Procedure for New VLab Centres of Excellence
Procedure for New VLab Centres of Excellence
Procedure for establishing VLab Centres of Excellence for Training in Satellite Meteorology 1. Last reviewed on: 15/02/2012 Purpose The purpose of the present Procedure is to define how new Virtual Laboratory Centres of Excellence (CoE) for Training in Satellite Meteorology are officially established within the WMO Strategy for Training and Education in satellite Meteorology. 2. Requirements, expectations or guidelines to be fulfilled Requirements, expectations or guidelines, as appropriate, are regularly reviewed by the Virtual Laboratory Management group (VLMG) and submitted for endorsement to the relevant CBS Expert Team and to CGMS. The expectations apply to the CoE itself, to the Satellite Operator sponsoring the CoE, as well as to WMO and CGMS. The latest version of expectations, as reviewed by VLMG-5 in July 2010, is reproduced below. 2.1 Expectations from the Centres of Excellence Whilst recognizing that each VLab Centre of Excellence has different administrative and financial structures, relationships with the sponsoring Satellite Operator and links with neighbouring NMHSs, the VLMG recommended the following: 1. Nominate a focal and alternate point of contact for Virtual Laboratory (VLab) business. This person should have some authority to make decisions regarding the use of the VLab within the Centre of Excellence (CoE); 2. Run international training events that conform with the VLab guides for organising and running training events; 3. Develop and run regular weather discussions (and also possibly discussions covering other GEO SBA topics) for Regional Focus Groups; 4. Maintain an up to date list of priority training needs for that region: Links to ET-SUP for coordination; 5. Develop and maintain proficiency in providing online training using tools such as VISITView; 6. Share training resources by submitting the link to the training material to the Environmental Satellite Resource Center (ESRC), following the guidelines for VLab submissions; 7. Maintain regular contact with the other members of the VLab Management Group: Co-chair responsibility to coordinate sessions; 8. Provide the Co-Chairs (or designated people) a brief annual report at the end of June each year, relevant to the VLab, outlining the training activities for the past 12 months, anticipated training activities for the next 12 months, priority training needs for the region for the next 12 1 months and their ability to meet the training needs, and other information they feel is relevant to the VLab: Co-chairs responsibilities to report to constituent bodies after receipt of information. 2.2 Expectations for the satellite operators 1. Nominate a focal and alternate point of contact for Virtual Laboratory (VLab) business. This person should have some authority to make decisions about VLab matters within the satellite operator and some delegation to assist the Centres of Excellence (CoEs) on a case by case basis; 2. Create and maintain a page in their main websites, dedicated to explain their involvement and support to the VLab, and include the VLab logo. The inclusion of links to the VLab Calendar of Events and the ESRC are also recommended; 3. Make near real-time data, products and/or selected case study data available for education and training purposes to CoEs. Data formats should follow WMO recommendations and be suitable for use in software environments such as VisitView, McIdas-V, SATREP and Ramsdis; 4. Assist CoE(s) with regular weather discussions (and also possibly discussions covering other GEO SBA topics) in the Regional Focus Groups; 5. Maintain regular contact with the CoE(s) that the satellite operator is sponsoring, focusing in particular, but not solely, on communications and data access issues. As appropriate, provide an alerting role for the CoE(s) on new training resources and material generated within or for the satellite operator; 6. Maintain regular contact with the other VLab satellite operators on data access and format issues and other matters as appropriate; 7. Provide the Co-Chairs (or designated people) a brief annual report at the end of August each year (or upon request). Reports should outline the activities that the satellite operator has undertaken in the past 12 months for their sponsored CoE(s) and the VLab in general, as well as plans relevant to the CoE(s) and the VLab for the next 12 months; 8. Assist the CoE(s) to overcome resource constraints on VLab related matters through advice, championing with other funding bodies and direct assistance as appropriate; 9. Contribute to the funding of the Technical Support Officer (TSO) of the VLab, to assure the smooth and coordinated continuous running of the VLab activities. 2.3 • • • Expectations for WMO and CGMS Provide long term guidance and advice, and where appropriate, direction regarding global and regional priorities; Represent the VL partners at appropriate policy and resource fora; Assist with resource issues. 2 3. Steps to be taken Who? What? When? At discretion of CoE Candidate CoE (From PR) Letter of intent from CoE to the Director of WMO Space Programme Office, stating readiness to become CoE and providing supporting elements regarding compliance with the expectations. The letters go to the WMO SP since it is connected to both CBS and CGMS. Includes letter(s) from satellite sponsor(s) supporting new COE. ET-SUP meeting CBS/OPAG/IOS ETSUP (VLMG should be tasked to review and report to ET-SUP) To review the CoE application, assure that the CoE is sponsored by a Satellite Operator, that the CoE has the appropriate facilities and agrees to VL expectations regarding the responsibilities of a CoE. - either ET reports remarks that are addressed by WMO SP or the VLMG with the candidate CoE (then back to previous step) - or ET reports positive finding and recommendation to OPAG IOS Chair. CBS or MG meeting CBS OPAG IOS Chair CBS or CBSManagement Group CBS OPAG IOS Chair presents the recommendation to CBS CBS endorses the application. This can be done at CBS or by the CBS-Management Group depending on the OPAG Chair discretion (CBS meetings occur only every two years while the CBS-MG meets every year). CGMS meeting WMO delegation to CGMS WMO delegation to CGMS puts fort the proposal for a new CoE, with CBS endorsement, to CGMS annual plenary. CGMS plenary CGMS endorses the application. ASAP WMO SP 4. Notifies to new CoE the approval by CBS and CGMS Modifications or terminations Similar steps shall be followed in case of significant changes of status (e.g. relocation, new structure) of the CoE. The termination of activities by decision of the CoE should be notified to WMO. 3 5. Reference documents • Strategy For Education and Training in Satellite Matters (EC Panel on Satellites, Final Report, Annex II, 1993) • Expectations from the Centres of Excellence, Satellite Operators and WMO/CGMS (VLMG-5 Final Report, Appendix IV, 2010) • Principles For Running VL Training Events (VLMG-3 Final Report, Appendix VII, 2007) Terms of Reference (VLMG-5 Final Report, Appendix V, 2010) • VL Five-Year Strategy 2009-2013 4