DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Volume 28, Number 1, September 2010 doi:10.3934/dcds.2010.28.259 pp. 259–274 MODELS & MEASURES OF MIXING & EFFECTIVE DIFFUSION Zhi Lin Institute for Mathematics & Its Applications University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA Katarı́na Boďová Department of Applied Mathematics & Statistics Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Comenius University, 84248 Bratislava, Slovakia Charles R. Doering Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043, USA and Department of Physics and Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1040, USA and Center for the Study of Complex System, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1107, USA Abstract. Mixing a passive scalar field by stirring can be measured in a variety of ways including tracer particle dispersion, via the flux-gradient rela- Big questions: How can we gauge the effectiveness of a stirrer as a mixer? How might we parameterize stirring as diffusion? Outline: - Models - Conflicts - Resolution - More models - Reconciliation Mathematical models of mixing Given flow field u( x,t) with ∇ ⋅ u = 0, consider Stochastic Diff Eq : dX (t) = u( X ,t)dt + 2κ dW (t) € • X(t) is passive tracer particle position € • κ is the molecular diffusion coefficient Advection - Diffusion Eq : ∂ tθ + u ⋅ ∇θ = κΔθ + s • θ(x,t) is passive scalar density, concentration € • s(x,t) is passive scalar source-sink distribution • plus appropriate initial and boundary conditions Mathematical measures of mixing Temptation & tradition suggest characterizing stirring as an "effective" diffusion u ⋅ ∇ − κΔ → - ∂ i K ijeff ∂ j Three questions: € • Which aspects of mixing should be encoded in Keff ? • Do different criteria produce different Keff ? • Transferable among applications? Mathematical measures of mixing Measure 1: K PD = K ijeff € € Measure 2 : K FG = K11eff eff Measure 3: κ VR = κ for p = +1, 0, −1 p p p = +1, 0, -1 ~ “small”, “intermediate”, or “large” scale variance reduction Mathematical measures of mixing Measure 1: K PD = K ijeff via tracer particle dispersion E{( X i (t) − X i (0))( X j (t) − X j (0))} ~ 2K ijeff t as t → ∞. € Mathematical measures of mixing Measure 2 : K FG = K11eff via flux - gradient relation, T = −Gx + θ ⇒ ˆ ∂tθ + u ⋅ ∇θ = κΔθ + G i ⋅ u ( ) € € everything mean zero & periodic on a cell ⇒ € eff K11 2 # | ∇θ | & u1θ ( =κ + = κ %1+ 2 % ( G G $ ' Mathematical measures of mixing eff Measure 3 : κ VR = κ 0 via concentration variance reduction For s( x ) mean 0 and ∂ tθ + u ⋅ ∇θ = κΔθ + s( x ) (Δ s) −1 κ eff = € θ2 2 Mathematical measures of mixing VR eff Measure 3(a) : κ = κ Multiscale p p via concentration (inverse) gradient variance reduction For s( x ) mean 0 and ∂tθ + u ⋅ ∇θ = κΔθ + s( x ) ±1 −1 2 eff κ ±1 = ∇ Δ s ±1 ∇ θ 2 Mathematical measures of mixing Measure 1: K PD =K eff ij Measure 2 : K FG = K11eff 1 ~ E{( X i (t) − X i (0))( X j (t) − X j (0))} 2t % | ∇θ |2 ( * = κ '1+ 2 ' * G & ) p eff Measure 3 : κ VR = κ p p = −1 2 ∇ Δ s ∇ pθ 2 for p = +1,0,−1 Strength of stirring Ul Dimensionless Péclet number : Pe ≡ κ U ~ velocity scale € ... l ~ length scale Dimensionless Enhancement or Efficacy factor: PD,FG κ VR K E(Pe) ≡ p or κ κ Fact: In terms of tracer dispersion or flux-gradient relation, there are flows for which the enhancement may be as large as K FG E(Pe) = ~ Pe 2 as Pe → ∞. κ Fact: In terms of concentration variance reduction in presence of steady sources & sinks the enhancement cannot be that big. κ VR Theorem : E(Pe) = p ≤ Pe1 as Pe → ∞. κ Resolution • What length scale l is used in Pe = Ul/κ? In examples where K FG κ ~ Pe 2 as Pe → ∞, Ul flow Pe ≡ . κ € κ p VR In theorem where E(Pe) = ≤ Pe1 as Pe → ∞, κ Ul source ' l source * Ul flow Pe ≡ = )) . ,, × κ κ ( l flow + Example: Basic Two-scale Model A single-scale flow stirring a single-scale source-sink distribution s( x ) = u( x ) = iˆ 2 U sin ku y 2 S sin k s x € € U Two parameters : Pe ≡ κk u l source ku and r = = l flow ks Dispersion/Flux-gradient mixing measure • a.k.a. Homogenization Theory (HT) … • … presumably good for r = ku/ks >> 1: K FG • = 1+Pe 2 κ 0=K FG ⇒ HT approximation is d 2θ HT (x) + s(x) 2 dx (Δ s) −1 € HT appx of κ VR = p θ 2 HT ⇒ 2 2 S sin ks x θ HT (x) = κku2 (1 + Pe 2 ) ±1 −1 ∇ Δ s = ∇±1θ HT 2 2 2 = κ (1+ Pe ) Exact solution (for r = 1) Pe = 0 Pe = 100 Pe = 300 High-Pe (fixed r) asymptotic analysis: Internal-layer theory (ILT) E0 = κ0 VR/κ ~ r 7/6 Pe 5/6 E+1 = κ+1VR/κ ~ r 1/2 Pe 1/2 E–1 = κ–1VR/κ ~ r Pe r = 562 r = 106 r = 105 r = 104 r = 103 r = 102 r = 101 r = 100 r = 10-1 r = 106 r = 105 r = 104 r = 103 r = 102 E −1 ∇ −1θ 0 ∇ −1θ r = 101 2 2 r = 100 r = 10-1 E +1 ∇θ 0 ∇θ 2 2 r = 106 r = 105 r = 104 r = 103 r = 102 r = 101 r = 100 r = 10-1 Stirring strength–scale separation phase diagram Stirring strength–scale separation phase diagram Stirring strength–scale separation phase diagram Outline • Models • Conflicts • Resolution • More models • Reconciliation Questions: • HT fails to predict the scalar variance sustained by steady sources & sinks when Pe > r >> 1. Why? • Can information about particle dispersion predict variance supression at high Péclet numbers? • Particle dispersion is time and initial-location dependent … E{( X i (t) − X i (0))( X j (t) − X j (0))} ~ 2K i,PDj t K PD i, j d 1 (t; X (0)) ≡ 2 E{( X i (t) − X i (0))( X j (t) − X j (0))} dt • KPD~ κ Pe2 = O (κ –1) takes O (lflow2/κ) time to develop € 2 l ... but K i,PDj (t; X (0)) ~ κ + U 2 t (at most) for t << flow κ . Effective diffusion K11PD (t,y0) vs. time u( x ) = ˆi 2 U sin k u y € More modeling • Concentration variance for stirred scalars sustained by inhomogeneous sources and sinks is dominated by the “latest” stuff introduced or deleted from the system. • “Old” particles are relatively well mixed and so don’t contribute substantially to the observed variance. • Variance supression is controlled by particle dispersion rate on relatively short, rather than long, time scales at high Pe. • In the presence of sustainted sources & sinks, even as t → ∞ we cannot neglect transient behavior of KPD … Dispersion-diffusion theory (DDT) Given a stirring flow u(x,t) and its associated KijPD (t-t0 | x0, t0), density due to stuff injected at x0, t0 may best be described by PD ∂t ρ ( x,t | x 0 ,t 0 ) = ∂ iK ij (t − t 0 | x 0 ,t 0 )∂ j ρ lim ρ ( x,t | x 0 ,t 0 ) = δ ( x,t | x 0 ) t↓t 0 G. K. Batchelor, Diffusion in a field of homogeneous turbulence I. Eulerian analysis, Aust. J. Sci. Res. Series A, Phys. Sci., 2 (1949), 437–450. Then the total density in presence of sources and € sinks is at best described by t θ DDT ( x,t) = ∫ dt 0 ∫ dx 0 ρ ( x,t | x 0 ,t 0 )s( x 0 ,t 0 ) −∞ … which does not satisfy an inhomogeneous diffusion equation! € On a periodic domain [0, L]d 1 ρ( x,t | x 0 ,t 0 ) = d L Note : if K € t & ) PD ∑ exp'(ik ⋅ ( x − x 0 ) − ki k j t∫ K ij (t'−t0 | x 0,t0 )dt'*+ 0 k PD ij $ & &% ~ κ + U (t − t 0 ) δij as t − t 0 → 0, then θ DDT ( x,t) = € ' ) )( 2 ∫ t −∞ dt 0 ∫ dx 0 ρ ( x,t | x 0 ,t 0 )s( x 0 ) ⇓ ∞ −κk 2τ − 1 k 2U 2τ 2 2 θˆDDT ( k ) ~ sˆ ( k ) ∫ e dτ 0 sˆ ( k ) ˆ ⇒ as Pe → ∞, θ DDT ( k ) ~ so κ VR = 0 € kU ( Δ−1 s) 2 θ DDT 2 ~ Ul source Reconciliation • $64 question: Is DDT quantitatively accurate? • For single-scale flow stirring single-scale source … r = 106 r = 105 r = 104 r = 103 r = 102 r = 101 r = 100 r = 10-1 More reconciliation • DDT respects the rigorous bounds on κ0VR . • For the single-scale source, the rigorous bound is E(Pe) = κ0VR /κ ≤ [1 + r2 Pe2]1/2 ~ r Pe … … for large r or for large Pe! • Plot E(Pe) as a function of (r Pe): r = 101 r = 102 r = 103 r = 104 r = 105 r = 106 Reconciliation, continued • How does DDT perform for variance supression at large & small scales, i.e., for κ±1VR ? r = 106 r = 105 r = 104 r = 103 E −1 r = 102 ∇ −1θ 0 ∇ −1θ 2 2 r = 101 E +1 ∇θ 0 ∇θ 2 2 r = 106 r = 105 r = 104 r = 103 r = 102 r = 101 Density pictures (r = 562) Stirring strength–scale separation phase diagram DDT approximation for κ 0VR is uniformly accurate Conjecture (potential application) • Single-scale source, sink & stirring is a special scenario … … what about real turbulent mixing? • DDT hints how particle dispersion data may predict steady state source-sink sustained variance suppression. • Homogeneous isotropic turbulence → E[(Xi(t)–Xi(0))(Xj(t)–Xj(0))] = (2κ t + U2t2 + CR ε t3 + …) δij … w/turbulent energy dissipation rate per unit mass ε ~ U3/lflow . On a periodic domain [0, L]d 1 ρ ( x, t | x0 , t0 ) ≈ d ∑ exp ik ⋅ ( x − x0 ) − 12 k 2 $%2κ (t − t0 ) +U 2 (t − t0 )2 +&' L k { θ DDT ( x, t) = } ∫ t −∞ dt0 ∫ dx0 ρ ( x, t | x0 , t0 )s( x0 ) ⇓ ∞ −κ k 2τ − 1 k 2U 2τ 2 2 ˆ θ DDT (k ) = ŝ(k ) ∫ e dτ 0 U l flow l source ⇒ as Pe= → ∞ at fixed r= , κ l flow ŝ(k ) ˆ θ DDT (k ) ~ kU Concrete conjecture: Does Statistically Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence saturate the upper bound on E (Pe)? κ eff 2 (Δ s) −1 VR approximated by κ 0 = 2 θ DDT ~ κ r Pe #l & source ((U l flow = %% $ l flow ' with l source = # % % % % % % $ &1/2 ( ( ( ( 2 ( −1/2 Δ s ( ' 2 Δ−1s ( ) ( ) i.e., "mixing length" ~ l source ↵ Test UConjecture l flow Richardson Turbulence l source ⇒ as Pe= → ∞ at fixed r= , κ l flow ŝ(k ) ˆ θ DDT (k ) ~ kU Last words • Different definitions of effective diffusion may indeed yield different effective diffusivities. • We cannot generally use long-time transient dispersion results for source-sink problems. • There may not be an effective diffusion equation to describe source-sink stirring. • Flux-gradient model does not contain all the relevant information for source-sink stirring. • Transient mixing and source-sink stirring are different phenomena using different features of the flow: Scalar source-sink stirring is all about transport Transient mixing is all about shearing, stretching & straining THE END