to the registration form


to the registration form
IdAho weddIng exPerIenCe regIStrAtIon
Saturday, January 21, 2017 • 10aM-3PM • Ford Idaho Center
BuSIneSS nAMe: __________________________________ BuSIneSS tyPe: ________________________
ContACt nAMe(S): ________________________________________________________________________
BuSIneSS AddreSS: _______________________________________________________________________
CIty: ___________________________________ StAte: _______________ zIP Code: __________________
PrIMAry Phone#: ___________________________ SeCondAry Phone#: ________________________
FAx#: ____________________________________________eMAIl AddreSS: ________________________
A Choose sponsor or Vendor paCkage
 PreSentIng SPonSor .................. $4,000
 StAge SPonSor ............................. $2,500
exPerIentIAl eVent SPonSor... $1,500
Full PAge Vendor PACkAge .......... $1,195
hAlF PAge Vendor PACkAge ............ $895
 QuArter PAge Vendor PACkAge ..... $695
B additional options
 AddItIonAl Booth .................................$200
wIll you Be ProVIdIng gIFt BAg IteMS?
AddItIonAl tABle .......................... $15 eACh
wIll you Be ProVIdIng door PrIzeS/gIFt CertIFICAteS?
eleCtrICIty reQuIred..............................$10
wIll you Be ProVIdIng Food SAMPleS?
regIStered BrIde dAtABASe ..................$50
PleASe deSCrIBe:______________________________________
Note: The Idaho Press-Tribune reserves the right to locate booths where necessary to preserve the flow and spacing of the event layout. 1) Gift Bag Items must be delivered to
the Idaho Press-Tribune one week prior to the event. We encourage all sponsors to provide promotional items which will be put into gift bags distributed to brides attending the
show. 2) A gift certificate indicating the prize and its value must be delivered to the Idaho Press-Tribune one week prior to the event. No prizes drawn from individual booths will
be announced during the show.
oFFICIAl rePreSentAtIVe SIgnAture ________________________ dAte ________________________
This signature verify’s that the above mentioned vendor agrees to participate in the Idaho Wedding Experience sponsored by the Idaho
Press-Tribune. This signature also verifies that the above mentioned vendor will pay in the full amount due before unless otherwise
agreed upon and that all persons associated with the above stated vendor will adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the Idaho
Press-Tribune and the event venue. The signature verifies the above mentioned vendor will participate at the level indicated unless it is
deemed necessary that additional booth space is needed. Vendors will confine displays to booth space purchased, and will have all displays out of the event venue by 7 p.m. the day of the event.
totAl PACkAge VAlue including add-ons: __________________________
PAyMent tyPe
 CheCk - MAke CheCkS PAyABle to the IdAho PreSS-trIBune.
 CredIt CArd - IF you Are PAyIng By CredIt CArd, PleASe ContACt MelISSA gASkell, eVentS CoordInAtor At 465-8147
PAyMent enCloSed: $ _________________CArd # ____________________ exP. ________ CVC: ______
Mail completed registration form and payments to:
Idaho Press-Tribune
Melissa Gaskell
Re: Idaho Wedding Experience
P.O Box 9399
Nampa, ID 83652
Or fax the registration form to:
(208) 467-1863
Attn: Melissa Gaskell
email: [email protected]
Saturday January 21, 2017
10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Ford IdAho Center
PreSentIng SPonSor ........................................................................... $4,000.00
• Category exclusivity
• Opportunities for stage demos (2)
• Double space booth at event
• Opening remarks at event by spokesperson
• Presenting sponsorship at the event - with mentions throughout program
• Up to 4 banners at event (provided by sponsor). Sizes to be determined & agreed upon by organizer and sponsor.
• Opportunity to submit article for An Idaho Wedding Magazine (to be approved by organizer)
• Logo inclusion in promotion for Idaho Wedding Experience event including:
• Billboards, Radio & TV
• Print ads in the Idaho Press Tribune, Meridian Press, Kuna Melba News and Emmett Messenger Index
• Ads online on,, and
• Rack Cards on Idaho Press Tribune, Meridian Press, Kuna Melba News and Emmett Messenger Index distribution boxes prior to event
• Opportunity to include promotional item in each gift bag
• Registered Bride database
• One full page, full color print ad in Idaho Press-Tribune to run on mutually agreed dates.
• Full page color print ad on the inside cover of the An Idaho Wedding Magazine
Full PAge ................................................................................................ $1,195.00
• One booth at the Wedding Affair Event plus a Full Page ad in An Idaho Wedding Magazine
hAlF PAge ................................................................................................... $895.00
• One booth at the Wedding Affair Event plus a Half Page ad in An Idaho Wedding Magazine
QuArter PAge ........................................................................................... $695.00
• One booth at the Wedding Affair Event plus a Quarter Page ad in An Idaho Wedding Magazine
totAl PACkAge VAlue ....................................................................................................... $14,750.00
StAge SPonSor ...................................................................................... $2,500.00
• Category exclusivity
• (1) Banner at event on stage (provided by sponsor)
• Double space booth at event
• Supporting sponsorship at the event – with up to 6 mentions throughout program
• Opportunity to submit article for An Idaho Wedding Magazine (to be approved by organizer)
• Logo inclusion in promotion for Wedding Affair event including:
• Social Media
• Special section in the Idaho Press Tribune, Meridian Press, Kuna Melba News and Emmett Messenger Index
• Print ads in the Idaho Press Tribune, Meridian Press, Kuna Melba News and Emmett Messenger Index
• Ads online on,, and
• Rack Cards on Idaho Press Tribune, Meridian Press, Kuna Melba News and Emmett Messenger Index distribution boxes prior to event
• Opportunity to include promotional item in each gift bag
• Registered Bride database
• One quarter page, full color print ad in Idaho Press Tribune to run on mutually agreed dates
• Half page full color premium position print ad in An Idaho Wedding Magazine
totAl PACkAge VAlue ......................................................................................................... $8,000.00
exPerIentIAl eVent SPonSor ........................................................... $1,500.00
• Supporting level industry exclusivity
• Double space booth at event
• Supporting sponsorship at the event - with mentions throughout program
• Banner at event on stage (provided by sponsor)
• Opportunity to submit article for An Idaho Wedding Magazine (to be approved by organizer)
• Logo inclusion in promotion for Wedding Affair event including:
• Social Media
• Special section in the Idaho Press Tribune, Meridian Press, Kuna Melba News and Emmett Messenger Index
• Print ads in the Idaho Press Tribune, Meridian Press, Kuna Melba News and Emmett Messenger Index
• Ads online on,, and
• Rack Cards on Idaho Press Tribune, Meridian Press, Kuna Melba News and Emmett Messenger Index distribution boxes prior to event
• Opportunity to include promotional item in each gift bag
• Registered Bride database
• One quarter page, full color print ad in Idaho Press Tribune to run on mutually agreed dates
• Half page full color print ad in An Idaho Wedding Magazine
totAl PACkAge VAlue ......................................................................................................... $6,500.00
IdAho weddIng exPerIenCe eVent: _________________________________________
loCAtIon: _________________________________________________________________
hourS oF eVent: ___________________________________________________________
Booth Set-uP tIMeS: _______________________________________________________
Full PAyMent For Booth due: _____________________________________________
50% dePoSIt And regIStrAtIon ForM due:__________________________________
An IdAho weddIng Show MAgAzIne PuBlISheS: ____________________________
Ad CoPy For An IdAho weddIng MAgAzIne due: ____________________________
gIFt BAg IteMS due: ________________________________________________________
door PrIze/gIFt CertIFICAte due: __________________________________________