IT OPerations manual
IT OPerations manual
0 Program Instructions Revised March 1, 2014 Program Instructions I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS IMPORTANT: Every field on this form needs to be filled in entirely. Any omissions will require the form to be returned to be completed. For each adult (age 18 and over) enrolled in HUSKY A, C, and D, please complete the Registration Forms, as follows: Part A (Basic information): To be completed by clinical staff within the practice and submitted to HUSKY Health upon completion. Part B (Smoking Habits & Clinical Status): To be completed by clinical staff within the practice and submitted to HUSKY Health upon completion. Part C (Informed Consent): To be completed and signed by the patient with assistance from clinical staff within the practice (if requested). This form is to be retained by the provider and submitted to HUSKY Health upon completion. II. FORM INSTRUCTIONS Electronic Submission of the Enrollment Form: Please read the instructions before submitting. It is important to download the file before filling out and to save the file before submitting the document. Please submit using the current form on the website, as the content is periodically revised. This form was created using Adobe® Acrobat® 9 Pro Version 9.5.0. It has been tested using Adobe® Acrobat® Reader 9 and X and Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 8.0. The form should be submitted using an Adobe Acrobat application using Internet Explorer. The free version of Acrobat Reader is available from Adobe at Save this form as a PDF as follows: practicenameR2Q_PatientName_Date.pdf Save and retain this form for any updates or changes to prevent lost data. After this form is saved, click the SUBMIT button on the last page to transmit the data to HUSKY Health. You will automatically receive a Message Received reply with a tracking number. Save the Message Received reply and note the tracking number for future reference and any future additions or changes to your form. I. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 2 II. FORM INSTRUCTIONS 2 III. REQUIRED INFORMATION 3 IV. Date of Enrollment 3 1. Practice Information 3 2. Provider Information 3 3. Patient Information 3 4. Smoking Status 3 5. Education 4 6. Smoking Habits 4 7a. Pregnancy Status 5 7b. Severe & Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) 5 PATIENT INFORMED CONSENT 8. Smoking Cessation Information FORM023B REWARDS TO QUIT Program Referral Form 6 6 Revised 03.01.2014C-E 2 Part A: Basic Information III. 1. 1.a 1.b I REQUIRED INFORMATION I of Enrollment (mmddyyyy): Date I I Practice Information I Practice Name: I Practice CMAP Number: Practice Address Line 1: Practice Address Line 2: 1.c Practice City: Practice State: Practice Zip Code (nine-digit): 2. Provider Information Provider First Name: MI: 2.a Provider Last Name: 2.b 3. Provider CMAP Number: Patient Information Patient First Name: 3.a Patient Last Name: 3.b Patient 9-Digit HUSKY ID Number: 3.c Patient Date of Birth (mmddyyyy): 3.d Patient Identification: Gender: Select one. . . Race: Select one. . . Ethnicity: Select one. . . Patient Address Line 1: Patient Address Line 2: 3.e Patient City: Patient State: Patient Zip Code (five-digit): 3.f Patient Primary Phone Number: If cell phone check box 3.g Patient Email Address: 4. 4.a Primary Secondary Other Smoking Status Has patient smoked one or more cigarettes in the last 30 days? Yes No If the answer to 4.a is NO, please click the Submit button on the last page. No further action is necessary. If answer to 4.a is YES, please complete Parts B and C before clicking Submit button. FORM023B REWARDS TO QUIT Program Referral Form Revised 03.01.2014C-E 3 Part B: Smoking Habits and Clinical Status To be completed by clinical staff within the practice and submitted using the Submit button on the last page. 5. 5.a 6. Education Highest level of patient’s education? Select one. . . Patient’s Smoking Habits Mark Box for YES Patient smokes every day. 6.a How often does patient smoke cigarettes? Patient smokes, but not every day. Patient smokes less than a pack per month. Enter Number Smoked # cigarettes a day. # cigarettes a week. Patient also smoke cigars. 6.b Does patient use any other tobacco products? (Check all that apply) Patient also uses “smokeless tobacco” (e.g. snus, orbs, strips, etc.). No, patient only smokes cigarettes. 6.c Would patient like to quit smoking, or smoke less? 6.d Has patient tried to quit smoking before? If YES, when did patient last try to quit? Select one. . . Yes No Select one. . . 6.e If answer to 6.d is NO, please answer 6.f, 6.g, 6.h and 6.i. 6.f 6.g 6.h 6.i 6.j Did you not try to quit or smoke less before because you thought it would cause too much stress? Did you not try to quit or smoke less before because you thought that if you reduced or quit that you would gain weight? Did you not try to quit or smoke less before because you were worried about withdrawal symptoms? Did you not try to quit or smoke less before because you were not sure how to quit? Has patient ever used a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) product or prescription medication to help quit smoking? (e. g., lozenge, gum, patch, inhaler, nasal spray, Chantix, or Zyban) FORM023B REWARDS TO QUIT Program Referral Form Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes, patient is now using a medication or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Yes, patient has used a medication or nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) in the past. No Revised 03.01.2014C-E 4 Part B: Smoking Habits and Clinical Status 6.k Have you ever had counseling before to quit smoking? Yes No 6.l Did you ever use the telephone Quitline to help you quit smoking? Yes No 7. Patient’s Clinical Status (EX: March 1, 2013 = 03/01/2013) mmddyyyy Patient is pregnant, and is due: 7.a Pregnancy Status: Patient gave birth within the last 6 months, born: Patient is not pregnant. Not applicable. 7.b Severe & Persistent Mental Illness (SPMI) (Do not ask enrollee, verify from Medical Record) FORM023B REWARDS TO QUIT Program Referral Form Yes No Revised 03.01.2014C-E 5 Part C: Informed Consent IV. I INFORMED CONSENT The RewardsI to Quit program is a study to help us learn how to better help people quit smoking. If you participate in Rewards to Quit, you will be helping us by giving us important information. I If you agree be in the study, here is what you will do: I some questions about your health and your smoking habits at different times during the program: soon (1) Answer after I you agree to participate (by signing this form), 3-months after you agree, and 12-months after you agree. (2) Participate in some quit smoking activities, if you choose to. I If you agree, you will be in the study for fourteen (14) months. Risks and Benefits: This study will benefit you by helping you quit smoking, if you choose to do the quit-smoking activities. Quitting smoking is very important for your health. If you are pregnant or have recently had a baby, both you and your baby will benefit from your quitting smoking. This study has very low risk. The only risk is that some people might feel a little uncomfortable about answering questions about their smoking habits. Confidentiality: Your health care provider will collect some information about your health and smoking habits, and this will be shared with the Department of Social Services (DSS) and its agents. The information will be kept confidential and used only by the DSS and its agent Yale University, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and its agent RTI International. Yale University and RTI International will be studying this program, so they will be given some information about your experience in the program. Neither Yale University nor RTI International will be given your HUSKY Health identification number. Yale University will not be given your name or any other information that could be used to identify you. RTI International will be given your name, address and phone number because they may need to contact you as part of the study. You may be asked to be a part of a focus group (a group discussion) or to answer a survey about your experience. Both RTI International and Yale will also use health and smoking information collected in this study to better understand how well incentives work to help people stop smoking. Voluntary Participation: It is your choice whether to be in this study. You can decide not to take part in the study and you can leave the study at any time and for any reason. Your choice about being in the study will not change your eligibility for HUSKY Health in any way. Program Termination: Because this is a study, it is important that the information that is collected is complete and correct. DSS and its agents have the right to end your participation in the study if DSS has reason to believe that the information collected from you is not complete or is misreported. For example, if you do not answer most of the questions that we ask, or if you decline to answer any questions, DSS can end your participation in this study. Smoking Cessation Information 8. 8.a Did the provider counsel patient about the importance of quitting smoking? Yes No 8.b Did the provider give patient general information about available smoking cessation treatment and services? Yes No 8.c Would the patient like to actively engage in efforts to quit smoking? Yes No If the answer to 8.c is YES, please complete and have the patient sign the Informed Consent form and check Option A. If the answer to 8.c is NO, check Option B if willing to answer additional questions as part of the study, or Option C if refuses services and does not wish to participate at all in the study. REWARDS TO QUIT PROGRAM INFORMED CONSENT: To be completed and signed by the Patient. Please submit the completed form by clicking the submit button at the end of the form, and retain the original in the Patient’s file. Date (mmddyyyy): Please mark one entry only. Please have Patient sign and enter date below: Option A: I have read the above information and I agree to participate in this study by answering questions about my smoking habits and other health-related information, and allowing information to be shared as described above. I also agree to take part in quit smoking activities. Option B: I have read the above information and I agree to participate in this study by answering questions about my smoking habits and other health-related information, and allowing information to be shared as described above. I do not agree to take part in quit smoking activities. Option C: I have read the above information and I do not want to participate in this study. I understand that this will not affect my eligibility for HUSKY Health. Electronic Signature Agreement. By clicking “I agree” and signing below, you are signing this form electronically. You agree your electronic signature authorizes the accuracy of content in this form. I agree Signature of Patient Date (mmddyyyy) Signature of Witness Date (mmddyyyy) I agree IMPORTANT: Please read the instructions before submitting. By clicking the SUBMIT button, after saving this form, you certify that all information provided in the application is accurate and correct. Clicking the submit button transmits the information to HUSKY Health. SUBMIT FORM023B REWARDS TO QUIT Program Referral Form Revised 03.01.2014C-E 6