

Vol. 16 Issue 1
Spring 2013 Issue
“ Days filled with Sunshine”
A Letter
to Chief
page 3
for 2013
page 4
Newon the
pages 8-9
New archives
page 5
Letter from the President of the Lutheran Camp Association, Kathy Allen
Dear Camp Arcadia Friends,
In 2012, God’s blessings once again overflowed at Camp Arcadia
and onto all of us who hold it dear. As we celebrated Camp’s
90th anniversary, the year brought filled retreats, successful
fundraising and even a new and improved Ga-Ga pit! Capping
the season was the dedication of the Chapel on the Beach in
loving memory of Fred & Mildred Kuhlmann.
We enter 2013 on firm financial footing. We ended 2012 with an
operating surplus, largely due to strong unrestricted donations,
income from our filled retreat weeks, and the staff’s ability to keep
expenses to budget. Strong years like this allow for growth of
Camp’s ministry that we can all enjoy for years to come. They also
enable us to safeguard long-term financial viability so that we
can keep rates affordable and pay for much needed improvements
to our facilities, programs and grounds.
The Board continues to support a mission-focused agenda. At our
March meeting, we moved closer to finalizing an updated policy
to ensure Camp’s ability to serve Town Cottagers while meeting
the needs of Inn guests and members of the Cottage Colony.
We continue to seriously explore the use of electronic voting in
conducting LCA business. And, we endorsed the Arcadia
Foundation Committee’s plans to introduce a planned giving
initiative, the Camp Arcadia Legacy Builders.
Vision is needed to help us guide our
Your Camp staff has been busy making
growth as we continue to fulfill our mission
improvements, too, as you see in articles
Vision is needed to help us
with a blend of tradition and innovation.
throughout this newsletter. We’re all excited
Since last May, LCA Board members have
to see what Kyle has orchestrated for the
guide our growth as we continue
engaged in a process to develop such a
new youth morning program format and
to fulfill our mission with a blend
vision, a practical necessity and a critical
for a new Fall Confirmation Retreat. Also,
of tradition and innovation.
component of our commitment to policythere will be a new coffee counter in the
based governance. This work included
Card/Reading Room and ice cream on
calls to LCA members to get their input.
the Patio!
We appreciate the time and ideas you shared! We will finalize
the vision statement at our May meeting and plan to share it Are you as eager as I am to get your feet in the sand and your
with you in future communications.
face kissed by a Lake Michigan breeze? Aren’t you anxious to
greet a friend and linger over conversation – especially when
that friend is your loving Lord Jesus Christ?
See you at Camp!
Kathy Allen
LCA President
Management Team
Box 229 Arcadia, MI 49613
Phone: (231) 889-4361
Chip May, Executive Director
[email protected]
Kyle DeWees, Program Director
[email protected]
John Jass, Caretaker
[email protected]
Kurt Harvey, Chef
[email protected]
Rachel Catanese, Office Manager
[email protected]
A letter to Chief Weiherman
Camp Arcadia’s first Camp Director who served from 1922 - 1963.
Dear Chief,
Did you know we were both in our mid-twenties when we started
as camp directors? It seems surreal to think that I was entrusted
with Camp Arcadia at such a young age. I can’t even imagine
what it was like for you – you started with nothing – no buildings,
no programs, no staff, no tradition, just a dream of a summer
camp along the shores of Lake Michigan. If you were like me,
you did a lot of praying and wondering if you were headed in the
right direction.
What did you think the first time you descended into the valley
and set your eyes on the blue waters and the towering beech
and maple forest? Did you think you’d arrived at Eden? That
first summer when you got to jump in the lake on a hot July
afternoon you must have thought you had the best job ever. One
of my favorite things to do at Camp is to go for a swim around
5:30, just before dinner at 6:00. The beach is mostly empty, as
most people have left the beach in order to get ready for dinner.
What starts off as a walk turns into a jog and then a running
dive into the water as soon as the water is deep enough. All the
stresses I carry with me quickly fade away as I glide through the
water. Perspective is gained. Priorities realigned. It is almost
like God is reassuring me that He is in control and that I would
do best to just enjoy the ride. I am sure you understand.
I have always felt a sort of kindred spirit with you and your family.
We live in the same apartment that you and your family stayed
in. We both went to sleep with the waves lapping just outside
our window. When we got married at Camp, my wife Sarah had
a picture taken in her wedding gown on the Inn stairway, just
like Rinkie did 58 years earlier. I unsuccessfully lobbied that we
give our first-born daughter the middle name of Rinkie. At times
when I have been overwhelmed with my job, I think back to all you
had to endure over your 40 years. I am reminded that I fit into
a much larger picture of what God is doing at Camp Arcadia.
Mom, Rinkie and Chief
What a strong foundation you and Mom were able to give Camp
Arcadia over 40 years! It is hard to put into words what you
meant to Camp Arcadia - without you and Mom there would not
be a Camp Arcadia. I wish I could meet you in person. I have so
many questions for you and would love to hear your stories and
jokes. I’ve got a few for you too. (Did you hear the one about the
guy who goes ice fishing?)
So, you might ask, what is your legacy at Camp Arcadia? To answer
this I am reminded of your “daisy” you used to draw on the blackboard
– how all the facets of life should spring from one and the same
golden center of our life in God through Christ. This is your legacy,
that the Camp you started and led for forty years continues fifty
years later to be a place where life is lived to the fullest. A place
where we are welcomed home, accepted, loved, and forgiven.
It is at Arcadia where we continue to hear God’s call – to laugh,
learn, play, eat and enjoy much needed time with our friends
and family.
God’s Blessings,
Chip May
Executive Director
Chip and Sarah May -Summer of 2004
Archery Program is on Target
“Kyle’s Korner”
Archery has been a staple in the programming at Camp Arcadia
since the very beginning, and continues to grow in popularity.
For this summer we have refurbished our existing equipment
and will be introducing a new compound bow. Guests can
choose to use the traditional recurve bow, or they can try the
new compound bow. Either way, don’t forget to schedule some
time at the archery range this summer to improve your accuracy!
An update from Program Director Kyle DeWees
I’ve been working on several exciting improvements to the
programming for the 2013 Season, take a look!
Youth Morning Program Changes
In order to more effectively achieve our goal of connecting kids
to their Savior and building relationships, we’ve made some
changes to the Youth Morning Program (K – High School.)
Wednesday Evening Campfire Worship
We will be offering Wednesday evening campfire worship at the
new Chapel on the Beach, complete with singing and stories.
We all know that special moments happen around a campfire, and
we hope this summer you’ll take advantage of this opportunity.
Using a rotational model, the youth will have a choice regarding
what they do for the day. Each day the groups will get to choose
between activities that have a drama or nature emphasis, or a
craft or athletic focus.
Ice Cream on the Patio
The Trading Post is a favorite spot for
many families in the evenings. However,
sometimes it can take a long time to get
your ice cream. So to help eliminate this
frustrating experience, this summer you’ll
also be able to visit the new ice cream
cart on the patio. Ice cream and sunsets
– sounds like a perfect combination!
This new model allows for the study of God’s Word to be integrated into the activities for the day, ultimately allowing for more
experiential learning and hopefully a greater take-away for the
campers. Youth will
meet in the Round
Up at 9:30 a.m. and
then divide into
their groups for the
majority of the time.
All groups will come
together for a closing
session in the new
Chapel on the Beach
that will include the
daily lesson wrap-up
and singing.
Continued Craft Shop Improvements
The Craft Shop continues to be a favorite location for many
guests at RKD. In an effort to continue to improve the crafting
experience for guests, there will be some changes inside the
Craft Shop this summer. First, we will be opening the stairwell.
This will allow guests to easily access the different sections,
and will allow for an overall better use of the space. In addition
to some physical changes, we are excited that Kris Park will
continue to serve in the role of Craft Shop Advisor. This
position, started last year, helps maintain continuity in
the craft shop and assists with the ordering, inventory,
and overall organization of the Craft Shop. We hope to see
many of you in the Craft Shop again this summer!
We have changed the age groupings a bit in order to more
effectively use our staff. Groupings will be (K, 1st & 2nd), (3rd,
4th & 5th), (6th, 7th & 8th) and High School.
Let’s Hit the Mountain Biking Trails
As a part of our continued effort to take advantage of Camp
Arcadia’s location, in one of the most beautiful places in the New
Fall Confirmation Retreat – October 18 - 20
county, we are going to be
We are excited to partner with the Michigan District of the
offering mountain biking
Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod to offer our first Fall
this summer. Guests will
Confirmation Retreat. Churches from all over Michigan and
have the opportunity to
surrounding states are invited to bring their confirmation class
rent one of several adult
and adult leaders (pastor, DCE, parents) to this exciting new
mountain bikes (and helmets)
retreat. We welcome Pastor
for the day or part of the
Scott Giger and worship leader
day. A short distance from
Victor Minetola, both from
Camp is Arcadia Dunes, an
St. Luke’s University Lutheran
amazing system of trails,
Chapel in Ann Arbor, MI as the
beaches, and farmland
Retreat leaders. This retreat
owned and managed by
will be a great way to kick off
the Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy. Their trails are
your confirmation program for
some of the best in the Midwest. While you are welcome to rent
the year. If you are interested
a bike (or take your own) to visit the trails any time during the
week, we will also have a scheduled mountain biking trip in a fun and faith-filled experience for your confirmands, sign up
for the new Fall Confirmation Retreat – October 18 – 20, 2013.
each week.
Experience the Weiherman’s Dedicated 40 Years at RKD
by Ryan McKenna, Archives Director
On June 23, 2013, after five years of preparations,
we will open a new exhibit celebrating the 40 years
of leadership and service that the Weiherman family
(Chief, Mom and Rinkie) gave to Camp Arcadia. The
Weiherman family worked tirelessly to build and create
the Camp we all love best. Learn how they created the
Spirit of Arcadia through this exciting and engaging
exhibit showcasing photos, films, audio, artifacts &
stories with a variety of themes.
“Every institution reflects the shadow of its leaders,
and Camp Arcadia is a tribute to the unselfish service,
humble devotion to duty and loyal Christian spirit of
Chief and Mom Weiherman.” – from the 1962 Camp
Arcadia brochure.
As curator and designer of an
exhibit, you are challenged to think
of creative ways for a visitor to
engage beyond reading text,
seeing photos and artifacts.
This exhibit will offer many
hands-on ways to experience
the Weiherman’s 40 years of
service at Camp Arcadia. These
interactive items will allow you
to reminisce about your days as
a Walther League camper while
also allowing those who were
not there to learn about this
time in Camp’s history.
Archive Volunteers Needed!
We need volunteers to help build and install
the new exhibit from May 1 – June 23. Talents
needed include, but not limited to, crafters,
carpenters, and writers. Please contact Ryan
McKenna at [email protected] to
learn more about helping out.
Space Still Available in 2013
You are encouraged to make time to reconnect with God, friends and family by registering for
an Arcadia retreat today. Here are some retreats that still have openings:
• Golf & the Gospel (June 1 – 7) Golfers and non-golfers attend this adults-only retreat. The
price is only $375 for all the food, lodging and on-site program. Green fees not included.
• Alpha Teen Retreat (June 9 – 15) This teens-only retreat is for those entering 9th or 10th
grade next year. The price is $335. The staff and counselors create a wonderful climate
where spiritual challenge and growth can occur. Plus it’s loads of fun!
• Family Week #1 & #9 (June 22 – 29 & August 17 – 23)
Family Week #9 is discounted to reflect that it is a 6 day retreat.
• Lutherhostel (August 24 – 30) Experience a retreat that is rich in activities and community
for adults 55 and over.
• Labor Day Family Weekend (August 30 – September 2) For families, couples and singles,
Friday through Monday.
• Men’s Retreat (Sept 5 – 8) Join the Lutheran Hour Speaker, Gregory Seltz, for this long weekend
of recreation and fellowship.
• Women’s Retreats I & II (Sept 13 – 15 & Sept 20 – 22)
Host Phyllis Wallace with Laura Petherbridge at WR I and Monique Nunes at WR II.
• Couples’ Weekend Getaway Retreat (Sept 27 – 29) Couples are invited to enjoy a weekend
at Camp without the kids. Couples of all ages attend this retreat.
• Fall Confirmation Retreat (Oct 18 – 20) Kick off the confirmation year by bringing your
confirmation class and leaders for this exciting new weekend.
See updated information about openings at
Former Camp Director & Local Pastor Passes Away
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Breimeier
worked sympathetically, with respect, persuasively, even with the
most strong-willed individualists, to achieve a revetment solution
that has lasted many years. Through patient leadership a stronger
community emerged from adversity.”
Rev. Dr. Kenneth Breimeier passed away on March
6, 2013. Ken was an influential leader in Arcadia,
serving as Camp Arcadia’s Director in 1989, as
pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church from 1992 –
1997, and as president of the Arcadia Cottage
Colony Association (ACCA) a few times. He is
survived by his wife of 62 years, Lois, their children
Jon and Carol, daughter-in-law Cheri Johnson and son-in-law
Fred Nelson, grandchildren, Hannah, Micah, Elijah, Andrew and
Karla Woell, who worked with Ken at both Camp and Trinity,
commented on Pastor Breimeier’s leadership at Trinity, “Ken was
instrumental in getting the ‘connection’ built between the sanctuary
and the parish hall of Trinity Lutheran Church, with the
handicap bathroom and entry with elevator, and the
remodeling of the parish hall and classrooms.”
As the Camp Director to immediately follow Pastor Breimeier in
that position, June Jass recalls that Ken initiated a “Senior Citizen”
week by contracting with Elderhostel, and thereby filling a week
late in the season with guests. This creative idea evolved into
Lutherhostel which continues today. June also remembers that Ken
encouraged members of Trinity, Arcadia, to visit Camp Arcadia
by hosting a pre-season potluck meal in the Inn’s dining room.
That was the beginning of the now-annual season-opening dinner
for area guests.
In 1948, Ken and Lois, both on staff (Lois was a waitress and
Ken was on program), met playing ping-pong in the Wigwam’s
Round Up. When it came time to celebrate their 50th wedding
anniversary they could think of no better place to gather their
friends and family than around those same ping-pong tables.
Ken served on staff at Concordia Theological Seminary in St. Louis
for twenty years, ten of those years as the Dean of Students. He
then served on staff at the Lutheran Hospital in St. Louis where he
created one of the first hospice programs in the country.
Ken was known for his humility, sense of humor, and ability to get
things done through persistent yet careful and patient efforts. Dr.
Leege, in referring to Ken’s ability to bring people with various
interests together, said, “He succeeded because he saw in others,
not antagonists or inferiors, but always the image of God. If God
created them, they each had worth and they deserved a place at
the table. He lived what we each preach.” We give thanks to God for
Ken’s leadership at Camp Arcadia and at Trinity Lutheran Church.
Cottage Colony resident Dr. David Leege remarked on Ken’s
leadership as president of the Arcadia Cottage Colony Association,
“The Lake threatened to carve away the front row of cottages,
and something had to be done immediately. But there was deep
friction over a common approach and who would have to suffer
more damage to property than others to achieve that goal. Ken
Former Camp Leader Passes
president from 1979 – 1989. With the help of fellow Arcadia Cottage
Colony Association member Miles Gerberding, Bud worked tirelessly to attain 501(c)3 tax-exempt status for the LCA. This taxexempt status continues today.
Bud Weber
On January 15, 2013, E.O. “Bud” Weber passed
away at Woodward Hills Nursing Home in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Bud was a longtime member of the
Lutheran Camp Association (LCA) who demonstrated great devotion to and willingness to work
for Camp Arcadia. He is survived by his wife,
Pearl, his children Karl and Carol, daughter-inlaw Dawn, grandchildren Kristine, Rick and Emma, and nieces and
nephews David Wilkins, Lisbeth Ewald, Lisa Weber, John Weber
and Tom Weber. Bud was born on October 29, 1923.
Barbara Unger, who was Camp Manager during Bud’s years on
the LCA Board of Directors, noted that he was “a great mentor,
strong supporter, kind encourager, available advisor, loyal friend
and an inspiration to those who knew him well.” She also noted
that Bud was “an honorable man willing to take a stand, despite
criticism, for what he believed was right, true, or best.”
The leadership and vision that Bud Weber provided was critical
to the LCA. Kathy Allen, current LCA President remarks, “Camp
Arcadia is very fortunate to have had a leader like Bud Weber,
who gave countless hours to better this ministry and helped make
RKD an even better place to vacation with God. On behalf of
the LCA Board of Directors we will truly miss him, but know that
his decades of service have inspired, and will continue to inspire,
generations of dedicated Arcadians.”
David Wilkins is Bud’s nephew and godson. David noted that Bud
first came to Arcadia in the late 1950s at the urging of David’s
mother, and Bud’s sister Greta Wilkins. Eventually, the Webers
purchased a home in the Arcadia Cottage Colony. “Bud fell in
love with the place, and after the LCA purchased Camp Arcadia
in 1969, he headed up the painting of about 8-10 rooms in the
Inn on the first Memorial Day work weekend in 1969. He formed
the ‘Painters Quality Circle’ (he even had tee shirts made for the
group) which was something he took charge of every Memorial
Day Work Weekend until at least 1989.”
Through his many years of service to Camp Arcadia, he did much
of the staff hiring, was a teen week counselor, helped establish the
current water system at Camp, participated in practically every
sport, played the role of King Neptune at least once, and often
dressed up for ‘Fiesta Day’ at Camp. Though he was known to
love all camp activities, he especially appreciated lectures, tennis
and tot treats with his grandchildren. We give thanks to God for
Bud’s leadership at Camp Arcadia.
Bud began a nineteen year tenure on the LCA Board shortly after
the LCA purchased the camp from the Walther League, serving
as vice president of the LCA Board from 1970 – 1978 and was
Todd Anderson’s Memorial Cross
The Anderson family from Cedar Rapids, Iowa has been coming to Camp Arcadia for the last 17 years, but this year was
bittersweet. They were excited to bring their almost two
year-old grandson, Grayson, to camp for the first time. But
on April 9, 2012, Todd Anderson (54), their husband, father
and grandfather, suffered a fatal heart-attack while on a ski
trip with his family in Colorado. As the family mourned Todd’s
death, they along with many of their Arcadia friends, wanted
to do something to remember Todd at Camp Arcadia, a place
that means a lot to them. As a result, their family and friends
supported the creation of a beautiful processional cross for the
new Chapel on the Beach in memory of Todd.
“Having a cross in
memory of Todd at
Camp Arcadia was
only natural as so
many of our brothers
and sisters in Christ
love Camp just as
much as we do. After
the death of a loved
one, you want to do
something to help
remember that person.
This cross helps us
remember the hope
Todd had in Christ
as well as the eternal
hope we continue to
have,” commented
Curtis Warnes from Metal Works in
Empire, MI created the cross.
Thank you to the Anderson family, and their many friends
and family members for choosing to remember Todd in
such a special way. Todd’s cross reminds us of our heavenly
home made possible through eternal salvation in Jesus.
Here is some of the symbolism and meaning embedded in the
• The bursting rays from Christ’s head is the uncontainable
light He shines on the darkness of the world. This is also a
symbol of the joy of one’s heart as they receive Christ’s love.
Anderson Family at Camp in 2005
Clark, Phil & Erin Jones, Ronda, Todd, and Sam.
• Christ’s body is the ichthus, or Jesus fish, the symbol that
early Christians used to indicate a secret meeting place.
“Arcadia was the place everyone in our family looked forward
to going to each year, even when the kids were teens. Camp is
the place that holds great memories and rich ties with treasured
friends. Seeing the memorial cross at Arcadia in upcoming years
will be a reminder to our family and friends that even though we
are left to live on this earth with a “Todd-sized” hole in our hearts
we are assured of the promise that we will all be together again
because of Jesus’ death and resurrection,” remarked his wife
• Not only does the tree-like trunk and roots match the Chapel’s surrounding forest, but they also are symbols of the
Tree of Life that God has in store for us to taste in heaven.
It is also a reminder that we are rooted in Christ and He is
our foundation.
The design of the cross has a meaningful history with the
Andersons and their friends. Todd had offered to make a wooden
cross for David Galik and Ann Kruse’s wedding. David sent
him a design inspired by Camp Arcadia’s Chapel in the Woods’
cross with the rays of light shining from the center of the cross.
Dave says, “It was the centerpiece at our wedding, physically
and spiritually. Todd even inscribed on the back of the cross,
‘May Christ ever be at the center of your marriage.’ Todd had a
gift for bringing the design to life – it was absolutely stunning!”
Dave worked with Ronda and their family and friends to develop
Todd’s cross design for a processional cross for the new Chapel.
The Anderson Family at Camp in 2012:
Phil Jones, Sam, Ronda, Clark, Grayson & Erin
New Chapel on the Beach
During Camp Arcadia’s 90th year of ministry we celebrated the construction of the
Chapel on the Beach, which was dedicated to Fred and Mildred Kuhlman, lifelong
Arcadians. The Chapel, which was finished last summer, takes advantage of Camp’s
beautiful surroundings and will be a sacred space for families to gather and rejoice
in God’s wonderful, life-giving gifts of grace and forgiveness. Frequent Dean, Pastor
Scott Christiansen, remarked, “There are so many things I love about Camp Arcadia,
and at the top of the list is the beautiful view of Lake Michigan. The waves always remind me of my amazing Creator. The new chapel, oriented toward the Lake, is the
perfect setting for worship!”
We owe a debt of thanks to all of the following people who gave their time, talents and
treasures to make the Chapel on the Beach possible:
The Kuhlmann & Brickler families for their
support for the Chapel. It is an honor to have
the new Chapel on the Beach in loving memory
of Fred & Mildred Kuhlmann. Their legacy
of faith and family will be remembered
and celebrated for years to come.
Don & Deb Dinkmeyer for challenging
others to support the Chapel through
$50,000 in matching funds. Their passion
for Camp’s ministry to families is inspiring.
The hundreds of families and individuals
who were moved to donate to Camp
Arcadia’s 2012 Annual Fund to support
the Chapel. Their generosity will bless
generations of Arcadians.
John Jass, Camp’s caretaker, for serving
as the Chapel’s project manager. As he
has done so many times at Camp, he was
able to combine his vision for improving
Camp’s facilities and grounds with a strong
understanding of Arcadia’s experience
and traditions. The new Chapel would
never have turned out as well as it did
without his hard work and dedication.
Gary Landhauser, LCA member from
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for serving as the
Chapel’s architect. Thank you for working
on this project for over 6 years and for
helping make it a reality.
The first chapel wedding wa
This cross, located at the western edge of the
Chapel as you look out upon the lake, was
designed and created by Camp’s caretaker,
John Jass.
Matching Funds Make Big Difference
Don and Deb Dinkmeyer, life-long cottagers, wanted to make a
gift to Camp Arcadia that reflected their passionate support
of Camp Arcadia’s ministry. They also wanted their gift to encourage others to give. With its focus on weekly worship for
the Camp family, they decided the new Chapel on the Beach
was just the project for them to champion. The Dinkmeyers offered $25,000 in matching funds both in the spring of 2012 and
again at the end of the year, for a total of $50,000. This visionary funding propelled giving to record levels and allowed us to
exceed our goal. ($10,000 in funds was put aside to pay for any
improvements to the Chapel in the next few years.)
As a counselor educator, Dr. Dinkmeyer’s focus is on encouraging families to live together, learn together, and work together.
“In my work and life, I have come to know that a sense of belonging is key to a person’s well-being. People of all ages want
to feel that they belong. Arcadia encourages families to spend
valuable time together. Deb and I wanted to support the new
Chapel on the Beach because we wanted a sacred place for
generations of families to celebrate life together.”
Thank you to Don and Deb Dinkmeyer for their extraordinary
commitment to Camp Arcadia’s ministry to families.
Whoever designed the
awe-inspiring ceiling of the
Chapel on the Beach
deserves not only high praise but
absolute worship.
- Rev. Dr Joel Lehenbauer
as between Jon Becker and Lydia Schaftenaar last September.
About the Chapel on the Beach
•The Chapel on the Beach will accommodate 300 people.
Some seats are portable to provide a more intimate seating
in the front area for smaller groups.
•The Chapel is 100 feet across and 50 feet from the back row
to the front row, with a view of Lake Michigan from every seat.
•The front center area can accommodate various worship
and program activities..
•Uses will include evening worship, morning youth program,
campfire programs, concerts, and weddings.
•There are wheelchair accessible ramps and an accessible
seating area.
•There is a robust sound system so everyone can hear.
•A portable fire pit was created and can be placed in the
front center area.
•The Chapel came in on budget and was fully funded through
Chapel is Built in Memory of Fred & Mildred Kuhlmann
The Chapel on the Beach was dedicated to the memory of Fred
and Mildred Kuhlmann. The Kuhlmanns have a long history
at Camp Arcadia – spanning 80 of the Camp’s 90 years. Fred first
came as a Walther Leaguer and then came almost every year
with his family. In 1964 they bought a cottage in the Cottage
Colony so they could spend more time in Arcadia. Their
children, Mark Kuhlmann and Marilyn (Kuhlmann) Brickler,
continue the tradition of bringing their families to Camp, and
spend most of the summer and fall in Arcadia.
The Kuhlmann family on the beach: Mildred, Mark, Marilyn and Fred
Fred, an attorney, served on the camp steering committee,
representing a group of “Concerned Arcadians”, who negotiated
a deal to purchase the Camp from the Walther League in 1968.
This is the group that founded the Lutheran Camp Association
(LCA). Fred helped run the St. Louis Cardinals baseball
organization during the 1980s and was a long-time executive
at Anheuser-Busch Companies in St. Louis.
Mark Kuhlmann shares what it means for the Chapel to be
dedicated to his parents: “It is a great honor to have the Chapel
named in memory of Mom and Dad. The Arcadia spirit is
contagious, and I know that Mom and Dad couldn’t think of a
place where they’d rather be remembered than where their
hearts were, namely in Arcadia. As they and others would always
say, Arcadia is the closest place to heaven on earth. Now that
they are in heaven, it is such a wonderful remembrance to have
this Chapel in their memory.”
Marilyn Brickler, Fred’s daughter and former LCA Board member,
comments on his legacy, ”One of the most important aspects
of Dad’s history is his love for Camp Arcadia. His love has been
passed on to his children, who both have homes in Arcadia. My
brother Mark met his wife, Barb, while working at Camp Arcadia,
and one of my grandchildren, Brenna, has ‘Arcadia’ as a middle
name. Other than our Christian faith, Camp Arcadia was the
greatest legacy Mom and Dad left us. Summer meant Arcadia.”
We give thanks to God for Fred’s & Mildred’s love for their Lord
and Savior, and their commitment to Camp Arcadia’s ministry.
We also give thanks to the Kuhlmanns, Bricklers, and their
friends and family for their financial and spiritual support for
the Chapel.
Camp Arcadia Legacy Builders … Assuring the Future of Camp Arcadia
Camp Arcadia is excited to announce the creation of Camp
Arcadia Legacy Builders! Camp Arcadia Legacy Builders are
faithful friends of Camp Arcadia who have included the camp
in their will or estate plans. Estate gifts are received and invested by The Arcadia Foundation. The income from those
investments is used to support program enrichments, capital
improvements, and financial scholarships. By becoming a Legacy Builder, you will play a generous role in helping guarantee
the long-term stability and growth of Camp Arcadia’s ministry.
Between now and June 1, 2014 we are welcoming Charter
Members to the Camp Arcadia Legacy Builders. Informing
the camp office of your inclusion of Camp Arcadia in your will
or other estate plans will qualify you as a member of the Camp
Arcadia Legacy Builders. All members listed by June 1, 2014
will permanently be remembered as Charter Members of the
Camp Arcadia Legacy Builders.
In addition to including the camp in your will, other means to
give through your estate include:
• Full or partial beneficiary of Life Insurance
• Full or partial beneficiary of an IRA
• Beneficiary of a Charitable Gift Annuity or other charitable trust.
Dale and Karen Kruse express why they decided to remember
Camp Arcadia’s ministry in their estate plans, “Our family has
been blessed through our near-annual attendance at Camp
Arcadia. Our grandchildren look forward to coming from Texas each year. Through our estate planning, we want to help
the ministry and blessings of Camp Arcadia continue for future generations.”
Contact Chip May at [email protected] or (231) 8894361 for more information or to let him know that you have
already included Camp Arcadia in your estate plans. .
The Cottage Colony
Just north of Camp Arcadia’s tennis courts begin a group of 53
privately-owned cottages know as the Arcadia Cottage Colony.
Generations of families have come and spent time at these cottages.
Some of the cottages are new, some are older, and some have
recently been refurbished, but there is one thing they all have in
common - these cottages have welcomed generations of families
that have a passion for Camp Arcadia’s mission to provide a setting
for Christian families and individuals to vacation with God, and to
foster the renewal of the whole person - spirit, mind, and body - amid
the beauty of God’s creation and in fellowship with other Christians. In 1929 Camp Arcadia (the Walther League owned and operated
Camp mainly for young adults) leased lots to families to build cottages
in order to deal with the problem of an increasing number of families
wishing to vacation at Camp. That year eight privately owned
cottages were built on the leased property north of Camp. Again in 1995, LCA and the cottage colony partnered to develop
and sell 22 additional lots (Forestview) raising over $1,000,000
for the “Spirit of Arcadia” campaign that helped refurbish Camp’s
buildings. The purchase price of these lots included a $5,000 premium, which was paid by the lot owners for the opportunity to participate at Camp Arcadia. In 1968 the Walther League put the Camp up for sale. Campers
and cottagers worked tirelessly to purchase the Camp from the
Walther League in 1969. The Lutheran Camp Association (LCA),
made up of campers and cottagers, was formed in order to purchase
Camp. The Arcadia Cottage Colony Association was also formed
that year. Cottage owners bought their leased lots from the LCA
and 22 additional lots (N. Ridgewood and Jass Dr.) were sold to
raise revenue needed for the purchase of camp. The Cottage Colony has been a wonderful partner in ministry. They
have provided much needed stability for Camp through strong
board leadership, countless volunteer hours, strong attendance at
programs, and financial support. Camp Arcadia would not be the
thriving ministry it is today if it weren’t for the love and support of
the cottagers. The Cottage Colony extends an invitation to campers to walk the Cottage Colony loop. It is perfect for an afternoon
or after-dinner stroll. 11
2012 Annual Fund Donors
Thank you to all of the donors that contributed to the 2012 Annual Fund, which
includes donations for the construction of the new Chapel on the Beach. Your
generosity allows Camp to offer financial scholarships and make much needed
improvements to programs, buildings and grounds.
Gifts of 25,000 or more
Don & Deb Dinkmeyer
Gifts of $10,000-24,999
Mike & Sandy Becker
Rich & Judy Beumer
Kevin & Roxanne Winkel
Gifts of $5,000-9,999
Greg & Beth Bram
John & Marilyn Brickler
The Brighton Family
Josef & Pamela Buenker
Paul & Kelly Culler
Michael & Martha Dourson
Kay Haab
Dale & Karen Kruse
Mark & Barbara Kuhlmann
Ted & Yolanne Leno
Gene & Mary Phillips
Stan & Karla Woell
Gifts of $2000-4,999
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Herb & Jackie Eggerding
Fred & Patti Halek
Tom & Jodi Johnson
Jon & Kristine Leetz
Joel & Hope Lehenbauer
Don & Joyce Lohrentz
Chip & Sarah May
Steve & Chandler Roskam
Stephen & Lisa Stuckwisch
Paul & Andrea Vie
Gifts of $1000-1999
Bill & Raydine Alexander
Zak & Suzanne Allmand
Ronda Anderson
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Ruben & Millie Auernhamer
Newton & Beth Bates
Bill & Kathy Beck
Jeff & Jeannette Berger
Charlie & Marcia Caciano
David & Donna Crittenden
Tom & Sarah Dunn
Dean & Erica Eggerding
Randy & Kim Eveler
Mark & Alison Franke
Scott & Michelle Gilbertson
Mark & Elaine Grant
John S and James L Knight Foundation
David & Susan Kruse
Don & Sue Kruse
Left Foot Charley
- Bryan & Jennifer Ulbrich
Albert & Joan Lucas
David & Coco Marasus
David & Sarah Morgan
Melba Panhorst
Bill & Kathleen Parsons
Gary & Margo Schimmel
Bret & Denise Schneider
Donald & Diana Schultz
Tom & Cathy Schwanitz
Blaise & Rose Sedney
Mike & Susan Spagnuolo
Tim & Brenda Tiemann
Del & Brigitta Tiemann
Norm & Susan Ulbrich
Mark & Kathy Vie
Carol Weber
David Wilkins
Jay & Carol Wippold
George & Dana Wojtan
Michael & Becky Zacharias
Gifts of $500-999
Anonymous Donor
Brett & Laura Alexander
Scott & Kathy Allen
Chris & Patty Allmand
Dave & Kristin Anderson
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
John & Susan Bates
Jason & Laura Bauer
Calvin & Melissa Behrens
Jim & Nancy Berg
Bob & Luanne Beumer
Steve & Toni Binkley
Bill & Patti Boice
Ben & Cindy Boldt
John & Judi Boldt
Matt Brickler
Jamie & Jennifer Brickler
Andy & Sarah Brickler
Thomas & Amy Brown
Ronald & Roxie Bureman
John & Sandi Campbell
Kevin & Sue Campbell
Erik & Dori Campbell
Ken & Michelle Caravati
Brian & Diane Carlson
Douglas Colber &
Bethany Graham-Colber
Max & Evelyn Crownover
Steve & Diane Darr
Bob & Donna Dinkmeyer
Terry & Cherie Dittmer
Mark & Kim Doyle
Mark & Bev Elling
Lynnette Ernst
Richard & Susie Frost
Carl & Sheree Fruend
Brian & Alison Funke
Patrick & Victoria Gallagher
Don & Joanne Gatz
Rick & Jenny Gordon
Kent & Carla Grebing
Roger & Janet Guetzkow
Gene & Barbara Haak
Michael & Rena Haines
Mark & Janet Hall
Lin & Lynn Hancock
David & Jackie Homann
Todd & Ellen Hoyer
Dennis & Kathy Humphrey
Paul & Linda Jaeger
Todd & Nancy Janke
Stephanie Jass & Doug Baker
Phil & Erin Jones
Jim & Judy Kerns
Myron & Carrie Koehn
Walter & Jean Kretzmann
Larry & Joan Krueger
Matthew & Anne Kuhlmann
Robert & Jackie Kunnen
Robert & Marsha Lewis
Derek & Debbie Linam
Bill & Jan Mayyou
Cynthia McAuliffe
Dale & Diane Meyer
Scott & Joan Grebe Miller
Joe & Pam Moorman
Rod & BJ Morrison
Stephen & Julie Nyquist
Paul & Nancy Nyquist
Tom & Sue Peeples
Tucker & Jodie Pettinger
Helen Quinn
Ken & Doris Rathert
Dick & Donna Roettger
Swede & Martha Roskam
Fred & Jane Schneider
Walt & Lee Schoedel
John & Lynn Steben
Chris & Wendy Stelter
Ken & Miriam Temme
Vic & Carol Thompson
Dan & Karen Twillmann
Barbara Ulbrich
Bob & Mary Ann Unger
Dick & Joan Vie
Richard & Phyllis Wallace
Bill & Nancy Wermund
Bruce & Janet Williams
Jay & Sue Wyeth
Gifts of $250- 499
Marilyn Albrecht
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Chuck & Karen Artrip
Tom & Tracey Barry
Matt & Jamie Bayes
Arnie & Dixie Beck
Ernest & Mary Behnke
Ted Beiderwieden
Brian & Dru Bergman
Richard & Carolyn Blum
Charitable Foundation
Ken & Lois Breimeier
Paul & Katie Brooner
Jim & Anita Burow
Walter Carlson
Gene & Roben Carter
David & Paula Colburn
Lee & Karen Dancey
Tracy Deater
Rob & Laura Delanoy
Dennis Dolson
Miriam Dorn
Dale & Beth Durfey
Lisbeth Ewald
Brian & Sylvia Flachsbart
Alan & Lynn Fruend
Miles & Joan Gerberding
Richard & Laura Greiner
Dan & Caroline Guenther
Paul & Kay Gunderson
Lois Haertel
Fred & Nancy Helge
Eric & Claire Hevle
Dave & Connie Hoffman
Omer & Wanda Horton
Richard & Georgia Janzow
Tom & June Jass
Wes & Gina Kaufman
Bill & Sabrina Kelley
Marilyn Kemmerling
Greg & Carol Kirkwood
Tom & Karen Klaus
John & Mary Kleindienst
Stephen & Rebecca Kruse
Joan Luedtke
Jeff & Lynn Madsen
Robert & Bernice Malec
Ken & Anne Mangelsdorf
Ryan McKenna
Eric & Kris Miller
Russell & Sally Grebe Miller
Miller-Blum Cottage
Randy & Martha Mueller
Paul & Kristen Musgrove
Judy Neff
Bud & Joan Newberry
Mark & LaDonna Nobbe
Michael & Patricia Noettl
Matt & Christi Nyquist
Peter Mayer & Patricia O’Reilly
Oberman Cottage
Robert & Marie Pangman
Drew & Carol Pehrson
Donald & Jane Prahlow
Robert Probst
Michael & Nissa Ricafort
Aaron & Mandy Roggow
Dick & Phyllis Roskam
Peter & Elizabeth Roskam
Jim & Carolyn Roth
Brian & Janice Samberg
Viola Sattelmeier
Bill & Patty Schaeffer
Edward & Deborah Schinnerer
Wayne & Susan Schmidt
Bill & Cynthia Schuette
St. Lorenz Lutheran Church
St. Pauls Church
Bill & Helen Steinbrecher
John & Grace Stiegemeyer
Eula Stierholz
Bob & Cynthia Tanner
Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Foundation
Janet Tomhave
Duane Vaughan
Pearl Weber
Fred & Joan Wenk
David & Ann Wood
Brad & Jill Donaldson
John & Kim Dourson
Dave & Laura Erickson
Mark & Kathleen Ewing
Kirk & Cheryl Farney
Harold Franz
Eric & Rebecca Fritsch
Ted & Gayle Froehlich
Jeff & Shelly Gallo
Loren & Margaret Gerber
Jack & Helen Godby
Melba Goebel
Paul & Mary Gutknecht
Marlene Hagedorn
Kirk & Karin Halstead
Ken Handy
Glen & Kathy Hass
Bill & Ruth Haynes
Norb & Doris Henke
Ed & Lynnette Hillard
Tim & Lori Jaeger
Tom & Pam Kamrath
Zach & Krista Klepchak
Betty Krentz
Paul & Lynn Lauber
David & Patricia Leege
David Martens
Dorothy Orr
Ray & Lois Pasche
Byron Photiades
& Beverly Gay-Photiades
John & Martha Pregler
Adrienne Rathert
Lora Ries
Larry & Jan Robards
Robert & Kit Russell
Tim & Karen Schiewe
Ed Schmidt
William Schorr
Jerry & Marion Smith
Will & Karen Spencer
Gail Spencer
Jack & Susie Spenner
Jim & Claudia Stafford
James & Betty Stallings
Harlan Stuckwisch
William & Janet Ulivi
Mike & Julie Van Hove
Arnold & Carrol Vollmer
Jeff & Laura Waller
Tom & Lynne Webster
Phil Wehmeyer
Edward Weiss
Gifts of $101-249
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Ken & Pat Baker
Mark Banaszak & Katrina Stierholz
Jerry & Jeneane Bejnarowicz
Brent & Ashley Beumer
David Block
David & Sarah Boyle
John & Melissa Brickler
Charlie & Jane Brown
Dale & Cynthia Brown
Joffrey & Jackie Bywater
Jerry Cook
Edwin & Lois Cota
Keith & Barbara Counsell
Dave Dallam & Rocio Munoz
Walter & Diane Diekroger
Jane Dinkmeyer
Gifts of $1- 100
Carolyn Aiello
Jerry & Sharon Allaire
Bob & Rosalie Anderson
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Anonymous Donor
Robert & Liz Appold
David & Betty Auernhamer
Donald & Loraine Austin
Joyce Bailey
Carol Ball
Gordon & Sally Beck
Donald & Carolyn Becker
Nathan & Jessica Behning
Brian & Kirsten Belcher
Mary Jo Bell
Linda Bensen
Jay & Susan Bentzinger
Norman & Bonnie Bergdolt
Marilyn Bernthal
Jerry & Winnie Best
Rich & Hazel Bimler
Carolyn Blum
William Bouchein
Jason & Colleen Brasgalla
Neltja Brawer
Lois Breseman
Matt & Lori Breuker
Peter Brickler
Helen Brown
Scott & Kirby Bruzek
Douglas Buck
John & Terri Bufka
Paul & Peggy Burow
Laura Caldwell
Karen Calleja
Roger & Carrie Carr
Stephen & Gail Carter
Mary Cesar
Myron & Laura Jane Colber
Richard & Betty Conley
Matt & Katie Couser
John & Sandy Crowe
Jim Dankovich
Ruth Daube
Harold Dennis
Joseph & Susan DiSalvo
Carol Domke
Jim & Marie Drasal
Lorraine Drechsel
Jeff & Barbara Duckworth
Clyde & Hilya Duder
Mike Eichberger
Don & Virginia Eken
Pauline Ellendorff
Jack & Karen Erickson
James Erisman
Roy & Ann Escandon
Richard Littmann Estate
Ellen Eubank
Joseph & Shirley Fabry
Eugene & Linda Fahrenkrog
Gary Fernham & Janis Hadley
Sherm & Lynn Finer
Brent & Chrissy Flachsbart
Franke Family Dentistry
Larry & Dot Franzen
Phil & Loraine Frobel
Doug & Terri Gast
David & Natalie Gedde
Brian & Jane Gegel
Roger & Jane Geske
Ray & Doreen Gierach
Derek & Elizabeth Giromini
Frank & Nancy Gistinger
Ronald & Sue Ann Glusenkamp
Ed Goss
Skip & Barb Grandt
Walter Gresens
Richard & Mary Groggel
Paul & Dorothy Haberstock
Dorothy Hagestad
Brian & Carmen Hamilton
Clarence Harder
Robert & Carolyn Harmon
Tracy Hart
Elizabeth Heaton
Glenna Henderson
John & Sandra Herrmann
David & Pat Hildebrand
Kevin & Dana Hildebrand
Will & Barbara Hoffmeier
Philip & Gwen Hohle
Betty Hopkinson
Lynne Hoyer
Chris & Dusti Janda
Robert & Ruta Jensen
Marge Jesse
Terri Johanson
Margaret Abel Johnson
Leonard & Connie Johnson
Ed & Donna Jones
John & Pam Karnatz
Betty Kausch
M. David & Marilyn Keil
Chris & Kathy Kelley
Elna Kempff
Gwen Kern
Paul & Barbara Kienman
Tom & Susan Kindler
Josh & Katie Kitchin
Bethanie Klaas
Larry & Martha Kleindienst
John Kline
Ed & Tina Knoll
Linda Koch
Alan & Gale Kotenko
Paul & Karren Krause
Anne Krickhuhn
Doug & Martha Krieser
Kevin & Jacqueline McHugh
Jack & Janine McKenna
Richard Meissner
Barbara Meissner
Helen Merianos
Chris & Jane Michener
Betty Miller
Jeff & Lisa Moore
Donald & Valerie Mossman
Mt. Zion Lutheran Church
John & Barbara Mueller
Kelly Murray
Craig & Janice Neitzel
Matt & Jennifer Nelsen
Mark & Kristen Neuberger
Eunice Nichols
Benjamin & Abby Nicol
Jerry & Shirley Niemi
Paul & Dorothea Nieter
Jeff & Sandra Nyquist
Kathy O’Brien
Aaron & Nicole Olds
Warren & Lois Opel
Ralph & Jean Paschke
Garry & Sue Patzer
Ryan & Kara Paul
Thom & Wendy Petrochko
Judith Pflug
Phil & Sarah Pierce
Catherine Poegel
Tom & Marilyn Pratt
Larry & Dale Prestidge
Richard Ragland
Steve & Shirley Rauh
Dorothy Kuck
Jack & Jeanette Kuehnert
Andrew & Sue Kunz
Marvin & Eva Landgraf
Don Lang & Donna Hintze
Mark Lenz & Jill Rummler-Lenz
James & Valerie Liebbe
Roberta Light
Rick & Stacey Littmann
Thomas Lowther
Norine Lozon
Mark Lucas
Tom & Sylvia Luekens
John & Julie Lugauer
Lutheran Laymens League of
St. Lorenz
David & Pat Maier
Raymond Malec & Jane Pearson
John & Rosemary Manley
David & Mary Marth
Dorothy Matzinger
Karen May
Chuck & Candi May
Mary Maybaum
George & Kristin McAllan
Don & Mary McDaniel
Brad & Faith Rechel
Shawn & Janet Rechkemmer
Boyd & Marjorie Reid
Ruth Ritter
Janie Ritthamel
Harold & Grace Roenfeldt
Earl & Dorothy Rondin
Dan & Mickey Roth
Eileen Rottschafer
Vern & Louise Rowan
Mark & Susan Rudzinski
Bob & Sue Sack
Myron Sandberg & Marva Dawn
Stephanie Scharnweber
Stan & Sally Scheumann
John & Lois Schmidt
Gertrude Schneider
Peter & Heidi Schoedel
Ted Schuessler
Cathy Schumacher
Weldon & Claire Schwiebert
Karl & Katie Shininger
John & Vicki Short
Ron & Rosemary Sievers
Shirley Smith
Dabney Sninski
Scott & Cindy Sommerfeld
Ginny Spenner
Ann Spragens
Joyce Sprengelmeyer
SSE-C.James Dobbins
Tom Steben
Timothy Steinborn
David & Rebekah Stiegemeyer
Dorothy Stiegemeyer
Gretchen Stierholz
Allen & Jan Stoll
Don Storck
Fred & Ann Strieter
Robert Stuendel
Walter Suhre
Thad Summers
& Jennifer Bulmann
Ellen Svenson
Ron & Cheryl Sy
Mike & Molly Taylor
Louie & Patti Theros
Dean Tietz
Toxicology Excell Risk Assoc.
Trinity Lutheran Church-Mens Club
Paul & Liz Turner
Jack Uhrig
Ralph & Barb Unger
Kirk Verseman
John & Mary Ann Virant
Tom & Kim Vitu
Michael & Jill Vokt
John & Donna Walz
Steven Ward
John & Diane Weaver
Albert Webster & Kristina Stierholz
Dan & Nancy Weis
John & Marjie Weiss
Jan Wenski
Audrey West
Mark & Karen Wetter
Steve & Kelly Williams
Lynn & Fran Willis
Joe & Sue Wyland
Bill & Joanne Yonker
Dorothy Zahora
Dan & Cindie Zehnder
Charles & Shirley Ziemer
Arcadia Foundation
Mike & Sandy Becker
Ted Beiderwieden
Mark & Melissa Bergel
Carolyn Blum
John & Marilyn Brickler
Don & Deb Dinkmeyer
Gordon & Joy Faust
Gene & Barbara Haak
Mark & Janet Hall
Adam & Chelsea Heinlein
Tom & June Jass
Carol Korn
Dale & Karen Kruse
Mark & Barbara Kuhlmann
David & Patricia Leege
Ted & Yolanne Leno
Stephanie McKenzie
Fred & Jane Schneider
Richard & Phyllis Wallace
Lisa Gatz Teen Retreat
Scholarship Fund
Ken & Lois Breimeier
Dale & Yvonne Gatz
Don & Joanne Gatz
Kenneth & Karen Giek
Ruth Hart
Tom & June Jass
Sylvia Patten
Jane Verkouteren
George A. Burgasser
Irrevocable Trust
Frank Miller Spirit of
Arcadia Archives Fund
Ken & Anne Mangelsdorf
In honor of
Newton Bates Family
Bob Beumer
Walter & Diane Diekroger
Paul & Linda Jaeger
Ted & Yolanne Leno
David Maier
Bob & Bernice Malec
Ken & Nancy Rathert
Ken & Doris Rathert
Otto & Jonna Sohn
John & Lynn Steben
Barb Unger
Erich von Behren
Tom & Lynne Webster
Bill Yonker
In Memory of
Richard Albrecht
Todd Anderson
Richard Blum
Nicholas Boyle
Bruno Daube
Horst Englert
Donald Gosswein
Lorna Guetzkow
Jim Hatfield
Hans & Hilda Jass
Arno & Betty Krentz
Fred & Mildred Kuhlmann
Grace Helen Lett
Richard & Margaret Littmann
Raymond & Darlyne Luce
Richard Marte
Harold Matzat
Rex A. Matzinger
Matthew E. Matzinger
William Meissner
Don Miller
Frank Miller
Larry Miller
Lawrence Nuechterlein
Marion Obermann Bieser
Gene Panhorst
Donna Rathert
Kaleb Ritt-Pulver
Marie Scherf
Celeste & Norv Scheumann
Christain Smith
Ed Stafford
Jennifer Stallings-Stahl
Virginia Strum
Ken Synder
James Andrew Tiemann
Roy Ulbrich
Cheif, Mom, & Rinkie Weiherman
Therese Zimmermann
Annual Fund Update:
2012 Goal Exceeded & 2013 Goal is $125,000
I have great news! In 2012, the Camp Arcadia Board of Directors set an ambitious
goal that would enable us to construct the Chapel on the Beach, meet financial
scholarship requests and make facility improvements possible. With generous
support of many families and individuals, we met our fundraising goal and, in doing
so, unlocked a matching gift offered by Don and Deb Dinkmeyer. Our goal was $355,000 and we were able to raise $394,000. Camp Arcadia is
blessed, indeed. Thank you to everyone for responding prayerfully with support for
‘the Camp we all love best.’ The surplus will go towards financial scholarships and
more improvements to Camp this year, including some additional items at the Chapel
on the Beach. Your generous support allows Camp Arcadia to stay affordable
while helping us provide life-changing experiences for over 3,000 guests each year.
The 2013 Annual Fund goal is $125,000. Remember that we rely on your gifts to
fund improvements to Camp’s buildings, grounds, and programs. In turn, this helps
keep your rates affordable.
This year’s plans include the following improvements:
•a power generator to keep Camp safe and functioning during a power outage
•replacement ovens in the kitchen
•a new hospitality counter in the Inn Lobby
•new Assembly sound speakers and improved stage lighting
•improved sound system in the dining room
•new archery equipment
•mountain bikes for Camp’s brand new mountain biking program
•ice cream cart to relieve some of the traffic in the Trading Post
Please consider making a donation to the 2013 Annual Fund.
You can donate to Camp Arcadia by going to the website:
Thrivent Choice Dollars
Please Designate your Dollars
For those who designated Choice Dollars to us last year, thank you! We received over
$14,000 from Thrivent during 2012 through this program.
Thrivent Choice, the charitable grant program from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans,
is a huge benefit to Camp Arcadia. If you are a member of Thrivent Financial, you
likely are aware of this easy, convenient way to help support what matters most to
you. Through Thrivent Choice, members can direct where Thrivent Financial distributes some of its charitable grant funds each year.
Starting this year you must go and designate your dollars to the charity of your choice.
If you do not actively designate your Thrivent Choice Dollars they will go unused. To
designate your dollars go to or call 1-800-847-4836.
Please consider designating Camp Arcadia for your Choice Dollars!
New Office Manager Rachel Catanese
Community News
- A Familiar Face, New Role
There will be a familiar face in the office this summer.
Camp Arcadia is excited to introduce Rachel Catanese,
a long time Arcadian, as the new Office Manager.
Nico Santos April 12 to Mike and Laura Santos
Bennett Beck May 23 to Dave and Emily Beck
Owen Kershaw May 31 to Kris and Jill Kershaw
Liam Fernandez June 5 to Charles and Charlotte Fernandez
Henrik Kowatch August 4 to Phil and Stephanie Kowtach
Simon Blake (adopted) August 31, Allison and Joe Blake
Emma Jean Jones August 29 to Phil and Erin Jones
Bridget Isabella Spencer September 28 to Will and Karen Spencer
Callahan Harper Beck September 28 to Jonathan & Taylor Beck
Miles Campbell October 15 to Dan and Amanda Campbell
Titus Jacob Kasper December 18 to Gabe and Melissa Kasper
No stranger at Camp Arcadia, Rachel has spent a portion
of every summer of her life at RKD. The daughter of
Cottage Colony residents Walt & Jean Kretzmann, and
niece of former Office Manager Karla Woell, one could
almost say that Arcadia is simply in Rachel’s blood.
Sylvia Rose Van Hove January 31 to Julie & Mike Van Hove
Lydia Schaftenaar to Jon Becker September 29, 2012
Kelsey Winkel to Jon Spagnuolo October 6, 2012
Laura Gatz to Rob Delanoy October 20, 2012
For the past two years Rachel has been working part-time
as the Assistant Office Manager. This winter, with Mike
Pasche’s departure, Rachel moved into his role as Office
Manger and has transitioned to a member of the full-time
management staff. “Camp Arcadia has always been an
important part of my life, and it is exciting to be on Camp’s
management team,” explains Rachel. Executive Director,
Chip May, remarked, “Rachel brings with her a strong
devotion to Camp Arcadia’s ministry. She has been
outstanding the past two years, and I look forward to
her increased role. She is passionate about giving our
guests the attention and quality service they deserve.”
Daryll Hersemann January 2012
Todd Anderson April 2012
Horst Englert February 2012
Bill Meissner June 2012
Alberta Frost June 2012
Marie Scherf July 2012
Harold Matzat July 2012
Betty Wild October 2012
Roy Ulbrich October 2012
Larry Miller October 2012
Jim Hatfield December 2012
Bud Weber January 2013
Forrest Frederick January 2013
Ginny Wolfram January 2013
Ken Breimeier March 2013
Rachel served on summer staff for three consecutive
summers (’98-’00) as a member of the Housekeeping Staff,
the Head Housekeeper, and as the revered “Laundress.”
Rachel is married to Arcadia native Sam Catanese, and
they have a handsome 3 year-old son, named Nelson.
During her free time, Rachel enjoys being outdoors,
and enjoying time with family and friends. This summer,
when she is not managing the office at camp, you might
find Rachel at the beach or leading one of the fitness
classes at the Pleasant Valley Community Center.
If you were to ask Rachel the best part of living in Arcadia
year round, she would say, “being so close and having
easy access to the ‘big lake.’”
Be sure to stop by the office to say hi and officially
welcome Rachel as a member of the Management Team.
A great way to stay updated on the happenings around RKD is to
sign up for our email newsletter. Once you sign up, the emails will
arrive no more frequently than once a week. This is not a replacement for The Arcadian, but a supplement to it. We will never give
or sell your email address to anyone, and opt-outs are handled by
a third party. To start receiving your periodic email newsletter, visit and look for the box on the right that says “Sign
up for our Email Newsletter.”
PERMIT # 568
PO Box 229
Arcadia, MI
The arcadian
spring 2013 issue
The Lutheran Camp Association (LCA) is a group of about 1,000 families, women, and men who own and operate Camp Arcadia.
This group of committed Arcadians support Camp’s ministry and mission to provide a setting for Christian families
and individuals to vacation with God, and to foster the renewal of the whole person — spirit, mind, and body
— amid the beauty of God’s creation and in fellowship with other Christians.
The North Bluff as taken from the air by Jim Anderson. The woods at the top of the North Bluff are part of the extensive trail system.
Read more about how Camp will be adding mountain biking to our programming on page 4.