MAC MAY June 2014.indd
MAC MAY June 2014.indd New DLI/MAC Dues Structure A Great Success! MAY/JUNE 2014 AS ANNOUNCED IN THE LAST ISSUE OF THE MESSENGER, DLI AND MAC HAVE CHANGED THE DUES STRUCTURE. So far, the early reports from the membership have been greatly appreciative and receptive. Size Doesn’t Matter any more! Members are embracing the new philosophy of pay for the level of service you require, and pay based on what you use for products and services. IN THIS ISSUE The Silver Membership continues to be the overwhelming popular choice, with many members suggesting the Gold Membership provides some of the best values. With DLI located in the backyard of most MAC members -- the Premier Membership offers some of the best educational values possible. For many DLI members, the cost of sending students to the best drycleaning school in the country can be prohibitive, but for MAC members the luxury of world-class training available within a short drive makes this Membership even more valuable. President’s Message .........................3 “I think the membership is really embracing this new philosophy,” offered MAC Executive Director Peter Blake, “but because it is new, and a big departure over the way we have always calculated member sip -- it is taking a little more time for members to make the decision. Once you evaluate the different levels, I think most members realize they really want to be in the Silver category as a minimum. Then they can evaluate their usage and needs -- and possibly go up to Gold or Premier in the future.” DLI Awards $5,000 Prize YouTube Video.................................7 Meet the Allieds: James Peuster of The Route Pro ..............................4 In Memoriam: Mike Levine ............6 DLI Hanger Recycling Hits Goal ..........................................8 As members current membership expires, they will be transitioned into the new membership structure. Don’t wait -- check out the new program today at Call Peter Blake at MAC if you have any questions! Vapor Intrusion: A Concern, but an Easy Fix ...........................................9 VISIT WWW.DLIONLINE.ORG FOR NEW DLI VIDEO HR Resource Checklist ..................10 DLI has produced a great 4-min introduction to DLI video on its website. The video is a great description of what DLI has to offer, and how DLI can help you and your business. It is a great look behind the scenes, and a great reminder of all that DLI offers its members. It is also a great description of ways you can put DLI/MAC to work for you! Allied Trade Members ...................11 s l a o G 4 1 0 2 I DL embership m y hl t on m e bl a d Introduce affor plans : Help drycleaners ers in a Attract new custom conomy business casual e e turnover e y lo p m e g in t ra Avoid frust stomers Transform angry cu rs into happy regula garments lt u ic f if d n a e cl Learn how to STOP SAYING “BUSINESS IS SLOW” DLI’s services help cleaners stop settling on “below average” results. Pick a plan tailor-made for your business and join the biggest network of successful drycleaners. PLANS START AT A “TINY” $45/MO Find out more at or call us at 1-800-638-2627 MAC OFFICERS & DIRECTORS 2013-2014 CHAIRMAN Mike McKay Dryclean and Shirt Salon Cumberland, MD PRESIDENT Dianne Chatelain Presto Valet Alexandria, VA VICE PRESIDENT Jamie Albano Albano Cleaners Norfolk, VA TREASURER Russ Kaplan Zips Drycleaners Damascus, MD BOARD OF DIRECTORS Buddy Gritz Alexandria, VA Ben Johnson Americlean Williamsburg, VA Patrick Dunlap Classi Cleaners Alexandria, VA James Crowder Edmondson’s Cleaners South Boston, VA Sally Veach FRESH Dry Cleaners & Laundry Woodstock, VA Charley Young Peter Pan Cleaners Charleston, WV Dan Criswell Prince George Cleaners Prince George, VA Thomas Williams Suffolk Quality Cleaners Suffolk, VA Telly Svingos Victor’s Cleaners & Launderers Huntington, WV ALLIED TRADE DIRECTORS Jack Belluscio Caled Chemical Tom McAllister Kreussler, Inc. James Just RR Street & Co. Dwayne Gwaltney Phenix Supply DLI DIRECTORS Dave Beatty Murrysville, PA Buddy Gritz Alexandria, VA PR E S ID E N T ’ S ME S S AGE ... Are You Using All the Tools in Your Toolbox? ONE OF THE QUESTIONS MOST MEMBERS ASK WHEN THEY TALK ABOUT MEMBERSHIP IS: “WHAT SERVICES DO I USE THE MOST?” Hopefully it is an easy question for you to answer, and you have the DLI and MAC phone numbers on speed dial! Unfortunately, I fear for too many, that answer is a lot harder to answer. I fear many times, members don’t even scratch the surface of the programs and services that are available to them. Then, when it comes time to renew your membership -- you are at a loss at what you have gotten from your membership. Dianne Chatelain MAC and DLI have been the champions of the industry for all cleaners. For that alone, every cleaner should be a member. It is that simple. They continue to be the watchdogs of the industry and continue to be our advocates. Whether it is the Clean Air Act, the Federal Trade Commission, or the State regulators -- DLI and MAC are there protecting us. They can’t do that without ALL OF US. That alone is worth the basic membership. But there is so much more to it, and so much more value and power behind their services. Think about this: One call does it all. That is right... you have a business question, and DLI/MAC has answers. If you haven’t already, put them on speed dial! Whenever you have an issue call them! Ask for their expertise, and put your membership to work. DLI: 800-442-6848, MAC: 800-235-8360. Have you registered your Email address with DLI/MAC? Are you receiving Hot Press? Monday Morning Marketing Tips? By now I hope you have... but have you registered the e-mail addresses of your key staff? Managers? It doesn’t cost any more to add multiple contacts into the database. Share the information with your key staff. Are you using the great marketing tips? Using the consumer information DLI writes for you to use on your webpages? E-mail marketing? Facebook Pages? Peter Blake did a GREAT program on Social Media Marketing for MAC members last fall. He gave great tips and very helpful tools you can use to build membership and most of them were free or low cost. Call Peter and ask about e-mail marketing, webpages, and/or social media. We are all here to help you with any business need. I could go on for hours about all the services open to us. Secret Shopper Programs, Educational Programs and Training Programs, Industry Certifications, etc, etc. The list goes on and on. When you really think about it -- how could you not be a member? Number one advice I can give any drycleaner is get involved. Involved in the Association, involved in your business, and involved in all the tools you have at your disposal. Dianne Chatelain Presto Valet 703-998-6464 / [email protected] May/June 2014 / 3 ME ET OUR ALLIED T R AD E MEM BERS.. . James Peuster of The Route Pro MOST PEOPLE KNOW WHO JAMES “THE ROUTE PRO” PEUSTER IS AS HE ENTERS HIS 12TH YEAR OF CONSULTING DRY CLEANERS IN ALL AREAS OF PICK-UP AND DELIVERY. He speaks at meetings and events throughout the country on Customer Service, Leadership Training, as well as Route Sales and Marketing. He was also a recent recipient of a DLI Meritorious Service Award. James has always been committed to MAC and other State and Regional Associations, and emphasizes the importance of Associations for small businesses. After getting his start working with Al Robson in Peer -toPeer Marketing groups, he has researched, studied, and made himself a drycleaning expert. James has been a featured speaker at MAC Conventions, and conducts many Where will James be next... first almost missing his plane, next he’s with Pat Sajak on The Wheel of Fortune and then he’s hanging out in the dugout with Josh Hamilton. Workshops throughout the country -- and if same time I launched The Route Pro.” “Yes, I go to events based you haven’t been able to attend one you are really missing out. on my schedule and visa-versa.” James has had the privilege of He is one of the top industry speakers in the country. His wit, doing the play-by-play of high school sports as well as several story telling, and innate ability to make the audience understand professional events as well. His favorite story is covering mixed the importance of training and systems has made him one of the martial arts on Spike TV. “I truly knew nothing of MMA at the most sought after speakers we have ever had. MAC is in the pro- time, I just had to fake it on national TV.” cess of scheduling a Route Building Workshop within the next few months. Anyone who has seen him speak usually hears James tell the story of Wheel Of Fortune in which he set a world record. “I incorpor- “I have been influenced by many people, but the top two were my ate it in one of my power points to show no matter how good you brother and Al Robson” Peuster said. “Both of them challenged, are at what you can control, many are spinning their wheels and coached, and shaped me into the person I am today.” Peuster not making money.” The story behind the world record is that he strives to combine professionalism as well as fulfill his desire to was the first contestant to hit 4 bankrupts on a show (you can see it enjoy each day. on YouTube-wheel of fortune Peuster). “The other story I include Many people know that James spends his free time covering sports on the radio and internet. “I started my hobby sports radio the 4 / MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION OF CLEANERS was the time I hung out with Charlie Sheen, but that is not as well received.” “There are a few products that I would say are “game changers”, this is one! Chris Hagist - First Coast Cleaners - FL The Formula: ůůůĞĂƌŝƐĂǁĂƚĞƌďĂƐĞĚŶŽŶͲƚŽdžŝĐKKZ>^^ĨŽƌŵƵůĂƟŽŶ ŽĚŽƌŽƵƐĐůŽƚŚŝŶŐŽƌƚŚĞƚƌĂĚŝƟŽŶĂůǁĂLJĂƐĂ͞ƉŽƐƚ͟ƐƉƌĂLJ ĨŽƌŽĚŽƌƐĚƵƌŝŶŐƚŚĞƐƉŽƫŶŐĂŶĚĮŶŝƐŚŝŶŐƉƌŽĐĞƐƐ;ŝ͘Ğ͘ ƵƌŝŶĞͬƉĞƌƐƉŝƌĂƟŽŶƐͿ͘ How it works: ůůůĞĂƌĞůŝŵŝŶĂƚĞƐŽĚŽƌƐƚŚƌŽƵŐŚŽdžŝĚŝnjĂƟŽŶ͘dŚĞŽdžŝĚŝnjĂ ƟŽŶƉƌŽĐĞƐƐŐĞŶĞƌĂůůLJƌĞƐƵůƚƐŝŶĂ ƉĞƌŵĂŶĞŶƚĞůŝŵŝŶĂƟŽŶŽĨŵŽƐƚŽĚŽƌŝƐƐƵĞƐ͘ ƟŽŶƐĂƌĞ͞ŵĂƐŬŝŶŐ͟;ƐĐĞŶƚͿŽƌĞŶnjLJŵĞďĂƐĞĚ͘dŚĞ͞ŵĂƐŬ ĞůŝŵŝŶĂƟŽŶŬŝůů;ŶŽƚĂůůƉƵƌƉŽƐĞͿ͘ Odor eliminated: ĂƐ͗ĐŝŐĂƌĞƩĞͬĮƌĞ͕ŵŝůĚĞǁͬŵŽůĚ͕ ƉĞƌƐƉŝƌĂƟŽŶĂŶĚƵƌŝŶĞ͘ ! " # # Item# Description Price ea. AOE-32 32oz Odor Eliminator $17.79 AOE-128 128oz Odor Eliminator $43.72 Available in 32oz or 128oz Distributed by: 2810 Ackley Ave. Richmond, VA 23228 Ordering: (800) 237-5825 5 / MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION OF CLEANERS IN M E MORI AM. .. Mike Levine, Kleerwite Chemical WITH GREAT SADNESS, MAC ANNOUNCES THE LOSS OF A GREAT FRIEND, MIKE LEVINE. The following was sent to us by Ron Herson, of Herson Supply, and I don’t think we could have said it any better: Mike passed away today....way too young....way too early. He has been my great personal friend and my biz Ally for many years. Mike started his career within our industry when he was in high school, working at (I believe) Arlandria Cleaners owned by Francis Odonino, in Alexandria Va. As the years went by, he worked his way up to plant manager there. He later landed a sales/tech position with R.R. Street and became renowned for his energy and technical knowledge and skills. On top of said skills, Mike took the initiative to participate in each and every sales guru seminar and school out there, in order to polish his sales skills... and he eventually excelled to the position of V.P. of sales for the eastern region for R.R Street. Mike became well respected at quite a young age...with all of the Cleaners and Distributors he worked with. Later in his career, He left Street and took on a position with Laidlaw Chemical Company. Soon after, Mike was offered the opportunity to acquire Kleerwite Chemical, a “micro brewery” style solution support company in need of the right guy with bright and savvy ideas. Within a short period of time Mike re-invented what detergency and spotting solutions should and could be. He morphed Kleerwite into one of the most effervescent drycleaning companies in the country. Mike enjoyed sharing time & fun with his biz associates from coast to coast, and fun with friends, and his many hobbies, and most importantly sharing “life” with his son Zack and his beautiful extended family. Mike once said to me....and this wee bit of wisdom is something that I cherish each and every day: ”It’s not how hard you work.... It’s how smart you work!” Well will always be a lot harder to work from this day forward...without you around to share the toil and the good times. s International roduct , Inc EzP . EzPi custom solutions for all budgets Proudly made in the USA 863.735.0813 tollfree: 877.906.1818 A DLI member garment labeling experts since 1989 EzWizard™ Software with Hot Platen SuperCharger™ Apply permanent text and barcode clothing labels faster and with less temperature. The only industrial strength presses designed by dry cleaners for labeling personal clothing. Our digital presses have more features than a $4500 press... priced below $1500 ·Interchangeable platens ·2 year warranty ·Small footprint ·Only weighs 15 pounds All EzProducts heat seal presses are certified to the world's highest safety standards: TUV SUD, CSA, CE and OSHA 6 / MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION OF CLEANERS ·Operator Error Detections ·Ideal for Retail Countertops ·Lifetime Free Technical Support AND T HE WI NNE R IS... Aspiring Film Makers/Rappers Take home $5,000! “I FEEL GREAT WHEN I GET MY CLOTHES DRYCLEANED” FEATURES TWO WELLDRESSED YOUNG MEN RAPPING, DANCING, AND EXTOLLING THE BENEFITS OF HAVING THEIR CLOTHES PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED BY A MEMBER OF THE DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY INSTITUTE. The video won the $5,000 prize in DLI’s contest. The Magical World of Drycleaning took second place and #FreshPress took third. Each was awarded $100, though no official prize was listed in the contest rules. In all, 23 entries were received from cleaning professionals, students, and members of the general public. To qualify, each video logged at least 100 views. By April 30, the videos had been viewed 23,868 times, and the number increases everyday. “This program improves the image of our member drycleaners because it shows us as a modern service that is an important part of people’s lives and a necessary component to leading a happy and successful life,” said Dave Beatty, owner of Murrysville Cleaners in Murrysville, Pennsylvania, and DLI’s District 2 Director, and creator of the contest idea. “Several videos show younger people, who are an important part of the Internet and all the other social media,” Beatty said. “It shows people who make you feel very comfortable and you could easily think of them as your friends and neighbors. It is nicely done so that the videos are like your good friend sharing the secret of their success because they want you to do well also. This is so much more powerful than a businessperson saying, ‘Come to me for your drycleaning.’ ” DLI Members are encouraged to share and post the video as it specifically promotes professional cleaning done by members of the Institute! CONTEST RULES Entries were capped at two minutes and could not promote a specific business. The goal was to promote drycleaning services in general. DLI members voted on their favorite videos and DLI’s Board of Directors selected the winner from finalists suggested by the membership vote. “Our members benefit from the video contest because all the entries will get thousands of views which will help to convince current and future customers that it is both important and will make them happy to use our services,” Beatty said. “It shows average people having a great time and being very happy with their local cleaners.” Based on the success of this program, it is likely that DLI will run a similar contest in the future to continue to raise awareness of the benefits of drycleaning. HELP PROMOTE THE INDUSTRY “The more cleaners who embrace these videos and put them on their websites, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and emails, etc., the more successful the program will become,” Beatty said. “We have more than 20 videos so everyone can find something they like and share.” David Goehring, If you got a sweater they can a professional v i d e o g r a p h e r clean it nice from Atlanta, Use the DLI service, don’t Georgia, created the winning gotta think twice video. Goehring began making They take the time and know videos with his what to do friend, Matt Austin, the suited Any kind of outfit -- it’ll look gentleman in the brand new.” video. “It quickly turned into a pas- —“I Feel Great When I Get My sion and eventually, a career,” Clothes Drycleaned.” Goehring said. “Now I’m a full time filmmaker and I’m fortunate enough to do lots of corporate commercial and short narrative film type work.” Goehring produced the music in the video as well, saying, “I find that if you create your own music and try to make clever lyrics, you stand out from other people by default. So, I try to incorporate it when appropriate. Learning about the drycleaning process was fun”, he said. “I certainly had to do a lot of research before making the video. What struck me is how the process is so streamlined and really delivers fantastic results, and also that there is actually some liquid involved.” PROMOTING YOUR BUSINESS For more suggestions and ideas on how to use these videos to help promote your individual cleaners on your website, Facebook and more -- contact Peter Blake at the MAC Office. We can help you leverage these videos to help increase your business! Peter can be reached at [email protected] or by calling 800-235-8360. See the winning video and all the contestants at www.DLIonline. org/contest. May/June 2014 / 7 R E C YC L E , R E DU C E , R E U SE . . . Drycleaners to Keep 35 Million Hangers Out of Landfills! Help us keep 25 million hangers (750 tons of steel) out of landfills by recycling your hangers. $ % * & , ' . ( & ) * 0 + & + & & 1 6 , 2 4 1 - + & 3 - . / 4 & 5 By participating in the DLI Cleaners Care Hanger Recycling Program, we pledge to: • Recycle and Reuse as many hangers as possible • Send all unusable hangers to a recycling agent when able • Help customers properly recycle unwanted hangers • Do our part to reduce landfill waste THE DRYCLEANING INDUSTRY MET ITS GOAL IN TIME FOR EARTH DAY 2014! Many people have a pile of steel hangers in their homes from drycleaning. All too often, these hangers end up in the trash. For Earth Day 2014, 386 professional drycleaners, all members of the Drycleaning & Laundry Institute (DLI), pledged to reduce wire hanger waste by 35 million hangers, or 1,050 tons of steel. Gary Maloney of Nu-Yale Glacier Cleaners in Jeffersonville, Indiana, pledged the hangers that took the program to its 35 million hanger goal. “Nu-Yale Glacier Cleaners is excited to be part of a national recycling program,” Maloney said. “Nu-Yale Glacier Cleaners’ entire culture has been about being environmentally friendly. The recycling program has been helpful to our clients for many years by making their lives simple and environmentally friendly.” Founded in 1956, Nu-Yale operates 12 locations in Jeffersonville, New Albany, Floyd’s Knob, and Madison, Indiana, and Louisville and Prospect, Kentucky. and recycle unusable hangers with local steel scrapyards. The Institute provides in-store materials cleaners can use to raise awareness of the program, which often results in more hangers coming into their stores. Participants track the hangers by estimated count and report their recycling numbers to the Institute for inclusion in the program’s grand total. Not Too Late to Join While the program is entering its third year, it is never too late to join in! The program is open to DLI member cleaners only. DLI member cleaners can sign up in the Members Only section of or by contacting Fran Johnson at DLI for more information, 800-638-2627. DLI and MAC continue to support the program and its participants by sending out press releases for participating companies and by highlighting the actions of our members. Do you do other community service programs? Register your outreach programs with DLI today, and they will add your business to the growing lists of drycleaners that continue to enhance the reputation of the industry and provide value to their communities. We Use The Perfect Solution for a Greener Future RAISING THE BAR The program began in 2012, when drycleaners helped reduce steel hanger waste by 25 million hangers or 750 tons of steel. In 2013 the number grew to 30 million hangers or 900 tons of steel. The grand total for the program is 90 million hangers and 2,700 tons of steel. New Environmentally Friendly Cleaner “This program is designed to help the environment, customers, and cleaners,” said DLI CEO Mary Scalco. “Our first year with this program was remarkably successful and we’ve enjoyed the enthusiasm from participants. We’d like to see that number continue to grow as awareness of the program spreads.” “We know that many drycleaners already recycle hangers. It just makes good sense to do so,” said Jon Meijer, DLI Membership Director. “Now we’re asking cleaners to track the number of hangers they reuse or recycle and report it as part of this program. By working together and tracking our results we can monitor the program’s contribution to a greener planet.” Participating cleaners pledge to reuse hangers whenever possible 8 / MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION OF CLEANERS CLOTHES SOLUTION Works Wonders In Any Hydrocarbon Machine. - 3x Kb Value - Great Garment Hand - Less Detergent Needed - Less or No Pre-spotting Call Us At 1 800 Ok Caled Go To GenX is: • Earth Friendly • Biodegradable • Non-Carcinogenic • An Organic Compound • A Superior Cleaner D E ALI NG W I TH THE EN VIR ONM EN TAL E X P OS U R E ... Vapor Intrusion: A Concern, But An Easy Fix Written By Steve Henshaw, President & CEO, EnviroForensics WE SPECIALIZE IN HELPING DRY CLEANERS WORK THROUGH THE REGULATORY AND INSURANCE MAZE OF INVESTIGATING AND REMEDIATING SOIL AND GROUNDWATER. The EnviroForensics team takes pride in helping to solve problems and over the past 18 years, we have helped more than 400 dry cleaners. So much has changed since I started working with dry cleaners. The laws and regulations enforced by the regulatory agencies, the cleanup technology, and the perceived human health exposure of vapors, known as vapor intrusion, are continually changing and evolving. It seems that the only constants are that dry cleaners are targets and continue to be blamed when PCE is found in soil and groundwater. PCE is considered a risk to public health, contaminated soil and groundwater makes property transactions difficult to complete, and cleaning up PCE in soil and groundwater is expensive. Oh, and old CGL insurance policies continue to be one of the saving graces for dry cleaners when faced with the daunting reality that they have been named as a party responsible for PCE contamination. OLD INSURANCE POLICIES CAN SAVE THE DAY I first used historical CGL policies to pay for environmental investigations, remediations, and legal fees in 1990. The process worked then and it continues to work today. While it is not always a cake walk to use CGL policies, our firm has garnered more experience than any other environmental consulting company in bringing old policies to bear on the environmental problems that small business owners and family members face. As the insurance laws change over time, and are different from state to state, and while the insurance industry continues to react and respond to these changes, we have had to be nimble and ever changing in the way we approach the use of historical insurance. That’s why we work with the most talented and knowledgeable legal counsel and find the most talented and motivated professionals to work with us. VAPOR INTRUSION THE NEWEST CONCERN Today, when more and more dry cleaners and former dry cleaners are being targeted because of new standards concerning indoor air and Vapor Intrusion (VI), we are focusing on developing the highest standards for measuring and mitigating the off-gases from PCE. There’s a new surge of environmental enforcement that is not going away; and last month a national standard for lending institutions was formally enacted as law which will put more focus on vapor intrusion as an element of the property due diligence and transaction requirements. We have experts on our staff like Jeff Carnahan and Megan Hamilton, who deal with vapor intrusion is- “... vapor intrusion can sues every day and who have worked tirelessly have an impact on neighwith vapor mitigation boring businesses, contractors to develop and implement cost ef- schools, and residences fective vapor mitigation measures to thwart the in the area around your threat posed by vapor intrusion into residential dry cleaner or former and commercial build- drycleaning site.” ings. Vapor intrusion can have an impact on neighboring businesses, schools and residences in the area around your dry cleaner or former dry cleaning site. And while many dry cleaners are or will be faced with vapor intrusion issues, mitigating these vapors is a relatively inexpensive process; but there are protocols and standards that must be followed and experience in this field is critical. Beware of the cheap radon mitigation contractor, because vapors emanating from PCE and other volatile organic compounds are typically more complicated to abate than what has been the standard practice for radon gas mitigation. From this point forward, almost every environmental investigation is going to include a vapor intrusion assessment and testing of sub-slab or indoor air. We live in a litigious society. It’s always only a matter of time before individuals who fear perhaps that their health, the health of their family, or the value of their property might be impacted by neighboring dry cleaning sites, would consider seeking legal remedy. It is important to protect yourself and your business by understanding some possible options. Choose your consultant and your legal counsel wisely. In my next article, I will outline the essential points in a site closure strategy for your dry cleaning site that addresses vapor intrusion issues, which when addressed, can protect you and your heirs. Like having a successful business or good health, there is no guarantee that your environmental issue will be smooth sailing. No one knows going into an investigation what will be found or how big the problem might be. From experience, I can tell you that more times than not the problem is manageable and with property strategy a practical solution can be achieved. If you need someone to bounce your thoughts off, we are always a phone call or email away. Contact us and we will answer your questions and give you our opinions. May/June 2014 / 9 BU SI N E S S R E S OU R C E . . . Human Resources Management Flashpoints Available MAC HAS BEEN GIVEN SPECIAL PERMISSION TO MAKE A HUMAN RESOURCES FLASHPOINTS ADVISORY CHECKLIST AVAILABLE TO OUR MEMBERS. The flashpoints were developed by Raleigh F. “Sandy” Seay, Jr. in preparation for a presentation at the recent Southern Dycleaners and Launderers Show in Jacksonville, FL. The Seay Management Human Resources Management Flash Point Checklist consists of 20 key HR flash points that will help make sure that you are up to date and in compliance with the myriad employment regulations enforced by state and federal agencies, and that you have the “best practices” in terms of policies, procedures, manuals and documents to hire and retain good employees and motivate them to superior performance. Sandy Seay has worked with members of the South Eastern Fabricare Association for years, and has become an expert in drycleaning HR questions and concerns. He is an accomplished speaker, Proud Distributors of and will be submitting articles to The Messenger over the course of the coming year. “The checklist focusses on the need to pay attention to detail when dealing with employees” commented MAC Executive Director Peter Blake, “Far too often, employers are not familiar enough with the laws and the requirements that are in place when dealing with employees. It is a great asset for MAC members to have this information given to them. The Checklist can be found in “The Archives” section of MAC’s new website: MAC will be posting many Regulatory Guidance Documents and Tools in that section over the coming months. If you haven’t had a chance to check out the website, do it today. MAC is working to bring you the best the industry has to offer, and to provide the most helpful information and tools possible. Please don’t hesitate to contact the MAC Office or Peter Blake directly if you have comments, additions, or questions regarding the website! UNION Drycleaning Products WHY is this a GREAT TIME to BUY a DRYCLEANING MACHINE? Because cleaners have never had so many options. So many ways to…. LOWER OPERATING COSTS SAVE ENERGY (Money!!) CUT SPOTTING TIME REDUCE WASTE COSTS Larry & Frank Award Winning Installation and Service Call District Today to find the Right Machine for Your Business District Cleaners Equipment Inc. 202-723-7616 10 / MID-ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION OF CLEANERS 20 1 3 M AC’ S ALLI ED TR ADES. .. ADCO, INC FM SUPPLY PHENIX SUPPLY CO Miguel Santa Maria (240)-606-8746 Dan Kucharczuk (800) 760-7740 Dwayne Gwaltney (800) 446-3006 HERSON SUPPLY AMATO INDUSTRIES Joe Amato III (301)-565-3220 Ron Herson (301) 417-1300 HERITAGE-CRYSTAL CLEAN BILL’S COMM. HAND IRON REPAIR Bill Martyn (804)-520-2164 Jim Skelton (877) 938-7948 HUDSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY CALED CHEMICAL Jack Belluscio 1-800-OK CALED Joe Yuhanick (800) 684-9838 INDUSTRIAL DIAGNOSTICS CENTRAL APPAREL SERVICE Mason Kirsch (973) 772-6363 CHRISTOPHER CARLEY, CO Chris Carley (410)-781-7145 CLEANERS SUPPLY Joy Westby (800) 531-2943 COMPUTER CONNECTIONS Micole MA (800) 684-6650 D & R EQUIPMENT Rick Levine (202) 832-6660 DISTRICT CLEANERS EQUIPMENT, INC. Larry Langton (202) 723-7616 EHRENREICH & ASSOCIATES Richard Ehrenreich (301) 924-9246 ENVIROFORENSICS Nancy Shields (317) 972-7870 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANT Jason Copeland (410) 923-4236 Mason Kirch (866) 367-3877 RICHCLEAN Barry Gilman (800) 237-5825 SANKOSHA Ken Uchikoshi (888) 427-9120 SEITZ, INC. INTEGRYS ENERGY SERVICES Jeffrey Hoffman (813) 886-2700 Connor McGehee (603) 263-6901 SPOT BUSINESS SYSTEMS KLEERWITE CHEMICAL Ray Cheshire (801) 208-2212 Buddy Poms (877) 553-3794 STADHAM CORP OF MD KLINGER & ASSOCIATES, INC. Gerald Weinstein (410) 945-5700 Robert Klinger (301) 428-4935 R.R. STREETS & CO KOLLMAN& SAUCIER, PA James Just (202) 215-5086 Frank Kollman, Esq. (410) 727-4300 TAILWIND SYSTEMS KREUSSLER, INC Don Desrosiers (508) 965-3163 Tom McAllister (813) 884-1499 TRIAD ENGINEERING, INC. KU RESOURCES Dane Ryan (304) -755-0721 Don Blackert (412) 469-9331 THE ROUTE PRO M & L SUPPLY COMPANY James Peuster 1-877-DR-ROUTE John Beradi (330) 633-6241 USB PAYMENT PROCESSING NE, INC MECHANICAL CONTRACTING & MAINTENANCE Richard Rasmussen (804) 725-4265 Mike Bright (240) 216-4342 EZPRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL, INC METRO-CHEM Diane Rue (863) 735-0813 Jim Tirpok (336) 788-7705 FARRINGTON, N.S. & CO MOORE SERVICES David Farrington (336) 788-7705 RAM LEATHER Jerry Moore (800) 941-6673 Donny Lala (410) 828-4286 VA DRY CLEANING EQUIPMENT CO. Chip Fletcher (800) 767-1946 WILLIAMS, MULLEN, & DOBBINS, Channing Martin, Esq. (202) 293-8128 A.L. WILSON CHEMICAL CO. Bob Edwards (800) 526-1188 These suppliers support the work of MAC as Allied Trades Members. When you need supplies, equipment or other goods or services, contact a MAC Member first. Show them you value their support of the association and the industry. May/June 2014 / 11 Amato Industries Serving the MD, DC and VA areas for over 83 years. We offer top quality products at competitive pricing while delivering superior service! Choose products from top companies such as Chemaster, RRStreets, Caled, Wilson, F.H. Bonn, M&B Hangers, and many more. Please feel free to contact our knowledgeable office staff for any of your dry cleaning and laundry needs. Call, stop by, or browse (301) 565-3220 * 1-800-992-6286 9120 Talbot Ave. Silver Spring, MD 20910 MID ATLANTIC ASSOCIATION OF CLEANERS A DRYCLEANING & LAUNDRY INSTITUTE PARTNER 14700 SWEITZER LN. LAUREL, MD 20707 Welcome to MAC’s new “The Messenger”!