Fall 2014 - Yacht Club Estates


Fall 2014 - Yacht Club Estates
Volume 8, Issue 3
Autumn 2014
Yacht Club Estates Civic Association
What Did The
Autumn 2014
Lock It Up
The Holidays
Are Coming
What’s In It
For Me?
14, 21
19, 20
7, 17
Get Out
Letter from the President
Since becoming YCECA President
in February I have attempted to
emphasize communication and
response to owner concerns.
Accordingly, we have sent out
email blasts on such topics as flood
insurance, Sunset Park, and the
availability of free baseball suite
tickets. Likewise, we have
responded to a myriad of issues
ranging from street water leaks, replacement of a damaged
culvert, repair of a damaged stop sign, failure of Beach Beacon
newspaper delivery, and property maintenance problems.
With the help of our Neighborhood Watch Committee, we held
a well-attended meeting with City Emergency Management and
local police to discuss crime prevention and hurricane preparation
as well as had the opportunity to meet and hear from our new
Mayor, Rick Kriseman. Next year we will try to include a Coast
Guard representative to provide information on preparing and
securing boats for the hurricane season.
Recently, on behalf of our Association, I attended (without
cost to YCECA) the 2-day Florida Neighborhoods Conference in
Orlando to gain new ideas and initiatives from other neighborhood
associations throughout the State. We are now working on the
possibility of joining with other nearby neighborhood associations
to seek a grant to have a playground and adult exercise station
created in or near Sunset Park.
The redevelopment of our end of Central Avenue, designated
West Central Village, is underway and detailed in another article
in this newsletter.
We have a GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD; let’s all strive to keep
it that way.
Inside This Issue
Meet the Board
Book Club
Abby’s Corner
Boat Club
Sunset Shindig
Did You Know?
Dues Paid
New Neighbors
Halloween Parade
West Central Village
Neighborhood Watch
May Meeting
Greenlight Pinellas
Contact Info
Calendar of Events
Frank Yurasko
YCECA President 2014-15
Autumn 2014
Meet the Yacht Club Estates Board
Frank Yurasko, President
When did you move to YCE?
We moved to YCE in late 2011 following 6 years in a Redington
Beach Gulf-front condo, which we had occupied since our
retirement in New Jersey in the summer of 2005.
What is your favorite thing about our neighborhood?
YCE is a true neighborhood in the best old-fashioned sense. The
willingness of neighbor to pitch in and help neighbor or volunteer
to assist the association is truly heartwarming. The social events
make it fast and easy for a new owner to be absorbed into the
community and develop new friendships.
What would you most like to see changed or updated in our
While our 4-times-a-year Navigator does a great job, I thought we
needed more communication in those intervening periods. I have
therefore fostered sending out more E-blasts to alert our owners to
issues and events of interest.
YCECA Board for 2014-15: Leo, Melanie, Frank, Dana, & Bonnie
Dana Tenaglia, Vice President
Bonnie Cannard, Treasurer
When did you move to YCE?
I moved into YCE in 1994.
What is your favorite thing about our neighborhood?
I have always enjoyed the neighborhood events because it is a
great way to meet people. Not only does YCE have neighborhood
sponsored events, but many people have organized small clubs
for neighbors to enjoy such as playgroups, Bunco, book clubs,
gardening clubs. I participated in a playgroup from 1995 to
approximately 2002. It was great for the kids to have a weekly
social, but I also made lifelong friends. Although YCE does not
have mandatory dues, I am amazed at how many people see the
wonderful improvements to the beautification of the neighborhood
and continue to be generous with their contributions as well as
their time. I have been on the board for about five years and I feel
every year our neighborhood improves. This newsletter is a perfect
example of one such improvement. The advertising funds received
allow us the ability to keep improving our neighborhood. Being a
Realtor, I am acutely aware of the benefits of this to all of our
home values.
What would you most like to see changed or updated in our
A: It would be great if more could volunteer to help with projects.
When did you move to YCE?
We moved here in 1991 from Virginia when my husband was
assigned to Special Operations Command at MacDill AFB.
What is your favorite thing about our neighborhood?
It has a beautiful location on the water and convenient to most
anywhere in St Petersburg. (Most) owners care about and
maintain their homes, and it is a safe neighborhood off the main
traffic routes. Residents are a nice mix of ages and many are
willing to volunteer to help.
What would you most like to see changed or updated in our
I would certainly like to see much closer to 100% of residents
invest in their neighborhood by paying YCECA dues. Unfortunately, changes and updates to the neighborhood the Board had
most hoped to do such as security cameras near the entrance, a
nautical flagpole, and raised flower boxes on the median tips
were nixed by the City for various code reasons.
Melanie Hollis, Secretary
When did you move to YCE?
My husband (Ron), son (Jackson), and I moved to YCE in
February 2013 after falling in love with the St. Petersburg area
over Christmas break. We decided not to return to Atlanta after
our holiday visit, so we quickly found and bought our beautiful
Mediterranean house on the water here.
What is your favorite thing about our neighborhood?
I love the active and family-friendly community, plus the view
from every room in our home is amazing, especially the sunrises!
What would you most like to see changed or updated in our
Everyone (residents and the many, MANY contractors) to slow
down and pay more attention while driving through the neighborhood. We have so many kids, walkers, bikers, and pets!
Autumn 2014
Leo Higley, 5th Board Member
When did you move to YCE?
My wife Veronica (Ronnie) & I moved to YCE 5 years ago this
Oct 31st. Actually, it was Nov 1st as they did not want us to move
into our home that day because the Halloween parade starts
almost in front of our house.
What is your favorite thing about our neighborhood?
We love the diversity of the people in the neighborhood. Lots of
families, from newlyweds to us celebrating 40 years of marriage.
I’ve also met couples and individuals who bought here because
their parents or grandparents lived here.
What would you most like to see changed or updated in our
I would like to see the speed limit on 79th be maintained (as this
is our main road into and out of YCE). This could be done with
speed tables, or possibly a bike/walking lane.
Have a fun, serious, or interesting question you want to ask the
board members? Email Melanie Hollis at [email protected].
Neighborhood Association Membership
Our YCECA Membership Drive began in
November 2013. As of August 20th, we have 233
members. Dues collected to date total $13,712. Each
year we are challenged to meet or exceed the last
year’s totals. This year we have done so in both
number of member households and income. Last
year’s totals were 226 member households and
$12,866 in dues income. We are pleased with the
increase in participation and also the increase in total
Remember, membership dues are our
organization’s main source of income. To facilitate
everyone’s ability to join, four membership options
are offered: Bronze ($25-49), Silver ($50-74), Gold
($75-99), and Platinum ($100 and over).
YCECA’s beautification is the largest expense
item in our budget. The maintenance of our beautiful
medians and special projects, such as the upgrading
of our landscape lighting to LED technology benefit
every YCE household in our neighborhood, both
esthetically and in property value.
While we are pleased that this year’s numbers are
up, our goal is always 100% YCE household
membership! If you are not yet a member, please
make an investment in your neighborhood and join
This year there is a special incentive for
membership. The 2014 Yacht Club Estates
Residents’ Directory is being
published for members of the
association only. Don’t miss
this opportunity to secure your
copy! As cell phones become
more predominant over landlines, public access to phone
number listings is increasingly
limited. In addition, email is
Bonnie Cannard
becoming more and more the
YCECA Treasurer
norm in written communication.
As with phone numbers, listings of email addresses
are also not readily available to the public. For
communication with neighbors, the YCE Residents’
Directory is a vital tool. In addition to household
listings, the Directory includes listings of YCECA
Officers and Committees. It is also an important
resource for community and emergency contact
Distribution of the Directory is limited to paid
members of Yacht Club Estates Civic Association.
If you have not yet paid your 2014 dues, please take
this opportunity to do so in order to receive this
valuable resource. The Membership form can be
printed from our website www.yachtclubestates.net.
Click on the Join YCECA link in the left-hand
column of the Home page.
Please, help us reach our 100% goal today!
Why Should I Join Yacht Club Estates Civic Association (YCECA)?
What is YCECA? YCECA is a voluntary, non-profit organization that acts in the best interests of our neighborhood.
Why should I join? Your contributions help make Yacht Club Estates one of the best neighborhoods in St. Petersburg!
YCECA relies on funding and support from all 367 resident families to maintain and make improvements to our
community. Currently, membership dues we collect pay for approximately HALF our association annual operating
expenses. The remaining 50% are paid from newsletter advertising and fundraiser events. This means each year, the
association struggles just to maintain our operating expenses.
What does paying my dues do for me? First, the beautification efforts help keep everyone’s property values high and
ensure our neighborhood is one of the most sought-after areas. Second, we have neighborhood-sponsored events which
both help reduce crime and foster a sense of community. Plus, you will get a Residents’ Directory this year, AND your
name looks really great on the Membership page!
What kinds of things does YCECA pay for with my dues? Our expenses include maintenance for the median
landscaping, median lighting, entrance and street signs (Have you noticed our beautiful stop signs? These are NOT
given out by the City!), park benches and pavers, utility bills, website costs, office supplies and postage, and subsidizing
events such as the annual Spring Party and Halloween Parade.
How do I join? Download the membership form from the website or request a copy be sent to you if you do not have
internet access. Contact Melanie Hollis 404-822-4201 (cell), 727-592-4795 (home), or [email protected].
How much is it? $25-100+ (whatever you can afford) – a small price to pay for such an upscale community as ours!
Autumn 2014
Beautification Update
This seems like a particularly hot summer, and
not only was our median grass under a lot of stress,
but so were our Royal Palms and Foxtail Palms.
For a while, our median grass had a lot of brown
spots and was also missing sections of grass. I think
you’ll agree that the median grass is finally looking a
lot better. This is mainly because we re-sodded some
of the areas and then increased fertilization. We’ve
increased watering times as well to help the new
grass grow, but that’s also going to increase the
amount of weeds we see. But, it’s coming along.
Our palms had an insect that was eating away at
the foliage, so we had them treated. In addition, some
well-needed nutrients were spread at the base of all
the trees.
An important change has been made in our
median care maintenance. While the City is
responsible for mowing the grass and applying four
grass treatments a year, we still need to do a lot more
to keep the medians looking as fresh and beautiful as
they do now. The board decided that we should find
a single source company (we
had four different ones at the
time) that would take care of
all our lawn care needs. This
includes the entire median
maintenance, fertilization,
insecticides, weed control,
planting new flowers, and tree
Leo Higley
We received bids from and
Beautification Chair
interviewed four companies to
do this work, and we selected ProTurf (Harry
Michalek, Owner). Be on the lookout for their trucks
as you drive through the neighborhood as they’ll be
in here every other week.
As I work on median lighting and ridding the
medians of debris, I notice there are a lot of dog
droppings in the median grass. Please be a good
neighbor and clean up after your dog so that
everyone is able to enjoy these common areas.
Looking forward to Fall!
Well, once more, it’s that time of year when we
call on you to volunteer. And we think that you’d be
really great as a helper at our annual fete! So if you
can help us out, please know that with you on board
it’s “All systems go!” So, come and join “the chosen
few”; these things can’t happen without you!
Families and friends, come have fun with us in
our 3rd year volunteering for CareFestTM on
Saturday, Sept 27th! CareFest is a community
service day in which hundreds of volunteers in
different locations throughout the area come together
to beautify and repair homes, parks, and neighborhoods. We choose the project we want, sign up, and
volunteer for a few hours in the morning. The more
the volunteers, the faster we can complete our
project. We are looking for anyone who wants to
help out physically or mentally! Other than “Worker
Bees” which are needed the most, we need a
photographer, assistants, and cheerleaders to boost!
Please call or email me to sign up for CareFest 2014.
Autumn 2014
Community Outreach
“Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world. Indeed, it’s the only
thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
The YCE Annual Fall Food
Drive is set for Saturday, November
8th from 10am to 2pm in the YCE
median at 79th St S and 9th Ave S.
Donations have increased every year
Bibi Allard
to our local food pantries – the
response has been heartwarming! Residents can also
donate items of clothing or personal care that are
always needed at the shelters. Go through your
pantries, buy BOGO’s at the store, have a collection
at work, and fill a bag or more with donations. We’ll
see you again in the median!
Contact Bibi Allard at 727-642-6866 or
[email protected] to sign up for CareFest
email updates or otherwise volunteer for these
worthy causes.
Island Time Readers
You Were Always Mom’s Favorite by linguist
Deborah Tannen (2009) was Charlene Wygodski’s
choice for May. This book about sisters generated
much discussion. The book examines the key role
birth order plays in the shaping of one’s future.
June’s meeting was held at the home of Laurie
Gormann. Born to Run by Christopher McDougall Sara Dubbeld
(2009) traces the history of running as a sport and examines the
changing trends. Hostess Laurie is a runner herself and can often be
seen jogging through YCE as she trains for another half marathon.
Chris Montesani hosted the July meeting with Maria Semple’s
Where’d You Go, Bernadette? (2012). This summer read is written
in many formats – letters, emails, documents, and bills. The reader
pieces together the plot about a mother who disappears in this
entertaining novel.
The book club meets on the third Monday (please note change)
of each month at 10am. The hostess provides refreshments and
leads the discussion. Upcoming reads include:
 September 15th will be at Elaine Garofalo’s home with
Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd (2014).
 October 20th is at the home of Sue Massanari with
Defending Jacob by William Landay (2012).
 November 17th is hosted by Bonnie Cannard at her home
with State of Wonder by Ann Patchett (2011).
For further information, contact Elaine Garofalo at
[email protected].
What to Do??
“Mom, I’m BORED!”
How many times have
you said this? Or, for you
moms out there, how
many times have you
heard this? For all of you
rolling your eyes and
thinking “Countless
times!”, this is the article
for you! Here are some
Abby Dudinsky
fun things I had the chance to do this summer.
My favorite was “Painting with a Twist”. It’s located on
Central Avenue downtown, and an instructor teaches you how to
paint a picture on canvas. My sister and I had so much fun
creating our sailboats, and even though the whole class paints the
same picture, every one turned out differently! You can use
different colors and make it your own style! (They have adult
classes too in case any of you moms like a “Girls’ Night Out” like
my mom).
The Extreme Fun Center has laser tag. You don’t get in
trouble here for running around inside, chasing your friends and
even strangers while aiming your laser at them to earn points!
Airheads is an indoor trampoline center. Do you think
walking on the moon is similar to bouncing on trampolines?
Maybe one day, I’ll find out!
Rays games are fun too!
But are there free things to do in the summer? Yes, there are!
Kidsbowlfree.com is a website your parents can enroll in. You get
to bowl two free games every day (Sunday through Friday) at Ten
Pin Lanes. I haven’t yet bowled a Turkey, but I have gotten two
strikes in a row!
Park Place and Largo Mall have $1 movies at 10am during
the summer, but my favorite movie place is Bay Walk. They have
free movies (Tuesday through Thursday at 10am) and if I’m lucky
enough, Mom will get the snack pack for $3.75, and you can
substitute an icee for the drink!
The library has free programs every week for elementaryage kids and middle school kids. They also have challenges to
complete, and if you do, you are invited to an end-of-the-summer
And don’t forget about the beaches! Create your own
sandcastle or ride the surf on your boogie board while your
parents watch the sunset – a great end to any day!
We Love Our
Promote your
business with us
by contacting
Dana Tenaglia at
* Call about full-page
Autumn 2014
Yearly 1 Issue Color
Bus. Card
Bus. Card
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1/2 Page
May Boat Club Scavenger Hunt
Another beautiful St. Pete day greeted ten
enthusiastic teams for the 5th annual YCE Boat Club
Scavenger Hunt. This premier event of the boating
season challenges teams to create a boat theme and
then navigate local waters in search of scavenger
items. Teams did not disappoint with themes
including Captain America, the movie Grease, YCE
Dynasty, Air Force Won, Team Triton, Mardi Gras
“Who Dat”, SteamPunk, Team UCONN, Hawaiian
Extravaganza, and The Marvelous Mermaids.
Scavenger Commodore Doug Dykens and his son
Dylan once again laid out a course that challenged
boaters to chase down answers to questions and
puzzles on Doug’s four-page clue sheet. This year’s
course had captains exploring nearby the neighborhood before heading north to The Pub with several
stops along the way.
John Coryn graciously opened his 79th St S home
again for another rollicking after party for the 60+
adult and children participants. Along with great
food and beverages, John shared what seemed to be
an endless supply of his company’s fresh ice cream
to cool off the large crowd.
As usual, there was much discussion at the after
party as to the correct answers. For instance, can you
answer this one? “When sending something over
_____ it’s called _____, but when sent over _____ its
called a _____,” or “ICW is the acronym for _____
_____ _____”. It never ceases to amaze us as to how
many got that last question WRONG! Check your
charts, folks!
Overall Winners:
 1 Place: Tom Primm & Crew – Grease
 2 Place: Bill Waters & Crew – Hawaiian
 3 Place: Vicky Dykens & Crew – The
Marvelous Mermaids
 Best Theme: Scott Kennedy & Crew – YCE
Dynasty (after TV’s “Duck Dynasty”)
 Best Costumes: Lou Grilli & Crew –
 Most Spirited: John McCartney – Captain
A big Boat Club thanks to our sponsors who supplied
prizes and refreshments for our winners!
 John Coryn – Dairy-Mix, Inc.
 Erica Geiger – Central Marine
Steve Larson – Larson & Son Topsoil
David Coover – Middle Grounds Grill
Jim Nasset – Pro Marine
Jerry & Sandy Brown – Ground Control &
Grand Illusions
 Ken Jones - Wallace Welch and Willingham
Marine Insurance
 Vicky Dykens – All County Property
Please support these businesses as they have
supported us.
May Social
Co-hosts Jim & Sharon Heins and Matt & Nanda Neber
greeted 35+ Boat Club members at the Heins’ house. All
enjoyed a great evening on the waterfront. These socials
continue to be a great place to meet your boating neighbors.
Send a note to [email protected] if you
would like to be included on the Boat Club email list.
June Family Trip
Ten boats (a new overnight trip record!) carrying 35 members
headed out across Tampa Bay to Ruskin’s Little Harbor Resort for
the year’s first overnight trip.
Little Harbor was most accommodating, waiving boat slip
fees for those staying in a resort room. As a result, we took over
E-Dock as well as the pool for a great weekend enjoying all the
resort’s amenities. The crew enjoyed a day in the pool followed
by a group hospitality hour and then dinner at one of the resort’s
two restaurants.
July Family Trip
Five boats shot across Tampa Bay and up the Manatee
River to Bradenton’s Twin Dolphin Marina for a great
weekend on the water. This full-service marina was a terrific
destination for our second overnight trip, as it is within
walking distance of downtown, and there’s a brand new
Hampton Inn one block from the marina for those that did not
have vessels with cabins.
The crew enjoyed a terrific meal at Pier 22 restaurant located
at the marina. Thanks to Gordon and Cassandra Earle for hosting
this event.
Autumn 2014
Please help keep this newsletter free by supporting our advertisers!
“This is a public
safety alert from
the St. Petersburg
Police Department.
We’ve seen an
increase in car
burglaries in your
Almost all of the
cases involved cars
left unlocked.
Please lock your
car doors and keep
valuables out of
sight, especially
between 11pm and
4am. Call police if
you see anyone
suspicious in your
The City of Treasure Island is floating the idea of
potentially bringing back tolls to the causeway for the
first time since the new drawbridge was opened nearly
eight years ago. The city has struggled in recent years to
find the money necessary for the upkeep of the bridges
and causeway. Along with hydraulic cylinders that need
maintaining on the drawbridge, two smaller bridges at
each end of the causeway must be kept up as well.
“We are looking for another source of revenue to pay
for the costs of operating and maintaining the causeway
and the three bridges,” Treasure Island Mayor Bob
Minning said. The city says the idea is still in the
exploratory stages and staff will gather more facts before
commissioners discuss the idea further at workshops. At
some point, the public will have their opportunities to
weigh in on whether or not to charge tolls.
Article Extracted from ABC Action News Website
ing our
Show off your host or
2015 Spring Party! Con
if you have what
Sunset Shindig
If last year’s Fall social was any indication, this year’s Sunset Shindig will be the adult event of the season!
It will take place on Friday, October 10th from 6pm to 9pm. The venue will be the beautiful home of Dana
Tenaglia and Paul Murphy at 7981 9th Ave S, which is the perfect backdrop to connect and socialize with
neighbors and friends old and new.
To add to the excitement of the evening, the event will be catered by Pat Bearry of Shubee Shack in North
Redington Beach. Recently, Pat was featured on WFLA Channel 8’s Daytime Show where he presented a
cooking segment. He also competed at the World Food Championships in Las Vegas and was awarded fourth
place in the pasta category. He will certainly present a delectable buffet at the Sunset Shindig. In addition to
this culinary delight, wine, beer, and spirits will be served.
The event is open to residents of YCE and their houseguests. The cost is $25 per person, and reservations
must be made in advance. Please sign up by October 1st by filling out the registration form found as an insert in
this Navigator or on the YCE website at www.yachtclubestates.net.
For additional information, please contact Rosalee Yurasko at 727-394-2194. See you there!
Thank you,
In June, Councilman Charlie Gerdes generously gave YCECA
16 suite tickets to a Rays game.! Those lucky enough to get a
ticket did so because they responded to an email where we were
giving them away.. Did you miss your opportunity? Join our email list!
Left is Jackson Hollis
catching crabs
off his seawall.
Share your YCE photo
s with Melanie at hollis
[email protected]
(or you’ll be forced to see
my family photos in eve
ry issue)!
Stay Informed!
When a sidewalk is not present,
walkers need to be on the shoulder
and facing the oncoming traffic so
you can see what’s going on and have an opportunity to make
an evasive maneuver. This applies to anyone on foot, including
those walking dogs.
It is also very important to note that the rule is just the opposite
when you’re on a bike. In that case, you’re supposed to ride
with the flow of traffic.
Also, be sure to move your car over at least 3 feet
for those walking or biking on the road.
Autumn 2014
This newsletter is
only sent out four
times a year, so
emails provide
the most up-todate information
and alerts
relating to our
[email protected]
Jim & Resa Allison
Gilles & & Rea Arditi
John Atkins & Kelly Hlavka
Michael & Julie Babboni
Brian & Kristine Bacon
Van H. Jr. & Carol Barnes
Edward & Barbara Blau
Teresa Bratcher Evans
Michael & Kristina Brengs
Roy & Robin Carter
Mathew & Renee Chambers
Jeffrey Collins & Jack Doherty
Rudy & Helen Consoni
Bob & Nancy Crawford
Thomas & Kathy Daniel
Richard & Rondi Dunning
Richard & Grace Elkhoury
Lenny & Betsy Englander
Frederick Fuller & Dawn Coppola
William & Erica Geiger
Bruce & Niki Hale
Mark Hatfield
Gold Level
Gale & Norma Apple
Steven Bloom & Charlene Wygodski
Tim & Diane Connolly
John S. Coryn
Rich & Kay Deverell
Willson Edwards & Joanna Austin
Ken & Mary Gruber
Richard M. Jerger Jr. & Catherine M.
Billy & Shesta Kirkland
John & Lori Lenyo
Stanley & Andrea Lewis
Henry & Sally Mcintosh
Ken & Samantha Milburn
Arthur & Diane Strickland
Platinum Level
Mackie Hays
Bart & Karla Heisey
Leo & Veronica Higley
Ron & Melanie Hollis
Michael & Charlene Holm
Ed & Susan Hotz
Paul Hunter
Russell & Valerie Hval
Michael & Tammy Insoft
Tricia Keane & John Bruyn
Pat Kelly & Lori Manginelli
Brett & Cindy Kennedy
Scott & Kristine Kennedy
Mark & Patricia LaPrade
Patrick & Linda Leigh-Bell
Walter P. Loebenberg
Kim Marshall
Victor & Patti McKay
Rand & Mary McNeal
Frank & Lisa Mills
Chris & Sara Muzik
Mike Nagy & Vanessa Marcos
Mark & Irene Nasworthy
Paul Naylor & Bernadette King
Michael & Jeanne Niklasch
Richard & Norine O’Neil
Fernando & Marianne Palacios
Rual & Christine Perera
Jack & Joanne Perruccio
Jos Petrella & Camille Iurillo
Donna Poulos & Corine Berry
Tom & Kathy Primm
Bill & Jan Riley
Marcel & Valerie Ruetsche
G. Michael & Jeanette Siladie
Barbara J. Smith
Harry & Donna Sperber
Paul Murphy & Dana Tenaglia
William & Deborah Vingin
Gary & Sandra Vosick
Dieter & Barbara Weber
Jason & Shannon Wilson
Ann & Nathalie Worthington
Frank & Rosalee Yurasko
Silver Level
George & Victoria Anadiotis
Larry & Sandra Auge
Jim Austin
Vincent & Trudy Bilow
Robert & Geri Brizzi
Ron & Marty Brown
Bonnie G. Cannard
Michael & Sharon Clifford
Eugene & Catherine De Lucia
David & Dee Desper
Chris & Gretchen Donaldson
Douglas & Vicky Dykens
Gordon & Cassandra Earle
Ann Fine
Luis & Virginia Garcia
Terry A. Jr. & Jennifer J. Griffith
Lou & Barbara Grilli
Helen Hameroff
Nathan M. Hameroff
Jim & Sheron Heins
Holly Hubbard & Nick Kourchenko
Mark & Jenny Hubbard
Bob & Marie Ingalls
John & Darlene Luffman
Kent & Joanna Lynch
Terry MacKenzie & Jill Simon
Eddie & Lesley Mastalerz
Tom & Denise Masterson
Tom & Sally McCartney
Diana J. Michota
Robert Morgan & Lynda Savino
Richard & Joy Neiser
John & Frances Nohren
Ray & Suzy Olson
George & Betty Patterson
Thomas & Denise Pederson
Robert & Shirley Pennington
Frank & Debra Provenzano
Edward Pugliese
William & Beatrice Rahter
Everett S. & Linda Rice
Randolph & Jemie Russell
Glenn & Haychell Saraydar
Dudley & Marsha Savage
Larry & Marilyn Schmitz
Steven & Laura Schuetz
Michael & Sondra Slomka
Jim & Linda Stewart
Mark & Brenda Stewart
Philip & Susan Stromquist
William & Mary Waters
Caren Weiner & Dave Asbury
Ronald & Jayne Weissman
Douglas & Debbie Williamson
Rick & Lisa Worley
Gerry & Lynn Zeoli
Warren & Bibi Allard
John & Susan Altman
William & Denise Anderson
Jack & Mary Barry
Julie Berry
Lorenz & Gabreile Beuck
Thomas & Larua L. Bitmor
Ferne E. Blake
Jerry & Sandra Brown
Kevin & Liz Burkart
Keifer R. & Helyn Calkins
Robert & Pamela Camel
Kenneth & Karen Cole
Douglas & Pamela Coleman
Eli J. & Joyce Dalabakis
Richard Dauval & Brooke Dubbeld
Rose Marie & Pat DeLucia
Tim & Kelly Demeza
Peter & Sara Dubbeld
Michael & Kathleen Dudinsky
Joel & Florence Einstein
Dottie Famiglietti & Julio Martinez
Mark & Sherry Ferguson
Joe & Jacqui Frehling
Thomas & Elaine Garofalo
Doug & Athena Gilman
Jason & Jennifer Goldstein
Shirley P. Goodson
Sherri Granger
Norma Griffin
John C. & Lauri A Haffner
William & Tammi Hagedorn
Deborah S. Harris
Bronze Level
Tim Schoenberger & Susan Haskel
Joe & Nicole Hernandez
Ana Hernandez
Gustavo & Ana Hernandez
Allen & Shirley Hickey
Mark & Jenny Higgins
Lisa A. Hoppe
Prasert & Cecelia Jasuwan
Joseph & Shirley Kane
Anita Kleinfeld
Thomas & Cheryl Knight
Jim & Connie Richards
Bernard Krajewski
Gerald & Joan Krauss
Kevin & Mary Ann Krauss
Dr Steven & Susan Levine
John & Kathryne Lingelbach
Steve & Beth Lunsford
Ana Masri
Charles & Carmen McCrary
Derrell & Joyce McCrary
Michael & Kathy McKenna
Terry & Kathleen Miller
Dr. Edward S. Minor
Gary & Donna Muenks
Thomas & Veronica Murphy
Sebastian & Arlene Nicotra
Matthew & Nanda Nieber
Austin & Nicole Noel
John & Tracy O’Connor
Eric Olofson & Sarah Mahoney
Gertrude G. O’Neill
Ed & Carol-Lou Ostan
Jayanti & Christine Patel
Carol K. Pedley
R. Ronald & Penny Petrillo
Alice J. Porter
Brent & Linda Price
Frank E. & Denise Reilly
Jim & Connie Richards
Mark & Stephanie Roberts
Mitchell Rome
Art & Shirley Sabin
Marion L. Samson
Scott & Robin Samuels
Morris & Doris Sedacca
Samuel J. & Peggy E. Segal
Edwin & Janet Shapiro
Gerald & Pamela Sherwin
George & Joanne Simmons
Hartley & Donna Skibo
Robert & Binnie Stiles
Robert & Audrey Struchen
Jean Thompson
Michael Thompson
Nick & Sharon Touchton
Bill & Lisa Venable
Leonard & Carol Villano
Steven B. Warren
Betty Wesolowsky & Grace Skourmal
Edward N. Willey
Jared & Nancy Yagmin
Marsha Yanchuck
Ronald & Claire Yogman
Our neighborhood is
extraordinary because
of the generous 2014
dues paid by the
families listed on these
pages. Thank you!!
If you are not yet a
member, join today for as
little as $25 and get your
free Residents’ Directory!
Autumn 2014
Welcome Our Newest Neighbors!
Please make our new neighbors feel part
We also welcome Richard and Grace Elkhoury
of our neighborhood with a warm hello and
who recently purchased 906 79th St S. While
an offer to answer questions they may have.
their primary home is in Westwood, MA, they
chose to buy in Yacht Club Estates because of
 Axel & Kit Hoewt at 1212 79th St S
our location. They have 2 teenagers, Joseph
 Tricia & John Keane at 903 79th St S
Tammi Hagedorn, Denise
(19) & Leah (17), and a dog named Diesel.
 Nancy A. Stewart at 1260 80th St S
Reilly, & Pam Sherwin
They enjoy fitness, golf, boating, water sports,
 Arthur & Shirley Sabin at 7874 9th Ave S
YCE Welcome Team
and traveling. They want you to know that they
 John S. and Lori E. Lenyo at 7980 9th Ave S
love the neighborhood.
 Esperanza F. Dauval (Tita) 7880 10 Ave S
Denise Reilly at 727-458-6161 or
 James & Lynnette & Kevin Zink at 7968 10 Ave S
[email protected] about anyone who has moved
 The Karry Family at 8009 13 Ave S
into the neighborhood recently and not listed in the newsletter.
Halloween Parade on October 31
Our annual Halloween Parade will be held on Friday, October 31 st, with the social portion
kicking off again this year at the Hotz residence at 1096 79 th St S.
We are so fortunate to live in a community with such an elaborate event that draws large
crowds of people from all over St. Petersburg! Everyone is welcome to participate, whether or
not they live in Yacht Club Estates. Popcorn and water will be provided at the event.
The St. Petersburg Fire Department’s Ladder Truck will lead the parade followed by the
decorated golf carts and finally the ghoulish residents.
 Children’s Stage Walk – Each child
wearing a costume may walk across the stage
Halloween Schedule
and say his or her name. Every child will receive
5:20pm Golf Cart Line Up
a Halloween goodie prize bag and glow necklace
2010 Golf Cart Competition
for participating.
5:25pm Competition Registrations Open
 Family Costume Competition – All families who enter must walk across the
5:30pm Children’s Stage Walk
stage together. The judging will be based on the most creative family theme and
crowd appeal.
6:00pm All Registrations Closed
 Pet Costume Competition – All pets in costume are eligible. Pets must be on a
6:15pm Family Costume Competition
leash or carried across the stage.
6:25pm Pet Costume Competition
 Golf Cart Competition – Line up your cart early to be judged. Prizes are based on
creativity and crowd appeal.
6:35pm Golf Cart Competition
We are always looking for volunteers to help make the evening run smoothly. We
6:45pm Announcement of Winners
encourage young adults needing school volunteer hours to call and offer assistance,
and the board will provide a receipt for service hours.
7:00pm Parade
We also need individuals and businesses to donate prizes. Donors will be recognized
during the event as well as in this newsletter. We have been fortunate to receive donations from business owners residing outside of
the neighborhood as well as our resident families. The success of our event greatly relies on everyone’s generosity!
Please contact Dana Tenaglia at 727-410-3569 or [email protected] if you would like to help in any way.
Autumn 2014
West Central Village
The West Central Village Association continues to meet on
a monthly basis and move forward on the redevelopment of the
west end of Central Avenue, which is 58th St to Park.
Penny for Pinellas has pledged $1.3 million to improve
West Central Village by adding street medians, crosswalks,
lighting, landscaping, and sidewalks.
The new Good News is that the City has budgeted $50,000
this year to fund the creation of initial plans. We recently met
with the City Planner, City Engineer, and their consultant
contractors to initiate this process. We are hopeful that the first
set of plans will be completed within the next 60 to 90 days.
On Sunday, October 12th from 10am to 5pm an Arts
Festival will be held in Sunset Park jointly sponsored by the
City, Jungle Terrace, and West Central Village. We hope you
will attend! We will keep you advised as to future progress and
Frank Yurasko, President YCECA
& Member of West Central Village Association
Request for Homes to Showcase!
We are now accepting homes for our annual
Holiday Homes Fundraising Tour.
The purpose of this event is threefold:
1) raise money for YCECA & our outreach
program; 2) foster a sense of community by
getting to know our neighbors better; and,
3) allow an opportunity to show off our
beautifully decorated homes!
The host family will provide light appetizers
and beverages to those touring their home.
Please contact Dana Tenaglia (727-4103569) or Denise Reilly (727-458-6161) if you
would like to volunteer to open your home or
to assist another family with hosting duties.
Neighborhood Watch
Yacht Club Estates has had
additional cases of property
stolen from unlocked vehicles.
My personal opinion is that it
has become known that our
neighborhood continues to
Jim Heins & Bill Rahter
have valuables in unlocked cars
Neighborhood Watch
overnight, and as such, presents an
opportunity for easy theft. To end
these “easy thefts” we need to change. The quickest, easiest
changes would be to put our cars in locked garages over-night,
not leave valuables in our cars overnight (unless they are locked
in the trunk), and be sure any cars left outside overnight are
locked. Cameras are a great help to authorities in identifying the
thieves after the crime has been committed, but preventing the
thefts in the first place would be even better. By working
together and taking these precautions, I feel confident we can
avoid some of these incidents in the future.
Speeding on Yacht Club Estates streets is another problem
we have. There is a real danger that someone is going to get hit.
We have a wonderful neighborhood for biking, walking, and
jogging; there are kids out playing; there are many people out
walking their dogs. Let’s all watch out for them and keep them
safe. Please observe the 25 MPH speed limit, and be courteous
to everyone using our streets.
Autumn 2014
May Meeting Recap
This special meeting was sponsored by the Yacht Club Estates Civic Association (YCECA) Neighborhood
Watch Committee, with Jim Heins and Bill Rahter as Co-Chairs. It was held on May 21st, at The Garden Club
at 500 Sunset Drive South at 7pm.
The event was opened by YCECA President Frank Yurasko, who welcomed homeowners, acknowledged
the presence of St. Petersburg Community Services Director Susan Ajoc, and introduced Mayor Kriseman.
Following the Mayor’s presentation, Jim Heins introduced Officer Mark Williams and Rick Stiff, and then
closed the meeting.
The Mayor’s goal is to change the culture of City Hall and the City itself. The official vision statement of
the City is: “St. Petersburg will be a city of opportunity where the sun shines on all who come to live, work,
and play. We will be an innovative, creative, and competitive community that honors our past while pursuing
our future.” This means in all areas of the City, not just Downtown, we will have good police, schools,
neighborhoods, parks, decent roads, etc. The Mayor continued to let us know that neighborhoods are a big
focus of his administration. He answered many questions about topics such as the Rays, the pier, the Central
Avenue revitalizing project, city-wide recycling, Sunset Park, and bringing more jobs to the City.
Next, Officer Mark Williams of the St. Petersburg Police Department talked to us about crime prevention.
The biggest crime prevention of all is getting to know your neighbors and their routines so you can report any
suspicious activity. He gave out a crime report (https://www.crimereports.com). He also discussed solicitors
and advertising signs in medians.
Finally, Rick Stiff, the Emergency Management Coordinator with the St. Petersburg Fire Department,
talked about hurricane preparedness. YCE is in evacuation zone A, which means we are the first to go, and
unfortunately, may be the last to get back in. He gave out “Surviving the Storm” guides and talked about the
difference between a hurricane watch and warning, evacuation, and storm history for the area. The national
hurricane website is www.nhc.noaa.gov.
The full version of these meeting notes were sent via email. To be added to the list, send an email to [email protected].
Autumn 2014
Greenlight Pinellas Forum
Causeway Isles Neighborhood Association (CINA) has invited
Yacht Club Estates residents to an event it is sponsoring that will
cover both sides of the initiative entitled “Levy of Countywide OnePercent Sales Surtax to Fund Greenlight Pinellas Plan for Public
Transit,” which is scheduled to be on the Fall 2014 ballot.
This event will take place Tuesday, September 16th at 7pm at
the Garden Club located at 500 Sunset Dr. S.
YCE is invited to join the audience to hear a speaker from Yes,
Pinellas and a speaker for No Tax For Tracks. The program will last
one hour, with twenty minutes
allotted for each side to present,
followed by a question and answer
portion for the final twenty minutes.
The Q&A session will be moderated
by the CINA President, Brenda
NOTE: No signs or greeters. This is a neutral forum.
If you need to learn about the initiative, then this forum can help
you make an informed decision at the November 4th election.
Please RSVP to [email protected] by September 14th, so
that adequate seating can be arranged.
Autumn 2014
Neighborhood Garage
Sale Set for 12/6 at 8am
———————————————Our annual garage sale is set for
Saturday, December 6th, 8am-2pm.
We will partner with the Causeway
Isles neighborhood again this year.
Start cleaning out your closets and
get ready to make some “cash for
your trash!”
The event will be advertised in the
Tampa Bay Times and is always
popular with bargain hunters.
Although the “official” start time is
8am, some folks may start driving
through the neighborhood as early as
7am, so plan your own timing.
To increase your chances for
success, display your items neatly
and have them marked with prices.
After the sale, CASA (Community
Action Stops Abuse) will be available
to collect unsold items you want to
Contact Information
Boat Club
Police & Fire Emergency
Frank Yurasko
[email protected]
Tim Connolly
[email protected]
Vice President
Book Club
Crime Tip Line (Live Help)
Dana Tenaglia
[email protected]
Elaine Garofalo
[email protected]
Community Outreach &
Melanie Hollis
[email protected]
Bonnie Cannard
[email protected]
5th Board Member/Past
Leo Higley
[email protected]
Navigator Newsletter Editor
& Publisher
Melanie Hollis
[email protected]
Bibi Allard
[email protected]
Neighborhood Watch
Jim Heins
[email protected]
Bill Rahter
[email protected]
Welcome New Neighbors
Denise Reilly
[email protected]
Police Non-Emergency
Crime Tip Line (Voicemail)
Community Service Unit
Report “quality of life” issues
such as cars speeding on 79th St
Garbage Container Repair
Recycling, Yard Waste, &
Special Pickup Requests
City Rodent Control
Florida Marine Mammal
Stranding Hotline
Report stranded marine animals
Navigator Newsletter
Dana Tenaglia
[email protected]
Emails & Website
Bonnie Cannard
[email protected]
Leo Higley
[email protected]
Block Captains
Suzy Olson
[email protected]
Get Involved
Sep YCE 630 Bike Club
2 Meet at 6:30pm at park benches at 79th & 11th
Boat Club Family Outing to SPYC Downtown
Contact Tim Connolly
[email protected]
YCE 630 Bike Club
Meet at 6:30pm at park benches at 79th & 11th
YCE 630 Bike Club
Meet at 6:30pm at park benches at 79th & 11th
Island Time Readers Book Club
Contact Elaine Garofalo
[email protected]
YCE 630 Bike Club
Meet at 6:30pm at park benches at 79th & 11th
Annual Neighborhood Halloween Parade
See article in this newsletter
Boat Club Adult Social
Contact Tim Connolly
[email protected]
Island Time Readers Book Club
Contact Elaine Garofalo
[email protected]
Greenlight Pinellas Forum
7pm at the Garden Club
RSVP to [email protected]
Dec Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale 8am-2pm
6 Sell some junk, then donate to a good cause!
Boat Club Family Outing to Rick’s on the River
Contact Tim Connolly
[email protected]
Island Time Readers Book Club
Contact Elaine Garofalo
[email protected]
CareFest Volunteer Project
Contact Bibi Allard
[email protected]
Boat Club Holiday Lighted Kayak Parade
Contact Tim Connolly
[email protected]
Holiday Parade of Homes Fundraiser Tour
Contact Dana Tenaglia to volunteer your home!
[email protected]
Oct Annual Neighborhood Sunset Shindig Social
10 See flyer insert for information & registration
Nov YCE Annual Fall Food Drive
8 Drop donations 10am-2pm
Median at 79th St and 9th Ave
Island Time Readers Book Club
Contact Elaine Garofalo
[email protected]
If you would like to start a neighborhood interest group, contact Melanie Hollis at [email protected] to be added to the
website calendar and have your list of events published here! Ideas include a moms playgroup, Bible study class, kayak &/or
paddleboard club, wine-lovers socials, guys poker night, couples bridge/card club, etc.
Autumn 2014