Parklander Zero Turn - Parklands Power Products
Parklander Zero Turn - Parklands Power Products
Parklander Zero Turn Operator’s Manual PZT-52C 106 Belmore road north Riverwood 2210 Sydney NSW Australia Power Products Phone: +61 (2) 9584 7700 Free fax: 1800 802 789 Fax: +61 (2) 9153 9122 General Information Thank you for choosing Parklander as your preferred lawn mowing machine. This owner’s manual contains information on safety instructions, assembly requirements,operation instructions and maintenance requirements to assist you in the correct use of the machine. The manual also contains information on adjustment settings and troubleshooting procedures which you may require then. We advise that you read this manual in its entirety before operating the units performance features, assembly and maintenance requirements,to ensure that you prolong the life of your machine and promote quality and maximum efficiency. As with all mechanical equipment ,your machine will require cleaning and upkeep,remembering that it’s important to regularly lubricate the machine as specified in the manual. If the owners manual becomes lost or damaged in any way,please ensure that you seek a replacement copy immediately by contacting our sales department.(phone number) If additional information is required please contact our sales department.[or your preferred dealer] The illustrations and data used in this manual were current at the time of printing. However due to possible in-line production changes,your machine may vary slightly in detail. The manufacturer reserves the right to make changes or add improvements to its products at any time without incurring any obligation to make such changes to previously manufactured products. IMPORTTANT This machine is not a toy it is a power equipment designed for lawn and garden maintenance, therefore should be treated as such,any misuse or mistreatment of the machine may result in death or serious injure to the operator.Any mishandling or misuse of the machine may result in direct damage to the machine.It is the responsibility of the operator to practice safe handing of the machine at all times and adhere to the safety instructions outlined in the manual to avoid death or serious injure or damage to the machine. CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................................................................................................- 3 1. SAFETY SYMBOLS............................................................................................................................... - 2 2. SAFETY DECALS...................................................................................................................................- 2 3. SAFETY INFORMATION.......................................................................................................................- 4 3.1. Trainings.......................................................................................................................................... - 4 3.2. Preparation.......................................................................................................................................- 5 3.3. Fuel Handling Safety....................................................................................................................... - 5 3.4. Operational Safety........................................................................................................................... - 6 3.5. Maintenance Safety......................................................................................................................... - 6 3.6. Storing Safely.................................................................................................................................. - 7 4. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................................- 8 4.1. Uncrate Mower................................................................................................................................ - 8 4.2. Install Roller Protection System...................................................................................................... - 8 4.3. Install Steering Lever.......................................................................................................................- 8 4.4. Install Discharge Chute................................................................................................................... - 8 4.5. Service Battery................................................................................................................................ - 8 4.6. Service Engine.................................................................................................................................- 9 4.7. Service Hydraulic Oil...................................................................................................................... - 9 5. OPERATION............................................................................................................................................- 9 5.1. Controls And Switches.................................................................................................................. - 10 5.2. Pre-Start Check List.......................................................................................................................- 11 5.3. Mounting And Dismounting The Mower...................................................................................... - 12 5.4. Starting The Engine....................................................................................................................... - 12 5.5. Cold Weather Starting Tips............................................................................................................- 13 5.6. Steering Lever Operation...............................................................................................................- 13 5.7. Mowing......................................................................................................................................... - 15 5.8. Uneven Terrain.............................................................................................................................. - 16 5.9. Stopping The Engine..................................................................................................................... - 16 5.10. Transporting Machine..................................................................................................................- 17 5.11. Loading Machine......................................................................................................................... - 17 5.12. Storing Safely.............................................................................................................................. - 17 6. MAINTENANCE...................................................................................................................................- 18 6.1. Check Engine Oil Level................................................................................................................ - 18 6.2. Checking Drive System Fluid Level..............................................................................................- 18 6.3. Lubrication.................................................................................................................................... - 18 6.4. Capacities...................................................................................................................................... - 19 6.5. Tire Air Pressure............................................................................................................................ - 19 6.6. Drive System................................................................................................................................. - 19 6.7. Crankcase Oil And Air Filter......................................................................................................... - 19 6.8. Battery Maintenance......................................................................................................................- 19 6.9. Deck Cleaning............................................................................................................................... - 19 6.10. Blade Inspection.......................................................................................................................... - 20 - -1- 6.11. Blade Removal............................................................................................................................ - 20 6.12. Blade Sharpening.........................................................................................................................- 20 6.13. Balancing the Mower Blades.......................................................................................................- 20 6.14. Blade Installation.........................................................................................................................- 21 7. ADJUSTMENTS....................................................................................................................................- 21 7.1. Cutting Height Adjustment......................................................................................................... - 21 7.2. Deck Leveling Adjustment............................................................................................................ - 22 7.3. Deck Belt Adjustment....................................................................................................................- 22 7.4. Dump Drive Belt Adjustment........................................................................................................ - 23 7.5. Neutral Adjustment........................................................................................................................- 23 7.6. Seat Adjustment.............................................................................................................................- 24 7.7. Parking Brake Adjustment.............................................................................................................- 24 8. TROUBLESHOOTING......................................................................................................................... - 24 9. ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM....................................................................................................................- 28 Warranty Terms & Conditions......................................................................................................................- 30 - -2- SPECIFICATIONS Engine Model No. Horsepower (G.I.H.P.) Displacement No-load r.p.m. Charging System Starter Electrical System Deck Drive B&S two cylinder, 4 cycle Drive System Dual Hydro-Gear Commercial ZT-5400 Dual levers independently control speed and direction of travel Zero turning radius Professional Series M44P7 26 HP(19.39kw) 724 cc. 3600r/min 12VDC 12.5 amp. negative ground Electric Safety interlocked Electric clutch Steering Speed Forward (variable) 0 to 9.4 m.p.h. (15.8 km/h) backward (variable) 0 to 5.6m.p.h. (9 km/h) Fuel Tank Capacity 10 U.S. gal. (38 L.) Tire Sizes Drive Wheels 23×10.5-12 4 ply rated Front Wheels 13×6.50-6 4 ply rated Dimensions of Tractor Seat Back Height 47.2" (1.2 m) Seat Cushion Height 30.3" (0.77m) Tractor Width 53.1" (1.35m) Tractor Length 82.7" (2.1m) Wheel Base 39.8" (1.01 m) Weight - Uncrated 1037 lbs. (470 kg.) Weight - Crated 1213 lbs. (550kg.) -3- JUHDVH GLUW DQG GHEULV IURP VDIHW\ GHFDOV DQG LQVWUXFWLRQDO ODEHOV 6$)(7< 6<0%2/6 7KLV 6$)(7< $/(57 6<0%2/ LV XVHG ERWK LQ WKLV PDQXDO DQG RQ WKH PDFKLQH WR DOHUW \RX WR LGHQWLI\ LPSRUWDQW VDIHW\ PHVVDJHV ZKLFK PXVW EH IROORZHG WR DYRLG DFFLGHQWV7KLV V\PERO PHDQV $77(17,21 %(&20( $/(57 7KH VDIHW\ DOHUW V\PERO LV WR DOHUW \RX WR WKH XQVDIH DFWLRQ RU VLWXDWLRQ DQG LV DFFRPSDQLHG E\ WKH ZRUG '$1*(5 '$1*(5 :$51,1* :$51,1* RU &$87,21 &$87,21 )LJXUH '$1*(5 )DLOXUH WR REVHUYH WKH seriousRU VDIHW\ LQVWUXFWLRQV :,// UHVXOW LQ GHDWK injury death. VHULRXVorLQMXUH :$51,1* )DLOXUH WR REVHUYH WKH VDIHW\ LQVWUXFWLRQV &28/' UHVXOW LQ serious GHDWK RU injury death. VHULRXVorLQMXU\ &$87,21 )DLOXUH WR REVHUYH WKH VDIHW\ LQVWUXFWLRQV &28/' UHVXOW LQ PLQRU RU PRGHUDWH LQMXU\ 6$)(7< '(&$/6 z z )LJXUH $OO '$1*(5 :$51,1* &$87,21 DQG LQVWUXFWLRQDO PHVVDJHV RQ \RXU PDFKLQH VKRXOG EH FDUHIXOO\ UHDG DQG REH\HG 3HUVRQDO LQMXU\ FDQ UHVXOW ZKHQ WKHVH LQVWUXFWLRQV DUH QRW IROORZHG 7KH LQIRUPDWLRQ LV IRU \RXU VDIHW\ DQG LW LV LPSRUWDQW 7KH VDIHW\ GHFDOV EHORZ DUH RQ \RXU PDFKLQH7KH SRVLWLRQ RI GHFDOV UHIHU WR )LJXUH DQG )LJXUH .HHS DOO VDIHW\ GHFDOV OHJLEOH 5HPRYH DOO z z z 6DIHW\ GHFDOV PXVW EH UHSODFHG LI WKH\ DUH PLVVLQJ RU LOOHJLEOH :KHQ QHZ FRPSRQHQWV DUH LQVWDOOHG EH VXUH WKDW FXUUHQW VDIHW\ GHFDOV DUH DIIL[HG WR WKH UHSODFHG FRPSRQHQWV 1HZ VDIHW\ GHFDOV PD\ EH REWDLQHG IURP \RXU DXWKRUL]HG HTXLSPHQW GHDOHU RU GLVWULEXWRU � Familiarize yourself with the following safety decals and instruction labels. They are critical for the safe operation of your machine. 1.On The Front Frame 7.On The Mower Deck 2.On The Right Frame 3.Under The Belt Shields,LH&RH 4.On The Mower Deck,RH 5.On The Console 6.Rear Of The Shield Of Engine,LH&RH 8.On The Front Frame -3- 9.On The Lower Roll Bar 15.On The Mower Deck,LH&RH 10.On The Front Mower Deck 16.Front Of Mower Deck 11.On The Rear Of Right Wheel Shield 17.Besides Mounting Plate Of Fuse 18.On the out of wheel hub 12.On The Head Shield,LH&RH 19.On The Front Frame 13.On The Left Wheel Shield 3. SAFETY INFORMATION CAUTION The safety of this machine relies on it being operated within the conditions that explained in this manual. Please read the manual carefully before operating. Make sure the operator is thoroughly familiar with the safety rules. 14.On The Rear Frame,LH&RH 3.1. -4- Trainings z z z z z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z z z z z z z z z z z SURSHUO\ DQG VDIHO\ SHUIRUP WKH MRE 1HYHU SHUPLW DQ\ SHUVRQ EHVLGHV WKH RSHUDWRU WR ULGH RU RSHUDWH WKH PRZHU DW DQ\ WLPH 2SHUDWH RQO\ LQ GD\OLJKW RU JRRG DUWLILFLDO OLJKW z z z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z z z z z z z )XHO +DQGOLQJ 6DIHW\ ,Q FHUWDLQ FRQGLWLRQV JDVROLQH LV H[WUHPHO\ IODPPDEOH DQG KLJKO\ H[SORVLYH $ ILUH RU H[SORVLRQ IURP JDVROLQH FDQ EXUQ \RX DQG RWKHUV DQG FDQ GDPDJH SURSHUW\ )LOO WKH IXHO WDQN RXWGRRUV LQ DQ RSHQ spilt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an cause fire. :KHQ SUDFWLFDO UHPRYH JDVSRZHUHG HTXLSPHQW IURP WKH WUXFN RU WUDLOHU DQG UHIXHO WKH HTXLSPHQW ZKHQ LWV ZKHHOV DUH RQ WKH JURXQG ,I WKLV LV QRW SRVVLEOH WKHQ UHIXHO VXFK HTXLSPHQW RQ D WUXFN RU WUDLOHU IURP D SRUWDEOH FRQWDLQHU UDWKHU WKDQ IURP D JDVROLQH GLVSHQVHU QR]]OH ,I D JDVROLQH GLVSHQVHU QR]]OH PXVW EH XVHG NHHS WKH QR]]OH LQ FRQWDFW ZLWK WKH ULP RI � the fuel tank or container opening at all times until fueling is complete. Never use cellular phones or other portable electronic devices when handling fuel. 3.4. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � Operational Safety Read “Operation” section of this manual before attempting to operate this machine. DO NOT operate without ROPS (Roll Over Protection System) deployed. Fenders serve as shields. DO NOT operate without them. DO NOT drive machine without mower deck installed. The proper stability of the machine depends on the weight of the mower deck. Keep bystanders away from equipment whist it is in operation. Keep children and pets a safe distance. Never directly discharge towards a person. Start engine from operator’s seat after disengaging PTO and placing steering levers into the swing-out (neutral lock) position. Keep hands and feet away from underneath mower deck while engine is running. Keep clear of all moving parts on machine. Wear suitable hearing protection devices to protect engine noise. DO NOT operate in backward unless absolutely necessary and ensure the area behind you is clear and safe. The machine is equipped with a foldable ROPS, always wear seatbelt when ROPS is deployed. When foldable ROPS must be down (i.e. loading or unloading on an enclosed trailer), DO NOT use seatbelt and drive carefully. DO NOT move steering levers from forward to backward or backward to forward position rapidly. The sudden direction change may cause loss of control. � � � � � � � � � � DO NOT operate on steep slopes. DO NOT stop, start or change directions suddenly on slopes. Use extra care and maintain minimum ground speed when traveling or operating on a slope, over rough ground, or when operating close to ditches and fences. Keep alert for holes, rocks, roots and other hidden hazards in the terrain. Keep away from drop-offs and soft embankments. Stop machine and mower deck immediately while striking an obstruction or hard object. Turn engine off, inspect machine and mower deck. Repair any damage before resuming operation. Disengage PTO, stop engine, select park brake, remove key and wait for all movement to stop before dismounting, making adjustments, cleaning, or unclogging the machine. Never transport mower with blades running. Disengage PTO before crossing streets, sidewalks, driveways, etc. Watch for traffic when operating near or crossing roadways. This machine is not equipped for highway use, especially when safety lighting and marking is required. It is NOT a recreational vehicle. This unit is not equipped with a drawbar. DO NOT pull loads. Take all possible precautions when the machine is unattended: disengage PTO, lower mower deck, place steering levers in neutral, set parking brake, stop engine and remove key from ignition. Never carry passengers. DO NOT run engine in an enclosed area without adequate ventilation. Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide,which is an odorless and deadly poison. 3.5. � -6- Maintenance Safety Always undertake maintenance with the � � � � � � � � � machine parked on a hard level surface; with the engine stopped and the PTO disengaged; with the park brake set; and with the key removed from the ignition. Always remove the grounded (-) clamp from the battery when performing maintenance on the engine, clutch, or any other electrical system. Always wear tight fitting clothing and safety equipment when preforming maintenance . Keep work area clean and dry. Never work under the machine without jack stands or other equivalent safety blocks. DO NOT depends solely on mechanical or hydraulic jacks or lifts for support. Always use adequate wheel chocks on tires remaining on the ground. Hydraulic hoses can fail due to physical damage, kinks, age, and exposure. Check hoses regularly. Replace damaged hoses. Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Avoid risks by relieving pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all connections before applying pressure. If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard by placing it under suspected leaks. Protect hands and body from high pressure fluids. If it is necessary to run an engine in an enclosed area, remove the exhaust gases from the area with an exhaust pipe extension. If an exhaust pipe extension is not available, work near the open doors and windows. Waste products such as used oil, fuel, and batteries can harm the environment and people. Dispose of waste products properly. Never attempt to disconnect or alter any part of the safety interlock systems. � � � � � DO NOT change engine governor settings. Keep engine free of grass, leaves, or excess grease to reduce fire hazard and minimize engine overheating. Keep machine and mower deck in good operating condition and all safety devices in proper place. Periodically tighten all bolts, nuts and screws. Check that all locking pins are properly installed and in good condition. Check brake operation frequently. Adjust and service as required. 3.6. � � � � � � -7- Storing Safely Never store the machine with gasoline in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer, or other gas appliance. Allow engine to cool before storing . If engine is to be unused for 30 days or more, add a fuel stabilizer to the fuel system. A fuel stabilizer is an acceptable additive in minimizing the formation of fuel gum deposits during storage. Add stabilizer to gasoline in fuel tank or storage container. Always follow mix ratio found on stabilizer container. Run engine at least 10 minutes after adding stabilizer to allow it to reach the carburetor. If draining fuel tank, drain fuel into an approved container outdoors and away from open flame. Always provide adequate ventilation when running engine indoors. Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, which is an odorless and deadly poison. Remove all accumulated debris from mower deck and tractor. Sand areas where paint is chipped and repair to prevent rust. Lubricate all locations to prevent moisture damage during storage. 4.3.2 Place the lever on the outside of the control arm shaft and secure with bolts and washers (Refer to Figure 5),tighten until snug. Repeat on opposite side of unit. 4. ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 4.1. Uncrate Mower 4.2. Install Roller Protection System 4..2.1 Locate and align the left and right lower roll bar tubes with the machine frame(Refer to Figure 3), torque all the nuts to 41-47N.m Figure 5 4.4. Install Discharge Chute Locate the discharge to the mower deck(Refer to Figure 6) and tighten knob until chute is snug. Figure 3 4.2.2 Locate the upper u-shaped section of the roll bar. Install the upper roller section using the latch pin assemblies .Refer to Figure 4. Figure 6 4.5. Service Battery DANGER Charging the battery may produce explosive gasses that can explode causing serious injury.Keep sparks, flames, or cigarettes away from battery 4.5.1 Remove left shield components to gain access to the battery. 4.5.2 Check the voltage of the battery with a Figure 4 4.3. Install Steering Lever 4.3.1 Loosen and remove the two bolts and springs which attach to the control arm shaft . -8- digital voltmeter, Locate the voltage of the battery in the table below and charge the battery for the recommended time (Refer to Table 1) interval to bring the charge up to a full charge of 12.6Volts or greater. IMPORTANT: Make sure the negative & Voltage Reading 12.6 or greater 12.4-12.6 12.2-12.4 12.0-12.2 11.7-12.0 11.7 or less Percent Charge 100% 75%-100% 50%-75% 25%-50% 0-25% 0% Table 1 Maximum Charger settings 16Volts/7 amps 16Volts/7 amps 16Volts/7 amps 14.4Volts/4 amps 14.4Volts/4 amps 14.4Volts/4 amps 4.5.3 Connecting the negative battery cables: Note: If the positive cable is also disconnected, connect the positive (red) cable to the positive battery terminal first, then the negative (black) cable to the negative battery terminal. Slip insulator boot over the positive terminal. Note: If time does not permit charging the battery, or if charging equipment is not available, connect the negative battery cables and run the vehicle continuously for 20 to 30 minutes to sufficiently charge the battery. � � � 4.7. Service Hydraulic Oil The machine is shipped with hydraulic oil in the reservoir. Run the machine for approximately 15 minutes to allow any extra air to purge out of the hydraulic system. Check hydraulic reservoir and if necessary fill the reservoir to the appropriate level with Mobil 1 SAE 20W-50 synthetic motor oil. Replace hydraulic reservoir cap and tighten until snug. DO NOT over tighten. 5. OPERATION The safe operation of this machine is the responsibility of the operator. Any person who operates the machine MUST be instructed in and capable of the safe operation of the machine and all controls. Read all safety information on pages 4 through 6. Battery contains sulfuric acid, avoid contact and always shield eyes, face, skin and clothing from battery ,cigarettes. Flames or sparks could cause battery to explode DO NOT charge or use booster cables or adjust post connection without proper training; If battery acid comes in contact with skin or eyes then flush with water and call a physician immediately. Keep out of reach of children. 4.6. Charging Interval No charging Required 30 Minutes 1 Hour 2 Hours 3 Hours 6 Hours or more Engine is shipped with oil, check oil lever and if necessary fill to the appropriate lever. CAUTION � positive battery cables are correctly connected , and the battery charger used for charging the battery has an output of 16 volts and 7 amps or less to avoid damaging the battery. 5.1. Controls And Switches Know your controls and how to stop the machine, engine, and mower deck quickly in an emergency. DO NOT operate this machine until you are completely familiar with the controls and comfortable with your ability. Service Engine -9- aid in starting a cold engine.Put the Choke control up or down can control the opening degree of the engine choke,the higher the knob is,the wider choke will be. The Throttle Control (C) is the large � black lever located beside the console to the right of the seat. The throttle is used to control engine speed. Move the throttle lever forward to increase engine speed and backward to decrease engine speed. The PTO Switch (D) is the red push/pull � knob located on the console. Pull PTO knob “up” to engage the electric clutch that drives the belt connected to the mower deck that driving the cutting blades. Push the PTO knob “down” to disengage the electric clutch that stops the blades from turning within a few seconds. The Electric Change and Hour Meter (E) � is the number indicator located on the console. The meter is connected to the ignition circuit and is provided to record the number of hours the engine runs. If the ignition switch is left on, without the engine running, the hour meter will continue to record. The meter is also connected to the battery and is provided to show the remaining power of the battery. The Parking Brake Handle is the large � black lever located between the fender and the seat on the left side of the operator. The brake lever engages parking brakes on the drive wheels. Pull the brake lever up and backward until the lever over centers and locks to set the brakes “on”. Push the brake lever forward and down to release the brakes “off”. Several Safety Switches are incorporated in this machine’s design to prevent the engine from being started in certain conditions and to cease the running engine in certain conditions. These circuits should be checked before each operation to ensure they are working properly. See page 12 for check list We recommend you practice in a flat open area at half throttle until you are comfortable with all the controls. The two Steering Levers control speed, motion, and direction of the machine and are located on each side of the seat. The left lever controls flow of hydraulic oil from the left pump to the left drive wheel motor. The right lever controls flow of hydraulic oil from the right pump to the right drive wheel motor. This allows left and right drive wheels to turn independently, which provides the “zero turn” ability. Each lever has two positions: The swung “out” neutral lock position, where the lever will not activate the pump; and the swung “in” operation position, where the lever will activate the pump. The following controls are located on or beside the Operator’s Console which is located to the right side of the seat. Refer to Figure 7. A D E B C Figure 7 � � The Ignition Switch (A) is the key switch located on the console. The ignition switch is used to start and stop the engine. The switch has three positions OFF, ON and START. Insert the key into the switch and rotate clockwise to the ON position. The Choke Control (B) is the black knob on the console.Choke control is used to - 10 - IMPORTANT When mowing in dusty conditions, dry grass or long grass, it may be necessary to frequently clean air intake screen to prevent engine overheating. Check air cleaner (refer to “Engine � Manual”). When mowing in dusty conditions, dry grass or long grass, it may be necessary to frequently clean the air cleaner cartridge. Make sure the engine is free of dirt and � debris. Check fuel level. Make sure fuel is � enough . on these circuits. The Start Circuits will keep engine from starting unless: Both steering levers are swung out in � their neutral locked position, and the PTO switch is down in it’s disengaged position. The Kill Circuits will stop the running engine if: The operator comes off the seat any time � during operation of the machine with PTO engaged or steering levers in operating position. � The steering levers are in their operating position and the park brake lever is moved into engaged locked (up) position. DANGER WARNING DO NOT operate this machine unless all safety systems are working properly as described above. 5.2. Pre-Start Check List Maintain desirable operational standards and help ensure the safety of the operator by routinely checking the following on a daily basis: Walk around the machine and visually � check for loose or missing components. Make sure all components are mounted properly and are in good working condition. Make sure all fenders, guards and shields � are safely and securely attached. Make sure the discharge shield or � restriction plate is installed at the discharge opening on the mower deck. Make sure all safety decals are clearly � readable (see page 3 to 4). Check hydrostatic transmission fluid � level. DO NOT operate machine with low fluid. Low fluid could cause damage to transmission and loss of control of the machine. Check for oil and fuel leaks. � - 11 - DO NOT fill fuel tank while engine is running. Allow engine to cool two minutes before adding fuel. If fuel is spilled, DO NOT start engine and avoid creating a source of ignition until the fuel is wiped clean and evaporated. Check tire pressure (see page 19). � Improper pressure will adversely affect traction, steering and level cutting height. Check tires for damage or cracking. � Check hydrostatic pump drive belt for � damage or cracking. Check mower deck belt for damage or � cracking. Check mower deck level. � Check to ensure blades are sharp and � secure; the cutting edge should be positioned in the direction of blade rotation (clockwise as viewed from top of mower deck). Adjust cutting height if necessary. � Check operation of park brake. � Remove grass and debris from machine. � Test safety interlock systems (Refer to � Table 2). Perform these tests in a clear open area and keep bystanders away. If there is a malfunction during one of these procedures, DO NOT operate machine. (See your Parklander dealer). Table 2 Action Left Steering Lever Try starting engine Out Try starting engine In Try starting engine Try starting engine Raise off seat Right Steering PTO Lever Switch Start Circuits Out Off Out Off Parking Brake Proper Result On Engines Cranks On Engine will not crank Out In Off On Engine will not crank Out Out On On Engine will not crank Kill Circuits (with engine running at 1/2 throttle) Out Out Off On Engine does not stop Raise off seat In Out Off Off Engine Stops Raise off seat Out In Off Off Engine Stops Raise off seat Out Out On On Engine Stops Out Off On Engine Stops Off On Engine Stops Move left steering lever in Move right steering lever in Out 5.3. Mounting And Dismounting The Mower however, it is not strong enough to support all your weight. Never leave the mower unattended with the key in the ignition. Always mount and dismount the mower from the left side, with the brake on, the PTO disengaged (down), the engine off, and the steering levers in their swung out (neutral lock) position. Mount the mower by stepping from the ground to the left side of the deck with your right foot, then step over the frame to the footrest with your left foot. Always keep the top of the deck and footrest clean and dry. Wait for all moving parts to stop before dismounting. Dismount the mower by standing up on the footrest, then turn to the left and step from the footrest, over the frame, to the left side of the deck with your right foot, and then step to the ground with your left foot. The left steering lever can be used to stabilize your movement; 5.4. Starting The Engine DANGER Never start the engine in confined rooms. Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly poison. DO NOT allow children to approach the machine while the engine is running. DO NOT operate the machine around open flames . DO NOT operate the engine when an odor of fuel is present or other explosive conditions exist. 5.4.1 Position yourself on the tractor seat. 5.4.2 Engage the park brake. 5.4.3 Place both steering levers in neutral lock position. - 12 - 5.4.4 Place electric clutch switch(PTO) in “OFF (down)” position. 5.4.5 Set the throttle at 1/3 open. 5.4.6 Insert the key into the ignition switch and turn to “ON” . 5.4.7 Continue by turning the key to “START”. When engine starts release key immediately. 5.4.8 Warm the engine up at medium speed for several minutes. You will enhance the starter life by using short starting cycles of several seconds. Engaging starter motor more than 15 seconds per minute can result in damage to starter. 5.5. � � � � Cold Weather Starting Tips Use proper viscosity oil for temperature expected (see “Engine Manual”). Set throttle at half open. A warm battery has better starting capacity than a cold one. Use fresh winter grade fuel. It is better for winter starting than leftover summer grade fuel. 5.6. Steering Lever Operation WARNING DO NOT move steering levers from forward to backward or backward to forward position rapidly. Sudden direction changes could cause loss of control or damage to the machine. CAUTION Help prevent personal injury. Learn use of the steering levers and practice at half throttle until you becom becomee proficient and comfortable with the operation of the machine. - 13 - The steering levers control speed, motion and direction of the machine. The steering levers have two positions: (1) Neutral Lock Lock, where the lever(s) are swung completely outward and cannot be moved front and back; (2) Operating Operating, where the lever(s) are swung in and can be moved front and back. Neutral Lock Position: Forward and backward movement of the � motion control levers is prevented when levers are in the swung out (neutral lock) position. Machine should not move with the steering levers in the swung out (neutral lock) position and the park brake released. If machine does move, see “Neutral Adjustment” section page 23. Steering levers must be in the swung out � (neutral lock) position to start the engine. Steering levers must be in the swung out � (neutral lock) position to safely enter and exit the operator seat. Operator can exit mower with the engine � running when the steering levers are in the swung out (neutral lock) position, PTO switch is disengaged, and the park brake is engaged. Operating Position: Machine speed, motion and direction can � be controlled when the engine is running, park brake is released, and steering levers are in the swung in (operating) position. Neutral: When the steering levers are swung in � and centered front and back, they are in operating (neutral). In operating (neutral), the hydrostatic pumps do not deliver fluid to the wheel motors. (Refer to Forward and backward Motion Motion(Refer Figure 8) 8):: Figure 8 - 14 - objects. Never assume an area is clear, always check! Clear mowing area when operating mower. Flying objects could injure bystanders. Pushing both levers forward at the same time will move the machine forward. Pulling both levers backwards at the same � time will move the machine in backward. The further forward or backward the steering levers are moved, the faster the machine will move in that direction. (Refer to Figure 8) Turning Turning(Refer 8):: While moving forward, turn gently right � by pushing the left lever further forward than the right. While moving forward, turn gently left by � pushing the right lever further forward than the left. Make a sharp turn right by pushing the � left lever forward and pulling the right lever backward at the same time. Make a sharp turn left by pushing the � right lever forward and pulling the left lever backward at the same time. DO NOT turn the machine by leaving one � lever in neutral and moving the other lever. This will cause damage to the turf under the tire that is not rotating. Stopping: To stop motion, move both steering levers back to neutral. Machine is equipped with springs to automatically return both levers to neutral. If levers DO NOT automatically return to neutral, see your authorized Parklander dealer for adjustment. � WARNING Before starting to machine machine,, position the machine in the area to be mowed with the mower deck set at the desired cutting height. With the engine at half throttle, pull up on the PTO switch knob to start the blades turning. Accelerate to full throttle to begin mowing. DANGER IMPORTANT If you become confused during operation, release both steering levers. They will automatically return to the centered neutral position and the machine will stop. 5.7. Mowing WARNING Inspect area before mowing, picking up all rocks, twigs and other debris. Enter new areas carefully. Cut grass higher the first time to allow mower to clear unseen - 15 - To avoid serious injury or death from flying objects or contact with blades, NEVER operate mower without discharge shield or restriction plate installed. Keep hands and feet away from discharge opening. Before mowing, inspect the area to determine the best mowing procedure. Consider height, type of grass and terrain type (rolling, level or rough). Proper ground speed for mowing will depend on the height, type and density of grass to be cut. Normally, ground speed will range from three to six miles per hour. Tall dense grass should be mowed at a low speed, while thin medium height grass can be cut at a faster ground speed. Always operate engine at full governed RPM when mowing. This is necessary to maintain proper blade speed to produce a clean cut. Follow local recommendations for the suitable cutting height in your area. Avoid mowing grass too short to increase mowing intervals. This may stress the grass during hot weather and encourage weed growth during the growing season. Mow with uncut grass to the left. This will distribute the clippings over the cut area. Discharging clippings over the uncut area will cause a grass buildup and may prevent uniform cutting. Remember that sharp blades produce cleaner cuts and use less power. Extremely tall grass should be mowed twice. Cut grass higher first ,then cut the second time at desired height and 90° to the first pass. 5.8. � � � Uneven Terrain � Be careful when operating mower on uneven ground. DO NOT operate on steep slopes. Operation on a steep slope could cause loss of control, machine to overturn and personal injury or death. � DO NOT operate on steep slopes. This machine was not specifically designed to operate on steep slopes. � The operator is responsible for safe operation on slopes. Only the operator can determine the stability of the mower on a given slope based on existing conditions like: machine speed and direction, slope variation, slipperiness, drop-offs, holes, obstacles, etc. To determine stability on a slope, start at � the bottom and try to back the mower up the slope slowly. If you cannot back up the slope or if you feel uneasy on it, DO NOT operate on it. Always start mowing at the bottom of � slopes. Traveling up slopes, this machine has more traction traveling forward than backward. Be careful on slopes to avoid driving forward into a position where there is not enough traction to enable backing out or stopping. � Tires may lose traction on slopes even - 16 - � � � � � � � � though the brakes are functioning properly. Avoid sudden starts and acceleration when traveling forward uphill as mower may tip backwards. DO NOT mow slopes when grass is wet because slippery conditions will reduce traction and braking which in turn affects steering. Use caution when making turns. Slow the mower down before making sharp turns. Unit can spin very rapidly by positioning one lever too much ahead or behind the other. Look around you to be sure the area is clear before turning or backing up. Avoid starting or stopping on a slope. If tires lose traction, disengage the blades and proceed slowly straight down the slope. Keep all movement on slopes slow and gradual. DO NOT make sudden changes in speed or direction. Use extra care with grass catchers or other attachments. These can change the stability of the machine. DO NOT use grass catcher on steep slopes. DO NOT operate without ROPS deployed. If machine is equipped with a fixed ROPS, always wear seatbelt. Wear seatbelt when mowing Be certain that the seatbelt can be released quickly if the machine is driven or rolls into ponds or water. Check carefully for overhead clearances such as, branches, doorways, or electrical wires, before driving under any objects and DO NOT contact them or contact them. 5.9. Stopping The Engine 5.9.1 Set the throttle at 1/3 open. Allow engine to idle at this setting for several minutes, then move the throttle to slow idle. 5.9.2 Move ignition switch to “OFF” position (upright) and remove key. � CAUTION � Always remove key from ignition switch when leaving unit unattended or when not in use. 5.10. Transporting Machine WARNING � Always back machine onto trailer to avoid accidental upset. Use a heavy- duty trailer to transport your machine. Trailer must have signs and lights required by law. 5.10.1 Raise mower deck to the transport (highest) height position so that the transport latch hooks over the catch on the latch tube guide. Place the height adjustment pin in the top (5 inch) hole. 5.10.2 Back machine onto trailer. See "Loading Machine"below. 5.10.3 Stop the engine, engage the park brake and remove the key. 5.10.4 Place the height adjustment pin in the bottom (1 inch) hole and lower the mower deck to the lowest position. 5.10.5 Securely fasten machine to trailer with heavy-duty straps, chains or cables. Both front and rear straps must be directed down and outward from machine. 5.11. � Loading Machine WARNING Loading a machine onto a trailer or truck increases the possibility of backward-tip-over and could cause serious injury or death. Use extreme caution when operating a � machine on a ramp. Move slowly. Avoid sudden acceleration and � deceleration when operating a machine on - 17 - a ramp. Back machine up ramp and drive forward down ramp. Use only a single, full width ramp; DO NOT use individual ramps for each side of the machine. If individual ramps must be used, BACK machine up ramp and drive forward down ramp. DO NOT exceed a 15 degree angle between ramp and ground or between ramp and trailer or truck. 5.12. Storing Safely CAUTION Never store machine with fuel in the tank inside a building where fumes may reach an open flame, spark or pilot light as on a furnace, water heater, clothes dryer, or other gas appliance. Allow engine to cool before storing in an enclosure. CAUTION Always provide adequate ventilation when running engine indoors. Exhaust gases contain carbon monoxide, an odorless and deadly poison. If engine is to be unused for 30 days or � more, add a fuel stabilizer to the fuel system. Fuel stabilizer is an acceptable additive in minimizing the formation of fuel gum deposits during storage. Add stabilizer to fuel in fuel tank or storage container. Always follow mix ratio found on stabilizer container. Run engine at least 10 minutes after adding stabilizer. Remove all accumulated debris from � mower deck and tractor. Sand areas where paint is chipped and � repaint to prevent rust. Lubricate all locations to prevent moisture damage during storage. 6.2. Checking Level 6. MAINTENANCE CAUTION Always perform maintenance with the machine parked on a hard level surface; with the engine stopped and the PTO disengaged; with the park brake set; and with the key removed from the ignition. Drive System Fluid The oil reservoir on the machine is located behind the seat. Notice the “full cold” (Refer to Figure 9)line at the bottom of the tank.Do not overflow it. Use only 20w-50 motor oil in this tank. Conventional or synthetic oil may be used. CAUTION Always remove the grounded (-) clamp from the battery when performing maintenance on the engine, clutch, or any other electrical system. To access battery, remove the left fender. CAUTION Figure 9 Always wear safety glasses and ear protection when performing any maintenance function that could cause injury to eyes or ears. 6.1. Check Engine Oil Level Service Interval: Before each use or daily 6.1.1 Stop engine and wait for all moving parts to stop. Make sure unit is on a level surface. 6.1.2 Check when engine cold. 6.1.3 Clean area around dipstick. Remove dipstick and wipe oil off. Reinsert the dipstick according to the engine manufacturer’s recommendations. Remove the dipstick and read the oil level. 6.1.4 If the oil level is low, wipe off the area around the oil fill cap, remove cap and fill to the “FULL” mark on the dipstick. DO NOT overfill. 6.3. Lubrication DO NOT let excess grease collect on or around parts, particularly when operating in sandy areas. See accompanying illustrations(Figure 10 and Figure 11) for the lubrication frequency points. Apply 4 Strokes Every 40 Hours of Usage Mower Blade spindles (A)and(B)(Four) B A A A Important: Figure10 DO NOT operate the engine with the oil level below the “ADD ADD”” mark on the dipstick, or over the “FULL FULL”” mark. - 18 - Apply 1/2 To 1 Stroke Every 8 Hours of Usage Front Wheel Bearing(A) and (B)(Four) components and terminals, possibly leading to component and safety circuit failure. Use a vacuum cleaner or air blower to remove foreign material from the engine and drive compartment. 6.8. B B A A Figure 11 In addition to these lubrication points, lightly oil all linkage pivot points. Be sure to clean fitting thoroughly before using grease gun. 6.4. WARNING Tire Air Pressure Drive Tires 23×10.5-12...13 psi (89.7kPa) (Refer to decal on wheel for correct tire air pressure) Front Tires 13×6.5-6...20 psi (137.9kPa) 6.6. Drive System Batteries contain sulfuric acid. Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Batteries produce a highly explosive hydrogen gas while being charged. Always keep cigarettes, sparks, open flame and other sources of ignition away from battery. Always shield eyes and face from battery. In the event of accident, flush with water and call a physician immediately. Keep batteries and acid out of the reach of children. 6.9. Fluid Change...1000 hours Filter Change...1000 hours 6.7. Battery is located under the left fender. Remove three bolts and fender for access. Follow the procedure below for battery maintenance. 6.8.1 Clean battery. 6.8.2 Inspect cables for loose connection. 6.8.3 Clean terminals. 6.8.4 Inspect battery tray and hold-down. 6.8.5 Inspect battery case for cracks or leaks. Capacities Fuel Tank...10.57U.S. gal. (38 L) Drive System Fluid Reservoir...5 quarts (1.1 L) 6.5. Battery Maintenance Deck Cleaning IMPORTANT Crankcase Oil And Air Filter Refer to the “Engine Manual” for the timetable for changing or service. CAUTION DO NOT use high-pressure water or steam to clean the engine or drive compartment. Water and cleaning detergent may damage electrical - 19 - After each use remove grass buildup from under the mower deck. Excessive grass buildup will interfere with the operation and performance of the mower deck. Excessive grass buildup may also cause component failure. 6.9.1 Park machine on hard level surface, stop engine and set the park brake. Remove key from the ignition switch. Position the mower deck in the transport (all the way up) setting with the latch hooked and the height adjustment pin in the 5 inch cutting height hole. 6.9.2 Lift the front of the machine, using the front cross member of the deck carrier frame, and support the machine using jack stands or other equivalent safety blocks. DO NOT rely solely on mechanical or hydraulic jacks or lifts for support. Always use adequate wheel chocks on tires remaining on the ground. 6.9.3 Use a long flat bar to clean under the deck, to avoid positioning yourself under the machine. 6.9.4 Clean out all grass and debris build-up from the underside of the deck, around blade spindles and the deck discharge chute. 6.10. Lift Of Blade C B A Figure 12 6.12. CAUTION Blade Inspection WARNING DO NOT handle mower blades with bare hands. Use heavy leather gloves or wrap blade with protective material and block securely when removing blades. Careless or improper handling may result in serious injury. Inspect blades before each use to determine that they are mounted securely and are in good condition. Replace any blade that is bent, excessively nicked, worn, or has any other damage. Small nicks can be ground out when sharpening. 6.11. Blade Sharpening Always wear gloves when handling the mower blades. Always wear safety eye protection when grinding 6.12.1 Sharpen the mower blades with grinder, hand file, or electric blade sharpener. 6.12.2 Sharpen the mower blade by removing an equal amount of material from each end of the mower blade. 6.12.3 Keep the original bevel (A, Figure 13) when grinding. DO NOT change the mower blade bevel. A Figure 13 B 6.12.4 The mower blade should have a maximum 1/64” (0.40mm) cutting edge (B,Figure 11) or less. Balance the mower blades before installing. Blade Removal Remove bolt (A), which has right hand threads (Refer to Figure 12),Remove lock flat washer (B), fiber washer (C), blade. 6.13. - 20 - Balancing the Mower Blades CAUTION An unbalanced mower blade can create excessive vibration and damage the unit or cause mower blade failure. 6.13.1 Clean the mower blade to remove any dried grass or other debris. the lift of blade pointing up towards the mower deck as shown in Figure 12. Secure with the mower blade mounting bolt and flat washer (B&C Figure 12) and torque to 70 ft. lbs (94 N.m). 6.14.2 If there are no flats on the spindle shaft, wedge a wooden block (Refer to Figure 15)between the mower blade and the mower deck housing to keep the mower blade from turning. A Figure14 6.13.2 Refer to Figure 14. Put the mower blade on a nail (A)in a vise and turn the mower blade to the horizontal position. 6.13.3 Check the balance of the mower blade. If either end of the mower blade moves downward, sharpen the heavy end until the mower blade is balanced. See Sharpening the Mower Blades for proper sharpening instructions. 6.13.4 Repeat the process until the mower blade remains in the horizontal position. 6.14. Figure 15 MENTS ADJUSTMENTS 7. ADJUST IMPORTANT Disengage PTO, shut off engine, wait for all moving parts to stop, and remove key before servicing, cleaning or making adjustments to the unit. 7.1. Blade Installation WARNING Your dealer can supply Parklander replacement blades. They are made of special steel alloys and subjected to rigid heat-treat and inspection requirements. Substitute blades may not meet these rigid specifications and may be dangerous. backward the removal procedure. Be sure fiber washers are installed as shown(Refer to Figure 12). 6.14.1 Reinstall each mower blade with - 21 - Cutting Height Adjustment (Refer to Figure 16) 7.1.1 The mower deck cutting height adjustment mechanism is located to the right front of the operator seat on the frame. 7.1.2 When adjusting cutting height always come to a complete stop, disengage (down) the PTO and wait for blades to stop rotating. 7.1.3 Pushing down on the foot lever (A) with your foot will raise the deck and take pressure off the height adjustment pin (B). 7.1.4 To change cutting height, push down on the foot lever (A) until the deck latch(C) hooks over the catch on the latch tube guide (D) and supports the deck. (172.5kPa) C B D A Figure 17 7.2.5 Lower the deck to the 1" (25.4mm) height position .Adjust the adjustment tension nut (Refer to Figure 13 ) and adjustment nut until the clearance of front is smaller than the rear’s 6mm. 7.2.6 Recheck the tension on all the chains are approximately equal. Make sure all chain attachment bolts are tight. NOTE: When above adjustments have been made, the front of the deck will be slightly lower than the rear of the deck, approximately 6mm. Figure 16 7.1.5 Pushing down on the foot lever (A) with your foot will raise the deck and take pressure off the height adjustment pin (B). With the deck supported by the deck latch (C), place the height adjustment pin (B) in the hole indicated by the cutting height decal for the desired cutting height. 7.1.6 To set the deck at this cut height, push down on the foot lever (A) until pressure on the deck latch (C) is released and lift the deck latch (C) so it’s hook portion will move freely past the catch on the latch tube guide (D). Then slowly decrease pressure on the foot lever (A) to allow the deck to lower and the adjustment tube (D) to move backward until the height adjustment pin (B) contacts the end of the deck latch (C) and supports the deck. 7.1.7 Holes provided in the adjustment tube (D) allow for cutting height adjustment in 1/2 inch increments. 7.2. 7.3. Deck Belt Adjustment The belt tension is set at the factory, but may need adjustment after the first hour of initial use. Periodically belt should be checked for proper tension, following the procedure below(Refer to Figure 18): 7.3.1 Position the mower deck in the lowest (1.5 inch) cut height setting and remove the left belt shield. 7.3.2 Loosen the lock nut (A) and adjust the draw nut (C) to change belt tension. 7.3.3 Increase belt tension by turning the draw nut (C) clockwise and decrease belt tension by turning the draw nut counterclockwise. 7.3.4 The idler spring (B) body length should measure approximately 4.33 inches(11cm) for proper belt tension. 7.3.5 Tighten the lock nut (A) when the proper belt tension is achieved. Deck Leveling Adjustment Adjustment.. 7.2.1 Position mower on a flat surface. 7.2.2 Stop engine, wait for all moving parts to stop, and remove key. 7.2.3 Check tire pressure in drive tires. Proper inflation pressure for drive tires is 13psi (89.7kPa). Adjust if necessary. 7.2.4 Check tire pressure in Caster tires. Proper inflation pressure for tires is 25psi - 22 - C A B 11cm Figure 18 7.4. Dump Drive Belt Adjustment Adjustment.. A Figure 20 7.5.2 Start the engine and put the steering levers in their neutral lock position of operation,then observe which drive wheel is rotating.That side will need to be adjusted. 11cm B A C Figure 19 The way is similar to the above of Deck Belt Adjustment ,The idler spring (B) body length should measure approximately 5.75(11cm) inches for proper belt tension(Refer to Figure 19). 7.5. Figure 21 7.5.3 If the left wheel need to be adjusted, locate the position A(Refer to Figure 20) ,the more detail of the position A is shown as the Figure 21. 7.5.4 If the left wheel rotates clockwise (From the outside view see Figure 21),turn the nut welded on rotating rod (Refer to the position B of Figure 21)counterclockwise(from the direction of arrow ,see Figure 21) until the wheel does not rotate.On the other hand,turn the nut clockwise. 7.5.5 If the right wheel needs to be adjusted,use the same way to adjust the right Neutral Adjustment. If drive wheels travel forward or backward when the steering lever is in their neutral lock position, adjustment is required. 7.5.1 Lift and support the rear of machine using jack stands or other equivalent safety blocks. DO NOT rely solely on mechanical or hydraulic jacks or lifts for support. Make sure two drive wheels keep away from the ground. - 23 - wheel. 7.6. compressed. 7.7.4 If the spring is not within this range, release the parking brake and turn the adjustment nut (B,Figure 23) to compress or release the spring. 7.7.5 Engage the parking brake and remeasure the spring. Seat Adjustment. Refer to Figure 22.The seat can be adjusted and backward.Lift the adjustment lever(A),position the seat as desired,and release the lever to lock the seat into position. 8. TROUBLESHOOTING WARNING To avoid serious injury, perform maintenance on the tractor or mower only when the engine is stopped and the parking brake engaged. Always remove the ignition key, disconnect the spark plug wire and fasten it away from the plug before beginning the maintenance, to prevent accidental starting of the engine. While normal care and regular maintenance will extend the life of your equipment, prolonged or constant use may eventually require a service to be performed to allow it to continue operating properly. The troubleshooting guide below lists the most common problems, their causes and remedies. See the information on the following pages for instructions on how to perform most of these minor adjustments and service repairs yourself. If you prefer, all of these procedures can be performed for you by your local authorized dealer. A Figure 22 7.7. Parking Brake Adjustment 7.7.1 Disengage the PTO, stop the engine, block the front wheels, remove the ignition key, and engage the parking brake. 7.7.2 Locate the brake spring (A, Figure 23). A B Figure 23 7.7.3 With the parking brake engaged, measure the compressed spring length. The spring should be 28~32mm when - 24 - Problem Possible Cause 1.PTO is engaged. 2.Parking brake is not engaged. 3.Drive levers are not in neutral lock position. 4.Battery does not have a Starter does full charge. not crank Corrective Action 1.Disengage the PTO. 2.Set the parking brake. 3.Ensure the drive levers are in the neutral lock position. 4.Charge the battery. See Check Battery Charge and Recommended Jump Starting Procedure sections in Maintenance. 5.Check the electrical connections for good contact. Clean connector terminals thoroughly with electrical contact cleaner,apply dielectric grease and reconnect. 6.replace the blown fuse. 7.Contact an Authorized Service Dealer. 8.Replace module. 1.Fill the fuel tank. 2.Add oil to the crankcase. 3.Be sure the throttle control is midway between the “SLOW” and “FAST”positions, and the choke is in the “ON”position for a cold engine or the “OFF”position for a warm engine. 4.Replace the fuel filter. 5.Contact an Authorized Service Dealer. 6.Clean or replace the air cleaner element. 7.Check the seat switch indicator. Replace seat if needed. 8.Check the electrical connections for good contact. Clean connector terminals thoroughly with electrical contact cleaner,apply dielectric grease and reconnect. 9. Contact an Authorized Service Dealer. 10. Clean, adjust or replace spark plug. 11. Check the spark plug wire connection. 12. Replace module. 5.Electrical connections are corroded, loose or faulty. 6.Fuse is blown. 7.Relay or switch is defective. 8.Faulty module. Engine will not start, tarts hard,or fails to keep running 1.Fuel tank is empty. 2.Oil level in the crankcase is low. 3.The throttle and choke are not in the correct position. 4.Dirt in fuel filter. 5.Dirt, water, or stale fuel is in the fuel system. 6.Air cleaner is dirty. 7.Seat switch is not functioning properly. 8.Electrical connections are corroded, loose or faulty. 9.Relay or switch is defective. 10.Faulty spark plug. 11.Spark plug wire is not connected. 12.Faulty module. - 25 - Problem Engine loses power Machine does not drive Uneven cutting height. Abnormal vibration Possible Cause 1.Engine load is excessive 2.Air cleaner is dirty. 3.Oil level in the crankcase is low. 4.Cooling fins and air passages for the engine are plugged. 5.Dirt in fuel filter. 6.Dirt, water, or stale fuel is in the fuel system. 1.Drive or pump belt is worn, loose or broken. 2.Drive or pump belt is off a pulley. 3.Broken or missing idler spring. 4.Hydraulic fluid level is low or too hot. 1.Blade(s) not sharp. 2.Cutting blade(s) is/are bent. 3.Mower deck is not level. 4.Underside of mower is dirty. 5.Tire pressure in drive tires not correct. 6.Blade spindle bent. 7.Tips of adjacent blades are at an uneven cutting height. Blades tips should be even within 3/16 inch which is approximately one blade thickness. 1.Cutting blade(s) is/are bent or unbalanced. 2.Blade mounting bolt is loose. 3.Engine mounting bolts are loose. Corrective Action 1.Reduce the g round speed. 2.Clean or replace the air cleaner element. 3.Add oil to the crankcase. 4.Remove the obstructions from the cooling fins and air passages. 5.Replace the fuel filter. 6.Contact an Authorized Service Dealer. 4.Loose engine pulley, idler 4.Tighten the appropriate pulley. 1.Change the belt. 2.Change the belt. 3.Replace the spring. 4.Add hydraulic fluid to reservoir or let it cool down. 1.Sharpen the blade(s). 2.Install new cutting blade(s). 3.Level mower deck from side-to-side and front-to-rear. 4.Clean the underside of the mower. 5.Adjust tire pressure in the drive tires. 6.Contact an Authorized Service Dealer. 7.Replace blades, spindles and (or) check for damage to mower deck. 1.Install new cutting blade(s). 2.Tighten the blade mounting bolt. 3.Tighten the engine mounting bolts. - 26 - Problem Blades DO NOT rotate. Clutch will not engage. Possible Cause pulley, or blade pulley. 5.Engine pulley is damaged. 6.Blade spindle is bent. 7.Belt is damaged. 1.Drive belt is worn, loose or broken. 2.Deck belt is worn, loose or broken. 3.Deck belt is off pulley. 4.Broken or missing idler spring. 5.Drive belt not routed correctly. Corrective Action 1.Fuse is blown. 2.Low voltage supply at the clutch. 3.Damaged coil. 4.Inadequate current supply. 5.Rotor/armature airgap is too large. 1.Replace fuse. Check coil resistance,battery charge, charging system, and wiring connections and replace if necessary. 2.Check coil resistance, battery charge,charging system, and wiring connections and replace if necessary. 3.Replace clutch. 4.Repair or replace clutch lead wire or electrical system. Clean connector contacts. 5.Remove shim or replace clutch. 5.Contact an Authorized Service Dealer. 6.Contact an Authorized Service Dealer. 7.Install new belt. 1.Check the belt tension. 2.Install new deck belt. 3.Install belt on clutch and deck pulleys, idlers, and tensioning idler per routing decal on deck. 4.replace the spring. 5.Refer to belt routing decal on deck. - 27 - 9. ELECTRICAL DIAGRAM - 28 - - 29 - Warranty Terms & Conditions In Australia our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. Purchasers are entitles to a replacement or refund for a major failure and for compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. Parklands Power Products (Aust) Pty Ltd (hereafter referred to as Parklands) guarantees to repair or replace products against mechanical defects, faulty workmanship or material. Warranty applies only to the original purchaser and covers only the replacement, repair or adjustment of any part which is a result of a fault in manufacture or assembly. For warranty service, contact the nearest Authorized Dealer. Parklands Authorised Dealer or representative is qualified to determine whether or not the required attention shall be carried out free under warranty or payable by the owner. This warranty is effective for and is subject to the time periods and conditions as stated in table (1). SECTION A: DEFINITIONS: “COMMERCIAL USE” means anything other than Domestic use, including any use that is income producing, rental, or is in relation to use in schools, by government departments or charity operators. “DOMESTIC USE” means use for a personal, residential or household (property) purposes by a retail customer (normally domestic use is approximately 1 hour per week). “DEALER” means an Authorized Parklands dealer a list of which can be found on the website: SECTION B: WARRANTY PERIOD The warranty commences from the actual date of purchase, as reflected on the authorised dealers (suppliers) invoice or receipt provided to the purchaser. The period of warranty depends on the specific use i.e.; domestic or commercial as stated in Table (1) - 30 - 6(&7,21 & 67$1'$5' :$55$17< 7(506 7DEOH DomesƟc Parklander Zero-Turns 'RPHVWLF Commercial &RPPHUFLDO 2 year warranty 1 year warranty +RPHRZQHU *RYW 7$1$.$ \U \U 0855$< \U GD\V :25/' &200(5&,$/ 02:(56 \U \U 0RZHUV \U 1$ +DQG +HOG 8QLWV \U 1$ /RJ 6SOLWWHUV \U 1$ $79V 879V 7%$ 1$ 3$5./$1'(5 5LGH RQPRZHUV =HUR ±WXUQ PRZHUV PRQWKV PRQWKV¶¶ SDUWV ODERXU 1RWH L 7DQDND HQJLQHV DUH VXEMHFW WR 0DQXIDFWXUHU¶V :DUUDQW\ LL &RPPHUFLDO ZDUUDQW\ RQO\ DSSOLHV WR FRPPHUFLDO HQJLQHV Commercial warranty only applies to commercial engines. 6(&7,21 ' :$55$17< 5(*,675$7,21 7KH ZDUUDQW\ UHJLVWUDWLRQ FDUG PXVW EH FRPSOHWHG E\ WKH 'HDOHU ZLWK WKH FXVWRPHU DW WKH WLPH RI SXUFKDVH DQG UHWXUQHG WR 3DUNODQGV ZLWKLQ GD\V 3URGXFW UHJLVWUDWLRQ FDQ DOVR EH FRPSOHWHG RQOLQH DW ZZZSDUNODQGVQHW $ FRS\ RI WKH UHJLVWUDWLRQ FDUG PXVW EH SULQWHG DQG NHSW IRU ZDUUDQW\ UHSDLUV SECTION E: WARRANTY CLAIMS Warranty applies only for specific use-(refer to Table 1). Purchasers must promptly notify the supplier the product was purchased from for all warranty enquires. Warranty service is available only through Authorised Dealers who will investigate and determine whether warranty applies. Parklands and its authorised Dealers reserve the right to inspect the claimed defective part or parts to determine if a malfunction is the result from defects covered by this warranty. If the claim is justified the Dealer will rectify the defects free of charge provided the purchaser meets the following conditions: 1. The purchaser must produce the original invoice or other proof of purchase document disclosing the purchase date. 2. All transportation, including return freight, installation, packaging, travelling expenses, hiring tools and insurance costs must be borne by the purchaser. 3. The product has not been misused, adjusted or serviced by any person other than a Parklands Authorised Service Dealer. 4. The equipment has been installed correctly and is used in accordance with the instructions supplied with the product. 5. The purchaser ensures to have the item properly packaged to prevent any damage during transit. 6. The warranty registration form is presented to the Dealer if a warranty repair is required. 7. The purchaser has performed preventative maintenance and/or adjustments as detailed in the owner’s manual. Parklands offers this warranty to the purchaser in addition to all other rights and remedies that you may have under law in relation to the products to which this warranty relates. - 32 - SECTION F: DISCLAIMER OF FURTHER WARRANTY Parklands makes no warranty, implied or otherwise, other than what is expressly made in this warranty. Implied warranty, including those of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one year from purchase, or to the extent permitted by law. All other warranties are excluded. SECTION G: LIMITATION OF REMEDY AND DAMAGES Notwithstanding the preceding clause, Parklands liability in respect of a breach of a consumer guarantee or any warranty made under these Conditions of Warranty for any products not of a kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use is limited, to the extent permissible by law and at the option of Parklands to: 1. Replacing the products or the supply of equivalent products. 2. The repair of any defect in workmanship. 3. Repair or replace any defective part(s). 4. The payment of most of the cost of replacing the products or of acquiring equivalent products; 5. The payment of the cost of having the products repaired. To the extent permitted by law, all other warranties whether implied or otherwise, not set out in these Conditions of Warranty are excluded. Parklands shall not be liable in contract, tort (including, without limitation, negligence or breach of statutory duty) or otherwise to compensate the Customer for: 6. Any increased costs or expenses; 7. Any loss of profit, revenue, business, contracts or anticipated savings; 8. Any loss or expense resulting from a claim by a third party; or - 33 - 9. Any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage of any nature whatsoever. SECTION H: WARRANTY EXCLUSIONS. This warranty does not cover: 1. Replacement or repair when normal use has exhausted the life of a part or engine . 2. Engine damage caused by misuse, lack of routine maintenance, shipping, handling, warehousing and improper installation. 3. Any damage or defect caused by alteration, modification, fitment of a non-genuine/non-standard part or attachment not approved by Parklands or Authorized Dealer. 4. Any defect caused by misuse, negligence, accidents, physical or failure to carry out proper maintenance procedures. 5. Damage caused by continued operation of the machine after it is known to be defective. 6. Damage caused by incorrect or improper operation (including racing or similar activities), maintenance or not following the instructions or maintenance requirements of the machine in accordance with the instructions Manual. 7. Damage caused by failure to clean or improper cleaning of the product. 8. Damage or failure caused by using the machine for unfit or improper purposes i.e. : using a domestic use machine for commercial purposes. 9. Damage caused by exposure to excessive heat, moisture, or dampness, or exposure to abnormally corrosive conditions. 10. Damage caused by improper adjustments of ignition timing or carburettor, belts, governors, etc. 11. Damage caused by operation of engine at speeds above the Suppliers - 34 - recommendations. 12. Damage caused by incorrect operation or failure to operate the product in accordance with the instructions manual supplied with the product. 13. Damage caused by use of stale or incorrect fuel as well as poor quality lubricants or incorrect fuel mix. 14. Damage caused by incorrect voltage or non-authorised electrical connections. 15. Damage or failure caused by overload, dropping, or abusive treatment. 16. Damage or failure caused by operation of machine with damaged, clogged or removed filters (i.e.: fuel filter, oil filter, air filter). 17. Damage or failure caused by operation of the machine with any guard, shield or line cutting knife removed, repositioned, incomplete or damaged. 18. Premature wear caused by dirt, dust, spark plug cleaning grit, or other abrasive material that has entered the engine because of improper maintenance. 19. Repairs required due to clogged or restricted exhaust system, carbon deposits in exhaust ports, piston crown or combustion chamber or periodic decarbonising. 20. Repair or adjustment such as cleaning spark plugs, carburettor, electrics or filter elements caused by normal wear and tear. 21. Damages or failure if the serial number of the engine has been removed or the engine has been altered or modified. 22. Service costs in replacing and maintaining consumable parts and accessories that have ceased working through normal wear and tear. 23. Any special, indirect or consequential loss or damage caused by adverse external conditions such as flood, fire and thunderstorm activity, terrorism, vermin, or any other act or circumstance beyond Parklands control. 24. The costs of rental of another machine or related equipment while repairs are in progress. - 35 - 25. Telephone, facsimile, or other related communication expenses. SECTION I: CONSUMABLES: This warranty does not apply to consumables such as: 26. Power tool attachments 27. Spark plugs, filters, lubricants, starter ropes, clutch drums, sprockets, shear bolts, string trimmer heads, blades, trimmer line, light bulbs. 28. Batteries are covered for a maximum period of 12 months or as defined by the manufacturer’s warranty policy. SECTION J: UNAUTHORISED SOURCES This warranty does not cover products purchased from (or in): 29. A non-Authorised Parklands Dealer or supplier. 30. Internet. 31. Local/international sellers. 32. Sites such as EBay and Amazon. 33. An auction. 34. A private seller. 35. A box without pre-delivery. This warranty is provided in addition to other rights and remedies purchasers may have under law. - 36 - Parklander -WARRANTY REGISTRATION CARD The following data is necessary if warranty service is required. Owner's Name Address City State Postcode Phone# Power Unit Model# Serial# Mower:Model# Serial# Engine: Model# Serial# Cutting Width: 52" 60" To Be Used For: □Business □City/County □Farm □Institution □State/Federal □Cemetery □Residence/Rural Route □Campground □Apartment Complex □Mobile Home Park □Golf Course □Contract Mowing or Approx.Area Mowed Complete if for Commercial Mowing Hours Per Week Commercial % Residential Other Services Performed: % Government Landscaping % Other Spraying % #of crews Aerating Snow Plowing DEALER: CHECK THESE ITEMS BEFORE DELIVERY □Function of all safety switches. □Tightness of all fasteners including bolts, lug nuts,and set screws. □Set-up instructions have been read,and pre-delivery inspection has been made. □Options and accessories have been reviewed and Roll Over Protection(ROPS)is installed. □All safety shields and guards are properly installed. □Customer has been instructed in operation and routine maintenance of this equipment, including instrument panel review and operator presence system. REVIEW WITH OWNER □Where to check oil level in the engine and drive reservoir. □Review specific fuel,oil,and air filters and types of oil and fuel. □Point out grease points. □Review proper air pressure in tires and label on rim. □Review adjustment of levers and parking brake setting. □If applicable, demonstrate deck lift procedure and quik-converter of attachments. □If applicable, demonstrate how to remove the radiator screen. This machine was properly set up, serviced and inspected by dealer prior to delivery to customer. The Operator's Manual was provided to customer who was advised to study before operating the machine. Dealer Name /Signature Dealer Address City State Postcode OWNER:CHECK THE FOLLOWING BEFORE OPERATING. □I understand the information in operator's packet. □I understand the safety and operating instructions on the safety decals on machine & operators manual. Check this box if safety and operating are NOT understood□,and list your phone# and/or e-mail to request a factory representative to call: . □I have been informed that Roll Over Protection System(ROPS)is standard and should not be removed, and have watched the operator's manual. □I understand that this is a commercial piece of equipment and I have received instruction on the operation of this machine. I hereby acknowledge receipt of the operator's manual,and warranty for the above machine. The warranty was explained to me prior to sale and I understand and agree to its terms. OWNER'S SIGNATURE DATE OF DELIVERY