decay, strong-field ionpulse energy driver lasers
ization, shake-up pro(with instantaneous powcesses accompanying
ers reaching well beyond
ionization, and several
the TWatt level (1 TWatt
more, to observe elec= 1012 Watt) by extending
tronic re-arrangement
inside molecules and
current Ti:Sapphire-based
to measure, in real
chirped pulse amplification
time, photo-emission
schemes and by developprocesses at surfaces.
ing Optical Parametric
Figure 3 shows a very
Chirped Pulse Amplifiers
recent result, where a
(OPCPA), will enable the full
left-right asymmetry
Figure 4: exploration of attosecond
Elements of an attosecond laser laboratory, including a setup technology in attosecond
was observed in the
for high-harmonic generation and several detection chambers pump-attosecond probe
production of D+ fragexperiments, while at the
ments in dissociative
same time allowing the development of powerful sources
ionization of D2 molecules by an attosecond laser pulse,
for diffractive XUV imaging. For a range of applications,
pointing towards two mechanisms that lead to a localizaharmonics-based XUV sources may represent a laboratorytion of the electronic charge distribution in the molecule,
scale alternative to the use of free electron lasers.
i.e. chemistry on attosecond and few-femtosecond timesThe development of high-average power lasers for attocales!
second science offers the potential for important industrial
Already, during its brief history, attosecond science
spin-offs, such as the use of high repetition rate short-pulse
has provided the impetus for significant new laser developlasers in laser machining. Already, the new attosecond laments, such as the development of carrier-envelope-phase
ser laboratory that was recently established at the Max
(CEP)-stable laser amplifiers that facilitate the controlled
Born Institute in Berlin has started exploring these posgeneration of isolated attosecond laser pulses, and that
sibilities, and important opportunities for the application
of parametric amplifiers operating in the mid-infrared waveof lasers that were first developed for attosecond science
length regime that allow to push the energies of the generin the manufacturing of solar cells have been identified.
ated photons towards the x-ray regime.
Important targets for the future are the development of
high average power carrier-envelope phase-stable few-cycle
driver lasers, with two distinguishable variants. On the one
Prof. Dr. Marc Vrakking
hand, high average power (tens of Watts) MHz lasers will
Max-Born-Straße 2A
allow to significantly extend the KHz experiments that are
D – 12489 Berlin
currently performed, paving the way for the use of sophistiPhone +49(0)30 - 6392 - 1201
cated detection strategies borrowed from the synchrotron
Mail [email protected]
community as well as the extensive use of attosecond
Ultra-short Laser Pulses
for 3D Patterning – Enabler for
Optical and Life Science Applications
Ruth Houbertz
Fraunhofer ISC, Würzburg
I. General aspects
Optical technologies cover a broad range of applications
which make use of the generation and the manipulation of
light, and they open up a wide field of novel applications
when combined with electronics or (bio-)medicine. Since
the invention of the laser in 1960 [1], many efforts have
been made to develop laser light sources in order to continuously increase their application potential. Nowadays,
lasers are employed in industry, communication, consumer
electronics, and research and development.
With the postulation of two-photon absorption in 1931
[2] and the invention of ultra-fast lasers which led to the experimental demonstration of this effect in 1997 [3], many
different applications were addressed, and the interaction
of ultra-short laser pulses with polymer or glass materials is of high technological interest. Non-linear absorption
initiated by focusing ultra-short laser pulses into materials are particularly used for the 3D free-form fabrication
of functional structures among which are waveguides [4],
metamaterials [5], or scaffold structures [6,7] for biomedical applications. Since the triggered reactions are strongly
confined to the focal region, the fabrication of 3D microstructures is performed simply by moving the focal volume
in 3D through the materials.
The appeal of the method is that it provides a scalable technology, whereas most of the structures which
were demonstrated so far are in the range of only several
100 μm with some examples of waveguides which were
written on a several cm scale in length [4]. The generation
of complex free-form 3D structures in custom-designed
multifunctional materials such as inorganic-organic hybrid
polymers (ORMOCER®s) is beneficial for many applications [7], combining the design possibilities of 3D fabrication with the power of multifunctional materials. Not only
the material’s optical and electrical properties can be tailored, but also their thermal and mechanical properties.
Additionally, suitable functionalization creates binding sites
for, e.g. biomolecules and cells in order to also enable
micromedicine and biomedical applications.
II. Integrated optical interconnects
The continuous requirement of an increasing performance
of microelectronic devices is nowadays also associated
with a strong demand for optical interconnects, particularly
on board level. Integrating optical interconnects in printed
circuit boards (PCB) is a rapidly growing field due to a continuously increasing demand for high data rates, along with
a miniaturization of devices and components, making this
technology very attractive for backplane or mobile applications. This is related to the fact that optical data transfer
is highly superior to electrical data transfer concerning
data rate, transmission distance, bandwidth-length product, electromagnetic interference resistance, and weight.
In addition, the interconnect density in optics can be much
Figure 1: (a) Innovative integration schematics of a pre-configured optoelectronic PCB, and (b) TPA-written waveguides (cross-section) in
ORMOCER® ( = 800 nm) (after [4]).
higher compared to Cu technology. For high-speed data
transfer, materials and integration concepts are needed
which account for miniaturized high-speed short-range connections, low costs, and which - preferably - enable free
device design.
A prominent example is the direct fabrication of
waveguides for data communication at 850 nm in PCB
by using just one specially tailored hybrid polymer material processed on a pre-configured PCB (Figure 1 (a)). By
focusing femtosecond laser pulses into the bulk of the
ORMOCER® layer, organic cross-linking of the organically
modified inorganic-oxidic oligomers is initiated by twophoton absorption (TPA) in the focal region forming the
In order to demonstrate the power of the TPA technology for the production of scaffolds, the experimental setup
for the TPA patterning was modified at Fraunhofer ISC to
allow the fabrication of (high resolution) large-scale structures with structure heights being not limited by the used
optics. This enables the fabrication of scaffold structures
as well as of human ossicles (Figure 2).
IV. Challenges for market introduction of the
TPA technology up to now has not reached the market as
a mainstream manufacturing technology. Apart from the
ongoing development and optimization work in materials,
this is mainly due to the lack of availability of veritable manufacturing grade TPA
Current sizes of structures manufactured with TPA on lab-scale equipment are
in the mm range. Recent developments
by Fraunhofer ISC yielded manufacturingcompatible equipment that is capable of
reliably producing large-scale scaffolds.
This exciting development is a major stepping stone towards the manufacturing of
continuous structures measuring several
cm in any direction.
Figure 2: (a) Scaffold structure, and (b) human ossicles in life-size, produced by TPA
using a custom-designed ORMOCER®.
core of a multimode waveguide, while the surrounding
hybrid resin acting as cladding is still liquid. The latter is
subsequently cross-linked by thermal processing in the PCB
production process. After that, the refractive index difference between the waveguide’s core and its cladding is still
high enough to account for data rates of about 7 Gb/s at
a bit error ratio (BER) of about 10-9. Due to the intrinsically high mechanical and chemical stability of the hybrid
polymers, this material class can be used to demonstrate
the potential of TPA processes to be up-scaled from the
sub-μm regime to the cm regime. Examples are given in
Figures 1 and 2.
III. Scaffolds for regenerative medicine
Presently, the use of TPA was mainly demonstrated on a
smaller length scale with structural dimensions of only
a view hundreds of μm, and a typical resolution down to
100 nm. For (bio)medical or tissue engineering applications, other requirements need to be fulfilled. These are,
for example the fabrication of large-scale 3D scaffold structures which provide interconnecting pores or channels for
growing cells, which can be decomposed by the body, and
which will enable an up-scaling to several cm in size [7].
At the same time, the reduction of the fabrication time
of these scaffolds is still very challenging with respect to
process and materials.
V. References
[1] T.H. Maiman, Nature 187 (1960) 493.
[2] M. Göppert-Mayer, Ann. Phys. 401 (1931) 273.
[3] S. Maruno, O. Nakamura, and S. Kawata, Opt. Lett. 22
(1997) 132.
[4] R. Houbertz, V. Satzinger, V. Schmid, W. Leeb, and G. Langer, Optoelectronic printed circuit board: 3D structures
written by two-photon absorption, Proc. SPIE 7053 (2008)
[5] T. Ergin, N. Stenger, P. Brenner, J. B. Pendry, M. Wegener,
Science 16 (2010) 337.
[6] A. Doraiswamy, T. Platz, R.J. Narayan, B. Chichkov, A. Ovsianikov, R. Houbertz, R. Modi, R. Auyeung, and D.B. Chrisey, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 845 (2005) AA2.4.1.
[7] Th. Stichel, B. Hecht, R. Houbertz, and G. Sextl, Laser
Precision Micromachining (LPM), #10-29, Stuttgart, June
Dr. Ruth Houbertz
Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research
Neunerplatz 2
D – 97082 Würzburg
Phone +49(0) 931 - 4100 - 520
Mail [email protected]
Forum Organic Electronics:
Innovation and Growth
in a Green Environment
Dr.-Ing. Michael Kröger
InnovationLab GmbH
Organic Electronics for a Green Environment
Organic Electronics is maturing from a promising, but future
technology into a current multi-billion-dollar plastic semiconductor industry. Applications for organic electronic materials range from organic light emitting diodes (OLED) for
general lighting and displays and organic photovoltaic (OPV)
cells for power generation to organic thin film transistors
(OFET) for item tagging and organic sensor applications
(OSA) for supply chain control. Most of these applications
will contribute to preserve nature by enabling a CO2 free
energy conversion and to reduce energy consumption
by simultaneously offering fascinating new applications.
Organic light emitting diodes for general lighting are significantly more efficient than incandescent bulbs and will
also surpass compact fluorescent light sources. Organic
photovoltaic cells with a three times higher energy yield can
be printed and so lead to substantially lowered production
costs for solar energy conversion which will make these
devices not only environmentally but also economically
favorable. Still, there are technological challenges to be
solved to make organic electronics an everyday-and-everywhere technology. To solve these challenges very different
and widespread fields of expertise need to be addressed,
which among others include molecular design and synthesis, thin film processing and printing technology, device
and systems design. To finally succeed, co-development
and co-innovation are crucial conditions.
Leading-Edge Cluster Forum Organic Electronics
Forum Organic Electronics is a Leading-Edge Cluster centered in the German Rhine-Neckar Metropolitan Region and
combines the scientific excellence and economic strength
of its academic and corporate partners
to establish the world leading centre for
White OLED
organic electronics. The partners’ netdemonstrator
work includes 3 DAX-noted and 7 interas used for lighting
nationally involved enterprises, 6 mid©BASF
dle-sized businesses and 9 universities respectively research institutions.
These partners operate at complementary positions along the value chain
which ranges from the design and synthesis of novel materials, the research
on next-generation devices, the development of inexpensive processing technology and production systems - especially printing technology- and finally the
marketing of breakthrough applications
and services. In 2008, the cluster was
awarded as a Leading-Edge Cluster with
€ 40 million by the German Ministry of
Education and Research. This public
funding is multiplied by the industrial
cluster partners and is directed towards
application-oriented R&D projects.
InnovationLab: A Unique Cooperation
between Business and Science
As the vital strategy tool of the cluster, the universities of Heidelberg and Mannheim and the
leading industrial partners BASF SE, Freudenberg & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG, Merck KGaA, Roche
Diagnostics GmbH and SAP AG have jointly
founded InnovationLab GmbH (iL) based at Heidelberg. iL is an application oriented research
and transfer platform of business and science
with the common goal of driving innovation and
serves its partners in two ways:
1. iL executes the cluster management for
Forum Organic Electronics. On the inside,
iL is seen as a nexus for the exchange
of ideas and information. Regular on-site
Heidelberg R2R pilot line. © Heidelberg
strategy meetings with industry leaders,
A scientist inspects organic solar cell test devices. © BASF
cluster conferences and a seminar series
with internationally renowned speakers are
organized. Further, iL promotes technology
entrepreneurs and talented researchers
at early career stages in several different training programs. To the outside, iL
represents a communication hub towards
funding agencies, non-cluster industry and
academia partners, other international research centers and the public media.
2. iL operates a common research facility for
cross-industry/cross-academia collaboration. In 2010, iL opened a world-class
clean-room laboratory for device and process development and extensive auxiliary
laboratories for materials synthesis and
characterization. The laboratory is used by
iL and its industrial and academic partners
for joint research on organic and printed
electronics. The open innovation approach,
some of the most prestigious senior scientists in the field
allows an efficient utilization of the cluster’s resources,
of organic electronics, which installed smaller research
shorter communication paths and faster innovation
groups led by young and talented postdoctoral researchcycles. The clean-room laboratory is equipped with
ers. Application-relevant IP created by these groups will
several small to large scale printing and solution coatbe transferred into close-to-market projects and will either
ing machines and several vacuum systems for device
be spin off or sold to industry partners. iL welcomes new
fabrication and materials characterization and analysis
partners to join the research network and to collaborate in
(e.g. XPS). The printing tools can handle substrates
common projects.
sizes in the range from less than one inch for proofof-concept and materials characterization to letter-size
for large area prototyping and km-long foil substrates
Dr. Michael Kröger
within a R2R pilot line.
Research at iL is organized in 5 different competence
centers: synthesis, printing technology & device physics,
simulation & modeling, morphology and analytics. To direct
the research within the competence centers, iL has won
InnovationLab GmbH
Speyerer Straße 4
D – 69115 Heidelberg
Phone +49(0) 6221 - 54 19 122
+49(0) 6221 - 54 19 110
Mail [email protected]
Printed Electronics –
Process and Products
Dr. Walter Fix
The idea of manufacturing integrated circuits by means
of printing technologies has fascinated researchers and
developers since the late 1990s. Electronics being printed
like newspaper, in large quantities opens up entirely new
areas of application for micro-electronics: from radio-operated labels for replacing the optical barcode to intelligent
packaging and smart objects for processing and displaying
information. The trend towards highly cost-efficient electronics which is simultaneously available in great numbers
ultimately leads to printed electronics, since there is no
structuring or layering process that is faster than printing.
The objective of printed electronics is to create new mass
markets for cost efficient electronics, without attempting
to compete with silicon electronics, which would be a hopeless endeavour anyway.
In order to realize roll-to-roll printed electronics several
key requirements have to be met. For high volume fabrication a low cost semiconductor material with sufficiently
high electrical performance has to be available in large
quantities and with reproducible quality. In addition high
speed printing processes as well as electronic circuit designs have to be adapted to the needs of printed electronics. Last but not least high speed roll-to-roll electrical test
equipment needs to be developed to ensure high quality.
Fig.1: Layer stack for integrated circuits (a). The high resolution
production process allows minimum structure sizes down to 10
µm (b)
Dr. Klaus Schmidt
At PolyIC a special layer stack for integrated circuits
was designed consisting of a lower metal electrode (e. g.
silver) followed by an organic semiconductor like P3AT, a
special insulating layer and an upper metal electrode for
example based on copper (Fig. 1a).
With this layer stack transistors, diodes, resistors,
capacitors and vias can be realized. In this way more than
10000 m2 of printed circuits can be fabricated each month
at a typical web speed of about 30m/min.
Since fast transistors need a short channel length, a
high resolution process is necessary for printing the bottom electrode. Thus, the lower metal layer of our stack can
be used to manufacture transparent conductive films consisting of a mesh of only 10μm wide metal lines (Fig. 1b).
Such PolyIC films outperform standard ITO and PEDOT films
not only in terms of transmittance but also in terms of
conductivity which makes them a good choice for applications like touch sensors, EMI shielding or flexible circuit
boards (Fig. 2).
Basic elements for more complex electronic circuits
are organic transistors. The functionality of organic transistors is very simple and comparable to thin-film transistors
(TFT). Fig. 3 shows the principal setup of a printed transistor based on our 4 layer stack process.
Without an applied gate voltage (VGS) the current flow
between the source (S) and drain (D) electrode is suppressed, since the semiconductor layer is intrinsic and,
consequently, non-conducting. Once a gate voltage is applied, a very narrow conductive channel forms at the semiconductor/insulator interface due to the accumulation of
charge carriers. Now current flow from the source to drain
contact is possible. The current level depends on the gate
voltage as well as on the insulating and semiconducting
material, respectively. Transistors are the basic elements
for more sophisticated electronic circuits necessary for reasonable applications. Based on the full capability of our
4-layer stack fabrication process a 4 bit Manchester chip
was not only printed but also tested and analyzed with the
PolyIC roll-to-roll manufacturing technique.
Fig.2: Sheet resistance versus transmittance (without substrate)
plottet for PEDOT, ITO, and the PolyIC transparent conductive film.
RFID tags are employed for various applications and fields
of use: Depending on the customer’s needs, the focus is
on anti-theft systems, proof of authenticity, logistics tracking or indicator functions. First pilot products are already
tested. Especially item level tagging, i.e. the marking of
individual goods, will be an important field of application
of this technology. For this reason, the 96-bit electronic
product code™ is being developed as the replacement for
the optical bar code. The prospect of being able to print
electronics directly onto products or their packaging is even
more visionary. The technical challenges that still exist are,
however, also related to manufacturing aspects, given that
the tagging of low value mass products should not notably
increase their price.
The chip consists of numerous building blocks: a rectifier, a ring oscillator with 15 stages as the clock
generator, a counter with 3 flip-flops,
a protocol generator for Manchesterencoded data signals, and a readonly memory. Fig. 4a shows the
block diagram of the chip. In Fig. 4b
the measured signals, including the
clock, the counter, the data sequence
of the code generator and the load
modulated rectifier signal is depicted. Fig. 4 clearly demonstrates that
all printed complex electronic devices
can be realized.
Fig.3: Transistor structure in top gate geometry
Fig.4: Block diagram of the printed 4-bit Manchester-encoded
chip. The signals measurement at the four labeled measuring
points are shown in below.
In conclusion the technology of printed electronics opens
up a vast field of novel electronic products. If the expectations regarding price and performance are met, the vision
of electronics that are available everywhere could become
true. Polymer electronics will not bring forth new supercomputers, but it will contribute to new products in the field of
intelligent packaging and electronic paper, all the way to
plastic chips in shirts and on yoghurt cups.
However, there are still several problems to solve in
order to realize this electronic revolution. A particularly
important aspect is the physical understanding of polymer transistors, especially in terms of charge transport in
polymer layers and the influence of interfaces on the transistor characteristics. Additionally, an extensive collaboration between physics, chemistry and printing technology is
required, in order to transfer the high-performance circuits
from the laboratory to a roll-to-roll printing processes.
PolyIC GmbH & Co. KG
Dr. Walter Fix
Tucherstrasse 2
D – 90763 Fürth
Phone +49(0) 911 - 20249 - 8111
Mail [email protected]
Roll to Roll Fabrication
of OLED Lighting Devices
Dr. Christian May
Head of Business Unit OLED
Lighting and Photovoltaics
at Fraunhofer IPMS
In recent years Dresden has evolved into a research center
for organic materials and systems. In order to transfer the
results to production further improvements in the production process and the establishment as well as the testing
of first pilot-production lines are necessary. That is why a
Center of Organic Materials and Electronic Devices Dresden (COMEDD) was founded at the Fraunhofer Institute for
Photonic Microsystems IPMS. COMEDD combines research
and development works for the production, integration and
technology of organic devices. The mission of COMEDD is
the customer and application specific research, development and pilot production of novel device concepts and production methods for vacuum deposited organic materials.
Within COMEDD a roll-to-roll line for research and development for OLED lighting is currently going into operation.
Several roll-to-roll equipment is available for different kind
of evaluations.
A vacuum deposition system (fig. 1) is available for evaporation of organic materials (small molecules) and metals. The attached 14 organic linear evaporators (5 double,
4 single) are able to realize a white pin OLED with high
efficiency and other organic devices like solar cells. The
winding concept of the roll-to-roll coater avoids front side
contact of the substrate to the transport rollers. After the
coating process the web can be protected during the rewinding by a liner foil. The deposition cylinder can be heated up to 80 °C for substrate pretreatment and can be actively cooled down to -10 °C during the deposition process.
A coating and lamination unit is suited for functionalizing the substrate surface by coating processes and
Smoothing the way for economic flexible OLEDs
Organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are nowadays synonymous with next generation lighting, which could replace
common light-bulbs in a couple of
years. However, existing OLEDs on
the market are costly and mostly
deposited on rigid materials such
as glass. The development of
flexible, organic light-emitting diodes, which can be manufactured
on an industrial scale, promises
economies of scale and accordingly broader marketing of the
environmentally sound and highly
efficient devices.
The roll-to-roll process allows
high throughput as a significant
cost reducing step for organic
based devices to penetrate into
the general lighting and photovoltaic market. Metal foils as substrate in combination with the pin
OLED technology will allow direct
OLED deposition on metal foils
Fig. 1: Roll-to-Roll Vacuum deposition system for small molecule nased OLEDs
with high power efficiency.
for lighting applications
Fig. 2: Electrical test of OLEDs on 200 x 200 mm2 flexible aluminium foil.
encapsulation of organic devices with e.g. a barrier
foil. The coating and lamination unit is encased
in an inertbox to process under protective atmosphere. Therefore printing and coating with moisture and oxygen sensitive materials is possible.
Last, but not least an inspection is available
consisting of a winding unit with a CCD camera
bank for pixel resolution down to 14 μm (100%
web inspection) and a modular, moveable optical
microscope with a point resolution down to 1 μm.
First attempts have been made to fabricate
emitter doped stack OLEDs on flexible metal foil in
the R2R processing using the systems described.
The focus of experiments was adjustment of the
processing steps and specific use of the organic
linear evaporators (e.g. co-evaporation) to fabricate OLEDs to get stable devices. Finally, the first Fig. 3: Researcher from the Fraunhofer IPMS is presenting a flexible OLED
with the new barrier layer system
monochrome doped SMOLEDs in R2R processing
on flexible metal substrate were successfully realized (fig. 2).
Furthermore for the first time a flexible OLED
in a roll-to-roll production was manufactured and
encapsulated in a subsequent inline-process
together with the partner from Fraunhofer Institute for Electron Beam and Plasma Technology
FEP (fig 3). It was possible to deposit OLED materials on a cheap aluminum foil in a roll-to-roll pilot
plant, further encapsulate the luminescent foil with
a barrier layer system without compromising its
This process design would allow the production in a single plant. The steps were developed in
Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems IPMS –
the frame of the project “Roll-to-roll production of highly efCOMEDD Center for Organic Materials and Electronic
ficient light-emitting diodes on flexible substrates”, support
Devices Dresden
codes 13N8858 and 13N8857), funded by the German
Maria-Reiche-Straße 2
D – 01109 Dresden
federal ministry of education and research (BMBF). The
Phone +49(0) 351 - 8823 - 309
work is going to be continued by the Dresden Institutes in
+49(0) 351 - 8823 - 266
a bigger consortium within the BMBF funded project R2Flex
Mail [email protected]
fromlts and
and Resea Service
Insti rch C s
tutio lust
The One-Stop for Technology and Innovation
made in Berlin
Laser Optics Berlin 2010, Source: Messe Berlin GmbH
Because of its economic importance and its enormous
impact on adjacent areas of technology and user industries, optical technologies and microsystems technology
have become a focus of the technology policy of all leading
industrial countries.
International comparisons have shown that Berlin, with
its more than 400 research institutions, enterprises and
service providers, has a tremendous potential for the establishment of a globally recognized industry location. This
is further underlined by the high density of competence in
research and development institutions.
This results in a steadily growing need for a rapid transfer
of technological knowledge into the economy. Not least
because of the varied applications of optical technologies
and microsystems technology, support for innovation - all
the way from invention to a marketable product - attains
crucial importance for a sustainable development of the
Berlin scientific and economic location.
To promote this process is the objective of the TSB Innovation Agency Berlin. It is the central focal point for technology and innovation in Berlin. It links science, economics
and politics in the fields of biotechnology, medical technology, transport and mobility, energy, information and com-
munication technology, as well as optical technologies and
microsystems technology.
Among the traditional tasks of the TSB are cluster management in Berlin's areas of expertise, knowledge and technology transfer, innovation consulting, network initiation
and development, project coordination, start-up consulting, and other services such as information services and
event management.
Within the business area of optical technologies, a particular focus is the publication of industry reports for optical
technologies and microsystems technology, which contain
detailed information on economic developments, trends
in research and industry, as well as profiles and contact
details of companies and research institutions in Berlin.
In 2010, the TSB published the first report for one of the
regional focal point areas within the optical technologies:
Laser Technology.
Furthermore, the TSB sponsors the Laser Optics Berlin, an
international congress and fair for optical technologies and
laser technology, which takes place every two years. After
the event outgrew its original location - the science and
technology park Berlin-Adlershof - in 2008, the Messe Berlin assumed the lead in organizing the event in 2010. With
Congress of Laser Optics Berlin 2010. Source: Messe Berlin GmbH
135 international exhibitors and 2.900 visitors, including
450 congress participants, the Laser Optics Berlin showed
significant growth despite the continuing economic crisis.
the Laser Optics Berlin Congress. With 15,000 members
in 95 states it is the world's largest association in the field
of optical technologies.
Laser Optics Berlin and microsys Berlin under one
roof beginning in 2012
The synchronization of the Laser Optics Berlin and the microsys Berlin offers professionals an innovative platform.
The representation of the interfaces between optical technologies and microsystems technology are a novelty in the
German trade fair market. Micro-optics and micro-optical
systems have not previously been exhibited in such a compact and user-oriented form. Following a successful pilot
connecting the microsys Berlin in an appropriate manner
with the Laser Optics Berlin, this path will be continued
and the content will be more focused on the intersection
of the two events (such as micro-optics, MOEMS, Laser and
LED systems). Utilizing a modified structure, the goal is to
increase international appeal and improve presentation of
regional capabilities and supra-regional importance.
The selection of the papers for the microsys Berlin congress rests in the hands of a separate committee headed
by Dr. Klaus-Dieter Lang, director of the Fraunhofer Institute
for Reliability and Micro Integration (IZM).
OSA Optical Society of America organizes
the 2012 Congress
One new feature in particular aims to bring the synchronized international trade fair even more into focus: the
Optical Society of America will assume the organization of
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Stens
TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH
Optics Division
Fasanenstr. 85
D – 10623 Berlin
Phone +49(0) 30 - 46302 - 441
Mail [email protected]
Fraunhofer IOSB
Profile of the Institute
The Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies
and Image Exploitation IOSB is very successful in implementing the latest research results in application-ready
solutions: both those which represent immediate financial
benefit for our customers and those which strengthen their
competitiveness for the long-term. The IOSB researches
and develops innovative concepts, processes and systems
for industry, small and medium-sized enterprises and public
sector customers. In so doing, the task, the problem set
by the customer is always the starting point and focus for
our thinking and action.
Core competences
The name of our institute reflects our three primary core
competences. Two of these are practically self-explanatory:
by Optronics we mean electro-optical systems and processes for acquiring signals and images from the ultraviolet
to the thermal infrared.
Image Exploitation includes preparation, real-time processing and automatic and interactive information extraction from images and videos. The most abstract of the
three may at first glance seem to be System Technologies,
which represents a cross-section of expertise and is essential if you want to answer difficult, comprehensive questions
with holistic solutions.
System technologies bring together everything necessary for analysis, understanding, modeling, development
and control of complex systems.
Business Units
As a Fraunhofer Institute, the IOSB has a clear task: to
focus its research on application and thus on the needs of
businesses and public sector customers.
Alongside scientific specialization, a focus on the institute’s customers is also required because the best possible solutions require not only academic and technical
expertise but also sound knowledge of industry. The IOSB
concentrates primarily on five business units:
• automation,
• energy, environment,
• automated visual inspection,
• defense
• and civil security.
The »Purity« System is made especially for the inspection of transparent materials as green bodies of glass. © Fraunhofer IOSB.
Since the beginning of 2010, the IOSB-AST in
Ilmenau has been running an underwater robotics centre with a generously sized pool and
an experimental energy park, which provide the
best research and development conditions for
underwater systems and new energy supply
Further examples for technologies of the IOSB are:
One example for systems by IOSB is the inspection system PURITY:
Purity: Automatic inspection
of transparent materials
One challenge currently facing industrial image
processing is the need to detect inclusions
and air bubbles within transparent materials
which may be shaped in any variety of ways.
The latter include flat glass, curved glass,
lenses, balls, granulates and similar objects.
The patented Purity system detects and distinguishes changes in transparency, inclusions
of foreign objects and air bubbles – virtually
irrespective of object shape. In contrast to
conventional systems, Purity allows inspection to be performed entirely from a single
perspective in most cases. At the core of this
flexible, reliable inspection system is either a
line camera or laser scanner, depending on the
particular task.
Images are able to be recorded and analyzed in real time, allowing sorting of materials
at flow velocities of up to 3m/s as well as
inspection in free fall.
Device options
Inspection of flat objects, such as granulates,
fragments or flat glass, is performed using
single or multi-channel systems based on line
cameras. Objects which are expanded threedimensionally, such as hollow glass or curved
glass are inspected using a single or multichannel laser scanner.
In both applications, the first channel is
used to determine the transparency profile of
the object. This can then be compared with a
specified (good) profile. Faults detected in the
transparency profile can be the result of deviations in shape, deviations in transmission,
embedded foreign objects or surface faults.
The type of fault can be determined and classified using additional inspection channels.
Alternatively, the color gradient within the item
inspected can be checked when inspecting flat
White-light generation by femtosecond laser pulses.
© Fraunhofer IOSB
„Gated Viewing“, system for the automatic tracking of fast objects.
© Fraunhofer IOSB
Fraunhofer IOSB
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Beyerer
Fraunhoferstr. 1
D – 76131 Karlsruhe
Phone +49(0)721 - 6091 - 0
Prof. Dr. Maurus Tacke
Gutleuthausstr. 1
D – 76275 Ettlingen
Phone +49(0)7243 - 992 - 0
Solutions with Light –
Overcome Challenges and Offer Opportunities
Gray scale projection from the static array projector.
Static monochrome array projection optics (left), micro-lens array with buried color filters and apertures for the dynamic array
projector (right).
RGB projection from the dynamic array projector.
Together with its partners, the Fraunhofer IOF conducts application oriented research in the field of optical systems
engineering on behalf of its clients from industry and of
the government.
The objective is to develop innovative optical systems
to control light, from its generation to its application in
the cutting-edge fields of energy, environment, information,
health and safety. In this context, the sustainable energyefficient use of light – “green photonics” – plays a special
role for the IOF.
To achieve these goals, the IOF charts the entire process chain, from optical and mechanical design and the
realization of functional optical surfaces and coatings via
micro- and nano-structuring as well as system integration
up to the manufacture of prototypes optical, opto-mechanical, and opto-electronic systems.
The close cooperation with the Institute of Applied
Physics (IAP) at the Friedrich Schiller University is of particular strategic importance in both covering the scientific
lead work and training young scientists.
Ultra-slim array projector
The market of miniaturized projectors is a fast growing
market. In all current systems of pocket projectors, a single
imaging channel is used. This means a minimal size for the
projector is a given – and smaller will not work. The novel
optics scheme of the array projector enables extremely slim
but laterally extended projection systems with large flux.
The array projector consists of a regular array of individual
projecting channels which form a superposed image on a
screen, enabling realization of static as well as dynamic
projectors. The static projector consists of a tandem array
of micro-lenses of short focal length with a buried mask
representing the object array. Flux enhancement requires
no enlarged overall length but an increased number of
superposed projection channels. Because of the system
design similar to a fly´s eye condenser, a homogenization
of the illumination source takes place simultaneously
with the projection. Channel-wise coloration of images
using a buried RGB color filter array permits generation
of full-color images. Thanks to the many channels, the
construction length of the entire system can be clearly
reduced to 3 mm, without impeding luminosity. High-performance LEDs are used as the light source.
Nanostructrured SIS solar cells
Using sunlight for energy generation preserves natural
resources and decreases CO2 emission. The photovoltaic industry faces the challenge of developing efficient
cell concepts with low-cost production processes. A requirement highly efficient solar cells have to meet is
for the incident radiation to be efficiently coupled into
the absorbing material. Nanostructured silicon surfaces
are a well-known solution for the generation of broadband antireflection properties as well as direct photon
management. To implement low-cost semiconductorinsulator-semiconductor (SIS) systems, a thin film of an
insulating material is deposited on silicon, followed by
coating with a transparent conductive oxide (TCO), for
which indium tin oxide or aluminum doped zinc oxide can
be used. The combination of nanostructured silicon interfaces and low-cost SIS systems creates an innovative
solar cell concept with the potential of high efficiency at
low production costs. First laboratory experiments show
an effectiveness of 8 % for up to 6 inch sized nanostructured solar cells. BMBF project PHIOBE (FKZ 13N9669).
Ultra-short pulse laser of high average power
Today, diode pumped fiber lasers and amplifiers are capable efficiently producing radiation with multi-kilowatt
average power in the near infra-red range at diffraction
limited beam quality even in ultra-short pulse operation.
A milestone was achieved by demonstrating a chirped
pulse amplification system with 830 W average power
(T. Eidam et. al, Opt. Lett. 35, 2010, 94-96).
Therewith efficient laser systems become available
for micromachining. The applicability of these high repetition rate systems was demonstrated by drilling experiments with different metals.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte
Optik und Feinmechanik IOF
Dr. Brigitte Weber
Albert-Einstein-Straße 7
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49(0) 3641 - 807- 440
+49(0) 3641 - 807- 600
Mail [email protected]
solar cell.
SEM micrograph
of a NanoSIS solar
high performance
fiber laser
hole in 0.5
mm thick
with 75
ms breakthrough
Optics Design – Bridge between
New Technologies and
Innovative Applications
Fig. 1: Highly integrated optical fluorescence module fabricated
by ultraprecision micromilling (S. Stoebenau, et al., 10th international conference of the European Society of Precision Engineering
& Nanotechnology (EUSPEN), Delft, 31.5.-4.6.2010).
Fig. 2: Ultracompact optics module for optical micromanipulation
with optimized trapping forces ("A. Oeder, et al., EOS Annual Meeting, Paris, 26.-29.10.2010.")
Here at the Ilmenau University of Technology we recognise
the importance of innovation and basic research for the
development of future micro- and nanosystem technologies with applications in Life Science, Energy Efficiency
and Photonics. Accordingly we have made a strategic decision to develop one of the largest centres in Germany for
interdisciplinary cooperation in these exciting high-potential
areas: The Institute for Micro- and Nanotechnologies (IMN
- MacroNano®). This structure allows our varied research
groups maintain their expertise and specialization, while
simultaneously ensuring cooperation across a broad range
of research topics. Examples of successful projects in
the area of optical technologies include (i) active optical
microsystems using thermally actuated Aluminumnitride
membranes and (ii) the integration of optical nanotools
into the “Nanopositioning and Nanomeasuring Machine”.
These projects were respectively realised with the support
of German Science Foundation through funding in the priority programme (SPP 1337) "Active Microoptics" and the
Collaborative Research Center (SFB 622).
Optical microsystems are an important research topic
funded within the “Kompetenzdreieck Optische Mikrosysteme” by the German “Bundesministerium für Bildung und
Forschung”. As members of the IMN, we – the Fachgebiet
Technische Optik and the Juniorprofessor of Optik Design,
Simulation und Modellierung optischer Systeme (funded
by the Carl-Zeiss-Stiftung) - are responsible for adapting research in classical optical engineering and lens design into
innovative optical (micro) system technologies. We specifically focus on design, integration, tolerancing, fabrication,
and characterization of freeform optical elements in optical
(micro-) systems. To realise novel prototype systems we
rely on our unique fabrication facility that combines both
ultraprecision mechanical and laser machining in a single
machining centre. Here we have developed many novel
freeform elements and systems, e.g. for head-up displays
for the automotive industry or for optical tweezing and optofluidic microsystems for biomedical applications. In such
a manner is our optical design specialization focused on
broader multi-disciplinary goals.
To ensure continued future success, our interdisciplinary research activities are complemented by a variety
of graduate and undergraduate degree programs. Young
students taking the engineering Bachelor programs at TU
Ilmenau (e.g. Optronics, Mechatronics, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Technical Physics) are exposed to
interdisciplinary projects through a broad course selection.
Challenges in optical engineering and microsystems are addressed in subsequent Master (e.g. Master of “Micro- and
Nanotechnologies”) and PhD programs like the Graduate
School on Optical Microsystems funded by the Thuringian
“Ministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kunst.”
Professor Dr. Stefan Sinzinger
Technische Universität Ilmenau
Institut für Mikro- und Nanotechnologien- Macro Nano®
Fachgebiet Technische Optik
Postfach 100565
D – 98684 Ilmenau
Mail [email protected]
Distinguished Services
for Telecommunications
For many decades now the Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute has been synonymous with outstanding achievements
in the field of optical communication technology, and in
future too we will continue to play a leading role in the
development of high-end energy-efficient components for
photonic networks, systems and components in association with our customers across the world.
Optical communication technology can look back at
a tradition spanning almost 50 years at the Fraunhofer
Heinrich Hertz Institute (HHI). Work in this field at HHI began immediately following the discovery by the 2009 Nobel Prize laureate Charles Kuen Kao that ultrashort light
pulses can be sent simultaneously over long distances
through very thin glass cables without any significant loss
of data. With on-going support from the Federal Ministry
of Research, a raft of expertise was thus built up which
nurtured a whole series of outstanding achievements.
Even though a first impression might arise that each new
record is only relevant to the scientific research community, history teaches us that such records are a means
of highlighting the applicability of new developments to
the worldwide communications infrastructure. Records are
the driving force for overcoming – physical – boundaries!
Without such outstanding achievements there would be no
Internet today! The selection of HHI records below will give
you a general impression.
• 2.24 Gbit/s transmission system (1980)
• 2.56 Tb/s over 160 km DQPSK (2005)
• 160 Gb/s transmission over 4,000 km (2006)
• 107 Gb/s transmission with integrated ETDM-receiver
• 160 Gb/s unrepeatered transmission over 293 km
• 5.1 Tb/s data generation and reception (2009)
• 500 Mb/s over a standard LED light
Gesture steering
Source: Karl Storz GmbH Co KG
A great number of developments have been realized working in close collaboration with our industry partners –
companies such as Alcatel Lucent, Fujitsu, Micram, Nokia
Siemens Networks, Siemens, ADVA , TESAT and Xtera, to
name but a few.
Photonic components from the Fraunhofer Heinrich
Hertz Institute are now integrated in telecommunications
systems across the world such as the XTERA transatlantic
route or TESAT 5.5 Gb/s satellite-to-satellite communication. One regional alliance gave birth to the Berlin Access
project which builds a FTTH (fiber to the home) transceiver
which connects buildings and apartments to the optic fiber
infrastructure. With u2t Photonics GmbH, an spin-off of HHI
has become the world market leader in ultra-rapid (up to
100 Gbit/s) detectors and receivers. Statistically speaking, every second telephone call is made via components
from this company. And since Cogo Electronics GmbH set
up in Berlin, we now have a partner with whom we can
work together in developing the most powerful and energy
efficient transmitter for the world market.
In Berlin we are fortunate to enjoy a most privileged
situation. OptecBB is a strong proactive network that brings
together companies and institutes in the region. Other hard
locational factors – like a well qualified, highly skilled workforce – make the Berlin-Brandenburg region along with Silicon Valley one of the most attractive places for photonic
communication technology. The Heinrich Hertz Institute will
play its part in continuing to ensure that this remains so
in future as well.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Joachim Grallert
Executive Director
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
Einsteinufer 37
D – 10587 Berlin
Phone +49(0) 30 - 31002 - 200
Mail [email protected]
3DTV sharp
® Ansgar Pudenz/alphadog
Fraunhofer IWS
Short profile
The Fraunhofer IWS Dresden carries out application-oriented research in the fields of laser and surface technology.
In the area of laser technology, the IWS focuses on
material-oriented laser materials processing and the development of laser-specific system solutions. The goal here
is to develop innovative technologies for industrial customers and to support them during technology transfer. The
surface and coating technologies primarily address wear
and corrosion protection, functional coatings as well as the
ablation, structuring and repair of surfaces.
Fiber Lasers Quietly Revolutionize The World
For more than 50 years lasers have been successfully established in research and industry. Now, a special configuration is taking the fast lane: the fiber laser. Its advantages
are obvious: due to the fiber design the beam quality is
close to perfect, hence best possible focus ability even
with very long operating distances is ensured. Flexible fiber geometry and vibration insensitivity as well as high
efficiency and low operating costs convincingly allow an
uncomplicated integration in industrial, automated production processes.
A diversified consortium on the European level works
together to set new standards in the field of fiber laser technology. Main objective of the EU-project LIFT (Leadership
in Fibre laser Technologies) which started in September
2009 is the offensive consolidation of Europe's scientific,
engineering and production-related leadership position.
Coming from 9 different countries, expertise of 15 decisive companies, among them two Fraunhofer institutes,
three universities and one non-profit organization joined
and constitute a strong consortium.
Managed by the Fraunhofer IWS Dresden, laser suppliers, producers of optical and opto-electronic components,
manufacturers of photonic fibers and fundamental re-
Fig. 1:
Welding with
fiber laser
Fig. 2:
Remote cutting
with fiber laser
searchers as well as application engineers are working on
several goals. The consortium focuses on the development
of fiber-based short pulse lasers for so called gentle "cold
treatment" of materials, in particular for special ceramicmaterials, being of increasing interest in various areas.
Another key role plays the progression of ultra reliable,
pulsed high-performance- fiber laser systems which will
significantly enhance processes like remote-laser cutting
or welding in their efficiency.
A specific challenge within the medical sector will be
the realization of a three-color fiber laser. The aim is to
develop a narrowband fibre laser system which is continuously emitting VIS radiation at wavelengths specifically chosen to treat various symptoms like acne or retina indisposing. Furthermore, this laser system will permit to combat
certain types of cancer via photodynamic therapy.
Additionally, the project addresses the sector of renewable energies. As the technical efficiency of photoelectric
cells reaches its upper limit, the consortium will focus
on the improvement of individual production steps in the
manufacturing of solar modules. Pulsed high performance
fiber-laser systems in combination with intelligent remotebeam delivery components will allow the up to now very
intricate large area processing of solar substrates.
Almost unnoticed by the end user, the fiber laser proceeds on its way to a crucial component of Europe's high
technology and so quietly revolutionizes the production and
medical technology of tomorrow.
Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology
IWS Dresden
Dr. Udo Klotzbach
Winterbergstraße 28
D – 01277 Dresden
Phone +49(0) 351 - 83391 - 3252
Mail [email protected]
Mirrors for X-Rays and EUV Radiation
Motivation and Applications
Due to its much shorter wavelength as compared to visible light, the technical and commercial impact of extreme
ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray radiation steadily increases. One
of the currently most important applications of mirrors for
this spectral range is the EUV lithography, the emerging
outstanding high precision requirements. X-ray mirrors
consist of many hundred or several thousand single layers
with thicknesses in the range of 0.5 – 20 nm. This combination of nanotechnology and optics requires specific
knowledge and can only be successfully managed with tailored coating equipment. In order to fabricate the coatings
with high precision and reproducibility, the Fraunhofer IWS
Dresden has established various complementary technologies like magnetron and ion beam sputter deposition (MSD
and IBSD).
The corresponding upscaling of the technologies
has been carried out in several projects together with
Roth & Rau MicroSystems GmbH. Currently, substrates
with dimensions of up to 500 mm (IBSD) and 680 mm
(MSD) can be coated with outstanding uniformities and
reproducibilities. For typical nanometer multilayers precision
and reproducibility requirements in the picometer range
have to be fulfilled (1 pm = 0.000000000001 m)! Using the
newly developed coating machine MS 2000 (fig. 3) these
specifications can be met on large-scale mirrors.
Fig. 1:
Scheme of the EUV lithography
technology for the fabrication of integrated circuits (fig. 1).
Corresponding to Moores law, in a few months semiconductor structures with dimensions < 22 nm have to be printed.
From today’s point of view EUV lithography will be the only
cost-effective technology for high volume manufacturing.
Beyond EUV lithography, the use of X-ray and EUV mirrors
has been already well-established in synchrotron beamlines (fig. 2), X-ray diffractometers/reflectometers and in
fluorescence analysis instruments.
Technological background
The utilization of EUV radiation and X-rays has forced the
development of completely new reflection coatings with
Fig. 2:
mirror with
Fig. 3:
Coating machine
MicroSys 2000
for mirrors with
diameters of up
to 680 mm
Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology
IWS Dresden
Dr. Stefan Braun
Winterbergstraße 28
D – 01277 Dresden
Phone +49(0) 351 - 83391 - 3432
Mail [email protected]
Roth & Rau MicroSystems GmbH
Dr. Michael Zeuner
Gewerbering 3
D – 09337 Hohenstein-Ernstthal
Phone +49(0) 3723 - 498833
Mail [email protected]
The Network – PhotonikBB
Aims of the network
Laser Technology
Photonic Components
and Sensor Technology
PhotonikBB is a network of partners from science and industry,
created to implement scientific research results in the field of photonics in commercial applications. It strengthens the cooperation
between companies, universities and institutes. So today, tomorrow’s innovations are being developed and produced at the Berlin
Brandenburg location. For this, the network initiates, coordinates
and promotes the merging of competences in joint projects.
For this purpose, PhotonikBB will build up interdisciplinary cooperation projects between industry and the most various scientific
institutes. Particular importance is attached to bring small and
medium sized creative companies into cooperation with science,
thus forming top clusters with a high degree of competence and a
strong industrial connection and to occupy future and key markets.
The branch competence field of optical technologies hence strengthens the economic development of the entire region Brandenburg/
Berlin and creates new and top-quality jobs. As an innovation driver
for other application-oriented branches, PhotonikBB permanently
improves the competitive capability of local industry and users e.g.
in material processing and sensors with powerful and innovative
solutions from Photonics.
PhotonikBB is an association of companies and scientific institutions in an interdisciplinary photonic cluster along the value chains.
The association permanently ensures network cooperation, for example by creating a central provider database for products, services
and project ideas and the formation of a pool of experts.
Cooperation in the network
• Supporting industry, strengthening research
and development
• Representing the interests and optimising the
cooperation of the partners
• Interlocking of industry and science
• Training and securing of skilled labour
• International, cross-border cooperation of
companies and scientific institutions
• International image as the photonic region
• Intensification and enlargement of innovative
• Creation of the brand »Photonics made in
• Added value of the optical technologies in
Brandenburg and Berlin
Focal points of the activity
• Lobbying and initiation of knowledge and
technology transfer between industry and science in close cooperation and using the offer
of the ZAB, of Berlin Partner and of the TSB
• Formation of a pool of experts whose tasks
include the assessment of projects and the
participation in network events
• Creation and establishment of a permanent
communication platform
• Support in the creation of horizontal and vertical network structures
PhotonikBB e.V.
Potsdamer Str. 18a
D – 14513 Teltow
Phone +49(0) 3328 - 430 - 230
+49(0) 3328 - 430 - 230
Mail [email protected]
Functional Materials –
The Applications becoming
more and more multifaceted!
The Fraunhofer IAP develops customer specific applications
for organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), organic photovoltaics (OPV), organic electronics and sensors. OLEDs
provide a larger angle of view, give off a brighter image
and are printable. Combining OLEDs with organic electronic
components or with other functional elements such as foil
keyboards enables completely flexible applications to be
Materials for organic electronic devices
The development of these elements based on organic electronics requires materials with predictable and reproducible
performance. Organic chemistry opens a wide spectrum
of possibilities for tailor-made materials. For OLEDs new
phosphorescent polymers were designed by the integration of structure optimized and energy level adapted hole-,
electron transport and phosphorescent molecules as side-
groups to one polymer backbone. By using additional reactive monomers, the new polymer materials can be crosslinked by thermal or photochemical initiation to stabilize
deposited thin films in subsequent process steps.
Technology for organic electronic devices
The goal of the work is to develop intelligent systems in
the application areas of life science, textiles and architecture which combine OLEDs, OPV, polymer electronics,
sensors and energy storage. Research and development
will focus on utilizing deposition technologies in inert and
non-inert conditions which are solution based. These new
applications require completely new technological steps,
including development of the layout of the display or illuminated area, the architecture of the series of deposits and
the effective encapsulation of the components. The most
important aspects that still have to be addressed are the
efficiencies of the devices and their operating lifetimes.
Optical functional elements
Optical functional elements for LCDs, such as polarizers,
color filters, diffusers, retarders and aligning layers are being developed with the aid of anisotropic optical functional
layers. Polymer materials with photosensitive properties
are required as optical functional layers in LCDs. The specially functionalized polymers, polymer composites and
photocrosslinkable liquid crystal mixtures can be readily
processed enabling films to be prepared with different optical functionalities. In addition to materials development,
technological steps include film and device preparation
through spin-coating, printing techniques, anisotropic orientation of the films, permanently fixing the orientation
in the glass state and/or photocrosslinking. New thermotropic liquid crystals are being developed for anisotropically
structured, ultra-thin films with complex optical properties.
The core of this work involves developing efficient, multistage synthesis sequences and analyzing liquid crystalline
für Angewandte Polymerforschung
Geiselbergstraße 69
D – 14476 Potsdam
Phone +49(0) 331 - 568 - 1910
Mail [email protected]
Innovations and Competencies
in Industry
Field Tracing by VirtualLab™
for System Analysis and Design
Field tracing generalizes the concepts of ray tracing:
harmonic fields are traced through the system instead of
ray bundles. Hence field tracing utilizes and provides more
information about the light in optical systems. Field tracing
enables unified optical modeling that integrates simulation
techniques ranging from geometrical optics to electromagnetic methods.
Based on these technologies VirtualLab™ offers an
unsurpassed flexibility and efficiency in optical modeling.
The toolboxes of VirtualLab™ allow the investigation of
nano- and micro-optics, diffractive optics, laser systems,
ultra-short pulses, laser resonators, LEDs, excimer lasers,
gratings, photonic crystals, artificial materials and much
more. All toolboxes work fluently together on a single
VirtualLab™ addresses a wide range of modeling tasks
arising in the design and analysis of optical systems:
• Modeling of lenses, free-form as well as micro and diffractive optical components.
• Diffraction, interference, aberrations, polarization, vectorial effects, temporal and spatial partially coherence
are taken into account.
• Optimization of diffractive diffusers, diffractive homogenizers, diffractive beam splitters, diffractive and refractive beam shapers.
• Electromagnetic analysis and optimization of 2D and
3D surface and volume gratings.
• Analysis of laser cavities including computation of fundamental and higher modes.
• Modeling of a great variety of light sources including
multi-mode lasers, excimer lasers and LEDs.
Unified optical modeling allows the combination of different propagation techniques in order to reach a required
accuracy with optimal effort. The following methods are
• Rigorous and approximate free space propagation
methods including spectrum of plane waves, Fresnel
and far field integral.
• Geometrical optics propagation methods considering
also vectorial effects as required for high NA systems.
• Split step beam propagation methods for inhomogeneous media.
• Rigorous Fourier modal method (FMM) for periodic 2D
and 3D gratings.
VirtualLab™ can be applied in many fields of applications
to analyze optical systems including tolerance analysis and
parameter variation:
• High-NA laser, laser optics, imaging systems and laser
material processing.
• Photovoltaic systems, photonic crystals, sensor technology and microlithography.
• Illumination and display systems.
• Ultra short pulses.
• Laser resonators.
LightTrans GmbH
Wildenbruchstraße 15
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49(0) 3641 - 664353
+49(0) 3641 - 664354
Mail [email protected]
JCMwave: Complete Finite Element Technology
for Optical Simulations
Accurate simulation of light propagation is indispensable in nano-technologies
JCMwave transfers state-of-the-art numerical methods to innovative software
products for cutting-edge applications.
JCMwave offers a complete simulation
suite for a broad range of applications
in nano-optics. These include integrated optical components, textured solar
cells for photovoltaics, metamaterials, photonic crystal fibers, nearfieldmicroscopy, semiconductor lasers, and
optical microlithography.
JCMwave's products rely on fundamental concepts in mathematics and computer science. This results in exceptionally short computation times, compact data space requirements and highly
robust software.
sive set of postprocessing tools tailored to engineering
needs. A CAD tool for the construction of realistic 2D and
3D geometries completes the tool box.
JCMwave's main product, the finite element package
JCMsuite, comprises powerful finite element technologies for the computation of electromagnetic waves. The
finite element method is considered the method of choice
for accurate and fast simulations of light interaction with
nanostructures. The superior performance of JCMsuite
has been pointed out in several benchmarks. Main ingredients for the outstanding performance are adaptive mesh
refinement, higher-order vector elements, fast numerical
methods for solving matrix equations, and a comprehen-
JCMsuite is also well suited for pattern reconstruction
in optical metrology. Optical inspection in a productive
environment requires very short computation times for
high throughput. When complex patterns are involved this
can be an extremely demanding numerical task. We offer
two innovative solutions: First, a new rigorous scheme
allows obtaining results even in real-time applications.
Second, parallelized domain-decomposition approaches
enable accurate solutions on very large computational
JCMwave’s team of engineers, physicists,
and mathematicians supports its partners in performing goal-oriented design,
analysis and optimization of optical components.
JCMwave GmbH
Bolivarallee 22
D – 14050 Berlin
+49(0) 30 - 84185 - 480
+49(0) 89 - 2555 - 132 - 369
[email protected]
Successful Solutions
– with Cutting Edge Technologies
At LIMOs headquarters in Dortmund, Germany, an international team of 200 engineers, physicists, technicians and
many other specialized staff develops, manufactures and
sells innovative micro optics and laser systems.
We regard ourselves as strategic partner to leading companies using laser photons. Our mission is to make business
partners in the material processing & photonic industries
more successful with cutting edge technologies.
Micro optics & optical systems
We develop and produce wafer-based optical components
and systems, suitable for cost-effective mass production of
premium lenses and customized beam shaping solutions.
These systems guarantee uniformity up to 99%. Our patented manufacturing process uses only high-quality glass
and crystals for a long lifetime. We are world-market leader
in refractive micro optics and have been awarded for this
technology with the “world’s first innovation award”. (Innovationspreis der deutschen Wirtschaft 2007) We offer as
well complete optical systems for the following industries.
• flat panel displays
• micro lithography
• photonics (beam shaping for all high power
laser systems)
• photovoltaics
High power diode lasers, laser complete systems
& laser workstations
LIMOs diode lasers impress with highest brightness and a
robust industrial design.
All high-efficient and long-lasting laser modules are
also available as complete systems for any application.
Our in-house produced refractive micro optics ensure high
efficiency for customized beam shaping. That guarantees
lower failure rates, lower electricity consumption, reduced
cooling requirements and a longer life time. Our laser
system technology products are used in industries like:
• medical technologies
• photonics (pumping)
• automotive
• flat panel displays
• photovoltaics
Technical service & consulting
Altogether we offer full service in every way: Whether you
need customized assembly, installations-, maintenanceand repair-services or an engineering seminar, a feasibility
study or methodical project management, LIMO is able to
provide exactly what you require.
For the various fields of applications for laser materials
processing, we have installed an Applications Center that
shows you the advantages of the LIMO technologies. The
flexible design of the Applications Center also allows shortterm customer-specific technology testing and training on
new systems. In this Applications Center, we demonstrate
our solutions "live" in use in a suitable environment – from
individual laser systems to complete materials processing
LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH
Bookenburgweg 4 – 8
D – 44319 Dortmund
Phone +49(0) 231 - 22241 - 0
+49(0) 231 - 22241 - 301
Mail [email protected]
We think laser ...
... and we have been doing so for 35 years. With more
than 38,000 installed systems worldwide, the ROFIN Group
is one of the leading suppliers of lasers and laser-based
system solutions in industrial materials processing. Lasers
used for cutting, welding, marking, and surface treatment
have become indispensable tools for a variety of today’s
manufacturing processes. More than 1,800 qualified employees at about 35 locations worldwide guarantee a meaningful contribution to the laser technology of the future.
ROFIN – Lasers provide solutions
Processing materials with lasers offers a wide range of
technical advantages. In many applications lasers allow
stronger welds, faster cuts, finer structures and permanent durable marks. A team of application specialists are
available worldwide to provide an appropriate laser solution or to develop new applications. Cooperation with laser
institutes ensure that ROFIN is always up to date in all
important areas of applications.
With CO2, fiber lasers, solid-state lasers, diode lasers,
and various Q-switched lasers, ROFIN offers one of the
broadest and most powerful product range in industrial
materials processing today.
M3 – Macro, Micro, Marking
The company is structured around three core areas of competence, Macro, Micro and Marking. With the emphasis on
these three core operations, ROFIN is able to react quickly
and efficiently to the customers’ needs and find optimum
solutions for individual requirements.
ROFIN Macro offers a wide range of CO2 lasers from lowpowered sealed-off products to multi-kilowatt lasers. The
low-maintenance, diffusion-cooled CO2 Slab lasers leads
the mult-kilowatt range. This product is integrated into cutting lines & welding systems all over the world. The new
fiber lasers are used for application fields that require flexible beam guidance with fiber optics. Diode-pumped lasers
in rod or disc design or as Q-switched lasers complement
the solid-state laser solutions.
The product portfolio is rounded off by compact and
maintenance-free high power diode lasers for heat conduction welding, surface hardening and brazing.
ROFIN Micro offers a broad range of laser sources such
as ultrashort pulse laser for the “cold” cut and ablation.
The product portfolio also includes system solutions for
processing parts down to the μm-range. Even with the most
sensitive materials, the highest precision and lowest heat
affected zone is achieved.
The business activities include industry proven laser
beam sources with all required wavelengths and powers,
compact and mobile all-in-one machines with manual or
CNC control units and integrated solutions for entire automation. Supplemented with, for example, the quick scanner
head technology and powerful CAD software control, market
leading systems for micro material processing and innovative new laser solutions are created. The continuously
increasing application area includes precision cutting and
welding, micro drilling, structuring, perforating and plastics
ROFIN Marking is one of the market leaders in the area of
laser marking. The precise, fast, non-contact, permanent
marking of almost all materials with lasers has found a
place in vast areas of industrial manufacturing.
Compact diode-pumped Nd:YAG and Nd:YVO4 laser systems with wavelengths of 1064 nm, 532 nm and 355 nm
as well as fiber and CO2 lasers are used to mark an almost
limitless variety of organic and inorganic materials. Manifold, ingenious technical options assure a wide range of
possible applications offering different integration stages.
Berzeliusstrasse 87
D – 22113 Hamburg
Phone +49(0) 40 - 73363 - 0
+49(0) 40 - 73363 - 4100
Mail [email protected]
Omicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
Flexible Lasers and LED Light Sources for Industry and Science
Omicron, located in Rodgau in the Rhein-Main area, develops and produces state-of-the-art diode lasers and DPSS
lasers for the industry. Founded in 1989, Omicron is a well
established company which has succeeded in positioning
itself as a market leader in the area of laser diode systems
and laser applications within a relatively short time-span. At
first Omicron focused its production on opto-mechanics, laser optics and fibre couplers. In 1997 the company began,
with increasing success, developing and producing lasers
in-house. Since then, the team has continuously grown and
meanwhile launches countless innovations and new products every year. Examples are the successful LDM-Series
and the lasers of the FK-LA-Series which were developed
for high-end laser applications such as Computer to Plate
(CtP), DVD mastering, wafer inspection, microscopy and
reprography. Continuing to develop products in order to
remain a step ahead of current standards is an integral
part of Omicron’s philosophy. One secret behind the success is the modular principle Omicron uses for construction. This is to great advantage for the customer since it
allows an easy integration of both LDM- and FK-LA series
lasers in existing and new machines, so that adjustments
in accordance with customer’s wishes can be made at any
given point in time. Further important developments were
the PhoxX®compact high-performance laser in 2008, LuxX®
compact CW diode lasers and SOLE®laser light engines in
2009 as well as the LightHUB®beam combiners in 2010.
With these developments, Omicron is one of the leading
manufacturers for demanding applications in biotechnology, microscopy, microlithography and many more.
Innovative Products
LuxX® Compact CW Diode Lasers
With the LuxX diode laser series, Omicron is showing the
way forward in the 375-830 nm wavelength range. The LuxX
series offers many unbeatable advantages when compared
with conventional argon gas and DPSS lasers. As a result of
the fast, direct analogue power modulation of greater than
1.5 MHz, and a full ON/OFF shutter function of greater than
150 kHz, opto-acoustic modulation is no longer needed.
Compact construction and flexible input signalling allows
the lasers to be integrated simply into existing or future
machine designs. One significant feature of the LuxX diode
laser is its all integrate intelligent laser electronics with RS232 and USB 2.0 interfaces that permit easy interaction
with the application. The ultra compact footprint of only
4 x 4 x 10 cm makes these lasers the most compact in the
market. Furthermore, by using innovative Omicron optics,
astigmatism is corrected so that the beam has a diameter
of around 1mm and the focus is absolutely circular. The
lasers are available in 14 different wavelengths between
375 and 830 nm with single-mode optical output powers
up to 150mW.
Multi Wavelength Solutions
The SOLE® laser light engines and LightHUB® compact
beam combiners represent a new era of Omicron products. Especially designed to meet today´s needs in biotech and microscopic applications, they combine up to 6
wavelengths of diode and DPSS lasers. The SOLE® light
engines are compact laser sources with up to six lasers,
coupled in up to two single mode fibers. The SOLE® systems offer fast analogue and digital modulation for each
laser line and fast switching between the individual wavelengths. The LightHUB®compact beam combiners are able
to steadily combine the laser beams of up to four diode
or DPSS lasers into a co-linear beam, which can then be
used in free-space or fiber coupled applications. Where the
SOLE® laser light engines mainly address end-users, the
LightHUB® compact beam combiners are very attractive
for OEM integration. For both products, the customer can
choose from over 20 different wavelengths in the range of
375 to 830nm. Various power levels of up to 200mW per
laser line are available.
Omicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
Raiffeisenstr. 5e
D – 63110 Rodgau
Phone +49 (0)6106 - 8224 - 0
+49 (0)6106 - 8224 - 10
Mail [email protected]
TOPTICA Photonics AG:
Diode and Fiber Lasers for Industry and Research
Over the last years, TOPTICA Photonics has become one of
the leading laser photonics companies in Europe. Based
near Munich, Germany, TOPTICA develops and manufactures high-end lasers and laser systems for scientific and
industrial applications in the three following technology
fields: diode and fiber lasers as well as Terahertz system
design. Among our customers are not only high-tech companies in the life sciences, the semiconductor industry or
quality assurance but also nearly a dozen Nobel Laureates.
In den letzten Jahren hat sich TOPTICA Photonics zu einem
führenden Unternehmen im Bereich Laserphotonik in Europa entwickelt. Am Firmensitz in München konzipiert und
fertigt TOPTICA Laser und Lasersysteme für den Einsatz
in Forschung und Industrie in den drei Technologiefeldern
Diodenlaser, Faserlaser und Terahertz-Systemdesign. Unter
unseren Kunden befinden sich HighTech-Firmen aus den
Bereichen Life Sciences, Halbleiterindustrie und Qualitätssicherung sowie ein dutzend Nobelpreisträger.
About 100 highly skilled employees transfer today’s research technology into new products for industrial applications. Latest research and customer needs are closely
linked in order to meet the requirements for leading-edge
solutions. Scientific and OEM customers alike appreciate
the sophisticated performance of our systems as well as
long lifetime, high reliability and stability. A subsidiary in
Rochester, NY, USA and a worldwide distribution network
ensure best service and short response-times for our international customers.
Ein wesentlicher Punkt der Firmenphilosophie ist die enge
Verzahnung von Kundenbedürfnissen und aktueller Forschung bei der Entwicklung innovativer Produkte. In unseren Laboren setzen etwa 100 hochqualifizierte Mitarbeiter
Forschungsergebnisse von heute in Produkte von morgen
um und bringen diese zur Marktreife. Industrie- und wissenschaftliche Kunden schätzen die Leistungsfähigkeit und
Langlebigkeit unserer Systeme sowie ihre hohe Zuverlässigkeit und Stabilität. Durch die Außenstelle in Rochester, NY,
USA und ein weltweites Netzwerk von Distributoren gewährleisten wir unseren internationalen Kunden umfassenden
Service und schnelle Reaktionszeiten.
Latest development at TOPTICA
TOPTICA has significantly expanded its offering of ultrashort pulsed fiber laser technology over the last years.
The activities have specifically focused on metrology and
biophotonics solutions, a development that will continue in
the next couple of years.
TOPTICA Photonics AG
Lochhamer Schlag 19
D – 82166 Gräfelfing
Phone +49(0) 89 - 85837 - 0
+49(0) 89 - 85837 - 200
Mail [email protected]
Letzte Neuerung bei TOPTICA
Über die letzten Jahre hat TOPTICA das Angebot an Ultrakurzpuls-Faserlaserlasern erheblich ausgebaut. Ein besonderer
Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Lösungen für die Messtechnik
und die Biophotonik; Bereiche, die in Zukunft weiter ausgebaut werden sollen.
Northrop Grumman LITEF GmbH
Solutions for a World in Motion
NG LITEF GmbH offers optical phase- and amplitude modulators with GHz bandwidths
NG LITEF GmbH hat mehr als 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Herstellung optischer Modulatoren.
Northrop Grumman LITEF GmbH (NG LITEF) designs, develops and manufactures motion sensors and systems for
navigation solutions and industrial applications. From its
base in Freiburg, southern Germany, NG LITEF successfully
sells its products worldwide.
NG LITEF’s products use key technologies including fiber optics, integrated optical circuits, MEMS, electronics,
software and miniaturised packages and assemblies.
NG LITEF is a company fully certified according to DIN
ISO 9001.
Our company is committed to continual development
and product improvement with leading technologies. Our
focus is innovation in the market and providing sensor and
system solutions for our customers.
For example, NG LITEF’s optical phase modulators,
based on a lithium niobate substrate, are used in pure
closed-loop Sagnac interferometers, and provide high precision measurement of rotation. The devices are developed
and manufactured in house and are extensively tested before delivery.
More than 120,000 of these devices have been produced to date and are in worldwide use in, for example,
flight-critical applications.
Thanks to continual enhancement, our optical modulators, with both phase and amplitude modulation, are available in series production with space proving. They offer
reliable data transmission in the range of GHz bandwidths
at the standard 1064 nm of satellite optical communication applications.
Northrop Grumman LITEF GmbH
Loerracher Strasse 18
D – 79115 Freiburg
Phone +49(0) 761 - 4901 - 0
Mail [email protected]
Northrop Grumman LITEF GmbH (NG LITEF), zuhause in
Freiburg im Breisgau, entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt
weltweit Sensoren und Systeme für Navigationslösungen
und industrielle Anwendungen zur hochgenauen Messung
von Drehbewegungen und Beschleunigungen.
Hierzu werden Kerntechnologien wie Faseroptik, integrierte Optik, MEMS, Elektronik, Software und entsprechende Aufbau- und Verbindungstechniken genutzt.
NG LITEF ist in allen Funktionsbereichen nach DIN ISO
9001 zertifiziert.
Unsere Firmenphilosophie ist auf die konsequente Weiterentwicklung von Hochtechnologien im Sinne der Marktbedürfnisse innovativer und kundenangepasster Sensor- und
Systemlösungen ausgerichtet.
Für den Einsatz der optischen closed-loop Sagnac-Interferometer zur hochpräzisen Messung von Drehraten werden
beispielsweise integriert-optische Phasenmodulatoren in
Lithium-Niobat Technologie selbständig im Hause entwickelt,
in Reinräumen gefertigt und vor Auslieferung ausgiebig getestet und vermessen.
Mehr als 120.000 solcher Modulatoren wurden bereits
hergestellt und sind weltweit u. a. in flugkritischen Anwendungen erfolgreich im Einsatz.
In den letzten Jahren ist es uns gelungen, die optischen
Modulatoren konsequent weiter zu entwickeln. Heute
sind bei NG LITEF weltraumgetestete Phasen- als auch
Amplitudenmodulatoren in Serie verfügbar, die im Bereich
der optischen Satellitenkommunikation bei 1064 nm zuverlässige Datenübertragungsraten mit GHz-Bandbreiten
Wenn Sie mehr erfahren möchten, wenden Sie sich bitte
an die angegebene Kontaktadresse, gerne informieren wir
Sie über unsere Produkte und Dienstleistungen.
Your OEM partner for Laser Systems
and Subsystems
LASOS is a leading manufacturer of laser products for OEM
equipment, particularly in the biophotonics, instrumentation and measurement technology, with a special focus
on the customer specific production of laser modules
and subsystems and the development and production of
application-related system solutions. LASOS serves many
globally reputable manufacturers with stringent demands
on reliability and durability, and has become the world’s
leading OEM supplier for confocal microscopy.
LASOS develops and manufacturers lasers for the visible and near-ultraviolet/infrared spectrum in particular, with
outputs of up to several hundred mW. The product range encompasses gas laser technology, diode lasers and diodepumped solid-state lasers. The LASOS LasNova series diode laser modules and diode-pumped solid-state lasers are
built into compact, robust and energy-efficient equipment.
The single-frequency operation of diode pumped solid-state
lasers facilitates their use in many fields of biophotonics
and also Raman spectroscopy.
The Ar-ion laser with its outstanding price-performance
ratio is still the workhorse for multiwavelength applications
in particular, such as in fluorescence stimulation. Durable
He-Ne lasers, too, with their excellent beam properties, are
still very much the standard for many applications.
Fiber coupling is a viable option where greater flexibility
and modular design are key. The solution guarantees a
permanently stable, adjustment-free fiber connection and
can be equipped with customer-specific mechanical-optical
The majority of LASOS manufactured products are
customer-specific, although the company also provides a
standard product range.
Tailored solutions designed to address specific customer requirements or for a predetermined application facilitate the development of integrated solutions that save
time and money. With a tightly knit development, construction and manufacturing chain, LASOS is able to contribute
specialist knowledge to customer projects early on, assisting the definition of mechanical and optical interfaces that
ensure the practical feasibility of the solutions.
The quality and longevity of LASOS products are of primary concern throughout the manufacturing process. Accordingly, every stage from the goods receipt inspection to
the final inspection is organized and checked in accordance
with our quality management specifications.
ISO 9001 certification and regular manufacturing facility audits by TÜV ensure that high quality is maintained in
development, manufacturing and project processing, thus
guaranteeing the reliability, consistency and sustainability
of LASOS products.
Products and services at a glance
• Diode pumped solid state lasers
473, 532, 540, 56 nm; Up to 100 mW, single frequency
• Diode laser modules
405 … 488 nm, 635 … 830 nm; Up to 100 mW, free
beam or fiber coupled
• He-Ne lasers, 633, 543, 594 nm up to 18 mW
• Ar-ion laser, 458 … 514 nm up to 40 mW
• Customized optical subsystems, beam combiners,
• Fiber coupling option for all laser models
LASOS Lasertechnik GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49(0) 3641 - 29 44 - 54
Mail [email protected]
HighFinesse GmbH – Ultimate wavelength measurement
HighFinesse GmbH, located in Tübingen, is celebrating its
10th anniversary this year as a worldwide leading supplier
of wavelength measurement devices. Since it was founded
in 2000, HighFinesse specializes in a range of different
products for research, science, industry and medical applications and is particularly known for the WS series of
wavelength measurement devices. With accuracy down below 2 MHz the WS Ultimate-2 is to date the most accurate
commercially available technology for measuring pulsed
and continuous wave lasers. Because of the Fizeau technology with no moving parts, HighFinesse wavelength meters are very robust and allow high-speed measurements.
Feedback control of up to eight lasers is possible as well.
line width resolution of δλ/λ = 2*10-5. The new HDSA is
able to analyze the whole spectrum of a light source at the
same time. The resolution is λ/Δλ = 15000 over the whole
spectrum from 400nm up to 900nm.
NEW: Pulsed IR measurements at 2 to 12µm
The current research focus at HighFinesse aims at closing
the gap for pulsed IR applications. In 2011 a new IR wavelength meter will be presented for 2 up to 12 μm.
The WS Ultimate-2 is to date the most accurate commercially
available wavelength meter. The diagram confirms the absolute
accuracy and long-term stability of the instrument.
HighFinesse ensures a high-level quality management certified according to EN ISO 9001. Our products provide long
lifetime, high reliability and flexible design customization
to specific application requirements. Customers can rely
on a global distribution network (see homepage) and enjoy
worldwide technical support. "Customer orientation and
customized solutions at the edge of technology are part of
the reason why HighFinesse stays at the top of the worldwide competition," summarizes Dr. Thomas Fischer, CEO
and founder of HighFinesse GmbH.
NEW: High Definition Spectrum Analyzer (HDSA)
In order to analyze the multi-line or broadband spectrum
of light sources HighFinesse offers the Laser Spectrum
Analyzer (LSA) and the High Definition Spectrum Analyzer
(HDSA). Both work with an accuracy of 3 GHz. The LSA
shares the advantage of high-speed measurement capability with our wavelength meters and achieves a minimum
NEW: Stabilized Laser References (Highlight)
The new Highlight-Series is the most recent addition to
our product lineup. They are highly precise, fiber-coupled
and self-(re)calibrating reference lasers. Product release
is 2011, with the following wavelengths: Rb (780 nm),
Cs (895 nm), C2H2 (1532 nm) and H2O (2000 nm). Featuring an absolute accuracy below 2 MHz and an output
power of > 5 mW the Highlight-Series is beside other uses
optimally fitted as calibration and reference source for any
kind of wavelength meter.
Precision Current Sources
For physical and chemical precision applications HighFinesse offers high precision current sources. These ultrastable currents with extremely low-noise are most helpful
for the use with "ultimate" magnetic field control, research
and development at the quantum limit.
HighFinesse GmbH
Auf der Morgenstelle 14 D
D – 72076 Tübingen
Phone +49(0) 7071 - 96 85 15
+49(0) 7071 - 96 85 17
Mail [email protected]
New Product Highlights: 500mW @ 670nm,
2500mW @ 780nm
Sacher Lasertechnik offers a MOPA-System in the wavelength range of 670 nm to 1080 nm with output power of
up to 2500 mW with high quality characteristics. State-ofthe-art computer interfaces, such as GPIB, USB and RS232
allow for easy handling and read-out of data.
High power tunable single mode external cavity
diode lasers with output power of up to 2500mW
Optical cooling and trapping,
• Rubidium, Cesium, etc.
• Bose Einstein Condensation (BEC)
• Cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS)
Tunable external cavity diode lasers in Littman/
Metcalf configuration
• Interferometry
• Holography
• Molecule spectroscopy
• Cavity ring down spectroscopy (CRDS)
Tunable external cavity diode lasers in Littrow
• Absorption spectroscopy
• Optical cooling and trapping, Rubidium, Cesium,
Indium, etc.
• Bose Einstein condensation (BEC)
• Raman Spectroscopy, in-vivo detection of glucose with
diabetes patients
Class D Antireflection coated diode lasers
• Antireflection coated diode lasers with a reflectivity
below 5E-5 for OEM and industrial customers
• Plasma assisted deposition technology
• Laser chip and laser bar handling technology
Diode lasers
• Fabry Perot Diode Lasers, FP
• Distributed Feedback Diode Lasers, DFB
• Distributed Bragg Reflector Diode Lasers, DBR
• Broad Area Diode Lasers, BAL
• Tapered Diode Lasers, TPL
Pulsed Diode Lasers
• 5 ns … 100 ns pulsed diode lasers
Low noise diode laser controllers
• 500mA operation current (<1 μA RMS, noise)
• 4000mA operation current (<5 μA RMS, noise)
Corporate Information:
Sacher Lasertechnik is a well established business with
more than 15 years experience in laser technology. The
founder, Dr. Joachim R. Sacher is one of the pioneers of
diode lasers with external cavity. The company has developed from a university spin-off to a technology leader in
the field of high power tunable external cavity diode lasers.
Sacher Lasertechnik U.S. was founded in 1999 for better
serving U.S. customers.
Intellectual Property:
Dr. Joachim Sacher was one of the first scientists who
recognized the commercial potential of external cavity lasers in connection with antireflection coated diode lasers.
The first successful antireflection coatings were realized
as early as 1987 at Marburg University. External cavity
designs followed within the next years. Key elements of
the technology basis are protected by several patent families. Due to these excellent proprietary solutions, Sacher
Lasertechnik has become one of the fastest growing laser
businesses worldwide.
The Team:
Sacher Lasertechnik is operated by an interdisciplinary research team consisting of physicists, electrical engineers,
biologists – all with magna cum laude PhD or Diploma
degrees. Research results are frequently presented at
international conferences and published in leading industry magazines and science journals since 1989, c/f our
publication summary. Up to now, Dr. Sacher has authored
or co-authored a large number of articles in the field of
external cavity diode lasers and their application. Due to
our interdisciplinary research team, we have been able to
extend this knowledge base into environmental and life science. Technology references are presented at our website.
Sacher Lasertechnik GmbH
Rudolf Breitscheid Str. 1-5
D – 35037 Marburg
Phone +49(0) 6421 - 305 - 0
+49(0) 6421 - 305 - 299
Mail [email protected]
Picosecond Lasers
for Industrial Micromachining
Thousands of lasers are manufactured every year for industrial
laser processing. In these applications laser radiation - with
pulses from millisecond to
nanosecond range - is guided
and focussed to a micron-size
spot where the laser heats material and thereby melts and
vaporizes it. Unfortunately,
side-effects of these thermal
processes cause micro-cracks,
burrs and recast – that is, the
edge material shows a heat-effect-zone that is acceptable in
many applications, but undesirable or intolerable in many high
quality micro-machining applications. It has been known for
decades that ultra-short laser
pulses can be used to avoid
these side-effects and allow for
higher quality. Until recently, the
such lasers were complex, sensitive, expensive and bulky.
LUMERA LASER was first to
demonstrate an industrially
packaged picosecond laser, the
RAPID, and specializes in the
development and manufacturing of ultrashort pulse lasers
for industrial applications.
Fig. 1: Example for ps-laser micromachining:
Drilling Al, 100 µm diameter
Fig. 2: Example for ps-laser micromachining:
Drilling Si, 200 µm diameter
high quality micromachining by
“cold” ablation with good through
put. One pulse ablates a layer
up to 100 nm thick. With an 50 W
laser, under good conditions,
about 10 mm3 per minute of steel
(6-60 mm3 for other materials)
can be removed by ablation for a
total cost of about 0.20 Euro/min.
This rule of thumb allows checking whether a potential application can be done cost effectively
and within permissible time constraints.
LUMERA LASER`s application lab
can demonstrate the principal
effect on special materials and
determine process parameters.
Ps-Lasers can cut and drill any
thin material in “cold” quality: to
create highly defined apertures,
electrodes, masks and test plates
for the semiconductor or structure photovoltaic panels, stents,
nozzles, filters, or only 10 nmdeep identification marks. More
recently fast (400 characters/s)
micromarking (5 μ line width) and
fast (up to 1 m/s) separation of
thin wafers, especially sapphire
LED wafers, was reported.
LUMERA LASER offers different
models in the RAPID series with
6-50 W average power and pulse
repetition rates of up to 1 MHz.
In LUMERA LASER´s application lab high quality micromachining with picosecond lasers
has been demonstrated on
hundreds of materials. Generally an energy density of about
1J per cm2 is appropriate for
Fig 3: Example for ps-laser micromachining:
Drilling stainless steel, 35 µm diameter
Opelstrasse 10
D – 67661 Kaiserslautern
Phone +49(0) 6301 - 703 - 180
+49(0) 6301 - 703 - 189
Mail [email protected]
Innovative Technologien
für optische Komponenten
Microsystems technology (MST) combines processes of micro
electronics, micro optics and micro mechanics. Pick & Place,
bonding and micro packaging are technologies for the production
of microsystems.
Innovative Technologies
for optical Components
The Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH develops and manufactures modern electronic and sensory components.
Innovative development comprises new and further
development of technologies, processes and components
of micro systems technology and electronics. Goal of any
development process is the solution of a customer task
respectively a new product. The customer is integrated into
every step of the development.
Production of complex systems of Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH offers each customer an easy all-in-one solution. All project tasks are controlled and processed by us.
In addition, the direct feedback from production offers new
innovative approaches in development.
By the wide range of technologies we are able to develop and produce innovative components and systems.
For instance LEDs possible to autoclave for medicine technique, infrared detectors for gas monitoring and special
components for analytical systems belong to our products.
Particularly interesting is our ability to produce electronic
and sensory components for operating temperatures up to
482°F. So many systems made at Micro-Hybrid Electronic
GmbH are applicable on site and save complex telecontrol
systems or expensive optics.
Customers of Micro-Hybrid belong to market leaders in medicine, automotive, measurement systems and
aerospace. The Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH is ISO
9001:2008 and TS16949:2009 certified.
Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 8
D – 07629 Hermsdorf
Phone +49 (0)36601 - 592 - 100
+49 (0)36601 - 592 - 110
Die Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH entwickelt und produziert
moderne elektronische und sensorische Komponenten.
Die innovative Entwicklung umfasst die Neu- und Weiterentwicklung von Technologien, Verfahren und Komponenten
der Mikrosystemtechnik, der Mikrooptik und der Elektronik.
Das Ziel eines jeden Entwicklungsprozesses ist die Lösung
einer Kundenaufgabe bzw. ein neues Produkt. Der Kunde
wird in jeden Schritt der Entwicklung integriert.
Die Fertigung komplexer Systeme unter dem Dach der
Micro-Hybrid bietet dem Kunden eine umfassende All-in-OneLösung, alle sein Projekt betreffenden Aufgaben werden von
der Micro-Hybrid gelenkt und bearbeitet. Zusätzlich bietet
das direkte Feedback aus der Produktion neue innovative
Ansätze in der Entwicklung.
Durch die breite Palette anwendungsbereiter Technologien sind wir in der Lage, innovative Komponenten und Baugruppen zu entwickeln und zu produzieren. Dazu gehören
beispielsweise autoklavierbare LEDs für die Medizintechnik,
Infrarotdetektoren für die Gasanalyse und Spezialbauelemente für optische Analysesysteme. Besonders hervorzuheben sind unsere elektronischen und sensorischen Baugruppen, die für Betriebstemperaturen bis 250°C geeignet sind.
Damit sind zahlreiche Systeme der Micro-Hybrid Electronic
GmbH direkt vor Ort einsetzbar und sparen aufwändige Fernwirksysteme oder teure Optiken.
Zu den Kunden der Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH gehören Marktführer aus den Bereichen Medizintechnik,
Automotive, Messtechnik sowie Luft- und Raumfahrt. Die
Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH ist nach ISO9001:2008 und
TS16949:2009 zertifiziert.
Our high sensitive multi channel thermopiles were developed especially for NDIR gas measuring systems with high precision. The
thermopiles are qualified to measure one to three different gases
by the use of special infrared filters. A reference channel guarantees that neither dust or smoke nor changes at the IR source have
an influence on the measuring value.
Qioptiq: Photonics for Innovation
LINOS is now Qioptiq
Through a series of acquisitions over the last several years,
Qioptiq has an impressive history and pedigree. In particu-
Machine vision, lasers, projection and more
With more than 100 years of history and experience,
Qioptiq is a trusted source for all of your machine vision,
inspection and metrology products and solutions, from
standardized high-end CCD lenses to customized premium
solutions, for any purpose in the machine vision world. Our
optics can also serve the specific needs of pre-press and
projection applications.
We also offer a full set of services and products for lasers, laser material processing, and laser-based machinery
and related metrology and process-checking systems. We
will serve you from development and prototyping to volume
Precise, universal and reliable – the microbench system is widely
used in research and industry
Micro-optical components and systems for endoscopy and
industrial applications
lar, Qioptiq benefits from having integrated the knowledge
and experience of LINOS AG. By unifying in this way, the
company has strengthened its presence compared to its
international competitors and allowed its customers better
and smoother access to Qioptiq's comprehensive technical
know-how and range of services. As part of this transformation, the world-famous LINOS Online Shop is now known
as the Qioptiq-Shop. The change of name did not result
in any other changes for LINOS customers and business
partners; all contacts remain the same.
Beyond these applications, companies also turn to Qioptiq
for optical devices for production equipment, illumination
and lighting, spectroscopy, imaging, civil security, assembly
equipment, surveillance, optical recognition, food inspection, fabric and tissue production, security and construction, free space optical communication, space applications,
and more. Qioptiq is your partner for any OEM needs.
Qioptiq designs and manufactures photonic products and
solutions that serve a wide range of markets and applications in the areas of industrial manufacturing, medical
and life sciences, research and development, defense and
We are known for our high-quality standard components, systems and instruments, our custom modules
and assemblies, our leading-edge innovation, our precision
manufacturing and our responsive global sourcing.
Qioptiq in Germany
Today, 720 dedicated professionals work for Qioptiq at our
sites in Asslar, Feldkirchen (Munich), Göttingen, and Regen,
Germany. Every day, these men and women bring their considerable experience and expertise to the development of
optimal products and solutions for the most complex and
demanding applications.
Qioptiq micro-optics are widely used in medical applications such as endoscopes and ophthalmic systems; and in
industrial applications such as inspection and other tasks
where their small size and their renowned high-quality is so
important. We can provide micro-components with diameter
down to 0.3 mm or complete micro-objectives ready for your
application (diameters down to 1 mm and fields of view up
to 150°) or we can work with your teams to design customized micro-optical lens systems.
A broad portfolio of high quality standard lenses is ready for industrial inspection tasks
Premium items, right off the shelf
Qioptiq has the equipment, components and accessories
that R&D labs need for their experimental setups.
Our precision optics, for example, present a noticeably superior performance. Our offer includes LINOS achromates, singlets, lens systems, F-Theta lenses, laser diode
modules, mirrors, polarization optics, zoom and microscope optics, thin film coatings, LINOS Faraday isolators,
laser modulators and Pockels cells and more.
Qioptiq has a wide variety of precision opto-mechanics
including LINOS microbench, nanobench, tube mounting
system, positioning systems, mirror mounts, profile and rail
systems, optical tables, spectrometers and more.
We also have light sources and instruments for the
most demanding applications.
Optics for medical and life sciences
Qioptiq is your optics expert for a large variety of medical
and life sciences disciplines: DNA sequencing, flow cytometry, dental imaging, x-ray systems, ophthalmic diagnostics
and laser surgery, microscopy, endoscopy and much more.
Our worldwide customer base includes both large international firms and renowned small specialist companies.
Electrooptical and magnetooptical modulators for applications in
laser technology
Committed to quality
Do you have a specific application or require a customized assembly? Qioptiq is the perfect partner to develop a
tailored solution to your unique requirements. Our teams
can help you from conception of your instruments through
product development to serial production.
Discover Qioptiq!
Hundreds of companies around the world count on Qioptiq
to plan, design, develop and produce the most demanding
optical solutions exactly to their specifications. Qioptiq –
in Germany and at our other sites around the world – is
committed to continuing to invest in the talent and state-ofthe-art equipment needed to meet and exceed the expectations of its global customers.
High-end imaging systems help to reduce the x-ray dose to a
minimum level
Königsallee 23
D – 37081 Göttingen
Phone +49(0) 0551 - 69 35 -123
Mail [email protected]
SCHOTT AG – Advanced Optics
Your partner for Excellence in Optics
SCHOTT Advanced Optics offers optical materials, components and filters. With a product portfolio of over 100 optical glasses, special materials, such as active laser glass,
IR materials, sapphire, synthetic fused silica, ultra-thin
glass, high-precision optical components, wafers, optical
glass filters, Advanced Optics develops customized solutions worldwide for applications in areas such as optics,
lithography, astronomy, opto-electronics, life sciences, and
research. Advanced Optics masters the entire value chain:
from customer-specific glass development and its production all the way to high-precision optical product finishing,
processing and measurement.
Over 125 years ago, the first optical glass revolutionized glass science and technology under the leadership
of Otto Schott. ZERODUR®, which made possible completely new applications in astronomy, measurement,
etc., through its thermal stability, followed 40 years ago.
SCHOTT’s optics department has always been a trailblazer
of a multiplicity of applications in different industries. The
portfolio is constantly expanding both to meet customer
needs and shape market developments. Two examples:
Optical Filter Glass
and Interference Filters
Filters – Optical filter glasses and
interference filters
SCHOTT offers one of the largest portfolios of filters
in the industry. Various filter types can be obtained by
using the different filter glasses or with thin optical
layers that are applied under high vacuum with a vapor
deposition process. SCHOTT uses different technologies for this, such as reactive vapor depositions and
ion plating, and magnetron sputtering in the future.
For example, band-pass filters in the UV spectrum range
(appr. 200 – 400 nm), which are designed and produced
according to customer specifications, are used in the analysis of drinking water and clarified water. Additional applications extend from so-called "i-line filters" (band-pass filters
at 365 nm) through filters for fluorescence microscopy and
even medical technology.
The new N-BK7HT guarantees a minimum transmission
of 99.6% at a thickness of 25 mm, and a wavelength of
400 nm. In the visible spectrum range between 400 and
700 nm, the coefficient of absorption is 3 times lower
than with standard N-BK7. Heat absorption from powerful
light sources and the resulting "thermal lensing effect" is
significantly reduced. This means reduced distortion and
improved image quality. With the addition of HT glasses
to the existing portfolio, more applications can now be
achieved when using SCHOTT glass.
Optical Glass – HT glasses
In further development of the glass portfolio, special variants of glass with significantly increased transmission values have recently been developed. The HT (high transmission) glasses are particularly well suited for application
where light takes a long way through an optical component
such as prisms of digital projectors.
Advanced Optics
Hattenbergstrasse 10
D – 55122 Mainz
Phone +49(0) 6131 - 66 - 1812
+49(0) 3641 - 2888 - 9047
Mail [email protected]
II-VI Deutschland GmbH –
a Strong Partner for
Industrial Laseroptics
II-VI Deutschland GmbH –
ein starker Partner
für Industrielaser-Optiken
Plano Convex Optics
Plan Konvex Optiken
Nd:YAG- / Nd:YLF-laser crystal
Nd:YAG- / Nd:YLF-Laserkristall
II-VI Deutschland GmbH is the leading company with respect to high-power optics for industrial CO2- and YAGLasers since more than 40 years now.
Under industrial conditions Zinkselenide (ZnSe), Zinksulfide (ZnS), Diamond (C), Yttrium-Aluminium-Granat (YAG),
Ceramic YAG and Siliciumcarbide (SiC) are produced. Other laser-optical materials – for example Germanium (Ge),
Gallium-Arsenide (GaAs), Silicium (Si), Aluminium (Al) and
Copper (Cu) – are machined. From those high precision
laser optics and optical components are developed and
produced for serial application.
We produce highly precise laser optics – for example
laser resonator optics, focussing lenses and focussing
mirrors – with miscellaneous geometries and coatings.
Anti reflections coatings (with very low absorption) as well
as high reflecting and phase-shifting coatings are manufactured at all locations world wide in unique quality and
tested accordingly before they are sent to our customers.
For laser scanner systems F-Theta lenses (-systems) as
well as tilted mirrors and beam expanders are produced.
Metal optics (with sometimes very complex surface
geometries) are produced up to a fraction of micrometers
by computer controlled diamond machining.
II-VI Deutschland GmbH ist seit mehr als 40 Jahren führend
auf dem Gebiet der Höchstleistungsoptiken für industrielle
CO2- und YAG-Laser.
Unter Industriebedingungen werden Zinkselenid (ZnSe),
Zinksulfid (ZnS), Diamant (C), Yttrium-Aluminium-Granat
(YAG), keramischer YAG und Siliziumkarbid (SiC) hergestellt.
Andere Laseroptik-Materialien wie z.B. Germanium (Ge), Galliumarsenid (GaAs), Silizium (Si), Aluminium (Al) und Kupfer
(Cu) werden bearbeitet. Aus diesen werden hochpräzise Laseroptiken und optische Komponenten entwickelt und für
den Serieneinsatz produziert.
II-VI Deutschland GmbH
Im Tiefen See 58
D – 64293 Darmstadt
Phone: +49 (0)6151 - 8806 - 29
Mail [email protected]
Wir fertigen hochpräzise Laseroptiken – z.B. LaserResonatorspiegel, Fokussierlinsen und –spiegel – mit den
verschiedensten Geometrien und Beschichtungen. Wir
bieten z.B. zur Selektion anderer CO2-Laserwellenlängen
speziell beschichtete Optiken an (Band-Selective Resonatorcoatings). Antireflex-Beschichtungen (auch mit sehr
geringer Eigenabsorption), sowie hochreflektierende und
phasenverschiebende Beschichtungen werden an allen
Standorten weltweit mit einzigartiger Qualität gefertigt und
entsprechend getestet bevor die Produkte beim Kunden
Für Laserscanner-Systemen werden F-Theta-Linsen (-systeme), sowie Ablenkspiegel und Strahlaufweiter hergestellt.
Metalloptiken (mit u.U. äußerst komplexen Oberflächengeometrien) werden computergesteuert auf den Bruchteil
eines Mikrometers genau mit Diamantbearbeitungsmaschinen hergestellt. Damit lassen sich CO2-Laserstrahlen formen – aus einem Gauß-Profil ein Top-Head Profil, aus einem
punktförmigen Fokus ein ringförmiger Fokus.
OEM Technological Components
for Life Science and the Laser Industry
Strong power of innovation enables Frank Optic Products to realise individual optic
and fibre-optic components and systems primarily for laser engineering.
FRANK OPTIC PRODUCTS operates on the international
market as a global OEM supplier to the photonic, medical and mechatronic industries and counts as one of the
leading technology partners, especially in laser engineering, precision optics, life science, mechanical engineering,
astrophotonics, photovoltaics and sensor technology.
In order to be able to realise short development and
production times, customer ideas are implemented on our
company premises using the customers’ designs, great
production depth in optics, fibre optics, mechanical engineering, system and device engineering, and electronics.
Direct access to all resources required for performance,
short production paths and fast implementation significantly reduces development time and costs and guarantees
fast delivery.
The broad range of FRANK OPTIC PRODUCTS as an
OEM supplier to the photonics industry – especially in
laser technology – enable customer-specific products to
be developed and manufactured fast, flexibly and at low
cost all the way from the product idea to serial production.
FRANK OPTIC PRODUCT’s knowledge of the interaction of
individual components and constructive elements with the
laser source and its interfaces provides an elementary advantage for users.
The Life Science product portfolio
Optical systems for beam guidance, collimation
and focusing
Precision collimation and focusing of the laser light for the
correct, predetermined application, e.g. laser cables and
optical systems as important system components in laser
medicine in order to apply laser technology, for example in
surgery, diagnostics and in dentistry, to meet the needs of
the respective patients.
• Optical coupling systems including pilot laser sources
• Collimation and focusing systems
• Fibre-coupled collimation systems
• Fibre-coupled zoom lenses for diagnostics and
• Lenses and special optical systems
Autoclavabel laser cables
• Autoclavable application probes in compliance with
EN13060-1/2 in processes at 135°C and 3.16 bars
absolute, and ETO-sterilisable and biocompatible according to DIN ISO13485
• Autoclavable laser cables and probes for dentistry,
surgery and ophthalmology
The Laser Industry product portfolio – High power laser cable systems
• Laser cable for conveying high laser outputs, e.g. 4 to 10-kW
laser cables for laser welding in the automotive industry
• Multiple laser cables, quartz/quartz-glass fibre-cable systems
with fibre core diameters ranging from 50 μm to 1500 μm with a
wide variety of claddings and specialist plug-in connector systems
Laser and optical components
• Laser windows for all solid-state and diode lasers
• Flow tubes and flow plates especially for laser engineering in the
form of laser tubes with internal and external coatings
• Ceramic reflectors, laserceramics®
The spectroscopy product portfolio
• Fibre arrays and fibre-optic reflection probes and systems, e.g.
cross-section converters, light-guide bundles for astrophotonics
and biotechnology
FRANK OPTIC PRODUCTS GmbH – optische Technologien
Heidelberger Str. 63-64
D – 12435 Berlin
Phone +49(0) 30 - 5302 49 - 0
FAX +49(0) 30 - 5302 49 - 21
Mail [email protected]
From Berlin
to Outer Space
What was started with two engineering samples back in
2007 has been completed by eagleyard with the shipment
of the FLIGHT MODELS for the GAIA mission of ESA. The
three years in between were full of technical challenges,
deliveries of approx. 200 laser diodes and pan-European
cooperations throughout the complete supply chain. Two of
the extremely stable DFB laser diodes are used in an interferometric setup in order to monitor and adjust any angle
misalignment between the two telescopes at the satellite.
The optical path of both GAIA telescopes is composed of six
reflectors (M1-M6), two of which are common (M5-M6). The
entrance pupil of each telescope is 1.45 x 0.5 m² and the focal
length is 35 m.
Der optische Pfad der beiden GAIA Teleskope setzt sich aus sechs
Reflektoren zusammen (M1-M6), von denen zwei gemeinsam
genutzt werden (M5-M6). Die Eintrittsöffnung eines Teleskops ist
jeweils 1.45 x 0.5 m² und die Brennweite ist 35 m.
In addition to its core tasks as a diode vendor eagleyard
significantly contributed in the course of the project by
means of its competencies with regards to the electrooptical device characterization and knowledge how to execute environmental tests against common space standards
like MIL+ ESCC. After successful delivery of the FLIGHT
MODELS in the fall 2010 the official approval by EADS
Astrium, the partner responsible for the payload, has been
granted and the GAIA mission with the launch scheduled for
2012 is approaching its original task, to create a precise
3D map of more than one billion stars.
eagleyard Photonics GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 29
D – 12489 Berlin
Phone +49(0) 30 - 63 92 - 45 20
+49(0) 30 - 63 92 - 45 29
Mail [email protected]
Aus Berlin ins All
Es begann mit zwei Engineering Mustern im Frühjahr 2007
und endete im Herbst 2010 mit voll qualifizierten FLIGHT
MODELS, die von der eagleyard Photonics für die GAIA Mission der ESA zur Verfügung gestellt wurden. Dazwischen
lagen dreieinhalb Jahre voller technischer Herausforderungen, planmäßiger Lieferungen von ca. 200 Laserdioden
und europaweiter Kooperationen, die erfolgreich über die
gesamte Wertschöpfungskette von der Komponente bis zum
Satelliten bewältigt wurden.
Zwei der extrem präzisen und langzeitstabilen DFB Laserdioden werden in einer interferometrischen Anordnung
genutzt, um kleinste Winkelabweichungen der beiden auf
dem Satelliten verankerten Teleskope zueinander zu kontrollieren und gegebenenfalls nachzujustieren.
Neben seiner Eigenschaft als Lieferant der bei 850 nm
emittierenden Hochleistungs-Laserdioden hat eagleyard
darüber hinaus maßgeblich mit seiner Kompetenz auf den
Gebieten der elektrooptischen Lasercharakterisierung sowie
des umfangreichen Testens nach gängigen Weltraumstandards (ESCC) zum erfolgreichen Verlauf des Projektes beigetragen. Die dabei implementierten Qualitätsverbesserungen
dienten primär dem Ziel, den mechanischen Belastungen
während eines Raketenstarts, sowie den thermischen Anforderungen an die auf fünf Jahre ausgelegte Raumfahrtmission sowohl am Boden als auch im All standzuhalten.
Fully space-qualified-butterflypackaged DFB
laser diode in
industry compatible 14-pin configuration.
Raumfahrtqualifizierte DFB Laserdiode im industriekompatiblen
14-Pin Butterfly
Nachdem die von der eagleyard hergestellten FLIGHT
MODELS Ende 2010 offiziell von dem für die Payload verantwortlichen Partner EADS Astrium freigegeben wurden, ist die
GAIA Mission mit ihrem geplanten Start in 2012 ihrer eigentlichen Bestimmung einen weiteren Schritt näher gekommen,
den L2 Lagrange-Punkt des Sonne-Erde-Gravitationssystems
anzufliegen, um von dort eine 3D Landkarte von mehr als
einer Milliarde Sternen zu erstellen.
VERTILAS Laser Technology
for Green Photonics
Single-Mode VCSEL
10 Gbps LC-TOSA
VERTILAS GmbH, headquartered in Garching (near Munich),
Germany, develops, produces and markets innovative laser
diodes for NIR Gas Analysis and Optical Communications.
VERTILAS is one of the leading global providers in the field
of long-wavelength Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
diodes (VCSEL).
The product portfolio offers a wide range of packaging
options, such as Transmit Optical Sub-Assemblies (TOSA),
incl. an integrated peltier or fiber coupling. VERTILAS highperforming VCSEL technology enables customers to reduce
power consumption by up to 50 % and offers signalling
rates from 155 Mbps to more than 14 Gbps.
VERTILAS’ unique Buried Tunnel Junction (BTJ) laser diode technology offers a wavelength range of 1.3 μm to 2.3
μm, high performance and very low power consumption.
Near IR Gas Analysis
H2S, H2O, CO, CO2,
CH4, NH3, etc.
Laser for Gas Analysis TO-39
package with TEC and cap
VERTILAS’ VCSEL technology has been proven in
several applications, including a variety of demanding
spectroscopy applications and communications modules.
Furthermore, VERTILAS has excelled in a range of core
competencies for components development and manufacturing, including wafer processing, assembly and test and
package design.
Vertilas GmbH
Christian Neumeyr, Chief Executive Officer
D – 85728 Garching
Phone +49(0) 89 - 5484 - 2010
Mail [email protected]
High Performance
VCSEL Diodes
1270 nm to 2360 nm
Ultra Low Power Consumption
High Data Rates
High Performance
Cost Efficient
Optical Communications
1310 nm, 1490 nm,
1550 nm, CWDM
InP VCSEL Technology
Packaging Options
1. Photonic Integration of VCSEL and PLC
2. 10 Gbps Performance
The FSP product family provides software-automated Optical+Ethernet networking solutions for
access, metro core and regional networks. ADVA Optical Networking is focused on the needs of
enterprise and service provider customers deploying data, storage, voice and video applications.
Our solutions have been deployed at more than 250 carriers and 10,000 enterprises around the world.
Integrated and Compact Optoelectronic Devices
for Modern Telecommunications-Applications
u2t Photonics AG is the leading supplier of optical components for 40G and 100G applications in modern optical
telecommunication networks that has grown rapidly with
the increasing market over the last few years. As a technology leader, u2t sets the benchmark for higher integration
of optical devices in the market. Advanced modulation formats such as differential phase shift keying (DPSK), differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK) and dual-polarisation quadrature phase shift keying (DP-QPSK) at either
40Gbit/s or 100Gbit/s require integrated receivers in order
to build economically feasible communications systems
and subsystems. u2ts early developments have resulted in
timely new product offerings for transponder and system
developments. u2t has extended its portfolio even further
and is now offering modulator technology complementing
its receiver products.
New types of highly integrated and compact components
for DPSK, DQPSK and DP-QPSK are being introduced. A
fully integrated DPSK receiver – u2t’s IDRV series – consists of a DLI (delay line interferometer) and a balanced
receiver in a compact package. This significantly reduces
size as well as design and production effort for transponder
A dual balanced receiver – u2t’s QPRV series – in an ultra
small package allows for size reduced DQPSK designs and
flexible combination with different DLI types by splicing the
components with easy to use ribbon fiber.
u2t’s CPRV series is offering integrated coherent receivers
for 40 and 100G DP-QPSK applications. The CPRV is a very
compact and competitive solution, which is already being
delivered in small volume.
Finally, u2t’s first modulator product was started to sample
earlier this year. Based on developments for microwave
photonic applications, the modulators reproduce a modulation characteristic with excellent linearity. The devices
uniquely exploit gallium arsenide technology and retain
high yield offering good reproducibility and high performance using large scale commercial fabrication methods.
u2t’s latest offerings comprise the baseline Mach-Zehnder
and I/Q modulators to polarisation multiplexed devices.
u2t is working very closely with its customer base to define
next generation components and products for early availability while still delivering high performance and quality
in volume.
u²t Photonics AG
Reuchlinstrasse 10/11
D – 10553 Berlin
Phone +49(0) 30 - 72 61 13 - 500
+49(0) 30 - 72 61 13 - 530
Mail [email protected]
As an integrated optoelectronics group Jenoptik operates in the five divisions of Lasers & Material Processing, Optical Systems, Industrial Metrology, Traffic Solutions as well as Defense & Civil Systems. Its customers
around the world mainly include companies from the
semiconductor and semiconductor equipment industry,
automotive and automotive supplier industry, medical
technology, security and defense technology as well as
the aerospace industry.
Jenoptik is one of the leading manufacturers of laser technology and optical systems worldwide. In the
Lasers & Material Processing division Jenoptik specializes in high-quality semiconductor materials, diode
lasers and innovative solid-state lasers and possesses
comprehensive know-how in the area of laser processing systems.
The Optical Systems division is primarily a development and production partner for optical, micro-optical and
optical coating components, optomechanical and optoelectronic assemblies, modules and systems – made of glass,
infrared materials and plastics. It possesses outstanding
expertise in the development and manufacture of microoptics. The product portfolio also includes systems and
components for semiconductor equipment, security and
defense technology, life science and lighting applications
as well as cameras for digital microscopy.
Superb camera technology provides the basis for systems that are making the roads safer
all over the world. Speed and red light monitoring systems, OEM products and systems for
identifying other violations of road traffic laws
are part of the offering from the Traffic Solutions division which is a world market leader
in this field.
In the Industrial Metrology division Jenoptik
also offers high-precision, tactile and non-tactile production metrology, primarily for rotationally symmetric parts. Testing is carried out to
determine roughness, contours, shape and
dimensions – during the production process
(in-process), afterwards (post-process) or in the
metrology lab.
The Defense & Civil Systems division focuses on military vehicle, rail and aircraft equipment, drive and stabilization technology as well
as energy systems. In the business unit Sensor Systems
Jenoptik offers laser rangefinder equipment and infrared
camera systems for various applications.
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 1
D – 07739 Jena
Phone +49(0) 3641 - 65 - 0
+49(0) 3641 - 424514
Mail [email protected]
ZYGO designs, manufactures, and distributes high-end optical systems and components for metrology and end-user
applications. ZYGO's metrology systems are based on optical interferometry measuring displacement, surface figure,
and optical wavefront. Metrology and optical markets for
end-user and OEM applications include semiconductor
capital equipment, aerospace/defense, automotive, and
metrology task, including a low-magnification 1.0X, a highmagnification 100X. The NewView 7000 Series can resolve
sub-micron X-Y features, and profile areas on large areas
with image stitching on a motorized stage.
VeriFire™ Series of Interferometers
ZYGO's VeriFire™ Series further exceeds the performance
of our industry-standard GPI products with capabilities and
NewView 7000 – 3D optical profiler
ZygoLOT, based in Darmstadt, as a joint venture between
Zygo Corp. and LOT-Oriel GmbH has a long history and high
level of competence with optical metrology and as a system
integrator understands how to apply ZYGO technologies to
best serve our customers all over Europe.
Optical Profilometers
The NewView 7000 Series of optical profilers are powerful
tools for characterizing and quantifying surface roughness,
step heights, critical dimensions, and other topographical
features with excellent precision and accuracy. All measurements are non-destructive and fast and require no
sample preparation. Profile heights ranging from <1 nm
up to 15000 μm can be measured at high speed. Based on
patented scanning technology, the NewView 7000 Series
delivers up to 0.1 nm height resolution – independent of
surface texture, magnification, or feature height – all in a
single scan, and for every measurement!
A complete line of standard and Super-Long-Working-Distance (SLWD) objectives are available to meet almost any
features that include mechanical phase acquisition, superior optics quality, high-resolution CCD cameras, vibration
correction software, aspheric surface metrology and patented artefact suppression technology. While all VeriFire
models can perform standard interferometric metrology,
each model offers unique capabilities that set it apart in
the industry.
ULTRASPHERE/50 Transmission Spheres
The new ZYGO Ultrasphere product is designed to enable
surface form metrology with an uncertainty in the RMS
of ≤3.2 nm (λ/200 at 633nm) when used with a ZYGO
ZygoLOT GmbH
Im Tiefen See 58
D – 64293 Darmstadt
Phone +49 (0)6151 - 8806 - 27
Mail [email protected]
Trends in Microscopy
How Much “Digital”
Do You Really Need?
Digital microscopes offer clear advantages for a large
number of industrial quality inspections, particularly for 3D
surface analysis, fracture analysis, analysis of inclined or
vertical surfaces or in situ inspection of large components.
However, this does not mean they can simply replace the
world‘s traditional microscopes. It’s worth knowing the limitations of digital microscopy as well as the benefits.
What is a digital microscope?
A digital microscope has no eyepieces to look through.
The user views the sample on the screen and analyzes it
with the software in a single pass, sitting in a comfortable
position. Digital microscopes only offer real value added
compared with traditional stereo- or light microscopes if
they meet the following requirements:
Optimized digital imaging
For digital microscopes, 2.11 megapixel CCD cameras
that are perfectly matched to the high-resolution optics are
quite adequate. They deliver the best possible information
yield without producing too much data. If cameras with high
megapixel numbers were used, the digital resolution would
be far higher than that of the optical system – the image
would be larger, but not better.
The live image should be displayed with a refresh rate
of at least 15 frames per second, which ensures that the
image can be viewed in comfort even when the stage is
Dynamic viewing of processes or objects
Compared with traditional stereomicroscopes, zoom systems have the disadvantage of being unable to provide a
three-dimensional image. A digital microscope with a 360°
rotary head can more than compensate for this disadvantage, enabling the user to view the sample from all sides
and record the panorama view as a movie.
Fig.1: Leica digital microscopes with a flexible tilting stand and a
rotary xy stage allow reliable analysis of the sides of samples or
inclined surfaces.
Abb.1: Leica Digitalmikroskope mit flexiblem Kippstativ und drehbarem xy-Tisch erlauben zuverlässige Analysen von seitlichen
Probenbereichen oder geneigten Oberflächen.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis
One of the strengths of digital microscopy is the creation
and analysis of 3D surface models. Using the motorized
focus drive, an image is recorded in every focal plane in
z direction. Then the focus is determined in every single
image and for each point. The pixel with the best definition determines the focused texture. This is a fast and
precise method of measuring surface topography. Besides
3D profiles it is also possible to measure height profiles,
roughness, geometries and volumes.
Display of samples with high dynamic range
Most digital microscope cameras use 16-bit individual
color detection (equivalent to 65,536 colors). For capturing images with a high dynamic range, the so-called
High Dynamic Range method is applied, which captures
all the natural brightness nuances. With this method,
details remain visible even in extremely dark and bright
Lean optics for samples that are difficult to access
Even inclined or vertical surfaces are no problem for digital
microscopes. A flexible tilting stand combined with a rotary
xy stage allows reliable analysis in virtually any position.
Portable systems enable non-destructive inspection even
of stationary objects.
Digital microscopes are ideal for difficult-to-document
samples and fast 3D surface quantification. However, if
Trends in der Mikroskopie
Wie viel „Digital“
brauchen Sie wirklich?
Fig. 2: The all-in-one-system Leica DVM5000. Streamlined zoom
optics reach difficult-to-access surfaces for nondestructive inspection of even the largest stationary parts.
Abb. 2: Das tragbare All-in-One-System Leica DVM5000. Seine
schlanke Zoom-Optik erreicht auch extrem schwer zugängliche
Oberflächen und ortsgebundene Objekte.
optical brilliance and variety of contrasting techniques are
more important, stereo- or light microscopes are superior.
Before investing in a new instrument, therefore, it is worth
weighing up the benefits carefully and obtaining impartial
advice on the alternatives.
Für viele industrielle Qualitätsprüfungen bieten Digitalmikroskope eindeutige Vorteile, insbesondere für 3D-Oberflächenanalysen, Bruchanalysen, Analysen geneigter oder vertikaler Oberflächen oder Vor-Ort-Inspektionen großer Bauteile.
Doch sie sind kein Patentrezept, die klassische Mikroskope
überall ersetzen können. Deshalb lohnt es sich, die Vorteile
wie auch die Grenzen der Digitalmikroskopie zu kennen.
Was ist ein Digitalmikroskop?
Digitalmikroskope verzichten vollständig auf Okulare. Der
Anwender betrachtet die Probe am Bildschirm und wertet
sie gleichzeitig über die Software aus – in einer angenehmen
Sitzposition. Einen echten Mehrwert gegenüber klassischen
Stereo- oder Lichtmikroskopen bieten Digitalmikroskope erst
dann, wenn sie folgende Anforderungen erfüllen:
Fig. 3: 3D models in
seconds: Software
visualizes desired
3D models within a
few seconds. Further
analyses, such as
profile measurement
or roughness measurement, with just a few
mouse clicks.
Abb. 3: 3D-Modelle
in Sekunden:
Die Software visualisiert gewünschte
3D-Modelle innerhalb
weniger Sekunden.
Weitergehende Analysen wie Profilbestimmung oder Rauigkeitsmessungen erhält der
Anwender mit wenigen
Optimierte digitale Bildgebung
Für Digitalmikroskope sind 2,11-Megapixel-CCD-Kameras,
die perfekt auf die hochauflösenden Optiken abgestimmt
sind, völlig ausreichend. Sie liefern bestmögliche Informationsausbeute, ohne zu große Datenmengen zu produzieren.
Bei Kameras mit hohen Megapixelzahlen würde die digitale
Auflösung die des optischen Systems bei weitem übertreffen – das Bild wird größer, aber nicht besser. Das Live-Bild
sollte mit einer Wiederholrate von mindestens 15 Bildern
pro Sekunde dargestellt werden, die auch beim Verschieben des Objekttischs ein angenehmes Betrachten der Probe
Dynamische Betrachtung von Prozessen oder
Zoom-Systeme bieten gegenüber herkömmlichen Stereomikroskopen keine räumliche Darstellung. Ein Digitalmikroskop
mit einem 360°-Drehkopf kann diesen Nachteil mehr als
kompensieren. Die Probe lässt sich damit rundum betrachten, und die Panorama-Ansicht kann als Video aufgenommen
Qualitative und quantitative Auswertung
Eine Stärke der Digitalmikroskopie ist die Erstellung und
Auswertung von 3D-Oberflächenmodellen. Mit Hilfe des
motorisierten Fokustriebs wird in z-Richtung in jeder Fokusebene ein Bild aufgenommen, anschließend in jedem Bild
und für jeden Punkt die Schärfe bestimmt. Der Punkt mit
der besten Schärfe bestimmt die scharf abgebildete Textur.
Die Topografie einer Oberfläche lässt sich so schnell und
präzise messen. Neben 3D-Profilen können Höhenprofile,
Rauigkeiten, Geometrien und Volumina bestimmt werden.
Erfassung von Proben mit hohem
Die meisten digitalen Mikroskopkameras nutzen die 16-BitEinzelfarberfassung (entspricht 65.536 Farben). Für Bilder
mit hohem Dynamikumfang wird das so genannte HighDynamic-Range-Verfahren angewendet, das alle natürlichen
Helligkeitsunterschiede erfasst. Damit bleiben auch in sehr
dunklen und sehr hellen Bereichen Details sichtbar.
Schlanke Optiken für schwierig erreichbare
Für Digitalmikroskope sind selbst geneigte oder vertikale
Oberflächen kein Problem. Ein flexibles Kippstativ in Kombination mit einem drehbaren xy-Tisch erlaubt zuverlässige
Analysen in nahezu jeder Position. Tragbare Systeme ermöglichen zerstörungsfreie Inspektionen selbst an ortsgebundenen Objekten.
Fig. 5: 3D profiling in all variations: Digital microscopes of Leica
Microsystems supply precise 3D profiles of heights, widths and
surface structures; display as texture, color depth encoding
or grid model; height difference and volume measurements;
combined 2D and 3D profiling.
Abb. 5: 3D-Profiling in allen Varianten: Digitalmikroskope von
Leica Microsystems liefern präzise 3D-Profile von Höhen, Breiten
und Oberflächenstrukturen; Darstellung als Textur, Farbhöhenkodierung oder Gitternetzmodell; Höhendifferenz- und Volumenmessungen; kombiniertes 2D- und 3D-Profiling.
Digitalmikroskope sind ideal für schwierig zu dokumentierende Proben und schnelle 3D-Oberflächenquantifizierungen.
Stehen jedoch optische Brillanz und die Vielfalt der Kontrastierungsverfahren im Vordergrund, sind Stereo- oder Lichtmikroskope überlegen. Der Investition in ein neues Gerät
sollte deshalb eine sorgfältige Evaluation und eine objektive
Beratung über Alternativen vorausgehen.
Fig. 4: High Dynamic Range (HDR) delivers perfect digital images:
Leica Microsystems has long used modern 16-bit individual color
detection technology for its digital microscope cameras to exploit
the entire dynamic range of the image. This avoids over- or underexposed areas, and difficult surfaces such as polished metal
sections are perfectly imaged.
Abb. 4: High-Dynamic-Range (HDR) liefert perfekte Digitalbilder:
Leica Microsystems setzt bei seinen digitalen Mikroskopkameras
schon seit langem die moderne 16-Bit-Einzelfarberfassung ein,
um den gesamten dynamischen Bildbereich auszuschöpfen. Damit
werden unter- oder überbelichtete Bildbereiche vermieden und
schwierige Oberflächen wie Metallschliffe perfekt dargestellt.
Leica Microsystems GmbH
Corporate Communications
Ernst-Leitz-Straße 17 - 37
D – 35578 Wetzlar
Phone +49 (0) 6441 - 29 - 2550
Mail [email protected]
Competence in Spectroscopy
Company Profile and Vision
With a vision of providing high quality spectroscopic solutions for a multitude of applications, our five founders
established the company in 1993. Today, tec5 is operating
worldwide with subsidiaries in the USA and UK. Our high
quality products for diode-array based UV/VIS/NIR spectroscopy range from standard OEM electronics modules
to complete application specific solutions. At tec5 we pair
our core competencies in high speed diode array readout
technology, optical, mechanical, electronic and software
engineering with excellent customer service and support.
Our technology extends into many application areas. Industrial optical spectroscopy is instrumental in helping industry maintain optimal quality in the production process
and reduce cost. Research and development labs use the
technology to create new materials, streamline processes
and ensure product efficiency.
tec5 is proud to be at the forefront in the field of optical
spectroscopy and to provide cutting edge solutions – today
and in the future.
CompactSpec® and MultiSpec®
spectrometer systems
Compact and modular
Innovative Solutions
for the Green Energy Business
In various industries such as chemical, pharmaceutical,
food, printing, semiconductor, glass, solar, agriculture, optical and lighting, many customers benefit from tec5 products. As an example, tec5 technology is successfully used
by leading glass and solar cell manufacturers at various
stages of glass coating, wafer and solar cell production for
applications like:
• Inline process control for the thickness of the antireflection coating on PV wafers
The modern diode array technology provides a fast and
effective in-line measurement of the reflectance characteristics, color and layer thickness of solar cell coatings.
A customized process setup was built in a joint venture
with Vitronic and won the Intersolar CellAward 2009.
• Inline analysis of wet chemical processes
UV/VIS/NIR spectroscopy is a real inline, non-contact
method for the analysis of the composition of chemical
etching baths in the semiconductor industry. It provides
very fast measurements of all calibrated components
in one step. MultiSpec®Pro process software shows all
concentration values and trends of multiple channels
and provides the necessary communication protocols.
• Intensity control of sunlight and flash simulators
MultiSpec® spectrometer systems are able to record
the complete UV/VIS/NIR spectrum from 200 - 1700nm
in milliseconds. Therefore, they are outstanding tools
for the characterization of sunlight simulators used in
the production process. Weatherproof housings allow
all-season intensity control of sunlight radiation. This
helps to monitor the efficiency of big solar plants more
accurately and detailed.
• Transmittance and reflectance of coated glass
MultiSpec®and CompactSpec®spectrometer systems
are used for in-line measurements of coated float glass
in transmittance and reflectance. In addition to fixed
point or traversing systems tec5 provides flexible laboratory setups for e.g. structured solar glass.
tec5 AG
Steffen Piecha, Manager Business Unit Systems
In der Au 27
D – 61440 Oberursel
Phone +49(0) 6171 - 97 58 - 0
+49(0) 6171 - 97 58 - 50
Mail [email protected]
Green High-Tech: Energy-Efficient Display Technology
not only for Mobile Devices
Dr. Heidrun Jänchen, Dr. Ralf Waldhäusl, Hans Joachim Stöhr, Thomas Handke
Seeing is unbelieving. When they see the projected image
for the first time, most people doubt that the Pico projector
has a brightness of only 30 lumens. It just looks brighter.
The human eye values contrast and especially the high
color contrast provided by LED-driven optics much more
than mere lumens. The size is even more astounding: only
130 cm3, hardly bigger than a cigarette pack, and about
50 % more including the battery pack that lasts for about
90 minutes. This power source is one of the biggest challenges. It’s no problem to throw 2000 lumens to the wall if
you can plug into a power socket. But real, cordless mobility
calls for highest energy efficiency that can only be achieved
with a sophisticated optical design that uses every lumen
from a tiny light source: LED. All optical components must
be matched carefully to achieve the highest lumens per
Watt ratio.
Texas Instrument’s Digital Mirror Device (DMD) provides the
best efficiency available in a range of imagers, not needing
polarized light and causing the lowest losses due to fill
factor, reflectivity and scatter. LED light sources have a big
advantage in color sequential projection where red, green
and blue sub-images are projected consequently and add
up to a full-color image in the brain. They can be switched
off when they are not needed because of their extremely
short transition time.
However, LEDs can contribute even more. The DMD – as
every other imager – limits the étendue of the system, a
little-known optical quantity that is roughly the product of
light emitting area and emission angle. LEDs emit light in
an angular range of 180 deg. Hence there is an optimum
LED die size for every imager. A smaller LED would produce
less light; a bigger one emits excess light that cannot be
transferred by the imager. This refers not only to the area
of the die but as well to the aspect ratio. Starting from that,
projection modules from Sypro Optics produce 11 lm/W,
the highest value achieved so far. A new LED technology
that generates green light with a violet-emitting die and a
green phosphor will increase this value by approximately
30 % as first experiments indicated.
This high efficiency enables true mobile projection for video
and images but as well for industrial and medical applications. In combination with infrared or UV illumination and
imaging, the technology supports various medical inspecFig. 1:
Energy consumption of TV
sets relative to screen size.
Data based on tests shown on
tions. Pico projectors can not only project fixed patterns for
3D measurements but as well produce an adapted warped
pattern that makes the normal shape of the sample vanish
and shows only defects or changes. Adapted, segmented
illumination geometry can easily be generated for surface
inspection tasks, showing scratches, cracks or bubbles.
New applications arise as the performance improves. They
can even act as emergency equipment: As ABC News reported, a Samsung SP-H03 projector helped buried Chilean
miners wait for their rescue by showing video messages of
relatives and football games. Thanks to Sypro Optics’ tiny
optical module it fitted into the supply tube.
The smallest projection module in the portfolio of Sypro
Optics has a volume of only 4.6 cm3 – roughly the size and
weight of two sugar cubes, and it brings an 8 lm, 640 x
360 pixel image to the wall with an LED power consumption of only 0.7 W. It fits virtually everywhere, even in a
slider phone.
Energy efficiency is a virtue not only for Pico projectors but
for big video walls in control rooms or advertising as well.
Despite the fancy form factor of plasma displays, rear projection (RP) units are the technology of choice where power
consumption, rugged design and reliability over a long time
are more important.
The green factor of Sypro Optics’ rear projection technology was shown in an energy consumption test performed
by cnet on 107 TV-sets available in the market – beating
competing technologies by a factor of two or – compared to
plasma TV – even five. All TV sets were electronically adjusted to the same level of brightness. Efficiency is expressed
in power consumption per square meter because for equal
perceived brightness, power scales with the luminous area.
Long maintenance-free operation is another important
merit: LED life-time is as high as 50000 hours (almost six
years of continuous operation) today. DMD/LED-based op-
tics from Sypro Optics do neither fade with time nor exhibit
burn-in effects. In addition, they leave less electronic waste
when they finally stop working because the actual imaging
unit is much smaller than the screen that is a complex, but
easily recyclable sheet of plastic material.
About Sypro Optics & Jabil
Sypro Optics, based in Jena, was created from a Joint Venture between Jabil Inc. (USA) and Carl Zeiss (Germany).
Within Jabil, Sypro Optics is the optical design and technology center.
Jabil is an electronics solutions company providing
comprehensive electronics design, production and product
management services to global electronics and technology
companies. It is based in St. Petersburg, Florida, USA. With
USD 13.4 billion annual revenue and more than 55 sites
on 4 continents, Jabil is the third largest manufacturing
services provider.
Sypro Optics GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49 (0)3641-64-3950
Mail [email protected]
Visualization Systems for the Fields
of Medicine and Industry
Allowing access to hidden or difficult
to reach areas
Whether in the human body, an engine, or a furnace, we
explore the insides and make the most diverse environments and structures visible.
It is true that while optical products continue to become
smaller and more refined, the industry demands operational endoscopes for increasing applications.
Unique abilities and possibilities abound within the
SCHÖLLY Group, an OEM manufacturer for complex visualization systems.
The entire visualization chain, consisting of rigid and
flexible endoscopes, endocouplers, and endoscopy camera
systems, are developed and produced to
the highest standards. In their own respective development departments, optical systems are optimally calculated; ultra-precise
components with diameters of 0.2 mm to
22.0 mm are produced with extreme precision.
In addition SCHÖLLY, the leading manufacturer of 3D and micro-endoscopes offers
its OEM and private label customers individual production options: Prototype production for both large-lot production and small
batch series from the in-house department.
During production preparation, specialists
at SCHÖLLY take care of permits and registrations in the desired areas of operation.
Modern production sites in Germany,
Switzerland, Bulgaria, and the United
States, along with a network of its own service and repair centres, support the global
sales network of this international family
Collaboration with leading institutes
and first-rate development companies
In order to remain competitive in the challenging markets
of the future, we emphasize collaboration with top-rated
development companies and leading institutions.
One of these is IMTEK, the Institute of Microsystem
Technology at the University of Freiburg, Germany, that has
offered us access to the latest technologies and research
In this way, for example, we can conduct materials
testing and surface assessments with a scanning electron microscope. Flexible endoscopes used in the field of
medicine are currently being tested here for autoclavability. Materials must meet extreme requirements with this
form of sterilization: The flexible material, adhesive and
ultra-precise optical components must be able to withstand
pressure, vacuum, and temperatures in excess of 134° C.
Furthermore, new forms of three-dimensional endoscopy are being researched. SCHÖLLY, the leader in 3D endoscopy, will further expand its leading role in this sector
with its own innovations in the coming years.
With the aid of state-of-the-art digital technologies, we are
currently seeking ways to better interpret images and boost
or diminish certain wavelengths. In other words, to manipulate images which are shown on the monitor during
an endoscopy in such a way, that the viewer will obtain
additional information.
We always seek to expand our technical knowledge and
offer innovation-oriented companies the possibility to work
with us in entering the markets of the future.
No one can say for sure what the future of technology
and methods will bring. However, with the SCHÖLLY Group's
know-how and the strengths of its partners, we are well
prepared for it. This is also true for our customers and
partners. SCHÖLLY – solutions in sight
In the field of microsystem technology, there is hardly anything at present that cannot be simulated by the institute.
This allows us, at SCHÖLLY, to come up with solutions to
challenges that still lie in the future. This can and will allow
us one-of-a-kind possibilities in visualization.
Complementary to the possibilities at the research
institute, we also take advantage of opportunities with
specially-selected development firms.
Robert-Bosch-Str. 1 - 3
D – 79211 Denzlingen
Phone +49(0) 76 66 - 908 - 0
+49(0) 76 66 - 908 - 380
Mail [email protected]
Häcker Automation –
3-D Micro Assembly of Optical Components
The shown micro camera –
consisting of lens and ccd
sensor – was assembled
using an integrated
alignment-housing process.
Typically, such components
are part of mobile devices
(i.e. cell phones).
With 15 years of experience in 3-D Micro Assembly as well
as Nano and Micro Dispensing Häcker Automation supplies
innovative and reliable solutions for packaging processes
in micro optics. Due to very high precision and advanced
3-D assembling functionality, our machines are capable
of handling various complex applications – from passive
and active alignment of mechanical and micro electronics
components to subsequent fixation of these parts.
As a specialist for complex problems Häcker Automation
manufactures highly scalable and modifiable systems using
a modular design approach. It consists of a platform providing standard capabilities as well as more sophisticated
equipment, i.e. a unique stereoscopic camera system for
automatic 3-D recognition and inspection. In order to meet
the requirements of the target process the platform’s functionality can easily be extended by integrating additional
devices. Covering a wide range of applications these extension modules are standardized, proven in batch-production
and permanently get evaluated and improved.
Various options are available for advanced 3-D functionality
and therewith assembling of micro optics components. For
processing flexible, but precise 3-D adjustment of parts
and substrates a 3-D tool head can be integrated as well
as a special 3-D carrier. Passive Alignment, i.e. placing
a lens at a defined height relative to a laser module, is
implemented using a submicron measurement system and
our highly precise 3-axes portal. Active Alignment of components on an optical axis or setting elements at a proper
focus can be facilitated by more sophisticated equipment,
i.e. a collimator unit and a MTF software algorithm. For the
fixation of once aligned components, Häcker Automation
offers appropriate solutions. The most common way is to
apply adhesive and subsequently curing it using UV light
generated by an optional light source attached to the tool
In order to achieve the best possible results Häcker Automation always accompanies its customers during the whole
product life cycle. Our services therefore cover various issues, leading from technology consulting, process developing and simultaneous engineering to feasibility studies,
prototyping and manufacturing of tailored solutions for our
partners. Additionally our newly-built and well equipped
Application Centre gives us the opportunity to extensively
testing and even small to mid-size job order production. Of
course we also provide training and maintenance services
for our systems.
By using machines manufactured by Häcker Automation
customers benefit from utmost precision providing a positioning accuracy of 10 μm @ 3 sigma and – due to our
modular system concept – stay very flexible toward changing requirements set by their clients.
Häcker Automation GmbH
Inselsbergstraße 17
D – 99891 Schwarzhausen
Phone +49(0)36259 - 3000
+49(0)36259 - 30029
Mail [email protected]
in Perfection
The OWIS GmbH is a worldwide leading
manufacturer of state-of-the-art precise
components for the optical beam handling
and of micro and nano hybrid positioning
systems. OWIS products are applied in
fields like information and communication
technology, biotechnology and medicine,
semiconducter and image processing industry as well as mechanical engineering.
Founded in 1980, OWIS recognized in
time the market demand for special optomechanical parts, a segment where only
few suppliers were present. In particular,
there were almost no enterprises ready to
produce customized solutions in very small
lots. From the very beginning, OWIS have
concentrated on this market segment and
have ever since continued to specialize
themselves. Furthermore, OWIS belonged
to the first companies having system components set up on profile rails in their
stocks. The fact that this system is still very
popular in all laboratories worldwide and
that it is still regularly used, confirms its
high acceptance. In the meantime, nearly
all manufacturers within this sector offer a
similar rail system.
Today, OWIS has 50 employees and is present in many countries worldwide through
own sales force or agencies. In Germany,
distribution is made by the own sales force.
Individual solutions can be also locally
worked upon with the customers. Many
customers from universities, laboratories
and industrial enterprises appreciate OWIS
because of their competence and reliability
and because of the quality and the compatibility of their products. Quality and precision have for OWIS top priority, not at last
ensured by the certification in accordance
with DIN EN ISO 9001. OWIS owe their successful market presence to their flexibility
and their fast reaction to global market development trends.
Im Gaisgraben 7
D – 79219 Staufen
Phone +49(0) 76 33 - 95 04 - 0
+49(0) 76 33 - 95 04 - 440
Mail [email protected]
Hexapod: Precise 6-Axis Motion in a Small Package
Micron-level positioning accuracy is one of today's requirements in many areas of automation technology. Examples can be found in electronics fabrication, as well
as in medical technology, metrology, biotechnology and
photonics. Parallel kinematics systems have several advantages over stacked multi-axis positioners. All six actuators
act on a joint platform, which keeps the moved mass low.
Moreover, there is no summation of the lateral runout and
tilts of individual axes. The rotation point (pivot point) can
be selected as desired via software commands and thus
remains independent of the movement. Physik Instrumente
(PI) is one of the leading players in the global market for
precision positioning technology and offers a large variety
of hexapod systems for load capacities from a few kilograms up to several tons.
Miniature Hexapod with Great Freedom
of Movement
The miniature M-810 hexapod (Fig. 1) takes up only minimal installation space. With a diameter of only 10 cm and a
height of 118 mm it provides travel ranges up to 40 mm in
the XY-plane and up to 13 mm in the Z-direction. The highprecision brushless special DC motors and high-resolution
encoder give each individual strut a positioning resolution
of a mere 40 nm. The mini-hexapod reliably positions loads
up to 5 kg and achieves speeds of up to 10 mm/s.
Despite its compact size, the necessary driver electronics have been integrated into the base platform of the
mini-hexapod. The control is 100% compatible with all previous hexapod models and is conveniently executed via an
Ethernet connection. As with all PI hexapods, the position
can be entered with commands in Cartesian coordinates.
Precision Alignment System especially
for Photonics
The F-206.S HexAlign Hexapod (Fig. 2) is a highly accurate
micropositioning system for complex multi-axis alignment
tasks. Unlike hexapods with variable-length actuators,
the F-206 features constant-length struts and friction-free
flexure guides. This gives the F-206 even higher precision
than other hexapod designs. Optional internal and external
photometers are available. Both types are fully integrated
with the controller hardware and with routines designed
for automatic alignment of collimators, optical fibers and
Fig.1: The miniature Hexapod M-810 provides long travel ranges
despite its compact design (Physik Instrumente (PI))
Fig.2: The F-206.S Hexapod comes with a digital 6D controller
and comprehensive software (Physik Instrumente (PI))
Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG
Auf der Römerstr. 1
D – 76228 Karlsruhe/Palmbach
Phone +49(0) 721 - 4846 - 0
+49(0) 721 - 4846 - 100
Mail [email protected]
PI in Brief
Over the last four decades, the Karlsruhe-based company
PI has become the leading manufacturer of nanopositioning technology. PI is a private company with healthy
growth, more than 500 employees world-wide and a flexible organization which enables PI to fulfill almost any
request in the field of innovative precision positioning
technology. All key technologies are developed in-house.
This means that every phase from the design right down
to the shipment can be controlled: The precision mechanics and the electronics as well as the position sensors
and the piezo ceramics or actuators. The latter are produced by the subsidiary company PI Ceramic.
LT Ultra-Precision
Technology GmbH
Founded in 1995, LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH has
become one of the leading manufacturers of high performance metal optics, ultra precision machines and aero-/
hydrostatic bearing components as well as beam delivery
components. In addition to the serial production of optical
surfaces on non ferrous metals, plastics and crystals with
shape accuracies in the range of 0.0001 mm, customer
specific solutions are elaborated in close co-operation with
our customers. Extensive consulting-, support-, trainingand after-sales services round out the program.
LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH has quickly gained
reputation among various national and international companies in the field of laser-machining and metrology. It is
the same with aero-/hydrostatic stages, spindles and ultra-
MMC 1100 Z2 UP-Machining center
precision machines. These are often customer specific solutions for the semiconductor- or the optical industry and
specifications are derived from the parts to be machined.
In this way, know-how in the field of air- and hydrostatic
bearings, the machining of metal optics and the manufacture of ultra-precision machines complement each other to
the benefit of our customers.
Air bearings and metal optics
Luftlager und Metall-Optiken
Obwohl erst im Jahre 1995 gegründet, hat sich LT UltraPrecision Technology GmbH mittlerweile zu einem der führenden Hersteller von Hochleistungs-Metalloptiken, Ultrapräzisionsmaschinen, aero- und hydrostatischen Lagern und
Führungen sowie Strahlführungskomponenten entwickelt.
Neben der Serienfertigung von optischen Oberflächen auf
NE- Metallen, Kunststoffen und Kristallen mit Formgenauigkeiten im Bereich von 0.0001 mm, werden in Zusammenarbeit mit den Kunden auch spezifische Lösungen innovativ
erarbeitet und realisiert. Eingehende Beratung, Betreuung,
Schulung und ein umfangreicher After-Sales-Service runden
das Programm ab.
Die LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH hat sich in kürzester Zeit bei vielen nationalen und internationalen Firmen
im Bereich der Laser- Materialbearbeitung und der Messtechnik einen Namen als zuverlässiger Lieferant und Partner
gemacht. Gleiches gilt für den Bereich der aero- bzw. hydrostatisch gelagerten Rundtische und Linearführungen. Komplexe Ultra-Präzisionsmaschinen sind oft kundenspezifische
Sondermaschinen für die Halbleiter- und Optikindustrie, deren Spezifikationen wesentlich von den Bauteilen bestimmt
werden, die später mit diesen Maschinen bearbeitet werden
sollen. So ergänzen sich Know-How aus Luftlagerfertigung,
Optikherstellung und dem Bau von Ultrapräzisionsmaschinen zum Vorteil unserer Kunden.
LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH
Aftholderberg, Wiesenstr. 9
D – 88634 Herdwangen-Schönach
Phone +49 (0)7552 - 40599 - 0
+49 (0)7552 - 40599 - 50
Mail [email protected]
Nessy II – the Dedicated
Sputtering System for EUV Applications
Fig. 1 shows the rear view of the Nessy II-sputtering system. The large chamber is equipped with cryo – pumping system, as well as
the load lock chamber on the right side, to achieve the best vacuum conditions
Abb. 1 zeigt die Rückansicht der Nessy II-Sputteranlage. Die große Beschichtungskammer ist ausgestattet mit Cryo-Pumpen und
einer Beladestation auf der rechten Seite, um die besten Vakuum-Konditionen zu erreichen.
Over many decades Leybold Optics has made a name for
itself as supplier of high-quality coating systems in the
optics industry. We are operating worldwide with daughter
companies in Europe, Asia and the USA.
With the development of the Nessy II-sputtering system Leybold Optics has done the next step in our engagement for coating system for photolithography applied for
the masking for semiconductor chips. We are since a decade successful with special evaporation systems for DUVapplications, for 193 nm.
Nowadays the state of the art in photolithography is to use
light at 193 nm in DUV-wavelength range. To achieve higher
resolution and smaller structures, and by this also a higher
packing density of transistors and other units on a chip the
development is underway to use X-rays with wavelength of
13 nm in EUV-range. The necessary components for the
photolithography units are collector mirrors with a special coating which are able to achieve high reflectance at
13 nm, have a long life time in operation and can withstand
temperatures over 600° C. Leybold Optics has developed
a unique sputtering system for these special coatings, the
Nessy II. The coating system can be equipped with up to
6 sputtering cathodes to coat the Mo- and Si-layers for
the mirror coatings. Other materials can be used for interdiffusion barrier layers and capping layers to achieve a long
life time and high temperature stability. Curved substrates
with up to a diameter of 660 mm can be coated with highest accuracy. Special velocity profiles for the rotation of
the substrates will be applied to achieve the necessary
high uniformity also on the curved collector mirrors. The
machine is equipped with a load lock chamber, while the
sputtering chamber is all the time under vacuum with base
pressure below 1*10-8 mbar. Special sputtering cathode
configurations has been developed to be operated at sputtering pressures below 1*10-3 mbar to achieve high purity
of the coated materials. Reflectance values of more then
68 % at 13 nm has been achieved already. The layer systems consist of more then 100 layers with individual layer
thicknesses of few nanometres. This requires a high precision, high stability and repeatability of the coating process.
Leybold Optics succeeds to develop and to introduce this
unique sputtering system already to the market, prepared
for the next generation EUV-Lithography.
Nessy II – die maßgeschneiderte
Sputter-Technologie für EUV Anwendungen
Fig.2 shows a the
front view of the
Nessy II. On the left
side the door of the
load lock chamber
is visible for loading
substrates up to a
diameter of 660 mm.
Abb. 2 zeigt die
Vorderansicht der
Nessy II – Anlage. Auf
der linken Seite ist
die Tür der Beladungskammer sichtbar,
die ein Beladen der
Beschichtungskammer für Substrate bis
zu einem Durchmesser von 660 mm
Seit Jahrzehnten hat sich Leybold Optics, mit Tochtergesellschaften in Europa, Asien und den USA, weltweit einen
Namen als Hersteller von qualitativ hochwertigem Beschichtungssystemen für die optische Industrie gemacht.
Mit der Entwicklung der Nessy II-Sputter-Beschichtungsanlage hat Leybold Optics den nächsten Schritt getan bei
der Herstellung von Beschichtungssystemen für die Photolithographie, angewandt bei der Maskierung von Wafern zur
Herstellung von Halbleiterbauelementen. Wir produzieren
seit über 10 Jahren erfolgreich spezielle Beschichtungssysteme für DUV-Anwendungen bei 193 nm.
Derzeit wird in der Photolithographie Licht von 193 nm
im DUV-Wellenlängenbereich verwendet. Um eine höhere
Auflösung, kleinere Strukturen und eine höhere Packungsdichte von Transistoren und anderen Bauelementen zu erreichen, verwendet man Röntgenstrahlen mit einer Wellenlänge
von 13 nm im EUV-Wellenlängenbereich. Die notwendigen
Komponenten für die Photolithographie-Anlagen sind Kollektorspiegel mit einer speziellen Beschichtung, die eine hohe
Reflektivität bei 13 nm, Temperaturen über 600° C im Betrieb erreichen und eine hohe Lebensdauer haben. Leybold
Optics hat Nessy II, eine besondere Sputter-Beschichtungsanlage für diese Spiegelbeschichtungen entwickelt. Diese
Beschichtungsanlage kann mit bis zu 6 Sputter-Kathoden
ausgerüstet werden, um die Mo- und Si-Schichten für die
Spiegelbeschichtung aufzubringen. Andere Materialien können ebenso verwendet werden für Interdiffusion-BarriereSchichten und für Capping-Schichten, um eine hohe Le-
bensdauer und eine hohe Temperaturstabilität zu erreichen.
Gewölbte Substrate mit einem Durchmesser bis 660 mm
können mit höchster Genauigkeit beschichtet werden. Spezielle Geschwindigkeitsprofile für die Rotation der Substrate
machen auch eine genaue Schichtdickenverteilung auf den
gewölbten Kollektor-Spiegeln möglich. Die Anlage ist mit einer Schleusenkammer ausgestattet, während die Beschichtungskammer mit einem Enddruck von kleiner 1*10-8 mbar
unter Vakuum gehalten wird. Verwendet werden für diese
Anwendung speziell entwickelte Sputterkathoden, die auch
bei Drücken unterhalb von 10-3 mbar betrieben werden können, um höchste Reinheit der Beschichtung zu gewährleisten. Hohe Reflektionswerte von mehr als 68 % bei 13 nm
sind bereits möglich. Das aufgebrachte Schichtpaket besteht
aus mehr als 100 Schichten mit Schichtdicken von nur einigen Nanometern für die jeweilige Schicht. Dies erfordert
eine hohe Präzision, hohe Stabilität und Reproduzierbarkeit
des Beschichtungsprozesses. Leybold Optics hat erfolgreich
dieses besondere Beschichtungssystem entwickelt, auf den
Markt gebracht und ist bereit für die nächste Generation der
Dr. Karl Matl
Siemensstrasse 88
D – 63755 Alzenau
Phone +49 (0) 6023 - 500 - 467
+49 (0) 6023 - 500 - 483
Mail [email protected]
Electron-Beam Lithography
for Optical Application
The Vistec Electron Beam Lithography Group is a world
leader in the design and manufacturing of electronbeam lithography systems and provides leading edge
technology solutions for a wide range of applications.
The Group provides systems to both to key semiconductor manufacturers as well as to Universities
and Centres of Excellence. The application areas span
a wide range of existing and emerging semiconductor and nanotechnology applications including silicon
direct write, compound semiconductor, mask making,
advanced research, integrated optics and several new
markets. In addition to their production facilities in Germany and the US, the Group also maintains service
and support centres in the USA, Europe, China, Japan,
Taiwan and Korea.
Operating under the umbrella of Vistec Electron
Beam Lithography Group the latter consists of two
companies / business unites: Vistec Electron Beam
GmbH, which produces Variable Shaped Beam lithography systems – located in Jena, Germany and Vistec
Lithography, Inc., manufacturing Gaussian Beam lithography systems – located in Watervliet, NY, USA.
The two companies (Jena/Germany and Watervliet/
USA), benefit from the synergies between leading edge
researchers, small and mid-sized equipment and supplier companies and key semiconductor manufacturers
in their neighbouring areas. They have a brilliant record
as experienced developers and manufacturers of electron-beam lithography systems. Their roots go back to
Carl Zeiss and Cambridge Instruments in the 1960s.
Optics became an important technology in our daily
life, and will play an even more important rule in the future. Electron-beam lithography, with its highest resolution capability and flexibility, is one of the technologies
allowing the manufacturing of optical elements with
new optical properties. However, special requirements
including positioning optimization and accuracy of critical structures dimensions, along with high throughput
and stability over long exposure times and the capability to handle large data volumes are linked with optical
applications. With a team of highly motivated employees, excellent researchers and engineers Vistec has
worked hard to ensure the outstanding performance of
their electron-beam lithography systems, thus fulfilling
the challenging requirements of its customers.
Source: Fraunhofer IOF
Vistec Electron Beam Lithography Group
Vistec Electron Beam GmbH
Goeschwitzer Strasse 25
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49(0) 3641 - 651900
Fax: +49(0) 3641 - 651922
Email [email protected]
Vistec Lithography, Inc.
125 Monroe Street
Watervliet, NY 12189-4015
Phone +1 518 - 874 3000
+1 518 - 874 3189
Email [email protected]
Your Partner for Optical Solutions
Your Partner for Optical Solutions
The Berliner Glas Group is one of the leading European providers of optical key components, assemblies and systems
as well as high-quality refined technical glass.
With our understanding of optical systems and optical production techniques, we develop and integrate optics, mechanics and electronics into innovative system solutions.
Our markets: Medical Technology, Semiconductor, Geosystems, Metrology, Analytics, Space, Defense, Display.
As an owner-managed, medium-sized company with around
950 employees, we offer our customers tailor-made, market-driven solutions of the highest quality.
• System engineering • Optical and mechanical design
• Coating design • Customer-specific metrology
• Spherical lenses • Aspherical lenses • Cylindrical
• Plano optics • Prism systems
• Microstructuring • Coating: coating design, spectral
range: VUV, DUV, UV, VIS, NIR, IR correspondingly approx. 130 – 6,000 nm
• Anti-reflex coatings • Filter • Mirror • Beam splitter/combiner • ITO coating • Holographic gratings
• Optical assemblies and systems (cemented beam
splitter, prism systems, doublets, triplets, step-systems)
• Optomechanical assemblies and systems • Electrooptical systems • Lens systems • Objectives, zoom
systems • Measuring systems • Cameras • Laser
systems • Light sources • Lighting systems
Berliner Glas KGaA
Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co.
Waldkraiburger Straße 5
D-12347 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 60905 - 0
Fax: +49 (0)30 - 60905 - 100
Mail [email protected]
Die Berliner Glas Gruppe ist einer der führenden europäischen Anbieter optischer Schlüsselkomponenten, Baugruppen und Systeme sowie hochwertig veredelter technischer
Mit unserem Verständnis für optische Systeme und optische
Fertigungstechnik entwickeln und integrieren wir für unsere Kunden Optik, Mechanik und Elektronik zu innovativen
Unsere Märkte: Medizintechnik, Halbleiterindustrie, Geodäsie, Messtechnik, Analytik, Weltraumtechnik, Verteidigung,
Als eigentümergeführtes, mittelständisches Unternehmen
mit rund 950 Mitarbeitern bieten wir unseren Kunden maßgeschneiderte und marktgerechte Lösungen von höchster
• Systementwicklung • Optik- und Mechanikdesign
• Beschichtungsdesign • produktbezogene Messtechnik
• Sphärische Linsen • Asphärische Linsen • Zylindrische
• Planoptik: Fenster, Prismen und Prismensysteme
• Mikrostrukturierung • Beschichtung: Beschichtungsdesign, Spektralbereich: VUV, DUV, UV, VIS, NIR, IR
entsprechend ca. 130 – 6.000 nm
• Antireflexschichten • Filter • Spiegel • Strahlteiler/
-kombinierer • ITO-Schicht • Holografische Gitter
• Optische Baugruppen und Systeme (verkittete Strahlteiler, Prismensysteme, Doublets, Triplets, Stufensysteme)
• Optomechanische Baugruppen und Systeme
• Elektrooptische Systeme • Linsensysteme • Objektive,
Zoomsysteme • Messsysteme • Kameras • Lasersysteme • Lichtquellen • Beleuchtungssysteme
s and N
German Society of Applied Optics
Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik e. V.
Interface between optics experts from science and
More than 100.000 employees and an annual turnover of
about 16 billion Euros make the optical technologies to be
one of the most important fields for the future of German
economy. The essential part to promote this area is the
exchange of knowledge and experiences between photonics and optics experts from industry on one side and from
research laboratories and universities on the other side.
Since its foundation in 1923 the German Society of Applied
Optics (DGaO) is committed to this task.
Apart from different working groups and meetings on a
national level, DGaO endeavors this interfacing idea more
and more also on a European level.
Key-role to establish applied and close-to-industry
research problems in Europe
As third biggest “Branch” of the European Optical Society
(EOS), after the French and the British optical society, DGaO
influences and supports optical technologies and science
on a European level. Due to a very strong optics and photonics industry in Germany, DGaO plays a key-role in establishing applied and close-to-industry research problems in
optics in a European context.
Preservation of the level of optics education and
further training
Education and further training in the field of the optical
technologies is another element, which especially in a European context becomes more and more important.
Herein, DGaO considers itself to be partner and intermediary between educational institutions and institutions
of further training on one side and the needs of the labour
market on the other side. The preservation of the currently
very high level of optics education and further training,
especially regarding the new
academic degrees according to
the Bologna process, is a great
concern of DGaO.
Topic biophotonics
Besides further topics as optical metrology and micro-optics,
the area of biophotonics is of
special interest for DGaO. The
corresponding working group is
headed by the internationally renowned scientist, Prof. Gert von
Bally. The goal of this working
group is the installation of a communication platform for biophotonics to intensify connections to
other national and international scientific societies. Due to
its currentness this activity has also been support within
the 6th European frame program "Life Science, Genomics
and Biotechnology". Apart from researchers from universities and research institutions within this working group
there are members from industry such as Karl Storz Endoskope, Leica Microsystems, Richard Wolff GmbH, coherent
Deutschland GmbH, sartorius AG und lighttrans GmbH und
zett optics GmbH.
Emerging topics
An emerging topic will be the area of illumination engineering including the related light sources such as LEDs
and OLEDs. Due to new scientific results in the field of
photonic crystals and meta-materials and the interest of
various German material producers make DGaO to focus
more on topics like optical materials and optical production
Diffraction grating on a concave spherical mirror manufactured by an integrated
ultra-precision milling and laser ablation
process. The research to achieve these
results, was part of “Kompetenzdreieck
Optische Systeme”, a project within the
BMBF-program “Spitzenforschung und
Innovation in den neuen Ländern”. (R.
Kleindienst, et al., “ Reflective hybrid
optical components – Functionalization of
non-planar optical surfaces using direct
ps-laser ablation”, Annual Meeting of the
European Optical Society (EOS), Paris,
26.-29.10.2010). Source: Prof. Dr. Stefan
Sinzinger, TU-Ilmenau (Germany).
Optical assembly for application in
semiconductor industry
(Source: Berliner Glas KGaA)
Annual Meetings
The Annual Meeting is the most suitable forum to discuss
and address the topics mentioned above to the corresponding audience.
Being frequented by several hundreds of scientists
and engineers, this Annual Meeting typically takes place
in spring in the week after Whitsuntide. The meeting is accompanied by a small trade-show, where companies and
organisations are invited to present their products or services for very moderate fees.
112th Annual Meeting of the DGaO in Ilmenau
The 112th Annual Meeting will take place from June
14th-18th 2011 at the Technical University of Ilmenau
(Thuringia). Based on the application fields “medical engineering/health”, “production engineering” and “envi-
ronmental engineering” the focus will be on the following
specific topics:
• Optical and opto-mechanical microsystems
• Optical micro-manimulators
• Modelling and simulation of optical systems
• High precision optical metrology /hyper-spectral imaging
• New optical materials
Short oral presentations (12 minutes) and poster presentations are invited, concerning all aspects of Applied Optics,
and preferably the above mentioned topics. The meeting
language is German and English.
Submission of the contributions should be made before
January, 14th 2011 on
Photonic crystal fibers with various geometries (Source: Prof. Dr. Jörg Bartelt, IPHT Jena)
Prof. Dr. Michael Pfeffer
President of the German Society
of Applied Optics (DGaO)
c/o Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
Postfach 1261
D – 88241 Weingarten
Phone +49(0) 751 - 501 - 9539
+49(0) 751 - 501 - 9874
Mail [email protected]
[email protected]
Web www.
Optical Technologies –
Market Forces Dictated by Light
Photonics Forum
Halle B1
Halle B1
Cross-sectional technologies helping to secure
the future
Optical technologies are regarded as pacemaker technologies and are bringing about important product innovations
in industries such as automobile construction, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, aerospace, microelectroncs,
pharmaceuticals and medicine. As a cross-sectional technology, photonics is used in the areas of production engineering, imaging, measuring technology, medical technology, life sciences, lighting engineering, power engineering,
environmental technology, data and communication technology, research and science. Since, however, the range of
applications is continually increasing, photonics can look
forward to a glittering future.
Expanding world market – photonics in Germany
and internationally
Optical technologies are a highly efficient branch of industry in Germany. 128,000 people were directly employed
in the area of optical technologies in Germany in 2008.
Around 1 million jobs in the manufacturing industry actually depend indirectly or directly on optical technologies.
According to assessments by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research, products to the value of
€ 23.1 billion were manufactured in 2008 and over 65 %
of them were exported. The world market for OT products
amounted to € 256 billion in 2008. Germany’s share of
production in this figure was 9 % in 2009. A worldwide
annual growth rate of around 8 % is expected up to 2015.
Thanks to substantial investments in research and development amounting to 9.7 % of total turnover in Germany, the
industry has established a strong position in international
Networking platforms as important factors for
economic development
As highly promising key technologies, optical technologies
represent a strong branch of the economy for the industrial
location Germany and play an important role in production
and research all over the world. In addition to general economic conditions and the promotion of industrial locations
and research, the transfer of know-how regarding research
findings and applications is extremely important for the
positive development of the photonics industry. The economic importance of photonics is furthered by international
information and networking platforms. Experts and users
from many different areas of photonics in research and
industry attend congresses and industry marketplaces in
order to exchange know-how and present innovations to
Most important marketplaces for the photonics
industry in Munich and Shanghai in 2011
The world’s leading trade fair LASER World of PHOTONICS in Munich and LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA in
Shanghai occupy a central leading role as marketplaces
for the photonics industry. They are the world’s most important forums for photonics. Both trade fairs complement
one another in their global distribution and together have
a great leverage effect for photonics and its worldwide users. LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA firstly stimulates
significant market developments in China and for the whole
Eingang West
of Asia. Secondly, it opens up new markets in Asia for European manufacturers. The global industry meeting-points
allow the photonics industry to profit from global trends and
knowledge diversity, and also position itself internationally.
They therefore enable exhibitors to cover the world market
for optical technologies.
LASER World of PHOTONICS in Munich: Most important international industry meeting-point
LASER World of PHOTONICS has been the world’s leading
event for optical technologies since 1973. The world’s leading trade fair will be held for the 20th time in Munich from
May 23 to 26, 2011. As the leading international platform
for lasers and photonics, it will present the entire spectrum
of optical technologies together with the concurrent World
of Photonics Congress. The World of Photonic Congress
is now the most important congress for photonics in the
whole of Europe. It acts as an international network platform and combines under one roof six conferences which
are organized by leading international bodies.
1,034 exhibitors and 25,365 visitors attended LASER
World of PHOTONICS in 2009. 57 % of exhibitors and 51 %
of visitors came from abroad. This high internationality
emphasizes the international market leadership of LASER
World of PHOTONICS. The complete range of exhibits, the
presence of every key player in the industry and the close
orientation of the trade fair towards applications underline
its leading international role. The main exhibition areas are
lasers, optronics, lasers and laser systems for production,
biophotonics, life sciences, optics, imaging and measuring
LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA: Leading role
in Asia
LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA, which is becoming the
leading photonics trade fair in Asia, will be held at Shanghai
New International Expo Center from March 15 to 17, 2011.
It is already the main trade fair for lasers and photonics
in the People’s Republic of China. It is experiencing high
growth in all areas after only being staged for five times. In
2010 the trade fair attracted 275 exhibitors (+ 25 %) from
17 countries and 25,243 visitors (+ 15 %). The amount
of exhibition space increased to 11,500 square meters
(+ 27 %).
The high demand highlights the economic importance
of the trade fair as a marketplace throughout Asia. The
main exhibition areas are lasers and optronics, lasers and
laser systems for production engineering, optics and manufacturing of optics, sensors, testing and measurement,
and accessories and services. In 2011 the trade fair will
feature an Optical Information and Communications Technology Pavilion for the first time.
Messe Muenchen International
Press contact
Frau Claudia Huber
D – 81823 Muenchen
Phone +49(0)89 - 949 - 20862
Mail [email protected]
ISSN 2191-7191