Alkborough and Walcot Newsletter
Alkborough and Walcot Newsletter
Village Services Mobile Fishmonger Coronation Club Opening Times Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday 5.30 - 11.00 4.00 - 11.00 4.00 - 10.30 Paddocks Tea Room Opening Times Thursday to Saturday 9.00 - 5.00 Sundays/Bank Holidays 10.00 - 4.00 Mobile Library Tuesdays every three weeks. See Dates For Your Diary for days in the village. Stopping Points: Whitton Rd. (near school) 2.55 - 3.20 Cross Lane (opposite Club) 3.25 - 3.40 Front Street (‘phone box) 3.45 - 4.10 College Close 4.15 - 4.30 Maths Tutor Ring Kay Chana 720443 Email [email protected] Qualified Foot Health Practitioner Wendy Page. Available for home visits 01469 589378 or 0786 4860 486 [email protected] Each Wednesday around Alkborough and Walcot at about 1.30pm to 2.00 pm. If you would like him to call at your house, ring him on 07871327930. Mobile Baker Each Thursday outside the Coronation Club at approx.11.15 to 11.45am. Visiting Post Office Each Monday afternoon (except Bank Holidays) in the Coronation Club, 2.00pm - 4.30 pm. Decorators Dave Roberts 721170 Michael Holgate 720069 Avon Representative Jade Szenher. 17 College Close. Mobile: 07947 610796 E-mail: [email protected] Gardener Ring Paul 720840 Ironing Service Ring Lisa on733528 or 07513612169 [email protected] Handyman Service Ring Phil 733072 or 07747330074. Bus Services Route 60 to Scunthorpe Bus Station. Depart Arr/Dep Arrive Scunthorpe Alkborough Scunthorpe 7.00 7.35a 8.15 8.35 9.10a 9.57 12.05 12.47b 1.33 2.35NS 3.12bNS 3.58NS 4.30 5.07b 5.42 5.45 6.22b 6.57 a = departs from in front of old shop towards West Halton. b = departs from in front of ‘phone box towards Whitton. NS = Not Saturdays. No service on Sundays or Bank Holidays. Clothing Alterations and Seamstress Work Jasmine Crafts, Rosedale, Whitton. Tel: 735048 Email: [email protected] Mobile Hairdresser Alkborough and Walcot Newsletter Issue 33. June/July 2015 . Church Events On Sunday 7th June at 2pm there will be a Garden Party in and around the Church. Stalls, tombola, games & a raffle will be on hand to be enjoyed and afternoon teas and refreshment will be available. A summer concert will take place in the Church on Saturday 4th July at 7.30pm featuring the Scunthopre Concert Band. Refreshments will be available and there will be a raffle. Tickets are £5 adult, £3 children from Sue 720033, Pat 720084,Lesley 721170 or at the door Oil Syndicate and the Air Ambulance Sable Pilgrim. Tel: 07718272264 email: [email protected] Religious Services Parish Church Services 14th June: Holy Communion. 09.30am. 28th June: Holy Communion. 09.30am. 5th July: Holy Communion. 09.30am. 12th July: Holy Communion. 09.30am. Methodist Services All services in the Chapel unless otherwise stated. 7th June: Mr. Tony Simpson. 6.00pm 14th June: Rev, Ian Coates to include Communion. 6.00pm. 21st June: Winterton Chapel Commissioning Service for Michael Joyce. 6.00pm. 28th June: Alkborough Chapel Anniversary Service with Rev. Henry Dubois. 3.00pm 5th July: United Service in the Parish Church. 11.15am 12th July: Rev, Ian Coates to include Communion. 6.00pm. 19th July: Rev. Ruth Simpson. 26th July: Sectional Service beside the maze for the Northern Churches. 10.30am. (if wet, in the Church.) Dates For Your Diary 1st June: School reopens after half term. 1st June: Coronation Club AGM at the Club. 830pm. All members are welcome to attend. 2nd June: Residents’ Association meeting in the Club: 7.30pm. 9th June: Mobile Library in the village. 11th June : Residents’ Association quiz at the Club. 8.00pm. 16th June: Christian Fellowship meeting at Julian's Bower Bungalow 7.00pm 18th June: Book Club at the Club. 700pm. 25th June: Countdown at the Club. 8.00pm. 30th June: Mobile Library in the village. 1st July: Parish Council Meeting. 7th July : Residents’ Association meeting in the Club: 7.30pm. 8th July : School annual summer fair at the School 3.30pm. 9th July: Residents’ Association quiz at the Club. 8.00pm. 16th July: Book Club in the Club. 7.00pm. 21st July: School closes for summer holiday. 21st July: Mobile Library in the village. 23rd July: Countdown at the Club. 8.00pm. This newsletter is published by the Alkborough and Walcot Residents’ Association. The next edition is due out at the end of July/beginning of August. If you have any events coming up which you would like including, or have any items which you think may be of interest to villagers, then please email them to [email protected] or post them to Mike Dean, Stonecroft, Cross Lane, Alkborough. Telephone 720097. The cut off date for submissions for the next issue is 20th July 2015. Constraints on space available may mean articles being edited or held over to the following newsletter. Apologies if this occurs to your item. Open Gardens Four gardens on Front Street, Alkborough will open their gates to the public on Sunday 14th June 11.00am to 4.00pm. The gardens at Ravendale, Rosalie, Chalfour and Marern House. Teas will be available at Rosalie and there will be plants for sale at Rosalie and Ravendale. The gardens can be visited in any order and the admission fee is £3 per adult (accompanied children free). All proceeds from the day will go to the Lindsey Lodge Hospice in Scunthorpe. If anyone else in the village would like to open up their gardens on that day for the public to visit, please let Avis know on 720101. History Group (Joan Stocks writes). On Tuesday 12th May Joan and John Stocks made their way down to RAF Waddington at Bracebridge Heath to present AIR AMBULANCE with the oil syndicate money and donations given to them on their recent Golden Wedding Anniversary. This totalled £475. We were met at the Air Ambulance office by one of the fundraisers and then taken across to the airfield a couple of miles away. There we had to go through all the safety procedures after which we were driven across the airfield to the Air Ambulance Station. Would you believe the helicopter wasn’t there and never did come in all the time we were present? Out on duties we were told. We met one of the paramedics as well as more staff in the office. There are 5 paramedics in total who work on a shift rota. We were given an insight into the work they do. The helicopter can be called out 4 or 5 times a day. If they get a call, and it is not available, other counties can help out. They cover a very large area. Each trip costs the ambulance around £2000. The paramedics are paid by the NHS but the doctors (when they are on board) are all volunteers. The helicopter itself is leased along with the pilot. The paramedic we saw said he had been doing his job for 15 years and wouldn’t swap it for the world. We had a wonderful time there and they were so grateful for our donation. They have a huge job trying to raise all the money they need. I would urge anyone to support them when they can. There were only a few members of the group who attended the last meeting on 26th May. The main topic of the evening was focussed around springs and wells. There was an explanation of how and where springs naturally occur and how they often developsinto a well. Wells often have to be sunk into the ground but in the case of Low Wells, this is a natural spring with a trough added to catch and retain the water. In years gone by many wells were sunk in Alkborough and Walcot but the vast majority have now been filled in. Other topics discussed included a brief resume of Walcot Old Hall and an article which has appeared in the Humber Outlook regarding Coleby Chapel. World War 1 commemoration displays were also reviewed and it was decided that in order to be able to present a more comprehensive exhibition the group will concentrate on producing another event in 2018.If anyone has any information including artefacts, photos and letters and would like them to be involved please get in touch with Sharon Mawer on 721214. Please look out on local notice boards for the date of the next meeting of the group. Monday Lunches Senior Citizen lunches (younger folk are also invited) are now taking place on the 1st Monday of each month at the Butchers Arms in Winterton. The cost is £5.95 for two courses. Transport could be provided Please ring Norah Kelsey on 721048 by the previous Sunday morning if you would like to go. Parish Council News Have you spotted a Spotted Flycatcher? If you have, it would be great to know about it (writes Anna Moody). Spotted flycatchers are longdistance migrants which return to our shores in mid to late May for the breeding season. They cross the Sahara twice a year and winter in West Africa and south of the equator. Sadly, the breeding population of this charismatic bird has been declining in the UK since the 1960’s. Recent data shows this decline is now a staggering 86%. The name ‘Spotted Flycatcher’ is a bit of a misnomer as the breast and crown of the adults are delicately streaked rather than spotted. The juveniles do have a more spotted or scaly appearance though, a bit like a juvenile Robin. The size of a House Sparrow, Spotted Flycatchers with their dark bill, feet and legs, rather long tail and wings, are quite sleek and beautiful for a bird whose plumage is brown, grey and off-white. With such subdued plumage you might think this bird is difficult to identify but its behaviour and the poses that it adopts can help out here. As their name suggests, these birds feed on flying insects, particularly large flies, wasps and bees. They usually hunt from a prominent position such as a bare branch or a fence post, often sitting upright, flicking their tail, waiting patiently for prey to fly past. They dart out after their prey, catching it mid-air, usually after a short chase before returning to the same perch. Large mature gardens in rural areas, woodland with open areas, or woodland edge habitat are good places to look out for them. Spotted Flycatchers like their nests to have some shelter. Most nests are built against a wall, in amongst creeping plants on walls and trees and sometimes in the old nest of another species. Plus, of course, they will use open fronted nest boxes. With such drastic declines of this bird nationally it would be great to know how they are doing in the Alkborough and Walcot area. If you have them in your garden or have seen one locally over recent years, please let me know. Tel: 721269 or email: [email protected] The School’s Annual Summer Fair will take place on Wednesday 8th July at 3.30pm. All the usual stalls will be there and you are welcome to come and join in the fun. Election Result Parish Council Newsletter The election for membership of the Parish Council was uncontested. There are 8 places on the Council and there were 8 nominations (all from current Councillors) thus a ballot was unnecessary. Officer Appointments The Parish Council is considering producing its own newsletter to better inform the villagers of activities of the Council. It has been suggested that this could be incorporated into the Residents’ Association newsletter and discussions will be going ahead to examine this option. At the Annual Parish Council meeting on27th May John White was unanimously reappointed as Chairman and Simon Spencer remained as Vice Chairman. Paul Stannard has been appointed as internal auditor to the Council. The Council has renewed its insurance cover with Zurich for another year at a cost of £477.The policy is specifically for Councils and covers the assets of the Council and also includes public liability. Bus Service Play Area Hornsby Travel, the operator of the service 60 between Alkborough and Scunthorpe, has asked North Lincolnshire Council for permission to vary the route of the 3.17pm bus to Scunthorpe. There have been major problems with traffic at Berkeley Circle which normally makes this bus late. The route of this service will be altered to go along Frodingham Road to get to the town centre. Only this service is affected and all timings remain the same. The annual inspection of the play area will be carried out in August by Play Safely Ltd. In the meantime there are some items of maintenance to be carried out. The rubber matting surface under the see-saw needs refurbishment and the bearings on the roundabout need attention as do the D shackles on the swings. The Council is very grateful for all volunteer work which has been carried out for it. Whitton Road Bench Car Parking Worries The Council has managed to obtain two quotes for the replacement of the destroyed bench on Whitton Road. A local company from Whitton has quoted £520 whilst another company has quoted £702/£709 (depending on specification). These prices will be passed to North Lincolnshire Council, which is responsible for meeting the cost of replacement and work should get under way shortly. Councillors have expressed their concern about car parking in Church View and Front Street during concerts and other events at the Church. Front Street is particularly narrow here and parked cars force other traffic onto the wrong side of the road. It is difficult to identity the solution to this problem but The Council would like all organisers of events at the Church to look at the provision on of No Parking signs in Front Street during events and also ask motorists to park responsibly. Reopened Restaurant Footpath by Julian’s Bower The Riverside Restaurant at the Ferry House Inn, Burton Stather has now reopened to serve meals Thursday to Sunday inclusive. For further details or to make a reservation please ring 721504. The Parish Council has been pushing North Lincolnshire Council to repair the footpath to the south of Julian’s Bower which was damaged some time ago by a NLC tractor slipping down the bank. NLC have now told their Contractor that he must give them a start date within the next two weeks. Footpath from Cross Roads to the Cemetery Methodist Notes On 28th June at there will be a service led by the Rev. Henry Dubois in the Chapel celebrating 175 years of worship in the building. Refreshments will be available. 26th July will see the Rev. Ian Coates take his final service on this circuit. This is a sectional service beside the Maze at 10.30am.He is leaving to take up a new appointment in the Stoke on Trent South circuit. Everyone will be most welcome at both events. On Saturday June 13th at 5.00pm, the Methodist Historical Society will be visiting Alkborough Chapel. Fancy Dress Evening The Coronation Club held a disco on Saturday 9th May to celebrate VE Day. Attendees were encouraged to come in fancy dress of the period and the attached photo show mine hosts Michelle and Trev. All branches of the Forces were represented with fancy dress as well as some decidedly glamorous hair dos of the day. Immobilise The Police have sponsored the establishment of IMMOBILISE, the National Property Register. Immobilise is a database of items of value (whether that be financial or sentimental). It’s free to use and can be easily accessed. Register your belongings with Immobilise and you can be reunited much more easily with them if they get stolen or lost. Almost any item can be registered from toys to tools to jewelry and from mobile phones to motor homes. You can quickly and easily record serial numbers, add photographs or list individual features. If your item is stolen you simply inform the Police then go to to update your items’ status. If your property is recovered by police, it can be traced back to you. The Police also regularly check second hand dealers and car boot sales to find out if any items on sale have been registered and reported stolen. If you lose any item go to immobilise to update it’s status. If it is subsequently handed in to a police station it can then be traced back to you. Go to and follow the easy steps to form an account and get your property registered. Insurance Money is now available for the refurbishment of this path to be carried out in June or July with a bitumen slurry coating. However, prior to this North Lincolnshire Council will inspect the path to ensure that it is safe for wheelchairs and there are no unsuitable gradients. Council Website The structure of the proposed website has now been agreed and funding will be applied for from the Governments Transparency Fund to allow the detailed design work to take place. Future Meeting Dates There will Parish Council meetings on the following dates: 1st July 2nd September 4th November 6th January 2nd March All meetings commence at 7.30pm at the Chapel and all members of the public are welcome to attend. Dates may be subject to change if unforeseen circumstances occur. Riding Club Update There have been a few changes to the Alkborough & District Riding Club recently. After many successful years the Club has split and Scunthorpe & District Riding Club has been developed to deliver more flexible programmes, different competitions and provide a wider geographic coverage, catering for everyone from the complete beginner to the serious competitor. Still based in Alkborough, the Club welcomes Becky Broughton as one of the newest members. Becky is a successful National and International Team GBR competitor who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Club. See their new website at or find them on Facebook or twitter @ SDridingclub for more information. Christian Fellowship Coffee Morning The June meeting of the Christian Fellowship will take place on the 16th of the month at Julian’s Bower Bungalow at 7.00pm. The speaker will be Rev. Sue Wilkins from Barton on Humber. Light refreshments will be provided. Ring 721048 if transport is needed. There will be no meetings in July or August. The coffee morning held on 3rd May in the Chapel raised £731.56 for Chapel funds. A donation is being sent to help the victim of the massive earthquakes in Nepal.
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