metalworks of art.™
metalworks of art.™
m e t a l w o r k s o f a r t.™ 2014 1 m e t a l w o r k s o f a r t.™ An artist sketches the branches of a tree. A craftsman transforms the drawing into a unique metal sculpture. A design-savvy consumer spots the piece, admiring it for its gallery-like style and buying it based on its ungallery-like price. This is the beauty of Artisan House. For 47 years, we’ve created and crafted an extraordinary collection of affordable metal wall art and sculpture for home and hospitality settings, both inside and out. All of our pieces, from the figurative to the abstract, begin with an artist’s vision and end with art lovers who prize them- and frequently collect them. Our current collection features more than 300 pieces of original wall, tabletop and freestanding sculptures created in our C.Jere Studio in Burbank, California. Our craftsmen create these pieces from rich metals including copper, bronze, brass, steel, aluminum and chrome, then hand–finish them with unique textures, paints and patinas. Because each one is handcrafted, no two are exactly alike, yet each one of them shares the distinctive C. Jere signature.More than just a name, it’s a mark of excellence guaranteeing that the piece is a true Artisan House original. We thank you for considering Artisan House and hope you find our distinctive works bring new dimensions to your store and your customers’ homes and businesses. John Shilling, President. Un artiste esquisse les branches d’un arbre. Un artisan transforme le croquis en une sculpture unique. Un consommateur averti remarque la pièce, l’admire pour son aspect proche de l’œuvre d’art et l’achète pour son originalité et son prix abordable. C’est la beauté d’Artisan House. En un peu plus de 47 ans, nous avons crée une collection extraordinaire d’œuvres d’art murales et des sculptures en métal, pouvant décorer à un prix abordable, votre maison, votre bureau ou votre hall d’accueil, aussi bien à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur. Toutes les pièces de notre collection, allant du figuratif à l’abstrait commencent avec la vision de l’artiste et se terminent chez un amateur d’art qui les apprécie et régulièrement les collectionne. Notre collection actuelle compte plus de 300 décorations murales, sculptures et décors de table et toutes ont été créées dans notre studio C.Jeré à Burbank, Californie. Nos artisans créent ces pièces à partir de métaux riches, tels que le cuivre, le laiton, l’acier, l’aluminium, le chrome, leur donnant des textures, des peintures et des patines uniques par la finition à la main. C’est ce travail manuel qui rend chacune de ces pièces différente, mais toutes portent la signature de C .Jeré. Plus qu’un nom, c’est la marque d’excellence et la garantie de l’originalité de chaque œuvre Artisan House. Nous vous remercions de l’intérêt que vous accordez à Artisan House et espérons que vous trouverez notre collection originale et qu’elle apportera des nouvelles dimensions à votre commerce, ainsi qu’aux habitations et les entreprises de votre clientèle. John Shilling, President. Ein Künstler zeichnet die Äste eines Baumes. Ein Handwerker verwandelt die Zeichnung in eine Metal Skulptur. Ein Designliebhaber sieht es, bewundert es für seine einzigartige Ausstrahlung um dann einen überraschend günstigen Preis zu zahlen und das Kunststück sein eigen zu nennen. Das ist die Schönheit von Artisan House. In mehr als 47 Jahren ist es uns gelungen herausragende Kollektionen aus erschwinglichem Metal zu erschaffen die kunstvoll unser Heim von innen sowohl als außen verschönern. Alle unsere Werke von Figuren bis hin zum Abstrakten starten mit der Vision des Künstlers und enden mit dem Kunstlieb haber der sie schätzt und gelegentlich auch sammelt. Unsere aktuelle Kollektion umfasst mehr als 300 Teile bestehend aus origineller Wand und Tischdeko sowie zahlreichen Skulpturen hergestellt in unserem C. Jere Studio in Burbank, Kalifornien. Unsere Handwerker gestalten unsere Produkte aus Edelmetallen wie Kupfer, Bronze, Stahl, Blech, Aluminium und Chrom und verzieren diese mit einzigartigen Oberflächen, Farben und Edelrost. Da jedes Stück in liebevoller Handarbeit gezeugt wird gleicht keines dem anderen. Alle unsere Einzelstücke teilen jedoch die C. Jere Unterschrift. Mehr als nur ein Name ist C. Jere die Marke die Ihnen garantiert das Ihr Kunststück ein echtes Artisan House original ist. Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für Artisan House entschieden haben. Wir hoffen das unsere außergewöhnliche Kunst neue Dimensionen in Ihre Autßellungsflächen sowie in die Häuser und Büros Ihrer Kunden bringt. John Shilling, President. Un artista dibuja las ramas de un árbol. Las manos de un artesano transforman esa idea plasmada en papel, en una escultura en metal de diseño único. El cliente se identifica con esta obra de arte, admirando dicha creación como una pieza de una gran galería, y la compra basada en su precio razonable. Ésta es la belleza de Artisan House. Durante 47 años, hemos creado una extraordinaria colección de arte en metal, muy asequible tanto para decoraciones residenciales como institucionales, con diseños para interiores y exteriores. Todas nuestras piezas que van de lo figurativo a lo abstracto, comienzan con la visión de un artista y terminan siendo adquiridas por los amantes del arte, que les dan su valor real y con frecuencia las coleccionan. Nuestra colección actual incluye más de 300 piezas originales de pared, de sobremesa y de pie, creadas en nuestro Studio C. Jere en Burbank, California. Nuestros artesanos crean estas piezas utilizando metales de primera calidad tales como cobre, bronce, latón, acero, aluminio y cromo. Luego las terminan a mano con texturas, pinturas y patinas únicas. Dado que cada una de ellas está hecha a mano, no hay dos que sean exactamente iguales, pero todas comparten la firma distintiva de C. Jere, que, más que un simple nombre, es una marca de excelencia que garantiza que la pieza es un verdadero original de Artisan House. Le agradecemos su interés por considerar Artisan House y esperamos que nuestras creaciones distintivas les den una nueva dimensión a su tienda y a las viviendas y empresas de sus clientes. John Shilling, President. I O 2 Denotes sculptures that may be displayed indoors or outdoors ABSTRACT MULTICOLOR © INDOOR The abstract nature of many of our pieces encourages creativity when it comes to displaying. They can be hung upside down or at an angle as well as used in multiples to create a bold artistic statement. OUTDOOR Certain of our art works are suitable for outdoor environments. Although every piece is sealed with a clear protective coating, we recommend only those noted as outdoor works be sold for use in patio or garden display. Tidepools Item #320628 66 x 10 x 140 cm Hand painted steel - Made in USA Verona Item #320631 109 x 20 x 120 cm Hand painted steel - Made in USA GALLERY COLLECTION C. Jeré Gallery Collection is designed to appeal to the most discriminating purveyor of fine art. In contrast to the “mas-produced” alternatives available in today’s market, the C. Jeré Gallery Collection features original artwork of hand-painted designs on crafted metal substrates. The entirety of the collection is produced piece-by-piece at the Artisan House Studio in Southern California. Special attention is placed on scale, color pallets, and overall dramatic statement of each piece. Created for the customer seeking superior sculptures and a relative value, the C. Jeré Gallery Collection. 2 ABSTRACT MULTICOLOR 3 4 Ceres (S/3) Stratum Quadrilateral Item #320624 48 x 5 x 48 cm Hand painted steel - Made in USA Item #320605 64 x 8 x 130 cm Hand painted and ground steel - Made in USA Item #320503 160 x 14 x 108 cm Hand-painted steel and copper Vesta (S/2) Dreamscape Acta Item #320635 137 x 13 x 74 cm Hand painted steel - Made in USA Item #320634 150 x 18 x 56 cm Hand painted steel - Made in USA Item #320535 193 x 8 x 61 cm Hand painted steel - Made in USA ABSTRACT MULTICOLOR 5 Solara Item #320637 127 x 13 x 76 cm Hand painted steel with solid brass accents (Two sculptures shown) Raindrops Silver Radiant Circles (S/2) Item #320261 165 x 18 x 71 cm Chrome plated steel Item #320279 120 x 13 x 89 & 99 x 13 x 53 cm Ground and color-tinted steel Resonate Spindrift Item #320564 132 x 13 x 76 cm Stainless wire brushed/ground Item #320576 127 x 20 x 76 cm Polished stainless steel WALL SCULPTURE Now walls can talk with works of art that express your customers’ sense of design. Our distinctive collection of wall art features abstract and figurative pieces with finishes ranging from burnished coppers to electric blues. 6 ABSTRACT COOL TONES IO IO 7 8 Satin Ribbons Tail Spin Continuity Vigorous Item #210778 130 x 20 x 61 cm Brushed steel Item #320148 99 x 8 x 84 cm Flame-treated steel Item #210686 102 x 18 x 56 cm Ground steel Item #320162 124 x 10 x 71 cm Ground steel with hand-painted accents Telesis Contingent - Silver Electric Storm Propensity II - Chrome (S/2) Item #320300 94 x 13 x 102 cm Ground and color-tinted steel Item #320541 142 x 20 x 56 cm Ground steel Item #320402 122 x 3 x 61 cm Ground and hand-painted aluminum Item #320527 86 x 13 x 66 & 81 x 13 x 61 cm Flame-treated chrome ABSTRACT COOL TONES IO 9 10 Requisition (S/4) Ebb Tide Ignition Shadows Item #210278 41 x 8 x 41 ea Brushed stainless steel with copper and brass accents Item #210963 229 x 18 x 61 cm Ground stainless steel with flame-treated and hammered accents Item #320403 112 x 18 x 112 cm Ground and tinted steel Item #320410 140 x 8 x 91 cm Flame-treated steel Cool Squares (S/6) Cohesion Equilibrium Building Blocks Item #320209 25 x 8 x 25 ea Ground, hammered and flame-colored steel Item #320474 135 x 13 x 84 cm Flame-treated and hand tinted chrome plated steel Item #320425 117 x 10 x 74 cm Brushed and hand-painted steel Item #320441 142 x 10 x 122 cm Ground steel and tinted steel ABSTRACT COOL TONES IO 11 Connection Item #320416 135 x 8 x 97 cm Ground and tinted steel Sterling Journey Item #320346 94 x 9 x 94 cm Ground stainless steel From the Depths II Spinical Item #320528 48 x 8 x 91 cm Ground and color-tinted steel Item #320562 94 x 15 x 94 cm Stainless wire chrome plated & brushed IO IO 12 ABSTRACT COOL TONES 13 14 Focus (S/3) Raindrops Mirror Silver Interlude (S/2) Tangular Item #320485 122 x 6 x 72 cm Ground and flame-treated steel Item #120154 97 x 15 x 97 cm Chrome plated steel Item #320155 69 x 5 x 64 & 102 x 8 x 71 cm Flame-colored chrome, steel, ground steel and flame-treated bronze Item #320492 137 x 23 x 81 cm Ground steel Urchin - Chrome Inflection (S/2) Oscillations Indulgence - Steel Item #320526 109 x 28 x 66 cm Chrome plated steel wire Item #320549 89x13x63 & 84x13x56 cm Stainless and color-tinted stainless Item #100843 114 x 15 x 84 cm Brushed steel with hand-painted accents Item #320254 109 x 10 x 64 cm Steel ABSTRACT COOL TONES IO 15 Epiphany Kaleidoscope From the Depths Item #210795 132 x 10 x 84 cm Tinted steel, brass, copper and bronze Item #320314 48 x 8 x 91 cm Ground and color-tinted steel Valence in Red Pandemonium Item #320550 127 x 8 x 104 cm Brushed stainless and acrylic painted steel Item #320557 150 x 5 x 89 cm Stainless and color-tinted stainless Item #320589 127 x 13 x 74 cm Chrome plated steel - painted and flame colored 16 ABSTRACT MULTICOLOR 17 18 Electron Follow Through (S/2) Skypad Item #320348 140 x 10 x 99 cm Ground and color-tinted steel Item #320214 99 x 8 x 61 ea Color-tinted copper and ground steel Item #320658 147 x 13 x 97 cm Acrylic on steel flame colored Propensity (S/2) Calculation Attraction Item #210970 86 x 13 x 66 & 81 x 13 x 61 cm Flame-treated chrome, brass and copper Item #320417 147 x 8 x 99 cm Flame-treated copper and ground steel Item #320447 122 x 10 x 99 cm Flame-treated and tinted steel ABSTRACT MULTICOLOR 19 Carefree Item #320409 137 x 10 x 79 cm Hand-painted steel and copper Gravity Item #320304 130 x 8 x 91 cm Ground and color-tinted steel with copper elements 20 Opposition Dynamic Item #320404 135 x 15 x 104 cm Ground and flame-treated steel Item #320451 97 x 5 x 76 cm Ground steel and flame-treated copper ABSTRACT MULTICOLOR 21 22 Vivacious - Standard Raindrops Mirror Time Machine Obverse (S/2) Item #320156 124 x 8 x 81 cm Flame and color-tinted copper Item #120153 97 x 15 x 97 cm Flame-colored chrome, brass, and copper plated steel Item #210957 81 x 8 x 84 cm Ground brass and flame-colored steel Item #320457 20 x 10 x 104 ea Ground and patina finished steel Vibrato Suffuse II (S/3) Divergent Item #320355 46 x 15 x 114 cm Ground and color-tinted steel Item #320529 89 x 9 x 48 & 51 x 8 x 19 (2) cm Ground and hand-painted steel Item #320641 109 x 13 x 64 cm Hand painted steel with solid brass accents ABSTRACT MULTICOLOR IO 23 Pinnacle Item #320608 120 x 13 x 46 cm Burnished and flame colored stainless with painted steel Radiant Item #320640 102 x 15 x 102 cm Hand painted steel with solid brass accents 24 ABSTRACT Warm tones Kashmir Turbulent Item #320626 104 x 5 x 150 cm Acrylic on steel with silver and brass leafing Item #320460 91 x 10 x 91 cm Ground, flame-treated copper and steel elements 25 26 Urchin Coalescence Interlink (S/2) Fantasy (S/2) Item #320216 109 x 30 x 66 cm Brass plated steel wire Item #320360 130 x 8 x 89 cm Heat-treated brass and flame-colored steel Item #320114 112 x 13 x 61 cm Flame-treated steel and copper Item #320159 76 x 8 x 61 & 71 x 8 x 48 cm Flame-treated copper, brass and steel Contingent - Red Elliptical Raindrops Cohesion - Red Item #320405 142 x 20 x 56 cm Hand-tinted steel Item #320480 107 x 9 x 107 cm Ground and flame-treated copper Item #320215 165 x 18 x 75 cm Flame-colored chrome, brass and copper plated steel Item #320532 135 x 13 x 84 cm Flame-treated and hand-tinted chrome plated steel ABSTRACT Warm tones 27 28 Firmament (S/2) Integrate Monochrome Item #320470 130 x 10 x 51 ea Flame-treated brass, copper and chrome Item #320419 124 x 8 x 76 cm Ground and hand painted copper Item #320443 91 x 8 x 94 cm Ground and tinted steel Sunburst Pulsar Disconnected Consonance Item #320446 109 x 8 x 109 cm Ground and patina finished steel Item #320411 135 x 15 x 81 cm Ground and tinted steel Item #320481 140 x 9 x 109 cm Flame-treated copper, brass and chrome plated steel Item #320488 99 x 8 x 109 cm Flame-treated bronze and brazed steel rod ABSTRACT Warm tones 29 NATURE INSPIRED The outdoors comes indoors with works capturing the beauty of flora ranging from winter trees to tropical ferns. Winter Orchard Winter Trees (S/3) Item #210060 137 x 10 x 104 cm Hand-painted steel 30 NATURE INSPIRED Item #210986 165 x 8 x 147 cm Hand-painted steel 31 32 Sterling Hedgerow Golden Hedgerow Item #320664 168 x 15 x 183 cm Stainless steel Item #320663 168 x 15 x 183 cm Antiqued gold leaf on steel Role Model Spring Butterflies Chrome S/2 Item #320613 89 x 8 x 48 cm Hand painted steel Item #320530 122 x 15 x 107 & 74 x 15 x 64 cm Flame-treated chrome and copper plated steel One and one-half shown NATURE INSPIRED 33 34 The Elms, Large Flor Morena Swan Seagulls II - Brass Item #100056 140 x 8 x 79 cm Shiny brass leaves and copper wire Item #320515 122 x 10 x 64 cm Chrome plated and flame-treated steel Item #100525 140 x 8 x 102 cm Brass wire and hand-casted accents Item #100572 117 x 15 x 58 cm Brushed brass finish Flock Strive Spontaneous Auburn Sunset Item #320621 135 x 33 x 53 cm Hand painted and antiqued steel Item #320666 165 x 15 x 76 cm Stainless steel wire with copper plated elements Item #320334 135 x 13 x 99 cm Ground and color-tinted brass Item #320388 140 x 8 x 89 cm Ground and hand-tinted steel NATURE INSPIRED IO 35 Cherry Blossoms Sol Item #320455 107 x 8 x 71 cm Tinted steel Item #320464 119 x 13 x 119 cm Ground steel Summer Oak Tropical Aquarium Item #320471 127 x 9 x 64 cm Flame-colored stainless steel and brass elements Item #320531 135 x 8 x 56 cm Ground and hand-tinted steel Thrive Item #320602 168 x 18 x 127 cm Stainless Steel wire with copper plated elements 36 NATURE INSPIRED IO 37 Bridge Squadron Item #100051 137 x 8 x 81 cm Steel with gold leaf finish Item #320596 137 x 10 x 81 cm Hammered steel Last Summer Passing By Item #320283 104 x 20 x 43 cm Hand-painted steel Item #320433 107 x 15 x 30 cm Hand-painted steel City Park Item #320623 127 x 15 x 84 cm Hand painted steel LIFESTYLES Music, sports & favorite pastimes become masterpieces in this whimsical collection ideal for the home and restaurant or lounge venues. 38 Lifestyles IO 39 Persuasion Item #102190 56 x 53 x 188 cm Steel with rust patina Base - painted steel IO IO FREESTANDING SCULPTURE Cities commission sculptures to memorialize great moments and people. We create them to inspire great moments for people. Our freestanding sculpture collection includes indoor and outdoor works and our tabletop sculpture collection offers several smaller freestanding accents. 40 Freestanding Curvaceous The Flame - BASESQ Item #102213 109 x 109 x 221 cm Ground stainless steel Item #102228 33 x 31 x 218 cm Burnished stainless steel Base – painted steel IO 41 Cross Wind - BASESQ Item #102196 61 x 31 x 236 cm Stainless steel Base - painted steel 42 Rotation - BASESQ Animate Item #102195 58 x 58 x 239 cm Ground stainless steel Base - painted steel Item #102230 48 x 48 x 201 cm Acrylic, tint and patina on steel Freestanding IO IO IO For freestanding sculpture that demands a second look, there’s Artisan 43 SPECIALTY High Voltage Table - no glass Item #130005 125 x 70 x 48 cm Ground stainless steel IO Cubicle Table - no glass Item #130006 Base: 112 x 39 x 47 cm Ground stainless steel Free Flow Table - no glass Item #130007 Base: 91 x 31 x 76 cm Ground stainless steel IO Needle & Spool Table Item #130008 69 x 61 x 61 cm Brushed and ground steel IO 44 SPECIALTY 45 Cyclone Item #101691 28 x 20 x 94 cm Chrome plated steel with black antiquing on painted metal base Vanishing Point Item #101419 28 x 28 x 79 cm Brushed and polished steel 46 TABLETOP The Flame Palace Item #101689 20 x 8 x 104 cm Satin finished solid brass on painted metal base Item #101692 23 x 20 x 107 cm Patina weathered solid brass and copper plated steel 47 48 Transformation Shields Supersonic Item #101667 53 x 30 x 69 cm Ground and color-tinted stainless steel Item #101671 36 x 10 x 30 cm Ground steel Item #101672 48 x 36 x 66 cm Color-tinted ground steel Continuity Romantic Continuance Item #101598 36 x 20 x 58 cm Ground steel Item #101645 30 x 25 x 61 cm Flamed-treated copper Item #101681 56 x 13 x 61 cm Ground and flame-colored steel TABLETOP 49 METAL PERSPECTIVES Great efforts are made to incorporate the same design philosophy and attention to quality with this line of outstanding metal wall sculpture! Array Starburst Feng Shui Item #650148 132 x 8 x 69 cm Hand tinted steel Item #650122 98 x 5 x 83 cm Hand tinted and ground steel Item #650141 114 x 8 x 81 cm Hand tinted steel INDEX Autumn Sunset Division Item #650139 107 x 5 x 99 cm Hand painted steel wire Item #650131 117 x 5 x 74 cm Hand painted steel Corrugate Dazzle Item #650133 122 x 8 x 76 cm Hand tinted steel Item #650138 99 x 10 x 99cm Hand painted steel Item # Description Pg Item # Description Pg 100051Bridge 39 320215Raindrops 27 100056 The Elms, Large 34 320216Urchin 26 100525Swan 35 320254 Indulgence - Steel 15 100572 Seagulls II - Brass 35 320261 Raindrops Silver 100843Oscillations 15 320279 Radiant Circles (S/2) 101419 Vanishing Point 46 320283 Last Summer 101598 Continuity 48 320300Telesis 8 101645Romantic 48 320304Gravity 21 101667Transformation 48 320314 From the Depths 17 101671Shields 49 320334Spontaneous 35 101672Supersonic 49 320346 Sterling Journey 12 101681Continuance 49 320348Electron 18 101689 The Flame 47 320355Vibrato 22 101691 Cyclone 47 320360Coalescence 26 101692Palace 47 320388 Auburn Sunset 35 102190 Persuasion - Basesq 40 320402 Electric Storm 102195 Rotation - Basesq 42 320403Ignition 11 102196 Cross Wind - Basesq 43 320404Opposition 20 102213Curvaceous 41 320405 Contingent - Red 26 102228 The Flame - Basesq 41 320409Carefree 20 102230 Animate - Basesq 42 320410Shadows 11 120153 Raindrops Mirror 22 320411Pulsar 28 120154 Raindrops Mirror Silver 14 320416Connection 13 130005 High Voltage Table 45 320417Calculation 19 130006 Cubicle Table 44 320419Integrate 29 130007 Free Flow Table 45 320425Equilibrium 11 130008 Needle & Spool Table 45 320433 Passing By 39 210060 Winter Orchard 31 320441 Building Blocks 11 210278 Requisition (S/4) 10 320443Monochrome 29 50 7 39 9 210686Continuity 9 320446Sunburst 28 210778 Satin Ribbons 8 320447Attraction 19 210795Kaleidoscope 17 320451Dynamic 20 210957 Time Machine 23 320455 Cherry Blossoms 37 210963 Ebb Tide 10 320457 Obverse (S/2) 23 210970 Propensity (S/2) 18 320460 Turbulent 25 320464Sol 37 320470 Firmament (S/2) 28 320471 Summer Oak 37 210986 Winter Trees (S/3) 320114 Interlink (S/2) 320148 Tail Spin 30 top left 27 8 320155 Interlude (S/2) 15 320474Cohesion 10 320156 Vivacious - Standard 22 320480Elliptical 26 320159 Fantasy (S/2) 27 320481Disconnected 29 320485 Focus (S/3) 14 320162Vigorous METAL PERSPECTIVES 7 9 320209 Cool Squares (S/6) 10 320488Consonance 29 320214 Follow Through (S/2) 18 320492 Tangular 15 Item # Description Pg 320503Quadrilateral 5 320515 Flor Morena 34 320526 Urchin - Chrome 14 320527 Propensity II - Chrome (S/2) 9 320528 From the Depths II 13 320529 Suffuse II (S/3) 22 320530 Spring Butterflies - Chrome S/2 33 320531 Tropical Aquarium 37 320532 Cohesion - Red 27 320535Acta 5 320541 Contingent - Silver 8 320549 Inflection (S/2) 14 320550 Valence in Red 17 320557Pandemonium 17 320562Spinical 13 320564Resonate 7 320576Spindrift 7 320589 Epiphany 16 320596Squadron 39 320602 Thrive 36 320605Stratum 4 320608Pinnacle 25 320613 Role Model 32 320621Flock 34 320623 City Park 38 320624 Ceres (S/3) 4 320626Kashmir 25 320631 Verona 3 top right 320634Dreamscape 5 320635 Vesta (S/2) 4 320638Tidepools 3 320639 Solara 6 320640 Radiant 24 320641Divergent 23 320658Skypad 19 320663 Golden Hedgerow 32 320664 Sterling Hedgerow 32 320666Strive 34 650122Starburst 51 650131Division 50 650133Corrugate 50 650138Dazzle 50 650139 Autumn Sunset 50 650141 Feng Shui 51 650148Array 50 m e t a l w o r k s o f a r t.™ EUROPEAN OFFICE Artisan House Europe, Ltd. P - 1.203.665.0063 email: [email protected] CORPORATE OFFICE USA Artisan House, Inc. 101 Old Ridgefield Rd. P.O. Box 790 Wilton, CT 06897 USA P - 1.203.563.0017 F - 1.203.563.0837 email: [email protected] €20 EUROPEAN TRADE FAIRS Maison & Objet – Paris, France Hall 5A – Cote Deco Tendence – Frankfurt, Germany Hall 9.0 Interiors & Decoration NORTH AMERICAN SHOWROOMS High Point, North Carolina IHFC Design Center Showroom D208 Las Vegas, Nevada World Market Center Showroom A300 Toronto, Canada International Center, Showroom 117 Atlanta, Georgia AmericasMart Building 1 Showroom 14E11 ©2014 ARTISAN HOUSE
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