SallyBrompton DailyHoroscope
SallyBrompton DailyHoroscope
■ CAREERS ■ CAREER TRAINING ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ■ FINANCIAL SERVICES ■ REAL ESTATE SERVICES ■ MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ■ PETS ■ AUTOMOTIVE ■ LEGAL & PUBLIC NOTICE PLACE AN AD Phone: 212-930-8100 Mon-Fri – 8:30am – 6pm Fax: 212-930-8120 To confirm your fax 212-930-8154 Email: nypostclassifieds Mail/Prepay: New York Post Classifieds 1211 Ave of the Americas, 15th Floor New York, NY 10036 PET PLACE Place your ad 24 hrs/7 days: CAREER TRAINING $&( ,167,787( 2) 7(&+12/2*< /post -803 67$57 <285 &$5((5 (5 DEADLINES 0(',&$/ 75$,1,1* ż 0HGLFDO $VVLVWDQW ż (.* 7HFKQLFLDQ ż 3KOHERWRP\ 7HFK ż 0HGLFDO %LOOLQJ ż &1$ 1XUVH $VVLVWDQW Liner Ads Monday: Friday 2:30PM Mon @Work: Friday 2:30PM Tuesday: Monday 2:30PM Wednesday: Tuesday 2:30PM Thursday: Wednesday 2:30PM Thurs NYPHome: Wed 2:30PM Friday: Thursday 2:30PM Saturday: Friday 2:30PM Sunday: Friday 2:30PM ż 0LFURVRIW 2IILFH ż 3& 7HFKQLFLDQ $ ż 1HWZRUNLQJ &RQFHSWV 1 ż 1HWZRUN 6HFXULW\ 6 ż &,6&2 &&1$ Display Ads Monday:Thursday 4:30PM Mon @Work: Thursday 3PM Tuesday: Friday 5PM Wednesday: Monday 5PM Thursday: Tuesday 5PM Thurs NYPHome: Tues Noon Friday: Wednesday 5PM Saturday/Sunday:Thursday 5PM ),1$1&,$/ $,' $9$,/$%/( IRU VHOHFW SURJUDPV WR WKRVH ZKR TXDOLI\ X ZZZDFHFDUHHUHGX &Žƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ĂďŽƵƚ ŽƵƌ ŐƌĂĚƵĂƟŽŶ ƌĂƚĞƐ͕ ƚŚĞ ŵĞĚŝĂŶ ĚĞďƚ ŽĨ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ ǁŚŽ ĐŽŵƉůĞƚĞĚ ƚŚĞ ƉƌŽŐƌĂŵ ĂŶĚ ŽƚŚĞƌ ŝŵƉŽƌƚĂŶƚ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͖ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ǀŝƐŝƚ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ 0$1+$77$1 48((16 PAYMENTS We Accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, checks and money orders The New York Post reserves the right to edit, reclassify, reject or cancel an ad at any time. We can only give appropriate credit, not to exceed the cost of the ad, for one insertion. We are not liable for complete omissions. Any discrepancies must be brought to our attention within 30 days of the first day the ad runs, in order to receive consideration for credit. DOGS DOGS MALTESE PUPPIES Adorable males and females, toy or teacup sizes, shots and papers. Call 718-234-6628 YORKIE PUPPIES ADORABLE, pure bred, toy & teacup sizes. Call 718-259-2295 Sally Brompton a CANCER (June 22July 23) You may be eager to get started on something but make sure you plan properly. If you start too quickly you may have to go back later and do it again. A little bit of thought now will save a lot of time and tears later on. b LEO (July 24Aug. 23) You may not be in the most sociable of moods at the moment but that's okay. A lot has happened in recent weeks and you need to find ways to make sense of it all. If you don't feel like partying that's okay you'll make up for it later. c VIRGO (Aug. 24Sept. 23) Base your decisions on logic rather than emotion over the next 24 hours. Certain events will tempt you to act irrationally but if you do the results won't be good. How would you feel if you gambled everything and lost everything? So don't gamble. &20387(5 75$,1,1* 5(3$,5 1(7:25.,1* New York Post, Wednesday, July 13, 2016 36 Find Your Next Career in the Find your new HOUSE &ODVVLÀHG Employment Listings Contact Natasha Rivera at 212-930-5748 on Daily Horoscope DISCOVER MORE ABOUT YOURSELF AND WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDS AT SALLYBROMPTON.COM d LIBRA (Sept. 24Oct. 23) You want to get things moving but the planets warn that may not be such a good idea. If you are absolutely certain that what you are planning cannot fail then go ahead. But if there is even the slightest doubt in your mind you must reconsider. e SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22) Your confidence may be high but that is not an invitation to take silly risks. The planets warn you are being misled by someone who knows how to pull your strings. Also, watch out you don't mislead yourself. Self deception could be a problem. f SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23 Dec. 21) Yes, you can make your mark on the world and be rich and famous but satisfying your worldly desires is not enough. What happens today will remind you that there is more to existence than getting and Reserved Space consuming. You need to feed LP Reserved Space your spirit too. g CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 20) You will find it easy to persuade others to do things for you today. But will they do as good a job as you would have done? Probably not. Important tasks must not be handed on to a third party. Find time to do them yourself. h AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 Feb. 19) Opportunities to be of assistance will be all around you today and the good deeds you do for others will in some way, shape or form come back to you later. You will also get that wonderful inner glow from knowing you did the right thing. i PISCES (Feb. 20Mar. 20) You may not enjoy being the center of attention but you must express yourself creatively today. Whatever comes most naturally to you is what you should be doing now, and you should be doing it in the spotlight. You DO have star quality! ^ ARIES (March 21April 20) It may seem as if others are ganging up on you for no good reason, but in fact they are ganging up on you for a very good reason. As an Aries you sometimes do things without realising how provocative they can be. So what have you done now? _ TAURUS (April 21May 21) You don't have to be what other people want you to be. You are and always have been the only one who controls your destiny. Others people's expectations must play no part in what you choose to do next. You alone are master of your fate. ` GEMINI (May 22June 21) The planets warn that if you spend more than you can afford today you may find yourself in debt and worrying about how you are going to make ends meet. You need to get your financial house in order, not demolish it further! BIRTHDAY WEDNESDAY The most important thing over the coming year is that you question each and every one of your assumptions before you take action. The planets warn there is more than just money at stake there is your reputation too. Make the right choices. SERVICES EMPLOYMENT <: 67,5 16) -(09 -40 ¶ 4,9*/(5+0:, :(3,: 1#% %. 3&' .(3-. -!(3. ..#.1'1 ' &'1 1#('% ''#. '1%3.!#' (5. (-(' -$ (%%(5 .# '. 1( .1 1 +'61 1( (6 #' -$#' (1 , 3%7 ))1! " 3%7 )1! 28)/ )888 & 1( /88 *& FINANCIAL Design: Associate Designer (Manhattan). Dsgn women’s top wear. Bachelor’s deg in fashion dsgn & at least 6 mths of prior exp in the same occupation. Send resume to: Juven’s Inc, 1441 Broadway, Ste 1601, NY, NY 10018 Graphic Designer, Port Washington, NY. Design graphics for ads/mktg, info & packaging for nutrition suppl mfg/retail co. BA + exp. Mail resumes: Confidence USA, Inc., 138 Haven Ave, Port Washington, NY 11050. Interior Designer: Commercial Interior Designer (NY, NY) to formulate, mdfy & rfine dsgn concpts & crte spaces for elite busns & clnts. Dsgn lrg-scl, sculptral furnit & light dsgns. Use CAD, Adobe Photoshop, AutoCAD, 3D Max Studio, QuarkXPress, Adobe Illustrator. Estmte mtrl reqs & costs. Reqs: Bach deg & 2 yrs exp. Resumes to HR, Hudson Furniture Inc., 112 W 20th St, 2 Fl, NY, NY 10011. Associate sought by Bank of America. Reqs: Master’s & 2 yrs exp; & knwldg of dffrnt prgrmmng langs incl C++ & Python. Exp w/ objct DBs spprtng both navigtnl & index based queries. Exp w/ fincl objct mdls coverng rates. Exp w/ basic fincl math incl optns & swap pricng mdls. Exp w/ SDLC processes incl agile & test drvn dsgn. Knwldg of dsgn pttrns. Exp w/ dvlpmt frmwrks such as Visual Studio, gdb & knwldg of difrnt opertng sys such as Windows & Linux. Knwldg of distributd sys for bldg scalable sys incl grid based & GPU based sys. Exp w/ tools used for anlytcl purposes such as Excel, numpy, scipy. Job site: New York, NY. Reference # 1622413 & submit resume to Bank of America NY1-050-03-01, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020. No phone calls or e-mails. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. w/o sponsorship. EOE. Reporter sought by Dow Jones & Co in NYC, NY to cover income markets. Apply to (Job ID: 16962). MERCHANDISE TECH CAREERS Senior Quantitative Analyst (NY, NY) Perform statistical/fin’l rsrch to optimize statistical models, pattern recognition & signal bldg abilities used in trading strategies, focusing on mkts in the Americas. Understand details of mkts micro-structure. Apply simulator & other tools to validate improvements in statistical rsrch & impact on increasing profitability. Dvlp statistically robust strategies based on rsrch to adapt across relevant exchanges & fin’l products. Work w/ large data sets using distributed systms. Assure all production code is speed efficient. Req: Master’s deg or equiv in CS, Engg, Math, Physics or rel fld + 3 yrs of exp bldg algorithmic high-frequency trading models using C++ & dvlpng trading strategies based on these models for electronic mkts worldwide. Send cvl/res w/ job #TRCSQA to: HR, Tower Research Capital LLC, 377 Broadway, 11th Fl., NY, NY 10013 Administration JOB FAIR FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Hosted by CAREERS & the DISABLED Magazine FRIDAY, JULY 15TH (10AM-3PM) HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA 401 SEVENTH AVE & 33RD ST., NEW YORK FREE ADMISSION The largest job fair in the nation for people with disabilities! Many Employers Hiring in all career disciplines Including admin, sales, finance, IT, and more… Business attire & Bring Resumes Must be 18 years of age Pre-register at: Delivery Driver... Bronx Electrical Distributor is seeking an experienced delivery driver..Routes are in Manhattan and the outer boroughs some heavy lifting maybe required. Union benefits include medical and 401K..Clean license preferred. Please send resume to [email protected] OPEN HOUSE VALET PARKING ATTENDANTS Open house being held for valet parking positions across the city. Must have a valid driver’s license, good driving record, eligibility towork in the US (proof required)and ability to drive stick-shift. Open house will be held on Wednesday – July 20th, 2016 5:00pm – 7:00pm Thursday – July 21st, 2016 5:00pm – 7:00pm 245 East 63rd Street, NY 10065. [email protected] Find your next job on WORK AT THE US OPEN 2016 US OPEN JOB FAIR FMI – MERCHANDISE SALES ON-SITE INTERVIEWS: MTA POLICE OFFICERS Are You Up To The Challenge? The MTA Police Department is seeking highly motivated, qualified individuals for the position of Police Officer. MTA Police Officers are responsible for ensuring the safety of MTA customers and employees and for protecting property throughout the MTA’s New York and Connecticut operating regions (NYC, Long Island, Upstate NY and Connecticut). Candidates must apply online to be considered for the MTA Police Officer written examination. Please visit our website at for instructions on filing an online application. A valid e-mail address is required to file online. If you do not have an e-mail address, please call 646-376-0123 for instructions on obtaining one. Please note that only online applications will be accepted. Applications submitted by mail will not be accepted or considered. The deadline for submitting applications is August 15, 2016. Expiration Date - Applications received in response to this posting will remain active until November 30, 2019. THE MTA IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. TELEMARKETING FT/EXP ONLY THE LADDER OF SUCCESS Our top salespeople climbed our ladder of success and they average $35/hour. Our newest salespeople average $9-$12/hour and they are still climbing. CALL Sean for details 212-563-7500 TIRE REPAIR PERSON F/T Must have license & experience Applications available: Call 718-324-5200 Retail Sales μ Human Resources μ Warehouse μ Assistant Management USTA NATIONAL TENNIS CENTER Flushing Meadows/Corona Park FOLLOW SIGNS TO EAST GATE (NEXT TO BOX OFFICE IN PARKING LOT B) DATES: JULY 11 – JULY 15, 2016 TIME: 10 AM to 6 PM **Please bring clean copies of your resume, come prepared to interview Service Transition Engineer (NY, NY) For info techn svcs provider, use knowl of ITIL to rsrch, dsgn, dvlp & test operating systms-level sftwr at onset of new client transition projects to ensure techn’l project deliverables are set w/ accurate reqts & estimated time of arrival of specified comptr files. Ensure all reqd SOPs & configuration items have been deployed. Configure thresholds for automatic prblm mgt. Min. bachelor’s deg in cmptr sci or closely rltd + 5 yrs exp in the IT field providing cross-platform support (paid or unpaid). Will accept equiv foreign deg. Resume to: Yuan Chen, Attn: STE, IPsoft Inc., 17 State St, NY, NY 10004. FINANCIAL IT: NYSE Market (DE), Inc. seeks Sr Dvlpr in NY, NY to be responsible for design, coding & testing of post trade apps using Ab Initio softw, Oracle database & script-based languages. Req’ments: Bachelor’s or equiv in CS, Comp Eng’g or rel. field & 5 yrs of exp in the job offered or rel. occupation participating in the full softw dvlpmnt lifecycle (SDLC). Prior exp must incl programming using the Ab Initio tool, incl continuous flow dvlpmnt, EME integration & Ab Initio graph tuning; utilizing the Oracle database & SQL & Unix operating syst’s; & performing scripting using Korn Shell. Submit resume to HR - TY, NYSE Market (DE), Inc, 5660 New Northside Drive, 3rd Flr, Atlanta, GA 30328 & indicate job code AA060716NYP. Controller sought by property manager in New York, New York to direct financial activities for affordable properties for accounting group, and oversee portfolio of affordable residential properties. Requires Bachelor’s degree in Accounting or closely related, with CPA and CISA certifications and 6 years of relevant experience. Will accept 3-year or 4-year Bachelor’s degree to meet degree requirement, or any other suitable combination of education and experience. Mail resume to: M. Fichtelberg, Related Partners, Inc., 423 West 55th Street, NY, NY 10019. Vice President; Program Lead sought by Merrill Lynch. Reqs: Master’s & 5 yrs exp; & portfolio rsk, limit & liquidity mgmt exp. 5 yrs exp w/ Dodd-Frank regltry rules as rltd to derivtvs clearng. Exp w/ credit rsk methdlogies, rsk anlytcs, derivtvs pricng & valuatns, VaR calculatns, stress testng, & Monte Carlo simulatns. In-dpth knwldg of derivtvs prdcts incl swaps, futures & optns. Prjct mgmt exp wrkig closely w/ tchnlgy teams on rsk-rltd prjcts. Exp w/ Excel VBA progrmmng, Python, MS Access progrmmng, Risk Metrics & SQL. Job site: New York, NY. Reference # 1619170 & submit resume to Merrill Lynch NY1-050-03-01, 50 Rockefeller Plaza, New York, NY 10020. No phone calls or e-mails. Must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. w/o sponsorship. EOE. To place a legal or public notice Call 212-930-8100 Find your next job on PROFESSIONAL Business Development Specialist (Brooklyn, NY) Compile & document competitive analysis of school’s mktg activities; Measure & evaluate client satisfaction; Coord sales activities, manage accts; Resp for mktg, advtsg & communication efforts; Dvlp public relations strategies. Bachelor’s deg & 2 yrs exp at private school envrmt. Send Resume to Eljasa Jashar, Principal, Brooklyn Amity School, [email protected] MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE MANHATTAN APTS FURNISHED Kitchenettes & Studio Apartments Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Single $800m /up Couple $900m /up nyc rentals 212-697-3137 TTY/7026 MANHATTAN FURNISHED ROOMS A1 All Areas - Rooms & Studios Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Rooms $125wk/up; Studios $800mo/up nyc rentals 212-697-3137 TTY/7026 To Place a Death Notice Call David Mancuso 212-930-5847 PSYCHICS %. -#' %' (*#. ( 7(3- -.3& (& *-*- 1( #'1-4#5 PROFESSIONAL New York Post, Wednesday, July 13, 2016 GENERAL HELP WANTED 37 New York Post, Wednesday, July 13, 2016 38 Schiano: I didn’t aid Penn State cover-up FINANCE & BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICES LEGAL SERVICES By KAYLEE POFAHL $SSOH %DQN IRU 6DYLQJV AUTOMOTIVE AUTOS WANTED 6\QFKURQ\ %DQN 1$ 1$ 1$ 1$ *UHDW 5DWHV 6DIHW\ \U )L[HG $35 ZZZDVWRULDEDQNFRP &DOO IRU VSHFLDO UDWHV 1$ 1$ ZZZDSSOHEDQNFRP &DOO XV IRU PRUH GHWDLOV DERXW RXU SURGXFWV DQG VHUYLFHV $VWRULD %DQN $VWRULD %DQN 3HDFH RI 0LQG 0HPEHU )',& ZZZP\RSWLPL]HUSOXVFRP 5DWH \U MXPER 3RLQWV \U IL[HG )HHV \U MXPER ZZZDVWRULDEDQNFRP 'RZQ &$// )25 -80%2 $50 35,&,1* /2$16 72 0 &2236 621<0$ 10/6 /,& NOTICES FORECLOSURE NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION SALE OF COOPERATIVE APARTMENT COLLATERAL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: BY VIRTUE OF A DEFAULT UNDER A CERTAIN PROPRIETARY LEASE (THE “LEASE”) BY AND BETWEEN IRENE FOLEY (THE “LESSEE”) AND 3636 FIELDSTON OWNERS CORP. (THE “LESSOR”), COVERING APARTMENT 5J THE “APARTMENT”) LOCATED AT 3636 FIELDSTON ROAD, RIVERDALE, NEW YORK, WHICH DEFAULT RESULTED IN THE TERMINATION OF THE LEASE, WILLIAM MANNION, LICENSED AUCTIONEER (DCA# 796322) WILL SELL THE 920 SHARES OF STOCK OF THE LESSOR (THE “SHARES”) APPURTENANT TO THE APARTMENT AND ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST IN AND TO THE LEASE AT PUBLIC AUCTION BEGINNING AT 12:00 P.M. ON AUGUST 2, 2016 AT THE BRONX COURTHOUSE, FRONT STEPS FACING GRAND CONCOURSE, 851 GRAND CONCOURSE, BRONX, NEW YORK, 10451. Apartment 5J, 3636 Fieldston Road, Riverdale, NY 10463 and monthly maintenance $828.34 THIS SALE IS HELD TO ENFORCE THE RIGHTS OF THE LESSOR AS A HOLDER OF A SECURITY INTEREST IN THE SHARES AND LEASE HEREIN DESCRIBED BASED UPON THE NONPAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE, LATE CHARGES, ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL FEES. THE LESSOR RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BID/PURCHASE AND REJECT ALL BIDS TO THE EXTENT THAT THE AMOUNT BID FOR THE APARTMENT IS NOT GREATER THAN THE AMOUNT OF THE PAST DUE SUM OWING ON THE APARTMENT. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LESSOR. A BANK OR CERTIFIED CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, PAYABLE TO SMITH, BUSS & JACOBS, LLP, ESCROW ACCOUNT, (NO ENDORSED CHECKS OR ENDORSED MONEY ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED) IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO TEN PERCENT(10%) OF THE SUCCESSFUL BID, IS REQUIRED AT KNOCKDOWN TO PURCHASE THE APARTMENT. NO CASH WILL BE ACCEPTED. ALL FUNDS MUST BE EXHIBITED TO THE AUCTIONEER PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF BIDDING, UNLESS PROPER FUNDS HAVE BEEN VERIFIED YOU WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO BID. THE BALANCE OF THE SUCCESSFUL BID IS PAYABLE AT CLOSING WHICH SHALL BE HELD WITHIN FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS OF THE AUCTION DATE, TIME BEING OF THE ESSENCE. FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS CALL SMITH, BUSS & JACOBS, LLP AT (914) 476-0600 BETWEEN 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. Want it sold? Need it sold? Sell it in NY Post Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 Or email [email protected] NOTICES FORECLOSURE NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF QUEENS DEUTSCHE BANK NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE FOR MORGAN STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I INC., TRUST 2006-HE5 Plaintiff -againstANGELA REESE, THE PROVIDENT BANK, CITY OF NEW YORK ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOUOSING PRESERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, MR. REESE(FIRST NAME REFUSED), SOPHIA MCDONALD Defendant(s) Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly dated JANUARY 14, 2016 I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder at QUEENS COUNTY SUPREME COURT, 88-11 SUTPHIN BOULEVARD, JAMAICA, NEW YORK, IN COURTROOM #25 on July 22, 2016 at 10:00 AM premises known as 145-33 ARLINGTON TERRACE, JAMAICA, NY 11435. ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Borough and County of QUEENS, City and State of New York. Block: 11938 Lot: 47 Approximate amount of lien $558,593.49 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed judgment Index # 709308/2014 RICHARD M. GUTIERREZ, ESQ., REFEREESTEIN, WIENER AND ROTH, L.L.P., ATTORNEYS FOR THE PLAINTIFF ONE OLD COUNTRY ROAD, SUITE 113 CARLE PLACE, NY 11514 DATED: June 15, 2016 FILE #: WELLS 6694 LEGAL NOTICES Bedrock Mini Storage Formerly Known As Bulwark Mini Storage Will Sell Under The N.Y. State Self Storage Lien Law On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 AT 10:30 AM And On Such Succeeding Days As May Be Necessary At 241 11th Avenue, N.Y.C. Personal Property belonging to: B3-302 Diane Rendon, B4-129 Anthony Titus, B4-207 Levo, B4-330 Steven T. Ernst., Donald Bader, DCA #865815, Patrick Williams, DCA #1377072, Auctioneers as Agents. Fill your jobs with the New York Post Place your ads at BUSINESSES FOR SALE LEGAL NOTICES Abandoned Property Notice is hereby given regarding cemetery lots abandoned under Section 1513-a of the NYS Not for Profit Corporation Law at The Evergreens Cemetery, 1629 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11207, (718) 455-5300. SECTION 1513-a SECTION: Lakeside: Lot# 430 Anna Gerken, Lot#588 Mt George Blank, SECTION: Lebanon: Lot# 256 William H. Bradley, SECTION: Mt. Grace: Tulip John Bowen, SECTION: Grove: Lot#1145 George & Louise Frost, Lot#1381 William King, SECTION: Hill of Sharon: Lot# 114 James W. Wheeler, Lot# 176 Alonzo Lasher, Lot#158 Charles Simonson, Lot# W1/2 89 Fred Nazareth: Renaud, SECTION: Lot#215 William & Mary E. Symon, Lot# 856 F. Norris Scott, Lot#1155 John & Florence Thorpe, Lot#973 Sarah J. & Walter Yenter, SECTION: Prospect Hill: Lot# 249 Frederick Heiter, Lot#128 Margaret Kimmear, Lot# 67 Charles Schmidling BARGOLD STORAGE SYSTEMS, LLC 41-41 38th STREET, LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 Tel: (212) or (718) BARGOLD (2274653) Fax: (718) 247-7007 Absolute Auctions & Realty, Inc. -Will Sell Under the N.Y. Self Storage Lien Law On 7/20/2016 11:00:00 AM & On Such Succeeding Days As May be Necessary, For Bargold Storage Systems, LLC At: 41-41 38th Street, Long Island City, NY 11101. Personal Property belonging to: Raquel Guevarra #068-A26-03; Thelma Robbins #071-D21-02; Deborah Rutledge #090-A08-01; Yvonne Benjamin #090-A09-01; Ronald White #111-A06-02; Connie Jackson #224-A13-05; Lucia Delacruz #241-A02-02; Felix E. Almonte #247-A02-05; Pedro Acevedo #373-B44-03; Rosie Rabel #434-A07-04; Eleanor Davis #452A17-01; Ivan Munoz #528OC05-02; Daniel Chavarria #539-A13-01; Gerald White #594CA06-01; Gerald White #594CA07-01; Gerald White #594CA08-01; Gerald White #594CA09-01; Pamela Findley #675BB13-02;. Stuart L. Medow Auctioneer CAIDCA #0821057 LIEN HOLDER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO BID AT AUCTION, REJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS AND CANCEL OR ADJOURN THE SALE. Pizzeria 4 SALE!!! Rockland County, NY -bordering Bergen County Located in a busy shopping center. 3000sq ft. Occupancy 90seats Great opportunity 4 experienced owner/operator. Priced 2 sell; Financing available Call for more details: 201- 398-3879 NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES Chelsea Mini Storage Will Sell Under the N.Y. State Self Storage Lien Law On Wednesday July 20, 2016 AT 10:30 AM And on Such Succeeding Days As May Be Necessary At 224 12th Avenue, N.Y.C. Personal Property belonging to: 6-336 Donald White, 6-361 Sarabeth Busta, 6-717 Deloach Antiques, 8-324 John Williams, 8-621 Ebony Flennory, 9-544 Music Group, 10-220 Julienne Marie Gatchalian, 10-221 Neil Small, 10-322 Robert G. Leino, 10-682 Enriqueta Andrade, 11-444 Paul Anavian, 11-711 Resonant Journey LLC, 11-751 Melissa Barberia, 12-422 Kristian Roebling, 12-584 Advanced ED, 12-743, Maxine Vance Barr, 21751 Makram Abuhussrin, 22-518 Maurice Joshua, 23-423 Cesar Rodriguez, 23-542 Steven Ernst, 23577 Vincent D’Onofrio,., Donald Bader, DCA #865815, Patrick Williams, DCA #1377072, Auctioneers as Agents Looking For A New Career? Check Out Your Options in the Career Training Listings Former Rutgers coach Greg Schiano has been implicated in the Penn State football program’s decadeslong silence about child sexual abuse perpetrated by predator Jerry Sandusky. Documents unsealed Tuesday by a Pennsylva nia court, in addition to containing revelations about what head coach Joe Paterno knew and when, include a deposi tion given by former Penn State graduate as sistant Mike McQueary, who became a key wit ness in Sandusky’s prose cution. McQueary testified that after he witnessed Sandusky in the shower with a young victim in 2001, he reported this to Nittany Lions assistant coach Tom Bradley. Not a surprise, Bradley told him, because Schiano, a former Penn State assis tant who went on to be come head coach of the Scarlet Knights and the NFL’s Buccaneers, had reported witnessing a similar event in the early 1990s. “I can’t remember if it was one night or one morning, but [Bradley said] that Greg had come into his office white as a ghost and said he just saw Jerry doing some thing to a boy in the shower,” McQueary testi fied. “And that’s it. That’s all he ever told me.” Schiano, Ohio State’s defensive coordinator, on Tuesday denied having any such knowledge. “I never saw any abuse, nor had reason to sus pect any abuse, during my time at Penn State,” Schiano told ESPN. Bradley, who spent 37 years at Penn State as a player, graduate assistant and fulltime assistant coach and is currently the defensive coordina tor at UCLA, was aware of Sandusky’s heinous abuses as early as the 1980s, according to Mc Queary’s account. “[Bradley] said another assistant coach had come to him in the early ’90s about a very similar situ ation to mine, and he said that he had — someone had come to him as early as the ’80s about seeing Jerry Sandusky doing something with a boy,” McQueary said. That first assistant was identified as Schiano, who was with Penn State from 199095. Paterno knew Page 12 Open offers record $ By MARC BERMAN Prize money for the U.S. Open will go up to a record $46.3 million in 2016, tournament organizers an nounced Tuesday. The men’s and women’s singles champions each will earn $3.5 mil lion — the largest payout in his tory — and the runnersup will pocket $1.75 million. By compari son, Andy Murray and Serena Williams each earned approxi mately $2.6 million (2 million pounds) for winning Wimbledon last week. The $46.3 million figure, a $4 million jump over 2015’s purse, makes the U.S. Open by far the richest of the four Grand Slams. SPORTS SHORTS was named an assistant BOXING: Pacquiao unretires concussions, to coach John Hynes on Tuesday. Manny Pacquiao will return to boxing after initially announcing his retirement in April, his longtime pro moter, Bob Arum, told the UK news paper the Guardian on Tuesday. ESPN later reported Arum said Pacquiao will fight an opponent to be determined on Oct. 29 or Nov. 5 in Las Vegas. NFL: Harrison denies PED use Steelers linebacker James Harri son said in an affidavit sent to the NFL that he never communicated with the source of a media report that linked him and other players to the use of performanceenhancing drugs. Harrison, who said he “never vio lated” the league’s PED policy, has in sisted that league officials have to pro vide “credible evidence” before he agrees to an interview. NHL: Devs make Clowe asst. Former Devil Ryane Clowe, whose career as a player was cut short due to — Brett Cyrgalis ETC.: Grizzlies make moves The Grizzlies on Tuesday signed guard Andrew Harrison and center Deyonta Davis to multiyear con tracts, waived guard Tony Wroten and acquired guard Troy Daniels from the Hornets. l The Clippers officially signed free agent Marreese Speights, a for mer Warrior. l Michael Matthews profited from the work of his teammates to win the 10th stage of the Tour de France in a sprint finish after a long breakaway on Tuesday in Revel. Chris Froome kept the yellow jersey. l Minnesota Lynx players did not wear Tshirts supporting the Black Lives Matter movement before Tues day’s game in San Antonio after four offduty police officers walked away from security jobs at a Lynx game over the weekend because of the garb.
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calls or e-mails. Must be legally