LAND 2- Map 5 - PCWA Middle Fork American River Project
LAND 2- Map 5 - PCWA Middle Fork American River Project
Project Facilities Powerhouse Dam Tunnel Penstock North F o rk Am e rican R Transportation iver A me ric an Rive Minor Road r Fo rk Major Road dl e Hydrography Mi d 174 Watercourse Water Body 49 Creek Duncan Creek Diversion MITCHELL Oxbow P.H. No rt h rk Fo o RALSTON Interbay Dam o ny Ca Hell Hole Dam n Ru Hell Hole P.H. Fire History** BEAR nR bic o ive Areas Burned 2000 - Present r g Middle Fork Interbay Wilderness Area French Meadows P.H. N. ri c an River A Five . L ong Ca ny o n Hell Hole Reservoir Fk D uncan C Designated Boundary ek re . Fk S. Middle Fork P.H. **SOURCE: USFS Region 5, 2008 Areas represent USFS Fires 10+ acres, 2000-2007. Data also includes Ca. Dept. of Forestry fires 300+ acres from 2000 - 2007 in the peaking reach. South Fork Long Canyon Diversion North Fork Long Canyon Diversion th Fo rk Am e ric an FORESTHILL or k *Modified from Calwater Ver. 2.2 to represent drainage above high-water mark of Folsom Lake Lo n Riv er me BAKE le F i dd fM French Meadows Dam French Meadows Reservoir STAR COD FISH 80 Middle Fork American River Watershed* L ak e s DEADWOOD or N Ralston Afterbay Dam BUTCHER rican Riv er er O tt C re e k n Lo Ralston P.H. Ru bi co n yon an gC NEVADA k. R iv er F S. Midd Ame le Fork Ralston Afterbay DRIVERS AUBURN FORESTHILL n yo Ca MUTTON 193 bic on R i ve r LOON 5 LOON 4 ROBBS r eek nC FOREST Ru Stumpy Meadows Reservoir Pil o ek re tC HUNTER TELLS 2 TELLS 1 TELLS 3 Union Valley Reservoir rk S il v er C Pl ace r Cou nt y Wa te r Age ncy Mid e dle e kF ork Ameri can Ri ver Pro jec t B B Z:\GIS\Entrix\3116501\map\LandMaps\LAND2 Maps\PCWA_FireHistory2000toPresent_17i11i_01.mxd Map LAND 2-5 Recent Large-scale Fires within the Middle Fork Project Vicinity B So Fo 8 6 1 49 r ut h Date: 5/5/09 0 0.5 1 2 3 Miles Projection: CA State Plane, Zone 2 Datum: NAD 83 Copyright 2009 by Placer County Water Agency
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