The Only 30-Day Challenge to Rapidly Peak Your Deadlift


The Only 30-Day Challenge to Rapidly Peak Your Deadlift
I wanted to thank you for making the choice to download Maximum Deadlift
Strength: The Only 30-Day Deadlift Challenge to Rapidly Peak Your Deadlift!
A little about myself:
750 Raw Deadlift at 235 BW
My name’s, Adam Pine, and I’m a strength coach and powerlifter. Currently,
my best deadlift is 750 pounds at a bodyweight of 235 pounds (VIDEO).
I am constantly trying to expand my knowledge and pass on what I’ve
learned. This is what prompted me to share this program with you.
I’ve helped powerlifters, strongmen(woman), fitness professionals, fitness
enthusiasts and general population clients pursue their strength and fitness
Scott and Allen are great examples. They were able to add well over 100
pounds collectively to their deadlifts in a short amount of time.
How did they do it?
They worked HARD and stuck to the program. Follow their lead and you too
can take your deadlift to the next level.
I’ve included two free deadlift tutorials and a deadlift template that can be
easily customized to fit your needs.
Link to sumo deadlift tutorial 
Link to conventional deadlift tutorial 
Whichever technique you decide on, remember to be explosive and move the
weight as fast as possible!
1. Start with a realistic max. Something you’ve hit before and know you
can hit, even on a bad day. Don’t start with something you’d like to
hit, “know you can hit”, or something you’ve done in the past that
isn’t realistic anymore. If your initial max is too heavy it will throw
everything off. It’s better to be conservative if you’re not sure. 90% of
your competition max or best lift is a good starting off point.
2. One day in between your deadlifts. Example: Day 1 (Monday), Day 2
(Wednesday), Day 3 (Friday)
3. Rest periods: Day 1: 120 – 240 seconds rest. Day 2: 120 – 180 seconds
rest. Day 3: 90 – 120 seconds rest. Test day: rest as needed.
4. If you’re not sure what your max is for your special exercises, that’s
OK. Don’t go to failure. Always leave a rep or two in the tank. Here are
RPE guidelines you can use to help judge the difficulty of a set.
RPE 10: No more reps could be completed.
RPE 9: 1 more rep could be completed.
RPE 8: 2-3 more reps could be completed.
RPE 7: 3-4 more reps could be completed.
RPE 6: 4+ reps could be completed.
5. Stay within the percentages. One of the most common mistakes
people make is thinking they need to do more. For optimal results, just
stick to the plan.
6. Special Exercises. The italicized are a selection of deadlift exercises.
Choose the ones that best target your specific weaknesses. You often
won’t know your maxes for these lifts and won’t be sure what to base
your percentage off of. Refer to the RPE scale. Again, you will not be
going to failure on any of the special exercises, so always leave at least
one rep in the tank.
Here are other special exercises to choose from:
Conventional Block Pulls (below knee for off the floor – above
knee for lockout), Sumo Block Pulls, Deficit Deadlift, Romanian
Deadlift (RDL), Stiff Legged Deadlift (SLDL), Deficit SLDL, Paused
Deadlift, Deadlift with chains, Snatch Grip Deadlift, Snatch Grip
Block Pull, Rack Pulls, Sumo RDL, Reverse Band Deadlift, Barbell
Sets/reps @ weight (% is of training max)
Week 1
Day 1: Deadlift: 6 X 3 @ 77 – 80%
Day 2: 3”Block pull: 3 - 4 X 4 @ 75 – 79% (or RPE 8)
Day 3: Snatch grip deadlift off 3” blocks: 3 sets X 8-10 reps
Week 2
Day 1: Deadlift: 5 X 3 @ 80 - 85%
Day 2: 3” Block pull: 4 X 3 @ 76 – 80% (or RPE 8)
Day 3: Snatch grip deadlift off 3” blocks: 3 sets X 7-9 reps
Week 3
Day 1: Deadlift: 5 X 2 @ 86 - 89%
Day 2: 3” Block pull: 3 X 3 80 – 85% (or RPE 8)
Day 3: Snatch grip deadlift off 3” blocks: 3 sets X 6-8 reps
Week 4 (Deload)
Deadlift: 65% X 3 X 2
Test Week
Deadlift: 90%, 95%, 100+% (New PR)
This is a 30-day program.
It is NOT intended to be run again repeatedly.
The progression is to move to a customized program that is designed to
address your specific needs and weaknesses.
If you are serious about your training and looking to take it to the next level,
I am currently accepting four new online clients. If you are interested, shoot
me an email at [email protected] with “PROGRAMMING” in the
subject line.
Thank you for downloading, Maximum Deadlift Strength: The Only 30-Day
Deadlift Challenge to Rapidly Peak Your Deadlift.
I would love to hear your feedback.
Please feel free to send me any questions or comments you have about the
program. And last, but not least, send me the video of your new PR deadlift
to [email protected]!