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Donaghys Care & Usage Guide Recommendations for Care and Maintenance Safety and Handling Inspection and Retirement Criteria For UHMwPE 12 Strand Braids Donaghys Ocean12Winchline SK78 Mongoose Recovery Strops Donaghys Winchline Ocean12 HS Mongoose Recovery Strops Distributed By: Robertsons Lifting & Rigging Ph: 1300 977 577 | Selection Rope selection involves the evaluation of a number of factors e.g. safety, cost, type of fittings required to carry out a job safely. Further consideration for rope selection:Safety Factor A large diameter rope will outlast a smaller one because it will be used at a lower percentage of its break strength, therefore there is less chance of the rope being over stressed and this will equate to a longer working life. The Australian Fibre Rope Standard AS4142:1 - 1993 recommends minimum safety factors for ropes in a variety of applications. For rope slings it is 6:1 (i.e. rope subject to occasional flexing or twisting e.g. ropes in constructed articles such as slings, tow ropes etc). Donaghys publish break load charts and other technical brochures for all products and are available to the user on request. Working Load Percentage When used under normal conditions the work load percentage is 20% of published tensile. This does not cover variables such as shock or sustained loads, nor with life, limb and property threatening activities. In such cases lower working loads must be used. Safety Safety is freedom from damage or injury to life, limb and property. Safety always centres around risk reduction which must always be considered around the conditions of use. The key to risk management is identifying the basic safe use requirements for your specific job e.g. safe working load required, appropriate splicing to line, with bearing surface protection and or steel fittings. Abrasion Donaghys Ocean12 & Winchline products have a very high abrasion resistant coating, however contact with sharp edges and unpolished or corroded steel surfaces should be avoided to extend the life of the line. The fitting of heavy duty Polyester tubed webbing eye protection to the bearing point is recommended, or alternatively, a metal steel thimble. Distributed By: 1 Ph: 1300 977 577 | Shock loads Shockloading must be avoided at all times. Any sudden load exceeding safe working load of the line by more than 10% is considered a shock load. The memory effect of being overloaded will be retained by the line and therefore the line may fail at a later time, even though the load is within the original tensile range. Elongation and Backlash Low elongation (5- 6% at break), combined with a low weight, gives a low energy storage. If the line breaks the failure is often sequential, releasing the energy in steps, further reducing the risk of backlash. Notwithstanding this, precautions should always be taken when lines are put under high strain. Never stand in direct line of any rope working under load. Storage Always keep lines as clean and dry as possible. Store away from heat sources and chemical contaminants, out of direct sunlight. Never store on concrete or dirt floors. Temperature Synthetic fibres can be damaged by heat generated through friction or the environment. Donaghys provide temperature resistances for all fibres, which vary significantly, and these should be considered in all applications. Friction generated heat can be seen in the glazed or melted fibres of the rope. Common causes can be non-rotating sheaves, ropes rubbing against themselves external heat sources or overloading. It is imperative to choose the correct fibre and construction of rope that suits the application. Contact your Donaghys representative for the appropriate advice. Inspection and Retirement Inspect after each use. Feel along the full length of line or grommet, removing any foreign matter penetrating the fibres or strands. Also look for broken or cut strands, excessive fibre abrasion, glossy or glazed areas, inconsistent diameter measurements and other anomalies. Document the lines overall condition and load history to assess if retirement and replacement is required. Distributed By: 2 Ph: 1300 977 577 | Visual Indicators - Example New Rope Line in Strop form, showing original bulk and coating Used Rope When a rope line is first put into service, the outer filaments will quickly "feather" (fuzz up). This is a result of surface filaments breaking, this roughened surface actually forms a protective cushion and shield for the fibres below. This condition should stabilise, not progress. If on inspection a rope line is assessed to have lost 20% of the original fibre volume, then it should be assumed that the rope line has lost 20% of its original tensile as a result of abrasion. At 25%, volume loss from abrasion the rope line should be replaced/retired. Internal Inspection This can be determined by pulling one strand away from the others, looking for powdered or broken fibre filaments. Compression When the rope exhibits fibre set from compression a slight sheen is visible, this is not a permanent condition and can be eliminated by flexing the rope. Distributed By: 3 Ph: 1300 977 577 | Melting and Abrasion Melting and abrasion are caused by excessive heat which can melt and fuse the fibres. This area is extremely stiff, unlike fibre compression this damage cannot be mitigated by flexing the rope. The melted or glazed areas must be cut out of the rope and respliced or retired. UHMwPE Ropes with Jackets and Inspection and Retirement Criteria Mongoose Heavy Duty Recovery Tow Strops and UHMwPE core with Jacket Ropes are Core Dependant Lines. This means the core is the strength member and carries the total load. The jacket is an abrasion resistant cover designed to protect the core and can be of many fibres or combination of fibres; however the most economic and common is of High Tenacity Polyester. Inspection of the jacket will provide valuable information in determining ongoing usage or retirement. The outer jacket can sustain wear and damage without compromise to the load bearing core, however if sections of jacket expose the core, via broken strands etc, careful inspection is required. If during inspection, cut strands or section of significant damage is detected then decommission the rope for suitable repairs that will continue uncompromised protection of the core. If exposed areas have allowed damage to the core, then the rope must be retired. Mongoose Strops are protected with machine braided, urethane coated jackets and heavy eye protections. This protects the integrity of the core to ensure long life and reliable performance whilst retaining a high degree of flexibility. Distributed By: 4 Ph: 1300 977 577 | IT IS RECOMMENDED YOUR STROP BE RETIRED IF: Melting and Abrasion is evident on the strops body and including fused fibres, visible charring and where jacket fibres expose core and visible abrasion/damage is seen. Probable cause is exposure to excessive heat, shock or sustained load. Discolouration on strop body is noticeable along with fused, stiff or brittle fibres extending into the core. Probable cause is exposure to chemical contamination. The outer jacket can sustain wear and damage without compromise to the load bearing core, however if sections of jacket expose the core, via broken strands etc, careful inspection is required. Fusion of jacket fibres may extend to core. Inspection of the strops body reveals inconsistency in Diameter, Lumps/Bumps/Flat Areas with no external visible damage to jacket is probable indication of internal damage IE Shock Loaded, Broken Internal Strand/s Distributed By: 5 Ph: 1300 977 577 | MONGOOSE STROP REPAIR WITH GLUED HEAT SHRINK MONGOOSE STROP REPAIR WITH GLUED HEAT SHRINK MONGOOSE STROP REPAIR WITH GLUED HEAT SHRINK MONGOOSE STROP REPAIR WITH GLUED HEAT SHRINK MONGOOSE STROP REPAIR WITH GLUED HEAT SHRINK MONGOOSE STROP REPAIR WITH GLUED HEAT SHRINK Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Inspect, Step 1 clean and prepare Step 1 for repair. Inspect, Step 1 clean and prepare for repair. Inspect, and Step 1 clean Step 1 Inspect, and prepare clean for repair. Inspect, and prepare clean for repair. Inspect, and prepare clean for repair. prepare for repair. Put Steploose 2 Shrink Sleeve on the Step 2 strop and exert reference tensionSleeve on Put loose Shrink Step 2 rope. on the andSleeve exert Put loose Shrink Step 2 strop Step 2 strop Put loose Shrink reference tension on on the andSleeve exert Put loose Shrink on the strop and Sleeve exert rope. reference tension on Put loose Shrink on the strop andSleeve exert reference tension on rope. on the strop and exert reference tension on rope. reference tension on rope. rope. Whilst Step 3 under tension cover Step 3damaged section* end sections Whilst tension Step 3 under with Masking tape.tension cover section* Whilst under Step 3damaged Step 3 Whilst under with tension end sections cover damaged section* Whilst under tension cover damaged section* Masking tape.with end sections Whilst under tension cover damaged end sections with Masking tape. section* cover damaged section* end sections Masking tape.with end sections with Masking tape. Masking tape. Centrally Step 4 position Shrink Sleeve, Step 4 heat from centre out with Centrally position Shrink Step 4 then Heat Gun. Sleeve, heat from Centrally position Shrink Step 4 Step 4 then Centrally position Shrink centre out Sleeve, heat fromwith Centrally position Shrink Sleeve, heat from Heat Gun. centre then out with Centrally position Shrink Sleeve, heat from centre then out with Heat Gun. Sleeve, heat out from centre then with Heat Gun. centre then out with Heat Gun. Heat Gun. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Heat Step 5Shrink sleeve one end Stepto 5 edge, masking tape fibresone at Heat5protects Shrink sleeve Step ends. end to edge,sleeve masking Heat one Step 5Shrink Step 5protects Heat Shrink tapeto fibresone at end edge,sleeve masking end to edge,sleeve masking Heat Shrink ends. tape protects fibresone at Heat Shrink tape protects fibresone at end edge,sleeve masking end edge, masking tape protects fibres at tape ends.protects fibres at ends. Shrink Step 6 the other end until Step 6firmly shrunken onto Shrink thestrop. other end Step 6the until 6firmly shrunken Shrink the other end Step Step 6the Shrink thestrop. other end onto firmly until shrunken until firmly shrunken Shrink thestrop. other end onto the Shrink thestrop. other end onto the until firmly shrunken until shrunken onto firmly the strop. onto the strop. The Stepend 7 masking tape can be Step 7 removed with Stanley or similar. The end masking tape Step 7 knife can The end maskingwith tape Stepbe 7 removed Step 7 removed The end masking tape Stanley knife or similar. can be with can with The be endremoved masking tape Stanley knife or similar. The endremoved masking tape Stanley knife or similar. can be with can be removed with Stanley knife or similar. Stanley knife or similar. Final Step 8inspection of the repair, Step 8 still compressed under tension. of the Final 8inspection Step Allow to cool. repair, still compressed Final of the Step inspection 8Shrink Step 8 Final inspection of the under tension. repair, still compressed repair, still compressed Allow Shrink to cool. Final inspection of the under tension. Final inspection of the under tension. repair, still compressed Allow Shrink to cool. repair, still compressed Allow to cool. underShrink tension. under tension. Allow Shrink to cool. Allow Shrink to cool. Step 9 Completed repair, the Step 9 strop9can be released Step from and the Completed repair, Step 9tension re-used. strop9can berepair, released Completed the Step Step Completed from9tension and the strop can berepair, released strop can berepair, released re-used. from tension and the Completed Completed repair, from tension and the re-used. strop can be released strop can be released re-used. from tension and from tension and re-used. re-used. Distributed By: BACK IN ACTION BACK IN ACTION BACK IN ACTION BACK IN ACTION BACK IN ACTION BACK IN ACTION 6 6 6 6 6 6 Ph: 1300 977 577 | MONGOOSE FLAT NYLON BRAID REPAIR METHOD MONGOOSE FLAT NYLON BRAID REPAIR METHOD MONGOOSE FLAT NYLON BRAID REPAIR METHOD MONGOOSE FLAT NYLON BRAID REPAIR METHOD MONGOOSE FLAT NYLON BRAID REPAIR METHOD MONGOOSE FLAT NYLON BRAID REPAIR METHOD Identify section for Identifyclean section repair, andfor tidy Identify section repair, clean andfor tidy to prepare. repair, clean andfor tidy to prepare. Identify section to prepare. repair, clean andfor tidy Identify section to prepare. and tidy repair, Identifyclean section for to prepare. repair, clean and tidy to prepare. Soak nylon braid in hot Soak nylon in hot water prior braid to repair, Soak nylon braid in hot water priorbraid to repair, wet nylon will water prior todry. repair, wet braid will Soaknylon nylon braid in hot shrink when wet nylon braid will shrink when dry. waternylon priorbraid to repair, Soak in hot shrink when dry. wet nylon braid will water prior to repair, Soak nylon braid in hot shrink when dry.will wet nylon water priorbraid to repair, shrink when dry.will wet nylon braid shrink when dry. Begin tightly winding Begin braid tightlyacross winding nylon the Begin tightly winding nylon braid across the repair section beginning nylon braid across the repair section beginning Beginopen tightly winding from loop end. repair section beginning from loop end. nylonopen braid across the Begin tightly winding from open loop end. repairbraid section beginning nylon across the Begin tightly winding from open loop end. repair section beginning nylon braid across the from loopbeginning end. repairopen section from open loop end. This will leave some This willbraid leaveatsome excess either This willthe leave excess braid atsome either end of whipping. excess atsome either end the whipping. This of willbraid leave end of whipping. excess braid atsome either This willthe leave end of braid the whipping. excess at either This will leave some end of the whipping. excess braid at either end of the whipping. Wrap the braid to the Wrapofthe the end thebraid loop to fully Wrap braid the end ofthe therepair loop to fully covering end ofthe therepair loop to fully covering Wrap braid the section. covering repair section. end ofthe thebraid loop to fully Wrap the section. covering repair end of the loop fully Wrap the braid to the section. covering end of therepair loop fully section. covering repair section. The excess braid can Theneatly excesstrimmed. braid can be The excesstrimmed. braid can be neatly be Theneatly excesstrimmed. braid can be neatly The excesstrimmed. braid can be neatly trimmed. braid can PaintThe on excess Donaghys Rope Paintbe onneatly Donaghys Rope trimmed. Coat generously, and Paint on Donaghys Rope Coatcoats generously, two overall and are Coat generously, and two overall are Paintcoats on Donaghys Rope recommended. two overall and are recommended. Coatcoats generously, Paint on Donaghys Rope recommended. two coats overalland are Coat generously, Paint on Donaghys Rope recommended. two overall and are Coatcoats generously, recommended. two coats overall are recommended. Distributed By: Insert braid through the Insert braidstrop through Mongoose onethe Insert through Mongoose strop onethe end ofbraid repair. Mongoose strop onethe end ofbraid repair. Insert through end ofbraid repair. Mongoose strop onethe Insert through end of repair. Mongoose strop one Insert braid through the end of repair. Mongoose strop one end of repair. Form a loop of the nylon Form across a loop of nylon braid thethe area to be Form a loop of nylon braid across thethe area tobraid be repaired above where braid across the area to be repaired above where braid Form a loop of the nylon brought through the strop. repaired above where brought through the strop. braid aacross thethe area tobraid be Form loop of nylon brought through the strop. repaired above braid across thewhere area tobraid be Form a loop of the nylon brought through the strop. repaired above braid across thewhere area tobraid be brought through the strop. repaired above where braid Bring the end of the Bring through the end of braid thethe Bring end of braid the through thethe Mongoose strop and braid thethe Mongoose strop and Bring through thethe end of through loop. Mongoose strop and through the loop. braid the through thethe Bring end of through thestrop loop. Mongoose and braid through the Bring the end of the through the loop. Mongoose strop braid through theand through the loop. Mongoose strop and Draw the open end of the Drawwhich the open theto loop pullsend theofloop Draw the open end ofloop theto loopcentre which pulls the the of the whipping loop which pulls the loop the centre of the whipping Draw the open end of theto to lock in both ends. the centre of the whipping to lock in both ends. loop which pullsend theofloop Draw the open the to to in both ends. thelock centre of the whipping loop which pulls the loop Draw the open end of theto to lock in both ends. the the whipping loopcentre whichof pulls the loop to to lock in both ends. the centre of the whipping through the loop. brought through the strop. to lock in both ends. The repaired section is now Prepare for coating with The to repaired section is now Prepare forUrethane coating with left dry. Once dry the Donaghys Rope The repaired section is now Prepare foraUrethane coating with left to Once dry Donaghys Rope braid will firm on the Coat with paint brush to left to dry. Once dry the Donaghys Urethane Rope braid will be firm on Coat with a paint brush to The repaired section is now Prepare for coating with strop and ready for coating. apply. braid will be firm on the Coat with a paint brush to strop and for apply. left to dry.ready Once drycoating. Donaghys Rope The repaired section is now Prepare forUrethane coating with strop ready apply. braid will firmfor oncoating. the Coat with Urethane a paint brush to left toand Once dry the Donaghys Rope Once fullyPrepare dried, the The repaired section is now for coating with strop and ready for coating. apply. braid firmdry on the the strop Coat with paint brush to Once fully dried, theaUrethane is repaired and left towill dry.beOnce Donaghys Rope strop and ready for coating. apply. dried, thea paint brush to strop fully istorepaired and ready be putwith back braid will be firm on the Once Coat strop is repaired and ready to be put back Once fully dried, into use. apply. the strop and ready for coating. ready bedried, put back into stropuse. istorepaired and Once fully the into use. ready to be put back strop is repaired Once fully dried, and the 7 into use. ready to be put back strop is repaired and 7 into readyuse. to be put back 7 into use. 7 7 7 Ph: 1300 977 577 |