Elizabeth Evelyn Wright Menafee
Elizabeth Evelyn Wright Menafee
Our Beloved Founder Elizabeth Evelyn Wright Menafee Voorhees College was founded on Wednesday, April 14, 1897 July 2015 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Birthstone: Ruby Flower: Larkspur Water Lily 5 Mon Tue BUILDING LEGEND 1 MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center SB=Science Building SJ=St. James Building 6 Wed 7 8 ▪Fiscal Year Begins Thu Fri 2 3 9 10 Sat *▪Independence Day 4 Observed 11 *▪Independence Day 4th of July Holiday *▪World Population Day for New Students 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu 26 *▪Parents Day For additional information regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049. August 2015 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon Tue Birthstone: This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu BUILDING LEGEND Jade Peridot Flower: Gladiolus 2 4 N E W 16 ▪Candlelight Matricula - 17 5 Sat S T U D E N T 18 ▪Late Registration Begins ▪First Day to Apply for 2016 Graduation 24 25 ▪Faculty/Staff College Institute-8a ▪New Faculty Orientation and Training 6 11 August 9th—16th ▪Residence Halls Open 8a For New Students 7 Returning Students 8a-5p 31 Returning Students 8a-5p O R I E N T A T I O N —–———————————— August 19 *▪National Aviation 20 ▪STUDENT AFFAIRS 21 Day ▪First Chapel Service11a 26 8 Continues 13 ▪Registration Continues 14 ▪Registration 15 *▪Assumption of Mary for New Students and for New Students and College Assembly Program 27 ▪MISS VOORHEES COLLEGE Assembly Program 11a—MH ▪Faculty Senate Meeting–4p 30 Fri 1 ▪New Student ▪Classes Begin 8a 12 Registration- 8a-5p ▪Registration Continues for ▪Residence Halls Open and New Students and Returning Registration at 1pm for Students 8a-5p Returning Students 9 ▪New Student Orientation - 10 23 Thu MH=Massachusetts Hall For additional information LED=Leonard Dawson Center regarding the Calendar— SB=Science Building Contact Willie Jefferson SJ=St. James Building 803.780.1049. *▪ Friendship Day 3 tion Ceremony-St. Philip’s Chapel ▪New Student Orientation August 9th—16th Wed 9th — 16th 22 28 ▪Last Day to Apply for December Graduation Completion 29 September 2015 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon Tue 1 Birthstone: Wed Thu ▪EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT College Assembly Program 11a—MH 2 3 9 10 Sapphire Flower: Fri Sat 4 5 Aster 7 **▪Labor Day Holiday 8 6 ▪Classes Resume 8a ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service11a ▪OPENING FALL CONVOCATION 10a—LED 11 *▪Patriot Day 12 ▪Anti-Hazing Workshop Day *▪Rosh Hashana 15 20 *▪Autumnal Equinox/ 21 22 27 *▪Gold Star Mother’s 29 Autumn Day 28 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a 16 17 *▪Constitution and 18 *▪National POW/MIA 19 Citizenship Day ▪College Assembly Program 11a—MH Recognition Day 23 *▪Yom Kippur of Non- 24 ▪HEALTH SERVICES 25 ▪Miss Voorhees College 26 Violence 30 College Assembly Program 11a—MH ▪Faculty Senate Meeting 4p September 15-October 15 13 *▪National Grandparents 14 Coronation- 7p—LED BUILDING LEGEND This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center For additional information SB=Science Building regarding the Calendar— SJ=St. James Building Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049. October 2015 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu ▪National Domestic Violence Awareness Month ▪National Disability Employment Awareness Month ▪National Breast Cancer Month BUILDING LEGEND This Calendar is available 1 4 *▪Feast of St. Francis *▪Child Health Day 5 ▪Last Day to Remove an “I” 6 11 12 Birthstone: Opal Pink Tourmaline Flower: Calendula of Assisi ▪National Hispanic Herit age Month-Sept.15-Oct. 15 at www.voorhees.edu MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center For additional information SB=Science Building regarding the Calendar— SJ=St. James Building Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049. ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service –11a MI D — T E R M *▪Columbus Day 13 ▪Mid—Term Grades Due in Records Office by 12n ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a 7 Fri ▪STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM College Assembly 11a— MH 8 ▪College Assembly Program 11a—MH 2 ▪Last Day to Drop a Class with a “W” or to Avoid a “AP”/ “AF” 9 Sat 3 10 *▪World Mental Health Day E X A M S ——————————— October 5th—10th 16 *▪National Boss’s Day 17 *▪National Hispanic 15 14 American Month ends ▪CAREER PLANNING & PLACEMENT PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL VISITATION DAY 9a12n—LED Fall Break October 15th—16th For Faculty and Students Only Fall Break October 16th For Staff 18 19 ▪Classes Resume- 8a 20 25 26 ▪Board of Trustees’ Meeting 27 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a 21 ▪UNCF Corporate & ▪College Assembly Program-11a—MH Community Luncheon 11a—Dawson Center ▪Faculty Senate Meeting–4p TECHNOLOGY ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a 22 28 23 24 *▪United Nations Day W E E K —–—-—— October 19th—23rd 29 30 31 *▪Halloween November 2015 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon 1 *▪All Saints Day 2 8 *▪Daylight Savings 9 Tue *▪All Souls Day 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 10 *▪Election Day 11 *▪Veterans Day 12 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service11a VOORHEES 16 22 23 COLLEGE HOMECOMING WEEK 17 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a ▪College Assembly Program 11a— MH FESTIVITIES —————— 18 24 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a 25 13 ▪Voorhees College Hall of Fame Banquet 14 ▪VC Parade 10a ▪Basketball Games ▪Step Show Competition ▪Senior Day for High School Students 21 College Assembly Program 11a— MH 26 ▪English Proficiency Examination (EPE) November 8th — 14th 19 ▪HEALTH SERVICES 20 MAJOR FIELD ACHIEVEMENT TESTS —————— Sat 7 6 VC SCHOLARSHIP OFFICE WEEK—November 3rd—5th Time Ends 15 Fri November 16th — 21st *▪Thanksgiving 27 *▪Black Friday 28 ▪Faculty Senate Meeting–4p *THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY 29 *▪First Sunday Advent 30 November 26th—27th ▪Classes Resume-8a ▪National Scholarship Month Birthstone: Topaz Citrine Flower: Chrysanthemum BUILDING LEGEND This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu MH=Massachusetts Hall For additional information LED=Leonard Dawson Center regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson SB=Science Building 803.780.1049. SJ=St. James Building December 2015 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon Tue 1 Birthstone: Turquoise Wed *▪World AIDS Aware-ness Day ▪Cyber Monday Thu 2 3 ▪Choir Christmas Concert—6p St. Philip’s Chapel Fri 4 Sat 5 ▪Classes Resume-8a Flower: Narcissus 6 7 *▪Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day SENIOR 8 *▪Feast of the Immacu- 9 late Conception FINAL EXAMINATIONS —— December 1st — 5th 10 11 ▪Senior Check-Out ▪Last Day to Appeal Senior Final Grades Forms Due for December Graduates ▪Senior Grades Due in Records Office by 5p 13 20 graduates in Records Office by 5p 21 ▪Christmas Break Begins for Staff ▪Residence Halls Close ▪Last Day to Receive official transcripts from Other Institutions UNDERGRADUATE 14 ▪Grades Due for Under 15 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY For Students & Faculty DECEMBER 14, 2015— JANUARY 4, 2016 12 ▪Last Day of Classes FINAL 16 22 *▪December Solstice - 23 First Day of Winter E X A M I N A T I O N S ———–———— December 7th — 12th 17 *▪Wright Brothers Day 18 19 24 *▪Christmas Eve 25 *▪Christmas Day 26*▪First Day of Kwanzaa KWANZAA DECEMBER 26, 2015 — JANUARY 1, 2016 CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY For Staff DECEMBER 21, 2015— JANUARY 4, 2016 27 28 29 30 31 *▪New Year’s Eve BUILDING LEGEND MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center SB=Science Building SJ=St. James Building This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu For additional information regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049. January 2016 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Birthstone: Garnet Flower: Carnation Snowdrop Mon ▪Stalking Awareness Month ▪National Book Month ▪National Thank You Month ▪National Eye Care Month ▪National Volunteer Blood Donor Month Tue Fri *KWANZAA NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION - January 4th—5th 11 12 ▪First St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a at www.voorhees.edu For additional information regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049. 6 Sat *▪New Year’s Day 2 1 MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center SB=Science Building SJ=St. James Building 4 10 Thu BUILDING LEGEND This Calendar is available ▪College Re-Opens— 5 8a ▪Registration for New ▪Faculty/Staff College Students-1p Institute-1p ▪Check-in for New Students- ▪Residence Halls Open and Registration at 1pm for 8a Returning Students 3 Wed Holiday December 26, 2015— January 1, 2016 *▪Epiphany 7 8 9 ▪Classes Begin-8a ▪Late Registration Begins 13 14 ▪College Assembly Program 11a—MH 15 *▪Martin Luther King, Jr. ‘s Birthday 16 ▪Last Day to Apply for 2016 Graduation 17 18 24 25 31 *▪Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday 19 20 ▪Classes Resume 8a ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service11a ▪Last Day to Add a Class 26 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a 27 21 *▪MARTIN LUTHER 22 23 28 30 KING, JR. Assembly Program 11a—MH ▪Anti-Hazing Workshop ▪College Assembly Program 11a—MH ▪Faculty Senate Meeting–4p 29 February 2016 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon Tue 1 *▪National Freedom 2 Day Birthstone: Amethyst *▪Groundhog Day ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service11a Wed 3 Thu 4 Flower: ▪BLACK HISTORY MONTH KICK-OFF Assembly Program11a —MH Fri 5 Sat 6 Violet 8 *▪Chinese New Year 9 7 14 Feast Day Service St. Philip’s Chapel 11a *▪Mardi Gras *▪Valentine’s Day 15 *▪Presidents’ Day 16 *▪George Washington’s Birthday 21 *▪Absalom Jones 22 ▪Board of Trustees Meeting 10 *▪Ash Wednesday 11 17 18 ▪BLACK HISTORY 24 25 MONTH Assembly— Program 11a—MH ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service11a 23 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a ▪BLACK HISTORY MONTH Assembly Program— 11a—MH ▪BLACK HISTORY MONTH Assembly Program 11a—MH 12 *▪Abraham Lincoln’s 13 Birthday 19 20 26 27 ▪English Proficiency Examination (EPE) ▪Faculty Senate Meeting–4p 28 29 ▪Mid-Term Exami- nations—February 29th—March 5th ▪Teen Dating Violence Prevention Month ▪American Heart Month ▪Chocolate Lovers Month ▪National Bird Feeding Month ▪National Dental Month BUILDING LEGEND MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center SB=Science Building SJ=St. James Building This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu For additional information regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049. March 2016 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon Tue ▪Last Day to Remove “I” Grades ▪Last Day to Drop a ClassAvoid AP/AF 1 MID—TERM 6 7 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a Wed 2 Thu 3 ▪Women In History Program RELIGIOUS 9 S C O U T W E E ▪Classes Resume –8a 15 ▪College Re-Opens for Staff—8a Begins NATIONAL 20 21 POISON ▪Saturday Classes Will Be Held As Scheduled 5 5p EMPHASIS WEEK — March 2nd — 4th 10 SPRING BREAK ——————————- March 7th—11th March 10th—11th G I R L Grades Due 4 ▪Mid-term in Records Office by Sat E X A M I N A T I O N S ——————————— February 29th — March 5th 8 13*▪Daylight Savings Time 14 Fri 11 12 For Students/Faculty For Staff K ————————————————————————————————- M a r c h 6th ——-— ▪High School Visitation ▪St. Philip’s Chapel 16 * ▪St. Patrick’s Day 17 18 Day Service-11a 12th 19 *▪First Day of Spring PREVENTION W E E K ——————————–——-———————————-————- March 13th — 19th ▪St. Philip’s Chapel 23 *▪First Day of Passover 24 *▪Good Friday 26 *▪Holy Saturday ▪College Assembly 22 25 Service-11a Program 11a— ▪Faculty Senate Meeting–4p EASTER BREAK—March 25th—28th 27 *▪Easter Sunday 28 CAAP ASSESSMENT EXAMINATION—March 23rd—24th *▪Easter Monday 29 ▪College Re-Opens—8a ▪Classes Resume –8a ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a 30 31 NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH MAJOR FIELD ACHIEVEMENT TESTS—March 29th—April 1st ▪National Nutrition Month ▪March to Health Aware ness Month ▪Red Cross Month ▪Save Your Vision Month ▪Brain Injury Awareness Month ▪Hemophilia Awareness Month ▪National MS Education and Awareness Month Birthstone: Aquamarine Bloodstone Flower: Jonquil BUILDING LEGEND This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center For additional information SB=Science Building regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson SJ=St. James Building 803.780.1049. April 2016 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon ▪National Sexual Assault Awareness Month ▪National Bird Feeding Month ▪Cancer Control Month ▪Alcohol Awareness Month ▪National Financial Literacy Month 3 Tue BUILDING LEGEND Birthstone: MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center SB=Science Building SJ=St. James Building 4 Diamond Flower: Sweet Pea Daisy 5 ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service11a VOORHEES 10 *▪National Drop Every 11 12 thing and Read Day 18 SENIOR 24 19 FINAL 25 ▪Senior Grades Due in Records Office by 5p ▪Senior Appeals— April 22nd—25th ▪14th ANNUAL 6 HEALTH 7 and WELLNESS FAIR ▪VC FOUNDER’S DAY PROGRAM Program-10a —LED 14 ▪HONORS CONVO- 13 27 *▪April Fool’s Day 2 9 ▪President’s Scholarship 8 Gala FOUNDER’S WEEK ACTIVITIES —- April 4th — 9th VC LEGACY WEEK ———-- April 6th—8th CATION PROGRAM 10:30a— MH WE E K 21 ———-*▪Administrative Professionals Day EXAMINATIONS————— April 18th—21st Appeals Com26 ▪Senior mittee Decision(s) Due in Records Office by 5pm ▪Athletic Banquet Sat ▪Major Field Achievement Tests—March 29th—April 1st For additional information regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049. L I B R A R Y *▪Earth Day 20 *▪Patriot’s Day Fri 1 This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu COLLEGE ▪St. Philip’s Chapel Service-11a Thu Last Chapel for this academic year N A T I O N A L 17 Wed 28 15 April 22 ▪Income Taxes Due 10th — 16 16th 23 *▪First Day of Passover SENIOR APPEALS —–April 22nd—25th *▪Arbor Day 30 *▪Last Day of Passover 29 May 2016 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Mon *▪May Day 2 1 Tue 3 4 UNDERGRADUATE 8 *▪Mother’s Day 9 ▪Residence Halls Open— Check-in for Summer School 15 ▪Final Undergraduate Grades Due in Records Office by 12n *▪Pentecost 16 *▪Peace Officers Wed FINAL Thu 5 Fri *▪National Day 6 ▪Baccalaureate ExercisesSt. Philip’s Chapel of Prayer *▪Cinco de Mayo EXAMINATIONS —–——— May 2nd—6th 10 ▪Summer School Clas- 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 *▪National Defense 24 25 ses Begin-8a 22 *▪Trinity Sunday *▪National Maritime 23 *▪National Missing 26 *▪Corpus Christi Day 27 Children’s Day Day 29 30 *▪Memorial Day Holiday 31 ▪Classes Resume-8a ▪Annual Reports, IEPs Due, Faculty Rosters and Matrixes Birthstone: Emerald Flower: Lily-of-the-Valley Hawthorne BUILDING LEGEND MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center SB=Science Building SJ=St. James Building 7 ▪Commencement Day Convocation –11a▪Board of Trustees Meeting ▪Residence Halls Close -5p For Students Not Attend ing Summer School Session 14 Transportation Day Memorial Day Sat This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu For additional information regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049. 21 *▪Armed Forces Day 28 June 2016 MASTER CALENDAR Dr. Cleveland L. Sellers, Jr., President Sun Birthstone: Pearl Flower: Rose ▪National Internet Month ▪National Rose Month ▪National Dairy Month Mon Tue Wed 1 BUILDING LEGEND *▪Sisterhood Day MH=Massachusetts Hall LED=Leonard Dawson Center SB=Science Building SJ=St. James Building 5 6 12 13 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat ▪English Proficiency Exam (EPE) 4 ANNUAL PLANNING RETREAT June 2nd—3rd *▪Best Friends’ Day 7 14 8 *▪Flag Day 15 9 10 11 16 17 18 for New Students FINAL EXAMINATIONS June 15th, 16th and 20th 19 *▪Father’s Day 20 *▪First Day of Summer 21 ▪Summer School Session 22 ▪Summer School Session 23 Ends Grades Due in Records Office by 5p *▪Emancipation Day *▪Juneteenth 26 FINAL EXAMINATIONS June 20th 27 28 29 24 25 30 This Calendar is available at www.voorhees.edu for New Students July 16th, 2016 For additional information regarding the Calendar— Contact Willie Jefferson 803.780.1049.