to the PDF file. - Mar Thoma Sleeha Cathedral
to the PDF file. - Mar Thoma Sleeha Cathedral
Issue 41 of 2015 MAR THOMA SLEEHA SYROMALABAR CATHEDRAL PA R I S H B U L L E T I N October 11, 2015 October7 The feast of our lady of Rosary (Rosary Queen) Announcement CCD NEWS Father-Son retreat: October 30 and 31st; Streator Retreat Center, Streator, Illinois. This retreat is only for the boys in the high school grades. An information meeting is scheduled on Sunday, October 18, 2015 at 9.30 AM in the Alphonsa Hall. Please register your son for the retreat. Registration forms are available in the CCD office. Registration fee is $75/person Mission Sunday is on October 18, 2015. Grade level activates have been planned by teachers of each session. Please contact your child’s class teacher for details. Rosary Celebration: Children form our CCD would celebrate Rosary on October 11, 2015. Students from Grade 9 would lead the celebration. Please join the children in this important event in their faith formation. Vocation Sunday on October 25, 2015. Details to follow. cÁc¢sº hs¢i¨h o§oí¢ Jt·¡l® A½©i¡T¤J¥¨T o®±Y£Jq¢v A½ Ac¤±Lp¢´¨¸¶lq¡J¤¼¤ A½i¤¨T Daj·¢u ekh¡i Cª©m¡ Ac¤±Lp¢´¨¸¶lc¡J¤¼¤ HOLYMASS SCHEDULE SEASON OF ELIJAH-CROSS-MOSES Gk¢i~më£l¡~h¥m¡ J¡k« dj¢m¤Ú hs¢i¨h Yؤj¡¨Ê A©½ d¡d¢Jq¡i S¹w´¤©lÙ¢ F©¸¡r¤« S¹q¤¨T hjXohi·¤« Yؤj¡©c¡T¤ A©dÈ¢´X¨h SUNDAY 8 : 00 AM HOLY MASS - MALAYALAM 9 : 30 AM HOLY MASS - ENGLISH 11: 00 AM HOLY MASS - MALAYALAM 5 : 30 PM HOLY MASS - MALAYALAM WEEKDAYS & SATURDAY 8 : 30 AM HOLY MASS - MALAYALAM OCTOBER, ROSARY MONTH October is the month of Rosary. Please pray Rosary for the devotion of Mother Mary in our home. FRIDAY ADORATION DEDICATED FOR SPECIAL INTENTION Every Friday adoration at Cathedral from 8:00PM - 9:00 PM will be dedicated specifically for the following two important special intentions. 1) For the young adults to find suitable partners in life. 2) For all the childless couples to be blessed with children. FRIDAY 7 : 00 PM : HOLY MASS ON FIRST FRIDAYS 7: 00 PM : HOLY MASS (ENGLISH & MALAYALAM) 8: 00 PM : ADORATION & NIGHT VIGIL CONFESSION MONDAY-SATURDAY 9:30 AM-10:30 AM FRIDAY : BEFORE & AFTER 7:00 PM MASS Announcement contd... ANNUAL FORTY HOUR ADORATION Our annual forty hour. adoration will be on October 23rd, 24th and 25th (Fri, Sat & Sun) 5000 St.Charles Rd., B e l l w o o d, I L 6 0 1 0 4 Te l : (7 0 8) 5 4 4 - 7 2 5 0 Fax : (708) 688-1040 [email protected] Vi c a r R e v . D r. Au g u s t i n e Pa l a c k a p a r a m p i l (7 1 4) 8 0 0 - 3 6 4 8 Trustees Antony Francis (847) 219 - 4897 Manish Joseph (847) 387-9384 Shabu Mathew (630) 649 - 4103 Paul Pulikkan (708) 743 - 6505 Bulletin Committee Rev. Dr. Augustine Palackaparampil Antony Francis Daily Adoration: Monday to Saturday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Visit Church Website: Collection Sunday: 10/04/2015 is $4813.00 For all bulletin insertions/enquiries [email protected] Call 847-219-4897 (Francis) MATRIMONIAL COLUMN The matrimonial advertisement column in our Parish Bulletin. Interested persons may contact trustee Antony Francis (847) 219 4897 with their details to be published. DEADLINE FOR BULLETIN INSERTIONS Bulletin board is reqesting your cooperation for sending your informations or news to be published in the Parish Bulletin must reach to the bulletin board on or before Thursday midnight to [email protected]. PRAYER BOOK FOR SALE Family prayer book and Makkal Vishudharakan books are available. Price: $5 each HOME BLESSING Our Vicar, Rev. Dr. Augustine Palackaparampil is available for home blessings from Monday through Saturday of any week in summer time with prior appoinment. Those who are interested, please contact him on his cell: 714-800-3648 CULTURAL ACADEMY REGISTRATIONS The Cultural Academy registrations are open. For more informations see the flyer of Cultural Academy in the Church or contact Cultural Academy office. ROSARY MONTH CONCLUSION Rosary month celebrations end with 10 days rosary prayer which starts from October 22nd to October 31st. ST.JUDE NOVENA & FEAST CELEBRATION St.Jude feast celebration will be on Sunday, November1st. The nine days novena Thought of the Day ‘‘Whatever you do for your family, for your children, for your husband, for your wife, you do for God. All we do, our prayers, our work, our suffering, is for jesus’’ Blessed Mother Teresa for St.Jude which starts from October 23rd to November1st. BIBLE STUDY FOR OCTOBER LUKE-CH7 PRAYER MEETING WardSt.Mathew (Des Plaines) Host Ouseph Thomas & Bindu Vadakkumchery Addr 9245 N Lincoln Ave.,, DesPlaines, IL 60016 Date Wednesday,October 14th 2015 at 7:00PM. Phone 224 622 9978 Ward: St. Thomas (North-West) Host: Mathukutty and Lizamma Alumparampil Address: 1685 Holly Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062 Date: Friday, October 16th, 2015 Time: 6:00pm Phone:773-620-2484 Ward: St.Andrew’s (Mt.Prospect & Arlington Heights) Host: Mr. Sony and Deepa Paul. Addr: 215 N. Stevenson Lane, Mount Prospect, IL60056. Date: Friday,October16th,2015 at 7pm Phone: 224-766-6050 Ward: St.Paul (Hoffman Estate & Schaumburg) Host: Shaji & Mary Thomas Addr: 1538 Idaho Pl, Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 Date: Saturday, October 17, 2015 @ 6:00 PM Phone: 847-301-0745 Ward: St. Philip (Far West) Host: Roy & Minney Nedumgottil Addr: 310 Meadowlark Rd, Bloomingdale, IL 60108 Date: Saturday, October 17, 2015 @ 7:00pm. Phone: 1(630) 233-8422 Ward:St.James (Elmhurst) Host: Biju & Bini Kandathil Addr: 548 N. Walnut St. Elmhurst IL 60126 Date: Saturday, October, 17, 2015 at 7:00pm Phone: (630)-670-1687 & (630)-677-4826 Ward: St. Bartholomew (Morton Grove & Niles) Host: Residence of Susy and Job Kollapuram Addr: 8420 N Cumberland Ave, Niles Date: Saturday October 17th, 2015 at 7 p.m Phone:847-720-4449 LITURGICAL MINISTRY SCHEDULE Sunday October 18, 2015 08:00 amHoly Qurbana- Malayalam Jose Kadavil, Baby Malamundackal Thomas Alumparampil, Santi Thomas 09:30 amHoly Qurbana- English Ronnie Thottaplackal, Joe Parayil Goodwin Francis, Joel Antony Joseph Jomi, Jonah Parayil Alvin Joseph, Nikhil Thomas Jack Vadakumchery, Ashwin George 11:00 am Holy Qurbana- Malayalam Cheriachan Kizhakkebhagam, Jomi Jacob John Thayilpeedika 05:30 pmHoly Qurbana- Malayalam Davi Peter, Jeswin Davi Scripture Readings: Deuteronomy 11: 26-32 Galatians5:16-26, Gospel:Mathew 28:16-20 Bishop Mar Joy Alappatt with Fr. Siby Pulickal, Fr.Paul Choorathottil and Cathedral Kaikkarans Antony Francis,Manish Joseph,Paul Pulikkan and Shabu Mathew during the celebration of his 1st anniversary with Episcopal ordination on Sepember27,2015 SMCC’s National Spiritual Director and Cathedral Vicar Rev.Dr.Augustine Palackaparampil is inaugurating the SMCC’s Chicago Chapter by lightning the lamp with the presence of Chicago Syro Malabar Diocese Finance officer Rev.Fr.Paul Challissery,SMCC Executives,members and Parishners A Q U O T E A B O U T ‘‘Hope is what Mary, Mother of God, sheltered in her heart during the darkest time of her life: Friday afternoon until Sunday morning. That is hope: she had it. And that hope has renewed everything. May God grant us that grace.’’ Pope Francis F A M I LY 2015 OCT. 7 TO NOV. 2, 2 Oct 7 Wed Feast of the Queen of Rosary 08.00 amAdoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana Oct 8 Thu 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 06.00 pmHoly Qurbana (Rev Fr. Thomas Kochukarott) 07.00 pm - 9.30 pm Retreat Kulathuvayal Team Oct 9 Fri 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 09.30 am - 5.00 pm Retrat 07.00 pm Holy Qurbana Adoration Oct 10 Sat 08.30 am Holy Qurbana / CCD Retreat 09.30 am - 5.00 pm Retrat Day of confession Oct 11 Sun 08.00 am Holy Qurbana (Malayalam) 09.10 am CCD Rosary day – at the Grotto 09.30 am Holy Qurbana (English) basement 09.30 am Retreat - Church 11.00 am Holy Qurbana (Malayalam) Mar Jacob Angadiyath 12.30 pm Lunch 01.30 pm - 04.00 pm Retreat 04.00 pm - 05.00 pm Adoration 05.30 pm Holy Qurbana (Malayalam) Oct 12 Mon08.00 am Adoration and Rosary-1 - Chapel 08.30 am Holy Qurbana - Chapel 10.00 am to 05.00 pm Daytime counseling sessions 07.00 pm - 09.30 pm Spiritual sharing class Oct 13 Tue 08.00 am Adoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 07.00 pm - 09.30 pm Spiritual sharing class Oct 14 Wed08.00 am Adoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 07.00 pm - 09.30 pm Spiritual sharing class Oct 15 Thu 08.00 am Adoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 07.00 pm - 09.30 pm Spiritual sharing class Oct 16 Fri 08.00 am Adoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 07.00 pm Holy Qurbana, Adoration 1 hour Oct 17 Sat 08.00 am Adoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana Oct 18 Sun 08.00 am Holy Qurbana(Mission Sunday) Auction, CCD Mission Activities 09.30 amHoly Qurbana 11.00 amHoly Qurbana 05.30 pm Holy Qurbana (Malayalam) Oct 19 Mon08.00 am Adoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 07.00 pmParish Council 07.30 pm - 09.30 pm Spiritual sharing class Oct 20 Tue 08.00 am Adoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 07.30 pm - 09.30 pm Spiritual sharing class Oct 21 Wed08.00 am Adoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana Oct 22 Thu 08.00 amAdoration and Rosary 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 07.00 pmHoly Qurbana and Rosary Devotion-1st day Oct 23 Fri 08.30 amHoly Qurbana 2015 IN OUR CHURCH 07.00 pmHoly Qurbana and Rosary Devotion-2nd day Novena to St.Jude-1 08.00 pm 40 Hour Adoration Starts Bp. Mar Joy Alappat 8.00 pm to 12 mid night in the Church 12.00 midnight to Sat Noon in the chapel Oct 24 Sat 08.30 am Holy Qurbana in the Church Rosary devotion 3rd day, Novena to St.Jude - 2 Adoration continues in the chapel till 05.00 pm 05.00 pm to 12.00 pm Adoration in the Church 10.00 am to 04.30 pm CCD Principals Meeting Bp. Mar Jacob Angadiyath, Petro Moreno Oct 25 Sun 06.00 am Adoration in the Chapel, Rosary devotion 4th day (in the chapel) 08.00 am Holy Qurbana, Novena to St.Jude - 3 09.30 am Holy Qurbana. Vocation Sunday 09.30 am to 10.30 am Class for parents: Sam George 11.00 am Holy Qurbana Mar Jacob Angadiyath, Mar Joy Alappatt 12.30 pm Solemn Eucharistic Procession 05.30 pm Holy Qurbana (Malayalam) 70 th Birth day celebration of Mar Jacob Angadiyath Oct 26 Mon08.30 am Holy Qurbana, Rosay – Mar Jacob Angadiyath & Mar Joy Alappat 10.00 am Priests Recollection – Fr. Thomas Kochukarottu 07.00 pm Holy Qurbana, Adoration, Rosary-5th day Novena to St.Jude-4 Oct 27 Tue 08.30 am Holy Qurbana 07.00 pm Holy Qurbana, Adoration, Rosary-6th day Novena to St.Jude-5 Oct 28 Wed08.30 am Holy Qurbana 07.00 pm Holy Qurbana, Adoration, Rosary-7th day Novena to St.Jude - 6 Oct 29 Thu 08.30 am Holy Qurbana 07.00 pm Holy Qurbana, Rosary-8th day Novena to St.Jude-7 Oct 30 Fri 08.30 am Holy Qurbana 07.00 pmHoly Qurbana, Rosary-9th day Novena to St.Jude - 8 Oct 31 Sat 08.30 am Holy Qurbana 06.00 pmHoly Qurbana,Rosary-10th day – MARIAN NIGHT Sr. Tessin & Fincy Novena to St.Jude-9 Nov 01 SunAll Saints; Feast of St.Jude 08.30 am Holy Qurbana 09.30 am Holy Qurbana. Vocation Sunday 11.00 am Holy Qurbana Mar Paul Alapatt, Bishop of Ramanathapuram,Tamilnadu 05.30 pm Holy Qurbana (Malayalam) Priests & Seminarians will come Bishop of Ramanathapuram, TamilNadu Nov 02 MonAll Souls day 08.30 amHoly Qurbana; Office for the dead 07.00 pmHoly Qurbana, Solemn Office for the Dead Announcement contd... MISSION SUNDAY World Mission Sunday is October 18th, 2015. We will have a second collection for Mission Sunday and the auction. Please bring articles/anything which can be salable in auction. Most Trusted Name in Real Estate SANJU MATHEW CELL: 773 599 1816 NMLS#1182672 / Email:[email protected] PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The Parish Council meeting for October month will be on Monday, October19th, 2015 at 7:00pm in conference hall. All parish council members are requested to attend the meeting. MARRIAGE BANN The marriage between Vimal Jose S/o George Joseph Kottukapally and Lila Joseph of our parish and rincy Regi D/o Reji Michael pulliyattil and saly Regi of St.Peter and Paul Church ,Meenangady,Wayanad has been arranged. OBITUARY Dr. (Capt.) George Varghese, father of Rini George and father-in-law of George Jose passed away in Kerala today, Saturday, October 10 at 1:15 P.M Indian time. He was 75 years old. Funeral services will be on Monday, October 12, 2:30 P.M IST at the Shrine Basilica of Our Lady of Dolours, Thrissur. Kindly pray for the departed soul and bereaved family. Our Cathedral Parish’s heartfelt condolences and prayers for the bereaved family. 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