Poster () - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
Poster () - Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission
ESA C ESA Coverage of Listed Steelhead (Oncorhynchus ESA Coverage of Listed Steelhead (Oncorhynchus g f Li t d St lh d (O ( hy h mykiss) in Puget Sound Salmon and Steelhead Fisheries yki )) i P g t S d S l d St lh d Fi h i Amilee Wilson ([email protected]) Amilee Wilson (amilee ( wilson@noaa gov) g ), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) ) National Oceanic and Atmospheric p Administration ((NOAA)) N i National National Marine Fisheries Service l Marine M i Fisheries Fi h i Service S i e (NMFS), NMFS Lacey Field Office e (NMFS) NMFS LLacey Fi Field ld Offi Office Harvest Effects • SSteelhead harvest is restrictive (i.e., non‐directed lh d h ( , d d fi h i ) d i id t l fisheries) and incidental mortality is minimal. t lit i i i l • N Native steelhead have shown little or weak response to i lh d h h li l k p reduced harvest throughout the DPS based on escapement reduced harvest throughout the DPS based on escapement and total run size estimates for five populations (Figure 3) and total run size estimates for five populations (Figure 3). WDFW Harvest impacts occur in Recreational and commercial fisheries R ti l d i l fi h i Tribal ceremonial, subsistence and Tribal ceremonial subsistence and commercial fisheries commercial fisheries targeting healthy populations of unlisted salmon and hatchery steelhead Harvest authorization and rates h i i d • Combined Combined average harvest rate for native steelhead is 4.2 percent for five average harvest rate for native steelhead is 4 2 percent for five steelhead populations (e g Skagit summer/winter; Snohomish; Green Puyallup steelhead populations (e.g., Skagit summer/winter; Snohomish; Green, Puyallup and Nisqually winter). and Nisqually winter). • Marine impacts are limited less than 400 native steelhead per year. Marine impacts are limited less than 400 native steelhead per year Figure 1 Puget Sound Stteelhead DPS for ESAlisted steelhead. Figure 1. Puget Sound St teelhead DPS for ESA listed steelhead • F For those populations where steelhead data are lacking, harvest management h p p l h lh d d l k g, h g must remain within impacts observed during 2000/01 through the 2006/07 t i ithi i t b d d i g 2000/01 th gh th 2006/07 seasons. seasons Introduction and Status d i dS • Incidental Incidental harvest rates for Puget Sound are within the harvest rates for Puget Sound are within the range authorized for Columbia River steelhead populations range authorized for Columbia River steelhead populations. • Puget Puget Sound steelhead were proposed for listing in March of 2006. The final federal Sound steelhead were proposed for listing in March of 2006 The final federal listing decision as a “threatened” listing decision as a threatened species occurred on May 11, 2007 (Figure 1). species occurred on May 11, 2007 (Figure 1). • The The principal factor for steelhead decline is the destruction or modification of principal factor for steelhead decline is the destruction or modification of habitat. habitat Conclusions WDFW • The Th vastt majority j ity steelhead t lh d fisheries fi h i are restricted t i t d to t non‐directed di t d fisheries fi h i and d incidental mortality is minimal. minimal • The The elimination of the directed harvest of wild steelhead in the mid‐1990s has elimination of the directed har est of ild steelhead in the mid 1990s has largely addressed the threat of historical harvest management practices (72 Fed Reg largely addressed the threat of historical harvest management practices (72 Fed Reg. 26722, May 11, 2007). 26722, May 11, 2007). • NMFS concluded l d dp previous i h harvest t management g tp practices ti lik ly contributed likely t ib t d to t the historical decline of Puget Sound steelhead, steelhead but that the elimination of the directed harvest of native steelhead in the mid mid‐1990s 1990s has largely addressed this threat (72 Fed Reg. 26722, May 11, 2007). • The The Puget Sound Technical Review Team (TRT) has identified three draft major Puget Sound Technical Review Team (TRT) has identified three draft major population groups (MPGs) and 32 draft demographically independent populations population groups (MPGs) and 32 draft demographically independent populations (DIPs) for Puget Sound steelhead (Figure 2). (DIPs) for Puget Sound steelhead (Figure 2). • Native steelhead have shown little or weak response to reduced harvest throughout h gh the h DPSS based b d on escapement p and d totall run size estimates for f five f populations p p l ti (Fig ((Figure 3)) 3). • Steelhead Steelhead populations are showing declining trends populations are showing declining trends (Hard et al 2007 and Ford et al 2010) and concern (Hard et al. 2007 and Ford et al. 2010) and concern exists regarding lack of data for steelhead populations in g d gl k fd f lh d p p l P g tS Puget Sound. Additional steelhead monitoring is needed. d Additi l t lh d it i g i d d • There is concern regarding the lack of data available for the majority of steelhead t lh d p populations p l ti i the in th Puget P g t Sound S d DPS. DPS More M d t il d information detailed i f ti on population abundance and productivity can be found in the NMFS Status review update for Pacific salmon and steelhead listed under the Endangered Species Act (F d et al.l 2011). ((Ford 2011)) NWIFC Figure 2. Puget Sound Steelhead Draft Major Populattion Groups (MPGs) and Distinct Population Segments (DIPs). Skkaaggitt Riivver 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Total runsize Total harvest Escapement 10000 Greeeen n Rivveer 16000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Total runsize Total harvest Escapement 4000 4500 3500 4000 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Total runsize Total harvest Escapement p 7000 Nissquallyy Rivveer 12000 Sno oh ho om missh m h R Riivver 18000 Puyyaallu up p R Riivver NWIFC 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Total runsize Total harvest Escapement p 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Total runsize Total runsize Total harvest Total harvest Escapement Figure 3 Effects of reduced harvest on escapement and total run size estimates for natural origin steelhead from 1984/85 to 2006/07 for the Skagit Snohomish Green Puyallup and Nisq Figure 3. Effects of reduced harvest on escapement and total run size estimates for naturalorigin steelhead from 1984/85 to 2006/07 for the Skagit, Snohomish, Green, Puyallup, and Nisq qually river basins Total harvest includes both tribal and non tribal catch; all Puget Sound salmon and steelhead fisheries Total estimates are represented by numbers of native steelhead qually river basins. Total harvest includes both tribal and nontribal catch; all Puget Sound salmon and steelhead fisheries. Total estimates are represented by numbers of native steelhead.