Dated 07/01/2008. - Directorate of School Education, Kashmir
Dated 07/01/2008. - Directorate of School Education, Kashmir
" , . / =iiii=-- --- Government of Jammu and Kashmir, Directorate of School Education, Kashmir. ~ 4 Subject:- Transfer of non-local employees d"LJ.efor transfer back to valley during the year 2008. Reference: Deputy Commissioner, Kargil's No. Estt-I/Ladakh-Transfer/2d07-08 .. Dated 07/01/2008. ORDER NO DATED I ~'t/, ~ 1'0 I . DSEK OF 2008 I 07 2008 Sanction is hereby accorded to the:1. repatriation of 73 Masters listed in the Annexure "A" to this Order who have completed/ are completing their prescribed tenure in July, 2008 in District Kargil to the Valley and their adjustment in different Districts/Migrant Cell, Jammu as indicated against each. The transferees shall, after being properly relieved by the Chief Education Officer, Kargil, report to the Office indicated against each in the (said) Annexures. ii. placement Masters i) ii) iii) . .. . iv) of 50 trained graduate teachers, listed in the Annexure that the promotee shall serve in District Kargil at least for two years on their voluntary promotion as such. For that purpose, they shall furnish an undertaking on non-judicial paper, duly attested, to the concerned Chief Education Officer. that the promotees after joining in District Kargil shall not seek transfer to Valley/Migrant Cell Jammu on any ground. In case such transfer during the said period of two years becomes unavoidable on any account, the promotee in such eventuality shall cease to hold the post of Master and shall be repatriated as Teacher. before implementing the placement order, the Chief Education Officer concerned shall ensure that the particulars shown against each promotee are correct after verification of the same from the:original appointment orders/selection list from the competent authority with S.No. if any original service records original degree certificate of BA. B.Sc. B.Com/MA. M.Sc. M.Com/B.Ed./M.Ed. from the University of Kashmir or from other Recognized University. Permission/ deputation order for qualifying B.Ed./M.Ed. Course Last three years result of the Teacher Work and conduct of the Teacher any other certificate/ document if any required by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer/Chief Education Officer for his satisfaction in connection with implementation of the order. Any variation if found on such verification in the particulars of a promotee shall be reported to the Directorate Office for orders/clarification. v) vi) ~.=ined "B" to this Order as Masters, in stop-gap arrangement, in their own pay and grade in District Kargil on voluntary basis pending ratification by the DPC. The placlement of these trained graduate/post graduate Teachers as shall be subject to the following conditions:- . If any teacher on subsequent verification is found as not having been eligible for promotion, this order will not confer any right on such promotee and the promotion shall be rescinded in that case. No such ineligible Teacher be relieved or given benefit of promotion until further orders from this Office. The promotees shall be required to report to the concerned Chief Education Officers for further posting by July 25' 2008. In the event of non-joining by the promotee within the stipulated period, the promotee shall be deemed to have declined the promotion as Master. The placement of Teachers as Masters made by dint of this Order is without prejudice to the superior claims if any. The inter-se position assigned to the promotees in the Annexure to this order, or earlier orders issued from time to time, shall be liable to be ~p~ately on f""/mm" I,upmoc daim,;r =y forthcoming in due II< ... -! vii) In case of an adverse report from Vigilance Organization, concerned Teacher shall be cancelled without prior notice. viii) The promotees must necessarily be holding substantive appointment and uninterrupted service, it must be ensured that none of the promotees in the list is working as Migrant substitute/FAT /Fake/adhoc basis. The benefit of promotion shall not be allowed in case of such a teacher who may be under suspension or against whom departmental proceedings may be pending or whose work and conduct may not be satisfactory. ix) The promotee must have registered at least 50% and preceding three years especially in the Board Examination; x) The promotees must have passed H.Ed.! M.Ed. examination before the date of promotion through a Recognized University after observing all departmental formalities xi) The promotion shall be without prejudice to the final outcome of the court case, if any pending before any subordinate court or the Hon'ble High Court and other orders, if any passed by the competent authority which are not immediately within the knowledge of this Directorate; xii) The relieving orders of the promotees shall be got counter-signed by the respective Chief Education Officers after proper verification from relevant/ required documents/ certificates in original within the specified time and after verification of genuineness of appointments of the promotee. The higher emoluments shall be given to the promotees from the date they assume their higher responsibilities The following instructions conveyed by the Administrative Department vide letter No. PSI AS/Edu/2070/2005 Dated 18/05/2005 shall be adhered to by the field officers in the case of such promotees who will be adjusted against the post of Head Teachers in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan upgraded Middle Schools . xiii) the above promotiori results of the during the a) " One Master, to function as Head Teacher shall be posted in each Primary School upgraded under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA) to the level of Middle School by corresponding reduction of the post of Teacher viz Rehbar-I- Taleem (under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan) in the Middle Wing of the same School. The Rehbar-I-Taleem thus becoming surplus shall be adjusted in the Primary Wing of the same school by effecting transfer of the regular teacher (from the same viz Primary Wing) and his honorarium shall also be drawn against the regular Teacher's post. In case no regular Teacher happens to be in place in a particular school, the Rehbar-I- Taleem becoming surplus due to posting of a Master in the School upgraded to the Middle School level (under SSA) shall be adjusted against an available vacancy of a Teacher within the Zone and his honorarium accordingly drawn against such post". b) The pay of the Masters posted in the Middle School upgraded under SSA be paid from SSA Plan. This order is issued consistent with the academic necessity of Schools in District Kargil and without prejudice to the Court cases, if any Director Ene: Annexure No.Estt/NG/A/lk, Copy to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ;~ . l fll' Sd/School Education, Kashmir . / 1E:>'-7---:> Dated,A} /07/2008 the:Secretary to Government, Education Department, Srinagar for information. Chief Executive Councillor, LAHDC,Kargil Director, School Education, Jammu District Development Commissioner, Kargil Joint Director (Incharge Migrant Cell) Jammu State Project Director Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Srinagar for information Chief Education Officer, Kargil Chief Education Officer, for information with the remark that variation/discrepancy if any found on verification should be reported to the Directorate and ase should not be in case of variation in the selection list Number, the promotion in tha ,/ 4 given effect. Order file / Stock file \ . \ ~ ~ ( M. A. QI:\4WVJ'lM.S Personnel'bffice Directorate of School Ed " ~hmir. Annexure "A" to Order No. " So .. DSEK of 2008 Dated /07/2008 Page1 Desig. ame of Employee P.Place of Posting D.of joining in Kargil District Dt.of District/Office where repatriated Baramulla I Mohd. Akber Gujree Master HS Baroo 12/07/2006 completion of two vears 12/7/2008 2 Sunita Koul Master HS Baroo 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu :3 Mohd. Ayoub Khan Master HS Lankerchay 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Baramulla 4 Ashok Kumar Koul Master HSS Akchamal 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 5 Sushil Kumar Razdan Master HS G.Kargil 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 6 Vinod Kumar Dhar Master HS Hardass 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 lI.IIig.Cell Jammu 7 Balji Marhatta Master GHSS Kargil 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 8 Santosh Kumari Master HS Hardass 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 9 Gh-ud-din Masoodi Master HS Bhimbet 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Baramulla 10 Ram Krishan Bhat Master HS Saliskote 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu II Moti Lal Ganjoo Master MS Gurgurdoo 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 12 Ramesh Chander Koul Master HS Hardass 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 13 Ravider Lidoo Master HS M.Bagh 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 14 Ramesh Kumar Bhat Master HS Thasgam Drass 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 15 Zahoor Ahmad Qadri Master HSS Sankoo 14/07/2006 14/07/2008 Baramulla 16 Bashir AhmadMir Master HS Pandrass 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Pulwama 17 Ashok Kumar Master HS Chanigund 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 18 Manoji Pandit Master HS Kargee 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 19 Bodh Raj Pandit Master HS Wakha 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 20 Sunil Kumar Pandit Master HSS Silmone 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 21 Surinder Kumar Master HSS Drass 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 22 Ashok Kumar Raina Master HS Mulbeck 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 23 Ramesh Kumar Pandit Master HS Lotsum 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 24 Vinod Kumar Master HSS Trespone 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 25 Syed Asgar Ali Master MS Hambree 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Shopian 26 Syed Saif-ud-din Master HSS Sankoo 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Shopian 27 Mubarak Ahmad Tantry Master MS Faroona 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Shopian 28 Syed Nazir Ahmad Master MS Pattoo 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Shopian 29 Gh. Nabi Baba Master HS Hardass 15/07/2006 15/07/2008 Pulwama 30 Nazir Ahmad Bhat Master MS Bearas 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Pulwama 31 Gh. Nabi Sheikh Master HS Sangrah 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Pulwama 32 Farooq Ahmad Sheikh Master HS Sangrah 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Pulwama 33 Ali Mohd. Kumar Master HS Sangrah 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Pulwama 34 Ajit Singh Master HS Sangrah 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Pulwama 35 Abdul Rashid Shah Master MS Sangrah 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Pulwama 36 Mohd. Yousuf Koka Master HS Poyen 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Shopian HSS Barsoo 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Shopian Gh. Hassan Ahanger Master 38 Mushtaq Ahmad Naik Master MS Barsoo 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Pulwama 39 Mohd. Afzal Naik Master HSS Barsoo 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Shopian 40 Pankhash Koul Master HS Poyen 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 41 Manzoor Ahmad Master HS Pushkium 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Baramulla 42 Nazir Ahmad Wani Master HS Bhimbet 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Pulwama 43 Mushtaq Ahmad Hakim Master HS Saliskote 17/07/2006 17/07/2008 Ganderbal 44 Abdul Majid Ganie Master HS Samrah 19/07/2006 19/07/2008 Bandipora 37 t\ \ )/ 1 f, DSEK of 2008 Dated Annexure "A" to Order No. /07/2008 Page2 District/Office where repatriated 19/07/2006 Dt.of completion of two vears 19/07/2008 GMS Samrah 19/07/2006 19/07/2008 Bandipora Master HS Choskore 19/07/2006 19/07/2008 Bandipora Gh. Ahmad Oar Master MS Kaskarik 19/07/2006 19/07/2008 Bandipora 49 Abdul Jabbar Rather Master HSS Silmone 19/07/2006 19/07/2008 Pulwama 50 Abdul Majid Wani Master HSS Silmone 19/07/2006 19/07/008 Pulwama 51 Mohd. Ramzan Oar Master HS Khangral 19/07/2006 19/07/2008 Bandipora 52 Mohd. Afzal Chopan Master HS Badgam 19/07/2006 19/07/2008 Bandipora 53 Mohd. Shafi Bhat Master HS S. Kharboo 19/07/2006 19/07/2008 Bandipora 54 Ali Mohd. Mala Master MS Shargole 20/07/2006 20/07/2008 Ganderbal 55 Hira Lal Bhat Master HS Hardass 20/07/2006 20/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 56 Deepak Raj Master HS Shimsha Kharboo 20/07/2006 20/07/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 57 Mohd. Amin Parray Master HSS Chiktan 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 58 Gh. Nabi Hajam Master MS Gund Minji 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 59 Mohd. Ayoub Shah Master HSS Chiktan 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 60 Bashir Ahmad Bhat Master MS Silmone 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 61 Mohd. Ramzan Parrey Master MS Brakoo 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 62 Ab. Rehman Shah Master HS Chanigund 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Kulgam 63 Gh. Nabi Wani Master HSS Yourbaltk 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 64 Manzoor Ahmad Koka Master MS Tingdoo 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 65 Bashir Ahmad Wani Master MS Chatithang 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 66 Gh. Qadir Sheikh Master MS Tangole 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 67 Mushtaq Ahmad Khan Master GMS Poyen 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 68 Mushtaq Ahmad Sheikh Master BMS Chiktan 21/07/2006 21/07/2008 Anantnag 69 Vina Pandita Master HSS Trespone 23/07/2006 23/07/2008 Residential Commr. Delhi 70 Nazir Ahmad Mir Master GMS Chiktan 24/07/2006 24/07/2008 Kulgam 71 Showkat Nawroz Master MS Shilikchay 24/07/2006 24/07/2008 Pulwama 72 Ramesh Kumar Raina Master HS Poyen 30/10/2006 30/10/2008 Mig. Cell Jammu 73 Bashir Ahmad Oar Master HS Thasgam Drass 31/10/2006 31/10/2008 Anantnag sC> Narfle of Employee Desig. P.Place of Posting D.of joining in Kargil District 45 Mushtaq Ahmad Ganei Master HSS Akchamal 46 Ajaz Ahmad Shah Master 47 Abdul Majid Mir 48 Bandipora Sd/Director School Education, Kashmir. \, ~ DSEK of 2008 Dated Annexure "B" to Order No. I' .. S.lIT'J District .. /07/2008 Name Place of posting Qual. Date of Birth Date of 1st apptt. 1 Bandipora Raftq Hussain HS Arin MA. B.Ed. 03/02/1961 04/09/1995 2 Baramulla Ab. Rashid Pir HS Shut/oo MA. B.Ed. 14/03/1962 04/09/1995 3 Bandipora Ab. Rashid Mir HS Bandipora B. Com. B.Ed. 04/04/1962 04/09/1995 4 Baramulla Manzoor Ahmad GMS Reban BA. B.Ed. 12/03/1963 04/09/1995 5 Baramulla Farooq Ahmad MS Wat/ab MA. M.Ed. 15/08/1963 04/09/1995 6 Bandipora Ab. Khaliq Bhat GHS Ajas MA. B.Ed. 17/02/1964 04/09/1995 7 Bandipora Bashir Ahmad PS Gojjer Pati, Garoora M.Sc. B.Ed. 15/03/1964 04/09/1995 8 Bandipora Mohmad Amin Shah GPS Hakabara M. Com, B.Ed 21/03/1964 04/09/1995 9 Baramulla Ab. Rashid MSYal MA. B.Ed. 01/ 10/ 1964 04/09/1995 10 Baramulla Manzoor Ahmad BMS Bomai MA. B.Ed. 01/01/ 04/09/1995 11 Baramulla Nazir Ahmad BMS Nehalpora MA. B.Ed. 01/04/1965 04/09/1995 12 Baramulla Mohd. Yousuf Bhat BHS Nehalpora, MA. Com. B.Ed. 13/12/1965 04/09/1995 13 Baramulla Riyaz Ahmad BMS Rasraypora, Nehalpora B. Sc. B.Ed. 21/02/1966 04/09/1995 14 Bandipora Zahoor Ahmad GMS Gamroo MA. B.Ed. 15/03/1966 04/09/1995 15 Baramulla Balbir Singh BMS Biyawa MA. B.Ed. 15/04/1966 04/09/1995 16 Baramulla Bashir Ahmad Soft HSS Doabgah M.Sc. B.Ed. 01/05/1966 04/09/1995 17 Baramulla Zahoor Ahmad Parray GMS Malmuh MA. B.Ed. 26/05/1966 04/09/1995 18 Baramulla Ab. Majied Rather BHS Ti/agam, Pattan M.Sc, B.Ed 03/04/1967 04/09/1995 19 Baramulla Ab. Majid Baba HSS Pattan M.Sc. B.Ed. 04/04/1967 04/09/1995 20 Baramulla Mohd. Shaft Rather BHS Tilagam, Pattan B.Com, B.Ed 01/02/1968 04/09/1995 21 Bandipora Show kat Ahmad GPS Inderkote, M. Sc. B.Ed. 04/03/1968 04/09/1995 MS Changoo B. Com. B.Ed. 01/12/1968 27/09/1995 Migrant Cell M.Sc. B.Ed. 05/03/1961 09/11/1995 Khan Bhat Lone Ganai Bhat Ganai Shah Pattan Sumbal 1965 IT. 22 Anantnag Javaid Ahmad 23 Mig. Cell Opinder Krishan 24 Mig. Cell Rajini Kumari Camp HSS Roop Nagar BA. B.Ed. 30/03/1961 09/11/ 25 Mig. Cell Ravesh Migrant Cell M.Sc. B.Ed. 30/03/1968 09/11/1995 26 Bandipora Habibullah GMS Chew a, Sumbal M.Sc. B.Ed. 10/09/1963 15/07/1,996 27 Baramulla Jang Bahadur BHSS Rohama B. Sc. B.Ed. 01/08/1965 15/07/1996 28 Bandipora Saif-ud-din GHSS Bandipora MA. B.Ed. 01/01/ 1968 15/07/1996 29 Bandipora Tariq Ahmad BHS Onagam M.Sc. B.Ed. 30/11/ 1968 15/07/1996 30 Bandipora Manzoor Ahmad HSS Ajas M. Sc. B.Ed. 27/03/1969 15/07/1996 31 Srinagar Bashir Ahmad GHS Gulabagh B.Sc. B.Ed. 05/08/1964 06/08/1996 32 Budgam Ab. Hamid Lone BHSS Panzan B.Sc. B.Ed. 15/10/1965 23/08/1996 33 Kupwara Bashir Ahmad BMS Halmatpora BA. B.Ed. 01/02/1961 22/10/1996 34 Kupwara Khazir Mohammad BMS Pandithpora B. Sc. B.Ed. 01/04/1962 22/10/1996 35 Kup lJara Malik Farooq Ahmad BHS Handwara B. Sc, B.Ed 11/03/1964 22/10/1996 l\ ~ '\.. . A/' Wani Saraf Saraf Sheikh Singh Bhat Shah Rather Gujri Wani Malla 1995 Annexure !'B" to Order No. {ltG ~ S.No District Name 36 Kupwara Gh. Mohi-ud-din 37 Kupwara 38 DSEK of 2008 Dated I0 /07/2008 Qual. Date of Birth Date of 1st apptt. HS Gu/gam MA. B.Ed. 10/04/1964 22/10/1996 Mohd. Shaft Ahanger BMS Hirri MA. B.Ed. 07/01/ 22/10/1996 Kupwara Ab. Rahim Sheikh BHS Panzgam MA. B.Ed. 05/05/1965 22/10/1996 39 Kupwara Riyaz Ahmad HSS Maidanpora B. Sc. B.Ed. 01/08/1965 22/10/1996 40 Kupwara Ab. Rahman Zone Langate M.A, B.Ed 05/10/1965 22/10/1996 41 Kupwara Mohd. Shaft Mir GMS Kra/pora MA. B.Ed. 01/03/1966 22/10/1996 42 Kupwara Ab. Ahad CRP Zone Kupwara B.Sc. B.Ed. 14/03/1966 22/10/1996 43 Kupwara Gh. Qadir Mir HS Gu/oora B.Sc. B.Ed. 16/03/1966 22/10/1996 44 Kupwara Mohd. Shaft Fir GPS Chak-e-Yahama B.A, B.Ed 30/03/1966 22/10/1996 45 Kupwara Ab. Ahad Sheikh BMS Kutlan BA. B.Ed. 01/04/1966 22/10/1996 46 Kupwara Raftq Ahmad BMS Drugmulla M.Sc. B.Ed. 01/01/1967 22/10/1996 47 Kupwara Mushtaq HS Shail Hall M.Com, B.Ed 02/01/ 22/10/1996 48 Kupwara Ab. Latif Lone HSS Magam, Handwara MA. B.Ed. 22/02/1967 22/10/1996 49 Kupwara Fir Shabir Ahmad HS Khumnya/ M.Sc. B.Ed. 25/03/1967 22/10/1996 50 Kupwara Ab. Rashid HS Han/ MA. B.Ed. 25/03/1967 22/10/1996 Place Bhat of posting 'j '" Bhat Ganie Wani Shah Ahmad War Mir Sd/Director School Education, Kashmir. 1965 1967
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