IIChE Students` Chapter Newsletter


IIChE Students` Chapter Newsletter
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Ever wondered about the subtlety flow through a pipe in our fluid mechanics
of nature's creations, the precision that all course, but how different would the fluid
of us seek today in our different walks of flow inside a carbon nanotube be? If that
life ,which seems more of nature's trait didn’t interest you, spare a thought on how
that's been imbibed in us, than what we a nanoporous catalyst will produce prodotherwise are made to believe. What else ucts with 100 % selectivity and yield if it
could explain the philosophy behind the enhances molecule specific adsorption!
closeness of the size of an atom and a living cell! A layman may dismiss it as providence while we engineers must acknowledge it as our destiny.
For those who love polymers, did
you know that polymer carbon nanotube
composites have phenomenally enhanced
mechanical strength. They can sustain
Nanotechnology is the science of much higher weight load when compared
the small world, where the vanguards are to the virgin polymer because of a load
the atoms and molecules. The cells and transfer at the very atomic level from the
viruses make us believe that there is so bulk polymer to the highly tensile carbon
much more to science than what meets the nanotube!
eye. But you all might argue that all this is
science and where does the engineer
press the button?
ing its own share of glory with nanoporous
Here is the answer. As a chemical highly selective transport through it, makengineer we are interested in materials that ing its application in fuel cells ever interesthave myriad applications in fields that in- ing. At the end though, all this fascinating
clude polymers, membranes, catalysis etc. stuff is just the tip of the iceberg! Engineers
Ever imagined how a nanometer dimen- have a plethora of opportunities in the
sion could revolutionize our entire idea of nano regime which includes the elaborathinking. It all boils down to control, that we tion of mathematical and stochastic models
so desperately want, control over proper- that would help us understand everyday
ties which would enable us to tailor our physical, chemical and biological phenomown materials for the future.
What is so special about the
"nano" feeling then? For one, it helps us
ena better and optimize parameters that
are of industrial importance.
Here it is my friends, the technol-
alter properties at the very atomic level ogy of the millennium, let's stand up and
thus synthesizing things "the way we need accept it with open arms!
them". For example, all of us study fluid
Membrane technology is also havmembranes
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Now-a-days in our world fossil
fuels are used for a lot of developments
and every day’s small to small work. Energy is the currency of political and economic power of each country throughout
the world. In this era energy has become
the paramount imperative and energy demand has proliferated.
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Today fossil fuels are the primary
source of energy. Most estimates put our
overall worldwide fossil fuel reserves as
lasting not more than 200 to 300 years
considering further fuel reserves such as
low-grade coal, tar sands, and oil shale
again based on the current rate and distribution of consumption. In present scenario,
crude oil is the brightest star in the energy
family. The maximum number of oil resources are in a very few number of countries. 44 oil producing countries are now
fulfilling 99% of world’s oil demand. 24 of
these countries have already passed their
peak. It is not only India and China, but
also the developed countries of Europe,
U.S.A., Japan etc. that are dependent on
importing oil. Hence energy poverty is going to be the new killer in developing and
developed countries.
Since 1960, the amount of new oil
reservoirs being discovered is declining.
Even the number of new refineries is also
decreasing and the reason is too simple.
All oil companies want to be profitable and
they know that in the future they will get
lesser and lesser oil for refining. This oil
crisis is leading to merging of oil companies. In December 1998, BP and AMOCO
merged and just after four months in April
1999 BP-AMOCO and ARCO merged. In
December 1999 Exxon and Mobile
merged. In November 2001 Philips and
,!- .
Conoco merged. In September 2002, Shell
acquired penzoil-quaker state. In June
2005 Royal Dutch and Shell merged.
What is the solution? We can not
grow more fossil fuel. We can not stop the
use of fossil fuel. It is the devastating truth
that fossil fuel is going to end one day.
Hence we need alternatives for the production of the necessary energy, fuels, and
chemicals. We have no choice but to develop new sources and technologies in
order to eventually replace fossil fuels. The
time to do this is now, when we still have
extensive sources of fossil fuels available
to make the inevitable changes gradually,
without major disruptions.
Renewable energy technology is one
of the solutions, which produces energy by
transforming natural phenomena (or natural resources) such as into useful energy
forms. We can turn to fuel cells as a solution. The fuel cells are electrochemical energy conversion device. As long as fuel is
supplied, the fuel cells continue to generate power. In the fuel cells the fuels are fed
at the anode side and oxidant is fed at the
cathode side. In the two electrodes, halfreactions take place and electricity is produced. An electrolyte is placed in between
two electrodes through which the mobile
ions (produced from an electrode halfreaction) pass to the other electrode side
and take part in half-reaction of that electrode. Electrons pass from anode to cathode by means of an external circuit giving
power to an external load.
The principle of the fuel cell was
discovered by German scientist Christian
Friedrich Schönbein in 1838 and published
in the January 1839 edition of the Philoso-
phical Magazine". Based on this primary work, Welsh sci- /% %
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entist Sir William Robert Grove developed the first hydrogen fuel cell, in 1843. Hydrogen fuel cell is the basic fuel
Pyrolysis of plastics has been considered one of
cell. In this fuel cell hydrogen is fed at anode and oxygen at
the most important techniques for its disposal treatment
cathode. At anode hydrogen splits to protons and electrons
after its usage. Main problem of plastics disposal lies in
in presence of catalysts.
its non-biodegradable nature due to the presence of
4H++ 4ecomplex chemical bonds in its polymer matrix. Due to
At cathode oxygen reacts with those electrons and the rigorous usage of plastics as commodity material in
protons generating water and heat.
our daily life as well as in Industry its disposal is of seriO2 + 4H+ + 4e-
view. Plastics in our daily life are mainly PET
The overall reaction is as follows :
2H2 + O2
ous concern from the environmental pollution point of
(Polyethylene terephthalate) used in manufacturing plas-
tic beverage bottles; PP (Polypropylene) used in the
No other energy generating technology offers the
combination of benefits that fuel cells offer. A fuel cell running on pure hydrogen is a zero-emission power source.
The other benefits include high efficiency and reliability,
multi-fuel capability, durability, fuel flexibility, and ease of
maintenance. Fuel cells are also scalable and can be
stacked until the desired power output is reached. Since
fuel cells operate silently, they reduce noise pollution as
well as air pollution and the waste heat from a fuel cell can
be used to provide hot water or space heating for a home
or office. Some applications require an extremely reliable
power supply and a fuel cell’s ability to produce continuous
power is one reason that makes them ideal for these and
many other situations.
manufacture of ropes, toys etc; LDPE (Low density poly-
Whilst fuel cells provide an exciting prospect for
future energy supplies there are still areas that need to be
developed further in order for them to become a mainstream technology. Fuel cells are still a few years away
from commercialization on a large scale. Now-a-days a lot
of companies such as Ballard Power (Canada), Energy
Venture Inc.(Canada), Fuel Cell Energy (USA), Nissan &
Suzuki (Japan), Siemens Westinghouse (Germany) etc. are
taking interest in research and development of fuel cells. If
the obstacles could be handled in future then fuel cells
could be a very reliable and capable source for energy to
fulfill the world’s demand in future.
with the help of heat treatment. Pyrolysis can yield value
ethylene) used in packaging material; HDPE (High density polyethylene) used for making electrical utensils and
PS (Polystyrene) used for making tough and transparent
There have been many alternative techniques
suggested for plastics or solid waste treatment such as
land-filling, incineration, materials recycling etc. All these
techniques have certain demerits due to which these
approaches for plastics disposal cannot be recommended. Pyrolysis is the process where this solid polymer matter can be decomposed in an inert atmosphere
added products such as monomers (activated charcoal),
liquid fractions in the gasoline range, petrochemical feed
-stock with a very negligible amount of harmful residue.
The concept of pyrolysis technique can be a
feasible process only when the real kinetic mechanism
of polymer decomposition is known. The aspects to be
considered in the pyrolysis process are proper selection
of pyrolysis reactor, optimization of the reactor and operating conditions and product distributions.
The study of kinetics of plastics
and LDPE (Low density poly ethylene) both
decomposition can be possible with the
individually and in mixture forms. These
help of the TGA (Thermo Gravimetric
catalysts showed catalytic effect mainly in
Analysis) technique. TGA is a process
terms of decrease in the temperature of
where mass degradation takes place due to
degradation, activation energies and in the
the application of heat with the flow of an
pyrolysis product spectra during pyrolysis
inert gas (Nitrogen, Argon etc) while purg-
experiments. While performing decomposi-
ing and in the protective gas inlet to get rid
tion experiments in the absence of catalysts
of oxidation which may give rise to unde-
sired reactions. The results from the TGA
generally used to be high unlike in the cata-
are generally interpreted as the weight loss
lytic case where the maximum degradation
with temperature or with time. From the
temperature is low due to the usage of
TGA results the kinetics information of the
catalysts. More over the product distribution
polymer decomposition mechanism can be
of the pyrolysis process output can be
known. For that purpose TGA is generally
greatly modified.
coupled with model approaches such as;
Model-fitting techniques or Model-free tech-
niques. Model-fitting techniques are used in
the case of lack of knowledge of real kinetic
mechanism of the polymer decomposition.
Otherwise model-free techniques are coupled with TGA. In many cases they are advantageous over model-fitting techniques.
In the case of plastics mixtures of
PP and LDPE in their various ratios, both
TGA and GC (Gas Chromatography) for
product analysis got important findings regarding optimum ratios of polymers in their
mixtures both in the concern of high conversion and the high yield of comparatively
more valuable products. The separation of
Model-free technique is used both
the solid products and liquid products is of
in the presence and absence of catalyst
utmost importance for better analysis of the
during the degradation of catalysts. Cata-
products obtained after these pyrolysis ex-
lysts such as laboratory synthesized meso-
porous (sol-gel)
Al-MCM-41, laboratory
ZSM-5 and composite catalysts such as
FCC (Fluid Catalytic Cracking) catalyst
have been used. All these catalysts are
very specific in their catalytic behaviors
while showing their effect in the degradation of the polymers PP (Polypropylene)
The future scope for research in the
said area needs more attention so as to
understand the real mechanism of the degradation of these polymers both thermally
and catalytically in their real mixture forms,
keeping an eye to analyze more valuable
products after degradation.
Co-pyrolysis of waste plastic with
fossil fuel may be considered as a potentially effective means to counter these challenges of energy management and waste
management. The importance of this technique lies in the fact that it can potentially
harness the multiple benefits of obtaining
valuable products from coal and waste
hances coal conversion.
Incorporating plastic waste into existing
industrial processes is another expanding
field of research interest. Improved product
distribution towards desired ends and
value addition to evolved products from
waste is the chief benefit intended in the
use of this technique.
plastic, effective waste reduction and de- Also an elaborate study of product distribucreased energy load on coal as fuel by effi- tion obtained, influence of operating varicient energy management.
Co-pyrolysis products comprise
gaseous products, tar or oil and solid residue. Each of these product components
can be recovered as such or upgraded for
value addition. Combination of waste plastic with coal has gained much attention
able on the products evolved and identification of controlling parameters is important in order to design processes for recovvarious catalysts for improving product distribution can provide an extension to this
field of study.
owing to the assumption that thermal de- Potential for industrial application of
composition of coal as well as most kind of this technique
polymers proceed through radical formation in close ranges of temperature. This
allows scope for possible chemical interactions between plastics and coal intermediates triggering improved quality and yield
of products. It also presents a potential for
reduction of emissions from combustion
alone, as the formation of higher alkanes is
found to be augmented when blended with
plastics. Blending of coal with plastic is
thus found to give mutual beneficial effects.
On one hand while coal promotes radical
formation leading to production of lighter
products from the polymer, the polymer
plays the role of hydrogen donor and en-
ery of desired products. The application of
Several industrial trials have indicated the potential for application of copyrolysis of plastic with coal. Some studies
indicate that mixed plastic waste was used
as a minor component in coal blends without deteriorating the quality of the metallurgical coke produced for blast furnace. Industrial trial at Kimutsu coke ovens by incorporating a mixture of plastic waste as
component in coal blend is reported to
have produced encouraging results for furthering in this approach. Another industrial
trial with plastic reuse is found with integrated steel plants where plastic waste is
injected into the blast furnace as fuel. BASF, Veba Oil etc the highest tar yield as compared to other Indian coals.
have already set up commercial plants for gasification, liq- Thus, the use of these coals is limited due to their high
uefaction and cracking of plastic waste. A TNO report also sulphur content. This study therefore envisages an alterindicates that pyrolysis, hydrogenation and gasification of nate scope for effective utilization of this abundantly availconventional fuels such as coal and biomass can be used able resource. Also it may be expected to recover valuable
with plastic waste to generate producer gas rich in hydro- gaseous and liquid compounds from this coal due to its
gen content or synthesis gas. Several other industrial ex- high tar content.
amples demonstrate the efficiency of this technique in coke
making. Co-gasification of about 20% plastics with coal in a
Texaco gasifier has yielded marginal increase in efficiency
as compared to coal-only fired systems.
The present work
This project aims at studying the behavior of coal
and waste plastic blends in comparison to the individual
components during co-processing. The primary emphasis
is to investigate the kinetics of the reactions and study the
products of co-pyrolysis. Preliminary experiments in this
regard have been done to study the thermal pyrolysis of
coal, waste low density polyethylene and their blends.
The use of waste plastic in this study has its relevance to the increasing waste management problem that
has gradually evolved into a growing global menace. More
than 50% of the plastic produced in India is routed to the
packaging industry. So a significant proportion of the plastic produce manifests as some form of consumer waste.
Also as discussed, the country must also look forward to
the motto of reuse and reclaim from the perspective of
these non-biodegradable waste. Moreover, as the country
envisages self reliance in the energy sector in the coming
decades, effective utilization of the country’s most abundant fossil fuel, coal becomes highly imperative. Also the
present world scenario demands novel measures for
Materials of study and their relevance in national con- waste and energy management with increased focus on
pollution control and abatement. Considering the above, a
The coal proposed to be used in this study is coal
from the Ledo colliery of Makum coalfields in Assam, India.
These coals have been classified as the sub-bituminous
technique such as co-pyrolysis can be expected to assume role as a promising option.
Besides values generation from waste, this study
type on the basis of studies on their chemical composition can generate a novel option for utilization of Assam coal
and physical characteristics. These are high sulphur coals which has otherwise limited application. It will provide a
with an estimated total reserve of about 260 million tons. detailed understanding of the products of co-pyrolysis
Due to the high sulphur content, it has to be blended with along with the influence of sample and pyrolysis parameother auxiliary fuels, such as natural gas or imported coals ters and use of catalysts on the same. Besides, it will also
to satisfy the coal quality requirement for thermal power target industrial interfacing to make this technique useful
generation, particularly from the emission point of view. and applicable industrially.
Besides high sulphur content, these coals are reported to
have a low softening temperature and a high swelling index, volatile matter and hydrogen contents besides having
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Chemical Engineering is not limited boost to the market of products of immedito its vast array of correlations, graphs and ate consumption like candies, pan masala,
different techniques of obtaining solutions to shampoos, wafers and other eatables. Tocomplex problems. Rather it is about engi- day UFLEX is worth US$ 600 Million.
neering production of goods that can
change our day to day lives.
The group is a multi faceted organization which has backward integrated its
Mr. Ashok Chaturvedi, CMD of operations from manufacture of polyester
UFLEX Group of Companies feels that engi- chips, films (BOPET, BOPP and CPP - both
neering has the power to transform human in plain and metallized form), coated film,
lives. His life is an example of the same. It laminates, pouches, holographic films Grastarts in the 1970s when Mr. Ashok vure cylinders, inks and adhesives to all
Chaturvedi passed out as graduate in types of packaging & printing machines.
chemistry from Kanpur College and joined
the packaging company “Rollatainer” as a
sales agent. Those were the days when
shampoos, pan masala, spices, everything
used to come in small containers. These
containers were bulky in nature and supplied goods in a larger quantity.
Seeing this, he was struck with the
idea of small pouches which according to
him would provide not only easy and safe
carriage of goods but would also completely
change the market scenario. With this idea
in his mind he left his job at “Rollatainer”
and acquired a 300-square feet room at
Noida in 1983, an upcoming industrial town
in U.P, to start his packaging unit, which he
named as UFLEX Group. He was unabated
by the meagre resources that he had and
pioneered the concept of small pouches for
Kothari's Pan Parag pan masala. The concept of small pouches provided a huge
It has a strong market presence in
over 80 countries of the world with produc",
tion facilities in UAE and USA as well.
, . /((
UFLEX group has been recently accredited
with the patent of zippers for plastic
But the vision and spirit of Ashok
Chaturvedi is still unrelenting. “At the beginning of this new millennium, even as technology strives to bring us together, people
drift apart. As life goes on new and undiscovered gaps emerge. That is why in this
age of a shrinking globe, our greatest challenge is to bridge these gaps,”. A new whisper, runs between us: "let us bridge these
gaps" and make life a trifle better inside and
outside us. In this whisper lies the message;
in this challenge the motive; in this effort the
goal of UFLEX, An effort that strives to offer
integrated solutions.”
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Polymer nanocomposites offer tremendous im- step assistant in GMC Safari and Chevrolet Astro vans.
provement in a wide range of physical and engineering From that day it has found use in various commercial approperties for polymers with low filler loading. The major plications to fulfill the increased demand of the human sodevelopment in this field has been carried out over the last ciety. These days a lot of research work is being done on
one and half decades. In this article an attempt is made to nanocomposites to apply in various fields like drug delivgive a basic understanding of polymer nanocomposites ery systems, anti-corrosion barrier coatings, UV protection
along with its current applications.
Composites are the materials formed when at least
two distinctly dissimilar materials are mixed. Conventional
composites undergo mixing at macroscopic level. However
when one of the constituent phases has one dimension
less than 100 nm they are called as nanocomposites. In
case of polymer nanocomposites, one of the phases is
polymer. The other phase is nano filler which can be clay or
nanotube or any nanoparticles. These nanocomposites
have flexibility and improvements in their physical properties. Since the constituents of the nanocomposites have
different structures and compositions, hence the nanocomposites can be multifunctional. The main idea behind the
nanocomposites is to enhance the properties and improve
the characteristics of the materials. Nano-structured and
nano-composite materials are expected to be the major
areas of growth in the economy of countries like U.K. in the
next 20 years. Currently the world nano-materials market is
growing at the rate of 7-15% per annum in various sectors.
gels, lubricants and scratch free paints, new fire retardant
materials, new scratch or abrasion resistant materials, superior strength fibers and films. There are mainly three
types of composites for layered silicate materials (shown
in Figure 1). When the polymer is unable to intercalate (or
penetrate) between the silicate sheets, a phase-separated
composite is obtained, and the properties stay in the same
range as those for conventional nanocomposites. In an
intercalated structure, where a single extended polymer
chain can penetrate between the silicate layers, a wellordered multilayer morphology results with alternating
polymeric and inorganic layers. When the silicate layers
are completely and uniformly dispersed in a continuous
polymer matrix, an exfoliated or delaminated structure is
obtained. In each case, the physical properties of the resultant composite are significantly different. Without proper
dispersion, the nano material will not offer improved mechanical properties over that of conventional composites;
in fact, a poorly dispersed nano material may degrade the
More than 70 organizations around the world are working in
this field and opportunities are still considered to be abun-
The real era of polymer composites started in 1990
when Toyota first developed Nylon-Montmorillonite clay
nanocomposite that was used in Toyota car to produce timing belt cover. After that it was used by Mitsubishi in the
preparation of GDI (Gasoline Direct Injection) engine cover.
General Motors used clay/polyolefin nanocomposites in
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mechanical properties.
Polymer-clay nanocomposites can be prepared
mainly by three different methods. They are the meltprocessing, solvent method and in situ polymerization. The first two methods directly insert polymer into the
clay galleries, while the third inserts monomer followed by
polymerization in the galleries.
Nanocomposites can demonstrate significant
improvements compared to virgin polymers with the content of the clay materials in the 2-10 wt. % range. There
•No swelling during contact with water and therefore high
resistance to whitening.
•Enhanced heat distortion temperature.
•Enhanced physical properties.
•Low processing cost and single-step processing.
•Stiffness and clarity.
•The polymer does not soften or flow before approx. 150°
are improvements in mechanical properties, such as ten- C.
sile strength, compressive strength, bending and fractural
strength; barrier properties, such as permeability and solvent resistance; optical properties and ionic conductivity.
•Dries quickly after water absorption.
•And most importantly they are easily recycled.
Other interesting properties exhibited by polymer-layered
silicate nanocomposites include their increased thermal
Dramatic improvements in mechanical properties
stability and ability to promote flame retardancy at very have resulted in major interest in nanocomposite materilow filling levels. The formation of a thermal insulating als in numerous automotive and general/industrial appliand low permeability char from the polymer degradation cations. These include potential for utilization as mirror
caused by a fire is responsible for these improved proper- housings on various vehicle types, door handles, engine
ties. The enhanced properties of polymer nanocompo- covers and intake manifolds and timing belt covers. More
sites at low clay loadings compared to conventional clay/ general applications currently being considered include
polymer mixtures are:
usage as impellers and blades for vacuum cleaners,
power tool housings, mower hoods and covers for port-
•Lower density and better reinforcement.
•Increased dimensional stability.
•Decreased permeability to gases, water and hydrocarbons. So Improved barrier properties for gases and liquids.
•Flame retardant approach.
•Increased melt strength and chemical resistance.
•High elasticity despite high silica ratio.
able electronic equipment such as mobile phones, pagers
etc. It can also be applied in the field of heat-resistant
materials, light weight and high strength structural materials, electrical package, conductive polymers, barriers,
shielding, selective photo sensitivity, coatings, etc.
The major research is going on in the field of
electronics where polymer nanocomposites are used in
preparation of light weight and low cost chips. Using
these materials, GE hopes to build more powerful turbines that operate at higher temperatures. So, it is no
longer a new field in the area of research; and the day is
not far when polymer nanocomposites will become an
integral part of our life.
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As a part of the first issue of IIChE
the student into a complete and responsible
(Student’s chapter) newsletter, Editor, Mr
citizen. Also a linking up with the alumni
Deepak Nanwani interviewed the Head of
and other chemical engineers is a part of it.
the Department of Chemical Engineering
Dr. Aloke K. Ghoshal. Here is the full text of
the interview.
DN: Sir, you have been in this department
since it began in 2002 and you have seen it
grow to what it is now. What are the major
changes in the department that you see
AKG: The department has grown from student’s point of view as well as faculty’s
point of view. The department as of now is
complete. We have all the required facilities
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So, do we plan to set up an alumni
database also?
AKG: Yes, in fact we are working on it. This
is very important for the benefit of the department and the students of this department. Because once the students pass out
it is very difficult to maintain this contact.
And this is the reason such a database is
very important.
DN: Is the department also involved in any
sort of consultancy projects?
as well as infrastructure. As the no. of stu-
AKG: Yes, the department is involved in a
dents grow, more and more facilities will be
lot of consultancy projects. We recently
required and we will have to make the nec-
bagged a project from OIL Duliajan and we
essary changes with time.
are already doing two projects with them.
Sir, how has the setting up of IIChE
student’s chapter in our department benefitted the students of the department?
We recently completed a project for IOCL.
We have also taken up another consultancy
project with BLPL. We along with some faculty member of Civil Engineering Depart-
AKG: The student’s chapter is mainly set
ment are doing a project for a Kolkata
up to benefit the students and once the stu-
based company. Like this there are various
dents are benefitted the department is also
other consultancy projects that have been
benefitted in general. The purpose behind
taken up.
setting up of this chapter was to get everyone especially the students involved in
some activities not only related to chemical
In what various fields are these con-
sultancy projects?
engineering but also extracurricular activi-
AKG: See, one is in the field of catalyst
ties so that all round development of the
synthesis for a specific use. Then conden-
student takes place. These kinds of activi-
sate recovery is also one area. There are
ties assume special importance to make
other fields too like heat exchanger network
analysis for setting up a new project. Also feasibility
study on the use of micro turbines for generating electricity from oil and gas.
DN: What is the difference between a consultancy project and a funded/sponsored project?
AKG: In case of a consultancy project when a particular
company or some firm has a problem, you have to convince them that you can solve that problem and the
company will pay you for that. It is sort of similar to your
placement process. There are funding agencies like
DST, CSIR, MNES, etc. which have been allocated
a lot of factors and will be taken in due course of time
depending on the requirement.
DN: Sir, what about the computer lab?
AKG: We have got new computers in the department lab
recently. As and when the need arises we will increase
the no. as well as improve the configuration of these various computers. We also plan to use the room where the
departmental library is right now. This room has been
made for the purpose of the lab and we will use it as and
when the need arises.
funds by the government and which further allocate DN:
Sir, is the course curriculum changed regularly to
funds to various projects in educational and other insti- match the requirements of the industry? And are we also
tutes which need them. Many such funded projects are working on changing the various topics that are taught in
also going on in the department.
the courses?
DN: Can students also be a part of these consultancy AKG: Curriculum is alright however recently we have
AKG: Yes students are also a part of these consultancy
projects. They might not get monetary benefits but they
get hands on industrial experience. They are allotted
small problems which are a part of the project and they
work on them under the guidance of the faculty member.
And such interactions between students and faculty
done a curriculum restructuring. As far as the syllabus is
concerned we are constantly revising it and we have
done a few major changes once since 2002. And another
major change is in the new pipeline. We will be changing
the syllabus as well as introducing the new courses. New
electives are in the pipeline for students since now we
have more faculty members.
members are mutually beneficial. We can only supervise DN:
Most of our placements are in petroleum refining
them but it is the students who work on the implementa- sector. Why is it that we are not able to move to other
areas like pharmaceuticals, fertilizers etc.?
Are our labs equipped to handle this increase in AKG: See it is all a case of demand and supply. A few
years ago there was a great boom in the software sector.
the intake of the students?
The salaries were quite high and everybody wanted to go
AKG: As I said the department is now complete. The over to that side. However, when the software sector deDN:
intake of students has increased in the past few years. clined people again started running here and there. Now
We will be from next year on dividing the students into in the oil sector there are a lot of MNCs which are offering
two groups and we also plan to introduce some new very high pay packages and hence people prefer the core
experiments in our labs. But these decisions depend on sector.
that a company would give advantage to
ment of the B.Tech. batch of final year stu-
the person having an internship in a com-
dents has been very satisfactory. Cent per-
pany amongst two equally capable people.
cent placement with an average package of
Moreover, an internship in a company might
6.10 LPA supports the above statement.
result in a Pre Placement Offer. However
For a batch of 21 students we have 25 re-
the final choice depends on the person’s
cruitment offers.
personal choice and career aspirations.
season 12 core companies visited the campus and 15 students got placed in these
companies. Apart from this 3 students got
placed in consultancy firms and 3 in IT sec-
tor jobs. The representatives of the various
companies who had come for recruitment
were pretty pleased with the performance
of the students. Yet there were a few other
companies which went back empty handed
As the statistics reveal the place-
This year during the placement
" 53
and this can be attributed to insufficient
preparation by the students. So, it would be
beneficial for students eyeing these companies to start working on meeting their demands from a potential employee.
The core companies demand fluency in a few core subjects and areas of
chemical engineering. These generally include Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer and
Fluid Mechanics. Of course you need to
keep a look out for the specific areas the
companies demand knowledge in.
There is a very ambiguous relationship between placements and internships.
Stats and facts don't reveal much on this.
Yet, on a personal note, it seems logical
Some Vital Points:Medical fitness: It is advisable for the students to be medically fit as per the requirements of the company they are
sitting for. This medical fitness criterion
varies from company to company. People using glasses/lenses and who have
powers at the higher ends or are colorblind stand a risk of being rejected in
the medical tests. Kindly get yourself
checked and select the companies you
want to sit for accordingly.
High CPI doesn't harm as much as you
assume: A high CPI candidate is considered by companies as a probable
candidate for further studies, but it is all
in the hands of the candidate to convince the interview panel by his/her replies and in the end it is the answers
that he gives in the interview that matter.
It is advisable to keep a very concise and
true resume. Also be prepared to answer any cross questions based on
your resume.
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We would like to thank all the people who helped us in bringing out the first ever issue of this newsletter. First
of all we would like to thank Prof. A.K. Ghoshal and Dr. Kaustubha Mohanty for their continuous support and guidance. Also we would like to thank Aashish Goel, Ashish Kumar and Vaibhav Agarwal for their help during the collection of articles. We would also like to thank all the students who have contributed to the newsletter in whatever
way they have.
- Deepak & Bikrom
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Activities of IIChE-SC, IIT Guwahati
During this calendar year 2008, IIChE-SC has already organized two activities viz. a trip to IOCL Guwahati
Refinery on 15th March 2008 and one Workshop on Aspen Plus conducted by Dr. P. K. Saha on 29th March 2008.
Nearly 45 students accompanied by some faculty members have visited IOCL Refinery. The Aspen Plus Workshop was also well attended by more than 80 students comprising of UG, PG and PhD scholars. Those were the
two major activities. Barring these some minor activities like placement talk and internship talk by final year UG
students of Chemical Engineering were also held under the auspices of IIChE-SC. More such activities are
planned for near future.
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IOCL Guwahati Refinery Visit on 15th March 2008