IMEC 2014


IMEC 2014
16:00 - 20:00 h
Registration, Hotel Panorama
8:00 - 18:00 h
9:00 - 18:00 h
Registration, Hotel Panorama
9:00 - 16:00 h
Sanjeeva Latchireddi, EE- Mill Solutions, USA. Hotel Panorama (Violetas Room)
Mass balancing and sampling, principles and applications: process improvements
and metallurgical accounting, Instructors: Dr. Stephane Brochot, Caspeo, France, and
Philippe Blot, O2M Technologies, USA. Hotel Panorama (Diplomatico Room)
08:00 - 17:30 h
09:00 – 9:50 h
10:00 – 10:35 h
10:35-11:00 h
11:00- 11:30 h
11:30 – 12:05 h
12:05 – 12:30 h
12:30 – 12:55 h
12: 55 – 13:20 h
13:20 – 15:20 h
15:20 – 15:45 h
15:45 – 16:20 h
16:20 – 16:45 h
16:45 – 17:15 h
17:15 – 17:40 h
17:40 – 18:15 h
18:15 – 18:40 h
18:40 – 19:05 h
19:05 – 21:00 h
21:00 – 23:00 h
Inauguration Ceremony.
Keynote Speaker: Copper Hydrometallurgy Plants for High Grade Ores and Copper
Concentrates, Dr. David Dresigner, University of British Columbia, Canada.
ELECTROCHEMICALLY TREATED waste-dump acid water, Chanturiya Е.L.(1), Samusev
А.L.(2),(1)Mining Institute of National University of Science and Technology and (2)
Institute of Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources. Russia.
Coffee Break
Keynote Speaker: The importance of applying the concept of water footprint in the
mining industry, Dr. Isabel Lazaro Baez, UASLP. Mexico
Development of a Novel Copper Solvent Extraction Reagent. II Pilot Plant Trials, A.
Nisbett, N. Emmerich and J. Bender, BASF Mining Solutions, USA.
Effect of Particle Size on the Recovery of phosphate (P 2O5) of a deposit containing
silica and carbonates as Ganga, E. Blanco,FLSmidth-Minerals, Dawson Laboratories,
Successful Use of CuPRO MEX™ Extractants in Copper Solvent Extraction Plants, (1)
M. Torres, (2) B. Sudderth, (3)P. Tapia,(3) C. Salgado, (3) A. Arancibia, (3)H. Bravo and
(1) Amaro Quiroz , (1,2) SNF FloMin, (3)Anglo American, (1, 3) Chile (2) USA.
Ammonium thiosulfate ecological alternative to replace sodium cyanide in gold and
silver dissolution in low-grade ores, M.C Hernández, E. Acosta, M.C Avitia, E. Peña,I.
Portillo,L. Rodríguez. Instituto Tecnológico de Parral. Mexico.
Keynote Speaker: Convergence Technologies for Future Utilization of Bauxite
Residue/Coal Power Plants Residue(Ash) by Eco-friendly Carbonation, Ahn Ji Whan
1), Thenepalli Thriveni1), Yujin Jegal1), Youmg Jin Lim1), Seong Young Nam1),
Yeongho Lee2), (1)Mineral Processing Division, Korea Institute of Geoscience and
Mineral Resources(KIGAM) (2) Hanil Cement Co., Ltd, South Korea.
A Qualitative study of the silver sulfide electroleaching in thiosulfate, ammonia and
sulfite solution, D.A. Urzúa-Abarca, J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno and A. Uribe-Salas, IPNSaltillo, Mexico.
Coffee Break
Characterization and performance of a PLS high ionic strength on phase separation
process solvent extraction of copper, P. Navarro, C. Vargas, J. Manríquez y J.
Aqueveque, University of Santiago of Chile, Chile.
Keynote Speaker: Advanced Modeling of Crushing and Grinding, Dr. Luis Marcelo
Tavares, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Modeling and simulation of fugitive gas in secondary hood side gate type in copper
converters, J. Manríquez, C. Vargas y P. Navarro, Universidad de Santiago de Chile,
Alternative Thiosulfate-Nitrite-Copper System for Silver Leaching, (1) G. AlvaradoMacías,(1) J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno*, (1) F. Nava-Alonso and (2)J.A. González-Anaya, (1)
IPN-Saltillo (2) UAZ, Mexico.
Welcome Cocktail and "Rebozo" Show Room
10:00 – 10:40 h
10:40 – 11:05 h
11:05 – 11:30 h
11:30 – 11:55 h
11:55 – 12:35 h
12:35 – 13:00 h
13:10 – 15:20 h
15:20 – 15:45 h
15:45 – 16:10 h
16:10 – 16:35 h
16:35 – 17:15 h
17:15 – 17:40 h
17:40 – 18:05 h
18:05 – 18:45 h
18:45 – 19:10 h
Keynote Speaker: Recent Applications of Aberration-Corrected Environmental TEM
to Study Material Reactions, Dr. Robert Sinclair, Stanford University, USA.
Effect of chloride and sulfate ions on the passivity of steel embedded in cement
mortar added with zeolite, R. Martínez, J. Miranda, L. Narváez, A.Cárdenas, UASLP.
Coffee Break
Thermochemical analysis of sintering of lead concentrates, T. Rojas(1), A.
Romero(1), A.Hernández (1), I. Almaguer (2), R. Benavides(2), M. Flores (2), (1) IPNESIQIE and (2) Peñoles, Mexico.
Keynote Speaker: Strengthening of Aluminum Alloys, R. Martinez-Sanchez, CIMAV.
Effect of the roughness of a matrix of ECAC an alloy 2024, S. Rodríguez, L. Villegas,
O. Guarneros , R. Medina, J. Hernández, R. Hernández, J. Cruz, UASLP,. Mexico.
Development of a lead – free composite solder reinforced with CuZnAl particles,
S.B. Castro Salinas, J. García Rocha, IMET-UASLP. Mexico.
Simplified model of charge and discharge of Lithium-ion battery. Study of the
influence of the electrode materials, Henquín, E.R. y Aguirre, P.A. INGAR - Instituto
de Desarrollo y Diseño, Argentina.
Failure Analysis on a Vehicle Evaporator, Due to Second Phase Particles, (1) J.
Garcia-Zaldivar, (2) E. Galarza, (3) A.Torres, Valeo Thermal Systems, (1) France, (2)
Coffee Break
Microstructural characterization of the alloy Al-7%Ag modified with 3% Cu
hardened by precipitation, V. E. Salazar, J. García, IMET-UASLP, Mexico
Mechanochemical synthesis and characterization of ReB2 crystals, (1) M. GranadosFitch, (2) E. A. Juarez-Arellano, (1,3) M. Avalos-Borja, (1) IPICyT, (2) UP, (3)UNAM,
Keynote Speaker: Corrosion Tests by Exhaust Gas Condensates on Low Pressure
Aluminum Brazed EGR, WCAC and ACAC, Dr. Jose Garcia Zaldivar, Valeo Thermal
Systems, France.
Prepared by an alternative method and characterization of varistors based ZnOBi2O3, I. Esparza ,G. Urbano, S. Rodríguez, O. Domínguez, UASLP, Mexico.
9:00 – 9:25 h
9:25 – 10:00 h
10:00 – 10:25 h
10:25 – 10:50 h
10:50 – 11:15 h
11:15 – 11:45 h
11:45 –12 :10 h
12:10 – 12:45 h
12:45 – 13:10 h
13:10 – 15:10 h
15:10 – 15:40 h
15:40 – 16:05 h
16:05 – 16:30 h
16:30 – 17:05 h
17:05 – 17:35 h
17:35 – 18:00 h
18:00 – 18:25 h
18:25 – 18:50 h
18:50 – 19:25 h
19:25 – 20:25 h
Surface characterization for charcopirite during elecrochemystry reduction in sulfuric
acid. V. Martínez-Gómez, J.C. Fuentes-Aceituno*, R. Pérez-Garibay. IPN-Saltillo, Mexico
Keynote Speaker: Integration Comminution Effect in Heap Leaching Modeling, Dr.
Michael L. Free, University of Utah, USA
Mechanical Improvement and Simulation Assisted Optimization of a Gold Heap Leach
Crushing Plant for Capacity Increase, E. Tugcan-Tuzcu and Y. Okan-Vural, DAMA,
Predicting the Effect of Regrinding at the Sabinas Copper Concentrator, Mexico, K.C.
Runge1, E. Tabosa2, P. Holtham3, R. Valle4, S. Rios5, J.A. Monreal6, R. EspinosaGomez7, R. Alanís8, (1-6) Metso (7) MinSeg (8) Peñoles, (1,2, 3,7) Australia (4) Peru
(5,6,7) Mexico.
BalMet Online ® for process control, A. Rendón and R. Álvarez, Electro Controles del
Noreste, Mexico
Coffee Break
Novel Monitoring Systems for Hydrocyclones, J. Medina and L. Gutierrez, CiDRA
Minerals Processing, USA.
Keynote Speaker: The Road to Increasing Comminution Energy Efficiency, Dr. Douglas
W. Fuerstenau, P. Malozemoff Professor Emeritus, University of California, USA.
TAILINGS POND ELIMINATION TECHNOLOGY, I. Grigorova and I. Nishkov, University of
Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Bulgaria.
Mexican folk dance
Effect of the injection of nanobubbles on quartz flotation recoveries of fine particles,
Calgaroto, S, Azevedo, A. and Rubio, J., Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,
Cyanide sodium reduction through a selective flotation circuit Cu-Pb, R Santos M., R
Regino P., G Morales, Capstone Gold, Mina Cozamin, Mexico.
Keynote Speaker: Flexible plant design and operating strategies to deal with the
challenges of evolving ore bodies, Dr. Malcolm Powell, JKMRC-University of
Queensland, Australia.
Coffee Break
Valorisation of Gold, Silver and Base Metals from complex ores and adding value to
existing operations using the Albion ProcessTM, R. Espinosa and D. Turner, Core
Resources Pty Ltd, Australia.
Recovery Optimization of Ag-Pb Oxides from Slimes by using Alternative Flotation
Reagents, S. Bulatovic(1) and J. Ojeda (2), (1) SBM Mineral Processing and Engineering
Services LTD and (2) Minera Los Quenuales, (1) Canada, (2) Peru.
Evaluation of the separation process Pb-Cu ores with high content of bismuth, A. H.
Sanchez, J. P. Ibarra, G. Baca, Peñoles, Mexico.
Keynote Speaker: Development in concentration of low grade magnetite ores:
towards higher quality concentrates and lower water consumption, Dr. Alejandro
López Valdivieso, UASLP, Mexico
Poster Session
9:00 – 9:25 h
9:25 – 10:05 h
10:05 – 10:30 h
10:30 – 10:55 h
10:55 – 11:20 h
11:20 – 11:45 h
11:45 – 12:10 h
12:10 – 12:50 h
13:00 – 15:10 h
15:40 – 16:05 h
16:05 – 16:30 h
16:30 – 16:55 h
16:55 – 17:35 h
17:35 – 18:15 h
18:15 - 18:40 h
18:40 – 19:05 h
19:25 – 20:25 h
Mechanical characterization of alloy base Magnesium AZ80, (1) R. Herrera-Gracida,
(1) F. Hernández-Santiago, (1)P. E. Hernández-Duran, (1) D. I. Rivas-López, (2)J. J. Cruz
Rivera, (1) H. J. Dorantes-Rosales, (1) ESIME-AZC, ESIQIE-DIMM, (2) IMET-UASLP,
Ferrite Reduction by Chemical Elemental Optimization Content in an Austenitic Cast
Stainless Steel using Prediction Diagrams, M. Ramos-Azpeitia, RAM SA de CV. Mexico.
Coatings phytic acid in magnesium base materials to improve its performance as
implants, (1) C. Rodríguez, (1) L.S. Hernández, (1) M.A. Lomelí1, (1) L.A. HernándezAlvarado, (2) M.L. Escudero. (1) UASLP, (2) CNIM, (1) Mexico, (2) Spain.
Study of the physical, chemical and mineralogical characteristics of soil from
Actopan, Hidalgo, (1)R. Moreno-Tovar, (1)O.A. Yañez-Hernández, (1)J. Guerrero-Paz,
(1)F. Pérez-Moreno, (2) J.J. Cruz-Rivera and (1) V. Rodríguez-Lugo, (2) C. Mota, (2) E.
Palma, (2) A. Corral. (1) UAEH, (2) UASLP. (1,2) Mexico.
Study on adding Antimonio on the system Tin-Bismuth, A.A. Torres, L.S. Hernández,
O. Domínguez, IMET-UASLP, Mexico.
Coffee Break
Characterization of fracture toughness in structural steel, (1) M. A. Beltrán-Zúñiga, (1)
F. Hernández-Santiago, (1) D. I. Rivas-López, (2)J. J. Cruz Rivera, (1) H. J. DorantesRosales and (1) J. L. Gonzalez-Velázquez1 , (1) ESIME-AZC, ESIQIE-DIMM, (2) IMETUASLP, Mexico.
Keynote Speaker: Dimensional stability of eutectoid Zn-Al-Cu alloys with additions of
Ag, (1)C. Ferreira-Palma, (1) H. J. Dorantes-Rosales, (2) C. García,(2) D. San Martin, (3)
A. A. Torres-Castillo, (1) J. L. González-Velazquez. (1) ESIQIE-DIMM (2) CNIM (3) IMETUASLP. (1, 3) Mexico, (2) Spain.
Effect of the number of hard particles on the physical and mechanical properties of
sinterized clay, (1) J. Guerrero-Paz, (1) D. Ordoñez-Hernández, (1) R. Moreno-Tovar,
(1) F. Pérez-Moreno, (1) F. Donado-Pérez, (1) V. Rodríguez-Lugo, (2) O. Coreño-Alonso
and (3) J.J. Cruz-Rivera, (3) C. Mota, (3) E. Palma, (3) A. Corral. (1) UAEH, (2) UG, (3)
UASLP, (1,2,3) Mexico.
Materials in bone tissue Engineering, R. Rosales-Ibáñez, K. Alvarado-Estrada, UASLP,
Study of the corrosion mechanism in an aluminum alloy 2024, processed by ECAP, (1)
L. A. Villegas-Armenta, (1)A. I. Cárdenas-Martínez, (1) S. L. Rodríguez-Reyna, J. (1) J.
Cruz-Rivera, (2) J. L. Hernandez-Rivera, (1) E. E. Martínez Flores, (3) G. TorresVillaseñor. (1) IMET-UASLP, (2) CIMA-LNN, (3) UNAM. Mexico
Coffee Break
Keynote Speaker: SEM and HRTEM Analysis of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes
Functionalized by Nanoparticles of Palladium (Pd) and Applications, V. GaribayFebles, IMP, Mexico.
Synthesis of Graphene and Graphene based Materials, M. Quintana, UASLP. Mexico
Comparing techniques for studying of microstructural changes observed in Zn-21
wt%. Al-2 wt.% Cu with severe plastic deformation, (1) E. E. Martínez-Flores, (1) M. O.
Ramos, (1) M. G. Rodríguez and (2) G. Torres Villaseñor, (1) UASLP (2) UNAM, México.
Poster Session
9:00 – 9:25 h
9:25 – 10:00 h
10:00 – 10:25 h
10:25 – 10:50 h
10:50 – 11:15 h
11:15 – 11:45 h
11:45 – 12:10 h
12:10 – 12:35 h
12:35 – 13:00 h
13:00 – 15:00 h
15:00 – 15:25 h
15:25 – 15:50 h
15:50 – 16:20 h
16:20 – 16:55 h
16:55 – 17:20 h
17:20 – 17:50 h
17:50 – 18:15 h
18:15 – 18:40 h
18:40 – 19:15 h
19:15 – 19:40 h
21:00 – 2:00 h
The influence of copper mineralogy and impeller speed on the cu recovery of scavengers in
KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. concentrators, B Bazan(1), E Kasinska – Pilut(1), M Garbacki(1), A
Bazan-Krzywoszanska(2), (1) KGHM Polska Miedz S.A. ,(2) University of Zielona Gora, (1,2)
Keynote Speaker: Understanding Complex Process Behaviors through Mathematical Models:
THE SEMIAUTOGENOUS GRINDING CASE, Dr. Jaime E. Sepúlveda, Moly-Cop South America,
Characterization petrographic, geochemical and thermal gravimetric on some perlite
Oligocene deposits in the State of Sonora, Mexico: Contribution to the study of the
metallurgical process of expansion, (1, 2) Vidal-Solano J.R., (2)Reyna M., (2) Gastelum J., (3)
Hinojosa-García H., (3) Perez-Tello M. (4) Hinojosa-Prieto H y (5) Escareño-Márquez P., (1,2,3 )
UNISON, (4) University of Köln,(5)Yeso Industrial de Navojoa S.A. de C.V., (1,2,3,5) Mexico, (4)
Overflow verses grate discharge ball mills: an experimental investigation, (1) Rao Latchireddi,
(1) Raj K Rajamani and (2)Sanjeeva Latchireddi. (1) University of Utah, (2) EE-Mill Solution LLC,
Grade improvement and recovery of Zinc by removing magnetic Pyrrhotite, G. Morales V.,
Rafael Regino P., R. Santos, Capstone Gold, Mina Cozamin, Mexico.
Coffee Break
Research and development of technology of precious metals’ extraction from quartzite using a
closed water cycle, N. Tyushkova, National Nano-Technological Research University (NITU),
“Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, Russia.
Mineralogy: Analysis tool to increment the recovery of minerals, G. I. Alcaraz, J. F. García, P.
González, Peñoles, Mexico
Grinding chemistry: The surface chemistry of chalcocite ground in different grinding
environments, C. J. Greet, J. Kinal and G. Small, Magotteaux Australia Pty Limited, Australia.
Characterization and stoichiometry of the cyanidation reaction in NaOH of Argentian waste
tailings of Pachuca, Hidalgo, México, F. Patiño C.1*, J. Hernández A.1, M.U. Flores G.2, I. A.
Reyes D.3, M. Reyes P.1, J. C. Juárez T.1, I. Mireles G.1, V.H. Flores S.2, (1) UAEH, (2) IPN (3)
UNAM, Mexico.
Differential flotation of concentrates of Pb, Cu and Zn, a profitable option for the separation of
Lead-Copper minerals in” La Negra Mine”, R. Castillo, J. Sandoval and C. Alvarez, Unidad Minera
La Negra, Mexico.
Huapango presentation
Keynote Speaker: Role of Material Transport on Comminution Efficiency, Dr. Sanjeeva
Latchireddi, EE-Mill Solution LLC, USA.
Aspects to consider for reprocessing of tailings from mining district Zaruma – Portovelo, D.
Lozada , Ecuador.
Coffee Break
Comparative study of the transport capacity of conventional size bubbles and microbubbles, R.
Pérez-Garibay, A.Uribe-Salas, F.Nava-Alonso y J.C.Fuentes-Aceituno, IPN-Saltillo, Mexico.
Production of Sponge iron by reduction of iron oxides from roasted pyrite concentrate from Ok
Tedi Mine, Western Province, Papua New Guinea, (1)M.Kama, (1)A.K. Chakrabarti, (2) P. Leki,
(1) PNG University of Technology, (2) Barrick Pogera, Papua New Guinea.
Keynote Speaker: The Discrete Element Method Simulation of Ball Mills and Semi-Autogenous
Mills, Dr. Raj Rajamani, University of Utah, USA.
Closing Ceremony
Congress Dinner
9:00 – 9:25 h
9:25 – 10:05 h
10:05 – 10:30 h
10:30 – 10:55 h
10:55 – 11:20 h
11:20 – 11:45 h
11:45 – 12:10 h
12:10 – 12:35 h
12:35 – 13:15 h
13:15 – 15:00 h
15:00 – 15:25 h
15:25 – 15:50 h
15:50 – 16:15 h
16:15 – 16:40 h
16:40 – 17:05 h
17:05 – 17:30 h
17:30-17:55 h
17:55 – 18:20 h
Corrosion Inhibition Performance of a Natural Gel Extracted from ALOE-VERA
Leaves,(1) H. Herrera H., (1) J. G. Miranda, (2) R. Orozco, (3) J. Manuel Juárez, (1)
UAEH, (2) UV (3) CENAM, Mexico
Keynote Speaker: Synthesis and applications of nanoparticles produced by biological
methods, (1,2) M. Avalos-Borja, (2)K. Quester, (3) A. R. Vilchis-Nestor and (4)E. CastroLongoria, (1)IPICyT, (2) UNAM, (3) UAEM-UNAM, (4) CICESE, Mexico
Hydrolysis of SH- ions in the separation Moly-Chalcopyrite via flotation , E.
Blanco,FLSmidth-Minerals, Dawson Laboratories, USA.
Electrochemical study of the thiosulfate-citrate-ammonia system for the metallic
silver electro-oxidation, D. M. Puente-Siller, J. C. Fuentes-Aceituno* and F. NavaAlonso, IPN- Saltillo, Mexico.
Effect of the geometry of lifters on the prediction of size distributions using DEM and
PBM, C. A. Pérez-Alonso, IMET-UASLP, Mexico.
Coffee Break
Progress and perspectives of scanning electron microscopy, M. Palacios, Jeol, Mexico.
Optimization of the hydrodynamics of a stirred tank reactor using computational
fluid dynamics, (1) Enciso-Pérez, R., (1) Cárdenas-García, S., (1) Rodríguez I., (2) Robles
A., (1) Lázaro I., FI-IMET, (2) Mexicana de Cobre S.A. de C.V, Mexico.
Keynote Speaker: Inserting graduates to the Industry, Ing. Guillermo Pizzuto Zamanillo
RAM SA de CV, Mexico.
Effect of lifter face angle on breakage kinetics in tumbling mills, G. Rosales-Marín*
and J.A. Delgadillo, IMET-UASLP, Mexico
Electrolytic refining of Tin in a Balbach-thum cell, G. Contreras and J. Ortega, UASLP,
Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Study of Interfacial Interactions between
Chalcopyrite and Typical Reagents of Flotation Process, G.Urbano, I. Lázaro1, I.
Esparza, I. Rodriguez, J. L. Reyes(2), R. Larios, R.Cruz. (1) UASLP (2) Industrial Minera
Mexico, Mexico.
Alternative system MEA-NH3-Cu for silver leaching, E. Reyes-Sandoval, J.C. FuentesAceituno* and F. Nava-Alonso, IPN-Saltillo. Mexico
Alternative reuse of treated water in flotation of sulphide minerals, L.Herrera, M.C
Ojeda-Escamilla, J. Martínez-Gutiérrez, L. Celis , I. Lázaro, R. Briones-Gallardo, UASLP,
Coffee Break
Operating cost reduction of grinding power consumption by process simulation, L. R.
Arellano-Piña, J.A. Delgadillo, A. López-Valdivieso, IMET-UASLP, Mexico.
Identification agent of adsorption of Copper and Cadmium on the Iranian Scoria, S.
Seyfi, A. R. Azadmehr, A. Maghsoudi, Amirkabir University, Iran.
IMEC 2014
IMEC 2014
IMEC 2014
IMEC 2014
Froth flotation process: A universal process for low grade limestone, (1) Ashutosh
Shandilya and (2) L M Jha, (1) Ashapura International Limited and (2) ACC Limited, India.
Influence of non-ionic surfactants on flotation beneficiation of calcium-containing
minerals, V. Ivanova and G. Mitrofanova, Mining Institute Kola Science Centre Russian
Academy of Sciences, Russia
Design and analysis of the kinetic models of minerals dissolution processes, V. I. Lutsik,
A. E. Sobolev, Tver State Technical University, Russia.
NFT – Innovative Technological Solution for Improved Solid-Liquid Separation in
Thickening Operations, (1) A. Berger, (1) J. Muhor, (2) S. Partington, (2) M. Catling (3) M.
Villanueva, (4) T. Cameron and (4) D. Chipfunhu, BASF Mining Solutions, (1) Germany, (2)
USA, (3) Chile and (4) Australia.
Emerging study on the occurrence and distribution of heavy metals in soil and wood species of the Genus Pinus
forest ecosystem associated with mining activities in the region of northwest Mexico, (1) R. Roque-Álvarez, (1) J.
Corral-Rivas, (2) I. Labastida-Núñez, (3) M. Escobedo-Bretado, (4) M. Bocanegra Salazar, (3) R. H. Lara-Castro, (1,3, 4)
UJED, (2) UAM, Mexico.
Design and construction of a laboratory High Pressure Grinding Roll mill, G. Rosales-Marín* and J.A. Delgadillo,
Study of separation of gold and silver from slag, Josué López Rodríguez, Antonio Romero Serrano, Marcelino Zavala
Reséndiz, ESIQIE-IPN, Mexico.
Characterization and cyanidation of slag rich in silver from reducing fusion process, (1) M. Pérez*, (2)A. Romero, (1)
G. Suarez, (1) E. Benítez, (3) E.O. Ávila, (1) M. Reyes, (1) F. R. Barrientos, y (3) I.A. Lira, (1)UAEH, (2)ESIQIE-IPN, (3) ITP.
Design of SAG mills pulp lifters by computational fluid dynamics (CFD), F. J. Rodriguez-Serrato and J.A. Delgadillo,
Briquetting of limestone waste using binding agents, I. Grigorova, University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”,
Isothermal carbothermic reduction of iron oxides from the magnetite skarn ores of Ok Tedi copper mines, Kama M.
and Gena K, PNG University of Technology, Papua New Guinea.
Synthesis and characterization of magnetic nanoparticles polymeric nanofiber with SrFe₁₂O₁₉ / PVA obtained by the
electrospinning technique, R. Murillo, M. Mirabal, S. Palomares, J. Cruz, G. López, C. Elías Alfaro, UASLP, Mexico.
Modification of wetting properties of graphene by chemical covalent functionalization, (1) I. Mata-Cruz, (2) A.
Vargas-Caamal, (1) D. Hernández-Sánchez, (2)G. Merino and (1) M. Quintana, (1) UASLP, (2) Centro de Investigación y
Estudios Avanzados, (1,2) Mexico.
Stability of steel reinforcement embedded in cement mortar/pumice contaminated with sulfates and chlorides, J.
Grimaldo, J.Miranda, L. Hernández, R.Martínez Rosales and J.Aguilar, UASLP, Mexico.
Comparison of methods of quantifying an Austenite-Ferrite mixture by XRD, R. Tovar and R. Campos, IMET-UASLP,
Pretreatment with electromagnetic radiation of minerals to improve performance in comminution, (1) A. Lopez,
(1)J.A Delgadillo, (2) H. Rene, (1) UASLP, (2) UAZ, Mexico.
Hematite and quartz recoveries with sodium oleate and corn starch, D. Nascimento and R. Fernandes, Federal
University of Ouro Preto, Brazil.
Comparison between bulk and differential flotation of sulphides and copper oxides, J.M Martínez-Gutiérrez and
M.C Ojeda-Escamilla, IMET-UASLP, Mexico.
Establishment methodology for the use of remote sensing tools for the identification of areas impacted by mining
and metallurgical activities, A. Rodríguez, I. Razo, I. Lázaro and R. Briones-Gallardo, UASLP, Mexico.
3D particle shape and surface roughness analysis in granular materials, A. Montenegro, D. Sarocchi, Y.NahmadMolinari, UASLP, Mexico.
Characterization of the thermal fatigue behavior in a HT cast alloy subjected to continuous cycles of heatingcooling, J.Ruiz-Ochoa, RAM SA de CV, Mexico.
New Measurement of density no radioactive, A. Maya, Weapon Instruments S.A. de C.V., Mexico.
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