Hart Park - City of Orange
Hart Park - City of Orange
701 S. Glassell St. Orange, CA 92866 There are 2 reservable lighted baseball/ softball fields. There is a swimming pool available for rental, recreational swim, and summertime swim lessons. The two-structured tot-lot features a variety of swings and slides suitable for children ages 5-12. There are reservable picnic areas available with 57 tables, which accommodate from 30 to approximately 702 guests. Hart Park was acquired in 1933. It is 41.76 acres and features a two-structured tot-lot suitable for children ages 5-12, reservable picnic areas accommodating from 30 to approximately 702 guests, non-reservable picnic tables, a reservable community room great for small group meetings accommodating approximately 30 guests, 2 reservable lighted softball/baseball fields, a reservable terrace for soccer or football, and a reservable bandshell ideal for music events. This park is great for birthday parties, family reunions, and family and company parties. There are also acres of passive and open space, which are ideal for exercising and walking. For more information on how to make a reservation, please call (714) 744-7274.