Csaba Varga
Csaba Varga
Csaba Varga Professor Emeritus (MTA TK JTI) Academic Title: Doctor of HAS, CSc Email: [email protected] Phone: +36/1/224-6700 / 175 Building: JTI (Floor, room: II/5.) Research Interests Theory & philosophy of law, legal methods, macro sociology and anthropology of law Comparative legal cultures, comparative judicial mind Transition to rule of law, rule of law / Rechtsstaatlichkeit, foundation of human rights Selected Publications Csaba Varga Codification as a Socio-historical Phenomenon [1979/1991] 2nd {reprint} ed. with an Annex & Postscript (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2011) viii + 431 Csaba Varga The Place of Law in Lukács’ World Concept [1981/1985] 3rd {reprint} ed. with Postface (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2012) 218 Csaba Varga Theory of the Judicial Process The Establishment of Facts [1992/1995] 2nd {reprint} ed. with Postfaces I and II (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2011) viii + 308 Csaba Varga Law and Philosophy Selected Papers in Legal Theory (Budapest: ELTE “Comparative Legal Cultures” Project 1994) xi + 530 [Philosophiae Iuris] Csaba Varga Études en philosophie du droit / Estudios en filosofia del derecho (Budapest: ELTE “Comparative Legal Cultures” Project 1994) xii + 332 [Philosophiae Iuris] Csaba Varga Rechtsphilosophische Aufsätze (Budapest: ELTE “Comparative Legal Cultures” Project 1994) x + 292 [Philosophiae Iuris] Csaba Varga Transition to Rule of Law On the Democratic Transformation in Hungary (Budapest: ELTE “Comparative Legal Cultures” Project 1995) 190 [Philosophiae Iuris] Csaba Varga The Paradigms of Legal Thinking [1996/1998/1999] enlarged 2nd ed. (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2012) 418 [Philosophiae Iuris] Csaba Varga Transition? To Rule of Law? Constitutionalism and Transitional Justice Challenged in Central & Eastern Europe [2007] (Pomáz: Kráter 2008) 292 [PoLíSz Books 7] Csaba Varga Comparative Legal Cultures On Traditions Classified, their Rapprochement & Transfer, and the Anarchy of Hyper-rationalism (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2012) 253 [Philosophiae Iuris] Csaba Varga Theory of Law Norm, Logic, System, Doctrine & Technique in Legal Processes, with Appendix on European Law (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2012) 371 [Philosophiae Iuris] Csaba Varga Contemporary Legal Philosophising Schmitt, Kelsen, Lukács, Hart, & Law and Literature, with Marxism’s Dark Legacy in Central Europe (On Teaching Legal Philosophy in Appendix) (Budapest: Szent István Társulat 2013) 342 [Philosophiae Iuris] Also available at scribid.com See also the chapter “Kiemelt publikációk” of the CV Hungarian version! Research Projects Human Rights Encyclopedia (HU) TEMPUS [EU-Phare] “Comparative Legal Cultures” Joint European Project 0426/1990–1993 & S_Joint European Project 09090/1995–1998, as co-responsible/responsible, respectively [the first one destined to the professional re-scheming of Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law (Budapest) curriculum and scholarly output, the second one to serve the professional re-start of legal theory, both as curricular subject and scholarship, extended to faculties of law working in the country (Budapest Eötvös Loránd and Pázmány Péter universities, as well as the ones of Pécs, Szeged and Miskolc), including PCs, library development, publication series, as well as staff/students study trips and international workshops, with an EU-consortium of thirty Western and Southern European universities in the background] Work in Progress Inertia or Pattern Following? Phase Lag of and Defiance by the Judiciary: A Central and Eastern European Overview (Presented at the international conference on Europeanization and Judicial Culture in Contemporary Democracies held at the “Lucian Blaga” University Faculty of Law, Sibiu, 10–12 October 2013) Download Academic Career Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (integrated into a newly schemed Social Science Research Centre recently): assistant, senior assistant, fellow, senior fellow (1965–1992), scientific adviser (1992–2012), research professor emeritus (2012–) CSc 1977 / DSc 1991 Invited scholar/guest professor for longer periods of time: Lund (1977), Freie Univ. (Berlin, 1986), Australian Nat’l Univ. (Canberra, 1987), Waseda (Tokyo, 1987), Yale (New Haven, Conn., 1988–1989), Inst. for Adv. St.s in the Humanities (Edinburgh, 1989/1997), Trento (1991/1992/1997), Münster (1992), Freiburg (1994/1999), London/Oxford (1996), Int’l Inst. of the Sociol. of Law (Oñati, Spain, 1996), Toronto/Montréal/Québec (2001), Stockholm (2004), Siberian Federal Univ. (Krasnoyarsk, 2010), Lviv (2011) Education University of Pécs Faculty of Law (1960–1965), dr. iur. Faculté Internationale pour l’Enseignement du Droit Comparé, session de printemps (Paris 1968), session d’été (Perugia 1969), session d’été (Amsterdam 1970), diplômes longer study-trips in/at Moscow/Leningrade (1968), Paris (1971/1988), Warsaw/Cracow (1972/1975/1991/2001), Sofia (1975), Aarhus (1973), Copenhagen (1983), Roma (1983), Tbilisi/Kiev (1985), Tallinn/Tartu (1995/1997) Membership in Academic and Professional Organisations; Editorial Board Membership Organisations Hungarian Lawyers’ Association Committe for Legal Theory, secretary (1971–1990) International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy / Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie [IVR] Hungarian National Section, secretary/president (1975–/2006–) Académie Internationale de Droit Comparé / International Academy of Comparative Law, member (2002–) Editorial Boards Current Legal Theory [Leuven] (founder, 1984–1998) Ratio Juris [Bologna/Oxford] (founder, 1986–) Magyar Szemle [Hungarian Review, Budapest] (founder, 1992–2003) Legal Theory [Cambridge, Mass.] (founder, 1993–1999) Világosság Bölcseleti-akadémiai folyóirat [Clarity, academic philosophical journal; Budapest] (new series founder, 2003–) Российский Ежегодник Теории Права [Russian Yearbook of Theory of Law] [Санктпетербург/Saint-Petersburg] (founder, 2009–) Law of Ukraine / Право Украины / Право Україны [Киïв/Kiev] (for all three: founder, 2011–) Порівняльно-правові дослідження [Comparative law investigations] [Киïв/Kiev] 2013– Фiлософiя права i загальна теорiя права [Philosophy of law and general theory of law] [Киïв/Kiev] (founder, 2012–) Порівняльне правознавство [Comparative jurisprudence] [Киïв/Kiev] (2012–) Правоведение [Legal scholarship] [Санктпетербург/Saint-Petersburg] (new series founder, 2013–) Romanian Journal of Comparative Law [București/Bucharest] (2013–) Comparative Studies in Law and Politics / Сравнительние правовые и политические исследования [Москва/Moscow] 2013– Selected conferences and workshops IVR [International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy / Internazionale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie] world congresses: IIIrd [Brussels] w/lecture (1971); IVth [Madrid] w/lecture (1973); Extraordinary [Syndey-Canberra] w/lecture (1977); IXth [Basel] w/lecture (1979); Xth [Mexico] w/lecture (1981); Extraordinary [Lund] + chair w/lecture (1983); XIth [Helsinki] + topic chair w/introductory lecture (1983); Extraordinary [Bologna] w/lecture (1984); XIIth [Athens] + chair w/introductory lecture (1985); Extraordinary [Reykjavík] + topic chair w/ introductory lecture (1986); XIIIth [Kobe] + chair w/intived lecture (1987); XIVth [Edinburgh] w/invited plenary session lecture + w/lecture (1989); XVth [Göttingen] + chair w/lecture (1991); XVIth [Reykjavík] + chair w/lecture (1993); XVIIth [Bologna], + chair w/lecture (1995); XIXth [New York] w/lecture (1999); XXth [Amsterdam] w/lecture (2001); XXIst [Lund] w/two lectures (2003); XXIInd [Granada] w/two lectures (2005), XXIIIth [Cracow] + chair w/three lectures (2007); XXIVth [Peking] w/lecture (2009); XXVth [Frankfurt am Main] +chair w/lecture (2011) IVR bilateral symposia: Austrian–Hungarian: co-organiser [Graz/Leibnitz] w/introductory lecture & lecture (1983); organiser [Balatonkenese] w/introductory lecture & lecture (1985); coorganiser [Graz/Leibnitz] w/introductory lecture & lecture (1990); Finnish–Hungarian: coorganiser [Helsinki] + chair w/introductory lecture & lecture (1990) Fondazione Istituto Gramsci [Roma] Lukács Centenary International Conference w/invited lecture (1985) European University Institute East/West Roundtables: [Firenze/Fiesole] on legal development + chair w/lecture (1985) & on legal thought + chair w/lecture (1987) IVR presidium symposium: [Weimar] w/lecture (1986) ACLS [The American Council of Learned Societies] Latin American comparative constitutionalism project [Punta del Este, Venezuela] w/invited lecture (1988) CLC [Critical Legal Studies] British jubilee conference [Oxford] invited speaker for plenary session (1993) Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell'Informazione Giuridica [Firenze] on formalisation in law w/invited lecture (1993) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki jubilee conference on law at the end of the XXth century w/ invited lecture (1993) Lunds Universitet Rättssociologiska institutionen Nordic Yearly Forum for Sociology of Law w/invited plenary lecture (1995) Vilniaus Universitetas international conference on philosophical problems of globalism w/invited opening lecture (2003) Universitatea Valahia [Târgovişte] international conference on the idea of law w/invited introductory lecture (2005) Umeå Universitet international conference on global rule of law transfer w/invited lecture (2007) IVR Taiwan National Section symposium: [Taipei] w/invited lecture (2009) UNESP [Universidad Estadual Paulista] [Marília, Brasil] international congress on George Lukács w/invited closing lecture (2009) Vth Ukrainian international comparative law conference w/ introductory lecture (Odessa 2013) Awards and Honours Széchenyi Professorial Scholarship (1996) “Master Teacher” [Ministry of Culture / Hungarian Academy of Sciences] (2009) / Pro Facultate Prize [Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Law] (2011) / Pázmány Plaquette [Pázmány Peter Catholic University] (2012) Széchenyi Prize (2013) [the highest available recognition for scientific achievement in the country] Teaching Experience 1975–1977: Karl Marx University of Economics Department of Philosophy: HISTORY OF POLITICAL IDEAS (the first re-appearance of the subject since WWII) 1982–1992: Eötvös Loránd University Department for the Theory of Law and State: LEGAL THEORY 1984–1989: Eötvös Loránd University Bibó István Professional College: PARADIGMS OF LEGAL THINKING / LAW AND LANGUAGE / LAW AND ANTHROPOLOGY 1990–1991: Eötvös Loránd University Faculty of Law English Language Subfaculty: THEORY OF LAW 1991–1993: European Academy of Legal Theory (Brussels) founding teacher: LAW AS TEXT 1995–2011: Pázmány Péter Catholic University, with founding and directing its Philosophy of Law Institute: LEGAL THEORY I–III / COMPARATIVE LEGAL CULTURES / TRANSITION TO RULE OF LAW I–V / LAW AND LANGUAGE / CODIFICATION // for its Doctoral School: DIRECTIONS AND TRENDS OF LEGAL THINKING / TRANSITION TO RULE OF LAW AND GLOBALISM IN LAW / COMPARATIVE JUDICIAL MIND 1996–2011: “Place of Excellence” as accredited acknowledgment of merits of the Philosophy of Law Institute of Pázmány Péter Catholic University he has founded and directed, as the exclusive one ever granted to an institute/department 2011: Волгоградский государственный университет [Volgograde State University]: coorganiser of the international scientific students’ conference on “Legal technique as art of the legal profession” 2012–: Pázmány Péter Catholic University Department for Legal Philosophy: COMPARATIVE LEGAL CULTURES / TRANSITION TO RULE OF LAW I–III / PARADIGMS OF LEGAL THINKING I–IV / DIRECTIONS AND TRENDS OF LEGAL THINKING I–II // for its Doctoral School: DIRECTIONS AND TRENDS OF LEGAL THINKING / TRANSITION TO RULE OF LAW AND GLOBALISM IN LAW / COMPARATIVE JUDICIAL MIND guest lecturing (series) at approximately fifty universities of five continents, including Paris II (1976/1977), Aarhus (1978), Copenhagen (1978), Lund (1983), Perugia (1983), Bologna (1983/1984), Firenze (1984), La Sapienza [Roma] (1984/1985), Canberra (1987), New South Wales [Sydney] (1987), Sydney (1987), Duke [Durham, North Carolina] (1988), Connecticut [Hartford, Conn.] (1989), Cornell [Ithaca, New York] (1989), Hampshire [Amherst, Mass.] (1989), Washington Univ. [St. Louis, Miss.] (1989), Münster (1990), Central European Univ. [Warsaw] (1991), Limburg [Maastricht] (1991), Columbia Univ. [Ráckeve, Hungary] (1992), Lisboa (1995), Institut Panstwa i Prawa, Polska Akademia Nauk [Polish Academy of Sciences Institute of State and Law] [Warsaw] (1996/1998), Riga (1997), Alicante (1998), Warsaw (1999), Stockholm (2004), Vilnius (2004) Timisoara (2007), Targu Mures (2010), Lviv (2011), Kiev (2012), Sibiu (2012) Further Affiliations Professor emeritus, Pázmány Péter Catholic University / Department for Legal Philosophy Other relevant CV records Founding editor of the book series Jogfilozófiák [Philosophies of law] in Hungarian language with nearly fifty publishes volumes (1988–) Founding editor of the book series Philosophiae Iuris in foreign languages with some twenty published volumes (1994–) Participent of approximately sixty foreign study-trips and lecturer of several hundreds of domestic and international conferences, including nearly thirty world congresses of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy [IVR] Initiator and co-organiser of the first East/West legal philosophy conferences in the then socialist world (IVR/Austria–Hungary: Graz/Leibnitz 1983, Balatonkenese 1985, Graz/Leibnitz 1990; IVR/Finland–Hungary: Helsinki 1990) World congress plenary session invited speaker (IVR XIVth: Edinburgh 1989); Nordic Forum for Legal Sociology invited introductory speaker (Lund 1995); international conference invited plenary session closing speaker (on George Lukács, Marília, Brazil 2009) Some fourteen thousends of his book publications are acquired by libraries internationally; books of him are suggested reading for nearly forty curricular subjects worldwide; more than three hundred (mostly foreign) book reviews are dedicated and nearly two thousand and five hundred (for one half, foreign) publications do refer to his works, in addition to approximately thirty (and for one half, foreign) writings dedicated wholly or as a separate chapter to his writings Languages English (Proficient) French (Proficient) German (Intermediate) Russian (Intermediate) Hungarian (Native)