Pitfalls in Gynecologic Ultrasound Disclaimer Outline Uterus
Pitfalls in Gynecologic Ultrasound Disclaimer Outline Uterus
Disclaimer • I have no disclosures. Pitfalls in Gynecologic Ultrasound Mindy M. Horrow, MD, FACR, FSRU, FAIUM Director of Body Imaging Albert Einstein Medical Center, Philadelphia, PA Associate Professor of Radiology Thomas Jefferson University How we image the pelvis with ultrasound at AEMC • We do not require women to have a distended bladder • If no prior pelvic imaging, brief transabdominal images are obtained • Make decision about transabdominal versus transvaginal imaging or combination of both • Majority of women have only transvaginal imaging • Occasional wait to fill bladder Outline • Uterus – Unusual fibroids and mistaken fibroids – Adenomyosis – Miscellaneous (including post surgical) • Adnexa – Fallopian tubes – Vessels – Bowel • Ovaries – Too big or too small without a focal abnormality – Atypical appearances of common abnormalities • Missed Cases Benacerraf etal. JUM 2000;19:237-241 Uterus • Fibroids • Adenomyosis • Miscellaneous Initial transabdominal measurements of uterus Is this correct? Further transvaginal imaging Uterine or adnexal mass? endometrium Repeat transabdominal view Focal exophytic myoma, more normal uterine body initially interpreted as cervix Subserosal myoma with bridging uterine vessels Kim SH etal. JCAT. 2001;25:36-42 Cystic uterine or adnexal mass? TRV UT Is the endometrium too thick? Sag Trv TRV ROV Cystic Myoma *Claw sign On TV imaging endometrial cavity contains complex fluid Atypical appearance of fibroids T1 T2 T2 Fat Sat • Degeneration secondary to outgrowing blood supply • Red degeneration: may present acutely with pain secondary to venous thrombosis and infarction • Common degeneration includes calcification, hemorrhage and liquifaction and cystic changes • Lipoleiomyoma: very rarely smooth muscle cells undergo fatty change Lipoleiomyoma Maizlin ZV etal. U Quarterly. 2007;23:55-62 Small hypoechoic “mass” initially measured as fibroid, actually a prominent vein 64 year old diabetic Does patient have fibroids? Peripheral vascular calcifications Atherosclerosis Is this a focal myoma? Mönkeberg’s Sclerosis • Common finding with advancing age • Accelerated process in diabetics and those with chronic kidney disease Focal Adenomyosis thin shadows, tiny cysts, penetrating vessels, obscures endometrium Atri M, etal. JCU 1992;20:211-216 McMullough PA, etal. CJASN 2008; Adenomyosis with penetrating vessels 90 yo with post menopausal bleeding, incontinent, hip fracture: Is there a uterus? Fibroids with circumferential vessels Color Doppler helps differentiate fibroids and adenomyosis Transrectal imaging demonstrates normal uterus and endometrium with trace fluid Patient gives history of hysterectomy Post Surgical Imaging Transvaginal view in transverse Supracervical Hysterectomy Patient gives history of hysterectomy Initial interpretation: either uterus was not completely removed, or there is a complex mass. Two years earlier SAG L SAG R Adjacent ovaries with follicles Hydrometroculpos Normal Fallopian Tubes Tubular Structures in the Pelvis Or Beyond the Uterus and Ovaries Two different patients with same diagnosis Paratubal Cyst (Hydatid of Morgagni) Normal fallopian tubes Two different patients with pelvic inflammatory disease Dilated thick walled fallopian tubes small, round projections Hematosalpinx with ectopic pregnancy History of endometriosis LOV Hematosalpinx incomplete waist sign: diametrically opposed indentations Patel MD, etal AJR 2006;186:1033-1038 Post menopausal woman sent in for evaluation of cystic tumor discovered on outside ultrasound exam Dilated Fallopian Tubes • Best markers for hydrosalpinx: waist sign or small round projections – incomplete septum (linear, echogenic protrusion arising from one wall but not reaching the opposite) less discriminating ROV Chronic Hydrosalpinx: Incomplete septum • Thick wall (≥ 5mm) and “cogwheel” sign are best markers for acute disease • Thin wall (< 5mm) and “beads on string” indicates chronic disease • Other findings: tubular, “solid” structure separate from ovary, fluid/debris level, gas Patel MD etal. AJR 2006;186:1033-1038 Benjaminov etal. AJR 2004;183:737-742 Timor-Tritsch etal. Ultra Obstet Gyn 1998; 12:56 Tessler FN etal. AJR 1989;153:523-525 History of pelvic pain: Ultrasound diagnosis of PID History of chronic pelvic pain with multiple US and CT exams Clinical findings do not coincide with US diagnosis, but patient returns for follow up after course of antibiotics. Dilated Veins: Very slow flow causes internal echoes and requires sensitive Doppler settings Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Dilated R ovarian vein Pelvic varices Treated by embolization of pelvic varices Pelvic Congestion Syndrome Right pelvic pain, initially called pyosalpinx • Pelvic varices develop because of incompetent valves • Risk factors: multiparity, prior surgery, varicose veins • Symptoms: dull, heavy pelvic pain that exacerbates with standing. May be unilateral or bilateral pain. • Clinical: bulky tender uterus, varicose veins in vulva, buttocks, legs, 50% with cystic ovaries • Imaging: dilated pelvic veins, ovarian veins, arcuate veins in uterus and cystic ovaries. • Analog to scrotal varicocele Kuligowska E etal. Radiographics. 2005;25:3-20 Park SJ etal. AJR 2004;182:683-688 Ovary with follicle, Normal fallopian tube Adjacent abnormal bowel Right pelvic pain Crohn’s Disease Acute Appendicitis 16 year old with right pelvic pain, rule out ovarian torsion Abnormal Ovaries without a mass or cyst Sag R Are these ovaries too large or too small, and why? Acutely obstructing distal ureteral calculus 16 year old, amenorrhea Turner Syndrome (mosaic) • US, karyotype and gonadotropin levels have prognostic value in predicting future sexual development • XO mosaicism showed much greater percentage of ovaries and greater uterine volume than XO. 50% had spontaneous breast development, 38.5% with spontaneous menarche • As many as 1/3 have renal malformations: horseshoe kidney, duplicated collecting system, unilateral renal agenesis, crossed ectopia, pelvic kidney Small ovaries and small, juvenile type uterus Haber HP. J Ultrasound Med. 1999;18(4):271-6 Mazzanti. J Pediatr. 1997;131:135 Infertility evaluation in a 35 year old Premature Ovarian Failure • • • • Cause of primary or secondary amenorrhea Typically associated with elevated FSH levels 52.5% idiopathic, 45% immunologic, 2.5% chromosomal 2 sonographic groups – Small ovaries without follicles (2/3) – Normal sized ovaries with partial follicular maturation (1/3) • Mean volume similar to post menopausal ovaries Small ovaries, no follicles Falsetti. Gynecol Endocrinol 1999;13: 189-95 75 year old with malignant pleural effusion 60 year old with history of breast carcinoma Large right ovary with small amount adjacent complex fluid: Ovarian Carcinoma Large ovaries with metastases to liver, right adrenal gland and spleen Acute left pelvic pain Metastatic Disease to Ovaries • Generally difficult to distinguish primary from metastatic tumors • Some studies suggest that purely or predominantly solid tumors are more likely metastases • Vascular features and unilateral versus bilateral does not help distinguish • Most common primary tumors: colo-rectal and breast. • Other primary tumors: endometrium, stomach, lymphoma Left ovarian volume: 78 cm3 Large ovary: ovarian torsion and detorsion Alcazar etal. JUM 2003;22:243-247 Brown DL etal. Radiology 2001;217:213-218 Ovarian Torsion • Most important finding is an enlarged ovary- may be located in midline or above uterus • Heterogeneous stroma secondary to hemorrhage • Frequently with complex cyst or mass and multiplesmall peripheral cysts secondary to vascular engorgement • +/- arterial flow, ↓ venous flow • Free fluid • Twisted vascular pedicle: whirlpool sign “M & M” cases or Large masses easily missed or mistaken Shadinger LL, etal. JUM 2008;27:7-13 Vijayaraghavan SB. JUM 2004;23:1643-1649 Initial measurements of uterus U M U U M Is this a fibroid uterus? Is this adenomyosis? MR for problem solving: solid adnexal mass separate from uterus and right ovary, no normal left ovary Ovarian Fibroma More TA and TV views of uterus Interpreted as normal trans-abdominal study Re-imaging TA and TV Simple right ovarian cyst compresses almost empty bladder TRV UT What is wrong with these labels? Gas filled bowel superior to uterus? T1 T2FS Missed right dermoid Measured vertebral body as ROV 35 year old with right pelvic pain Interpreted as worrisome for neoplasm Large Dermoid superior to uterus, mostly fat containing, easily missed Ovary Peritoneal Inclusion Cyst One year later with chronic pain Forming an inclusion cyst: Patient has documented PID and subsequent development of right hydrosalpinx adhesions trap fluid around ovary Cystic lesion of lower uterus? Peritoneal Inclusion Cyst • Ovaries become encased by fluid that is entrapped by peritoneal adhesions • Appear as multiloculated cystic masses with identifiable ovary in center or periphery • Fluid is usually anechoic, but may be complex • Must differentiate from ovarian neoplasm, hydrosalpinx, paraovarian and paratubal cysts • Patients typically present with pain and often have history of pelvic inflammatory disease, prior surgery, trauma or endometriosis Retrograde filling of vagina Kim etal Radiology 1997;204:481 Jain. AJR 2000;174:1559 Transperineal Imaging (sagittal) B V R Bladder Vagina Rectum B V R Transperineal imaging (transverse) History of Crohn’s disease and vaginal discharge Advice • Be familiar with uncommon variations of common entities, such as cystic or fat containing myomata • Consider ovarian size as well as any focal abnormality • Always ask the patient if she has had a Cesarean section and be familiar with the appearance of the scar and its associated abnormalities • Remember that there is more to the pelvis than the uterus and ovaries. Consider bowel, fallopian tubes, ureters and the bladder • Recognize the issues related to large abnormalities such as cysts and dermoids that may extend out of the pelvis • Appreciate the limitations of pelvic ultrasound and recommend further imaging (usually MR) when things just do not make sense or cannot be completely evaluated Recto-vaginal fistula
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