Schanachie April 2016 - Irish American Club
Schanachie April 2016 - Irish American Club
volume 38 issue 7 APRil 2016 2 SCHANACHIE THE NEXT GENERATION ON SATURDAY, APRIL 9TH We will be hosting Doug Leahy and the Next Generation for the first time. This group has been building on over three generations of Leahy musicianship, Doug Leahy, together with his wife Jennifer and their children are keeping those traditions alive through music, song, and dance. Still all in elementary school, the children are accomplished multi-instrumentalists. Led by Doug, live performances are filled with the high-energy, infectious Celtic-based music people associate with the Leahy heritage. Fiddle, cello, French accordion, singing, piano, and FrenchCanadian step-dancing all find a voice on stage. And the children, so in love with what they are doing, enamor audiences who don’t want the show to end. The concert will begin at 7 p.m. so we invite all families to come and join in the entertainment. Doors will open at 6 p.m. and due to our kitchen being closed you are welcome to bring your own snacks/dinner. Tickets will be $15 for members, $18 for guests, and $5 for children 12 and under, please call and make reservations. For reservations please contact: Sarah Dirk 216-3379004 ([email protected]) or Linda Carney 216-5313816 ([email protected]). APRIL 2016 3 NOTICE OF VOTE ON IACES BY-LAWS AMENDMENTS At the General Membership Meeting of the IACES to be held on March 14, 2016, there were to be votes taken on two amendments to the By-Laws of the IACES. At the March Membership meeting, all business was suspended and the membership adjourned the March meeting until immediately prior to the April Membership meeting on April 11, 2016. Written ballots will be available to vote on amendments to (1) Article III – The Executive Board – to require the development of a Policy Manual for use by the Executive Board and (2) Article V – Committees – to clarify the differences between “standing” and “special” committees of the Executive Board. Texts of the proposed amendments were published in the February edition of the Schanachie. At the General Membership Meeting of the IACES to be held on April 11, 2016, there will be a vote taken on an amendment to Article II of the IACES By-Laws, “OFFICERS, POWERS, ELECTION AND TERMS OF OFFICE, SECTION 2.4.1 – TERMS OF OFFICE”. The amendment will provide the following: “ELIMINATE THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE IN THE EXISTING SECTION 2.4.1: “NO MEMBER ELECTED TO AN OFFICE, INCLUDING THE AT-LARGE POSITION, SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HOLD THE SAME ELECTED OFFICE MORE THAN TWO CONSECUTIVE TERMS.” ADD THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE TO SECTON 2.4.1: “NO MEMBER ELECTED TO AN OFFICE, INCLUDING THE AT-LARGE POSITION, SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HOLD THE SAME ELECTED OFFICE MORE THAN FOUR CONSECUTIVE TERMS.” Written ballots will be available to vote on the amendment to Article II at the April 11, 2016 General Membership meeting. U:\TIGUE\2016\IACES\By-Laws Review Committee\March Membership Meeting\NOTICE OF VOTE ON IACES BY-LAWS.Docx 4 SCHANACHIE LADIES ONLY LUNCHEON & REVERSE RAFFLE PAT DOWD EASTER 1916 THROUGH SONG AND STORY PAT DOWD This year, 2016, marks the 100th anniversary of the Easter Uprising in Dublin. Throughout Ireland, the United States, and many countries of the world, commemorations are being held to recognize the significance of that event and to remember those that participated in the planning, execution and aftermath of the Rising. The Easter Rising began just before noon on April 24, 1916, Easter Monday, when Padraic Pearse and the signatories of the Proclamation took control of the General Post Office on what is now O’Connell Street and lasted through Saturday, April 29th. The Padraic Pearse Center is proud to host the first of several programs here which will highlight the events of 1916. The first of these programs is titled, “Easter 1916 Through Song and Story”. It was written and produced by Jack Kilroy and includes some familiar faces and friends whom we are happy to welcome: Tish Jones, Mary Agnes Kennedy, Kathy Siath, Patrick Kennedy, Patrick Lafferty, John Cundiff and Jack Kilroy. Please join us on Friday evening, April 22nd at 8:00 PM in the Phil Walsh Cabaret Room as we welcome the cast of this very moving program. Admission is only $5.00 at the door. There will also be some very informative displays depicting more information about this most important event in Irish history. Please feel free to bring family and friends to this special event. IT’S “STEAK SHOOT” TIME! That’s right – we’re ready to kick off our 8th season of “Steak Shoot”, the bingo-type game that’s so much fun and lets you win delicious steaks, roasts, ribs, and more. Thursday, April 21st at 7:30PM, the fun begins in the Phil Walsh Cabaret Room. Cost is only $8 for 24 games and the Bonus Rounds. Get your group together or come alone – you’ll have a great night out that’s inexpensive too. And of course you’ll have a chance at our monthly cash drawings and the big “Holiday Cash” drawing in November. The Padraic Pearse Center thanks you for your great support! What a fantastic response we’ve had to this year’s Ladies Only Luncheon & Reverse Raffle! All of our main board tickets were gone six weeks before the event. To enable more ladies to attend, we’ve added Luncheon Tickets at a cost of $25 each. The Luncheon Ticket includes everything but the main board - hot buffet luncheon, specialty drinks of the day, open bar, opportunity to purchase sideboards, Chinese auction, and special raffles. Sunday, April 17th- Doors open at 1:00 PM, Luncheon is at 2:00 PM and the raffles and drawings are at 3:00 PM. Our theme this year is the “Fabulous Fifties”! So many of our gals love to dress for the theme, so feel free to do so, although that is optional. Just come and have a great time with your friends, relatives and other women. You’ll be glad you did. If you need a ticket or tickets for your group, please call me at 440-429-5151, or see any Padraic Pearse Center committee member. See you on the 17th! PADRAIC PEARSE BOOK DISCUSSION BONNIE EASTON Please join us on Friday, April 15 at 7:15 in the Phil Walsh Cabaret Room to discuss Cecilia Ahern’s One Hundred Names. In this story, Irish television journalist Kitty Logan loses her job. Her dear friend who guided her career charges her with investigating 100 names listed on a piece of paper in her desk drawer, but, before Kitty can gather more information about the list, Constance dies. Kitty must find out all she can about them and discover the link between them. The schedule of future books to be discussed is: May 27: A River Town by Thomas Keneally June 24: The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown Keep up with our news at: PADRAIC PEARSE CENTER IS ON FACEBOOK Check out the new Padraic Pearse Center Facebook Page at and click on Like to follow our 2016 upcoming events, photos and more fun stuff! APRIL 2016 5 HE SAID…SHE SAID…By Rosemary Nugent and the Membership Many happy returns to our members with birthdays this month, including Kevin McCluskey who celebrates April 3. Any volunteers to cook him dinner? See Kevin for the sign-up sheet. Ron McGill’s daughter, Lindsay, will don the party hat April 4. Bridget Caffrey Piotrowski will have 45 candles on her cake April 6. Since it’s also National Walking Day, we suggest Bridget take a walk on the wild side to celebrate. Erin Homan marks a quarter century on April 18 and shares her birthday with boxer Johnny Kilbane. Will it be a KO? Jack Carroll will enjoy cake and ice cream on April BOOKBUZZ Bonnie Easton Two books for your consideration this month both have titles with the word “hell” in them. Are you a fan of the horror genre? Check out Prisoner of Hell Gate by Dana I. Wolff (due July 5th). A group of graduate students in public health decides to visit North Brother Island on the coast of New York City to roam through the ruins of Riverside Hospital. Mary Mallon of County Tyrone, AKA Typhoid Mary, had been imprisoned there for most of her life because sanitation engineer George Soper judged her to be a carrier of the disease. Soper’s greatgranddaughter, Karalee, is one of the students. Also locked away in the hospital that closed in 1963 were the disfigured, the addicted and the criminally insane. A ferry boat had caught fire in 1904 and sank nearby, killing over 1,000 people. As night falls, spiteful ghosts terrorize the trespassing students who are now marooned on the island. Green Hell by Ken Bruen is the eleventh in the author’s Jack Taylor series of noir mysteries. Jack Taylor is an exGarda addicted to alcohol and pills. Fired from his job many years previously and working as a private eye, he has hit rock bottom again. His best friend—his only friend—is dead. He sets out to seek revenge against a lecherous literature professor at the University of Galway for preying on female students. Along the way, he saves an American college student from a gang of thugs and gains a sidekick, who wants to write a book about him. Happy Reading! Remember to check our website for more suggestions: Happy Birthday to Maureen Dowd on April 20. It’s a “hat trick” of birthdays on April 25 for Maureen’s brother-in-law, Dan Gaskill, Chris McMahon, and Judy Sullivan, whose “icing” will be covered with 74 candles. John Homan celebrates 28 years on April 26. Line up, 19. shoulders back, arms straight, eyes forward and you’ll surely spot the cake and ice cream when Heather O’Brien celebrates her birthday on April 28 - precisely. Nine wishes for Liam Piotrowski on his special day, April 29. Thank heaven for little girls! Congratulations to Maggie and Alex Cavelli on the birth of their daughter, Annabella. Proud grandparents are Kitty and Chris Cooper Marry in April if you can, joy for maiden and for man.…Erica and Matt Drew will celebrate 10 years of joy April 22 and will renew their vows in Las Vegas. Linda and Jim Burke and Karen Hansen are on board for a flight to Ireland April 20. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal. Sympathy to the family of Jack McGreal who died December 22. Heartfelt sympathy to the family of Jerry DeChant who died March 3, and his dearest companion, Ada Klepcyk. They were a very special couple and he will be greatly missed. Condolences to the loved ones of long-time member and special friend of “The Oldtimers”, Ron Pyle who died March 4. Condolences to the family of Imogene Drobnick who died March 7. May she rest in peace, free of pain. To have your important events included in this column, please jot them down on the flyers found on the tables at the membership meetings, or call me at 216-531-8529, or email me at [email protected]. 6 SCHANACHIE President’s Letter It is always good to make it to April. The Ides of March has always been a contemptuous time for those in charge, but nothing happened on the way to the Senate. March was full hard work and good times. The Kickoff Party was excellent and the Corn Beef dinner was amazing as always. None of our events or this publication would take place without the time and effort of our members. I would like to thank the Executive Board and all the Committee Chairs and Committee Members for all their efforts and commitment to the Irish Club. I would also like to thank our limited staff who bussed tables, set up events and cleaned our building. Mike Nunnally and Jim Hanratty provide a yeomen effort to get everything ready for our events. They far too often hear the problems and not the appreciation of the Club. The Irish Club had a very good March. The Fish Fries were remarkable once again. In addition to all the work in the kitchen and on the serving line we offered bottles of wine and flights of Irish and Irish American beer. All were enjoyed while listening to some of the best Irish music in the Cleveland area. The Fish Fries could not happen without the guidance of Kevin McCluskey. His Herculean effort included the production of food in the kitchen and booking the music. I even let him announce the entertainment on occasion, a job typically reserved for the President. Heavy is the crown. We have felt good about our Green Seasons the last few years. Most have tangible recollections of years past and comparable data is provided by our vendors. As we work to the end of our fiscal year in June we will improve the year-end reporting so that all members can review each year from an empirical paradigm. Each member of the Club deserves to know where we stand at years-end and receive reports from the Board that provides insight to our successes and areas we need to focus on in the future. This is not simply a fiscal report or a year-end audit. We need to know how membership increased and how if our membership events translated into new members. We need about our building improvements, what was done and what is on the top of list for next year. We need to know about our rentals, and the Pub. We need to have viable data so that we may improve each year in an informed and pragmatic approach. The membership needs these reports to ensure the Board knows this data. The Club will not maximize its future blindly. The May meeting includes the nominations for the 2017 Executive Board. The Club needs individuals who are willing to work towards our future. We have many who are willing to offer their opinion, which is good and helps move the discussion forward. It is the sweat of our members that moves us forward. It is the hard work, time and dedication that makes a great tomorrow possible. Adelio used to say, “Looking at it don’t get it done.” It sounds funnier in Italian. The chatter in the Pub does not build a stage or replace the floor. Please nominate those you are confident are willing to work for the future of our Club. I have been lucky to have been surrounded by Board members who are willing to work. I have also been lucky enough to have been given the guidance of those who have held this position before I have. In fact, one of the most memorable moments in my two years as President was the Past Presidents Dinner, which preceded the Anniversary Dance. It is with this combined effort that we have been able to make some considerable strides at the Irish Club. We will continue to make strides. The Campbell O’Brien Patio will be in full swing this spring with the assistance of the Cosgriff brothers. Our Catering Contract will ensure funding for further improvements to the Upper Hall. The flooring was a success and we are planning the remodel to the south bar. We are in discussion with the City of Euclid on our parking lot and Char Crowley will have drawings this spring. It is an exciting time for the Club. We can always use your assistance at the Club. If the Board is not for you, chair a committee. If chairing one committee is too much, join one committee. If that is too much, attend events and participate in our raffles. It is all of these efforts that make us successful. I thank you for all that you do, at any level. Francis McGarry APRIL 2016 7 CHICAGO – HERE WE COME! PAT DOWD Here’s a trip that was a big favorite our first-time around, and now it’s back by special request! There is so much to see and do in the Windy City and we’ll have fun doing it. So on Sunday, July 31st – Friday, August 5th, we hope you’ll join us as we return to one of our favorite places for 6 days and 5nights. We have about 20 seats left on the bus, so don’t wait any longer. Call me today if you are coming with us – 440-449-5151. Your package includes roundtrip deluxe DVD/Wi-Fi motorcoach transportation, 5 nights’ hotel accommodations, 5 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 5 dinners, admission to the Sears Tower Sky Deck, tour of Eli’s Cheesecake Factory, guided tour of Chicago, tour of the Albanese Candy Factory, visit to the Community Veterans Memorial, Architectural Cruise aboard the Seadog, Medieval Times dinner/show, lunch at Macy’s Walnut Room, shopping & sightseeing along the Million Dollar Mile, dinner cruise aboard the Mystic Blue, tour of the Money Museum, Grant Park, dinner show at Tommy Gun’s, shopping and sightseeing at Navy Pier, and a visit to Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, all applicable taxes, meal gratuities, driver gratuity, and baggage handling. Complete the Reservation Form below to make sure you are not left out. Reservations are on a first-come basis. Your trip package is $925 per person based on double occupancy. Single, triple, & quad occupancy rates are available. A deposit of $75 and 5 monthly payments of $170 are available to help you budget this trip, or you may double up or pay in full. A confirmation will be mailed to you. We hope you’ll join us for a fun trip! RESERVATION FORM NAME ________________________________________________MEMBERSHIP NO. ________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE (c) ________________________________ (h) __________________________________________ E-MAIL __________________________________________________________________________________ BIRTHDATE ____________________________________________________________________________ ROOMING WITH ________________________________________________________________________ Mail a copy of this form and your check made payable to the: Irish American Club – East Side Attn: Pat Dowd – Chicago 22770 Lake Shore Blvd. Euclid, OH 44123 The 2016 East Side Irish American Club Units We thank you participants, unit leaders and families for your time and dedication. Our Club Unit performances are what make the month of March so special. We are proud of you and inspired by your efforts! Photos Compliments of Amy Catherine Schulte The Many Wonderful March Events! ?2"%-$)"!M":!36GA_;":4":3:<2 Marching Units st 1 WůĂĐĞDƵƌƉŚLJ͛Ɛ/ƌŝƐŚƌƚƐ nd 2 Place WSIA Pom Poms rd 3 Place Leneghan Precision Drill Units st 1 WSIA Drill Team nd 2 Celtic Nations rd 3 Holy Name Drill Team Bagpipe Bands st 1 Place Cleveland Fire nd 2 Place WSIA 3rd Place IACES ŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ Units st 1 WůĂĐĞK͛,ĂƌĞ/ƌŝƐŚ nd 2 Place WSIA Majorettes & Flag rd 3 WůĂĐĞDƵƌƉŚLJ͛Ɛ/ƌŝƐŚƌƚƐ Novelty Units st 1 WůĂĐĞ^ƚ͘,ĞůĞŶ͛ƐhŶŝĐLJĐůĞ͛Ɛ nd 2 Place Wickliffe Swing Percus rd 3 Place Weed Man School Bands st 1 Place Kenton Ridge nd 2 Place St. Ignatius rd 3 Place Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance Marching Units st 1 WůĂĐĞDƵƌƉŚLJ͛Ɛ/ƌŝƐŚƌƚƐ nd 2 Place WSIA Pom Poms rd 3 Place Leneghan Academy of Irish Dance Non- School Floats st 1 Place IACES nd 2 Place Corrigan Family rd 3 Place Toomy Family/ WSIA Non-School Bands st 1 Place WSIA Sr. Fife and Drums nd 2 Place WSIA Jr. Fife and Drums 3rd Place IACES Jack McDonough Fife Honor Guard st 1 Place Elyria Police nd 2 Place Cleveland Police rd 3 Place Lakewood Fire Premium Awards Best Unit in the Parade ʹ DƵƌƉŚLJ͛Ɛ/ƌŝƐŚƌƚƐ ĞƐƚŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛ƐhŶŝƚ- WSIA Pom Poms Best School Band- Kenton Ridge Best Non-School Band-WSIA Sr. Fife and Drums Best Bag Pipe ʹ Cleveland Fire When Irish Eyes Are Smiling! 12 SCHANACHIE March Membership Report Monthly Membership Meetings By Linda Walsh Members last names beginning with the following letters please bring a dessert for that month's meeting. Any questions please call Dolly Luskin at 216-261-0967. There were 175 members signed in at the March General Membership Meeting. Members must sing in to earn credit for a meeting. You will need five meetings before May to run for office and three meetings before June to vote in the June elections. Please, do not sign in for anyone other than yourself. Please join me in welcoming the following new members to our Club for the 2016 membership year: Irene Davey Lindsey Swaney & Carl Ramsey Connie & Joe McCann Kaitlyn Paduano Ryan Callahan Eileen Kilroy Kevin Lanning Adam Ayers Just a reminder if you paid your dues, but are not receiving our newsletter please let me know. I will check to see that your address has been activated. New members must attend a Membership meeting to receive a Club Pin and a copy of our by-laws. Dates for the meetings are listed on the back of your membership card. Also the Schanachie is available to read on line on our Club website ( and on our Facebook page. If you have a child 18 year of age, that have come off of your Family Membership we now have a new rate for them of $20 per year until they reach the age of 21. HEADLINES and DEADLINES If you would like to submit an article for the Schanachie, the deadline for the May issue is April 4. You may continue to send your articles to the Club or you may email them to [email protected]. Submission time is not the only criteria for inclusion and we reserve the right to edit due to content and space. If you have any questions call Ann at 440-943-3088 or Francis McGarry at 415-377-4731. Month JANUARY FEBRUARY MAR. APRIL MAY JUNE Letter A&B C&D E&F G, H & I J, K & L M Month JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER Letter N&O P, Q & R S T, U & V W, X, Y & Z All Members Note from the Editor All articles must be submitted to me by e-mail at: [email protected] They can be typed in Word and do not have to have any limit on the width. No spaces before new paragraphs, no returns at the end of each line and if you use tabs do not use multiple tabs. The printer will fix the tabs. Pictures must be jpeg (jpg). Send to me as attachment to your e-mail. Co-editors meet Wednesday, April 13 for proofreading at 7:00 p.m. Thank you in advance, Ann Turk. Irish American Club Digital Sign System Just above the Club South entrance is our digital sign system. This displays various club and event information. Your help is appreciated in keeping it current. If your group or event has a poster to display, information about your event or event pictures, please send them in and they will be posted. Fax digital artwork to IACES at 216-731-6120 Membership Rewards Program The Executive Board has approved a Membership Rewards Program for this year. Each Club member gains points for recruiting new members to join, old members to re-join and for corporate sponsorships. Every new member is worth 5 points, every member who has been dormant for over two years and re-joins is worth 10 points and each corporate sponsorship is worth 20 points. Any member who earns a total of 100 reward points receives a free membership for next year or $30 worth of March tickets. Please make sure your name and membership number is on each form submitted to earn your points. “In Memoriam” Plaque In the lower hall there is an "In Memoriam" Plaque with the names of deceased members of the Club listed. If you have a friend or loved one that was a member of the Club and has passed away and you would like their name to be included on this Plaque, you can send their name and a check for $50.00 made out to the Irish American Club or you can contact Jean Walsh at 440942-3207 APRIL 2016 13 Published by the Irish American Club * East Side Inc. Francis McGarry Chairman Liaison: Erin Homan (440-382-6287) Editor: Ann Turk (440-943-3088) Ad Manager: Francis McGarry (415-377-4731) Circulation: Pat Homan (440-946-6232) Contributing Editors: Linda Burke Rose Marie Eppich * Eileen Garin Rosemary Nugent * Sharon Spinks Executive Board Members 2015-2016 President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer Membership Secretary Members at Large Francis McGarry Kevin McCluskey Sarah Dirk Pat Dowd Linda Walsh Mary Alice Curran Erin Homan Mike Byrne Brigid Gurry 415-377-4731 216-956-2653 216-337-9004 440-429-5151 216-538-1358 440-666-5516 440-382-6287 216-990-2581 216-375-5469 Club Website: Phone numbers: Irish American Club: 216-731-4003 Pub Phone: 216-731-1189 Club Fax: 216-731-6120 WiFi: Username-IACES Password: 2167314003 Schanachie email: [email protected] TICKET POLICY Tickets for any event at the Irish American Club East Side can be obtained by phone or mail. When mailing your ticket request, please be sure to include a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a check made payable to: Irish American Club East Side. If you pre-order a dinner for an event and do not show up or you do not cancel within 48 hours of the dinner, you will be billed by the Club for the price of the meal Linda Carney 161 E. 196 Street Euclid, Ohio 44119 216-531-3816 [email protected] Sarah Dirk 150 E. 200 St. Euclid, Ohio 44119 216-337-9004 [email protected] Tickets for sold out event must be paid for by the Thursday prior to the event Club Rental Information The Irish American Club is available for rentals of all sizes. We can accommodate showers, graduations, banquets, receptions of all kinds, and, of course weddings. We have two facilities available, the Upper Hall for larger parties and the Phil Walsh Cabaret Room for smaller parties.. To reserve the Upper Hall for rental, please call Rick Eberhard 216338-3774. Koumboros is the exclusive caterer for the Upper Hall. To reserve the Phil Walsh Cabaret room for a rental, please call Rick Eberhard 216-338-3774 or Joe Capuozzo 216-376-0599. However, Koumboros is also available for the Cabaret Room. You may bring in your own food or your own caterer for the Lower Hall. After Funeral Luncheon Pub Hours for Fall and Winter Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday CLOSED CLOSED 6 P.M.- 11 P.M. 6 P.M.- 11 P.M. 6 P.M.- 11 A.M. 6 P.M.- 11 A.M. 6 P.M.- 11 P.M. Society 317 Winner! February 17, 2016 Jeffery Wade #64 In the event of the loss of a loved one, the upper hall is available for After Funeral Luncheons. For a nominal donation we will provide all set-up which includes tablecloths on all tables, buffet tables, coffee/tea service, servers and bartenders. The servers will be the members of our Bereavement Committee. If you choose to serve pop, beer, wine or liquor, there is an additional charge. If you need to reserve the hall for a funeral luncheon, please call Rick Eberhard 216-338-3774 or Joe Capuozzo 216-376-0599. The Bereavement Committee will be notified of your needs. Koumbaros is available to cater the luncheon for you or you may bring your own food or select your own caterer for a funeral luncheon. At the end of your function we will pack up any remaining food and help you transfer it to your car. 14 SCHANACHIE The Green Pages Please support the businesses that support us! Jack Murphy’s Tradewinds Lounge 319 East 200th St., Euclid Happy Hour between 3 - 6 Weekdays 216-481-8228 APRIL 2016 15 CLEVELAND'S BEST IRISH BANDS Doors: 3:00 pm Music: 4:00 pm Free family fun! Weekly food & drink specials. See for this week's band. West Bank of the Flats near Shooters 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44110 216-785-9475 Open Mon 5 p.m.-12 a.m. Tues-Th 4 p.m.-12 a.m. Fri- Sat 4 p.m.-2 a.m. Sun 6 p.m.-2 a.m. Food Available Live Irish Music Every Thursday Corporate Sponsors: We would like to thank all of our Corporate Sponsors. Support those who support us. Harp Level: Bluestone Division — Ancient Order of Hibernians Cleveland Whiskey Flannery’s Pub Irish American News Koumbaros Catering Mayo Society of Greater Cleveland Monreal Funeral Home Music Box Supper Club Packy Malley's Claddagh Level: Eastside Landscaping Jack Murphy's Tradewinds Lounge Schulte Mahon-Murphy Funeral Home Skinny’s Bar and Grille Summit Painting The Travel Connection Shamrock Level: Muldoon’s Saloon and Eatery IBEW Local #38 Henry Fence Lake County Captains Adelio’s Contracting 16 SCHANACHIE the schanachie PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID WILLOUGHBY, OHIO PERMIT NO. 151 22770 Lake Shore Blvd Euclid, Ohio 44123 Change Service Requested mailed 3/24/2016 dated material please expedite