C arroll C ounty A g C enter - Shipley A rena W estm inster, M D


C arroll C ounty A g C enter - Shipley A rena W estm inster, M D
3rd A nnual
A dvertising StaffContact Inform ati
Erin H ahn,A dvertising Director
410-857-7888 | erin.hahn@ carrollcountytim es.com
Jerry Blizzard,C lassified & O nline Sales Director
410-857-3313 | jerry.blizzard@ carrollcountytim es.com
KendallBattaglini| 410-751-5929
M axine M ichaelides | 410-751-5933
kendall.battaglini@ carrollcountytim es.com
m axine.m ichaelides@ carrollcountytim es.com
Tom Eshelm an | 410-751-5927
tom .eshelm an@ carrollcountytim es.com
C indy Steinberg | 410-857-8548
cindy.steinberg@ carrollcountytim es.com
M ark Jackson | 410-857-3312
m ark.jackson@ carrollcountytim es.com
W endy Study | 410-751-5936
w endy.study@ carrollcountytim es.com
Lauren Kares | 410-386-1352
Ron Thom as | 410-857-7881
lauren.kares@ carrollcountytim es.com
ron.thom as@ carrollcountytim es.com
Dee Low m an | 410-751-5930
dee.low m an@ carrollcountytim es.com
Kim Unkart-M ackow n | 410-751-5928
Sharon Lyons | 410-857-8547
sharon.lyons@ carrollcountytim es.com
Patrick Brannan | 410-857-3307
patrick.brannan@ carrollcountytim es.com
CarrollCounty Ag Center -Shipley Arena
W estm inster,M D 21157
Saturday,June 14,2014
9 a.m .- 3 p.m .*
kim .unkart@ carrollcountytim es.com
Sponsored by:
w w w .carrollcountytim es.com
New ThisYear:
Earlier StartTim e
W ider Aisles
Low er Prices
O ver 2700
attendees in 2013
O ver 65 vendors
in 2013
3RD Year!
Exhibitor Rates:
Booth inclu d es:
1 0’x 1 0’ sp a ce w ith 3’ hig h sid e d ra p es,
8’ hig h b a ck d ra p e,a nd b ooth ID sig n.
Directory listing in Pet G u id e.
Booth-only: $1 9 9
Booth & 1 ⁄8 p a g e (4.888”x2.34”) a d : $259
Booth & 1 ⁄4 p a g e (4.888”x4.81”) a d : $300
Booth & 1 ⁄2 p a g e (4.888”x9.75”& 9.888”x4.81”) a d : $37 9
Booth & fu ll p a g e (9.888”x9.75”) a d : $4 39
All a d s p rocess color • Ad d ea d line: 5/1 9 /1 4 ,Pu b lica tion: 6 /9 /1 4
For Non-ProfitsOnly:
3rd A nnual
For m ore inform ation contact:
Your CCT Sales Rep or
H elen Dagilis at410-857-7869
helen.dagilis@carrollcountytim es.com
Booth inclu d es:
1 0’x 1 0’ sp a ce w ith 3’ hig h sid e
d ra p es,8’ hig h b a ck d ra p e,
a nd b ooth ID sig n.
Directory listing in Pet G u id e.
Booth-only Fee: $9 9 *
Booth & 1 ⁄8 p a g e a d : $1 59
Booth & 1 ⁄4 p a g e a d : $200
Booth & 1 ⁄2 p a g e a d : $27 9
Booth & fu ll p a g e a d : $339
*N on-Profits: Lim ited to ten. N o selling perm itted. A ll non-profits that are interested in participating
should subm it an exhibitor agreem ent. Ten non-profits w ill be chosen by lottery. Exhibitor agreem ent
m ustbe received by A pril4, 2014 to be entered into lottery. W inners notified on A pril7, 2014. N onProfits w illbe required to provide proofof501(c)(3)status.

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