06.2013 Hoglog_rev 0.3 - Orange Coast Harley Owners Group


06.2013 Hoglog_rev 0.3 - Orange Coast Harley Owners Group
June 2013
Member of the Month Photo
Full Page
Members of the Month
Dave & Regina Moore
JUNE 2013 ❖ 1
Dave & Regina Moore
June 2013 Issue
Members of the Month . . . . .
Julian Ride
. . . . . . . . . .
Lake Arrowhead Ride . . . . . .
Full Moon Dinner Ride . . . . .
On Waving . . . . . . . . . . .
Director’s Message . . . . . . .
Assistant Director’s Message . .
Secretary’s Report . . . . . . .
Welcome to Our New Members
Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sales Ads . . . . . . . . . . . .
Member to Member Ads . . . .
Ride Calendar . . . . . . . . .
Chapter Officers . . . . . . . . .
OCHD News . . . . . . . . . .
IWAR Save the Date . . . . . .
2013 California H.O.G. Rally . .
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Members of the Month
Name: Dave & Regina Moore.
Where do you live? Mission Viejo.
What do you do for a living? I am
semi-retired and a skipper on
charter sailboats out of Dana Point.
How long have you been riding
motorcycles? Since 1966. I took a
sabbatical in the 90’s, but I am
certainly back in the saddle now.
How long have you been riding a
Harley? I would ride my brother-inlaw’s Harley when back in Chicago
once a year. My bike ... almost one
How long have you been a member
of OC H.O.G.? About one year.
What is your current Harley? I
bought a 2012 Dyna Wide Glide last
year from OCHD.
and to say happy birthday. After that
greeting the rental manager handed
me a set of keys for a Heritage
Softail for the weekend. My brothersin-law had their bikes in the back
along with a high school buddy. We
road for two days and had a blast.
The wife hit a home run on that day.
Which rides would you like to do in
the coming year? Probably up the
Is there anything else you would like
to share? My wife Regina and I are
enjoying the chapter and the rides.
We have been a member just short
of a year now and have done a
number of the day rides. Still getting
used to the Wide Glide and the
raked front end on the twisties. We
are looking forward to more rides
and fun times. ✤
Annual mileage? ~8000.
What kind of riding do you most like
to do? I enjoy riding in the country
with few cars and not breaking the
sound barrier.
What are your favorite rides? I enjoy
the rides with the chapter because it
is so organized and I don’t get lost,
or temporarily misplaced.
What is your most memorable
riding experience on a Harley? My
wife surprised me my last birthday
with a trip back to Chicago to visit
with family and friends. I wanted to
stop at Chitown Harley to check out
Harley's. When we walked in, there
were twenty people waiting for me
JUNE 2013 ❖ 2
Julian Ride
by Kathi Somers
June 1, 2013
It was a nice overcast morning that
promised to turn into a lovely
sunny day. There were forty-seven
bikes that assembled at It's a
Grind to start our trek.
The first leg of the trip was all
freeway riding, from the 91 East to
the 15 South, then onto the 79
South. Our first gas stop was at
the Shell station in Temecula. As
we were leaving the stop, the
majority of the group made the
light and about seven of us didn't.
Linda Slajer moved up to the front
and led our small group the rest of
the way into Julian, along the 79
and then onto Julian Road. We
only had one U-turn, so it worked
out well. Our little group got to
Julian almost a half-hour behind
the rest of the chapter, mostly due
to getting stuck behind long traffic
lights at the Shell station before
we could even really get on the
road. Sure was good to have road
captains to take care of us.
We had a nice lunch in the sleepy
little town sitting on a patio with a
gentle breeze blowing through to
cool us off. One of the great things
about being an OC HOG member is
all the friends you make along the
way. Three of us couples decided
to stay a little longer in Julian and
do some shopping and get some
apple pie and ice cream. After all,
you can’t come to Julian without
having some of that famous Julian
apple pie! So we let the road
captains know we were staying
behind, took photos as the rest of
the group rode away, and went off
to explore Julian. ✤
JUNE 2013 ❖ 3
Lake Arrowhead Ride
by Rob Justus
photos by Wesley Somers
June 8, 2013
The Lake Arrowhead ride is one of the
“don’t-miss” rides on the OCHOG
annual ride calendar. It’s always a
great route and great destination and
so it is not surprising we get lots of
members to come out for the ride. The
route today was in many respects the
inverse of prior OCHOG Lake
Arrowhead routes. Instead of coming
up the mountain via Hwy 330 and
returning westbound past Lake
Gregory and Silverwood Lake, this
time we approached Lake Arrowhead
from the west and came down the hill
on 330. This may not sound so
noteworthy, but what it did was put all
those tight 10 mph twisties along Hwy
138 that can be a tad vexing downhill,
instead now uphill. We were therefore
able to challenge them a little more
aggressively with a lot less braking.
And the ride around the lake gives us
nice views as a prelude to lunch.
Thirty-two bikes showed up today at
It’s a Grind for a prompt 8:30 am
departure. It proved to be cooler at
the start in Anaheim than higher up
on the mountain. The coolness was
attributed to the normal June marine
layer through which we rode along the
91 and right up to Norco on I-15.
Shortly after crossing the Santa Ana
riverbed we broke out of the gloom
into bright sun and a nearly
instantaneous gain of ten degrees in
air temperature. And it just got warmer
from there as the ride progressed
despite a steady uphill climb to
elevations in the neighborhood of
6000 ft after the first gas stop.
The twisties up the mountain along
Hwy 138 are in places steep, sharp,
first-gear turns. We enjoyed a dozen
miles of steady climb gaining 5000 ft
of elevation along the way. The road
sweeps above and around Silverwood
Lake, comes to the town of Crestline,
passes Lake Gregory at a beach with
the road nearly at the level of the lake
before climbing more up to Hwy 18,
the main thoroughfare along the ridge
which links Arrowhead and Big Bear.
The road is called “Rim of the World”
here as it affords spectacular views of
the Inland Empire, Orange County, and
even the ocean — on clear days, that is.
On days like this, despite the sapphire
blue sky at the mountain, a pall of
smog hung down low obscuring all
distant views except nearby peaks
which happened to poke through the
brownish-gray crap. Oh well, at least
the views of the pines and the lake
were gorgeous.
woodies and other vintage cars on
display around the village and in slips
near the shore. This attracted tons of
people to mill about taking up scarce
parking. But over the years, those
experienced with this ride and the
parking situation know all the secret
nooks and crannies where to park
bikes, so in short order we all
scattered to favorite Village
restaurants and lunch.
There was not much to report about
the return trip down the mountain.
We came back out to Hwy 18, rode
about seven or so miles east toward
Big Bear, picked up Hwy 330
southbound and pretty much flew all
the way down unobstructed by any
car all the way to the final fuel stop at
Highland. From there, it was all
freeways back and a relatively early
return home slightly after 2:00 pm. ✤
Ah, yes, the lake! We came up on Lake
Arrowhead on its north shore, circled
clockwise to the south shore, and
finally came
around to the
road down to
Arrowhead Village.
There was an
unusual amount
of people activity
going on at the
Village and at the
shoreline. It turns
out there was
some convention
of classic woodenWhither now? “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I —
hulled powerboat
I took the one less travelled by,
restorers along
And that has made all the difference.” — Frost
with a bunch of
JUNE 2013 ❖ 4
Full Moon Dinner Ride
Taco Rosa, Newport Beach
by Stacey Leifheit
June 12, 2013
It was the eve of June 12th, 2013,
a beautiful spring evening, O.C.
HOG Chapter’s first moonlight ride
of the year.
Departed from Orange County
Harley Davidson….We got our
motors running, headed out to the
highways, look’n for adventure, for
whatever comes our way………to an
unknown destination……we follow
our fearless road captains as they
take us on a mystery tour of the
roads that lay ahead of us.
Our ride starts off with short jaunt
on the 405 freeway and then off
to some back roads that take us
through South Irvine and towards
the coast of Newport Beach…..as
we pull into a parking lot…alas,
our destination….Taco Rosa for
some great Mexican food and
beverages. Thank you Taco Rosa
for the complimentary appetizers,
great food and wonderful service!
Happy faces, full tummies, and
camaraderie made for a
wonderful moonlight ride.
Special thanks to Ray Malzo,
owner of O.C. Harley Davidson, for
picking up the tab…a very special
treat! ✤
JUNE 2013 ❖ 5
The Art of the Motorcycle Wave
by The Editor
The basic motorcycle wave is arm
extended down, one or two fingers
spread. A number of variations exist,
including hand down with all fingers
extended, hand outstretched from the
shoulder, and hand on grip with two
fingers spread. The latter seems to be
solely within the province of the crotch
rocket guy who, in his forward riding
posture, can’t be expected to do
anything else. Other less common forms
of the wave include:
• Howdy Doody wave — geek.
• Queen Elizabeth wave — you know
what I mean: hand slowly rotating at
the wrist in the same fashion as the
monarch of England might whilst
reviewing her loyal subjects. That rider
has his head stuck up his arse.
Probably rides a Goldwing.
• Cupped hand wave — If you are on the
receiving end of a peculiar type of
wave where the waver’s hand is
cupped, then you either (1) were just
passed by the Saudi HOG and you are
a camel, or (2) just passed by one of a
particular subset of OCHOG riders,
and you are a well-endowed female.
• Hand tapping helmet wave — cop
ahead, and you are about to get a
ticket because — too late — you’re on
his radar.
Only if Waved to First
We passed a guy on a Can-Am recently
and, of course, no one returned his
wave. That non-act got me thinking
about the philosophy of the wave. I am
sure it is true that in 1903 when HarleyDavidson put its first motorcycle on the
road, as soon as the owner of the first
encountered the owner of second, they
waved to each other. And so we have in
this 110th anniversary year of Harleys a
110 year history of riders waving to each
other. What is it about bikes that
compels its owners to wave [or not] to
one another on the road?
If you pass a Harley and wave, and the
wave is not returned, only one of the
following three reasons exist for that
happening: (1) his left hand is on the
clutch; or (2) he is a 1%’er; or (3) his left
arm is broken.
if you pass any other kind of bike and
the wave is not returned, then one or the
other [or both] is true about the guy you
just passed: he’s one of these phony
elitist types who think metric bikes are
better than Harleys and, “why should I
wave to a Harley?”; or it’s one of these
guys on a multi-sport BMW with the steel
saddle bags, the blacked out full helmet,
full-on matched cordura riding gear,
$400 Dainese boots, and he’s got some
arrogant Teutonic view of the world
where, “I wave to no one.”
That said, a surprising number of crotch
rocket guys wave. I think the ones that
do are the guys that appreciate the
sport of motorcycling and its participants
for what they are, and it doesn’t matter
what you ride. More people should think
like this. I mean counter-steering is
counter-steering, regardless of the bike.
There are certain non-wave situations —
times and places where you are under
no obligation to wave, or it would
otherwise be ill-advised to do so:
• MC.
• Cop. Especially not a cop. Weren’t
you embarrassed the first time you
dropped your hand down on an
approaching BMW 1200 RT only to
discover it was a CHP?
• Inside a 100-mile radius of Sturgis
on rally week.
• Kid on a street-legal dirt bike.
• Anyone on a Vespa.
On Waving
Finally, if you find that no matter how
often you wave at any kind of bike and
no one ever returns your wave, you are
riding a Can-Am [see figure 1].
So there you have it. Everything you ever
wanted to know about the art of the
motorcycle wave. Next time you’re
out there and a guy waves or doesn’t,
now you know why. ✤
Figure 1: When to Wave
JUNE 2013 ❖ 6
Director’s Message
Kim Kohlenberger
Our membership
continues to
grow with twentyfive percent of
our total
membership being brand new
members. To those of you who are our
more seasoned members reading this
article, please indulge me as I will be
talking about navigating our ride
calendar and what you need to know
prior to coming on one of our chapter
As a new member, you should always
have a copy of the most recent ride
calendar so you don’t miss any of our
rides or events. You can pick up a
copy at our sponsoring dealership,
Orange County Harley-Davidson, and
you can also find it on our website
under the heading “Event Calendar.”
The ride calendar will provide you the
current month and next three months
of upcoming rides and events.
On each ride you will see an O, C, M,
or I code. This notation lets you know
who is allowed to attend the ride. With
the exception of the “I”, these codes
were created by National H.O.G. and
are listed in the annual charter for
H.O.G. chapters. An “O” means this is
an open event. Open events are open
to everyone on any type of motorcycle.
An example would be the Injured
Warrior Appreciation Run. When the
chapter hosts a ride with an “O” code,
National H.O.G. requirements state
the chapter must purchase additional
insurance for the event and all riders/
passengers must sign a release form.
The “C” is a closed ride/event. Closed
rides/events are for chapter members
plus one guest per member either
riding as a passenger or riding their
own Harley-Davidson motorcycle. All
guests on closed rides must sign a
release form. The “M” is for Orange
Coast chapter members only plus one
guest riding as a passenger on the
member’s bike. The passenger must
sign a release form. Finally, the “I” is
information only and designates that
there is a ride available in which you
may be interested.
The time noted on the calendar for
our rides is the departure time. We
hold a five to ten-minute ride briefing
prior to departure to discuss rider
safety, hand signals, and anything
else pertinent that will allow the ride
to run as smoothly as possible. We
ask those going on the ride to arrive at
the meeting location thirty minutes
prior to departure. This allows us time
for a bike count so that we can insert
road captains evenly throughout the
train of bikes. We have a variety of
meeting locations listed on the ride
calendar; you can find directions on
the bottom of the ride calendar. The
same meeting locations can be found
on our website, and will give you
detailed directions to navigate to
these locations.
For information regarding the
diamond rating system, I ask you to
refer to our February 2013 edition of
the HOG LOG. Steve wrote an
exceptional article explaining the
details of the different ride ratings.
Finally, we ask that you show up for
rides with a full tank and an empty
bladder! See you on the road.
Happy Trails!
— Kimmie
Assistant Director’s Message
Steve Burke
With spring
winding down
and summer just
around the
corner, charity
rides are happening all over Southern
California. I’ve had the opportunity to
attend a few of them. I enjoy going to
non-chapter events for a number of
reasons; whether it’s to help a friend
or for a cause that is important to me,
it’s always a fun day and fulfilling to
do your part to help others. I also
enjoy seeing which OCHOG members
show up. I can’t help but notice that
the majority of OCHOG members in
attendance have donated their time
by volunteering to help the ride
organizers. From the smile on the face
and the warm embrace, to the extra
effort to get there early and stay late,
to the professional manner in which
they have conducted themselves while
wearing our chapter colors, it makes
me proud to be an OCHOG Member.
Although participating in non-chapter
charity rides can be rewarding, I can’t
help but notice that in certain aspects
they have not been as well organized
or, more importantly, as safety
conscious as the rides and events
that OCHOG has planned and
executed in the past. It makes me
appreciate the knowledge, planning
and effort our chapter puts into the
every ride, fund raiser or charity event
on the OCHOG calendar. It also
explains why your OCHOG officers are
guarded in placing the chapter’s
endorsement on rides outside of our
It has been a great experience being
an OCHOG officer. In part that is due
to seeing our members, road captains
and officers working together to plan
and execute fantastic events for the
chapter. I would like to thank all of
those who have volunteered in the
past and encourage you to volunteer
in the future. You won’t find a greater
group of friends with whom to work.
— Steve
JUNE 2013 ❖ 7
Secretary’s Report
Jacqui Fairchild
May 23, 2013 Monthly Meeting
Orange Coast Harley Owners Group #0322
Director Kimmie Kohlenberger called
the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Member Jean Pence led us in the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Introductions, Dealer News, and
Recognitions - Kimmie
Kimmie introduced the chapter
officers and Tiffany Camarena from
the Boys & Girls Club of Santa Ana.
Kathi Somers was recognized for
writing an article for the HOG LOG and
was presented with ten raffle tickets.
New Members and Asst. Directors
Presentation – Kimmie for Steve
Kimmie introduced our new chapter
members. Be sure to welcome them
into the chapter and check out their
pictures in this month’s HOG LOG.
Guest Presentations
Lyle Michelson spoke about the
upcoming 1st Annual Police & Fire
Tiffany Camarena spoke about the
Ride the Coast Event that benefits the
Boys and Girls Club of Santa Ana.
Activities Presentation – Tony
Tony reviewed the June - August ride
calendar and the upcoming chapter
event at Angel Stadium.
Announcements, Reminders, and
Updates - Kimmie
Willie G. Davidson will be at OCHD for
a meet and greet on Friday, June 28th
from 5 to 7 pm. This is a “membersonly” event; you must RSVP Bethany
([email protected])
beforehand. Please bring your
cameras and any item you would like
Willie G. to sign.
Kimmie updated everyone on the
upcoming Holiday Casino Night Party
which will be held in “Schleyvilla.” For
the new members, that would be Paul
& Carolynne Schley’s enormous
garage. The party is scheduled
Saturday, December 7th.
Kimmie informed the chapter that
Susan Hansberry has stepped down
from her LOH position to fulfill a
lifelong dream of becoming a Los
Angeles Police Officer. We wish her
the best in her new career and look
forward to her return to the chapter as
time permits.
Susie Johnson has agreed to take
over the LOH position. Larry Somers
will be the chapter’s Photographer.
IWAR Report – Kimmie & Linda
Kimmie and Linda spoke about the
upcoming event which will take place
on Nov. 1st. Review the May, 2013
HOG LOG for additional information.
Memorial Day Presentation – Jaime
Jaime did a beautiful rendition of
“Freedom is not Free.” You could tell
this poem is very close to his heart,
and there was not a dry eye in the
room. If you are interested in receiving
a copy please let me know and I will
send it to you.
Member of the Month Presentation
– Larry Somers
Larry presented Michael and LuEllen
Robertson with their MOM picture for
Break — Cake to celebrate April
Raffle — Susan Hansberry
Adjourn — Kimmie
Wishing you a wonderful month full of
safe riding,
— Jacqui
Raffle Prizes — Raffle prizes cannot be
exchanged at the dealer for cash or store
credit. You may exchange shirts for the
correct size if the dealer has your specific
shirt size available.
What’s Happening? Refer to the ride
calendar on the website for the most up
to date information regarding chapter
and dealer events, rides, meeting places,
maps to meeting places, and departure
times. The chapter has gone green; we
do not print and distribute ride maps at
the beginning of each ride. Ride maps
are uploaded to the OCHOG website 72
hours prior to each ride. Be sure to print
your own ride map and bring it with you
on the ride.
Tweet Tweet — What’s the latest? We
maintain a Twitter account that will alert
you to last minute ride changes and
cancellations directly to your phone.
Twitter notification is faster and more
convenient than accessing the OCHOG
website. Directions for signing up and
receiving alerts are found at http://
Smile for the camera — We have a new
website for our chapter photos. You can
reach the website through the OCHOG
webpage or go directly to http://
ochog.smugmug.com. To submit photos
of chapter rides, send your photos to
[email protected]. You may send
photos in any size.
How do I sell stuff or publish my
masterpiece? For questions about
advertising in the HOGLOG or to submit
ride articles, contact the chapter Editor at
[email protected].
What do we do when we’re not riding?
Our monthly meetings are usually held on
the fourth Thursday of each month. Our
next meeting will be Thursday, June 27th
at the Back Bay Conference Center on
the second floor of Irvine Lanes at 3415
Michelson Drive in Irvine. Dinner will be
available for $15 beginning at 6 PM. You
must make your dinner reservations no
later than Wednesday, June 26th at noon
by emailing [email protected].
JUNE 2013 ❖ 8
Welcome to Our New Members
New Members Not Pictured
David Beck
Mark Pirosh
Phin Banning
Jim Lane
Hugh MacDonald
Steven Martindale
Edward Monsour
Richard Parsons
Diane Patten (renewed)
Scott Patten (renewed)
Jose Carlos Rosa
Colin Suzman
Debbie Weber
Brandon Wermes
Bryan Weier
Scott Bartlett
Mark & Briza Morales
Happy July Birthdays!
Hal Aronson
Doreen Allmand
David Beck
Jack Bourland
Ken Cochran
John Coon
Diane Dapello
Fred Degley
Mike Fonseca
Russ Grace
Bruce Grant
Ed Hansberry
Wayne Held
Sharon Houseworth
Kevin Hull
Jeff Irvin
Carl Laufer
Susan Law
Stacey Leifheit
Doug Malcolm
Gary Meisner
Marcia Michelson
Andrew Mokhlessin
Christina Purvis
Mark Rowe
Gregory St. Thomas
Larry Somers
Mark Thompson
Colby Vose
Sign up for Site Notifications
There is a lot of activity going on with Orange Coast HOG, and we try to keep everyone
up to date via the website at www.ochog.org. We have image galleries going live, ride
maps for the weekend rides, HOG Logs, general updates and more, so much more.
As of this writing, there have been 109 posts to the site, and it just launched in early June,
2012. That means there has been a new post every 2.3 days on average!
There are a number of ways to keep up with what is going on, but the easiest is via email.
If you go to the home page and scroll down to the bottom, find a box labeled “Email
Just type your email address into that box and hit the “Subscribe” button. Within minutes
you’ll get a confirmation email in your inbox asking you if you are sure you want to
subscribe. Just click on the confirmation link and you’re all set.
OCHOG maintains a
Twitter account that will
alert you of last minute
ride changes and
cancellations directly to
your phone. Twitter
notification is faster and
more convenient than
accessing the OCHOG
website. Directions for
signing up and
receiving alerts are
found at
You’ll now get notified in your inbox as soon as a new post goes live.
JUNE 2013 ❖ 9
Sales Ads
Interphone F5S Bluetooth Helmet Headset Twin Pack
Quick Overview: The Interphone F5S from Cellular Line is the
first Bluetooth Intercom to be released with advanced intercom
features. Up to 6 F5S's can be connected to extend intercom
range to up to a mile. TS gives audible voice indications when
the intercom connects, disconnects, music plays or pauses, and
when a phone call is incoming. The F5S TTS feature will also tell
you who is calling so you can avoid answering the
call if desired. Bluetooth 3.0 technology gives the
F5S the longest battery life of any Bluetooth
intercom to date.
The units were used once before I traded my bike
for a Ultra Limited. Still in the box. Asking
Mike Steinkraus
[email protected]
Member to Member Ads
Ads for commercial products, processes, or services do not imply or constitute an endorsement by OC H.O.G
JUNE 2013 ❖ 10
Member to Member Ads
Ads for commercial products, processes, or services do not imply or constitute an endorsement by OC H.O.G
JUNE 2013 ❖ 11
Orange Coast Chapter Rides
Ride Codes
= MEMBERS – For chapter members only + one guest on the member’s bike
= CLOSED – For chapter members + one guest on a Harley-Davidson motorcycle
= OPEN – For chapter members, National HOG members, and other guests
= INFORMATION – Information only
Riding Skill Recommendations
BASIC – 1,000 riding miles recommended and experience on freeways and twisty roads.
INTERMEDIATE – 5,000 riding miles recommended and comfortable riding freeways and twisty back-roads.
ADVANCED – 10,000 riding miles recommended and skilled at riding long distances and lengthy twisty roads.
EXPERIENCED – Highly developed riding skills required to ride up to 500-mile days at sustained highway
speeds, and be able to handle high to extreme twisty roads.
June 2013
Skill Level
June 27
Ride Description
Orange Coast H.O.G. Meeting
Back Bay Conference Center, 3415 Michelson Dr. Second floor,
Irvine. Dinner at 6:00 pm – Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
New Member Ride
June 29
Meet at OCHD Dealer for New Member orientation at 8:45 a.m.
Leave at 9:30 a.m. for short ride, and then back to Dealer for Hot
Dogs and Soda. Old Timers are welcome. 60 miles
July 2013
Skill Level
July 2
July 7
July 11-14
July 20/21
July 25
Ride Description
Full Moon Dinner Ride
Meet at OCHD Dealer at 6:00 p.m. for a 6:30 p.m. departure to a
local eatery
Del Mar – Milton’s
Meet at It’s a Grind for an 8:30 a.m. departure. 175 miles.
Meet at It’s a Grind for a 7:00 a.m. departure. 1000 miles
Orange Coast H.O.G. Meeting
Back Bay Conference Center, 3415 Michelson Dr. Second floor,
Irvine. Dinner at 6:00 pm – Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
New Member Ride
July 27
Meet at OCHD Dealer for New Member orientation at 8:45 a.m.
Leave at 9:30 a.m. for short ride, and then back to Dealer for Hot
Dogs and Soda. Old Timers are welcome. 60 miles
— Continued on Page 13
JUNE 2013 ❖ 12
Ride Calendar, continued —
August 2013
Skill Level
Aug 3
Aug 10/11
Aug 14
Aug 18
Aug 25
Aug 29
Ride Description
Santa Monica Mountains – Breakfast Ride
Meet at Sand Canyon for a 7:00 a.m. departure. 200 miles!
Full Moon Dinner Ride
Meet at OCHD Dealer at 6:00 p.m. for a 6:30 p.m. departure to a
local eatery
Bad to the Bone BBQ – Destination Ride
Meet at It’s a Grind for an 8:30 a.m. departure. 170 miles.
2013 Black Sheep Poker Run
Historic Town Center Park- San Juan Capistrano, Ca
10:00am – 4:00pm
Orange Coast H.O.G. Meeting
Back Bay Conference Center, 3415 Michelson Dr. Second floor,
Irvine. Dinner at 6:00 pm – Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
New Member Ride
Aug 31
Meet at OCHD Dealer for New Member orientation at 8:45 a.m.
Leave at 9:30 a.m. for short ride, and then back to Dealer for Hot
Dogs and Soda. Old Timers are welcome. 60 miles
September 2013
Skill Level
Ride Description
Sept 7/8
Sept. 11
Sept 14/15
OPEN WEEKEND - Yom Kippur Weekend
Sept 21
Meet at It’s a Grind for an 8:30 a.m. departure. 175 miles.
Sept 26
Meet at It’s a Grind for an 8:30 a.m. departure. 300 miles
Full Moon Dinner Ride
Meet at OCHD Dealer at 6:00 p.m. for a 6:30 p.m. departure to a
local eatery.
Orange Coast H.O.G. Meeting
Back Bay Conference Center, 3415 Michelson Dr. Second floor,
Irvine. Dinner at 6:00 pm – Meeting at 7:00 p.m.
New Member Ride – CHAPTER PHOTO
Sept 28
Meet at OCHD Dealer at 8:30 a.m. for a 9:00 a.m. departure for a
short ride to the CHAPTER PHOTO destination. Then a short
ride, back to Dealer for Hot Dogs and a Soda. Old Timers are
welcome. 60 miles
Meeting Places
OCHD Dealership – Orange County H-D, 8677 Research Dr., Irvine
Camino Real Playhouse Parking Lot –– Corner of Ortega Highway (Hwy. 74) and El Camino Real.
Sand Canyon — Sand Canyon Exit and I-5, parking lot at end of Burt Road
It’s a Grind — Tustin Ave. and La Palma Ave. off the 91 Freeway
Back Bay Conference Center — 3415 Michelson Dr. Second floor, Irvine
JUNE 2013 ❖ 13
Chapter Officers
Orange Coast Chapter #0322
Orange County, California
Jacqui Fairchild
4831 Redbluff Circle
Irvine, CA 92704
[email protected]
Kim Kohlenberger
[email protected]
Assistant Director
Steve Burke
[email protected]
Jacqui Fairchild
[email protected]
Ron Browning
[email protected]
Activities Officer
Tony Vizcarro
[email protected]
Rob Justus
[email protected]
Head Road Captain
Tom Clapper
[email protected]
Ladies of Harley
Susie Johnson
[email protected]
Larry Somers
[email protected]
Safety Officer
Roger Allen
[email protected]
Ed Hansberry
[email protected]
Forward articles to [email protected]; forward photos to [email protected].
Sponsoring Dealer
Orange County Harley-Davidson
8677 Research Drive
Irvine, California 92618
Phone: 949.727.4HOG (4464)
email: [email protected]
Store Hours
Tuesday - Saturday
Sunday & Monday
Tuesday - Saturday
Sunday & Monday
9 AM - 6 PM
10 AM - 6 PM
8 AM - 6 PM
Upcoming Events at OCHD
All Saturdays
Friday, June 28
11 AM - 1PM
5 PM - 7 PM
Free BBQ lunch for VIPs
VIP Meet & Greet Willie G. Davidson
JUNE 2013 ❖ 14
JUNE 2013 ❖ 15
JUNE 2013 ❖ 16
Save the Date – September 12-15, 2013
“HOG’s and Heroes”
A Salute to Freedom in San Diego, California
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JUNE 2013 ❖ 17