School Uniforms - Sydenham
School Uniforms - Sydenham
Hillside Campus Newsletter 31 July 2015 Dates to Remember Remember your hat in Terms 1 and 4 No Hat = No Play 3 to 7 Aug ................................................................. Lamont Book Fair in the Library 11 August ................................................ Grade 4 to 6 (optional) - UNSW Math Test 11 August ...........................................Grade 1LCC and 1JK—Essendon Traffic School 12 August ................................ Grade 3 to 6 (qualifying students) - District Athletics 13 August ........................................................ Grade 1BW—Essendon Traffic School 14 August .........................Curriculum Day—no students required at school today 17 to 21 August .........................................................All students—Let’s go Fly a Kite 26 August ............................................... Prep to Grade 6—Book Week Performance 31 August and 1 September ........................................ Grade 2—Supreme Incursions 4 September ................................. Walkathon/Dress as your favourite sports person 8 September ................................................................... Grade 6—Hands on Science 9 September ................................................................... Grade 5—Hands on Science 9 to 11 September....................... Grade 6—Urban Camp and non campers program 11 September ........................................................ Prep to Grade 4—Dental Hygiene 13 September ......... Advanced Life Photography Fundraiser (prepaid bookings only) 18 September ........................................................... National Dress Like a Pirate Day 18 September ............................... Last Day of Term 3—Students Finish at 2.30pm 12 and 13 October ....... Grade 3—Lady Northcote Camp and non campers program 14 to 16 October ......................... Grade 4—Camp Wilkin and non campers program 20 October ............................................................. Grade 4—Lego Education Centre Saturday, 14 November ................................. 2015 Spring Market—Hillside Campus 16 November ....................Curriculum Day—no students required at school today 23 to 25 November ......... Grade 5—Sovereign Hill Camp and non campers program 4 December .................................................................... Grade 4—Travelling Kitchen 18 December ........ Last Day of Term 4—Students finish at a time to be confirmed School Uniforms The office is in need of second hand uniforms. If you have uniforms that your children have outgrown which are still in good condition please bring them in to the office. At Sydenham-Hillside Primary School, we value: Respect Responsibility Integrity Compassion Honesty In this issue: Principal’s Report Sustainability Campus Principal’s Report Earn and Learn Advanced Life Studios 5c Challenge Grade 2 Visit to the Botanical Gardens Gardening Group Sausage Sizzle Lunch Interschool Sports Choir Talent Quest Liberte Karate Fernwood Genesis Music Sydenham-Hillside Cricket Club Essendon Keilor College – Production Term Dates 2015 Term 1: Term 2: Term 3: Term 4: Wednesday, 28 January (school teachers start) to Friday, 27 March Grade 1 to 6 students commence on Thursday, 29 January Prep students commence on Monday, 2 February Monday, 13 April to 26 June Monday, 13 July to 18 September Monday, 5 October to Friday, Friday, 18 December He’s coming back! Cadbury Freddo Our Cadbury Chocolate fundraiser will be commencing in the next couple of weeks. Chocolates will be distributed to the eldest child in each family. This year we will be providing you with a variety of Freddos or mixed chocolates at a cost of just $1.00 each. Wattle Valley Drive Hillside Vic 3037 Ph: 9361 5400 Fax: 9449 3743 Absences: 9361 5414 Please help us make this Chocolate Drive a great success by supporting us with this major fundraiser. website: email: [email protected] Principal: Glenn McGarigle Campus Principal: Christine Harris Assistant Principal: Gayle Buse Principal’s Report—Glenn McGarigle This week the Parent Opinion survey was delivered to a number of randomly selected families whose children attend our school. The Parent Opinion survey is a Department of Education and Training initiative and occurs on an annual basis. The survey results are compiled by Pearson Assessment and then sent onto the Department. The data is then provided to school principals. It is valuable feedback and the range of questions are designed to provide a clear picture of how the parent community sees the climate of the school and to identify any issues that might be causing concern. We would like as many of those surveys to be completed and returned as a high completion rate assists schools in clarifying any concerns. The survey is anonymous and the data that is returned to the school later in the year does not identify any individual parents. The Parent Opinion survey along with the Attitudes to School survey (Year 5 and 6 students) and the Staff Opinion survey, form the foundations of feedback that all schools rely on to complete Annual Reports and the next School Review which is due in 2016. We often share our beliefs with the students, staff and parents that we have a wonderful school with the majority of stakeholders being very happy. I am also aware that we can work harder to improve and the School Council and the Leadership Team are working in unison to strive for even better results. One way are that we are investigating, is ways to improve communication between parents and the school. We now subscribe to a phone App called Tiqbiz which provides parents with the opportunity to send messages and absences directly to the school. The App is free for parents to download to their phones and other electronic devices. Contact the office if you would like more information. We recently held two very successful tree planting days with students and staff across both campuses joining in and planting trees and shrubs in order to improve the environment. It was very rewarding to see the students at the end of the day show their parents the plants that their class had planted. Sustainability So today we are going to tell you some tips on sustainability. Due to the consequences that have happened to our sea animals in the past, we had an idea to tell you about it. #1 We really need you to at least pick up rubbish even when you see the tiniest piece. We need to do this because all the animals in the sea suffer because of the rubbish getting into the drains. Because the drains lead to the sea, animals think that it's food so they swallow it and choke. There are also many other particular reasons why, but there's too much to explain. #2 Try not to use a lot of plastic, because that flies to the dump, into the ocean, then we see dead animals, and disgusting air, and we don't want to inhale polluted air. True fact: we can even suffer from polluted air. Pollution can also give us cancer and diseases. #3 When you go to any of your local supermarkets, maybe you can reuse a bag made out of fabric so you can reuse it all the time. We are telling you this because some supermarkets are banned from giving plastic bags to customers. We told you all of this because it seems that 3.5 million pieces of rubbish is getting into the ocean each day, and that would probably beat a world record of rubbish getting into the ocean! Now we're going to speak about facts on sustainability. Up to 90% of the materials used in a mobile phone can be recycled. It seems that almost every day there is another story about pollution of one form or another, in the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe. Very often our own actions lead to that pollution and in many cases we can do something about it. Have a shower instead of a bath. you are using more water in a bath. yes, you may be happy having a long soak after school each day, but you are wasting water, and your money. Do you know how to fix it? #1 reuse old products #2 when you go to coffee places, and if you get it take away, do NOT ask for the take away cups because they are paper. Head to the $2 shop and buy those big reusable coffee flasks and ask for them to pour the hot chocolate or the drink that you have ordered into your new cheap flask. remember this is less plastic! #3 Whenever you eat snack/lunch try to eat in containers or zip lock bags. Between you and me, you will find a difference in no time! tell your family, friends, and more! and remember... be sustainable!!!!!!!!!!!! Natharie DeSilva and Emma Cook 4LC Campus Principal—Christine Harris Welcome back to Term Three, it is always good to begin a term with everyone returning to school safely after the break. Activities We are well into term three and there are a raft of activities planned. In spite of the really frigorific weather we are hoping to have some good old fashioned fun days. In the coming weeks we have the walkathon planned to coincide with the official opening of the oval. This day has been planned by Mr Robert Lake and includes ribbon cutting by the House Captains and an official naming feature. This day will also be an opportunity for students to dress as their favourite sports person/star. We are hoping that a great number of family members will join their students on the walkathon. Dress like a Pirate Day The last day of term is just a day for fun. No money required and no extra costumes should be purchased. An eye patch and some old clothes is a great start. Of course if you do happen to have a talking parrot that will stay put on your child’s shoulder, it would enhance the mood. Let’s Fly a Kite Kite day planning is well underway. Students from prep to year 6 will be decorating a kite skin during art and class time, in preparation for a kite making workshop in the week of the 17 August. Once the kites are made we will wait for a windy day forecast and invite families to join us via Tiqbiz. Cyber Safety Cyber Bullying Last week Senior Constable Jo spoke to our year 5 and 6 students with a focus on safe use of the internet. The presentation covered a broad range of positives around the internet but also alerted students to the pitfalls of indiscrete use. Students were cautioned about friending people they didn’t actually know, about posting photos and personal details and about using social media as tool to be facelessly unkind to others. One of the big impact points that had the students doing the ‘head turn snap and stare intently’ for a second or two at a friend was the statement that anything posted on the net forms a part of their digital footprint it is attached to their ID for ever. Little bit scary when you think about it. Another point that came to light was that many kids use the message tab in games as a substitute for Chat, Kick or other communication apps. So if they load ‘Clash of Clans’, for example, they are able to message back and forth with people who have that App. Data Collection The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data for Students with a Disability is underway again. This is an annual data gathering event that is conducted by the Education Department on behalf of the Federal Government. The data will be used to inform education planning in the future. If parents are concerned about data about their child being collected for this purpose they should contact Gayle Buse or myself. We are participating in the Woolworths ‘Earn & Learn’ program. Through this program we are able to receive new educational resources for our school— all we need you to do is shop for your groceries at Woolworths. From Wednesday, 15 July until Tuesday, 8 September we are collecting Woolworths ‘Earn & Learn’ stickers. For every $10.00 spent (excluding alcohol, tobacco and gift cards) you will get one sticker. Please have your children bring the stickers to the office. In September we will be hosting a fundraiser with Advanced Life Studios. Look out for more information coming home soon! Hillside Reporters’ Page 5c Challenge Last term we did something called the 5c Challenge. The 5c Challenge is about collecting lots of 5c pieces. Students came to the old gym with their coins. We lined them up, which in total added up to nearly $900 last year it was about $700. The money will be used to improve the gardens. Trees will be planted and we will get some more garden beds which will make the school greener and helpful to the environment. Thank you for your generous donations. By Yuta 5FC Grade 2 Visit to the Botanical Gardens and Shrine On Tuesday, 14 July the Grade 2’s went to the Botanical Gardens and the Shrine of Remembrance. They started the day with an Aboriginal Ceremony within the gardens. Next a few instructors showed the grade 2’s around the garden. They explained how the Aboriginals used the land to survive. One of the more interesting trees was the one named the Dinosaur Tree. The children also did some Aboriginal finger painting. They also got to experience the handcrafted tools which the Aboriginals used to hunt with and gather food. After lunch they went to the Shrine of Remembrance where they were shown around and the children had to be quiet and respectful inside. The Shrine of Remembrance is a monument and a place to remember the soldiers who died in war. Lastly, they all were given two poppies each, one to place on the poppy wall and the other to give to their mothers. It was a very cold winter’s day and the kids were happy to board the bus for their journey home! Adam 5AF Garden Club (Group 1) Adam and I went to interview the Garden Club (Group 1) on 3 June. Some of the things they do around the garden is: build the garden beds, fill the sand pit with sand, put dirt in the garden, plant flowers, dig holes and paint. The boys said that it is a good experience, but they wouldn’t do this as a future career. Every Thursday they are in the garden doing hard work, but also they do have fun and muck around. They also said that Mrs Harris started the gardening group and made Nick G the leader of the group. One of the future projects they are going to do is lay pebbles in the garden to be a footpath. The members of the gardening club (Group 1) are Yuta, Yash, Lachlan and Nick G. It would be wonderful if children would stop stepping in the garden beds, because it destroys the plants which then makes them not look good. It would also be wonderful if children would move out of the way when the members of the gardening club are driving the wheelbarrow. Thanks! By Nadia and Adam Hillside Reporters’ Page Sausage Sizzle Lunch In Term 2, a sausage sizzle lunch was held. A note was sent to all parents and students could get a sausage and a soda. This was at lunch time and all students had lunch early. Some parents, teachers, students and Mrs Harris helped out. At recess the sausages got put on the grill. Then at lunch we all enjoyed! It was a very good idea and the school loved it. Hopefully we can have another sausage sizzle lunch soon. By Damali Martin Interschool sports We are here to talk about what has been happening in interschool sports. The sports we have been playing are basketball, volleyball, cricket and European handball. We train every Thursday afternoon and we are getting better every session. We play other schools on Friday and try to win to qualify to play in the interschool sport finals. It has been a good experience to join the interschool sport teams and hopefully we keep on winning. Hope you enjoyed this information about interschool sports. By Zayn and Joel 6JB Choir The choir group has about 20 students. The choir program runs every Friday but only for students in Grades 3 to 6. During the day lessons run, in our lessons we do musical theory. This is when we learn about music notes and we also learn about different types of pitches. Throughout the year we learn songs to sing at concerts. A few weeks ago at the Salvation Army the choir performed a few songs with about 70 people watching. Our choir teacher Meryn is a great musical teacher she is also an amazing singer. Sometimes we also perform in front of the school, at the end of Term 2 for the last assembly the choir performed the National Anthem. Being up in front of people isn’t that easy although it is very enjoyable for the people singing and the people watching. By Amelia Cannon Grade 3-6 Talent Quest Finals In Term 2 the 2015 Talent Quest finals were held. It was so fun to watch and everybody had a great time. Some of the acts were singing, dancing, medleys, acting and heaps more to enjoy. The audience was cheering and clapping to the performances. The two groups who made it through to finals were all girls. The girls who took first place were Amelia, Olivia and Damali. The Grade 6 girls took second place. The reward for making it through to the finals was a free lunch order. Talent quest was fun! Cyber bullying On 21 July the grade 5 and 6 students went to the staff room to listen to the police talk to us about cyber bullying, and how to be safe on the internet. We learned about some of the dangers online and if someone makes you feel weird or uncomfortable. We also need to make sure to report it. We also now know that the police are also on the internet 24/7 so if you do something bad or someone else does something bad they’ll find out. They had a slideshow that they presented to us and we were the first school in Western suburbs to see the presentation. It was a really good experience and now we know how to be safe online. By Abbey Blakeborough and Charli Cutajar Grade 2 Excursion to the Botanical Gardens and the Shrine of Remembrance On Tuesday, 14 July, the Grade two students went on an excursion to the Royal Botanical Gardens and the Shrine of Remembrance. Some of the highlights of our day were: climbing up the hill at the Botanical Gardens (Taylan) using the aboriginal clapping sticks and lighting a fire (Helena) creating an Aboriginal ochre painting (Sean) being part of an Aboriginal ceremony (Jessica) watching the story about the ANZACs at the Shrine (Laudya) going into the theatre at the Shrine (Chelsea) seeing the eternal fire (Chloe) wearing a soldier’s hat (Oliver) when we had a minutes silence to remember the ANZACs (Joshua) travelling on the big bus (Bianca) seeing the Children’s Garden (Tily) having a ceremony at the Shrine (Gianni) watching the video about the war and the ANZACs (Noah) standing around the eternal flame (Tannah) learning about the Aboriginal hunting tools and weapons (Nyssa) watching the eternal flame (Reanna) when some of the children were acting like animals and pretended to be hunted by aboriginals (Aydin) seeing the boat that took the ANZACs across the sea (Cameron) looking at the boomerangs and watching the movie at the Shrine (Lockyer) going to the shelter to see all the Aboriginal weapons and tools (Riley) going to the Shrine and watching the video (Victor) looking at the statue of the father and son who fought in the war (Kiarlie) seeing many sites during the bus ride (Sienna) seeing the statue of the soldiers inside the Shrine (Gabriel) We had a fabulous day and learnt lots of new things. By 2SS Liberte Karate Hillside Prep Program—FUN FUN FUN!!! Firstly, I would like to congratulate the Hillside Prep classes on Tuesday for their amazing listening skills, focus, high energy and speed in our Liberte Karate School Program. We started our Karate class with our traditional Karate bow, followed by a fun warm up and stretch. During our 45 minute introduction to Karate, students tried Karate techniques and participated in various activities including our “Duck and Jump Challenge” and “Agility Obstacle Course.” It was great seeing the students getting involved and volunteering to be Leaders in our activities. At the end of our session we were pleased to hand students a Liberte Karate Kid Headband and our Liberte Karate Flyer including Promotion Offer. The students did a fantastic job!!! Our Karate Classes are held at the Hillside Campus Gym on Tuesday to Thursday nights. Age 5 – 13 years and adults. All of our classes are age specific. TO BOOK YOUR FREE TRIAL CLASS – CONTACT RENEE 0447 243 471 Call to book in your FREE TRIAL class obligation free. If you like our classes and want to join you will Receive 2 weeks free and free uniform Our offer expires end of July 2015 Thank you Sensei Renee & James Sydenham-Hillside Cricket Club New Players Welcome—Girls and Boys Junior Grades - u/10, u/ 12, u/ 14, u/16 Junior uniform and registration nights: 3 August 2015 and 10/08/15 from 5:30 to 8:30 PM at Hillside Recreation Reserve Training starts late August 2015 Different sessions by age group, so check the website MILOin2Cricket 5 – 10yrs Friday evening – 6.00pm to 7.15pm Registration on 9 and 16 October at Hillside Recreation Reserve Sessions commencing 23 October 2015 For more information (and go to Junior News) Ph: George Barlas 0401 141 039 (Junior Coordinator) or Bernard Morrow 0417 346 913 (Secretary)