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Some cases of internal erosion during the floods of 2005 and 2006 in Romania by Iulian ASMAN - RWNA Significant reservoirs: 400 Stored volume: 13,070 mill. cu.m Water derivations: derivations: 1490 km Embankments and riverbed regulations works: 18,240 km Protected area: 2.13 mil. ha Localities: 1927 Social and economic units: 3100 Roads and railways: 6100 km Draining works: 3.2 mill. ha Soil erosion protection works: 2.27 mill. ha 5500 (RECOVER.) 4650 (REGIST.) – JULY 2005 2800 – AUGUST 2005 2OOO – JUNE 2005 1250 – APRIL 2005 1332 – SEPT 2005 Actual stage of flood protection works 67 114 W.D. 1680 W.D. CRISURI 130 226 1780 SOMESTISA TOTAL 129 415 1738 1419 3716 15,701 W.D. W.D. SIRET PRUT Nr. 31 194 W.D. MURES 1495 Mil. mc. mc. Km. 308 2067 798 54 242 W.D. 2095 W.D. OLT BANAT W.D. JIU 50 177 890 191 113 1666 W.D. IALOMITA -BUZAU W.D. ARGES -VEDEA 77 29 715 W.D. DOBROGEA LITORAL 224 104 384 36 35 138 PeakPeak-flow mitigation reservoirs (no (no.) Attenuation volumes in reservoirs (mill. cu.m) cu.m) Structures on watercourses (km.) Damages caused by flooding during 1992-2005 period 5,000 586.0 TOTAL 1992-2004:2,958.1 mil. lei 425.3 362.3 333.2 mil. lei 292.7 235.2 221.8 258.8 95.8 41.1 1992 16.5 1993 52.0 1994 37.4 1995 1996 1997 Years 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Counties’ vulnerability degree at floods 1992-2004 29 % BOTOSANI SATUMARE Dm<30 MARAMURES Dtot<250 SUCEAVA BIHOR SALAJ BISTRITANASAUD IASI 33 % Dm>70 Dtot>750 NEAMT CLUJ 28 % Dm=30-50 Dtot=250-450 MURES HARGHITA ARAD BACAU ALBA TIMIS VASLUI COVASNA SIBIU HUNEDOARA VRANCEA GALATI BRASOV BUZAU CARAS -SEVERIN VALCEA GORJ PRAHOVA ARGES DAMBOVITA ILFOV MEHEDINTI BUCHAREST DOLJ OLT TELEORMAN 10 % Dm=50-70 Dtot=455-750 GIURGIU BRAILA TULCEA Dm – Mean evaluated damages (bil. bil. old lei) DtotDtot- Total evaluated damages (bil. bil. old lei) IALOMITA CALARASI CONSTANTA Counties with very high vulnerability degree Counties with high vulnerability degree Counties with mean vulnerability degree Counties with low vulnerability degree Strong affected zones by 2005 floods Introduction One of the regions most affected by the floods of 2005 in Romania was Lower Siret river basin where heavy rains were recorded between 8 and 17 of July, 2005. The Ministry of Environment and Water Management (MEWM) estimated that this flooding was a 500 to 1000 year event and caused more than Eur20M in damage. Inspection of some of the selected levees A group of experts including representatives of US Army Corps of Engineers and of Romanian central and local water authorities inspected the area in order to assess damage and to issue recommendations concerning hydraulic structure failures and reconstruction effort. We will present below two of the sites inspected during this task mission. Site A – Controlled breach of the levee for stepping up drainage to the river The levee section was cut by an intentional breach carried out for draining water to the nearby Siret River in an area previously weakened by leakages in various points. The cut section was approximately 7 meters wide with very steep side walls. Figure A.1 – Map of Eastern Romania and close – up map showing this site location This site was situated next to a pumping station belonging to the land improvement company (see figure 2) which was flooded. The levee breach location may also have been the location where the pipes went through the levee embankment to the other side. Consequently, this location probably experienced some localized internal erosion and was starting to generate levee failure. Figure A.2 – The levee breach and the nearby old pump station building Site B – Internal erosion failure along a pipe going through the levee embankment This levee failed due to internal erosion of soil along the outside of the pipe that crossed the middle of this levee (see figures below). Figure B.1 – Overview of the levee failure caused by internal erosion along outside of a pipe crossing the levee Figure B. 2 Map of Eastern Romania and close-up map showing this site location Figure B.3 – Satellite photo showing a segment of the affected river system. This levee. Description of the failure - Initially, a 2 cm diameter of leakage was observed flowing out along the outside of the pipe for several hours. -Eight hours after the initial observation the leakage flow had a diameter of 20 cm. - At ten hours after the initial seepage observation, the water was flowing out from the whole area of the pipe diameter. - At twelve hours, the levee crest collapsed. Potential causes of the failure - A structural foundation shown in Figure B.1 was apparently used to support the pipe that went through the levee. The levee foundation is a stiff medium to soft soil composed of clayey silts to silty clays. - After the levee was built, it experienced settlement due to consolidation of the foundation soil and compression of the levee material. A foundation support for the horizontal pipe will create differential settlement between the pipe and surrounding levee soils. - There was potential for a void to form or low stress condition to develop along the bottom side of the horizontal pipe. - If the horizontal pipe floats inside the levee material, the pipe will still experience differential settlement due to high settlement in the middle of the levee compared to no settlement at the levee embankment toes. -There is also potential for leakage from the inside pipe (under high water pressure) and through the pipe joints to the soil adjacent to the pipe. - The biggest factor is the potential for erosion, soil mixtures which are primarily silt are the biggest problem, and this is the primary soil type used for levees in this part of Romania. If the levee soil has a high erosion potential then pipes should not be constructed to cross the levees. Remedial techniques - The high velocity flow and large volume of water that passed this breach area has generated a very deep void within natural soils. Filling the gap in such situations is not that simple as excavating to the natural soils followed by placing fill soil in lifts. The deep void (into the natural soil) has to be excavated and filled with material that is similar to the soil in the non failed levee sections. Figure B.4 Cutting methods for two possible repairing situations: the breach affects only the levee; - the breach gap is cut in the natural soil. -The first task is to cut the non affected levee to a very shallow slope. If the If the void is deep it might be required to remove part of the existing levee next to the void for at least a distance equal to 1.5 the void depth (see figure B. 4). Initially, a ring dike needs to be constructed to prevent outside water from reentering the void. -The void will then need to be pumped out of water. Because of the potential depth of the void, there might be potential for side slope failures into the void from the existing levee and even from the level ground areas. Soft and loose material must be removed from the void to expose the natural soil. -The next stage is to compact natural soil back into the void at densities approximately equal to the densities under the existing levee. If the replaced natural soil is too stiff then there might be potential for differential settlement after the levee is finally finished. SITUATION OF THE MOST AFFECTED ZONES IN 2006 SIRET SOMES TISA 03-07martie 25.martie-02 aprilie 27 mai-03 iunie Inundatii fulger CRISURI -MARTIE-MAI-IUNIEDEPASIRI FAZA III FARA PAGUBE SEMNIFICATIVE BANAT -25.02.-04.03DEPASIRI FAZA II FARA PAGUBE SEMNIFICATIVE JUD. SUCEAVA -3030-31 iunie 20062006Inundatii fulger 6 victime, victime, 8 disparuti SOMES-TISA TARLISUA SI ALTE 12 LOCALITATI 1919-21.06.2006 CAUZE: INUNDATII FULGER 11persoane decedate PRUT 16-26 iunie OANCEA AVAL Cresteri de nivel rau Prut Pagube datorate in special scurgerilor pe versanti JIU -13-14 martie 2006Inundatii “fulger” Zones where significant water level growths on the main rivers were recorded Zones where “flash floods” without casualties were recorded Zones where “flash floods” with casualties were recorded Zones affected along the Danube MURES Martie, Iunie Inundatii fulger, Nu sunt inregistrate victime DUNARE -15 martiemartie-15 maimaiDEPASIREA COTELOR ISTORICE Nu au fost inregistrate victime DANUBE 2006 Ceatalchioi, 25.04.2006, ora 18.00 Breaches generated by failure Isaccea Bresa închisă, 10.04.2006, 11.00 Breaches achieved for discharging Ostrov, 26.04.2006, ora 19.40 Breaches achieved for mitigation Făcăieni Inundare controlata, 15.04.2006, 19.00 Obretin, 20.04.2006, ora 12.00 Călăraşi-Râul Inundare controlată 17.04.2006, 16.00 Spanţov, 23.04.2006, ora 14.30 Cardon, 24.04.2006, ora 7.00 Rast, 14.04.2006, ora 11.30 Channel Împuţita Cresa controlata 21.04.2006, 14.00 Bistreţ, 24.04.2006, ora 7.50 Bechet, 24.04.2006, ora 7.15 Tatina, 3.05.2006, ora 11.10 Mănăstirea, 2.05.2006, ora 17.10, bresa pentru evacuare Nedeia, 3.05.2006 Ora 15.41, breaches for water evacuation Oltina, 22.04.2006, ora 17.00 The Isaccea Breach The breach of Isaccea on the Chilia branch of the Danube Delta appeared and developed very quickly. In less than 30 minutes the levee collapsed on a 20 m wide zone. The cause of this unwanted event was the presence in the levee of an unknown old culvert taken out of service. The pipe generated in the conditions of a prolonged hydrostatic loading, the internal erosion phenomenon due to differentiated settlement. The breach was provisionally closed in 24 hours. At present are underway final repairings. Breach of Spantov The Spantov phenomenon The reeds growing on the levees in this area were mowed on a regular basis but only at the surface level, so that the roots got stronger and thicker up to 1.5 m deep. The phenomenon of internal erosion generated the sliding on 23rd of April 2006 of the downstream face on a 30 m wide area. It was attempted the stabilization of the levee with 15,000 sandbags placed at the downstream toe and the covering of the sliding zone with geo-membrane for reducing the driving out of construction material from the levee, but apparently without much success. The levees in this area as well as along most of the Danube are administered by a land reclamation company. They are in the process of being fixed. Excavation down to natural soil before start of fill -The natural soils (under the levees) are stronger than the recently deposited soils. -Visual inspection is all that is required to verify the natural soil elevation. -The best means of differentiating soft transported soil and the natural soils is with a hand probe (and an experienced operator). Figure C.1 Excavation of soft transported soil is required down to the natural soil Excavation of transported soil is important for two reasons: 1) to remove potentially sandy soil which could produce internal erosion failure; 2) to remove soft unconsolidated clays which will cause structural embankment failure. -Some breach area shapes will produce channels of sands and silts. Water moving through the breach gap can drop sediments into the gap, based on the water velocity. - There is a real potential for a channel of sand to be generated from the levee toe on the land side to the levee toe on the river side. A single sand channel under a levee can generate internal erosion. Piping issues Placing pipes through levees is bad practice (Figure C.2). There is worldwide history of failures due to internal erosion along the outside of buried pipes in embankments. -The causes for failure are settlement, differential movement, compaction problems, structural problems, and a soil that can erode (silt). -The best practice is not to allow pipes through embankments. If a pipe must be placed inside a levee embankment then there are numerous specifications which must be followed. -Internal soil erosion along the outside of pipes is caused by the generation of “pipes of water.“ Pipes are difficult to properly place into embankments. Compaction of the soil along the bottom of the pipe is difficult to do in practice because the pipe must be placed onto the compacted soil. Compaction of soil onto the top half of the pipe is much easier. Figure C. 2 Pipes through levees is not a good practice - Historically, researchers have believed that the primary cause for internal soil erosion along the outside of pipes was because of issues related to compaction of the soil around the pipe. - However, the major issue is differential settlement (or the strain caused by the tendency for differential settlement). Differential settlement can be due to soil type changes or material type changes, or soil to concrete or soil to rock issues. Ultimately, internal erosion can only occur if the soil has erosion potential, such as high silt content soil mixtures.