MBCA | Carolinas Section - Mercedes
MBCA | Carolinas Section - Mercedes
MBCA | Carolinas Section T H E O F F I C I A L N E W S L E T T E R O F T H E M E R C E D E S B E N Z C LU B O F A M E R I C A , C A R O L I N A S S E C T I O N 4TH QUARTER 2013 BEAUTY by the BEAUTIFUL SEA! W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G Yes, that’s some of our beautiful gals throwing corn husks into the Inter-coastal — no doubt in violation of some EPA regulation. It was a beautiful day and 40 members showed up for our Annual June Dock Party in Charleston at the water front home of Henry and Katherine Durand. And yes, there were some attractive Mercedes sedans there too. Read on… CONTINUED ON PAGE 8 CONTENT PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 2 President’s Message 3 New Member Roster & Benefits 4-5You asked for it. We did it! 6-7 Calendar of Events 8 By the Sea (continued) 9 Time to get serious. We are still growing and you can help! 10 Cars and Dealers 10 What Else is Happening PRESIDENT Richard Deiber Huntersville, NC (704) 948-1433 [email protected] W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Anthony Santagati Beaufort, SC (843) 522-9444 [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Nick Pasquine Lancaster, SC (803) 283-3144 [email protected] SECRETARY Position Vacant TREASURER Roy L. Davis Columbia, SC (803) 331-1852 [email protected] MEMBERSHIP CHAIR Position Vacant EVENTS CHAIR Nick Pasquine Lancaster, SC (803) 283-3144 [email protected] NEWSLETTER EDITOR Louise Johnson Brookfield, CT (203) 885-9168 [email protected] From the National Business Office: With every email and address update that we receive at the NBO, we will send a 10% off coupon for one item in the Club Store. One coupon per member will be sent electronically (so it must include a valid email address). Please send these updates to Geni at [email protected]. 2 [email protected] Fall is here and our house is done and we survived the move into our home. Like all good things there is still much to be done and it has tied up a lot of my time. As for the Club we are now up to almost 360 members, a record number, and with more female members than ever. Of course we hope this growth trend continues. But more important than growing membership is continuing to develop local events that increase your fun of owning a Mercedes, and developing long term friendships with other Mercedes owners. And we do need your thoughts on what events you would like to see that have wide appeal to our varied membership. I am happy to say that our local website www.mbcacarolina.org is fully operational with our new Newsletter Editor, Louise Johnson maintaining it with current information. In this issue you will read about fun events recently past and those that are upcoming. One the most important will be in December at our Annual Meeting and Christmas Party on Dec. 14th in Aiken, SC. By the time this meeting rolls around we have to be in a position to have our slate of officers and volunteers ready for selection and election. We have talked about it but now it is time to get serious about it. You will read more about this in this Newsletter and in a future e-mail. It is your Club and as always we look forward to seeing you at a future local event and solicit your questions and input. About MBCA Established in 1956, MBCA has approximately 20,240 active members and 9251 additional household members in 12 regions which are comprised of 80+ local sections throughout the United States and Canada. Each region is administered by a regional director who is responsible for assisting and inspiring the sections in the region. The regional director also fosters the formation of new sections, coordinates regional activities and represents the constituents as a member of the national board of directors. Hundreds of events are organized by sections, from social gatherings to tech sessions, from car shows to driving events. Most sections publish a newsletter of information and events and each section has its own officers and bylaws. THE LATEST FOLKS TO JOIN US We are so pleased to welcome the newest members of the Mercedes Benz Club of America to the Carolinas Section! Hanahan, SC Kim Chillag Columbia, SC Slylather Collins Eastover, SC William Fowler Charlotte, SC Paul Galletti Lake Lure, NC Raymond Goodwin Greenville, SC John Micheal Hagan Charlotte, NC Tyler Haines Iron Station, NC Gregory Hoch Murrell’s Inlet, SC Jordan Israel Weaverville, NC Louise Johnson Brookfield, CT. Peggy Lewis Hendersonville, NC Edward Lubin Tryon, NC George Maddox Hendersonville, NC George Mehrtens Bluffton, SC Nanette Piccirillo Charleston, SC Richard Schlottman, M.D. Myrtle Beach, SC Scott Shealy Charlotte, NC Johannes Tromp Lancaster, SC Douglass Van Duser Charlotte, NC Michael Warczyglowa Aiken, SC Josh Wiedermann Lancaster, SC BENEFITS FOR NEW MEMBERS We thank all of you for joining and thank those members and the Mercedes dealers who referred some of you to the benefits of the Club. There are a lot of pluses to be had from your membership. The Club adds some fun and friendships to Mercedes ownership and opens up new avenues of knowledge about the brand at a low 14 cents per day. Membership also brings some savings at both the National level and at your local Mercedes dealership. Go to www.MBCA.org , log in and register. Then click on the Membership tab to bring up all of the member benefits. Even long term members should do this as a refresher as we tend to forget everything that is available. You will also note the MB Loyalty discount available for new car purchase or lease after being a member for 1 year or more. W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G Roberta Browning Check with your local dealer as to what their parts, service, and boutique discounts are. You simply need to show your MBCA membership card at time of sale. They vary from 10 to 15%, or hourly rate special and some of them run other promotions during the year. Providing a discount is not only a Club benefit but also gives you an incentive to use a dealer’s repair expertise and OE parts for your Mercedes. To many of us one of the most valuable benefits has been to develop unexpected friendships and knowledge from other Mercedes member enthusiasts. But to do that you have to step up and attend some events. We look forward to meeting you in person. 3 W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G You asked for it. We did it! O ne of most frequent comments we got from members about why they had never been to a Club function was that they did not know anyone and so would feel awkward, or they thought it was just for rich people with Gull wings, or you had to have a collectible to be “in”. Nothing could be farther from the truth. A couple of members suggested the idea of doing some Meet & Greet events where the primary function of the event would be to meet other members on an informal basis. These events would also move around so that members 4 could meet other members not only from their own area but with others throughout the Carolinas. Club President Rick Dieber endorsed the idea and so we put together the first one in the South Charlotte area since almost 30% of our members live in the greater Charlotte area. Since there was a dealer in the area, 27 of us met at Mercedes of So. Charlotte on the morning of Sat. July 20th. Georgia Buys, Gen. Sales Mgr., gave our members a tour of the dealership and its unique brick construction. She then explained some of the new products coming, including the new CLA which already has hundreds of preorders pending, changes and new versions of the 2014 E class, and the upcoming S class, as well as GLK and ML including new diesels and hybrids to satisfy upcoming mileage regulations. From there we went to the dealership’s large employee lounge where we were given a talk by one of the dealer’s top salespersons regarding Mercedes history, safety and design standards along with some real life customer stories and photos. After that we started our Meet and Greet Session. It was truly Photos from Candi Acuff A good time with good food was had by all! I think we all really enjoyed hearing each member’s personal story and they all held our interest. We had to be at the nearby Waldhorn German restaurant at 11:30 AM so we stopped and headed for the restaurant. It was like being in Germany, seeing all those Mercedes parked in front of a German restaurant. Gita, the restaurant’s co-owner, had set aside a separate area for us and printed up a special MBCA menu! We ordered, including a few beers, and continued to hear the rest of the member’s stories and socialize over lunch yelling “Faust” (?) a couple of times, and just had an over-all good time with good food as you can see from the photos. After seeing how enjoyable this event was there is no doubt we will continue this program! One of our members in the Hendersonville area, Roger Lowenhiem, who unfortunately had an accident on the way to So. Charlotte, has set up the next event on 9/21. Both he and the car are fine now. See the Events section of this newsletter for details. W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G great to hear the stories of how and why members joined the Club. We heard from a past NJ Club President now living here and soon to celebrate his 80th Birthday; to members from Germany; to how driving a Mercedes taxi cab started the love affair with Mercedes; to it was a Birthday, or a Valentine’s Day gift; to “I worked on Ford Skyliners and wanted a retractable hardtop so I came in to look at a used Porsche and drove out with a Mercedes”…and many more! And for those who missed this one, we also plan to do some future events in the Columbia area, Eastern side, and another one in the Charlotte area as the next three, going into 2014. 5 2013 CALENDAR OF EVENTS OCTOBER SEPTEMBER eet & Greet #2 with Trains, Planes and M Automobiles! On Sat. September 21, we will meet at the Hendersonville RR Station at 10:30 AM for a layout tour and talk about Railroading and the development of Western N.C. We will then head for the Highland Lake Inn in Flat Rock for lunch at 12:30 PM and our second Meet & Greet session. From there you are free to go on to the nearby Western North Carolina Air Museum and/or visit all the shops on Main St. in downtown Hendersonville. This is your chance to meet other members, and new members, in your area in an informal fun situation. Here are the Links for your GPS, etc.: W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G •A pple Valley Model RR Club www.avmrc.com •H endersonville Historic RR Station 650 Maple St., Hendersonville, NC 28792 • Highland Lake Inn (800) - 635 - 5101 - www.hlinn.com 86 Lilly Pad Lane, Flat Rock, NC 28731 •W estern North Carolina Air Museum www.wncairmuseum.com 1340 Gilbert St. Hendersonville, NC 28793 •D owntown Hendersonville www.downtownhendersonville.org •K elsey’s Restaurant 840 Spartanburg Hwy., Hendersonville, NC Some of you have indicated that you would also like to stay for dinner. Difficult for a Group in Hendersonville on a Sat. night but Roger has been able to put it together at Kelsey’s Restaurant, which is under new ownership at 6 PM. Remember, if you have not already e-mailed me I need to know by 9/12 so we can give the restaurant(s) a head count on 9/13 if you are coming to lunch. Same date if you also want to stay for dinner. Eurofest - October 18-19 - Greer, South Carolina This is the largest foreign car event in the Carolinas, hosted on the grounds of the BMW plant. All information to attend is located at the festival’s website: www.euroautofestival.com. There you will find the registration form if you want to show your car, driving events, seminars, Fri. reception and Sat banquet. The sooner you register the better your chances are of being able to participate. In addition to the Embassy Suites there are other hotels in the area if you are staying over. Some are staying at the Fairfield Inn - Airport. The festival has expanded the number of rooms they had blocked out at the host hotel, Embassy Suites and virtually doubled the banquet space. We already have 27 Mercedes registered to show with cars of all types and vintages. If you are registering, be sure to bring some chairs so you can sit by your car when not out on the field looking at all the other cars. If it is hot and sunny, which it was last year, it would be good to bring a hat and some sun screen. Same if you are just coming up for the day to view the cars which will take most of the day, in addition to visiting the open part of the BMW museum, vendors, and Food Tents. At this point I am looking to put together a restaurant for dinner for those of us staying over on Friday night. Please let me know by 9/23 if you have an interest so I know how many to book. [ PLEASE NOTE IMPORTANT DATES IN RED. ] 6 NOVEMBER ilton Head Car Jamboree and Concours H 11/2 - 3. The Car Jamboree for car Clubs is on Sat. 11/2. Information has been sent, so please check your emails. There was some confusion on registering as it seems some people running the event were not talking to others. That now seems to be resolved. We only have 10 spaces available, so it is first come first served to register. Go to www.hhconcours.com for information about the event, hotels and tickets. I am told this is a much improved event this year, having been moved to the Port Royal Golf Club, similar to how the Amelia Island event is held in Northern Florida. W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G To register to show your car at the Car Jamboree on Sat. go to www.hhiconcours.com/events/ registration. Should you have any problem registering please contact Bill Schmidt at [email protected]. DECEMBER Annual Meeting and Christmas Dinner 12/14/2013. As you know we are returning to the highly rated Historic Willcox Inn on December 14th by virtually unanimous vote of last years attendees. I am meeting with the Willcox the second week of October to finalize menus, prices, and room rates and will send you a Mercedes Christmas Reservation e-mail by the end of that week so you can get your reservations in. We are limited to 50 people due to room size. Roger Levesque has again generously offered to provide the Christmas music. The goal last year was to give you a Mercedes grade event at VW prices and we intend to do the same this year. Some commented that due to travel they would like to see more activities and I am working on that. We will have the option of meeting around lunch time, with an afternoon activity that will keep your Christmas attire clean, before you head to the dressy casual Willcox. 7 BY THE SEA (continued) W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G It was wine (beer, mimosas, beer, soda and water), women and song (plus some great food) on the Inter-coastal with 20 Mercedes parked out front for the neighbors and passing cars to drool over. Plenty of convertibles with 4 to 12 cylinders (and a lot of spark plugs!). The song was graciously provided by member Roger Levesque, who took a lot of time out of his own fun to entertain us with keyboard music and song. The food was prepared by Henry and Katherine and their support team. And boy did we get our money’s worth! Members also got stemless wine glasses with the MBCA emblem to take home. The weather could not have been better. Some of us ate on the patio but a maverick group ate out on the dock over the water. They claimed they were setting up a separate Club, but we quickly revoked their Charter and tossed it in with the 8 Photos compliments of Roger & Linda Levesque corn husks! We got to do a lot of socializing over the course of the day and later some of us did a corn toss with the boards compliments of Mercedes in Charleston. We voted for our favorite car, a 190SL. At the very end Member John Struhar ran lessons on how to run MB Command on his SLK. This remains one of our most popular events and for good reason. Treasurer Roy Davis handled all the paperwork and the funds. And an extra thanks goes out to all who helped the Durands set up and clean up after the event. Time to get serious. In the last newsletter we outlined what it takes to run a growing successful Club in terms of staffing. It is just not possible to continue running, creating events, and growing membership with a shoe string staff as we have been. In the last Newsletter we listed all the positions and some of you indicated some interest to get involved. We have a lot of talent and experience in our ranks. The last Newsletter listed what is involved in each position. If you do not have it you can bring it up on our local website at www.mbcacarolinas.org. At this point we are asking you to cut and paste the form below and e-mail it back to me ASAP so we can have everything in position in time for the Annual Meeting on Dec. 14th. You can apply for more than one position. If you have any questions at all please do not hesitate to e-mail me or Rick with them. Let’s set an absolute dead line of 11/1 to get this back but obviously the sooner the better. Just do it while you are thinking about it. W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G Name E-Mail address I would like to apply/volunteer for the position of: Member ID # President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Newsletter Editor Event Chair Membership Chair Event helper New Member Ambassador (by area) Local Dealer Liaison Board Member (think tank) Advertising Rep. Reason you want the position and any qualifications you want considered: 9 CARS and DEALERS We owe it to the dealers who support us to support them. We would like to especially thank Skyland Mercedes of Asheville, Mercedes of Charlotte, Mercedes of Northlake, and Mercedes of So. Charlotte for their support of the Club this year with both door prizes and events at the their facility. We look forward to building stronger relationships with others in our Section. W W W . M B C A C A R O L I N A S . O R G Rick Dieber purchased an ML350 this year from Northlake. I brought a customer to Hendricks and to So. Charlotte and after our July 20th event Georgia Buys managed to get me into an almost new E350 I saw on the showroom floor. I am sure others reading this can tell us about their recent purchase at, or referral to, a Mercedes Dealer. Please share them and we will publish them in an upcoming Newsletter. Have a Mercedes you would like to sell? You can list it free at the MBCA website and in The Star. If you want to mention it in our Newsletter you can do that too. WHAT ELSE is happening? See our last Reminder and Update e-mail dated 8/31 for other local car show event information not listed in this newsletter. Under “Latest News” on the MBCA National website at www.MBCA.org you ‘ll find articles about the “midlife” changes to the E-Class which does 25% of Mercedes business, Mercedes becoming the new leader in Consumer Satisfaction Index, an interview with Mercedes/AMG new CEO and much more. You should have just received a mailing for the next Mercedes raffle to win a new SL plus $26,000 cash towards taxes. Have to enter to win and it only takes one. The MBCA Store has a Sale section going right now with extra savings plus, if you havne’t gotten around to ordering name badges for you and your associate member, why not do it now. It only takes a few minutes. Traveling? Check out the events section to see events going on throughout the Country. More than a car, we’re a community. Get involved…thanks for reading…see you soon? 10
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