Week 2 - Hennessy Catholic College
Week 2 - Hennessy Catholic College
Issue 22 July 23, 2015. Hennessy Catholic College DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Fri 24th Jul– NAIDOC Mass. Fri 24th Jul—CG Netball , Canberra. Thu 30th Jul— BYOD Parent Evening—6.30pm. After this the Lord appointed seventy others and sent them on their way in pairs to every town and place where he himself intended to go. “The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest. Go on your way.” Luke 10:1-3. Mon 3rd Aug—Trial HSC starts. Ripon Street, E-mail: [email protected] YOUNG NSW 2594 Ph: (02) 6382 1486 Web Site: www.hccy.nsw.edu.au Fax: (02)63824585 Twitter: http://twitter.com/HCCY Commitment to our Mission Jesus calls us to go where “he himself intended to go”, meaning we continue the ministry of Jesus in our service to others. We will encounter many problems along the journey, but the Lord promises to be with us always. When we work together to further Jesus’ mission, we are able to accomplish so much more than when we work alone: That is why Jesus appointed the seventy to travel in pairs. Prayer Spirit of the risen Christ, we look to you now and always for hope and courage as we dedicate ourselves to the mission to which you have entrusted us. Inspire us with zeal to make a difference in the lives of those whom we touch. Enkindle our hearts with the fire of your love, that we may always have the enthusiasm to serve others in your name. Live Jesus in our hearts….Forever. Amen. Staff Development Day 10th August / Start of Term 4 Apologies if this message hadn't reached you but on Monday 10th August, the staff have their 2015 Staff Spirituality Day at Galong with Fr Richard Leonard sj. It is therefore a pupil free day and the college will be closed. This was arranged in November 2014 and unfortunately it occurred after the diary went to the printer. Consequently Term 4 commences on Tuesday 6th October. There will be no staff development day in Term 4. Tim Rees (Year 12) attends the 2015 Vision Impaired Goalball Youth Training Exchange in China. Tim Rees in Year 12 had a very different July holiday compared to many of his fellow Year 12 students. Tim, a talented goalball player, was selected to attend a Youth Training Camp in Hangzhou China for vision impaired goalball players. Mon 3rd Aug—Yr 11 Leadership Workshop. Tues 4th Aug—Yr 9 2016 Elective Day & Night @ 6.30pm. Wed 5th Aug—Yr 9 Retreat (Boys only). Thru 6th Aug—Yr9 Retreat ( Girls only). July 23, 2015. Issue 22 Many of the Chinese goalball players attend a centre of excellence school where they train each day in goalball and Tim reports the competition between the two countries was very fierce. The boys’ goalball team did very well, winning four of their six games and picking up the bronze medal at the end of the competition. Australia and China, compete against each other for selection in the Paralympics team for goalball. The Australian team saw the trip as an opportunity to build relationships with the Chinese goalball team as no doubt a number of players from both countries will be in their nations’ Paralympic teams in the years to come. Hopefully Tim will be one of those Parent Teacher Student Meetings this Thursday 23/7 in E Block As you are receiving this we are having our mid year meetings. As discussed last week in the newsletter as well as at the assembly last Friday it is vital our daughters and sons set goals for the term ahead, that they learn from the feedback they have received today and build a plan to improve. As I said to the students at assembly, we can all improve, even one mark in an assessment can be a step in the right direction. We discussed the notion of “FAIL, not fail but First Attempt In Learning! Its all in how you look at it. What is our mindset? Fixed or Growth? You may want to look at this and discuss it with your daughter or son. https://www.ted.com/talks/carol_dweck_the_power_of_believing_that_you_can_improve? language=en July 23, 2015. Issue 22 Gemma Flannery Year 12 United Nations Youth Project 2016 to Timor Leste Gemma returned safe and sound from her two week trip and we look forward to hearing from her at the next major College Assembly after the HSC Trials. From what she noted in last week’s newsletter it has been a very fulfilling experience. Have a look at last week’s article through your Skoolbag App. A great read. Year 7 and 8 2016 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Parent Meeting Thursday 30/7 at 6.30pm in E9 Just a reminder for our Year 6 and 7 parents about our BYOD meeting next week. There has been a survey issued for all to fill out. If you haven’t received the email with the link please contact me by email [email protected] and I’ll send it to you. Year 10 Information Night and Day This week it was great to see such a strong roll up of parents and students as well as how well the Year 10 students engaged with the information day yesterday. I’d like to thank Mrs Hibbert and all the faculty coordinators and staff who presented to assist our Year 10’s plan their subject choices in a well informed manner. Remember to have your choices made by Monday 27/7 and ensure you bring in the signed receipt. Sticks and Stones by Brainstorm Productions. Yesterday Years 7-10 watched the Brainstorm Productions performances of Sticks and Stones which focussed on the issue of bullying in its many forms, challenging the students to consider their impact on each other. Thanks to our Welfare coordinators and Mr Mitchell for their organisation of this event. Netball Tomorrow, Friday, six Netball teams are traveling to Canberra to participate in the Canberra Goulburn Archdiocesan Netball Championships; three Year 7/8 teams, two Year 9/10 teams and one Year 11/12 team. We wish all teams the very best of success in Canberra. God Bless. Chris Browne College Principal. Issue 22 July 23, 2015. Community Connections Wellbeing Concerns Our students are varied in their approach to their work and development of their friendship groups. Developing relationships is a difficult process and learning how to handle the problems encountered while developing these relationships are also crucial. Please take the time to discuss ways of restoring relationships and encourage your child to talk to a teacher they feel comfortable discussing these aspects with and their Year Co-ordinator for assistance. Term 3 Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences It is a pleasure to see the students and the parents discussing with the teachers how the students can improve their work ethic and build their own self esteem. Please make sure that the students don’t drop back into old habits, the so called ‘comfortable zone’ but step forward and try to change their approach to their studies. Orientation Day The Year 7 students for 2016 were an absolute pleasure to have at the College. Congratulations to Mr Mergard and the team of teachers and support staff that assisted with the arrangements of the day. The Year 11 and the present Year 7 students worked incredibly well with the Year 6 students and were acknowledged by a number of teachers on just how helpful these students were on the day. We look forward to the next orientation day to be held on the 24th November followed by the Parent Evening on the same day. Brainstorm Productions Two very talented young men role played behaviours and reactions that students encounter. The role play called “Sticks and Stones” was a professional production that was well received by the students. This was designed for our Stage 4 & 5 students. We hope the flow on effect will assist our students with the ability to handle difficult situations that they come across from time to time. Issue 22 July 23, 2015. Year 11 2016 Subject Selection Day The parent night and student selection day was well organised by Mrs Hibbert and her team of workers. The Night was very informative. It was great to learn about the new subjects on offer for 2016 and the on line booking process. I was also very impressed with the support for the night with approximately 200 people in attendance. This was followed up with a selection day for the students. What a very valuable start to the thinking process for our Year 10 students. Staff Spirituality Day This is being undertaken on the 10th August. Please not this in your diaries. This will be a pupil free day and even the Trial HSC students will have a free day to study. There will not be any teachers at school on this day. Upcoming events: WEEK 3 28th July English Competition 7-11 29th July Aspirations 30th July BYOD Parent Evening – 6.30pm WEEK 4 3rd August Yr 11 Leadership Workshop Trial HSC starts 4th August Stage 5 (Yr 9&10) 2016 Elective Day and Night at 6.30pm 5th August Year 9 Retreat (Boys Only) 6th August Year 9 Retreat (Girls Only) 8th August Nagle House host the 6pm Parish Mass Phillip Mitchell Acting Director of Community Issue 22 Teaching and Learning News Subject Selections Subject selections are now underway with Year 11 2016 opening Thursday 23 July and closing Monday 27 July at 9pm. All students need to check their email to access the student portal but should see Mr Schmidt or Mrs Hibbert if they haven't received the email ASAP. Stage 5 (years 9&10) 2016 will begin their process on Tuesday 4 August and there will be an Information Evening at the College that night commencing at 6.30pm. Years 10-12 students online All students in years 10-12 can access students online from BOSTES using their BOSTES number. The website is well worth looking at and they can go to https:// studentsonline.bos.nsw.edu.au Students are able to receive information regarding their extra curricula involvement in schools which may be able to be recorded on their RoSA. Another very useful resource for Year 12 can be found at: http:// studentsonline.bos.nsw.edu.au/go/exams/preparing_for_your_written_exams/ advice-hsc-exams/ This will give students great information regarding the HSC exams and all students and their parents are encouraged to look at the advice from BOSTES. HSC Trials Year 12 will start their trial exams soon and by now all students should have established a study routine for each night. They are encouraged to attempt past paper questions and submit them to their teachers for feedback as well as attend any study sessions on offer. There is still one more Year 12 ONLY study session next Wednesday night in the library from 3.30 until 6pm. SHARON HIBBERT | Assistant Principal (Acting) - Director of Teaching and Learning Issue 22 Issue 22 Issue 22 Young & District Family History Group’s 2nd Annual Antique & Collectables Appraisal Day Celebrating National Family History Month Saturday 15th August 2015 9am – 4pm St Mary’s Parish Centre Campbell St Young, NSW 2594 (Opposite the Young Museum) Cost $5.00 per item or 3 items for $10.00 Refreshments Available BY request NO FURNITURE or LARGE ITEMS For further information contact Young & District Family History Group Inc. Address: 2 Campbell St Young NSW 2594 Email: [email protected] Web: www.youngfamilyhistorygroup.com/ Phone: 02 63824045 or 0428 132 217 Issue 22 You are invited by the Young & District Family History Group Inc. to an afternoon with Kim Phillips from the Spirits of Gallipoli Project SEE archival film shots of the first AIF marching in response to the call to arms. HEAR a commentary of the events that began at 3.30am on the 25th April 1915. SEE slides showing past and present photographs of the Gallipoli area and diagrams illustrating the location of battle sites and the movement of units. PURCHASE a book containing the stories of 100 soldiers who are commemorated at Gallipoli which also includes a CD honouring the 7249 soldiers commemorated at Gallipoli. Date: Saturday 24th October 2015 Time: 1.30pm – 3.30pm Place: Ibis Room at Young S & C Club Cloete Street YOUNG NSW 2594 Cost: $5.00 per person Afternoon tea available from S & C Club coffee shop at your own expense R.S.V.P by Wednesday 21st October 2015 Phone: (02) 6382 4045 (during opening hours) Email: Website: [email protected] www.youngfamilyhistorygroup.com/ Hubert Leigh STARR, born and enlisted at Young Further information on the project is available at http://www.spirits-of-gallipoli.com Issue 22 Issue 22 Elouera Special School Night Friday 31st July @ 6:30pm Ex-services Club Cootamundra Tickets $10.00 Tables of 8 BYO Basket Supper Tickets available from Elouera Special School, Elouera Association and at the door. Contact: Trisha McTavish 0403997420 Interested in a career in: Business Education Nursing and Paramedicine Social work Are you aged between 18-34 years? You can undertake university study here in Young. Most course units are held on weekends or are fully online. All courses are financially supported. Textbooks are free. Come along to an information evening: Hennessy Catholic College Library Tuesday, 28 July at 7.00pm For more information, ring 6382.1486