Observers - Northamptonshire Advanced Motorcyclists


Observers - Northamptonshire Advanced Motorcyclists
Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
The Newsletter for the Northamptonshire Advanced Motorcyclists
Rideout to Leek, Staffs.
See page 7 for full
Better Biking Day
See page 5 for full
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 1
April 2013 ’ Issue 45
Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
reetings those who braved the climate in March! I
am sure the men in white coats will be calling
In all seriousness this is the longest run of cancelled
meets I can recollect in my time with the Group, three
lost Sundays is unprecedented and in March??
The climate is causing some concern and the long term
effects of the snow will be around ( as in bike sized
potholes) for many months to come - a cash strapped
council that can still find tarmac for 'traffic calming' will
soon realise that by leaving the 'inverted speed humps'
it will achieve the same result and apart from the
litigation that they no doubt insure against, cost less?
Its possible that FP may just contain a guide to 'Suing your Local Authority' for
damage and accidents caused by lack of road maintenance in the near future, we
know they haven't got much cash but what they do have comes from us and if we
don't shout louder than the other claimants we will go to the back of the queue. I am
not sure anyone has been killed by the closure of a library for instance.. 'Who just
threw that book at me'?
Off the soapbox and back to reality. Thanks to those who attended the AGM, good
food, good company and a surprisingly enlightening presentation from Lee who
extolled the virtues of Airbag Hi Vis. Expensive but compared to a replacement lid,
about the same (unless you buy cheap lids). The notable absentee was our illustrious
editor, he forgot the date despite publicising it for weeks in this marvelous ezine.. In
his absence we decided all sort of things that now has 'Action James D next to it!
(Don't tell him I made that up...)!
2013 could be another challenging year as changes continue to happen with both the
IAM ( manageable) and HMG ( both out of control and sanity) adding complexities.
NAM is well placed to weather the storm as we have many able and willing volunteers
who are prepared to be active and proactive, this depth gives us an edge over some
smaller Groups and allows each individuals work load ( with a few exceptions ), to be
acceptable. I gave the Groups thanks to these unsung heroes at the AGM and repeat
it here - if it wasn't for you there would be no NAM and a lot more unpleasant
statistics. Cheers guys.
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 2
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Lenient sentence for Drink Driver who almost killed a
The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) has
condemned the leniency of a sentence
handed down to a drunk driver who almost
killed a motorcyclist with whom he collided.
Motorist Thomas Scully has been
convicted of drink driving, failing to stop at
the scene of an accident and driving
without due care and attention. Scully
drove with twice the legal limit of alcohol in
his blood and knocked down motorcyclist
Michael Daniels who suffered serious
multiple injuries and had to have his heart
restarted on the operating table.
Scully has two previous convictions of drunk driving and yet escaped a custodial
sentence, receiving only a suspended sentence and community service.
MAG spokesman Ian Mutch said:
“The leniency of this sentence defies belief. This man is a serial offender who has
demonstrated utter contempt for his victim by driving off, leaving him for dead. Scully’s
offence demonstrates gross selfishness, contempt for the law and contempt for life.
“What hope is there for justice in this country when such a man escapes a jail
sentence while sober riders on empty roads have been sentenced to months in jail for
“Such inconsistency in sentencing brings the law into disrepute, and raises the
question of double standards with motorcyclists being treated more severely than
“Furthermore it seems that when motorcyclists are the innocent victims their lives are
valued lower than those of others. The fact that this rider did not die should not justify
the leniency of the driver’s sentence.”
Always ride at a speed where you can stop
in the distance you can see to be clear on
your side of the road
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 3
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Free Better Biking Day
Become a better rider with the Northamptonshire Advanced Motorcyclists.
Saturday 27th April 2013
with “observes” starting from 10am onwards
If you’re passionate about your biking,
then let the Northamptonshire
Advanced Motorcyclists give your
skills a boost, improve
your techniques and
increase your confidence
and ability, allowing you
to get more from your
riding experience.
Book your place for
your free “observed”
ride, and chat to our
members about the
benefits of joining
the Northamptonshire
To book your free place,
call 08700 427648, or email [email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 4
The Obelisk Centre, Obelisk
Rise, Northampton.
email:[email protected]
Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
11,000 speeding fines could be overturned
Signage blunder could mean a let off for thousands
THOUSANDS of speeding convictions could be
reversed on a technicality, because the font used to
display the numbers on some variable speed limit signs
did not comply with traffic regulations.
The Crown Prosecution Service informed Warwickshire
Police last November of the irregularity of the signs on
the M42 west of Coventry (between junctions 3A and 7
and junctions 7 and 9). They say the signs displayed
numbers taller and narrower than the regulations
It is now possible that penalties that were handed out
over the six years the signs were in place - the total number is at least 11,000 - could
be quashed, as lawyers and traffic consultants argue that they are not legally
The Highways Agency, which installed the signs, claim that were clearly visible to
motorists, but police have stopped using the signs as a means of enforcement since
last year and have dropped prosecutions that would otherwise have been pursued but not before thousands were convicted since the signs went up in 2006.
Richard Bentley, a traffic management consultant and former police officer said:
'There should be a situation where cases are opened in the magistrates court to have
the cases reheard and the convictions quashed. If there are no traffic signs, the Act of
Parliament prohibits the conviction - and these are definitely not traffic signs.'
The regulations governing variable speed limit signs established in a government
document entitled Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002. If a sign
fails to comply exactly with the document's specification then individual approval
approval must be sought from the Department for Transport before it can be used to
enforce speed limits - in this case, that approval was not given.
According to BBC News, The Highways Agency said it was first made aware of
concerns 'about three years ago' but 'believed they did conform to the regulations.'
Ginny Clarke, director of network services for the Highways Agency, said: 'When it
was first brought to our attention in 2009, we felt it was quite clear what these
numbers were and how visible they were to the road user.'
Despite these claims, four months ago the Highway Agency applied to the
Department for Transport for retrospective permission to use the signs.
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 5
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Stolen motorcycles found
in lake
Motorcycles stolen back in 2005 found
on lake bed
MORE than a dozen motorcycles have been
found at the bottom of Lake Austin in Texas,
Frames, engines and other parts have been
discovered for over 15 different motorcycles. They were found by a diver who was
diving under the Pennybacker bridge.
Frame and engine numbers match up to bikes reported stolen, some as far back as
Motorcycle thieves strip a stolen bike for parts and discard the rest, usually through a
friendly scrap-metal merchant.
Rideout to Leek, Staffordshire…
Paul Fowler has graciously organised an extended
rideout to a little carvery he knows at Rudyard Top
in Staffordshire on the 20th April
Carvery lunch @ £6.95 per head or may be £7.95
if lamb is also on the menu. Sweets(Puddings ) for
the uninitiated are available, as is coffee.
We will meet at the Rugby Truck Stop on theA5 at 09.00hrs for a
departure shortly after.
Route is about 80 scenic miles with a stop for coffee en route.
The drop off system will be utilised and wives, girlfriends, partners
are welcome.
please email me, [email protected] by 15th April so I may notify the venue, who
will then be able to put arrangements in place to cater for us.
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 6
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Fatal crash special constable resigns...
Disgraced special constable steps down
A DORSET special constable who recently escaped prosecution after killing a
motorcyclist whilst talking on her mobile phone at the wheel has resigned from the
Collette Carpenter was talking on loudspeaker with the phone in her lap when her
Peugeot 206 collided with motorcyclist David Bartholomew, a father-of-two from Bere
As we reported here, Collette Carpenter avoided
prosecution for careless or dangerous driving
because, according to the CPS, it could not be
proven that she was holding the phone at the
time of the crash.
In a statement, Dorset Police said: 'Dorset Police
can confirm that the special constable involved in
this incident has resigned. We have nothing
further to say.'
David Bartholomew's partner Lindsey Witcombe
welcomed the move, saying: 'We are reassured
to hear that Collette Carpenter has resigned from
being a special constable with immediate effect.
David Bartholomew
'We understand her records will be marked and if
there is any attempt in the future to gain entry
into the force her dishonesty will be flagged up
because she has fallen well short of the
standards required to maintain public
The story has caused outrage among motorcyclists, the Facebook group 'Justice for
David Bartholomew' has received over 4,000 likes. Chris Chope, MP for Christchurch,
has announced he will be pursuing the case with the attorney general.
Every rider should be asking themselves
three questions: What can be seen?, What
can't be seen?, What can reasonably be
expected to happen next?
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 7
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Warwickshire launches safety campaign for young
and inexperienced riders.
Males aged 16 to 20 at highest risk, says report
by Warwickshire Road Safety Unit
have prompted the county into
launching a rider safety training
initiative for young and
inexperienced moped and
motorcycle riders.
In a joint initiative, Warwickshire
together with, Herefordshire,
Worcestershire, Shropshire and
Telford & Wrekin have recently relaunched the Take Control rider
training scheme - three of the five
courses available are tailored to meet the needs of young riders.
‘CBT Plus’ is an ideal follow on from Compulsory Basic Training, whilst ‘Auto to Gears’
helps moped riders to progress to riding geared 125cc bikes. The ‘125 Rider
Development’ course is a half-day session for riders new to 125cc bikes who are keen
to develop their riding skills.
Warwickshire Road Safety Unit's findings were compiled from every reported road
traffic injury collision over a two year period shows more than a third of all mopeds
and motorcycles involved in injury collisions involved riders under the age of 21 years.
The report also highlighted the fact that 20 per cent of collisions, where moped and
motorcycle riders were considered most blameworthy, were attributed to learner or
inexperienced riders.
Nearly a quarter of all fatal or serious injury collisions on the county's roads involved a
moped or motorcycle rider, but no other vehicle.
Road Safety Officer, Stephen Rumble said:
“Moped and motorcycle riders are always going to be at greater risk because bikes
afford them no or very little protection compared to other vehicles. But our research
clearly shows that young and inexperienced riders, particularly males aged 16 to 20,
still represent a disproportionately large number of Warwickshire’s casualties."
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 8
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Biker dies on A3 after man jumps from bridge
Mans possible suicide leads to death of motorcyclist
A biker lost his life on the A3 today A BIKER has died
on the A3 after crashing into a parked ambulance
which was there to attend to a man who had jumped
off a bridge into oncoming traffic.
The ambulance crew had been called to the man
who had jumped off the Clayton Road bridge over
the A3 just before the Kingston bypass.
The London Ambulance Service attended the scene and parked their ambulance on
the other side of the carriageway - the southbound side of the A3. Half an hour later,
while the ambulance was still parked and the crew were still attending to the man who
jumped from the bridge, a male motorcyclist collided with the ambulance. A car was
also involved in the accident.
Two air ambulances were then scrambled to the scene but both men were
pronounced dead at the scene.
A Surrey Police spokesman said witnesses to these incidents should call their
investigation unit on 01483 639922, quoting reference P13074412.
Useless Facts
The housefly hums in the middle octave, key of F.
The international telephone dialling code for Antarctica is 672.
The katydid bug hears through holes in its hind legs.
The longest recorded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
The name for Oz in the "Wizard of Oz" was thought up when the creator, Frank
Baum, looked at his filing cabinet and saw A-N, and O-Z, hence "Oz."
The name Jeep came from the abbreviation used in the army for the "General
Purpose" vehicle, G.P.
The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because
when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the
books that would occupy the building.
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 9
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Biker outlaw patch 'stands
for honesty'
Odd claim helps Swiss
deportation from Canada
BIKER Uwe Weser successfully avoided
deportation back to his native Switzerland after
a Canadian tribunal rejected the Immigration
Department's case that the 67-year-old's former
membership of the Vagos Motorcycle Club ties
him to criminal activity.
The Immigration and Refugee Board tribunal
said Canada's Immigration Department failed to
establish that Weser, who moved to Quebec
with his Canadian wife last year, had engaged in
illegal activity.
The evidence presented against Weser included
the '1%' patch he wore on his club 'colours',
seen in photos of Weser, photos of him with
Hells Angels members, a Hells Angels T-shirt
and an address book containing phone numbers of Hells Angels members. These
were found by Canadian customs agents searching a shipping container full of
Weser's belongings arriving from Switzerland.
At Weser's deportation hearing, Sgt Alain Belleau, Quebec's co-ordinator for biker
intelligence, said that the 1% patch denotes a club's involvement in criminality. The
reference is said to date from the 1950s, when the American Motorcyclist Association
allegedly stated that 99 per cent of motorcyclists were law-abiding citizens; those
bikers who revelled in being outlaws proudly claimed to be the 1%, and '1%' inscribed
inside a diamond shape became a piece of biker gang iconography, in the form of
tattoos, jacket patches or engravings on bikes.
But Weser, who has no criminal record, said the patch was a symbol meaning
'honesty, openness and respect' and that the Vagos Club was only a social group of
motorcycle enthusiasts.
The IRB accepted his defence, saying: "Mr Weser’s wearing the 1% symbol is
insufficient to conclude that Mr. Weser, or the members of the Vagos, commit, or have
ever committed, offences that are part of a pattern of planned and organised criminal
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 10
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A message of thanks from the
FairFuelUK campaign team………
and a simple ‘ask’ of you….
Dear FairFuelUK Supporter,
As you know, the Chancellor confirmed in his Budget
the cancellation of the rise in Fuel Duty planned for
Sept this year - another great step for our campaign. Now seems like a good time to
‘take stock’ and let you know how we see things going forward.
First: Quentin, Howard, Lynne and I would like to say a big THANK YOU to you for
supporting us. Without the support of large numbers of people like yourself and the
backing of our 6 major sponsors, we simply couldn’t do what we do.
Second: It’s all too easy to lose track of just how hard we have fought and just how
much has been achieved. Let’s be clear, your FairFuelUK team knows that petrol &
diesel taxes remain too high and are still a major burden to families and businesses.
We know that stopping rises in Fuel Duty is not enough!!!! We know that we need a
substantial cut in Fuel Duty. That said, every cancellation of a rise is a vital stepping
stone on our journey. Let’s just whizz through how we started and how many rises we
have seen either postponed or cancelled. Even we were surprised by this list …..
Jan 2011
FairFuelUK founded by myself, Lynne Beaumont and Howard Cox
Feb 2011
First sponsors commit support – the RHA and FTA (these two organisations represent
the nation’s road freight companies)
Feb 2011
Quentin Willson agrees to be national spokesman for FairFuelUK
Mar 2011
5p inflationary rise postponed and a 1p cut given, smaller rise of 3p now planned for
Sept 2011
Aug 2011
3p rise postponed to 2012
Jan 2012
3p rise postponed again to August 2012
Aug 2012
3p rise postponed to Jan 2013
Jan 2013
3p rise cancelled
Mar 2013
3p rise planned for Sept 2013 cancelled
Continued >>
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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In other words, every attempt to raise fuel duty since April 2011 has been defeated.
It’s also worth remembering that the Government had inherited a plan to raise Fuel
Duty by an extra 1p ABOVE INFLATION in each and every year. This was called the
‘escalator’. This ‘escalator’ was also cancelled in the March 2011 Budget.
Most commentators agree that petrol & diesel prices are about 13p lower than they
would have been if our campaign hadn’t worked. (Some commentators think the
figure should be higher – but it depends on how you count postponements and
With your help, we have built the momentum to a level that means the politicians in
Westminster take notice of what we say. One MP even commented that ‘when
FairFuelUK campaigns, Westminster rocks’.
So what next? We’re going to use the coming months to press the Government ever
harder with our argument that they need to CUT Fuel Duty to stimulate growth.
Despite all our successes in defeating further rises, we still need to convince the
Government that reducing Fuel Duty won’t cost them as much revenue as they think
because of the boost it will give to the UK economy. We will be meeting Treasury
Ministers and officials in the next few weeks as first steps.
Many of our supporters ask us what else they can do to help.
Here’s some
If you haven’t already done so, please consider buying a FairFuelUK sticker or
other merchandise. The revenue helps the campaign and a show of stickers boosts
the visibility of the campaign.
Please spread word of FairFuelUK to everyone you know. The more people
that ‘sign up’ at the more powerful our voice becomes.
Please visit the websites of our major sponsors. Click their logos on this page
to learn more about the organisations who are fighting on your behalf for lower fuel
prices at the pumps. Without them we would have been paying 13p more per litre.
Give them a ‘follow’ on Twitter, their details are listed here too.
Please join in when we ask you to email your MP – believe us, this works! On
some days over 25,000 of our supporters have communicated with their MPs in a
matter of hours. The sheer scale of this correspondence lifts the campaign profile in
the minds of MPs. They tell us that this tactic really works.
Please continue to send in your comments, ideas, copies of replies received
from your MP etc. We do read and try and take into account everything that comes
into us. We aim to reply on every occasion, but hope that you might understand that
during certain periods like the run up to the Budget and Autumn Statement we
sometimes get a little overwhelmed.
Thanks to you for your support…………
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 12
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Mom and Dad were trying to
console Susie, whose dog,
Skipper, had recently died.
A cowboy rode into town
and stopped at a saloon for
a drink. Unfortunately, the
locals had a habit of
picking on strangers. So
when he finished his drink,
he found his horse had
been stolen. He went back
into the bar, handily flipped
his gun into the air, caught
it above his head and fired
a shot into the ceiling.
MY HOSS?'' he yelled.
No one answered.
Some of the locals shifted
restlessly. The cowboy had
another beer, walked
outside, and his horse was
back! He saddled up and
started to ride out of town.
The bartender wandered
out of the bar and asked,
''Say partner, before you
go. . .what happened in
The cowboy turned back
and said, ''I had to walk
Why did the chewing gum
cross the road?
Because he was stuck to the
chicken's foot
-----------------------------A blonde was on vacation in
the depths of Louisiana. She
wanted a pair of genuine
alligator shoes, but didn't want
to pay the high prices.
After unsuccessfully haggling
with of one of the
shopkeepers, the blonde said,
"Maybe I'll just go out and
catch my own alligator, so I
can get a pair of shoes at a
reasonable price."
Later in the day, the
shopkeeper spotted the young
woman standing waist deep in
the water, shotgun in hand.
She took aim at an alligator,
killed it and hauled it onto the
swamp bank.
Lying nearby were several
more of the dead creatures.
The shopkeeper watched in
amazement as the blonde
flipped the alligator on its back
and shouted in frustration,
"Damn, this one isn't wearing
any shoes either."
-----------------------------This guy goes to a psychiatrist.
The doctor shows him an
inkblot and asks him what it
looks like.
"A naked woman." He shows
him another inkblot and asks
him the same question.
"A naked woman on a bed."
"You're a sick pervert!" the
psychiatrist exclaims.
"I'm not the pervert. You keep
showing me all these filthy
"You know," Mom said, "it's not
so bad. Skipper's probably up
in Heaven right now, having a
grand old time with God."
Susie stopped crying and
asked, "What would God want
with a dead dog?"
-----------------------------A man in Amsterdam feels the
need to confess, so he goes to
his priest.
"Forgive me, Father, for I have
sinned. During WWII, I hid a
refugee in my attic."
"Well," answers the priest,
"that's not a sin."'
"But I made him agree to pay
me 20 guilders for every week
he stayed."
"I admit that wasn't good, but
you did it for a good cause."
"Oh, thank you, Father. That
eases my mind. I have one
more question."
"What is that, my son?"
"Do I have to tell him the war is
-----------------------------How many psychiatrists
does it take to change a
light bulb?
One, but it really has to
want to change.
-----------------------------Two Dallas Cowboys were
in a car. Who was driving?
The cops.
-----------------------------What do you call a lazy baby
A pouch potato.
-----------------------------What do you call a beautiful
girl in Russia?
A tourist.
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How to Properly Clean your Motorcycle
If you want motorcycle cleaning tips that will help you clean your motorcycle
faster, easier, and without damaging it, here are some tips to help you…
Motorcycle cleaning products you will need are some soft, clean cloths. You’ll need
some for washing and some that you keep dry for drying and polishing. A dirty rag can
scratch the bike. There are “wash mitts” you can purchase and use, but only if they
are kept clean.
Wheel cleaner made specifically for wheels
Leather conditioner for saddle and any accessories
Clean sponges – a dirty sponge can contain dirt which can scratch paint and chrome.
Cleaning solution made specifically for motorcycles. Because the cleaners will get on
the paint, saddle and chrome, use products that are not going to cause problems with
discolouring the finish or “blue” the chrome. When it comes to motorcycle cleaning,
many bikers make a mistake of using the wrong motorcycle cleaning products, which
can damage your motorcycle.
You may want a bucket for mixing solutions. Follow the mixing directions on any
supplies. Be sure each product is used properly.
Of course, you need a water hose as well.
You must let the engine cool down before washing the bike. You can cause spotting,
streaking, chrome damage and actually crack your engine! So give the engine and
pipes time to cool down
Now that the bike has cooled to the touch, you can begin the wash. Using the
motorcycle cleaning product recommended by our motorcycle manufacturer,
mixed properly following label instruction, prepare your cleaning solution.
If you have heavy dirt or have bugs on the fenders, hose down those areas
gently from top to bottom first. This will allow them a kind of “pre-soak” to loosen
them. Then hose once again to rinse off any debris that has loosened.
Beginning from the top to the bottom, wash gently, using a clean soft cloth or a
wash mitt. If your cleaning cloth becomes soiled, do not take the chance of
scratching the paint or chrome; change to a clean cloth. If you use a sponge, be
absolutely certain no debris gathers in the sponge pores and causes scratches.
Rinse the bike from top to bottom, paying special attention to any areas of extra
heavy soil. Check every little place that dirt can hide to be certain you have the
motorcycle completely clean. Use a wheel cleaner and soft rag to completely and
thoroughly clean each wheel. Dry your motorcycle off with clean soft rags
When drying, look for spots that water tends to pool and take an extra bit of care to be
sure those areas dry thoroughly.
Maintain your leather with the products your motorcycle maker recommends. Treat
the saddle, and any leather accessories.
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Biker sues the Met after accident at Balmoral
Royal protection doesn't extend to other road users, it seems...
A SCOTTISH motorcyclist is suing the Metropolitan Police after being knocked off by
a police minibus, believed to have been a Royal protection vehicle.
David Hardie of Aberdeen is claiming
£15,000 in damages from Sir
Bernard Hogan-Howe, the
Commissioner of the Metropolitan
Police, after being injured in August
Hardie sustained head, neck and
shoulder injuries after colliding with
the minibus eight miles from the
Queen's favoured summer retreat.
Balmoral Castle
The driver of the vehicle in question (and not to be confused with Geoff's home)
is believed to have crossed the road
into the path of Mr. Hardie, causing a
head-on collision. According to The Scotsman, a spokesman for Digby Brown LLP,
representing Mr Hardie, said: 'The claim alleges that the mini bus driver crossed on to
the wrong side of the road and struck him head on. The driver was a person
employed by the Metropolitan Police and we are suing the Commissioner as
technically he was the employer of the person who was driving the mini bus.
'Mr Hardie suffered fairly serious injuries. He had a head injury, which he has since
recovered from, and quite bad neck and shoulder injuries as well as soft tissue
damage to his leg and right hand.
'The fact is it was a head-on collision between a motorcycle and a minibus. The
outcome of that could have been very different – to only get scarring and soft tissue
damage, Mr Hardie was a very lucky man.'
A date for the hearing is yet to be set.
A hazard is something which requires a change in speed,
direction or both. The benefit of applying a systematic approach
to riding is to reduce the simultaneous demands on the
motorcycle, the rider mentally and the rider physically.
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 15
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Rideout to Leek, Staffordshire
(see website for details)
Ride to RAF Cosford
London Motor Museum
Better Biking Day.
Rotary Club Dragon Boat Race
Brackley Bike Festival.
22nd - 25th
British Goldwing Treffen Rally
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 16
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Motorcycle Security - Keep Your Bike Safe
With many bikes stolen in the UK each year, motorbike security should be top
of the list for any rider.
Bikes are stolen by joy riders, stolen to order, or stolen to be broken down as parts,
and can often be out of the country before you know they're gone. But despite this,
less than half of all bikes are protected by bike locks or any other security devices.
An unsecured bike is an easy target for thieves as it can be wheeled away, lifted or
bundled into a van. The more security measures you make, the less attractive your
bike will be to thieves. By doing this you will greatly reduce your risk of becoming a
By adding approved security devices to prevent theft, you could reduce your
insurance premium by 10%. Here are a few tips on how you can keep your bike safe.
Motorbike Alarms and Immobilisers
Does your bike have either of these? By having an insurance approved combined
alarm and immobiliser this would deter most thieves.
A quality Thatcham approved, professionally fitted alarm system will not only put off
even the most determined thief, but could also reduce your insurance premiums. It's
always worth paying the extra for a manufacturer-fitted motorcycle alarm, or motor
bike alarms fitted by a factory trained technician. The complex electrics on modern
bikes can often respond badly to a DIY or poorly fitted bike alarm.
Motorbike Locks
Perhaps the simplest and most visible deterrent, are large motorcycle chain locks or
motorcycle cable locks. These should always be secured to an immovable object,
such as a parking anchor, a lamppost, or another bike. Always try to thread the chain
or cable through your frame if possible, as many bikes are stolen for parts and one
wheel either way won't stop some thieves from taking your bike.
Motorbike disc locks can be a deterrent to the casual thief, but they will only slow
down a professional by a few seconds. Professional thieves will often simply lift your
bike into a van and drive away, unhindered by any lock attached to the bike itself. So
you should never rely on these alone. That's why most bikers will own a disk lock as
well as have an alarm immobiliser.
For safety, you should never ride with your motorbike chain locks around your
shoulders or with your motorbike disc locks in your pocket. These can cause serious
injury if you're involved in an accident.
Continued >>
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Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
Mark Your Motorcycle
Try to mark parts of your motorcycle with your VIN (vehicle identification number),
vehicle registration and postcode. As few as one-in-five stolen bikes find their way
home again because their origin cannot be traced. The rest get broken down for parts
and sold on the black market. By marking all parts of your bike it makes it more
difficult to sell them.
That's why it is worth marking as much of your bike as possible to identify you as the
owner. This can be done with a simple UV pen from your local DIY store. Alternatively
you can use using one of the more sophisticated systems such as Datatag, Alpha Dot
or Smartwater, which will also put off thieves and help trace your motorcycle or
scooter if it is stolen.
If you have a garage, make sure you use it. Many bike thefts occur from the owner's
home because they get complacent and leave their motorbike outside over night.
Don't leave your bike out for all to see, always put it away in the garage as soon as
you arrive. Make sure your garage is properly secure. If it's easy to break into you
could actually be helping the thieves by giving them cover in which to work. If you
can, put a ground anchor in the garage and lock your bike to it.
Also remember to alarm it. It might be locked in the garage but its still possible for
thieves to break in and steal it. Try and make it as difficult as possible for them.
Remove Equipment
A simple way to prevent thieves from stealing your bike as opposed to the one next to
it is to remove the spark plug or HT cap. It's quick and easy and doesn't cost you a
penny. Although, it is fair to say, don't rely on just this method to secure your bike!
Sensible steps to bike security
Even the strongest motorcycle locks and the most sophisticated motorcycle alarms
will do you little good if you park your bike out of sight and give the pro's time to
disable them. So it makes sense to always park your bike where it can be seen, day
or night, by passers by. Try to vary the places you park so that thieves don't learn your
Secure Parking
If you are out and about, most cities have a secure motorcycle parking area for bikers.
Always lock your bike to something fixed to the ground such as security loops, stands,
lamps or a road signpost. Makes it more difficult to pick the bike up.
Locking your bike and following the other security steps may seem like a hassle, but
it's nothing compared to the stress and cost of having your bike stolen. So spend a
few pounds, take a few minutes, and you can be confident that your bike will always
be there when you get back.
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IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
Barbecued scallops
200 g brown or green lentils
1 clove garlic
1 sprig fresh sage
sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
extra virgin olive oil
16 small fresh scallops, from
sustainable sources, ask your
12 slices higher-welfare pancetta or
thinly sliced streaky bacon
olive oil
1 small bunch watercress, washed and
juice of 1 lemon
Preparation method
Put your lentils in a saucepan, add the garlic and sage, cover with cold water and
bring to the boil. Simmer for about 15 minutes or until the lentils are just cooked.
Drain the lentils in a colander and throw away the garlic and sage. Season with salt,
pepper and a lug of extra virgin olive oil.
Wash your scallops and pat dry with kitchen paper. Put four scallops at a time on to
wooden skewers. Starting at one end, loosely wrap three pieces of pancetta in and
around them.
Place the kebabs on a roasting tray, drizzle with olive oil and season lightly. Cook on a
hot barbecue for about 10 minutes, turning three or four times until they're crispy and
golden on the outside and warm all the way through.
Serve with the lentils, some watercress dressed in the lemon juice and a drizzle of
extra virgin olive oil.
Tip: Soak wooden skewers in cold water before using to stop them catching fire on
the barbie!
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IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
Got something to
sell, looking for
something, or
know of a good
service provided
by a 3rd party, then
share it here.
For Sale
Ladies Richa Motorcycle
jacket and trousers.
Size 12/14, black with
thermal liners.
Purchased 14 months ago
but only probably worn four
times on sunny days, hence
immaculate condition.
Contact: Andy Blucher
[email protected].
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IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
Page 20
Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
For Sale:
For the Adventurous Backpacker
or Youniversitee Stewdent
K-Way Venture75 Backpack
It is little used, carries more than I
can, has all soarts of zips and
pockets and straps galore (may
suit fetishists)
£ 25
CoD to: Whitters @ Midi-Meadow
Car Park
NB: Whitters not included.
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IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
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IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
Design & Build, Quality Homes, Extensions, Refurbishments,
Barn Conversions, Commercial and Domestic Property Maintenance
Phone: 01604 696000
Fax: 01604 696111
Email: [email protected]
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
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Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
Advanced Motorcyclists
Membership Rates.
Group memberships for NAM runs from the
1st May to the 31st April
All memberships must be paid by the 1st May
Payment Method
Cash / Cheque:
Standing Order:
Membership prices are, as follows:
All Associates are welcome to join us for a Sunday morning
rideout, however, should you require an “observed” ride, then a
contribution of £8.00 is payable.
Please Note: The £8.00 contribution, should be paid directly to
your Observer
Why Join the Northamptonshire Advanced Motorcyclists?
Whether you’re a novice rider or had years of experience, if you’ve
never done advanced riding, then you don't know what your
missing. The NAM is made up of guys and girls, that have a wealth
of knowledge and experience, covering everything that relates to
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IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
2013 / 2014
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IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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Information - Positioning - Speed - Gear - Acceleration
Geoff Russell (Chairman)
Dave Harrop (Group Secretary)
Phone:- 08700 427648
John Durrant (Treasurer)
David Linnitt (Associates Secretary)
Tom Palacio (Events Co-ordinator)
David Jay (Liaison Officer)
Chris Capewell (Forum Admin)
James Duffy (Newsletter)
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Senior Observers:
Richard Debell, John Durrant,
Darran Johnson, Geoff Russell, Harvey Upton, Dave Wilkinson,
Karl Williams.
Chris Capewell, Mark Curtis, Penny Ganser,
Paul Fox, Paul Fowler,, Dave Harrop, David Linnitt,
Nic Morris, Tom Palacio, Jim Payne, Jeff Pearce,
Mike Whitbread, Dave Jay, Marc Buckel
Observers in Training:
Debbie Prigmore, John Martin, Steve Dawks
Debbie Ruddock, George Simpson, Graeme Stroud
email:[email protected]
IAM Affiliate: 7226.
Reg. Charity No: 1107148
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