Draft Tourism Map for Hancock and Washington Counties
Draft Tourism Map for Hancock and Washington Counties
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Discover DownEast & Acadia A DownEast & Acadia Region Information Center Scenic Byway Down East Fisheries Trail Lower Hot Brook Lake Down East Sunrise Trail Maine Birding Trail Explore Maine Bicycle Route Lighthouse Forest City Danforth Crooked Brook Flowage Upper Hot Brook Lake St Museum or Historical Site State Park B A 1 Cr oix Ri Forest ve r B Vanceboro Maine's Ice Age Trail, Downeast Lambert Lake Brookton Public Reserved Land Boating Facilities 6 Camping National Wildlife Refuge Baskahegan Lake Airports/Airfields Map created June 30, 2009 Data Sources: ME Office of GIS, WCCOG, HCPC New Brunswick CANADA Border Crossing To I-95 East Musquash Lake C C Topsfield 6 Pleasant Lake NEW BRUNSWICK West Musquash Lake Scraggly Lake o derict n MAINE Junior Bay (W Grand L) e To Fr Grand Falls Flowage West Grand Lake Sysladobsis Lake Princeton D Long Lake Grand Lake Stream 1 D To St. John Upper Chain Lake Pocumcus Lake DownEast & Acadia Lower Pistol Lake Calais Big Lake Wabassus Lake Duck Lake Pocomoonshine Lake Woodland Fourth Machias Lake Third Machias Lake Nashs Lake 9 West Lake Alexander Gassabias Lake 191 Meddybemps Lake Nicatous Lake Howard Lake Robbinston Clifford Lake E Crawford Lake Passamaquoddy Bay Fifth Machias Lake Brandy Pond Meddybemps Round Pond 95 E Boyden Lake Pennamaquan Lake 9 Lower Sabao Lake Love Lake Second Chain Lake ny s Great Pond Perry De n 191 Cooper Ri v e r Pembroke Pleasant Point Wesley Dennysville Cathance Lake 9 Alligator Lake Cobscook Eastport Bay 192 Mopang Lake Long Lake Lubec Edmunds Pleasant River Lake Upper Lead Mtn Pond F Marion Bog Lake r ive sR Beddington Amherst Rocky Lake M a c h ia 9 F 9 Second Lake 189 Bangor, Maine Whiting To I-95 Rocky Pond 191 Uni 193 on Bog Brook Flowage v Ri er Mariaville Hadley Lake Rocky Lake Gardner Lake 1 Spectacle Pond 192 Floods Pond To I-95 Phillips Lake Na Eastbrook Phillips Lake asan t River Machias uag R 179 i ve Molasses Pond G Jonesboro us Beech Hill Pond Dedham Ple rrag G Otis Mountainy Pond Brewer Lake 191 r Webb Pond Columbia Graham Lake Green Lake 193 Spring River Lake 1A Franklin Branch Lake Machias Bay Roque Bluffs Cherryfield 182 Silver Lake Cutler 1 Harrington Englishmans Bay 187 Donnell Pond Tunk Lake Bucksport Addison Alamoosook Lake 1A Milbridge 3 Jonesport Flanders Pond Lower Patten Pond Orland Sullivan 1 Ellsworth Toddy Pond Machias Seal Island Steuben H Surry 15 3 Penobscot Pleasant Bay 1 Hancock 175 H Gouldsboro 172 Trenton Frenchmans Bay 3 186 Blue Hill Castine Winter Harbor Bar Harbor Brooksville I 15 Walker Pond Sedgwick I Long Pond Blue Hill Bay Brooklin Toll Ferry Yarmouth Nova Scotia Penobscot Bay Deer Isle Map created by Cranberry Isles Washington County Council of Governments With financial assistance from DownEast & Acadia Regional Tourism, Maine Department of Transportation and Maine Office of Tourism. J Stonington Swans Island J Frenchboro 1 2 A5 Forest City Border Crossing Union Hall 207-448-2321 B6 Vanceboro Border Crossing 207-788-3907 D4 Duck Lake Public Reserved Land Farm Cove Community Forest 207-827-1818 207-796-2100 D6 Princeton Airport 207-427-6624 w w w .parksandlands.com w w w .dow neastlakes.org D7 Calais Border Crossing 207-454-3621 Maine State Visitor Inform ation Center - Calais 207-454-2211 Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Baring 207-454-7161 Whitlocks Mill Light Station w w w .mainetourism.com w w w .fw s.gov/northeast/moose D8 St. Croix Island International Historic Site 207-454-3871 w w w .nps.gov/sacr/ E4 Duck Lake Public Reserved Land 207-827-1818 w w w .parksandlands.com E5 Machias River Corridor 207-827-1818 w w w .parksandlands.com E6 Pleasant Lake Campground 207-454-7467 E7 Gillepsie Field Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Baring 207-454-2920 207-454-7161 w w w .fw s.gov/northeast/moose E8 Gleason Cove Keene's Lake Family Campground Waponahki Museum and Resource Center 207-454-2022 207-853-4001 w w w .geocities.com/keeneslakecampground w w w .w abanaki.com/museum F5 Machias River Corridor 207-827-1818 w w w .parksandlands.com F6 Rocky Lake Public Reserved Land 207-827-1818 w w w .parksandlands.com F7 Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Edmunds 207-454-7161 w w w .fw s.gov/northeast/moose F8 Cobscook Bay State Park Cobscook Bay, Eastport Eastport Eastport for Pride Lubec Channel Light Station Lubec Municipal Airport Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Edmunds Quoddy Dam Museum Quoddy Head State Park R.S. Peacock Fire Museum Roosevelt Campobello Internatio Seaview Campground & Cabins Shackford Head State Park South Lubec Sand Bar Tides Institute and Museum of Art West Quoddy Head Light 207-726-4412 w w w .parksandlands.com 207-853-4313 207-853-2400 w w w .eastport.net 207-733-2341 207-454-7161 207-853-6630 207-733-0911 207-733-4641 506-752-2922 207-853-4471 207-941-4014 207-287-8000 207-853-4047 w w w .fw s.gov/northeast/moose w w w .parksandlands.com w w w .fdr.net w w w .eastportmaine.com w w w .parksandlands.com w w w .maine.gov/ifw w w w .tidesinstitute.org 3 4 5 207-667-5174 207-667-9491 ellsw orthme.org/ringring G4 Deblois Flight Strip Donnell Pond Reserved Land 207-287-2058 207-827-1818 w w w .parksandlands.com G5 Great Heath Public Reserved Land Ruggles House Wild Salmon Resource Center 207-827-1818 w w w .parksandlands.com 207-483-4637 w w w .ruggleshouse.org 207-483-4336 w w w .mainesalmonrivers.org G6 Bad Little Falls, Machias Burnham Tavern Museum Machias Bay Area Cham ber of Com m erce Machias Valley Airport 207-255-4432 w w w .burnhamtavern.com 207-255-4402 w w w .machiaschamber.org 207-255-6621 G7 Cobscook Bay Area Cham ber of Com m erce Cross Island National Wildlife Refuge Cutler Coast Public Reserved Land Fort O'Brien Roque Bluffs State Park 207-733-2201 207-546-2124 207-827-1818 207-941-4014 207-255-3475 w w w .cobscookbay.com w w w .fw s.gov/northeast/mainecoastal w w w .parksandlands.com w w w .parksandlands.com w w w .parksandlands.com 207-827-1818 w w w .parksandlands.com H4 Donnell Pond Reserved Land Mountainview Campground H5 Humboldt Field Research Institute McClellan Park Milbridge Historical Society Narraguagus Light Station Nash Island Light Petit Manan National Wildlife Refuge Petit Manan Wildlife Refuge Pleasant River RV Park Sunset Point Campground H6 Great Wass Island Preserve Jonesport Waterfront Moose Peak Light The Dow neast Institute 207-827-1818 w w w .parksandlands.com 207-422-3408 w w w .acadia.net/flandersbay 207-546-2422 207-546-4471 w w w .milbridgehistoricalsociety.org 207-546-2124 w w w .fw s.gov/northeast/maine 207-546-2124 w w w .fw s.gov/northeast/mainecoastal 207-483-4083 207-483-4412 w w w .sunsetpointcampground.com 207-729-5181 207-255-1314 w w w .dow neastinstitute.org H1 Balsam Cove Campground Bucksport Cham ber of Com m erce Fort Knox Shady Oaks Campground & Cabins 800-469-7771 207-469-6818 207-469-6553 207-469-7739 w w w .balsamcove.com w w w .bucksportchamber.com fortknox.maineguide.com w w w .shadyoakscampground.com H2 Blue Hill Airport Blue Hill Mountain Hospitality Woods RV Park Patten Pond Camping Resort The Wildlands Wanderin Moose Campground Woodlaw n Museum - The Black House 207-348-6108 207-374-5118 800-773-2668 207-667-7600 207-469-7190 207-469-6131 207-667-8671 H3 Acadia Welcom e Center Bar Harbor Airport Bar Harbor Campground Crabtree Ledge Light Ellsw orth Area Cham ber of Com m erce Hadley's Point Campground Lamoine State Park Narrow s Too Camping Resort Stanw ood Museum & Birdsacre Sanctuary Timberland Acres RV Park 207-288-5103 w w w .barharborinfo.com 207-667-7329 207-288-5185 w w w .thebarharborcampground.com w w w .bhhtmaine.org w w w .hospitalityw oodsrvpark.com w w w .barharborcampingresorts.com w w w .greatpondtrust.org w w w .w anderinmoosecampground.com w w w .w oodlaw nmuseum.org w w w .ellsw orthchamber.org w w w .hadleyspoint.com w w w .parksandlands.com w w w .barharborcampingresorts.com w w w .birdsacre.com w w w .timberlandacresrvpark.com 207-326-4012 w w w .parksandlands.com 207-326-9247 w w w .w ilsonmuseum.org I2 Blue Hill Peninsula Cham ber of Com m erce 207-374-3242 w w w .bluehillpeninsula.org Jonathan Fisher House 207-374-2459 w w w .jonathanfisherhouse.org I3 Abbe Museum Acadia National Park Hulls Cove Visitor Center Thom pson Island Welcom e Center Bar Harbor KOA Bear Island Light Station Great Harbor Maritime Museum Mount Desert Island Camping Resorts Quietside Campground & Cabins Seal Cove Auto Museum Smugglers Den Campground Somes Sound View Campground Somesville Museum The Abbe Museum of Stone Age Antiquities Thuya Lodge and Garden J1 Deer Island Thorofare Light Station Deer Isle Granite Museum Deer Isle-Stonington Cham ber of Com m erce Eagle Island Light Greenlaw s-RV-Tenting Settlement Quarry Stonington Airport J2 Blue Hill Bay Lighthouse Burnt Coat Harbor Light Isleford Historical Museum Old Quarry Ocean Adventures H7 Libby Island Light Station I1 Dice Head Light Holbrook Island Sanctuary Pumpkin Island Light Station Wilson Museum I4 Acadia National Park (Schoodic Peninsula) Egg Rock Light Prospect Harbor Light Station Schoodic Area Cham ber of Com m erce Winter Harbor Light Petit Manan Light Petit Manan Wildlife Refuge H8 Machias Seal Island 207-667-5584 207-288-4808 207-667-4778 207-288-4782 207-667-8460 207-667-3600 7 8 Index of Places G2 Branch Lake Camping Area The Telephone Museum G8 Cutler Coast Public Reserved Land Little River Lighthouse 6 207-288-3519 207-288-3338 207-288-3338 207-288-3338 888-562-5605 w w w .abbemuseum.org w w w .nps.gov/acad w w w .nps.gov/acad w w w .nps.gov/acad w w w .barharborkoa.com 207-276-5262 207-288-4782 207-244-5992 207-244-9242 207-244-3944 207-244-3890 207-244-5043 w w w .greatharbor.org w w w .barharborcampingresorts.com w w w .quietsidecampground.com w w w .sealcoveautomuseum.org w w w .smugglersdencampground.com w w w .ssvc.info w w w .mdihistory.org/museum 207-276-3727 J3 Baker Island Light Station Bass Harbor Campground Bass Harbor Head Light Station Mount Desert Cham ber of Com m erce 207-288-3338 w w w .nps.gov/acad 207-963-7658 w w w .acadia-schoodic.org 207-546-2124 w w w .fw s.gov/northeast/mainecoastal 207-367-6331 207-348-6124 w w w .deerisle.com 207-367-5049 207-348-2455 207-367-5116 207-244-9224 207-367-8977 w w w .oldquarry.com 800-327-5857 w w w .bassharbor.com 207-276-5040 w w w .mountdesertchamber.org *Boat launch and Ice Age Trail sites are mapped but not indexed. For brochures and further information on any of the sites on this map contact: Downeast & Acadia Regional Tourism at www.downeastacadia.com or 207-546-3600 or visit your neareast Information Center. Other Resources: Boating Facilities - www.parksandlands.com Down East Fisheries Trail - www.sunrisecounty.org/fisheries Maine Birding Trail - www.mainebirdingtrail.com Maine's Ice Age Trail, Downeast - iceagetrail.umaine.edu Explore Maine Bicycle Routes - www.exploremaine.org/bike