Annual Report 2010-2011 - Community Foundation of Greater


Annual Report 2010-2011 - Community Foundation of Greater
Your Community Foundation.
Be a part of something bigger.
The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro
2010-2011 Report to the Community
Letter from Board of Directors Chair, 1
Women to Women, 10-11
Introducing Community Leadership Investment Fund, 2
Public Art Endowment, 12-13
Area Leaders Honored, 3
Future Fund, 14-15
The Community Foundation Board Members, 4-5
Our Initiatives and Partnerships, 16-17
Working with The Community Foundation, 6-7
Community Grants Program, 18-19
Charitable Funds, 8
Our Funds, 20-23
The Community Foundation Financial Summary & Team, 9
Alamance Foundation, 24-25
The Importance of
Community Leadersh
Dear Friends:
We have so much to celebrate! The past year saw a tremendous amount of giving back
by generous philanthropists, as well as the vital nonprofits that provide our residents
with critical needs.
In 2010, The Community Foundation received more than $10 million in donations
and granted out $10 million to worthy nonprofits – the vast majority of which are in the
greater Greensboro area. Through our grants and partnerships we are impacting jobs
and addressing issues from homelessness to the performing arts. But more importantly
we are creating opportunities for all our citizens to be engaged in our great community.
Last year, we achieved an important milestone by raising $5 million toward endowments
supporting our strategic initiatives, including the Future Fund, the Public Art
Endowment and Women to Women.
Now the time has come for The Community Foundation and others to reframe our
vision when it comes to the need for leadership – to collectively address our area’s
most pressing issues. We at the Foundation have been talking with other groups about
consolidating resources to work more efficiently and collectively. We feel that this
approach is crucial to achieving the greater impact we all want to achieve.
We created the Community Leadership Investment Fund, a significant vehicle through which
crucial resources are raised to support “the big picture” issues that will shape Greensboro’s
identity and direction in coming years. When you invest in the Community Leadership
Investment Fund, you are joining The Community Foundation to address critical issues facing
our community that require innovation and long-range thinking. We need everyone’s help to
marshal the necessary resources to do this efficiently and effectively.
A recent example of how The Community Foundation demonstrated leadership is our
work with the Interactive Resource Center, the day center which opened this spring for
people experiencing homelessness. We facilitated the donation of a building for this
organization, and our staff worked diligently to convene the different entities necessary
to make the IRC a reality.
Another example is the Foundation’s recent grant to the United Arts Council to launch a
dialogue about the possibility of a downtown performing arts center.
Collective efforts, as well as the Community Leadership
Investment Fund, are needed now, in these tight budget times.
The need for strong community leadership – by individuals,
foundations and businesses alike – has never been as imperative
as it is right now. It is time for leadership that embraces change,
not just drives it. To this end, our board has adopted a new
strategic plan for the Foundation with a priority focus
on leadership.
Louise Brady
We need everyday people and area corporations to step forward
collectively as neutral, objective players. Simply put, we aren’t
setting our priorities – it’s not clear who and what we want Greensboro to be. And if, in
fact, we are clear, I suggest that we aren’t demonstrating the courage to express it and
make it happen.
This is not to say that great things aren’t happening in Greensboro. Some examples
include Action Greensboro’s work with higher education, the new day center for the
homeless, the United Way’s Voices/Choices Report and the United Arts Council’s look at
the economic impact of the arts on our community.
But these individual reports should fit within a broader picture of where Greensboro
is heading. Now is the time for Greensboro to stop looking in its rear-view mirror for a
white knight to ride in and steer us. We need to come together – collectively – to make
the positive impact we want and need.
Everybody has something to give. Let’s all invest our time, talent and treasure
in our community.
Louise F. Brady
Chair, Board of Directors
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Foundation Leadership
Two Ways To Invest in CLIF
The first way is by companies making a direct contribution
at a wide range of giving levels:
• Participating Investor – $2,500
• Active Investor – $5,000
• Major Investor – $10,000
• Principal Investor – $25,000
Introducing CLIF: A New Fund
To Encourage Leadership Giving
Local businesses can now partner with The Community Foundation to play an integral role
in making Greensboro an even better place. Participation in the new Community Leadership
Investment Fund (CLIF) positions companies alongside The Community Foundation as a
leader in a wide range of community projects, such as:
•The development of the Interactive Resource Center, a day center for people
experiencing homelessness, which provides a variety of services, from nursing
and laundry to 12-step meetings and job counseling;
• Providing support to area nonprofits through our Community Grants Program
and The Guilford Nonprofit Consortium;
• Growing strategic endowments to create permanent funding sources for important
issues in our community, such as Women to Women and The Public Art Endowment;
• Actively participating in Action Greensboro and its efforts to enhance
the attractiveness of Greensboro to businesses, individuals and families;
• Involving young professionals in our community through The Future Fund;
• Promoting grassroots action through Building Stronger Neighborhoods; and
•The creation and oversight of IMPACT Greensboro, a diversity and leadership
training curriculum.
“When area businesses invest in the Community Leadership Investment Fund, they make
possible these and other community leadership services of The Community Foundation
not supported by traditional administrative fees earned on funds under management,”
said Walker Sanders, Foundation president.
• Primary Investor – $50,000 and more
A second way to invest is through creating a Corporate Donor-Advised Fund.
This approach helps businesses meet their charitable giving goals while letting
The Community Foundation do the administrative work. With a Corporate
Donor-Advised fund, grants can be disbursed from the fund over time, providing
a business the chance to make thoughtful decisions and have strategic impact.
Supporters of CLIF
The following individuals, families and businesses have supported the
Community Leadership Investment Fund – and through it, the leadership
endeavors of The Community Foundation – since its inception in 2010:
John Bakane
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Bank of North Carolina
Bernard Robinson & Co., LLP
Bond Family Fund
Brady Trane Service
Brooks, Pierce, McLendon,
Humphrey & Leonard, LLP
Nancy W. and Chester H. Brown Jr. Family Fund
Peter B. and Mary Ann Bush Family Fund
Carolina Bank
The Cemala Foundation, Inc.
Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Inc.
Cone Health Foundation
Craft Family Fund
Davenport, Martin, Joyce & Co.
Dick Broadcasting
Abby Donnelly
Dunn Family Fund
Charles H. Flynt Jr. Fund
GTCC Foundation
Guilford Mills Fund
Mary G. and David B. Hagan Donor-Advised Fund
Hagan Properties/CORFAC International
William E. and Emily R. Hall Family Fund
Nixon C. Henley Donor-Advised Fund
The Martha and David Howard Fund
Johnson Peddrick & McDonald
The Joseph M. Bryan Foundation of Greater
Greensboro, Inc./Weaver Foundation
Carter Leinster
Lincoln National
Long Family Foundation Fund
John and Barbara Lusk Donor-Advised Fund
Ken D. Miller Fund
NewBridge Bank
North Carolina A&T State University
Bob Page Fund
Replacements, Ltd.
Samet Construction
Walker and Dabney Sanders Fund
Schell Bray Aycock Abel & Livingston, PLLC
Shamrock & Innisbrook Fund
University of North Carolina – Greensboro
The VF Foundation
Charles L. Weill Jr. Fund
Well Spring
David and Lauren Worth
John Wright
For more information about the Community Leadership Investment Fund,
please contact Walker Sanders at (336) 379-9100 or email [email protected].
Foundation Honors
Area Leaders
Trip Brown
Brown, left, chair of the board
and executive vice president of
Brown Investment Properties, Inc.,
and a former Foundation board
member, received the Foundation’s
highest accolade, the Thornton H.
Brooks Leadership Award, from
past recipient Ron Johnson. This
recognition is given to someone
who has quietly – and with little
fanfare or credit – supported The
Community Foundation, and in
turn helped make Greensboro an
even better place to live and work.
The Richard Strasser family
The Community Foundation
awarded the Strassers its Calvin A.
Michaels Community Service Award
for their donation of a building that
has become home to the Interactive
Resource Center, a day facility for
people experiencing homelessness.
Right: Aaron Strasser
Over the past year, The Community Foundation recognized several individuals and groups
who have made a positive impact in the Greensboro community.
Northeast Guilford High School
and Ben L. Smith High School
These two schools tied to win
the annual Hugh Humphrey
School Improvement Award,
given to a Guilford County
school that has demonstrated
performance excellence.
The schools split a $10,000
award and shared the Humphrey
Cup trophy.
Elizabeth Carruthers
Carruthers, a first- and
second-grade teacher at Erwin
Montessori School, was named
the Rosalyn Tanner Orr Mentor
of the Year, which honors
individuals for helping develop
other outstanding teachers. The
award is made possible by the
Rosalyn Tanner Orr Endowment
for Excellence in Public
Education, a fund of
The Community Foundation.
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Foundation Leadership
Our Foundation Leaders
Make our Community Better
2010-2011 Board Members
Uma Avva
John Bakane
David M. Ball
Jon Bell*
Louise F. Brady, Chair
Nancy Brenner
Trip Brown*
Roy Carroll*
Kent J. Chabotar
Sue Cole
Justin Conrad
Abby Donnelly
Lowell Easter
Mona Edwards
Chuck Flynt
William Geter*
Michelle Gethers-Clark
David Hagan
Patrice Hinnant*
Kathy Hinshaw
Tomasita Jacobowitz*
Joyce Johnson
C.C. Lamberth
Julianne Malveaux
Kathy Manning
Harold Martin
Ken Miller*
Martha Peddrick
Reid L. Phillips
Erica Procton
Fairfax Reynolds
Norman Samet*
Mable Scott
Terry Simon
Andrew Spainhour
Dennis G. Stearns
Stu Taylor*
Jonathan Wall
James T. Williams, Jr.*
Lea E. Williams
Susan Larson Williams
(*) = Retired from the board
Board Committees
Executive Committee
Uma Avva, Secretary
John Bakane, Chair-Elect
Louise Brady, Chair
Kent J. Chabotar, Treasurer
Mona Edwards
Chuck Flynt
C.C. Lamberth
Kathy Manning
Andrew Spainhour
Dennis G. Stearns
Lea E. Williams
Susan Larson Williams
Investment Committee
John Bakane
Louise Brady
Molly Carrison
Lee Carter
John Englar
Chuck Flynt, Chair
Barry Frank
Buster Johnson
James B. Powell
Charles L. Weill, Jr.
Ann Zuraw
Governance Committee
Uma Avva
John Bakane
Louise Brady
Kathy Manning
Jonathan Wall
Susan Larson Williams, Chair
Audit Committee
Elizabeth Douglas
Barry Hartis
Andrew Herman
Harold Martin
Lewis R. Ritchie
Andrew Spainhour, Chair
Eric Wisco
Finance and Administration
Kent J. Chabotar, Chair
Jon M. Glazman
Ramsey Hamadi
Karen Hodson
Terry Simon
David M. Worth
Grants Committee
Uma Avva, Chair
Nancy Brenner
Dale Frederiksen
William Geter
Kathy Hinshaw
Joyce Johnson
Tomasita Jacubowitz
Supporting Organizations
Lawrence McSwain
Ann Morris
Mildred Poole
Stuart Taylor
Wes Ward
Susan Larson Williams
Laurette Zwickel
Scholarship Committee
Chris Cheek
Therese Coon
Weesie Person
Mildred Poole
Bob Weston
Lea E. Williams, Chair
Philanthropic Services
& Development Committee
David M. Ball
Louise Brady
Justin Conrad
Michael Godwin
David Hagan
Ron Johnson
Ann Lineweaver
Kathy Manning, Chair
Reid Phillips
Stu Taylor
Jerry Zwickel
Professional Advisors
Robert Borden
Peter Brevorka
Wayne Ford
R. Blair Goodman
Lori Haddock
Keith Hiatt
Ron Johnson
Kim Ketchum
Jennifer Koenig
Martha Peddrick
Jerry Pinsker
Ginger Shields
Dennis G. Stearns, Chair
Keith Wood
Ryan Newkirk
Marketing Committee
Mona Edwards, Chair
Zach Matheny
Reid Phillips
Erica Procton
Mable Scott
Linda Sloan
Lea E. Williams
Real Estate Management Fund
Board of Directors
Louise Brady
Trip Brown, Chair
Al Lineberry, Jr.
Ann Lineweaver
Walker Sanders
Charles L. Weill, Jr.
James Williams*
The Stanley and Dorothy Frank
Family Foundation Board of Directors
Carole W. Bruce, Secretary
Barry S. Frank, Vice President and Treasurer
William A. Frank, President
Charlie Reid
Walker Sanders
Gate City Company Board
of Directors
Roy Carroll
Nettie L. Coad
Henry V. Cunningham, Jr., Treasurer
Eunice M. Dudley
Paul G. Gilmer, Sr., Secretary
James Hoffman
C.C. Lamberth, Vice Chair
Yolanda Leacraft, Chair
M. Jan Malone
Ken Miller
Jackie O’Connell, Ex-Officio Member,
Assistant Treasurer
Elaine Ostrowski
Walker Sanders, Ex-Officio Member, Assistant Secretary
Susan Schwartz
Andy Scott, Ex-Officio
Ben Uwakweh
(*) = Retired from the committee
in December 2010
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Your Foundation Relationship
Outright Gifts
Cash: Fully deductible up to 50 percent of the donor’s adjusted gross income in any one
year. Excess can be carried forward for up to five additional years.
Appreciated Securities (Stocks and Bonds): Avoids capital gains tax on the appreciated
portion of the gift. Full fair market value is deductible as a charitable contribution up to 30
percent of adjusted gross income. Excess can be carried forward for up to five additional years.
IRA Distributions: Individuals can use IRA assets to benefit the charities of their choice and
should consult their tax advisors accordingly.
Life Insurance: If you name The Community Foundation as owner and beneficiary of a life
insurance policy, you receive an immediate tax deduction that typically approximates the cash
surrender value. Further premium payments are deductible as a charitable contribution.
Working with
The Community Found
Other Assets: You can contribute real property, mutual fund shares, limited partnerships or
other business interests.
You can make our area a better place to live and work by partnering with the Community
Foundation. The Community Foundation offers a wide range of giving options to make
it easy for you to establish a fund or contribute to an already existing fund.
• Outright gifts to the Foundation can include cash, securities, real estate, life insurance
or other assets.
• Life income plans are charitable remainder trusts or annuities that allow you to take an
immediate tax deduction for your gift and receive an income stream for life.
• Remainder gifts are assets left to the Foundation at your death, such as pension plans,
life insurance or the proceeds from the sale of a house.
Jeanne Robertson, left,
Miss North Carolina 1963
and nationally known
humorist, and Guilford
County Commissioner Kay
Cashion meet at the Annual
Luncheon. Robertson was
the keynote speaker.
Life Income Plans
Charitable Remainder Trusts: Charitable remainder trusts pay lifetime income to you or
your named beneficiaries – either a fixed percentage of the fair market value or a fixed dollar
amount. Assets are transferred to your named charitable fund to support your giving goals
when the trust is terminated.
Charitable Gift Annuities: You receive a guaranteed income stream and an immediate tax
deduction. After paying a lifetime annuity to you and your spouse, the remaining principal is
transferred to your named charitable fund to accomplish your charitable goals. If you choose,
you can receive the income tax deduction now but defer income until later.
Remainder Gifts
Bequests: You can establish or add to your named fund through a bequest in your will or trust.
Pension Plans: Since a retirement plan produces taxable income and an heir must pay tax
on disbursements, it can be an excellent asset to transfer to a charity.
Life Insurance: Insurance proceeds payable to the Foundation at your death will not be
subject to federal estate taxes.
Other Assets: You can contribute real property, mutual fund shares, limited partnerships
or other business interests.
How to Establish Your Relationship with The Community Foundation:
The Community Foundation makes it easy to establish a charitable fund that carries your name,
commemorates a special event, supports a special project or honors a favorite organization,
friend or family member. You can choose when and how to make gifts from your fund or you can
rely on the Foundation to determine how to best make an impact in the community.
The assets you use to establish your fund can range from bequests and outright gifts of cash
and securities to a trust that provides a steady stream of income during your lifetime. So
explore your options and select the approach that works best for you.
To get started, our Foundation team partners with you – and your professional advisors
if you choose – to complete a simple, six-step process:
1. Define a charitable purpose or intent for your fund.
2.Decide whether you will determine which grants are made (donor-advised funds) or whether
you will leave those decisions to the Foundation (community grantmaking funds).
3. Select a name for your fund.
4. Designate current and successor fund advisors, as necessary.
5. Complete a simple governing document to make your intentions crystal clear.
6.Contribute an initial, tax-deductible gift of cash, securities, real estate, IRA distributions or life insurance
to establish the fund. You can add to it at any time and in any dollar amount.
If you would like to explore setting up your own charitable fund at The Community Foundation, please
contact John Whisnant, development officer, at (336) 379-9100, ext. 117, or email [email protected].
Bill Koronis, center, greets John Whisnant, development officer, and
Gina Mantura, funds manager, at the Heritage Society’s Holiday High
Tea at the O.Henry Hotel. The Heritage Society is comprised of people
who have included The Community Foundation in their estate planning.
Judith Abraham
Bill Amidon
Roger and Gloria Anthony
Ed and Vivien Bauman
Jack and Helene Belfi
Tim Biltz
Jill Biltz
Bill Black
Arthur and Joanne Bluethenthal
Mae Parker Boles
Mary Lou Bowden-Klein
Don and Mary Gay Brady
David and Suejette Brown
George and Joyce Brumback
Skip Bryan
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Bryan
Mike and Martha Cammack
Buck and Polly Campbell
Drew and Claudia Cannady
Lee Carter and Greg Bradley
Bo and Mott Carter
Alan and Sally Cone
Barbara Cone
Warren and Betty Corgan
Joanne Craft
Richard Cresenzo
Bill Cross
Chick and Constance Dee
Jim and Abby Donnelly
Owen and Cynthia Doyle
Jed and Gwyn Dunn
Worth Durgin
Harold and Mary Eagle
John Farmer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fitzsimons
Chuck and Diane Flynt
Virginia Forrest
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gobble
Grover C. Godwin
Blair and Laura Goodman
Mebane Ham
Ross Harris
Richard and Doris Hendricks
Tom and Jean Hogen
Gene and Pat Holder
Z and Charlene Holler
Judy Horne
David and Martha Howard
Lenora Jackson
Ron Johnson
Herbert Jones
Bob and Jolyn Kelley
Bill and Ava Koronis
Peter and Karen Kotting
Carolyn LeBauer
Clayton and Caroline Lee
Ken Lesley
John and Evelyn Lewis
Al and Ginni Lineberry
Ann Lineweaver
Dan and Bonnie McAlister
Renny Moore
Vernon and Sally Mull
Clyde and Sallie Nolan
Harold and Carolyn O’Tuel
Tina Patterson
Charlie and Nancy Reid
Royce and Jane Reynolds
Matt and Ann Russ
Norman and Sylvia Samet
Steve and Tara Sandercock
Walker and Dabney Sanders
Carroll and Larry Sitton
Tom and Linda Sloan
Lanty and Margaret Smith
William and Beth Smith
David and Pam Sprinkle
Frank and Rossie Starr
Kay Stern
Adeline Talbot
Al G. Taylor
Tom Ward
Jack and Sarah Warmath
Pat and Ellen Weiner
John Whisnant
Becky Williams
Tex and Barbara Williams
Lynn Wooten
Tom and Elaine Wright
Andrew Zimmerman
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Your Foundation Relationship
Establish a fund in your name!
Any of the options below can be established in your name, or in the name of
your family, your organization or anyone you wish to honor. All grants distributed
from the fund you establish – today and in the future – are then awarded to
charities in the name of that fund. It’s a great way to always be involved with,
and remembered for, your community investment.
Eric Rowles, President and CEO of Leading to Change, Inc.,
inspires members of our Teen Grantmaking Council during their
annual grantmaking celebration. Area teens awarded more than
$9,000 to worthy causes in 2010.
The following are great giving options. Choose the one that’s right for you!
Donor-advised funds. You can have ongoing involvement in the use of your gift.
You work with our professional program staff, identifying ways to use dollars from the
donor-advised fund you establish to address the issues and needs you care about most.
Your recommendations are submitted to our local board for approval; we then distribute
grant dollars.
Unrestricted funds. Your gift can address ever-changing community needs – including
future needs that often cannot be anticipated at the time your fund is established. We
evaluate all aspects of community well-being – arts and culture, economic development,
education, environment, health and human services, neighborhood revitalization and more.
The flexibility of your unrestricted gift enables The Community Foundation’s program experts
to respond to the community’s most pressing needs, today and tomorrow.
Field of interest funds. You can target your gift to address needs in an important area
of community life such as Arts, AIDS, Aging, At-risk Youth. You identify your personal
interest area when making your gift; our board awards grants to community organizations and
programs that are making a difference in the area you select.
Scholarships. You can invest your gift in our community’s future and show students you
care, all with the guidance and personal services of The Community Foundation. You determine
the criteria students must meet to receive the scholarship you establish. With your assistance,
students achieve their academic and career-oriented goals – from preschool to postgraduate work.
Designated funds. You can direct your gift to a specific nonprofit organization or purpose.
Help provide ongoing funding for a senior center, museum or virtually any nonprofit charitable
organization. Nonprofit organizations can use a designated fund through The Community
Foundation to build their endowment and enhance their ability to accept large and complex gifts.
Supporting organizations. You can use your gift to establish a comprehensive alternative
to a private foundation – with only a fraction of the administrative responsibilities and
cost. You select some of the board members, maintain personal involvement and support
the causes and organizations you care about while enjoying the favorable tax treatment of
a public charity. Leave investment management, start-up costs, grant administration and
reporting to The Community Foundation.
Grants forTotal Assets
Charitable Purposes
2010 Highlights
• By the end of 2010, the Foundation’s long-term investment pool had fully
recovered from the 2008-09 stock market decline.
• The Foundation’s assets grew by 11 percent.
• Donor-advised funds accounted for 69 percent of all grants.
• In 2010, we opened 40 new funds totaling $3.6 million.
• More than 77 percent of the Foundation’s assets are comprised of long-term
financial investments.
• Main investment pool increased in value by 15 percent.
The Foundation’s audited financial statements are available
on our website,
Your Community Foundation Team
From left: John Whisnant, Development Officer; Jackie O’Connell,
Chief Financial Officer and Vice President, Finance and
Administration; Monique Steele, Program Officer; Jim Kennedy,
Controller; Tara Sandercock, Vice President, Grants and Initiatives;
Janice Nagy, Executive Assistant; Diana Hedgspeth, Accountant;
Gina Mantura, Funds Manager and Receptionist; Traci Poole,
Program Assistant; Lynn Wooten, Vice President, Marketing and
Communications; and Walker Sanders, President. (Not pictured:
Mindy Oakley, Chief Operating Officer and Vice President,
Philanthropic Services; Adeline Talbot, Program Director, the Public
Art Endowment and the ART/Foundation Initiative; and Donna
Newton, Director, Guilford Nonprofit Consortium and Liaison,
Building Stronger Neighborhoods)
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Our Strategic Initiatives
Save th
e Date
Women to Women, approaching $3 million
fundraising goal, plans Celebration Luncheon
featuring trailblazer, ‘Woman of the Year’
Wednesday, November 16
Special Guest Speaker:
Dee Dee Myers
For updates, follow us on Facebook
and visit!
Women to Women grew exponentially in the past year.
The first grantmaking endowment in Greensboro devoted to causes relevant to women
and families, Women to Women is closing in on its initial $3 million fundraising goal. Once
it meets this crucial milestone, Women to Women will be able to award up to $150,000 in
grants annually to worthy recipients that have “the big idea.” In its grantmaking, Women
to Women is focusing on the areas of education, social services, the environment, health
and the arts, as they pertain to women and families.
In 2010 under the leadership of Ann Morris and Pam Stearns, the endowment awarded
its first grant to the Sherri Denese Jackson Foundation for the Prevention of Domestic
Violence, Inc. The $25,000 grant was transformative because it allowed the organization
to double its service capacity in some areas.
Women to Women will present a second $25,000 grant toward an effort benefiting
education at its Celebration Luncheon on Wednesday, Nov. 16. The special guest at the
event will be Dee Dee Myers, who in 1993 became the first woman to serve as White
House press secretary. She also is the author of Why Women Should Rule the World, a
bestselling memoir that also “explores the trials women have boldly faced throughout
history to achieve opportunities in places where their presence was once denied.”
Women to Women also is proud to announce that it has formed a strong partnership with
the News & Record, the Presenting Sponsor of this year’s luncheon. The newspaper has
signed on in support
of the endowment
at the Founding
Donor level ($25,000
or higher), and at the
luncheon we
will honor the
Woman of the Year,
a new award given
in the News &
Record’s name.
Frances Bullock
Chair, Women to Women
Advisory Committee
Adair Armfield
Advisory Committee
Member and Celebration
Luncheon Co-Chair
Clem Clement
Advisory Committee
Member and Celebration
Luncheon Co-Chair
Adair Armfield and Clem Clement are co-chairs of the Celebration Luncheon. Women to
Women is now accepting sponsorships and table sales for the event. Individual tickets are
on sale now, as well.
In addition, Women to Women has a new Advisory Council, headed by Frances Bullock.
The council’s members include: Adair Armfield, Louise Brady, Mary Gay Brady,
Lisa Bullock, Clem Clement, Ginger Griffin, Robin Hager, Barbara Kretzer, Julie Lapham,
Carol Levin, Ann Lineweaver, Misty McCall, Carol McCoy, Betsy Oakley, Claudia Reich,
Rebecca Schlosser, Phyllis Shavitz, Linda Sloan, Pam Stearns and Barbara Williams.
For more information about Women to Women or to purchase your ticket to the
Celebration Luncheon, visit
Women to Women
$250,000 and Up
Jean Reese
$100,000 - $249,000
Lisa Bullock
Linda Sloan
$50,000 - $99,999
Sally S. Cone
Jane Gorrell, in memory of Eva Lindley
Turner and Mary Turner Gorrell
Margaret Michel
Phyllis Shavitz, in memory of
Stanley Shavitz
$25,000 - $49,000
Adair Armfield
Anonymous (2)
Gail Boulton
Louise Brady
Mary Gay Brady
Suejette Brown
Frances Bullock
Linda Carlisle
Dorothy Chappell
Clem Clement, in memory of Carlotta
Satterfield Mewborne
Tonya Cockman
Sue Cole
Luck Davidson
Cathy Easter
Ginger Griffin
Robin Hager, honored by
NewBridge Bank
Berkeley Harris
Brooks, Pierce, McLendon, Humphrey
& Leonard LLP, in honor of Sandra
Day O’Connor
Morgan Horner
Anne Hummel
Dina Jennings
Barbara Kretzer
Julie Lapham
Carol Levin, in memory of Stella P.
Levin and Jane D. Cole
Ann Lineweaver
Kathy Manning, in honor of her
Beth Marshall
Misty McCall
Carol McCoy
Bonnie McElveen-Hunter
Alison McMillian
Madeline Mills
Ann Morris
Allison Morrisette, in honor of Ruth
Alderman and Nancy Morrisette
News & Record
Carrie Norry
Betsy Oakley
Claudia Reich
Catherine Rice
Sylvia Samet
Emilie Samet
Rebecca Schlosser
Pat Sevier
Joy Shavitz
Melanie Soles
Sue Starr
Pam Stearns
Kay Stern
Julia Sypher, in honor of Nell Davis Abels
Leslye Tuck, in honor of her parents’
fiftieth wedding anniversary
Katherine Weaver
Judy White
Sue White
Jackie Wieland
Barbara Williams
Ann Zuraw
$10,000 - $24,999
Erica Procton
$5,000 - $9,999
Sylvia Berkelhammer
Jean Copeland
Lynn Haley
Leigh Jones
Julianne Malveaux
Elizabeth Stanley
$2,500 - $4,999
Knox Barker, in honor of Mother,
Eliza; Mother-In-Law, Ellenor; and
daughters Emilie and
Mary Katharine
Nancy Doll, in honor of
Carol Cole Levin
Sara N. King – Optimum Insights, Inc.
Grey Lineweaver, in honor of
Ann Lineweaver
Margie G. Motsinger
Karen Schaede
Rebecca Taylor, in memory of
Frances Taylor Boone
Jane Trevey, in memory of
Christine P. Whitton
Laura Way, in honor of Kay Stern
Under $2,500
Elaine Abrams, in honor of Linda Sloan
and all of her hard work
Rose Ackerman, in honor of
Kathy Manning
Elizabeth Applebaum
Kathy Barbee
Cheryl Barnett
Shari Beavers
The Bell Foundation
Mrs. Harden Blackwell
Susan Boydoh
Betsy Carr
Mary Leigh W. Carrison
Jane Cochrane, in memory of
Neil Maddux
Pat Copeland
Jean Jennings Cornwell , in honor of
Patricia Jean Herrick Jennings
Margot Cunningham
Quinn Dalton
Mona Gillis Edwards
Teresa Ericksson
Joan Falk-Isaacson
Elizabeth P. Fisher
Shawn Fortune, in honor of
Frances Bullock
Susan Gottsegen, in honor of
Linda Sloan
Katherine Hamilton
Mrs. Henry D. Haywood
Lindsay Henderson –
Lindsay Henderson Interiors
Sharon Hicks
Pat Ingersoll
Karen Jacobs
Caroline Jones
Heidi Keeley
Gina Kinard
Doris Kiser, in honor of Adair Armfield
Kimberly Knox
Virginia Harris Knox
Susan Kroll-Smith
Joan Legette
Cathy Levinson, in honor of
Kathy Manning
Susan G. Lutins
Jill Masters, in honor of Dana Schleien
Susan Mayes
Amy Mohorn
Sharon Morgan
Kim Murray
Lisa Newsome, in honor of Emilie
Jane Pearce, in honor of Ann
Jackie Pearce
Martha Peddrick
Judith Peters, in honor of Dana
Jean Pudlo
Nancy Quaintance
Kim Record
Laurie Regal
Claudia Reich, in honor of Martha Ellen
Erin Rosen, in honor of Dana Schleien
Mary Susan Ross, in honor of Jane
Carroll and Paula Royster
Joan and Harry Samet, in memory of
Min Klein
Ann Shepherd
Robin Skirboll
Kim Smir
Janet Sternerson
Kitty Sydnor
Cynthia Townes
Rosalind Weintraub
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weissburg, in
honor of Dana Schleien
Linda Wilson
Edward Winslow, in honor of Sally
Gail Boulton, in honor of Barbara
Butler Boulton, in memory of Anna
Margaret Boulton and in memory of
Marcella Butler
Louise and Jim Brady, in honor of
Mary Gay Brady and in honor of Lou
Jeb Brooks, in honor of Nancy Greever
Frances Haywood Bullock, in memory
of Wilma Long Bullock and in honor
of Alice Cheshire Haywood
Andrew and Carter Cockman, in honor
of Tonya Cockman
Tonya Martin Cockman, in honor of
Bonnie McElveen-Hunter
Tonya and Caroline Cockman, in
honor of Mary Maud Sanders
Cockman and in memory of Edith
Holt Sanders
Bert, Sandra, Julia, Frances and Eli
Davis, in honor of Fran Davis
Bert, Fran, Sandra, Julia, Frances
and Eli Davis, in honor of Sandra
Holderness Davis and in honor of
Adelaide Holderness
The Dehnert Family, in honor of Anne
Cone Liptzin
David, Guy and Bo Hagan, in honor of
Mary Hagan
Marty Halyburton, in honor of Refugee
Mothers at Avalon Trace
Tonya and Caroline Cockman &
Candice and Judy Jennings, in
memory of Mildred Hurt Jennings
David Lineweaver, John Oetgen and
John Lineweaver, in honor of Ann
Rountree Lineweaver
Ann Morris, in honor of
Margaret Morris
Mindy, Chad, Catie, Summer and
Chase Oakley, in honor of Betsy
Oakley and in honor of
Linda Wagner
Carrie Norry, Tamara Rice and Allison
Polish, in honor of Linda Sloan
The Reich Family, in memory of Polly
Rebecca Schlosser, in honor of
Ruth Heafner
Paul and Mable Scott and Sons, in
honor of Margaret Taylor Scott
Tonya Cockman, Sue Martin and
Carla Shumate, in memory of
Helen Parker Murray
Tonya Cockman and Carla
Shumate, in honor of Sue
Murray Martin
Phyllis Shavitz, in memory of
Tillie Tolon
Will, Leo and Joe Soler, in honor
of Flor Garayar, in honor of
Michelle Soler and in honor of
Sharyn Lowe
Dennis Stearns and Angela, in
honor of Pam Stearns
Dawn Swanson, in honor of
Lita Swanson
Jim Williams, in honor of Barbara
Williams and in honor of
Ethel Williams
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Our Strategic Initiatives
The Public Art Endowment
Left: “Standing Vase with
Five Flowers”
Right: “Entrance
to a Garden”
Sculpture to grace Green Valley Road,
thanks to efforts by the Public Art Endowment
Many people like to receive flowers, and the city of Greensboro will accept a special
bouquet this fall, thanks to the Public Art Endowment.
Standing Vase with Five Flowers, a sculpture by noted artist James Surls, will adorn the
median of Green Valley Road, just outside the entrance to the Proximity Hotel. Trustees of
the Endowment chose the piece as their 2011 long-term installation.
As of the trustees’ Annual Meeting in May 2011, the Endowment neared the halfway
mark of its initial $2 million fundraising drive and boasted 130 trustees, including 11 full
trustees and 20 trustee groups.
The Endowment also gratefully received a $100,000 gift from David and Lauren Worth,
who completed their role as the fund’s first co-chairs. An advisory committee has been
established to guide the next important phase of the Endowment’s fundraising efforts.
Committee members include Adair Armfield, Fran Davis, Jane and Richard Levy, Kathryn
Long, Skip Moore, Bill Porter and Russ Robinson.
With the installation of the Surls sculpture (scheduled for Sept. 27, 2011), the Public Art
Endowment has now provided Greensboro with three unique pieces of public art. Guardian II
by Billy Lee, made possible by a gift from Richard and Jane Levy and the employees of
their company HBD, Inc., watches over the grounds of the Old Guilford County Courthouse.
And in September 2010, trustees unveiled Entrance to a Garden, a
whimsical sculpture by Dennis Oppenheim, on the front lawn of the
VF/Wrangler Corp. building downtown.
The Endowment “is a very positive thing. I wish we had them
in every city,” Oppenheim said at the unveiling. “It’s got a
very interesting role here,” he said of the Endowment. “It’s unique. I’ve never come
across anything quite like it. Anything that helps art operate in the public has got to be
applauded, so I’m very grateful that they could make this happen.”
Tragically, Oppenheim died just three months later. The future of Entrance to a Garden, and
whether it will remain in Greensboro permanently, is still under discussion.
In 2010, Endowment trustees enjoyed an art-oriented trip to New York, and they are
planning a similar field trip to Los Angeles in fall 2011.
The Public Art Endowment was established in 2008 with a generous lead gift from Schell
Bray Aycock Abel and Livingston PLLC in honor of the firm’s 20th anniversary.
The Community Foundation believes that art is closely tied to a city’s identity and the
people who inhabit it.
For more information on The Public Art Endowment, please visit
Trustees to the Fund Include:
Trustee ($25,000 and above giving level)
Gail Boulton
Nancy Brooks
Joe Bryan, Jr.
Linda and Jim Carlisle
Sally and Bob Cone
Barbara Kretzer
Kathryn and Bobby Long
Gloria and Reid Phillips
Schell Bray Aycock Abel & Livingston PLLC
Adeline and David Talbot
Lauren and David Worth
Group Trustees ($5,000 giving level)
Terry Akin and Barb Steslow
Adair Armfield
Robin and Quint Barefoot
Nancy and Allan Beaver
Jackie and Steven Bell
Sydney Black
Barbara and Bob Boulton
Louise and Jim Brady
Nancy Brooks
Nancy and Jim Bryan
Lisa and Willie Bullock
Mary and Eric Calhoun
Dorothy Chappell
Jane Cochrane
Tonya and Sanders Cockman
Kelli and Garrison Coley
Ann and Pete Davenport
Fran and Bert Davis
Penny Demetriades
Nancy Doll
Linda Ertel
Evans and Ron Garber
Laura and David Gibbs
Mary and David Hagan
Michael Henderson and Jan Anderson
Maribeth and David Hudgins
Jackie Humphrey
Lisa and Buster Johnson
Kimberly and Richard Jones
Jane and Richard Levy
Mary and Paul Livingston
Carolyn Maddux
Jane McCallum
Sallie McMillion
Martha and Frank Mellon
Peg and Skip Moore
Lisa and Bert Newsome
Betsy and Mitch Oakley
Julie Olin
Mopsy and David Patterson
Mary and John Peterson
Jane and Lloyd Peterson
Annette and Bill Porter
Tricia and Allan Preyer
Elizabeth and Matthew Rankin
Ann and Russ Robinson
Dabney and Walker Sanders
Beatrice Schall
Pam and David Sprinkle
Sue and Fred Starr
Meg and Ben Sternberg
Martha and Tom Stukes
Maggie Triplette
Kim Kesterton Trone
Martha and Harrison Turner
Traci and Sam Turner
Nancy Vaughan
Susan and Bill Veazey
Anne and Thomas Wagg
Geoffrey Wall
Darryl and Earle Wanzer
Sarah and Jack Warmath
Laura Way
John Whisnant
Judy and Len White
Lynn Wooten and Paul Russ
Ellen and Robert Worth
Leigh and Eddie Yost
Trustees of the Public Art
Endowment headed to the
Proximity Hotel to celebrate
the unveiling of sculptor
Dennis Oppenheim’s
“Entrance to a Garden.”
The reception, along with
several other events in the
past year, was sponsored in
part by Quaintance-Weaver
Restaurants & Hotels. Our
thanks to QuaintanceWeaver for their generosity!
David and Lauren Worth made
a lead gift of $100,000.
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Our Strategic Initiatives
Save the D
Future Fund Pig Pickin’
Sept. 30, 2011
Future Fund awards $40,000 in grants
and achieves its $1 million fundraising goal
of Arthur and Desiree Dick. The event raised $30,000. Another pig pickin’ is planned for
Friday, Sept. 30, at the home of Jim and Louise Brady.
The Future Fund of The Community Foundation achieved its $1 million endowment
fundraising goal – just in time for its milestone 10th anniversary.
Jay Kenerly is chair of Future Fund in 2011. Durant Bell is chair-elect.
“We are so excited to have achieved this important goal,” said Jay Kenerly, Future Fund
chair. “This is a great example of how successful philanthropy can be accomplished
when we work as a group.”
With its $1 million endowment – one of the largest endowed grantmaking funds
controlled by young adults in the United States – Future Fund will now be able to grant
$40,000 a year to worthy nonprofit organizations in the Greensboro area.
In 2010, with a grantmaking theme of “Educational Programs for Children and Youth,”
Future Fund awarded grants totaling $40,000 to six area organizations including
BackPack Beginnings, Men-Tors Association, NC A&T University, Opportunities
Unlimited of Greensboro, Cove Creek Gardens and Tristan’s Quest.
“Promoting Civic and Community Involvement” is Future Fund’s grants theme for 2011.
Last fall, Future Fund organized one of its largest parties ever – a pig pickin’ at the home
Future Fund is a fresh approach to philanthropy. Its members are a group of young
leaders from the Greensboro area who are committed to making our community a better
place and improving the quality of life for all of our citizens. Future Fund members have
this impact on their community by contributing to a permanent endowment that makes
grants to build a better Greensboro.
Future Fund provides an innovative alternative for those who aren’t ready to establish a
Community Foundation fund of their own. For as little as $50 annually for students and
$125 annually for adults, you can pool your resources with others in the community and
put your philanthropic dreams into action.
Membership fees and gifts underwrite the Future Fund endowment and help you make
a far greater impact on the community than any of us can make on our own. You’ll have a seat
at the table when funding decisions are made and can sponsor grants for worthy organizations.
For more information on Future Fund or to become a member,
please visit
Future Fund ’s Grant History
Total Amount of Grants
Distributed: $387,462
2010 Grants:
Focus: Supporting Educational Programs
for Children and Youth
Total Funds Awarded: $40,000
Matching Donor: Greensboro Grasshoppers
BackPack Beginnings $10,000:
to provide backpacks of food to kids over
the weekend
Men-Tors Association $7,500:
for a mentoring program for boys
aged 9-16
North Carolina A&T University $7,500:
for FIRST Tech Challenge teams in
Guilford County Schools
Opportunities Unlimited
of Greensboro $7,500:
for a financial fitness class for youth
in public housing
Cove Creek Gardens $2,500:
for summer nature camps for at risk
and special needs children
Tristan’s Quest $2,500:
to expand educational support
services to more children
Member-Sponsored Grants $2,500:
(determined by grants committee)
2009 Grants:
Focus: Launching Innovative Programs
that Promote Healthy Lifestyles
Total Funds Awarded: $32,800
Matching Donor: John Lomax,
Lomax Properties
2008 Grants:
Focus: Launching Innovative “green”
programs that will protect and sustain
our Environment
Total Funds Awarded: $41,662
Matching Donor: Greensboro Jaycees
2007 Grants:
Focus: Launching Innovative Programs;
Emphasis on Children and Youth
Total Funds Awarded: $50,000
Matching Donor: The Wyndham
2006 Grants:
Focus: Launching Innovative Programs;
Emphasis on Underserved Populations
Total Funds Awarded: $43,420
Matching Donor: Chrysler Classic
of Greensboro
2005 Grants and
Member-Sponsored Grants:
Focus: Innovative Programs to Impact
Total Funds Awarded: $33,525
Matching Donor: Anonymous
2004 Grants:
Focus: Attraction and Retention of Young
Adults in Greensboro
Total Funds Awarded: $32,500
Matching Donor: Anonymous
2003 Grants:
Focus: Downtown Revitalization
Total Funds Awarded: $33,450
Matching Donor: Lynn and Mike Haley
2001-2002 Grants:
Focus: Downtown Revitalization
Total Funds Awarded: $42,000
Matching Donor: Kathryn and Bobby
Long, Long Miller and Associates
2000 Grants:
Focus: Children and Youth
Total Funds Awarded: $38,000
Matching Donor: Mary Gay and Don Brady
These are members who
have made a one-time
commitment of $1,250
a person to support
Future Fund.
Erik and Holly Albright
Alex and Teresa Audilet
Frank Auman
David and Colleen Ball
Dan and Knox Barker
Durant and Mary Katherine Bell
Jon and Allison Bell
Jim and Louise Brady
Cooper Brantley
Elizabeth Brantley
Chester and Martha Brown
Jim and Nancy Bryan
Joe Cannon
Justin and Andria Conrad
Betsy and Phillip Craft
Daniel and Kathryn Craft
John and Jennifer Cross
Phillip Dalton
Rick and Mary Dehnert
William and Paige Dubose
Keith Dyer
Whit and Fleming Edwards
Dave Staub and Susan Edwards
Scott and Tricia Faircloth
Katherine and Graham Farless
James and Emily Faucher
Scott and Jean Anne Ferner
Sam Funchess
Garland and Gary Graham
Will Graham
Larry Gutierrez
John Hagan
Harrison and Liddy Hall
Robby and Eloise Hassell
Kristen and James Haynes
Greg and Julie Higgins
Burney and Dina Jennings
Cliff Burts and Neil Johnson
Robert and Margaret Kantlehner
Rosemary and Jay Kenerly
Rob and Courtney Kidwell
Matt King
Jay and Katharine Kirkpatrick
Steve and Leigh Ann Klee
Bob and Harriette Knox
Dan and Jennifer Koenig
Dean and Kathleen Little
Zack Matheny
James Melvin
Richard and Sarah Montana
Allen and Heather Oakley
Chad and Mindy Oakley
Patrick and Kelly Parr
Amanda Patty
Ryan and Corey Pitz
Tyler and Lori Richardson
Walker and Dabney Sanders
Michelle and Joe Soler
Meg and Challey Strader
Taylor and Sara Stroud
Jon and Ashley Wall
Don and Margaret White
Brantley and Jacalyn White
David and Susan Wolfe
David and Rhonda Youngdahl
Elizabeth and William Allen
Jeffrey Allen
Ken Anderson
Seth Avant
Emma and Powell Baggett
Nick Bakatsias
Sarah Barkalow
James Basnight
Ashley Bennington
Stewart Black
Burns and Laura Blackwell
Ken Blake
Courtney and Paul Boger
Aaron Borp
Stephen and Heidi Boswell
Randall Bowman
Joe Brady
Spencer Broadhurst
Jeb Brooks
Will and Andrea Brooks
Drew Brown
Ashley Bucy
Parker Burke
Kristi Caradori
Caroline and Henry Carrison
David Cary
Phillip Cathcart
Ames Chamberlin
Andrew and Sheri Chamberlin
Cindy Edwards
Ashton and Bryan Clemmons
Andrew and Stephanie Clifford
Jeff Collie
Chas and Rebecca Coltrane
Manning and Jackie Connors
Allen and Abbey Cooke
Drew and Jess Coughlan
Michael and Michelle Dowd Cowie
Lawrence and Joanna Cox
Kara and Stephen Cox
Kate Creasy
Douglas Delietu
Sarah Doggett
Jim and Abby Donnelly
John and Nina Duberstein
Jesse and William Duke
Zachary Engle
Steve and Erin Farney
Amanda Foster
Mark Fricke
Tim and Jessica George
Abby L. Gin
Carter and Kaky Grant
Robert Gray
Jennifer and Jason Griffin
David and Mary Hagan
Duncan and Elizabeth Ham
George and Terri Harris
Mary Margaret Hart
Matt Hawks
Mat and Chris Hayes
Marlee Henderson
Juan and Sebrina Hernandez
Maria Hicks-Few and Lowell Few
Thomas and Lauren Hockman
Tyler Hollis
Steve and Ariel Holteman
Natalie and Freeman Jackson
Katy Jackson
Heather and Jay Jahnes
Haden and Candice Jennings
Lindsay and Kody Jones
Benjamin and Karen Kahn
Sterling Kelly
Kevin and Amy Kemp
Heather and Craig Kiser
Katie Kreasy
Pearce and Anne Landry
Janice Lanier
James Lanik
Shannon Lee
Mary Brooke Leonard
Luke and Amy Leubuscher
Matt and Evan Logan
Brad and Mary Ellen Lowry
Alexander Marano
Julie Marco
John and Kimberly Martin
Christine McCuen
Beth and Dalton McLean
Will McPherson
Tom and Donna Medlin
Bethany Meinart
Kellie Melinda
Laura Melvin
Kelley Mills
Brandon and Megan Moorefield
Macon Morrison
Richard and Nicole Mossman
Ben and Melissa Norman
Fraser Orr
Tina Patterson
Brian and Caroline Pearce
Parrish and Jonathan Peddrick
William Peete
Billie and Jane Pope
Lisa Powell
Sarah Privette
Tyler Quinn
Mathew and Elizabeth Rankin
Kevin and Lori Redding
Jeff and Erica Reichard
Josh and Lauren Riehle
Stephen Russell
Melissa and Cole Sadler
Gavin Sands
Lauren Schaefer
Dodson and Robin Schenck
Harold (Scotty) Scott
Rick and Emily Scott
J and Meredith Scott
Justin Smith
Pete and Katie Sopcik
Jason and Courtney Sparrow
Chris and Dallas Stanley
Paul and Elizabeth Stephens
Ryan Stewart
Jenny Stilley
Ron Sydell
Kitty and Will Sydnor
Mike Tarrant
Franklin Terkelsen
Cecelia Thompson
Rob and Cheri Timmons
Denise and Chip Turner
Justin Van Hecke
Jess and Susannah Washburn
Steven and Kate Weaver
David Wehmeyer
Thomas White
Lydia Whitley
Rich and Courtney Whittington
Elizabeth Wicker
Andrew Wicker
Alisha Wielfaert
Ashley and George Wigglesworth
Ann Kathryn Wilkinson
Richard Williams
Calvin Williams
Maggie Wood
Patrick and Adrienne Woods
David and Erica Worth
Will Yearns
Preston and Robert Young
Supporters of the
mission and vision
of Future Fund
Bell Foundation
Jackie and Steve Bell
Harden and Derry Blackwell
Henry and Molly Carrison
Gordon and Sue Cole
Roddy and Charlotte Davis
Arthur and Desiree Dick
Ron and Evans Garber
Graham Personnel Services
Greensboro Grasshoppers
Hayes and Ginger Griffin
Hernandez Carpet Cleaning
Bobby and Kathryn Long
Bruce and Ellen Lyon
Tom and Trude McCarty
Hardee and Susan Mills
North Carolina Barbecue
Bob and Mary Plybon
Plybon & Associates
David and Claudia Reich
Rental Works, LLC
Donnie and Sarah Sparrow
Doug and Joan Stone
Len and Judy White
Hugh Williams
Anne Wood
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Building Stronger
Neighborhoods Coalition
Building Stronger Neighborhoods Coalition helps Greensboro neighborhoods enhance
their quality of life. The Foundation serves as the fiscal agent and program sponsor
for this program, which provides small grants and technical assistance to grassroots
neighborhood groups and supports the Greensboro Neighborhood Congress.
Members of the BSN Coalition are The Community Foundation, Cemala, Weaver,
Joseph M. Bryan and Cone Health foundations and the Greensboro Public Library.
In 2010, BSN Celebrated its 10th anniversary!
Our Initiatives
and Partnerships
The Community Foundation is dedicated to strengthening our community
for present and future generations. To fulfill this mission, we actively seek
partnerships with a variety of nonprofit community groups, local corporations,
government agencies and local and national foundations to leverage our
resources for maximum impact. We have five distinct priorities for our community
initiatives and partnerships – housing, education, community revitalization,
building social capital and building nonprofit capacity.
The Foundation’s investment of $370,000 over the past year in these endeavors
leveraged more than $2 million in impact.
Our current initiatives and partnerships include:
Action Greensboro
Action Greensboro is a nonprofit organization formed in 2001 in response to the
changing economy in Greensboro and the Piedmont region of North Carolina. Along with
the Greensboro Chamber of Commerce and the Greensboro Economic Development
Alliance, Action Greensboro is a member of the Greensboro Partnership.
Future Fund
A fresh approach to philanthropy, this group’s members are young leaders from the
Greensboro area who are committed to making our community a better place and
improving our quality of life. Future Fund members have this impact on their community by
contributing to a permanent endowment that makes grants to build a better Greensboro.
Guilford County Council
of PTAs SPICE Grants
SPICE (Strengthening Parent Involvement in Children’s Education) projects help PTAs
reach national standards for parent involvement in schools. Many projects help parents
improve their parenting skills and become more involved in their child’s learning.
Guilford Education
The Alliance supports the community’s role in education and pursues policies and
initiatives that promote education and help everyone reach his or her potential. Co-founded
in partnership with the High Point Community Foundation, the Alliance convenes the
annual Education Summit and provides critical information for the community.
Guilford Nonprofit
The Consortium seeks to build a more effective nonprofit sector through education and
resource-sharing. More than 230 local nonprofits are members. It offers regular workshops
and seminars for nonprofit board and staff members, provides a financial help desk
service and convenes the nonprofit community around key issues. Funding partners
include The Community Foundation, Weaver, Cemala, Joseph M. Bryan, Michel Family,
Hayden-Harman, High Point Community, Lincoln Financial, Cone Health, Reidsville Area
foundations, and United Way of Greater Greensboro and American Express.
Hispanics in Philanthropy
This national project builds the organizational capacity of local Latino-led nonprofits.
North Carolina is the largest project site participating. Twenty N.C. funders pool dollars
that are matched by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation and national organizations. The
Community Foundation and Weaver and Cone Health foundations are local partners.
IMPACT Greensboro
A leadership program that demonstrates how ordinary citizens from different backgrounds can
become change agents, forge authentic and meaningful relationships, find shared values and
develop solutions for day-to-day community issues. The program is now based at the Center for
Creative Leadership, and 45 new Change Agent participants will graduate in 2011. Founding
partners are The Community Foundation, City of Greensboro Human Relations Commission
and the UNCG Center for Youth, Family, and Community Partnerships. Funders include the
Community Foundation and the Weaver, Cemala and Tannenbaum-Sternberger foundations.
Interfaith Missions
Collaborating with the Greensboro Jewish Federation and NCCJ (National Conference
for Community and Justice), we help support the periodic interfaith study mission trips
to Israel for community leaders. The next mission is in March 2012.
Piedmont Unity
The Community Foundation has teamed with the Guilford Green Foundation for an initiative
to increase awareness of gay and lesbian issues in the local community through fundraising
and making grants to nonprofit groups serving the community. The national Funders for
Lesbian and Gay Issues provided matching funds for the GGF endowment held at The
Community Foundation and for strategic grantmaking.
Teen Grantmaking
High school-aged youths from across the community form the Council and support a wide
variety of youth-led community projects through the grants they make. This program allows
young people to gain leadership experience, conduct research and make grants that address
community issues – training to become the next generation of community philanthropy
leaders. The organization Leading to Change assists with the programming. Our Council is a
member of the N.C. Youth Giving Network. (
Members include:
Anthony Wayne Akins
Mac Ball
Matheson Brady
McKibbin Brady
Marshall Brown
Steven Buccini
Adair Clark
Bianca Cobb
Micaela Gladney Benjamin Beale Howard
Greensboro Day
Greensboro Day
Northwest Guilford
Northern Guilford
Greensboro Day
Caitlin Mills Meredith Murray Owen Rightsell Brian Spain
Lovepriya Suthaharan
Aqeelah Tarver
Michael Taylor
Jordan Triplett
Ozioma Uwakweh
Maggie Weatherly
Lane Zuraw
Western Guilford
Early College at Guilford
Greensboro Day
Northwest Guilford
Vandalia Christian
Greensboro Day
Greensboro Day
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
2010 Community Grants
Program Grants
The Community Foundation awards community grants from unrestricted and field-of-interest
funds, as allocated by the Board of Directors, to support a wide range of community issues.
Grant Focus
Amount Awarded
Arts & Humanities
Music Academy of North Carolina, Inc.
Lessons for Life Outreach Program.
African American Atelier
Outreach related to The Art of James McMillian exhibit. Touring Theatre Ensemble of NC
Capacity building through strategic planning, fund raising and development. Greensboro Beautiful, Inc.
Garden Series of public arts events held in city parks.
Greensboro Sports Commission
The arts contest and development of the official poster for the 2011 US Figure Skating Championships in collaboration with Green Hill Center for Art.
Music for a Great Space
To help bring in nationally recognized young performer to reach new audiences. Sub-Total:
Children, Youth, and Family
One Step Further
ParentTalk program for parents of youth ages 8-17 who have been adjudicated by the court system. Junior Achievement of Central NC
Title I Initiative introducing concepts of how money functions through age-appropriate curriculum.
Guilford Coalition on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention
February 2011 community summit on adolescent pregnancy prevention. Sub-Total:
Civic & Community
National Conference for Community and Justice
ANYTOWN ProCESS (Providing a Continuum of Engagement to Students and Schools).
Institute of Political Leadership
Provide scholarships for the IOPL Fellows Program- a training program for those considering public office.
Greensboro Public Library Foundation
2010 One City One Book project.
Kids Voting of NC-Guilford County
Transition from paper election format to online voting system for children K-12.
Operation Homework
Academic tutoring program for elementary students in NW Guilford County.
Guilford Education Alliance
Teacher Supply Warehouse, a classroom supply store of donated materials.
Shalom Community Church
Summer academic program for elementary students.
Health & Human Services
Refugee Information Network of Guilford
Refugee resettlement plan in Greensboro.
Autism Society
Summer camp scholarships for 2011.
The Servant Center
To support a Vista volunteer position to coordinate annual Veterans Stand Down event. Montagnard Dega Association
Citizenship preparation program.
Family Service of the Piedmont
Support Clara House shelter which provides a safe haven for women and their children fleeing domestic violence situations. FaithAction International House
To build a network of job support groups in faith communities by training and empowering faith leaders
Elon University Law School
To establish an Immigration Law Clinic to provide legal services to indigent refugee and asylee clients in the Greensboro area. Salvation Army
To help meet increased demand for services.
Foster Friends of North Carolina
Foster youth mentoring program curriculum.
Fundholders, board members and friends of the Foundation gathered
for our 2010 Grants in Action Tour. This half-day event allows
participants to see first-hand how area organizations have benefited
from the assistance provided by our Community Grants Program. The
next Grants in Action Tour is Oct. 6, 2011.
Grant Focus
Amount Awarded
Partners Ending Homelessness
To implement Guilford County’s 10-year plan to end chronic homelessness. UNCG Office of Sponsored Programs
Landlord-tenant mediation service with the City of Greensboro, Department of Human Relations. Greensboro Urban Ministry
To provide emergency shelter assistance.
Guilford County Homeownership Center
Mortgage default housing counseling.
Youth Focus
For My Sister’s House, a residence for pregnant or parenting young women who are homeless.
Organizational Development/Building Capacity
Heartstrings of Greensboro
Conduct an organizational assessment. Joseph’s House
Board and staff development.
Children’s Home Society of NC
Strategic brand repositioning for recent merger with Family Life Council of Greensboro and Youth Homes in Charlotte. Greensboro Cerebral Palsy Association
Media materials and coordination with website.
Restoration Place Ministries
Resources to expand services to meet increased demand.
Greensboro Historical Museum
Develop a planned and estate giving program. NC Center for Nonprofits
Organizational Sustainer Grant.
Reading Connections
Strategic planning and service expansion for immigrants and refugees in Guilford County. Latino Professional Forum For infrastructure to move from volunteer-operated organization in order to meet goals. Preservation Greensboro
Matching grant to raise funds for financial stability regarding the organization’s operations.
Greensboro Opera Company
Strategic planning process.
The Beloved Community Center
To build capacity in communications technology.
Peacehaven Farm
Master plan design charrette and planning process.
Triad Stage
Long range planning process.
Carolina Theatre of Greensboro
Planning and redesign of the website and related technology.
Bell House
To support implementation of a Technology Plan.
Bennett College for Women
To create a five-year strategic development plan for Bennett College for Women. Peace and Justice Network (fiscal agent
Beloved Community Center)
To support the web hosting, maintenance and development of the website.
Heartstrings of Greensboro, Inc.
To support board development, operational and strategic planning.
Sanctuary House
Replace the subfloor in the kitchen.
Adult Center for Enrichment
Strategic planning process.
Other Global Grants Initiative
To participate in national initiative to develop international grantmaking resources for community foundation donors. $778
Greensboro Chamber of Commerce
Revitalize the micro-loan program.
Grand Total for all Grants: $252,765
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Grantmaking Funds
Funds that allow donors to address a particular
cause or issue without naming specific charities.
The donor identifies the objective of the fund
and the Foundation identifies worthy specific
projects. This type of fund should be established
with an individual gift - or a collective intent
to raise at least $250,000. Named endowments
can be established within these funds
for $25,000.
Alamance Foundation Grants Fund
Unrestricted grantmaking fund to benefit
Alamance County.
Children’s Trust
Grants address a broad range of issues that affect
the future of children in our community, including
basic food and shelter, learning disabilities,
child abuse, education, artistic and enrichment
opportunities. Named endowments include:
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Armfield IV Endowment
The Ellison Endowment
Ed and Marie Faulkner Endowment Fund
Laura and Blair Goodman Endowment
Greensboro Junior League Endowment
IRIS Endowment
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Proctor Endowment
Friendship Fund
A flexible fund designed to meet the most urgent
needs in the community and to encourage
positive change. Named endowments include:
Joseph M. Bryan, Sr. Endowment
Glenn H. (Buck) and Carey A. (Polly)
Campbell Fund
Linda and Maurice Jennings Endowment
Calvin Michaels Charitable Service Fund
The Fred Proctor Fund
Margaret and Lanty Smith Endowment
Greensboro Community Fund
A fund that allows the Foundation to respond to
emerging needs in the Greensboro area. Named
endowments include:
Dr. Elbert D. Apple Endowment
Blanche and Edward Benjamin Endowment
Dr. Ruth Schiffman Bescherer Endowment
Joanne and Arthur Bluethenthal Endowment
Dorothy B. and T. Clyde Collins, Jr. Endowment
Marion Stedman Covington Endowment
Stanley C. Culbreth Endowment
Ellison Endowment
Dorothy and Stanley Frank Endowment
Hillsdale Fund Endowment
Robert C. Ketner Endowment
William and Anne Klopman Endowment
Maude Elizabeth and Joseph T. Martin Endowment
Joseph R. Morton Endowment
Charles W. Phillips Memorial Endowment
Saperstein Family Endowment
Louis and Mary Stephens Endowment
William A. Stern Endowment
Morris and Margaret Howell Fund
A broad, flexible fund that may be used to
increase community grants made by the
Foundation, make loans or initiate special projects
that might otherwise not receive funding.
J. Franklin Pethel Fund
Grants from this memorial fund address a wide
range of educational needs for underprivileged
children in our community.
Piedmont Triad Fund
Income from this fund addresses solutions
to regional problems and supports
regional initiatives. Named endowments include:
Peter and Karen Kotting Endowment
Donovan Blair Adams Fund
Weaver Fund
Grants from this fund provide support for specific
projects and nonprofits in Greensboro. This is
funded annually by the Weaver Foundation and
enables it to leverage its small grants with the staff
expertise of The Community Foundation.
Purpose Funds
Funds that support the Foundation’s initiatives
and community partnerships.
Affordable Housing Fund
Building Stronger Neighborhoods
Capacity Building Initiative
Community and Economic Development Fund
Fondo Del Patronato Mezquital
Housing Kavanagh Model
Impact Greensboro
Dr. George William Mitchell Park Fund
Piedmont Unity Project
Program Related Investment Fund
Social Capital Initiative Fund
Frank and Rossie Starr – Legacy Fund
Henry and Shirley Frye - Summertime Kids Fund
Purpose Funds
Funds established by individuals or community
groups to accomplish a specific charitable
purpose where The Community Foundation acts
as the fiscal agent.
200 Club of Guilford County
BackPack Beginnings
Cheesewagon Skateboard Park
ConvergeSouth Fund
Dustin’s Village Fund
Greensboro Bicentennial Fund
Greensboro Carousel Fund
Greensboro Farmers’ Market Fund
Greensboro Fire Biggest Winner
Greensboro Police Biggest Winner
Guilford Nonprofit Consortium
Horse Park of the South Fund
Interactive Resource Center Temporary
Day Shelter
Interactive Resource Center Capital
Improvement Fund
Lowenstein Legacy Project
North Carolina Encore Charitable Purpose Fund
Dave Olin Bone Marrow Scholarship Fund
Veterans’ Memorial
Special Interest
and Organizational
Long-term funds created by organizations and
individuals to benefit a named charity.
Alcohol and Drug Services Endowment Fund
ARC of Greensboro Fund
Mary McKissick and Edward M. Armfield Fund
Lucy Barber Memorial Children’s Collection Fund
Alice S. Barkley Fund for NC Humanities Council
Doris Huffines Bernhart Fund for Music
Biller Enrichment Endowment
Black Child Development of Greensboro/Sarah
Herbin Fund
Thornton H. Brooks Endowment
Martha and Chester Brown Memorial Fund
for Junior Golf
Martha Sauvain Carter First Presbyterian
Church Fund
David Caldwell Sch. Award at Greensboro College
David Caldwell Sch. Award at Guilford College
David Caldwell Sch. Award at the David C. Academy
Carolina Theatre Endowment Fund
W. Lee Carter, III Endowment
Center City Park Endowment
Center for Visual Artists A Dorian
Memorial Endowment
Greensboro Children’s Museum - Early Education Fund
Community Theatre of Greensboro, Inc. Endowment
T. Clyde Collins Jr. Endowment
Barbara and Herman Cone Endowment Fund
Elaine Wolf Cone Memorial Endowment
Cone Endowment Fund
Moses H. Cone Memorial Park/Blue Ridge Pkwy
Court Watch Family Law Endowment Fund
Court Watch L Richardson Preyer/McNeil Smith Fund
Cove Creek Gardens Fund
Joanne B. Craft Endowment Fund
Harold and Mary Eagle Endowment for
Greensboro Urban Ministry/Partnership Village
Margaret Earle Endowment Fund
Eastern Music Festival Endowment Fund
Mary Lewis Rucker Edmunds Endowment
Angeline Smith Endowment / Sickle Cell Disease
Rosalyn Tanner Orr Endowment for Excellence
in Public Education
Rosalyn Tanner Orr Endowment for Excellence
in Private Education
Family and Children’s Service of Greater
Greensboro Foundation
Fellowship Hall Endowment Fund
Fisher Park Endowment Fund
Joseph O. and Rosa Caldwell Foil Fund
Stanley and Dorothy Frank Endowment
for Temple Emanuel
Stanley and Dorothy Frank Endowment
for The Temple (Greene St)
Stanley and Dorothy Frank Endowment
for Greensboro Jewish Federation
Goodwill Industries of Central N.C., Inc. Endowment
Green Hill Center for NC Art Endowment
Green Hill Center /Art Quest Endowment Fund
Greensboro Beautiful Endowment Fund
Greensboro Beautiful Public Gardens
Endowment Fund
Greensboro Center City Park Endowment
Greensboro Cerebral Palsy Endowment
Greensboro Day School Endowment Fund
Greensboro Downtown Greenway Endowment
Greensboro Music Academy Battle
Scholarship Endowment
Greensboro Opera Company Endowment
GSO Police Dependants’ Foundation Fund
Greensboro Children’s Museum
Cynthia Doyle Endowment
Greensboro Children’s Museum Exhibit and
Building Maintenance Fund
Greensboro Historical Museum Endowment Fund
Greensboro Historical Museum - Davis Fund
Greensboro Historical Museum - Dortch Fund
Greensboro Historical Museum - Flossie Ratledge
Greensboro Historical Museum - Shop Fund
Greensboro Historical Museum - Davidson Fund
Greensboro Historical Museum - Wicker Fund
Greensboro Historical Museum - Nowlin Fund
Greensboro Police - David Taylor Memorial
GSO Public Schools - J.P. Endowment
Greensboro Urban Ministry Bryan Endowment Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry Snipes
Endowment Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry Eagle Endowment Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry Peterson
Endowment Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry Stern Endowment Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry Campbell
Endowment Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry Partnership
Village Capital Campaign Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry Maintenance Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry
Nancy R. Hudson Fund
Greensboro Urban Ministry Operating Endowment
Greensboro Urban Ministry - Operating
Endowment Fund
Grimsley Alumni Association Endowment Fund
Guilford Community AIDS Partnership Endowment
Guilford Battleground Company
Endowment Fund
The Guilford Green Foundation Endowment Fund
Health Education Foundation
Organization Endowment
HealthServe Community Health Clinic Endowment
Help Inc.: Center Against Violence Endowment
Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro Beacon Place Endowment
Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro Counseling and Education Ctr Endowment
Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro - Kid’s
Path Endowment
Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro Endowment
Rachel S. Worth B. Hull Endowment
Human Resources Management Association
of Greensboro Fund
International Civil Rights Center
and Museum Endowment
Linda and Maurice Jennings GSO Symphony
David R. Jones Memorial Fund
Junior Achievement of Central NC Fund
Junior League of Greensboro Endowment Fund
Min Klein Theatre Education Fund
Leadership Greensboro Endowment
LeBauer Charitable Foundation Endowment
Caroline M. and Clayton Lee GSO Symphony
Herbert Z. Lund Scholarship Fund
Carolyn J. and John R. Maness Endowment
Mary’s House Endowment Fund
Kitty Penn Mason Endowment Fund
William Henry and Emma Watkins Sharpe May
Memorial Fund
McLendon Memorial Gardens
Medical Society/Alliance Endowment Fund
Mullin Urban Ministry Endowment Fund
The Music Academy of North Carolina
Music Academy of North Carolina
Scholarship Endowment
Natural Science Center of Greensboro Endowment
Hilda and George E. Norman Endowment
North Carolina School of the Arts Endowment Fund
Emelyn G. Pethel Fund
Piedmont Interfaith Council Fund
Piedmont Land Conservancy Stewardship Fund
Piedmont Triad Region, Nat’l Conf. Comm. & Justice
Preservation Greensboro Endowment Fund
Preservation N.C.’s Edenton Office Endowment
Randolph County Partnership for Children
Endowment Fund
Reading Connections Endowment Fund
Royce and Jane Reynolds Urban Ministry Chaplaincy
Ritchie Greensboro Symphony Fund
Salvation Army Center of Hope Fund
Salvation Army Boys and Girls Clubs of
Greensboro Endowment Fund
Scanlon Enrichment Endowment
Shepherd’s Center - Charles and Mary Routh Fund
Mary S. and Joseph H. Sherrill Teaching Friends
Walter H. Sills Bequest / David Caldwell Park
Tom and Linda Sloan Fund for Triad Stage
Bill and Beth Smith Charitable Fund
Betsy Ross Howe Stafford Endowment Fund
Student Enrichment Endowment
Leah Louise and Jack Tannenbaum Endowment Fund
Triad Health Project Endowment
United Arts Council Community Arts
Endowment Fund
United Arts Council Endowment Fund
UAC Endowment - Center for Visual Arts
United Way of Greater Greensboro Joseph M.
Bryan Endowment
United Way of Greater Greensboro Herman Cone
United Way of Greater Greensboro Lawrence
Cohen Emergency Endowment
United Way of Greater Greensboro Neil Belenky
United Way of Greater Greensboro Unrestricted
B. Thomas and Betty Louise Ward Endowment for
First Presbyterian Church
B. Thomas and Betty Louise Ward Endowment
Fund for BSA
Women’s Professional Forum Foundation Fund
YWCA Kay Yow Endowment Fund
YWCA of Greensboro Capital Funds Endowment
Youth Focus Fund for Big Brothers/Big Sisters
(Bold names = New fund since Jan. 1, 2010)
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Donor-Advised Funds
These donor-advised funds enable the active
participation of donors in creating grants based
on their fund’s available annual payout to
nonprofits of the donor’s choice.
The Carter Family Fund
Herman and Barbara Cone Fund
The Cross Family Fund
Deaf Education Fund
The Dillard Fund
Dudley High School PTA Fund
Enrichment Fund - Guilford Co. Schools
Marie and Ed Faulkner Fund
Forrest Fund
Greensboro Builders’ Housing Fund
Dr. Carlton M. Harris, Sr. Family Memorial Fund
Hubert B. Humphrey, Jr. School Improvement Fund
Matthew David Lee Memorial Fund
Bucky McCoy Fund
Margaret H. Mueller Advised Fund
Nussbaum Endowment Fund
Walker F. Rucker, Jr. Memorial Fund
Schwartz Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. J. McNeill Smith, Jr. Charitable Fund
William A. Stern Endowed Fund
Veterans Memorial Endowment Fund
Sarah and Jack Warmath Family Endowment Fund
Richard and May Wilson Family Fund
Donor-Advised Funds
Donor-advised funds enable the active
participation of donors in creating grants
of any amount at any time to nonprofits
of the donor’s choice.
Abraham-Oppenheimer Fund
Adelman Family Fund
AHM Resident Education Fund
AJD Fund
Richard R. and Pamela A. Allen Fund
The Alma Apu Fund
Anonymous #1
Azarias Fund
Jim and Peggy Bagwell Family Fund
Wallace and Phyllis Baird Family Fund
Batten Family Fund
Jeff and Mary Beach Fund
Berry Family Fund
Jill M. Biltz Donor Advised Fund
Timothy Biltz Donor Advised Fund
William F. and Jo Ann F. Black Family Fund
Joanne and Arthur Bluethenthal Donor
Advised Fund
Gail Boulton Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Don Brady Fund
Frank and Nancy Brenner Fund
Brelsow Starling Frost Warner & Boger
James Allen Broach Fund
Bruce and Dora Brodie Family Fund
Dora M. Brodie Fund
Nancy W. and Chester H. Brown Jr. Family Fund
Suejette D. and P. David Brown Fund
William N. and Lisa L. Bullock Donor
Advised Fund
Jim and Lynn Burgio Fund
Peter B. and Mary Ann Bush Family Fund I
Beda Carlson Calhoun Fund
The Cammack Family Giving Fund
Caritas Fund
Carlisle Fund
Anne D. and Carl I. Carlson Fund
Carolina Steel Fund
Carson Family Fund
Carter Foundation Fund
W. Lee Carter III Fund
CCBB87 Family Fund
John and Martha Chandler Fund
Joey Cheek Donor Advised Fund
Cohen-Dillard Fund
Johnnetta B. Cole Donor Fund
Dorothy B. and T. Clyde Collins, Jr. Donor
Advised Fund
Cone Mills Charitable Fund
Herman and Barbara Cone Fund
Barbara and Herman Cone Eastern Music Festival
Sally and Alan Cone Fund II
Michael H. and Jean J. Cornwell Donor
Advised Fund
Cousins Fund
Craft Family Fund
Cunningham Family Donor Advised Fund
Fran and Bert Davis Family Fund
Jean and Ralph Davison Fund
DeVillers Family Fund
Dunn Family Fund
Eagle Fund
The Edgewood Group Fund
Kathleen Bryan Edwards Family Fund
Kim and Erick Ellsweig Philanthropic Fund
Brent W. and William E. Elmore Fund
Marie and Ed Faulkner Fund
John E. Faulkner, III Donor Advised Fund
Firefly Fund
FPC Young Men’s Bible Class Fund
Charles H. Flynt, Jr. Fund
Eugenia Leggett-Frank and Barry S. Frank Fund
Hughlene B. Frank and William A. Frank Fund
Friends of Gateway Foundation
Gallucci Creative Fund
The Martha Joe P. Gelzer Fund
Jane Gorrell Donor Advised Fund
Greensboro Aquatic Center Learn to Swim Fund
Greensboro Builders’ Housing Fund
Greensboro Grasshoppers Charities Fund
Greensboro Jaycees - Greensboro Junior
Chamber of Commerce Fund
Greensboro Jaycees - Junior Miss Fund
Greensboro Sports Council Fund
Groat Family Fund
Guilford Mills Fund
Gunzenhauser-Chapin Fund
Gwyn Family Fund
John C. Hagan Fund
Mary G. and David B. Hagan Fund
Frank and Phyllis Hall Fund
William and Emily R. Hall Fund
The William A. Hawks Fund
The Hayes Family Fund
Brendon Haywood Single Parents Fund
Heaster Fund
Hedy Y. Hekler Fund
Hekler - Herman Family Charitable Fund
Herman Family Hunger and Housing Fund
The Hobbes Foundation
Bill and Wendy Hook Triad Lacrosse Fund
Hopper Family Stewardship Fund
James E. and Jo Welch Hull Forum Fund
Gray and Kelli Ingram Fund
Dina and Burney Jennings Fund
Linda and Maurice Jennings Fund
Zelle and John Jester Family Fund
Ronald P. Johnson Fund
William S. and Clarence B. Jones Fund
Karb Family Fund
Jolyn and Bob Kelley Fund
Kenny-Rosenstein Fund
Van and Jean King Family Fund
Amy and Fritz Kreimer Fund
Lambeth Fund
Louise and Bill Latture Fund
JD and Sunny Lawson Family Fund
Gail and Gene LeBauer Fund
LeBauer Cardiovascular Research Fund
Matthew David Lee Memorial Fund
Linda and Gary Lee Fund
Levy Family Fund
Ginni and Al Lineberry, Jr. Family Fund
David B. Lineweaver Fund
Lineweaver Family Fund
Mary and Paul Livingston Fund
John L. Lomax Donor Advised Fund
Long Family Foundation Fund
Robert E. Jr and Kathryn Scott Long Family
Foundation Fund
Fred B. Lopp Fund
Wilma and Mel Lowe Family Fund
Lucky Dog Foundation Fund
John and Barbara Lusk Donor Advised Fund
Mark A. and Caroline C. MacDonald Fund
William Mangum Fund
Manning-Kaplan Fund
Marcie Fund (aka Jerry and Linda Shapiro
Philanthropic Fund)
Bonnie McElveen-Hunter Fund
John and Tish McKenzie Fund for Theatre Arts
J. Howard McMasters Fund
Ken D. Miller Fund
Morrisette Family Fund
Morrisette Paper Company Fund
W. H. and Joy Morrison Fund
Carrie and Doug Norry Fund
Pat and Vic Nussbaum Fund
Oakwood Homes Fund #2
O’Lucky Dogs Fund
Carolyn and Harold O’Tuel Fund
Prentis H. O’Tuel Memorial Fund
Pace Communications Fund
Bob Page Fund
Donald and Janice Park Fund
The Patterson Family Fund
Brian and Susan Peters Donor Advised Fund
Robert Y. and Dorothy C. Peters Fund
Holly and Lou Pierce Family Fund
Piedmont Interfaith Council Fund
Jerrold and Susan Pinsker Fund
Project Effort Youth Development Fund
Jeffery and Allison Sloan Polish Fund
Rex Prater Memorial Fund
Presson Family Fund
Lynn R. Prickett Fund
Fred Proctor Advised Fund
PTPat Fund
RealtyAnalytix Fund
David and Claudia Reich Family Fund
Charles M. and Nancy C. Reid Fund
Reiser Family Fund
Royce and Jane Reynolds Fund
Debby L. Reynolds Charitable Fund
Joe and Tamara Rice Fund
Mark W. and Judith A. Roy Family Fund
Samet Corporation Foundation Fund
Arthur and Emilie Samet Family Fund
Don and Martha Shafer Family Fund
Schelhammer Family Fund
Shamrock & Innisbrook Fund
Thomas R. and Linda E. Sloan Fund
Margaret and Lanty Smith Fund
Roger Soles Family Fund
Solomon Family Fund
Jean and Ernest Spangler Family Fund
Sprinkle Family Fund
Phelps and Kate Sprinkle Fund
Betsy Howe Stafford Fund
Steen Family Fund
Kay and Sidney Stern Fund
Alex C. Stevenson Endowment Fund
Douglas M. and Joan W. Stone Fund
Strasser Charitable Fund
Inez Sadler and Hoffman Suitt Fund
Jeanne L. Tannenbaum Fund
Leah Louise B. Tannenbaum Fund
Stuart and Ernestine Taylor Fund
Christopher C. and Laura B. Tew Fund
The Thanksgiving Fund
Ellen and Josh Thomas Fund
Toth Fund
Leslye and Marshall Tuck Family Fund
The Martha and Harrison Turner
Charitable Funds I and II
Mike Weaver Fund
Charles L. Weill, Jr. Funds I & II
Len and Judy White Fund
Shelton D. Williams Band Memorial Fund
Winslow Family Fund
Lauren and David Worth Fund
Tom and Elaine Wright Family Fund
Wright Family Fund
Zuraw Fund
Scholarship Funds
Alamance Educational Foundation
Scholarship Fund
Alley Williams Carmen & King
York David Anthony Memorial Scholarship
Y-Bler Buonya Scholarship Fund
CPN Scholarship Fund
Edens Family Scholarship Fund
William Bryant Evans and Lucy Teague Evans
Scholarship Fund
Nicholas Samuel Fragola Fund
Helen and Anthony Guidone Scholarship Fund
Habitat for Humanity International Scholarship
Program Fund
Hunter Byers Scholarship Fund
Wolfgang Häfele Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charlie Harville Memorial Scholarship
Jason Christopher James Memorial
Scholarship Fund
William J. Jones Scholarship Fund
John R. Kernodle Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Kritzer Family Scholarship Fund
Bill Lee Memorial Fund
Libby Hill Scholarship Fund
Stephanie Taylor Moore Memorial
Scholarship Fund
John Carlton Myatt Writing Scholarship
Thomas and Bettie O’Briant Memorial
Scholarship Fund
George C. Simkins Jr. / Gate City Golf Fund
Emanuel Sternberger Education Fund
Toleo Foundation Community Scholarship Fund
TBPG James Allen Broach Scholarship Fund
Steven C. Walker Scholarship Fund
Community Foundation Real Estate
Management Fund
Named endowments include:
Kathleen Bryan Edwards Family Fund
Guilford Battleground Company Revolving
Land Fund
Margaret H. Mueller Bequest
Stanley and Dorothy Frank Family Foundation
Gate City Company
(Bold names = New fund since Jan. 1, 2010)
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
Alamance Foundation Board
of Directors
In 20th Year, Alamance
Foundation Achieves Growth
By Fairfax Reynolds
As we celebrate our 20-year anniversary, exciting things are
happening at the Alamance Foundation, thanks to the support and
contributions of the people of Alamance County.
The Alamance Foundation experienced significant growth in 2010,
closing the year with assets of $10,690,173 in 79 funds. The
consolidation of the Alamance Educational Foundation into the
Alamance Foundation was completed during the year, and in May
we were pleased to award scholarships to numerous graduating
seniors of the Alamance Burlington School System.
In addition, the AEF contribution to our permanent community
grantmaking fund increased that fund to over $500,000 at year’s
end. This significantly increases the grants committee’s capacity
to address community needs as they arise and allows us to make
great strides toward our $1 million goal for our community
grants fund.
Our growth in assets was based not only on a strong level of
donor gifts but also on outstanding investment returns from our
investment manager, Trust Company of the South. The 2010 annual
return of the Foundation funds was 14.08 percent, measured
against a benchmark of 12.80 percent. Investment returns for one-,
three- and five-year periods have exceeded benchmarks.
The Foundation board is working to increase the visibility and
impact of the Alamance Foundation in our community. We are
encouraged by the support of our donors and remain focused
on our mission of serving as a voice in addressing emerging
community challenges and promoting philanthropy among our
fellow citizens. We are excited to be a part of a special community
and appreciative of the generosity its citizens have shown toward
the Alamance Foundation over the past 20 years.
Fairfax Reynolds is chair of the Alamance Foundation Board of Directors.
Edwin B. Armstrong
Jerry A. Bailey
Chris Baker
Frances “Lummy” Barnes
Charlie Brown
J. S. Buckley
Thomas E. Chandler
Harold W. Hill
Ralph M. Holt, Jr.
Jack R. Lindley
John R. Maynard
Tom McGowen
Jimmy Moser
Anne Powell
James B. Powell
Thomas E. Powell, III
Jerry R. Tolley
C. Avery Thomas, Jr.
Jo W. Williams
Wade Williamson, Jr.
Russell Wilson
James R. Copland, III
James B. Crouch, Jr.
Thomas K. Manning
David S. Massey
James W. Maynard
Dorn C. Pittman, Jr.
Jerome B. Taylor
Troy W. Woodard, Sr.
Alamance Foundation
Summary of Funds
Donor-Advised Funds
Alamance County Cemetery Preservation Fund
Alamance Junior Tennis Foundation Fund
Alamance War Memorial Fund
Ben and Caroline Ansbacher Fund
Steve and Sue Buckley Fund
Alan and Connie Crouch Fund
Jim and Janie Crouch Fund
Hugh Cummings Fund
Kevin and Patricia Fitzgerald Fund
Jami M. Hinson Memorial Fund
Hodson Family Fund
Robert and Kathryn Hykes Fund
Rebecca C. Lee Fund
Jack R. and Dorothy C. Lindley Fund
MidCarolina Bank Community Fund
Palatin Fund
James and Anne Powell Fund
Quate Family Fund
Jerry Tolley Family Fund
Helen Van Sickle Fund
Helen Van Sickle Fund II
Vernon Family Fund
Vernon, Vernon, Wooten, Brown,
Andrews & Garrett, P.A. Fund
Wade and Linda Williamson Donor Advised Fund
Rosella and Russell Wilson Fund
Designated Endowment Funds
Elwood Prater Alamance CC Scholarship Fund
Burlington Merchants Association Needy School Child
William Henry and Emma Watkins
Sharpe May Memorial Fund
Duncan and Lula MacKenzie Fund for Residential Treatment
Lula M. MacKenzie Special Interest Endowment
Wooten Fund for Alamance County Historical
Museum Cemetery
Wooten Family Buildings Maintenance Fund-Church of the
Holy Comforter
J.B. and Waldean M. Taylor Fund
MacKenzie Residential Treatment Trust
J.C. and Fran Dillingham Endowment Fund
Lillian W. Sharpe Endowment Fund
Melvin L. Hall Fund for Burlington Police
United Way of Alamance County Administrative Fund
Hospice of Alamance County Endowment
Alamance Scholars Endowment
Organizational Endowment Funds
Community YMCA of Alamance County Organizational
Endowment Fund
United Way of Alamance County Administrative Fund
Hospice of Alamance County Endowment
Alamance Scholars Endowment
Boy Scout Troop 51 Elon College
Allied Churches of Alamance County Endowment
Gardner Library Trust Endowment Fund
Alamance ElderCare
Alamance County Historical Museum
United Way of Alamance County General Endowment Fund
United Way of Alamance County General Endowment Fund II
Alamance Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund
Alamance County Human Resources Association Scholarship
Alley Williams Carmen and King Fund
Chic Lutz Memorial Scholarship Fund
George Heckman Memorial Football Scholarship Fund
Millie Jennings Memorial Scholarship Fund
Williams High School Class of 1952 Fund
Danny Patton Golf Scholarship Fund
J. Harold and Peggy H. Smith Fund
Richard and Katherine Edens Scholarship Fund
Steven C. Walker Scholarship Fund
Ricky D. Sims Scholarship Fund
Eddie and Lin McAteer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Tommy Spoon Scholarship Fund
Ladd Fuqua Scholarship Fund
Mary Jane McKibbin Lindley Scholarship Fund
Charitable Purpose Funds
Closing the Gap
Danny Patton Golf Tournament Fund
Community Grantmaking Funds
MacKenzie Fund
Alamance Foundation Grant Fund
Grants Awarded in 2010
• Positive Attitude: $1,125
• Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club: $1,125
• Loaves and Fishes: $1,000
• Elon Academy: $2,200
(Bold names = New fund since Jan. 1, 2010)
2010-11 Report to the COmmunity
The Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro, Inc.
330 S. Greene St., Suite 100, Greensboro, NC 27401
336.379.9100 • Fax 336.378.0725 •