ColorGATE RIP-Software Release Notes 8.00 Build 5055


ColorGATE RIP-Software Release Notes 8.00 Build 5055
ColorGATE RIP-Software
Release Notes 8.00 Build 5055
November 29th 2013
Releases Notes 8.00 Build 5055· Page 1 of 34
Introduction .........................................................................................3
General News .......................................................................................4
Value Packs V8 ............................................................................................. 4
License Files ................................................................................................ 5
Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) version 3.1 ........................................................... 8
Measurement device X-Rite i1Pro2 ..................................................................... 8
New Container + features ................................................................................ 9
User defined media sizes ............................................................................... 12
Linearization and Profiling Assistant ................................................................. 13
Preview feature for CutServer ........................................................................ 18
Revised Cost Calculation Module ..................................................................... 21
New Printers ...................................................................................... 22
Modifications ...................................................................................... 23
General .................................................................................................... 23
File processing ........................................................................................... 26
Printer related ........................................................................................... 26
Linearization and Profiling Assistant ................................................................. 29
Filmgate Module FGM ................................................................................... 30
Proof Standard Digital Module PSDM ................................................................. 31
Print and Cut Module PCM ............................................................................. 31
Color Atlas Module CAM ................................................................................ 33
Cost Calculation Module CCM.......................................................................... 33
TVI Calibration Module TVICM ......................................................................... 33
JDF Interface Module JDFM ............................................................................ 34
G7 Calibration Module G7CM .......................................................................... 34
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1 Introduction
This document describes the changes and improvements since Productionserver 7.21 Build 4728.
New and enhanced functions in this main release:
The Adobe Print Engine (APPE) has been updated to version 3.1 gaining an even faster processing having better
compatibility. The Jaws print engine will not be supported any more in version 8.
Furthermore the Container + feature now has got additional options:
to center the container on the media,
to add margins and also
to apply a sorted nesting function sorting several jobs e.g. by the file name for the output.
In addition, the Linearization and Profiling Assistant now:
comes with the ink splitting presets,
supports the parallel usage of several assistants and
provides a special color linearization.
The CutServer, required to hand over cut files to any of the supported cutters, is now equipped with a preview
for both the list of cut files and the cut files’ path itself with several options such as zoom, cut direction and
perforation view.
Another useful function that is included in version 8 is to set up user defined media sizes. These will be added
to the existing ones and available whenever they are required.
Further, the Cost Calculation Module has been revised in terms of report contents and naming. And, quite important to mention for Filmgate users, new raster sets for using different angles are offered.
Further changes:
For version 8 the reissued Value Packs will offer many benefits for users who purchase it optionally for 1 to 3
Starting with the new release now, instead of KeyFiles the so-called License Files will be used to run the program with the dongle. Some background information on that.
And finally, this version includes many general improvements/bugfixes as well as new printer drivers to be
found in the New Printers section.
More information on version 8 can be found on our website:
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2 General News
2.1 Value Packs V8
The reissued ColorGATE Value Pack is a full-fledged software maintenance and support solution.
For a yearly fee the customer gains access to all updates and upgrades, a preferred treatment of support requests by remote support, exclusive discount campaigns and special offers. At the same time, the customer
supports the selective advancement of ColorGATE software solutions. Therefore, a stable long-term basis for a
productive, efficient and successful work environment will be established for both sides.
Benefits for Value Pack customers:
Automatic access (no automatic installation) to all upgrades and updates within the respective Value
Pack period
Possibility to upgrade to the next higher product within a version (inter-version upgrade) with a discount of 20%
Free trial period (4 weeks) for all modules
Free exchange of a printer or cutting device driver within the current category (Cat. 1-3, S, M, L or P)
is possible
Preferred treatment of support requests by remote support (web support also without ValuePack)
Exclusive access to special promotions
Fast access to new developments (beta phase, early bird specials)
Purchase of additional licenses (base products: Productionserver 8, Film-, Plate- or Proofgate 8) with a
discount of 20%
Each Value Pack (Value Pack 1, 2 and 3) has a different duration and price. The total costs of a Value Pack are
decreasing with a longer duration. By that, you can secure your investment in the long-run.
For further information visit our website.
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2.2 License Files
With introduction of version 8 we are featuring license files that come along with dongles. The license file
extends the dongle’s capacity. It can store an unlimited amount of printers, modules or other licensing information that would not fit into the dongle’s internal memory.
Compared to KeyFiles:
License files are an advancement of KeyFiles that were used for dongle update purposes. The main difference
is that after the update process the license file continues to be used as a dongle memory expansion, whereas
the KeyFile is of no further use. KeyFiles will not be used any more.
For more information to license files read the background information at the end of this chapter.
The first software launch
On the first software launch a dialog comes up asking for permission to access the ColorGATE web server in
order to download the license file and new updates automatically. It is highly recommended to answer this
question with Yes in order to make it effortless to use license files with the dongles.
Allowing web access here will activate the following options, which later can be found under:
Options -> Program Settings -> General
Download automatically allows the software to acquire the currently coupled license file for your dongle
automatically from the ColorGATE web server.
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This option applies to new installations of any version 8 product.
Look for license updates on web server allows the software to perform an automatic dongle update.
Before the software starts, it checks if a new license update for the dongle is available on the ColorGATE web
server. In that case KeyUpdate will be launched. It downloads the update file and presents its license information in a dialog. In that way the user immediately performs the dongle update.
This option applies to upgrades from a version 7.x to a version 8 product or later to any product configuraton
change in version 8 products.
If the license file cannot be accessed:
If the production computer has no internet connection, the user needs to start KeyUpdate on another working
place, which is connected to the internet. The dongle driver must be installed and the dongle attached. This
allows easily downloading dongle updates from the ColorGATE web server.
In that case KeyUpdate is allowed to copy the new license file after the dongle update to a location that is
accessible from the production computer. This could be a local network share or a USB stick. When starting the
production software after the update, the user is asked to import the coupled license file for the dongle:
In that dialog the user chooses Open LicenseFile... and navigates to the location where the new
license file is stored.
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Background information
License files usage:
ColorGATE is in charge of creating these license files. They will be held available on the ColorGATE web server
for download.
A license file needs to be coupled with the corresponding dongle. A version 8 dongle and its corresponding
license file is already coupled. However, if a license file is updated on the web server, it is not coupled any
Running the production software always requires access to the license file that is coupled with the attached
dongle. The license file will be searched in the license store, a special folder on the computer. If it cannot be
found there, the software can download (with permission of user) the necessary file from the ColorGATE web
server and put it in the license store. So it will be found locally at the next software launch.
License files updates:
Such updates are necessary for version upgrades from 7.x to 8, updates to 8.x later on or changes in the product configuration. ColorGATE will make available the updates for the license file via the web server.
KeyUpdate (provided by ColorGATE) conveniently downloads this updated license file to update the dongle.
The user only has to confirm upcoming dialogs. After the update process the new license file is coupled with
the dongle.
License store:
License files will be stored in the license store folder: C:\ProgramData\ColorGATE Software\License Store (for
Windows Vista/7/8).
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2.3 Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) version 3.1
For version 8 the APPE dialog has again been enhanced for a
user comprehensive usage. In addition there are some advanced settings available to apply, if there are undesired
printout colors. However, in most cases print data will be
processed correctly (automatically):
More general information on APPE can be found on our website and a document available in the support site’s
documentation section.
2.4 Measurement device X-Rite i1Pro2
This measuring device is now supported in version 8 products without any requirement for additional
The complete list of supported measuring devices can be found here.
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2.5 New Container + features
The container feature has now been upgraded by a few
functions: Centering and margins for containers and a sorting function Ordered Nesting.
Centering and margins
When finishing jobs, e.g. with a laminator, images need to be moved off from the media edge by some distance, to prevent corruption of the print job on the media. Now two functions are available to simplify the
finishing: Centering containers and margins for containers. These features are available for hot containers as
Now the Container tab in the job properties dialog allows defining margins for all types of containers. Formerly this was restricted to fixed-size containers.
This new function to center containers horizontally on the media is implemented in the Container tab below
the Options area.
Ordered nesting
There is a new option Ordered Nesting to arrange jobs in a container. For example it is possible to place the
jobs by creation date/time in an order from left to right and top to bottom. All jobs that have been imported
into the RIP at once will stay together in the container. This results in a better overview and will spend less
time in the finishing process.
This new option is to be found on the Container Options tab. Clicking the ... button beside the Method
drop-down menu opens the Sort Jobs dialog.
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Using the Ordered nesting method allows the jobs in a container to be ordered by a given set of criteria. The
sort criteria can be chosen from a number of presets shown in the screenshot below. However, the user can
freely decide for desired sorting criteria as well using the Move Up and Move Down buttons.
Sorting can also be done in multiple levels. It means the preset Job Name for example sorts by job name, page
number and copy count. As result, multi-page and multi-copy jobs will correctly be ordered by page number
and copy counter.
To change the sorting direction from ascending to descending the appropriate entry in the Sort Jobs by list
just needs to be double-clicked. The small arrow next to the entry is then flipped.
In the Container Options tab, it is now possible to enter a vertical distance between jobs (y-value). This
control is only enabled for Ordered Nesting, since other methods cannot support it.
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In the context of this new feature, the contact sheet feature now also got the option to select the method by
which images are arranged in the contact sheet container. So it is now possible to order the images by any of
the EXIF values found in the image file.
For more general information on the Container + feature visit our website.
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2.6 User defined media sizes
This is a new feature to manage user defined media sizes to be offered in the job settings. This will help users
working with unusual sizes in media sheets or rolls.
Creating user defined media sizes:
The Printer tab now has a new button ... next to the Media size drop-down menu. It opens a dialog
User Defined Media Sizes to set and edit user defined media sizes. These additional sizes will be shown
in the drop-down menu with the unique addition (user defined).
The new dialog saves these user defined sizes in the printer definition (COS file) automatically to be valid for
the current printer queue. In addition the complete list can be exported in a file to be re-imported in a different printer queue/RIP installation.
The following dialog allows setting all relevant information to the required media size. It is opened from the
dialog above.
Unprintable margins will not be considered when setting media sizes, since margins are printer specific and
independent from the media size.
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2.7 Linearization and Profiling Assistant
For the version 8 linearization and profiling assistant there
are some enhancements to mention which ease the handling
and complete the assistant’s appearance: It can now be
opened several times at once, special colors will be supported and new ink splitting presets are available.
Parallel usage of several assistants
Version 8 allows performing several profiling or linearization processes at the same time as other tasks such as
starting/stopping the queue for printing jobs. Even modifying jobs is possible. The following list shows some
more points:
Using Profiler and other measuring tools during production.
Continuously printing jobs during the creation of ICC profiles.
Dragging and dropping files during the measurement process.
Using different measuring devices in parallel.
The preview of two Profiler instances for two different printers:
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Note: For some features that also use the same measurement device, parallel usage on the same printer queue
is not supported (e.g. start MDS while profiling). Furthermore, the same measurement device can only be used
once at a time. The measuring process has to be finished before starting again for another printer or process.
For more general information on profiler visit our website.
Linearization of special colors
With version 8 the linearization of special color channels has been implemented.
Note: A profiling of the media should be performed before the special color is linearized. This is important for
variable droplet print modes. Otherwise a wrong droplet separation is performed for the process colors.
Settings to start the linearization:
In the Linearization and Profiling Assistant’s Settings page a MIM must be chosen to include the special color
linearization. This could be a new one or an existing one.
The advanced settings’ Printmode tab, opened from the MIM administration, will show all relevant settings to
the special colors. Defining the special colors as Spot or Pixel allows printing the linearization target in the
correct way.
The following step is choosing the connected measuring device (supported: X-Rite i1iO, i1Pro, i1Pro2 or
Barbieri Spectro LFP).
As next two targets for special color linearization are available:
Special Color Quick Linearization Target for 5 % step width and
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Special Color Advanced Linearization Target for 2 % step width.
Applying of created linearization to the job:
The finished linearization file (CCX file) for special color is automatically set in the MIM that was selected in
the linearization assistant during linearization.
The linearization file must be explicitly chosen to have it applied to the job. It is available in the advanced
setting’s Profiles tab below Output Profile.
For more general information on linearization and profiling visit our website.
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Presetting of ink splitting curves
Version 8 now offers a new presetting to gain a smoother output by choosing an appropriate Preset in the
linearization assistant’s Ink Splitting tab. These presets are curve settings with values that are shown in
the boxes below. Settings will be applied to any printer supported color.
User defined: The user can adjust the curve(s) by entering desired values in the fields below as
done in previous versions.
Minimum Ink (Default): This option is used to gain an acceptable printout but with high ink reduction.
Maximum Density: This option is used to achieve maximum smoothness and density. This setting is
recommended for UV printers and results in high ink coverage.
Enhanced Smoothness: This option is used to achieve a better smoothness in the printout, but also
increases the ink coverage.
Balanced: This option is used to have a “balanced” output which means increasing light colors.
Note: Please pay attention to the program tooltips for the newly implemented presets.
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The following graph shows the consumption of ink in relation to the smoothness by applying the presets:
Enhanced Maximum
Smoothness Density
More general information on the linearization assistant can be found on our website.
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2.8 Preview feature for CutServer
With version 8 the file list layout and configuration has been enhanced. Furthermore, the CutServer now comes
along with a new preview feature for cut paths.
For all drivers supported by the CutServer an additional PLX info file is written along with each cut data file. It
contains preview information and job details.
The ColorGATE CutServer supports:
Graphtec (USB, TCP/IP)
SummaSign (Serial, USB, TCP/IP)
Mimaki FX Series (Serial, USB)
Roland CAMM-1 und CAMM-1Pro (Serial)
List preview of cut files
The CutServer user interface now shows additional information to the listed cut jobs. These additional columns
can be defined and sorted as required using a list configuration dialog.
Thumbnails of jobs will only be displayed in the first column of the cut job list.
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Preview window with zoom option
The preview icon in the main tool bar opens a window to view the cut file.
This preview shows the driver created cut lines in the file:
Little arrows will show the direction of vectors in the file:
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A perforation in a file can be displayed as well:
An all-round zoom function allows an accurate review or check about the cut line’s position and quality. A
Zoom Window shows the currently selected area that is zoomed in:
If the cut file contains multiple copies, the following button will show them. Note that this setting might slow
down the rendering!
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2.9 Revised Cost Calculation Module
The job report (Overview) is enhanced by an additional
summary line Total that shows number of jobs, total cost,
total ink & media usage. Additionally the Job List template
was renamed in Overview.
The detailed job list now contains an area at the beginning showing all information to the entire usage and cost
to any jobs filtered (here printer and printed time period). In addition the Job List (detailed) template was
renamed in Detailed Job List.
Furthermore, reports and dialogs have been renamed, sorted and restructured for a better comprehension. For
example the Job List (CSV) template was renamed in CSV Export.
For more general information on this module visit our website.
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3 New Printers
DYSS Apollo (Cat 3)
Vutek (Cat 3) - 7528
• DYSS Apollo GF2616-20FMW
Vutek QS2 PRO
• DYSS Apollo GH1600-16SFWFV
Vutek QS3 PRO
• DYSS Apollo GH2200-16SFWFV
Vutek GS 2000 PRO
• DYSS Apollo GH2600-16SFWFV
Vutek GS 2000LX PRO
• DYSS Apollo GH3200-16SFWFV
Vutek GS 3250 PRO
Vutek GS 3250 LX PRO
Vutek GS 3250 R
GongZheng (Cat 2)
• GongZheng ThunderJet A2502S
• GongZheng ThunderJet A2602S
HP Latex 3000 (Cat 3)
Inca Onset S70 (Cat 3)
Mimaki JFX 500 (Cat 2)
Roland (Cat1)
Roland VS 300i
Roland VS 540i
Roland VS 640i
Filmgate / Productionserver
iPF6400 Screen (M / Cat 1)
iPF8400 Screen (L / Cat 1)
The complete driver list can be found on our website.
Screen TP-J W1632UV (Cat 3)
Seiko ColorPainter M-64S (IP-6620) (Cat 1)
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4 Modifications
4.1 General
RIP while print partly could not be performed, since the print process read data from a file that the
user interface was about to modify.
The option Opacity for spot color replacement did not work in Proof workflow when using APPE and
RGB printers.
The option Place marks on trimbox (PDF files only) did only work correctly if the CropBox
of the PDF was set to the MediaBox. Otherwise the cut marks had been printed at the wrong position.
EXIF data was not read from JPEG files if files were put into the hotfolder instead of opening them
manually from the software.
Some program settings got lost when the program has been started while another instance was already
The InfoLog about job processes (“i” button in the main toolbar) has been improved by renaming relevant information more comprehensively and by adding further information.
Compatible printers are shown in the driver selection dialog via tooltip. Please not, that this tooltip
implementation is only available for some current drivers so far and will be extended in the future.
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The dialog Input Profiles as well as the menu entry was renamed to Default Profiles. This
renamed dialog now also allows setting the default profile used as printing condition in proof workflow.
New defaults for input profiles and rendering intents have been implemented to significantly improve
the output. Furthermore, the region setting has been removed:
Production Workflow:
RGB Input Profile: AdobeRGB 1998 / Rendering Intent: Perceptual
CMYK Input Profile: ColorGATE-GamutPlus / Rendering Intent: BPC (Black Point Compensation)
Grey Input Profile: Dot Gain 15% / Rendering Intent: BPC
Embedded rendering intents: BPC
Proof & Color Server Workflow:
RGB Input Profile: Adobe RGB / Rendering Intent: Perceptual
CMYK Input Profile: ISOCoated V2 / Rendering Intent: Absolute Colorimetric
Grey Input Profile: ISOCoated V2 / Rendering Intent: Absolute Colorimetric
Embedded rendering intents: use intents
In previous versions an analysis warning in the InfoLog. About differences in page sizes of less than
1mm. Now a warning only shows up for differences more than 1 mm for width or height. The order has
also been changed, so the warning is issued before the Analysis completed message.
The default preview resolution has been increased to 2000 pixel and the maximum one is 3000 pixel.
Additionally, the buffering of preview images has been optimized to allow a faster navigation between
jobs in the job queue.
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Changes and Bug fixes on APPE (Adobe PDF Print Engine)
The PostScript screening will not be supported any more.
In the advanced settings dialog, setting Intent for PDF objects to Ignore was the same as Use.
Certain files were ripping with artifacts when using APPE.
The PDF rendering intent was ignored for Lab colors.
The progress in the progress bar (both preview and the print data) for files with overprint and/or
transparencies is now displayed continuously.
Color conversion operations were not applied to all objects.
PDFs with transparencies were sometimes color managed incorrectly in multicolor print modes.
Jobs with tonal value correction could not be ripped when using RGB color mode without output profile.
Introducing the APPE (Adobe PDF Print Engine) results in a few changes in the color replacement dialog:
The support for replacement color value ranges was removed for vector files.
A warning is now written to the InfoLog if CMYK image replacements may be ignored in order to support overprint.
The Object Types (vector, text, image) are now offered depending on the replacement type:
Input color in EPS/PS/PDF: Object specific replacements are selectable
Spot color in EPS/PS/PDF: the object specific checkboxes are checked and disabled
Raster files: the object type specific checkboxes are checked and disabled
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4.2 File processing
EPS files could not be implemented properly using APPE.
The embedded profile in some JPEG files could not be recognized.
Scaling and cropping could not be read out correctly for certain PS files.
Lab spot color replacements were able to override the ink limit of the linearization.
In a certain EPS file a Lab pattern was processed as RGB without color management, so that the colors
came out wrong.
PS/EPS files with a “+” character in the file name could not be processed using APPE.
4.3 Printer related
Acuity Advanced X2:
ALS EcoJet :
The maximum media size has been corrected to 3050 mm.
Error Code -20 occurred when the printer attempted to print multiple copies.
Canon iPF6450 PB:
The print mode option keep black (RGB color mode) has been removed from the GUI due to wrong
outputs with enabled option.
DGen Teleios V8/74:
Durst P10 250R:
The driver was unable to change the print modes.
DYSS drivers:
The support for missing color modes CMYKRB and CMYKLCLM was added.
Printing Color and White and Varnish in one layer produced stretched output.
Epson-Stylus-Pro 7980 / 9890 Non-HTM:
Remove the not supported color mode CMYKLCLMLKMKOG from the user interface.
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Epson SureColor SC-T3000 / SC-T7000:
In Filmgate a vertical line was printed when the media width we sent to the printer didn't match
the media width set in the printer.
FUJIFILM Vybrant F-Series:
Enhanced the JobInfo fields with additional heater information.
Jobs could not be printed when the printer was in standby mode.
HP FB500:
When calling the media from the printer, special characters could not be processed, which caused
a warning message shown.
Lynx 320 PQ:
Mimaki JV400LX / JV400SUV:
Enhanced the JobInfo fields with additional heater information.
Mutoh ValueJet-1638:
Printing of large jobs sometimes caused a timeout.
The output was stretched when using variable dots.
Ricoh Pro L4000:
Some tooltip information in the advanced printer settings dialog has been added (media compensation, pre heater, print heater, post heater, fan heater)
Roland LEJ-640:
Left UV lamp did not move in forward position, when printing varnish.
Roland XF 640:
The calibration always changed the value to 0 when using predefined print modes. Now the value
for the calibration edit box has been made invisible due, since it is used as part of the print modes
Roland XR 640:
When cut jobs were printed inside a container, a nozzle check blocked the printer.
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Seiko SIIT IP-5520 (ColorPainter W-54S) & SIIT IP-5620 (ColorPainter W-64S):
Printing neon inks is now possible.
Bi-directional printing is activated by default now.
Fix pass is not shown with the print modes anymore as Smart pass exist instead.
The print speed in sqm/h is shown with the print modes now.
The Use printer settings check box has been removed from the Printer tab.
Heater, Smart pass and Media adjustment can be set to Panel individually.
Tooltips have been added.
Seiko SIIT IP-7700 (ColorPainter H2P-74S) & SIIT IP-7900 (ColorPainter H2P-104S):
6C and 8C color modes have been removed.
Fix pass is not shown with the print modes anymore as Smart pass exist instead.
For some HD print modes, too many Smart pass opportunities were visible.
Print speed in sqm/h is shown with the print modes now.
The Use printer settings check box has been removed from Printer tab.
Heater, Smart pass and Media adjustment can be set to Panel individually.
Tooltips have been added.
Seiko SIIT IP-7700 (ColorPainter H2-74S) & SIIT IP-7900 (ColorPainter H2-104S):
The range of After heater has been extended from 55° to 70°C.
The range of the media feed correction (Feed adjustment) has been extended from 103% to
Fix pass are not shown with the print modes anymore as Smart pass exist instead.
Print speed in sqm/h is shown with the print modes now
For some HD print modes, too many Smart pass opportunities were visible.
The Use printer settings check box has been removed from printer tab.
Heater, Smart pass and Media adjustment can be set to Panel individually.
Tooltips have been added.
Seiko SIIT IP-7700 (ColorPainter H-74S) & SIIT IP-7900 (ColorPainter H-104S):
The range of After heater has been extended from 55° to 70°C.
The print speed in sqm/h is shown with the print modes now
The Use printer settings check box has been removed from Printer tab.
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Heater, Smart pass and Media adjustment can be set to Panel individually.
Tooltips have been added.
Durst RHO P10 250R:
Durst RHO P10 200R / Durst RHO P10 250R:
The resolution 600x600 HighSpeed/Variodrop was added to the driver.
The ink set White-White was added to the driver.
Epson SureColor SC-S506X0 Series:
When using halftoning mode Printer, the following changes apply:
1. Print mode Vinyl 720x720dpi 4pass uses the new micro weaving MW5
2. Print mode Banner 720x720dpi 4pass uses the new micro weaving MW4
Existing jobs that are configured for these modes automatically use the new micro weaving.
When using halftoning mode RIP, there is a new print mode 720x720 dpi 4pass MW5.
HP Scitex FB500/700:
New jobs could not be sent to the machine while it was printing, when the print monitor was active. Now the drivers will wait for the printer to be in the idle state, before they send a new job.
Ricoh Pro L4000:
The ink type LX100 containing the color modes CMYK + CMYKW is no longer offered due to a
printer manufacturers’ restriction.
The complete printer driver list can be found here.
4.4 Linearization and Profiling Assistant
CMYK linearization targets are now available, even for selected color modes (e.g. light channels) that
include transfer channels.
For newly created linearization files, the profiler now creates specific pre-calibration curves for the
transfer channels (light/medium inks). For existing linearization files, the pre-calibration for the full
inks is still used for the transfer channels.
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For multicolor and xCLR color modes, the profiler now creates a preview profile, which is stored in the
folder "PreviewProfiles". These preview profiles can be used for soft-proofing of multicolor printing
conditions in Photoshop.
When printing linearization targets, any existing color correction setting will be ignored now. This setting caused the targets not to be printed before.
When limiting All Channels in the Pre-Calibration, there was still a line from 0-100% without any
4.5 Filmgate Module FGM
Information on this module can be found on our website.
Now raster sets with additional bitmaps (with a different screening angle) for spot color separations
are supported for all available screens (Super Rosette 2, Hybrid Screen 2). For newly created jobs, an
appropriate MIM must be chosen.
Please not that the PostScript screening will not be supported anymore, so MIMs using this “screening
technology” cannot be used in version 8.
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4.6 Proof Standard Digital Module PSDM
Information on this module can be found on our website.
Spot colors that were out of gamut resulted in a printed deltaE much higher than the one shown in the
program color table.
Now it is possible to use the PDF processor APPE and apply special colors.
4.7 Print and Cut Module PCM
Information on this module can be found on our website.
In general the perforation edge protection was improved.
In general the arc extraction and rendering was enhanced in the cut file preview.
The general handling of cutting with containers was improved, e.g. when every job in a container has
its own cutline.
The bar code output has been improved for i-cut, Aristo, DYSS, HARMUTH, OptiScout, Summa-F and
Zünd Touch&Cut. This means the barcode positions, orientation and size is now optimized to be more
intuitive for the machine operator.
A polyline feature has been implemented supporting continuous cutting lines and avoiding gaps.
The cutter driver now supports barcodes.
Summa S class:
The default force value has changed from 200g to 75g.
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SummaSign S Class (D Series, T Series):
A new option named EMULATION mode after cutting was added to define whether the option
cutter language should be changed on the cutter or not (after the cutting process e.g. to
HPGL, Auto).
Zünd Cut Center:
The marker distribution frequency value is now default 500 mm and max. 1500 mm.
The arc extraction created gaps in the cut line if arcs got too flat due to an infinite radius.
The document preview with cut paths stayed active although the print data was deleted.
Printing a job with synchronization marks AND Fotoba cut marks resulted in misplaced synchronization
Cut lines and Fotoba cut marks are shifted by the size of the job info.
Several cut files in a container that have cut path name differences in spelling e.g. “CutPathColor”
and “cutpathcolor” will now be considered as well and hand over their cut lines.
If values for the Header and Trailer were setup in the Printer tab, the cut path was moved.
In multipage files, cut paths from all pages were merged.
In the job settings dialog Cutting activating Print&Cut and closing its tab sometimes did not rearrange copies correctly. Now a warning is shown when the cutting settings have been changed that
informs the user to verify the settings on the Job tab.
The cutter driver does only support four markers at the edges now.
The barcode was overlapped with the image.
An entered output offset caused the synchronization marks printed on the image (the right ones).
The complete cutter driver list can be found here.
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4.8 Color Atlas Module CAM
Information on this module can be found on our website.
The PDF with the color patches was not created if embedded profiles were used in a file of a job, but
no output intent was included. This happens for example with raster files that don't support these.
4.9 Cost Calculation Module CCM
Under certain conditions the printed and wasted area was not calculated correctly for containers (e.g.
when combining a large job and small jobs).
Removing copies from a container always removed the master one but without reducing the copy
4.10 TVI Calibration Module TVICM
Information on this module can be found on our website.
The following changes have been implemented in the process calibration assistant: - 7385
The graphs for the calibration curves now have a colored border that show whether the TVI is within
the limits defined on the TVI Reference tab. If the border is green, the TVI is within the limits,
otherwise the border is red.
On the page that shows the graphs for all channels, there is a traffic light symbol that indicates the
overall status: If all channels are OK, the light is green. If at least one channel is OK, the light is yellow, otherwise it is red.
In the table for the calibration values, the TVI of the previous iteration is now shown in an additional
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On the TVI Correction tab there is an option now that allows ignoring the TVI correction of the
current iteration step. This is useful for example when measuring the target shows that the TVI is already within the limits and that an additional correction is not required. So the TVI calibration can be
used as a kind of evaluation tool.
4.11 JDF Interface Module JDFM
Information on this module can be found on our website.
The JDF attribute "AntiAliasing" was not processed by the JDF interface module, because it expected
"Antialiasing". Now both variants can be used.
4.12 G7 Calibration Module G7CM
Information on this module can be found on our website.
After a G7 evaluation the linearization curves were missing.
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