Directions - Frank Nicholas a law corporation
Directions - Frank Nicholas a law corporation
FnnNrc NrcHolns A LAW CORPORATION 2O2O MAIN STREET . SUITE 77O IRVIN E, CAL| FORN lA 926t4-8221 TELEPHONE (949) 477-2277. (7t4) 74t-OO47 FACStMtLE (949) 477-2237 DIRECTIONS TO OUR OFFICE We are in the "Irvine Concourse," one block north of the Orange County/John Wayne Airport, on the north/east (inland) side of the 405 freeway (one blocs east of MacArthur Boulevard and three blocks west of J,1ry!or9e). _Our building_is^adjacent to-"Equinox Sports Clubs" (formerly "The Sporls Club/LA") and behind "El Torito Grill" and "McCormick & Schmick's." It is a 12 story building, with signage for "NEW YORK LI|E" as you enter from the parking structure. We are in Suite i70 17'n Floor) andiralidate our clients' parking. The easiest route is via the MacArthur Boulevard exit off the 405 freeway. Irorn Northbound and/or Southbound 405 (San Diego) Freeway: Newpo{ Beach, exit at MacArlhur Bouievard (Exit S-Orange County/John Wayne Airport). on MacArlhur, then make another right on Main Sireet (which-is just AFTER the Northbound' ughl V4" Stay to your.right on Main, and make your first right on Mercantile 6ust before El Torito 1OL.goryt"p). Grill). Proceed straight and follow the signs to the "2020" parking. Park in the 2-h"our Visitor's section. H_eading Jo_ward a frgm,Xo4.nboyn4 anO Take the 55 and exit onto the 405 Southbound (Exit 68),'and then take the next exit off the 405, which is southbound MacArthur.Boule_varO 6xit S-Orarige Couniy/John Wayne airporg. Make tnght on MacArthur and then make another immediate r1ght, on Main Street (which is just AFTER ihe NorthboGO +OS onramp). Stay t-o your right on Main, and make the next right, on Mercantlte fiust before El Torito Grill). proceed - ' straight and follow the signs to the "2020" parking. Park in the 2-hour Visitor's section. Ergm Nortnfound or Take the I-5 to the 55 Southbound andlhen immediately exit-the 55 onto the 405 Southbound (Exit 68) Stay to.your.right and exit at the southbound MacArthur Boulevard offramp (Exit 8-Orangs Countyilohtr Wayne' Airport). .Mak9 a ughl on MacArthur, and then another immediate right, on Main Stieet (whi-ch is AFTER the Northbound 405 onramp)- Stay to your right and make your first fght, on Mercantile (ust before pl Torito Grill). Proceed straight and follow the signs to the "2020" parking. Park in the 2-h"our Visitor's section. From Northbound 73 Toll Road: Exit the 73 Toll Road at MacArthur Boulevard (Exit 14-Orange County/John Wayne Airport). Turn left (northbound) on MacArthur, pass Jamboree, pass the airport (bn your ieft), and just past ine 4OS Northbound onr_a{nP (on.your right) *u\g lh..u.ry lg.It qght onto Main Streei. Stay to your right and make the next right, on Mercantile_(ust before El Torito Grill). Proceed straight and follow the signs to the "2020" parking.T-ark in the 2-hour Visitor's section. Su,rfuc,e,Streets,fro ort Beach: TakeeitherJamboree,MacArthurorIrvineAvenuenorthbou@an),headingtowardthe prangg. CountyiJohn Wayne.AirpQrl. (From Irvine Avenue or Jamboree, turn left on MacArthir.) Immediately after you pass_the 405 norlhbound offamp (on your right), there will be a "right turn only" lane onto Main Street. tqqlght, onto Main, and make the next right, on Mercantile (ust bef&e El Torito Grill). Proceed straight and follow the signs to the "2020" parking and park in the 2-houiVisitor's section. G : \DOCS\ADMINIST\INSTRUCTIONS\DIRECTIONS (2020 MAIN). rvpd wro**s1 ! t Er 6 E E B (l) ota N- \ o-3N I H€{i E gFEX xEsq = d;i i q) it s , :,\. 5*,;.. x'r xo\ t Ptoialttog * tntlt/'v'o9/