Investing in our future - Children`s Hospital of Wisconsin
Investing in our future - Children`s Hospital of Wisconsin
Investing in our future Investing in our future 2012 Foundation Annual Report 2012 Highlights Investing in a brighter future for children Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin made remarkable strides in 2012. We continued to move forward with our strategic plan, which calls for developing truly unique national programs, becoming the Midwest’s leading pediatric health provider and improving the health of Wisconsin children. Our children are our most valuable resource, and we devote every day to doing what is best for their health and wellbeing – today and for the future. With that in mind, we are proud to share some of the year’s highlights made possible by your generosity and support. In 2012, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin: Went live with Epic, a state-of-the-art electronic health record system that enables more seamless integration of care across specialties and locations for our patients and families, powerful data collection and better measurement that improves outcomes for children. Opened the Genomic Medicine Clinic, bringing whole genome sequencing to more children with complex genetic issues. Performed a rare and successful heart/liver transplant on a 15-year-old boy with complex congenital heart disease and liver failure, which was the first in Wisconsin and only the tenth performed on a child in the United States. Achieved second in the nation for the number of pediatric heart transplants (23) performed at Herma Heart Center. Was recognized as a Phase 1 Center for early phase clinical trials by Children’s Oncology Group, The MACC Fund Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders is one of only 21 centers in the world with this certification. Our Vision is that Wisconsin’s kids will be the healthiest in the nation. Highlights In 2012, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin: Partnered with ThedaCare and Affinity Health System to establish an unprecedented child mental health partnership in Fox Valley. Catalpa Health opened in fall to meet the underserved mental health needs of kids and teens in the region. Received a $2.8 million grant from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation for a pilot program with Children’s Community Health Plan members to reduce health care costs and improve quality of care. Appointed Robert Lane, MD, pediatricianin-chief of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin and the David J. and Barri L. Drury Chair in Pediatrics. He is chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the Medical College of Wisconsin. Dr. Lane came to Wisconsin from the University of Utah School of Medicine. Performed the state’s first pediatric robotassisted laparoscopic surgery at a pediatric hospital. Children’s Hospital pediatric urology surgeons now use this technology to treat a variety of conditions previously only repairable with open surgery. Was designated a Level 4 Epilepsy Center, providing the highest level of medical and surgical evaluation and treatment for complex epilepsy, and the only Level 4 pediatric epilepsy program in Wisconsin. Through your commitments of time, talent and dollars, we are saving lives, treating and curing disease, and making our community stronger. In 2012, Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin: Expanded Child Advocacy Services in North-Central Wisconsin. Child Advocacy Center staff in Wausau provides assessments, protection and support for children who may have been victims of crime. The center achieved accreditation — the highest level of service excellence awarded by the National Children’s Alliance. Worked with a coalition of Wisconsin stakeholders to educate parents, coaches and legislators about the importance of concussion legislation, resulting in the successful passage of a law that protects young athletes and require education for players, coaches and parents about concussions. Created a new division, Population Health Management and Payment Innovation, to focus efforts to improve the health of children, lower the cost of care, develop new payment models and enhance the patient and client experience. Cared for more than 720 infants last year in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit - the most in Children’s Hospital’s NICU history. Added Twin-to-twin Transfusion Syndrome laser ablation to the scope of fetal interventions offered. We thank you for your passionate and ongoing support of our mission to help our kids become the healthiest in the nation. Our Patients Finn’s story: Nurturing the tiniest patients Amy Hettinger developed severe preeclampsia at 26 weeks of pregnancy. Baby Finn was delivered prematurely via emergency Cesarean section weighing less than two pounds. “He was so small, it was almost surreal,” said his Dad Patrick. Baby Finn spent the first 92 days of his life in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Today, Finn’s developmental growth is right on track! Christian’s story: Changing the odds against leukemia Christian Bass was just 9 months old when he was diagnosed with leukemia. “When a child is diagnosed with cancer, it’s like a bomb going off in the room,” said Bruce Camitta, MD. “Their world is crumbled.” Through new treatments and protocols, survival rates are improving. The MACC Fund Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders helps families like Christian’s through this hard time. Lucas’ story: Healing a tiny heart No parent ever wants to hear their newborn baby has a hole in his heart. Amy and Brian Randall faced this difficult diagnosis when their son Lucas was found to have a congenital heart defect and underwent open-heart surgery at the Herma Heart Center. “It was the hardest thing having to give my baby to the surgeons, and knowing there was nothing more I could do for him,” said Amy. 2012 Commitments $1,000,000+ $100,000 - $249,999.99 Kohl’s Corporation Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Jay O. Rothman Anonymous Diane and Thomas Arenberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Renz Ron and Peggy Troy Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Kubale Sheila M. Reynolds and Robert S. Chang Helen and John Shiely Mr. and Mrs. Curt B. Trau Mark C. Witt and Kelly B. Reilly $250,000 - $499,999.99 $50,000 - $99,999.99 $25,000 - $49,999.99 $500,000 - $999,999.99 Hyundai Motor America J. J. Keller Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Kellogg Ms. Cinthia S. Christensen and Mr. Todd M. Weir Michael and Nancy Gutzeit Scott R. Haag Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kerschner 2012 Circles of Giving $1,000,000+ Judy A. Gardetto J. J. Keller Foundation, Inc. Nicholas Family Foundation Christopher and Kelly Rebholz Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust Ron and Peggy Troy $100,000 - $249,999.99 $50,000 - $99,999.99 Anonymous $250,000 - $499,999.99 Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Costigan Mr. and Mrs. Luis L. Garcia Anonymous (2) Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon W. Gage Ms. Kim M. Heller-Marotta Roxann and Michael Nauman Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Pepke Tom and Sheri Price Kathi and Larry Rambo Paul and Lisa Sweeney WEYCO Group, Inc. Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David J. Drury Einhorn Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hamacher Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Keller Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Kellner Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Kellogg In memory of George Lucas Leef 2012 Circles of Giving $50,000 - $99,999.99 Judith and Joseph* Masters The Oscar G. & Elsa S. Mayer Family Foundation Ms. Karen A. McDiarmid Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Renz Mr. and Mrs. Jay O. Rothman Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schmidt Roger A. and Audrey H. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zore $25,000 - $49,999.99 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Abraham Anon Charitable Trust Debra and Leon Black Duane & Dorothy Bluemke Foundation Renee and Tom Boldt Gerald E. and Elizabeth H. Connolly Pat and Paul Jones Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kerschner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kingsbury Dennis and Barbara Klein Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Kubale Arlene and Chip Meier Mr. and Mrs. C. David Myers Mr. and Mrs. J. Joel Quadracci Joel Quadracci - Windhover Foundation Kathi and Larry Rambo Helen and John Shiely Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sommerhauser Dr. Scott and Mary Ellen B. Stanek Dr. and Mrs. James S. Tweddell Myra M. & Robert L. Vandehey Foundation, Ltd. Melvin F. and Ellen L. Wagner Foundation $10,000 - $24,999.99 Anonymous (4) Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Altschaefl Diane and Thomas Arenberg Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Asmuth Astor Street Foundation B.A. and Esther Greenheck Foundation Dorothy Brosin Butzow Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Curt S. Culver Bernard and Alyce Dahlin Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Derdzinski Bob and Sarah Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Ellsworth Jason and Diep Graham Mr. Peter Y. Gunn and Dr. Veronica L. Gunn Michael and Nancy Gutzeit Scott R. Haag Scott and Kathy Happ Greg and Jeanne Herrle Teri and Alan Hirasuna Mark and Janet Hogan The Frieda and William Hunt Memorial Trust Mrs. Charles D. Jacobus, Sr. Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation Diane and Robert Jenkins Family Foundation The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Chris and Jane Kaltenbach Mrs. Marne L. Keller-Krikava and Mr. Alec M. Krikava Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Keough Carol A. Kling Dr. George M. Lange and Dr. Marlene D. Melzer-Lange Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Larson The Lefkofsky Family Foundation Sheldon L. and Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation Nancy Lindenberg Donald R. Maciejewski Mr. Walter J. Mundschau Nasgovitz Family Foundation Roxann and Michael Nauman John and Peggy Niemer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Raitt Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Rasansky Mr. and Mrs. Jon Riggs Michael T. Riordan Family Foundation Lori & Rick Rosmann Foundation James and Ellen Rossmeissl Kim and John Schlifske Mrs. Richard A. Schmidt Scott and Peggy Sampson Charitable Fund, Inc. Douglas & Eleanor Seaman Charitable Foundation Arch W. Shaw Foundation Mr. Jonathan Smith Mr. and Mrs. John W. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Curt B. Trau Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Ullem Margaret and Joe* VandenHeuvel Mr. Kurt E. Widmann Mark C. Witt and Kelly B. Reilly Andrew A. Ziegler and Carlene Murphy Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Steven Zimmerman 2012 Circles of Giving $5,000 - $9,999.99 Anonymous (5) Mr. Jason W. Allen and Ms. Jessica S. Lochmann Terry and Nancy Anderson Mr. Michael J. Barber and Mrs. Jacqueline D. Herd-Barber Dr. Stuart Berger and Dr. Julie Biller Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Bergum Judy and John Bongiorno Joan and Fred Brengel Family Foundation Ms. Elizabeth F. Brenner and Mr. Steven C. Ostrofsky Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Briscoe Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Buehrle Steve and Cheri Cary Cherchian Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Gloster B. Current, Jr. Dr. Beth A. Drolet and Mr. John Lewis Florie and Tom Enders Mr. and Mrs. Weldon W. Gage Lynn Broaddus and Marc Gorelick Ms. Laura Gralton Michael and Kelly Grebe Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Haertle Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Hammes Suzanne C. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Donald P. Hayes Mr. Richardson C. Hendee Mr. and Mrs. James M. Joers Gerald J. and Rosalie E. Kahn Family Foundation Allen D. Kohl Charitable Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Koopman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Krohn Mr. and Mrs. Martin R. Kuzel Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lewenauer Mr. and Mrs. William W. Mahler, Sr. Steven J. Marcus and Colleen K. Dougherty Mr. Dan McNulty The Miletti Family Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Moranski Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Nelson Paul and Shirley Neylon Chris and Anne Noyes Mr. Albert S. Orr III Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peck Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pelz Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Pepke Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Peters The Rod Petersen Family The Porcupine Foundation Mr. William J. Przybysz Judge Bruce A. Ranta and Dr. Marylyn Ranta Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Refinski Mr. Brian Retzlaff Sheila M. Reynolds and Robert S. Chang The ROS Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James H. Schlater William G. and Betty Schuett Family Foundation, Inc. Jay and Sara Schwister Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seaman, Sr. Mr. Stephen P. Adams and Ms. Thelma A. Sias Stackner Family Foundation Mrs. Mary Jane Stein Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Sullivan Paul and Lisa Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Teerlink Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thrun Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Van Handel, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Vanderzanden Martin and Tammy Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Wickert Gilbert and Carolyn Woods Family Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Ronald K. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Marvin A. Zetley $2,500 - $4,999.99 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Kevin D. Anderson Mr. Mark E. Anderson Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Asp Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Augustin Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick C. Austermann Mrs. Elizabeth Bedwell and Mr. Greg Capper Mr. Jeffrey S. Beischel W. Scott Blake Mr. and Mrs. David C. Boerke Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Butterfield Jane A Chevako, MD Mr. James M. Choren Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Connolly Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Doane Dr. and Mrs. John R. Donaubauer Tom and Pam Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Brian L. Dunsirn Mr. and Mrs. Dave Durment Mr. and Mrs. Burton J. Field Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy J. Fromm Ms. Barbara N. Fuldner Mrs. Susie Gebhardt Mr. and Mrs. Christian Gerlach Dr. John B. Gordon and Mrs. Catherine Firth Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Roric Griffith Mr. Paul Grunau and Mrs. Jeanie Hart-Grunau Mr. Brian Gumness Mr. and Mrs. William R. Haack Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Hanson Mary E. Henke Mr. and Mrs. John A. Honkamp Mr. William H. Honrath and Ms. Elizabeth M. Blackwood Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Hosmer Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Jamieson Janice and Raymond Perry Community Fund, Inc. Dave and Mel Johnson Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jurgenson Juliet Kersten and David Rusch Dr. Smriti S. Khare Nancy and John Korom Mr. Rodney S. Kussow Andrew Leming Rita Lewenauer Mr. and Mrs. James P. Lombardo Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Luccas Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lyons Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marler Cash Masters Mr. and Mrs. Jared T. Masters Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Matson Mr. and Mrs. Shannon J. McGlocklin Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Miller George and Julie Mosher Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George A. Mosher Dr. Dipesh Navsaria Ms. Cynthia Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Monte Nuckols Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. O’Halloran Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. Quick Mark and Connie Reinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Michael Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence G. Rogutich, Jr. Mr. Steven Rubinson Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Ruud Gregory and Kelly Sachse Mr. Joseph E. Schick Mr. Harold E. Schiferl Mrs. Jerome L. Schnettler Jeffrey P. and Mary L. Schwab Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Scurek Mark and Gessa Ship Mr. Craig A. Simpkins Mr. and Mrs. William P. Sirny Mr. and Mrs. Michael Spence Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Stewart The Streich Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Train Mr. and Mrs. Chris G. Trost Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Twinem Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Voissem Mr. and Mrs. James and Sandra Ward Mr. and Mrs. Michael White Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Wise Joseph and Mary Wojkiewicz 2012 Circles of Giving $1,000 - $2,499.99 Anonymous (3) Ms. Ann F. Abele Mr. Jeffrey Adler Mr. Mark B. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Wesley K. Anderson Mr. William Arbter Ms. Janine M. Augustin Mr. and Mrs. William Austin Dr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Bader Gary and Cindy Baeb Ms. Elizabeth Bales Ms. Diane Ballweg Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Baptie Mr. Daniel R. Barbeau and Dr. Lori R. Barbeau Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Barnard Dr. Mary Bartel and Mr. Timothy W. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Bartell Ms. Karen M. Bauer Mrs. Jean I. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Beam Mr. Michael J. Beaumont Ms. Karen Becker Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Beltz Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Benes Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Berg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rolf H. Berg Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Bergman Ms. Nadine A. Bergstrom Ms. Tara J. Bernal Dennis W. and Mary K. Bersch Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Biancuzzo Tim and Crystal Birkenstock Mr. and Mrs. Ben Birr Mr. and Mrs. Greg Bissen Geoffrey and Joanne Blaesing Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boedeker Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bolger Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Borowski Ms. Alecia Braun Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Braun Mr. and Mrs. John P. Breidster Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brockington Mr. and Mrs. Dan Brown Mr. Kevin D. Brown Mr. Robert M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Bruggeman Mrs. Suzan S. Buchaklian Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Buchholz Ms. Mary F. Bullamore The Butte Family Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Byleen Mr. and Mrs. John Cabaniss Marc and Monica Cadieux Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Camarata Mr. and Mrs. Robert Borchardt Dr. and Mrs. James T. Casper Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Chaiken Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph Chusid Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Cleary Mr. and Mrs. Todd C. Clementi Ms. Maureen M. Collins Drs. David L. and Judith B. Coran Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Craven Mr. Steve Cripe Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey T. Crowley Mr. James A. Cunningham Mr. and Mrs. Bill Curtis Ms. Sandy Czosnek Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Christopher L. Davis Ms. Debbie Davis Mr. and Mrs. William H. Davis Bob and Linda Davis Ms. Lorie T. Deering Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Dekker Mr. Ted S. Dentice Mr. Bob T. Dignan Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dobbe Mr. Erich R. Dobbratz Mr. and Mrs. John H. Slawinski Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Doll Kerry Doyle Mr. Jacques Dresang Mr. Michael Drescher Dr. and Mrs. Matt Driscoll Mr. and Mrs. David J. Edquist Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ehren Ms. Peggy E. Eilers Ms. Elaine B. Eisner Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Erickson Mr. and Mrs. James P. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fatla Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Faulkner Mr. Patrick M. Feely and Ms. Holly Winters Mr. and Mrs. Larry P. Ferguson Ms. Cindy Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Fischer Ms. Laurie J. Fischer-Galante Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Fitzpatrick Robert and Diane Flaherty Mr. and Mrs. Mark L. Foote Ms. Cynthia Franecki Mr. and Mrs. Ethan C. Frounfelker Mr. Robert H. Fuelling and Mrs. Dorothy A. Schneider-Fuelling Shannon L. Full Mr. George J. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Gaskell Mrs. Tracey L. Gauper Gary and Courtney Gawryleski Mr. and Mrs. David W. Gay Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gehrke Mr. Mark Geiger Ms. Mary E. Geoghan Mr. and Mrs. William M. Gienke Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gralton Stuart, Becka & Lara Green Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Greenberg Ms. Nancy A. Grode Mr. and Mrs. John R. Grogan Mr. and Mrs. Bart E. Gross Mr. Jay Gruber Mr. and Mrs. Mark Grzesiak Jonathan and Mary Kay Gundlach Mr. Michael R. Gutierrez and Ms. Diane G. Elliott Ms. Geri Guyette Mr. Mitchell Hackbarth Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Hamburg Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Hammel Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Hanni Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hanrahan Mr. Fenton J. Harder Mr. Thomas A. Harrison Ms. JoEllen Hegwood Brady Heidenreich Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hengel III Mr. and Mrs. David Henke Mr. and Mrs. William R. Henning Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hentz Mr. and Mrs. Chris Herbst Chad Hershner and Jeffrey Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Joel Hinze Mr. Brian K. Hirasuna Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Hobbs Ms. Patricia Hoerig Mr. Gary Hoerning Dr. George M. Hoffman Joseph A. & Cheryl A. Hoida Family Fund Rob and Brenna Holly Paul and Cynthia Honkamp Erin Yale Horwitz and Adam Horwitz Ms. Denise E. Householder Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Howley Iglewski Family Foundation Mr. Mark P. Jacobsen Mr. Richard M. Jaffee Ms. Christine Jagdfeld Mr. and Mrs. James L. Janik Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Jentsch Mr. Barry Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Johnson Mr. David A. Jordan Mr. Arthur H. Juedes Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Kalbas Mr. and Mrs. G. Frederick Kasten, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Kaus Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Kelchen The Keller Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Keller Mr. and Mrs. James Kelly Mr. Patrick Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Craig Kennison Al and Maryanne Kessel Keyes Charitable Trust Mr. Keith A. Kieffer Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Kiernan Mr. and Mrs. Gordon King Mrs. Suzanne C. King Ms. Rhonda E. Kirkwood Ms. Jeanine M. Kissinger Ms. Lynne Kivimaki Mr. Jason Kleberg Ms. Anne K. Klisurich Kolaga Family Charitable Trust Mr. George Jurss and Dr. Barbara L. Kolp-Jurss Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kopmeier, Jr. Mr. James Kornfeld Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kosch Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Kowalski Krause Family Foundation, Inc. Reuben Kritzik Family Donor Advised Fund Dr. John Kryger Mr. and Mrs. William Kulling Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Laack Mr. and Mrs. James A. Ladish Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery A. Ladwig Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Lange Nancy and Arthur Laskin James A. and Catherine C. Lathrop Mr. David Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Lausten Mr. and Mrs. Donald D. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Lawton James R. and Jo Ann Leary Ms. Stephanie M. Lenzner Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Levy Mr. and Mrs. John B. Lewenauer Mr. Michael Lewis Dr. B. U. K. Li Mr. and Mrs. Chad D. Linzy Ms. Sandra L. Long Mr. and Mrs. David A. Lueck Mr. and Mrs. Terrance E. Luedke Mr. David E. Lutz Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Maas Jay and Kiara Mack Mr. and Mrs. Glenn R. Madrigrano, Jr. Mr. Nicholas E. Mallinger Ms. Judith A. Mangen Ms. Jean M. Mantz Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Marble Mr. Keith R. Mardak and Ms. Mary N. Vandenberg Mr. Michael J. Marquart and Ms. Wanda M. Sheild Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel L. Marshall Mr. Ron Marshall Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. Martin Mr. W. Bradford Martin and Mrs. JoAnne Selkurt Martin Mr. Jeffery Masciopinto Mrs. Doris M. Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. McCann Ms. Maria Frances D. McDermott Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. McKeithan, Jr. Mr. Patrick B. Mehigan Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Meilander Mr. Joseph A. Meinecke Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Mekka Ms. Kimberly A. Melcher Linda and John Mellowes Ms. Michelle Mettner Mr. and Mrs. Greg Miller Matthew J. and Amy L. Miller Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Miller Mr. Thomas G. Miller Mr. Richard J. Molkentine Ms. Nina L. Monacelli Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Mortensen Mr. Rick Mueller Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Mueller Ms. Anne M. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Cory L. Nettles NEV 2/11 Foundation Ms. Mary T. Nevins-Buchholtz Ms. Kasey Nimtz Mr. and Mrs. David Northway Mike Nowak Mr. John Ogden, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy C. O’Harrow Mr. John Olson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. O’Neil Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Ordinans John Oster Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James J. Ostrom Dr. Gordon Owley and Ms. Alexa Smith Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Palmen Mr. Greg M. Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Gene Park Mr. and Mrs. Vinay Parthan Mr. Mark E. Pearson Ms. Julie J. Pedretti Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Petersen Dr. Neil E. Peterson and Mrs. Beverly Peterson Ms. Michele E. Pierz Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Pindyck, J.D. 2012 Circles of Giving Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Poliner Pollybill Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. A. Charles Post Mr. Nick J. Povlos Mr. Michael R. Preisler Mr. and Mrs. William D. Preston Dr. Ronald P. Pupp Purple Moon Foundation Robb Rahlf Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Rakowski Dr. John R. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Reed Ms. Vicky J. Reith Mr. Gregg A. Remter Mr. Bernd A. Rendall Ms. Melissa K. Ringwall Mr. Alan Risch Mr. Edward Rivoire Mr. Jeffrey M. Roberts and Mrs. Michelle Connolly Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Robinson David and Barbara Roettgen Mr. and Mrs. David M. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Allan Romanowski Ms. Altheia L. Roquemore-Goins and Mr. Carey B. Goins Dr. and Mrs. John M. Routes Karen and Lenny Ruel Jr. Mr. John Russo Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Sabo Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Sanders Dr. and Dr. Richard O. Schafer Ms. Denise L. Schellinger Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schillinger Ms. Suzanne Schiro Mr. Larry Schneider Ms. Lori S. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald T. Schumacher Dr. and Mrs. J. Paul Scott Ms. Eleanor H. Seaman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seeger Mr. Thomas Seifert Ms. Suzanne M. Sellards Mr. Kurt Semandel Mr. and Mrs. John Shafer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Shanahan Andrea Shrednick Davajan Silverman Family Foundation Dr. Deborah E. Simpson Mr. and Mrs. Ned Sisney Mr. Kevin T. Slager and Mrs. Erika N. Kelly-Slager Mr. and Mrs. William C. Slavens Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Smith Tim Smith Ms. Wendy C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Sonnemann Mr. David J. Spano Ms. Judith Spellman Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Spence Mr. and Mrs. Mark V. Sperka Ms. Suzanne A. Staniszewski Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stanley Mrs. Tammy Star Ms. Kathy Steinbauer Ms. Jo A. Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. John Steines Ms. Lynn Stewart Mr. Ronald Stortz E.C. Styberg Foundation, Inc. Ms. Catherine A. Swessel Mr. Jeffrey R. Szalacinski Dr. and Mrs. Philip D. Szold Tom and Andrea Tatlock Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Teske Mr. and Mrs. Steven C. Tews Ms. Dorothy Thomson Mr. and Mrs. Vincent A. Totka Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Totsky Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Traylor Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Tritschler Mr. and Mrs. Gary Troy Ms. Angela M. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Steven Twining Mrs. Susan M. Urban-Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Vadnais Ms. Erin F. Van Derven Mr. William R. Van Wie Mr. Joe Vanderlois Mr. and Mrs. John Vitas Ms. Barbara L. Vogel Mr. and Mrs. Marvin C. Voissem Mr. and Mrs. Ted J. Voissem Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Vosburg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Wachs Ms. Patty Wakefield Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Washington Mr. and Mrs. Greg Watson Mrs. Janelle Wegner Ms. Debra L. Weiner Dr. Larry H. Weinhaus Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Weisgerber Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Werner Mr. and Mrs. Doug West Ms. Patricia D. Westphal Mr. Joseph D. Weyker Mr. and Mrs. David J. Whelan Ms. Susan O. Widmann Mr. and Mrs. James B. Wigdale, Sr. Ms. Arlene M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wilson Mr. Joseph J. Wirkus Mr. and Mrs. Sigurdur S. Witt Mr. Paul K. Woehrer Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Wolf Mr. George E. Woods Scott A. and Jean E. Wrobbel Mrs. Elisabeth Yewer John J. Zacher Pastor and Mrs. Jacob E. Zampier Mr. Huimin Zhao and Ms. Weimin Li Ms. Carolyn A. Ziebert Ms. Deborah Ziegler 2012 Circle of Care Royal Circle Anonymous Jean I. and Dennis H.* Bauman The Bleser Family Foundation Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation Judy Gardetto Mr. and Mrs. John F. Herma Mrs. Denise McGee Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Muma Nicholas Family Foundation Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation Circle of Care Mr. & Mrs. Alexander J. Costigan Mr. and Mrs. Curt S. Culver Bernard and Alyce Dahlin Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Derdzinski Mr. and Mrs. David J. Drury Bob and Sarah Duncan Einhorn Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Ellsworth Mr. Jere C. Fabick Mr. and Mrs. Luis L. Garcia Judy Gardetto Jason and Diep Graham Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gutzeit Scott R. Haag Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hamacher Scott and Kathy Happ Mr. and Mrs. John F. Herma Greg and Jeanne Herrle Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hillis, Sr. Teri and Alan Hirasuna Mark and Janet Hogan Mr. Roy Jablonka Mrs. Charles D. Jacobus, Sr. Charles D. Jacobus Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Jendusa Anonymous (17) Mr. and Mrs. William J. Abraham Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Altschaefl Diane and Thomas Arenberg Mr. and Mrs. Clifford M. Asmuth Astor Street Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Beam Debra and Leon Black The Bleser Family Foundation Duane & Dorothy Bluemke Foundation Renee and Tom Boldt Mr. and Mrs. Oscar C. Boldt Mr. and Mrs. Terry D. Briscoe Dorothy Brosin Frank G. and Frieda K. Brotz Family Foundation, Inc. Denise and Dave Bunning Barry and Joni Butzow Ms. Cinthia S. Christensen and Mr. Todd M. Weir Emory T. Clark Family Charitable Foundation Dr. Roger D. and Sue P. Cohen Gerald E. and Elizabeth H. Connolly *Deceased Puelicher Foundation, Inc. Reiman Charitable Foundation, Inc. D.B. and Marjorie Reinhart Family Foundation Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. David V. Uihlein, Jr. Diane and Robert Jenkins Family Foundation Pat and Paul Jones Chris and Jane Kaltenbach John J. and Ethel D. Keller Fund within the Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Kellner Mr. and Mrs. Kurt A. Kellogg Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kerschner Dennis and Barbara Klein Joe and Claire Klein Carol A. Kling Mr. and Mrs. Bernard S. Kubale Dr. George M. Lange and Dr. Marlene D. Melzer-Lange Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Larson Lefkofsky Family Foundation Sheldon L. and Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation Nancy Lindenberg Mr. and Mrs. James M. Luty Donald R. Maciejewski Frank and Gretchen Marek Thomas R. Loper and Tamara L. Marek-Loper Judith and Joseph* Masters Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Mayer 2012 Circle of Care Circle of Care Ms. Karen A. McDiarmid Arlene and Chip Meier Linda and John Mellowes The Miletti Family Ms. Mary L. Mowbray and Mr. Roland P. Schoeder Mr. Walter J. Mundschau Mr. and Mrs. C. David Myers Mr. and Mrs. William J. Nasgovitz Roxann and Michael Nauman Nicholas Family Foundation John and Peggy Niemer Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Pieper, Sr. Joel Quadracci - Windhover Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John R. Raitt Kathi and Larry Rambo Max and Cindy Rasansky Christopher and Kelly Rebholz Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Renz Mr. and Mrs. Norris F. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Jon Riggs Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Riordan Lori and Richard R. Rosmann James and Ellen Rossmeissl Mr. and Mrs. Jay O. Rothman Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Sampson Kim and John Schlifske Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schmidt Mrs. Richard A. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Roger A. Schultz Douglas and Eleanor Seaman Charitable Foundation Helen and John Shiely Mr. Jonathan Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Sommerhauser Daniel M. Soref Charitable Trust Dr. Scott and Mary Ellen B. Stanek Mr. and Mrs. John W. Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Stephenson Dr. Frank and Elsa Sterner Les and Dar Stumpf Family Fund Mr. and Mrs. Curt B. Trau Ron and Peggy Troy Dr. and Mrs. James S. Tweddell Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Ullem Myra M. & Robert L. Vandehey Foundation, Ltd. Margaret and Joe* VandenHeuvel Kevin and Patti Van Kampen Jeffry D. and Elizabeth A. Veenhuis Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Wickert Mr. Kurt E. Widmann Mark C. Witt and Kelly B. Reilly Mr. Stephen J. Ziegler Andrew A. Ziegler and Carlene Murphy Ziegler Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zore * Deceased Investing in our future 2012 Endowed Named Funds Anonymous The Abbott-Ranson-Bauman Chair for Epilepsy Research The Abraham Family Fund The Accunet Mortgage Fund for School-Based Health Centers The Joyce Achtenhagen Endowed Fund The Administrative Staff Open Door Fund The Kayleigh Ali’s Vascular Anomalies Research Fund The Altschaefl Family Fund The John and Cindy Amato Fund The J. Philip Ambuel Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Harry A. Apple Family Fund for Children at Risk The Applebee’s Children’s Fund The Chucker Aring Chair in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry The Gordon and Jean Armbruster Family Fund for Children The Austin Family Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Bando Family Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The MiraCole Bash / Cole Hefty Fund The Raymond J. Battaglia Fund for Vascular Anomalies The Bauman Family Chair in Critical Care The Heidi Marie Bauman Chair in Pediatric Epilepsy The Chadwick John Baumann Brain Tumor Program Fund The Howard and Marie Becker Fund for Neonatal Intensive Care Equipment The Benjamin’s Research Fund: Neurofibromatosis and Near InfraRed Light The Bentley Children’s Fund to Benefit the Children’s Health Education Center The Bentzien and Brusa Family Fund for Children’s Care The Drs. Berger and Biller Family Fund The Jessica Erin Berry Pediatric Cardiology Fund The Birkenstock Health Education Fund The Alvin and Marion Birnschein Nursing Education Fund The Birth Defects Research Center Endowment Fund The Christopher Blaesing Fund for Neonatal Intensive Care Unit The Bleser Family Endowed Chair of Neurology The Christopher D. Boerke Fund for Special Needs Children The Peter Borisch Fund for Adolescent Medicine The Louise and Jack Boyle Family Fund for Neuro Intensive Care The Matthew Brown Rehabilitative Services Fund The Ben and Peg Bugbee Fund for Children’s Health The Abigail Bunzel Memorial Fund for The Herma Heart Center The Janet and Philip Cady Fund for Leadership and Innovation The Logan Dean Carlson Fund The Steve and Cheri Cary Juvenile Diabetes Research Endowment Fund The Del Chambers Fund for Childhood Cancer The Charity Care Endowment Fund The Joseph J. Charles Fund in Support of Outcome Enhancement Research The Jane A Chevako Hospice and Palliative Care Fund The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation Planned Giving Council Endowed Fund The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency Endowment for the Dental Center The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation Directors’ Fund The Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Research Lectureship Endowment Fund The Children’s Sexual Abuse Prevention Fund The Christofferson Family Fund for Hospice Care The James and Martha Clark Heart Fund The Catherine Cleary Endowed Fund The Van and Bocky Coddington Fund for Emergency Medicine The Elsa B. and Roger D. Cohen MDs Chair for Medical Education 2012 Endowed Named Funds The Sidney Cohen Fund The Gerry and Heidi Connolly Family Professorship for Sickle Cell Diseases The Cousins Subs Child Abuse Care Fund The James Crawford Family Fund The Judith and Francis Croak Fund The CSSW Unrestricted Endowment Fund The Cuene Family HIV Program Fund The Curt and Sue Culver Fund for Childhood Cancer The Jim Czosnek Heart Fund The Frank J. Daily and Julie Ebert Fund for Immunology and Asthma Research The Mara and Russ Darrow Family Fund The Charlie Dearholt Fund The Direct Supply, Inc. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Fund The Barri and David J. Drury Family Fund for Genetic Research The Barri L. and David J. Drury Chair in Pediatrics The Dunigan Family Fund The Erna L. and Joseph C. Eckerle Endowed Fund The Estelle Ehlert Child Life Endowed Fund The Emma Einhorn Fund for Cancer Care Nurses The William F. Eisner, Sr. Children’s Art Fund The Ellison Transport Program Fund The Endowment for Pediatric Research The Esther Erickson Endowed Fund for the Palliative Care Program The Katie Falk Family Fund for Adolescent Psychiatry The Mary M. Farago Fund for Orthopedic Care The Bill and Julie Felsing Fund in Memory of Jamieson Felsing The Jordan Fink, M.D. Lectureship Fund Anton Flach-Bongiorno Glanzmann’s Research Fund The Flowers Family Fund The Jeanne Foley General Endowment Fund The Foley & Lardner Heritage Fund The Jack Foster Epilepsy Foundation The James H. Fuchs Endowment Fund The June Fykse Neonatal Fund The Dr. William J. Gallen Lecture Fund The Tom and Nancy Gazzana Children’s Health & Social Services Fund The John C. Geilfuss Pediatric Neurology Fund The Dr. Marvin Glicklich Annual Lectureship Series in Surgery The Marvin and Diann Glicklich Pediatric Surgical Research & Education Endowed Fund The Margaret and Kenneth Gotz Endowed Fund for Cancer Research The Peggy Grebe Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Michael Kent Groth Fund for Critical Care Physicians The Gutzeit Family Fund for Children with Special Health Care Needs The Kathleen Ann Haertle Fund for Pain Management Research The Hamacher Pharmacy Fund The Garrett Hamm Bone Marrow Fund The Hansen Wiegand Family Fund for Translational Research The Happ Family Fund The Anne Barker Hardy Fund for Cystic Fibrosis The Jim Hardy Memorial Lectureship in Mental Health The Harley-Davidson Fund for Inner City Services The Shane Locke Hasbrook Fund The Jay Hashek Memorial Fund for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome The Melissa Lynne Heeg Heart Fund The HELP Fund (Hospital Employee Fund) The Herma Heart Center Endowment Fund The Leigh Gabrielle Herma Chair for Cardiology The Janice Herma Cardiac Research Fund The Tricia Heston Endowment for Child Abuse Prevention The William A. and Jeanette Mary Heth Endowed Fund for Pediatric Cancer Research The Dr. Norman Hodgson Urology Education Fund The Audrey Hohenwalter Endowment Fund The Madeleine McKeown Hoy Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Fund The Autumn Grace Hughes Fund The Bart M. Huige Comfort Fund The Charles and Eugenia Jacobus Fund for Cancer Care The Rebecca Jayne Memorial Lecture Fund The Diane and Robert Jenkins Family Fund for Palliative Care The Elsie Jenquine Fund The Jay and Holly Jensen Family Fund for Children The Bergeda and Kenneth Johannes Endowed Fund for Pediatric Surgery The Charlotte Promersberger Johnston Endowed Genetics Research Fund The Charlotte Promersberger Johnston Endowed Lectureship in Genetics The Just A Little Faith Foundation The Gerald J. and Rosalie E. Kahn Fund for Rehabilitative Services The Kaltenbach Fund for Pediatric Surgery The George and Alex Kao Fund The Dr. Bruce A. Kaufman Pediatric Neurosurgery Fund The “Chase’s Gift”, Chase Kelly Memorial Fund The Kerschner Family Fund for Pediatric Otolaryngology Research and Education The Kersten/Rusch Family Fund for Pediatric Research “the kids thank you” The Marlene Colwell King Early Childhood Development Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Kini Family Endowed Fund for Emergency Medicine The Kliegman Labrys Fund for Cancer Research The Harry E. Koepke Endowed Benefit Fund The Mabel E. Koepke Endowed Benefit Fund The Kohl’s Cares for Kids Child Life Fund The Dr. Elaine Kohler Fund for Critical Care Medicine The Michael Carl Kovnar Memorial Annual Lectureship Fund The Oscar and Carolyn Kraft NICU and Family Services Fund The Kramer Memorial Pediatric Anesthesiology Fellowship Fund The Ron and Marjorie Krizek Fund for Diabetes Research The Alexander T. Kroll Memorial Fund The Tom and Nina Krukowski Fund for Juvenile Diabetes The Bernard and Mary Kubale Family Support Fund The Bernard Kubale Fund for Cancer and Blood Disorders The Cynthia and James Kubinski Family Fund for the Cancer Care Program The Celia M. and Michael Kutil Fund for Child Life The Rebecca Marie Kuzel R & D Fund The Billy Lagerstrom Memorial Fund The Rochelle Lamm Pain Management Fund The Lucile and Lynford Lardner Fund for Nursing Advancement The Julie Lathrop Nursing Research Fund The Adam Lemel Endowment Fund The Mary Ann and Deborah Ann Lensby Fund The Robert and Rita Lewenauer Family Fund The David Lewis Memorial Fund The Litwin Family Fund for Children at Risk The S. Bert Litwin Chair in Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery The Timothy J. Mahler Fund for Cardiology The Marcdante Medical Education Fund The Marek/Loper Family Endowment for Esophageal and Tracheal Related Diseases The David A. Margolis Chair in Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant The Marriott Family Fund The Collin, Ethen and Brandi Mathias Fund for Cochlear Implant Program The Alexis Rose Mathison-Szozda (A.R.M.S.) Memorial Fund The Matson Family Fund The McCardle Family Fund The Max McGee Chair in Diabetes Research The Max McGee Endowed Chair for Patient Care in Diabetes The McGeoch Ophthalmology Fund The Meier Family Endowed Fund for Seizure Disorders The Mellowes Family Fund for Pediatric Research The Robert J. and Charlotte Miller Fund for Special Needs Children The Wm. E. and Iris A. Miller Medical Research Fund The Larry and Judy Moon Fund for Palliative Care The Moore Oil Company Foundation The Alnora C. Mosley Fund for Children The Muma Family Chair in Neonatology The Michael P. Mundschau Memorial Fund The Munson Family Fund The Nevins Family Foundation Fund for Children at Risk The Nickolett Family Fund for Childhood Rheumatic Diseases The Joey O’Brien Memorial The Alice Bronn O’Malley Fund to Benefit Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin 2012 Endowed Named Funds The Oldham Pediatric Surgery Endowment Fund The “G” Man Olsen Fund The Osborn Family Endowed Fund for HOT Services Clinic The Oshkosh B’Gosh Fox Valley Charity Care Fund The Jack Palmen Fund The Parenting Newsletter Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Pediatric Faculty Endowment Fund The Pediatric Faculty Research Fund The Harry and Marilyn Pelz Family Fund for HIV Care The Clarence and Vivian Pendleton Fund for Children’s The Michael and Kate Pepke Children’s Health and Social Services Fund The Dr. Archebald R. Pequet Lectureship Fund The Kevin and Sharon Peters Family Heart Fund The Petersen Family Fund for Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin The Dr. J.C. Peterson Fund for Primary Care Education and Research The Jane B. Pettit Chair in Pediatric Pain Management The Pettit Pain Center Fund The Physician Advancement Fund The Physician Community Care Fund The Physicians Fund for Critical Care Advancement The Taylor Lynn Poirier Fund The Larry and Bobbi Polacheck Education Fund The Ed and Betty Pope Fund for Child Protection The T.J. Price Fund for Birth Defects Research The Jack Puelicher Memorial Asthma/Allergy Fund The Radiology Research and Education Fund The Larry and Kathi Rambo Fund for Health Education and Research The Ryan Refinski Immunology Fund The D.B. and Marjorie Reinhart Chair in Rheumatology The Mary Ann and Greg Renz Fund for the Protection of Children The Sheila M. Reynolds and Robert S. Chang Community Services Fund The Maureen Rich Lectureship Fund The Maxwell Z. Richardson Endowment Fund The John and Bobbi Rosenberg Fund for Childhood Cancer The Jay and Tracy Rothman Family Fund for Children The Scott and Peggy Sampson Family Fund The Larrie Sarff, MD Infectious Disease Fund The Katie Sartori Fund for Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant The Jamie, Katie and Kiki Sawasky Fund for Chronically Ill Children The Robert and Bonnie Schaefer Family Fund The Scheffer Family Innovative Treatments in Pediatric Psychiatry Fund The Albert and Shirley Schmidt Fund for Research & Patient Care in Diabetes The Henry Schoelkopf Library Fund The Sophie Schroeder Patient Care Services Chair The Anne Douglas Seaman Fund for Community and Professional Education The Richard Seaman Family Psychotherapy Research Fund The SECURA Fox Valley Children’s Hospital Fund The Selig Family Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Selig Family Marketing Support for Child Abuse Prevention The Shiely Family Fund for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Research The Dr. George Simons Pediatric Orthopedic Fund The William Skurzewski, Jr. Heart/Lung Transplant Fund The Dr. Catherine M. Slota-Varma Family Fund The Rebecca Jean Slye Chair in Oncology The Smallwood Family Fund for Preschool Child Abuse Prevention The Pamela C. Smith - Joy of Children Creativity/Art Education Fund The Daniel M. Soref Endowment Fund for the Support of the Daniel M. Soref Family Resource Center The Dakota Dale Sorenson Memorial Fund for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Research and Support The Spence Family Fund for Rheumatology The Karen Spindler Endowment Fund for Children’s Health Education Center Programs The Norbert J. and Irene E. Spyhalski Endowed Fund for Children The Nicholas A. Stanek Memorial Fund for Dentistry/Oral Surgery The Brian Stark and Debra Altshul-Stark Endowment Fund for Asthma Education and Clinical Care The Stark Family Fund for Child Abuse Prevention The Staunt-Larson Child Protection Program Fund The Bert L. and Patricia S. Steigleder Fellowship The Megan Steinbrenner Pediatric Transplant Program Fund The Kevin and Patricia Van Kampen Health and Social Services Fund The Joseph and Margaret VandenHeuvel Fund for Children The Maurice W. Vandertie and Francis P. Neylon, Jr. Memorial Fund The Van Handel Family Fund for Pediatric Cardiology The Jon E. Vice Chair for Emergency Medicine The Jon and Teri Vice Fund for Asthma and Allergy The Jon E. Vice Children’s Research Fund The Jon and Teri Vice Diabetes Research Fund The Dr. Fred J. Vlazny Humanitarian Fund for Pediatric Anesthesiology The Tony and Joyce Vogel Children’s Health Education Center Fund The Wallace/Ford Endowment Fund Investing in our future The William and Rita (Halbur) Steinhilber Fund The Sol and Rose Steren Cancer Fund The Frank M. Sterner Family Fund for Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services The Frank and Elsa Sterner Neonatology Intensive Care Support Fund The Frank and Elsa Sterner Neonatology Lectureship Fund The Stephen R. Stilling Fund The Delphia M. Stippich Family Fund for Children The Tim and Kay Sullivan Family Fund The Syburg Family Fund for Health Education The Thrun Family Fund The Jeremy Trau Down Syndrome Research & Education Fund The Megan Martha Tritschler/Keyes Fund for Down Syndrome The James S. and Sue Ellen Tweddell Chair for Cardiac Research The Julia and David Uihlein Children’s Pain Fund The Marie Z. Uihlein Chair in Pediatric Surgery The Marie Z. Uihlein Surgical Advancement Fund The Brendan Ward Heart Fund The WARP Fund (Whelan Advanced Research in Photobiomodulation) The Brandon B. Wedig Memorial Fund The Frank J. and Rosella E. Wellert Fund for Behavioral Health The Frank J. and Rosella Wellert Fund for Children with Special Needs The Chester A. and Lillian E. Wells Fund for Diabetes The Cassidy Tiana Weyek Memorial Fund The Sunny and Sandy Williams Fund for Infectious Diseases The Wisconsin Energy Fund for Neurology Services The Nancy Wollenberg Cancer Care Fund The Larry and Juanita Woodard Children’s Health Education Center Fund The Larry and Juanita Woodard Endowment for Arthritis Research The Sidney and Marajen Wynn Craniofacial Fund The Yontz Family Fund for Child Abuse Care The Zalewski Family Fund for Neurology Care The Zore Family Fund for Pediatric Hospice 2012 Guardian Society Anonymous (9) Ms. Gertrude L. Abitz Diane and Michael Abraham Mary and Jeff Albrecht Mrs. Joyce Altman Dr. John and Elizabeth Altstadt Mr. and Mrs. Ward Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Anhalt Diane and Thomas Arenberg William and Marianne Arpe Dr. and Mrs. Fredrick C. Austermann Roger W. and Theresa Barrette Mary Ann Barton Adam R. Bauman Jean I. and Dennis H. *Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Curt Bawden Frieda R. Baxter Darcia D. Behrens Donald and Jean Beier Mr. and Mrs. B. Alan Bendtsen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Berens Richard and Gloria Bergman Ms. Barbara A. Bombaci Ms. Dianne E. Bridges Robert M. Brown Dan and Karen Buehrle Todd J. and Deborah J. Busniewski Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buss Jane A Chevako, MD Louis and Alissa Clark Dr. Roger D. and Sue P. Cohen Gerald E. and Elizabeth H. Connolly Ms. Patricia Costello Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Crow Gloster B. Current Ms. Sandy Czosnek Mr. Robert W. Dambruch Merry Damrow Dr. and Mrs. Larry B. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Kelly L. Diestler Mr. Paul A. Donnelly Mr. and Mrs. David J. Drury Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Edler James M. Eisenman Thomas and Susan Ela Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fox Dr. Bill and Mrs. Pat Gallen Ms. Suzanne Garr Lora L. Gatzke Tom and Nancy Gazzana Laura Gille and John Howman Mrs. Ruth S. Gresham Lois C. Gresl Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Grigg, Jr. Mr. Barry A. Gruber Mr. and Mrs. David P. Hamacher Suzanne C. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Leesley B. Hardy Ms. Nikki A. Hauck Mrs. Dorothy A. Heale Ms. Marjorie F. Healy Donald H. and Julie Heeg Chad Hershner and Jeffrey Amstutz Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hirt Dr. and Mrs. Ralph F. Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. James Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Jensen Mrs. Florence M. Jungen Dr. Mary K. Kachoyeanos Rosalie and Gerald* Kahn Ms. Jeanine M. Kissinger Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Kliegman Carol A. Kling Mr. and Mrs. Joel R. Klink Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Kohn Audrey J. Komarek Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Kraig Mr. Bernard S. Kubale Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lach Donna M. Laird Ms. Rochelle Lamm Rev. Leo R. Lessard Nancy A. Lindenberg and Family Mrs. Ruthann Lubahn John M. Lutz Donald R. Maciejewski Mrs. Arlene S. Mann Dr. Karen J. and Mr. Anthony J. Marcdante Marion H. Martin Mrs. Mary McCann John D. and Judy McGourthy Selma Mechanic Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Meiers Mr. and Mrs. Larry T. Mercier Mr. Daniel M. Micha Deanna ana Keith* Miller Sheryl and Jim Miller Wm. E. and Iris A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Leigh E. Morris Mrs. Peggy S. Morse Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Mueller Ms. Susan E. Mueller Mr. and Mrs. William Muir Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. Muma M. Lucille Neff Mr. Edward Neuwirth Patricia Obletz Mr. Alan Ochalek Mr. John Ogden, Sr. Ms. Donna M. Palkowski Mrs. Charles W. Parker, Jr. Mr. Mark T. Peddecord Ms. Julie J. Pedretti Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pelz Mary Beth and Holger Petersen Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Phillips Judy A. Pocan Mark S. and Mary Catherine* Poker Dr. Larry and Bobbi Polacheck Bruce and Karen Polzin Kathi and Larry Rambo Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Rand Mr. Michael J. Reiter Margaret Rendall Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Renz Ms. Angela M. Rester David and Ruth Rex John and Sue Robinson Mrs. Janice W. Rom Mr. and Mrs. DuWayne Romenesko Mrs. Kelly W. Sachse Dr. Carol Lee Saffioti-Hughes Paul B. and Jennifer L. Sahy Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Sampson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Sarver Dick and Fritzie Sawasky Stephen and Faye* Scheil Mr. Harold E. Schiferl Ms. Virginia Schiferl Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Schmidt Jean and Earl* Schmit Carlile L. and Richard M. Schneider Carrie and Kory Schneider Mr. and Mrs. James W. Schroeder Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schulte Roger A. and Audrey H. Schultz Mr. Bill Semonin Dan Sherman Joyce M. Shiels Mark and Jennifer Shiller Mark and Gessa Ship Andrea Shrednick Davajan Mr. and Mrs. Morton Sipress Jim and Shirley Skarda Mrs. Louise A. Stack Mr. David J. Stanosz David and Paula Strelitz Mr. and Mrs. Steven Struensee Paul and Lisa Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Timberlake Christine A. Tischer Mr. and Mrs. Nelson A. Toner Ron and Peggy Troy Margaret and Joe* VandenHeuvel Jeffry D. and Elizabeth A. Veenhuis Mr. and Mrs. Jon E. Vice Richard and Marilyn Vitek Ms. Pamela R. Vogt Ms. Judy Wagner Brian Warnecke Dr. Steven and Mrs. Kristen Weisman Ronald K. Wells, MD and Agnes A. Wells Ms. Patricia D. Westphal Mr. and Mrs. Edwin P. Wiley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilkiewicz Kenneth and Carolyn Zacharias Glenn Zellmer Nick and Jodi Zerillo Thomas and Jennifer Zoeller Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Zore Mary-Jo Zore *Deceased 2012 Estate Gifts Andrew F. and Edith M. Bell Perpetual Trust Lieselott Buettner Harry L. and Marion L. Cook Marian M. Corby Helen M. Cudahy Trust Margaret Gotz Endowment Fund Suzanne K. Hutchinson Helen Way Klingler Charitable Foundation Ruth C. Kuehne William J. and Mary Lofy Lawrence F. Marty Charitable Trust Vivian A. Pendleton Louise DeCasseres Mayer Salinsky Isabel Schendel - Robert and Josephine Pieper Trust Irene E. Spyhalski Thomas F. and Mary G. Tobin Jack and Ann Valkenier Trust Rosella E. Wellert 2012 Corporation, Organization and Foundation Gifts $1,000,000 and Above MACC Fund Stark Hospital Foundation, Inc. $500,000 - $999,999.99 Walmart Stores, Inc. $250,000 - $499,999.99 Ladish Company Foundation Speedway $100,000 - $249,999.99 WHG Applebee’s Briggs & Stratton Corporation Foundation Community Foundation for the Fox Valley Region, Inc. Robert and Andrea Bauman Family Fund The Business Bank Robert and Natalie Gehringer Family Fund Jewelers Mutual Charitable Giving Fund John J. and Ethel D. Keller Fund Les and Dar Stumpf Family Fund Tom and Andrea Tatlock Charitable Fund Myra M. & Robert L. Vandehey Foundation, Ltd. The CUNA Mutual Group Foundation Dairy Queen of Wisconsin Greater Milwaukee Foundation Frank Rogers Bacon Fund George and Margaret Barrock Fund Marge and Fred Brossmann Fund Del Chambers Fund Susan J. Cornwell Fund Cottrell Balding Fund Patrick Cudahy Fund Dyar Fund Endowment for Children Fund JayKay Foundation Fund Jorgensen Family Fund Kopmeier Family Fund Luedke-Smith Fund Luty Fund Make-a-Difference Fund The Marek Foundation Jeannette McKelvey Fund Keith and Dee Miller Designated Fund Moore Oil Company Foundation Fund Rodney F. Park and Betty Park Family Fund W. Robert Read Fund Caroline and Jay Robertson Cultural and Humanitarian Fund Roller Family Fund David C. Scott Foundation Fund Bessie A. and Harold M. Stratton Fund Marilyn and Dr. Richard K. Vitek Medical Research Fund William H. Wasweyler Fund Richard and Barbara Weiss Fund Greenheck Fan Corporation Hyundai Motor America Johnson Controls Foundation Welfare Auxiliary of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin $50,000 - $99,999.99 Abbott Fund Costco Wholesale Einhorn Family Foundation, Inc. EMTEQ Aerospace, Inc. KBS Construction, Inc. Nestle Pizza Division Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority $25,000 - $49,999.99 Anonymous The Boldt Company Caterpillar Global Mining LLC CDW Corp. Costco Wholesale Fabco Equipment, Inc. Jewish Community Foundation Anonymous Anon Charitable Trust Beatrice & David Harkavy Donor Advised Fund Henry & Joan Kerns Donor Advised Fund Reuben Kritzik Family Donor Advised Fund Dr. Ronald and Fran Meyers Philanthropic Fund Peretz and Luba Pelman Donor Advised Fund Dr. Larry & Roberta Polacheck Donor Advised Fund Sinykin Family Donor Advised Fund Diana & Kenneth Stein Donor Advised Fund Landmark Credit Union MillerCoors LLC Milwaukee Admirals LLC Needlers Foundation Potawatomi Bingo Casino RE/MAX Realty 100 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Eastern Wisconsin, Inc. Ruddie Memorial Youth Foundation SECURA Insurance Sensient Technologies Corporation Waukesha County Community Foundation InPro Corporation Women and Girls Fund of Waukesha County Wisconsin Energy Foundation $10,000 - $24,999.99 Anonymous A.O. Smith Foundation, Inc. Accunet Mortgage Ace Hardware Store American Transmission Co. LLC Associated Bank, N.A. Marjorie Siebert Aylen Foundation The Helen Bader Foundation Baylake Bank BMO Harris Bank The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc. - Boston Store Bubricks Complete Office Chico’s FAS, Inc. Community First Credit Union CO-OP Financial Services Direct Supply, Inc. Educators Credit Union Epic Systems Corporation ESA Foundation Faith Technologies Fiduciary Management, Inc. of Milwaukee Fiserv, Inc. Fox Cities Chapter of Credit Unions Glenroy, Inc. & Everproducts Heartland Credit Union Humana, Inc. International House of Pancakes Johnson Controls, Inc. JRS Holdings Inc. Just a Little Faith Foundation J. J. Keller & Associates Inc. Koeppen-Gerlach Foundation, Inc. Louie’s Last Regatta, Inc. Major League Baseball Office of the Commissioner Beaux Mettler Foundation National Insurance Services of Wisconsin Pieper Electric, Inc. Pioneer Credit Union Quad/Graphics, Inc. RE/MAX Realty Center Safe Kids Worldwide Safway Services, LLC Shipbuilders Credit Union Sigma Chi Fraternity-Alpha Lambda Chapter South Central Chapter of Credit Unions Team Spine Tricom Funding W Girls Milwaukee Wells Fargo $5,000 - $9,999.99 Associated Banc-Corp Badger Plug Company Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP Bergstrom Automotive BioMarin Bradford Senior High School Brewers Community Foundation Brookfield Buick GMC / Arrow Hyundai Bunell & Associates Bunzel’s Meat Market The CarMax Foundation CB Richard Ellis, Inc. The Chartis Group Children’s Tumor Foundation Clasen Quality Coatings Contract Converting, LLC Corporate Central Credit Union Credit Unions for Kids Crystal Print Foundation Dairy Cares of Wisconsin, Inc. Enterprise Holdings Foundation ERMED SC GE Foundation Godfrey & Kahn, S.C. The Grainger Foundation Great Clips, Inc Great Lakes Quick Lube Daniel & Laura Gruber Charitable Lead Trust 1 Mia Hamm Foundation Heartland Advisors, Inc. Herd-Barber Charitable Fund HFM Packaging, Ltd. Horizon Community Credit Union Howards Grove High School Independent Pharmacy Cooperative Industrial Towel & Uniform Stella H. Jones Foundation Kundinger Fluid Power, Inc. Leff’s Lucky Town The Miss America Organization Nicholas Industries, Inc. Our Hope of Burlington, Inc. Pentair Technical Products Perkins Restaurant PNC Wealth Management PS Capital Partners, LLC RE/MAX 1st Realty RE/MAX Preferred RE/MAX Shambeau & Lyons Realtors Association of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc. Rockwell Automation 2012 Corporation, Organization and Foundation Gifts Roehl Foundation, Inc. Runzheimer International Sargento Foods, Inc. SCA Tissue North America LLC Dr. Scholl Foundation Service Club of Milwaukee, Inc. Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Southwest Airlines Superior Diesel Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Triple Crown Inc. U. S. Auto Force United Liquid Waste Recycling, Inc. United Stationers Charitable Trust WaterStone Bank Kelly Weil - Zink the Zebra Fund Wells Capitol Management Werner Electric Supply Co. WEYCO Group, Inc. WHR Group, Inc. Wisconsin Timber Rattlers WSSP AM 1250 Toy Drive $2,500 - $4,999.99 Abbott Fund Matching Grant Plan Active Network ADM Cocoa Albany Chicago Company Alliance Insurance Centers, LLC. AnnMarie Foundation, Inc. Appleton Area School District Assurant Health Foundation Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated Bay Shore Credit Union Catholic Financial Life Championship Auto Racing Auxiliary Cheese Wheel, Inc. Corporate Design Interiors LLC DentaQuest EZCorp Fabel Truck & Trailer Repair FairWinds Partners Family Connections in Portage County, Inc. Federated Adjustment Company Festival Foods First American Credit Union First Congregational Church United Church of Christ FIS Foundation, Inc. Foth Golden Corral Greater Green Bay Community Foundation Inc. Joseph A. and Cheryl A. Hoida Family Fund Randall and Julie Van Straten Family Foundation Fund Gunderson Uniform & Linen Rental Hydrite Chemical Company Illinois Tool Works Foundation Imagery Homes International House Of Pancakes Kalmbach Publishing Company Kapco, Inc. Kiwanis Kohler Credit Union KS Energy Services Inc. Lake States Women in Timber, Inc. Liberty Mutual “Give with Liberty” Campaign Lone Star Steakhouse #3801 Love’s Travel Stop and Country Store Madison Community Foundation Magellan Corporation Magneto Power Marriott International Marsh Electronics Inc. Master Lock Company McLane Company Inc. Medline Industries, Inc. Michigan Sporting Goods Distributors Milwaukee Wave of Hope Mortenson Construction NEW Credit Union Park Bank Prime Financial Credit Union QPS Employment Race Day Events LLC RE/MAX Newport Realty Group RE/MAX North Central RE/MAX 1st Advantage RE/MAX 24/7 Real Estate RE/MAX Elite RE/MAX Heritage Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. Roots Salon Roundy’s Supermarkets, Inc. Sara Lee Foundation Sargento Employee’s Care About People SII Investments, Inc. Spacelabs Medical Standard Process, Inc. Stan’s Fit For Your Feet ThedaCare, Inc. Thrivent Gift Multiplier Program U.S. Bancorp Foundation UnitedOne Credit Union Vic Ferrari Enterprises, Inc. von Briesen & Roper, S.C. Winnebago Chapter - Credit Unions Wisconsin Credit Union League WPS Health Insurance Xanitos Xerox Corporation - Brookfield Xerox Corporation - Milwaukee $1,000 - $2,499.99 Anonymous (4) Affiliated Engineers, Inc. Affinity Health System Alta Resources American Paper Converters Anchor Bank Appleton North High School AptarGroup Charitable Foundation AseraCare Hospice Associated Bank - Grand Chute Atcam, Inc. Badger Globe Credit Union Badger Mining Corporation Bassett Mechanical Bay Tek Games, Inc. Bertrams Ledgeland Dairy LLC Bill’s Auto Repair Blackhawk Community Credit Union The Bon-Ton Stores Foundation The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Brady Corporation Brian Guerin Agency Incorporated Burleigh Elementary School Calderone Club Camera Corner Capital Group Companies Carmike Cinemas Cho’s Martial Arts School Christ King Congregation Citizens Community Federal Combined Federal Campaign Cooper Bussman Cousins Submarines, Inc. Creative Group, Inc. CO-OP Financial Services Dean Foods Company Dodge Central Credit Union Dudley & Constance Godfrey Foundation, Inc. Dura-Fibre, LLC Eaton Corporation Electroline Data Communications, Inc. Felss Rotaform, LLC Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. Fort Community CU Fougera Pharmaceuticals Inc. Fox Communities Credit Union Fox Valley Mothers of Multiples Fox Valley Technical College Fraternal Order of Eagles #453 Green Bay Packers, Inc. Halron Lubricants Inc. Hamilton Automation LLC Harry H. Long Moving Storage & Express, Inc. Highview Custom Fabricating, Inc. Horicon Rod and Gun Club, Inc. IBM Matching Grants Program Infant Welfare Circle of King’s Daughters InSinkErator Jack Safro Ford Johnson Creek Enterprises Karate America Antoinette A. and Matthew Keenan Endowment Fund Kenosha Community Foundation Keyes Charitable Trust Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Inc. Gustav & Gladys Kindt Foundation King Juice Company, Inc. Kohler Company M.J. Manufacturing, Inc. MacArthur Elementary School Manheim Milwaukee Marcus Corporation Foundation Marcus Hotels and Resorts Marlo of Racine Matthews Tire & Auto McCarty Law, LLP The McClone Insurance Group McMahon Associates, Inc. Menasha Corporation Midwest Scale Drag Racing Association Milwaukee Area Parrothead Association Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club Milwaukee Mack Sales Inc Modern Woodmen The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation Motorola Foundation New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. Noon Exchange Club of Eau Claire North Shore Bank, FSB North Shore Congregational Church Northern Paper Mills Credit Union O’Donoghues Irish Pub Original Memories Car Club Inc. Overhead Solutions Panda Restaurant Group PCM Employees Credit Union Pfefferle Companies, Inc. Phil’s Pumping & Fab, Inc. Pinnacle Machine Pitney Bowes Inc Plennes, Inc 2012 Corporation, Organization and Foundation Gifts Plexus Electronic Assembly - Employees Plymouth Foam Incorporated Premier Financial Credit Union Principal Financial Group Foundation, Inc. Quality Transportation Services, Inc. Quarles & Brady LLP R.L. Ryerson Co Inc Racine Firefighter Charities, Inc. RE/MAX Lakeside RE/MAX Grand RE/MAX On The Water RE/MAX Premier Properties RE/MAX Select Realtors, LLC RE/MAX United Real Estate RE/MAX Universal Realty RedPrairie Corporation Regency Builders, Inc. Reilly, Penner & Benton LLP Roadrunner Motorcycle Club Rural Insurance Co Ryan’s Auto Care Inc. Saint Gobain Containers Schenck Business Solutions Schnoll Investments, LLC Sheboygan Area Credit Union Sidetracked Bar & Grill, LLC Sigma Chi Fraternity Soldiers for Sick Kids-Nicholas Muench St. Mary’s/Dean Ventures Inc. Strategies, LTD Summit Credit Union The U.S. Bank Private Client Reserve The Village at Manor Park Health Center Inc. Thunder Kiss WMC Tim O’Brien Homes, Inc. Time Warner Cable TMS LLC Town Bank Toymakers Auxiliary of Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Trouble Shooters Car Club U.S. Bank Ubisoft United Healthcare of Wisconsin, Inc. United Paper Corporation United Rentals UnitedOne Credit Union USW Local 2-0945 Verus Investment Advisory Group, Inc. Vilter Foundation, Inc. Waverly Beach West Bend East High Scool Western States Envelope Co Wheeled Coach Industries, Inc. Williams Bay Public School Wisconsin Club Wisconsin Insulation Advancement Fund, Inc. Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation The Woodlands of Fond du Lac LLC Woodward Communications Incorporated WSGNA Wuethrich Foundation 2012 Events 4th Annual Sprecher Volleyball Tourney 6th Annual WSSP Golf Event 6th Annual WSSP Toy Drive Audrey Hohenwalter Benefit Aviya’s Quilts for Kids Badger Mining Corporation Baird Bay Tek Games, Inc. Baylake Bank Sales & Service Bids for Kids Bobcats Brendan Ward Heart Benefit Brielle Birr Birthday Briggs & Al’s Run & Walk for Children’s Hospital Buck Bradley Golf Outing Cans for Kids Celebrity Golf Invitational Chad’s 40th Birthday Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Tee-Up for Kids Country Kids Creative Group Cuts for a Cause Dakota Lain’s Walk Dani-Brie Open Dave & Carole Miracle Marathon Dave’s Musky Club Derby Days Desert R.A.T.S. Donation East Town Pub Dart Tournament Eau Claire Golf Outing EMTEQ Golf outing Ethan Fromm Fundraiser Evening of Elegance Faith Technologies Golf Outing Family Fest Family Night at Roger’s Cinema FIS Golf Outing Fore! The Kids Charity Golf Event Foster Care Run and Walk Fox Valley Mothers of Multiples Fox Valley Motorcycle Show Fraternal Order of Eagles FVTC-Electrical Apprenticeship Garden Party - Stevens Point Golf Outing Greater Gank Open Green Bay Reception Halloween Party - Fox Valley Herma Heart Center Picnic Howards Grove High School Pause for a Cause IPC Goft Outing Jason Hosmer Memorial Golf Outing Joey O’Brien Memorial Golf Outing Joyride Spin Studio Just a Little Faith Foundation Golf Outing Karate America Kicks for Kids Kimberly-Clark IT Golf Classic Kohler Walk Kohl’s Volunteers Lakeshore Weekend Manitowoc Lakeshore Weekend Sheboygan Logan Memorial Golf Louie’s 14th Last Regatta Lynn & Tony’s Anniversary Poker Run MAGGIE’smile Marshfield Wine Tasting Marsh Electronics Golf Outing Menasha Packaging Michael Kaldin Miracle Miles Natania’s Night Newton Annual Bowling Fundraiser Nine Pin Tap Scratch Tournament Northport Snowriders Valentine Dance O’Harrow Corn Roast Ostrom Garden Party Our Hope of Burlington Outagamie County Denim Day Pinstripe Legends at the World of Wheels Plexus-Electronic Porktoberfest Push, Pull or Pedal Race for Miracles RANW Timber Rattler Fundraiser Rebecca Marie Kuzel Heart Fund Golf Event Regency Parade of Homes Rooterpalooza Ruel Christmas Ryan Carlson Memorial Shoot Ryan’s Game Ryan’s Show SII Investments Jeans Days Skate with Heart Smelt Fry Spirit Halloween St. Mary’s Walk-a-thon Steven Schroeder Golf Stevens Point Garden Party Sugar Plum Luncheon Thunder Kiss WMC Charity Ride Tri-ing for Children’s Ty Markiewicz Benefit University School Field Hockey Vicky’s Cut-A-Thon Volunteer Grant Wallace Birthday Party Water Fun & Sun Poker Run West Bend East High School WFCA All-Star Charity Football Game Wisconsin Coon Hunters Association Wisconsin Timber Rattlers Wings of Angels Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin Foundation Board of Directors Board of Directors David J. Drury, chair Peter M. Sommerhauser, vice chair Peggy Troy, chief executive officer William J. Abraham Jr. Michael W. Altschaefl Thomas M. Bolger Elizabeth Brenner Curt S. Culver Beth Daley-Ullem Rainer G. Gedeit, MD David H. Gilbert Marc H. Gorelick, MD Mark R. Hogan Paul W. Jones Joseph E. Kerschner, MD, FAC Robert Lane, MD Kevin Mansell Linda T. Mellowes C. David Myers Keith T. Oldham, MD Albert S. Orr III Michael T. Pepke J. Joel Quadracci Jay O. Rothman John E. Schlifske Owen J. Sullivan Paul W. Sweeney Phoebe W. Williams Mark C. Witt Jay Rothman, chair Thomas E. Arenberg, vice chair Peggy Troy, chief executive officer Jason W. Allen Thomas E. Arenberg Kelly J. Cleary-Rebholz Mitch Cox Gloster B. Current Marc H. Gorelick, MD Scott R. Haag Jacqueline D. Herd-Barber Mary M. Hosmer Christopher Kaltenbach Ted D. Kellner Bernard S. Kubale Karim J. MacLeod Kim M. Marotta John S. McGregor John M. Noel Larry J. Polacheck, MD Todd M. Reardon Greg W. Renz Mary Ann Renz Jay O. Rothman John S. Shiely Thelma A. Sias Mary Ellen B. Stanek, CFA John W. Steiner Curt B. Trau James S. Tweddell, MD Les J. Weil Teddy Werner
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