June 14, 2015 - St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church
June 14, 2015 - St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church
Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ● June 14, 2015 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time ● June 14, 2015 The Second Collection next weekend is for the Reduction of Church Debt There will be NO 6:30 AM Mass on Friday, June 19, 2015. We are in need of young people to serve God at the Altar. An altar server training will be held on Wednesday, June 17th at 6:00PM. Any boy or girl who has received First Communion can become an altar server. For more information contact Stephanie Latiolais 380-4006. COLLECTION REPORT Date Time Eucharistic Ministers Lector $ 8,458.00 $ 10,000.00 $ - 1,542.00 $ 3,450.00 Altar Server Matthew Jordan Taylor 6/5/15 Father’s Day Memorial Flowers: Please drop names and donations in the offertory basket or at the Parish Office by Monday, July 15, 2015 at 12:00 Noon. First Communion & Confirmation Complimentary Pictures Altar Server Training THIS WEDNESDAY General Offertory 6/7/15 Weekly Budget (2015-2016) Difference Building Fund Holy Matrimony You can pick up your complimentary photos at the Parish Office: Monday—Thursday, 7:00AM-4:00PM. If you have any questions please call 394-6021. The Blessed Mother Statue will be at the home of: Anne & Tracie Champagne June 16-23, 2015 Sanctuary Candle: Yvette Romero Cartwright (BD 6/14)Consecration Candles: Suzette Bienvenu Judice; Lawrence J. “Pee Wee” & Lillie Mae “Dottie” Barras & Andrew; Georgean A. Babin; Roann M. Romero & Zoey; Andrew “Tuffy” Camacho; Edna Wallace & Hardy Theriot; Yvette Romero Cartwright (6/14 BD); Esther & Maurice Oubre & Sons Intentions Daily Mass 6/15-19/15 6:30 AM Fred Foti Tommy Romero Mon. 6/15/15 Rhona J. Barras; St. Anthony (FG) 9:30 Nursing Home Mass Wed. 6/17/15 Jesus, Mary & Joseph (FG) Thurs. 6/18/15 Blackie & Rhena Bienvenu; Our Lady of Lourdes (FG) Fri. 6/19/15 Otis, Irene & Yvette Courville (Otis DA); Georgean A. Babin Tuesday 6/16/15 5:30 PM Judy Douet Suzanne Durand Georgean A. Babin; Brittney Dugas; Ethel G. Oubre; Marin & Joanna Conery Durand; Our Lady of Fatima (FG) Saturday 6/20/15 4:00 PM Francine Champagne; Stephanie Latiolais; Bobbie Theriot Jody Theriot Alec & Gracie Latiolais; Hannah Berard Therese G. Delcambre; Carroll, Sr., Bibienne & Warren Fuselier; Rodolph Seiber; Wallace Theriot; Ethel G. Oubre; Albert Champagne (Living); Dennis, Lucette & Walter Hulin; Bolden Haydel; Antoine & Eursule Latiolais & Family; M/M Luzeon Champagne; M/M Hobson Champagne & Ed Breaux; John “Noonie” Viator; Jean & Yola Poirier; Georgean A. Babin & M/M Lucier Angelle & Lally; Larry Westcott; Ernest & Antonia Theriot; Walter & Angelle Trosclair & Leona T. David; Mac & Evelynn Champagne; Wilbert & Angelle Theriot Family; Leontine L., Theobald & Terry deLahoussaye; Kim B. Signorelli; Marcel J. Bienvenu; Roy & Leroy Champagne; Allen Douet; Clarence & Alton Champagne; Kathryn “Kat” Watkins; Stephanie Hebert (DA); M/M Numa Douet; M/M Homer Hulin & Darrell; John Wesley Dugas & Darrell; Solange Judice Babineaux & Nolan L. Braud; Eric Dwyer; Pat Dwyer; Ivan, Sr. & Ella Boudreaux Lavergne Family; M/M Pierre Theriot, Sr.; Fred & Margaret F. Bienvenu & Don; Amelie Maraist Burke, Claire Robinson (BD 6/20): Arthur Curry; Robert Delahoussaye (BD 6/7); Lula Mae Delahoussaye Sunday 6/21/15 8:00 AM Frank & Marlene Castille; Courtney Poirier Louella Champagne Bailey, Abbey & Billy Poirier Fathers Day: Alton Oubre; Tony & Donald Thomas; George “Butch” McHugh; M/M Freddie Champagne & Irene; Rita Theriot; Priscilla Hulin; Edward Theriot; Howard & Lillian Bernard & Sons Raymond & Kenny; Hubert & Lorena Hulin; Harry Delahoussaye; John & Rita Douet; John & Lilly Roseberry & Dallas; Maurice Oubre; Vincent, Rosalie & Joseph Milazzo, Sr.; Leo Champagne; Marin & Joanna Conery Durand; Theophile, Maude & MaryAnn Marks; Mitchell Daspit; Myrtle Girouard & Roy Breaux; Elmo, Mathilde & Lucy Bourque Family; A.J “Bon” & Leona J. Champagne; Luna, Charlie & Ramsey Theriot; Wilfred & Marie Champagne; Conrad & Francis Gauthier; Joseph Tuney & Barry Lee LeBlanc; Michael Champagne Sunday 6/21/15 10:00 AM Irmalene Gaudet; Becky Patin; Dr. Brent Hebert Julie Hulin Matthew, Jessica & Milena Landry Fathers Day: Harold Poirier; Dudley J. & Noelle Pitts Trahan; M/M Albert Landry; M/M Alfred Landry; Russell & Jeanelle Landry; Larry, Toby & Todd Bertrand; Cliff Durand; Lynne Viator Judice; M/M Desire Delahoussaye & Betty; M/M Richard Eastin & Richard, Jr.; Gene & Kirk Bienvenu; Helen & Jess Weimer & Elizabeth; Raoul & Beatrice Babin; Georgean A. Babin; Genevieve “Jenny” Theriot & Ben; Marcel Fuselier; M/M Alfred Faucheaux & Nolan; Harvey Pelafigue & Valerie; Dominic Broussard & Gaylon Champagne; Dennis, Lucette & Walter Hulin; Rene Benoit; M/M Andre Delahoussaye; Pim & Pecko Eastin; Blackie & Rhena Bienvenu; Sidney Dugas; Paul & Pat Oberleitner; Louis Dugas; Maude Thibodeaux Champagne; M/M Maurice Perioux Family & Oswald; Oswald Faucheaux; Andrew Latiolais; Catherine “Cat” & Harris Champagne; M/M Najaf Borazjani; Edmond “Pete” Laperouse; Craig Baudoin, Doug Baudoin; Gerrill “Deno” Dutile; G.L. Forester; Henry Harrington; Arville Barras; Deborah Ann Broussard; Nolan Champagne; Mervyn & Ester Latiolais (her BD); Garrett Matthew Tabor & Lilly Belle; Dave Treadway; Mary & Lloyd Maraist; Louis Granger; Yvette Romero Cartwright; George E. Bulliard, II; M. Beslin Family; C. Girouard Family; Alfred “Yumpy” & Vivian “Sue” Delahoussaye; Desire “Tit” Delahoussaye; Emile Latiolais; Watson Sonnier; Joseph Usie; St. Jude (FG) Sunday 6/21/15 5:00 PM Megan Fuselier; Toni Citty Elijah Berard Alex Mann; Fathers Day: Leonce “Cas” Jr. & Cory “Cas” Boudreaux; Murphy & Lena Latiolais Family; Ann Logan Landry; Gardemal Judice & Lynne Viator Judice Family; Jeff & Louise DeBlanc & Frank; Lazard & Thelma Adam & Kaden Romero & Sidney Berard RE-DEDICATION OF ST. MARTIN De TOURS JUNE 2, 2015 Bishop Michael Jarrell THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE THE 250TH REDEDICATION OF ST. MARTIN DE TOURS A HUGE SUCCESS. CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION ● JUNE 7, 2015 Rest In Peace Michael Hampton Champagne 5/26/15 Toby James Bertrand 6/1/15
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