March 21 RM Packet - Kodiak Island Borough
March 21 RM Packet - Kodiak Island Borough
ASSEMBLY REGULAR MEETING March 21, 2013 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 2 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Regular Meeting Agenda Thursday, March 21, 2013, 7:30 p.m., Assembly Chambers 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 3. ROLL CALL 4. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA All items listed with an asterisk ( ) are considered to be routine and non-controversial by the Assembly and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless an Assembly member so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and considered in its normal sequence on the agenda. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of March 7, 2013 and the Special Meeting of February 28, 2013. 6. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS A. Choose Respect Proclamation 7. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) A. Agenda Items Not Scheduled for Public Hearing and General Comments 8. COMMITTEE REPORTS 9. PUBLIC HEARING – None. 10. BOROUGH MANAGER’S REPORT 11. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR 12. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – None. 13. NEW BUSINESS A. Contracts – None. B. Resolutions – None. C. Ordinances for Introduction 1. Ordinance No. FY2013-01B Amending Ordinance No. 2013-01 Fiscal Year 2013 Budget by Increasing the Landfill Lateral Expansion Project Budget (Project 07013) by $15,468,548 to $24,113,548 and Increasing the Long Term Care Budget (Project 09010) by $18,415,000 to $19,865,000. Meeting broadcast live over radio station KMXT 100.1 FM and Cablevision station 12. Citizens’ Comments and Public Hearing Numbers: Toll Free (800) 478-5736 and Local 486-3231. Page 1 of 2 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 3 of 71 D. Other Items 1. Direction to the Finance Director to Publish the 2012 Roll of Delinquent Taxes and Real Properties Subject to Foreclosure. 14. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS (Limited to Three Minutes per Speaker) 15. ASSEMBLY MEMBERS’ COMMENTS 16. ADJOURNMENT 17. INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS (No Action Required) A. Minutes of Other Meetings 1. Mission Lake Tidegate Service Area Board Regular Meeting/Budget Public Hearing of March 6, 2013. 2. Womens Bay Service Area Board Regular Meeting of February 12, 2013. B. Reports Meeting broadcast live over radio station KMXT 100.1 FM and Cablevision station 12. Citizens’ Comments and Public Hearing Numbers: Toll Free (800) 478-5736 and Local 486-3231. Page 2 of 2 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 4 of 71 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Assembly Special Meeting February 28, 2013 A special meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held on February 28, 2013 in the Borough Conference Room of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Present were Mayor Jerome Selby, Assembly members Carol Austerman, Tuck Bonney, Dave Kaplan, Chris Lynch, and Mel Stephens. Staff members present were Borough Manager Bud Cassidy, Engineering and Facilities Director Woody Koning, Projects Manager/Inspector Matt Gandel, and Clerk Nova Javier. KAPLAN moved to excuse Assembly members Griffin and Stutes who were absent due to personal leave. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS Bob Stanford spoke on tourism development in Kodiak and advocated for additional funding for Discover Kodiak. CONSIDERATION OF MATTERS IN THE CALL FOR THE SPECIAL MEETING A. Contract No. FY2013-19 Approving a Professional Services Agreement for Code Compliance Review of the Long Term Care Facility Project Design Documents. KAPLAN moved to authorize the Manager to Execute Contract No. FY2013-19 with PC Associates for Code Compliance Review Services for the Long Term Care Facility design documents in an Amount Not to Exceed $36,382. The Code Compliance Review of construction documents was normally outsourced by the local building official to verify that the building would meet all structural and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) code requirements. In addition, Engineering/Facilities staff discussed the need for a review of the construction documents for compliance with National Fire Protection Association 101 Life Safety Code (NFPA 101). Due to the Long Term Care Facility being a healthcare facility that was subject to Medicare and Medicaid requirements, the State Fire Marshal would inspect the facility for compliance with NFPA 101 code prior to granting a Certificate of Occupancy. Determining any possible code concerns prior to construction was a crucial step to ensuring ontime completion of the project. The cost to submit the plans to the local building official for structural and ADA compliance review, and to the State Fire Marshal for NFPA 101 compliance review, was slightly more than the cost for PC Associates to perform both reviews. Having PC Associates perform both reviews would provide a cost savings and would allow them to perform both reviews concurrently, meaning final drawings ready for permitting would be available sooner. Kodiak Island Borough February 28, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 1 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 5 of 71 PC Associates recently completed a Code Compliance Review as well as a Coordination/Constructability Review for the Kodiak High School Addition and Renovation project, and both Engineering/Facilities staff and the local building official were very pleased with the result. PC Associates specialized in plan review and had performed their services throughout the west since 1989. In accordance with KIB 3.30.070.A Exception to bidding requirements which allowed for the exception to the procurement rules for contracts for professional or unique services, staff recommended authorizing the Manager to enter into a professional services agreement with PC Associates for the services outlined in the proposal provided in an amount not to exceed $36,382. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED FOUR TO ONE: Austerman, Bonney, Kaplan, and Lynch (Ayes); Stephens (No). ADJOURNMENT KAPLAN moved to adjourn the meeting. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Austerman, Bonney, Kaplan, Lynch, and Stephens. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ATTEST: ________________________ Jerome M. Selby, Mayor _______________________________ Nova M. Javier, MMC, Borough Clerk Approved on: Kodiak Island Borough February 28, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 2 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 6 of 71 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH Assembly Regular Meeting March 7, 2013 A regular meeting of the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly was held on Thursday, March 7, 2013, in the Assembly Chambers of the Kodiak Island Borough Building, 710 Mill Bay Road. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. The invocation was given by Major John Quinn of the Salvation Army. Mayor Selby led the Pledge of Allegiance. Present were Mayor Jerome Selby, Assembly members Carol Austerman, Tuck Bonney, Aaron Griffin, Dave Kaplan, Chris Lynch, Mel Stephens, and Louise Stutes. Staff members present were Borough Manager Bud Cassidy, Assessor Bill Roberts, Community Development Acting Director Duane Dvorak, Engineering and Facilities Director Woody Koning, Clerk Nova Javier, and Assistant Clerk Jessica Kilborn. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND CONSENT AGENDA KAPLAN moved to approve the agenda and consent agenda. VOICE VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Regular Meetings of January 17 and February 7, 2013, and Special Meetings of January 31 and February 21, 2013, were approved under the consent agenda. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS Manager Cassidy presented the Employee of the Year Award to Jessica Wolfe, Project Manager in the Engineering and Facilities Department Projects Office. Mayor Selby presented the Student of the Month Award for February 2013 to Brian Koozaata, a Junior at Old Harbor School. Mayor Selby proclaimed the month of March 2013 as “Women’s History Month” urging residents to increase their knowledge and appreciation of the valuable role women play in our lives. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS Jay Barrett spoke in support of Resolution No. FY2013-27. Bill Oliver spoke on the accreditation of the Senior Center of Kodiak. Sarah Thayer urged the Assembly to support Ordinance No. FY2013-13. Toby Sullivan and Wallace Fields spoke in support of the funding for the Kodiak Maritime Museum. Kodiak Island Borough March 7, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 1 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 7 of 71 Jeremy Williamson, A.I. Maintenance, spoke on the company’s intent to bid on the road service area maintenance contracts. Ken Reinke, Threshold Services Director, spoke on non-profit funding and reported on the operations of the Threshold Recycling program. Lorna Arndt spoke against Ordinance No. FY2013-11 (adopted January 17). COMMITTEE REPORTS Assembly member Kaplan reported on the Kodiak College Advisory Board meeting held on Thursday, March 7. Assembly member Stutes reported on the Southwest Alaska Municipal Conference annual conference held in Anchorage on February 20-22, and announced there would be a Kodiak Fisheries Advisory Council meeting on March 14 at 9 a.m. at the Kodiak College. Assembly member Lynch reported on the Kodiak Fisheries Work Group meetings held during February and March 2013. The next meeting would be held on April 8 at 9 a.m. in the Borough Conference Room. Assembly member Austerman reported on the Providence Community Advisory Board. PUBLIC HEARING A. Ordinance No. FY2013-09 Amending Kodiak Island Borough Code of Ordinances Title 15 Buildings and Construction Chapter 15.10 Building Codes and Chapter 15.30 Fire Code to Standardize the Kodiak Island Borough and the City of Kodiak Building Codes. KAPLAN moved to adopt Ordinance No. FY2013-09. The Kodiak Island Borough and the City of Kodiak operated a combined building inspection program and agreed to coordinate the building codes adopted by each of the local governments in order to ensure continuity throughout the jurisdiction of the joint program. A joint Borough/City committee (Joint Building Code Review Committee) met to review the building codes adopted by the Borough and City, and the Committee recommended that the Borough Assembly and City Council adopt updated versions of the building and fire codes. In checking with the City of Kodiak, a similar ordinance was presented for public hearing and was adopted by the City Council on February 28. Mayor Selby opened the public hearing. Laura Kelly and Gary Carver spoke in support of Ordinance No. FY2013-09. Mayor Selby closed the public hearing. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED SIX TO ONE: Austerman, Bonney, Griffin, Kaplan, Lynch, and Stutes (Ayes); Stephens (No). Kodiak Island Borough March 7, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 2 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 8 of 71 BOROUGH MANAGER’S REPORT Manager Cassidy reported on the following: Kodiak High School Addition and Renovation project construction bid opening was held on Wednesday, March 6; a bid tabulation was provided. Organization of the Kodiak Community Legislative Reception and thanked Assembly member Bonney for his assistance with the seafood needed for the reception. Long-Term Care Facility Certificate of Need was received. Out of town March 25-28. MESSAGES FROM THE BOROUGH MAYOR Mayor Selby thanked the corporate sponsors for their support with the Kodiak Community Legislative Reception to be held in Juneau on March 13. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Ordinance No. FY2013-13 Rezoning a Portion of Kodiak Island Borough Landfill Tract, Per Plat 96-31, From C-Conservation Zoning District To I-Industrial Zoning District (Case 13012). The motion before the Assembly was to adopt Ordinance No. FY2013-13. At the regular Assembly meeting of February 7, 2013, the Assembly postponed action on proposed Ordinance No. FY2013-13 and directed staff to meet with representatives of the Monashka Bay Road Service Area to consult on a new reduced boundary for the proposed landfill rezone to I-Industrial. Two meetings were held, one on February 15 and a follow-up meeting on February 20. In addition, both the Borough Manager and a GIS Analyst participated in a hike through the area of the Kodiak Island Borough Landfill Tract located outside the active landfill area. The substitute ordinance presented and staff recommendations were developed in consultation with community representatives. There were three distinct recommendations referenced: 1) to adopt Ordinance No. FY2013-13 (by substitution) to rezone a reduced area of the Kodiak Island Borough Landfill Tract from C-Conservation to I-Industrial; 2) to initiate a new rezone investigation for the balance of the Kodiak Island Borough Landfill Tract from a combination of PL-Public Use Land zoning and C-Conservation zoning to NU-Natural Use Land zoning; and 3) to initiate a review of the landfill greenbelt ordinance (KIB Ordinance No. 98-06) to run concurrently with the new rezone investigation. GRIFFIN moved to amend Ordinance No. FY2013-13 by substitution and direct staff to initiate a rezone investigation, in accordance with KIBC 17.205.030.A, for the remainder of Kodiak Island Borough Landfill Tract and Lot 2, Sawmill Subdivision, as shown in the presented Exhibit B, from a combination of PL-Public Use Land zoning and C-Conservation zoning to NU-Natural Use Land zoning, and to initiate a review of the KIB Ordinance No. 98-06, the landfill greenbelt buffer ordinance, to run concurrently with the rezone investigation for the remainder of the Kodiak Island Borough Landfill Tract as indicated on Exhibit B, in order to determine whether adjustments or reconfiguration of the greenbelt buffer ordinance are warranted in the context of proposed parcel boundary and zoning changes. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND BY SUBSTITUTION AND DIRECTION TO STAFF CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Bonney, Griffin, Kaplan, Lynch, Stephens, Stutes, and Austerman. Kodiak Island Borough March 7, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 3 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 9 of 71 ROLL CALL VOTE ON MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Griffin, Kaplan, Lynch, Stephens, Stutes, Austerman, and Bonney. NEW BUSINESS Contracts None. Resolutions 1. Resolution No. FY2013-25 Designating the Individual Who Will Serve as the Administrative Official During the Absence of the Kodiak Island Borough Manager. AUSTERMAN moved to adopt Resolution No. FY2013-25. This resolution was to update Resolution No. FY2008-27. For several years Mr. Cassidy served as the Administrative Official for the Borough in the absence of the Borough Manager. As Mr. Cassidy now served as the Borough Manager, the need arose to designate an individual to serve as the Administrative Official in his absence. Borough Assessor Bill Roberts was chosen as the qualified individual to serve in the position. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Kaplan, Lynch, Stephens, Stutes, Austerman, Bonney, and Griffin. 2. Resolution No. FY2013-28 Adopting a Federal Capital Improvement Program and Identifying Federal Program Priorities for Federal Fiscal Year 2014. BONNEY moved to adopt Resolution No. FY2013-28. The resolution designated the Borough’s two federal legislative capital improvement project priorities for federal fiscal year 2014. These were projects that the Borough forwarded to its congressional delegation in hopes of having the federal government provide part or all of the funding needed to complete these projects. The list was refined after discussion with the Borough’s federal lobbyist and the list included the lobbyist’s recommendations. The resolution also identified federal program priorities for federal fiscal year 2014. STEPHENS moved to amend Ordinance No. FY2013-28 by removing Item No. 2 Traffic Safety Lighting (City of Kodiak to United States Coast Guard Base). ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION TO AMEND CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Lynch, Stephens, Stutes, Austerman, Bonney, Griffin, and Kaplan. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MAIN MOTION AS AMENDED CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Stephens, Stutes, Austerman, Bonney, Griffin, Kaplan, and Lynch. Clerk’s Note: The resolution number was corrected from Resolution No. FY2013-26 to Resolution No. FY2013-28. 3. Resolution No. FY2013-27 Expressing Support for Renaming the State Airport in Kodiak After Benny Benson in Observance of His Centenary. KAPLAN moved to adopt Resolution No. FY2013-27. Kodiak Island Borough March 7, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 4 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 10 of 71 The resolution was requested by Mr. Jay Barrett at the Assembly work session of February 14, 2013. The resolution urged the State of Alaska to rename the Kodiak State Airport to Benny Benson Kodiak State Airport. The Assembly agreed that Mr. Benny Benson accomplished many significant things throughout his life and renaming the state airport in observance of his centenary would honor Mr. Benson and his many accomplishments. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Stephens, Stutes, Austerman, Bonney, Griffin, Kaplan, and Lynch. Ordinances for Introduction None. Other Items 1. Funding Request from the Kodiak Maritime Museum. KAPLAN moved to approve the funding request of $1,500 to the Kodiak Maritime Museum. The request for funding was discussed at the January 17 work session of the Assembly. This was a request from Toby Sullivan of the Kodiak Maritime Museum (KMM) for funding in the amount of $1,500 to create and implement a Harbor Cell Phone Tour in order to promote tourism in the community. The proposed tour would allow visitors to take a self-guided tour of the harbor and waterfront using any cellphone. The tour would include text, photos, audio, and video to explain the history and activities of Kodiak’s working waterfront, including the story of the 1964 earthquake and tsunami, the rise of the King Crab fishery, and information on past and present landmarks and buildings in the downtown area. KMM was working on project details with Discover Kodiak. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED FIVE TO TWO: Stutes, Bonney, Griffin, Kaplan, and Lynch (Ayes); Austerman and Stephens (Noes). 2. Declaring a Seat on the Parks and Recreation Committee Vacant (Sandra West). This item was approved under the consent agenda. On Wednesday, February 13, the Clerk's Office received a notice of resignation from Ms. Sandra West from the Parks and Recreation Committee, for a term to expire December 31, 2013. The Assembly accepted, with regret, the resignation of Ms. Sandra West from the Parks and Recreation Committee for a term to expire December 2013, and directed the Borough Clerk to advertise the vacancy per Borough Code. 3. Confirmation of the Assembly Appointment to the Womens Bay Service Area Board (Scott Griffin). This item was approved under the consent agenda. There was a vacant seat on the Womens Bay Service Area (WBSA) Board. On February 12, the Clerk’s Office received an application from Mr. Scott Griffin for the vacant seat for a term to expire October 2014. Mr. Griffin’s application was forwarded to the WBSA board for Kodiak Island Borough March 7, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 5 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 11 of 71 consideration. At its meeting of February 12, the WBSA board considered the application and consensus of the board was to recommend that the Assembly appoint Mr. Griffin to the vacant seat. The Assembly confirmed the appointment of Mr. Scott Griffin to the Womens Bay Service Area board for a term to expire October 2014. 4. Confirmation of the Mayoral Appointment to the Planning and Zoning Commission (Frank Peterson). This item was approved under the consent agenda. There was a vacant Borough seat on the Planning and Zoning Commission. On January 28, the Clerk's Office received an application from Mr. Frank Peterson, Jr. for the vacant seat term to expire December 31, 2015. The Assembly confirmed the Mayoral appointment of Mr. Frank Peterson, Jr. to the Planning and Zoning Commission Borough seat for term to expire December 2015. 5. Direction to the Finance Director to Prepare the 2012 Roll of Real Properties Subject to Foreclosure. AUSTERMAN moved to direct the Finance Director to prepare a roll of real property subject to foreclosure and make said roll available for public inspection. Per KIBC 3.35.160 Preparation of the foreclosure list. When the assembly elects to proceed under the Alaska Statutes to enforce the lien of taxes against real property, the treasurer shall, within such time as the assembly directs, make up a roll in duplicate of all real property subject to foreclosure. The rolls shall show the name of each person appearing on the latest tax roll as the owner of tax-delinquent property, a description of each property as it appears on the latest tax roll, the year or years for which the taxes are delinquent, the amount of delinquent taxes for each year and penalty and interest thereon accruing the day six months after the day of delinquency of taxes of the latest year. The treasurer shall endorse on the roll a certificate under his hand and the corporate seal that it is a true and correct roll of the delinquent taxes of the borough for the years shown. The roll shall be known as the foreclosure list of the borough for the year in which it is made up, and the original of it shall be filed with the clerk and remain open to inspection by the public. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Austerman, Bonney, Griffin, Kaplan, Lynch, Stephens, and Stutes. 6. Confirmation of the Assembly Appointment to the Board of Equalization (Ed Mahoney). This item was approved under the consent agenda. There was one vacant seat on the Board of Equalization for a term to expire December 31, 2015. The Clerk's Office solicited for applicants, contacting real estate agencies for applicants with local real estate market knowledge and expertise. On February 22, the Clerk's Office received an application from Mr. Ed Mahoney for the vacant seat. Kodiak Island Borough March 7, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 6 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 12 of 71 The Assembly confirmed the appointment of Mr. Ed Mahoney to the Citizens’ Board of Equalization for a term to expire December 2015. EXECUTIVE SESSION A. Recent and Pending Litigation Including But Not Limited To: Cutler Case vs. KIB, Wren Board of Adjustment Appeal to the Superior Court, and APOC Complaint Against an Assembly Member. Separate executive sessions were held on each item. CUTLER CASE VS. KIB BONNEY moved to convene into executive session to discuss recent or pending litigation regarding Cutler Case vs. KIB which qualifies for executive session as recent litigation to which the Borough was a party and confidential attorney-client privileged communications. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Bonney, Griffin, Kaplan, Lynch, Stephens, Stutes, and Austerman. Mayor Selby invited the Borough Assembly, Borough Manager, Borough Attorney, and Clerk’s Office Staff into executive session. Mayor Selby recessed the regular meeting and convened the executive session at 8:44 p.m. Upon returning from the executive session, Mayor Selby announced no action was to be taken as a result of the executive session. WREN BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPEAL TO THE SUPERIOR COURT GRIFFIN moved to convene into executive session to discuss Wren’s Board of Adjustment Appeal to the Superior Court which qualifies for executive session under pending litigation to which the Borough is a party and confidential attorney-client privileged communications. Assembly member Stephens declared a conflict of interest; Mayor Selby acknowledged the conflict and Assembly member Stephens stepped down from the dais. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Griffin, Kaplan, Lynch, Stutes, Austerman, and Bonney. Mayor Selby invited the Borough Assembly, Borough Manager, Borough Attorney, and Clerk’s Office Staff into executive session. Upon returning from the executive session, Mayor Selby announced no action was to be taken as a result of the executive session. STUTES moved to convene into executive session to discuss recent or pending litigation regarding Yngve vs. KIB which qualifies for executive session as recent litigation to which the Borough was a party and confidential attorney-client privileged communications. Kodiak Island Borough March 7, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 7 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 13 of 71 ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED SIX TO ONE: Kaplan, Lynch, Stutes, Austerman, Bonney, and Griffin (Ayes); Stephens (No). Mayor Selby invited the Borough Assembly, Borough Manager, Borough Attorney, and Clerk’s Office Staff into executive session. Upon returning from the executive session, Mayor Selby announced no action was to be taken as a result of the executive session. DISCUSSION OF THE APOC COMPLAINT AGAINST AN ASSEMBLY MEMBER This matter qualified for executive session as a matter which would tend to defame or prejudice the character or reputation of any person; however, Assembly member Stephens requested public discussion on the matter. An update on the complaint was provided by the Borough Attorney. After the Assembly received the update from the Borough Attorney, Mayor Selby closed discussion on the matter. STEPHENS moved to appeal the decision of the Chair (to close discussion on the matter). ROLL CALL VOTE ON THE MOTION FAILED FOUR TO THREE: Lynch, Austerman, Bonney, and Kaplan (Noes); Stephens, Stutes, and Griffin (Ayes). Mayor Selby reconvened the regular meeting at 9:13 p.m. CITIZENS’ COMMENTS None. ASSEMBLY MEMBER COMMENTS Assembly members Austerman, Griffin, and Lynch congratulated Employee of the Year award recipient Jessica Wolfe. Assembly member Stephens spoke on Agenda Item 14.A Discussion of the APOC Complaint Against an Assembly Member. Assembly member Stutes commended Mr. Barrett for initiating Resolution No. FY2013-27 and congratulated the local Special Olympics participants. Assembly member Griffin commended staff on their efforts on the Kodiak High School Addition and Renovation project. Assembly member Lynch congratulated the Student of the Month award recipient, and thanked Mr. Oliver and Mr. Reinke for their comments to the Assembly. Announcements The next Assembly work session was rescheduled to Tuesday, March 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Conference Room. The next regular meeting was scheduled on Thursday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the Borough Assembly Chambers. The Mayor and members of the Assembly would be traveling to Juneau to attend the Kodiak Community Legislative Reception on Wednesday, March 13, 2013. Kodiak Island Borough Assembly Minutes March 7, 2013 Page 8 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 14 of 71 ADJOURNMENT KAPLAN moved to adjourn the meeting. ROLL CALL VOTE ON MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY: Stephens, Stutes, Austerman, Bonney, Griffin, Kaplan, and Lynch. The meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m. KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ATTEST: ________________________ Jerome M. Selby, Mayor _______________________________ Nova M. Javier, MMC, Borough Clerk Approved on: Kodiak Island Borough March 7, 2013 Assembly Minutes Page 9 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 15 of 71 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH AGENDA STATEMENT REGULAR MEETING OF: MARCH 21, 2013 TITLE: ITEM NO.: 13.C.1 Ordinance No. FY2013-01B Amending Ordinance No. 2013-01 Fiscal Year 2013 Budget by Increasing the Landfill Lateral Expansion Project Budget (Project 07013) by $15,468,548 to $24,113,548 and Increasing the Long Term Care Budget (Project 09010) by $18,415,000 to $19,865,000. ORIGINATOR: Finance Staff FISCAL IMPACT: Account Number: Yes $ or No Funds Available Yes Amount Budgeted: No ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance No. FY2013-01B, Backup budgets for the Landfill Lateral Expansion Project and the Long Term Care Facility. APPROVAL FOR AGENDA: SUMMARY STATEMENT: This ordinance amends the Landfill Lateral Expansion Project and the Long Term Care Facility budgets: The landfill lateral expansion budget is amended with the following: the Borough has received an increase of $5,818,548 in the Alaska Clean Water Fund Loan; the Borough has sold $3,650,000 in revenue bonds; the Borough has been awarded a municipal matching grant of $3,000,000; and the Borough received a $3,000,000 FY2012 legislative grant. The Long Term Care Facility has received the following funding: the Borough Assembly approved a $20,000,000 Revenue Bond to construct a Long Term Care Center; and the Long Term Care Center bonds will be paid by Medicaid. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to adopt Ordinance No. FY2013-01B in first reading to advance to public hearing at the next regular meeting of the Assembly. Kodiak Island Borough Page 1 of 1 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 March 21, 2013 Page 16 of 71 Introduced by: Requested by: Drafted by: Introduced: Public Hearing: Adopted: Borough Manager Borough Manager Finance Director 03/21/2013 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. FY2013-01B AN ORDINANCE OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2013-01 FISCAL YEAR 2013 BUDGET BY INCREASING THE LANDFILL LATERERAL EXPANSION PROJECT BUDGET (PROJECT 07013) BY $15,468,548 TO $24,113,548 AND INCREASING THE LONG TERM CARE BUDGET (PROJECT 09010) BY $18,415,000 TO $19,865,000. WHEREAS, the Borough has received an increase of $5,818,548 in the Alaska Clean Water Fund Loan for the lateral expansion project; and WHEREAS, the Borough has sold $3,650,000 in revenue bonds; and WHEREAS, and the Borough has been awarded a municipal matching grant of $3,000,000; WHEREAS, the Borough received a $3,000,000 FY2012 legislative grant; and WHEREAS, the Borough Assembly approved a $20,000,000 revenue Bond to construct a Long Term Care Center; and WHEREAS, the Long Term Care Center Bonds will be paid by Medicaid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THAT: Section 1: This ordinance is not of a general application and shall not be codified. Section 2: The FY2013 budget will be amended by increasing the Long Term Care Center (project #09010) by $18,415,000 to $19,865,000. Section 3: The FY2013 budget will be amended by increasing the Landfill Lateral Expansion project (project 07013) by $15,468,548 to $24,113,548. ADOPTED BY THE ASSEMBLY OF THE KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH THIS __________ DAY OF _______________ 2013 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH ___________________________ Jerome M. Selby, Borough Mayor ATTEST: ______________________________ Nova M. Javier, MMC, Borough Clerk Kodiak Island Borough, Alaska Ordinance No. FY2013-01B Page 1 of 1 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 17 of 71 Long Term Care Facility Budget Updated: 3/4/2013 LTD Exp Budget 1 2 3 4 5 9 11 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,865 9,174 15,350 486,872 90 80,260 599,611 Obligated $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 190,007 22,258 17,800 230,065 Remaining CM by Consultant CM in House Land Design Services Construction Indirect Admin Contingency PROJECT TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 7,865 9,174 15,350 1,237,148 15,464,346 607,599 2,523,518 19,865,000 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 560,269 15,441,998 509,539 2,523,518 19,035,324 Funding Community Dev. Block Grant SOA Leg grant 12-DC-389 Revenue Bonds $ $ $ Total Revenue Funding $ 90,000 1,275,000 18,500,000 Not to exceed amount. Will also cover admin costs outside of 19,865,000 construction costs like bond sale, drafting of lease, staff time and legal work. Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 18 of 71 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 19 of 71 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 20 of 71 KODIAK ISLAND BOROUGH AGENDA STATEMENT REGULAR MEETING OF: MARCH 21, 2013 TITLE: ITEM NO.: 13.D.1 Assembly Direction to the Finance Director to Publish the 2012 Roll of Delinquent Taxes and Real Properties Subject to Foreclosure. ORIGINATOR: Finance Staff FISCAL IMPACT: Account Number: Yes $ or No Funds Available Yes Amount Budgeted: No ATTACHMENTS: foreclosure list APPROVAL FOR AGENDA: SUMMARY STATEMENT: At its March 7 meeting, the Assembly directed the Finance Officer to begin the foreclosure process by authorizing the creation of a foreclosure list that include those who have not paid their tax obligation. The next step is to direct the Finance Officer to publish the foreclosure list in the local newspaper stating that if taxes owed are not paid, a foreclosure list will be presented to the Superior Court. This code section reads: KIBC 3.35.170 Publication of the foreclosure list. After the preparation of the foreclosure list, the treasurer shall, under the direction of the assembly, have published in the official newspaper of the corporation, or in a newspaper of general circulation in the borough designated by the assembly, a notice under the hand of the treasurer setting forth the foreclosure list of real property for the year, naming it as complete and open for public inspection at the office of the clerk, and that on a day certain not less than 30 days after the final publication or posting, where posting is authorized of the notice, the foreclosure list will be presented to the superior court of judgment and order of same. RECOMMENDED MOTION: Move to direct the Finance Director to publish the 2012 roll of delinquent taxes and real properties subject to foreclosure in the Kodiak Daily Mirror and proceed with the foreclosure process as required in KIBC 3.35. Kodiak Island Borough Page 1 of 1 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 21 of 71 TY2012 Property Tax Foreclosure Tracking Who Code No. Finance 3.35.160 Finance 3.35.160 Finance 3.35.170 3.35.210 Finance 3.35.170 Attorney 3.35.180 Finance 3.35.180 Item Done Finance Director prepares agenda statement for assembly for directive to prepare roll list of all real property subject to foreclosure with preliminary process timeline. Proposed Date: February 21, 2013 meeting cancelled March 7, 2013 After directive from Assembly, treasurer will prepare roll list of all real property subject to foreclosure and publish pre-filing notice in newspaper for four consecutive weeks. Copy to the clerk to remain open for inspection by the public for 30 days. Propose Publication dates: Week 1 March 8, 2013 Week 2 March 15, 2013 Week 3 March 22, 2013 Week 4 March 29, 2013 Treasurer will prepare agenda statement for assembly and present the foreclosure list, for assembly directive to publish the updated Foreclosure List in the newspaper after 30 day public inspection window is complete. Proposed Presentation Date: March 21, 2013 After direction of the assembly, the treasurer shall have published in the official newspaper, a certified copy of the Foreclosure List, for no less than four consecutive weeks. Propose Publication Dates: Week 1 April 12, 2013 Week 2 April 19, 2013 Week 3 April 26, 2013 Week 4 May 3, 2013 On the day designated in the notice published, a certified copy of the foreclosure list together with a petition for judgment shall be presented to the superior court. Presentation of Foreclosure List to the court starts one year redemption window. Proposed Date: April 12, 2013 The treasurer shall, within 10 days after the first date of publication, mail to each person to whom a tract is assessed, at his last known address, a notice describing the property and the amount due as stated on the foreclosure list. Proposed Date: April 22, 2013 March 7, 2013 Set for: March 8, 2013 March 15, 2013 March 22, 2013 March 29, 2013 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 22 of 71 CERTIFICATION I, Karleton G Short, Finance Director of the Kodiak Island Borough, do hereby certify that the foregoing roll designated as the Delinquent Tax and Special Assessment Foreclosure List for the Year 2012 is true and correct roll of all delinquent tax assessment and special assessments, of the Kodiak Island Borough for the Years 2012 and prior years. Given under my hand and seal of the Kodiak Island Borough this 29th day of March, 2013. Karleton G Short Finance Director Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 23 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Lease) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 17841 R5252201902 18039 R5272201904 17749 R5242103005 17719 R5242101909 17728 R5242101918 17912 R5252301203 17924 R5252302503 17771 R5242301002 17888 R5252300302 18044 R5272202104 18082 R5282202001 17894 R5252300801 17879 R5252300206 18754 R5425222101 17890 R5252300402 17971 R5262300301 Owner Name AFOGNAK NATIVE CORPORATION ANC/BARTLESON CRYSTAL ANC/BISHOP GLORIA ANC/BLONDIN ROBERTA ANC/BLONDIN ROBERTA ANC/BORTON CHERYL ANC/BRISBANE DANIEL ANC/BUNDY BARBARA ANC/COPELAND FARRIE ANC/CRATTY JONETTA ANC/DRUCKERY KATHLEEN ANC/DULIN LUCILLE ANC/ERICKSON KEVIN ANC/FLERCHINGER A BRITTA ANC/FLICKINGER CARLA ANC/GODFREY JENNIFER Legal Description T25S R22W TL 1902 RASPBERRY STRAIT T27S R22W TL 1904 KIZHUYAK BAY T24S R21W TL 3005 AFOGNAK BAY T24S R21W TL 1909 AFOGNAK BAY T24S R21W TL 1918 AFOGNAK BAY T25S R23W TL 1203 RASPBERRY STRAIT T25S R23W TL 2503 RASPBERRY STRAIT T24S R23W TL 1002 RASPBERRY STRAITS T25S R23W TL 302 RASPBERRY STRAIT T27S R22W TL 2104 KIZHUYAK BAY T28S R22W TL 2001 KIZHUYAK BAY T25S R23W TL 802 RASPBERRY ISLAND T25S R23W TL 206 RASPBERRY STRAIT T25S R22W TL 2101 RASPBERRY STRAIT T25S R23W TL 402 RASPBERRY ISLAND T26S R23W TL 301 KUPREANOF STRAIT Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2011 72.32 0.00 0.00 72.32 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 448.57 37.64 15.04 501.25 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 301.00 30.09 12.04 343.13 Total 301.00 30.09 12.04 343.13 2012 48.92 0.00 0.00 48.92 Total 48.92 0.00 0.00 48.92 2012 325.17 0.00 1.74 326.91 Total 325.17 0.00 1.74 326.91 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 550.41 55.04 22.01 627.46 Total 550.41 55.04 22.01 627.46 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 33.10 0.00 0.00 33.10 Total 33.10 0.00 0.00 33.10 2012 760.03 76.00 30.40 866.43 Total 760.03 76.00 30.40 866.43 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 24 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Lease) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 17972 R5262300302 17736 R5242102005 17951 R5262201403 17753 R5242103009 18022 R5272200805 17761 R5242103204 17999 R5262302205 18038 R5272201903 17741 R5242102903 17902 R5252301003 17899 R5252300807 17962 R5262202703 18040 R5272201905 18471 R5327223003 17981 R5262300903 17993 R5262301602 17989 R5262301106 Owner Name ANC/GODFREY JR GLEN ANC/JORGENSEN MARY ANC/KEWAN DANA ANC/KNAGIN GARY ANC/LUKIN WAYNE ANC/MALUTIN DENISE ANC/MALUTIN PETER ANC/MAY RAYMOND ANC/MCCORMICK GORDAN ANC/MIDDLETON MARY ANC/NAPOLEON MARGARET ANC/NELSON BETTY ANC/NELSON CLINTON ANC/NELSON JR CECIL ANC/OLSEN ARNOLD ANC/OLSEN ERIC ANC/OLSEN JEREMIAH Legal Description T26S R23W TL 302 KUPREANOF STRAIT T24S R21W TL 2005 AFOGNAK BAY T26S R22W TL 1403 WHALE ISLAND T24S R21W TL 3009 AFOGNAK BAY T27S R22W TL 805 KIZHUYAK BAY T24S R21W TL 3204 AFOGNAK BAY T26S R23W TL 2205 DRY SPRUCE BAY T27S R22W TL 1903 KIZHUYAK BAY T24S R21W TL 2903 AFOGNAK BAY T25S R23W TL 1003 RASPBERRY ISLAND T25S R23W TL 807 RASPBERRY ISLAND T26S R22W TL 2703 KIZHUYAK BAY T27S R22W TL 1905 KIZHUYAK BAY T27S R22W TL 3003 KIZHUYAK BAY T26S R23W TL 903 DRY SPRUCE BAY T26S R23W TL 1602 DRY SPRUCE BAY T26S R23W TL 1106 KUPREANOF STRAIT Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 37.64 0.00 1.49 39.13 Total 37.64 0.00 1.49 39.13 2012 33.65 3.37 1.34 38.36 Total 33.65 3.37 1.34 38.36 2012 116.36 0.00 0.00 116.36 Total 116.36 0.00 0.00 116.36 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 37.64 0.00 1.49 39.13 Total 37.64 0.00 1.49 39.13 2012 301.00 30.09 12.04 343.13 Total 301.00 30.09 12.04 343.13 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 188.11 0.00 0.00 188.11 Total 188.11 0.00 0.00 188.11 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 25.01 0.00 0.00 25.01 Total 25.01 0.00 0.00 25.01 2012 37.64 0.00 1.49 39.13 Total 37.64 0.00 1.49 39.13 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 25 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Lease) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 17778 R5242303401 17725 R5242101915 18054 R5272203006 17900 R5252301001 17901 R5252301002 17998 R5262302204 17723 R5242101913 18080 R5282200702 18476 R5328220602 17867 R5252202902 17990 R5262301107 18083 R5282202002 16997 R5124231602 17874 R5252300201 18466 R5327220801 17763 R5242103206 Owner Name ANC/OLSEN MIKE ANC/OLSEN PETER J ANC/OLSEN SR DAVID L ANC/ORLOFF JONANA ANC/ORLOFF JONANA ANC/ORTH MARCI ANC/PARKER JR ETAL JOHN ANC/PARKER KENNETH ANC/PARKER KENNETH ANC/PETERSON STEVEN A ANC/ROWLAND RICK ANC/ROWLAND RICK ANC/ROWLAND RICKHART ANC/ROWLAND RICKHART ANC/ROWLAND RICKHART ANC/SAMPSON VALERY Legal Description T24S R23W TL 3401 RASPBERRY STRAITS T24S R21W TL 1915 AFOGNAK BAY T27S R22W TL 3006 KIZHUYAK BAY T25S R23W TL 1001 RASPBERRY ISLAND T25S R23W TL 1002 RASPBERRY ISLAND T26S R23W TL 2204 DRY SPRUCE BAY T24S R21W TL 1913 AFOGNAK BAY T28S R22W TL 702 KIZHUYAK BAY T28S R22W TL 602 KIZHUYAK BAY T25S R22W TL 2902 RASPBERRY STRAIT T26S R23W TL 1107 KUPREANOF STRAIT T28S R22W TL 2002 KIZHUYAK BAY T24S R23W TL 1604 RASPBERRY STRAIT T25S R23W TL 201 RASPBERRY STRAIT T27S R22W TL 801 KIZHUYAK BAY T24S R21W TL 3206 AFOGNAK BAY Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 41.40 0.00 0.00 41.40 Total 41.40 0.00 0.00 41.40 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 456.89 45.70 18.28 520.87 Total 456.89 45.70 18.28 520.87 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 18.81 0.00 0.00 18.81 Total 18.81 0.00 0.00 18.81 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 26 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Lease) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 17842 R5252201903 18025 R5272201102 17965 R5262202706 17756 R5242103012 17752 R5242103008 17755 R5242103011 18464 R5326221002 17898 R5252300806 16731 R3800031204 16454 R1457002008 16436 R1456001011 16453 R1457002007 19594 R5735000894 16438 R1457001002 Owner Name ANC/SARGENT RANDI ANC/SEXTON KIM ANC/SQUARTSOFF GERALDINE ANC/VALLEY JR DANIEL ANC/VALLEY REINA ANC/VALLEY SR DANIEL ANC/VON SCHEELE CHRISTINE ANC/WEBBER KATHLEEN AVIATION ACQUISITION GROUP LLC JACKSON JAMES NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC SKINNER, WES VICK PAUL WATTUM JOEL Legal Description T25S R22W TL 1903 RASPBERRY STRAIT T27S R22W TL 1102 SHERATIN BAY T26S R22W TL 2706 KIZHUYAK BAY T24S R21W TL 3012 AFOGNAK BAY T24S R21W TL 3008 AFOGNAK BAY T24S R21W TL 3011 AFOGNAK BAY T26S R22W TL 1002 WHALE ISLAND T25S R23W TL 806 RASPBERRY ISLAND USS 2539 BK 1200 LT 4B A/P LEASE USS 3467 ROW 2 SP 8 CITY A/P LEASE USS 3945 SW ptn ‐ COMSITE #11 USS 3467 ROW 2 SP 7 CITY A/P LEASE SPECIAL USE PERMIT #96 UGANIK BAY USS 3467 ROW 1 SP 2 CITY A/P LEASE Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 45.17 0.00 0.00 45.17 Total 45.17 0.00 0.00 45.17 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 2012 3,912.35 0.00 0.00 3,912.35 Total 3,912.35 0.00 0.00 3,912.35 2012 81.59 8.16 3.26 93.01 Total 81.59 8.16 3.26 93.01 2012 12.54 0.00 0.00 12.54 Total 12.54 0.00 0.00 12.54 2011 37.06 2.82 4.49 44.37 2012 81.59 8.16 3.26 93.01 Total 118.65 10.98 7.75 137.38 2012 65.58 6.56 2.62 74.76 Total 65.58 6.56 2.62 74.76 2012 302.80 0.00 0.00 302.80 Total 302.80 0.00 0.00 302.80 22,597.53 1,733.95 702.51 25,033.99 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 20817 R7335000007 ANDERSON DAVIS JAY March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3099 LT 1 SP 7 HARDING MHP 21292 R7435000061 ANDERSON JEFFREY USS 3233 LT 7 SP 61 JACKSONS MHP 21264 R7435000031 ANDERSON MORRIS USS 3233 LT 4 SP 31 JACKSONS MHP 21242 R7435000008 ANDRESEN KEVIN USS 3233 LT 6 SP 8 JACKSONS MHP 21250 R7435000017 ANDRESEN KEVIN USS 3233 LT 4 SP 17 JACKSONS MHP 21254 R7435000021 ANDRESEN KEVIN USS 3233 LT 3 SP 21 JACKSONS MHP Page 27 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2011 262.58 25.37 40.59 328.54 2012 253.58 25.36 10.14 289.08 Total 516.16 50.73 50.73 617.62 2005 259.20 25.92 228.10 513.22 2006 264.40 25.44 193.35 483.19 2007 431.90 25.44 162.81 620.15 2008 332.24 25.92 134.79 492.95 2009 267.20 25.92 103.68 396.80 2010 267.70 25.92 72.57 366.19 2011 273.01 26.39 42.24 341.64 2012 244.81 24.48 9.78 279.07 Total 2,340.46 205.43 947.32 3,493.21 2008 159.86 15.19 78.96 254.01 2009 311.75 30.39 121.50 463.64 2010 312.25 30.39 85.05 427.69 2011 318.39 30.95 49.50 398.84 2012 286.89 28.71 11.48 327.08 Total 1,389.14 135.63 346.49 1,871.26 2008 290.15 28.23 146.71 465.09 2009 290.15 28.23 112.86 431.24 2010 290.65 28.23 79.01 397.89 2011 296.37 28.75 46.00 371.12 2012 266.48 26.65 10.66 303.79 Total 1,433.80 140.09 395.24 1,969.13 2008 330.65 32.28 167.77 530.70 2009 330.65 32.28 129.06 491.99 2010 331.15 32.28 90.35 453.78 2011 337.62 32.87 52.60 423.09 2012 304.73 30.48 12.19 347.40 Total 1,634.80 160.19 451.97 2,246.96 2008 248.30 24.03 124.95 397.28 2009 248.30 24.03 96.12 368.45 2010 248.80 24.03 67.29 340.12 2011 253.74 24.47 39.15 317.36 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name March 21, 2013 Legal Description 21129 R7385010120 ANTONSON FREDDIE USS 3218 TR V SP 42 REZANOF MHP 16314 R1448130009 ASHFORD, JAMES R USS 3098 LT 13 SP 9 WARNER MHP 20830 R7335000038 BANDL KEITH USS 3099 LT 3 SP 8 POWELLS MHP 21317 R7435000089 20930 R7345000017 21745 R7535010052 21335 R7435001030 BELTRAN EDGAR BLONDIN RONALD ROBERTA BRENTESON BELLA JUDENE BROWN CHRIS SONYA USS 3233 LT 4 SP 90 JACKSONS MHP USS 3100 LT 1 SP 7 GLASS BEACH MHP MILLER PT 1ST BK 1 LT 5B USS 3233 LT 4 SP 30 JACKSONS MHP 21128 R7385010110 CARLSEN DENNIS USS 3218 TR V SP 41 REZANOF MHP 21295 R7435000064 CARLSON PATRICIA USS 3233 LT 7 SP 64 JACKSONS MHP Page 28 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 226.94 22.69 9.09 258.72 Total 1,226.08 119.25 336.60 1,681.93 2008 41.45 0.00 0.00 41.45 2009 264.50 25.65 102.60 392.75 2010 265.00 25.65 71.82 362.47 2011 270.25 26.12 41.79 338.16 2012 242.25 24.23 9.68 276.16 Total 1,083.45 101.65 225.89 1,410.99 2011 339.22 33.03 52.83 425.08 2012 330.23 33.03 13.21 376.47 Total 669.45 66.06 66.04 801.55 2011 63.54 0.00 0.00 63.54 2012 215.61 21.55 8.63 245.79 279.15 21.55 8.63 309.33 Total 2012 418.19 41.82 16.73 476.74 Total 418.19 41.82 16.73 476.74 2012 319.73 31.98 12.79 364.50 Total 319.73 31.98 12.79 364.50 2012 159.96 0.00 0.00 159.96 Total 159.96 0.00 0.00 159.96 2009 18.72 0.00 0.00 18.72 2010 161.05 15.27 42.72 219.04 2011 164.37 15.54 24.85 204.76 2012 144.08 14.41 5.77 164.26 Total 488.22 45.22 73.34 606.78 2007 516.05 40.42 258.64 815.11 2008 419.75 41.19 214.11 675.05 2009 511.49 41.19 164.70 717.38 2010 420.25 41.19 115.29 576.73 2011 428.39 41.95 67.10 537.44 2012 388.89 38.89 15.56 443.34 Total 2,684.82 244.83 835.40 3,765.05 2007 202.13 19.22 122.96 344.31 2008 203.75 19.59 101.79 325.13 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 21312 R7435000084 CASTRO ETAL DOMINGO 16317 R1448130012 CASTRO NANCY GUADALUPE 21120 R7385010030 CHARLIAGA NICK HILDA 19625 R5755000025 19626 R5755000026 CHRISTIANSEN HAROLD CHRISTIANSEN ROLF GWEN 21238 R7435000004 COLE JAMES 21152 R7392000014 16319 R1448130014 COOPER GERALDINE DE SANTIAGO MANUEL 20915 R7335000311 DESCLOUX , DOUGLAS March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3233 LT 5 SP 84 JACKSONS MHP USS 3098 LT 13 SP 12 WARNER MHP USS 3218 TR V SP 33 REZANOF MHP OLD HARBOR TR B UNSUBD PTN B/O A OLD HARBOR TR B UNSUBD PTN B/O B USS 3233 LT 6 SP 4 JACKSONS MHP USS 3218 TR W SP 14 REZANOF MHP USS 3098 LT 13 SP 14 WARNER MHP USS 3099 LT 3 SP 11 POWELLS MHP Page 29 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2009 336.13 19.59 78.30 434.02 2010 204.25 19.59 54.81 278.65 2011 208.39 19.95 31.90 260.24 2012 184.89 18.50 7.41 210.80 Total 1,339.54 116.44 397.17 1,853.15 2010 216.87 0.00 10.84 227.71 2011 230.99 23.10 36.94 291.03 2012 214.19 21.41 8.57 244.17 Total 662.05 44.51 56.35 762.91 2012 63.75 6.39 2.56 72.70 Total 63.75 6.39 2.56 72.70 2009 81.78 0.00 29.51 111.29 2010 368.95 36.06 100.92 505.93 2011 376.13 36.72 58.75 471.60 2012 340.43 34.05 13.61 388.09 Total 1,167.29 106.83 202.79 1,476.91 2012 220.39 22.03 8.81 251.23 Total 220.39 22.03 8.81 251.23 2011 658.30 64.92 103.89 827.11 2012 649.29 64.93 25.97 740.19 Total 1,307.59 129.85 129.86 1,567.30 2011 365.12 35.63 56.98 457.73 2012 330.23 33.04 13.21 376.48 Total 695.35 68.67 70.19 834.21 2012 341.69 34.16 13.67 389.52 Total 341.69 34.16 13.67 389.52 2010 332.90 0.00 74.81 407.71 2011 478.19 46.92 75.08 600.19 2012 469.19 46.91 18.76 534.86 Total 1,280.28 93.83 168.65 1,542.76 2010 39.12 0.00 6.26 45.38 2011 230.73 22.17 35.47 288.37 2012 221.73 22.17 8.87 252.77 Total 491.58 44.34 50.60 586.52 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 21321 R7435000280 DINGLE, LORDELITO 21321 R7435000280 DINGLE, LORDELITO 16502 R1600000075 DOBSON CELLULAR SYSTEMS INC 21278 R7435000047 DOWNS DON JACKIE 20918 R7335000314 DRAFALL CRAIG 20929 R7345000016 DRAFALL DAVE 20921 20894 21144 18744 20828 R7335010256 R7335000241 R7392000006 R5424200902 R7335000036 20898 R7335000245 21320 R7435000180 21340 R7435002070 EADS BEVERLY ERICKSON KEVIN EVANS, RYAN & JENNIFER EVERGREEN TIMBER LP FERRIS PHIL FRETS STEVE GARCIA MANUEL MARTHA GEHRKE, TONY March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3233 LT 5 & 6 SP 80B JACKSONS USS 3233 LT 5 & 6 SP 80B JACKSONS USS 4947 PTN OF B/O NEAR ISLAND USS 3233 LT 5 SP 47 JACKSONS MHP USS 3099 LT 3 SP 14 POWELLS MHP USS 3100 LT 1 SP 6 GLASS BEACH MHP USS 3099 LT 25C‐2 B/O USS 3099 LT 24A1 USS 3218 TR W SP 6 REZANOF MHP T24S R20W TL 901 B/O USS 3099 LT 3 SP 6 POWELLS MHP USS 3099 LT 24C SUBLT 3 USS 3233 LT 5 & 6 SP 80A JACKSONS USS 3233 LT 6 SP 69 JACKSONS MHP Page 30 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2011 384.37 37.56 60.06 481.99 2012 348.08 34.82 13.93 396.83 Total 732.45 72.38 73.99 878.82 2012 328.94 32.91 13.15 375.00 Total 328.94 32.91 13.15 375.00 2012 293.25 29.33 11.73 334.31 Total 293.25 29.33 11.73 334.31 2009 368.00 36.00 144.00 548.00 2010 368.50 36.00 100.80 505.30 2011 376.50 36.75 58.79 472.04 2012 367.50 36.75 14.71 418.96 Total 1,480.50 145.50 318.30 1,944.30 2009 237.20 22.93 91.68 351.81 2010 237.70 22.93 64.17 324.80 2011 242.98 23.40 37.43 303.81 2012 233.98 23.41 9.36 266.75 Total 951.86 92.67 202.64 1,247.17 2012 191.25 19.14 7.66 218.05 Total 191.25 19.14 7.66 218.05 2012 82.06 0.00 0.00 82.06 Total 82.06 0.00 0.00 82.06 2012 253.73 25.39 10.15 289.27 Total 253.73 25.39 10.15 289.27 2012 876.14 87.62 35.05 998.81 Total 876.14 87.62 35.05 998.81 2010 361.30 35.28 98.79 495.37 2011 369.15 36.03 57.63 462.81 2012 360.14 36.02 14.40 410.56 Total 1,090.59 107.33 170.82 1,368.74 2012 768.82 0.00 0.00 768.82 Total 768.82 0.00 0.00 768.82 2012 462.83 46.30 18.52 527.65 Total 462.83 46.30 18.52 527.65 2008 213.20 20.52 106.71 340.43 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 16308 R1448130003 GIBSON PHILLIP JAMI 21125 R7385010080 21241 R7435000007 GREENE ETAL, TRACY HALOG SALVACION March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3098 LT 13 SP 3 WARNER MHP USS 3218 TR V SP 38 REZANOF MHP USS 3233 LT 6 SP 7 JACKSONS MHP 21331 R7435001015 HAMMOND, REUBEN JACKSON MOBILE HOME TRACT SP F 16268 R1448000144 HARFORD WAYNE USS 3098 LT 14A‐3B SP 4 MILL BAY MHP 16269 R1448000145 HARFORD WAYNE USS 3098 LT 14A‐3B SP 3 MILL BAY MHP 21132 R7385010150 HARRINGTON DARYL USS 3218 TR V SP 45 REZANOF MHP 21252 R7435000019 HAUSER, JACOB USS 3233 LT 4 SP 19 JACKSONS MHP Page 31 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2009 213.20 20.52 82.08 315.80 2010 213.70 20.52 57.45 291.67 2011 218.01 20.91 33.45 272.37 2012 193.81 19.39 7.75 220.95 Total 1,051.92 101.86 287.44 1,441.22 2010 321.00 31.25 87.50 439.75 2011 327.75 31.89 51.00 410.64 2012 318.75 31.89 12.75 363.39 Total 967.50 95.03 151.25 1,213.78 2012 143.43 0.00 0.00 143.43 Total 143.43 0.00 0.00 143.43 2011 100.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 2012 327.68 32.79 13.09 373.56 Total 427.68 32.79 13.09 473.56 2011 229.00 22.00 35.20 286.20 2012 204.00 20.41 8.16 232.57 Total 433.00 42.41 43.36 518.77 2010 24.08 0.00 0.00 24.08 2012 174.68 17.47 6.99 199.14 Total 198.76 17.47 6.99 223.22 2010 66.46 0.00 0.00 66.46 2011 228.22 22.81 36.52 287.55 2012 238.43 23.85 9.53 271.81 Total 533.11 46.66 46.05 625.82 2005 70.20 7.02 61.78 139.00 2006 78.90 6.89 52.37 138.16 2007 78.90 6.89 44.09 129.88 2008 78.20 7.02 36.51 121.73 2009 78.20 7.02 28.08 113.30 2010 78.70 7.02 19.65 105.37 2011 80.51 7.16 11.45 99.12 2012 66.31 6.64 2.66 75.61 Total 609.92 55.66 256.59 922.17 2011 286.76 27.77 44.45 358.98 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 21311 R7435000083 HEGLIN RUSSELL 21284 R7435000053 21285 R7435000054 HERNANDEZ JOSE OVIDIO HOCHMUTH JR JOSEPH March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3233 LT 5 SP 83 JACKSONS MHP USS 3233 LT 4 SP 53 JACKSONS MHP USS 3233 LT 4 SP 54 JACKSONS MHP 21145 R7392000007 IRAHETA ETAL PEDRO USS 3218 TR W SP 7 REZANOF MHP 16267 R1448000143 JAUREGUI ETAL ANDRES USS 3098 LT 14A‐3B SP 5 MILL BAY MHP 20783 R7315050001 21086 R7365000171 JOHNSON JEFFREY JONES DONNA USS 2739/3066AB BK 5 SP 1 CLARKS USS 3103 LT 17 B/O 21251 R7435000018 KASPRZAK DARIUS USS 3233 LT 4 SP 18 JACKSONS MHP 21127 R7385010100 KATELNIKOFF COLLEEN USS 3218 TR V SP 40 REZANOF MHP Page 32 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 257.56 25.75 10.29 293.60 Total 544.32 53.52 54.74 652.58 2008 194.86 0.00 58.23 253.09 2009 452.08 30.78 123.12 605.98 2010 316.30 30.78 86.19 433.27 2011 322.49 31.35 50.15 403.99 2012 290.69 29.07 11.64 331.40 Total 1,576.42 121.98 329.33 2,027.73 2012 248.31 0.00 0.00 348.31 Total 348.31 0.00 0.00 348.31 2011 319.75 31.08 49.71 400.54 288.16 28.82 11.53 328.51 2012 Total 607.91 59.90 61.24 729.05 2010 171.00 0.00 0.00 171.00 2011 427.63 42.77 68.42 538.82 2012 396.53 39.66 15.86 452.05 Total 995.16 82.43 84.28 1,161.87 2007 104.75 0.00 0.00 104.75 2008 185.00 18.50 96.20 299.70 2009 193.00 18.50 74.00 285.50 2010 193.50 18.50 51.80 263.80 2011 197.69 18.86 30.19 246.74 2012 186.16 18.61 7.45 212.22 Total 1,060.10 92.97 259.64 1,412.71 2012 258.83 25.89 10.34 295.06 Total 258.83 25.89 10.34 295.06 2011 647.00 63.81 102.08 812.89 2012 510.00 51.00 20.41 581.41 Total 1,157.00 114.81 122.49 1,394.30 2011 322.49 31.35 50.15 403.99 2012 290.69 29.07 11.64 331.40 Total 613.18 60.42 61.79 735.39 2005 444.15 22.20 390.85 857.20 2006 445.93 43.60 331.31 820.84 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name March 21, 2013 Legal Description 21118 R7385010010 KATELNIKOFF JOAN USS 3218 TR V SP 31 REZANOF MHP 21306 R7435000078 KATELNIKOFF RICK USS 3233 LT 6 SP 78 JACKSONS MHP 20924 R7345000011 KING ETAL DAVID USS 3100 LT 1 SP 1 GLASS BEACH MHP 21268 R7435000035 LEDOUX, DUWAYNE USS 3233 LT 3 SP 35 JACKSONS MHP 21301 R7435000073 LEDOUX, DUWAYNE USS 3233 SP 73 21135 R7385010180 20796 R7315060005 21161 R7392000024 LEVICK JOHN LANI MADSEN HERMAN MALUTIN ETAL DENISE 21290 R7435000059 MALUTIN HAZEL USS 3218 TR V SP 48 REZANOF MHP USS 3066AB BK 6 LT 1 SP 5 COVES MHP USS 3218 TR W SP 24 REZANOF MHP USS 3233 LT 7 SP 59 JACKSONS MHP Page 33 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2007 598.00 43.60 278.99 920.59 2008 452.15 44.43 230.95 727.53 2009 791.88 44.43 177.66 1,013.97 2010 452.65 44.43 124.37 621.45 2011 461.37 45.25 72.39 579.01 2012 419.48 41.95 16.78 478.21 Total 4,065.61 329.89 1,623.30 6,018.80 2008 326.60 14.55 165.68 506.83 2009 326.60 31.86 127.44 485.90 2010 327.10 31.86 89.20 448.16 2011 333.50 32.45 51.90 417.85 2012 300.91 30.09 12.04 343.04 Total 1,614.71 140.81 446.26 2,201.78 2011 343.12 33.42 53.46 430.00 2012 309.83 30.99 12.41 353.23 Total 652.95 64.41 65.87 783.23 2011 425.50 41.65 66.64 533.79 2012 416.50 41.64 16.66 474.80 Total 842.00 83.29 83.30 1,008.59 2011 343.12 33.42 53.46 430.00 2012 309.83 30.99 12.41 353.23 Total 652.95 64.41 65.87 783.23 2011 277.14 26.83 42.90 346.87 2012 248.64 24.88 9.94 283.46 Total 525.78 51.71 52.84 630.33 2012 19.14 0.00 0.76 19.90 Total 19.14 0.00 0.76 19.90 2012 16.69 0.00 0.00 16.69 Total 16.69 0.00 0.00 16.69 37.41 59.85 480.27 2011 383.01 2012 346.81 34.68 13.86 395.35 Total 729.82 72.09 73.71 875.62 2010 7.45 0.00 0.00 7.45 2011 516.37 50.75 81.19 648.31 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 21314 R7435000086 MALUTIN VIRGINIA March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3233 LT 5 SP 86 JACKSONS MHP 21148 R7392000010 MANDA JUDIE USS 3218 TR W SP 10 REZANOF MHP 20900 R7335000250 MCCORMICK CYNTHIA USS 3099 LT 25A‐1 B/O 20900 R7335000250 MCCORMICK CYNTHIA USS 3099 LT 25A‐1 B/O 21398 R7475000052 20938 R7345000025 20941 R7345000029 21240 R7435000006 20920 R7335010253 MCCUSKER DENNIS DEBORA MECHAM WILLIAM MECHAM WILLIAM MENDOZA CATHERINE MORGAN ROBBIE 21271 R7435000039 NUGENT, RICHARD 21131 R7385010140 21282 R7435000051 OLSEN SHAWN & LYSSA OURANIA, LLC USS 3466 LT 5B USS 3100 LT 2 SP 5 SPRUCE CAPE MHP USS 3100 LT 2 SP 9 SPRUCE CAPE MHP USS 3233 LT 6 SP 6 JACKSONS MHP USS 3099 LT 25C B/O USS 3233 LT 3 SP 39 JACKSONS MHP USS 3218 TR V SP 44 REZANOF MHP USS 3233 LT 4 SP 51 JACKSONS MHP Page 34 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 523.82 50.75 81.19 655.76 2011 20.16 0.00 0.00 20.16 2012 365.93 36.61 14.63 417.17 Total 386.09 36.61 14.63 437.33 2010 501.25 49.29 137.97 688.51 2011 510.89 50.20 80.31 641.40 2012 465.39 46.55 18.61 530.55 Total 1,477.53 146.04 236.89 1,860.46 2008 174.70 0.00 0.00 174.70 2009 241.55 23.37 93.42 358.34 2010 242.05 23.37 65.40 330.82 2011 246.87 23.81 38.05 308.73 2012 220.58 22.07 8.84 251.49 Total 1,125.75 92.62 205.71 1,424.08 2012 437.95 0.00 0.00 437.95 Total 437.95 0.00 0.00 437.95 2012 262.14 26.20 10.48 298.82 Total 262.14 26.20 10.48 298.82 2012 222.96 22.31 8.91 254.18 Total 222.96 22.31 8.91 254.18 2012 307.28 30.73 12.29 350.30 Total 307.28 30.73 12.29 350.30 2009 230.75 22.29 89.10 342.14 2010 231.25 22.29 62.37 315.91 2011 215.25 20.64 33.00 268.89 2012 191.25 19.14 7.66 218.05 Total 868.50 84.36 192.13 1,144.99 2011 116.02 0.00 0.00 116.02 2012 290.69 29.07 11.64 331.40 Total 406.71 29.07 11.64 447.42 2012 371.03 37.12 14.84 422.99 Total 371.03 37.12 14.84 422.99 2012 297.08 21.38 11.89 330.35 Total 297.08 21.38 11.89 330.35 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 21147 R7392000009 PADDOCK GAIL March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3218 TR W SP 9 REZANOF MHP 21149 R7392000011 REYES ETAL MARIA USS 3218 TR W SP 11 REZANOF MHP 21296 R7435000065 RHOADES, CINDY USS 3233 LT 7 SP 65 JACKSONS MHP 21249 R7435000016 21322 R7435000380 16320 R1448130105 ROBISON DISA SAGOTE, MIKAELE SANTIAGO MANUEL 21261 R7435000028 SANTIAGO MANUEL 16266 R1448000142 21150 R7392000012 21288 R7435000057 SARGENT ETAL RANDI SEVERSON JOHN W. SKANTZ KENNETH 21341 R7435002072 STERSIC STEVE 21151 R7392000013 SUMNER, ASHLEY USS 3233 LT 4 SP 16 JACKSONS MHP USS 3233 LT 5 & 6 SP 80C JACKSONS USS 3098 LT 13 SP 5 WARNER MHP USS 3233 LT 5 SP 28 JACKSONS MHP USS 3098 LT 14A‐3B SP 6 MILL BAY MHP USS 3218 TR W SP 12 REZANOF MHP USS 3233 LT 3 SP 57 JACKSONS MHP USS 3233 LT 6 SP 71 & 72 JACKSONS USS 3218 TR W SP 13 REZANOF MHP Page 35 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2011 180.54 0.00 1.66 182.20 2012 210.39 21.05 8.41 239.85 Total 390.93 21.05 10.07 422.05 2011 409.13 40.02 64.00 513.15 2012 371.03 37.12 14.84 422.99 Total 780.16 77.14 78.84 936.14 2011 116.51 0.00 0.00 116.51 2012 299.64 29.97 11.99 341.60 Total 416.15 29.97 11.99 458.11 2012 186.16 18.61 7.45 212.22 Total 186.16 18.61 7.45 212.22 2012 348.08 34.82 17.41 400.31 Total 348.08 34.82 17.41 400.31 2010 213.45 0.00 49.06 262.51 2011 281.85 27.28 43.65 352.78 2012 272.84 27.27 10.91 311.02 Total 768.14 54.55 103.62 926.31 2010 153.61 0.00 0.00 153.61 2011 304.64 29.58 47.30 381.52 2012 274.14 27.43 10.98 312.55 Total 732.39 57.01 58.28 847.68 2012 149.18 14.93 5.98 170.09 Total 149.18 14.93 5.98 170.09 2012 248.64 24.88 9.94 283.46 Total 248.64 24.88 9.94 283.46 2010 292.00 28.35 79.38 399.73 2011 297.75 28.88 46.20 372.83 2012 267.75 26.78 10.73 305.26 Total 857.50 84.01 136.31 1,077.82 2011 212.49 20.34 32.55 265.38 2012 188.69 18.86 7.56 215.11 Total 401.18 39.20 40.11 480.49 2012 381.23 38.14 15.26 434.63 Total 381.23 38.14 15.26 434.63 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 21339 R7435001126 TAYLOR LORI 20935 R7345000022 TIMPKE GEORGE March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3233 LT 5 SP 26A B/O USS 3100 LT 2 SP 2 SPRUCE CAPE MHP 20936 R7345000023 TIMPKE GEORGE USS 3100 LT 2 SP 3 SPRUCE CAPE MHP 21825 R7535060013 TIMPKE SCOTT MILLER PT 1ST BK 6 LT 1B B/O 20806 R7315060015 TWOHY PHILIP USS 3066AB BK 6 LT 1 SP 15 COVES 20937 R7345000024 WAGNER SHARON USS 3100 LT 2 SP 4 SPRUCE CAPE MHP 16309 R1448130004 WILD ISLAND, INC USS 3098 LT 13 SP 4 WARNER MHP 21275 R7435000043 WOOD, CALEB & RENITA USS 3233 LT 6 SP 43 JACKSONS MHP Page 36 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 122.41 12.24 4.90 139.55 Total 122.41 12.24 4.90 139.55 2011 201.33 19.25 30.77 251.35 2012 192.33 19.25 7.69 219.27 Total 393.66 38.50 38.46 470.62 2007 119.95 0.00 43.70 163.65 2008 182.00 17.41 90.48 289.89 2009 257.80 17.41 69.60 344.81 2010 182.50 17.41 48.72 248.63 2011 186.64 17.77 28.42 232.83 2012 177.64 17.77 7.12 202.53 Total 1,106.53 87.77 288.04 1,482.34 2006 175.63 16.57 125.88 318.08 2007 455.63 16.57 106.00 578.20 2008 176.75 16.89 87.75 281.39 2009 176.75 16.89 67.50 261.14 2010 177.25 16.89 47.25 241.39 2011 288.12 27.92 44.65 360.69 Total 1,450.13 111.73 479.03 2,040.89 2011 174.00 16.51 26.39 216.90 2012 153.00 15.31 6.11 174.42 Total 327.00 31.82 32.50 391.32 2011 208.67 19.98 31.96 260.61 2012 199.68 19.98 7.99 227.65 Total 408.35 39.96 39.95 488.26 2011 281.85 27.28 43.65 352.78 2012 272.84 27.27 10.91 311.02 Total 554.69 54.55 54.56 663.80 2005 162.00 16.20 142.56 320.76 2006 169.00 15.90 120.84 305.74 2007 169.00 15.90 101.76 286.66 2008 282.81 16.20 84.24 383.25 2009 170.00 16.20 64.80 251.00 2010 170.50 16.20 45.36 232.06 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (MH) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 20917 R7335000313 YAKANAK, JODY March 21, 2013 Legal Description USS 3099 LT 3 SP 13 POWELLS MHP Page 37 of 71 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2011 174.00 16.51 26.39 216.90 2012 153.00 15.31 6.11 174.42 Total 1,450.31 128.42 592.06 2,170.79 2008 127.91 0.00 38.73 166.64 2009 222.80 21.49 85.92 330.21 2010 223.30 21.49 60.15 304.94 2011 228.27 21.92 35.09 285.28 2012 219.28 21.92 8.77 249.97 Total 1,021.56 86.82 228.66 1,337.04 69,502.76 6,163.77 12,984.38 88,700.91 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 38 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 23204 P5B10000045 10741 P1B04000052 Owner Name A‐1 TIMBER CONSULTANTS, INC ABBOTT SHEILA Legal Description A‐1 TIMBER KODIAK HAIR DESIGN 10932 P1B07000002 AGONOY TERESA AGONOY BOOKKEEPING 22718 P1B20100062 AGONOY TERESA MTA EVENT PLANNER 13443 P5B09000002 ALASKA CHARTER TOURS LLC ALASKA CHARTER TOURS LLC 10771 P1B05000026 AMBERG ROBERT CUSTOM CONCEPTS 22569 P1B09000083 22667 P1B20100005 ANDERSON STOSH ASHFORD, JAMES R ADQ SECURITY SERVICES 22742 P1B20100086 ASPELUND JERYL TWO SISTERS 10695 P1B04000006 B & B UNDERGROUND SERVICES INC B & B UNDERGROUND SERV INC 13751 P6B07000003 BARNES GARRICK D KATHLEEN S GREAT ALASKAN BEAN COMPANY, THE KODIAK POWER AND EQUIPMENT Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 15,470.83 0.00 0.00 15,470.83 Total 15,470.83 0.00 0.00 15,470.83 2008 36.96 2.63 13.69 53.28 2009 36.96 2.63 10.53 50.12 2010 37.46 2.63 7.37 47.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 120.38 7.89 31.59 159.86 2010 45.38 3.35 9.39 58.12 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 54.38 3.35 9.39 67.12 2010 5.78 0.53 1.47 7.78 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 14.78 0.53 1.47 16.78 2009 25.42 1.58 6.34 33.34 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 42.92 1.58 6.34 50.84 2008 36.96 2.63 13.69 53.28 2009 36.96 2.63 10.53 50.12 2010 37.46 2.63 7.37 47.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 120.38 7.89 31.59 159.86 2012 51.91 4.72 1.89 58.52 Total 51.91 4.72 1.89 58.52 2010 11.55 1.05 2.94 15.54 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 20.55 1.05 2.94 24.54 2010 5.78 0.53 1.47 7.78 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 14.78 0.53 1.47 16.78 2010 691.00 68.25 191.10 950.35 2011 541.13 48.39 77.41 666.93 2012 742.60 67.51 27.01 837.12 Total 1,974.73 184.15 295.52 2,454.40 2007 49.98 3.64 23.26 76.88 2008 47.98 3.64 18.91 70.53 2009 47.99 3.64 14.54 66.17 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 39 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name Legal Description 10857 P1B06000010 BISHOP FOREST ARCTIC MUD SLINGERS 11194 P1B09000051 BISIGNANI ANDREA PARTY CONNECTIONS LLC 23292 P1A12000018 11404 P1B20000188 BLONDIN BRIAN BLONDIN RANDY KODIAK SEAFOOD PROCESSING 22717 P1B20100061 BODUNOV FREDYV MAX CONSTRUCTION 13428 P5B08000011 BROWN WESLEY WESLEY'S SERVICES 10680 P1B03000074 BRYANT WANDA ON TOP OF THE WORLD CATERING 11031 P1B08000001 CALDERON MARITA A TOUCH OF CLASS FLOWERS BY MARITA 22671 P1B20100012 CARLSEN JANELLE ALUTIIQ PETROGLYPH CREATIONS 11073 P1B08000043 CHRISTESCU, DANIELLE SUGAR MAMA'S BAKE SHOP 8417U Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2010 48.49 3.64 10.18 62.31 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 203.44 14.56 66.89 284.89 2009 65.84 5.26 21.03 92.13 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 83.34 5.26 21.03 109.63 2009 36.97 2.63 10.54 50.14 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 54.47 2.63 10.54 67.64 2012 330.00 30.00 12.00 372.00 Total 330.00 30.00 12.00 372.00 2000 1,072.71 92.52 1,369.28 2,534.51 2009 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 1,098.21 92.52 1,369.28 2,560.01 2010 17.33 1.58 4.41 23.32 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 26.33 1.58 4.41 32.32 2008 36.96 2.63 13.69 53.28 2009 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 62.46 2.63 13.69 78.78 2009 36.96 2.63 10.53 50.12 2010 37.46 2.63 7.37 47.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 83.42 5.26 17.90 106.58 2010 37.82 2.67 7.46 47.95 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 46.82 2.67 7.46 56.95 2010 5.78 0.53 1.47 7.78 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 14.78 0.53 1.47 16.78 2011 63.83 5.49 8.78 78.10 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 40 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name Legal Description 13287 P5B02000017 CHRISTIANSEN ETAL LISA A & A LEASING & EQUIP 14147 P9B07000004 CLOSE‐ESKEW WENDY ALASKAN WILDERNESS ADVENTURES 11191 P1B09000048 COLON MARIA NOVELTIES CORNER & ELEC/AVON 22768 P5B20100014 DAY MONICA MONICA DAY PHOTOGRAPHY 22707 P1B20100051 13886 P7B07000002 DOLPH CHRISTOPHER DRAFALL ANNIE A.C.D 13866 P7B06000003 DRAFALL CRAIG DAVE CD CONSTRUCTION 13839 P7B04000017 11120 P1B08000091 13321 P5B03000024 13575 P5B97000374 13941 P7B09000005 ERICKSON KEVIN EVERGREEN TIMBER LP EVERGREEN TIMBER LP FEJES SAM FM, LLC JUNKYARD DOGS AUTO REPAIR KODIAK TIRE REPAIR COMMISSARY, THE EVERGREEN TIMBER LP FEJES GUIDE SERVICE LTD FM, LLC Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 127.70 11.61 4.64 143.95 Total 191.53 17.10 13.42 222.05 2005 160.07 14.64 128.86 303.57 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 177.57 14.64 128.86 321.07 2010 47.79 3.57 10.01 61.37 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 56.79 3.57 10.01 70.37 2010 37.47 2.63 7.38 47.48 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 46.47 2.63 7.38 56.48 2010 34.96 2.65 7.41 45.02 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 43.96 2.65 7.41 54.02 2012 118.25 10.75 4.29 133.29 Total 118.25 10.75 4.29 133.29 2007 46.53 3.32 21.25 71.10 2008 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2009 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 80.03 3.32 21.25 104.60 2008 54.74 4.25 22.14 81.13 2009 54.24 4.21 16.82 75.27 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 126.48 8.46 38.96 173.90 2012 37.88 0.00 0.00 37.88 Total 37.88 0.00 0.00 37.88 2012 10.06 0.92 0.37 11.35 Total 10.06 0.92 0.37 11.35 2012 34,988.41 0.00 649.85 35,638.26 Total 34,988.41 0.00 649.85 35,638.26 2012 172.00 17.21 6.88 196.09 Total 172.00 17.21 6.88 196.09 502.97 50.30 20.13 573.40 2012 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 41 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 13914 P7B08000007 Owner Name FORD RUSSELL Legal Description JR'S TOWING & SERVICE 22693 P1B20100037 FOX THOMAS 10259 P1B00845000 10812 P1B05000067 11162 P1B09000019 GLOBAL SEAFOODS OF AMERICA LLC GREEN SUSANA GROHS GEORGE COASTLINE COMPUTERS 22670 P1B20100010 HOY III GUY ALASKAN ANVIL 10962 P1B07000032 22835 P1A21000005 10825 P1B05000080 HUDNUTT JASON JACKSON JAMES JONES JAMES 11204 P1B09000062 KEARNS KERRY THE ARTISIT'S EYE...GALLERY & GOODS 13438 P5B08000021 KEIM CHARLES COASTAL OUTFITTERS 11172 P1B09000029 KELLEY JOHN JOHN'S RURAL SERVICES FOX REMODELING & DESIGN GLOBAL SEAFOODS OF AMERICA LLC SUSAN'S VARIETY & FASHION BOUTIQUE INVOKED PROJECTS 1188H DOUBLE J HANDYMAN SERVICES Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 502.97 50.30 20.13 573.40 2008 45.17 3.39 17.61 66.17 2009 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 70.67 3.39 17.61 91.67 2010 17.33 1.58 4.41 23.32 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 26.33 1.58 4.41 32.32 2012 21,971.93 2,197.19 878.88 25,048.00 Total 21,971.93 2,197.19 878.88 25,048.00 13.69 53.28 36.96 2.63 2008 Total 36.96 2.63 13.69 53.28 2010 12.20 1.22 3.42 16.84 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 21.20 1.22 3.42 25.84 2010 37.38 2.63 7.35 47.36 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 46.38 2.63 7.35 56.36 2007 38.95 2.63 16.84 58.42 Total 38.95 2.63 16.84 58.42 2012 440.00 40.00 16.00 496.00 Total 440.00 40.00 16.00 496.00 2009 54.45 4.22 16.89 75.56 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 71.95 4.22 16.89 93.06 2009 36.97 2.63 10.54 50.14 2010 37.47 2.63 7.38 47.48 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 83.44 5.26 17.92 106.62 2009 25.54 1.75 7.02 34.31 2010 24.25 1.58 4.41 30.24 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 58.79 3.33 11.43 73.55 2010 37.47 2.63 7.38 47.48 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 42 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 10942 P1B07000012 10989 P1B07000061 13432 P5B08000015 Owner Name KENNARD TONY KENNARD, TONY KENNY WILLIAM JADESTORM CONSULTING 10830 P1B05000085 KNAUF JEFFREY ALASKA OCEAN PRODUCTS 13869 P7B06000007 KODIAK ISLAND NATIVE SUPPLY KODIAK ISLAND NATIVE SUPPLY INC 10887 P1B06000045 11125 P1B08000096 KODIAK MOVING SYSTEMS LACEY PATRICK ANGELA 11690 P1B93000798 13148 P3B06000002 LORENSON CHARLES PENELOPE LOWDERMILK SAMUEL 23281 P1A12000008 11200 P1B09000058 LUNDGREN JOHN MADSEN SCOTT SCOTT'S ENGINE SERVICE 22731 P1B20100075 MARTINEZ RENATO REYS GENERAL LABOR Legal Description CHURCH ON THE ROCK ROCK SOLID CONCRETE & CONSULTING KODIAK MOVING SYSTEMS INC UGLY FACE ROUGHSTOCK RODEO GEAR WILD IRIS ENTERPRISES/ISLAND FOAM ISLAND AUTO & TIRE 4055E Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 46.47 2.63 7.38 56.48 2007 38.95 2.63 16.84 58.42 Total 38.95 2.63 16.84 58.42 2007 50.50 3.68 23.56 77.74 Total 50.50 3.68 23.56 77.74 2008 36.96 2.63 13.69 53.28 2009 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 62.46 2.63 13.69 78.78 2005 36.14 3.31 29.09 68.54 2006 44.70 3.16 23.98 71.84 2007 44.70 3.16 20.19 68.05 Total 125.54 9.63 73.26 208.43 6.23 41.48 33.02 2.23 2010 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 42.02 2.23 6.23 50.48 2008 54.28 4.21 21.88 80.37 Total 54.28 4.21 21.88 80.37 2008 36.96 2.63 13.69 53.28 2009 36.96 2.63 10.53 50.12 2010 37.46 2.63 7.37 47.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 120.38 7.89 31.59 159.86 2012 189.20 17.21 6.88 213.29 Total 189.20 17.21 6.88 213.29 2010 6.78 0.00 0.00 6.78 2011 407.41 39.84 63.76 511.01 Total 414.19 39.84 63.76 517.79 2012 220.00 20.00 8.00 248.00 Total 220.00 20.00 8.00 248.00 7.38 47.48 37.47 2.63 2010 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 46.47 2.63 7.38 56.48 2010 5.78 0.53 1.47 7.78 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 14.78 0.53 1.47 16.78 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 43 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 13584 P5B98000187 13089 P2B98000251 Owner Name MASCHMEDT JR ROBERT MCFARLIN ERIC Legal Description KODIAK LODGE AT LARSEN BAY 11094 P1B08000065 MONGE MARIA B MARIA B MONGE 11442 P1B85000002 11179 P1B09000036 MRD INC MUSSON WILLIAM KODIAK KRAFTS 11281 P1B20000063 NARRA MANUEL ELROMAN JANITORIAL SERVICES 10763 P1B05000018 NELSON WILLIAM BILL'S PROFESSIONAL CARPET CLEANING 10117 P1A91000698 10899 P1B06000057 OLSEN DAVID ORCAS UNLIMITED CHARTERS ORCAS UNLIMITED CHARTERS KODIAK 11150 P1B09000005 ORSINI JOSEPH ALASKA WILDLIFE CONTROL MGMT SERV 11102 P1B08000073 OVATIONS OVATIONS E M EDGES MCDONALDS CORPORATION 4795X Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 394.94 0.00 0.00 394.94 Total 394.94 0.00 0.00 394.94 2010 46.43 3.45 9.65 59.53 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 55.43 3.45 9.65 68.53 2009 36.96 2.63 10.53 50.12 2010 37.46 2.63 7.37 47.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 83.42 5.26 17.90 106.58 2012 4,036.16 366.92 146.77 4,549.85 Total 4,036.16 366.92 146.77 4,549.85 2009 36.97 2.63 10.54 50.14 2010 37.47 2.63 7.38 47.48 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 83.44 5.26 17.92 106.62 Total 2009 37.17 2.65 10.61 50.43 2010 36.14 2.51 7.04 45.69 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 82.31 5.16 17.65 105.12 2005 12.09 1.11 9.73 22.93 2006 31.60 1.06 8.02 40.68 2008 36.96 2.63 13.69 53.28 2009 36.96 2.63 10.53 50.12 2010 37.46 2.63 7.37 47.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 164.07 10.06 49.34 223.47 2012 100.00 10.00 4.00 114.00 Total 100.00 10.00 4.00 114.00 2010 9.46 0.00 0.83 10.29 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 18.46 0.00 0.83 19.29 2009 36.97 2.63 10.54 50.14 2010 37.47 2.63 7.38 47.48 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 83.44 5.26 17.92 106.62 2010 37.46 2.63 7.37 47.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 44 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 13103 P3A04000002 Owner Name PAKLOOK, INC. Legal Description 13109 P3A05000006 PAKLOOK, INC. 75311 13546 P5B94000154 PANAMAROFF ARTHUR KARLUK SPIT LODGE 12034 P1B98000284 PETERSON JANELLE GET ON NET WEB PUBLISHING 13070 P2B08000005 PICKETT JAMES KIELA ALASKAN'S LEG UP 11951 P1B97000350 PICKETT LEONARD MISTI ISLAND ESPRESSO & SHAVED ICE 11205 P1B09000063 POLANCO JOSE THE CHARTER COMPANY 10992 P1B07000065 PRUITT JOHN SERENITY BAY MASSAGE THERAPY 14142 P9B06000010 14168 P9B09000004 13280 P5B02000010 QUAYANNA DEVELOPMENT CORP QUAYANNA DEVELOPMENT CORP ROARK LLC 1750U PRIVATE LANDS & RESOURCE CONSULTING KODIAK WOOD FUELS PASAGSHAK RIVER ACCOMODATIONS Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 46.46 2.63 7.37 56.46 2011 609.00 60.00 96.00 765.00 2012 110.00 10.00 4.00 124.00 Total 719.00 70.00 100.00 889.00 2011 609.00 60.00 96.00 765.00 2012 110.00 10.00 4.00 124.00 Total 719.00 70.00 100.00 889.00 2010 7.45 0.00 0.51 7.96 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 16.45 0.00 0.51 16.96 2009 53.43 4.13 16.52 74.08 2010 53.93 4.13 11.56 69.62 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 116.36 8.26 28.08 152.70 2008 45.80 3.45 17.94 67.19 2009 45.93 3.45 13.78 63.16 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 109.23 6.90 31.72 147.85 2009 296.19 26.20 104.80 427.19 2010 267.45 23.54 65.91 356.90 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 2012 37.85 3.45 1.38 42.68 Total 610.49 53.19 172.09 835.77 2009 36.97 2.63 10.54 50.14 2010 37.47 2.63 7.38 47.48 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 83.44 5.26 17.92 106.62 2009 19.34 1.03 4.12 24.49 2010 19.39 0.99 2.77 23.15 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 47.73 2.02 6.89 56.64 2012 21.08 1.91 0.76 23.75 Total 21.08 1.91 0.76 23.75 2012 5,303.05 482.10 192.83 5,977.98 Total 5,303.05 482.10 192.83 5,977.98 2008 65.77 5.25 27.31 98.33 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 45 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name Legal Description 14187 P9B90000250 11201 P1B09000059 ROBERTS MICHELLE ROESLER HUNTER 22566 P1B09000104 ROUSE GERALDINE KA' MALU 11798 P1B96000165 SCHAUFF ROBERT B & R FABRICATION & REPAIR 10863 P1B06000016 SODERBERG ETAL RANDY BUILTRITE RES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 10283 P1B01000023 10589 P1B02000148 ST. DENNY MARK STANTON PATRICK KODIAK TRANSMISSION & MUFFLER SERV 13790 P7B01000007 STERSIC STEVE KODIAK REPAIR SERVICES 11214 P1B09000072 STOLTENBERG RACHEL BEFORE & AFTER BODYWORK 11033 P1B08000003 TARRANT ROBERT ALASKA SEAFOOD CONNECTION COMMUNICATIONS UNLIMITED SECOND HAND KODIAK ST DENNY SURVEYING INC. Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2009 65.77 5.25 21.01 92.03 2010 66.27 5.25 14.71 86.23 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 206.81 15.75 63.03 285.59 2009 272.05 0.00 91.34 363.39 Total 272.05 0.00 91.34 363.39 2009 65.85 5.26 21.04 92.15 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 83.35 5.26 21.04 109.65 2010 11.93 1.19 3.34 16.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 20.93 1.19 3.34 25.46 2010 148.24 12.70 35.57 196.51 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 157.24 12.70 35.57 205.51 13.69 53.28 36.96 2.63 2008 2009 36.96 2.63 10.53 50.12 2010 37.46 2.63 7.37 47.46 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 120.38 7.89 31.59 159.86 2012 112.10 0.00 0.00 112.10 Total 112.10 0.00 0.00 112.10 2005 30.08 2.75 24.22 57.05 2006 38.89 2.63 19.97 61.49 Total 68.97 5.38 44.19 118.54 2008 152.65 0.00 0.00 152.65 2009 43.47 3.54 14.20 61.21 2010 47.51 3.54 9.93 60.98 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 252.63 7.08 24.13 283.84 2009 36.97 2.63 10.54 50.14 2010 37.47 2.63 7.38 47.48 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 83.44 5.26 17.92 106.62 2008 34.78 2.68 13.93 51.39 2009 37.46 2.68 10.71 50.85 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 46 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Personal) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name Legal Description 13152 P3B08000001 VITT BRIAN BUSKIN RIVERSIDE RESTAURANT 10876 P1B06000031 WALLER MICHAEL GREATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION 22960 P1A21100002 23511 P1B12000034 11579 P1B90000113 WATTUM KELLER WELLS FARGO BANK WIGHT SCOTT 11129 P1B08000100 WOLFE ISAIRIS 22744 P1B201000089 YATES JOSEPH 2421F WELLS FARGO BASES LOADED WOLFE BOOKKEEPING SERVICES YATES ENTERPRISES Year Base Tax 2010 8.50 2011 9.00 Total 89.74 2009 40.42 2010 40.92 2011 9.00 Total 90.34 2009 14.94 2010 7.63 2011 9.00 Total 31.57 2012 440.00 Total 440.00 2012 10,386.89 Total 10,386.89 2009 64.68 2010 64.99 2011 9.00 Total 138.67 37.46 2010 2011 9.00 Total 46.46 2010 11.55 2011 9.00 Total 20.55 106,249.23 Penalty Interest Total Due 0.00 0.00 8.50 0.00 0.00 9.00 5.36 24.64 119.74 2.94 11.79 55.15 2.94 8.25 52.11 0.00 0.00 9.00 5.88 20.04 116.26 0.69 2.78 18.41 0.69 1.94 10.26 0.00 0.00 9.00 1.38 4.72 37.67 40.00 16.00 496.00 40.00 16.00 496.00 1,038.70 415.48 11,841.07 1,038.70 415.48 11,841.07 5.15 20.61 90.44 5.14 14.38 84.51 0.00 0.00 9.00 10.29 34.99 183.95 2.63 7.37 47.46 0.00 0.00 9.00 2.63 7.37 56.46 1.05 2.94 15.54 0.00 0.00 9.00 1.05 2.94 24.54 5,160.14 5,900.52 117,309.89 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 47 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 18722 R5421190001 18739 R5423230001 18209 R5302903204 18923 R5430293102 14698 R1060020080 Owner Name AFOGNAK JOINT VENTURE AFOGNAK JOINT VENTURE AGA AUGUST AGA HAROLD AGMATA GODOFREDO NORA 15369 R1200030040 15370 R1200030051 19709 R5755030201 ALBIN, DARRYL & IRENE ALBIN, DARRYL & IRENE ALEXANDEROFF SERGIE 19819 R5765040030 19932 R5775090100 23269 R5312800605 ALPIAK NADIA AMBROSIA ALEX PATRICIA AMOOK NATIVE LAND LLC 19922 R5775090010 ANDERSON ETAL JAMES 17166 R5200000530 17138 R5200000390 14312 R1040010360 19053 R5434330000 ANDERSON MARJORIE ANDLER ANDREW ANUNCIACION MARVINDAN DANIEL AYAKULIK INC Legal Description ATS 1029 DISCOVERER BAY Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 53.74 0.00 0.00 53.74 Total 53.74 0.00 0.00 53.74 T23S R23W SEC 29 AFOGNAK ISLAND 2012 18.69 0.00 0.00 18.69 Total 18.69 0.00 0.00 18.69 T30S R29W TL 3204 UYAK BAY 2012 73.09 7.30 2.93 83.32 Total 73.09 7.30 2.93 83.32 T30S R29W SEC 31 TR G LT 2 2012 266.59 26.65 10.67 303.91 Total 266.59 26.65 10.67 303.91 ALLMAN ADD BK 2 LT 8 2011 1,916.32 191.63 306.62 2,414.57 2012 2,057.84 205.77 82.31 2,345.92 Total 3,974.16 397.40 388.93 4,760.49 LEITE ADD BK 3 LT 4A 2012 316.75 0.00 0.00 316.75 Total 316.75 0.00 0.00 316.75 LEITE ADD BK 3 LT 5A 2012 58.02 0.00 0.00 58.02 Total 58.02 0.00 0.00 58.02 OLD HARBOR TR F BK 3A LT 2A 2011 804.84 77.19 123.50 1,005.53 2012 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 Total 1,576.68 154.38 154.37 1,885.43 KARLUK BK 4 LT 3 2012 325.73 32.57 13.03 371.33 Total 325.73 32.57 13.03 371.33 OUZINKIE BK 9 LT 10 2012 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 Total 376.25 37.64 15.04 428.93 T31S R28W TL 602 LT 5, 6, 7, TR A & SW1/4 NE1/ 2010 1,629.60 162.96 244.44 2,037.00 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 2012 1,668.41 166.85 66.75 1,902.01 Total 3,307.01 329.81 311.19 3,948.01 OUZINKIE BK 9 LT 1 2011 400.66 36.76 58.82 496.24 2012 367.66 36.75 14.70 419.11 Total 768.32 73.51 73.52 915.35 SUNNY COVE LT 36 8.06 3.23 91.93 2012 80.64 Total 80.64 8.06 3.23 91.93 SUNNY COVE LT 8 2012 206.38 0.00 0.00 206.38 Total 206.38 0.00 0.00 206.38 ALEUTIAN BK 1 LT 36 2012 1,110.55 111.06 44.42 1,266.03 Total 1,110.55 111.06 44.42 1,266.03 USS 4655 LT 3 AYAKULIK RIVER 2012 10,120.04 1,011.99 404.79 11,536.82 Total 10,120.04 1,011.99 404.79 11,536.82 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 48 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 14680 R1060010021 14927 R1120330100 17394 R5200004111 19174 R5502010100 19175 R5502010110 19176 R5502010120 18222 R5303000040 23306 R5303000045 19687 R5755020156 20652 R6225040070 15056 R1120460090 18766 R5425240011 20263 R5790020070 19864 R5775020020 14602 R1040120260 20848 R7335000090 21089 R7375000010 19324 R5515010004 Owner Name BACUS WILLIAM BACUS WILLIAM DORIS BAGGEN GEORGE VICKI BAKER ETAL RICHARD BAKER RICHARD LESLEE BAKER RICHARD LESLEE BERGEN‐HENDERSON ETAL DEBBORRAH BERGEN‐HENDERSON ETAL DEBBORRAH BERGMANN, LUCY BLAIN SUMMER BLONDIN RONALD ROBERTA BOND, ROBERT P. BOSKOFSKY SUSAN BOSKOFSKY, CHRISTOPHER & SHARON BRAVO AMALIA BRAVO AMALIA BRECHAN REV TRUST ETAL RUTH BROWN MARY Legal Description ALLMAN ADD BK 1 LT 2A‐1 EAST ADD BK 33 LT 9A SEAVIEW LT 15 PASAGSHAK BK 1 LT 10 PASAGSHAK BK 1 LT 11 PASAGSHAK BK 1 LT 12 USS 3472 LT 4 ISTHMUS BAY USS 3472 LT 11 ISTHMUS BAY SITKALIDAK TR E BK 2 LT 6 MOUNTAIN VIEW 2ND BK 4 LT 7 EAST ADD BK 46 LT 9 & 10 T25S R24W TL 3307 TR D KUPREANOF PORT LIONS BK 2 LT 7 OUZINKIE BK 2 LT 2 ALEUTIAN BK 12 LT 26 USS 3099 LT 9A USS 3104 LT 1 CHINIAK AK BK 1 LT 4 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 2,979.68 297.97 119.19 3,396.84 Total 2,979.68 297.97 119.19 3,396.84 2011 71.19 0.00 0.00 71.19 Total 71.19 0.00 0.00 71.19 2012 3,599.09 359.90 143.96 4,102.95 Total 3,599.09 359.90 143.96 4,102.95 2012 3,345.41 334.54 133.83 3,813.78 Total 3,345.41 334.54 133.83 3,813.78 2012 299.93 29.98 11.99 341.90 Total 299.93 29.98 11.99 341.90 2012 173.08 17.31 6.93 197.32 Total 173.08 17.31 6.93 197.32 2012 547.18 54.71 21.89 623.78 Total 547.18 54.71 21.89 623.78 2012 425.71 42.57 17.03 485.31 Total 425.71 42.57 17.03 485.31 2012 102.67 0.00 0.00 102.67 Total 102.67 0.00 0.00 102.67 2012 1,472.04 147.21 58.89 1,678.14 Total 1,472.04 147.21 58.89 1,678.14 2012 3,663.08 366.31 146.52 4,175.91 Total 3,663.08 366.31 146.52 4,175.91 2011 443.66 41.07 65.70 550.43 Total 443.66 41.07 65.70 550.43 2012 977.18 97.71 39.08 1,113.97 Total 977.18 97.71 39.08 1,113.97 2011 495.58 0.00 28.13 523.71 2012 495.58 49.56 19.83 564.97 Total 991.16 49.56 47.96 1,088.68 2012 1,563.16 156.32 62.53 1,782.01 Total 1,563.16 156.32 62.53 1,782.01 2012 628.43 62.84 25.13 716.40 Total 628.43 62.84 25.13 716.40 2012 5,898.16 589.82 235.93 6,723.91 Total 5,898.16 589.82 235.93 6,723.91 2012 597.71 59.78 23.91 681.40 Total 597.71 59.78 23.91 681.40 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 49 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 16853 R5000000310 16854 R5000000315 20434 R5795010150 22545 R9006000200 14991 R1120400070 20162 R5780190080 16322 R1452020022 19637 R5755000061 Owner Name BRUDER BRIAN BRUDER BRIAN BYRON DANIEL LUCIA CAIN DARLENE CARTWRIGHT MARLYS & DAMON CHENEY ELIZABETH NEIL CHILDERS REGINALD CINDA CHRISTIANSEN DARLENE 19644 R5755010012 CHRISTIANSEN DARLENE CARL 19776 R5755090100 19862 R5775010020 19635 R5755000055 CHRISTIANSEN FRED GLENNA CHRISTOFFERSON SR ANDY CITY OF OLD HARBOR 20144 R5780180020 20442 R5795020050 22439 R9004001032 22516 R9004010210 14621 R1040120450 CLAMPFFER, CHARLENE CLAYTON, JUDITH CLOSE‐ESKEW WENDY COSSETTE ETAL LEROY COYLE, DARLA Legal Description T24S R24W TL 2805 ONION BAY T24S R24W TL 3312 ONION BAY PORT WAKEFIELD BK 1 LT 15 DAYTON SUB LT 2 EAST ADD BK 40 LT 7 LARSEN BAY TR A BK 19 LT 8 USS 3218 TR B‐3A OLD HARBOR TR E UNSUB PTN OLD HARBOR TR E TR OH5 OLD HARBOR TR F BK 9 LT 1 OUZINKIE BK 1 LT 2 OLD HARBOR TR E TR OHL2 LARSEN BAY TR A BK 18 LT 2 PORT WAKEFIELD BK 2 LT 5 RUSSIAN CRK LT 3C RUSSIAN CRK BK 1 LT 21 ALEUTIAN BK 12 LT 45 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 887.96 88.80 35.52 1,012.28 Total 887.96 88.80 35.52 1,012.28 2012 322.50 32.25 12.91 367.66 Total 322.50 32.25 12.91 367.66 2012 1,509.29 150.93 60.37 1,720.59 Total 1,509.29 150.93 60.37 1,720.59 2012 2,096.71 209.67 83.86 2,390.24 Total 2,096.71 209.67 83.86 2,390.24 2012 2,681.96 0.00 79.05 2,761.01 Total 2,681.96 0.00 79.05 2,761.01 2012 42.14 0.00 1.68 43.82 Total 42.14 0.00 1.68 43.82 2012 2,201.93 220.19 88.08 2,510.20 Total 2,201.93 220.19 88.08 2,510.20 2011 1,755.35 0.00 0.00 1,755.35 2012 4,910.59 491.05 196.43 5,598.07 Total 6,665.94 491.05 196.43 7,353.42 2011 61.38 0.00 0.00 61.38 2012 149.43 14.94 5.98 170.35 Total 210.81 14.94 5.98 231.73 2012 747.14 74.72 29.88 851.74 Total 747.14 74.72 29.88 851.74 2012 378.41 37.85 15.13 431.39 Total 378.41 37.85 15.13 431.39 2011 86.75 5.39 8.59 100.73 2012 53.75 5.39 2.16 61.30 Total 140.50 10.78 10.75 162.03 2012 339.14 33.91 13.57 386.62 Total 339.14 33.91 13.57 386.62 2012 1,523.11 152.31 60.93 1,736.35 Total 1,523.11 152.31 60.93 1,736.35 2012 3,245.09 324.52 129.81 3,699.42 Total 3,245.09 324.52 129.81 3,699.42 2012 568.25 0.00 0.00 568.25 Total 568.25 0.00 0.00 568.25 2012 1,338.75 0.00 0.00 1,338.75 Total 1,338.75 0.00 0.00 1,338.75 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 50 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 20675 R7235000100 CRANE JR JAMES R5600010205 R7375000120 R5200000130 R9003010060 R5312903603 R1040010470 R5793010020 R5781020050 CRANE, MITCHELL DAWSON CHARLES DEL REAL, ANTHONY DELYS PAMELA DESJARLAIS ETAL KENNETH EADS RONALD EGGEMEYER PELAGAYA ELUSKA SR, DAVID 20265 R5790020090 22257 R9003020048 18681 R5409463000 20643 R6225030020 16811 R5000000105 14829 R1090070160 15145 R1120540010 15146 R1120540020 18423 R5322800604 FAIRMAN ROY FALLA CINDY FEJES SAM FERRE CORINNE FERRY MICHAEL FIALA CHRISTOPHER JAI FINE EDWIN JUDY FINE EDWIN JUDY FLUGEL STANLEY MICHELLE 19460 21101 17056 22219 18404 14323 20389 20175 Legal Description WOODLAND AC 1ST TR A LT 10 T25S R24W TL 3106 TR B KUPREANOF USS 3104 LT 12 USS 326 LITTLE RIVER BELLS FLATS BK 1 LT 6C T31S R29W TL 3603 AMOOK ISLAND ALEUTIAN BK 1 LT 47 PORT LIONS 3RD BK 1 LT 2 AKHIOK BK 2 LT 5A PORT LIONS BK 2 LT 9 BELLS FLATS BK 2 LT 4I‐1 USS 9463 OLGA BAY MOUNTAIN VIEW 2ND BK 3 LT 2 T26S R22W TL 2301 WHALE PASSAGE BARANOF HGTS 1ST BK 7 LT 16 EAST ADD BK 54 LT 1 EAST ADD BK 54 LT 2 T32S R28W TL 604 AMOOK ISLAND Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2010 48.50 0.00 0.00 48.50 2012 701.25 70.14 28.06 799.45 Total 749.75 70.14 28.06 847.95 2012 158.03 15.80 6.33 180.16 Total 158.03 15.80 6.33 180.16 2012 1,086.58 108.67 43.46 1,238.71 Total 1,086.58 108.67 43.46 1,238.71 2012 483.75 48.39 19.34 551.48 Total 483.75 48.39 19.34 551.48 252.02 100.81 2,872.92 2012 2,520.09 Total 2,520.09 252.02 100.81 2,872.92 2012 41.83 0.00 0.00 41.83 Total 41.83 0.00 0.00 41.83 2012 494.80 0.00 19.79 514.59 Total 494.80 0.00 19.79 514.59 2012 76.33 7.64 3.05 87.02 Total 76.33 7.64 3.05 87.02 2011 576.95 54.40 87.02 718.37 2012 543.96 0.00 0.00 543.96 Total 1,120.91 54.40 87.02 1,262.33 2012 1,226.58 122.65 49.07 1,398.30 Total 1,226.58 122.65 49.07 1,398.30 2012 773.57 0.00 0.00 773.57 Total 773.57 0.00 0.00 773.57 2012 3,520.64 352.06 140.83 4,013.53 Total 3,520.64 352.06 140.83 4,013.53 2012 240.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 Total 240.00 0.00 0.00 240.00 2012 21.50 0.00 0.86 22.36 Total 21.50 0.00 0.86 22.36 2012 1,251.40 0.00 0.00 1,251.40 Total 1,251.40 0.00 0.00 1,251.40 2012 803.88 0.00 0.00 803.88 Total 803.88 0.00 0.00 803.88 2012 232.03 0.00 0.00 232.03 Total 232.03 0.00 0.00 232.03 2012 233.28 23.34 9.34 265.96 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 51 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 14714 R1060030060 15104 R1120500130 14272 R1030010341 20412 R5793030070 14871 R1100000390 19103 R5436300005 20153 R5780180110 15089 R1120490060 15419 R1200060120 21854 R7535070030 Owner Name FREEMAN MATHEW D FREEMAN ROBERT FRIDAY GIRARD, DAVID GLOBAL SEAFOODS OF AMERICA LLC GRAVES, STANLEY & JOANNE GRAY LAURIE GRONN CARL NINA GRONN NORMAN S HAASE CATHERINE 19779 R5755090170 HANSEN JR ALFRED 15183 R1120570060 20278 R5790030070 21847 R7535060105 HARVEY LOLA HAY MAGALENO SANDRA HEINE JOHN MARY Legal Description ALLMAN ADD BK 3 LT 6 EAST ADD BK 50 LT 13‐15 AIRPARK 1ST BK 1 LT 34A PORT LIONS 3RD BK 3 LT 7 ATS 49 TR P‐18A T36S R30W TL 501 OLGA BAY LARSEN BAY TR A BK 18 LT 11 EAST ADD BK 49 LT 6 & 7 LEITE ADD BK 6 LT 12 MILLER PT 1ST BK 7 LT 3 OLD HARBOR TR E BK 9 LT 7 EAST ADD BK 57 LT 6 PORT LIONS BK 3 LT 7 MILLER PT 1ST BK 6 LT 10B 17270 R5200000830 HESS ALICIA USS 1881 KARLUK‐SHELIKOF STRAIT 22095 R8555040200 HINMAN ETAL JONATHAN MONASHKA BAY BK 4 LT 20A Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 233.28 23.34 9.34 265.96 2012 64.26 0.00 0.00 64.26 Total 64.26 0.00 0.00 64.26 2012 2,133.71 213.38 85.36 2,432.45 Total 2,133.71 213.38 85.36 2,432.45 2012 1,870.30 187.03 74.82 2,132.15 Total 1,870.30 187.03 74.82 2,132.15 2012 891.18 89.11 35.65 1,015.94 Total 891.18 89.11 35.65 1,015.94 2012 17,359.14 1,735.92 694.36 19,789.42 Total 17,359.14 1,735.92 694.36 19,789.42 2012 298.84 29.88 11.95 340.67 Total 298.84 29.88 11.95 340.67 2012 374.78 0.00 10.94 385.72 Total 374.78 0.00 10.94 385.72 2012 659.18 65.93 26.37 751.48 Total 659.18 65.93 26.37 751.48 2012 1,567.89 156.78 62.72 1,787.39 Total 1,567.89 156.78 62.72 1,787.39 2011 976.89 0.00 0.00 976.89 2012 1,430.56 143.06 57.21 1,630.83 Total 2,407.45 143.06 57.21 2,607.72 2011 497.80 0.00 0.00 497.80 2012 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 Total 1,269.64 77.19 30.87 1,377.70 2012 750.98 75.10 30.03 856.11 Total 750.98 75.10 30.03 856.11 2012 528.44 0.00 6.35 534.79 Total 528.44 0.00 6.35 534.79 2011 1,280.13 92.24 204.81 1,577.18 2012 1,187.03 118.72 47.48 1,353.23 Total 2,467.16 210.96 252.29 2,930.41 2011 252.30 21.92 35.09 309.31 2012 219.29 21.93 8.78 250.00 Total 471.59 43.85 43.87 559.31 2012 2,953.48 295.35 118.15 3,366.98 Total 2,953.48 295.35 118.15 3,366.98 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 52 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 21478 R7485000106 16165 R1429030182 19717 R5755031000 19777 R5755090150 14705 R1060020221 16870 R5000000395 19545 R5735000240 19631 R5755000051 15805 R1340190180 19820 R5765040040 15596 R1260000020 14946 R1120350003 20147 R5780180050 19887 R5775037000 20390 R5793010030 21772 R7535020089 20402 R5793020070 Owner Name HOK JOSEPH HOK WALTER HOK WALTER INGA SR, MARTIN JAMES JOHN JANKOWSKI JOHN JOHNSON ETAL DAVID KATHRYN JOHNSON PHILLIP JONES DUKE DONNA JONES JOYCE KAIRIUAK DOLORES KAIRIUAK, DOLORES KATELNIKOFF CAROL KATELNIKOFF, RICKY VAN KATELNIKOFF, WANDA KEEGAN LAWRENCE KEWAN, DORINDA & ARNOLD 18764 R5425240009 KIMBROUGH TIMOTHY Legal Description LAKESIDE 1ST BK 1 LT 3B RUSSELL EST 3RD BK 3 LT 18E‐2 OLD HARBOR TR F BK 3A LT 10 OLD HARBOR TR E BK 9 LT 5 ALLMAN ADD BK 2 LT 21A T24S R24W TL 3310 ONION BAY T29S R29W SEC 36 TR N OLD HARBOR TR E‐1 KODIAK TWNST BK 19 LT 18 & 19A KARLUK BK 4 LT 4 PAULS LT 2/EAST ADD BK 35A LT 2 EAST ADD BK 35A LT 3 LARSEN BAY TR A BK 18 LT 5 OUZINKIE TR C BK 3 LT 7 PORT LIONS 3RD BK 1 LT 3 MILLER PT 1ST BK 2 LT 8E‐1 PORT LIONS 3RD BK 2 LT 7 T25S R24W TL 3204 TR B KUPREANOF STRAIT Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 56.68 0.00 0.00 56.68 Total 56.68 0.00 0.00 56.68 2012 575.03 57.52 22.99 655.54 Total 575.03 57.52 22.99 655.54 2012 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 Total 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 2011 202.81 0.00 0.00 202.81 2012 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 Total 974.65 77.19 30.87 1,082.71 2012 1,879.34 187.93 75.17 2,142.44 Total 1,879.34 187.93 75.17 2,142.44 2012 695.53 69.55 27.83 792.91 Total 695.53 69.55 27.83 792.91 2012 543.96 54.40 21.76 620.12 Total 543.96 54.40 21.76 620.12 2012 53.75 5.39 2.16 61.30 Total 53.75 5.39 2.16 61.30 2012 16.41 0.00 0.00 16.41 Total 16.41 0.00 0.00 16.41 2012 179.48 17.95 7.18 204.61 Total 179.48 17.95 7.18 204.61 2012 1,028.93 102.89 41.16 1,172.98 Total 1,028.93 102.89 41.16 1,172.98 2012 91.96 9.19 3.67 104.82 Total 91.96 9.19 3.67 104.82 2012 715.96 71.59 28.64 816.19 Total 715.96 71.59 28.64 816.19 2012 464.41 46.45 18.57 529.43 Total 464.41 46.45 18.57 529.43 2012 545.76 0.00 0.00 545.76 Total 545.76 0.00 0.00 545.76 2012 1,498.14 149.82 59.93 1,707.89 Total 1,498.14 149.82 59.93 1,707.89 2011 325.65 0.00 0.00 325.65 2012 866.46 86.65 34.66 987.77 Total 1,192.11 86.65 34.66 1,313.42 2011 145.32 0.00 0.00 145.32 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 53 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name Legal Description 15576 R1240000010 16324 R1452040010 15892 R1420010001 15151 R1120540080 19769 R5755081000 20029 R5780010010 18427 R5322801902 14438 R1040060180 KNAGIN JULIE KODIAK ISLAND STORAGE, LLC KODIAK RENTAL CO. LLC ETAL LARGE ALAN BARBARA LARIONOFF GEORGE LARSEN BAY LODGE INC LARUE WILLIAM LATONIO FLORENCIO TRANQUILINA OCEANVIEW LT 1 17163 R5200000515 17165 R5200000525 19815 R5765030030 22636 R7345000112 14461 R1040070040 20353 R5790140070 20310 R5790090010 20391 R5793010040 22475 R9004001171 LENDENNIE JESSIE LENDENNIE JESSIE LIND, RONNIE & BETTY LORENSON CHARLES PENELOPE LOY WILLIAM LEONA LUKIN BETTY LUKIN ESTATE EMMANUEL LUKIN WAYNE LUND ALICE USS 3218 TR D‐1 MILL BAY RD USS 1396 TR A MILL BAY RD EAST ADD BK 54 LT 8 OLD HARBOR TR F BK 8 LT 10 LARSEN BAY TR A BK 1 LT 1 T32S R28W TL 1902 UYAK BAY ALEUTIAN BK 6 LT 18 SUNNY COVE LT 33 SUNNY COVE LT 35 KARLUK BK 3 LT 3 USS 3100 LT 11A ALEUTIAN BK 7 LT 4 PORT LIONS BK 14 LT 7 PORT LIONS BK 9 LT 1 PORT LIONS 3RD BK 1 LT 4 RUSSIAN CRK LT 17B‐1 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 224.68 22.46 8.99 256.13 Total 370.00 22.46 8.99 401.45 2012 104.97 0.00 0.00 104.97 Total 104.97 0.00 0.00 104.97 2012 403.91 0.00 16.15 420.06 Total 403.91 0.00 16.15 420.06 2012 5,414.91 0.00 0.00 5,414.91 Total 5,414.91 0.00 0.00 5,414.91 0.00 5.66 147.05 2012 141.39 Total 141.39 0.00 5.66 147.05 2012 77.19 0.00 3.08 80.27 Total 77.19 0.00 3.08 80.27 2012 255.82 0.00 0.00 255.82 Total 255.82 0.00 0.00 255.82 2012 356.91 35.70 14.28 406.89 Total 356.91 35.70 14.28 406.89 2011 2,131.81 0.00 287.28 2,419.09 2012 2,222.33 222.23 88.90 2,533.46 Total 4,354.14 222.23 376.18 4,952.55 2012 48.39 4.84 1.94 55.17 Total 48.39 4.84 1.94 55.17 2012 80.64 8.06 3.23 91.93 Total 80.64 8.06 3.23 91.93 2012 327.89 32.78 13.12 373.79 Total 327.89 32.78 13.12 373.79 2012 2,121.59 212.16 84.85 2,418.60 Total 2,121.59 212.16 84.85 2,418.60 2012 1,148.78 108.88 45.95 1,303.61 Total 1,148.78 108.88 45.95 1,303.61 2012 913.75 91.39 36.54 1,041.68 Total 913.75 91.39 36.54 1,041.68 2012 36.97 3.71 1.47 42.15 Total 36.97 3.71 1.47 42.15 2012 947.23 0.00 0.00 947.23 Total 947.23 0.00 0.00 947.23 2012 1,577.59 0.00 0.00 1,577.59 Total 1,577.59 0.00 0.00 1,577.59 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 54 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 19447 R5600010190 19827 R5765060030 19806 R5765010010 17066 R5200000162 20146 R5780180040 21397 R7475000051 18424 R5322800605 18177 R5302802805 17860 R5252202409 16139 R1429020217 19444 R5600010186 14366 R1040030240 19885 R5775036001 21506 R7485020012 20060 R5780040030 19432 R5600010170 20271 R5790020150 20409 R5793030040 Owner Name MALINOWSKI MARIANNE MALUTIN ELI VIRGINIA MALUTIN LYDIA MANGOLD TIMOTHY BETH MCCORMICK JOE MCCUSKER DENNIS DEBORA MCKENZIE ETAL, JOSEPH MCPHERSON ETAL THOMAS MORETTO RICHARD MORRISON, PATRICIA C MORTON ANTHONY MULLAN MARGARET MULLER SR DARREN FAITH MUSK OX STORAGE NAUMOFF LARS NELLIST CHARLES NELSON BETTY NELSON BETTY Legal Description T33S R22W TL 3110 TR D SANTA FLAVIA BAY KARLUK BK 6 LT 3 KARLUK BK 1 LT 1 USS 427 KARLUK LARSEN BAY TR A BK 18 LT 4 USS 3466 LT 5A T32S R28W TL 605 AMOOK ISLAND T30S R28W TL 2805 ZACHAR BAY USS 5698 LT 9 AFOGNAK BAY RUSSELL EST 3RD BK 2 LT 21C‐7 T32S R21W TL 806 UGAK BAY ALEUTIAN BK 3 LT 24 OUZINKIE TR C BK 3 LT 6A LAKESIDE 2ND LT 1C LARSEN BAY TR A BK 4 LT 3 T33S R22W TL 1205 TR E GULL POINT PORT LIONS BK 2 LT 15 PORT LIONS 3RD BK 3 LT 4 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 40.30 4.03 1.60 45.93 Total 40.30 4.03 1.60 45.93 2012 285.38 0.00 0.00 285.38 Total 285.38 0.00 0.00 285.38 2012 53.75 5.39 2.16 61.30 Total 53.75 5.39 2.16 61.30 2012 261.23 26.12 10.46 297.81 Total 261.23 26.12 10.46 297.81 47.80 19.12 544.90 2012 477.98 Total 477.98 47.80 19.12 544.90 2012 1,721.87 0.00 0.00 1,721.87 Total 1,721.87 0.00 0.00 1,721.87 2012 172.00 17.21 6.88 196.09 Total 172.00 17.21 6.88 196.09 2012 193.50 19.34 7.74 220.58 Total 193.50 19.34 7.74 220.58 2012 322.50 32.25 12.91 367.66 Total 322.50 32.25 12.91 367.66 2012 254.35 25.44 10.18 289.97 Total 254.35 25.44 10.18 289.97 2012 103.21 10.32 4.13 117.66 Total 103.21 10.32 4.13 117.66 2012 1,396.83 0.00 32.97 1,429.80 Total 1,396.83 0.00 32.97 1,429.80 2012 992.23 99.24 39.70 1,131.17 Total 992.23 99.24 39.70 1,131.17 2012 742.03 0.00 0.00 742.03 Total 742.03 0.00 0.00 742.03 2011 463.00 43.00 68.80 574.80 Total 463.00 43.00 68.80 574.80 2011 80.64 6.95 12.91 100.50 2012 80.64 8.06 3.23 91.93 Total 161.28 15.01 16.14 192.43 0.00 0.00 39.76 2012 39.76 Total 39.76 0.00 0.00 39.76 2012 328.95 0.00 0.00 328.95 Total 328.95 0.00 0.00 328.95 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 55 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 20336 R5790120050 15399 R1200050080 19428 R5600010165 14497 R1040090160 14357 R1040030150 18639 R5400001126 20164 R5780190100 20657 R6225040120 22336 R9003070061 20326 R5790100090 14279 R1040010040 20634 R6215020020 Owner Name NELSON ROBERT TRACIE NEWMAN KENNETH NICHOLSON DENNIS L NILES, CRAIG & ELAINE NIXON DERIC ALLEN NORDENSON BETTY NORELL ETAL VALEN O'HEARN LLEWELLY FRED OLSEN PETER JESSICA ORTH HENRY MARCI PANAMARIOFF ADA & SUSAN PARKER DONALD 19912 R5775070040 21514 R7515010020 19632 R5755000052 PESTRIKOFF ETAL, MICHAEL PESTRIKOFF MICHAEL PESTRIKOFF MITCHELL 19679 R5755020110 19700 R5755021000 PESTRIKOFF MITCHELL PESTRIKOFF MITCHELL Legal Description PORT LIONS BK 12 LT 5 LEITE ADD BK 5 LT 8 T33S R22W TL 105 TR A BOULDER BAY ALEUTIAN BK 9 LT 16 ALEUTIAN BK 3 LT 15 USS 4658 LT 5 TR C UYAK BAY LARSEN BAY TR A BK 19 LT 10 MOUNTAIN VIEW 2ND BK 4 LT 12 BELLS FLATS BK 7 LT 6A PORT LIONS BK 10 LT 9 ALEUTIAN BK 1 LT 4 MOUNTAIN VIEW 1ST BK 2 LT 2 OUZINKIE BK 7 LT 4 KADIAK AK 1ST BK 1 LT 2 OLD HARBOR TR E UNSUB PTN PESTRIKOF OLD HARBOR TR A BK 2 LT 11 OLD HARBOR TR A BK 2 LT 10 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 510.64 51.06 20.43 582.13 Total 510.64 51.06 20.43 582.13 2012 69.86 0.00 2.80 72.66 Total 69.86 0.00 2.80 72.66 2012 13.34 1.33 0.53 15.20 Total 13.34 1.33 0.53 15.20 2012 446.25 0.00 0.00 446.25 Total 446.25 0.00 0.00 446.25 2012 2,238.91 223.90 89.56 2,552.37 Total 2,238.91 223.90 89.56 2,552.37 2012 161.25 16.14 6.46 183.85 Total 161.25 16.14 6.46 183.85 2012 181.13 0.00 0.00 181.13 Total 181.13 0.00 0.00 181.13 2012 1,857.03 185.72 74.28 2,117.03 Total 1,857.03 185.72 74.28 2,117.03 2012 2,099.59 209.95 83.97 2,393.51 Total 2,099.59 209.95 83.97 2,393.51 2012 113.41 0.00 0.00 113.41 Total 113.41 0.00 0.00 113.41 2012 1,994.09 199.41 79.76 2,273.26 Total 1,994.09 199.41 79.76 2,273.26 2011 1,485.89 145.31 232.45 1,863.65 2012 1,452.89 145.31 58.12 1,656.32 Total 2,938.78 290.62 290.57 3,519.97 2012 83.41 0.00 3.33 86.74 Total 83.41 0.00 3.33 86.74 2012 119.07 0.00 4.76 123.83 Total 119.07 0.00 4.76 123.83 2011 744.97 0.00 31.42 776.39 2012 744.98 74.50 29.80 849.28 Total 1,489.95 74.50 61.22 1,625.67 2012 26.89 2.70 1.08 30.67 Total 26.89 2.70 1.08 30.67 2011 59.89 2.69 4.30 66.88 2012 26.89 2.70 1.08 30.67 Total 86.78 5.39 5.38 97.55 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 56 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 22550 R9200013906 14679 R1060010011 18358 R5312803202 19658 R5755010158 16600 R2285050020 17038 R5200000070 Owner Name PETERSON ETAL, HEATHER PICKETT LEONARD MISTI POVELITE TRUST PRICE, WANDA RAUWOLF JOHN F REAMES DALE R5307000040 R5765120150 R5765110020 R5510020070 R1455000004 R5305000030 R5305000040 R5755030400 R7535040029 R9003040051 R8555050010 REDINGER HANS REFT SR ERVINE RIEBE, KARL & SHANNA ROARK LLC ROHRER SAMUEL & SARAH ROUTZAHN ROBERT ROUTZAHN ROBERT ROZELLE, RICK SAMANIEGO VANESSA SCHAEFFER JOHN SPENCER SCHAUFF ROBERT JENNIE 18304 19855 19830 19227 22939 18278 18279 19711 21788 22281 22100 17161 R5200000505 SEINE MICHAEL Legal Description RUSSIAN RIVER EST LT 6 ALLMAN ADD BK 1 LT 1A‐1 T31S R28W TL 3202 AMOOK BAY SITKALIDAK TR E BK 1 LT 8 WOODLAND AC 6TH BK 5 LT 2 USS 153 NE HARBOR USS 3474 LT 4 CHINIAK OLD KARLUK TR D LT 15 OLD KARLUK TR B LT 2 PASAGSHAK 2ND BK 2 LT 7 LEES SUB LT 4 USS 3473 LT 3 PONY LAKE USS 3473 LT 4 PONY LAKE OLD HARBOR TR F BK 3A LT 4A MILLER PT 1ST BK 4 LT 3B BELLS FLATS BK 4 LT 5A‐2 MONASHKA BAY BK 5 LT 1 SUNNY COVE LT 31 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 642.48 0.00 0.00 642.48 Total 642.48 0.00 0.00 642.48 2012 3,493.50 349.34 139.74 3,982.58 Total 3,493.50 349.34 139.74 3,982.58 2012 161.25 16.14 6.46 183.85 Total 161.25 16.14 6.46 183.85 2012 598.78 59.89 23.95 682.62 Total 598.78 59.89 23.95 682.62 2012 548.61 54.87 21.94 625.42 Total 548.61 54.87 21.94 625.42 2011 474.08 47.40 75.85 597.33 2012 474.08 47.40 18.96 540.44 Total 948.16 94.80 94.81 1,137.77 2012 21.71 0.00 0.00 21.71 Total 21.71 0.00 0.00 21.71 2012 27.96 2.80 1.12 31.88 Total 27.96 2.80 1.12 31.88 2012 188.14 18.81 7.53 214.48 Total 188.14 18.81 7.53 214.48 2012 350.03 0.00 0.00 350.03 Total 350.03 0.00 0.00 350.03 2012 2,368.94 0.00 0.00 2,368.94 Total 2,368.94 0.00 0.00 2,368.94 2012 33.95 0.00 0.00 33.95 Total 33.95 0.00 0.00 33.95 2012 31.68 0.00 0.00 31.68 Total 31.68 0.00 0.00 31.68 2012 81.50 8.15 3.26 92.91 Total 81.50 8.15 3.26 92.91 2012 1,236.03 123.60 49.44 1,409.07 Total 1,236.03 123.60 49.44 1,409.07 2012 52.56 0.00 0.00 52.56 Total 52.56 0.00 0.00 52.56 2011 2,636.21 263.63 421.80 3,321.64 2012 2,636.21 263.63 105.45 3,005.29 Total 5,272.42 527.26 527.25 6,326.93 2012 48.39 4.84 1.94 55.17 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 57 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 17162 R5200000510 19863 R5775020010 Owner Name SEINE MICHAEL SHANAGIN, JANELLE 19445 R5600010187 19113 R5437310003 SHARP DAVID W & LAURA J SHUGAK WILLIAM 16512 R1601000070 16513 R1601000080 20247 R5781130070 21904 R7535120070 14484 R1040090020 18457 R5326201501 22907 R7355000032 SHUYAK INC SHUYAK INC SIMEONOFF SR, SPERIDON & JUDY SKONBERG ARTHUR NANCY SKONBERG SR. RALPH SODERBERG DAN SPENCER JEFFERY Legal Description SUNNY COVE LT 32 OUZINKIE BK 2 LT 1 T33S R22W TL 1501 BOULDER BAY T37S R31W TL 1101 MOSER PENINSULA KODIAK BUSINESS PARK LT 7 NEAR ISL KODIAK BUSINESS PARK LT 8 NEAR ISL AKHIOK BK 13A LT 7A ED'S SUB LT 7 ALEUTIAN BK 9 LT 2 T26S R20W TL 1501 KATMAI SAWMILL USS 3101 LT 3A‐2 22908 R7355000037 SPENCER JEFFERY USS 3101 LT 3B‐2 16847 R5000000280 SPENCER JEFFREY JENNIFER T31S R23W TL 3202 UGAK BAY 14777 R1080050050 19941 R5775110020 19958 R5775130050 SPRUCE MANOR APARTMENTS, LLC SQUARTSOFF FRED ROSEMARY SQUARTSOFF, GARMAN BARANOF HGTS BK 5 LT 5 & 6 OUZINKIE BK 11 LT 2 OUZINKIE BK 13 LT 5 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 48.39 4.84 1.94 55.17 2012 48.39 4.84 1.94 55.17 Total 48.39 4.84 1.94 55.17 2011 399.91 40.00 63.98 503.89 2012 399.91 39.99 15.99 455.89 Total 799.82 79.99 79.97 959.78 2012 64.50 6.46 2.59 73.55 Total 64.50 6.46 2.59 73.55 2011 210.39 17.74 28.39 256.52 2012 177.39 17.74 7.09 202.22 Total 35.48 458.74 387.78 35.48 2012 2,603.56 260.34 104.15 2,968.05 Total 2,603.56 260.34 104.15 2,968.05 2012 2,710.66 271.07 108.43 3,090.16 Total 2,710.66 271.07 108.43 3,090.16 2012 527.74 52.78 21.11 601.63 Total 527.74 52.78 21.11 601.63 2012 1,157.89 115.79 46.32 1,320.00 Total 1,157.89 115.79 46.32 1,320.00 2012 2,177.69 217.77 87.10 2,482.56 Total 2,177.69 217.77 87.10 2,482.56 2012 23.66 2.37 0.94 26.97 Total 23.66 2.37 0.94 26.97 2011 1,060.77 102.78 164.44 1,327.99 2012 1,027.78 102.78 41.10 1,171.66 Total 2,088.55 205.56 205.54 2,499.65 2011 2,572.42 253.96 406.31 3,232.69 2012 2,521.04 252.12 100.85 2,874.01 Total 5,093.46 506.08 507.16 6,106.70 2011 624.25 59.14 94.59 777.98 2012 591.25 59.14 23.66 674.05 Total 1,215.50 118.28 118.25 1,452.03 2012 7,950.39 795.04 318.01 9,063.44 Total 7,950.39 795.04 318.01 9,063.44 2012 391.29 39.13 15.65 446.07 Total 391.29 39.13 15.65 446.07 2012 464.41 46.45 18.57 529.43 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 58 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 18640 R5400001127 14387 R1040050110 19825 R5765060010 Owner Name STANSFIELD ETAL JERRY STARR, DONALD & ELINA SUGAK LARRY Legal Description USS 4658 LT 5 TR D UYAK BAY ALEUTIAN BK 5 LT 11 KARLUK BK 6 LT 1 19816 R5765030040 SUGAK TONYA EMIL KARLUK BK 3 LT 4 20355 R5790150010 SULLIVAN‐SUMSTAD PAMELA PORT LIONS BK 15 LT 1 19326 R5515010006 14541 R1040100070 20576 R6125010020 16776 R4555020011 19894 R5775040060 19327 R5515010007 20672 R7235000070 SYMONOSKI, MARY THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELTON THOMAS JOHN TORMALA THOMAS BONNIE TOTEMOFF, LORI TOUSIGNANT ALANA TRESTON MICHAEL 18389 R5312901407 22425 R9004000142 19714 R5755030700 19713 R5755030600 TROPHY FISHING & HUNTING LODGE, INC. TUNDRA PLUMBING & HEATING INC TUNOHUN JANET TUNOHUN LAURA MAE CHINIAK AK BK 1 LT 6 ALEUTIAN BK 10 LT 7 ISLAND VISTA BK 1 LT 2A MONASHKA BAY BK 2 LT 1A OUZINKIE TR C BK 4 LT 6 CHINIAK AK BK 1 LT 7 WOODLAND AC 1ST TR A LT 7 T31S R29W TL 1407 AMOOK ISLAND RUSSIAN CRK TR N LT 3 OLD HARBOR TR F BK 3A LT 7 OLD HARBOR TR F BK 3A LT 6A Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 464.41 46.45 18.57 529.43 2012 161.25 16.14 6.46 183.85 Total 161.25 16.14 6.46 183.85 2012 2,576.78 257.69 103.08 2,937.55 Total 2,576.78 257.69 103.08 2,937.55 2011 458.70 42.58 68.11 569.39 2012 425.71 42.57 17.03 485.31 Total 884.41 85.15 85.14 1,054.70 2011 499.55 46.65 74.65 620.85 2012 466.54 46.66 18.67 531.87 Total 966.09 93.31 93.32 1,152.72 2011 450.09 41.71 66.74 558.54 2012 417.09 41.72 16.67 475.48 Total 867.18 83.43 83.41 1,034.02 2012 307.99 0.00 0.00 307.99 Total 307.99 0.00 0.00 307.99 2012 1,521.08 152.11 60.84 1,734.03 Total 1,521.08 152.11 60.84 1,734.03 2012 557.54 0.00 0.00 557.54 Total 557.54 0.00 0.00 557.54 2012 1,425.16 142.51 57.01 1,624.68 Total 1,425.16 142.51 57.01 1,624.68 2012 21.66 0.00 0.00 21.66 Total 21.66 0.00 0.00 21.66 2012 46.62 0.00 0.00 46.62 Total 46.62 0.00 0.00 46.62 2011 3,647.87 364.80 583.66 4,596.33 2012 133.93 3,816.91 3,348.16 334.82 Total 6,996.03 699.62 717.59 8,413.24 2012 161.25 16.14 6.46 183.85 Total 161.25 16.14 6.46 183.85 2012 1,037.95 0.00 0.84 1,038.79 Total 1,037.95 0.00 0.84 1,038.79 2012 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 Total 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 2012 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 Total 771.84 77.19 30.87 879.90 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 59 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 17377 R5200004009 17380 R5200004012 16143 R1429020222 18096 R5301000010 15065 R1120470060 22876 R7525010040 19990 R5775180010 15214 R1140060140 15695 R1340030090 Owner Name TWIN PEAKS CONSTRUCTION TWIN PEAKS CONSTRUCTION INC URBAN, CAROLINE VAN ATTA JAMES VAN DYKE FAM. REVOC. TRUST VELTRI JEFFREY VLASOFF BONNIE WASHBURN DANIEL KAY WATKINS BRENT Legal Description SEAVIEW LT 9 SEAVIEW LT 12 RUSSELL EST 3RD BK 2 LT 22D‐2 USS 3471 LT 1 CHINIAK EAST ADD BK 47 LT 6 MILLER PT BK 1 LT 4A‐2 OUZINKIE BK 18 LT 1 ERSKINE ADD BK 6 LT 14 KODIAK TWNST BK 3 LT 9 18767 R5425240012 WATKINS BRENT T25S R24W TL 3108 TR C KUPREANOF 15694 R1340030082 WATKINS ETAL BRENT KODIAK TWNST BK 3 E PTN LT 8 19390 R5600010091 WELCHEL ODIS H. T32S R22W TL 2401 TR A EAGLE HARBOR 16153 R1429030161 19187 R5502020050 16108 R1427020131 19366 R5600010049 WELLS FARGO FINANCIAL ALASKA, INC WILLIAMS DALE WILLIAMS DALE M. WILLIAMS DALE M. RUSSELL EST 3RD BK 3 LT 16G‐1 PASAGSHAK BK 2 LT 5 RUSSELL EST 2ND BK 2 LT 13A‐1 T32S R21W TL 809 TR B UGAK BAY Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 304.87 0.00 12.18 317.05 Total 304.87 0.00 12.18 317.05 2012 122.34 0.00 4.89 127.23 Total 122.34 0.00 4.89 127.23 2012 508.73 50.88 20.35 579.96 Total 508.73 50.88 20.35 579.96 2012 309.11 0.00 12.36 321.47 Total 309.11 0.00 12.36 321.47 0.00 0.00 2,225.49 2012 2,225.49 Total 2,225.49 0.00 0.00 2,225.49 2012 51.00 0.00 2.02 53.02 Total 51.00 0.00 2.02 53.02 2012 49.46 4.94 1.97 56.37 Total 49.46 4.94 1.97 56.37 2012 1,039.74 103.97 41.59 1,185.30 Total 1,039.74 103.97 41.59 1,185.30 2011 2,104.89 207.19 331.50 2,643.58 2012 2,071.89 207.20 82.89 2,361.98 Total 4,176.78 414.39 414.39 5,005.56 2011 192.09 15.90 25.45 233.44 2012 159.09 15.90 6.37 181.36 Total 351.18 31.80 31.82 414.80 2011 58.50 2.56 4.08 65.14 2012 25.50 2.56 1.02 29.08 Total 84.00 5.12 5.10 94.22 2010 343.50 9.50 26.60 379.60 2011 140.50 10.75 17.20 168.45 2012 107.50 10.75 4.29 122.54 Total 591.50 31.00 48.09 670.59 2012 600.53 60.06 24.03 684.62 Total 600.53 60.06 24.03 684.62 2012 45.43 0.00 0.00 45.43 Total 45.43 0.00 0.00 45.43 2012 64.52 0.00 0.00 64.52 Total 64.52 0.00 0.00 64.52 2012 10.64 0.00 0.00 10.64 Total 10.64 0.00 0.00 10.64 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 60 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Real) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 20311 R5790090020 19832 R5765110040 17261 R5200000785 22506 R9004010130 15927 R1421010017 Owner Name WISE BRYAN D YATSIK ETAL PAUL YATSIK PAUL YATSIK PAUL YORK, MICHAEL & MILA Legal Description PORT LIONS BK 9 LT 2 OLD KARLUK TR B LT 4 USS 1828 ZACHAR BAY RUSSIAN CRK BK 1 LT 13 ALDERWOOD BK 1A LT 7 Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 705.21 70.53 28.21 803.95 Total 705.21 70.53 28.21 803.95 2012 56.98 5.70 2.28 64.96 Total 56.98 5.70 2.28 64.96 2012 763.25 76.33 30.55 870.13 Total 763.25 76.33 30.55 870.13 2012 1,125.21 112.51 45.01 1,282.73 Total 1,125.21 112.51 45.01 1,282.73 2012 609.98 0.00 0.00 609.98 Total 609.98 0.00 0.00 609.98 255,502.30 21,165.97 11,978.64 288,646.91 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 61 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Vessel) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 23327 P5V12000003 23337 P1V12000020 22948 P1V21100007 12651 P1V07000006 Owner Name ABALAMA RONALD ANDERSON LUKE AVALON INC BEAN DYLAN 12468 P1V02000033 12447 P1V02000010 12406 P1V00869500 BERESTOFF ANDY BLACK JACK PARTNERSHIP BLONDIN BRIAN 12919 P1V93001139 12262 P1V00000363 12973 P1V97000146 12783 P1V89000224 BLONDIN DERRICK BLONDIN RONALD ROBERTA BLONDIN RONALD ROBERTA BLONDIN SARAH Legal Description 622765 RRRRR 258296 SCANDIA 659800 PHANTOM 684865 LADY REBECCA 546379 LUBA MARIE 658042 BLACK JACK 559887 KIRSTEN JEAN 524976 OTTER 557406 MY BEAUTY 964898 LEGASEA 583800 THUNDERBOLT 12850 P1V91000281 BLONDIN SARAH 615676 BREEZY DEE 12751 P1V88000132 BOLLINGER CURTIS 565422 SEA WALKER Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Total 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 2012 61.60 5.60 2.24 69.44 Total 61.60 5.60 2.24 69.44 2012 32.00 3.20 1.28 36.48 Total 32.00 3.20 1.28 36.48 2011 41.00 3.20 5.12 49.32 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 76.20 6.40 6.40 89.00 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Total 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 2012 37.40 3.40 1.36 42.16 Total 37.40 3.40 1.36 42.16 2011 55.20 4.20 6.72 66.12 2012 46.20 4.20 1.68 52.08 Total 101.40 8.40 8.40 118.20 3.80 1.52 47.12 2012 41.80 Total 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 2012 51.70 4.70 1.88 58.28 Total 51.70 4.70 1.88 58.28 2012 56.10 5.10 2.04 63.24 Total 56.10 5.10 2.04 63.24 2009 49.80 3.80 15.20 68.80 2010 50.30 3.80 10.64 64.74 2011 50.80 3.80 6.08 60.68 Total 150.90 11.40 31.92 194.22 2009 49.80 3.80 15.20 68.80 2010 50.30 3.80 10.64 64.74 2011 50.80 3.80 6.08 60.68 Total 150.90 11.40 31.92 194.22 2012 42.90 3.90 1.56 48.36 Total 42.90 3.90 1.56 48.36 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 62 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Vessel) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 12515 P1V03000010 13688 P5V85000028 Owner Name BOWSER ROBERT BRENTESON BELLA 12653 P1V07000008 BROUHARD LARRE 13041 P1V99000159 12244 P1V00000025 BROYLES KELLY CAMERON, BRIAN Legal Description 602643 LA MER 271736 JULEEANNA 923782 BEST FRIENDS 619456 BRISTOL BREEZE 527709 COLUMBIA 13681 P5V84000163 CARLSEN DENNIS 538199 CARLSEN PT 12554 P1V04000010 CARTER ROBERT FAITH Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 51.70 4.70 1.88 58.28 Total 51.70 4.70 1.88 58.28 2005 16.50 1.50 13.20 31.20 2006 51.80 3.80 28.88 84.48 2007 51.80 3.80 24.32 79.92 2008 49.80 3.80 19.76 73.36 2009 49.80 3.80 15.20 68.80 2010 50.30 3.80 10.64 64.74 2011 50.80 3.80 6.08 60.68 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Total 362.60 28.10 119.60 510.30 2011 9.48 0.00 0.00 9.48 2012 52.80 4.80 1.92 59.52 Total 62.28 4.80 1.92 69.00 2012 14.76 0.00 0.00 14.76 Total 14.76 0.00 0.00 14.76 2009 49.00 4.10 16.40 69.50 2010 53.60 4.10 11.48 69.18 2011 54.10 4.10 6.56 64.76 Total 156.70 12.30 34.44 203.44 2007 45.20 3.20 20.48 68.88 2008 43.20 3.20 16.64 63.04 2009 43.20 3.20 12.80 59.20 2010 43.70 3.20 8.96 55.86 2011 44.20 3.20 5.12 52.52 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 254.70 19.20 65.28 339.18 2008 67.40 5.40 28.08 100.88 2009 67.40 5.40 21.60 94.40 2010 67.90 5.40 15.12 88.42 2011 68.40 5.40 8.64 82.44 2012 59.40 5.40 2.16 66.96 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 63 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Vessel) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 13730 P5V95000156 CHRISTIANSEN FREDDIE Legal Description 545882 MISS HOLLY 12788 P1V90000117 COLE JAMES 596846 CEDRIC 22818 P1V21000006 DENSMORE, DAVID 633423 DREAMER 12650 P1V07000005 12373 P1V00607100 12609 P1V05000022 DICK SCOTT ENTERPRISE FISHERIES LLC FERRIS MICHAEL 976603 SEA WOLF 557952 ENTERPRISE 524370 BLUEFOX 23312 P1V12000001 FLETCHER RYAN 22819 P1V21000007 FOWLER, BRET 926697 VINDSAGA 605854 KAREN JEANNE 22606 P1V09000011 GILLILAND DYTON 602202 CAMILLE‐J 12417 P1V01000012 GOSSETT TIMOTHY P 12683 P1V20000008 GOULD FORREST 612618 LAGUNA STAR 666914 KELLY SEA Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 330.50 27.00 75.60 433.10 2010 54.70 4.20 11.76 70.66 2011 55.20 4.20 6.72 66.12 2012 46.20 4.20 1.68 52.08 Total 156.10 12.60 20.16 188.86 2011 60.70 4.70 7.52 72.92 2012 51.70 4.70 1.88 58.28 Total 112.40 9.40 9.40 131.20 2011 60.70 4.70 7.52 72.92 2012 51.70 4.70 1.88 58.28 Total 112.40 9.40 9.40 131.20 2012 59.40 5.40 2.16 66.96 Total 59.40 5.40 2.16 66.96 2012 7.80 0.00 0.30 8.10 Total 7.80 0.00 0.30 8.10 2009 3.50 0.00 0.00 3.50 2010 47.00 3.50 9.80 60.30 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 59.50 3.50 9.80 72.80 2012 43.00 4.30 1.72 49.02 Total 43.00 4.30 1.72 49.02 4.30 6.88 63.18 2011 52.00 2012 47.30 4.30 1.72 53.32 Total 99.30 8.60 8.60 116.50 2009 43.20 3.20 12.80 59.20 2010 43.70 3.20 8.96 55.86 2011 44.20 3.20 5.12 52.52 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 166.30 12.80 28.16 207.26 2012 52.80 4.80 1.92 59.52 Total 52.80 4.80 1.92 59.52 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 64 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Vessel) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 12574 P1V04000030 12308 P1V00153100 Owner Name GRONN, BURT HILT TERRY Legal Description 669845 ROYAL SALUTE 590861 CECILIA 12764 P1V89000122 HOK WALTER 12891 P1V92000888 HOLDIMAN IV ALVIN 635401 HAIL MARY 12253 P1V00000113 12937 P1V94000183 13694 P5V89000160 614228 ERIKA HORN BRIAN HORN STEVEN HOY GAVIN JOSHUA 583918 LADY TAELYR 990215 GALLANT GIRL 603801 GOT CHA 12897 P1V92000965 JAIME MARIE, INC 958186 JAIME MARIE 13652 P5V02000004 JONES KEN 12520 P1V03000015 KASPRZAK DARIUS 620840 LADY TAELYR 22855 P1V21000021 KASPRZAK DARIUS 243950 MARONA 290739 MALKA Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 2007 45.20 3.20 20.48 68.88 2008 43.20 3.20 16.64 63.04 2009 43.20 3.20 12.80 59.20 2010 43.70 3.20 8.96 55.86 2011 44.20 3.20 5.12 52.52 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 254.70 19.20 65.28 339.18 2012 42.00 4.20 1.68 47.88 Total 42.00 4.20 1.68 47.88 2011 46.40 3.40 5.44 55.24 2012 37.40 3.40 1.36 42.16 Total 83.80 6.80 6.80 97.40 2012 4.51 0.00 0.00 4.51 Total 4.51 0.00 0.00 4.51 2012 41.00 4.10 1.64 46.74 Total 41.00 4.10 1.64 46.74 2011 43.10 3.10 4.96 51.16 2012 34.10 3.10 1.24 38.44 Total 77.20 6.20 6.20 89.60 2011 59.00 5.00 8.00 72.00 2012 55.00 5.00 2.00 62.00 Total 114.00 10.00 10.00 134.00 2008 48.40 4.40 22.88 75.68 Total 48.40 4.40 22.88 75.68 2011 51.90 3.90 6.24 62.04 2012 42.90 3.90 1.56 48.36 Total 94.80 7.80 7.80 110.40 2011 54.10 4.10 6.56 64.76 2012 45.10 4.10 1.64 50.84 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 65 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Vessel) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name Legal Description 13702 P5V90000230 12898 P1V92000967 12442 P1V02000005 12626 P1V06000017 13713 P5V91000211 KATELNIKOFF RICKY KUCZEK RON LEGASEA, INC LEWIS JOSHUA LINDBERG JOHN 567716 FOXY LADY 13721 P5V92000853 12776 P1V89000187 12477 P1V02000042 22954 P1V21100013 12501 P1V02000071 12400 P1V00828210 LINDBERG JOHN LORENA WALLACE LOUNSBURY BRETT MACINTOSH IAN MATHIEU STEVEN MATSON, TIMOTHY 556079 SANDRA JEAN 614538 HALCYON 949825 MELMAR 272913 SJ‐11 512121 GRACE S 653450 SILVER KNIGHT 620537 KARMA 591920 KITTIWAKE 946692 KAHUNA 582898 WILLIWAW Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 99.20 8.20 8.20 115.60 2012 38.06 3.46 1.38 42.90 Total 38.06 3.46 1.38 42.90 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Total 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 2012 42.90 3.90 1.56 48.36 Total 42.90 3.90 1.56 48.36 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Total 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 2004 16.50 1.50 15.00 33.00 2005 16.50 1.50 13.20 31.20 2006 47.40 3.40 25.84 76.64 2007 47.40 3.40 21.76 72.56 2008 45.40 3.40 17.68 66.48 2009 45.40 3.40 13.60 62.40 2010 45.90 3.40 9.52 58.82 2011 46.40 3.40 5.44 55.24 2012 37.40 3.40 1.36 42.16 Total 348.30 26.80 123.40 498.50 2012 46.20 4.20 1.68 52.08 Total 46.20 4.20 1.68 52.08 3.20 1.28 39.68 2012 35.20 Total 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 2012 39.00 3.90 1.56 44.46 Total 39.00 3.90 1.56 44.46 2012 39.60 3.60 1.44 44.64 Total 39.60 3.60 1.44 44.64 2012 33.60 3.20 1.28 38.08 Total 33.60 3.20 1.28 38.08 2010 50.30 3.80 10.64 64.74 2011 50.80 3.80 6.08 60.68 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 66 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Vessel) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 13684 P5V85000015 12696 P1V20000021 12577 P1V04000033 Owner Name Legal Description MCFARLAND DAN NEDROW MONTE SANDRA OLSEN PETER 615662 DANCIA FG 72110 NORDIC DANCER II 565293 SEA DAWG 12761 P1V89000111 ORTH V, HENRY 12638 P1V06000029 PAINTER ROBERT 602790 AMY LA RAE 12834 P1V91000203 PARKER DONALD FAATUPU 960118 MARMOT FOX 12485 P1V02000053 PECK HARRISON A 12509 P1V03000004 PLATE DALE 534792 EMERALD ROSE DAWN TREADER 22600 P1V21000010 POLANCO JOSE 594363 FJORDING 12560 P1V04000016 POVELITE JEFFREY JUANITA MAY 575841 MARSHLANDER Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due Total 142.90 11.40 18.24 172.54 2012 17.94 1.63 0.65 20.22 Total 17.94 1.63 0.65 20.22 2012 33.00 3.00 1.20 37.20 Total 33.00 3.00 1.20 37.20 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 2012 33.00 3.00 1.20 37.20 Total 42.00 3.00 1.20 46.20 2012 40.70 3.70 1.48 45.88 Total 40.70 3.70 1.48 45.88 2007 44.10 3.10 19.84 67.04 2008 42.10 3.10 16.12 61.32 2009 42.10 3.10 12.40 57.60 2010 42.60 3.10 8.68 54.38 2011 43.10 3.10 4.96 51.16 2012 34.10 3.10 1.24 38.44 Total 248.10 18.60 63.24 329.94 3.60 5.76 57.96 2011 48.60 2012 39.60 3.60 1.44 44.64 Total 88.20 7.20 7.20 102.60 2011 3.06 0.00 0.00 3.06 Total 3.06 0.00 0.00 3.06 2008 8.70 0.00 0.00 8.70 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 17.70 0.00 0.00 17.70 2009 59.70 4.70 18.80 83.20 2010 60.20 4.70 13.16 78.06 2011 60.70 4.70 7.52 72.92 2012 51.70 4.70 1.88 58.28 Total 232.30 18.80 41.36 292.46 2012 35.00 3.50 1.40 39.90 Total 35.00 3.50 1.40 39.90 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 67 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Vessel) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID Owner Name 12623 P1V06000014 SCHOOF JOHN Legal Description 564053 GORE POINT 12399 P1V00828160 SELVOG CRAIG 606510 MANITOU 12386 P1V00725500 12805 P1V90000221 12738 P1V87000123 568828 OCEANIC SHOLL RANDALL SITKINAK INC SLINEY WILLIAM 12366 P1V00559725 STORM FORCE FISHERIES, INC 12421 P1V01000016 TAN NIK, LLC 12492 P1V02000061 12440 P1V02000002 12605 P1V05000018 12345 P1V00429111 TOPPING GREG TORMALA THOMAS TORMALA THOMAS TORMALA THOMAS A 943368 SITKINAK 608217 OH CECILIA 612657 CASTLE CAPE 590767 URSA MINOR 941606 AGGRESSIVE 636966 LITTLE PETE 1153701 MASON N ELI 681162 KALA Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2006 50.70 3.70 28.12 82.52 2007 50.70 3.70 23.68 78.08 2008 48.70 3.70 19.24 71.64 2009 85.70 7.40 29.60 122.70 2010 49.20 3.70 10.36 63.26 2011 49.70 3.70 5.92 59.32 Total 334.70 25.90 116.92 477.52 2011 50.80 3.80 6.08 60.68 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Total 92.60 7.60 7.60 107.80 2012 52.80 4.80 1.92 59.52 Total 52.80 4.80 1.92 59.52 2012 4.80 0.00 0.19 4.99 Total 4.80 0.00 0.19 4.99 2011 47.00 3.80 6.08 56.88 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Total 88.80 7.60 7.60 104.00 2012 48.00 4.80 1.92 54.72 Total 48.00 4.80 1.92 54.72 2008 90.00 8.20 42.64 140.84 2009 8.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2010 8.50 0.00 0.00 8.50 2011 9.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 Total 115.50 8.20 42.64 166.34 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 2012 39.60 3.60 1.44 44.64 Total 39.60 3.60 1.44 44.64 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 2012 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Total 41.80 3.80 1.52 47.12 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 68 of 71 Kodiak Island Borough 2012 Preliminary Foreclosure List (Vessel) As of 03/07/13 Property ID Geo ID 12432 P1V01000027 12845 P1V91000268 22852 P1V21000018 Owner Name TRIPP TIM TRIPP TIMOTHY VOSGIEN NICOLE Legal Description MISS O 594897 BOTTOM LINE 966669 SILVER FOX 12952 P1V96000116 WILD ISLAND, INC 679775 WILD ISLAND 12513 P1V03000008 YARBROUGH JOSEPH 619352 JIREH Year Base Tax Penalty Interest Total Due 2012 33.00 3.00 1.20 37.20 Total 33.00 3.00 1.20 37.20 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 2011 9.45 0.00 0.00 9.45 2012 49.50 4.50 1.80 55.80 Total 58.95 4.50 1.80 65.25 2011 99.20 8.20 13.12 120.52 2012 90.20 8.20 3.28 101.68 Total 189.40 16.40 16.40 222.20 2007 45.20 3.20 20.48 68.88 2008 43.20 3.20 16.64 63.04 2009 43.20 3.20 12.80 59.20 2010 43.70 3.20 8.96 55.86 2011 44.20 3.20 5.12 52.52 2012 35.20 3.20 1.28 39.68 Total 254.70 19.20 65.28 339.18 6,986.36 568.79 1,159.80 8,714.95 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 69 of 71 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 70 of 71 Assembly Regular Meeting Packet March 21, 2013 Page 71 of 71