In this issue: Some important reminders!
In this issue: Some important reminders!
NEXT CLUB MEETINGS Welcome to the June Newsletter June Meeting Green Square Community Hall 3 Joynton Avenue Zetland • • 7pm Tuesday 10 June 2014 Lee will do a demonstration on Australian Native bonsai techniques. Bring in your natives to work on. • Demonstration workshop on Australian Natives by Lee. Club workshop – Australian Natives Pot Sale – great bargains! 7pm Tuesday 8 July 2014 Root pruning workshop for deciduous trees. Sue will commence with a demonstration. Annual General Meeting. CONTACT DETAILS 0432 461 025 [email protected] PO Box 486 Summerhill NSW 2130 COMMITTEE Patron Dorothy Koreshoff President Bryan Vice President Sue Secretary tba Treasurer Chris Newsletter Editor Roslyn Librarian Marianna Catering Philip Committee Lee & Tony MEMBERSHIP Full Membership $40.00 Concession $25.00 Family $55.00 Pensioner $25.00 SCBC wishes to thank Sydney City Council for their continued support for our club by providing the hall at a reduced rate. Chris and Bryan are kindly donating pots in support of the club. So snap up a bargain. In this issue: • Azalea specialist, Brenda Parker speaks at the May SCBC meeting – see pages 2-3 • Caring and styling azalea bonsai by Brenda Parker – page 4 • SCBC trees from May meeting - page 5 • Azalea Types & the Events Calendar – page 6 Some important reminders! July Annual General Meeting (AGM): Active member participation is critical to our club’s success. At the AGM in July we spill out all Committee members and elect the new Committee for the year. Current Committee members are listed in the left-hand column. Due to Constantine’s departure overseas, we have lost our Secretary and Chris has been covering both positions in the short term. Join in the fun of being in the Committee (an extra once per month meeting at the Stanmore pub which serves really scrumptious food, a little bit of paper work; and an opportunity to learn and contribute to bonsai). Membership dues for the coming year are due in July SCBC Coffee, tea and biscuit bowl needs 50 cents each month if you want refreshments on offer at the club meetings. SCBC Library: Newer members may not be aware that SCBC has a bonsai library at the Community Hall. Financial members can sign out a book or magazine for one month. It is critical that these books are returned so others can also enjoy them. SCBC Trees in Training: Those members who are training the 5 SCBC trees (Chris, Roz, Tony, Anthony), don’t forget to bring them in for the July meeting to discuss their progress. We need someone to take on the Ficus, left by Constantine. AZALEA BONSAI SPECIALIST, BRENDA PARKER AT MAY SCBC Guest speaker and azalea bonsai expert, Brenda Parker, provides many insights into how to grow and care for azalea bonsai In May, SCBC members had the pleasure of hearing an extended and informative talk on azalea bonsai from the long running President of the Illawarra Bonsai Society. Brenda is a well known expert in azalea bonsai and is the current President of Suiseki Australia [viewing stones]. There were a few wild varieties (azaleas) found in Japan and in North America but it has only been in the last 200-300 years that explorers have collected and distributed many specimens from the east to botanists, and hybridizing has produced many hundreds and hundreds of varieties that we know and love today. When azaleas arrived in Europe they were named azalea from the Greek word ‘Azaleos’, meaning arid, in reference to the type of dry mountain soil they grow in with decaying mulch to protect the fine fibrous roots. To save confusion, from now on I will only describe and speak of azaleas, the shrubs that we use for gardens, in pots and for bonsai. Brenda has kindly provided SCBC with her article (revised edition) on “my personal experience with growing these fabulous trees which I have done for many, many years with success.” Dispersed through the article are photos of azaleas in flower brought by Brenda. Azaleas by Brenda Parker What other plant puts on a more magnificent show than these shrubs when azaleas are in full bloom? They are in just about every garden from the mountains to the sea, in nearly every colour imaginable and ranging from just a few inches high to massive trees (Rhododendrons). In the wild they grow in full sun, dappled shade and there are even a few that are epiphytes (Vireyas), meaning that they grow in the forks of other trees, clinging to branches, on rocks or on the side of cliffs. They are found from the foothills at sea level to a height of about 18,000 feet. Azalea (from garden dig up) When azaleas arrived in Europe and England it was the botanists that wanted to raise hybrids that would be used as floral potted plants for indoor use and for growing in greenhouses. These plants were primarily raised and forced into flower for home decoration and then discarded, as they would not grow in the harsh European winters. It was in the early 1800s that the Belgians were the chief producers of the plants known today as Belgian Indica azaleas that were hardier, evergreen and produced double and semi double flowers. Similar hybridizing work was carried out by botanists in England, America and Japan and they can also claim their fame in the varieties that they have produced. England for their Knap Hill, Exbury and Illam hybrids, America the Rutherford and Kerrigan, and Japan for Kurume and Satsukis to name but a few, and I can assure you the list goes on and on. Azalea (cultivar Splendens Indica) The word ‘rhododendron’, loosely translated means ‘rose tree. Azaleas, rhododendrons and vireyas (tropical types) are all classed and known under the one family name – rhododendrons, and botanically there is no difference between them. They originated in China, the Himalayan Mountains and the cooler parts of south Asia and the first noted record of these plants dates back to 400 BC. ’ Kurume Azalea (cultivar Hatsu giri) page. 2 CULTIVATING AZALEA BONSAI BY BRENDA PARKER Satsuki azaleas, I think are a subject all of their own, but briefly these azaleas are highly revered in Japan and there are hundreds of clubs specializing in these azaleas as bonsai. SOIL – Bonsai potting mix broken down with sharp river sand to make it very porous to allow oxygen to reach the roots. Forget using potting mixes with added peat moss if you have a watering system as the peat stays too moist and the soil then becomes rancid causing root rot. If you do use peat-based mixes in bonsai pots and forget to water a few days, the peat becomes very hard and will not allow water to penetrate to reach the roots and when the fine azalea roots dry out it means trouble. Maybe in a large garden pot it could be alright, but I am a bit wary in small pots. Remember they grow in well drained soil on mountain slopes in the wild only protected by decaying leaf litter. Kurume azalea from old garden dig up The word Satsuki comes from the old Japanese translation of ‘fifth moon’, in other words relating to the flowering time which occurs around the fifth month of the oriental lunar calendar. On one satsuki azalea you often get between 2 and 5 different coloured flowers on the one bush. Botanically, satsuki azaleas are classed as unstable hence the high amount of ‘sporting’ (different coloured flowers), but the Japanese have used their difference as a specialized art form. So far the azaleas mentioned are evergreens, but there are the deciduous ones that grow in the cooler districts that have a spindly growth pattern and have brightly coloured flowers in yellow, orange, apricot, green, red and mauve and are also perfumed, whereas the evergreens come in white, pink and red and most are not perfumed. Kurume azalea (Peach Blossom) FERTILIZER – Azaleas require an acid soil and after they have settled down after repotting I use either Dynamic Lifter or Osmocote slow release specifically for azaleas and rhododendrons, whatever I have on hand. As an ongoing regime I use Miracid, which is an inorganic fertilizer especially designed for acid loving plants and this is a very popular product in America. This product is now getting very hard to find but Osmocote now have an identical product that is readily available. It is in a box in powder form and is very inexpensive. For many years I have grown azaleas in bonsai pots and every year I am rewarded with beautiful blooms set against bright fresh green foliage and I can guarantee they are not as ‘finicky’ Remember that azaleas are not gross feeders so it would be as maybe you have been led to believe. better to give them less but more often at fortnightly intervals or even when your time permits. Seasol is another product I They grow in full sun all year round, get watered by the watering use if I think that the root system needs an extra boost. system and get repotted on an average every 2 or 3 years. Seaweed solutions contain elements known as mannitol and They strike readily from long cuttings, will keep indoors while in alginic acid, which help to acidify the soil and help the plant to flower for quite a long time, shoot back on old wood, easy to absorb nutrients. Especially good for azaleas, camellias, train – what more could you expect from a magnificent gardenias, and pieris etc. i.e. any acid loving plants. If the soil specimen to work with. The types I have grown and had is too alkaline, it will be difficult for azaleas to take up iron and success with are gumpos (small up to 12 inches), kurumes, magnesium. indicas, satsukis, kusianum and Belgian indicas, and a few others. If you are not happy with the amount of flowers you get, you can give a couple of doses through the year of sulphate of potash, Phostrogen, More Bloom or Bloom Buster (usually Cultivating Azalea Bonsai I have prepared some cultural notes on what I do in my used for orchids), but be warned, follow manufacturer’s situation, but there may be some adjustments you may have to directions closely or if in doubt lower the dosage. You need to do in your space, and only by trial and error and understanding study the NPK’s on the label of fertilizers and look for very high how they grow and their simple requirements, that you too can ‘K’ (Potassium) level to ensure lots of flowers. This also improves flower quality and quantity. be successful. page 3 CARING FOR AND STYLING AZALEA BONSAI BY BRENDA PARKER PEST AND DISEASES – I am still of the belief that if the soil STYLING – Azalea branches are very brittle and snap very easily. is perfect the tree is healthy, but there is always that chance I only put wire on very flexible branches and then I put it on very that these bugs come along to spoil your day. loosely as they mark very easily. If a branch does snap (not completely off), use it to your advantage and tape over with When the weather starts to warm up (about mid September), sealant and then grafting tape – they heal really well. This is a I spray the underside and top of the leaves with Confidor or unique way to make bends in a somewhat straight branch. Sharp Shooter and continue to do this again in about mid October and then again in late December. This is a systemic spray to abate the red spider and lace bug that like to gnaw at the under surface of the leaves resulting in the leaves getting a ‘silver’ appearance. It looks unsightly but it will not harm the tree. When the new growth appears these old leaves usually are shed and are renewed all over again, but for displaying purposes, you would not display a tree in this condition. Once the flowers emerge there is a fungal disease that makes the flowers wilt and turn very mushy. It is called petal blight and spraying with Bayleton at the time you start to see colour in the buds is a good time to stop or reduce it. This fungus attacks the base of the flower where the petals join the calyx and it is advisable to remove these damaged flowers and dispose of in the garbage bin, not in the compost bin, otherwise the problem will be compounded next year. When azaleas are in flower it is advisable only to water the soil level only and not the flowers, and usually when they are in flower my watering system is usually turned off. Only wire on flexible branches as azalea branches are brittle REPOTTING – You can repot an azalea at any time of the year even in full flower because of the fibrous root system. After repotting place the tree in a cool position and keep moist but not wet. A dose of Seasol helps with the disturbance of the roots. Ideally the best time to repot is after flowering in spring. I never add fertilizer when repotting only after when I can see new growth Chlorosis is a condition where the leaves usually turn yellow appearing. Only apply Osmocote on the soil surface and not with very defined green veins which indicate a lack of iron under the tree in the pot. Azaleas are surface rooted and surface and/or magnesium. As the deficiency of iron or magnesium feeders and it will be only wasted out of the drainage holes. is hard to detect, mix 1oz. of iron sulphate (or iron chelates) and 1 oz. of magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts) in 5 litres of water and apply over foliage and soil surface. PRUNING – Pruning is always carried out after flowering as with all other trees. If pruning is not carried out after every flowering, the natural growth habit of azaleas is that they get very leggy with foliage mainly at the tips. Tip pruning is continually carried out right up until Christmas and no later than to the end of January, as this is the time when buds are starting to form for the next flowering season. Remember to also remove any seed heads as this will weaken your tree. PROPAGATION – The usual applies to azaleas, seeds (not common), cuttings, aerial layers, ground layering and of course dig-ups from old gardens or demolition sites, grafting etc. Cuttings are easy to strike and usually are taken in late December to early February, about 6-10cms long with only the leaves left at the tip, placed in a mix of very sandy soil and lots crammed into a 10cm pot, watered and kept in a very damp and semi shaded spot in a fern or shade house. I don’t usually cover the cuttings with a plastic bag as my shade house is always damp and humid and my success rate is very high. Azaleas can be repotted any time of the year because of their fibrous root system. POTS – These are usually deeper than most and coloured to compliment the flowers. Remember that deep pots drain better than shallow pots. I hope that my experience with azaleas will entice you to try some for yourselves and I am sure with great success. They are such a diverse group of plants that you will be enthralled with them for many years. To complete your bench display you could also add some small camellia bonsais that enjoy exactly the same conditions and perform just as well. You could be the envy of your friends with all of those beautiful flowers. page 4 SCBC trees from May meeting Club display trees – May meeting As the May meeting was all about azaleas, here are some club member azaleas brought to the meeting. We are looking for both trees in training as well as mature bonsai. With individual member’s permission, we would like to use some of the member’s trees for our new website gallery. There will be a section where we follow the progress of bonsai as they are trained over time. Flowering Saotome azalea Style: Informal Upright/Mini (under 15 cm). Partially restyled to allow a few flowers to come forth and be identified before full shaping takes place. Don’t throw your lost azaleas away! Saotome azalea Bonsai pot stand made from azalea roots Azalea: Informal Upright (under 25cm) style. Collected September 2013 from long neglected garden. Has a long way to go but what a trunk! Azalea root carving page 5 AZALEA TYPES & EVENTS CALENDAR Types of Azaleas by Brenda Parker The first botanical book in Japan was called “Motokatsu” Mizuno written in 1681 and contained 147 varieties of indigenous azaleas. The first books on azaleas called ‘Kinshuku makura’ was published about 1692 by the Ihei Ito in five volumes and contained references to about 350 azaleas. • • • • • • • • • Rutherford Indicas (developed in USA) – Dorothy Gish, Rose Queen. Satsuki – Chojuho (treasure of longevity) – flowers stay on for most of the year and fade to a lighter colour. Kerrigan Indicas (USA derived form of Belgium Hybrids) – Brides Bouquet, Ripples. Indicum & Mucronatum Hybrids – Balsaminaeflora. Kurumes (Japan) – Blaauw’s Pink, Christmas Cheer, Fairy Queen, Kirin, Ward’s Ruby. Gumpos – dwarf shrubs smothered in single flowers with frilly edges. August Kehr Hybrids (USA) – Anna Kehr, White Rosebud. Nuccio Hybrids (USA) – Purple Glitters and Rose Glitters. Satsuki azaleas are less hardy than most azaleas and have a low and twiggy habit and • have funnel shaped single flowers. They flower in late spring to early summer not like other • varieties that flower in winter to spring. • Kurumes are hardier than most azaleas and can be grown in full sun in gardens. NOTE: For the first time in Kokufu-ten history in Japan, azaleas are Gumpos make great garden specimens and now allowed to be included in the formal display. have large single flowers in white, pink and a light cerise. They are very low growing and Satsuki Azalea Festival, City of Kanuma, Japan make more growth on the lower branches and only reach up to about 200mm. The flowers have a frilly edge to them. Kyushu azalea (R. Kiusianum) is the father of the Kurume azaleas and used for hybridizing. These are semi to full deciduous types. You may recognize some of the names of azaleas and where they were developed. Belgium Hybrids – Comtesse de Kerchove, Elsa Kaerger, Hexe, Leopold Astrid, Paul Schaeme, Red Poppy, Red Wing, Rosa Belton, Southern Aurora, Violacea and Mdme. Auguste Haaerens. One prize winning Satzuki from 2013, cultivar Shuho-no-Hikari Brenda’s Mdme Auguste Haaerens azalea Held annually at end of May-early June at the Kanuma City Kaboku Center. The two acre complex includes: a permanent exhibition and sales area over a half acre alone, one and a half area auction area, and greenhouses. For more information see: and BONSAI EVENTS CALENDAR Date Event Details June 7-8 Bonsai by the Harbour S.C.E.G.S Rowing Facility, Wharf Road, Gladesville August 21-24 27th National Bonsai Convention, “Sunrise on Australian Bonsai” Illawarra Bonsai Society The 15th Annual Weekend Workshops at the Tops Bonsai Society of Australia Annual Show, Gold Coast, Queensland Newcastle Bonsai Society Annual Show Charlestown Bowling Club, Lincoln Street, Charlestown September 5-7 September 13-14 November 7-9 Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops Don Moore Community Centre, North Rocks © 2006 Sydney City Bonsai Club | | [email protected] 6