Turkish coup resistance was `second


Turkish coup resistance was `second
Tuesday July 26, 2016
Anadolu Agency releases book
on coup attempt in Turkey >>TURKEY
Industrialists call on world to
trust Turkish economy >> ECONOMY
Disabled Turkish MP risks life
defending parliament >> TURKEY
Turkish leaders reach crucial
consensus after failed coup
Turkish opposition leader
condemns failed coup bid
The leader of Turkey’s main parliamentary opposition, the Republican
People’s Party (CHP), has harshly
condemned the July 15 coup during
a major rally on Sunday in Istanbul.
“The Turkish parliament was hit by
a bomb, however parliament did its
duty and repelled the coup attempt,”
Kemal Kilicdaroglu said. Thousands
of demonstrators have gathered in
central Istanbul’s Taksim Square
to show their unity and solidarity.
Speaking at the rally, called Republic
and Democracy. >>MORE DETAILS
G20 leaders agree to use all
tools to stimulate growth
President Erdogan’s meeting with chairmen of ruling AK Party main opposition, opposition CHP and MHP followed July 15 coup attempt
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan met leaders of Turkey’s ruling
party along with two opposition parties in Ankara, a presidential source
said on Monday. Speaking on condition of anonymity due to restrictions
on talking to the media, the source said a closed-door meeting between
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, head of the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party Binali Yildirim, Movement Party (MHP) head Devlet
Bahceli lasted for more than two hours. On Sunday, Erdogan sent a letter
to the leaders of AK Party, CHP and MHP. >>MORE DETAILS
Finance leaders from G20 countries
reiterated Sunday their commitment to employing all policy tools
-- monetary, fiscal and structural
-- to pursue growth, while the head
of the International Monetary Fund
(IMF) called for broad-based policy
efforts. In a statement released at the
conclusion of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors
Meeting in the southwest Chinese
city of Chengdu. >>MORE DETAILS
Turkish coup resistance was
‘second Independence War’
The Turkish people staged a “second Independence
War” during their resistance against the failed July 15
coup, a labor union leader has told Anadolu Agency
in an exclusive interview. Civil servants’ union (MEMUR-SEN) head Yildirim Akbaba used social media
on the night of the coup plot to gather thousands of
US knows Gulen behind failed
coup: Turkish justice minister
The U.S. knows the July 15 coup
attempt in Turkey was made by
Pennsylvania-based preacher Fetullah Gulen, Justice Minister Bekir
Bozdag said Sunday. In remarks
made to a Turkish television channel Kanal 7, Bozdag said: “I am sure
U.S. President [Barack] Obama, the
U.S. intelligence and secretary of
state know this coup [attempt] was
made by Fetullah Gulen. I am very
sure they don’t have any hesitation
about this.” The Turkish minister
added there would be difficulties in
Turkish top general ‘told to talk with Gulen’ amid coup
relations between the two countries
if Gulen maintained his life in the
U.S. after the coup attempt. “They
[the U.S.] will also face great difficulties in relations between Turkey
and U.S, if the U.S. government
continues to keep Fetullah Gulen
in the U.S. after the coup attempt,”
Bozdag said. “The U.S. government
does not have any justification in
defending and keeping Fetullah
Gulen in the U.S.,” he added. He
said there was no obstacle in place
in international law. >> MORE DETAILS
Turkey urges US to prevent
Gulen from dodging laws
A spokesman for Turkish President
Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Sunday laid
out a case for the extradition of Fetullah Gulen to face charges that he
orchestrated an attempted overthrow
members on the streets of Ankara. In just 15 minutes, he sent messages to 50,000 union members to
respond to the undemocratic move against the legal
and elected government of Turkey. These union members poured into the capital’s squares to stand against
the soldiers involved in the coup bid. >>MORE DETAILS
of the government in Ankara. Ibrahim
Kalin urged the U.S. to not allow Gulen to “exploit its laws to avoid facing
a fair and legitimate accounting in
Turkey,” in an opinion. >>MORE DETAILS
Syria: Russian airstrikes
kill 10 civilians in Aleppo
At least 10 civilians were killed and
scores injured on Sunday when
Russian warplanes struck a hospital and residential areas in Syria’s
northern Aleppo province, according to local sources. >>MORE DETAILS
Turkey’s top general said Monday
that on the night of the July 15 coup
attempt, he was asked to speak on
the phone with U.S.-based preacher
Fetullah Gulen, the accused mastermind of the coup attempt. Chief of
Staff Gen. Hulusi Akar, testifying
as a plaintiff to Ankara prosecutors, said while he was held hostage
by pro-coup soldiers, Gen. Hakan
Evrim, the commander of a main
jet base, asked him to speak with
Gulen. “Hakan Evrim said they
could put me on phone with Fetullah Gulen, who he described as their
‘opinion leader’,” Akar said. “But I
refused the offer at once.” “I believe
those coup-plotters are members
of this organization [the Fetullah
Terrorist Organization, or FETO].
I think they thought their organization would take a huge blow after our Supreme Military Council
meeting in August. >>MORE DETAILS
Shia cleric says any British
troops in Iraq are ‘invaders’
Prominent Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada
al-Sadr has threatened to attack British troops planned to be sent to Iraq
for an anticipated offensive to retake
Mosul from Daesh. Sadr said in a Sunday statement that the British troops
would be considered as “invaders” if
they took part in. >>MORE DETAILS