Agenda - City of Bayswater
Agenda - City of Bayswater
CITY OF BAYSWATER AGENDA FOR THE TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING Commencing at 7:00pm 6 October 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM 1. 2. SUBJECT PAGE NO OFFICIAL OPENING 4 1.1 4 Declaration of Due Consideration ATTENDANCE, APOLOGIES, LEAVE OF ABSENCE (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) & ABSENCE 4 3. DELEGATED AUTHORITY BY COUNCIL 5 4. DECLARATION OF INTEREST 5 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 5 6. DEPUTATIONS 6 7. DIVISIONAL REPORTS 7 7.1 Technical Services 7 7.1.1 Proposed Removal of Street Tree Location: 6 Rodda Street, Morley 7 7.1.2 Requested Removal of Street Tree Location: 66 Bunya Street, Noranda 13 7.1.3 Requested Tree Pruning Affecting ESLS 17 7.1.4 EMRC Council Meeting Minutes - 17 September 2015 20 7.2 Finance & Personnel 37 7.2.1 Financial Reports for the Period Ended 22 September 2015 37 7.2.2 List of Payments for the Period Ended 22 September 2015 60 7.2.3 Investment Portfolio for the Period Ended 22 September 2015 73 7.2.4 Status Report - Donations Granted Under Delegated Authority 79 7.2.5 Donation Request - Autism West Support Inc. 82 7.2.6 Donation Request - Peninsula Golf Club Inc - Peninsula Pairs Golf Event 85 7.2.7 Exemption from Rates - Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup Inc Location: 5 Tara Street, Morley 88 7.2.8 Exemption from Rates - Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc Location: 52-54 Railway Parade, Bayswater 91 7.2.9 Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc) Self Supporting Loan Location: 58 Murray Street, Bayswater Confidential Attachment 94 7.2.10 7.2.11 Legislative Update September 2015 Draft Annual Report 2014-15 (Part) ABSOLUTE MAJORITY REQUIRED Page 2 99 104 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 8. 6 OCTOBER 2015 CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 145 8.1 Technical Services 145 8.1.1 Green Waste Processing Agreement 145 8.1.2 EMRC Regional Services 146 8.2 Finance & Personnel 147 9. LATE ITEMS 148 10. NEXT MEETING 148 11. CLOSURE 148 Page 3 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CITY OF BAYSWATER Dear Members I have pleasure in advising that the next meeting of the Technical Services and Finance & Personnel Committee will take place in the Council Chambers, City of Bayswater Civic Centre, 61 Broun Avenue, Morley on Tuesday, 6 October 2015 commencing at 7:00pm. (A meal will be served at 6:15pm) Yours sincerely FRANCESCA LEFANTE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 2 October 2015 AGENDA 1. OFFICIAL OPENING 1.1 Declaration of Due Consideration That Councillors who have given due consideration to all matters contained in the Agenda presently before the meeting raise their hands. 2. ATTENDANCE, APOLOGIES, LEAVE OF ABSENCE (PREVIOUSLY APPROVED) & ABSENCE Members Cr Barry McKenna Cr Michael Sabatino, Deputy Mayor Cr Terry Kenyon, JP Cr Alan Radford Cr Mike Anderton, JP Cr Chris Cornish Cr Martin Toldo Chairperson Officers Ms Francesca Lefante Mr Doug Pearson Ms Carissa Bywater Mrs Raylene Vucens Mrs Rosita Mulqueen Chief Executive Officer Director of Technical Services Director of Finance and Corporate Services Executive Assistant to Mayor & Chief Executive Officer A/Administration Officer - Agendas and Minutes Observers Nil. Page 4 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Apologies Nil. Leave of Absence Nil. 3. DELEGATED AUTHORITY BY COUNCIL Delegated Authority There are no items appearing in this agenda for which the Technical Services and Finance & Personnel Committee has been granted delegated authority by Council, therefore, in accordance with section 5.23 (1) (b) of the Local Government Act 1995, this meeting is not required to be open to the public, however, to improve transparency and accountability, this meeting is open to the public but will be closed to receive any deputations. Terms of Reference Technical Services: To consider reports and make recommendations to Council in respect to issues relating to the delivery of services within the areas of Engineering, Parks and Gardens, Environmental Health and the Environment, Technical Design and all other aspects of the Technical Service operations of the City of Bayswater. Finance & Personnel Services: To consider reports and make recommendations to Council in respect to statutory and management financial reporting, accounts payable/receivable, investments, donations, capital proposals, budget reviews, loan submissions, insurance, recreational facilities managed under contract by the YMCA, personnel issues and all other Finance & Personnel operations of the City of Bayswater. 4. DECLARATION OF INTEREST In accordance with section 5.65 of the Local Government Act 1995: A member who has an interest in any matter to be discussed at a Council or Committee meeting that will be attended by the member must disclose the nature of the interest (a) in a written notice given to the CEO before the meeting; or (b) at the meeting immediately before the matter is discussed. 5. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES The Minutes of the Technical Services and Finance & Personnel Committee Meeting held on 15 September 2015 which have been distributed, are to be presented for confirmation as a true and correct record. Moved: Seconded: Page 5 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6. DEPUTATIONS (i) Proposed Removal of Street Tree Location: 6 Rodda Street, Morley 6 OCTOBER 2015 In relation to Item 7.1.1, Mrs Nicola and Mr Jason Tutt (Applicants) and Ms Lauren Kellendonk from Dale Alcock Homes will be in attendance from 7:05pm (refer page 7). Page 6 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7. DIVISIONAL REPORTS 7.1 Technical Services 7.1.1 Proposed Removal of Street Tree Location: Applicant: Officer: 6 OCTOBER 2015 6 Rodda Street, Morley Ms N E and Mr J P Tutt Director of Technical Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider the requested removal of the westernmost street tree located on the verge of 6 Rodda Street, Morley. Key Issues: • • The requested removal of the street tree is to allow construction of a crossover and driveway associated with the redevelopment of the site. The tree is in good health and good structural condition. BACKGROUND The City has received a request from the property owners to remove the verge tree located at 6 Rodda Street, Morley as part of a proposal to redevelop the property. At this stage, there will only be one dwelling on the block of which the building envelope will be at the front of the property providing the applicants the option to subdivide at a future point, however, for this to occur, the applicants would prefer a new crossover on the western side of the block (Attachment 1). Page 7 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Following receipt of the applicants' request, City officers investigated and suggested an alternate crossover design (Attachment 2). This design was referred to the applicants, however, they advised as follows and still prefer removal of the tree: "We are not opposed to designing the driveway on a curve, as recommended by Mr Pearson on the attached plan, however, we are still greatly concerned about the impact of the tree. The root system of this tree is already above ground and growing towards the house. We do believe that this is going to cause future problems with the driveway - curved or not. We have debated with our builders, Dale Alcock, moving the whole house a half meter towards the right of the property, thus reducing the curve of the driveway, but still think there will be issues with this particular verge tree. By moving the house over we may also be starting new issues; those being with the planned levels of the house and the neighbouring property. We believe that this will also then make access to the rear of the block not in regulation with the Council should we wish to develop, (at a much later stage) as the distance from the garage to the fence line would only be 3m. As such, we would like to pursue asking for permission from the Council to have this particular tree removed. We've attached two photos, the first shows the verge of our property and the original driveway, taken from the left hand side of the property. The second photo shows the established root system of the tree, taken from the front of the property." Accordingly, City officers appointed a consulting arborist to assess the structural integrity, the likely impact the location of the crossover may have upon the two trees located on the subject verge and provide options to retain both trees should the development proceed. Page 8 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Based on the original letter from the applicants, the arborist assumed the easternmost tree was the tree in question, and although this tree (easternmost) is the focus of the report, both trees were assessed. The arborist assessed the trees based upon the: • • • • existing health and structural condition of the tree; characteristics of species; proximity of the development to the tree; and aesthetic quality and amenity value that both trees provide to the surrounding streetscape CONSULTATION City officers undertook public consultation of residents and landowners 50m in both directions from 6 Rodda Street, Morley to establish views regarding the potential removal of the subject tree. The City received four replies of which two advocated for tree retention and one felt that it wasn't their decision to make, after all, it is Council land and it's the 'Garden City'. One was happy for the removal of the westernmost tree, however, strongly objected to any proposal which would result in the removal of the easternmost tree. ANALYSIS The westernmost tree is identified as a semi‐mature Lophostemon confertus (Queensland Box) with a clinometer height of 6.2m with a canopy spread of 6.0m north/south and 6.0m east/west and a trunk diameter of 31cm taken 1.4 metres above ground level. "7.2. A development proposal providing access aligned to the western boundary (as currently exists) will allow the retention of both verge trees as the crossover may be located outside an estimated tree protection zone (TPZ) of 4.0m for this tree and therefore root damage is likely to be limited. 7.3. The construction of a wider crossover on the western side may also allow the retention of the westernmost tree without significant damage provided works remain 2.5m – 3.0m from the trunk and appropriate measures such as arborist supervision and the exclusion of further works and associated construction activities within the calculated TPZ are put in place prior to the commencement of and during works." It should be noted that the alternate design proposed in Attachment 2 does not fully meet the arborist's recommended clearance of 2.5m - 3.0m for the tree trunk and is closer to approximately 1.5m from the trunk. OPTIONS The following options are available to Council: OPTION 1. 2. Approve the application for removal of the tree at the applicant's cost Do not approve removal of the tree and instruct the applicants to redesign ESTIMATED COST ($) BENEFIT RISK Nil • Meets the applicants' expectations. Nil • Retention of canopy and value to the streetscape • Loss of canopy cover and aesthetic value to the streetscape. • Potential future damage to property/crossover. Page 9 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CONCLUSION Option 2 is recommended as the applicants can redesign their dwelling in such a manner as to retain the current crossover for both the new dwelling and any future dwellings or provide a new crossover which still allows the retention of the westernmost tree. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The following financial implications are applicable: 2015/16 BUDGET ALLOCATION 2015/16 BUDGET RECONSIDERATION PROPOSED 2016/17 BUDGET ALLOCATION ONGOING COSTS (e.g. MAINTENANCE) LIFE OF PROJECT'LIFE EXPECTANCY OF ASSET Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil STRATEGIC LINK From the City of Bayswater's Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, select one implication which best details your report. Theme: Aspiration: Our Built Environment We have a well-connected mix of business, residential and community areas, which are high quality and support our thriving community. Outcome B1: Streetscapes which allow for community interaction in an urban environment. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS The process stated above does not conflict with the City’s Policy, ‘Guidelines for the Management of Street Trees in the City of Bayswater’ VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS Not applicable. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. Not approve the removal of the tree located at 6 Rodda Street, Morley. 2. Advises the applicants that there will be a requirement to redesign the dwelling or crossover in such a manner so as to retain tree. Moved: Seconded: Page 10 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 1 Page 11 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 2 Page 12 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.1.2 6 OCTOBER 2015 Requested Removal of Street Tree Location: Applicant: Officer: 66 Bunya Street, Noranda K M Plunkett and M J Deal Director of Technical Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider the requested removal and replacement of the street tree located on the verge of 66 Bunya Street, Noranda. Key Issues: • • The applicant is requesting the removal of the existing street tree and replacing it with an Olive or Frangipani tree (relocated from within the applicant's property). An independent Arborist report advises that the existing tree represents low risk and is in fair health, however, has recommended the future removal and replacement with a species that would not require ongoing periodic pruning. BACKGROUND The City has received a request from the property owners to remove the verge tree located at 66 Bunya Street, Noranda and replace it with an Olive or Frangipani tree, relocated from within the applicant's property, as the subject tree is not from Council's approved species list. Following receipt of the applicant's request, City officers appointed a consulting arborist to assess the structural integrity of the subject tree. The arborist assessed the tree based upon the: • existing health and structural condition of the tree; • characteristics of species; • proximity of low and high voltage power lines; • future growth and development of the tree; and • aesthetic quality and amenity value that the tree provides the surrounding streetscape. Page 13 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CONSULTATION City officers undertook public consultation of residents and landowners 50m in both directions from 66 Bunya Street, Noranda to establish views regarding the potential removal of the subject tree. The City received no replies. ANALYSIS The subject tree is a mature specimen of Schefflera actinophylla commonly known as an Umbrella Tree with clinometer height of 5.7m with a canopy spread of 5.2m and combined trunk diameter of 40cm. It is unlikely that the City would have planted the subject tree at this location. The tree was found to be in fair health and poor structural condition displaying epicormic growth which forms the main canopy structure. The tree is developing towards the low voltage power lines and future pruning will leave unsightly tall stems. These stems will not regenerate sufficiently to form into a significant new canopy. The arborist has concluded: "This consultant is of the opinion that this specimen of Schefflera actinophylla currently represents low risk to the surrounding targets and is in fair health, however with the structure being epicormic growth developing towards the low and high voltage power lines this specimen will soon require power line pruning which will essentially top the tree leaving the remainder of the tree in very poor structure. Once the tree is topped its ability to regenerate into a satisfactory specimen is very low and it will appear an unsightly specimen." In accordance with the above, the arborist has recommended that this specimen be approved for future removal and replacement with a suitable species as confirmed by the City. A small growing species which can remain under power lines without ongoing periodical pruning is preferred. Page 14 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Accordingly, the applicants' suggestion of an Olive tree is not recommended for this location as it will require ongoing maintenance pruning and fruit will cause slip hazards on the adjacent footpath. The alternative option of a Frangipani is also not recommended either as it is classed as a shrub and not on the City's preferred verge tree species list. OPTIONS The following options are available to Council: OPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. Accede to the applicants' request to remove and replace the tree with an Olive or Frangipani tree at the applicants' expense. Accede to the applicants' request to remove the subject tree, however, replace with a suitable species to the satisfaction of the City at the applicants' expense Accede to the applicants' request to remove the subject tree, however, replace it by the City at the City's expense. Not accede to the applicants' request to remove the subject tree. ESTIMATED COST ($) BENEFIT RISK Nil • Improved streetscape and canopy cover • Slip hazard from the Olive tree during fruit drop. Nil • Improved streetscape and canopy cover • Applicant unsatisfied with option. $1,000 • Improved streetscape and canopy cover • Applicant unsatisfied with option. • Retention of existing tree. • Limited quality of tree following eventual pruning. • Applicant unsatisfied with option. Nil CONCLUSION Option 2 is recommended as this will improve Bunya Street streetscape and increase the City's canopy cover. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Not applicable. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater's Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: "Theme: Aspiration: Outcome B1: Our Built Environment We have a well-connected mix of business, residential and community areas, which are high quality and support our thriving community. Streetscapes which allow for community interaction in an urban environment." COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS The process stated above does not conflict with the City's Policy, Guidelines for the Management of Street Trees in the City of Bayswater. Page 15 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS Not applicable. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the applicants be advised that Council approves the removal of the Schefflera actinophylla, Umbrella Tree located on the verge at 66 Bunya Street, Noranda subject to the following: a. The removal of the street tree is at the cost of the applicants to the satisfaction of the City of Bayswater. b. Prior to the removal of the tree, the applicants are to pay the City the amount of $500 to cover the cost of a replacement tree from Council's approved species list. c. The applicants are responsible for engaging a qualified contractor, the cost of removing the tree and any claims that may arise from the removal of the tree. Moved: Seconded: Page 16 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.1.3 6 OCTOBER 2015 Requested Tree Pruning Affecting ESLS Applicant: Officer: Main Roads WA Director of Technical Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider a request from Main Roads WA (MRWA) for approval to prune trees which may be affecting Electronic Speed Limit Signs (ESLS). Key Issues: • The applicant is requesting permission to prune vegetation from City tree assets which may be affecting the effectiveness of ESLS. • MRWA is installing ESLS at all speed reduced school zones in WA. BACKGROUND MRWA is installing up to 5,000 ESLS by 2017 at all speed reduced school zones in Western Australia. Each of these signs are powered by a battery which is recharged from a solar panel positioned at the top of the sign. MRWA have found that some of the solar signs do not adequately recharge their batteries if shaded by nearby trees. Accordingly, MRWA have taken care to try and install the ESLS where they will not be affected by shade from trees, however, some need to be located where potential shading from the City's trees cannot be avoided. MRWA recognises the impost on the City to keep ESLS clear of excessive shade and therefore, has offered to accept responsibility to clear vegetation which shades ESLS solar panels. CONSULTATION No consultation has occurred with the public or other agencies on this matter. ANALYSIS There are 31 educational facilities within the City of Bayswater but it is not yet known exactly how many trees or school zones will actually be affected. Notwithstanding this, it is possible that the ongoing tree clearance maintenance could add a significant unfunded workload to the City's tree crews, should the City accept responsibility to keep ESLS solar panels clear from shading vegetation. Page 17 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 MRWA have offered to resource and pay for the work through a contract arrangement. Should Council consider allowing MRWA to undertake the works, it should e conditional on: • • • Trees being pruned by a Practicing Arborist; All pruning works complying with AS 4373-2007 - Pruning of Amenity Trees; and All works carried out being MRWA's responsibility. These conditions will help to ensure that tree pruning is undertaken in a responsible manner with due regard to the health and condition of the trees. OPTIONS The following options are available to Council: OPTION 1. 2. Accede to the applicants' request to prune trees affecting ESLS solar panels at the applicants' expense and responsibility. Do not accede to the applicants' request to prune trees affecting ESLS solar panels ESTIMATED COST ($) BENEFIT RISK Nil • City tree crews are able to attend to their preventative maintenance schedules. • Minimal, should MRWA comply with the City's conditions. Up to $230 per individual tree service • Greater control over any pruning undertaken. • Increased times to complete preventative maintenance schedules. CONCLUSION Option 1 is recommended as this will allow MRWA to program works at their expense, responsibility and timing subject to the works being undertaken in a responsible manner in accordance with the conditions detailed above. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater's Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Aspiration: Outcome B1: Our Built Environment We have a well-connected mix of business, residential and community areas, which are high quality and support our thriving community. Streetscapes which allow for community interaction in an urban environment. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS The process stated above does not conflict with the City's Policy, Guidelines for the Management of Street Trees in the City of Bayswater. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS Not applicable. Page 18 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council advises Main Roads WA (MRWA) that the Council highly values its tree stocks and the numerous values that are provided by a healthy urban forest and with this in mind, is prepared to approve MRWA to undertake the responsible pruning of trees which shade solar panels servicing Electronic Speed Limit Signs (ESLS) within the City of Bayswater subject to the following conditions: a. Trees being pruned by a Practicing Arborist; b. All pruning works comply with AS 4373-2007 - Pruning of Amenity Trees; and c. All works carried out being MRWA's responsibility. Moved: Seconded: Page 19 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.1.4 6 OCTOBER 2015 EMRC Council Meeting Minutes - 17 September 2015 Officer: Director of Technical Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: To allow Council consideration of the recent Minutes from the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council. Key Issues: Issues considered at the 17 September 2015 meeting which impact the City of Bayswater: • EMRC Annual Report 2014-15. BACKGROUND A Council Meeting of the EMRC was held on 17 September 2015. Cr Alan Radford were in attendance. Cr Chris Cornish and CONSULTATION Not applicable. ANALYSIS A Delegate's Report detailing items with implications for the City of Bayswater is Attachment 1 and the Abridged Minutes form Attachment 2. Also attached is the EMRC Investment Report (Attachment 3). OPTIONS Not applicable. CONCLUSION For Council to receive. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS As detailed in the Delegate's Report. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater's Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Aspiration: Outcome E5: The Local Economy Out vibrant business hubs provide opportunities for business growth, community activity, learning and employment opportunities. Attract regional services and investment. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Not applicable. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. Page 20 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. City of Bayswater's Delegate's Report. EMRC Abridged Minutes. EMRC Investment Reports. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council receives the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC) Delegate's Report, Abridged Minutes and Investment Report of the meeting of 17 September 2015. Moved: Seconded: Page 21 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 1 Page 22 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 2 Page 23 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 24 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 25 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 26 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 27 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 28 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 29 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 30 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 31 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 32 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 33 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 34 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 35 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 3 Page 36 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2 Finance & Personnel 7.2.1 Financial Reports for the Period Ended 22 September 2015 Officer: 6 OCTOBER 2015 Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to note the financial reports for the period ended 22 September 2015. Key Issues: • At its meeting on 30 June 2015, Council adopted the Annual Budget for the 2015-16 financial year. The figures in this report are compared to the adopted budget. • The financial reports for the period ended 22 September 2015 comprise Attachments 1 - 3. BACKGROUND The Local Government Act 1995 in conjunction with regulation 34(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 requires a monthly Statement of Financial Activity to be presented to Council. This Statement is to include: (a) Annual budget estimates, taking into account any expenditure incurred for an additional purpose under section 6.8(1)(b) or (c) of the Local Government Act 1995; (b) Budget estimates to the end of the month to which the statement relates; (c) Actual amounts of expenditure, revenue and income to the end of the month to which these statements relate; (d) The material variances between the comparable amounts referred to in paragraphs (b) and (c); and (e) The net current assets at the end of the month to which the statement relates. Regulation 34(5) determines the mechanism required to ascertain the definition of material variances which are required to be reported to Council as part of the monthly report. It also requires Council to adopt a 'percentage or value' for what it will consider to be material variances on an annual basis. The variance adopted by the Council for the 2015-16 Budget is 10%. CONSULTATION In accordance with section 6.2 of the Local Government Act 1995, the adopted budget was prepared having regard to the Community Strategic Plan, prepared under section 5.56 of the Local Government Act 1995, which was made available for public comment. ANALYSIS The financial statements for the reporting period are submitted in the form of: • Financial Activity Statement Report (Attachment 1); • Reserve Fund Statement (Attachment 2); and • Capital Works Statement (Attachment 3). Page 37 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 The Financial Activity Statement reports the financial position of the City to programme level. It discloses the current liquidity position of the City after adjustment for non-cash items (depreciation, provisions, etc.). The Detailed Statement of Financial Activity by Programme including Nature or Type Classifications discloses reportable variances and defines the description and purpose of each financial activity. Revenue is disclosed in this statement as negative (-). All of the reserve accounts are cash-backed and supported by funds held in financial institutions as set out in the City's Policy FS P08 - Investments. The projects summarised in the Capital Works Statement (Attachment 3) detail the capital expenditure for the period 1 July to 22 September 2015. A detailed overview of the status of these projects is the subject of a separate quarterly report to Council. OPTIONS Not applicable. CONCLUSION That Council notes the financial reports for the period ended 22 September 2015. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS All amounts quoted in this report are exclusive of GST. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Leadership and Governance. Aspiration: We will provide responsible leadership and governance, and be recognised for operating with integrity and delivering quality services. Outcome L1: Outcome L2: Accountable and good governance. Prudent management of financial resources. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Section 6.4 of the Local Government Act 1995 requires a local government to prepare an annual financial report for the preceding year and such other financial reports as are prescribed. Regulation 34(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 as amended requires the local government to prepare each month a statement of financial activity reporting on the source and application of funds as set out in the annual budget. Policy FS P08 - Investments applies to reserve accounts. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS 1. Financial Activity Statement Report. 2. Reserve Fund. 3. Capital Works. Page 38 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council notes the financial reports for the period ended 22 September 2015, forming Attachments 1 - 3. Moved: Seconded: Page 39 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Attachment 1 CITY OF BAYSWATER FINANCIAL ACTIVITY STATEMENT REPORT FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 2015 TO 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 REVENUE ORIGINAL ADOPTED BUDGET 2015-2016 General Purpose Funding Law Order & Public Safety Health Welfare & Education Housing Community Amenities Recreation & Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property & Services LESS OPERATING EXPENDITURE General Purpose Funding Governance/Admin Law Order & Public Safety Health Welfare & Education Housing Community Amenities Recreation & Culture Transport Economic Services Other Property & Services YEAR TO DATE BUDGET % YTD BUDGET ACTUAL 44,023,175 299,000 175,550 10,778,705 102,949 11,341,929 7,667,704 397,860 636,200 86,000 $75,509,072 40,299,441 74,750 43,888 2,694,676 25,737 10,074,429 1,916,926 99,465 159,050 21,500 $55,409,862 40,848,481 51,821 127,318 2,526,558 30,208 9,768,327 1,389,197 105,099 188,171 37,843 $55,073,023 101.36 69.33 290.10 93.76 117.37 96.96 72.47 105.66 118.31 176.01 72.94% 767,938 5,419,938 2,459,090 1,590,140 11,872,909 127,636 12,287,092 27,324,305 7,610,956 1,434,382 2,207,870 $73,102,256 191,985 1,354,985 614,773 397,535 2,968,227 31,909 3,071,773 6,831,076 1,902,739 358,596 551,968 $18,275,564 254,183 960,229 556,351 316,800 2,923,492 23,758 2,328,387 5,468,490 1,882,666 312,355 284,614 $15,311,325 132.40 70.87 90.50 79.69 98.49 74.46 75.80 80.05 98.95 87.11 51.56 83.78% ADD CONTRIBUTIONS/GRANTS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ASSETS Recreation & Culture Transport 526,900 2,132,587 620,334 $2,659,487 Funding for Operations $0 $5,066,303 $620,334 $40,382,032 ADD DEFERRED DEBTORS MOVEMENT/OTHER DISPOSAL OF ASSETS RESERVES MOVEMENT PRINCIPAL LOAN RECOVERIES 533,700 115,309 50,958 133,425 28,827 12,740 EMPLOYEE PROVISIONS DEPRECIATION (24,500) 8,719,000 $9,394,467 (6,125) 2,179,750 $2,348,617 CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AGED PERSONS HOMES REPAYMENT OF DEBT PROFIT/LOSS ON DISPOSAL OF ASSETS 17,262,953 4,315,738 144,080 35,172 18,342 2,146,474 $2,344,068 LESS 50,958 (186,017) 12,740 (46,504) $17,127,894 OPENING BALANCE CLOSING BALANCE $4,281,974 $5,664,180 $2,997,056 2,478,084 8,030,797 25,819 0 $10,534,700 $10,899,802 $43,091,202 Page 40 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 NET CURRENT ASSET POSITION AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 City of Bayswater Aged Persons Homes Total 2015/2016 SURPLUS SUMMARY REPRESENTED BY CASH AT BANK $57,389,460 $24,534,780 $81,924,240 DEBTORS/INCOME DUE NOT RECEIVED $20,918,117 $685,631 $21,603,748 STOCK $125,612 $125,612 PREPAID EXPENSES $569,892 $569,892 $79,003,081 $25,220,411 $104,223,492 $342,174 -$2,647 $339,527 FIRE & SERVICES LEVY CREDITORS ($6,468,879) ($6,056,919) ($2,616) ($6,468,879) ($6,059,535) Deferred Movement -Other -$13,620 G.S.T. CLEARING ACCOUNT (Cleared at time of lodging B.A.S. return ) BALANCE AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 $66,805,837 RESERVES - GENERAL RESERVES/RESTRICTED - AGED $23,714,635 CLOSING BALANCE AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 AS PER FINANCIAL ACTIVITY REPORT ($13,620) $25,215,148 $25,215,148 $43,091,202 Page 41 $92,020,985 $23,714,635 $25,215,148 $43,091,202 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 42 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 43 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 44 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 45 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 46 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Attachment 2 CITY OF BAYSWATER RESERVE FUNDS BUDGET 15/16 2015-16 Budget $ (a) City Buildings & Amenities Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (b) Bore & Reticulation Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (c) Building Furniture & Equipment Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (d) Major Capital Works Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (e) Plant & Works Equipment Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (f) Workers Compensation Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Page 47 2015-16 Actual 22 Sept 15 $ 1,950,957 45,000 1,956,305 13,437 (62,000) 1,933,957 1,969,742 787,325 16,120 784,897 5,213 (250,000) 553,445 (76,888) 713,222 603,273 18,100 602,483 4,138 621,373 606,621 5,835,488 90,000 5,236,357 35,968 (673,268) 5,252,220 5,272,325 182,857 5,485 181,584 1,247 188,342 182,831 463,637 6,410 463,903 3,186 470,047 467,089 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CITY OF BAYSWATER RESERVE FUNDS BUDGET 15/16 (g) Long Service Leave & Entitlements Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (h) Bayswater Aquatic Centre Replacements Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (i) The Rise Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (j) Maylands Waterland Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (k) Aged Persons Homes - General Reserves Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (l) Aged Persons Homes - Prudential Requirements Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Page 48 2015-16 2015-16 Budget Actual 22 Sept 15 $ $ 1,333,744 27,400 125,000 1,128,971 7,755 1,486,144 1,136,726 536,520 13,700 534,732 3,673 (80,000) 470,220 538,405 536,520 16,100 535,819 3,680 552,620 539,499 53,637 1,610 53,582 368 55,247 53,950 15,446,432 425,500 14,834,551 101,896 63,609 15,935,541 14,936,447 2,349,800 2,349,800 16,140 2,349,800 2,365,940 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CITY OF BAYSWATER RESERVE FUNDS BUDGET 15/16 (m) Civic Centre Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (n) Roads & Drainage & Traffic Management Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (o) Footpath/Cycleway Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (p) Playground & Parks Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (q) Golf Courses Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Page 49 2015-16 2015-16 Budget Actual 22 Sept 15 $ $ 536,520 16,100 535,819 3,680 552,620 539,499 716,326 10,035 534,564 3,672 (200,000) 526,361 538,236 536,520 16,100 535,819 3,680 552,620 539,499 1,186,520 16,100 1,187,235 8,155 (150,000) 1,052,620 1,195,390 1,021,740 30,655 1,068,139 7,337 1,052,395 1,075,476 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CITY OF BAYSWATER RESERVE FUNDS BUDGET 15/16 2015-16 Budget $ (r) StreetScapes Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (s) Information Technology Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (t) Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (u) Les Hansman Centre Development Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (v) Senior Citizens Building Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (w) Morley City Centre Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Page 50 2015-16 Actual 22 Sept 15 $ 536,520 10,095 528,752 3,352 (199,505) 347,110 (120,956) 411,148 (37,081) 1,800 112,555 0 77,274 0 1,072,740 32,200 1,071,639 7,361 1,104,940 1,079,000 4,538,039 112,555 250,000 4,288,911 29,460 4,900,594 4,318,371 321,522 9,645 321,492 2,208 331,167 323,700 535,870 16,100 535,819 3,680 551,970 539,499 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CITY OF BAYSWATER RESERVE FUNDS BUDGET 15/16 2015-16 Budget $ (x) Landfill Restoration Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve 2015-16 Actual 22 Sept 15 $ 535,870 16,100 535,819 3,680 (38,455) 513,515 539,499 535,870 16,100 535,819 3,680 551,970 539,499 535,870 16,100 535,819 3,680 551,970 539,499 29,140 900 30,654 210 30,040 30,864 24,820 745 24,874 171 25,565 25,045 Total Reserves - Closing Balance 42,591,686 41,017,023 Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve 42,706,996 986,755 487,555 (1,589,619) 40,934,158 280,709 0 -197,844 (y) Sustainable Environment Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (z) Morley Sport & Recreation Centre Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (aa) Community Housing Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (ab) General Waste Management Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Closing Balance $42,591,687 Page 51 41,017,023 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CITY OF BAYSWATER RESERVE FUNDS BUDGET 15/16 2015-16 Budget $ (y) Landfill Restoration Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve 2015-16 Actual 22 Sept 15 $ 535,870 16,100 535,819 3,680 (38,455) 513,515 539,499 535,870 16,100 535,819 3,680 551,970 539,499 535,870 16,100 535,819 3,680 551,970 539,499 29,140 900 30,654 210 30,040 30,864 24,820 745 24,874 171 25,565 25,045 Total Reserves - Closing Balance 42,591,686 41,017,023 Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve 42,706,996 986,755 487,555 (1,589,619) 40,934,158 280,709 0 -197,844 (z) Sustainable Environment Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (aa) Morley Sport & Recreation Centre Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (ab) Community Housing Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve (ac) General Waste Management Opening Balance Interest Transfer from Municipal Amount Used / Transfer from Reserve Closing Balance $42,591,687 Page 52 41,017,023 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Attachment 3 CAPITAL LISTING 2015-2016 - AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 Revised Budget Actual committed Total Division: 10 - Community Services Recreation Development L12500 L12600 L12900 M10700 M10800 M10900 M11000 M11100 M11200 M11300 M11400 M11500 M11600 M11700 Reserve Fencing - Wotton and Frank Drago Free Access Basketball Goal Replacements x 3 sites Active Reserve Floodlight Upgrade - Audit Outcome Pending Public Toilets Automated Door Locks x 14 sites Noranda Netball Court Surface Repairs Bardon Park Nature Play Shade Sails Halliday Park Catch Fencing Coode St Maylands Peninsula Sports Rec Lighting on B Green Upper Hillcrest Floodlights Shearn Park Fence Playground Replacements Goalpost replacements Basketball Goal Replacements Synthetic Cricket Wicket Replacement $0 $0 $133,334 $28,000 $25,000 $40,000 $10,000 $15,000 $255,000 $12,000 $300,000 $20,000 $25,000 $15,000 $21,370 $8,475 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $685 $2,243 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,690 $41,397 $0 $0 $8,760 $21,370 $8,475 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,375 $43,639 $0 $0 $8,760 $878,334 $32,773 $58,847 $91,619 $10,000 $3,500 $10,000 $10,000 $6,200 $86 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $86 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,700 $86 $0 $86 $91,442 $35,000 $13,200 $5,700 $35,000 $5,000 $100,000 $38,300 $15,000 $14,800 $5,000 $10,000 $5,000 $6,000 $49,000 $70,000 $10,000 $83,130 $2,160 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,718 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,560 $11,705 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $455 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $83,130 $2,160 $0 $3,560 $11,705 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,172 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $508,442 $104,008 $15,720 $119,728 $4,800 $0 $0 $0 $4,800 $0 $0 $0 $3,300 $3,300 $0 $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 $0 $3,300 $2,350 $3,400 $0 $0 $2,450 $3,060 $2,450 $3,060 $5,750 $0 $5,510 $5,510 The RISE M11800 M11900 M12000 M12100 M12200 Gym Equipment Outdoor taps Group Fitness Mats Small Portable Stage Cocktail Tables Additional equipment to expand mem For cleaning outdoor paving More fit for purpose mats Needed to hold concurrent functions Expansion of function services to coc Bayswater Waves - Furniture & Equipment L14000 L14900 M12300 M12400 M12500 M12600 M12700 M12800 M12900 M13000 M13100 M13200 M13300 M13400 M13500 M13600 M13700 Treadmill Replacement Waves - Furniture & Equipment Major Pump Service Waves - Furniture & Equipment Permanent Shade Shelter Shade shelter for birthday parties Replacement covers for spa and hyd Replacement pool covers Chlorine system upgrade Upgrade of chlorine dosing systems Replace hoist for removable stairs int Replacement stair hoist Repair/Replacement of PA and FiReplacement of current broken PA s Replacement carpet in foyer and crec Replacement carpet Lane rope anchors to allow for additio New Lane Rope Anchors Fitness technology sponsored by Be MyZone New equipment for hiring to custome Hire equipment Health and Fitness Replacement Replacement of small health and fitn Equipment to allow for team sports s Equipment for team sports Speed bumps in carpark to slow traff Carpark Speed Bumps Replacement spin bikes at end of life Spin Bike Replacement Re-sand 50m pool filter Replace sand in 50m pool filter Reconfiguration of main office to allow Main Office Reconfiguration Bayswater Library Furniture & Equipment M14300 Public PC Service replacement dePublic PC Service replacement desk Morley Library Furniture & Equipment M14400 Optical disc repair system Optical disc repair system - Morley L Maylands Library Furniture & Equipment M14500 M14600 Membership card printer Activity Room tables Membership card printer - Maylands Activity Room tables - Maylands Libr Page 53 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CAPITAL LISTING 2015-2016 - AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 Revised Budget Actual committed Total Community Services - Capital L10900 L11000 L11100 M30300 M30400 M30500 CCTV Upgrade CCTV - New CCTV - New Shelving - Bayswater Seniors Autoclave - Morley Fence - Maylands Bayswater Seniors Centre - Security Morley Seniors Centre - Security Maylands Autumn Centre - Security Bayswater Seniors Morley Seniors Maylands Autumn $13,530 $15,514 $10,235 $1,800 $4,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $490 $95 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $490 $95 $0 $47,079 $585 $0 $585 $28,000 $38,641 $42,000 $14,000 $92,000 $32,000 $8,000 $159,393 $59,288 $338 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,825 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $223,991 $0 $338 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $234,816 $0 $473,322 $11,163 $223,991 $235,153 $8,500 $0 $4,876 $4,876 $8,500 $0 $4,876 $4,876 $36,769 $80,000 $20,000 $22,000 $65,000 $80,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $20,870 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,870 $0 $0 $0 $0 $403,769 $20,870 $0 $20,870 $0 $0 $8,297 $586,000 $5,000 $62,000 $35,503 $55,000 $38,500 $11,400 $6,000 $12,000 $8,000 $20,000 $55,000 $32,000 $45,000 $12,000 $22,000 $5,500 $4,000 $35,000 $500,000 $16,000 $11,000 $30,000 $323 $7,415 $0 $104,855 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,312 $0 $9,461 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,468 $17,660 $6,240 $0 $0 $4,480 $0 $0 $0 $38,450 $0 $0 $4,270 $0 $0 $3,636 $0 $30,498 $17,600 $0 $0 $323 $7,415 $0 $104,855 $0 $21,468 $17,660 $6,240 $0 $0 $4,480 $0 $0 $0 $38,450 $0 $0 $4,270 $0 $0 $3,636 $0 $37,809 $17,600 $9,461 $0 Security Services L11500 L11600 L11700 L11800 L11900 L12200 L12300 L32200 M30700 CCTV Bayswater Waves CCTV The RISE / Historical Society CCTV Wotton Reserve and Skate Park CCTV Bayswater Library CCTV Civic Centre CCTV Lightning Park CCTV Maylands Library CCTV General Mobile Infringements Hand held devices Maylands Waterland - Equipment M30800 Maylands Waterlands Replacement hair and lint pot Division: 20 - Planning & Development Services Bayswater Waves Building Improvements L15500 L15600 M13800 M13900 M14000 M14100 M14200 Replacement of pumps and moto Waves - Building Improvements Replacement of floor tiles - Stage Waves - Building Improvements Waves Building Improvement External lighting upgrade Waves Plant and equipment upgr Upgrade of BMS system (final stage Waves Plant and equipment upgr Refurbishment of 5 of 6 DE Filters Replacement of floor tiles (stage2 of Waves Building Improvement Waves Building Improvement Upgrade of change rooms Asset Renewal F14300 K21600 K33600 K33900 L17000 L18500 L32400 M14700 M14800 M14900 M15000 M15100 M15200 M15300 M15400 M15500 M15600 M15700 M15800 M15900 M16000 M16100 M16200 M16300 M16400 M16500 Bayswater Family Centre New stove Moojebing Reserve (Australian MoSewer connection (existing on-site s Lightning Park Extensions Morley Noranda Sporting Comple Building Addition & Renovation Claughton Reserve Toilets Internal and external paint Pat Ohara Storage/Toilets (Rugby Club) Railway Pde (Rose Garden) Exeloo Toilet Emergency Power to Technical Serv Civic Centre Civic Centre Generator Replacement of doors,door frames a Houghton Park Pavilion Houghton Park Pavilion External paint Maylands Hall External paint Maylands old Police Station Replacement of floor covering Maylands Peninsula Hotel (DomeRepairs to chimneys and brickwork Maylands Tennis Clubrooms Roof repairs Upgrade power and relocate switchb Maylands Yacht Club Building renovations to kitchen and t Morley Scout Hall Morley Skill Share External paint Morley Sport and Recreation CenReplacement of skylight and roof acc Morley Sport and Recreation CenRepairs to glass block windows Morley Senior Citizens Centre Replacement of airconditioner Construction of Equipment Storeroom Noranda Soccer Club Morley Library Development Robert Street Out of School Care Replacement of Asbestos fencing FJ Beals Demolition Utility Room Noranda City Soccer Cl Morley Noranda Rec Club Page 54 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CAPITAL LISTING 2015-2016 - AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 M16600 M16700 M16800 M16900 M17000 M17100 M17200 M17300 M17400 M17500 M17600 M17700 M17800 M17900 M18000 M18100 M18200 M18300 M18400 M18500 M18600 M18700 M18800 Maylands Boat Ramp Toilet BlockUpgrade Septic System 125 King William St Upgrade Kitchen and external paint Administration Centre External Paint andbox gutter repairs Bayswater Library Public Toilet Renovations to toilet ANA Changerooms Hinds ReservRenovations to changeroom floors Bedford Bowling Club Replacement of gutters Claughton Reserve Public Toilets Upgrade of internal fittings and fixture Replacement of rusted structures an Bayswater Croquet Club Clarkson Reserve Public Toilets External render and coat walls De Lacey Reserve Clubrooms Internal upgrade of changerooms De Lacey Reserve Clubrooms Replacement of Patio Depot Upgrade of Toilet facilities Deschamp Reserve Clubrooms Re-coat and roof repairs Ellis House Repaint external Elstead Reserve Changerooms Replacement of access path and roo Filipino Clubrooms Installation of new airconditioner Halliday House Internal reapirs to walls Hampton Infant Health Upgrade of toilet facities Maylands Peninsula Hotel (DomeInstallation of additional downpipes Petanque Club Repalcement of rusted patio posts Maylands Boat Ramp Toilet blockInternal/external paint and repair pav Robert Thompson Changerooms Upgrade and re coat roof Sea Scouts Hinds Reserve Upgrade of kitchen and toilet areas Revised Budget $160,000 $16,000 $70,000 $18,000 $6,500 $9,000 $8,000 $21,000 $10,000 $10,000 $18,000 $6,000 $12,000 $12,000 $8,500 $4,200 $6,000 $3,000 $25,000 $2,000 $5,500 $15,000 $15,000 Actual committed Total $0 $5,165 $0 $0 $4,770 $1,037 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $522 $0 $987 $0 $2,318 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,425 $0 $0 $25,950 $19,800 $0 $0 $0 $3,990 $12,528 $11,000 $13,936 $0 $6,155 $0 $8,993 $1,750 $1,090 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,975 $0 $0 $5,165 $25,950 $19,800 $4,770 $1,037 $0 $3,990 $12,528 $11,000 $13,936 $522 $6,155 $987 $8,993 $4,068 $1,090 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,975 $1,425 $2,075,900 $145,590 $256,469 $402,059 $0 $10,000 $100,000 $50,000 $37,000 $1,073 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,073 $0 $0 $0 $0 $197,000 $1,073 $0 $1,073 $110,827 $18,250 $0 $1,725 $0 $0 $0 $1,725 $129,077 $1,725 $0 $1,725 $80,000 $67,400 $57 $0 $0 $0 $57 $0 $147,400 $57 $0 $57 $45,000 $20,000 $44,000 $0 $0 $48,264 $0 $0 $1,164 $0 $0 $49,428 $109,000 $48,264 $1,164 $49,428 Major Strategic Projects K22200 M18900 M19000 M19100 M19200 Review of Character Protection ArRequired in accordance with Local H Heritage significance review (Inc tree Halliday Park Town Planning Scheme Review Local Planning Strategy Morley Activity Centre - StreetscaDetailed Plan (outsource) Maylands Town Centre Car Parking Strategy Morley City Centre L20100 L20200 Morley City Centre - Infrastructure Plan Morley City Centre - Street Design Plan Division: 30 - Technical Services Arterial Road Construction M19300 M19400 Collier Rd Broun Ave/Coode Resurface Crimea to Dewar Resurface Intersection Other Road Construction M19500 M19600 M19700 McGann St ROW NO 1 Upgrade ROW Shaftesbury Ave & Arundel St ROUpgrade ROW Morley Primary School Parking and Paths Page 55 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CAPITAL LISTING 2015-2016 - AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 Revised Budget Actual committed Total Other Road Grants L21200 L21400 L21500 M19800 M19900 M20000 M20100 M20200 Collier Rd Collier Rd Walter Rd West Garratt RD Rudloc Rd Broun Ave Coode/Broun Railway Pde Resurface Dewer To Walter Resurface Tonkin To Gray Resurface Russell To Collier Rd Resurface Guildrord to Whatley Coode to R/B Collier to Ellice Protected right turn Install Pelican Crossing $0 $0 $0 $239,358 $240,987 $198,772 $500,000 $200,000 $19,411 $3,979 $37,051 $0 $0 $1,180 $800 $0 $0 $0 $1,120 $0 $0 $19,411 $3,979 $37,051 $0 $0 $2,300 $800 $0 $1,379,117 $62,421 $1,120 $63,540 $0 $12,400 $15,000 $37,000 $32,000 $19,000 $23,000 $12,000 $13,200 $11,000 $29,000 $18,200 $23,400 $8,000 $8,000 $23,000 $7,000 $8,000 $36,000 $16,200 $13,000 $50,000 $160,000 $61,000 $18,000 $12,000 $10,000 $21,000 $12,400 $9,000 $17,000 $14,000 $14,000 $17,400 $17,200 $25,000 $32,000 $10,600 $662 $7,670 $11,370 $34,681 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,996 $16,354 $18,757 $5,739 $5,304 $22,698 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,859 $1,167 $0 $272 $0 $0 $10,633 $6,868 $11,466 $18,559 $10,310 $14,470 $18,174 $21,319 $36,488 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,090 $0 $16,519 $8,377 $11,701 $8,948 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,194 $8,259 $32,706 $13,077 $8,948 $0 $9,486 $0 $8,259 $9,908 $4,130 $0 $1,666 $248 $420 $0 $702 $0 $0 $2,065 $0 $9,636 $662 $7,670 $11,370 $34,681 $24,090 $0 $16,519 $8,377 $11,701 $8,948 $16,996 $16,354 $18,757 $5,739 $5,304 $22,698 $6,194 $8,259 $32,706 $13,077 $8,948 $0 $59,345 $1,167 $8,259 $10,180 $4,130 $0 $12,298 $7,116 $11,886 $18,559 $11,012 $14,470 $18,174 $23,384 $36,488 $9,636 $865,000 $339,818 $185,336 $525,155 $180,000 $68,000 $87,000 $26,000 $64,000 $92,000 $44,000 $38,000 $87,109 $46,000 $102,627 $0 $2,490 $0 $9,398 $391 $0 $0 $3,460 $0 $14,860 $0 $70,864 $17,895 $56,006 $63,321 $0 $0 $67,113 $0 $117,487 $0 $73,354 $17,895 $65,404 $63,712 $0 $0 $70,573 $0 $732,109 $118,366 $290,059 $408,425 $0 Base Grant Road Reconstruction L24000 M20300 M20400 M20500 M20600 M20700 M20800 M20900 M21000 M21100 M21200 M21300 M21400 M21500 M21600 M21700 M21800 M21900 M22000 M22100 M22200 M22300 M22400 M22500 M22600 M22700 M22800 M22900 M23000 M23100 M23200 M23300 M23400 M23500 M23600 M23700 M23800 M23900 Cycleway End Of Wyatt Rd Kelby Cl Hokesfern St Chobham Way Armada St Barnett Ct Beaufort St (Little Section) Young St Tara St Halliday St Wylde Rd Rowe Pl Coultan Rd McKie Pl Peet Ct Garson Ct Lee Pl Ashby St Walter Crs Rumble Crs Tilford Pl Carparks Drainage/Kerbing Replace Brick Paving Cosentino Pl Lancefield Rd Magro Pl Stone St Ferguson St Ferguson St Wholley St Rosher pl Adelia St Lincoln Rd Gledden St Robyn St Kanimbla Way Fiona St Resurface Resurface Lincoln to Cul de sac Resurface Camboon to Chobham Resurface Wolseley to Hokesfern Resurface Coode to Coode Resurface Russell to Marchant Resurface Coode to Drake Resurface Coode to Cul de sac Resurface Coode to Kennedy Resurface Kennedy to Drake Resurface Cooper to Cul de sac Resurface Logan to Cul de sac Resurface Forder to Cul de sac Resurface Wylde to Cul de sac Resurface Wylde to Cul de sac Resurface Benara to Cul de sac Resurface Walter to Carpark Resurface Charnwood to Bourne Resurface Walter to Walter Resurface Broun to Walter Resurface Walter to Cul de sac Resurface Carparks Various NA Resurface Drake to CulDe sac Resurface Chaffers to Paringa Resurface Hannans to Cul De sac Resurface Mcgann to Percy Resurface Guildford to Sherwood Resurface Mephan to Cul de sac Resurface Derby to Traylen Resurface Mephan to Gilbert Resurface Guildford to Elizabeth Resurface Wellington to Cul de sac Resurface Robyn to Lincoln Resurface Kanimbla to Camboon Resurface Gledden to Cul de sac Resurface Wellington to Devling Roads to Recovery M24000 M24100 M24200 M24300 M24400 M24500 M24600 M24700 M24800 M24900 Milne St May St Halvorson Rd Timms Pl Rodda St Widgee Rd Catherine St Marchant Way Ivanhoe St Dewar St Resurface Guildford to Carparks Resurface Adelphi to Railway Resurface Wellington to Wheller Resurface Halvorson to Morley Resurface Timms to Crimea Resurface McGilvray to Camboon Resurface Russell to Cul de sac Resurface Dewar to Barnett Resurface Hamersley to Chaffers Resurface Russell To Collier Page 56 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CAPITAL LISTING 2015-2016 - AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 Revised Budget Actual committed Total Footpath/Slab Replacement Programme M25000 M25100 M25200 M25300 M25400 M25500 M25600 M25700 M25800 M25900 M26000 M26100 M26200 M26300 M26400 M26500 M26600 M26700 M26800 M26900 Morley Dr New Path: Crimea to Timms Pl Jennifer Rd New Path: Morley to Robann Bramwell Rd New Path: Bramwell Rd to Bramwell Bagshot Pl New Path: Morley to Annison Frimley Pl New Path: Morley to Frimley Frimley Way New Path: Frimley to Crimea McArthur St New Path: Frimley to Puttenham Peterborough Crs/Maidstone WayNew Path: School Waltham Way New Path: Morley to Waltham Res Kennington Rd New Path: Crimea to Ludlands Fedders St New Path: Crimea to Belfast Wade St New Path: Broadway to No 22 Marconi St New Path: Morley to Newington Solas Rd New Path: Morley to Newington Barnes Way New Path: Morley to Aussat Cardwell Ave New Path: Crimea to Corderoy Kennedy St New Path: Walter to Tara Miscellanious Slab Replacement Replace Slabs Various Disability Committee Disability Committee Various COB Cycle Plan COB Cycle report Various $145,000 $9,000 $14,000 $9,000 $9,000 $25,000 $18,000 $32,000 $10,000 $33,000 $29,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $8,000 $23,000 $40,000 $30,000 $80,000 $0 $10,880 $0 $13,003 $8,250 $23,186 $11,263 $21,458 $8,657 $0 $27,048 $8,994 $10,012 $6,582 $9,748 $0 $0 $7,212 $2,409 $0 $0 -$2,570 $10,735 -$1,260 $0 $0 $0 -$8,646 -$3,544 $0 $9,828 $0 -$3,780 -$1,133 -$4,220 $0 $0 $4,255 $0 $0 $0 $8,310 $10,735 $11,743 $8,250 $23,186 $11,263 $12,812 $5,113 $0 $36,876 $8,994 $6,232 $5,449 $5,528 $0 $0 $11,467 $2,409 $0 $554,000 $168,701 -$335 $168,366 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $5,000 $470,000 $124,000 $10,600 $200,000 $12,000 $864 $15,735 $1,382 $0 $28,695 $1,956 $934 $0 $0 $22,522 $0 $0 $40,091 $1,665 $0 $0 $0 $864 $38,257 $1,382 $0 $68,785 $3,622 $934 $0 $0 $1,021,600 $49,565 $64,278 $113,843 $82,000 $250,000 $0 $76,888 $74,545 $23,141 $74,545 $100,029 $332,000 $76,888 $97,687 $174,575 $199,505 $100,000 $120,956 $7,929 -$26,336 $3,297 $94,620 $11,226 $299,505 $128,885 -$23,040 $105,845 Parks Development K27400 M27000 M27100 M27200 M27300 M27400 M27500 M27600 M27700 Replace post and rail which have rea Post & Rail Fencing Park Timber Structure RefurbishmPark Timber Structure Refurbishmen Post and Rail replacement Post and Rail replacemnet Upgrade Fencing Halliday ReservBayswater Lacrosse Club Irrigation replacement Irrigation replacement PumpService, maintenance and r Pump service, maintenance and repl Flow Meters Flow meters Streetscape upgrades Streetscape upgrades Bedford RSL garden upgrades an Bedford RSL garden upgrade and irrig Bore & Reticulation Development K22400 L26100 Reticulation Replacement Program Replace reserve irrigation Bayswater Irrigation Replacement Replacement of old irrigation assets Gardens & Landscaping L26400 L26500 Streetscape Upgrades Guildford Penninsula Entry Gardens & Landscaping Entry statement Page 57 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CAPITAL LISTING 2015-2016 - AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 Revised Budget Actual committed Total Environmental Development J30000 K31800 K31900 K32100 L27100 L27200 L27800 M27800 M27900 M28000 M28100 M28200 M28300 M28400 M28500 M28600 M28700 M28800 M28900 M31400 Claughton Reserve River Restoration Bayswater Brook Project, Living SWeld Square living stream Foreshore Environmental Restora Bath Street stabilisation Area B Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary Wetland rehabilitation Bayswater Brook Living Stream - Weld Square Clarkson and Tranby House Stabilisation Bardon Park Maylands Lakes Laboratory Cost Water Quality Monitoring Weld Square Living Stream Water Quality Monitoring Bayswater Brook Water Quality RWater Quality Report Eric Singleton Bird Sanctuary GroDisposal Cost of Sediment Claughton Reserve Toilet Block u Art Upgrade of Toilet Block EMRC Disaster Resilience FundsEMRC Flood Mapping Project Riverside Gardens East Inclusive Request by aged care home for seat Morley Senior Citizens Centre EnEnergy Efficiency Upgrade Bayswater Library Solar Panels/BEnergy Efficiency Upgrade Russell Street Park Temporary Park To develop drainage capacity unders Morely Hydaulic Assessment Maylands Lakes Bollard Lights ,Walkway Baigup - Swan Canning Rivers Recovery Project $0 $0 $0 $1,175,853 $0 $111,870 $0 $12,000 $3,000 $18,000 $35,000 $80,000 $10,000 $9,000 $40,000 $25,000 $50,000 $50,000 $37,500 $0 $364 $577 $102 $463,884 $3,000 $68 $1,523 $1,903 $819 $3,046 $249 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $721 $0 $0 $2,250 $12,727 $0 $9,703 $864 $14,804 $8,842 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,217 $364 $577 $102 $463,884 $3,000 $12,796 $1,523 $11,607 $1,683 $17,850 $9,091 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $721 $0 $0 $31,467 $1,657,223 $478,508 $76,157 $554,665 $49,935 $200,000 $80,000 $25,000 $70,000 $8,946 $0 $805 $0 $15 $0 $1,364 $0 $0 $0 $8,946 $1,364 $805 $0 $15 $424,935 $9,766 $1,364 $11,130 $0 $40,000 $90,000 $45,000 $53 $0 $6,601 $3,439 $0 $878 $0 $53 $0 $7,479 $3,439 $175,000 $10,094 $878 $10,971 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $20,000 $75,000 $40,000 $15,000 $80,000 $590,000 $133 $260 $0 $12,824 $655 $0 $0 $32,100 $0 $0 $1,911 $125,039 $0 $0 $1,636 $1,352 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,535 $54,143 $133 $260 $1,636 $12,824 $2,006 $0 $0 $32,100 $0 $0 $62,446 $179,182 $835,000 $172,923 $117,666 $290,589 $100,000 $81,006 $5,194 $86,200 $100,000 $81,006 $5,194 $86,200 $0 Traffic Management L28000 L28200 M29000 M29100 M29200 Traffic Management General Pedestrian Crossing Traffic Management General Traffic Management Paving Facility Access Improvements General Guildford Road City Wide LATM Various Various Drainage Construction L28300 L28500 M29300 M29400 Flooding and Urban Water DesignDrainage Construction Drainage - Halliday Park Drainage Construction Urban Water Sensative Design Continued UWSD Drain Grates Continued Drainage Grate upgrades Other Technical Services Capital D32100 K26100 L28800 L29100 L29200 M29500 M29600 M29700 M29800 M29900 M30000 M30100 Crossovers Street Lighting Asset Management Street Lighting Crossovers Asset Management Sundry Works Steet Sign Upgrade Bus Shelters PAW Gates Reserve Lighting Street Lighting Crossovers Installation of new street lights on ma Asset Program Development Upgrade of Street Lighting New Crossover Construction Consultants Various Various Various Various Various Various Golf Course Development M30200 Golf Course Development Maylands, Embleton Page 58 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CAPITAL LISTING 2015-2016 - AS AT 22 SEPTEMBER 2015 Revised Budget Actual committed Total Health Dept Capital K22500 L32900 Landfill Restoration Better Bins Grant Program Contaminated site survey/studies rep $38,455 $267,000 $0 $0 $8,300 $0 $8,300 $0 $305,455 $0 $8,300 $8,300 $0 $1,833,000 $59,214 $222,769 $434,798 $59,214 $657,568 $1,833,000 $281,984 $434,798 $716,782 $0 $18,000 $315 $0 $0 $17,745 $315 $17,745 $18,000 $315 $17,745 $18,060 $0 $0 $63,575 $84,000 $105,375 $81,000 $107,500 $98,035 $31,500 $0 $0 $12,918 $52,580 $40,636 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,615 $950 $22,900 $31,500 $2,958 $47,025 $99,837 $0 $5,800 $9,615 $950 $35,818 $84,080 $43,594 $47,025 $99,837 $0 $5,800 $570,985 $106,135 $220,584 $326,718 $0 $4,951 $0 $4,951 $0 $4,951 $0 $4,951 $25,000 $35,000 $10,000 $15,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $85,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,044,651 $13,433 Plant & Equipment L30300 M30600 Fleet and Major Plant replacement Program Plant & Fleet Replacement Prog Replacement of Plant Graphical Information Services L30700 M30900 Surveying Leica GS15 Receiver SSurveying Leica GS15 Receiver Sma Development Application Server RDevelopment Application Server Rene Division: 40 - Financial Services Information Services L30900 L31500 M10000 M10100 M10200 M10300 M10400 M10500 M10600 PC Replacement Program 4 year replacement schedule for work Replacement schedule for laptops an Equipment Renewals Virtual Infrastructure Server Repla4 Year replacement program for serve Virtual Infrastructure Storage Rep 4 Year replacement program for stora 4 Year replacement program for work PC replacement program Upgrade corporate security hardware Security Compliance 4 Year replacement program for netw Network infrastructure Solution to archive inbound and outbo E-mail Archiving Replacement schedule for laptops an Equipment Renewals Systems Development - Finance L31800 Data Address Integrity Software Property File Morley Sport & Recreation Centre M31000 M31100 M31200 M31300 Air Conditioning Storage Facility Storage Facility Carpet Squares Wall Vents, Diffusers and 2 x split sy Wellington Room Green and Mangini Rooms Entry , Admin Area Aged Persons Homes $13,433 Grand Total $17,263,953 Page 59 $2,478,084 $2,064,366 $4,542,450 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.2 6 OCTOBER 2015 List of Payments for the Period Ended 22 September 2015 Officer: Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to note the List of Payments paid under the CEO's delegated authority for the period ended 22 September 2015. Key Issues: This report presents the List of Payments, comprising Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4, made under delegated authority during the period ended 22 September 2015 totalling $5,280,705.87 in accordance with Regulation 13(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. BACKGROUND Council has delegated to the CEO the exercise of its power to make payments from the City's Municipal and Trust Funds in addition to Aged Care accounts in accordance with Regulation 13 of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. A list of accounts paid by the CEO is to be provided to Council where such delegation is made. CONSULTATION Not applicable. ANALYSIS A list of payments is presented to Council each month for confirmation and endorsement in accordance with the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996. Payments drawn from the Municipal Account for the period ended 22 September 2015 are included at (Attachment 1) and summarised in the table below. Payments drawn from the Trust Account for the period ended 22 September 2015 are included at (Attachment 2) and summarised in the table below. No payments were drawn from the Aged Persons Homes Account for the period ended 22 September 2015. Payment Type Municipal Account Cheques Electronic Fund Transfers (EFT) Total Trust Account Cheques Total Payments Reference Amount 100199 - 100373 EF021432 - EF021739 $3,024,118.21 $2,187,590.27 $5,211,708.48 400060 - 400101 $68,997.39 $5,280,705.87 Page 60 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Note During the period ended 22 September 2015, the following cheques from previous months were cancelled: Municipal Fund: • Cheques numbered: 213540, 213631 and 100187 totalling $2,412.60. Trust Fund: • Nil. A summary of corporate credit card expenses is shown at Attachment 3 in accordance with Policy No. FS-P40 Corporate Credit Card. All other payments of a direct debit nature made from the Municipal Account, Trust Account and Aged Persons Homes Account including: bank fees; payroll payments; and other direct payment arrangements, are represented at (Attachment 4). OPTIONS Not applicable. CONCLUSION That Council notes the List of Payments for the period ended 22 September 2015 comprising Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4 totalling $5,280,705.87. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS All accounts are for goods and services that have been duly incurred and authorised for payment in accordance with the budget allocation and statutory obligations. This provides for the effective and timely payment of the City's contractors and other creditors. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Aspiration: Leadership and Governance We will provide responsible leadership and governance, and be recognised for operating with integrity and delivering quality services. Outcome L1: Accountable and good governance. Outcome L2: Prudent management of financial resources. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Council Policy - Procurement FS-P19 (amended). Council has delegated to the CEO the exercise of its authority to make payments from the Municipal and Trust Funds and the Aged Care Homes accounts, therefore, in accordance with Regulation 13(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996, a list of accounts paid by the CEO is prepared each month showing each account paid since the list was prepared. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. Page 61 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 ATTACHMENTS 1. Schedule of Accounts - Municipal Fund. 2. Schedule of Accounts - Trust Fund. 3. Summary of Credit Card Expenses. 4. Electronic Fund Transfers. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council notes the List of Payments for the period ended 22 September 2015 paid under delegated authority in accordance with Regulation 13(1) of the Local Government (Financial Management) Regulations 1996 comprising Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4. Moved: Seconded: Page 62 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 1 Page 63 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 64 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 65 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 66 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 67 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 68 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 69 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 2 Page 70 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Attachment 3 SUMMARY OF CORPORATE CREDIT CARD EXPENSES AUGUST 2015 DEBITED IN SEPTEMBER 2015 $ CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Mayor Conference Councillors Conference CEO Conference Parking Subscriptions Functions & Receptions Card Fee 125.00 2,169.50 275.00 5.15 2,465.00 65.00 8.00 5,112.65 DIRECTOR FINANCE & CORPORATE SERVICES Computer Peripherals Fuel Debt Recovery Card Fee 90.99 273.87 95.25 8.00 468.11 DIRECTOR PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Business Forum Fuel Card Fee 64.90 52 8.00 124.90 DIRECTOR TECHNICAL SERVICES Subscriptions Civic Allowance Conference Functions & Receptions Stationery Card Fee 402.05 129.31 1,469.75 193.50 45.83 8.00 2,248.44 DIRECTOR COMMUNITY SERVICES Conference Marketing Functions Card Fee 41.49 288.40 1,327.26 8.00 1,665.15 TOTAL AMOUNT DEBITED FROM MUNICIPAL ACCOUNT 10/08/15 Page 71 $ 9,619.25 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Attachment 4 ELECTRONIC FUND TRANSFERS 1 September 2015 to Date Amount 22 September 2015 Details MUNICIPAL ACCOUNT NATIONAL AUSTRALIA BANK WESTPAC 01/09/2015 02/09/2015 03/09/2015 03/09/2015 07/09/2015 08/09/2015 10/09/2015 14/09/2015 16/09/2015 01/09/2015 03/09/2015 14/09/2015 Total 3,316.37 721,205.83 98.85 1,700,000.00 1,727.50 10,783.69 800,000.00 361.32 755,699.14 25,729.08 2,100,000.00 606.10 6,119,527.88 17/09/2015 10/09/2015 Total 50.75 600,665.52 600,716.27 Merchant Fees Wages Wages New Investment Wages Wages New Investment Activity Fees Wages Merchant Fees New Investment Merchant Fees AGED PERSONS ACCOUNT NATIONAL AUSTRALIA BANK WESTPAC Grand Total $6,720,244.15 Page 72 Activity Fees Aged Care Subsidies to Juniper TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.3 6 OCTOBER 2015 Investment Portfolio for the Period Ended 22 September 2015 Officer: Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to note the performance of the City's Investment Portfolio for the period ended 22 September 2015. Key Issues: The purpose of this report is for Council to note the Investment Portfolio as summarised by (Attachment 1). BACKGROUND In accordance with Regulation 34 of the Local Government (Financial Management), a monthly report on the City's Investment Portfolio is to be presented to Council. Council's Investment Policy FS - P09 details the manner in which the City is to manage the investment portfolio ensuring: • a high level of security; • an adequate level of diversification to spread risk; and • sufficient liquidity to meet all reasonably anticipated cash flow requirements (ready access to funds for daily requirements). Investments are expected to achieve a predetermined market average rate of return that takes into account the Council's risk tolerance. Council's investment portfolio (Attachment 1) is spread across several financial institutions in accordance with the risk management guidelines as contained in the policy. • Maximum Risk Exposure - The City policy sets a portfolio credit framework which limits the credit exposure of the City's investment to the following Standard & Poor's (S&P) rated banking institutions. S&P Long-Term Rating AAA AA A BBB+ • S&P Short-Term Rating A-1+ A-1 A-2 A-2 Maximum Risk Limit % Credit Rating 100% 100% 60% 10% The Maximum Diversification limits allowed under Council's policy are as follows: S&P Long-Term Rating AAA AA A BBB+ S&P Short-Term Rating A-1+ A-1 A-2 A-2 CONSULTATION Not applicable. Page 73 Diversification Limit % by Institution 45% 35% 10% 10% TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 ANALYSIS Total investments for the period ended 22 September 2015 were $85,899,851.24 compared with $79,521,596.79 for the period ended 30 September 2014. The majority of the City's investment portfolio is held as internally restricted ($46,354,190.98) and externally restricted ($5,558,713.94) cash reserves to satisfy the City's legislative responsibilities and to set aside funds for future projects. The balance of investment funds represents working capital and funding required for the City's 2015-16 operating and capital expenditure requirements. 22 September 2015 Average $ Rate % COB General COB Reserve COB Trust Aged Total 33,986,946.32 22,563,105.22 5,558,713.94 23,791,085.76 $85,899,851.24 2.75 2.84 2.93 2.80 2.81% 30 September 2014 Average $ Rate % % 39.56 26.27 6.47 27.70 100.00% 31,042,406.84 23,564,173.00 4,843,310.64 20,071,706.31 $79,521,596.79 3.49 3.52 3.47 3.49 3.49 % 39.04 29.63 6.09 25.24 100.00% The City's Investment portfolio meets the risk and diversification limits as detailed in the Council Policy FS - P09 as follows: ALLOCATION OF INVESTMENTS S & P Rating Bank Actual $ Invested AA AA AA A A National Australia Bank BankWest Westpac Bank Suncorp Bank Bendigo Bank Total 27,684,486.14 19,522,537.33 27,406,703.55 6,600,394.74 4,685,729.48 $85,899,851.24 Page 74 Diversification % of Amount Threshold % Invested 32.23% 22.73% 31.91% 7.68% 5.45% 100.00% 35% 35% 35% 10% 10% TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Interest rates are now at an historic low and are likely to affect investment earnings in the short term. These earnings from interest on investments will continue to be monitored in the context of the 2015-16 budget estimates. OPTIONS Not applicable. CONCLUSION That Council receives the Investment Portfolio Report for the Period Ended 22 September 2015 for the amount of $85,899,851.24. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Income earned from investments is recognised in the City's financial accounts. The Municipal Fund interest revenue for the period ended 22 September 2015 totals $110,917.62 and interest earned on reserve accounts totals $162,674.46. All other investment earnings are journalled to the appropriate income accounts. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Leadership and Governance. Aspiration: We will provide responsible leadership and governance, and be recognised for operating with integrity and delivering quality services. Outcome L1: Accountable and good governance. Outcome L2: Prudent management of financial resources. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Council Policy - Investment of Council Funds PS-P09. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS 1. Investment Register and Earnings as at 22 September 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council notes the Investment Portfolio 22 September 2015 for the amount of $85,899,851.24. Moved: Seconded: Page 75 Report for the Period Ended TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Attachment 1 Source COB General Funds COB Reserve Trust General Bank Date Effective BankWest 18/08/2015 BankWest 06/08/2015 BankWest 20/08/2015 BankWest 06/08/2015 BankWest 25/08/2015 BankWest 06/08/2015 National Australia 24/08/2015 Bank BankWest 11/08/2015 National Australia 06/08/2015 Bank BankWest 25/08/2015 BankWest 22/09/2015 National Australia 06/08/2015 Bank National Australia 11/08/2015 Bank Westpac Bank 11/08/2015 Westpac Bank 11/08/2015 Westpac Bank 13/08/2015 Westpac Bank 13/08/2015 National Australia 20/08/2015 Bank National Australia 20/08/2015 Bank Westpac Bank 20/08/2015 National Australia 20/08/2015 Bank National Australia 10/09/2015 Bank National Australia 04/08/2015 Bank Westpac Bank 20/08/2015 National Australia 20/08/2015 Bank Westpac Bank 25/08/2015 Westpac Bank 01/09/2015 Westpac Bank 03/09/2015 Westpac Bank 03/09/2015 Westpac Bank 18/08/2015 COB General Funds Total BankWest 03/09/2015 Westpac Bank 11/08/2015 Westpac Bank 03/09/2015 National Australia 11/08/2015 Bank National Australia 20/08/2015 Bank Bendigo Bank 01/09/2015 COB Reserve Total BankWest 20/08/2015 Suncorp Bank 02/07/2015 National Australia 24/08/2015 Bank Trust General Total Term Interest Rate Amt Invested $ 37 54 40 56 44 68 2.35% 2.60% 2.35% 2.60% 2.40% 2.65% 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,001,972.60 1,000,000.00 850,000.00 1,300,000.00 2,382.19 3,846.58 2,580.42 3,989.04 2,459.18 6,418.08 1,002,382.19 1,003,846.58 1,004,553.02 1,003,989.04 852,459.18 1,306,418.08 52 2.60% 1,000,000.00 3,704.11 1,003,704.11 72 2.60% 1,000,000.00 5,128.77 1,005,128.77 82 2.88% 1,000,000.00 6,470.14 1,006,470.14 63 35 2.60% 2.35% 1,002,301.37 800,000.00 4,498.00 1,802.74 1,006,799.37 801,802.74 84 2.88% 1,000,000.00 6,627.95 1,006,627.95 86 2.88% 1,000,000.00 6,785.75 1,006,785.75 91 93 98 103 2.88% 2.88% 2.88% 2.88% 1,450,815.96 1,000,000.00 850,000.00 1,000,000.00 10,417.26 7,338.08 6,572.71 8,127.12 1,461,233.22 1,007,338.08 856,572.71 1,008,127.12 98 2.88% 1,000,000.00 7,732.60 1,007,732.60 105 2.88% 1,000,000.00 8,284.93 1,008,284.93 110 2.88% 900,000.00 7,811.51 907,811.51 112 2.88% 600,000.00 5,302.36 605,302.36 91 2.85% 800,000.00 5,684.38 805,684.38 135 2.90% 2,600,000.00 27,887.67 2,627,887.67 119 2.88% 1,000,000.00 9,389.59 1,009,389.59 124 2.88% 1,000,000.00 9,784.11 1,009,784.11 119 126 126 133 210 2.85% 2.85% 2.86% 2.86% 2.90% 61 93 133 2.60% 2.88% 2.86% 1,200,000.00 831,856.39 1,000,000.00 1,100,000.00 3,700,000.00 33,986,946.32 3,548,535.58 1,843,655.14 5,342,677.52 182 2.93% 8,260,075.27 120,678.57 8,380,753.84 182 2.88% 1,851,599.11 26,589.98 1,878,189.09 275 2.88% 63 152 2.60% 3.05% 1,716,562.60 22,563,105.22 585,870.62 250,000.00 185 2.90% 260,000.00 3,821.64 263,821.64 1,095,870.62 9,626.17 1,105,496.79 Page 76 Invest Yield $ Maturity Amount $ 11,150.14 1,211,150.14 8,184.10 840,040.49 9,872.88 1,009,872.88 11,463.51 1,111,463.51 61,734.25 3,761,734.25 273,430.15 34,260,376.47 15,419.12 3,563,954.70 13,528.89 1,857,184.03 55,678.02 5,398,355.54 37,247.06 1,753,809.66 269,141.64 22,832,246.86 2,629.19 588,499.81 3,175.34 253,175.34 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Source Bank Date Effective Term Interest Rate Trust Specific National Australia 09/07/2015 91 2.95% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 91 2.95% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 124 2.96% Bank National Australia 03/09/2015 91 2.86% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 152 2.97% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 152 2.97% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 180 2.98% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 180 2.98% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 182 2.98% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 189 2.98% Bank National Australia 09/07/2015 191 2.98% Bank National Australia 10/09/2015 154 2.87% Bank Trust Specific Total Aged General Funds BankWest 18/08/2015 37 2.35% (Restricted) National Australia 06/08/2015 91 2.88% Bank BankWest 17/09/2015 61 2.60% Westpac Bank 15/09/2015 91 2.85% Westpac Bank 03/09/2015 126 2.86% Suncorp Bank 01/09/2015 182 2.85% Aged General Funds (Restricted) Total Aged Prudential National Australia 20/08/2015 49 2.65% Requirements Reserve Bank Bendigo Bank 01/09/2015 275 2.88% Aged Prudential Requirements Reserve Total Aged General Reserve Suncorp Bank 14/04/2015 182 3.00% BankWest 03/09/2015 63 2.60% BankWest 15/09/2015 91 2.85% Suncorp Bank 21/08/2015 186 2.90% Westpac Bank 18/08/2015 212 2.90% Bendigo Bank 01/09/2015 275 2.88% Bendigo Bank 01/09/2015 275 2.88% Aged General Reserve Total Grand Total Amt Invested $ 6 OCTOBER 2015 Invest Yield $ Maturity Amount $ 526,196.56 3,870.07 530,066.63 123,247.92 906.46 124,154.38 342,102.79 3,440.15 345,542.94 190,000.00 1,354.78 191,354.78 500,000.00 6,184.11 506,184.11 280,437.70 3,468.51 283,906.21 400,000.00 5,878.36 405,878.36 79,323.25 1,165.73 80,488.98 500,000.00 7,429.59 507,429.59 500,000.00 7,715.34 507,715.34 500,000.00 7,796.99 507,796.99 521,535.10 6,315.29 527,850.39 4,462,843.32 1,407,482.44 55,525.38 3,352.89 4,518,368.70 1,410,835.33 522,566.83 3,752.17 526,319.00 1,529,627.91 1,025,168.11 619,044.99 1,398,056.41 6,501,946.69 6,646.55 7,284.31 6,111.75 19,867.72 47,015.39 1,536,274.46 1,032,452.42 625,156.74 1,417,924.13 6,548,962.08 4,722.28 1,332,123.89 1,327,401.61 1,174,862.60 2,502,264.21 2,000,000.00 2,768,779.05 727,967.76 2,952,338.33 4,543,485.44 929,535.37 864,768.91 14,786,874.86 25,492.91 1,200,355.51 30,215.19 2,532,479.40 29,917.81 2,029,917.81 12,425.37 2,781,204.42 5,172.56 733,140.32 43,629.90 2,995,968.23 76,529.72 4,620,015.16 20,169.64 949,705.01 18,764.30 883,533.21 206,609.30 14,993,484.16 85,899,851.24 891,563.22 86,791,414.46 GENERAL LEDGER BALANCES Ledger Source Municipal Aged Account 1000-5024 1000-5041 1000-5044 Total: Municipal 1002-5046 1002-5050 1002-5074 Total: Aged Grand Total Description Investment - COB General Funds Investment - COB Reserve Investment - Trust Investment - Aged General Funds (Restricted) Investment - Prudential Requirements Reserve Investment - Aged General Reserve Page 77 GL $ 33,986,946.32 22,563,105.22 5,558,713.94 $62,108,765.48 6,501,946.69 2,502,264.21 14,786,874.86 $23,791,085.76 $85,899,851.24 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 INTEREST EARNINGS FOR YEAR 2015/2016 Date: 22-Sep-15 MONTHLY PROGRESSIVE INTEREST EARNINGS Percentage of year elapsed: Month Jul-15 Aug-15 Sep-15 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Jan-16 Feb-16 Mar-16 Apr-16 May-16 Jun-16 Municipal 23,172.95 169,544.64 110,917.62 Reserve Total 0.00 0.00 162,674.46 23,172.95 169,544.64 273,592.08 FULL YEAR BUDGET ESTIMATES Municipal BUDGET $873,334.00 Reserve Total $690,000.00 $1,563,334.00 Page 78 25.21% YTD Actual vs Budget % Progressive % of Budget 17.79% 65.07% 70.00% 1.48% 10.85% 17.50% TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.4 6 OCTOBER 2015 Status Report - Donations Granted Under Delegated Authority Officer: Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to receive the status report on donations granted under the CEO's delegated authority for September 2015. Key Issues: In accordance with Donations Policy FS-P43, this report presents the list of donations made under delegated authority during September 2015. BACKGROUND At its meeting of 25 February 2014, Council resolved: "That Council: 1. Adopts the new Policy FS-P43 Donations inclusive of the words 'State or National representative events' in Clause 1 of the Policy and removes Policies FS-P12 Donations and FS-P21 Donations to Groups from the Policy Register. 2. Delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to approve donations, in accordance with section 5.42 of the Local Government Act 1995, where applications meet Council's policy and the amount does not exceed $200. 3. Receives a monthly report noting the donations approved under delegated authority." CONSULTATION Not applicable. ANALYSIS A list of donations granted under delegated authority for the month of September 2015 is attached for Councillors’ information (Attachment 1). OPTIONS Not applicable. CONCLUSION That Council receives this status report on the donations granted under delegated authority for the month of September 2015, as contained in Attachment 1. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The Donations allocation in the 2015-16 Budget is $60,000, $20,297.20 of which has been expended to date this financial year. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Aspiration: Leadership and Governance. We will provide responsible leadership and governance, and be recognised for operating with integrity and delivering quality services. Page 79 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Outcome L1: Accountable and good governance. Outcome L2 Prudent management of financial resources. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Donations Policy FS-P43 applies. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS 1. List of donations granted during September 2015. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council receives this status report on the donations granted under delegated authority for the month of September 2015, as contained in Attachment 1. Moved: Seconded: Page 80 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 1 Page 81 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.5 6 OCTOBER 2015 Donation Request - Autism West Support Inc. Applicant: Officer: Autism West Support Inc. Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider a funding request from Autism West Support Inc. for conduct of a social group in Morley for adolescents with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) aged between 13 and 18 years. Key Issues: This report provides an overview of a request from Autism West Support Inc. to defray the costs of the group's operations in Morley. BACKGROUND Autism West Support Inc. is running the Youth Engaging Successfully (YES) Group which is a social group for adolescents with high-functioning ASD. YES Group provides participants aged between 13 and 18 years with opportunities to engage in social and recreational activities that allow them to pursue common interests with other like-minded teenagers. A major focus of this group is on participants spending their weekly catch-ups engaging in shared interactions and activities that are fun, friendly, relaxed and inclusive. The YES Group North is meeting in Term 4 (October, November and December) at Infant Jesus Church, Morley. The cost of participation is $270 for nine weeks. The applicant advises that the group is sustainable at 13 enrolments, and at this point they only have eight, so have postponed the group's commencement to Term 4 to try to increase numbers. In addition to financial assistance, the applicant would appreciate any marketing assistance. Autism West Support Inc. is a not-for-profit incorporated association with no government funding and is run predominately by volunteers. Whilst the application is for $1,434.98 (GST inclusive), the group has indicated that "support big or small would help the community in the City of Bayswater affected by ASD". CONSULTATION Not applicable. ANALYSIS Community programs such as the YES Group North build community harmony and provide a sense of belonging for individuals. The program meets the following eligibility criteria for a Community Donation as the initiative: • • • • • provides a direct benefit to the city community by delivering community or cultural services, activities or resources; meets the needs of the community in general or specific target groups such as children; young people; and culturally and linguistically-diverse groups; facilitates open public access to the program/event; complements existing community and cultural services, programs and resources provided by the City of Bayswater, government and non-government agencies; and is for a community group which is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation. Page 82 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 The applicant is also required to acknowledge the contribution made by the City of Bayswater, i.e. signage at the event/s and/or inclusion of the City of Bayswater logo in any promotional advertising. OPTIONS The following options are available to Council: OPTION ESTIMATED COST ($) BENEFIT RISK • Retains the City's financial capacity to support other community events, initiatives and programs eligible for the Donations Program. • The YES Group North runs and is provided in the City in the planned form in 2015. • The social group does not proceed in its intended form. 1. Council declines the funding request from Autism West Support Inc. $0 2. Council accedes to the request from Autism West Support Inc. for financial assistance to run the YES Group in Morley. $1,434.98 3. Council approves a smaller donation to Autism West Support Inc. towards the cost of running the YES Group in Morley and also assists with promotion of the program. $400 plus in-kind support. (Promotion of event using the City's resources). • This provides a portion of funding for the 2015 program and also assists in creating awareness of the program. • The City may not have the funds to support other community events and programs for 2015-16. • The actual program for the social group may change from its intended form. CONCLUSION Option 3 is recommended i.e. that Council approves the request of Autism West Support Inc. for financial assistance comprising a donation of $400 to hold the 2015 YES Group for adolescents with ASD and also in-kind assistance to promote awareness in the community of the program. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The donation allocation in the 2015-16 budget is $60,000, $20,297.20 of which has been expended to date this financial year. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme Our Community. Aspiration: A resilient community with a strong sense of purpose that is able to celebrate its diversity in numerous ways. Outcome C1: Facilities that offer a sense of community, that cater for a range of affordable services and social amenity. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Donation Policy FS-P43 applies. Page 83 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS Not applicable. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council donates $400 to Autism West Support Inc. towards the cost of running the Youth Engaging Successfully (YES) Group in Morley for adolescents with high functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and also assists with promotion of the program. Moved: Seconded: Page 84 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.6 6 OCTOBER 2015 Donation Request - Peninsula Golf Club Inc - Peninsula Pairs Golf Event Applicant: Officer: Peninsula Golf Club Inc. Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider a request from the Peninsula Golf Club Inc. for financial assistance of $500 towards the Peninsula Pairs Golf Day event which it is hosting at the Maylands Peninsula Golf Course on Wednesday 18 November 2015. Key Issues: • This report outlines a donation request from the Peninsula Golf Club Inc. for $500 towards the 2015 Peninsula Pairs Golf Day Event. • The Peninsula Golf Club Inc. supports the Peninsula Golf Course by way of green fees. Over 70 players play on a weekly basis at one or both of the 2 sessions. BACKGROUND The Peninsula Golf Club Inc. is part of the WA Golf League which was formed as an association of public golf course clubs in 1975. The Club has over 120 registered members, in excess of 35 of whom play each Wednesday and in excess of 40 each Sunday. The Peninsula Pairs is the Peninsula Golf Club Inc's major WA Golf League tournament and fundraising event for the year, and is open to members of clubs in the League. This event generates approximately $3,500 in green fees on the day, and this year it will be held on Wednesday 18 November. The Peninsula Pairs has been hosted by the Peninsula Golf Club Inc. for the past nine years, and last year it attracted more than 120 participants. The event includes a pre-game sausage sizzle and a sit-down dinner afterwards including the presentation of prizes for the day. Major sponsors of the event include the Maylands Peninsula Golf Course Pro Shop (Golf Oracle) and the Swanbank Tavern. Many other prizes are donated by club members and local businesses. The Club will invite Councillors and their partners to participate on the day, and present the Cup to the winning pair after dinner. The applicant is seeking a donation of $500 towards the event. All sponsors are acknowledged in the lead-up promotion and on the day. Our records show that each year since 2009 Council has granted a donation of $400 to the Club towards the Peninsula Pairs Golf Day event for the respective year. CONSULTATION Nil. Page 85 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 ANALYSIS This request meets the eligibility criteria for a community donation as the initiative: • provides a direct benefit to the city community by delivering community or cultural services, activities, or resources; • facilitates open public access to the event or activity; • complements existing community and cultural services, programs and resources provided by the City of Bayswater, government and non-government agencies; and • is for a community group which is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation. The applicant must also agree to acknowledge the contribution made by the City of Bayswater via, for instance, signage at the event/s; and/or inclusion of the City of Bayswater logo in any promotional material or advertising. OPTIONS The following options are available to Council: OPTION ESTIMATED COST ($) BENEFIT RISK Retains the City's financial capacity to support other community events, initiatives and programs eligible under the Donations Program. This donation provides funding for the 2015 presentation in line with the funding request. This amount provides funding for the 2015 presentation and assists the City's financial capacity to support other community events. The annual presentation may not proceed in its intended form. 1. Council declines the funding request from Peninsula Golf Club Inc. $0 2. Council accedes to the donation request from Peninsula Golf Club Inc. $500 3. Council approves a smaller donation consistent with previous years. $400 CONCLUSION Option 3 is recommended having regard to the Donations Policy and consistent with past donation levels to this annual event. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The donation allocation in the 2015-16 budget is $60,000, $20,297.20 of which has been expended to date this financial year. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Aspiration: Our Community A resilient community with a strong sense of purpose that is able to celebrate its diversity in numerous ways. Page 86 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Outcome C2 6 OCTOBER 2015 Cohesive community in which residents feel a sense of safety, pride and belonging. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Donations Policy FS-P43 applies. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS Nil. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council approves a donation of $400 to Peninsula Golf Club Inc. towards its annual Peninsula Pairs Golf Day event being conducted at the Maylands Peninsula Golf Course on Wednesday 18 November 2015. Moved: Seconded: Page 87 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.7 6 OCTOBER 2015 Exemption from Rates - Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup Inc Location: Applicant: Officer: 5 Tara Street, Morley Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup Inc Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider an application from Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup Inc for an exemption from rates on 5 Tara Street, Morley. Key Issues: • Section 6.26 (2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) states "land used exclusively for charitable purposes" is not rateable. • The Act does not define these terms and so it is for Council to interpret and apply legislation having regard to a number of considerations. • The property at 5 Tara Street, Morley is used for the provision of playgroup activities. • Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup is a structured playgroup based on Montessori philosophy and learning through play. BACKGROUND Council has received an application from Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup for an exemption from rates under section 6.26(2)(g) of the Act for the property at 5 Tara Street, Morley. This property is leased by the applicant and has been since 1 November 2013; this application is the first for this address. The property located at 5 Tara Street, Morley is classified as an Educational Premise and is used as the Playgroup's activity centre. In Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup's application for a rates exemption, it has indicated that it occupies the whole building and that there are commercial activities conducted at the property including regular playgroup sessions which are conducted at a standard fee. Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup is a structured playgroup based on Montessori philosophy and learning through play. As per the Lease Agreement between the City of Bayswater and Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup, effective 1 November 2013, all outgoing costs are the responsibility of the tenant. This lease ends 31 October 2015. Distinct from this application, Council resolved at its 25 August 2015 Ordinary Meeting to work with Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup to find alternative premises for the period 1 November 2015 to 1 April 2016 (or vacation of the building at 2 Hudson Street). Since this meeting, agreement has been reached with the City of Bayswater Child Care Centre Association (Inc.) to use, in the interim period, premises located at Roberts Street, Bayswater. In addition to this, Council resolved to offer Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup a 5-year User Agreement from April 2016 for the property at 2 Hudson Street, Bayswater with the tenant to pay rent and all outgoings. To assist Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup with moving/storage costs, Council, at its Ordinary Meeting of 25 August 2015, approved a donation of $1,500. Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup is not a registered charity but is a not-for-profit incorporated association. Page 88 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 CONSULTATION On 10 September 2015 it was confirmed verbally by both the Cities of Swan and Stirling that they do not grant rates exemptions to playgroups for properties located within their boundaries. ANALYSIS This application can be considered under section 6.26(2)(g) of the Act, which states "land used exclusively for charitable purposes" is not rateable. The Act does not define the terms "charitable purposes" or "exclusively" so it is for Council to interpret and apply the legislation having regard to applicable case law and any other legal provisions. To be a charitable purpose, within the scope of the definition in the Local Government Act 1995, the purpose must either fall within the list of purposes detailed in the Charitable Uses Act of 1601 or within one of the following four categories of charitable purposes as set out under Pemsel's rule: (a) relief of poverty; (b) advancement of education; (c) advancement of religion; and (d) other purposes beneficial to the community not falling under any of the preceding categories. In addition to the above case law, the Charities Act 2013, effective 1 January 2014, defines charity as: • an entity that is not-for-profit; and • the purpose of that entity is for public benefit including: o advancing education; and o relieving the poverty, distress or disadvantage of individuals or families. On the basis of the current use of 5 Tara Street, Morley, it is recommended Council not approve a rates exemption under section 6.26(2)(g) of the Act. OPTIONS The following options are available to Council: OPTION 1. Not approve a rates exemption. 2. Approve rates exemption for the period 1 July 2015 to 31 October 2015. ESTIMATED COST ($) Nil. BENEFIT RISK Rates revenue of approximately $1,293.26 per annum. The legal and financial implications of any appeals made to SAT by the applicant re-requesting rates exemption. Rates revenue foregone. $1,293.26 per annum (prorata $431.10) - CONCLUSION Option 1 is recommended as the applicant is currently conducting 'user pays' activities at the premises on this land. Page 89 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Option 1 - Nil. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Our Community. Aspiration: We have a strong relationship between the City and the multicultural community. Outcome C4: Accessible services that recognise cultural diversity. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Section 6.26 (2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995 states "land used exclusively for charitable purposes" is not rateable. The Act does not define these terms and so it is for Council to interpret and apply legislation. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS Nil. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council not approve the application of Casa Mia Montessori Playgroup Inc. for rates exemption for the property at 5 Tara Street, Morley under section 6.26 (2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995. Moved: Seconded: Page 90 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.8 6 OCTOBER 2015 Exemption from Rates - Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc Location: Applicant: Officer: 52-54 Railway Parade, Bayswater Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider an application from Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc. for an exemption from rates on 52-54 Railway Parade, Bayswater. Key Issues: • Section 6.26 (2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995 states "land used exclusively for charitable purposes" is not rateable. • The Act does not define these terms and so it is for Council to interpret and apply legislation having regard to a number of considerations. • The property at 52-54 Railway Parade, Bayswater is used for the practice, study and advancement of practices, philosophy and traditions associated with Taoist Religion including the Taoist internal art of Taoist Tai Chi. BACKGROUND Council has received an application from Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc. for an exemption from rates under section 6.26(2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995 for the property at 52-54 Railway Parade, Bayswater. This property is owned by the applicant and has been since 1999; this application is the first for this address. The property located at 52-54 Railway Pararde, Bayswater is classified as a Commercial Premise and is used as the organisation's operation centre. The Taoist Tai Chi Society has indicated that it occupies the whole building and there were no commercial activities conducted at the property, however after research carried out by the City, it is confirmed that classes are conducted at the property (with a fee) including the teaching and practice of Taoist Tai Chi and other Taoist Internal Arts such as chanting, meditation, Lok Hup Ba Fa, Tai Chi Sword and Sabre. Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc. offers instruction in Taoist Tai Chi Society internal arts of health in the community through the teaching and practice of Taoist Tai Chi. Its mission is to improve physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. The Society's training and activities programs are offered on a membership basis. All instructors of the Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc. are accredited volunteers. Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Notfor-Profit Commission and is a not-for-profit association. CONSULTATION A title search was conducted on 15 September 2015 to confirm the number of properties owned by Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc in Western Australia. This company only owns the one property. Page 91 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 ANALYSIS This application can be considered under section 6.26(2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995, which states "land used exclusively for charitable purposes" is not rateable. The Act does not define the terms "charitable purposes" or "exclusively" so it is for Council to interpret and apply the legislation having regard to applicable case law and any other legal provisions. To be a charitable purpose, within the scope of the definition in the Local Government Act 1995, the purpose must either fall within the list of purposes detailed in the Charitable Uses Act of 1601 or within one of the following four categories of charitable purposes as set out under Pemsel's rule: (a) relief of poverty; (b) advancement of education; (c) advancement of religion; and (d) other purposes beneficial to the community not falling under any of the preceding categories. In addition to the above case law, the Charities Act 2013, effective 1 January 2014, defines charity as: • an entity that is not-for-profit; and • the purpose of that entity is for public benefit including: o advancing education; and o relieving the poverty, distress or disadvantage of individuals or families. On the basis of the current use of 52-54 Railway Parade, Bayswater, it is recommended Council not approve an exemption from rates under section 6.26(2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995. OPTIONS The following options are available to Council: OPTION 1. Not approve a rates exemption. 2. Approve rates exemption (to be reviewed annually). ESTIMATED COST ($) Nil. $1,263.53 BENEFIT RISK Rates revenue of approximately $1,263.53 per annum. The legal and financial implications of any appeals made to SAT by the applicant rerequesting rates exemption. Rates revenue foregone. - CONCLUSION Option 1 is recommended as the applicant is currently conducting 'user pays' activities at the premises located on the land at 52-54 Railway Parade, Bayswater. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Option 1 - Nil. Page 92 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Our Community. Aspiration: We have a strong relationship between the City and the multicultural community. Outcome C4: Accessible services that recognise cultural diversity. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Section 6.26 (2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995 states "land used exclusively for charitable purposes" is not rateable. The Act does not define these terms and so it is for Council to interpret and apply legislation. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS Nil. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council not approve the application from Taoist Tai Chi Society of Australia Inc. for rates exemption for the property at 52-54 Railway Parade, Bayswater in accordance with section 6.26 (2)(g) of the Local Government Act 1995. Moved: Seconded: Page 93 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.9 6 OCTOBER 2015 Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc) Self Supporting Loan Location: Applicant: Officer: Refer: 58 Murray Street, Bayswater Bayswater Bowling Club Director of Finance and Corporate Services Item 15.4.1 : OCM : 28.07.2015 Item 15.4.1 : OCM : 24.02.2015 Confidential Attachment - in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 relating to the following: (b) (c) the financial affairs of any person a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider a request from the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) to waive the balance of Self-supporting Loan 218 totalling $50,191.81. Key Issues: • The Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) has a self-supporting loan with a remaining balance of $50,190.81 (including the final payment due 9 November 2015 of $10,037.93); the maturity date of this loan is 9 November 2015. • Self-supporting Loan 218 is between the City of Bayswater and WA Treasury Corporation. • The Club is essentially requesting Council to write off the amount remaining: this follows a similar request from Bedford Bowling Club (Inc.) and other funding applications from community groups following adoption of the 2015-16 budget. BACKGROUND In August 2005 Council considered an application from the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) for a loan facility to install two new synthetic bowling surfaces and resolved to, inter alia, approve the provision of a self-supporting loan of $300,000. The fixed interest loan (5.93%) was subsequently arranged and funded in November 2005 for a 10-year term (Loan 218). To secure the loan and in accordance with section 6.21(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 and the Western Australian Treasury Corporation Act 1986 the City executed a debenture agreeing to the defined repayment schedule and borrowing terms. Like all self-supporting loans, the City pays each instalment to WA Treasury as it falls due, and recovers this amount by sending an account to the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.). In February 2012 a letter was received from the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) requesting that: the City grants an immediate suspension of Loan Repayment. Council subsequently resolved to allow: deferment by one quarter to 9 May 2012 of Loan 218 ($10,038.22); and also for officers from the City of Bayswater to investigate with the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) the possibility of rationalisation of its operation including the possibility of amalgamation with other clubs. No agreement could be reached with respect to amalgamation with other clubs. This deferred quarter payment of $10,038.22 remains outstanding. Page 94 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Subsequent to the above, Council considered, at a Special Meeting on 14 May 2013, the strategic direction for the provision of bowling and tennis club facilities within the City of Bayswater. This discussion was the culmination of a number of requests for financial assistance during development of the 2012-13 budget, namely for: • capital funding for new club facilities and expansion (bowling and tennis club); • capital funding for surface repair and replacement (bowling club); • assistance with operating costs - deferred loan repayments (Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club [Inc.]); and • support for some maintenance costs. These requests were not progressed through to the 2012-13 budget pending further discussion with the clubs, liaison with Bowls WA and the Department of Sport and Recreation (DSR) to enable Council to establish a strategic position on the future of these facilities in the City. More recently Council considered a similar request from the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club for financial assistance in February 2015; Council subsequently resolved the following: "That Council: 1. Defers the 2014/15 payment of $40,152.88 on Self-supporting Loan 218 with the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club noting the 2012 amount outstanding of $10,038.22. 2. Requests detailed financial statements from the Club and Officers from the City of Bayswater work with the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club to assist articulate a plan for the future. 3. Consider the outcome of these discussions at a future meeting." Through the formal community club request program for the 2015-16 budget, the City received requests from 29 community clubs for 62 separate projects totalling $1,740,098 for consideration in the budget process. Of the requests, Council approved the allocation of $50,000 for capital works for three sporting clubs, with clubs contributing 50% ie. $25,000. To be eligible under this program, the request must, inter alia, be for capital works that meet one of the following classifications: critical infrastructure; desired upgrade or cosmetic improvement. One of the unsuccessful applications under the community club requests program was from the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) for: • new lawnmower for grass green $7,300 • ice machine $3,385 • glass-washer $2,695 • 3 kilowatt cool room unit contingency fund • replacement of synthetic bowling green - B green $30,000 $200,000 Distinct from the subject application from the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) Council recently considered a request from Bedford Bowling Club (Inc.) to write-off its selfsupporting loan. Unlike the self-supporting loan of Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.), the self-supporting loan of Bedford Bowling Club (Inc.) was not a WA Treasury facility but a facility structured and financed by the City of Bayswater to assist the Club's operations. Page 95 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 Council resolved to provide $16,000 (to offset Loan 225) with the condition that the Club settled the balance of the loan by 31 October 2015 ($23,173.78). CONSULTATION Not applicable. ANALYSIS Attached are the Club's financial statements for the period ended 31 May 2015 (Attachment 3). These verify the positive changes underway at the Club to boost membership and use; even so the enduring challenge for the Club is how to convert social members (currently 480) to active competition members (currently 68) when the synthetic greens are in need of major upgrade. Given this and assuming all things remain equal over the next few years, the Club may require financial assistance from the City to finance the future upgrade of the two synthetic greens. Under Council's Debt-Free Program (Policy FS-P04) the City will only borrow funds where it is for a self-supporting loan or is self-funding. Alternatively, if the only other option available to the Club is for Council to make a significant investment to the upgrade of the synthetic greens, this will have broader implications for other community clubs and the City's financial sustainability. In summary, to accede to this request from the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) a policy change would be required which may inadvertently affect the ability of the Club to enter into any future self-supporting loan arrangements with the City of Bayswater, and have broader implications for other sporting clubs and community groups. OPTIONS The following options are available to Council: OPTION 1. 2. 3. Not accede to the request of the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) to write-off the balance of Self-supporting Loan 218. Accede to the request of the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) to write-off Selfsupporting Loan 218. Negotiate a longer repayment term on Loan 218 with Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) ESTIMATED COST ($) BENEFIT RISK $0 Manages broader implications for other community groups which have self-supporting loans with the City. The plans of the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) for the future may need to be revised. $50,190.81 The City has 5 other self-supporting loans with community groups; if this request is approved it may have broader implications for these and Council's position on future loan requests for community groups. The Club may be able to apply cash-flow benefits to projects. No allocation has been made in the 2015-16 Budget to fund the repayment of Selfsupporting Loan 218 or provide financial assistance to the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.). Page 96 The City has budgeted to recover the final payment made to Treasury. Any change to this will need to be recognised in the midyear budget review. TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 4. Approve a small donation to the Club on similar terms as those offered to Bedford Bowling Club (Inc.) (Item 12.2.10 OCM 22.09.2015). The Club's facilities may benefit from a small financial contribution by the City towards Selfsupporting Loan 218. 6 OCTOBER 2015 No allocation has been made in the 2015-16 Budget to fund the repayment of Selfsupporting Loan 218 or provide financial assistance to the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.). The Club does not have the financial capacity to make the required contribution to the City. CONCLUSION Option 1 is recommended having regard to Council's earlier decision on this matter and potential flow-on implications for other community groups. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS No allocation has been made in the 2015-16 budget to fund the repayment of Self-supporting Loan 218 or provide any additional financial assistance to the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.). The Budget assumes the Club will fully meet its repayment obligations and reimburse the City's outgoing payments to Treasury for 2015-16. Similarly no provision has been made in the Long-Term Financial Plan to provide additional financial assistance to the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.). STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater's Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Our Community Aspiration: A resilient community with a strong sense of purpose that is able to celebrate its diversity in numerous ways. Outcome C1: Facilities that offer a sense of community, that cater for a range of affordable services and social amenity. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS Debt-Free Program FS-P04 applies. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS 1. Applicant's request for financial assistance. 2. Loan terms and conditions (Confidential Attachment). 3. Applicant's Financial Statements for the period ended 31 May 2015 (Confidential Attachment). OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council advises the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (Inc.) that it is unable to accede to its request to write-off $50,190.81 on Self-supporting Loan 218. Moved: Seconded: Page 97 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 1 Page 98 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.10 6 OCTOBER 2015 Legislative Update September 2015 Officer: Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to receive an update on recent amendments to the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 to take effect on 1 October 2015. Key Issues: The Local Government Act 1995, Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, in addition to Council's Procurement Policy FS-P19 (amended) (Attachment 1), applies to all purchasing undertaken by the City. The purpose of this report is to provide a broad overview of changes to the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 including changes to the tender threshold from $100,000 to $150,000. These amendments require changes to be made to Procurement Policy FS-P19 (amended) and delegations. BACKGROUND The central legislation is the Local Government Act 1995, and there are a number of subsidiary regulations, including the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996. These regulations cover the administration of matters such as local laws, tendering, thoroughfares and the disposition of land. The regulations are amended from time to time, and the latest amendments were gazetted on 18 September 2015 for effect from 1 October 2015. The amendments were made as a result of recommendations made by the Local Government Steering Committee and the Corruption and Crime Commission (CCC) with the objective to improve the purchasing practices of local government. CONSULTATION The latest changes are the culmination of negotiation and advocacy between the Department of Local Government and Communities and the WA Local Government Association on behalf of the sector over the past couple of years to provide more clarity on certain aspects of the tendering requirements. ANALYSIS A summary of the key changes are: • The tender threshold has increased from $100,000 to $150,000. This is a natural progression which reflects cost changes generally, and is consistent with the previouslyincreased limit from $50,000 to $100,000 in 2007. • Clarity around circumstances where tenders do not need to be publicly invited and include when goods or services are provided through a registered Australian Disability Enterprise. • Strengthening of anti-avoidance provisions so that if a local government reasonably believes that the purchase of a good or service from one supplier will exceed the tender threshold of $150,000 it should publicly invite tenders. While no timeframe for the tender threshold has been included in the regulations, the Department of Local Government and Communities suggests as best practice if the tender threshold is reached within three years, then a public tender is invited for that good or service. Page 99 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 • Provision for pre-qualified contractors (which were not previously dealt with in the regulations), subject to certain conditions being met to ensure that there is appropriate transparency of process. In establishing a panel, persons are to be publicly invited to apply. • In addition to amendments around the tender provisions, other changes include: increasing the prescribed value of abandoned vehicle wrecks under regulation 29A(a) to $500. Accordingly it is recommended these changes be duly reflected in Council's Procurement Policy FS-P19 and the 2015-16 Delegated Authority Register to facilitate organisational compliance. OPTIONS Not applicable - information only. CONCLUSION That Council notes the amendments to the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996 and reflects these changes in Council's Procurement Policy FS-P19 (Amended) and the 2015-16 Delegated Authority Register. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Leadership and Governance. Aspiration: We will provide responsible leadership and governance, and be recognised for operating with integrity and delivering quality services. Outcome L1: Accountable and good governance. A copy of the regulations can be viewed on the State Law Publisher website at COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS To comply with amendments to Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, Council's Procurement Policy FS-P19 (Amended) needs to be revised as per Attachment 1. Further changes also need to be made to the delegation authorisations, specifically Delegation FS-D05 : Calling of Tenders to reflect the authorisation of delegated officers to publicly invite tenders for the purchase of goods and services or seek expressions of interest for those over $150,000. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. ATTACHMENTS 1. Revised Procurement Policy FS-P19 (amended). Page 100 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council: 1. Notes the amendments to the Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996. 2. Adopts the revised Procurement Policy FS-P19 (amended) (Attachment 1). 3. Updates Delegation FS-D05: Calling of Tenders in the 2015-16 Delegated Authority Register to reflect the authorisation of delegated officers to publicly invite tenders for the purchase of goods and services or seek expressions of interest for those over $150,000. Moved: Seconded: Page 101 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 1 Page 102 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 103 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 7.2.11 6 OCTOBER 2015 Draft Annual Report 2014-15 (Part) Officer: Director of Finance and Corporate Services EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Application: For Council to consider the draft layout for the first part of the City of Bayswater Annual Report 2014-15, Key Issues: • Section 5.53 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) requires that the City prepare an annual report to include: o a report from the Mayor; o a report from the Chief Executive Officer; o the financial report for the financial year; o such information as may be prescribed in relation to payments made to employees; o the auditor's report for the financial year; o a matter on which a report must be made under section 29(2) of the Disability Services Act 1993; o details of entries made under section 5.121 during the financial year in the register of complaints and how the recorded complaints were dealt with; and o such other information as may be prescribed. • Under section 5.54 of the Act, Council is required to accept the annual report (by absolute majority) by 31 December each year, subject to completion of an independent audit. • Following acceptance by Council of the annual report, it is to be presented to an Annual General Meeting of Electors. BACKGROUND The initial layout for the first part of the draft City of Bayswater Annual Report 2014-15 has been prepared and is attached for consideration (Attachment 1). The first part includes the sections of the annual report covering the Mayor's Message, Chief Executive Officer's Message, Council Members and contributions from each of the five divisions. The layout has not been proofed for typographical or other layout errors and this will be done as part of the first round corrections following receipt of feedback from Council. CONSULTATION Not applicable. ANALYSIS It is anticipated that subject to receipt of the auditor's report, the completed Annual Report 201415, incorporating changes required by Council and including the sections covering statutory reporting and financial performance, will be completed by the end of October 2015. Page 104 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 6 OCTOBER 2015 The Annual Report 2014-15 will then be presented to Council in November for approval and for Council to set a date for the AGM of Electors. OPTIONS Not applicable. CONCLUSION That Council receive and consider the layout of the first part of the draft City of Bayswater Annual Report 2014-15. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS No provision has been included in the current budget for producing the City of Bayswater Annual Report 2014-15. The cost of producing this document, layout only, is $5,900 and will be sourced from the Bayswater Brief publication allocation. STRATEGIC LINK In accordance with the City of Bayswater Strategic Community Plan 2013-23, the following applies: Theme: Leadership and Governance Aspiration: We will provide responsible leadership and governance, and be recognised for operating with integrity and delivering quality services. Outcome L1: Outcome L3 Accountable and good governance. An engaged and informed community. COUNCIL POLICY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPLICATIONS The 2014-15 Annual Report is prepared under section 5.53 of the Local Government Act 1995. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. (ABSOLUTE MAJORITY REQUIRED to adopt the completed Annual Report 2014-15). ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft City of Bayswater Annual Report 2014-15 - Part 1 OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That Council considers the draft layout for the first part of the Annual Report 2014-15 comprising the Mayor's Message, Chief Executive Officer's Message, Council Members and contributions from each of the five divisions, and receives the complete Annual Report 2014-15 via the November 2015 round of meetings. Moved: Seconded: Page 105 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Attachment 1 Page 106 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 107 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 108 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 109 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 110 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 111 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 112 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 113 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 114 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 115 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 116 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 117 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 118 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 119 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 120 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 121 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 122 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 123 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 124 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 125 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 126 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 127 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 128 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 129 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 130 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 131 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 132 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 133 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 134 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 135 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 136 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 137 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 138 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 139 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 140 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 141 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 142 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 143 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA Page 144 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 8. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 8.1 Technical Services 8.1.1 Green Waste Processing Agreement Officer: Refer: 6 OCTOBER 2015 Director of Technical Services Item 15.3.1 OCM 28.04.2015 REASON FOR CONFIDENTIALITY This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (c) a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation as contained in the attached "Confidential" Report be adopted. Moved: Seconded: Page 145 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 8.1.2 6 OCTOBER 2015 EMRC Regional Services Officer: Refer: Director of Technical Services Item 12.2.10: OCM 28.04.15 REASON FOR CONFIDENTIALITY This report is CONFIDENTIAL in accordance with section 5.23(2) of the Local Government Act 1995 which permits the meeting to be closed to the public for business relating to the following: (c) a contract entered into, or which may be entered into, by the local government and which relates to a matter to be discussed at the meeting. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority Required. OFFICER'S RECOMMENDATION That the recommendation as contained in the attached "Confidential" Report be adopted. Moved: Seconded: Page 146 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 8.2 Nil. Finance & Personnel Page 147 6 OCTOBER 2015 TECHNICAL SERVICES AND FINANCE & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AGENDA 9. 6 OCTOBER 2015 LATE ITEMS Nil. 10. NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Technical Services and Finance & Personnel Committee will take place in the Council Chambers, City of Bayswater Civic Centre, 61 Broun Avenue, Morley on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 commencing at 7:00pm. 11. CLOSURE Page 148