Temple Beth Ohr


Temple Beth Ohr
October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
The Beacon of Temple Beth Ohr
15721 E. Rosecrans Avenue ~ La Mirada, CA ~ 90638 ~ 714-521-6765 ~ offi[email protected]
October Services
(See flyer on this page for High Holy
Days Service Times)
7:30 pm Erev
Shabbat Worship
Teachers’ Dedication
10:00 am
Worship & Torah
7:30 pm Erev
Shabbat Worship
6:00 pm Shabbat/
Sukkot Dinner
7:30 pm Erev
Shabbat Worship
Simchat Torah
10:00 am
Worship & Torah
7:30 pm Erev
Shabbat Worship
Days Of Awe ‫ימים נוראים‬
High Holy Days 5777
Mark Your Calendars For These Worship Services
During The Days Of Awe/High Holy Days
As the Days of Awe approach, we are reminded
that these special Holy Days have provided Jews
with a time for reflection and prayer, for meditation
and self-awareness, as well as an opportunity for
connection to family, friends, tradition, and the
• Erev Rosh Hashanah, Sunday, October 2nd:
7:30 PM, Evening Worship - please note new start time!
• Rosh Hashanah Morning, Monday, October 3rd
9:00 AM, Children & Family Worship,
10:00 AM, Morning Worship,
1:30 PM, Tashlikh @ L.M. Regional Park
(RSVP For Delivered Sack Lunch by Sept. 26th)
• Erev Yom Kippur/Kol Nidrei, Tuesday, October 11th
7:30 PM, Evening Worship - please note new start time!
• Yom Kippur, Wednesday, October 12th
9:00 AM, Children & Family Worship
10:00 AM, Morning Worship
1:00 PM, Study Session
2:30 PM, Afternoon Worship
4:30 PM, Yizkor/Neilah
• In Celebration Of Sukkot:
Sun. Oct. 16th, 11:30 AM: Pizza In The Hut
Wed. Oct. 19th, 7:00 PM: Sukkot Under The Stars: B’hood & Sis’hood Event
Fri. Oct. 21st, Shabbat, Sukkot, & Simchat Torah: 6:00 PM, Dinner 7:30 PM Worship & Simchat Torah Celebration
Inside This Issue…
• Rabbi’s Report
• Cantor’s Report
Join as we recognize our teachers at the beginning of the school year.
• Temple President’s Report
• Brotherhood News
• Sisterhood News
• Meet the Members
• Dine-Out Flyer
• and More!
✡ Friday, October 7th ✡
Be sure to RSVP for the traditional Shabbat dinner, beginning at 6
pm, followed by a special combined Sukkot and Simchat Torah
Celebration. We’ll be streaming live on YouTube so you can tell
your out-of-town friends and family to watch for you! Please see
the flyer on page 10. Early RSVP saves you $5 and helps us be
better prepared for your arrival.
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Thoughts From Rabbi Goldfarb
“The What And Why Of Who We Are”
This month we welcome a new Jewish year: 5777. These Days of Awe, High
Holy Days, usher in a period of reflection and introspection. We are able to
pause, for a short while, the rapid passage of time. We can stop our “doings” so
that we might focus instead on the “being” part of our lives, exploring the what
and why of who we are.
With beautiful readings and insightful meditations from the new Reform
Machzor, published last year, we have the guidance we need to measure our
present selves and compare that with who we hope to be. We can begin to chart the changes necessary to
bring us closer to the person we hope to become.
The journey of becoming can be a hard and difficult journey. There are always detours and a few
potholes on the road of life. What do we do when we come face to face with those challenges? To do
nothing, though in and of itself a choice, is, however, not the Jewish choice.
Our tradition teaches us that the human being becomes more than what it is when it faces life’s
challenges. Moses didn't want to confront Pharaoh, nor did he want to lead the Israelites out of Egypt, and
he said so, many times, to God. Moses, could have walked away, gone back to his life as a shephard, and his
story - as well as ours - would have ended there. However, Moses ultimately chose to do something.
Abraham is, likewise, presented with a challenge: to sacrifice his son Isaac. We must remember that, in
Abraham’s day, child sacrifice was the norm. Many of the cultures in and around the land of Canaan practice
child sacrifice. We discovered evidence that the Mayans and Incas likewise sacrificed their children to
appease the gods. And so, it would come as no surprise to Abraham that “his god” would also expect a child
But wait a minute! Abraham is old and Sara is old and Isaac is their only child. If Abraham sacrifices
Isaac, how will the promise made to Abraham, that his descendants will be like the stars and will inherit the
land, be achieved if Isaac is dead? How will Abraham, who challenged God about the destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah, respond to the challenge of child sacrifice? He doesn’t. He makes the choice of not
challenging and goes along. And here’s the really interesting part: from that moment on, from the time God
first asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, God and Abraham do not speak. For the rest of Abraham’s life, God
and Abraham do not speak.
I find this rather telling. Abraham, the “founder” of monotheism, when confronted with a close,
personal challenge, opts not to rise to that very challenge. Instead of challenging God, or even asking God
any questions, Abraham gets up early in the morning to take Isaac away to sacrifice him…. and God and
Abraham no longer speak. It was easy for Abraham to challenge God regarding the destruction of strangers.
But with his own son? Abraham remains quiet.
There are many twists and turns on the road of life, and each is an opportunity for us to respond. Like a
muscle, the more we respond to those challenges the better our responses become and the stronger we
become in facing life’s challenges. May these ‫ ימים נוראים‬Days of Awe be a time for us to look at the what
and why of who we are as we face ourselves and the challenges life throws at us.
~Rabbi Mark
Rabbi Mark B. Goldfarb
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Congregational President’s Report
The first day of Sunday School began on Sunday, September 11. Brotherhood served pancakes
and an omelet breakfast in the patio. It was exciting to participate in the event and see the
pupils and their parents enjoying a nutritious breakfast in the patio under the canopies. Thank
you, TBO Brotherhood for supporting the Sunday School. We all searched for the 10-year
time capsule, and after an hour of digging it was ultimately found in the front of the Temple.
It was interesting to see all the memorabilia and personal notes that were placed in the capsule.
I am looking forward to making and storing the next time capsule. Thank you, Susan and Phil
Carey, for coordinating and capturing the event.
The Temple’s 60th Anniversary Gala took place on Saturday, September 17th. This was an
outstanding event. The silent auction was fun, the hors d'oeuvres were plenty and delicious.
The dinner was outstanding, the filet mignon I had was tender, juicy, and tasty. The mini fruit
tarts dessert was pretty and tasty. The venue was modern and roomy. Julie Silver delivered a
great, intimate performance, and it was touching to have our cantorial soloist, Arielle
Goldfarb, perform with Julie. The evening was complete with formal pictures to preserve the
Gala. Thank you to the Ways and Means Committee, lead by Leslie Berger, for not only
planning the great event, but also raising much needed funds.
As I write this article, Rosh Hashanah is around the corner and we will kick off the 5777 High
Holiday season at Selichot services on Saturday September 24th. The Rabbi picked a special
movie and we will have tasty desserts. Please check all the High Holy Days events listed in
this issue of the Beacon. David Yungman
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Cantor’s Report
As we come closer to Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, many are preparing for a day of fasting and
introspection, a day of oneness and personal reflection, a day when we are reminded of the person we have
been and the person we promise to be for the coming year. For many, the fasting itself is the direct
connection to Yom Kippur, literally depriving the body of what it needs in order to give the soul what it
needs, a moment of denial so that we may start the year pure in mind and heart. For others, that physical
connection will not be created, as fasting is denied to due medical or other reasons. There are many
reasons why someone would be unable to fast, many that are in fact commanded not to, but who can still
feel on the outside of the community, even though I would hazard a guess that there is no one in our
community who would judge them for their needs. I want to offer those of us who will not be fasting for a
myriad of medical or other reasons a meditation written by Rabbi Simkha Weintraub. The meditation
touches on the feeling of being on the outside of tradition, and instead it casts a net saying we who are
unable to fast still have ways to feel that connection to our community and a spiritual presence. I share this
meditation as a way to put thought to words and to add mindfulness to our actions of the day. For those
who will be fasting I offer a sincere wish of tzom kai, an easy fast, and for
those who will be abstaining, I offer this meditation below, as well as
understanding and compassion for all of our needs, both physical and
spiritual. May we all have a blessed year ahead, filled with love, health,
joy, and peace. L'shana tovah and b'ahava,
Arielle Goldfarb
Ribbono shel Olam / Master of the Universe;
Creator of All, Source of All Life,
Who Knows What is Deep in Human Hearts,
Who Nurtures Every Living Being:
You know, dear God, that it is not my intent
to be apart from our people and our tradition.
My current state of health makes it unsuitable for me
to fast
As You know, dear God,
Yom Kippur is fast approaching, and because of my condition,
I am not able to keep the traditional fast —
I cannot abstain totally from eating.
So, dear God, I turn to You now in sincerity and
Help me in the coming year to do my best in guarding
my health.
Help us, Your children, learn how to protect our
bodies from harm.
Help us support others in caring for their tzelem
Elokim, their Image of God.
Teach us to help one another grow and thrive in
Body, Mind, and Spirit.
On this Day of Atonement, this Sabbath of Sabbaths,
this year and every year,
it is so central to join the people of Israel
in denying ourselves food and drink for one day
so that we focus on correcting our misdeeds,
on knowing our mortality;
on reaching for a life of Torah, mitzvot, and lovingkindness;
on You.
continued on page 11
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Brotherhood President’s Report
Applying Emotional Intelligence to Non-Profit Decision Making
Harry M. Jacobs, President
TBO Brotherhood
Though the environment was not fancy, it was neat, clean and well-lighted
and the room was at a comfortable temperature as the Board of Directors of
Temple Beth Ohr (TBO) began its Annual Leadership Retreat. The guest speaker was Sharon
Kravitz, a past president of TBO and a training and development professional consultant for Quest
Consulting & Training Corporation, Pacific Palisades, California. Most members of TBO don’t
know that Sharon has over 15 years of experience as a training and development professional in
industries, including manufacturing, technology, retail, and banking. So, having her as a presenter
was a rich resource for all of us, and the message she delivered resonated with me.
Our Brotherhood is blessed to have strong congregational support and strong leaders and members
who have a long history of exclusively working on and managing projects. Bringing those skills to a
non-profit organization that thrives on collective decision making presents several challenges,
including communicating information in a different manner. Sharon addressed that issue by
introducing the concept of developing “emotional intelligence” in the non-profit workplace
In their book, Emotional Intelligence 2.0, Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves define emotional
intelligence as “the ability to consciously and proactively seek to understand and manage the
emotional states of self and others in a positive manner.” We all need to examine our personal
competence, which is our ability to stay aware of our emotions and manage our behaviors and
tendencies as well as our social competence, our ability to understand the moods of others, their
behavior and their motives and to improve the quality of our relationships. Your Brotherhood
leaders made a commitment to work toward those goals, and the result has been two very successful
and well-coordinated major TBO activities that were managed inclusive and not exclusive of others.
This is a positive change in the environmental leadership of our organization and a testimony to
applying emotional intelligence to non-profit decision-making.
Come join us as we grow as individuals and expand our service to TBO as an organization. Think
about it. You could be part of something big!
Harry M. Jacobs
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Time: FROM 5 PM TO 9 PM
Phone: 714-994-1474
Present this flyer to our server and Elephant Bar Restaurants will donate 10% of
your check to your organization.
Visit www.ElephantBar.com to discover more!
Not applicable with Senior Explorer cards, Safari cards, Promotional Dining cards, Costco
cards, or other discounts of special offers or menus. Donation excludes tax, gratuity, alcohol,
merchandize and/or Gift cards. Valid only for date and location printed on flyer.
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Not applic
cards, or o
October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Sisterhood President’s Report
October! Fall! The leaves are changing colors and the weather is getting cooler. Oh wait!
I almost forgot: I'm not in Chicago anymore. No, here I am in southern California. Everyone
knows that it doesn't matter what month the holidays are in one, if not both, are going to be the
hottest day of the month!
Our Sisterhood year started out with a movie night in August and then our membership dinner
in September. We had over 35 members join us for dinner and additional guests join us in the
sanctuary to hear Rabbi Eliezrie speak on Chabad. We have many more interesting events
planned during the remainder of the year that I know you will enjoy.
If you haven't paid your dues yet, why not? It's never too late to join in on the fun.
The next event will be our annual social with Brotherhood, as we celebrate Sukkot Under the
Stars on Oct. 19th. On Nov. 9th Harriet Pike, author of Enemy in the Garden will be our
guest speaker. Her book deals with anti-semitism, and I know it will be an interesting discussion.
If you are able to read her book beforehand, great! But I'm quite sure you will find the evening
stimulating even if you don't get a chance to read it. (Details for all these events can be found
throughout this month's Beacon.)
Several of you were interested in purchasing our Sisterhood T-shirts ($20.00) or sweatshirts
($30.00). Please contact Penni Lavoot to place your order.
As the holidays approach, each of us thinks about how we can be better to ourselves and to
others. One way that we of Sisterhood accomplish this is to bring gift bags to the homebound
during the major holidays. Ellie Urcis brought this idea to us and has been instrumental in seeing
it followed through. Once again, thank you to Ellie and all those who helped her organize
and deliver the holiday bags. I know they were greatly appreciated!
From myself and my hubby (Mark) we wish you L'shana Tova!
Remember, without you we are one woman short! WRJ
I look forward to seeing you soon!
Flo Bornstein
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Join TBO for
Sukkot Under the Stars
Sponsored by
Sisterhood & Brotherhood
October 19th @ 6:30pm
All are encouraged to bring
a food or beverage to share!
To sign-up contact Donna
at (714) 744-1210 or
[email protected]
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
g o r n is h
“Where did Bubbe Meises Come From
‫י ווי‬
oy v ‫או‬
and Who Created Them?”
Sunday, October 16, 2016
1:00 PM
b up kis
vetc h
‫ מעשה‬k
b u bb e
m eis‫ב‬
The Adult Education Committee invites you to a free presentation by Ann Nanes on an
entertaining and funny subject. Is this only a Jewish thing? Are Bubbe Meises still alive
and flourishing in today’s modern society?
Come and find out the answers to some of these questions, as well as your own questions,
when Ann explains the truth about ‫ באבע־מעשה‬Bubbe Meises. Ann is a local resident
from Fullerton who has lead the Yiddish Club at Ezra Center in Anaheim since 2005. She
is the organizer of the Yiddish Festival at Temple Beth Tikvah and is also the lecturer of
Jewish/Yiddish topics at California State University, Fullerton.
1. ּ‫ שלעפ‬shlep: To drag, traditionally something you don’t really need; to carry
unwillingly. When people “shlep around,” they are dragging themselves, perhaps
slouchingly. On vacation, when I’m the one who ends up carrying the heavy suitcase I
begged my wife to leave at home, I shlep it.
2. ‫ שלעמיל‬shlemiel: A clumsy, inept person, similar to a klutz (also a Yiddish word). The
kind of person who always spills his soup.
3. ‫ שלימזל‬shlimazel: Someone with constant bad luck. When the shlemiel spills his soup,
he probably spills it on the shlimazel. Fans of the TV sitcom “Laverne and Shirley”
remember these two words from the Yiddish-American hopscotch chant that opened
each show.
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Temple Beth Ohr Religious Committee
A traditional Jewish Holiday Dinner
Friday , October 21st, 2016 at 6PM
Simchat Torah
Matza Ball Soup
Roasted chicken
Free with
$5 at the door
RSVP by Tuesday, October 18th, 2016
to [email protected] (714) 521-6765
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Cantor’s Report (Continued from p.4)
Guide caring family and health care professionals
in their partnering with you
to bring healing if not cure, support and strength
if not an end to symptoms.
And if there is an opportunity for me to help
others who suffer
by doing something they need or by being
attentive company —
Grant me the ability to do this mitzvah with love
and devotion.
Rofeh khol basar / Healer of all living creatures:
I thank You for the breath that is in me
for the community of Israel that lives
for the possibilities of today and tomorrow.
May my eating be as a fast;
May it be dedicated to You, to T'shuvah —
to the Renewal and Restoration of my
to You, to Others, and to Myself
Harriet Pike is a career writer. She started
as a newspaper reporter for "Newsday"
right out of college and subsequently
worked for other publications as a reporter
and managing editor. Her portfolio includes
travel and humor articles for the "New York
Times" and "Daily News." Her first
published novel, "Enemy in the Garden," is
a fast-moving thriller filled with suspense
and intrigue centered on an antigovernment, anti-Semitic plot.
Temple Beth Ohr, 15721 Rosecrans Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90638
714-521-6765 * TempleBethOhr.com * [email protected]
High Holy Days
Food Collection
Join Us for the
Bring Your Non-Perishable Items
To Temple Beth Ohr
Did you know we have donated nearly
6 tons of food to the local food bank in the past 7 years?!
Second Annual Jewish Men’s Retreat
Camp Hess Kramer
January 6 - 8, 2017
Single Rate
$385.00/Person - Registration Deadline December 1, 2016
Late Registration - $450/Person after December 1, 2016
Discount for Double Occupancy Available - Call for Details
For More Information and Registration Contact
Art Hess at [email protected] or 714-812-9606 or
David Saine at [email protected] or 714-990-5783
Temple Beth Ohr Brotherhood - La Mirada, California
Let’s kick off the Jewish New Year of 5777 with a recordbreaking collection.
3 Days - 2 Nights - 6 Kosher Meals
Creative Education and Fellowship Program
Motivational Speakers
Wonderful Social Events
Register Now!
Coordinated by the Brotherhood of Temple Beth Ohr
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
October Meeting Sukkot w/Sisterhood
October Meeting Sukkot w/Brotherhood
October 19, 2016
October 19, 2016
October Dine Out Elephant Bar
November Meeting - Author Harriet Pike
October 26, 2016
November 9, 2016
November Program
December Meeting - Hanukkah
November 16, 2016
December 14, 2016
December Hanukkah Party
January Meeting TBA
December 21, 2016
January 11, 2017
Dine Out TBA
Sisterhood Sabbath-
December 28, 2016
January 27, 2017
February Super Bowl Party
February Meeting Jewish Music Month
February 5, 2017
February 8, 2017
Tu Bishvat Falafel Luncheon
March Meeting - Yoga & Meditation
February 12, 2017
March 8, 2017
Dine Out TBA
February 22, 2017
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a school, non-profit organization or a personal life
expense of the user’s choice. Consumers shop. Benefit
gives. Everyone wins.
No more counting cash and handling inventory, no
more recruiting volunteers, and no more door to door
sales. With Benefit all you do is sign up your school or
non-profit, create a campaign and invite friends and
families to download and use the free mobile app. Did
we mention that it’s all free?
How does Amazon Smile work?
When first visiting AmazonSmile,
customers are prompted to select a
charitable organization from almost one
million eligible organizations. In order to
browse or shop at AmazonSmile,
customers must first select a charitable
organization [Temple Beth Ohr]. For
eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the
AmazonSmile Foundation will donate
0.5% of the purchase price to the
customer’s selected charitable
organization [Temple Beth Ohr].
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Time Capsule
Thank you to Michael Stastny
for rolling up his sleeves and
helping Brotherhood dig up the
Time Capsule. Michael and
Cynthia’s children, Chance and
Alexandria, were there to witness
the special event. Their family
photo will be placed in the time
capsule, along with notes from
them to the future.
Buried Nov. 2006
Dug Up Sept. 2016
Shabbat Worship &
Torah Study:
Sat., Oct 8th & Oct 22nd
10:00 AM
Join Rabbi Goldfarb & Cantor Goldfarb
for a stimulating Shabbat morning. The
morning begins with a brief,
participatory worship service and
Torah reading followed by an in depth,
interactive discussion about the Torah
portion using traditional commentary
and contemporary articles.
Sat. Oct. 8: Parashat Vayeilech Deuteronomy 31:1 - 31:30
Watch for info on the
next burial and your
chance to place
notes inside!
Sat. Oct. 22: Chol Hamoeid Sukkot, Special Texts
The study concludes with a pot luck
15721 E. Rosecrans Ave
La Mirada, CA 90638
[email protected]
lunch of bagels, schmeers, assorted
salads and more!
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
The Horowitz Family
Many people have seen real estate signs saying For Sale by Alex
Horowitz in and around the Brea area for years. TBO is proud
to have Alex and his wife, Chrissy, as some of our newest
members. They even bought a full-page ad in our 60th
Anniverasary Jubilee Tribute book! Alex was born in
Gainesville, Florida. Chrissy hails from New Jersey. They have
been married for 13 years and live in Brea with son, Joseph and
daughter Jacki.
Alex is no stranger to TBO. In fact, he celebrated his bar
mitzvah at this very synagogue! Chrissy was raised Catholic but is very interested in Judaism and
recently attended her first Torah study. “I would definitely come again. It was very interesting.”
At the first day of religious school breakfast, Alex jumped right in with the Brotherhood men to help
tidy up the patio area.
It was their 12-year old son, Joseph, who sparked an interest in returning to the Temple and learning
more about his father’s heritage. Once he made the connection that each generation before him
studied Torah and Hebrew, he knew that he was the next link in the chain.
Joseph is an avid Angels baseball fan and also plays little league. He has an aptitude for mechanical
devices and enjoys building things out of Legos. When the Horowitz family heads to the desert for
outdoor sports, Joseph also gets to fly his dad’s drone.
Alex's work does allow for some local travel, which they use to visit with family in the states. They
also enjoy far off destinations. Alaska, New Zealand, Australia, and France are places they have been,
and China is in the works for 2017! Seeing the world and meeting new people is very exciting for them.
Alex is on the Board of Directors at The Boys and Girls Club of Brea/La Habra. The family also
supports many of the local schools’ sports activities. For the past 10 (or so) years, they have also hosted
an annual Pumpkin Patch for the public. This year it will be at St. Angela's Church in Brea on October
15th. Every family receives a free pumpkin and all are welcome! Chrissy would love to take ballroom
dancing lessons someday, but right now she is very busy volunteering with Joseph’s school, the baseball
team, the family business, and her beautiful Labradoodle dog.
Although Alex and Chrissy have only been married for 13 years, daughter, Jacki, now 24, has known Alex since
she was a little girl. He adopted her when she was 12 and actively raised her after marrying Chrissy. She is a fulltime student and works full time at the real estate office. Although she lives on her own, she is very close with
her folks. When asked what types of activities would interest them, Chrissy said they enjoy movie nights, and she
would like to learn more about conversion classes so that she can fully appreciate the experience of her
son’s upcoming bar mitzvah.
Submitted by Susan Carey
Membership Committee Member
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Movie Mavens
Monday Game Days…AND TUESDAYS!
The Movie Mavens are getting together for lunch and
a movie on Tuesday, October 4, to see "Sully" at
the La Habra Regal Theaters on Imperial Hwy. For
time and location of lunch and time of the movie,
please contact Helene Moss at [email protected] or
at (562) 889-2159, on or after Friday, September 30, as
location and times of the movies each month can only
be determined on the preceding Friday, when the new
films are announced for the coming week. Friends and
spouses are always welcome.
The Senior Activities Committee of TBO has arranged
for the Temple to be open on Mondays between 11:00
a.m. and 3:30 p.m., and now Tuesdays as well, for
anyone to bring their “games” and equipment and
players to the Temple — Pan, Mah Jongg — anything.
We are calling it BYOG - bring your own game. We will
provide fresh coffee - you may bring your lunch or
snacks. It’s a no-host event, so please be prepared to
pick up after yourselves. If you have any questions,
please contact Ellie Urcis at 714-521-0521.
The Movie Mavens will meet again next month on
Tuesday, November 1, to see "The Girl on the
Train." We usually meet for lunch before the movie at
a restaurant near the theater or go for coffee or frozen
yogurt after the movie. If you’ve heard about a good
film worth seeing, we welcome your input and all
suggestions. Homeless Shelter Project with Our Neighbors at the Methodist Church
Our custodian, Kurt Bailey, has set up a welfare
program for homeless children. He has been doing
this with the Methodist Church across the street
from TBO. Kurt invites TBO to help out in this
worthwhile mitzvah. Put your unwanted,
unneeded, slightly used items to a good cause helping homeless children in shelters! If you
know of someone who is relocating or closing their
home, this mitzvah project is what you have been
waiting for. With one call to Ellie Urcis
714-521-0521 or Kurt Bailey 714-452-7339, your items
will be put to good use by underprivileged youth in
the area. A truck will come and take your
designated items to the shelter. You will receive a
proper donation slip to be used for your taxes.
Please help make the life of a child living in a
shelter more comfortable.
Brown Bag & Books
The group will read a book by one of our
favorite authors, Alice Hoffman, at our
October 5th meeting at the Temple. The
book is "The Red Garden", a moody telling
about a town in New England through the
generations. At 12:00 noon we will have
our lunch and at 12:30 we will share our thoughts about
the book. All are welcome.
Knotty Ladies
If you knit or crochet or do any kind of needlework, we
would love to have you join us on the second and fourth
Tuesdays of each month from 1:30 pm to around 3:00
pm, to sit, relax, chat and work on your own knitting or
crochet project. We have a lovely group of women who
are very sociable and friendly. We can offer you
assistance with your knitting or crocheting if you need
it — we all help each other.
We welcome new and experienced knitters and
crocheters alike! You don’t have to call — just drop by
and join us! For more information, contact:
Eileen Haber 562-947-1297
Helene Moss 562-696-7937
[email protected]
*Knotty Ladies are collecting men’s ties again. Please
bring any ties that you are willing to get rid of to the
Temple. They will be greatly appreciated.
Framed Torah Portions Still Available
Each beautifully framed Torah portion makes a lovely gift and your $250 helps the Temple. This is the best
way to honor our retired Torah. It might even be the very Torah portion your child or grandchild read at
their b’nai mitzvah. Contact the office to learn more.
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Wow! What an awesome night! The 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee was a success! The
venue, the food and the entertainment were fabulous!
Thank you to all who attended our event and bid on our auction items! It was a sell-out! Thanks to
the sponsors, advertisers and those who gave donations to support Temple Beth Ohr.
Congratulations to the honorees representing "Education Across the Generations": Jody Green,
Karen Yungman and Joyce Kessler!
A special thanks to our clergy, Rabbi Mark Goldfarb, Rabbi Lawrence Goldmark and Cantor
Arielle Goldfarb for being a part of the evening.
The evening would not have been possible without my amazing committee! Each person brought
their own special talents and strengths. Many hours of planning and meetings for a year, yet we
worked together as a team. There's no "I" in team! My heartfelt thanks to:
Donna Berglas-Hess, Marsha Braunstein, Diana Brown, Susan Carey, Rhonda Garside,
Sharon Kravitz, Cher Krichmar, Jeff Scheer, Noelle Spychala, Ellie Urcis, Steve Weisel and
David Yungman.
Many thanks to Sheri Held for underwriting our entertainment, Julie Silver. What a fabulous
performance! A real treat when Julie invited Arielle to sing with her… twice!
Thanks to our great photographers: Phil & Susan Carey and Alyssa Hess. Check out our
pictures on https://phillipcarey.smugmug.com/browse. You can view and/or purchase your
favorite pics!
Leslie Berger
Ways & Means Chair
Make Your Afternoons More Stimulating!
Join Rabbi Goldfarb For Lunch N Learn
12 Noon - 1:00 PM every 3rd Wednesday
Lunch N Learn explores topics of Jewish interest and engages adults in discussing those topics.
We’ve explored Jewish mysticism, Chariot Mysticism, the teachings of Isaac Luria, and readings from the
Zohar. Now, Lunch N Learn, is going back to the basics, back to the beginning.
Think you know the biblical story of creation?
If you think the biblical story of creation and evolution are contradictory…
If you think that the Torah says woman was created from Adam’s rib…
If you think science and the Big Bang theory conflict with Torah…
Then, you might want to think again.
Join Rabbi Goldfarb for an in-depth, interactive, exploration of the Book of B’reishit, the Book of Genesis,
exploring the Torah text, Rabbinic commentary, mystical interpretations, and scientific theory for a better
understanding of what the Torah really teaches us about our origins and why we are here.
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Ongoing collection of eye glasses.
Leave your donation in
the cabinet in the foyer.
For Ronald McDonald
Receptacle in the foyer.
Learn more from
Joyce Kessler
Ongoing collection of non-perishables.
Leave your donation in
the bin in the foyer.
60th Anniversary Jubilee: PHOTO GALLERY INFO
It was my pleasure to provide portraits for our recent 60th Anniversary Jubilee. All the photos, both posed and
candid, can be viewed by going to the following link:
You can download full resolution copies directly from this site (free), or follow the links to purchase prints from
Smugmug. The portraits are in one folder, the candid photos in another folder. Table pictures are in the candid
folder. Thank you to Alyssa Hess and Susan Carey for the additional pictures.
Phil Carey
iGive Update Good Karma: Just Shop or Search Online!
Be a part of the first and largest online network of shoppers, online stores, and worthy
causes dedicated to turning everyday online shopping and searching into much-needed
FREE Membership. Great Deals.
iGive.com is totally free. Plus, you get access to free shipping deals and exclusive coupons,
on top of the great deals you'll find every day through our network of 1,700+ stores.
Shop at 1,700+ Top-Notch Online Stores, and Maybe Save on Your Taxes Too.
Our mall includes: Walmart, Pottery Barn, REI, Staples, Petco, Expedia, Best Buy, QVC
and many more. Best of all, up to 26% of your purchase at each store is donated to your
favorite worthy cause. Many of these contributions could even be considered taxdeductible*.
Over $399 earned so far!
P.S. If you want to track how your cause is doing,
please visit http://www.iGive.com//html/
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Contact us if you wish to sponsor
flowers or a special oneg for an
upcoming event or celebration.
Flower & Oneg Sponsors for September 2016
The flowers on September 2nd were sponsored by Mike &
Cher Krichmar in honor of their 40th anniversary. Charles
& Rhonda Garside sponsored the flowers on September 9th
in honor of Charles’ 75th birthday. On September 16th the
flowers were sponsored by Harry & Victoria Jacobs in
honor of Harry’s 75th birthday. In honor of his wife, Sandy’s
70th birthday, David Scharf sponsored the flowers on
September 23rd.
How to Sponsor Flowers
! Contact Sheri Held ! for details at [email protected]
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
September 2nd oneg was sponsored by Mike & Cher
Krichmar in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary and
enhanced by Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Goldfarb in honor of
Rabbi Mark & Deborah’s anniversary. Rhonda Garside
sponsored the oneg on the 9th for Charles’ 75th birthday.
David Scharf sponsored the oneg on September 23rd in
honor of his wife, Sandy’s 70th birthday.
Joshua Volen............................................1
Lawrence Goldmark................................3
Florence Bornstein ..................................4
Barry Lakin .............................................5
Brian Gamberg ........................................7
Miranda Mayernik...................................7
Duane Craven..........................................8
Ted Lavoot ..............................................8
Myra Ford ...............................................9
Ella Mayernik..........................................13
Annita Rosenblum...................................13
Harley Rockoff ........................................14
Margaret Mills.........................................15
Dana Porter .............................................16
Lena Aguirre ...........................................17
Irene Krieger ...........................................20
Kenneth Milhander..................................23
Scott Zwirn ..............................................24
Joe Gorin .................................................26
Sharon Koenig .........................................27
Mollie Schartoff ......................................27
Stan Nathanson .......................................30
Mikael Sneward ......................................30
Marsha Braunstein ..................................30
Plant a Tree in Israel
This is a great gift to let someone special know you
care about them. Cost is $18.00 per tree.
Contact Jayne Glickman at 714-293-2012 or via email
at [email protected]
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Dr. Jon & Melanie Sherman....................
Michael & Diane Globerman..................
Sean & Sharon Kaplowitz-Paden............15
Peter & Sandra Gelmini..........................
Mikael & Tina Sneward..........................
Harry & Victoria Jacobs..........................
October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Our heartfelt THANK YOU to our Temple Family
and Rabbi Goldfarb for your warm thoughts,
calls, emails, cards, and visits during our trying
Nancy & Gene Griffin
I enjoyed all the cards and messages so very
much. This has been a great birthday for me on
so many levels. You are all so very kind to take
the time to send me such wonderful words.
Susan Carey
Our Mother would never consider moving closer to
one of the family, because she always said she was
already by family, her “Temple Family.” You all proved
that again.
Thank you, Rabbi Goldfarb, for the beautiful words
spoken at her graveside. Thank you, friends, for your
comfort and support. Thank you, Sisterhood, for all
you did to make the lovely luncheon at the Temple.
Thank you all for the kisses, hugs, cards, donations,
and memories.
With love and appreciation,
The Starker Family
Huge thanks go out to Donna Berglas-Hess,
Charlene Brotman, Rhonda Garside, Sharon
Gorin, Dena Jastroch, Marian Schain &
David Yungman for their help in preparing
our High Holy Days mailing materials.
Your time and help in preparations for
keeping our members informed are greatly
(All daughters, grands, greats, and great-greats)
Thank you all for the many kind t2ibutes, war7 wishes, and happy
thoughts sent to me for my bir:hday. Your love, suppor: and well
wishes t2>ly brightened my day, and mean so much!
Much hear:,
60th Anniversary
Tribute Book Clarification:
The greeting at bottom of page 30 was
from Havurah Simcha. We apologize for
the omission and appreciate the
donation from Havurah Simcha towards
the Gala.
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
A service to our members
If you know of anyone who might like information
included in a Simchas & Tsoris email, please contact, or
have them contact the Temple office.
Also, if there are those who wish to have Rabbi
Goldfarb visit them either at home or in the hospital in
times of illness and/or surgery, please contact the office
or Rabbi Goldfarb so that he is aware of your situation.
Our Judaic Shop is open on
Sundays during Religious School
and before Shabbat services. See
Leslie Berger for special orders or
hours. [email protected] or
714-521-6765 or offi[email protected]
Sponsor a Prayer Book
Have you ever opened up a prayer book and noticed
that it has been dedicated to an individual? We still
have a few books that have not been claimed. If you
would like to honor your loved one with a sticker,
please contact the Temple Office at
offi[email protected]
Sharing Life Cycle Events With Your Temple Community
Temple Beth Ohr invites you to sponsor an oneg for a life cycle event. Whether you are celebrating a Simcha
such as a birthday, anniversary, engagement, b’nai mitzvah, or
perhaps you would like to honor a loved one who has passed
with a lovely memorial, the Religious Committee would like you
to consider having that celebration on a Friday night after
services. Oneg includes: fruit, cheese, sweets, wine, and challah
for up to 60 people. For just $100 for a regular oneg or for an
enhanced oneg at an additional cost*, you are free to enjoy your
guests, as well as be recognized in the Beacon, an announcement
from the bimah and a special blessing by the Rabbi. To schedule
your oneg celebration simply contact Ellie Urcis at 714-521-0521.
*We are now using Cakes & Stuff, 149 S. Beach Blvd. La Habra, 562-694-3845, for all our onegs. Speak to Ellie
about any additional or specific requests to have your order delivered with our standing order.
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
4th Annual
Iron Iron
5th Annual
and and
to TBO
to TBO
December 3,
5 6 pm
Turkey and/or
Roast Beef Sliders
Salad Bar
and of course
Lots of Latkes
and Toppings
RSVP toby
by Wed. Nov.
Move over applesauce and sour cream, there’s a slew of new ways to top latkes.
Can your own gourmet twist win the competition?
To compete as one of our chefs this year ­
CONTACT: LESLIE BERGER AT [email protected]
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Tribute Cards Were Sent to the Following People in
How Do You Send a
Tribute Card?
If you have ever received
Charles Garside
Harry Jacobs
Susan Carey
Sandra Scharf
Donna Berglas-Hess
Denean Dyson
Pamela Benner
Randy Pandolini
Stan Stein
Debbie Grossman
Nancy and Gene Griffin
Rabbi Mark and Deborah Goldfarb
Mike and Cher Krichmar
Steve and Debbie Grossman
Get Well:
Joe Manriquez
a tribute card, then you
know what a nice way it
is to express your
feelings and make a
to our Temple.
Simply send an email to
Devora Lowenstein
(562) 947-1826
Condolence Wishes:
Sandra Alpert and Family
Gregg Animal Hospital
750 S. Beach Blvd
La Habra, CA 90631
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Cards are also available
in the Judaic Shop for
$2.00 each.
Fax: 562-690-7689
October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
A new affordable service for families who
have adult children with disabilites - the
Jewish Los Angeles Special Needs Trust
(JLA Trust) - Is now open!
For the first time in LA, there is an
affordable option for people with
disabilities who need a special needs
Harbor Heart
1400 N. Harbor Blvd., Suite 100, Fullerton,
CA 92835 For more information, please
visit www.jlatrust.org or
contact our Executive Director, Michelle K. Wolf at (424) 341-3344.
Office: 714.578.0533
Appointments: 714.578.0546
Fax: 714.578.0548
Are you on Twitter?
Follow us on our Twitter Page:
Are you on Facebook?
Like us at
Submit an article, thank you, or photo
If you wish to send a thank you,
write an article, or submit a
photo of a recent event, please
send it to:
[email protected]
Deadline for the Beacon is
approximately the 21st of
each month.
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
October Yahrzeits
Sept. 25 - Oct. 1 ~ 22 - 28 Elul
Oct. 9 - 15 ~ 7 - 13 Tishrei
Morton Leo Denwitt, father of Diane Globerman
Evelyn Lofchie, mother of Linda Selander
Jerry Treff
Edward Maltz, cousin of Ted Lavoot & Howard Lavoot
Richard Grossman, father of Steven Grossman
Linda Popovich, friend of Dottie Rothe
Helene Joyce Schwartz, aunt of Diane Guggenheimer
Ralph Koizim, brother-in-law of Evelyn Zucker
Celia Lowenstein, mother of Joel Lowenstein
Joseph Wolf, great uncle of Terri Lavoot, great-great uncle of Howard Lavoot
Harry Falk, grandfather of Judy Jacobson
Carl Porter, father of Ellis Porter
Elizabeth Edelson, mother of Sharon Goldman
Michael Dubovy, father-in-law of Trudy Dubovy
William Grossberg, brother-in-law of Shirley Grossberg
Rose Schlosberg
Julius Davis, father of Lorraine Stein
Samuel Klein, father of Evelyn Spaber
Max Louis Lavoot, father of Ted Lavoot, grandfather of Howard Lavoot
Ray Feuerman, grandmother of Terri Lavoot, great grandmother of Howard Lavoot
Meyer S. Mink
Stella Zunser, aunt of Terri Lavoot, great aunt of Howard Lavoot
Mildred Ries, aunt of Terri Lavoot, great aunt of Howard Lavoot
Felicia Rosenfeld, mother of Tim Rosenfeld
Hyman Segal, father of Alan Segal
Henry Stern
Lloyd I. Frankel
Phyllis Karon, cousin of Ted Lavoot & Howard Lavoot
Harry Lewis Kulkin
Norman Fink, brother of Fred Fink
Arnold S. Benjamin, husband of Evelyn Levin, father of Marsha Braunstein
Gladys Marie Kennedy, grandmother of Linda Selander
Allen Abraham Maltz, uncle of Ted Lavoot, great uncle of Howard Lavoot
Edna Kulkin
Herman Altman
Oct. 2 - 8 ~ 29 Elul - 6 Tishrei
Dawn Marie Gasser daughter-in-law of Marian & Jack Gasser
Stanley Kramer, husband of Lilly Kramer
Erwin J. Paskus, father-in-law of Sandra Paskus, grandfather of Eileen Mignella
Ronald Leeb, nephew of Shirley Grossberg
Tsadik Gilwarg
Isaac S. Raidel
Bertha Fogelman, great aunt of Steven Sherman & Jon Sherman
Marshall Webber, brother of Marlene Fink
Howard Babroff, brother of Karen Yungman
Lillian Dean, mother of Sandra Paskus, grandmother of Eileen Mignella
Sylvia Friedman, aunt of Sandra Bloch
Herman Globerman, father of Michael Globerman
Clara Moss, mother-in-law of Helene Moss
Henry Hirschbein, father of Allan Hirschbein
Sylvia Gottgalf
Saul Alterman
Fannye Friedman, mother of Paul Friedman
How to Observe the Yahrzeit
Light a 24-hour memorial candle in your home at sundown
on the evening that begins the Yahrzeit (anniversary of
death). It is customary to attend Shabbat services on the
Friday night following the Yahrzeit date, and recite the
Kaddish in Temple. The names of loved ones are read on
Friday night.
The presence in Temple at Yahrzeit of the family of loved
ones is a living testimony to their faith in the continuity
of life and to their response to Jewish Values.
In Memoriam
Our continued thoughts and prayers go out to
the families and loved ones of those whom we continue to observe Shiva/Sheloshim:
Donald Alpert
May the memory of Donald forever be a
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Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
October 2016
Oct. 16 - 22 ~ 14 - 20 Tishrei
Oct. 30 - Nov. 5 ~ 28 Tishrei - 4 Cheshvan
Malvina Luetger
Florence Salant Lite, mother of Adrienne Casson
Harriet Fox, sister of Rhonda Atlas Garside
Lillian Levin
Rose Roth Silverman
Gizella Yungman, mother of David Yungman
Mervyn Mike Michael, father of Nancy Griffin
Philip Teitelbaum, stepfather of Penni Lavoot
Kate Grossman, grandmother of Sandra Bloch
Tamara Harris, daughter of Delly & Bob Harris
Brenda Lorber, cousin of Terri Lavoot & Howard Lavoot
Irwin Daniel Mailberg
Fritzie Green, aunt of Terri Lavoot, great aunt of Howard Lavoot
Bertha Geller, mother of Mark Geller
Rita Pearce, mother of Lori Weisel
Mitchell R. Austin, uncle of Gloria Austin, great uncle of Lynette Austin
Theresa Krug, mother of Hilda Sugarman
Anna Berger Solomon, mother of Evelyn Levin,
grandmother of Marsha Braunstein
Leslie Israel
Jose Marquevich uncle of Pat Almada
Ann Rosenstein
Mae S. Klein
Herman Berman, uncle of Harley Rockoff
Sigmund Gorin, father of Joe Gorin
Rigo Garcia, son of Berta Urcis, nephew of Ellie Urcis
Jalle Urcis, aunt of Berta Urcis & Ellie Urcis
Rose Rottner, sister-in-law of Peggy Roman
Dennis Cales, grandson of Shirley Grossberg
Katie Aarons, grandmother of Helene Moss
Garlin Nathan Griffin, father of Gene Griffin
Isadore Levin, father-in-law of Shirley Grossberg
Dr. Julius Raab, relative of Sylvia Piltz
Dora Solomon, mother of Sylvia Piltz
Harriet Hersh, mother of Joan Goodman
Rory Alan Green
Ernest Salinger, husband of Mae Salinger, father of Charles Salinger
Ruth Shobe, aunt of Dede Ginter
Sherry Lynn Marks
Fannie Kaufman
Lillian Feuerman, aunt of Terri Lavoot, great aunt of Howard Lavoot
Fred Lofchie, uncle of Linda Selander
Dora Diamond, grandmother of Ted Lavoot, great grandmother of Howard Lavoot
Evelyn Griffin, sister-in-law of Gene & Nancy Griffin
Samuel Lavoot,brother of Ted Lavoot, uncle of Howard Lavoot
Mark Schmidt, father of Leo Schmidt
David Kaplan
Edith Newman Burke
David Meyers
Oct. 23 - 29 ~ 21 - 27 Tishrei
Tobie Charus, mother of Marilyn Gelfand
Rebecca Frank
Pearl Post, aunt of Ted Lavoot, great aunt of Howard Lavoot
Sheila Schreier, aunt of Terri Lavoot, great aunt of Howard Lavoot
Milton Dermer
Etta Kravets, mother-in-law of Sally Kravets
Gertrude Lieberman
Shirley Levinson, sister-in-law of Devora Lowenstein
Lou Zucker, husband of Evelyn Zucker
Grace Miller, mother of Diana Brown
Ada Schain, mother-in-law of Marian Schain
Jack Weisel, uncle of Stephan Weisel
Steve Stein, cousin of Terri Lavoot & Howard Lavoot
Al Fogel, father of Fran Benveniste
Pauline Lefton, mother of Howard Lefton
Ralph Joseph Levin, husband of Evelyn Levin, stepfather of Marsha Braunstein
Louis Mann, father of Devora Lemus, grandfather of Estelle Lemus
Jena Hirschbein, daughter of Allan & Roberta Hirschbein
Guita Modelevsky, aunt of Morris Spaber
Marc Herberg, nephew of Sandra Gelmini
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Contributions & Donations
Temple Beth Ohr
The General Fund
By Maribel Bongolan
By Caryn & David Saine, in memory of Gert Starker
To make a contribution, please complete this form and include with your
Mail to: Temple Beth Ohr
The Emilio Urcis Memorial Fund
By Ellie Urcis, in honor of Mae Salinger’s 96th birthday
By Ellie Urcis, in honor of Don & Joyce Kessler’s 30th anniversary
By Ellie Urcis, in honor of Charles Garside’s birthday
By Ellie Urcis, in honor of the High Holy Days
15721 E. Rosecrans Avenue
La Mirada, CA 90638
Enclosed is my contribution for $
In Memory/Honor of __________________________
The Paskus-Lofchie Fund
By Judy Jacobson, in memory of Irene Pelkisson
By Ellie Urcis, in honor of Leslie Paskus’ 60th birthday
By Judy Jacobson, in honor of Leslie Paskus’ 60th birthday
By Sandra Paskus, in honor of Charles Garside’s birthday
From: ____________________________________________
City:________________ State:____ Zip: ______________
Please send an acknowledgment card to:
The Social Hall Fund
By Don & Joyce Kessler, in memory of Gert Starker
Yahrzeit Contributions
By Stanley Stein, in memory of Esther Goldstein
By Annita & Maurice Rosenblum, in memory of Rebecca Goldman
By Karen Katz, in memory of David Klepak
By Paul Friedman, in memory of Max Friedman
By Pat Almada, in memory of Julio Marquevich
By Shirley Altneu, in memory of Irwin Altneu
By Norma Liepe & Ben Liepe, in memory of Alma Bernstein
By Diane Guggenheimer, in memory of Lawrence Doyle
By Lilly Kramer, in memory of Molly Gordon
By Sheila & Duane Craven & Marc & Joshua Levy, in memory of Jack Louis Levy
By Dede & Ed Ginter, in memory of Lester Doroshow
By Devora J. Lowenstein, in memory of Robert Patterson
By Allan & Roberta Hirschbein, in memory of Donald Boxer
By Mark & Laurie Kudler, in memory of Hannah Kudler
By Diane Guggenheimer, in memory of Stella Oxenhandler
By Peggy Roman, in memory of Molly Gordon
By Caryn & David Saine, in memory of Steven Fishman
By Joyce Piontak, in memory of Pauline Silberman
By Lilly Kramer, in memory of Herman Gordon
By Magret & Marty Hershkowitz, in memory of Regina Marx
By Allan Hirschbein, in memory of Arthur Abraham Goldschmidt
By Rhonda Garside, in memory of Sidney Meltzer
By Dena & Chris Jastroch, in memory of David Marcus
By Sandy Strauss, in memory of Bertha Caplan
By Norma Liepe & Ben Liepe, in memory of Aaron Liepe
By Esther & Stephen Thomas, in memory of Herrick Lauson
We are grateful for the thoughtfulness of those who
honor and remember their loved ones and friends
through their generous contributions.
City:________________ State:____ Zip: _______________
___ General Fund - Supports the general operating
expenses of TBO. Covers general operating expenses,
building upkeep and repair, school supplies, ritual items, etc.
___ Emilio Urcis Memorial Fund - Helps fund special
activities, programs and supplies for our Religious School
and Hebrew Lab.
___ Paskus-Lofchie Fund - Used to enhance the physical
appearance of our building and grounds.
___ Library fund - Funds designated for the purchase of
books for the temple library.
___ Endowment Fund - Helping secure our financial
future. The Temple only uses the interest generated by the
corpus of our investments. Donations to the Endowment
Fund will be added to our total investments.
___ Rabbi Goldfarb’s discretionary fund - Helps
provide aid and assistance to those in need, supports the
Temple and other non-profit organizations making a
difference in our community.
___ TBO Dotty Abel Children’s Fund
___ Carole E. Sherman Memorial Fund
___ Lou Zucker Memorial College Education Fund
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
October 2016
Sept. 25
9:30 AM
Religious School
1:00 PM Adult
Ed. Presents:
League of Women
Erev Rosh
No Religious
7:30 PM Erev
Rosh Hashanah
9:30 AM
Religious School
11:00 AM
Education & Youth
Comm. Mtg.
9:30 AM
Religious School
11:30 AM Pizza
In The Hut 1:00
PM Adult Ed
Presents: Ann
Nanes "Fun with
Last Day of
Simchat Torah
9:30 AM
Religious School
9:30 AM
Religious School
10:00 AM Game
6:30 PM
Rosh Hashanah
Office Closed
9:00 AM Rosh
Hashanah Young
Families Worship
10:00 AM Rosh
Morning Worship
10:00 AM Game
7:15 PM TBO
Board Meeting
1st Day of
Office Closed
10:00 AM Game
7:00 PM
Board Meeting
10:00 AM Game
6:30 PM
Comm. Mtg.
10:00 AM Game
10:00 AM Game
1:30 PM The
Knotty Ladies
TBD, The Movie
10:00 AM Game
Erev Yom
10:00 AM Game
7:30 PM Erev
Yom Kippur/Kol
Nidrei Worship
10:00 AM Game
10:00 AM Game
1:30 PM The
Knotty Ladies
Nov. 1
TBD, The Movie
10:00 AM Game
7:00 PM
Sisterhood Board
11:00 AM –
10:00 PM
Sisterhood Dine
Out @ California
Pizza Kitchen,
Brea, CA
4:00 PM Hebrew
Learning Lab
12:00 PM Brown
Bag & Book Club
4:00 PM Hebrew
7:00 PM
Religious Comm.
7:00 PM Finance
Comm. Mtg.
4:00 PM Hebrew
7:00 PM
Religious Comm.
7:00 PM Ways &
Means Committee
5:00 – 9:00 PM
Brotherhood DineOut @ Elephant
Bar, La Mirada
4:00 PM Hebrew
7:30 PM Erev
Shabbat Worship
– Teachers
Oct. 1
10:00 AM
Shabbat Worship
Service & Torah
7:30 PM Erev
Shabbat Worship
12:00 PM Lunch
n' Learn with
Rabbi Goldfarb
4:00 PM Hebrew
7:00 PM
Sisterhood &
Sukkot Under the
7:30 PM Erev
Shabbat Worship
Yom Kippur
Office Closed
No Sisterhood
9:00 AM Yom
Kippur Young
Families Worship
10:00 AM Yom
Kippur Morning
2:45 PM Yom
Kippur Mincha,
Yizkor & Ne'ilah
6:00 PM
7:30 PM Erev
Shabbat Worship Sukkot & Simchat
Torah Celebration
10:00 AM
Shabbat Worship
Service & Torah
7:30 PM Erev
Shabbat Worship
Flyer p.6
5:30 PM Adult
Ed. Comm. Mt.
7:00 PM Finance
Comm. Mtg.
7:30 PM Erev
Shabbat Worship
" Streaming on YouTube
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October 2016
Elul 5776-Tishrei 5777
Temple Beth Ohr
Board of Directors – 2016 - 2017
President: David Yungman
First VP Religion: Dena Jastroch
Second VP Membership: Cher Krichmar/Debbie Greenbaum
Third VP Education/Youth: Jody Green/Dana Porter
Recording Secretary: Brad Cramer
Treasurer: Paul Friedman/Donna Berglass-Hess
Financial Secretary: Scott Zwirn
Ways & Means: Leslie Berger
House: Charles Garside/David Saine
Inter Community Relations: Chris Jastroch
Adult Education: Joyce Kessler
Communications & Publicity: Susan Carey
Long Range Planning: OPEN POSITON
Senior Activities: OPEN POSITION
Sisterhood President: Florence Bornstein
Brotherhood President: Harry Jacobs Immediate Past President: Steve Weisel
Temple Beth Ohr 15721 E. Rosecrans Avenue
La Mirada, CA 90638
Fax 714-670-9675 email: [email protected] Mark Goldfarb, Rabbi
Arielle Goldfarb, Cantorial Soloist
Lawrence J. Goldmark, Rabbi Emeritus
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