Apr newsletter 07.pub


Apr newsletter 07.pub
Volume 8 Number 9
The official Newsletter of the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins Booster Club April 2007
Filewich was presented the award
for favorite wing. Rob Schremp won
for favorite center. Micki DuPont
Like spring? Well it doesn't feel
took the award for favorite
like it this year. The Awards Dinner is
defenseman. Jeff Deslauriers was
a sign that another hockey season is
favorite goalie. Dennis Bonvie won
coming to an end. I would like to
the 7th player award. Jonathan
thank Vicki Silva and her committee
Filewich won the booster club
for the planning of the awards dinner.
player of the year award. Day
It was a great time. I would also like
Williams won the booster club
to thank Colleen Davenport and
member of the year. Congratulations
everyone who worked so hard on the
to all the winners.
scrapbooks. A return of the player
It was nice to see so many
fun awards would not have been
attend the dinner. The
back without the help of Danielle
and Penguin office
Baker, Maria Scriandra ,Vicki Silva
a good time. Those
and everyone else who helped.
got to see me
Thank you.
get ready for the Jimmy Buffett
The booster club awards went
concert season. Now you know why I
to the following players. Jonathan
see him with 25,000 other
parrotheads. It drowns out my
Remember that the booster club
will still be selling 50/50 tickets when
the playoffs start. Also check the
booster club tables for playoff road
trips. We try to have at least one bus
for every game. Also check on the
dates for the May and June meetings.
We are at the mercy of the playoffs
for those also.
Ed Drozdowski
We will definitely look into
running at least one bus to each
playoff away game as long as there is
enough interest. As soon as
information is released concerning
the playoff games, we will update the
Booster Club hotline (602-6332) with
the necessary trip information. If you
are interested in attending, please
leave a message and someone will
get back to you to obtain the
necessary reservation information.
We will also post the information at
both Booster Club tables at all of the
playoff home games. You will be
able to sign up for the playoff games
at the Booster Club table by section
119 at all home playoff games. Since
playoff games come up very quickly,
we will need full payment at the time
of the reservation and can only
accept cash or credit cards (Visa or
Mastercard) for payment. We will
not be taking a playoff contact list
ahead of time. If you have any
questions, please see Karen or Chip
at the table by section 119.
Let’s go PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, April 9
7:30 p.m.
2008 AHLBC
The 2008 booster club
convention will be hosted bt WilkesBarre/Scranton. A meeting was
recently held to kick around ideas for
themes, trips, giveaways and food.
The next meeting will be held in May.
The date will depend on the playoff
schedule. Check the web site or
booster club tables for updates.
Scheduled Guest:
Wade Skolney
Subject to change.
Call the Hotline at 570-602-6332 for
Wilkes-Barre Holiday Inn
latest information
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins
Booster Club
PO Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18702-0419
Board of Directors 2006 – 2007
Recording Secretary
Immediate Past
Membership Director
Ed Drozdowski
Day Williams
Earlier, Mary Ann Wassel
gave the January Award to
Kyle Brodziak.
Only 65 members
showed for the March
meeting, but they were
treated to our guest, Jeff
Deslauriers. Jeff entertained
the crowd and told them he
is a better cook than golfer,
but hopes to change that.
Deb C. donated her golf
Tom O’Malley
Danielle Baker
Deborah Charnichko
Chip Hanuscik
Karen Harrison
[email protected]
Newsletter Director
email newsletter items to:
Mail newsletter items to:
Barry Erick
[email protected]
PO Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, Pa 18702-0419
Members At Large
Karen Burke
Basil Lynch
Rose Ann Foy
Web Master
Chip Hanuscik / Karen Burke
Day & Patti Williams
[email protected]
Frank Vandermark
[email protected]
balls to help him work on his
game. Jeff said he enjoys
being here with the team
and club.
Patti Williams won the
Player of the Month Ice
Presentation and presented
the award to Kurtis McLean
during the pregame ice
ceremony on March 14.
The 50/50 of $67 was won
by Rachel Hirel. Joe
Piorkowski won the penguin
door prize and Deborah
Charnichko won the golf
balls she later gave to Jeff.
Pat Lane won a toy figure.
It is time to renew your
membership for next
Ruby Tuesday’s in Wilkes-Barre is offering WB/S Penguins
Booster Club members 10% off their food check (drinks
excluded). Ochman’s Jewelry in Dallas offers a 30% discount on Jewelry only. Tilbury’s Knob at the Pocono Market Fair in Hazleton offers a 20% discount for members.
Show club card at Hair Root 11 in Forty Fort for 1/2 off on
any hair service for first time customers and 20% off any
hair care products.
The Tip of the Iceberg is the official newsletter of the Wilkes-Barre/
Scranton Penguins Booster Club and is published for web and mail
distribution 11 times a year. There is no July newsletter.
Articles for each month are due before the 18th of the previous month.
Members should e‑mail stories and news to [email protected] for
inclusion. Upon submission, you will receive a confirming email. If you do
not receive this, assume your submission was not received. Note: Guests
shown are tentative and subject to change. Always consult the Booster
Club’s Phone Hotline for last minute changes. The newsletter director
thanks all involved with this newsletter for their time and effort.
The broomball team played after the Pens/Crunch
game on March 10th and the results were much better for
the sweepers. After watching the Pens take one on the
chin, the broomball team got a 2-1 victory. Aron Bender
scored both goals for the team. The second one came with
just seconds left on the clock. A practice on the 30th
wrapped up the month of March for the team.
The next game will be on Sunday, April 15th at 1:00 p.m.
at the Wachovia Arena. The game will be against the
Syracuse broomball team. It is free to watch the game. Just
enter thru the east gate. There will be seating available in
sections 104 and 105.
The broomball team is also selling tickets to the
Crunch/Pens game that afternoon. Tickets are in section
101 and cost $13.50. The tickets can be purchased at the
April meeting and at the booster club table at section 101.
April Birthdays
01 Russell Devens, Cinda Hartman, Elwood Larson, Morgan
Briggs, Nolan Harrington
02 Charles Newhall, Kristen Gazowski
03 Lisa Powell, Gordon Pisack, Brenden Kamor, Karen Holland
04 Brian Kramer
05 Edward Danielowski, Cindy Farr, Keith Castner
06 Mary Ann Ruda, Brenda Adams, Gerard Slater, Timothy
Maxwell, Kaitlin Neyhard
07 Kristal Hess, Joanne Salitis, Cole Ardoline
08 Anne Styczen
09 Elaine Stefanko, Dan Fox
10 Gary Loke
11 Richard Wiaterowski, Lindsay Wiaterowski
12 Maryann Ochman, Ryan Onyshczak, Seth Turock
13 Dorothy Naugle
14 Carla Ouladelhadjahmed, John Williams
15 Brad Breakstone, Meghan McMahon
16 Gene Ercolani, James Chmiola, Jr, Morgan Price
17 April Scutt, Nick Dzwonczyk, Ryan Solt
18 Kathy Thomas, Paul Piatkowski, Rachel Godowsky, Caitlin
Davenport, Jarrod Nee
19 Janet Kiska, Kevin Weiss
21 Mary Dzwonczyk
22 Laurie Nealon
23 James Scutt III, William J. Mills, Katie Trinian
24 Patricia Gozikowski, Erica Guarnieri, Tami Franckiewicz
25 Heather Reese, Russel Paul Weller, Ryan Broghamer
26 Ann Novakoski, Crystal Bogdan, Lisa Akulonis
27 Stanley Koznetski, Lee Rodeghiero
29 Lorraine Healey, Brent Briggs, Gary Milazzo
30 William Engler, Dierdre Lally
booster club table at section
This year the ticket costs
The booster club is saving
are: $24.95 for ages 9-54,
receipts from Redner's
$21.50 for ages 3-8 and 55supermarket. You need a save a
69, and $18.95 for over 70.
tape card to make your receipts
valid. If you do not have a save a Children under 3 can get in
tape card you can get one at the with no charge. Remember
tickets must be paid for
customer service desk on your
next visit. Then, when checking when ordering. Also let me
out, hand the card to your cashier know if you plan on using the
tickets in the month of May.
to make the receipt valid.
You can bring your receipts to This is to make sure you
have your tickets in time.
the April meeting or you can
drop them off at either booster
club table at the arena. As of
September the club has saved
over $21,000 in receipts. Thank
you to everyone who is handing
Colleen Davenport
receipts to the club. This is our
Ed that she will not
best total ever by far.
be chairperson of the
scrapbook committee next
year. We’d like to thank
Colleen for the hard work
The broomball team is she has done over the past
once again selling tickets to three years as chair. Your
Hershey Park. These tickets hard work will be missed. If
anyone is interested in
are good for this season.
Tickets must be ordered and taking over for Colleen let
Ed know by the April
paid for by Friday, April
27th. You can order tickets at meeting.
the April meeting or at the
Hershey Park
Two Minutes for
… the Rules
penalty is called which affects the onice strength, a player substitution
may be permitted.
Death of a member or of his/her
immediate family member (i.e.
father, mother, grandmother,
grandfather, son, daughter, wife,
husband, sister, brother, etc.).
This column is designed to explain some of the
rules of hockey, observations of our games, and
give some insight into the officials who call the
game. Please continue to contact me on
By Rob Cardillo specific rules that you would like more
I can be contacted by phone (570clarification on. I can be reached at
This past month, I had the
824-1319 or 570-885-4342) or drop
[email protected]
opportunity to take some road trips to
various cities. One observation
about Binghamton’s rink is the
smaller ice surface. In the rule book,
it clearly states that the rink must be
200 feet long, 85 feet wide, and the
corners are to be rounded in an arc
with a radius of 28 feet. What is also
written in the rule book is that any
variation of the dimensions may exist,
if the league authorizes the
difference. Therefore, in
Binghamton, the attack/defensive
zones have the proper spacing, but
the neutral zones are smaller.
Something that happened a little
more than a month ago was that
Edmonton Oilers’ prospect Rob
Schremp displayed some of his skills
picked up over the years on penalty
shots. He is very good at picking up
the puck off the ice with his stick,
bouncing it on that stick, and then
shooting it at the goal lacrosse-style.
If you are wondering what this looks
like, there are several clips on
“Youtube.” This led me to think if
this would be legal in a real game.
According to the rules of the penalty
shot, the puck is to be kept in motion
toward the goal and can only be shot
once. Most of Schremp’s moves are
therefore legal. The only illegal
move would be if the puck is played
with a high stick (the puck may not
be touched above the height of the
cross bar). If this were to happen, the
penalty shot would be ended by the
The last observation I have this
month is that there are a limited
number of players that may be
substituted after an icing call. The
rule is written in such a way that, in
the event that the goaltender is
pulled for an extra attacker, when
there is an injured player, or when a
me an e-mail at:
([email protected]).
This past month the following
cards were sent out:
Sympathy card to Brad & Sheri
Trutt on the loss of Sheri’s father.
Sympathy card to Robert & Lee
Schuster on the loss of Lee’s
Sympathy card to Cindy Bartels
on the loss of her uncle.
Sympathy card to Terri Sherman
on the loss of her uncle.
Sympathy card to Michel
Therrien on the loss of his father.
Get well card to Dolores Herbert.
Get well card to Lisa Rittenhouse.
Thank you card to Syracuse
Crunch Booster Club
Deb Charnichko
Awards Dinner
The Awards Banquet was a huge
success - thank you to all of the
committee - it could not have been
done without you. We had 157
players, guests and members in
attendance. Everyone enjoyed
dinner, dancing and photo ops with
the players. The fun awards were
BBBAD to the bone. If you couldn't
make it this year, try to join us next
year for a fun filled evening.
Pictures in this newsletter of the
banquet are by Danielle Baker and
Alex Silva.
Vicki Silva
Let’s go PENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Trip Report
By: Karen Harrison
Since our last trip report, the road
• Thank you card to Rochester
warriors have been doing the New
Americans Booster Club.
York tour, first with our annual kids
• Thank you card to Binghamton
trip, this time to Binghamton, and
Senators Booster Club.
next a little further north, with our last
Due to the size of our Booster
regular season overnighter to visit
Club, greetings are not sent for
Syracuse and then Rochester.
birthdays, but are noted in the
We took two buses and headed up
newsletter. I would also like to ask
to Binghamton a little early, because
all of our Booster Club members to
the Binghamton Booster Club was
help me recognize special/sad
kind enough to host us to a meal
occasions of our Booster Club
before the game. Thanks,
members by contacting me
Binghamton! On the way, each kid on
whenever such an event occurs, such the trip received a little goodie bag,
courtesy of Karen and Karen. With its
intimate confines, the Broome County
Arena is always loud and packed,
Birth of a child
Illness or injury
(Trip Report continued on page 7)
The 2006-2007 WB/S Penguins Team at the Booster Club’s Awards Banquet
Micki DuPont receives Dennis Bonvie’s
7th Man In Award from Karen Burke
Coach Richards and Cindy Bartels
Lisa Rittenhouse with Peter
Coach Richards gets his gag gift from
Danielle Baker and Vicki Silva
Anne Flasser presents scrapbook to Jeff
RoseAnn Foy presents Jeff
Deslauriers with Favorite
Barry Erick presenting Club Member of
the Year award to Day Williams
Wade Skolney with Loretta Edukitus
Danielle Baker presenting the Player of the
Year award to Jonathan Filewich. Danielle
also presented him the Favorite Wing award
Suzy Gurka and Tom Grace
Siena Slusser with Tyler
Vicki and Alex Silva
Day Williams presents Micki
DuPont with Favorite
Defenseman award
Joy Rennerwith Ryan Stone
game. Thanks, Rochester! We don’t
get to Rochester often, but we’re
always glad when we do. The game
was mostly all Penguins, so we were
especially when the Pens come to
town, and next year’s All-Star game, able to have a happy bus for the long
which will be hosted in Bingo, is sure ride home after the game. We
thought we would get to see Noah
to be a tough ticket.. This time, the
Welch in his Amerks debut, but we
Pens were able to skate away with a
had to settle for an autograph
win, making for a happy bus for the
instead, as he was sitting in the
short ride home.
stands still recovering. We made
Our last overnighter of the year
great time on the ride home and we
took us first to Syracuse, where we
also arrived a little early to be hosted got to Pittston before our planned
1AM arrival, which I appreciated,
to a pre-game meal at the arena by
the Crunch Corps, Syracuse’s Booster since I was catching a 6AM flight.
Our last regular season trip is slated for
Club. Thanks, Syracuse! Even when
we don’t get a win, we always have a Palm Sunday in Hershey. With the playoff
picture unclear (at least as I write this), it
great time in Syracuse, though this
was our first overnight stay. After the seems likely we’ll be heading back to
Hershey for playoffs. Let’s hope we can
hockey game, while most people
headed to the hotel, some of us stuck make new, good memories there. Here’s
to a long run and lots of happy buses!
around to cheer on our broomball
team. They were able to eek out a
Let’s Go Pens!
close one.
If you’ve ever driven through
Syracuse on I-81, you probably
noticed the round hotel on the right.
I’ve always wondered what kind of
rooms you could have in a round
hotel, and now I know – they’re pieshaped. The décor is ultra-modern
and very nice, though owing to the
shape of the rooms, the bathrooms
are incredibly small. They are filled
with lots of granite and slate tiles,
along with a rain showerhead. Since
I watch a lot of home-improvement
shows, I know people pay a lot of
money for this kind of shower, but
Chris Luchi presented Rob Schremp with
now I know I wouldn’t, so it’s good to
his scrapbook
test drive one before you do.
(Trip Report continued from page 4)
The next morning we headed out
early to stop at Carousel Mall and
help support the local economy
before heading to Rochester. Since it
was a Sunday, we forgot that stores
don’t open until a little later, so we
got in some early morning walking
around the mall before the first stores
opened. Owing to the short stop, we
didn’t quite fill the bus with
purchases, but the overheads were
definitely a tight squeeze.
We headed to Rochester early,
since their booster club was hosting
us to pizza and wings before the
Tyler Kennedy received his scrapbook from
Liz Renner
Joe Jensen received his scrapbook from
Colleen Davenport
Ashley Scutt presents Kurtis McLean
with his Scrapbook
Chloe Renner with Assistant Coach
Bylsma and his scrapbook
J.J. Mancia presents Conner James
with his scrapbook
Matt and Chase Carkner
DanielleBaker giving Jonathan
Filewich his scrapbook
And there was Kararoke
Nolan Sch
Erin Murp
The odd couple, Lannon and
Dixon received their gag gifts
of cleaning supplies
Ryan Lannon receives his scrapbook from
Coach Bylsma wearing his
gag gift Wiggles t-shirt
Colleen’s table members
Reagan Rome and fam
Rob Schremp received the Favorite
Center from Deb Charnichko
RoseAnn Foy with Tim Wallace
Erin Murphy, Micki DuPont & Erin
Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins Booster Club
2007-2008 Membership Application
Membership Fee: $12 per adult member
Youth Memberships FREE with parent/guardian Adult Membership
( ) New
Adult Membership: Please Print
( )Renewal If Renewal, give member number: ________________
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: __________
Birthday: (month/day): ____________________ Home Phone: _________________________________
E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Would you like to receive your newsletter on-line? (circle one): Y N
Are you a season ticket holder? (circle one): Y N
Would you like to become a Booster Club volunteer? (circle one):
(if second adult resides at same address, print SAME on address line)
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________________ State: ______ Zip: __________
Birthday: (month/day): ____________________ Home Phone: _________________________________
E-Mail Address: _______________________________________________________________________
Would you like to receive your newsletter on-line? (circle one) Y
Are you a season ticket holder? (circle one) Y
Would you like to become a Booster Club volunteer? (circle one) Y N
Youth Membership (family members under 18 years old):
Name: _________________________________________ Birthdate: ___________(Month, day, year)
Name: _________________________________________ Birthdate: ___________(Month, day, year)
Please mail completed application and make checks payable to WBSPBC
W-B/S Penguins Booster Club
PO Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0419
Next Meeting:
Wilkes-Barre Holiday Inn
First Class Mail
US Postage
Scranton, PA
Permit No. 28
Wilkes-Barre/ Scranton
Penguins Booster Club
PO Box 419
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0419
April 9, 7:30p.m.
Scheduled Guest:
Wade Skolney
Subject to change
For latest information on guest, check
the club’s hotline:
Meeting dates:
Dates of interest:
April 9th Meeting Holiday Inn (2nd Monday)
Sept 7 - 9 BC Convention Philadelphia
May TBA Meeting
2007-2008 All-Star Game in Binghamton
June TBA Final 2007-2008 Season Meeting
Sept 5 - 7, 2008 BC Convention in Wilkes-Barre/Scranton
Time to Renew
Siena Bennett presents a scrapbook Stephen Dixon received his scrapto Wade Brookbank
book from Stacey Slusser
It’s that time again: time to
renew your membership in your
WB/S Penguins Booster Club.
Dues for the 2007-2008 season
are still only $12. You may use
the application on page 9 and
mark the renewal box, stop at
the table at meetings or behind
section 119 at home games.