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O: :n :l'4 :l.o :;:n -o -È- o\ Just ushat is Et ahout the €hrysler PT Cruiser that appeals *o people? Whateuer it is if,s Breffi§ march eaught *he manufaeturer unawares, urith demand totelly outstrippEng supply, both in the §tates and o!íer her€. For the lucl«y ferr whs haue mnamaged ts secure sne though, the aÍtermanl«et has bcem working somc serisus ouertifile. We ehee[« out just whafs auailable for thËs '37 Ford witlr a waÍra!tt!... Words by Kev E rrott '37 Ford with a warranty eh? Well that's what some people are saying. Sure it's Íront wheel drive, but then most cars are these days. We may want our hobby cars to have the díÍÍ at the rear, but surely we can Íorgive it on a daily driver? And wouldn't you rather your daily looked like this than another nondescript box? Regular readers will know we test drove a PT Cruiser back in August, and whilst we weren't too impressed with the perÍormance, the overall package leÍt us wanting one, for it's combination oÍ versatility, attention-getting looks and quirky-ness. The perÍormance can be improved, as we'll see. Even Top Gear's Jason Barlow begrudgingly admitted on the programme that though he doesn't like American and retro vehicles, the PT was 'really quite good.'Though 's{ow despite the 140hp engine'it was a'better driving experience than any MPV'lt seems the European market has been somewhat shortchanged in the engine department too, as while we get a 140bhp 2.0litre motor, the Americans get their Cruisers with a 2.4litre 150bhp lump, Quite how much of a difference the extra 1Ohp makes we don't know, though the torque Íigures are 23lb/ft higher for the American version, at 162 compared to the European 139lbiftl 54 PT Cruisers were on display at the recent SEMA show in Las Vegas, as you will read in David Fetherston's report on page 22, showcasing everything from speciÍic PT accessories to wheels and paint effects, but it shows the extent to which this car has grabbed the imagination oÍ the public. Jim Maxwell also brings us news of the PTeazer on the opposite page, a pretty serious conversion kit that goes beyond a simple body kit package. iÍ that's what you want, but there's also plenty more to be had, a lot of it much closer to home.., OffEcia§ mïetrehaerd ise For starters there's Chrysler's official line of goodies Íor the Pï As you would expect ïrom a manuÍacturer, there are plenty of tow bars, mud flaps, bike racks, roof and ski racks. and roof boxes as well as door scuff plates and carpet sets, but there are also 6x16 Íive spoke alloy wheels in either silver or chrome, roof spoilers, front and rear air dam kits, sill mouldings and wheel arch mouldings, all oÍ which give the appearance of bringing a stock PT Cruiser closer to the ground without actually P ' --ffi**-ffi[ r ,,§mwry§%i:i',:ïiil : :,, -...§ .Hlf :ii;iru lowering one. Chrysler even offer a custom Íit dust cover Íor the pï Al oÍ the above is available Írom your local Chrysler i":,-, dealer. basic four-door format or it can be Íully converted into a true two-door panel van version. There is talk thai the DaimlerChryslei Íolks will ofÍer a Íactory PT Panel version Íor the 2003 model year, but if you want to build a slick version oÍ one now. the PTeazer kit is ffi ideal. :,, I The panel conversion consists oÍ entirely new Íear fiberglass quarters to replace the --=___ \ ---.-..-_----=-./-, À.S"=gi' -rí' ' -..1*:!:ailiailr : iàè,..- ' 'r'ai::i.l standard rear fenders and rear doors and these t\,vo-door variations are marketed in two diÍlerent versions * standaÍd width and 'Extreme' Wide Body. The panels have high quaÍi§ Íit and finish, and'can be installed with the same precision as tactory replacement body panels. 1i.,,-Ëesides the rear panèl'kits;,,iÈ1e-Íirm offers a wide variety oÍ other body modifications ,ihetuoing'Extreme'Wide,Bpdy,,Írrlnt fenders, cowl induction power hoods, bumperette rear roll pans, and they even came up with a cabin, which can be easily rolled in and out the guys thought oÍ everything it seems, and they $sories almost daily. Wfuffi ffiffin The PT Cruiser lÈ r r €EE§EË%ffi@ ffi@ffi %wffi Wwffiffiffi ruas the undoubted star of the recent SEMA Show in Las Vegas.# Words and pictures by Dave Fetherston. The Colifornia Cruiser features o mass of body kit changes includino new rocker ponàrl Tin wheeli, rear brake air ducts and a cuslom ,4Ossryle grille. :dle'd',oÍ! a-1tflish ïiffilAiWW,:'#í tor.Àe* al Íhis ai§lottt ffiHii;ï; the shaw' FÍ gruílrl-r was built aloig the lines of a iiii;;,uv iiiit,.iírd ilermmed susPen§ion, Desísa' tt *eatured iiiitíi'"r't" al,,mínurr whu.t, aoa'ï'rdtí-'ilfpl" ííP' Íender skirts' lTin §ne" paínharcrk' Yet another woody Thà, *oadi <'', kíts aiè''simolà',lrtc ai,, bofi'tó canve*ian s a*'lhtii' uaíl shows,.: . ,'. ".. . Keuin ltlehígh lrcm'Àir compcny out of lrov. Michigon. The bodí' changes include níw fuonr Yolance, side rockers. woody panel kil onj c-uslom prime wheels, tr teoiures a delightÍut woody trailer lo ccrry c custom lndion motoriycle. Lílt- shawed ofÍ ihis PICrukar. ab. ' VsVoom, Íhe Braín Selzer Orchestra PT Cruiser Panel .con*érsian, A , camplefe new,. 'aír'bag. ' :: réplàceà lhe' spring.on;,q, sliul. [i's à DaimlerChrysler sland. Brian played al the , , .simple aíswer used on race cars- This Touring Car{ook using these .targe diameler rims with imports. What was so significant at this yëati'§ event was the onrnipresence of Chrysler Pï Cruisers, Apparently ihere were 54 diÍÍerent PTs 0n sholu but we ceÍtainly didn't see all of them. These Cruisers were there by the ïnvitation of the SEMA: organiser§, onraftermarket parts manufaciurer's stands showing off new products and on thé Chry§ler corporate display. This model has only been ön th€ rnaÍket Íor about eight mqnth§ aid there is already a:huge flood oÍ accessoiies and custom bodywork available. New grilles and bumper coversj taillights, headlights, sieering 1r75ss15, custqm wheels; suspension parts, body trim and even several,woody body kits made oÍ molded plastic which simply attach over the existinE sheet There weresome PT Cruisers fitted with a,new air suspension kits from thrée manuÍacturers, some had 2Öin wheels on the rear and some even had turbo conversions and one. a V6. metàI. Delivery was featured on lhe ' ionvéitianal tiny, near bike-sized protile tires'has beeom-e 'The Look' Íor 2000 and interestingly they seern to look great on slreet machines, lrucks, vans: and 2OO1 Note the ather Xenon pT in the background. spring'- tó beíig lowl JANUARY _ conversion is thtis woody done in *"o! cancty Apple red with , tlin solid polished nn"r!t. -fhe Xenon kit a new.front oumper cover with air ^.,:,_"-r* crcmt,-new rockers and ,o tilryt rii"k;rn *$$'ki; : apening after the PÍ wos introduced by Tom Gale, Head of Adv.anced De sign at DaimlerChryslen .However the rnajority oÍ ihe show consisted oÍ the small aÍtermarket manufacturers and disiributors who along with all the performance giants including Edelbrock, Mr. Gasket, Flowmaster, Hayes Clutch, Brernbo Bacing, Weiand and Cragar wheels, made up 99% oÍ the show. ïhe new Beetle was another show highlight, with over 20 of them being shown with all sorts oÍ accessories. The New Beetle pre-empted the PT Cruiser's retro-look and continues to notch out its own marketplace up against the super stÍeet set in their Hondas and Acuras. A point worth noting was the vast amount oÍ perlormance upgrades ofÍered for Honda, Acura, Mitsubishi and Toyota vehiclee. : The SEMA show runs in co-operation with the lnternational Tire Expo and the MEMA/APAA/ASIA Show which is held at the Sands Hotel/Casino and the whole shebang is now called Automolive AÍtermarket lndustry Week. The event has become 50 big that in order to include the trade shows, the qeminars aRd the project cars, you need four days do it all. lÍ cool cars are your thing or your own business is car parts then make sure you hit this event. e 1t's one that's crulsing into history as the show of shows. 23 ffirmwm ffictr&§s &he pw*ad Stull lndustries produce cosmetic stainless steel sidepípes either stainless or billet ally grilles Íor the PT Cruiser. While the pipes require a little work to fit, the grilles require no drilling or cutting, using the Íactory mounting hardware. StulllndusriesisalsoinvolvedwithSuperRod magazine in the Super Rod PT Cruiser, a limited "-,r' edition package that's available through Chrysler dealers nationwide in the States, and consisting of a Stull billet aluminium grille, louvred hood, Borla performance cat-back exhaust system, and a choice oÍ Mopar 16x6in chrome wheels or Centerline 17x7in'Flare' wheels. Speaking of wheels, the choice is rather limited, as the PT Cruiser has a fairly strange 40mm offset on a Íive stud PCD. 20in billet rims have been seen Íitted to Cruisers ín the States, as well as the Chrysler options of chromed alloys, silver alloys or throughout. Authors Matt DeLorenzo and John Lamm dissect the PT Cruiser, Írom steels. Obviously Centerline are making wheels, and undoubtedly the otheÍ manufacturers will follow suit - iÍ concept Apart from the UsAutomotive Cruiser, the only other modified versions in this country at present consist of paint jobs. We've heard of a number having been flamed, the Íirst oÍ which we've seen being Jez Hoye's black PT that was brightened up by painter Steve Bradshaw and ProSign's Neil Melliard, this being the car gracing our front cover. The pair would be happy to repeat the process should you desire. to production, and it's obvious that the the wheels vÍewed at the SEMA show are anything to go byl book is an inside look at this retro -styled car, produced with help Írom Chrysler, including ïom Gale, Executive Vice President of Product Design and Development, and Designer Bryan Nesbitt. The book is available at t12.99 Írom all good book stores, or Írom Haynes Publishing. ffiY Craa§setr, wa§? eerd furaxf;ser Chrysler unveiled the GT Cruiser at the 1999 SEMA Show, according to the company showing how to take the PT Cruiser to the next level, lowered with subtle design modifications and more power. Appearing with no front or badges, though with spotlamps frenched into the front pan, the GT Cruiser featured 17in wheels, a turbocharger and a five speed gearbox. Closely following the GT Cruiser was the Panel Cruiser, a two door delivery van bumper version with a wooden cargo floor replacing the rear seats. The Panel Cruiser OÍ course, the PT Cruiser was born out oÍ ihe Plymouth Pronto Cruizer concept car, and while to hot rodders eyes the Pronto looks a much nicer proposition, almost like something that could have come from the pen oÍ one of the rod designers such as Chip Foose, it's clear that the final product will have greater appeal to the car buying public. Shame, but there you are. lÍ you want to know more about the Pronto Cruizer, or for that matter the PT Cruiser itself, there's a great new book out, published by Motor Books lnternational, titled, funnily enough, Chrysler PT Cruiser. Though the cover may look uninspiring, the conient is very thorough, covering the design and development of the car, right up to Íuture plans, as well as a section on the PT Bruiser, the concept panel van version, and a piece by Thom Taylor on how he views the car. A thoroughly good read, the 128 page book Íeatures spec lists and Íull colour photography shared all the improvements found on the GT Cruisers, and would be a sure fire success if released onto the market, but Chrysler is reluctant to announce a release date, if there is to be one at all. ïhe company seems happy to let the aftermarket run with the Pï Cruiser Íor now, one oÍ the Íirst such cars to emerge being the Pï Bruiser. Developed by Performance West, this is one monster of a PT! lt features an excessive body kit, NASCAR grille covers, Kenne Bell belt-driven supercharged engine with nitrous and an intercooler, huge l8in BBS modular alloy wheels and a huechanging paint job. Developing 325bhp on sniff, and 271 without, the PT 4 4 § ":"qEF -L hÉ Ës l,:. §i I ..,., ; :r i,ir:r l,i,f :i-a', r.ilir:rll!..r' :,.',' : , ' Bruiser : has a also I full , d d e d rAutometer igauges, : are. The choice is including a cage- mounted tach. So there you yours. Cosmetic makeover or Íull-on pedormance version. The only problem would seem to be getting hold of one, as the factories can't build them Íast enough to keep up with the worldwide demand. One thing is for sure; no new car has captured the imagination oÍ hot rodders or the hot rod aftermarket quite like the PT Cruiser since the musclecar heyday oÍ the late '60s. We certainly never thought we'd be featuring what amounts to brand new JANUARY.2OOI . :. . r 1+600 Goldenwest Street Suite A105 Westminster, CA 92683 001-714-903-9000 : OOt-Zt+-gO:-9100 , rl- :, - , :: t;ii,, FAX l_ ri: : , St Martin's Way ' Building 5 Riverside , :rr' .i tti.,':'r.. i :',: i' : rollcage, carbon , fibre racing ' seats and ta 0800 615159 'l r:;r:Ii i ;,,,:Ir,t,:i,.1r: !l11: i 1:,,r. 12155 Magnolia Ave cA 92503 001 909 343 2181 :l:r'. r'ri,,I,.r ;:1;itr!1:l:;;1,;i11|;::'r, Sparkford Nr Yeovil Somèrset BA22 7)J 01963 44063s e-mail [email protected] Bedford , ur+z our 01234 213155 e-mail [email protected] . o2o8 7i34614 j'-!f : i!,1,'::'fil;ilr' .f i:,i'i:, ;i,!:r;1 ir: official US Chrysler website :",..i,,ri i:.ri'',rir I r:r._:,:-1,f:,:::."1j1:,.t ;i:U::i aftermarket parts and accessories Alleestrasse 1 5-19 . D-33818 Leopoldshohe i Germany ; 49 (0) 520299 92 60 : www, : UK importer: North Staffs 4x4 . 01785 28s504 :r :t, 1,,r,: . ltr I ::r :.i tliii :.i::ir'lrfl:.'i:..1r'l:iil. PT Cruiser history : toys, T shirts, radio controlled Cuisers and PT collectables PT 25