Introduction - Watson`s Web


Introduction - Watson`s Web
The Coming Race Wars
Watching the American predicament take hold on a once great nation is a tragedy to
watch, while there is some black humor that can be derived from watching the inane
foolishness of its leaders and people, the reality is being replayed from a script written
millennia ago. It is called the destruction of an empire and its seeds are invariably sown
from within. The primary problem with America, unlike so many other empires of the
past, is the people. In Rome it could be blamed squarely on the corruption of the elite
because there were no real democratic inputs into the system. Caesar and the senators
ran things the way they liked and as the Empire grew older and older, the elite grew to
like corruption more and more. They became soft, detached and their interests narrowed
from the greater good of the Empire to a simple 'what's in it for me?' mentality.
Consequently, as the checks that prevented corruption began to weaken, so did the
empires resolve and ability meet outside threats with any unity or conviction. It was this
corruption that, in my opinion was the death nail to the empire. Had Rome endeavored
to make its empire more just and dealt with corrupt officials swiftly and decisively,
Rome may still be standing today. We should remember that after Rome fell, Europe
lapsed in to a state of political disarray and economic decline. New paved roads in
Europe did not come back into existence for hundreds of years as the wherewithal to
build and create such engineering feats died when the Roman system collapsed.
Yet when empires begin their fall, they become very dangerous. They become desperate
and like scared animals, often their reactions to threats; real and imagined, can be
irrational and violent. Is this not what we have seen in America over the past few years?
The concocted 'threat' of Iraq and Afghanistan are perfect examples.
Indeed, America's economic empire is under a most serious threat with its gargantuan
deficits and its ability to import the energy she needs to run her economy and her
military is wholly dependent on its ability to attract more lenders to purchase her
treasury paper. Understating this need for oil and America's fiscal predicament brings
into focus the Bush-Cheney foreign policy. It also explains certain heavy handed
domestic episodes such as Ruby-Ride and Waco, where an entire community including
children were deliberately burned alive by federal officials.
But America has a very serious Achilles heel that has not been seriously explored
because of the extremely controversial nature of the subject. That is racial tension and
the real and growing potential for a violent racial conflagration. But the problems that
America is facing in this regard are no longer unique to America''s melting pot of ethnic
groups. The rise in immigration in Europe has fanned the fires of racial unrest there as
well, as the Paris riots and the London riots clearly demonstrated.
The Coming Race Wars
Immigration, hate groups, racist rhetoric, racism, racially charged police shootings, neoNazi's, Azatlan, terrorism, Islamic extremists, holocaust denial, Christian extremists... all
of these are more and more coming into the news and portend an extremely serious
problem ahead for all us if we continue to let these untended social problems grow and
flourish in our backyard. In fact, I see a war of races transpiring across the globe as the
forces of hate, intolerance and evil grow into a hideous crescendo of vice and bloodshed.
This is the future and I think it matches what the scriptures teach about the last days to
the letter. The causes are ultimately spiritual as man's love of evil shows itself everyday
in his lasciviousness, lust, torture, lies, murderous rampages and cruelty to his brother.
Mankind is on an irretrievable path to destruction and while many call this kind of talk
doomsaying, a look at the headlines these days does not yield much hope for us getting
our collective act together. On the contrary, forces are already at work to set brother and
brother, Black against White, White against Latino, Muslim against Christian, Asian
against White, Black and against Black. The seeds have already been sown. Groups
espousing violent and hate filled rhetoric are growing in number. While such individuals
who populate these groups are not numerous, they have tried and true methods for
attracting frustrated, socially discarded and emotionally handicapped individuals who
can be held under the sway of the magnetic leaders who espouse racist dogmas. Young
people especially can be swayed into the fold with hate music that appeals to their baser
instincts and channels their personal frustrations and inadequacies against other racial
groups. Music is a key tool of recruitment for white supremacist groups and a plethora
of bands often funded by extremist groups have become a very popular way for socially
isolated, misfit youths to feel good about themselves by hearing myths about Aryan1
superiority and 'racial2' purity. These social fairy tales give a youth suffering from low
self esteem a sense of worth and a new set of friends to share their new found hate with.
Recruitment by these groups of young people had grown and it is becoming a serious
Our modern culture is heavily influenced by outward appearance. It, for better or worse,
1 There is no such thing as an Aryan race. This idea was concocted by a few occutists with an overactive imagination to
describe a myth a bout an ancient civilization that what populated by blond-haired blue-eyed people. These ideas have
no basis in science but are still popular among groups that still hold Hitler and Naziim in high regard
2 The entire idea of race is being undermined by the latest scientific evidence derived from man's study of the human
DNA. Today the entire idea of biological 'race' is being dismissed. Race, is a social, not a biological or scientific
construct. This of course would have been heresy to Hitler and his henchmen as it is to todays White hate groups.
does play an important part in how humans interact with one another and this is where
the idea of race needs to be discussed. Not in terms of Aryan myths and magical
supermen which are ideas are for small children and the feeble minded. But in terms of
the realities; political social, economic and spiritual. The standards where most of us
choose our friends, mates, formal and informal association are based on these less than
scientific, but no less important factors.
This is where we need to understand how issues like immigration and even our 'war on
terror' are so important when considering the real possibility of a coming race war.
Illegal immigration here in the US and a massive influx of legal immigration in Europe
have led to a growing backlash against other racial groups. These open border polices
are stirring a pot of hate that is resides just under the surface of western societies that
seems to be growing slowly but steadily. While most people are smart enough to
recognize the folly of stirring up hate between ethnic groups, they may still resent the
undermining of their culture, heritage and national identity by those who, at best do not
hold these things in high regard or at worst, view these symbols as something to hold in
contempt. These are some of the more important issues that must be dealt with in
western societies if they are to survive as internally peaceful and prosperous. This is by
no means a given in today's increasingly fractured and decadent western societies. This
is especially true in America where everyone is playing the blame game; Whites blame
Blacks for rising crime, Blacks blame Whites for lack of opportunity, Hispanics blame
Whites for low pay, while he attacks Blacks who happen to live in his neighborhood.
There is plenty of blame to go around in each and every ethnic group. Sadly, people are
easily misled into this dangerous game which essentially takes both the hater and the
hated to the same social and spiritual hell.
Racial politics is a semi-taboo in most polite and professional conversations but race and
politics are closely intertwined and cannot be extracted from one another. Race played a
key part of the bloodiest war in American History, the Civil War. It also played a serious
part if the American transformation in the 1960's. It plays a key role in the Israeli
Palestinian conflict. According to many, it is the unspoken foundation of America's war
on terror. It is the foundation of the conflict in Chechnya, and Ossetia. It plays a pivotal
role in the conflict in Sudan. It was the primary reason for the massacre in Rwanda.
Racial politics was one of the main sparks that ignited the Second World War, when the
belief of Aryan superiority caused Germany to invade nation after nation in order to
obtain its breathing room. It is the ability or inability of nation-states to resolve conflicts
peacefully (these states being largely based on ethnic/cultural/religious ties) that make
for times of war or times of peace. Yet today, we are in a world where nation states have
been deliberately weakened in favor of an untested economic and political model called
globalization. This weakening has been assisted by a deliberate policy of encouraging
immigration using various administrative and legal tools in Europe and a deliberate
policy of non-enforcement of existing law in the US. The leaders and elite of western
world for whatever reason, have embraced immigration as a good thing. For the elite, it
has been good in many respects as it provides for a cheap labor pool, puts pressure on
labor unions, diffuses nationalistic tendencies in the overall voting pool3 and dilutes
those same tendencies to the degree that immigrants can participate in elections.
Additionally, it undermines the cultural ties that bind the nation state into a coherent
entity. This has, up to now, allowed globalization to move forward with few political
impediments. But there is a rising backlash against both rising immigration as well as
the trends in globalization in general. The elite usually create crisis and then attempt to
use them to solve other problems and this is how the rising tide of immigration will be
used in the future, in my estimation. Immigration, rising anger, intolerance with the
concomitant rise in hate crimes and interracial violence could conceivably be used as a
ploy to institute draconian laws upon an unsuspecting population of groups each
blaming one another for a myriad of ills while the elite move to consolidate their power
over the class of neo-plebians, whom they have successfully turned against one another.
Thus, racial hatred needs to be looked at from more than the usual angle of 'impotent'
government or 'mistaken' policies. Rather it should be examined from a perspective that
a deliberate attempt is being made to dilute cultural identity and infuse it into a new
global 'ethic' and perhaps most importantly (as well as most overlooked) for profit. If
that should prove to be ineffective, plan B is to create dissension and division among
people. This may seem a bit too conspiratorial for many readers but looking at how
important race is in so many of todays issues, race should never be discounted as a key
driver for the formulation of international and domestic policy, both open and secret. In
fact I see it as one of the more important issues, outside of the accumulation of wealth in
the hands of fewer and fewer people and the increasingly private control of global
economic and military institutions. That issue is race and how those with money power
and influence will use it to strengthen global institutions, accumulate wealth, reduce the
rights of the poor and (perceived) undesirable racial groups. While many would never
subscribe to the idea that race plays a role in important issues of international policy, all
the empirical evidence clearly shows otherwise. It has not been so long that Europeans
thought that other non-whites (Native Americans, Malay, Chinese, Africans) were seen
to be only fit to be used as human chattel. It has not been so long that Hitler began his
program of racial superiority and conquest, which was not universally rejected in either
the UK or the US. Additionally it has only been a few weeks since the Iranian President
called for the destruction of the Jews. These issues are real and policy makers more
often than not have two sets of moral compasses, one they use in public and the other
they apply in secret when they make policy. In other words, they say one thing and do
quite another.
Once one understands this basic maxim, one can tear off the self made blinders and see
the world for what it really is. Race is an issue and my strongly held view is that it will
3 This may have been theorized in the beginning but in practice it remains to be seen.
become more of an issue as globalization takes its next major steps, namely the political
integration of the North American continent, further steps to expand and solidify global
trading institutions and the privatization of military command and control. These are the
goals of some individuals who populate such groups as the Bilderberg, the World
Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations etc. They have a plan and they
always plan in secret. This is key to understanding why things are being done and the
ordinary people are not told. Powerful men meet in extreme secrecy with armed guards
patrolling their meeting grounds, paid for with taxpayer money as they plot to mold the
planet for their profit. Preparing the world for corporate rule is the primary goal of these
I ask all my readers to consider what follows because fascism this is the future, it is not
democracy, it is not communism and it is not anarchy. The future is fascism and fascism
is what we will have, sooner or later one way or the other. The elite will use their power
to loosen laws or have lax enforcement on laws that would ordinarily impede their
progress to their 'brave new world.' Race is an issue that will play a part in the days
ahead. This is why I have in the past on this site attempted to show the trends in fascism
that our nation and world are taking. One is the privatization of the military.
$900 An Hour.
Men who are willing and desirous of making $900/hr, killing dark skinned people,
raping their women and torturing their young men are making a great deal of money in
Iraq. Contractors are looking for people who love violent excitement to go to Iraq and
make mayhem4. You see the contractors get paid, as well as the company, based on how
many people and hours are worked. Contractors are not at all particular about a persons
background in fact, some were specifically seeking those elements who are racist,
pulling them from hate groups to go and kill Arabs. They are finding these individuals in
the Aryan Nations, the National Alliance, Prison gangs and other places where white
supremacists hang out. I know this because of what observers who have served in Iraq
and Afghanistan had relayed to me personally. These individuals are a very real
presence in both places both as paid mercenaries and as serving military personnel.
Indeed there seems to be a 'Christian Identity' and even occult aspect5 to some of the
goings on in Iraq that were being encouraged by Rumsfeld's policies. These are things
that must be taken into account if we are to see what the elite may have planned or are
planning for us. I see a dangerous element being created by these groups. I also see
4 One thing that happened when Rumsfeld left office was the fact that within hours, literally of his dismissal many
contractors began pulling up stakes and leaving Iraq. There is a mass exodus now in Iraq of contractors. This is directly
related to Rumsfeld. He was running a secret program that only a very small set of insiders were aware of. I am not
talking out of school when I tell you that his agenda had nothing to do with stabilizing Iraq. These contractors were
being used to create chaos and confusion and make money in the process.
5 Asatru
where large sums of government money could easily wind up in the hands of racist
elements in the US. This could easily be accomplished by forcing those individuals,
especially convicts and ex-convicts (yes, I do mean both) to kick back a certain amount
of their money to front organizations in order to be released from their sentences and
become mercenaries. Consider: a paycheck of $900 an hour that is almost twelve
thousand dollars a day for a normal (wartime) workday of 12 hours. That is a lot of
money in anyones book.
I cannot stress this enough as to just how big a problem these mercenaries are. They
have fired on US troops and other US personnel, knowing full well who they were. They
have become agents of chaos. It is my belief as well, (though I have not heard this
'directly' from my sources) that they are still deeply involved in torture. In short, we
have the 21st century version of the South American death squads operating in Iraq and
no one on the big named anti-war sites or liberal blogs or even policy tanks have figured
it out, but even the circumstantial evidence is staring anyone in the face.
“It is jut a matter of time 'till these guys start operating here in the US.” so said one of
my most trusted sources. If he said it, I believe it as this individual is in an extremely
unique position to know. I shudder to think about some of the strange things that have
happened in the US; strange news stories that go up and then get quickly pulled from
search engines. One involved a hide out in the American northwest where police
vehicles, school buses and other 'official' vehicles were found by investigators in their
search for home grown terrorists. After this information was gathered and passed back to
Federal authorities, someone at that level tipped off the terrorists and all of the
equipment vanished. Incidents like this are not common but my years of observing the
US government has led me to the firm conclusion that there seems to be an 'anomalous'
element in it that is protecting group(s) who have eyes on creating chaos here in the US
in the not too distant future. Indeed, when one sees the polarization of the inner cities,
the drug dealing that is targeted specifically at young minorities, most notably blacks
and law enforcements seeming obsession with targeting these areas6, armed gangs that
operate in some places with impunity, intelligent people who still posses some
semblance of a conscience begin to ask questions as to what is going on and why all of
these things are bing allowed to continue. Thus, on one level, especially in drug
trafficking I see a concerted effort to target racial groups by our authorities for their own
nefarious purpose. Let us never forget the FBI's Counter Intelligence Program (aka
COINTELPRO) of the 60's and 70's. This was part of a larger policy of targeting any
black leader who had any charisma and could rally blacks to assert their constitutional
rights. Black Americans saw the beast for what it was back in the 50's and the 60's. Now
the US government, especially under Bush-Cheney, has simply expanded those very
same programs not just to blacks but for all groups of people Black, Latino and White.
6 Many will have a problem with that statement. While in some areas crime is higher it is also true that many officers use
this as an excuse to use heavy handed and at times illegal tactics to deal with crime in the inner cities.
This is because in the doctrine of a true fascist, all of these groups are to be eventually
subjugated in the new order. However, in the interim, it is necessary for the elite to
utilize 'useful idiots' who stir up the fires of racial hatred for them to implement their
plans. Those of you who enjoy denigrating the deep struggle black Americans had to
undergo to gain the semi-equality they have today, there is a need to keep what
happened in mind, because the tactics and the forces who were behind killing so many
Black leaders then are still with us today and are not just targeting minorities. Let me tell
you something that you need to keep firmly in your mind, these men will kill you. They
are not interested in your rights. If you do not bow to them when their system is brought
into being, you will be killed. This is ultimately the goal. They will stop at nothing to
bring in their order and if your blood must paint the way to their future, then your blood
will paint the way to their future. These Dark entities already have almost complete
control of the US government and increasingly over Global institutions.
Today the goals of the elite are different than they were (to some degree) than they were
in the 60's because globalization is making its mad dash to the finish line and these dark
entities are trying to do it before the people understand exactly what they will be giving
up before they blindly go along with the program. Understand this as well, the elite
know that there is increasing resistance to their plans and immigration, loss of social
benefits, pensions, union jobs are all creating a very vocal and active opposition to their
plans. Herein lies a very serious threat to their plans. There are three ways to undermine
this opposition, that grows as each new step towards globalization is taken;
1) undermine democratic processes
2) set one group of plebeians (commoners) against another
3) violently repress the opposition to their plans
Those of you who have read this site regularly can see how steps to do each of the above
have been taken from vote rigging, to widespread government surveillance and other
counter intelligence programs not publicized. However, the thrust of the rest of this
section will dwell on number 2 above, the setting of one group against another, or as the
saying goes, divide and rule.
Racism should be looked upon as tool of policy, not its ultimate goal. The careful
nurturing of hate and intolerance helped the Nazi's into power in the 1930's and it is
most unwise to think for one moment that American politicians are so much further
along on the political 'evolutionary' scale that they are not above using race to gain
power, implement policies of divide and rule.
Witness Katrina
If there was any recent event that exposed the overtly racist policies of the Bush
administration and some industrialists who back him, it was the Katrina fiasco and the
loud proclamations by Bush's officials that they were using this horrible tragedy to
depopulate New Orleans of Blacks.
A Bush Cabinet officer predicted this week that New Orleans likely will never
again be a majority black city, and several black officials are outraged. Alphonso
R. Jackson, secretary of housing and urban development, during a visit with
hurricane victims in Houston, said New Orleans would not reach its pre-Katrina
population of "500,000 people for a long time," and "it's not going to be as black
as it was for a long time, if ever again." - Washington Times
The events that are still transpiring down in the gulf demonstrate a concerted effort by
certain elements in the GOP to use racial hatred as a cornerstone of their policies. This is
not a new phenomenon. American history is drenched in the blood of these kinds of
politics. Whether it be the hideousness of slavery, to the segregation of schools, to the
use of separate washrooms, US history is one that shows that its deep intolerance and
hate is one of its most prized possessions, it is indeed an inextricable part of the
character of American society. Legal decisions were a mostly wicked contortions of
Constitutional principles but were upheld and never challenged by state governments.
The pseudo science of the day went on to proclaim loudly that whites were the master
and thus superior race. However as time passed, these idea's were slowly being
challenged by some scientists and anthropologists at the turn of the 20th Century. Here is
an example;
Traces of Negro blood have been found in the Malay States, India and
Polynesia. In the Arabian Peninsula it has been so extensive as to
constitute a large group there called the Arabised Negroes. But most
significant of all has been the invasion of Europe by persons of African
blood. Professor Sergi leads one to conclude that the ancient Pelasgii were
of African origin or probably the descendants of the race which settled
northern Africa and southern Europe, and are therefore due credit for the
achievements of the early Greek and Italian civilizations.
There is much evidence of a further extension of this infusion in the
Mediterranean world.
“Recent discoveries made in the vicinity of the principality of Monaco
and others in Italy and western France,” says MacDonald, “would seem to
reveal . . . the actual fact that many thousand years ago a negroid race had
penetrated through Italy into France, leaving traces at the present day in
the physiognomy of the peoples of southern Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and
western France, and even in the western parts of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Ireland. There are even at the present day some
examples of the Keltiberian peoples of western Scotland, southern and
western Wales, southern and western Ireland. of distinctly negroid aspect,
and in whose ancestry there is no indication whatever of any connection
with the West Indies or with Modern Africa. Still more marked is this
feature in the peoples of southern and western France and of the other
parts of the Mediterranean already mentioned.” - Report of First Races
Congress, 1911
The idea's of racial supremacy started, not with what today is euphemistically called the
'New World Order' crowd but by supposed 'Christians' who first landed in the new world
who hoped to escape the tyranny of European monarch's. These Christians (mainly
Puritans), later fell into the same traps as the old Kings they fled from when they began
mistreating others. For example in 1661, Maryland enacted a law forbidding
intermarriage, the primary reason behind this law was as much because of the fears of
racial intermarriage as it was economic. It was contended that a 'free born' woman who
married a slave caused economic 'harm' to a slave owner or so it was claimed. However,
there were a great many economic factors at play here and race was often only used as a
tool for the rich landholders to keep hold of their wealth (slaves) and increase it. You
see, White 'planters' often married Black slaves in those days and this was often
encouraged by the White land holder. This was because the offspring would be of mixed
race and then used as slaves. Later, laws were enacted freeing such offspring in order to
prevent white slaveholders from prostituting their women in order to increase their slave
holdings. This laws was passed by the ancient theological progenitors of America's
religious right. Here let us focus on what the issues were, the driving force behind these
types of laws which were commonplace at the time as they are today, are these: race and
Even the Civil War's undertones were clearly rooted in both of these issues, as southern
slaveholders saw the North's interference in their racial policies as a direct threat to their
economic lifeblood. The Civil War was an outgrowth of these issues and can be summed
up in two very fundamental principles.
1) Who has the right to eat of another mans labor?
2) Do men have a right to be paid for his work and should men be pressed into
involuntary servitude in order to enrich individuals who are violently hostile to the
These issues go to the root of our capitalistic system and one need only look at the
struggles of the labor movement to see how many of the same themes were carried over.
However, it was done not so much in terms of race, but on issues of class. The
economic/racial aspects were fundamental issues in the American Civil War. Consider
this as well, the invention of the cotton gin caused the price of slaves to double and the
cotton exported to the north and were a key part of the North's economic life. Consider
that those Northern states that were economically dependent on the South's slave
generated textiles were divided on the issue of slavery. Even though the abolitionist
movement was gaining strength there was resistance in the North, often by those
elements that had an economic stake in the perpetuation of the system of slavery. Indeed
the fugitive slave law of 1850 was viewed by many as being the result of the those who
held interests in both plantations and textiles to enforce the old system of slavery by
compelling the return of slaves to their owners. The law was not enforced as there were
a number of legal and administrative impediments put up by state and local
governments. Nevertheless, fines for those federal officials who refused to do their 'duty'
and capture these runaways were severe. This made many slaves see freedom in Canada
as the only answer, where the British allowed the runaways to reside. Thus, in the
misnomered 'land of the free' the only freedom slaves had was outside of the the US7.
Men were enslaved because other men found great economic advantage in eating the
fruit of another man's toil.
These two issues are still very much with us today issues of race, exploitation, resource
development and even genocide. These issues that are linked together in many of the
world's conflicts. It is simply disingenuous to believe that race no longer plays a part in
the issues of today because whether we wish to see it or not, race is often the most
important factor behind many of today's issues. Yet the political correctness of the day
does not usually allow us to discuss these issues in terms of race or perhaps more
accurately, ethnicity. Moreover, it is not always possible to identify who still holds
views of racial superiority as most of the world's hardened racists rarely if ever, speak
publicly about it. In short, they are going incognito and often use politically correct
phrases to win friends who would ordinarily cringe if they discovered the deep inner
hate these people feel for other ethnic groups and the sense of superiority they feel
belongs to them by virtue of an insignificant genetic mutation.
American history is rife with the use of race as a means to further economic exploitation.
The use of readily assimilated racist propaganda can and has been used in the past to
further purely economic ends. Throughout American history, especially in its early
7 This, many have said was due to the book Uncle Tom's Cabin which was very popular and seemed to have an impact on
British Policy towards slavery.
beginnings, the need for labor was intense. That need was initially filled by whites who
came to America as indentured servants. However, unlike slaves they still had many
rights. But this was only a temporary solution to what was considered a labor shortage.
Thus, in 1672 the Royal African Company was formed in order to supply slave labor to
the new world.
With the labor question resolved, the question of seizing Native America land would
soon begin in earnest. Land and eventually industrial production were key to the new
world and its economic miracle. In some states like North and South Carolina land was
granted for free to Whites who owned slaves. This land was of course, 'obtained' (stolen)
from the native population. It was this draw, the hope of owning land that brought so
many White settlers to the New World. Indeed, many researchers have concluded that it
was this economic factor, this huge labor pool, that need not to have been paid for their
work, that was the real source of wealth that helped make the new world. It was this
labor pool of Black slaves that essentially created a class of non-working whites who
owned huge plantations that used slave labor as the engine of its wealth. Many landed
southern Whites denigrated hard manual labor and looked upon it as 'nigger work'. They
got rich driving poor abducted men and women from Africa to work under a whip and
and in chains. But not only was the work done by slaves a source of wealth, increasingly
so was the slave himself.
Comparison Of Slave, Land And Cotton Prices
Average Slave Price
in dollars
Per Acre Public Land
prices in dollars
Per Pound Price Of
Cotton in dollars
From the book Black Labor White Wealth. By Dr. Claud Anderson
But the economic desire to prolong slavery did not end there. In fact, England despite its
stated opposition to slavery, had strong economic incentives to intervene in this
American affair in order to maintain the institution of slavery. This was because England
had roughly 4 billion dollars of fixed capital that had been invested specifically for
cotton goods and if slavery came to an end, it would jeopardize the flow of wealth to
England's shores. So while England made a lot of noise about not liking slavery, the
reality was that they were economically dependent on its continuance in America8.
The exploitation of black labor also reached into the North, as the goods produced by
Blacks were consumed by Northerners. The Church at the time was ineffective (with
many notable exceptions) as well in anti-slavery moves in the north in pre-Civil war
times because of the consumption of goods produced by Black labor was accepted and
prevalent by religious leaders and parishioners alike. The economic disparities between
North and South and the determination of who, on each side of the war, was able to be
and remain economically viable, was a key issue in the Civil War. It really was about a
way of life for White southerners. When the North attacked slavery they attacked the
economic lifeblood of the south, but in so doing forced the south to take the first steps to
come out of the economic 'dark ages' and into the modern world where labor and capital
are more closely related and more egalitarian. Keep in mind as you read on, that this
egalitarianism is the primary foe of fascists.
But the economic exclusion of Blacks and Indians did not stop in the north and the
south. Nor did it end with the Civil war. For example, during the Gold Rush in the West,
Blacks who contributed the most to the nation by their labor and Indians who
contributed so much with their land were denied even the right to pan for gold. Blacks
could only do it as a slave to a white person. I could go on and on, the denial of land put
aside for veterans denied to blacks turned out to be affirmative action for white special
interest groups9 The systematic denial of the aggregation of wealth by Blacks and the
forced labor of the same without recompense for said labor is really the greater part of
America's economic miracle in the 19th century. These things were done by social
scientists and politicians who justified these actions by calling Blacks and Indians 'subhuman'. These economically convenient pronouncements would only be upheld and
circulated by those with the greatest economic stake in the perpetuation of these
scientific myths.
Here is where I must digress for a moment. You see, I do not believe that most people in
positions of economic or political power either in pre-Civil war society or even in Nazi
Germany, really believed the propaganda of the day10. I believe there was an economic
imperative that such myths be created and sustained using the power of the state in order
to maintain the economic status quo. However, it should be stated here that the case of
8 This is not to say that England's desire to end slavery was not sincere, rather it only demonstrates that once again those
with an economic stake in its continuance remained influential.
9 This is what affirmative action has turned into today. It was originally intended to assist blacks, but the primary
beneficiary has been the largest majority in the nation, that is Caucasian women. Today despite the gains in black
America white households earn 66% more that black ones. Affirmative Action was torpedoed by the same establishment
that brought us Women's Rights, but that is quite another story. And before you readers of mine fire off a 'nasty gram' to
me', I do support womens rights.
10 The masses were easy to sway, in their abject ignorance they would believe anything the government told them and
defend it to the death, no matter how wrong it was, as those who held power then as well as now, know all too well.
Nazi Germany may be a little different as there was a small group of Occultists who
appear to have been true believers in the 'Aryan=superman, Jew=subhuman' myth.
However, the only way these men could come to and wield power in the state was
because very rich and influential bankers and industrialists saw a profit in the
promulgation of these doctrines. But we will spend more time on Nazi racism later. The
key here is the economic imperative. This is the bait, if you will, that brings in big
money to assist in the creation, perpetuation and expansion of racial myths.
Yet there are other forces at work in our modern world that are bringing racial politics to
the front pages in our world. These underlying factors are not always fully covered in
news organizations but they are very important if one wishes to understand why issues
of race are becoming more important in the 21st century.
Eugenics And Genocide
What do 20th Century American science and the Nazi's have in common? Both were
pushing racial eugenics and each implemented it in the early 20th century. One via a
direct government assault and the other as matter of public policy, privately funded. In
America this was targeted mostly at Blacks in the form of birth control. In Nazi
Germany it ended up with compulsory sterilization laws and finally the death camps.
Eugenics takes many forms and cannot be limited to these cases. It can include Genetic
screening, abortions, immigration control, restrictions on marriage and child bearing to
name a few. None of these things seem particularly revolutionary today as there has
been an enormous amount of propaganda that has been created and consumed by the
world's population on the subject. Its broad acceptance is a testament to propaganda's
power. People in the west have accepted the voluntary forms of eugenics. However there
is still enormous resistance to compulsory forms of eugenics as well as a policies that
are specifically (or rather publicly) designed to target certain ethnic groups.
This is where we must briefly discuss possible futures. First there are efforts underway
to eventually crate genetically superior humans via genetic manipulation and cloning.
While many have moral and ethical problems with this, rest assured that many scientists,
especially those who are able to get grant money from the very, very rich have no such
moral impediments. The trend to create a master race took off in the 20th century with
the advent of the the western world's transference of moral authority away from
Christianity and towards scientific discovery. Hence what was happening in American
and in Nazi Germany should be understood in this light. In the scientific mind, there is
no God and morality is based solely on utilitarianism and economics. Because the ideas
of race were so deeply ingrained in the US, it was easy for people to accept eugenic
arguments that targeted specific ethnic groups.
Margret Sanger A Tune Of Death
It is difficult not to talk about the roots of modern eugenics
and not talk about Margret Sanger. Much has been already
written about her and her views but in summary, she can be
best described as the mother of the modern birth control
movement and the main inspiration of such organizations as
Planned Parenthood. She was an avowed racist who wanted
to use eugenics to reduce and ultimately exterminate the
Black population. Her 'Negro Project' was specifically
Emblem of the theosophical society
Notice the swastika at the top.
designed for this purpose. The philosophical underpinnings of this were philosophically
Malthusian, and spiritually, Luciferian. I use this term because there was a clear spiritual
side to Sanger's views. She was a member of the Theosophical Society. The
Theosophical society was founded by Madame Blavlatsky. Ms. Blavlatsky had as one
her most ardent disciples a woman named Alice Baily who started Lucifer Publishing.
Later the name was changed to Lucius Trust. More on Lucius trust can be found here,
including some of the very prominent Americans who were members. Men who held
some of the highest positions in the American government, members of higher education
were members. Today this movement is extremely influential but does its best to remain
behind the scenes.
"We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro
population" – Margaret Sanger
We should facilitate, instead of foolishly and vainly endeavoring to impede the
operations of nature in producing this mortality; and if we dread the too frequent
visitation of the horrid form of famine, we should sedulously encourage the other
forms of destruction, which we compel nature to use. Instead of recommending
cleanliness to the poor, we should encourage contrary habits. In our towns we
should make the streets narrower, crowd more people into the houses, and court
the return of the plague. In the country, we should build our villages near
stagnant pools, and particularly encourage settlements in all marshy and
unwholesome situations. But, above all, we should reprobate specific remedies
for ravaging diseases; and those benevolent, but much mistaken men, who have
thought they were doing a service to mankind by projecting schemes for the total
extirpation of particular disorders. - Thomas Malthus, Essay on the Principle of
These were the views of Malthus (from where we get the term Malthusian) who was so
very influential on a plethora of new scientists and social planners who began to
influence public policy in the latter part of the 19th century. Indeed it was the influence
of the men and women who held views of instituting the new eugenicists that brought in
the idea of forced sterilization to the US in the early part of the 20th century. Indeed,
what most people do not realize is that the US was the first country to embark on a
national policy of eugenics. The Legal framework was approved of by the US Supreme
Court in the Buck Vs. Bell decision.
Writing for the majority in the Supreme Court's affirmative decision of this
landmark case, Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. described Charlottesville native
Carrie Buck as the “probable potential parent of socially inadequate offspring,
likewise afflicted” stating that “her welfare and that of society will be promoted
by her sterilization.” - University of Virginia
The first country to concertedly undertake compulsory sterilization programs for
the purpose of eugenics was the United States. The principal targets of the
American program were the mentally retarded and the mentally ill, but also
targeted under many state laws were the deaf, the blind, the epileptic, and the
physically deformed. Native Americans were sterilized against their will in many
states, often without their knowledge, while they were in a hospital for some other
reason (e.g. after giving birth). Some sterilizations also took place in prisons and
other penal institutions, targeting criminality, but they were in the relative
minority. In the end, over 65,000 individuals were sterilized in 33 states under
state compulsory sterilization programs in the United States Wikipedia
Here we see the seeds of the policy's that made the Nazi's infamous were first practiced
in America. These facts are not widely reported because for all the theatrical disdain that
many have for Nazi policy, the roots of it are still with us today in the form of
organizations like Planned Parenthood and the United Nations Population Fund. A quick
look around the UN site shows a plethora of black, Asian and Latino women, the very
same target population that Nazi ideology viewed as being subhuman compared to the
“Under what conditions will the scientist deny the truth and pervert his science to
serve the slogans of tyranny? Under what conditions are great numbers of men
willing to surrender all hope of individual freedom and become ciphers of the
State? How can these conditions be prevented from occurring in our country?” -
Henry Wallace, 1939 VP Candidate
It was American contamination of German thought coupled with certain German
thinkers that eventually led to the Nazi social experiment in 'Racial Hygiene' and not
vice versa.
In 1921, Fritz Lenz, Eugen Fischer, and Erwin Baur published a two-volume
work entitled Outline of Human Genetics and Racial Hygiene. Reviewers hailed
the work as a “masterpiece” in the best traditions of German scholarship.
Revised and updated every few years, the work shaped medical thinking in
Germany and provided scientific legitimacy for Adolf Hitler’s National Socialist
or Nazi party. Indeed the publisher sent Hitler a copy of the 1923 edition. He read
it during the year he spent in prison for an attempted overthrow of the German
government. Later, in reviewing Mein Kampf, Hitler’s own account of his
political beliefs about German racial superiority and his dreams of building a
new Germany empire, Fritz Lenz noted with pride that Hitler had borrowed many
of his own ideas. Throughout their work, the three authors acknowledge
American leadership in the eugenics movement. They repeatedly cite research
by such American scholars as Henry Goddard, Charles Davenport, Carl Brigham
and Lewis Terman . Lenz, in particular, insisted that there were no differences
between the positions taken by American and German eugenicists. Both were
“accustomed to thinking biologically.”1 Although Germany lagged behind in the
application of eugenics to public policy, he was confident that as eugenic
education proceeded in Germany, eugenic laws would follow. Throughout the
1920s and 1930s, Lenz, Baur, Fischer, and other German eugenicists worked
closely with their American counterparts, especially Charles Davenport and
Harry Laughlin at the Eugenics Record Office in Cold Spring Harbor, New York,
and Paul Popenoe, a leader in the American Eugenics Society in California. A
topic of mutual interest was “race crossing” or miscegenation. In 1929,
Davenport invited Eugen Fischer to speak on the subject at the Rome meeting of
the International Federation of Eugenic Organizations (IFEO). - The Nazi
Connection By Frank Boas
While many recoil at the Nazi's Racial Hygiene laws and compulsory sterilization
practices such as the Gesetz zur Verhütung Erbkranken Nachwuchses, that provided the
legal framework for a massive sterilization program, it actually started in the US.
However, in Germany the sterilization program eventually morphed into a general
Euthanasia program that initially targeted disabled children and later adults.
The Castle that was the beginnings of the Nazi T4 program
The eugenic mentality is still with us and the target of efforts to exterminate portions of
the human population have not changed but rather are hidden in plain sight. Consider the
recent story in Libya, where several doctors were convicted of deliberately injecting
young children with the AIDS virus. The Libyan government has issued death sentences
to the medical workers who were found guilty. But look at who is defending the medical
workers. The UN, Russia, Bulgaria and even Amnesty International! One must wonder
who was really behind these acts when such powerful forces rush to defend those who
commit acts with clear eugenic undertones. But the UN has had a long history of using
its population control agenda in non-white parts of the world and their reaction to
protecting these types of doctors is understandable when looked upon in that light. In
other words the victims (children) are not deemed worthy in the propaganda model, of
any protection. The perpetrators however ('health' care professionals) are deemed worthy
of protection. Once one begins to at least consider that the UN's real policies are often
directly at odds with its stated polices, its actions in the third and developing world
become clearer. Aids is a devastating disease and it is decimating the African population
and for doctors to deliberately inject children with it is pure evil. For those of you who
desire a well researched and extremely enlightening video on the subject of AIDS, I
cannot recommend highly enough the Documentary called The Origin Of Aids. Once
one watches it, they will come away with a clearer picture of how the AIDS virus
probably first made its way into Africa. This video is not so much a 'conspiracy' video as
it shows the scientific thinking at the time, the disdain for African life in Human
experimentation by the scientific community and the scientific cover up that ensued
11 Most people put far too much trust in Scientists. They can be and often are motivated not with scientific truth but in
For those of you who are doubtful of the scope of biological warfare in our times and the
depth of the extreme and racist right involvement in their development and deployment
in Africa, then I strongly suggest you listen to these two audio files. They come from
Dave Emory''s excellent site. He has done a great deal of research on the topic of Nazi's
and fascism and I recommend those who want to learn more, to visit his site.
The audio files can be found here.
Biological Warfare, Aids, Ebola and Apartheid - a
Biological Warfare, Aids, Ebola and Apartheid - b
But let us once again look at he abortion issue in the US. The target of Sanger's Negro
Project was of course Black Americans. One of the most important statistics today when
dealing with this issue is this; abortion is the leading cause of death in the African
American Community. The simple facts are that the plans of the very people who were
in bed with the Third Reich to exterminate Blacks is moving ahead with the help of the
Democratic Party, Black leadership and Black Churches. The plan then, as it is now, is
to only allow certain ethnic groups to live and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
From the article Abortion By Race
The Black population is clearly the target of a variety of tools currently in place to
reduce its population, undermine is wealth making ability and reduce its legal12 status by
certain policy makers. This is no revelation as for the first 150 years of US history, many
of these facts were clearly stated as policy and carried out openly in her courts. Blacks
grant money paid by rich donors. People like to mock religion and often say how many atrocities are committed in its
name, but in our modern world, they are beginning to pale in comparison to the atrocities committed in the name of
12 Indeed even the legal profession was once quite segregated and many of America's top law firms still do not allow
blacks into their firms and certainly not in to the firms partnerships.
were specifically denied employment in a wide variety of fields. Blacks could not even
compete in profession sports, like baseball. Indeed the goal of these policy makers was
and is to place certain ethnic groups as the 'dominant' group and violently suppress,
control and even exterminate other groups by the use of various policy tools such as
The racial aspects of Eugenics simply cannot be ignored and as much as many try their
best to deny it, Darwin's theory of Evolution is still very much the foundation of modern
scientific eugenics.
The spread of Malthus’ ideas was greatly increased by the influence of the ideas
of the famous proponent of evolutionary theory, Charles Darwin. Darwin’s
evolutionary theory provided the ‘scientific’ ideas which two men, Herbert
Spencer and Francis Galton, used to provide a ‘scientific’ defense of Malthus’
scientific racism. Herbert Spencer created Social Darwinism’ by applying the
idea of natural selection to the social setting. He claimed that the more able and
superior elements of humanity had become the upper class of society simply
through ‘survival of the fittest’ and therefore were genetically superior to the
lower classes.
Francis Galton, a cousin to Darwin, gave Malthusianism a further boost through
his publicized ‘scientific’ studies, which he claimed gave further ‘scientific’
evidence that the natural selection of evolution had indeed left the poor inferior
and worthless. Galton distinguished himself as the father of ‘eugenics,’ which he
first defined as the "science of improving stock-not only by judicious mating, but
whatever tends to give the more suitable races or strains of blood a better chance
of prevailing over the less suitable than they otherwise would have had." Spencer
and Galton joined ethnic racism with scientific racism by declaring that,
according to the same ‘scientific’ principles that showed the poor inferior, certain
races could be included along with the poor classes as being inherently inferior. The Inherent Racism Of Population Control
Thus we can see that as much as lovers of Darwin wish to deny it, the links between
Darwin and Eugenics are present for anyone to see. Once man rejected the idea that man
was a creation of God and made for his purpose, man became merely a 'cosmic accident'
that just happened along in a universe without order or sense and thus no moral
significance can be placed on the extermination of certain ethnic groups of humans.
Indeed, such eugenic actions show the Darwinian 'strength' that man needs to further his
evolutionary development. Notice how this theory carefully presupposes that the 'Upper
Classes' were genetically superior. Darwin's theory conveniently served and still serves
the interests of the elite who fund scientific research that enhances their social and
economic position. Yes, Darwin was instrumental in bringing in this idea. Make no
mistake about this, the entire idea of Racial Hygiene was becoming accepted by the
most influential men of the time. For example, the 1912 conference of Eugenics held in
London had as its participants the following;
Leonard Darwin – Son of Charles Darwin
Alexander Graham Bell
Charles Davenport – Eugenics Record Office on Long Island New York
Charles Elliot - President Of Harvard University
Winston Churchill – At the time representing the UK Government as
Secretary for Home affairs.
William Collins Vice Chancellor of the University of London
Eugenicists held their first international conference in London in 1912. It was
an appropriate place for a meeting devoted to “race improvement.” After all,
Britain was the home of Francis Galton and the place where the eugenics
movement began. Yet it was the Americans, not the British, who took center stage
at the conference.
Delegates from other nations were impressed by the gains the United States had
made in “protecting the race.” Between 1907 and 1912, eight states had passed
laws authorizing or requiring the sterilization of “certain classes of defectives
and degenerates” and several others were considering similar legislation.
American eugenicists also boasted of financial backing from private foundations
and public agencies. Not surprisingly, in the years that followed the convention,
Americans took over the leadership of the International Congress of Eugenics.
The first president was an Englishman—Leonard Darwin, the son of Charles
Darwin and a cousin of Francis Galton. The group’s second and third presidents
were Americans—Henry F. Osborn and Charles Davenport. -The Nazi
Connection By Frank Boas
This congregation was not a meeting of the 'nut brigade' but rather, it was a very
important meeting of the minds of some very important people who believed in the
'science' behind eugenics and they clearly had plans in implement them. We should note
that there was a very strong German presence and that this organization was organized
by Alfred Ploetz, a German who believed that only the 'fittest' should be allowed to
survive. This idea was a rather large leap from the original idea of racial hygiene. One
can see from this just where Hitler got his idea's on Racial Hygiene. It is not a stretch to
say that this kind of thinking that caused Germany to be involved in Genocide in
Namibia during its colonial period.
With these barbaric acts, followed on with Hitler's racial insanity, one can see how the
religion of science (and it does have all the hallmarks of religious belief) were the real
progenitors of the Holocaust and American scientists were just as responsible for it as
Hitlers SS. Consider this;
Hitler proudly told his comrades just how closely he followed the progress of the
American eugenics movement. "I have studied with great interest," he told a
fellow Nazi, "the laws of several American states concerning prevention of
reproduction by people whose progeny would, in all probability, be of no value or
be injurious to the racial stock."
Hitler even wrote a fan letter to American eugenic leader Madison Grant calling
his race-based eugenics book, The Passing of the Great Race his "bible." - From
The Horrifying American Roots Of Nazi Eugenics
These idea's were what Hitler needed to make the
'scientific leap' from killing simply the disabled but
now those of different ethnic groups. This new
impetus from a legal and scientific view, did not come
from Germany, but rather from America. At first the
arguments largely appealed to people's feelings of
'mercy' for those who were born with serious birth
defects. But later, the slippery slope of evil took men
to take their success in instituting these policies in the
world to expand their polices not only to the disabled
but to racial groups these men felt were undesirable. It
should always be kept firmly in mind what was to
happen to the bank accounts, houses, land, estates,
cars, businesses and other belongings of the targeted
A Nazi poster showing the purported costs of keeping the disabled alive
group. In Germany, the Jews who were herded into concentration camps had their
houses, gold, land, estates, silver, banks, business, currency etc., confiscated by the Nazi
party to go to party loyalists, SS
officers, military officer's
connected industrialists,
girlfriends, mistresses and others
to whom the party felt indebted.
'Racial Hygiene' began to be an
extremely lucrative enterprise.
Indeed, as the Jews who were
sent to camps were never paid for
their labor it goes to show how an
unrestrained 'free market' can
descend into truly the lowest
common moral denominator.
When one considers that today
babies are being killed around the
world, not so much for any
eugenic pretense, but are being
slaughtered solely for economic
gain (stem cells, baby parts for
researchers and other 'medical'
and even cosmetic purposes) it
seems clear that economics will
play as strong if not stronger role in any future social and political movements in the
western world including and most importantly current and future eugenic movements.
One of the more potent threats to the world's non-white population will be attempts
covertly to use eugenic techniques on populations that policy makers find as being
redundant and economically inviable. Removing huge swaths of populations that are
'encumbering' areas with important natural resources are all stories we read about in our
newspapers today, though it is never put in so stark of terms. One need look at what is
happening in Sudan as a perfect example. The problem here is often looked upon as
'ethnic-religious' strife. But the real issues are far more about oil than ethnic conflict,
which seems to be being used more as a 'rallying cry' to whip up the passions of
uneducated, religiously inflamed Islamics to attack those who dwell in the south. This is
once again is where this author sees the real impetus for racial theory. It is often rooted
in economics where racial hatred and the deliberate misuse and or misrepresentation of
science and religion by major media plays an important role in wealth transference,
extraction or creation to the benefit of those who have the most to gain in an economic
sense. If one looks above at the old Nazi poster (above), one sees how even then
eugenics were being used, at least ostensibly, to solve and economic problem.
One of the primary drivers adding fuel to the fire of many forms of racism in the western
world is immigration. The past two decades have seen an enormous influx of immigrants
into Europe as well as the US and Canada. These so-called 'rich nations' have been at
the forefront in calls for and concrete moves to strengthen the trends that ease the path
towards greater globalization. Immigration was needed by industrialists for cheap and
easily exploitable labor. This labor is a pivotal reason many industrialists, banks and
others have pushed so hard for it. It essentially creates global competition for jobs with
the jobs going, at least theoretically, to the lowest, rather than the highest bidder. This
has caused many western nations to relax certain immigration quotas which has
provided a large influx of culturally and ethnically different peoples inside these nations.
These trends, at first, were viewed as only a minor annoyance, but as these policies
continued and yet more of these peoples came into these nations, a violent and
dangerous backlash has developed. This backlash has taken the form of neo-Nazi
organizations growing in membership in Germany, talk of banning certain immigrant
related clothing in Holland, racist remarks by UK sports personnel and violence against
Blacks, Asians and Jews throughout Europe. Yet the underlying cause that is bringing
about these undesirable social consequences is rooted in demographics. That is, its
underlying cause can be directly related to which ethnic groups are increasing and
flourishing in terms of numbers and which are in decline, where it is happening and how
it effects cultures, politics and economics.
Source : The National Intelligence Council
The changes the world is undergoing in terms of demographics is a key driver in the
formulation of government policy and in places where it isn't, it will be soon13. Native
population shrinkage in Europe, Japan, America and Russia is and will be dramatic and
the only way for these regions to compete economically with the likes of the emerging
economic tigers in Asia is via a policy of immigration. Allowing qualified individuals to
come to these nations (in Europe in particular14) to work in jobs at wages that the global
marketplace can support. These trends are likely to intensify as the need for cheap,
skilled labor increases in these regions as the native population ages and declines.
•The population of the region that served as the locus for most 20thcentury history—Europe and Russia—will shrink dramatically in relative
terms; almost all population growth will occur in developing nations that
until now have occupied places on the fringes of the global economy:
• In 1950, Europe and Russia comprised 22 percent of the global
population; the share is now 13 percent, and by 2050 it will be 7.5
• In 1950, six of the 10 most populous nations were in the developed
world; by 2020, only the United States and Russia will remain on the top
10 list
• Of the 1.5 billion people that the world population will gain by 2020,
most will be added to states in Asia and Africa.
13 The other, outside the scope of this paper is natural resources.
14 Allowing via a deliberate measurable policy of immigration. In America what is happening is more akin to an invasion
as there are no controls and the immigrants are rarely identified.
The world will be older and far less Caucasian, and it will be far
more concentrated in urban areas; these population shifts will demand
concessions of political influence at the expense of the young and middle
aged and at the expense of
traditional rural constituencies,
as well as from traditional US
allies and toward states
currently outside our orbit of
• By 2015, for the first time in
human history, a majority of the
world’s population will live in
– From Long Term Global
Demographic Trends
The reason most migrants come to the rich
nation are usually for one of two reasons;
for economic opportunity or to flee
political or religions repression. But the
need for labor is not dissimilar to that
need in the 17th Century when the New
World was also experiencing a labor
shortage. Migrants, who were at first
Whites who fled voluntarily were looked
upon as this new labor pool that were used
to farm. Many of these new immigrants
then were also fleeing various forms of
religious and political15 persecution. But
when a new labor pool could be obtained
that need not have been payed for its labor (African slaves) it became the labor pool of
choice. In America, one can see the parallels today as this is one of the problems that
some have pointed out in the illegal immigration debate. Namely this, often employers
pay illegal immigrants a low wage illegally, knowing that the alien will not complain.
This labor pool is almost invariably individuals of Latino extraction in the US. In
Europe the problem of illegal immigration is not nearly as pronounced as in the US but
it is still a very real part of a growing problem which can be summarized this way;
Businesses need an exploitable labor pool that requires less capital to maintain, in
15 At that time the two were more of then than not, one in the same.
terms of wages and benefits in order to compete with parts of the world where the
standard of living is considerably lower. Economic needs have converged, both from the
supply side as well as the demand side to allow for a massive migration into the
developed world.
But the developed world has created this serious problem with its social polices that
began in the 1960's that have carried on to today. I speak primarily of the issue of
abortion in which literally tens of millions of children have been aborted in western
nations in the name of scientific modernism and sexual revolution. This issue, coupled
with the high cost of raising children in the West and this sexual revolution that glorified
sex outside of wedlock has given rise to an explosion of every conceivable variety of
sexual activity, both legal and illegal without the fruit of that activity, namely children.
This is a leading and deliberately unnamed16 cause of these demographic trends17. In the
past, war and disease were the primary cause of the kinds of demographic catastrophes
we see now in the west which are now the direct result of social policy.
The fact that the populations of the developing world are in decline adds to the
economic pressures on businesses to attract labor from other parts of the world. As the
chart above shows, the pool of young people are coming from Africa and Asia and
sooner or later, if Globalization is to continue, yet more immigrants from these nations
will be required in Western Nations to use as a stopgap for this self-made demographic
train wreck.
These conclusions are inescapable. This is the future and as much as extremists wish to
attempt to deny or even change them, this is the course each society/ethnic group has
chosen for itself. There has been nor is there likely to be much effective outside
interference to mitigate these demographic trends. Weather it be Latin Nations whose
traditional Catholicism, frowns on abortion and encourages child bearing or in Europe
where Christian teachings are no longer followed and large swaths of their potential
population has been aborted, there is little that can be done now. Unfortunately, a largely
uneducated and disaffected segment of the population will turn to extremists groups to
attempt go back to the 'good old days'. In Germany the trends are most pronounced with
a new Neo-Nazi party that, with the continued influx of immigrants, is slowly gaining
in strength. Eventually, it will hold real political power. However, the vision these
parties propose is neither realistic nor desirable. Europe needs the labor immigrants can
bring. If Germany or the slumbering populations of the rest of the western world had not
16 It simply is not politically correct to identify these too obvious conclusions in the usual suspects of rich men funded
think tanks, so it goes unmentioned.
17 Another cause could easily be laid at economic affluence and the fear of the economic consequences of child rearing and
been asleep at the wheel when important things like the EU Treaty, the WTO, NAFTA
and a plethora of economically as socially important agreements were reached, these
trends could have been moderated significantly. Sadly while, modern day Social 'John
the Baptists' were crying in the wilderness, the people were at a football game.
Germany's New Nazi party has a plan and they have learned from extremist groups in
the Middle East, such as Hamas and Hizbollah that one way to win the hearts and minds
of skeptics to your extremist cause is to do social work.
The party plans to pursue a strategy of showing up
the democratic parties in the respective parliaments
and expanding its cooperation with what it calls
"unaffiliated groups of comrades" within the neoNazi community. The NPD also intends to open
citizens' offices and provide social services, which
it expects to fund with government subsidies for
campaign costs and parliamentary stipends for
members' offices. Finally, Voigt plans to integrate
The flag of Germany's New Nazi Party
the remnants of the struggling far-right party the Republicans into the NPD's and
DVU's "Germany pact," which determines who runs for office and where. Der
Germany's far right movement began to really take shape after the fall of the Berlin wall
and German reunification. Men such as Peter Marx have been instrumental in its
formation into a viable political force. Their goal is clear, to get into the Bundestag, the
National Parliament and eventually into the Chancellorship. Ten years ago, I (who lived
in Germany for 8 years as an adult) would have said they haven't a snowball's chance in
Hades. Today, I see it as a real possibility in perhaps 10 more years. Meanwhile, the
racist attacks continue.
But Germany's flirtation with far-right groups is not a lone case. There are other
movement's in Europe that certainly bear watching. France's Le Pen is another figure
whose rants are reminiscent of an era most hope would never be relived.
French and European media reports in early December show that France's
National Front (F.N.) leader Jean-Marie Le Pen could receive 15 percent of votes
in France's presidential elections in the spring of 2007. In 2002, when Le Pen
surprisingly proved that he was able to survive past the first round and
challenged incumbent President Jacques Chirac, pre-electoral surveys credited
Le Pen with around 12 percent of the votes. Analysts estimate that many French
citizens prefer to hide their preference for the far right, hence pre-electoral
surveys usually indicate a lower-than-actual strength of the National Front. As a
consequence, French and global political commentators expect Le Pen to perform
strongly again next April, even though this time the gap between the survey's
statistics and real vote intentions may be smaller. - PINR
Once again we are dealing with a movement whose fire is being fueled by a huge influx
of culturally and ethnically different peoples many of whom refuse to assimilate
culturally into French society. Even those who attempt to assimilate are rejected by
native Frenchmen and French society because they are Black or Muslim or both. We
should not forget the Paris riots, where young Muslims went on a rampage and
destroyed personal property18. This incident was a clear reaction to elements in France
who want to economically and socially marginalize these youths. But more importantly,
it demonstrated a very serious fracture in French society. That being an increasing
cultural divide in France. This divide and its backlash has been exploited by Jean Le
Pen, France's far right leader. His presence and popularity are causing alarm bells to ring
in France political establishment. His platform is similar to other far-right, and neo-Nazi
groups; holocaust denial (which he was convicted of in Munich), nationalism and a firm
anti-immigrant stance. Le Pen has tapped into a sentiment that is rising in France and
throughout Europe. Extremist politics in France (left and right) has steadily gained in
voting popularity since the 70's where it was at about 1% of the vote in 1969 and now
hovers just above 20% of total votes cast. The upcoming elections in France will be very
telling as a break with the past ineffective policies of the old elite is clearly a desire that
most Frenchmen want. But what kind of break it is going to be is the big question.
Immigration, Islam, unemployment, the welfare state and terrorism will all play a factor
and these are all issues that will play into the hands of racist parties.
Questionable Leadership: Racists in Power
Politicians are usually the most likely to hide their racist views from the public. Which
brings us to a most interesting case. What follows will be some facts that many know,
18 While many commentators have missed this, these riots were part of a coordinated effort by Islamic extremist groups as
part of a power play, showing the west (the UK was also hit by similar rioting) how much power they had inside their
own nations. This has backfired as it has led to some western governments to use heavy handed tactics in dealing with
rioters and their sympathizers.
but a large still willfully ignorant portion of the population ignores. The case of Arnold
Schwarzenegger is probably the best known example of such a leader. Now before
anyone gets upset with me, I will tell you that at this point in time, I do not think
personally that Arnold is a deep seated racist. That would not be fair to Mr.
Schwarzenegger nor to my readers, many of whom support him. Nevertheless, Arnold's
Association with Nazi's, Aryan imagery and close associations with real Nazi's and
numerous reports of his affinity for Adolf Hitler is not something that should be
dismissed just because these things happened 20 or 30 years ago. Something is seriously
amiss when you have the governor of the largest state in America stating his affinity for
Adolf Hitler. How can the people of California elect someone like this? There are
several reasons for this but most important of them is the use of propaganda. By
propaganda I do not mean outright lies told from behind a podium with a swastika
dangling in front of it. I mean the nightly news broadcasts that beam into America's
homes and are generally believed to be accurate by Mr. and Mrs. America. Americans
got an earful of how Arnold's father was a Nazi but very little about his own love of
Nazi-ism. The 'scandal' that emerged was a Madison Avenue manufactured white-wash
designed to propel Arnold into the governors chair, which it did. Media and big money
wanted Arnie as Governor and they got it, Nazi ties and all. Indeed, Arnold was a one of
Kurt Waldheim's biggest supporters. Mr. Waldheim was the Austrian who got pretty far
in the world of politics before people discovered that he was a wanted Nazi war
criminal. How high did he get? He was the UN Secretary General! These ties, between
Nazi's and men like Schwarzenegger are not coincidental.
But the ties to Nazi's and the GOP in general go much deeper. Did you know that Bush's
grandfather was one of the primary US financiers that helped the Nazi's into power and
profited from its dissolution? Did you know that Karl Rove's grandfather helped build
the Birkenau Concentration camp? There are some very strange goings on in America
when you have so many descendants of Nazi war criminals/collaborators in positions of
the highest power and trust in the nation. One reason that this is being allowed to happen
is that the power elite know that hate and the wars that are fueled by them can be very
profitable to a very few select companies and individuals and it is not too difficult to
trick people into supporting policies that cater to well bred fears and a carefully nurtured
hatred. America's elite have a long history of Nazi collaboration. Conduits here in
America who assisted the Nazi's were Brown, Brothers, Harriman, UBS19, IBM to name
just a very, very few. UBS is today's Europe's largest bank and has such sway over the
US Treasury market (which she is specially licensed by Uncle Sam to buy certain
financial instruments directly from the US treasury) that it has the potential to cause
serious disruptions in these very important markets which see trading at about $600
billion a day.
The very same financial mechanisms that brought us Adolf Hitler and his racial insanity
19 UBS was not American until recently, but it has always had ties to US financial interests.
are still very, very active and today are even more powerful than they were when they
were actively supporting the Adolf Hitler. The nexus is far deeper than can be dealt with
in this paper and should be researched by individuals who are truly curious enough to
really want to find out the truth about these things. Thankfully with the advent of the
Internet, these things can no longer be hidden by the propaganda organs of our times
which pose as major media organizations. They are out there for anyone to discover
should he or she wish to.
Death Squads Old And New
Every racist movement needs its storm troopers, its brown-shirts, its Cro-magnon,
Neanderthal element that bashes in the skulls of those whom their masters tell them to.
This was certainly true of Herr Ernst Röhm and his brown-shirts during the Nazi era.
They were the key that brought Hitler to power as they smashed up the shops of Jews,
beat them up and raided 'communist' meetings. These men were generally agents of a
well planned chaos that enabled the Nazi party to seize power. But these elements were
expendable and ultimately disposed with by Hitler once their usefulness was complete.
Ernst Röhm was murdered by Hitler as well as a great many of his Brown Shirts once
Hitler's hold on power was secure. These individuals had outlived their usefulness and
had to be neutralized and done away with, permanently. This was mostly because Hitler
had made major deals with the German aristocracy and Army as well as western
Banking and industrialists for power. These individuals recognized that this 'working
man's' group of largely uneducated misfits would not serve the new Germany in the
ways that they had in mind - they simply had to go. What should be understood was this
important tie between Hitler and the industrialists who backed him. While some found
his racial policies repugnant, most did not and even those who did not share his views
were more than willing to profit from them. It was these industrialists that amalgamated
huge wealth mostly from the forced labor (slavery) that the Nazi's policies allowed,
encouraged and eventually demanded as the war dragged on. As far as these
industrialists were concerned the race issue20 simply provided them with a labor pool
that could be cruelly exploited for enormous profit. The most obvious method for this at
the time was to tap into the enormous and growing antipathy many Germans already felt
for the Jews and leverage that hatred in order to extract the human material which would
be used as a slave workforce. This profit motive has not been explored as much by many
writers. Nevertheless, Hitlers racial policies proved to be extremely profitable at the
time. Any 'enemy of the state' could be legally enslaved for the profit of the corporations
with, not only the blessing of the state, but usually with its eager assistance.
"The powers of financial capital had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than
20 This was certainly not a universal truth as rich industrialists like Henry Ford were rabid anti-semites and were indeed
honored by Adlolf Hitler.
to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the
political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This
system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the
world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private
meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for
International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and
controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private
corporations. Each central bank, in the hands of men like Montagu Norman of the
Bank of England, Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank,
Charles Rist of the Bank of France, and Hjalmar Schacht of the Reichsbank,
sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to
manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the
country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards
in the business world." - Carrol Quigley, From the book Tragedy and Hope
“The Jews must realize that their influence in Germany has disappeared for all
time” - Hjalmar Schacht, Nazi Germanys Economic Minister
Today these very same organizations (corporations, banks etc) often bearing the exact
same names control the entire global economy. The name of Hjalmar Shcacht should be
of interest to all as he was Hitler's Banker. The Bank for International Settlements is to
this day where all of the world's industrial central bankers meet nine times a year to
formulate global economic policy. As Quigley describes it, it is the apex of banking
power in the world and the founder and head of the BIS was Hitlers banker, Hjalmar
Schacht. It is not my intention here to call the BIS a 'Nazi' bank. That would not be an
completely accurate representation of their work today. Rather it is better to look upon it
as the continuation of the financial and economic mindset that brought us the Nazi
horror. They continue in the tradition that profit, economic 'stability' and 'growth' must
be maintained for western nations, banks and industrialists at any and all costs. Issues of
morality are rarely connected with its activities except when negative publicity could
impede their efforts to further its primary goals. Thus, we should keep in mind that
institutions that created the Nazi's remained long after the Nazi's lost Germany. The
bank accounts of these institutions still bulge with the money that was obtained from the
death and slavery industry that were the foundation of the Nazi' economy. Books and
even TV documentaries have been written on this. One of the better know is Nazi Gold,
by Tom Bower. One of the main problems today when one thinks of the Nazi's is that
they focus on the Holocaust. This was certainly the most tragic episode in human history
and the world has done well to never forget what happened. But the other aspect of the
Nazi crimes went unpunished. One of those being the financial crimes and the large
amount of loot that made its way out of Germany to be used later by Nazi's for their own
purposes after the war. Hate, money and science converged in Nazi Germany to give us
the second World War and its horrors. Thus, when men like the leader of Iran rant about
annihilating Israel and deny the holocaust, we need to step back and analyze the
situation for what it is. In Iran, the need is to unite the nation and using hate in the form
of Anti-semitism shifts the debate inside Iran away from its serious demographic
troubles, its rising unemployment and dwindling food reserves to a manufactured
outside threat. The lesson that Iran's leadership has learned is this; hate unites.
Hate in Action
When civilized nations fail to rise up against the Jew-haters in their midst, it is often just
a matter of time before the Jew-haters in their midst rise up against them.
Racist demagoguery is still very much a
part of our world. In Europe and in the
US the old demon of anti-Semitism is
still very much with us. Smashed
windows, burning swastika’s overturned
cars are all part of a violent backdrop to
the emerging ‘New Europe’. Threats and
acts of violence are commonplace in
Europe, so commonplace that often the
crimes go unreported. Sadly, this form or
racism is deep seated in European
history and its culture. Many of its
greatest artistic and cultural icons were
known for their anti-Semitism, some
even were praised for it. The rise of this
particularly repugnant form or racism is
by no means overstated. It is a growing
and very serious problem in Europe.
However, distinctions are often made between the Jewish state and all Jews. Legitimate
criticism of the state of Israel and some of its policies does not constitute the kind of
hate we are dealing with in this paper. However, when that criticism begins to include
all Jews and begins using violent rhetoric and action against all Jews because of a real or
perceived wrong, it crosses a line of racial hate that is dangerous not only for the Jews,
but for the nation who allows this kind of hate to grow like weeds in its own backyard.
Europe’s growing flirtation with fascism and the political acceptance of hate groups is
real. Some steps have been taken to reduce the influence of these groups, such as the
banning of a popular racist party in Belgium However, in Germany racist parties, (the
NDP) have gained seats in the state legislature. Other efforts are being made to isolate
this social cancer. For example, You Tube was able to stop them from creating an
Internet Radio Show.
The summary of evil deeds can only sketch the daily nightmare. Jews, and people
presumed to be Jewish, are assaulted across the region. Attackers, shouting racist
slogans, throw stones at school children, at worshippers leaving religious
services, at rabbis. Jewish homes, schools, and synagogues are firebombed.
Windows are smashed. Scores of Jewish cemeteries are desecrated with antiJewish slogans and threats and Nazi symbols on walls and monuments. In
Belgium, thugs beat up the chief rabbi. In Britain, the left-wing journal the New
Statesman depicts a large Star of David stabbing the Union Jack. In London, a
young student reading Psalms is stabbed 27 times on a city bus. A mural in a
Scottish church depicts a crucified Jesus surrounded by Israeli soldiers. In Italy,
La Stampa publishes a Page 1 cartoon of a tank emblazoned with the Jewish star
pointing its gun at the baby Jesus, who pleads, "Surely, they don't want to kill me
again." - US News And World Report
This is the backdrop of what is happening in Europe. It is a growing cancer that will call
for some very difficult political decisions in the near future as a new generation of
young people who have been spoiled with and poisoned by the get rich quick-itis of
Western culture and have a contorted sense of 'entitlement' begin more and more to
blame others for the fact that they do not live like their idols that they see on TV, (Big
house, new car, no need to work). These images are part of a trend in the west where
young people seek someone to blame for the fact that the the fruit of years of labor are
not handed to them on a silver platter. Who are they likely to blame? Foreigners.
Racists Rising In Russia
"Let me report: that Syrian who they say died in
a Subway accident — it was not an accident at
all. My skin-group leader, the nickname of
Valtroon, pushed him." - Time Magazine
Russian Young people, who have joined neoNazi groups or are identified as skinheads are a
growing movement in Russia and the hate that goes with it have brought about steep rise
in race-hate attacks against anyone who doesn't look Russian. The pageantry and
imagery used by these groups are clearly reminiscent of Adolf Hitler's Third Reich, but
instead of a swastika they often use a Russian iron cross as its symbol. These Russians
are on a crusade to 'save the white nation' as though there really was such a thing.
Sadly, these individuals are bing manipulated. Hitler had absolutely no love for the
Russians, viewing them, as well as all 'slavs', as a species of subhuman material, fit only
for slave labor. It is so tragic to see so many young Russians giving in to the most basic
forms of propaganda to glorify an enemy that cost the Russian people 20 million dead,
that enemy being Adolf Hitler. But these youths have no historical perspective and have
been so inundated with lies and half truths fed to them by their masters, they wind up
glorifying an ideology that wanted themselves destroyed.
Russia today is beset by a clear upsurge in racially motivated violence. There are a
myriad of stories that can be found on attacks against Blacks, Jews, Asians and other
ethnic groups in Russia. Many of these crimes are extremely violent including stabbings
and beatings.
The blast that ripped through a small cafe in the Cherkizovo market in eastern
Moscow Monday morning killed eight instantly, including two children aged four
and five. Two more victims died in a hospital, and the death count may yet grow:
eleven of 35 wounded are in extremely grave condition. It was a brutal attack,
and many Westerners acquainted with the Chechen rebels' tactics over the years
might at first simply conclude it was yet another front in the war on terror — a
random act of violence perpetrated by Islamic militants bent on inflicting as much
carnage as possible on the West, be it George Bush's U.S. or Vladimir Putin's
Except that most of those who were killed are Uzbeks, Tajiks, Chinese and
Vietnamese — the "blacks" or "churki" (wooden stubs), as Russian Nationalists
derogatively call non-white
foreigners, and as the
increasing number of average
Russians casually echo them.
On Tuesday, law enforcement
officials said they identified
the bombers as three young
ethnic Russian students of
Moscow colleges. The
suspects believed, Moscow's
Prosecutor Yuri Demin told
the press, that "There are too
many Asians" here. - Time
Most of these incidents go unreported to the police, who are either unconcerned with
such attacks or are part of the underlying problem. But in Russia there is another type of
racism taking place as well. It is can be called 'Caucusaphobia'. No, it is not a fear of
'Caucasians' as we in the west think of Caucasians (as people with white skin). Rather
this particular form of hatred is turned against native Russians who live in Russia but do
not have 'acceptable' Slavic features or backgrounds. While the use of this term may not
be in full use in academia or even 'blog-land', it is rather instructive. Russian antipathy
towards its non-Slavic population began long before the large influx of African and
Asiatic immigrants began streaming into Russia. A general Russian antipathy towards
others of its myriad ethnic groups is well documented. Consider, if only for a simple
antidote, the conflict in Chechnya. The Russian prejudice against Chechen's is extreme
and well known. The Chechen's have been at war with Russia for decades for self
determination. The Chechen are predominantly Muslim and have begun to ally
themselves with many Islamic extremist organizations21. Islam is seen by Russian policy
makers as a serious threat to Russian ethnic integrity. This was a great fear that many
Russian policy makers had when the old Soviet Union broke up. Today with seriously a
declining Russian population there is fear that they (White Russians) will be overrun by
those cultures that have not aborted the majority of their baby's or drank themselves
literally to death. It is these self-inflicted demographic nightmares that are staring
Russia in the face. Sadly however, these simple facts are beyond the comprehension of
the young racist who only believes what his master tells him. Ethnic Russians have
destroyed themselves are now seeking a scapegoat. That scapegoats are immigrants;
Muslims, Jews, Asians and anyone else but the actual cause of the problem, Russians
themselves. Meanwhile violent attacks by ignorant mobs continue.
Anyone who does not look typically ethnic Russian, for example, individuals from
ethnic groups of the North Caucasus, in particular Chechens, as well as members
of the Jewish community, Roma and children of mixed parentage are at risk. Even
ethnic Russians who are seen as sympathizing with foreigners or ethnic minority
groups, for example, fans of rap or reggae music, members of other youth subcultures, and campaigners against racism, have also been targeted as they are
perceived as “unpatriotic” or “traitors”. Attacks have been reported in towns
and cities across the Russian Federation. - Amnesty International
Radio Free Europe has a time line of recent reported attacks. Keep in mind that many
21 Some would argue that they have been forced to.
incidents don't get reported. This time line can be found here. Of course many of these
attacks are aimed at the same old scapegoat that Russians have used to transfer their
social problems on, the Jews.
This antisemitic aspect is not only evident in Russia and Europe, it is far more prevalent
and acceptable in the Islamic world, where the genocidal polices of Hitler have been
transferred to Islamic extremists and their sympathizers. This will be dealt with later.
A Deliberate Government Policy.
The most troubling aspect of what is happening in Russia in particular is that it seems to
have the tacit approval of Vladimir Putin and his circle of close advisors. Usually the
perpetrators of hate crimes go unpunished after spending a few weeks in jail, free to
attack someone else. Putin's policy has been to appear to be a fellow fascist and thus
keep a majority of Russians in his voting camp. Most Russians appear to hold
xenophobic views and thus Putin can get away with his actions. In some places the
cooperation of authorities with racist elements go so far that some African and Asian
Students must pay bribes in order to avoid arbitrary arrest.
Amnesty International research shows that while anyone, including ethnic
Russians, can be a victim of human rights violations at the hands of the police,
ethnic minorities, in particular from the North Caucasus and Central Asia, and
migrant workers can be particularly vulnerable to violations such as extortion,
arbitrary arrest, and torture and ill-treatment. Migrant workers who are in the
Russian Federation without adequate documents are made vulnerable by their
uncertain legal status, and in consequence suffer a lack of access to means of
redress, or can be threatened with deportation should they pursue a complaint.
Roma are another particularly vulnerable group due to deep-set prejudices and
negative stereotypes and the fact that they are very visible as a minority group.
The continuing conflict in Chechnya means that ethnic Chechens are vulnerable
to general prejudice as well as more targeted accusations of “terrorism”;
Russian NGOs have recorded a pattern of fabricated criminal cases of
“terrorism” brought against ethnic Chechens, targeted because of their ethnicity.
- Amnesty International
The police are viewed as the enemy by minorities and as a key part of the problem. The
entire Russian legal system is beginning to have all the hallmarks of an overtly racist
society, not unlike Nazi Germany who also had police and Judges look the other way
when such attacks occurred. Putin must begin to show the world that he is serious about
building a civilization based on basic respect for Human Rights because Russia is at an
important crossroads. While her vast oil wealth can and will cause many a leader in
Europe to turn a blind eye to what is happening, the tables can turn rather quickly in the
world of politics as George Bush has discovered. Russia wants 'in', when it comes to
global institutions but she must behave as though she is populated with real human
beings, real people rather than violent half-men whose only argument is to bash
someones head in. Putin's coddling of those elements speaks ill for himself and the
Russian people who are capable of much more than the feeble minded xenophobia that
is making a mockery of Russia. Unfortunately, I am not confident Russia has the
intellectual or moral capacity to overcome her more base, xenophobic and uneducated
underclass and as long as its leaders cater to such an element, Russia will undergo severe
internal convulsions as her Russian population continues to self-destruct and go into
further demographic decline. The actions of governments in Western Europe has been to
try to stop racism and at least make attempts to reduce this kind of element from
believing they can act with impunity. This is not true in Russia and it will keep her at
odds with more modern and developed societies.
Decent Into Madness
The events in Russia that are most instructive, if only to show the utter futility of racist
movements. As mentioned before, the Nazi' ideology that many Russians now embrace
holds Russians in the deepest of contempt as a racial group, but Hitler did feel that some
could be 'aryanized', or in Hitler's twisted dictionary, made into Germans, the very
people that attacked Russia and killed 20 million of them in the first place. Indeed, when
one observes the racial insanity that is covering Russia like a dark cloud it is hard to see
where it will all stop. Russia has literally hundreds of ethnic groups that have been part
of Russia for centuries. Chechen, Daghistanian, Kalmyk, Dido, Dzhek, Ossetian... the
list is endless. In fact, I have a reference work in my library by Ronald Wixman that is
an encyclopedia of Russian Peoples. It is 225 pages and many pages have more that 10
groups listed on a single page! However, the real question is once one group has been
'eliminated' what about the other 300 or so groups? Who is next? Using this tactic,
stirring up hatred is not a way to strengthen Russia, but a sure way to divide it and create
a hundred Chechnya's when before there was only one. This is not the way to any kind
of prosperity. Yet this is the undeniable legacy of racial hatred, it starts off with only one
group but quickly begins to include more and more until in the minds of the racist, the
only person who has the right to live is himself. This is why such men and women are a
grave danger to any nation-state, they are a political virus that seeks to undermine that
foundation using violent rhetoric that causes civil strife.
Extremists Expand
Seig Heil!
In August 1995, a graduating class of Palestinian Authority cadets, who would later
engage in the mass slaughter of Jewish men, women and children, marked the occasion
with a Nazi style straight Sieg Heil salute. Fawzi Salim
al-Mahdi, a commander of Fatah’s Force 17, Arafat’s
elite Praetorian Guard, which would play a key role in
suicide bombings, was known as Abu Hitler, because
he named his two sons Eichmann and Hitler. - Info
Are these men the picture a group of Neo Nazi's
preparing for a new pogrom in Russia? No. They are
Palestinian members of HAMAS. They have adopted
the Nazi salute into their repository of hate. Nazi's and Palestinians have long
acknowledged an affinity for each other. Even Arafat was very much part of the jackboot crowd.
Yet the Arab/Islamic affinity with the concepts of Nazism, including and most
importantly its call for genocide against the Jews is a well known if little advertised fact
of history. This is not news to those who studied the doctrines of Nazism and the origins
of many of today's Islamic and Pan Arab movements. The ties are clear and in such
instances as HAMAS, they are not even denied.
Here is an old photo of Palestinian solders making the Nazi Salute.
But I need not use old photo's, here is one of a
Fatah rally in the West Bank in June of 2006.
So the question is, does this make anyone sick
anymore? Or did the Nazi's win WWII and the
world just hasn't figured it out yet? Yet the
world in its ignorance has backed this new form
of Fascism. Why? Is their hatred of Jews more
important to them than common sense and
sanity? Is that hate more important than a clear
recognition of what it is they are really supporting?
One would think global institutions that deal with racism would at least try to tackle
these problems. Yet when the UN gets involved in the Israeli Palestinian conflict it is
usually badly tilted towards the Palestinians.
Sixty years after the Nazi Holocaust, anti-Jewish hatred reached another climax
at the hideous anti-Israel hate fest - the United Nations Conference on Racism in
Durban, South Africa. There the Left demonstrated their common cause with
Radical Islam by embracing hateful anti-Zionist propaganda, and feverishly
supporting the genocidal program against Israel. This evil festival of terror and
hate in Durban 2001 was the lowest point in human history since the Nazi
Holocaust. - Info Israel
Over and over again we see the left overs from the Nazi era embedding its swastika like
hooks into the world body. As I mentioned earlier, the highest ranking official in the
UN, Kurt Walsheim was a wanted Nazi war criminal!
Documents uncovered in the mid-1980s showed that Waldheim remained active in
the Germany army until 1945, assigned as an intelligence officer on the staff of
General Alexander Löhr, an Austrian who was executed in 1947 as a war
criminal. Löhr's forces committed atrocities against Yugoslav resistance fighters
and deported 40,000 Greek Jews to the concentration camp at Auschwitz.
Waldheim told reporters in 1986 that he was only an interpreter and clerk on
Löhr's staff and had no part in war crimes, but intelligence reports and
eyewitnesses indicated he was aware of the atrocities. After the war, the Allied
war crimes commission ruled that Waldheim should be tried as a war criminal,
but he was among 40,000 suspects whose files were sealed and given to the
United Nations and who were never tried. - Encycopedia of Biography
Once again the UN is prevented his prosecution through its inaction, the same UN that
constantly supports the very Palestinians who want to drive the Jews into the Sea. I ask
my readers this, who won WWII? My answer is this; on the battlefield it was the Allies
but in the boardrooms and banks, it was the Nazi's.
A fact, that seems to be a victim of our collective amnesia are these troubling facts about
the UN and its affinity for protecting Nazi's and persecuting Jews. But if one see the UN
as a tool that will eventually give way to a new system of government for the world, as
many hope, then in that light, its actions make more sense. That light when shown on
many of its decisions, spell fascism. Sadly, in too many places people think fascism is
'cool'. However, people only believe that as long as they think someone else is going to
be the victims of the necessary hate that fascism needs to perpetuate itself.
Nazism held a genuine appeal for the Arab populace, who were attracted to its
messages of rejection of democracy, recovery of past military glory and Jewhating. In 1935, Reza Shah, the ruler of Persia, changed the country's name
from Persia to Iran to reflect that they, like the Nazis, were Aryans. A popular
Arab song during the war went, "Allah in heaven, Hitler on earth." Nazi-Islamic
Again we see the same old lies regurgitated not unlike a drunkards vomit; the holocaust
was a myth, the Jews run the world, and of course the Jews must be killed and Israel
wiped off the map in order for there to be peace. Each of these things has been called for
by Iran's President and widely held to be true by many, perhaps the majority in the Arab
world. Turning brother against brother believing somehow that only one's own racial
group has a right to live is the root of fascism. This is always where such mental
instability leads; to war, killing and genocide. The very things that are increasingly
becoming humanity's most beloved pastimes.
Eastern Europe
From Poland to Ukraine; The Czech Republic to Romania, racist attacks on anyone who
is not White are increasing in both frequency and level of violence. The level of
xenophobia in these nations is at a level that is inconceivable to most Americans. The
attacks on what are called 'visible' minorities (those whose physically characteristics are
markedly different that the indigenous population) and are common in many parts of
eastern Europe. These can take the form of a simple verbal attack to beatings and even
killings. Once again in many Eastern European countries, the problems find a root in
police sympathy or even collusion with racist elements. In the Czech Republic for
example attacks are often targeted at not only at Asian or African immigrants but against
a homegrown perceived 'underclass', the Gypsies (Roma).
The biggest problem stems from the local police, who sometimes display an open
sympathy for skinheads, allowing them to hold unauthorized marches and
threaten nonethnic Czechs. Police are often slow to respond to Romani calls for
help and hesitant to make arrests, even after a violent attack. In some cases,
police themselves have used excessive force against Roma, sometimes causing
death. - HRW
Roma are an ethnic group who originally came from outside Europe (probably India22)
and migrated to Eastern Europe. They have a unique culture and are looked down upon
by the native populations. They are often violently attacked by racist elements and
Despite noticeable improvements in the last year, the judicial system still does not
always punish the perpetrators of racially motivated violence to the fullest extent
of the law.
When cases do go to court, the attack is often viewed as a 'personal fight' rather
than a premeditated act of violence against an individual on account of his race,
ethnicity or color. Sentences are often light, which sends the message that such
22 Based on genetic and linguistic research.
attacks are not considered serious. Racist attacks - and the government's lack of
response - are the most serious concern of Roma in the country today. But Roma
also face state discrimination in other areas of daily life, such as education,
housing and employment. They are often segregated in 'special schools' denied
residency permits and refused jobs, solely because of their race or ethnicity. HRW
Rising racism is a real and growing problem in both Western and Eastern Europe. There
is an abundance of research on this topic on the net and time and space do not permit a
detailed discussion. More can be found on the EU's ECRI site.
But the underlying cause of the firestorm that is brewing in the western world is
Immigration and how immigrants are viewed in their new land.
Divide and Rule Immigrations Goal.
Here is where I see the greatest danger in this state of affairs. At the risk of sounding
repetitious, I will say that Immigration, in my considered view was a tool used by a
small clique of very powerful elitists for several reasons. First it was designed to create
downward pressure on wages. This has been especially true in America as it has had to
deal with a literal invasion of millions of illegal, undocumented workers who have had
an enormous effect on the US labor market. Second, it was designed to undermine the
cohesiveness of the nation state by undermining the cultural fabric that makes a nation
one. Those things being its language, traditions, history, common values as well as its
religious beliefs. By undermining these ties, it is easier to destroy the nation state. This
will assist in bringing what the perpetrators believe will be a global utopia. The nation
state must be sufficiently weakened so that global institutions can step in and fill the
power vacuum. This has been one of the main drivers behind illegal immigration in the
US. Powerful politicians have blocked for decades every attempt to stem the tide and
this is because those with the money who fund both political parties see the furtherance
of their economic, political and social goals embodied in a mass influx of these
immigrants. In America, the goals are clear and many of the same trends can be seen in
Europe where the need to undermine National identity in favor of its new regional
government, the EU is needed23. Once again, a large influx of immigrants do have a
deleterious effect on the pay of labor. However, it has energized the labor movement in
the EU, while in the US, the labor movement was being betrayed by the Democratic
party under Clinton. But in America labors leadership had already been co-opted by
elite organizations such as the Council On Foreign Relations24. Let us note here that
23 And it is backfiring badly in Europe.
24 Sweeny was a member of this elite organization as have other AFL-CIO Presidents. He also has ties to the war hawks in
the GOP.
these plans were not formulated overnight and minor setbacks will not bring them to an
end. As long as these policy institutions can exist with no public scrutiny and they are
able to bring their plans about in darkness, people will never figure out how they are
being manipulated until it is too late to change things. But they have the money, they
have the access and they have the secrecy needed and have been able to systematically
de-construct our Constitutional Republic to a place where it now resembles a tyranny
more than a democracy with laws that can imprison Americans without trial, without
recourse to any hearing to be tortured until the day they die. This is the real result of
these secretive policy making groups. They disdain public discourse and enlightened
debate. Some have desired to create a cauldron of discontent, knowing full well what it
would bring about.
Racial hatred and bigotry is a powerful tool if used with serpentine wisdom. Hitler
learned it, so has Putin. The US establishment as well, may very well attempt to use
racial hatred as a tool to distract people from a real crisis that will come in the not too
distant future. Many may not want to accept what follows, that is fine, it is not written in
stone and the fluidity of events may overtake such a dire prediction that I am making
here. I do not shirk from making it because I see it as a real possibility. But keep this
firmly in mind, I have been called every name in the book by Jew-haters, skinheads,
hard line Islamics. Verbal vitriol does not phase me, especially by those whose only
language is hate and intolerance. Time and age has taught me that one is known by the
enemies he makes, and I take comfort if my words anger such people as their wrath is a
steady compass that shows me I am on the right track.
What happened to Martin Borman?
The German people as a whole, who flocked so
eagerly to the swastika flag because it seemed to be
the least risky and most promising step at the time,
will try to denounce them for precisely the same
reason. Surrounded by enemies or potential enemies
on all sides, the Nazis-or the Nazi cadres-have only
one way open. They must hide; they must play dead;
they must wait. - The Nazi's Go Underground
At an August 10, 1944 meeting in Nazi Germany key
decisions were being made to ensure the continuance of a
Fourth Reich after the Third one fell. Little did anyone
know that their plans would be such an enormous success.
Dr. Scheid, papers from his briefcase arranged neatly on the
table before him, stated that all industrial matériel in France
was to be evacuated to Germany immediately. “The battle of
France is lost to Germany,” he admitted, quoting Reichsleiter
Bormann as his authority, “and now the defense of the Siegfried
Line (and Germany itself) is the main problem. . . . From now
on, German industry must take steps in preparation for a postwar
commercial campaign, with each industrial firm making
new contacts and alliances with foreign firms. This must be done
individually and without attracting any suspicion. However, the
party and the Third Reich will stand behind every firm with
permissive and financial support.” He assured those present that
the frightening law of 1933 known as Treason Against the
Nation, which mandated the death penalty for violation of foreign
exchange regulations or concealing of foreign currency, was
now null and void, on direct order of Reichsleiter Bormann.
“From now on, the government in Berlin will allocate large
sums to industrialists so that each can establish a secure postwar
foundation in foreign countries. Existing financial reserves
in foreign countries must be placed at the disposal of the party
in order that a strong German empire can be created after
defeat. It is almost immediately required,” he continued, “that
the large factories in Germany establish small technical offices
or research bureaus which will be absolutely independent and
have no connection with the factory. These bureaus will receive
plans and drawings of new weapons, as well as documents which
they will need to continue their research. These special offices
are to be established in large cities where security is better,
although some might be formed in small villages near sources
of hydroelectric power, where these party members can pretend
to be studying the development of water resources for benefit
of any Allied investigators.”
On May 23, 1940, all French banks operated under the German
banking administration, and fiscal operations came under
the supervision of Berlin auditors. When the Japanese bombed
Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, and President Roosevelt
announced that the United States was at war with Japan and
Germany, the branches of American banks in France came
under German control and were closed, except for two American
banks: Morgan et Cie., and Chase of New York. Both received
this special treatment through the intercession of Dr. Hermann
Josef Abs of Deutsche Bank, financial advisor to the German
government. According to U.S. Treasury agent reports, the favorable
treatment was due to an “understanding relationship” between
Lord Shawcross and Dr. Abs. Sort of an “old school tie,”
an unspoken understanding among international bankers that
wars may come and may go but the flux of wealth goes on
forever. Lord Shawcross was, and is, a British financial leader in
the City of London, a distinguished barrister, and a board member
of many international firms; he had also been serving as
special advisor to Morgan Guaranty Trust of New York, and
to their French and Spanish banks. Morgan et Cie. and Morgan
et Cie. Internationale S.A. and Chase of New York had their
own ties to Abs. Lord Shawcross was later to become chief
prosecutor for the United Kingdom before the International
Military Tribunal at Nuremberg. He was to have many friendly
conversations with Dr. Abs, who was under house arrest for a
time in 1945. Both Lord Shawcross and Dr. Abs were to work
together again in the 1950s in jointly sponsoring an international
organization named “Society for the Protection of Foreign
Investments of World War II,” with headquarters in
Cologne, West Germany-all this according to testimony and
documents submitted to the U.S. Justice Department and a
Senate committee in Washington.
Meanwhile, in 1940, Jewish banks in France (such as Banque
Transatlantique, Lazard Frères, and Rothschild Frères) and
many a more modest Jewish firm engaged in the securities business
and in international operations were seized, but were all
returned to rightful ownership after 1945. - From Borman: Nazi In
“Bury your treasure,” he advised Bormann, “for you will need it to begin a Fourth
Reich.” That is precisely what Bormann was about when he set in motion the “flight
capital” scheme August 10, 1944, in Strasbourg. - Adolf Hitler To Martin Borman from
the book Borman: Nazi In Exile”25
25 Some have distanced themselves from this book because it Alan Dulles was one of the authors main sources. It is
believed by the skeptical that Dulles had his own agenda and deliberately steered the author in the wrong direction.
Some surmise that Borman's role may not have been as significant and that others were more important in the funneling
One of the greatest untold stories in the world today that you only hear scant references
to even by alternative researchers is this; What happen to all of the money the Nazi's hid
outside of Nazi Germany in the closing months of the war? What follows here is a small
bit of history that demonstrates that the Nazi's did indeed hide enormous sums of money
outside of the Reich for the express purpose of building a Fourth Reich. I have long been
a kind of history buff on WWII. I have studied it from many different angles; Military,
Political, Religious as well as financial. One of the things that has struck me in
researching this paper was the adeptness of Martin Borman and his generally unknown
financial acumen, developed throughout the war years. I caution the reader here: What
does not follow here, is proof a a 'secret organization' of men bent on creating a New
Nazi state. Rather it shows that men whose primary goal is financial gain who have
enormous wealth and power who arose from the Nazi era are still very much with us in
spirit, if not necessarily in body.
The idea that capital and wealth outweigh any sense of morality (including genocide),
patriotism or national origin is still very much the mentality of a great many men who
hold the reigns of power behind the scenes in the western world. These are men who
will use 'race' as many industrialists and people who are euphemistically called
'survivors' of the Nazi empire used it; as a tool for economic wealth building and as a
method to build a cohesiveness to a state structure (or any similar entity). These men are
not at all averse to using racial hatred as a method for creating, extending or even
dissolving state control, should they feel it is necessary. Race and the hate that racism
needs is viewed only as a tool of necessity.
So what did happen to Martin Borman and what does this have to do with 'Race Wars'?
Well, I will tell you this first before I get into specific reasons why I believe the way I
do. My research leads me to this conclusion; Martin Borman almost certainly escaped
Hitlers bunker in the very last days, perhaps even hours of the war and eventually ended
up in Argentina. He probably used an aircraft obtained by Marin's brother (Albert) at an
Airport in Salzburg to head to Argentina, a haven for Germans before and after the war.
While there has been a great deal of controversy about Borman's death including DNA
tests that 'proved' he died in the Bunker. These tests and the circumstances of these late
and convenient 'corporeal discoveries' have been questioned. Indeed the political
motivations of those who wanted to put this entire issue to rest is clearly germane. Once
the Brandt government26 decided to declare him (Borman) 'dead' he could never be tried
again for War Crimes. Once this was done, Germany promptly removed him from all
wanted lists. It appears from all of the evidence available that powerful forces in the
of Nazi wealth, a direction that Dulles did not want properly explored.
26 German Chancellor Willy Brant
west, both in Germany and the US wanted all speculation on Borman ended. A very
complex disinformation campaign was waged by the US to ensure any further
speculation was silenced. This was partially because the US had been in bed with
several high ranking Nazi officials in the closing days of the war and of course
afterwards, many Nazi war criminals were used by the US for many different
intelligence and scientific purposes. The US and the Nazi's had been far closer on a
financial and industrial level than is generally known, as many US companies secretly
owned key parts of the German industrial and war machine before, during and after the
war. These ties were important then as they are now, insofar as they demonstrate a clear
financial continuity with the fallen Reich and those who saw it as their duty to rebuild it.
Many of the Nazi's ill gotten and hidden assets went to Switzerland, some to Sweden as
each had close financial and industrial ties to Germany during the war. This was done
often using masked investments in industries where German nationals would 'buy in' to
companies in order to increase the value of certain firms and obtain secret German
ownership. Another method of Nazi capital flight was the registration of patents in
neutral nations. Nazi's would continue to hold the patents for key industrial trade secrets
long after the war. This ensured a steady capital flow long after the Third Reich ceased
to be. Yet another method of capital flight was to use 'a two priced' system when
purchasing certain goods abroad. Loyal German businessmen would essentially keep
two sets of books. These 'clearing agreements' would allow a low price to be paid in the
daily clearing statement while the actual higher price paid would appear in an alternate
set of books. The difference, of course would be banked and used by Borman or added
to investment in the company and thus acquiring secret German ownership. This method
was used mostly in Turkey, Spain and Sweden. These arrangements worked well for the
Germans especially in Sweden because many German industries owned 'related'
companies in Sweden. These industries included steelworks and shipbuilding as well as
shipping (transportation) companies. Borman was directing all of these capital flight
enterprises and was one of the extremely few Nazi's who knew where the money was
In Switzerland the method was different. The use of holding companies were used here.
While a holding company cannot trade on the open market, it can hold stock in other
companies, thus giving it varying degrees of control depending on how much stock is
owned. This was how this Borman money laundering and capital flight enterprise was
able to control a vast network of companies in postwar Europe. This control continued
for decades after the war. It is a cloak of real ownership of a vast array of companies.
According to many researchers, as well as the vast amount of evidence to support their
conclusion, this network is the real powerhouse behind Post War Germany and with it,
at least some of modern EU integration, with Germany as the economic powerhouse. In
short you had significant de-facto Nazi control of key German industries including the
drug, electronic and chemical industries.
In the last months of the war, many Swiss banks were used in assisting Borman and the
Nazi's to hide capital but there were six private banks that were key. Their normal
affiliations with key German banking houses facilitated this. German 'Fourth Reich'
building activities were also brisk in Turkey, a nation wooed by Chruchill and Roosevelt
who were each rebuffed. It is hard not to see that a certain degree of 'Reichmark' politics
at work as German assets in Turkey were substantial. Indeed, war profits by Deutsch
Orient Bank and Deutsch Istanbul as well as big Nazi insurance companies were not to
be repatriated to Germany. Who Approved this break with long standing Nazi Policy on
asset repatriation? Martin Borman. Indeed, dozens of Nazi companies were the real
powerhouse behind the Turkish economy and even after the Turks joined the allies in
1945, secret German ownership of these entities continued.
Martin Borman's captial flight program also reached into the 'Land of the Free', so
called. The Swiss route was used. Using Swiss companies in which German holding
companies owned or had significant holdings the money could be moved to other places.
When Bormann gave the order for his repre s e ntative s to resum e purchas e s of
American corpor ate stocks, it was usually done through the neutral countries of
Switzerland and Argentina. Fro m foreign exchang e funds on deposit in Swiss
banks and in Deutsche Sudame rikanisch e Bank, the Buenos Aires branch of
Deuts che Bank, large demand deposits were placed in the principal money- center
banks of New York City: National City (now Citibank), Chase (now Chase
Manhattan N.A.), Manufacture r s and Hanove r (now Manufacture r s Hanove r
Trust), Morgan Guaranty, and Irving Trust. Such deposits are intere st free and
the banks can invest this money as they wish, thus turning tidy profits for
thems elve s. money as they wish, thus turning tidy profits for themselve s. In return,
they provide reas ona bl e service s such as the purcha s e of stocks and transfer or
payment of money on demand by custom e r s of Deutsch e Bank, such as
repre s e ntative s of the Bormann busine s s organizations and Martin Bormann
himself, who has demand accounts in three New York City banks. - Martin
Borman Nazi In Exile
Total Invested? Five Billion dollars, in 1945 terms27.
Here we can see a picture as to what Borman was doing in the final years of the war and
have a small idea of the sums involved. These are enormous sums of money even in 21st
century dollars. But not only is Borman's financial adeptness at issue here but how
27 This number will be and has been disputed. But at least this amount was missing after the war in the form of Gold,
currency, Priceless works of art and other precious goods that were never recovered.
could so many bankers in so many western capitals do this and get away with it? How is
that no one asked the hard questions, either inside the banks or inside government
Unlike most people, I have little confidence in either due diligence performed by Banks
nor by the investigative courage of government agencies. Each have proven useless in
our own time when it comes to investigating and prosecuting major money launderers.
The only recent affair that is the exception is Enron, whose collapse caused such an
uproar that someone had to go to jail. Back in the 1940's the story was even more
morally repugnant as inside the halls of power, you had powerful figures who were
fronting for powerful corporations and banks who were in bed with the Nazi's. These
relationships were not casual. There was full knowledge of it.
Excerpt From Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler
In 1939 I.T.T. in the United States controlled Standard Elektrizitats in
Germany, and in turn Standard Elektrizitats controlled 94 percent of Mix &
Genest. On the board of Standard Elektrizitats was Baron Kurt von
Schrader, a Nazi banker at the core of Naziism, and Emil Heinrich Meyer,
brother-in-law of Secretary of State Keppler (founder of the Keppler Circle)
and a director of German General Electric. Schrader and Meyer were also
directors of Mix & Genest and the other I.T.T. subsidiary, C. Lorenz
Company; both of these I.T.T. subsidiaries were monetary contributors to
Himmler's Circle of Friends — i.e., the Nazi S.S. slush fund. As late as
1944, Mix & Genest contributed 5,000 RM to Himmler and Lorenz
contributed 20,000 RM. In short, during World War II International
Telephone and Telegraph was making cash payments to S.S. leader
Heinrich Himmler.10 These payments enabled I.T.T. to protect its
investment in Focke-Wolfe, an aircraft manufacturing firm producing
fighter aircraft used against the United States.
The interrogation of Kurt von Schröder on November 19, 1945 points up
the deliberate nature of the close and profitable relationship between
Colonel Sosthenes Behn of I.T.T., Westrick, Schröder, and the Nazi war
machine during World War II, and that this was a deliberate and
knowledgeable relationship:
Q. You have [told] us in your earlier testimony, a number of companies in
Germany in which the International Telephone and Telegraph Company or the
Standard Electric Company had a participation. Did either International
Telephone and Telegraph Company or the Standard Electric Company have a
participation in any other company in Germany?
A. Yes. The Lorenz Company, shortly before the war, took a participation of about
25 percent in Focke-Wolfe A.G. in Bremen. Focke-Wolfe was making airplanes for
the German Air Ministry. I believe that later as Focke-Wolfe expanded and took in
more capital that the interest of Lorenz Company dropped a little below this 25
Q. So this participation in Focke-Wolfe by Lorenz Company began after Lorenz
Company was nearly 100-percent owned and controlled by Colonel Behn through
the International Telephone and Telegraph Company?
A. Yes.
Q. Did Colonel Behen [sic] approve of this investment by the Lorenz Company in
A. I am confident that Colonel Behn approved before his representatives who were
in close touch with him formally approved the transaction.
Q. What year was it that the Lorenz Company made the investment which gave it
this 25 percent participation in Foeke-Wolfe?
A. I remember it was shortly before the outbreak of war, that is, shortly before the
invasion of Poland. [Ed: 1939]
Q Would Westrick know all about the details of the participations of Lorenz
Company in Foeke-Wolfe, A.G. of Bremen?
A. Yes. Better than I would.
Q. What was the size of the investment that Lorenz Company made in the FockeWolfe A.G., of Bremen, which gave them the initial 25 percent participation?
A. 250,000 thousand RM initially, and this was substantially increased, but I don't
recall the extent of the additional investments that Lorenz Company made to this
Focke-Wolfe A.G. of Bremen.
Q. From 1055, until the outbreak of the European War, was Colonel Behn in a
position to transfer the profits from investments of his companies in Germany to
his companies in the United States?
A. Yes. While it would have required that his companies take a little less than the
full dividends because of the difficulty of securing foreign exchange, the great bulk
of the profits could have been transferred to the company of Colonel Behn in the
United States. However, Colonel Behn did not elect to do this and at no time did
he ask me if I could accomplish this for him. Instead, he appeared to be perfectly
content to have all the profits of the companies in Germany, which he and his
interests controlled, reinvesting these profits in new buildings and machinery and
any other enterprises engaged in producing armaments.
Another one of these enterprises, Huth and Company, G.m.b.H., of Berlin, which
made radio and radar parts, many of which were used in equipment going to the
German Armed Forces. The Lorenz Company as I recall it [had] a 50-percent
participation in Huth and Company. The Lorenz Company also had a small
subsidiary which acted as a sales agency for the Lorenz Company to private
Q. You were a member of the board of Lorenz Company's board of director, from
about 1935 up to the present time. During this time, Lorenz Company and some of
the other companies, such as Foeke-Wolfe with which it had large participations,
were engaged in the manufacture of equipment for armaments and war
production. Did you know or did you hear of any protest made by Colonel Behn or
his representatives against these companies engaged in these activities preparing
Germany for war?
A. No.
Q. Are you positive that there was no other occasion in which you were asked by
either Westrick, Mann [sic], Colonel Behn or any other person connected with the
International Telephone and Telegraphic Company interests in Germany, to
intervene on behalf of the company with the German authorities.
A. Yes. I don't remember any request for my intervention in any matter of
importance to the Lorenz Company or any other International Telephone and
Telegraph interests in Germany.
I have read the record of this interrogation and I swear that the answers I have
given to the question of Messrs. Adams and Pajus are true to the best of
knowledge and belief. s/Kurt yon Schröder
It was this story of I.T.T.-Nazi cooperation during World War II and I.T.T. association
with Nazi Kurt von Schröder that I.T.T. wanted to conceal — and almost was successful
in concealing. James Stewart Martin recounts how during the planning meetings of the
Finance Division of the Control Commission he was assigned to work with Captain
Norbert A. Bogdan, who out of uniform was vice president of the J. Henry Schroder
Banking Corporation of New York. Martin relates that "Captain Bogdan had argued
vigorously against investigation of the Stein Bank on the grounds that it was 'small
potatoes.'"11 Shortly after blocking this maneuver, two permanent members of Bogdan's
staff applied for permission to investigate the Stein Bank — although Cologne had not
yet fallen to U.S. forces. Martin recalls that "The Intelligence Division blocked that
one," and so some information on the Stein-Schröder Bank-I.T.T. operation survived.
_______End Excerpt
General Ernst Remer
Reinhard Gehlen
Alois Brunner
Names that will be talked about onwards.
Hiding the ties between rich corporations and industrialists was key in those times
because the ties were so very close, in fact in many instances it was not easy to see
where the Nazi's started and US industries began. The list goes on and entire books have
been written about IG Farben. The ties between this industrial behemoth and US
companies has been well established. Indeed, it was one of IG Farben's special projects
that is still a matter of some controversy today. That being Hydrogenation, the creation
of hydrocarbons from coal. British efforts to strangle Germany from oil were a concern
to Germany so Robert Bosch devised a method to make fuel from coal and received full
support from Hitler for the project soon after his election. Hitler wanted a war machine
and needed oil to do it. Later IG Farben and Standard Oil became close as Germany
needed a special kind of lead in order to produce its fuel. Where did they get the lead
from? Standard Oil.
Thus, from these facts as well as a many more, we can can see something trough a glass
darkly. First, there is an element that sees the amalgamation of wealth as the highest
moral purpose. All others matters are secondary. Genocide can and has been used by
these industrialists as a tool for wealth building. However repugnant this sounds to
ordinary people, these are the incontrovertible facts. There was no outcry when the Jews
were being systematically murdered, there was a quiet cooperation to ensure that money
was made from them in the process. Understanding this 'morality of profit' will help one
to understand many of the trends today in the world. In our globalized, world money is
the only way to power.
The more dangerous tendencies we see today in globalization need to be understood in
light of men whose primary motivation is profit. If stirring up and then harnessing the
forces of racial hatred can be used to increase ones bottom line and political power, they
will use these methods. Here is where I see the greatest danger. Men who will
deliberately fan the flames of hate in the western world particularly in order to bring in
elements that can be used to bring in that dangerous marriage between the state and
corporations, also known as fascism28. In other words, using men and women who will
use racist rhetoric, Nazi imagery and constantly harp on the need to address the excesses
of immigration to gain a solid, dependable base of followers. However, what is most
important to watch in the coming months and years is this; Will the elite of Europe and
to a lesser degree, America begin placing curbs on immigration or will they continue
with the policy of compulsory cultural dissolution thus ensuring more far-right victories
in local and national elections. You see, politicians in the west are beholden to
corporations, industrialists and banks for their seats. It is these very entities that have
gained the most from a large influx of immigrants as they have been useful for tasks that
many Europeans will not do for the wages being paid. Yet it appears that there is a small
portion of these same companies and banks who profited so handsomely from Nazi
collaboration that are secretly 'assisting' some far right elements in the US and in
Racial polarization is important for a number of reasons. First it allows those with power
and money to divide and rule the plebeians. Second, it allows a useful, violent
underclass to be created to do the bidding of their masters. I see this usefulness
potentially being used regionally in th US first to test various methodologies in ways to
put more extremist parties into power using carefully planned racial attacks coupled with
propaganda planted in local and regional newspapers that deliberately inflames emotions
to ensure more racial strife. The ultimate goal is not so much to have a racist state, but to
put in power elements more amendable to the goals of certain industrialists and ensuring
the continuance of unitarian29 state power amendable to its interests. In short, the goal is
not racial purity, but profit. This racial polarization is very real but not covered with
much real depth in the mainstream media, except perhaps in terms reciting statistics on
racial disparity in jobs, housing, education and income.
However, there is another far more insidious polarization transpiring in America. First
there are a large and growing number of 'recreational' paramilitary groups who train
regularly in remote parts of the US. While most of these groups are White and only
allow White members who share their own political views, there are Hispanic and even
Black groups that are doing the same. Many of the members will tell you upfront that
they expect a race war in America. The problem here is that it is difficult to get US
authorities to do anything about these groups. The FBI, particularly has become so
politicized that it is really no longer a very capable law enforcement entity. Granted
28 AKA Public-Private Partnerships
29 Authoritarian, unchecked power.
there are some extremely capable and hard working field personnel that try to alert the
managers, but their reports are usually met with a blank stare and are 'deep sixed' before
they see the light of day.
These groups see something that is a real possibility in our future, a medium to high
intensity conflict that crosses national boundaries based on ethnicity, religion and
culture. A world of caution here, this is not to say that there is a great deal of real
coordination between elements around the world30 at this time.
The enemy of our enemy is, for now at least, our friends...we may not want them
marrying our daughters...but anyone who is willing to drive a plane into a
building to kill Jews is alright by me. I wish our members had half as much
testicular fortitude.". - William Peirce (leader of the National Alliance31)
speaking after 911
Now here are statements that are clearly un-American and designed to give aid and
comfort to the perpetrators of the worst attack on America in recent memory. Yet there
have been no charges filed, no arrest warrants issued and not even a comment by our
legal system. If a Muslim had said something like that, he would be in Guantanamo Bay,
hanging upside down on a meathook. Who is protecting this man and this movement?
Who has the kind of power to ensure that men like this can make clearly seditious
statements and not go to jail? Now as an American I am strongly in favor of free speech
and I firmly believe in the right, even for outright, overt racists to express their opinion,
however odious I find their views personally. However, when that speech glorifies those
who have attacked our nation, there are laws on the books to deal with that, but are
selectively enforced based on race and religion.
30 The exception of course is Neo-Nazi/Skinhead/White Supremacists. One such group that has had its hand in racist
groups, movements and even Nazi-hate rock is the National Alliance.
31 Until his death in 2002
The symbol of the National Alliance. Notice the
symbol inside the flag. This is a German Rune.
Runes are an ancient symbolic system used
extensively by the Nazi's. This particular Rune is
called the 'Algiz' Rune and it means 'Defender.
The use of these Runes are common in White
extremist organizations.
"The aim of the Alliance, our ultimate goal, is to ensure the survival and the progress of
our race and to guide that progress," Pierce told the deathbed gathering, almost exactly
three months before breathing his last on July 23. "We want to set race-wide policies
and then do whatever is necessary to ensure that those policies are carried out. And we
want to do that permanently." - William Pierce, former Head of the National Alliance
So who are the National Alliance? They are probably the largest, best organized and
well funded racist organization in the world. The group has has clear and unashamed
Neo-Nazi leanings and is dedicated to the superiority of the so-called 'White Race'.
Indeed Peirce started his own religion called the 'Cosmotheist' Church. Their motto is '
'Our Destiny Is Godhood'. They believe that Godhood for Whites is a genetic certainty.
Viewing the next evolutionary change in Whites as 'Homo Universalist'. It essentially is
a pantheist religious system32.
The National Alliance funds extremist groups in Europe such as the Belgium group,
Blood and Honor33. The home page of this hate group says 'The morning will come
when the world is ours' , the page also has a picture of a pistol prominently displayed.
This group is a network of skinheads and Neo-nazi's who use hate rock to inspire their
members. The network is large and one can find numerous websites (which I will not
link to) on the net. Members of this group, who were also in the Belgium military were
arrested in Belgium who were allegedly involved in a terror plot. These groups are
extremely active and just as violent. Here is just one of hundreds of stories one can find
on militant neo-Nazi groups.
32 Asatru is another religious system adhered to by many Neo-Nazi's. However, many who adhere to this system in
Scandanavia have taken a firm stance against the Neo-Nazi offshoots of its religion.
33 The name was used by the Nazi's both the Hitler Youth and the SS.
Sixteen neo-Nazis were arrested during a demonstration supporting the jailed
lead singer of a banned skinhead rock group, Berlin police said Sunday, amid
concerns far-right extremists are becoming more active and more violent.
Some 750 neo-Nazis and other far-right supporters turned out Saturday outside of
a Berlin prison to call for the release of Michael Regener, who has been jailed
since 2003, when a Berlin court found his rock band Landser, or Foot Soldiers,
guilty of spreading hate in their songs against Jews and foreigners. - CNN
Indeed, much of the rise of these groups and their financing can be traced back to the US
and the National Alliance, while the numbers of actual members has declined in the past
few years it still boasts and decent income (about a million annually) and has a record
label and a radio show. The group has apparently lost some of its members and influence
with the Death of Peirce in 2002 and according to the Southern Poverty Law center, 34it
is presently barely functioning as infighting has taken a serious toll. The group may soon
be forced to disband.
Another key hate group in the US is It is an international organization
that caters to White Americans and believes that they must take America back. They
have publicly stated that this must eventually be done by force. This group has extolled
Hitler and their main leader, Don Black, was once a member of American Nazi Party.
The website boasts over 50,000 registered users. It is probably the largest neo-Nazi
community in the nation. Black has an interesting history and is certainly not above
using racially motivated violence to accomplish its aims. In 1981, he along with several
other white supremacists were arrested when trying to invade a the Caribbean island of
Dominia to oust the Black Run government and turn it into a 'White State'. Today
Stormfront is very careful not to get itself censored and does not allow overtly racist
slurs or violent threats on its posts. This allows them to continue unmolested in
cyberspace. This group's importance is not so much in its hierarchical structure or even
in its financial resources, as there really is none, but in its ability to bring in thousands of
New racists into a community to exchange idea's, gripes, poetry, music etc.
34 I have long been an opponent of the SPLC as it, along with the ACLU have a long history of attacking Christians using
its own very narrow legal interpretations and their deep pockets. It as well has assisted in facilitating illegal acts (illegal
immigration) and used its political muscle and legal apparatus to assist in opening the US borders to criminals, fugitives
from Mexican Justice and drug dealers as well as terrorists. Nevertheless it has proved to be a valuable ally in the fight
against hate groups in America. Like the ACLU, I personally have a love-hate relationship with them as each seems to
have Christians firmly in their legal crosshairs and appears to want to make Christianity a pariah religion and Christians
a persecuted minority.
The Crescent And the Swastika’s
Probably the clearest link between that can be traced
from the Third Reich and our modern world can be
found in the financial sphere. The other can be
found in Modern Arab governments and Islamic
extremist organizations. This subject truly warrants a
series of books and simply cannot be covered in
depth here. Much has been written on the Grand
Mufti and his deep relation with Hitler during the
times of WWII and the Nazi use of Arab
organizations which readily embraced the racial
policies of the Third Reich as long as they believed
that they would be beneficiaries and not the victims
of its polices. Because of time and space, I will only
deal with one small important thread that links the
Nazi's with the modern Arab World. The person we
will first be talking about is Otto Skorzeny.
Skorzeny was a Nazi SS officer who first joined the Nazi party in the early 1930's. His
exploits as a Nazi officer are have been widely covered and will not be dealt with here,
other than to say Skorzeny was a 'true believer' in the Nazi cause.
Skorzeny was part of a plethora of former German officers who networked after the war
to accomplish a number of illegal purposes. Unlike the Hollywood version of
ODESSA35, the real network of organizations that existed after the war appears to have
been organized to do two main things; one was to provide false documents, money,
transit routes to former officers who may be wanted by the allies for war crimes. The
other appears to have been creating a cadre of personnel who would make trouble for the
allies during the occupation of Germany after the war. Financial resources were no
problem for these officers as many had hidden large sums of money during the last
months of the war for just such an eventuality. In fact, Skorzeny had plenty of loot as
many officers came to him to care for their stolen treasures in the closing days of the
war. Interestingly, there was a group of SS brigands led by General Spacil who
successfully robbed the Reichbank in Berlin at gunpoint36. He later turned the money,
jewels and incidentals over to Skorzeny's adjutant. Later he reportedly buried the loot in
the Austrian alps. Since this money was never accounted for, it may be one of the many
35 I believe it is not correct to blame Odessa as being the only or even most important Nazi organization engaged in these
things after the war there was a shadowy organization called 'Der Spinne', the 'Kamaradenwerk', 'Die Bruderschaft' as
well as the Werewolves who also had a role to play in pro-nazi post war activities.
36 This robbery was listed in the Guinness book of world records as one of the biggest unsolved.
reasons that helps to explain why Skorzeny, who died in 1970, was a muli-millionaire.
Skorzeny, after surrendering to the allies, had numerous contacts with ex-Nazi's and
appears to have been an important part of these postwar organizations. Later, he escaped
from allied facilities (perhaps with help from the Alan Dulles' OSS37) and fled Germany
using the routes set up by the shadowy organizations such as Der Spinne and Odessa.
Army investigators discovered just how important Skorzeny was to this network when
they planted a mole inside the organization. The mole was transported using their
network and learned many of the intricacies of it and the names of some of its leaders.
The mole later reported that Skorzeny was essentially running the network from the
Prison camp where he was previously incarcerated.
Later, Skorzeny found his way to Spain and eventually made his way to Egypt. In Spain
he was in good company there was a large ex-Nazi community and Skorzeny felt at
home among old comrades. US investigators had already picked up the trail of a
network that was bringing in high powered Nazi's into Spain (such as Hjalmar
Schacht38) where fascist sentiments in the government were present and were destined to
grow39, under the 'regent' Franco40, whose fascist leanings and political repression were
becoming legendary. In fact the expatriate community in Spain numbered some 16,000.
many were seeking passage to South America or to other nations that would later show
very strong fascist-militaristic leanings and who would, just like the USA, serve the
Nazi's in exile well. Strong ties were developed between Skorzeny, the exiled Nazi's and
the Spanish military, as well as Franco himself.
“It seems as though the entire Spanish army came to our house, it was one party
after another. We met all the important military officers and government
ministers, including General Franco, Otto liked Fracno alot” - Skorzeny's
housekeeper (from the book 'The Beast Reawakens')
Franco also provided a safe haven for Nazi financial assets set aside by Key Nazi's at the
close of the war. At the time another Ex-Nazi, General Remer was doing his best to start
37 Several books could be written on this. Dulles was desperate for intelligence on the Soviets and wanted to use ex-Nazi's
and their archives to get a fix on the Russians. General Reinhardt Gehelen was key to this and set up an organization run
by Dulles which turned out to be providing bogus intelligence to the the US, tough for quite some time, it was used by
key policy makers and assumed as being accurate. His information was essentially red-baiting poppycock, but it was
exactly what his handlers wanted to hear. Skorzeny's escape was done with an American military car, the (disguised?)
SS officers took Skorzeny on a trip outside the camp and disappeared. Skorzeny maintained that the US helped him
escape. This is probably true as the allies were beginning to look on Skorzeny as a serious threat and were probably
going to try him, rather than use him. I suspect that Dulles, who was being duped by former Nazi officers, did not want
to lose a valuable asset and arranged for his escape.
38 The former Economic minister for Hitler and founder of the Bank For International Settlements.
39 The story of Franco is an interesting one but time and space do not permit me to go into detail. Suffice it to say the
durning the War, spain had a pro-axis policy of non belligerence. That is they would allow the Nazi's certain latitude but
no direct military support. Spain was a key place for the German navy to resupply during the war.
40 Spain was declared by Franco a monarchy which had no monarch. While Franco's reign can be described as fascist it
was not truly authoritarian in a strict sense, nor was it clearly ideologically driven.
another Nazi party in Germany, the Socialist Reich Party or SRP. He refused to do
anything to assist the allies after the war and was dedicated to the Nazi ideology. But
Skorzeny thought that he was moving much too fast in his efforts and could do more
harm than good to the emerging neo-Nazi movement. While men like Remer were
stirring up trouble in Germany, Skorzeny was meeting with other fascists, such as
members of the former Romanian Iron Guardians like Horia Sima, who founded the proNazi, WWII organization.
Skorzeny was also becoming quite a businessman. He and his wife Ilse set up a
'respectable' consortium of businesses and was key in negotiating the building the
Spanish railroad in 1952, all this time he was in constant contact with Hjalmar Schacht,
the former head of the Nazi Economic Ministry and Founder of the Bank For
International Settlements (BIS) who was given a gentle slap on the wrist for his key role
in building the Third Reich. Skorzeny, while still a war crimes fugitive, often spent a
great deal of time in Germany making business deals and meeting his old comrades in
German 'Veteran' associations, mostly run by former Nazi brass. These veterans were
denied veteran benefits by law. This was because the SS was labeled a criminal
organization by the allies. Even the German Chancellor at the time, Adenauer, lobbied
to get one organizations platform recognized. It was called the HAIG (Hilfgemeinshaft
für Gegensitigkeit) or Mutual aid Society), which contained hardened SS members and
even those from Hitlers 'deaths head' divisions who were responsible for the worst
atrocities during the war. But these were not ordinary solders looking for a pension.
Their literature was neo-Nazi and was banned in some places for just that reason.
Adenauer was playing hardball with the allies and wanted concessions from them for
help against the growing 'red menace'. Adenauer pressed hard to clear and free war
criminals and threatened the West that if they did not free these ex-Nazi's relations, as
well as defense ties between the two, would suffer. The West was afraid of this growing
'red menace' coming from Russia and the nations behind the iron curtain. The red
menace scare tactic was a great boon to many Nazi's of the era as they saw themselves
as vindicated that the fears of Hitler and the Nazi's were not, in their minds, unjustified.
Senator Joseph McCarthy41 was doing what he could back home to get the convictions
of some Nazi's overturned using evidence from a lawyer who had ties to Neo-Nazi
extremist organization42 (the SRP) and who had defended Nazi's at the Nuremberg
Eventually, most of the Nazi's in question were freed and some of them were quite
notorious, such as Dr. Franz Six, of Hitler Einsatzgruppen commando's and a true Nazi
fanatic. Also released was Alfred Krupp, of Krupp fame who was noted for his
41 The GOP Senator responsible for the infamous McCarthy hearings. Support for Odessa like organizations did not stop
in Germany or their front men, like McCarthy. One of the most important links in the US was a man named Harold
Keith Thompson who described himself as the sole representative of surviving Nazi and SS officials. Thompson was
America's non-spook (Dulles-CIA) point man for all matters that dealt with Der Spinne.
42 Dr. Rudolf Aschenauer.
plundering of occupied territories and the utilization of slave labor to increase his profit
margins. Many of these men went on to join the Gehlen's organization43 of former Nazi
officers and Neo-Nazi organizations.
Later, Skorzeny was to be found in the company of Nasser, the President of Egypt44. It
did not seem to bother Nasser that Hitler thought that Arabs were a subhuman species.
The Arab world embraced Hitlerism and the Nazi's readily and usually without reserve45.
From the days of Rommel's forays into the desert, Egypt was a hotbed of Nazi activity.
In fact, it was a group of forty or so former Nazi commando's that assisted in deposing
King Farouk and placed Nasser in Power. Faruok was misled by these former Nazi's as
had many others had before and after. The Germans, whom Farouk and originally used
to assist him to secure his kingdom, turned on him when they saw how weak he was.
Skorzeny became one of about 20,000 Germans who were streaming into Egypt, many
of whom were ex-Nazi's, former SS officers and regular military men. They were more
than welcome and comfortable in Egypt. Both Remer and Skorzeny were in Egypt in
1953 working and partying with the Ex-patriot Nazi community there. After King
Farouk was overthrown, The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who had very close ties to Hitler
and was an ardent supporter of Hitlers antisemitism, met with the leading Nazi's of
Egypt in a villa in Heliopolis. Two people who attended the Mufti''s sessions (where the
usual antisemitic chit-chat was exchanged) were General Remer, and a young, Yassir
Arafat. Later, Arafat would praise the Mufti as a hero. Arafat, the Grand Mufti, as well
as many of the former Nazi and SS officers present all had interests that converged, most
important and lasting is of course, a long history of deep and mentally deranged hatred
for any and all things Jewish. Even the afore mentioned Harold Keith Thompson (see
footnote 42) bragged about doing Jobs for the Mufti. The Mufti was becoming quite a
chum with the Nazi's in exile/hiding. Skorzeny's work for the Mufti's causes included
funneling large amounts of money via British fascists to further anti-Jewish
propaganda46 efforts in Palestine. As time passed, Arafat and Skorzeny's friendship grew
and Arafat had a great deal of respect for him. Arafat enlisted the help of fugitive war
criminal and SS General Oskar Dilewanger to train his 'Feyadeen' commando's. He was
assisted by another escape war Criminal, Eugen Eichberger, wanted for mass murder of
Jews In Ukraine, in training a new army to help solve 'the Jewish question'.
The raids Arafat's commando's trained for turned out to be successful and hundreds of
43 Known as the Org.
44 Let us keep this fact firmly in the forefront. Many of these Nazi's were not living in poverty shunned by powerful men,
on the contrary they were welcomed not just by mid-level bureaucrats and military personnel, but by the most powerful
men in their respective countries.
45 Arab support for Nazism has been widely covered on the net, books and even TV documentaries, of the Discovery
channel/History channel variety.
46 Arab propaganda has usually been first rate. It lies by emphasizing half-truths and ignoring or downplaying larger ones.
It has been extremely effective in the US and is utilized by many US hate groups. It has made great inroads into
offshoot heretical Christian groups whose hatred for the Jews is rarely even masked these days.
Jews were killed. Israel later responded and destroyed a main training base in the Gaza.
This led to Nasser seeking more and better weapons for the PLO fighters who would
now get much more support from him. Nasser turned to Skorzeny, who turned to his old
friend Franco, Spain's fascist leader, who helped in supplying the much needed military
equipment. All this time the CIA's man on the scene in Egypt, Miles Copeland47 seems
to have misread the situation and the real motives of Skorzeny and some of the other
Nazi's, who may have been playing a double game with Moscow48. After the War of
1956 and Nasser's crushing defeat Gehlen began to cooperate with the Jewish state and
began advising the Israeli's on how to use their secret service more effectively. The
Israeli's saw how important Reinhard Gehlen's organization was (the Org) and saw the
need to work with it, no matter how odious the idea was. They were too close to the US
and western security49 organizations to be ignored.
Egypt's use of and coordination with Nazi's did not stop with just training and arming
dissident/revolutionary/terrorist groups such has the PLO. There was scientific help as
well. The links between Egypt, the PLO the Muslim Brotherhood are clear and
historically relevant today. Indeed, these Nazi elements moved on from Egypt to get
involved in other conflicts against western (WWII Allied) interests.
In Algeria, a war for Independence was beginning and the leader of The FLN was a man
named Mohammed Said. Said was a man who was part of an SS legion formed during
WWII in North Africa. This legion was formed by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem. As the
FLN began to grow in popularity and the struggle for independence began, the FLN
would receive help from Nasser of Egypt as well as former Nazi's. During the days of
WWII Said was sent into Algeria by the Nazi's and was captured by the French. When
the FLN needed arms they turned to Remer50. Many groups were assisting the FLN at
the time, even left leaning Catholics. Ahmed Huber was also involved in Arms
trafficking to the Algerian rebels at the time, but we will deal with him later.
This however did not endear Remar to the French who, after discovering this network
began a campaign of targeted assassinations against agents in Remer's network. The
French were sending an unmistakable message, 'If you help the FLN, you will die.'
Despite these problems, former Nazi assistance to the FLN continued in the form of
military training camps run by former SS officers. Their support for the FLN was
extensive and pivotal.
47 Miles Copeland is the father of Stewart Copeland, the Drummer of the Rock Band The Police. Stewart was born in
Egypt while his father was assigned there.
48 At the height of the cold war the US did not want to sell weapons to Egypt but did not want Egypt to fall into the Soviet
sphere of influence.
49 Most notably the CIA, NATO as well as the Nazi infested German BND.
50 A man who was instrumental in seeing that the coup against Hitler failed. Interestingly Remers stated a political party in
Germany that won seats in regional parliaments. His party was later banned as a neo-nazi organization.
In the 1990's General Otto Remer gave many interviews for Islamic organizations and
newspapers. Here is one that many be of interest. It is instructive insofar as one can see
how this man and those like him are at the forefront of attempting to start a global race
war against the Jews. Like many Nazi's, Remer is utterly unrepentant. The ties between
Arab nationalism, terror organizations, such as the PLO and the Muslim brotherhood to
the these Nazi's is clear and very important today.
The Muslim Brotherhood
I would be remiss if I did not discuss this very important and ever present organization.
It would be an vast oversimplification to call it a terrorist organization as it renounced
the use of violence years ago, seeking to further its agenda in the political area. It's
agenda is simple one, a Pan Arab-Islamic Empire from Spain to Indonesia. The
Brotherhood usually operates when possible, inside the political system. But this is not
always possible as in many Islamic-Arab nations, there is no democratic tradition and
dissent is usually cruelly dealt with by the rulers.
The Muslim Brotherhood was started in Egypt in the 1920's by Hassan Al Banna as an
organization that would lift Arabs out of their exploitation by colonial powers, primarily
England. Interestingly, Banna did not endorse terrorism but instead believed that all out
war was to be engaged in only after other legitimate means failed.
Its numbers grew and by the late 1930's it boasted a membership of over 200,000. While
the Muslim brotherhood did have a military wing, Banna manged to keep it out of the
war (WWII). This was probably no small feat as many Egyptians probably were
desperate to break the chains of British colonialism.
Direct Nazi involvement with the Brotherhood is also evident as the Grand Mufti,
Hitler's Token Arab during the war, was the Brotherhood's point man in Palestine. The
British were double dealing in the Middle East and according to John Loftus and his
most excellent book 'The Secret War Against The Jews', They were doing their best to
covertly destroy the State of Israel before it could take root. The book is a true eye
opener and after you read it you will never view events in the middle east or the
selective history taught about it the same way again.
At the end of World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood was wanted for war crimes.
Their German intelligence handlers were captured in Cairo. The whole net was
rolled up by the British Secret Service. Then a horrible thing happened.
Instead of prosecuting the Nazis -- the Muslim Brotherhood -- the British
government hired them. They brought all the fugitive Nazi war criminals of Arab
and Muslim descent into Egypt, and for three years they were trained on a special
mission. The British Secret Service wanted to use the fascists of the Muslim
Brotherhood to strike down the infant state of Israel in 1948. Only a few people in
the Mossad know this, but many of the members of the Arab Armies and terrorist
groups that tried to strangle the infant State of Israel were the Arab Nazis of the
Muslim Brotherhood.
Britain was not alone. The French intelligence service cooperated by releasing
the Grand Mufti and smuggling him to Egypt, so all of the Arab Nazis came
together. So, from 1945 to 1948, the British Secret Service protected every Arab
Nazi they could, but they failed to quash the State of Israel. - John Loftus
When the Egyptians found large caches of weapons in 1948 they began to panic
believing that the Brotherhood was going to overthrow the Egyptian government.
Having been linked to the assassination of an Egyptian judge earlier in the year did not
help matters at all. The assassination was carried out by the Brotherhoods ' Secret
Apparatus'. A wing of the organization that was also serving as an intelligence network
for the Nazi's during the war. A decree was eventually issued to deport, imprison or
execute the brotherhoods members.
Where did many flee to? Saudi Arabia the home of the Islamic heresy known as
Wahabbism and of course home also to Osama Bin Laden who studied under one the
Muslim Brotherhood's exiled teachers. Over and over again the links to Nazism and
Islamic extremist organizations is so clear and evident that only one who is willfully
blind can fail to see it.
From Islam Back To Deutchland
As the wars in the Middle East proved lucrative financially to ex-Nazi's, they were also
making moves in the Fatherland. New opportunities to spread the political poison of
Nazism opened up when the Berlin Wall fell. As a person who was living in Germany at
the time (88-95), I can say that Germany changed immensely when the wall came down.
Soon afterwards there were loads of Trabie's (small, decrepit East German Auto's)
blocking the Autobahn and they made a top speed of 60 kph with plumes of black smoke
emanating from the tailpipe. The 'Ossie's' (those from the east) would grow to be quite
angry at those in the west because of the enormous wealth they possessed. Many in the
east felt it was their right to have these things immediately and wanted the 'Wessies'
(those who lived in the free West) to pay them for the years of suffering under
communism. The rising discontentment lead to dissatisfaction, anger and later hate. Hate
that was targeted at 'foreigners' and 'immigrants who had lived peacefully in Germany
for decades. Attacks on foreigners, immigrants, political asylum seekers rose
considerably when the wall came down. Neo-Nazi movements were very busy recruiting
young Ossies into their ranks. One of those who were actively using German
Reunification as a springboard to more political power and influence was Michael
Kühen. He created a sort of half-way house for neo-Nazi's and skinheads in Berlin who
would routinely attack foreigners residing there. One of the groups Kühen led and or set
up was the 'Nationale Alternative'. While Kuhn may have started the organization, it was
chaired by Ingo Hasselbach, who would rant and rave against Jews and other
foreigners. Hasselbach has repented of his ways and has since written a book exposing
the Neo-Nazi movement in Germany. He gave an interview to PBS 10 years ago to
David Gergen. However, before he came to his senses, Hasselbach made a religion of
Holocaust denial and antisemitism coupled with violent actions, this dangerous brew
eventually landed him in prison. Kuhen was instrumental in supplying Hasslebach's neoNazi brigades with weapons and other extremist paraphernalia.
The reunification was not welcomed by everyone and even though most did favor it,
they did so with reservations. The Germans I personally knew at the time had mixed
feelings about it. First they did want to reunite but the financial cost was enormous.
However, rarely did I hear a discussion in the social cost in the local Gasthause's (pub's)
which I frequented at the time. Most of the complaints I heard from Germans at the time
was about the laziness and often dishonesty of their eastern brethren. One German
friend of mine stated emphatically in his native tongue of German that, 'they don't
understand, the reason why we live better here is because we worked, while they
complained and sat around pretending to work we sweated and saved, so yes we live
better, they must know that there is no free ride.'
Ideologically speaking, these young neo-Nazi's are ignorant. They are only repeating
slogans they have been taught without really understanding what those slogans mean.
Kühen was able to organize these young half-wit fascists and use them to stir up trouble
in mostly the eastern part of Germany but with increasing in frequency in the West as
well. Kuhn would not be satisfied with only breaking a few windows and beating a few
Jews, he had ambitions to become internationally relevant. Therefore, on the eve of the
Gulf war in 1991, Kühen got in contact with the Iraqi's to make a deal with them. He
offered Saddam help if would equip a neo-Nazi 'anti-Zionist' legion from Germany to
protect Iraq from an American attack51. Kühen claimed that the two had interests that
coincided, namely anti-semitism. This actually bore the fruit of an agreement between
Saddam and this German neo-Nazi. They were in Baghdad during the war and according
51 One of the more consistent 'doctrine of neo-Nazi and neo-fascist movements today is a virulent anti-Americanism.
“Germany embarrassed by Neo-Nazi's Wanting to Fight for Iraq.” Reuters Feb 6. 1991.
to Reuters, scurried home afraid when the Bombs fell. Neo-Nazi support for the Saddam
was widespread as it was seen as an effort to undermine the US and 'Zionism'.
Kühen went on causing trouble in Germany and his hooligans were regularly attacking
Poles to the degree that Poland had to file a formal protest against Germany, whose
police seemed ineffectual at best, and complicit at worst in the violence. But Kühen's
days were numbered as his Homosexuality caught up with him. He was dying of Aids
and finally succumbed to the disease in April of 1991. He was remembered by the AFP
News Service as the most prominent and Eloquent supporter of Nazism since WWII.
The death of Kühen left a power vacuum that was filled at least temporarily by a
millionaire named, Christian Worch. Worsh with two others, Gottfeid Kussel and
Winifried Priem took over the GdNF. Yet other 'up and coming' leaders who were
groomed by General Remer were assisted by Worch. One of these was Bela Althans. He
studied under General Remer for years and formed his own organization called the
German Youth Education Enterprise. Althans actually lived with Remer when, as a
young teen, his parents disowned him. Althans often traveled to America and stayed
once with Tom Metzger, the former KKK Grand Dragon. But Althans was an important
figure in the German neo-Nazi Movement and remained so until he was scandalized by a
documentary and his Homosexuality. Today he is no longer part of the Movement but
now, according to some researchers, he organizes homosexual parties in Belgium.
Before his downfall he directed the Hanover branch of the Action Front For National
Socialism. Althans was Remer's prime pupil but hardly his only one. Remer can be
described as really the 'Godfather' of the Modern German neo-Nazi movement today.
The ties to the KKK and Eurpoean neo-Nazi groups are extensive, real and troubling52.
The Klan and the neo-Nazi's formed an alliance in the 1980's that would allow Klan
chapters to be set up throughout Europe. The forging of the alliance between the KKK
and neo-Nazi groups was a wish that Kühnen had before he died of Aids.
At the fall of the Wall, David Mahon, the leader of the White Knights of the KKK in
Tulsa made a tour of Germany. After his tour, the Nationalist Front built a paramilitary
network in the hopes of emulating the Brown Shirts of Hitler's era. They were involved
in burning asylum seekers homes and race inspired murders across Europe. Sometimes
these acts were cheered by locals.
Time would fail me to go into the ties that Neo-nazi's have with the so called Christian
Identity sect and their other ties to the KKK and other extremist groups. For those of
you how are not aware, Christian Identity is a heretical offshoot of Christianity that
52 Many researchers have concluded that the FBI as well, during the civil rights era were covertly assisting the KKK
in committing acts of violence against Civil rights leaders as Hoover was no lover of Black Americans and was an
active opponent of Martin Luther King.
believes that real Jews are White people. They believe that the Jews who were
persecuted as Jews for two thousand years, while still maintaining their distinct customs
and rituals and sent to death camps for being Jews are not really Jews. Their rhetoric and
funding is closely aligned with White Supremacists and neo-Nazi groups. The
ideological similarities can are briefly discussed here.
Many of the young thugs that that grew up in the East did not see or even think clearly
about how and why Westerners lived better. They only saw the Asian or the African in
the BMW with a nice house and the billboard with a dark-skinned model and they got
angry and blamed someone else for their own economic condition, someone who was
politically convenient. That someone was foreigners (non-Germans). This is an issue
that neo-Nazi's and their American counterparts in extremist organizations feel that they
have that resonates with the average White person. That issue is immigration and they
have been able to make enormous headway in the West. Propagandists churn out a
plethora of literature that hits and harps on the immigration issue. The propaganda is
very effective because western governments have so far failed to act to curb what can
only be called an invasion by illegal (a key word) immigrants53 and because of the
enormous economic impact millions of illegal, undocumented and often dangerous
immigrants are having on western nations, especially in America the numbers of these
dangerous extremist groups is likely to swell. If the Modern neo-Nazi movement in
Germany were made up of just a few hooligans who were poorly organized and
financed, there would be no need for alarm. But the ties to the old guard (real Nazi's)
and men who have money who are financing these movements are present and
incontrovertible. Indeed one such Christian Identity persona was Richard Butler who
served Under McAurthur during WWII. He believes that the US fought on the wrong
side during WWII. Rev. Butler died in 2004, but his evil legacy lives on. He was the
founder of the Aryan Nations. Thankfully, he lived just long enough to see his satanic
legions go into bankruptcy and his 20 acre ranch in Idaho, auctioned off. It was the kind
of violence these hate groups are known for that caused its downfall, quoting from the
above linked article.
Violence led to the group's downfall. In 1998, Aryan Nations security guards shot
at a woman driving by the compound, ran her off the road and assaulted her and
her son. She sued and won $6.3 million, forcing Butler off his compound and into
the small farmhouse where he died. - Seattle Times
Here members of the KKK and other hate groups would meet and plan acts of violence
53 This author is appalled at the insecurity of our southern border and the clear complicity of the US government in keeping
it open. However let it be known that I am a pro-immigration American. This is, I am Pro-LEGAL immigration.
against anyone their deranged minds felt was part of or used by ZOG (Zionist
Occupation Government54). Metzger often met at the compound, where they planned a
separatist White nation in the American Northwest. Their anti government rhetoric came
to the attention of Federal authorities and Butler was prosecuted in 1988 for attempting
to overthrow the US government.
The Aryan nations also had a paramilitary offshoot called The Order who were involved
in various murders, robberies and other assorted mayhem. Their ultimate goal was to
cause so much trouble for the government that it would gladly cede to the Aryan nations
the lands it requested. Jay Mathew's, who started the organization was also a regional
grand dragon of the KKK. Once again, time would fail me to talk about other US
citizens who had ties to German neo-Nazi's such as Gerhard Lauck, who spent time in a
German prison for his racist views and actions.
Fascist Convergence
The convergence of ideological views between Islam and what can be termed neofascism is one that has not been discussed much in today's mainstream though a few
books have been written that uncovers the links. Before I continue a definition of neofascism is in order. First there is no 'official definition' but generally it is a description of
political movements that have arisen since WWII that have glorified state power and
sought to enthrone that power over all and every aspect of a society. It is generally
totalitarian, anti-semitic, nationalistic, racist and most importantly, economically
utopian. By seeking to merge corporate power with state power under a common
ideology, Fascism seeks total control over state mechanisms in the hands of the few,
using a combination of violence, propaganda and economic coercion to accomplish its
Interestingly, the fascism that brought us National Socialism in Germany and Mussolini
in Italy began their movements shortly after WWI. In retrospect one must remember
some important and often overlooked facts about Europe at the turn of the century. First
is that there was an enormous political vacuum created with the destruction of the
monarchies of the day. World War One saw the end of the three most important
monarchies/Empire's; The Hohenzollern's, The Romanov's and The Hapsburg's. Each
had an important, large and economically significant part of Europe to rule and each was
dethroned by the end of the war. The end of these important monarchies led to various
groups vying for and eventually gaining power. Some of these groups clamoring for
power were democratic while others were not and believed that state power needed to be
absolute in order for a state to function properly. In Russia, the Communists eventually
54 In the twisted folklore of these movements, they believe that the Jews run the world, including and especially the US.
took power. Their view was that the state should control all aspects of society, including
and most importantly, economic activity. Russian Communism seized the means of
production, land and other economically vital parts of the economy in order to allow the
state to mange it for 'the proletariat', ostensibly 'the working man'. In Germany after a
long period of political inertia bordering on instability and economic collapse, another
authoritarian took the reigns of power whose economic and political model was called
National Socialism. However, in Germany unlike Russia, Industrialists not only
welcomed Hitler, they assisted him into power. As a result they were unmolested by the
state, benefited greatly from its racial policies and its growing militarism. Thus, in one
society (Russia), industrialists, bankers and landowners were stripped of wealth in order
to serve the state. In the other system (Germany) they were allowed to keep their wealth
as long as they served the state and its economic, social and political objectives. These
were the fundamental differences between the two systems. Each turned out to be very
similar; each was virulently anti-semitic (Stalin killed Jews by the millions as well),
anti-Democratic, totalitarian and nationalistic. In this respect, each bore all the earmarks
of Fascism. The main and fundamental difference between the two was ownership of the
means of production and the ability for individuals and businesses to accumulate wealth.
It was this difference and this difference alone that set the Russian revolution at odds
with Western Capitalism. One should take note that since the demise of Communism
Western Capitalism is making large inroads into Russia. Communisms antipathy to
property rights would always be a hindrance between any rapprochement between the
West and Russian Communism. However, the key here is that both systems were
authoritarian and can be categorized as being essentially fascist in nature.
The views held by many at the time were that democracy could not work (certainly not
in the short timespan it was given to work) in places like Germany. This led to the
people dismissing it far too quickly in favor of Hitler's 'get rich quick' scheme which
worked enormously well in the years before the WWII. Industry needed order, a stable
currency and the ability to control the growing movements among many worker to form
Unions and or to succumb to the calls of Communism, which would have eventually led
to the seizure of the property of the German industrialists. This had to be prevented, in
their minds, at all costs.
Understanding these basic facts gives us a better idea as to how fascism started and
where it will take us should we heed the voices that continually call for more unchecked
power. This leads us to the the crux of the matter regarding modern Fascism. It simply
cannot co-exist with genuine democracy, it must either destroy it in a frontal assault,
subvert it through intimidation and fraud, or abolish it, under the pretext of war or
national emergency. It seeks to subvert democracy and its democratic processes. It does
this because it is essential to amalgamate power unto itself. It leaves an unmistakable
imprint on any nation that comes with its sights.
It is this authors opinion that Fascism is not really a new system. Rather it is remarkably
close to the system that ran Europe for centuries and led it out of the dark ages. Namely,
Monarchy. Fascism, if one strips away its antisemitism and overt racism, is really
Monarchism without a king. The pageantry and rituals are still present and are used in
fascist systems to add to the mystique of power. These are important as they help the
masses to identify with the state. The nature of each is that power is concentrated in the
hands of a very few and any dissent is brutally crushed. The propaganda used in each is
instrumental in its ability to assist in securing the state against subversive and or
unpatriotic elements. This is a very important element of fascism.
Propaganda against a real, imagined or created enemy seems to be instrumental in the
fascists ability to seize and maintain power. It appears that fascism utilizes the
distracting ability of hate and intolerance to inoculate the general population from the
harsh realities of fascisms true nature. Fascism is far less about ideology as it is about
brute force and profit. Thus we can understand why Industrialists after WWI sought to
protect themselves from the chaos that the destruction of the remaining European
monarchies brought. These factors, in this authors opinion, have not been explored
sufficiently in scholarship because frankly, much of US educational research is far too
dependent on grants from these very same industrialists who have a vested interest in
keeping the real nature of fascism and its financial backers out of the public debate.
Once again we should remind ourselves that many of these industrialists in Europe and
the US must have a 'state' in order to do business with and in, for without the state, there
are no munitions contracts, no public works contracts and no legally enforceable
banking cartels. In short, no state, no state monopolies or cartels. Many political
scientists have attempted to discuss the nature and origin of the state and here, some of
Franz Oppenheimer's views may be of some use. He is one of my favorite political
scientists as his observations are lucid and devoid of scholastic political correctness. He
saw things as they really were.
Oppenheimer's views on the genesis of the state and its evolution into its modern form is
outlined in his important work called 'The State'. It is a neglected work buy very
"The State, completely in its genesis, essentially and almost completely during
the first stages of its existence, is a social institution, forced by a victorious group
of men on a defeated group, with the sole purpose of regulating the dominion of
the victorious group over the vanquished, and securing itself against revolt from
within and attacks from abroad. Teleologically, this dominion had no other
purpose than the economic exploitation of the vanquished by the victors."
"No primitive state known to history originated in any other manner. Wherever
a reliable tradition reports otherwise, either it concerns the amalgamation of two
fully developed primitive states into one body of more complete organisation; or
else it is an adaptation to men of the fable of the sheep which made a bear their
king in order to be protected against the wolf. But even in this latter case, the
form and content of the State became precisely the same as in those states where
nothing intervened, and which became immediately 'wolf states'." - Oppenheimer
It is often underestimated by most ordinary folks what exactly the real nature of state
power is and where and how it emanates. It emanates, as Mao so aptly put it, from the
barrel of a gun. And it was only as a later, much more recent development of society that
the plebeians were somewhat liberated from the excesses of state power in the form of
Constitutional and Republican forms of government. This was once again, brought into
being violently, the French revolution and the Russia revolution are fairly good
examples. But as these states were changing, so had the instruments of production in
these economies. While early monarchies were agrarian in nature lending themselves to
feudal systems, the advent of the Industrial age brought with it profound economic
changes that was to be the eventual undoing of the traditional feudal system and bring
into power a new kind of stakeholder in the states economic order, the Industrialists.
However, huge industries do not spring up overnight nor are they inexpensive to build
and maintain. This requires capital and that capital comes from one of two places, the
state or from International Banks. Thus, the means of production in a modern industrial
society remains in the hands of a few select individuals and institutions. Thus, keeping
real power out of the hands of the plebeians. But this shift in real economic power is
very important for without these changes, modern fascism, and the eventual discontent
among the working classes that led to the uprooting of the European monarchies would
not have transpired. Indeed, fascism is an outgrowth this new economic dynamic that
sprang from the industrial revolution and the political vacuum of the destruction of the
old order.
From here we can understand the need for the modern state and its economic elite to use
the tactics of divide and rule inside a nation state to hold the plebeians in check so that
another economic order that seriously checks corporate and industrialists power does not
come into being. This can be seen throughout the western world as immigrants from
different cultural backgrounds take jobs and benefits from those in their native lands
leads to a cacophony of hate, racism and intolerance and grows slowly. This can be
observed from the usually very liberal and tolerant Netherlands to the more xenophobic
Germany. The voices of hate grow louder and louder while the profits and state power
grows with each rise in racist rhetoric. Industrials have used this issue to cut wages and
benefits and win large state contracts in the atmosphere of fear that permeates the
national debate. Despite the overwhelming majority of people's desire to see
immigration halted or at least mitigated to a large degree, the flood continues steadily,
especially in America where a 1000 mile border exists that is largely unsecured and has
been for many years. Millions of illegal immigrants of unknown and doubtful criminal
backgrounds flow into the nation in a time when the drum beat of 'National Security' is
beating the loudest. This is not because of a lack of money, but because the economic
elite of the nation see the influx of illegal immigrants as being in their own interests,
however detrimental to the nation as a whole this massive human migration may be.
Understanding that economics is a lethal weapon in the arsenal of the elite is key to
understanding the nature of the modern state, fascism and race relations.
Vincent Mancini: Don Lucchesi, you are a man of finance and politics. These
things I don't understand.
Don Lucchesi: You understand guns?
Vincent Mancini: Yes.
Don Lucchesi: Finance is a gun. Politics is knowing when to pull the trigger.
- from the movie The Godfather Part III
Using economics as a weapon against other nation states is not only done regularly it has
become an acceptable tool whereby western nations use 'economic sanctions' against
nations who have offended western powers. The use of economics as a tool to control
native populations inside these nations should not come as a surprise to intelligent
readers. These tools are used against the population as a means of control and to ensure
key industrialists are no longer molested by such quaint notions as labor union's, livable
wages, health and retirement benefits. Some industrialists are subtly using race as a tool
in their arsenal. Their goal is not, as some have surmised, to bring in fascism, they
already have all the fascism they need in nations like America. They have struck a
careful, workable and extremely profitable balance in giving the people just enough say
in the affairs of the state to keep them from organizing in such a way as to threaten their
power, influence and most importantly, profit. In America today, there is the imprint of a
fascist system, visible to the trained observer, but obscured from the casual one. In
America there is a permanent class of Bankers, Defense Contractors, Accountants,
Media Executives and Bankers, who land in key positions of power no matter which
political party is in power. In fact, even if a chief executive would choose an individual
from outside of this small clique of closed industrialists, he or she would never be
confirmed by the Senate as a primary requirement is 'experience' but this experience
does not mean what it appears, to mean. In reality it signifies that will he maintain the
status quo and work within the system of opaque fascism in order to maintain its
viability and profitability. An outsider will be tagged as 'too inexperienced' not because
he lacks it but because he or she may very well turn out to be a champion of interests
that run counter to theirs and give more rights and protections to the people and demand
more fiscal responsibility. The kind of responsibility I speak of means, not cutting social
benefits, but cutting off the endless stream of cash, sweetheart contracts, regulatory
weakness and tax breaks to industrialists who are dependent on the money from Uncle
Sam's coffers.
As a result we need to look at racist extremists as unwitting tools in a power play that
has little to do with race or ethnicity. The forces who benefit from their extremism are
far more interested in money and who makes it and who derives the benefits of a
society's wealth creating ability. One need only look at the example of Hitler's Brown
Shirts to see the reality of this. The Brown Shirts were the key to Hitler's rise to power,
without them there would have been no Third Reich. They were working class louts
who were useful until the Hitler could find the backing from the German financial and
military aristocracy to ascend to real power. The price he had to pay was the execution
of a large part of the Brown Shirt membership in the 'night of the long knives'. Thus, we
see that those who gain power in the industrial age are invariably those who can serve
the economic elite the best. Racial politics, if profitable and useful can and will be
employed. Let us never forget that it was US industrialists that had a major, unrepentant
and (then) hidden hand in Hitler's revolution.
Modern states are economic as well as political entities and the systems they posses are
indicative of these reality. Fascism and its authoritarian stamp are becoming increasingly
visible in the world. It is this system that I see as being the future for a short period of
time. It is an 'interim period, whereby many will become less and less free. The
populations in the developed world will decline at increasing rates which will lead to
severe social and ethnic tensions that will not be abated via passive means (i.e.,
education as well as social 'penalties' for membership in hate group). The West will be
forced into stark choices to either accept the neo-fascists as a legitimate political
movement (as Germany did with Hitler) or make such groups illegal as Germany is
doing now with ineffective results and forcing them to perhaps to adapt unconventional
techniques to gain power and recognition. These trends in this authors estimation will
eventually lead to the destruction of the 'taken for granted' liberal policies of Western
democracies. The root cause will be the loss of cultural cohesion that make societies
stable. Let it be noted here that it is not this authors view that racial diversity is the
problem in the west. Rather it is the refusal by immigrants to accept the cultural norms
of their newly adopted society that eventually will make Western societies resemble the
nations that the immigrants fled from in the first place. In short it is these underlying
cultural disparities that are a real problem and need to be seriously addressed. Simply
put, organizations who are quick to categorize individuals who demand that immigrants,
learn the language, learn the history, respect the laws that may not be culturally
acceptable to their native sensibilities as being 'extremist' is counterproductive. The
acceptance of these immigrants cultural norms into the their adopted nation should not
be the burden of native citizens, it should be placed squarely on the immigrants, who are
essentially guests until they undergo the rigors of obtaining legal citizenship.
Many of these liberal groups, such as the ACLU are creating the problem with their
'bend over backwards' approach to immigrant rights. Forcing a foreign language on state
and local governments (in government forms, elections, applications etc) to
accommodate to people who refuse to learn the language is an expensive exercise in
political correctness that has only served to stir up passions against immigration and
immigrants. If immigrants want to live in a nation that speaks Spanish, there is an entire
continent that does so, it is called South and Central America. This is said only as an
example of the obtuse nature of immigration laws, and many groups whose extreme
liberalism is unfair to Americans citizens, who must foot the bill. These types of actions
by those on the far left are a highly combustible fuel that adds to the flames of racial
intolerance that feeds the fires of groups like the KKK, Aryan Nations and National
Alliance. Common sense approaches to these problems have become impossible,
especially in the American Southwest, because a large and politically active group of
immigrants prevent common sense solutions that benefit the society as a whole rather
than a minority, whose political motivations and ultimate loyalty to the US can and
should be questioned. Many of these groups seek the return of this region to Mexico or
the creation of a new state entity.
These are the kinds of dangers that wait western societies. In Europe the social, cultural
shift is moving away from its Christian roots towards post-modernist secularism and
increasingly, Islam. These changes are important insofar as cultures determine modes of
social behavior, work ethic and standards of living. Indeed the danger is that the very
cultural impediments that are causing millions to flee Islamic, socially backwards and
other religiously and racially intolerant societies will be transferred to the West
brining with it the self same strife, political repression, and intellectual prisons that
encumber many non-western societies.
Is there any hope? Yes, there is. When one sees the number of inter ethnic marriages and
their success, there is a lot of room for hope. While many decry this trend, the simple
fact is that these marriages are good for diverse societies, not just for the society but for
the couples friends and families as well. They help dispel many of the stereotypes and
myths that often circulate about those that are ethnically different. Having personally
dated women from across the ethnic spectrum and in and from a few different countries,
I can say that people are people; there are good people and bad people and if there are
any impediments that come in relationships that are interracial, they come from one of
two sources; ingrained stereotypes that cannot be shaken or from family members who
reject the relationship and make life as difficult for the couple as possible in the hopes of
forcing a break up or divorce.
The Churches Role: Infernal or Eternal?
As a Christian I can say that the attitude of many of those in America's religious right
and their predecessors from the Civil War era and even before were neither based on
scripture nor on common sense. They were more often than not based on exploitative
economics, arrogance and hate. All of these things are roundly condemned in scripture
and such ministers were servants on mammon (the devil) and not of Jesus Christ.
Religion has played an important part in race relations in America and Christian
ministers have done as much harm as good. Perhaps more harm as many of America's
religious leaders were getting money directly and indirectly from industrialists in order
to keep the economic (racial) status quo and used the pulpit to churn out a steady diet of
racially charged rhetoric to whip up Church members into a frenzy of fear. This was
especially true in the South when the Civil rights movement began to really take hold.
White Churches would turn out its parishioners to protest against the same protections
that they themselves enjoyed, rebelling against one of Christ most important
commandments. But the Church in America has always essentially been a careful mix of
heretical systems of denominations that largely ignored Christs commandments in favor
of a humanistic platitudes that conveniently supported the policies of the prevailing and
dominant economic power of the time. Its racial views were and are no exception. The
Church in America is still a basically segregated institution. You can go into a
McDonald's and see a variety of people working behind the counter. But if you walk
into a church you will see either all White, an all Black or all Asian congregation. Rarely
will you see a Church that is as the Apostle Paul commanded.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is
neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. And if ye be
Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise.
(Gal 3:28-29)
Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision,
Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all. Put on
therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies,
kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering; Forbearing one
another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against
any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye. And above all these things
put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness. And let the peace of God
rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye
(Col 3:11-15)
Christ is calling his Church to something utterly different than what the world, and
indeed the Modern Church has to offer. And if the Church cannot understand how
fundamental these issues are, she no better that the unbelievers who make no Christian
profession. Genuine Christians are part of a different family, a different 'bloodline, if
you will, that supersedes the one we acquire in the flesh. This is why being 'Born Again'
is so fundamental, the rebirth experience is the only way one can enter into the divine
family, the bloodline of salvation. The gift of this salvation is open to each and every
ethnic group. All those who are outside of this bloodline are under damnation. They are
lost. Therefore we must, as Christians, look at our ethnicity as a byproduct of God's love
of variety and not as method of division and strife which are manifestations of hate, not
love. Here is where the Church's constant desire to look like the world and in America,
attempt to mimic Hollywood and and high fashion magazines is not only a bad idea, it is
truly sinful. We are not to mold ourselves in the mold of the world, but after God. Yet in
American Church after Church, tricks are played on the unsuspecting to make the
Church look just like something on TV. Like a game show or a talk show, the attractive
blond woman, speaks to the parishioners (in clear contravention to the scriptures), the
good looking and spiritually immature pastor preaches unscriptural homilies and
platitudes while those who do not look like they stepped of of the cover of Playboy or
GQ are ushered to the back of the Church lest those with money associate their
congregation with the ugly or the poor or those of a less desirable (in a worldly, devilish
sense) ethnic group. Those that do these things are neither motivated by God nor his
spirit and can lead no one into the paths of righteousness. They are purely and simply
put, deceivers. But this is the trend on American Christianity, In Europe, Christianity is
already dying a slow merciless death.
Cultural Pulse: Black Troubles
There are numerous problems that are plague in the Black community and I am not
hopeful that those troubles can be corrected. This topic may seem off point to many of
my readers but it is important and the struggle of Black Americans has almost become
synonymous with the entire idea of racial struggle in America. I think I would be remiss
if I did not devote a small section to the troubles that afflict Black Americans. In my
view there are two sources that these attacks and afflictions come from. One is from
outside the Black community, the other is from within and each is taking a huge toll on
Black's in America. I could but will not recount the ills that discrimination is bringing on
Blacks. A cursory look at the headlines where cops shoot unarmed black men should
give reasonable people pause. Many Americans do not care because they sincerely
believe that it can't or wont happen to them. This is a fatal (literally) error that will claim
millions of lives if the Neo-fascists come to power. While the effects of all kinds of
discrimination are still very much a part of African American life it is the trouble within
that is far more insidious and destructive to the black community.
I have written on the institution of marriage some time ago and it was derided by many
who have always hated God's plan for man and woman and are still seeking their
counsel with the devil and his agents, to satisfy their own lusts. This is the primary
problem in the American marriages and Black ones in particular. Lust and sexual license
rules the day. The social cues found in the black music and entertainment are laced with
lust, illicit sex and even violence against women. Is it any wonder then that in 1963,
70% of black households were headed by married couples and today it hovers around
48%? Another alarming statistic is the number of never married Blacks. Consider these
An even more alarming statistic is the increase in the number of both Black men
and women who have never been married. Nearly 45 percent of Black men have
never married and 42 percent of Black women have never married. More to the
point, an increasing number of Black women will never get married. The
percentage of Black women who are married declined from 62 percent to 31
percent between 1950 and 2002.
Not only are African-Americans marrying at a lower rate, they are also marrying
at a later age. The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies reports that by
the age of 30, 81 percent of White women and 77 percent of Hispanics and Asians
will marry, but that only 52 percent of Black women will marry by that age. Black
women are also the least likely to re-marry following divorce. Only 32 percent of
Black women will get married again within five years of divorce; that figure is 58
percent for White women and 44 percent for Hispanic women. - Ebony Magazine
While much of the blame is laid by well meaning think tanks and policy centers on
economic disparities, these disparities were existent perhaps to a greater degree in the
1960's than they are today, yet marriages were far more common. Sadly few of these
groups wish to acknowledge the cultural poison that is being fed into young people that
are destroying any hope of a happy, healthy marriage. Weather it be the violent rap
music, the sensual soul music or the dim-witted sitcom, a constant barrage of illicit sex,
adultery and homosexuality are thrown and young people like a volley of heavy artillery
that consistently hits its mark, leaving in its wake unhealthy fixations, unrealistic
expectations and unhappy and unfulfilled young people. This is not what many of the
victimologists in the black community want to hear. Statistics about Aids, crime and the
disproportionate rate of Black incarceration are usually bantered about as though they
are the primary cause of these abysmal statistics. They are part of the problem at an
intermediate level but the real problem, especially for the future, are the images and
negative role models that are thrown at young people and the poisonous cultural cues
they are getting from the media and other adults. A perfect example is the gangster rap
mentality. This glorifies criminals and young people, being quite impressionable, see
this as the only 'out' for them in a society that still consistently discriminates against
them. This only leads to higher crime rates because many young blacks will begin to
imitate what they are exposed to and treat women like the 'ho' they see in a movie or
hear about in a rap song. Black women are as much to blame because many are looking
for Mr. Goodbar to sweep them off their feet and get fooled by the first slickster in a fast
car and nice shoes, thinking she has 'found her man' only to realize that behind the nice
clothes and hip front, is a fool whose attitudes will take him nowhere except state prison.
Black women in particular are suffering from many other maladay's. First and foremost
is simple appearance. The simple fact is no one wants an overweight or even obese
woman a problem that afflicts far too many Black women55. These are often the same
women who spend $200-400 a month on manicures, pedicures and hair weaves while
they have a Big Mac stuffed in their mouth while sitting under a hair dryer56. No man is
going to ask such a woman out. I cannot tell you how often I see Black women who are
fat. Just plain old horribly overweight and have nasty attitudes as they leave potholes in
the pavement where their feet have tread. Yet these are often the very same women who
start 'loud talking' the Black man who choose to marry outside of his ethnic group. Who
would want to be with a person like that and come home to her every day? State Prison
is probably a better alternative than being stuck in a marriage with a person with a nasty
attitude and a ton of racial and psychological baggage that makes them behave like
that57. Indeed Black women seem to be particularly and visibly offended when they see a
Black man with a White woman. But usually these are women who refuse to see things
in light of some poignant facts. America is a multicultural society58 and the failure of
Blacks to change many of the cultural norms and idiosyncrasies are causing many
successful Blacks (men and women) to seek spouses that will be acceptable in the social
circles that their success demands. This is often difficult to find in many Black circles.
Additionally, as the Ebony article (above) states clearly there is great distrust in the
Black community in matters of the opposite sex. Black America needs to come to terms
with its cultural identity and remold it into something more constructive than the
whining of the victimologist, the gangster rap mentality and nasty attitudes and even
hatred towards other Blacks and the 'Uncle-Tom' mentality59 that is an epidemic in the
55 This is a problem though that spans racial lines in America.
56 I know these observations are not scientific and they are certainly not politically correct and are stated with a degree of
sarcasm. They are however consistent observations I personally have noted among America's Black women. I do not
mean to offend anyone, but too many will never say these things because of fear of not being politically correct. Until
these patterns of behavior are dealt with honestly, the frustration many Black women feel will only continue.
57This may sound hard but marriage is a lifelong affair and as the scriptures say. It is better to dwell in a corner of the
housetop, than with a brawling woman in a wide house. (Pro 21:9)
58 It is so, weather we like this fact or not.
59 Blacks who are willing to sell out other Blacks to get ahead or will actively discriminate against other Blacks so that
they will seem more 'acceptable' to other Whites.
Black community. I personally think it is probably too late60 as this self destructive
mixture will destroy Black America. Once the fabric of her identity is destroyed (via
destruction of familial ties) her enemies, the neo-Fascists will come in and 'remove'
those who refuse to assimilate into the new order. I have observed this for many years
and maintain that Black women and Black men share equal blame for the situation and
the situation in my view is perilously close to being hopeless. As more and more Black
young men grow up in households without a father, cultural cues will be gained not from
older men with life experience behind them, but from TV, movies and music churned
out by media conglomerates who realize the enormous power they have on this group of
young people and are using it for evil rather than good.
It is these cultural norms more than economic disparity, in my view, that is destroying
the black family. In the old days, men and women in the black community got
married and built their lives together. Even in slave times men and women found time
to marry and have families and no one can argue that Black America is as economically
backwards as the slaves of Pre-Civil war America. But it is my considered view that
today marriage is more of an economic institution than an emotional, familial and
spiritual one. Men and women of America, Black or White, want a free ride to the
candy store and try to hitch themselves with someone who already has money rather
than working together to build something together that both can share. This problem
crosses cultural and ethnic lines but like many of America's social and economic
problems they show up first in the Black community.
The inevitable result has been a tightening of the sexual lines in Black America
and an increase in tension between Black males and Black females. "There is a
huge level of distrust among young Black men and women," Dr. Guy-Sheftall
says. Dr. Hare agrees, saying there is an "acute crisis" in Black sexual politics
that is creating frustration and distrust and a "schism in Black male and female
This schism and America's new consumption culture have had a major impact on
the deteriorating quality of Black relationships, Dr. Wilson says.- Ebony
"In the increasingly post-industrial urban society, theater and game-playing often
consume more quality and quantity time than life itself," says Dr. Wilson. Instead
of "keeping it real," many couples are putting more energy into the "show" than
the relationship. "The expectations of theater and 'being on stage' means that a
lot of time and energy is spent in preparing for performance both on and off
stage." - Ebony Magazine
60 I hate to sound so pessimistic but this is my firm view.
Indeed modern divorce laws are giving men far more pause in seeking marriage than
before and Black men in particular get the short end of the stick in divorce court. Yet it
is the Black woman who gets stuck with all the rigors of child rearing, often with little or
no financial support from the father despite orders from the courts. This problem of the
'deadbeat dad' is epidemic in Black America. The article above makes the critical
observation that needs to be dealt with honestly in Black America and far less time
needs to be spent on the victimologists who are paraded on TV complaining that the
slice of the economic pie Blacks have is not as big as Whites have. This may be true, but
if people want a reason to complain they can look at the mansions owned by Wall
Street's power players, if people want a reason to be thankful, one can look at the
refugee camps of Darfur.
Yet to oversimplify the troubles in the Black community as merely being a product of its
own internal dysfunction is not fair either. The legal system from the inception of the
American republic and even to this day is stacked against Black Americans. Blacks
invariably receive the harsher sentences for their crimes and are sent to prison when
white defendants who are guilty of the same crimes get probation or get sent to medium
or minimum security prisons. This is particularly true of drug offenders.
Drug Policies Produce Disparate Sentences
• Since full implementation of the federal sentencing guidelines in 1989 disparity
in sentencing between African Americans and whites has increased.
• African American drug offenders have a 20% greater chance of being sentenced
to prison than white drug offenders, and Hispanics a 40% greater chance.
• African Americans receive longer prison terms for drug offenses than whites. In
2002, th average prison term of 105 months for African Americans was 69%
longer than the average of 62 months for whites.
Growing Racial Disparities in Time Served in Prison
• Between 1994 and 2002, the average time served by African Americans for a
drug offense increased by 73%, compared to an increase of 28% for white drug
• In 1994, African Americans served an average of 33.1 months for a drug
offense; this grew to 57.2 months by 2002.
• Time served for drug offenses for whites increased from 29.1 months in 1994 to
37.2 month in 2002.
• African Americans now serve virtually as much time in prison for a drug offense
(57.2 months) as whites do for a violent offense (58.8 months).
- Source: Source: The Sentencing Project
But let us look at the way the laws are written. Crack cocaine is cocaine, Plain and
simple. But crack is cheaper and is used in poorer neighborhoods, often by Blacks and
Hispanics, while regular cocaine is basically the habit of more well to do people. In
many states, sentencing for Crack cocaine is harder than those who use or posses it in a
pure form.
Approximately 2/3 of crack users are white or Hispanic, yet the vast majority of
persons convicted of possession in federal courts in 1994 were African American,
according to the USSC. Defendants convicted of crack possession in 1994 were
84.5% black, 10.3% white, and 5.2% Hispanic. Trafficking offenders were 4.1%
white, 88.3% black, and 7.1% Hispanic. Powder cocaine offenders were more
racially mixed. Defendants convicted of simple possession of cocaine powder
were 58% white, 26.7% black, and 15% Hispanic. The powder trafficking
offenders were 32% white, 27.4% black, and 39.3% Hispanic. The result of the
combined difference in sentencing laws and racial disparity is that black men
and women are serving longer prison sentences than white men and women. Source: The Sentencing Project
Indeed when one looks at the application of the Death Penalty with regards to race, both
death penalty supporters (like myself) and detractors agree, there is blatant
discrimination in its application.
Current death row populations show the racially discriminatory impact of death
penalty sentencing. The following states, in particular, illustrate the problem. As
of the Spring of 2000, the percentages of black people on death row were as
Alabama: 46% black
Maryland: 72% black
California: 36% black
Pennsylvania: 63% black
Florida: 36% black
Texas: 41% black
Illinois: 63% black
Virginia: 39% black
A defendant's likelihood of receiving the death penalty correlates with
the victim's race.
Of people currently on death row, 82% were convicted in cases involving white
victims. In 1990, the U.S. General Accounting Office reviewed numerous studies
of patterns of racial discrimination in death penalty sentencing. Their review
found that for homicides committed under otherwise similar circumstances, and
where defendants had similar criminal histories, a defendant was several times
more likely to receive the death penalty if his victim were white than if his victim
were African American. Critics have accused some studies of failing to consider
the defendant's criminal history and/or the heinousness of the crime. However, in
the studies the GAO considered most reliable, cases were not deemed similar if
the nature of the crime or the background of the defendant were materially
different. Source: Prison Policy
The reasons for these disparities are many and the paper by the Prison Policy Initiative
cites three main reasons.
Prosecutorial discretion
Ineffective counsel and procedural bars.
Venue And Jury Selection
David Mustard of the University of Georgia in his important work Racial, Ethnic and
Gender Disparities in Sentencing: Evidence from the US Federal Courts concludes that
...blacks, males, and offenders with low levels of education and income receive
substantially longer sentences. Second, disparities are primarily generated by
departures from the guidelines, rather than differential sentencing within the
guidelines. Departures produce about 55 percent of the black-white difference
and 70 percent of the male-female difference. Third, although black-white
disparities occur across offenses, the largest differences are for drug trafficking –
Source: Racial, Ethnic and Gender Disparities in Sentencing: Evidence from the
US Federal Courts
The US department of Justice admits these abysmal statistics in its most recent statistical
review (2005) on federal and state incarceration.
60% of State and Federal inmates Black or Hispanic at year end 2005
At year end 2005 black inmates represented an estimated 40% of all inmates with
a sentence of more than 1 year, while white inmates accounted
for 35% and Hispanic inmates, 20%. Although the total number of sentenced
inmates rose sharply (up 35% between 1995 and 2005), there were small changes
in the racial and Hispanic composition of the inmate population. At yearend
2005, black males (547,200) outnumbered white males (459,700) and Hispanic
males (279,000) among inmates with a sentence of more than 1 year (table 10).
About 40% of all male inmates sentenced to more than 1 year were black.
One can see from this that policy makers
who have formulated our drug laws have
used the legal system almost as a kind of
eugenic tool to remove certain racial groups
from participation economically socially and
politically from the outside world. While
many will certainly have trouble with that
conclusion, it is difficult not to arrive at it
when one sees these kinds of disparities.
Source: DOJ
Number of sentenced prisoners under state or federal jurisdiction by gender, race
and age year end 2005
Source DOJ
Nor should we forget that it was the American legal system, as discussed in the Eugenics
section of this article that was at the forefront of using the law to enforce certain eugenic
When one see's these statistics it seem hard to justify the call my many in society to
remove Affirmative Action. Discrimination is still with us and sadly remains an intricate
part of America society. The remains of it can be seen in Housing, Jobs statistics,
income and health care. Yet often, White Americans talk about the 'end of racisim'. In a
typical article whose clear purpose is to undermine Affirmative Action, Shelby Steele a
research fellow at The Hoover Institution calls very subtly for an end to affirmative
action by ignoring the abysmal statistics shown above as well as others that time and
space do not allow me to recapitulate.
The great mistake Americans made after the civil rights victories of the '60s was
to allow race to become a government-approved means to power. Here was the
incentive to make racism into a faith. And its subsequent life as a faith has
destroyed our ability to know the reality of racism in America. Today we live in a
terrible ignorance that will no doubt last until we take race out of every aspect of
public life — until we learn, as we did with religion, to separate it from the state.
- Racism: Fact or Faith?
His views should not be surprising. He knows where is bread is buttered. It is from
Corporate America. The Hoover institute funders read like a who's who of Corporate
According To Wikipedia;
The Hoover Institution receives much of its funding from private charitable
foundations, including many attached to large corporations. A partial list of its
recent donors includes:
Archer Daniels Midland Foundation
ARCO Foundation
Boeing-McDonnell Foundation
Chrysler Corporation Fund
Dean Witter Foundation
Exxon Educational Foundation
Ford Motor Company Fund
General Motors Foundation
J.P. Morgan Charitable Trust
Merrill Lynch & Company Foundation
Procter & Gamble Fund
Rockwell International Corporation Trust
Transamerica Foundation
These corporations (the Board members of which are almost exclusively white) would
like nothing better than to remove the remaining legal vestiges that came from the civil
rights struggle that forced them to hire blacks when many never really wanted to in the
first place. Consequently major corporations feel that it is necessary to shift the public
debate to say that racism is dead. The Hoover Institute even had a research fellow write
book on the topic. His name is Dinesh D'Souza His corporate funded theory presupposes
a lot of nonsense that serves his paymasters well. It is a theory that essentially boils
down to this, 'Trust us to be fair in hiring'. I confess, I have not read his book, nor do I
intend to as what I have been able to glean from it seems to show a flagrant disregard for
history and the economic as well as social toll centuries of legalized and systematic
discrimination took on Black America. It somehow believes that the consistent denial of
education, denial of property rights, organized and sometimes state sponsored lynchings,
the openly stated refusal by many business leaders and professions to hire blacks, etc,
were NOT impediments to Black advancement (!). I do not know what planet this man is
living on, but I do know who pays his salary and it goes a long way to explaining his
views. But this is typical of think tanks today. They are merely a way for their funders to
shift the public debate in their favor.
Having said all of that, I personally am NOT a fan of affirmative action. It has not
served the people it was designed to help much at all. It has helped just about every
other group such as Caucasian women (hardly a minority in America) but not Blacks.
The ideas that were needed to destroy Affirmative Action were set in motion by these
think tanks and the elite men who fund them from its inception. This was done by
adding just about every group under the sun to its legal protection. Believe me when I
tell you this; there are a million and one tricks corporations play to ensure that even if
Blacks are hired they go nowhere in the firm. They are often set up and blamed for
things others do, or others take the credit for work and or creativity that Blacks are
responsible for. They are administratively neutered so that they have titles but are not
given the authority to carry out the portfolio they are responsible for and once the Black
is moved out, the White successors gets the necessary power, and the unspoken
perception is that the Black person 'can't cut it'. I have seen this over and over again in
the corporate world and know what I speak of. The only kinds of Blacks that typically
advance are the Clarence Thomas types, those who will sell out their own people out for
a pair of shoes and a night with a high class hooker. They will shuffle their feet on cue
when the master tells them to, smiling with a yasssa! on their lips.
These observations may not be popular nor will you read about these things in your
newspaper or news broadcast. They are nevertheless a very real part of the legacy of
racism in the workplace. Once the affirmative action quota is filled, tremendous efforts
are often expended to ensure that the Black employee fails.
In my humble view, the answer in not Affirmative Action but the criminalization of
racial discrimination. If it is wrong, it should be a crime. If it isn't wrong then nothing
should be done about it. Hopefully the social chaos of the 60's will be a poignant
reminder to America that it is better to prevent a replay of those years than it is to taunt
Black America into the ways, not of Martin Luther King, but of Malcolm X who said.
If violence is wrong in America, violence is wrong abroad. If it is wrong to be
violent defending black 'women and black children and black babies and black
men, then it is wrong for America to draft us and make us violent abroad in
defense of her. And if it is right for America to draft us, and teach us how to be
violent in defense of her, then it is right for you and me to do whatever is
necessary to defend our own people right here in this country.
So I cite these various revolutions, brothers and sisters, to show you that you
don't have a peaceful revolution. You don't have a turn-the-other-cheek
revolution. There's no such thing as a nonviolent revolution. The only kind of
revolution that is nonviolent is the Negro revolution. The only revolution in which
the goal is loving your enemy is the Negro revolution. It's the only revolution in
which the goal is a desegregated lunch counter, a desegregated theater, a
desegregated park, and a desegregated public toilet; you can sit down next to
white folks - on the toilet. That's no revolution. Revolution is based on land. Land
is the basis of all independence. Land is the basis of freedom, justice, and
I am for violence if non-violence means we continue postponing a solution to the
American black man's problem - just to avoid violence. I don't go for non-violence
if it also means a delayed solution. To me a delayed solution is a non-solution. Or
I'll say it another way. If it must take violence to get the black man his human
rights in this country, I'm for violence exactly as you know the Irish, the Poles, or
Jews would be if they were flagrantly discriminated against. - Malcolm X
Frightening words indeed, but words that have been overshadowed by the legacy of
Martin Luther King who did manage to bring about his revolution nonviolently.
That is not likely to happen again.
Gangs And Extremists in the Military.
Today, the US military is being infiltrated by extremists from the far-right. I don't mean
moderate Republicans, I mean Skinheads and neo-Nazi's who are becoming a large and
growing portion of the military. This was the subject of a report done by the Southern
Poverty Law Center.
Under pressure to meet wartime manpower goals, the U.S. military has relaxed
standards designed to weed out racist extremists. Large numbers of potentially
violent neo-Nazis, skinheads and other white supremacists are now learning the
art of warfare in the armed forces.
Department of Defense investigators estimate thousands of soldiers in the Army
alone are involved in extremist or gang activity. "We've got Aryan Nations graffiti
in Baghdad," said one investigator. "That's a problem." - Southern Poverty Law
This is probably the most serious and most dangerous problem this nation faces today,
with the exception of its National debt. This trend shows no real sign of abating and
Rumsfeld's policy to run down the military to such a point that the military was forced to
recruit such men and women whose ideology is diametrically opposed to American
values is a testament to his nefariousness. Indeed, America fought a long and bloody war
against the forces these new 'Aryan' recruits represent. They are in every branch of
service and at every rank.
This is not the first time the US military has had to deal with neo-Nazi's in the military.
In the mid 90's the military was dealing with stolen weapons cache's squirreled away by
neo-Nazi's. This time the Pentagon with Rumsfeld at the helm has not shown the kind of
diligence to ensure such groups do not form inside our military that could once again,
steal weapons and use them for a 'race war' that these groups believe is coming and have
no compunction about starting.
The numbers of these misfits are clearly being underestimated by the DOD for
recruitment purposes;
Every year, the Army's Criminal Investigation Division conducts a threat
assessment of extremist and gang activity among army personnel. "Every year,
they come back with 'minimal activity,' which is inaccurate," said Barfield. "It's
not epidemic, but there's plenty of evidence we're talking numbers well into the
thousands, just in the Army." Last July, the white supremacist website Stormfront
hosted a discussion on "Joining the Military." "There are others among you in the
forces," wrote one neo-Nazi in the Army. "You are never alone. - SPLC
Racists groups in the military are clearly coordinating their efforts and as the Southern
Poverty Law Center describes, the Pentagon is in denial. Rumsfeld's Pentagon did not
discharge and Airman for posting racist and antisemitic remarks calling for the killing of
all nonwhites. Part of the problem is that the DOD is desperate for recruits because of a
failed policy that was stubbornly adhered to by Rumsfeld61. Past Defense Secretaries
have had to deal with this problem, but none have been so welcoming and accepting of
these elements as Donald Rumsfeld. Today America's once venerated military has
turned into a hodgepodge of incompetent officers, an inefficient and corrupt
procurement system and morally repugnant polices that includes kidnapping and
torturing children. It is an organization that also has a growing neo-Nazi element that
was being encouraged to grow by willful inaction by Rumsfled and and his former IG
(Joseph Schmitz) who received many reports coupled with witness statements with other
evidence of malfeasance inside the DOD. While these statements many seem strongly
61 This adherence if looked at just in light of the stated policy of stabilizing Iraq is a dismal failure, however it is important
to keep in mind that Rumsfeld is a very bright person and knows the world. If he has chosen to continue with his Iraq
policy, there may very well be a very different policy direction where he does see success and the stability of Iraq as a
secondary or tertiary consideration.
worded, the evidence as presented by the SPLC and other investigators bear these
conclusions out and may only scratch the surface of extremist infiltration into the DOD.
It should be kept in mind that it was not until the mid 1980's that the DOD began doing
its best to identify and remove these hard line racists from its ranks. This was due to
incidents where it was discovered that US military personnel were secretly providing
weapons and training to white extremists such as the Ku Klux Klan. Defense Secretary
Cohen adopted a zero-tolerance policy for these elements. A policy that Rumsfeld has
significantly relaxed via ambiguously worded regulations. This probably has as much to
do with a deep need for manpower in his failed Iraq strategy as it did with any other
unstated policy he appears to be following.
Indeed, the prospect for a young neo-Nazi to go out and kill 'ragheads' is a strong
motivation for some of America's youthful racists to join the military. This is becoming
one recruiting technique used, not by military62, but by some of the DOD's contractors63.
The prospect of killing non-'Aryans' draws these elements to the military like a magnet
and it appears that little effort is being expended to stop the process.
Numerous accounts of the activities of neo-Nazi's in the US military, especially in its
officer corp, are cited in the SPLC document 'A Few Bad Men'. One of the more
troubling was the story of an Intelligence officer:
James Douglas Ross Jr. was not so fortunate. Ross, a military intelligence officer
stationed at Fort Bragg, was caught shipping disassembled AK-47s to the United
States from Iraq in 2004, officials said. When investigators searched his off base
housing, they found a weapons arsenal, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and
hate group materials. Ross was forced to return from Iraq and given a bad
conduct discharge. "But they let him keep the weapons [he kept in his house],"
said Department of Defense
investigator Barfield, adding that
Ross has since relocated to
Washington, where he's a leader
of the Eastern Washington Skins, a
neo-Nazi gang. "He kept his
military connections, and he's still
trying to recruit soldiers, so we're
still dealing with him." - SPLC
It appears that some of these military
62 That this author is aware of.
63 This is known for certain though my sources unfortunately they cannot be cited nor posted on the Internet.
members may very will have been sent by hate/neo-Nazi groups to infiltrate the military
discover ways of stealing weapons in order to prepare for a race war. Indeed one of the
more troubling possibilities is that individuals could pass the military screening and
become members of the US special forces obtain very specialized training and use these
techniques and special equipment for use in neo-Nazi organizations. This training could
be passed on to others who share neo-Nazi views.64
However, it would be neither wise nor fair only to focus on Neo-nazi activities as being
the only kind of extremist activities taking place inside the US
military. Latino gangs appear to be as much, if not more involved in recruiting military
personnel. To show the danger and troubles that gangs are having on our military,
consider that when a large number of military personnel were slated for transfer to
Texas, it sparked fears by military personnel of a gang war, whereby members of the
alliance of gangs known as Folk Nation would conflict with the territorial ambitions of
another gang, Barrio Azteca. While the fears were mostly about dependent military
personnel (PC term, family members), these gangs appear to have members in the US
military who train them in techniques of war covert communications, surveillance and
other skills needed to further the gangs criminal activities. This has been noted in some
police reports. Gang activity is a very large and growing problem. These gangs are no
longer simple street hoods who cause a little havoc locally but are often involved in drug
and arm trafficking, murder, human trafficking, and perhaps even providing a terrorist
transportation network. Murder for hire, arson, sophisticated demolition activities,
kidnapping money laundering, prostitution, robbery and simple theft are all activites
these gangs engage in. Some gangs have ties to traditional organized crime.
What is important to keep in mind when considering the topic of future 'race wars is
how gangs figure in. Here are some relevant and important facts:
Gangs are usually made up of members from one racial (ethnic group)
and are usually identified by their ethnic group, ie, 'he belongs to a
Latino gang.'
Gangs are usually violent and espouse some kind of loyalty to the
ethnically based group.
Many groups are affiliated with Prison gangs and all gangs operate to
varying degrees outside of US law.
Today gangs are behind racially motivated attacks against other ethnic groups.
64 These skills are not only being learned by Neo-nazi's They are being learned by other gangs as well. This article shows
how one Latino gang in NY has used its training in its criminal activities.
Alarmed by a spike in gang violence, including interracial attacks, in the San
Fernando Valley, the Los Angeles Police Department is forming a task force with
the FBI to target organized violence and witness-intimidation crimes, officials
said Tuesday. Deputy Police Chief Michel Moore told the Police Commission that
there has been an increase in violent crimes by Latinos against African
Americans as well as some retaliatory violence against Latinos65. LA Times
What sparks these attacks is not always known. What is known is that the warfare that
takes place between rival gangs can look just like a race war. The key here in
understanding the real threat gangs can play in a large metropolitan area is stirring up
racial animosity and hatred where none existed before. A shooting or killing in ones
neighborhood by gangs affiliated with another ethnic group can lead to an unreasoned
rage developing in that community. In this the military is certainly not immune as
In December 1995, two members of the 82nd Airborne skinhead gang gunned
down a black couple in a random, racially motivated double murder that shocked
the nation and sparked a major investigation of extremism in the military as well
as congressional hearings. The killers were eventually sentenced to life in prison,
and 19 other members of the 82nd Airborne were dishonorably discharged for
neo-Nazi gang activities. - SPLC
These reports are not anecdotal. These are real problems that some American
paramilitary personnel have relayed to me personally after returning from Iraq and
Afghanistan. Military personnel as well as contractors with clearly distinguishable
Swastika’s and Neo-nazi tatoo's are not uncommon. Other gang symbols are readily
apparent where the US military has been, on buildings, abandoned vehicles, etc. This
element is clearly infiltrating the military and frankly, it appears to be by design. Other
sources inside the beltway have relayed to me many very strange events transpiring in
Iraq, such as contractors deliberately targeting US military and paramilitary personnel
recovered bodies often bear prison tatoo's and or other Aryan nations/neo-Nazi,
extremist tatoo's . These entities were being protected at the highest level at the DOD.
The bodies of these men would be quickly cremated when they were killed in action.
From their recruitment to their death the hand of protection by the highest echelons at
the DOD were clear66. What I can tell you of a certainly is that there was some kind of
network that used 'disposables' in Iraq as contractors. What their ultimate aim is cannot
65 Police action in the Greater Los Angeles Area against gangs is increasing as of this writing and RICO indictments have
been handed down. The killing of a 16 year old witness to criminal acts as well as the fatal shooting of a Burbank Police
Officer have caused LA are police departments to deal more directly with criminal gangs.
66 These were almost certainly 'expendables'. People who had been compromised in some way so that even if the talked,
they would not be listened to. Thus prisoners, drug addicts and others with criminal records were probably used.
be said with as much certainty, but creating the inter-religious conflict and chaos we see
now and thus ensuring a prolonged US presence and with it large dollar contracts may
be as close as we may come to the whole truth. First you need to have contractors who
are like minded and have hard-line, racist views who are well connected.
The next section was almost not included in this update. It was one of the many 'blind
alley's' that researchers usually come across when they think they have found something
significant and it turns out to be significantly less important than they originally thought.
Nevertheless, some of my readers may find it interesting, even if it is not particularly
useful and the dot's don't connect as clearly as I thought they would.
Blackwater is a US contractor that has done extensive work in Iraq. Today they are run
by Joseph Schmitz the former Inspector General of the DOD, under Rumsfeld. If there
were any reports about these incidents (and I know that there were) they would have
gone to his office. He did nothing about them. The DOD has sat on numerous reports of
atrocities by contractors including attacks on US troops and personnel which were not
acted upon. Not only that, his IG office failed a peer review that shows that he had
destroyed documents related to an ongoing investigation. Now this man heads one of the
primary contractors in Iraq that many have raised questions about. Schmitz is now the
COO and General Counsel for Blackwater. So who is he? Well he is an ultra
conservative lawyer whose father is John Schmitz. He was a prominent member of the
John Birch society and a State Senator and Congressman and Presidential candidate on
the American Independent Ticket (as was George Wallace67) and an avowed racist.
Joseph is one of seven legitimate sons he fathered, he as scandalized out of office when
it was discovered that this bastion of 'conservative values' fathered two children out of
wedlock. Joseph is reportedly married into the Bush family via Marrying Colomba
Bush's (Jeb Bush's wife) Sister, a fact that has been omitted from just about every online
biography on the web. He is still a partner in the Law Firm of Mayer, Brown and Platt.
One of their clients is Bayer, the maker of the drug Cipro. This is the drug
administration principles were taking long before the Anthrax attacks took place just
after 911 (that appears more and more to have been an inside job). Bayer, which is an IG
Farben pharmaceutical offshoot from the Third Reich, was deeply involved in human
experimentation on Jews as well as Dr. Mengele's activities. These are not companies
that are sorry for what they did.
IG Farben was the only German company in the Third Reich that ran its own
concentration camp. At least 30.000 slave workers died in this camp; a lot more
67 A avowed racist who later apologized to blacks for his views and later brought blacks into his final administration.
were deported to the gas chambers. It was no coincidence that IG Farben built
their giant new plant in Auschwitz, since the workforce they used (altogether
about 300.000 people) was practically for free. The Zyklon B gas, which killed
millions of Jews, Gypsies and other people was produced by IG Farben's
subsidiary company Degesch.
In Germany a growing number of people do not understand that IG Farben's
successors Bayer, BASF and Hoechst still refuse to apologize for their misdeeds.
It is hard to accept that after the war the companies were allowed to keep IG
Farben's entire property, whereas the surviving slave workers received nothing.
Until today Bayer, BASF and Hoechst did not pay any wages to their former
workers. - Alliance for Human Research And Protection
Bayer's Board included convicted Nazi War Criminals.
At the same time the former culprits are publicly honored in Uerdingen. Fritz ter
Meer served on the IG Farben board of directors from 1926 to 1945 and was the
head officer directing the operations of the IG Farben factory at Auschwitz. The
Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal sentenced him to seven years in prison.
He was released after serving only four years. Not long after, in 1956, Ter Meer
was elevated to the chairman of the supervisory board at BAYER, a position he
held for seven years. His grave in Krefeld has a meter-high wreath on it - donated
by BAYER in recognition of his services. - Alliance for Human Research And
The fact that Schmitz is a lawyer defending this conglomerate is hardly evidence of
anything out of the ordinary in Washington's three ring circus But...
According to the Los Angeles Times (September 25, 2005), Schmitz had an
"unusual fascination" with Baron Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben, a Prussian
officer appointed Inspector General of the Continental Army by George
Washington. "The Nation" (September 25, 2005) magazine reported that Schmitz
spent three months redesigning the seal of the Inspector General's office to
include elements of von Steuben's family crest, including the Von Steuben family
motto, Sub Tutela Altissimi Semper, "Under the Protection of the Almighty."
(Schmitz was quoted in the LA Times article as saying that the eagle of the
previous seal looked "like a chicken".) Schmitz authored an article in the in-house
journal of the federal inspectors general about Von Steuben and mentioned him in
virtually every speech he made while in office ("The Enduring Legacy of
Inspector General von Steuben," Public Inquiry, F/W 2002, [1]. "He was
consumed with all things German and all things Von Steuben," said a government
official quoted in the LA Times article. "He was obsessed." - Wikipedia
His behavior as inspector General left much to be desired and resigned under a cloud.
The LA times article is rather interesting. It goes on to say;
Schmitz slowed or blocked investigations of senior Bush administration officials,
spent taxpayer money on pet projects and accepted gifts that may have violated
ethics guidelines, according to interviews with current and former senior officials
in the inspector general's office, congressional investigators and a review of
internal e-mail and other documents.
Schmitz also drew scrutiny for his unusual fascination with Baron Friedrich Von
Steuben, a Revolutionary War hero who is considered the military's first true
inspector general. Schmitz even replaced the official inspector general's seal in
offices nationwide with a new one bearing the Von Steuben family motto,
according to the documents and interviews.
His obsession with Von Steuben goes much deeper and he has also been accused of
using public money to honor the German war Hero and was forced to call off a $200,000
trip to attend a Von Steuben ceremony when a Senator questioned it.
So now this man, whose ties to extreme right organizations (via his father) and who is
obsessed with his German blood is a key figure in one of the most important and well
funded US mercenary groups in Iraq. Let us remember that it was Blackwater that also
'helped' with the recovery of New Orleans, an episode so smeared with racist undertones
that I will not go into it here, other than to say this; The Bush administration went out of
its way to ensure that any new hiring could be based on race and perhaps race alone.
Perhaps, now one can understand why the cries of Black victims went unanswered in the
chaos. A contractor, should he wish to, could have decided to only hire white
southerners who had Tatoo's with the 'Stars and Bars' blazed on their forearms, and been
within the law. While there is no direct evidence to say that this is what happened with
Blackwater or any contractor for that matter, the testimony of black victims and their
treatment by 'relief personnel' during the tragedy could certainly lead a reasonable
person to that conclusion.
The idea of Von Stueben's Prussian roots is of particular pride to Schmitz. He did his
best to pound the 'Prussian ideal' into the DOD as this presentation introduced by
Schmitz shows.
What are Prussian values? Well there is the positive, such things as discipline,
responsibility and duty. But Prussianism is much, much more than that. In fact, it was
Prussian values of conquest and racial dominance that was a foundation of Nazi
In a typical fashion of arrogance and the glorification of war and conquest one of their
key philosophers said this.
War is not only a practical necessity, of exigency of logic. The Concept of a state
implies the concept of war, since the essence of a state is power. The state is the
people organized into a sovereign power. - Heinrich Treitschke
Indeed another one of these influential Prussian Writers said this.
“Indeed the foundation for Prussia's strength was established by the Great
Elector (Frederich Wilhelm) through Successful wars of his own choice. Fredrick
the Great continued in the glorious tradition of his noble ancestor... Of all the
wars through which he led his people, not one was forced upon him; he never
tried to delay the start of any of these wars.” - Fredrich Von Bernhardi.
Bernhardi idea's and the 'Prussian ideal' really did lead directly to Hitlerism. Von
Berhardi''s conclusion was really “World dominion or ruin” and that Germany needed to
expand or she would fall into ruin. This expansion was of to be of a purely military
For those of you who wish to look more fully into the links between Hitlerism and
Prussianism, I cannot recommend highly enough an old book that is now available on
the web called The Thousand Year Conspiracy and can be found on this page.
All of this information coupled with the reports of wanton violence in Iraq committed by
contractors against racially different Arabs, a war that need not have been fought in
order to obtain natural resources (despite what others may say) shows that there is more
than just a few strings of coincidence that something is rotten in the DOD. Does the root
of these policies fund in the above mentioned Prussian thinkers? This author thinks a
through examination of this issue is in order.
Big Picture
These activities taken individually are important, but taken as a whole some important
observations can be made.
First, gangs are an outgrowth of important socio-economic factors. Gang members
usually hail from families that are at the bottom of the economic ladder. This is true
regardless of ethnic group. Gangs are seen by these youths as a way to protect ones self
and earn money in a world that is viewed by the gang member as being hostile to them.
Black gangs, such as the Crips and Bloods spring as much from poverty as it does from
economic factors that have long plagued black Americans from overt, legally enforced
discrimination, to the covert discrimination that exists today. In the Hispanic
community, the problems are once again due to the perception that they are bing
discriminated against and that no opportunities will develop for them. Jobs that do not
pay a livable wage to jobs that provide no opportunity for advancement will not appeal
to a young person who is bombarded daily with images of flashy cars, exclusive homes
and pretty girls on TV and movies. White gang members as well, usually hail for the
lower rungs of the economic ladder, and thees gangs have gained new life with the onset
of job killing free trade agreements and a massive invasion68 of cheap labor from Latin
America. These factors have given US hate groups new life and sympathy in ever
growing sections of America. These groups exist because they see safety and security in
grouping themselves in ethnically similar groups. Similar problems and experiences
create bonds that tie them together.
These Gangland entities spring primarily from economic discontent and real, as well as
perceived, racial discrimination. Simply put you have armed, organized, racially
cohesive groups with a strong and demonstrated propensity for violence, roaming,
pillaging, killing and drug dealing in all 50 states.
While most gangs do exist and are violent there does not appear to be the kind of
ideological indoctrination that would make them pose a serious risk to the stability of the
government. These entities can and do cause havoc and make money around the nation
but their acts are not usually ideologically driven, at least not in a political sense, that
could challenge state power. However there some exceptions. One is the idea of a
'Racial Holy War' or 'Rahowa', in the lingo of some extremists. This is essentially the
belief by White extremists groups that a 'holy war' will come that will cleanse the earth
68 This is one of the largest migrations in human history in terms of numbers.
of all other races except pure 'Aryan's'. This is a firm belief that many of these groups
have and this violent proclivity is a clear threat to governments around the world as it
calls for, in no uncertain terms, mass murder. This movement is clearly a political one as
it seeks to bring in a new Third Reich. Indeed, there was a hate-rock group called
Rahowa that used lyrics to describe just this scenario, they can be found here. It is a
frontal assault on Democratic governments the world over. In this respect most Neo-nazi
groups are different from most other black and Hispanic gangs in America. They have a
clear political motive and patterns of funding for these groups historically shows that
there is real money and power behind some of them.
Another exception to politically motivated gangs are certain Central American gangs.
The toughest of which is MS-13. This gang has been adept in penetrating Guatemala's
State Narcotics Bureau when it was discovered hundreds of its officers were on the
gangs payroll. These gangs are gaining increasing wealth and are becoming players in
Central American politics. Washington is attempting to tackle this problem in Central
America and are making inroads into assisting these governments deal with this growing
problem. This has put these issue in an international framework and with that will come
and inevitable response to these efforts. While this gang's political proclivities may have
once been secondary to its criminal actives, that many change as they gain more
attention from governments. The fear Washington has is that personalities like Castro or
Chavez may being to use these gangs to infiltrate the US or those nations where the US
has interests in order to agitate against US interests.
However, other Latin gangs, which hail from Mexico have stated in some of their
literature that they desire to create a new 'Azatlan' state. This is a real and not rhetorical
desire by many militant Latinos who populate many gangs. They see most of the
Western US as being the property of peoples of Latino decent. Some of these groups
have advocated taking Aztlan by force. This is also the theory of University Of New
Mexico Chicano Studies Professor Charles Truxillo who believes that such a sovereign
nation will come to pass and is 'an inevitability'.
Truxillo, 47, has said the new country should be brought into being “by any
means necessary,” but recently said it was unlikely to be formed by civil war.
Instead, its creation will be accomplished by the electoral pressure of the future
majority Hispanic population in the region, he said. - Citizen Review Online
What scholars such as Truxillo do is provide an ideological framework for any future
violent or nonviolent actions that these gangs may undertake, by either legitimate or
illegitimate means. I mention this as an important aspect of the growing and evolving
Latino subculture. As I mentioned earlier, today the majority of these gangs have no real
political or ideological bent. However, as the US begins to take more concrete moves to
stem the flood of illegal immigrants and hopefully, begin to cut off two major sources of
revenue for these gangs; narcotics and human trafficking, the gangs may believe it is in
their interests to adopt a more politically militant stance in order to recover their lost
However, one interesting aspect of the Azatlan movement relates to racial conflict is that
among some, there is a belief that the Jews were responsible for the extension of
American territory into the American south-west. Some of the adherents to the Azatlan
theory of race-state realignment rave more virulently against Jews than their Neo-nazi
The United States today continues to act out the psychotic imperialist impulses of
Manifest Destiny. It's slavish support for the criminal apartheid theocracy called
Israel manifests all the early sick fantasies of the Puritans, a hateful sect which
left England with the express intent of finding new land and people to rob and
murder, emulating the jews of the Old Testament. Consider the words of
imperialist blow hard John L. O' Sullivan, a key formulator of the Manifest
Destiny psychosis – from A Piece by Juan de Lara
Sadly, these sentiments are not isolated in those who have fallen under the spell of
Aztlan. Admittedly, the author (de Lara)
makes some good and valid points, but
his tone is unbalanced and entirely racist.
Sadly, this appears to be much of what
the Aztlan movement is really about. It is
about fighting perceived wrongs done to
ancestors with an even stronger and more
virulent and even violent racism.
These gangs are just as dangerous as any
Neo-Nazi group insofar some are
extremely organized and widespread.
Black Hate Groups
Other groups who have racist ideologies and see other racial groups as being 'cursed' or
inferior, is the Nation of Islam, better known as the Black Muslims. The teachings of
Elijah Mohammad are still among us in the form of the reconstituted Nation of Islam run
by Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan was liked by Tom Metzger, the former KKK grand
dragon, who agreed with Farrakhan's assessment of the Jews. Lest anyone think that
Hitler's supporters were only white, let us consider that Elijah Muhammad, the founder
of the modern 'Black Muslim' movement, was sentenced to 5 years in prison for
supporting Adolph Hitler during WWII and encouraging Blacks not to serve in the
Armed Forces, a fact that most Black Muslims would like to forget. But Elijah
Muhammad's antisemitism is fairly well established even if it attempts are made to
explain it away by the groups members.
The Nation of Islam is essentially a heretical offshoot of Islam specifically designed to
attract African Americans to its 'Black separatist' dogma. It has been known to employ
violence in the past, most notable of which was the Assassination of Malcolm X. But
violence against other racial groups has not been noted. It has in the past encouraged and
even committed Black on Black violence, especially against those whom the movement
deems as a 'traitor'.
The Nation of Islam (as originally constructed) is clearly a racist organization and
believes that White people are not fully human but are 'potential humans'.
"The Blackman is the original man. From him came all brown, yellow, red, and
white people. By using a special method of birth control law, the Blackman was
able to produce the white race. This method of birth control was developed by a
Black scientist known as Yakub, who envisioned making and teaching a nation of
people who would be diametrically opposed to the Original People. A Race of
people who would one day rule the original people and the earth for a period of
6,000 years. Yakub promised his followers that he would graft a nation from his
own people, and he would teach them how to rule his people, through a system of
tricks and lies whereby they use deceit to divide and conquer, and break the unity
of the darker people, put one brother against another, and then act as mediators
and rule both sides." - Elijah Muhammad, Message to the Blackman in America,
Muhammad's Temple No. 2, 1965 & Dorothy Blake Fardan, Yakub and the
Origins of White Supremacy, Lushena Books, 2001)
Yes, there are people who really believe this drivel. The nation of Islam has supported
organizations that are Holocaust deniers and many of these groups origins and roots can
be traced directly to Nazi and neo-Nazi movements. These groups include the Institute
for Historical Review69 which is one of the leading Holocaust denial organizations
today. The IHR was founded by Willis Carto a associate and a person named Francis
Parker Yockey. Both were in contact with many neo-Nazi organizations. Yockey
69 In short is is an antisemitic group that attempts to provide an intellectual framework to its hideous views.
apparently suffered from paranoia and was discharged from the Army for this ailment.
The IHR is a hotbed of anti-Semites and neo-Nazi pseudo-scholarship seeking to
rehabilitate the Nazi's and the Third Reich of its hideous crimes. These are the kinds of
organizations that the Nation of Islam is known to support. Indeed, ties between the NOI
and other White extremist organizations are present. Indeed, both Althans, Remars livein acolyte as well as Tom Metzger both praised Louis Farrakhan on his views on the
Jews, whom both believe 'control' the US.
Much has been written on the Nation of Islam, Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X.
However the affinity this group has with neo-Nazi groups and causes is not generally
The Money Issue
There are a few shadowy figures who fund groups who have clearly race based
ideologies and are not averse to using violence to accomplish their aims. Some those
who have been associated with funding Neo-Nazi causes and groups. Others have used
the legal process to assist former Nazi's and Islamic terrorists. Groups in Europe and the
US have assisted both and used the power of the purse to further their aims. There are
numerous figures that are involved in financing the neo-Nazi movement. Most do so
covertly in a sort of underground fashion. Those who engage in this kind of work can
only be judged by the effect of their activities and not by their public statements. Yet
there are others who are quite public about their Nazi views and act according to those
views. Rather than give anyone a long list of suspects, we will look at just one such
Ahmed Huber.
If you are looking for a link between neo-Nazi's and radical Islam, you need look no
further than Ahmed Huber. He is (was) a Swiss director of bank Al Taqwa based in the
Bahama's and is accused by US authorities of being a funnel to Bin Laden's terror
network. His bank was closed shortly after 911. He had changed the name of his bank to
Nada, after Al Taqwa's President, Youssef Moustafa Nada. Al Taqwa according to the
Bush administration, funneled tens of millions of dollars to Islamic terrorists70 over the
years by skimming fees made on transactions and paying them to terrorists. Al Taqwa
70 The Bush administration wrongly uses the term Al Qaeda to cover any and all Islamic terror organizations
has a membership and clientèle that is literally a who's who of the Arab as well as the
Islamic extremist world. Members of the Kuwaiti Royal family, members of the Bin
Laden family as well as a host of lesser known terrorists and Islamic fanatics were
investors in Al Taqwa.
Huber was converted to Islam in an Islamic center that was run by Egyptian based
Muslim Brotherhood a group to which Huber has had extensive ties. Huber's extremist
views are not unknown to those who have studied extremism in Europe and the Islamic
world. He is an important nexus that spans between both worlds. Huber is a strong
Holocaust denier71 and is a leading member of the Avalon Gemeinshaft. This is an
organization that that is composed of old former SS volunteers and new acolytes to the
Nazi cause. It is a quasi pagan group that laments Europe's Christian roots and worships
ancient Celtic gods.
Avalon's origins begin in the end of 1986 with the formation of the WJS by two
young far rightists, Roger Wüthrich and Andreas Lorenz. After Wüthrich and
Lorenz returned from a winter camp in Germany sponsored by the Wiking-Jugend
Deutschland (WJD), they were granted permission by the WJD to form a Swiss
branch of the organization. The WJS was formally launched in April 1987 and
began publishing a paper, Nordwind, that specifically targeted Swiss youth. As
WJS propaganda put it, "Have you had enough of degenerate art, jungle music,
environmental destruction, immorality, and Coca-Cola culture? Then come to us!
Work with us for a better worthwhile future. Travel, camps, sports, adventure,
comradeship and love of our home belong to our program. Hard work, discipline,
good manners, courage, and honor are things that for us again have meaning.
The zero (Null) bloc of youth is already shuffling off to its decline with a Walkman
in its ears and hamburgers on its brains. Not us! Join us! Viking Youth! That is
the youth movement faithful to the people of Switzerland." - From The Oracle
The group latest metamorphosis is into what it is today a small group of extremists who
are against such things as egalitarianism, democracy Americanism, and collectivism.
These are the very philosophical principles on the Third Reich. Today, these principles
are often referred to in some circles as 'the third position'. Huber's interaction with them
is probably due to the fact that he may believe that it could be useful if any Islamic
Neo-nazi collaboration is needed in a future race war or political struggle. It is important
to understand the neo-pagan aspect of many of these movements and the fact that
invariably, the target culturally speaking is the casting off of Christianity and the
71 Holocaust denial is rising. As I write this Iran is hosting a conference on denying the Holcoust. For these truly evil men,
it is necessary to deny that anyone tried to exterminate the Jews, so they can have the justification to do it all over again.
Huber, the President of Iran and every crackpot on planet earth is gathering to deny what the historical record from a
variety of sources clearly demonstrate to serve their twisted ideology of hate and evil.
embrace a Darwinian philosophy coupled with a fascist view of 'supermen' who crush
the weak in an unrestrained totalitarian state.
Ahmed Huber (Born Albert Friedrich Armand Huber) was born in Germany and
converted to Islam and changed his name. Huber regularly meets with important far
right figures in the world as well as Islamic extremists known to fund terrorism.
Huber and the French neo-facsist Le Pen
Huber, along with many other Islamic extremists had met with the Grand Mufti and
developed his antisemitism while in Egypt. Huber's connection with the Nazi movement
in the EU cannot be underestimated. Above we can see a picture of him with Jean Le
Pen, a French politician who exposes racist and nationalist views in France and is
running for the French Presidency. Le Pen is careful with his public statements and does
not openly proclaim a return to Vichy style Nazi-ism. His party the National Front is
however striking a chord in many Frenchmen who see immigration and EU integration
as a serious threat to their culture and nationhood.
By, Mark S Watson
This material is copyrighted. It may be posted in full and or quoted from freely as long
as there is no charge for its use and full attribution is given including a link back to
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