hobo newsletter - Lake Jordan HOBO


hobo newsletter - Lake Jordan HOBO
April 2015
P.O. Box 431·Wetumpka, AL 36092
HOBOs and Friends
2nd Quarter HOBO meeting
Monday, April 27, 2015
Camp Chandler
YMCA Camp—Lake Jordan
Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
Dinner at 6:30
A Message From The President
By the time you are reading this newsletter the lake clean-up for 2015 will be almost upon us. Mark your
calendars for April 25th. I hope that everyone who loves our lake, and is able, will participate in this year’s
clean-up. There are many ways you can participate without actually getting out on the lake to remove
trash, and a number of them can be accomplished prior to April 25th. I would encourage anyone who has
an interest in helping keep our lake beautiful to contact Barbara Dryer at 334/567-7551 to offer your
assistance. Let’s make 2015 another great year!
I would like to take this opportunity to express my thanks and appreciation to Charlie Rowe, our longtime
treasurer for the Lake Jordan HOBO Association, for his years of dedicated service. Charlie recently
approached me with his desire to step down as HOBO treasurer and I reluctantly agreed. Charlie has been
a great asset for this association and he will leave big shoes to fill! Fortunately for our association, a very
capable and qualified individual stepped forward to express his desire to serve as Treasurer. Tommy
Counts, a Titus side resident, will begin the transitioning process. I would encourage everyone to welcome
Tommy to the leadership team and to express their sincere appreciation to Charlie for his hard work these
many years. Thank you Charlie!
Finally, please put April 27, 2015 on your calendar as our next meeting date. I encourage everyone to
attend. The meeting will again be held at YMCA Camp Chandler starting at 7:00 pm with dinner served at
6:30 pm.
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
Page 1
Local Residents Win Big!
An update to our previous article on local resident and wake-boarder extraordinaire, Tyler Royal:
Congratulations on winning big at the INT League’s Eastern Regional competition!
The INT League, known as the “Little League of Watersports,” was started in 1993 and is an
exciting league of wakeboarding, waterskiing, knee-boarding and wakeskating. The INT League is
known for turning recreational activities into a SPORT. The league was started in Washington
state with four events and has expanded into 27 states hosting over 250 events per year. The first
US Championships was hosted in Austin, Texas in 1998 with 330 competitors in 27 divisions.
These competitors had one thing in mind – to be crowned the INT League champion.
We are proud to report that Tyler was named National Champion in the INT Outlaw Division at the
leagues’ Eastern Regional competition held this past August on Lake Jewell in Florence, Alabama.
Because of this win, Tyler will move up to the Pro Division next year. Hannah Royal, Tyler’s
younger sister, was also named State Champion for her division. She placed 3 rd at Regionals and
6th Nationally in the Women’s Novice Division. Congrats to them both!
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Page 2
Are You Ready to Get Dirty?
Good! It’s that time of year again. Lake Jordan HOBO Association in conjunction
with Alabama Power’s “Renew Our Rivers – The Coosa” campaign is gearing up for
the annual Lake Jordan Clean-Up on Saturday, April 25, 2015.
The Clean-Up will start promptly at 8:00 AM from Bonner’s
Point. Alabama Power, Alabama Fish & Game, and
Elmore County Search & Rescue will again be providing
assistance with boats and bodies that help make this
event possible each year. Gloves and trash bags will also
be distributed by Alabama Power.
If you are interested in keeping Beautiful Lake Jordan
beautiful, WE NEED YOUR HELP! If you can provide a
boat or other tools to help gather trash, your participation
is crucial. Keep in mind, you do not have to be a HOBO
member to participate. If fact, we encourage you to invite your neighbors, friends,
church/community/social groups, etc. to roll-up their sleeves and volunteer for the
good of all who live and play on our lake.
As always, lunch will be provided to all workers. If you can’t physically help with the
Clean-Up, your donation of money or lunch items (hotdog/hamburger buns, cakes,
cookies, chips, drinks, etc.) to feed our volunteers would be greatly appreciated. If
you would like to help with the picnic lunch, contact Carla McCune at #569-9505.
To participate in the Clean-Up or for more information, please call Lake Clean-Up
Committee Chairman Barbara Dreyer at #567-7551 or bmdreyer@bellsouthnet.
All volunteers will receive a “Renew Our Rivers” t-shirt provided by Alabama Power.
Working together, we can make a huge difference in the quality of our lake and our
lake living!
Hope to see you April 25, 2015 – 8:00 AM at Bonner’s Point.
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Page 3
Prevent Deadly Shocks – Check Your Boats and Docks
If you own a boat and/or dock, take steps now to help prevent a tragedy. The Energy Education Council’s Safe
Electricity program advises, “Prevent deadly shocks. Check your boats and docks.”
In prior years there have been devastating accidents near boats and boat docks both locally and throughout the
country. In July of 2012, a 26 year-old woman was swimming with family in the Lake of the Ozarks and was
electrocuted when she touched an energized dock ladder. That same year, a 13 year-old girl and her 8 year-old
brother received fatal electrical shocks while swimming near a private dock on the very same lake. Officials cited an
improperly grounded circuit as the cause in both cases. In Tennessee, two boys, ages 10 and 11, lost their lives as
they were shocked while swimming between house boats on Cherokee Lake, a result of an on-board generator current
apparently entering the water through frayed wires beneath the boat.
An important step in helping prevent such tragedies is to ensure proper installation and maintenance of electrical
equipment on your docks and boats. Take the time now to inspect all of the electrical systems you own that are on or
near the water before Spring is upon us.
Safe Electricity, in partnership with the American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) and the International Brotherhood of
Electrical Workers/National Electrical Contractors Association recommend taking these steps before boating season
At a minimum, all electrical installations should comply with article 553 (residential code) and 555
(commercial code) of the 2011 National Electrical Code which mandates a ground fault circuit
interrupter (GFC) on all dock receptacles. A GFCI measures the current in a circuit. An imbalance
of that current, such as a discharge into the water, will trip the GFC and cut the power.
2) A GFC should be tested a least once a month or per the manufacturer’s specification. The GFCI
should be located somewhere along the ramp to the dock so it can be easily found and tested by local
fire departments as needed.
3) The metal frame of docks should “bonding jumpers” on them to connect all metal parts to a ground
rod on the shore. That will ensure any part of the metal dock that becomes energized because of
electrical malfunction will trip the GFCI or the circuit breaker.
Even if your dock’s electrical system has been installed by a licensed electrical contractor and inspected, neighboring
docks can still present a shock hazard. Ensure your neighbor’s dockside electrical system complies with the National
Electrical Code and has been inspected.
When it comes to your boat’s electrical system, particularly those with onboard generators, keep these tips in mind:
1) If you are unsure how to install something, do not call your neighbor/electrician friend. Call an
ABYC Electrical Certified Tech.
2) Household wire is not suitable for use on boats as houses are motionless and generally dry. Even
marine-rated wire that is not supported along its length will break with constant motion stress.
3) Do NOT use wire nuts or splice connectors. Wire nuts are for solid conductor wire, which should
never be on a boat, and splice connectors cut wire strands.
4) Fuses are rated to protect the wire, not the stereo. If a fuse blows continuously, it should NOT be
replaced with a larger one just to keep it from blowing again – something else is wrong.
5) Have your boat’s electrical system checked at least once a year or whenever something is added
or removed from their systems.
These helpful hints have been provided by the Energy Education Council.
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Page 4
Message from the Vice
I am pleased to announce that we
have two new Area Representatives.
Wanda Williams, 775 Tarilton Rd.
Titus, will be serving Area 5. This part
of our lake has been vacant for a while.
Barb Pribulick, 48 Ski Club Dr./ 240
Jasmine Ridge Rd. will be serving with
Gerald Griffies in Area 8.
If you are currently listed as an area
representative, please confirm that you
are willing and able to continue to
serve by sending a note to me at
[email protected] at your
earliest convenience.
We still need a volunteer for Area
10, covering from Funderburg Terrace
subdivision to, but not including, the
Shoal Creek area and there may be
other areas where our representatives
have moved or are otherwise unable to
continue to serve.
Look forward to seeing everyone on
our beautiful lake soon.
John Bush
Water Monitors Needed!
Water Monitors test physical and
chemical characteristics of the water to
determine pollution sources and long
term trends in water quality. Each
month monitors measure PH,
Hardness, Total Alkalinity, Air and
Water Temperature and Dissolved
Oxygen. Bacteria monitors detect
levels of E. Coli in the water to
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
determine if water is safe for drinking,
swimming and aquatic life.
If you are interested in being a water
monitor on Lake Jordan, call Judy May
at 334-567-7327 or email
at [email protected]. A
chemical monitoring class is scheduled
at her home Friday, April 24th.
Thank you, Judy May
Water Watch Chair
Christmas Tree Drop
Thanks to everyone that helped out at
the Annual Christmas Tree Drop
sponsored by Alabama Power.
I think everyone enjoyed themselves,
made new friends, and also helped out
the fish population of Lake Jordan.
Alabama Power catered our lunch with
Subway at the Slapout location. We
are always looking for more volunteers
Please consider joining us next year.
Dave Kowalski, Safety Committee
Page 5
Homemade Girl Scout Cookies—Samoas
Source: Baking Bites
These homemade Girl Scout cookie Samoas Bars are the perfect
cookie substitute. So simple to make and packed full of coconut,
caramel, and chocolate flavor.
Cookie Base:
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1 large egg
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups all purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
3 cups shredded sweetened coconut
12 ounces chewy caramels, unwrapped
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
3 tablespoons whole milk
10 ounces dark chocolate chips
Source: Baking Bites
Using the spatula, spread topping into an even layer.
Let topping set until cooled.
When cooled, cut into 30 bars with a large knife or a
pizza cutter (it’s easy to get it through the topping).
Once bars are cut, melt chocolate in a small bowl.
Heat on high in the microwave in 45 second intervals,
stirring thoroughly to prevent scorching. Dip the base
of each bar into the chocolate and place on a clean
piece of parchment or wax paper. Transfer all
remaining chocolate (or melt a bit of additional
chocolate, if necessary) into a piping bag or a ziploc
bag with the corner snipped off and drizzle bars with
chocolate to finish.
Let chocolate set completely before storing in an
airtight container.
Makes 30 bar cookies
If you have a favorite recipe you’d like to share send it
to Marci at [email protected] !
Attention Readers
For cookie crust:
First, make the crust.
Preheat oven to 350F. Lightly grease a 9×13-inch
baking pan, or line with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, cream together sugar and butter, until
fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla extract. Working at a low
speed, gradually beat in flour and salt until mixture is
crumbly, like wet sand. The dough does not need to
come together. Pour crumbly dough into prepapred
pan and press into an even layer.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, until base is set and edges
are lightly browned. Cool completely on a wire rack
before topping.
For topping:
Preheat oven to 300. Spread coconut evenly on a
parchment-lined baking sheet (preferably one with
sides) and toast 20 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes,
until coconut is golden. Cool on baking sheet, stirring
occasionally. Set aside.
Unwrap the caramels and place in a large microwavesafe bowl with milk and salt. Cook on high for 3-4
minutes, stopping to stir a few times to help the
caramel melt. When smooth, fold in toasted coconut
with a spatula.
Put dollops of the topping all over the shortbread base.
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
If you are reading this newsletter, you are currently, or
have been in the past, a Lake Jordan HOBO member.
If the number 15 (2015) does not appear after your
name in the recipient section on the back cover, your
annual dues are outstanding.
In the next quarter, our new Membership Committee
will attempt contact with you to determine if you are still
interested in membership. If so, we ask that you please
forward your $25.00 annual dues without delay.
Please also note that if you are a business owner and
a current paid HOBO member, we will proudly
advertise your business for you in the newsletter free
of charge. Where else can you get free advertising
that reaches hundreds of local readers? Mail your
checks today and keep Beautiful Lake Jordan
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners
P.O. Box 431 Wetumpka,, AL 36092-0431
Page 6
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Minutes of Quarterly Membership Meeting * Jan. 26, 2015
The Lake Jordan Homeowners/Boat Owners
Association Quarterly Membership Meeting was
called to order by President Gerald Hardy at
7:00pm on January 26, 2015 at Camp Chandler
on Lake Jordan.
Gerald Hardy, declared that a quorum was
present to conduct business and called the
meeting to order.
concern where there is the potential need for
protection from liability. A motion was made to
authorize the HOBO Officers and Board Members
to explore the cost of General Limited Liability
Insurance and to execute the purchase of the
policy if the annual cost is less than $1000.00. An
amendment was offered to the motion requiring
that the Board obtain 3 quotes. The motion as
amended was put before the membership for a
vote. The motion carried.
The Invocation was given by Charlie Rowe.
Gerald welcomed everyone, and newcomers and
guests introduced themselves.
A motion was made and seconded to approve the
minutes from the October 27, 2014 Quarterly
HOBO Association meeting. The motion carried.
Charlie Rowe presented the Financial Report
dated December 31, 2014 with an ending nonrestricted balance of $41,341.44. It was pointed
out that the Fireworks Fund is starting off with a
surplus this year due to additional fundraising in
2014. A motion to approve the financial report as
written was made and seconded. The motion
Representatives from each of the Volunteer Fire
Departments that serve the Lake Jordan area
were in attendance at the quarterly meeting and
were presented the Annual $1000 Grant checks.
Gerald put forth Resolution 15-01, the proposed
2015 HOBO Association Budget, to the
membership for review and approval. A motion
was made and seconded to approve the budget
as written. The motion carried and the 2015
Budget was passed.
Marci Williams brought up for discussion the
possible need for the HOBO Association to
purchase General Limited Liability Insurance to
protect the organization and all volunteers serving
in the interest of the organization when
sponsoring events and holding meetings. The
Annual Lake Cleanup is one event of particular
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
At the October 2014 HOBO Quarterly meeting,
the membership approved adding Joe Young’s
name to the monument at the Worship Area at
Bonner’s Point. Gerald recognized Peggy Young
who was in attendance at the meeting and
announced that the monument would be finished
within the next couple of weeks.
Committee Reports
Lake Clean Up – Barbara Dreyer talked about this
year’s Annual Lake Clean Up scheduled for April
25, 2015. She reminded everyone to talk to their
neighbors and get them involved. If you are
interested in helping but don’t have a boat,
Barbara will find someone for you to ride with.
She talked about how great it would be to see
more young people on the lake volunteer to help.
Every year, several hundred people get out and
clean up Lake Jordan for all to enjoy. All workers
will enjoy a picnic lunch at Bonners and will be
given a free t-shirt. People are asked to bring
desserts to share with everyone. Barbara also
talked about the need for sponsors. $100 will get
your company name put on the back of the
Annual Lake Cleanup T-shirt. A volunteer sign up
list was circulated at the meeting. Please call
Barbara if you would like to volunteer, sponsor the
Clean Up, or if you have questions at 334 5677551.
Water Quality – A Water Testing Certification
Class is scheduled for April 24th at the home of
Judy May. It will start at 9am and end at 2pm and
lunch will be provided. There is a need for more
Page 7
people to volunteer to perform water testing. If
you are interested in attending the certification
class, please call Judy at 334 567-7327 or 334
Lake Safety – Dave Kowalski reminded everyone
to be sure to have all electrical outlets on docks
and located near the water GFI protected to avoid
the possibility of electrical shock drowning.
The Annual Fish Habitat Project to recycle
Christmas trees by placing them throughout the
Lake is scheduled for February 11th at 9am at
Bonners Point. Lunch will be provided by
Alabama Power.
Fireworks – Alan Williams reminded everyone to
please make a donation to the fireworks fund
when paying their yearly dues.
Membership – The HOBO Association is always
looking to increase its number of paid members
and Jacki Brown suggested possibly having a
membership drive at the Annual Lake Clean Up in
April. She also pointed out that often times dues
go unpaid because people just forget and, that
she could, with ease, generate a bill/reminder on
January 1st to be sent out to the membership.
The discussion then focused on the HOBO
newsletter and the fact that the number mailed
out each quarter far exceeds the number of paid
memberships. It is clear that the list needs to be
reviewed and updated. Jacki suggested the
option of sending the newsletter to only those who
are current on their yearly dues which would
hopefully encourage those who haven’t paid to do
so when they stop receiving it. Upon suggestion
by Wayne Turner, the matter was referred to the
Board for further discussion.
HOBO Newsletter – Marci Williams asked that all
items for inclusion in the next HOBO Newsletter
be in by March 1, 2015.
Publicity – Marci Williams talked about the
popularity of the “We Love our Lakes” yard signs
and put forth the idea of making and selling “We
Love our Lakes” t-shirts to generate money for the
fireworks fund. Gerald suggested that the idea
and the logistics of selling the t-shirts be taken up
for discussion by the Fireworks Committee.
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Website – Please let Sharon Massey know if you
would like anything posted to the website. If you
are not receiving HOBO Association emails and
you wish to, please visit the website at
www.lakejordanhobo.org and click on the “Join
Our E-Mail List” link.
Government Relations –Senator Clyde Chambliss
is tentatively scheduled to be at the April 2015
Quarterly Meeting to report on and answer
questions about the 2015 Legislative Session.
Grants – The Annual Fire Departments Grant
checks were presented during this meeting.
As a general reminder, anyone wishing to
advertise their business in the HOBO Newsletter
must be current on their membership dues.
Gerald recognized and thanked Judy May,
Barbara Dreyer and the Fireworks Committee, for
their hard work and their awesome contributions
to the HOBO Association and to Lake Jordan in
2014. He also introduced Luke Dooley, the new
Camp Director for Camp Chandler.
The $50 Raffle drawing was held.
Congratulations to the winner, Barbara Dreyer.
There being no further business, Gerald Hardy
adjourned the meeting. The next meeting will be
held on Monday, April 27th, 2015 at 7:00pm (6:30
pm if you want to eat) at Camp Chandler.
Respectfully Submitted,
Joyce Wright
Check out what’s happening on
Lake Jordan at
You’ll also find a link to events
happening in our area!
Page 8
Officers & Board Members
Area Representatives
Gerald Hardy, 2685 Ceasarville Rd., Wetumpka, AL
36092 Email: [email protected],
Tel: 328-2218
Area 1: Softhatchee Creek (Swayback Slough) from
above Collier Bridge out to the public ramp on Coosa
Barbara Dreyer 567-7551
E-mail: [email protected]
210 Weluvit Lane, Titus, AL 36080
John and Carol Bush, 500 Lake Shore Drive, Titus, AL
36080 Email: [email protected], Tel: 514-0704
Joyce Wright, 494 Cliffside Drive, Titus, AL 36080
Email: [email protected], Tel: 514-4412
Charles Rowe, 1220 Tiger Point Road, Titus AL 36080,
Email: [email protected], Tel: 567-5272
Lee Miller, 3209 Brentwood Dr, Montgomery, AL
36111 Email: [email protected] Tel: 213-2323
Logan Gray Tel: 324-5194
Email: [email protected]
Ernie Pritchard Tel: 567-9271
Email: [email protected]
Alan Williams, Tel 318-2526
Email: [email protected]
Tim Owen, Tel: 279-7761
Email: [email protected]
Jeff Royal, Tel: 334-301-0730
Email: [email protected]
The deadline for submitting news
for the next newsletter is
June 1.
Help us keep you informed!
[email protected]
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
Area 2: Public Ramp to and including Lake Jordan
Fred & Charlene Lovelace 567-9992
E-mail: [email protected]
1029 Hollywood Rd., Titus, AL 36080
Craig Norrell 567-9939
Lake Jordan Rd., Titus, AL 36080
Area 3: Lake Jordan Marina to mouth of Weoka
Bill Arnold 567-5176
E-mail: [email protected]
965 Lakeland Dr., Titus, AL 36080
Frank & Judy May
E-mail: [email protected]
210 Wildwood Lane, Titus, AL 36080
Area 4: Total Weoka Creek shoreline including
Holiday Shores and Joe’s Fish Camp area
John & Alice Ayers 514-1967
231 Lake Shore Dr., Titus, AL 36080
Dave & Ann White (Island Rd. & Circle Ln.)
E-mail: [email protected]
33 Bluewater Dr., Titus, AL 36080
Area 5: Northwest of Island Road, mouth of Weoka
Creek, through Gaddis Beach
Wanda Williams
775 Tarilton Rd. Titus, AL 36080
[email protected]
Area 6: Gaddis Beach to Mitchell Dam
Sonny VanHouten 567-2477
E-mail: [email protected]
265 Mountain Rd., Titus, AL 36080
Page 9
Area 7: Starting at Jordan Dam and includes Canal,
Walter Bouldin Dam and back to end of Canal
Glen & Mary Kibler 567-9692
E-mail: [email protected]
312 Easy St., Wetumpka, AL 36092
Area 8: West side of Canal up to and including
Bonner’s Point
Gerald Griffies
355 Beachwood Rd., Wetumpka, AL 36092
Barb Pribulick
240 Jasmine Ridge Rd., Wetumpka, AL 36093
[email protected]
Area 9: From Bonner’s Point through Funderburg
Terrace subdivision (this includes all of Donehoo
Karla Quinn 569-1373 240 Myrick Dr., Deatsville, AL
Ann Quillin 569-0012
E-mail: [email protected]
368 Myrick Dr., Deatsville, Al 36022
Area 10: From Funderburg Terrace subdivision to
but not including Shoal Creek areaVacant
Area 11: The total shoreline of Shoal Creek
(Blackwell Slough) and up to old Fishtails Restaurant
Chris & Betty Christensen 569-2014
E-mail: [email protected]
175 Curlee Rd., Deatsville, AL 36022
Area 12: From old Fishtails Restaurant up to Mitchell
Bucky Berrey 256-377-2622
E-mail: [email protected]
Route 1, Box 160A, Rockford, AL 35136
Areas 1 through 6 are on the East side of the
Lake and areas 7 through 12 are on the West
side of the Lake. Call your area representative
if you need information.
Committee Membership Listing
Following are the designated chairs for each of the
committees of the Lake Jordan HOBO Association:
Lake Clean-Up Committee:
Barbara Dreyer 567-7551
E-mail: [email protected]
Environmental Committee:
Mac Patchel
E-mail: [email protected]
Lake Jordan Water Watch Committee:
Judy May 567-7327 or 399-8330
E-mail: [email protected]
HOBO Newsletter Editor:
Marci Williams 782-5890
[email protected]
Co-chairs for Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa:
River Basin Compact
Dave White 567-3936
Membership Committee:
Jacki Brown 558-2902
E-mail: [email protected]
Lake Safety Committee:
Dave Kowalski 514-0804
E-mail: [email protected]
Nominating Committee:
Board of Directors, Members of the Board
Fireworks Committee:
Michael Wood 567-3276
HOBO Publicity:
Marci Williams 782-5890
[email protected]
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Area Representatives Committee:
Chairperson: Judge John and Carol Bush
HOBO Co-Vice Presidents
E-mail: [email protected]
Memorial and Worship Committee:
Wayne Turner 202-6555
Page 10
Property Owners Goods & Services Directory
Gail Aplin,
ADT Security Systems, Inc.
Montgomery, AL
Mike Aplin,
Title Max of Alabama, Inc.
Montgomery, AL
Mark and Jacki Brown
Diversified Alarm Services
Low monthly monitoring rates for
new and existing systems; save
up to 20% on your homeowners
insurance/ Wireless alarm
monitoring...no home phone
required/ Video surveillance
systems with live remote viewing
via internet and mobile devices.
Full time lake residents
Bill Cook, VP
Southern Homes and Gardens
Free consult if you call for an
estimate now!
We’ll help with landscape
installation or irrigation
Installation to make your property
stand out! Website:
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Bill Cook, Owner
Southern Lawns Mosquito
For Mosquito Free Living,
Reynolds Cook, Manager
Frances Crews, Mary Kay
Beauty Consultant
334-514-1126 Serving Lake
Jordan, Titus and surrounding
Tony Culverhouse, Kitchen
Creations, Inc.
Countertops: Corian, Quartz, and
1570 Geddie Loop Rd.
Deatsville, AL 36022
Phone 569-2983 Fax 569-2987
Web site:
Don Darby, Signs To Go
1821 Eastern Blvd.,
Montgomery, AL
[email protected]
Page 11
Property Owners Goods & Services Directory
Denson Holley, APEX Propane
Slapout: 569-3325 Wetumpka:
Tank rentals, Appliances, Grills,
Fish Cookers, Accessories
Marybeth Lagrone, Rumbling
Waters Health Club, LLC
“Historic Downtown Wetumpka”
Pam Martin, Peaches΄n Clean of
America, Inc.
PNC Commercial Building
Services, Inc.
840 Lagoon Business Loop
Montgomery, AL 36117
Offering carpet, oriental rug,
upholstery and tile cleaning by
IICRC certified professionals.
Also offering commercial janitorial
Cliff Massey, Certified Public
Bern, Butler, Capilouto, &
Massey PC
4137 Carmichael Rd. Suite 200
Montgomery, AL 36106
Website: bbcm-cpa.com
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
Tom Reiske
R & R Plumbing & Contracting,
Commercial & Residential
(334)478-3820, (334)478-3821
or (334)394-5774
Charlie Rowe & Associates
Certified Mediator/Government
4120 Wall Street, Montgomery, AL
334-244-2187 ext. 2 or Fax: 334244-8029
E-mail [email protected]
(Home) 334-567-5272
[email protected]
Rocky Stone, Berry OpticalMontgomery
Home: 334-567-1820
Be sure and pick up a
Beautiful Lake Jordan HOBO Association
bumper sticker at the next Lake Jordan HOBO
Page 12
Property Owners Goods & Services Directory
TNT Outfitters, LLC
Sales and Service
Golf Carts, Cargo Trailers, Utility
Trailers and Equipment Trailers
Full Time Lake Resident
Wadsworth Lawn Care
For all your lawn care needs
Mowing, Edging, Blowing, Pine
Straw, Hedge & Shrub
Maintenance, Weed control,
Leaves, Mulch, ETC.
Contact: Josh Wadsworth by
phone at 334-296-7908
[email protected]
Free Estimates
Wadsworth Christmas Tree
3071 Dexter Rd., Wetumpka, AL
Phone: 334-567-6308 or cell:
Frank and Lucie Wadsworth
[email protected]
Discover Central Alabama’s best
selection of Christmas trees! Our
farm is a “choose and cut”
operation with a large selection of
tree types available. Christmas
2013 marks our 34th year of
Steve and Lori Walter
Lakeshore Storage
Indoor Boat & RV Storage
52 Lakeshore Dr.
Wetumpka, AL
Alan Williams, Mortgage Loan
BB&T Wetumpka Branch
Phone 514-3979
Email: [email protected]
Enjoying a boat ride!
Submitted by Marci Williams
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
Page 13
Real Estate Consultants
Tom Clark-ALFA REALTYWetumpka Office “ 42 years
of real estate on Lake
lake resident—315-9500
Brandt Wright
Century 21 Brandt Wright
Realty, Inc.
Wetumpka Office
Montgomery Office
Lake Jordan Homeowners and Boat Owners Association
Michael Wood, RE/MAX of
“Earning your respect through
Home: 334-567-3276
Cell: 334-322-3276
Specializing in Elmore,
Montgomery and Autauga
Counties for over 29 years
Full Time Lake Resident
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What’s For Sale On the Lake?
Lake residents are always interested in what’s for sale on the lake so they can tell their city dwelling
friends and relatives. This column will be available to all HOBO members who have listings or property
for sale on the lake If you have a listing that you would like to appear in the next HOBO Newsletter,
please send it to Marci Williams at [email protected]. We’ll look forward to making this a useful
tool for home sellers and buyers.
This property and house is one of the best combinations on beautiful
Lake Jordan. Lake Jordan is 30 minutes from Montgomery, 2 and a half
hours from Atlanta, an hour and a half from Birmingham, 3 hours from
the most beautiful beaches in America(Gulf Shores), and the lake itself
is almost 7,000 acres of pristine water paradise. If you love any type of
water activities, this lake has it for you. This lovely property offers the
unique combination of a flat lot and all brick dwelling--with a location
that can’t be beat. A rare find on Lake Jordan. $437,000
Brandt Wright-Century 21 Brandt Wright Realty, Inc.
334-399-3700 WWW.C21BW.COM EMAIL:[email protected]
High Ridge Rd.
Large 3.4 acre lot on the Titus side of beautiful Lake Jordan. This lot
features 300 feet of water front, rock bordering part of the shore line,
many hard wood trees and a gorgeous view! Part of the lot on the
water has been cleared, leaving the other part on the water in its
natural wooded state. The land that is not bordering the water features
woods and grassland areas. Electricity, water and telephone all
available on site. $175,000
Joyce Wright Century 21 Brandt Wright Realty, Inc. 334-399-5100
840 Driftwood
Incredible lot with home on Lake Jordan with over 500 feet of
waterfront with sea wall. Outstanding views from this prime lot. Two
boat houses, one two boat and workshop, the other one will
accommodate three boats. Good sized dock also. Beautiful grounds
with flower gardens including sprinkler system that pumps water out
of lake covering most of property. Very private. Main house has 3
bedrooms 1 bath, guest house has 1 bedroom ½ bath. $250,000
Brandt Wright-Century 21 Brandt Wright Realty, Inc. 334-3993700 WWW.C21BW.COM EMAIL:[email protected]
Lake Jordan Home Owners and Boat Owners Association
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If you would like to join the HOBOs, please fill out the form below and bring to the meeting or mail it in if you cannot make the meeting.
Please consider a donation to the fireworks if you want to see this annual event in 2015.
Fill out the form if you are renewing your membership and/or volunteer for a committee.
REMEMBER----DUES FOR THE YEAR ARE DUE IN JANUARY. If '15 does not appear at the end of your name on the address label, your
membership is not current for this year. Business listings will be removed for non-payment of membership dues.
P.O. BOX 431 WETUMPKA, AL 36092-0431
Renewal __________
New Member __________
Address Change______________________________________
NAME ___________________________________________________________________________________________
MAILING ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________
LAKE ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________
LAKE SUBDIVISION NAME __________________________________________________________________________
PHONE: (Home) ____________________ (Cell) ____________________ (Business) ____________________
E-MAIL ADDRESS _________________________________________________________________________________
Spring Clean-Up
Water Monitoring
“Little Church” at Bonner’s
COMMENTS _______________________________________________________________________________________