1 - Principia School
1 - Principia School
0/U PRINCIPIA COLLEGE UBRARY ELSAH, ILUNOIS kOOC3«5«! THE BLADE // 1964 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF THE PRINCIPIA UPPER SCHOOL ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI i •HHk . 1 %>> ^ **' 1 ^EHHHHB& iiH «r> ^ § 'J ^HMJII^ ^^ 1 !' ^ Bi . iiiS! .J 3 7^.73? llNif^O ':^ •«•>* % *'•**% 1 W* - -w V .^e#^ ^'j' "*»>*» ^%?*^„, 1 / y> 0 \ \ E y*™o&^tV ^ -y '^H~-- '•"x;! j'j i bi> *•. •Ai^' .^^ wlrol^ H j ^ S l ^ Y^^i ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ K -!»« p^-*. S>-'"*i. ^^P^P^ W^^^^;^ ^^^T^^M *. I I •1 I M ^ ^ ^ V A V I \ ll &i ^^:^.,^:^^''* *5«ite=i4 M^/ r?-lva)'v^P'' t. 'f \ 1 ||j|MM|||M^^pq^|g;m'g%'y;<^^^^ ^- -.^.1-1/1 O;!. J• • • • i i l J i . , - . JiH..iWI / . \ *JH. h mf ^3 9 CONTENTS Administration, Faculty, § Staff. . 1 2 Seniors . . .32 Underclassmen . . . 54 School Day . . .72 10 Committees . . . 80 Activities 92 Sports . . . 100 Social Life. .138 11 ADMINISTRATION FACULTY AND STAFF 4 OUR THANKS TO MR. REMINGTON Mr. Remington began his career at The Principia in 1922. He received his secondary education in Boston at the Boston Latin School and, after graduation, continued his education at Harvard for two years. He then received an appointment from Henry Cabot Lodge, Sr. to the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. After two years at Annapolis, where he ranked thirty-seventh in a class of one thousand, he returned to Harvard and there received his B.A. He later did graduate work at the University of Virginia and at Washington University, where he received his Master's degree in pure mathematics. Mr. Remington came to Principia as teacher of math in the Upper School and Junior College. When the four-year college was formed, he was asked to be Assistant Headmaster of the Upper School. During the years since then, Principians have come to know him as a scholar, an able administrator, and a man of wide interests. He has a collection of butterflies including every known species in the United States, among them a new species named after him because he discovered it; he is a collector of shells and the discoverer of two new species, one of which bears his name. Also he grows beautiful prize-winning dahlias, as all of us visitors to his office know. All of us realize how much Mr. Remington has done for us in his position as Assistant Headmaster. We might still be making out our schedules for that first day of class if Mr. Remington hadn't spent a whole summer before in planning schedules to meet our many individual needs. And those S.A.T. cards that no one knew how to fill out—or when and where to send—would have missed the college registration deadline if not for Mr. Remington. Who knows how many of us Seniors would have made college for the coming year if Mr. Remington hadn't been there to assure us that we could "still" take achievement tests and that he would be sure to send our transcripts (the ones due the next day) in "right away." Some of us will remember with pleasure working with Mr. Remington on the Chapel Committee, or learning to play chess in his Chess Club, or exploring with him the challenges of new math. All of us will remember visiting his office, where we found the Assistant Headmaster to be a valued counselor, helper, and friend. Mr. Remington came to Principia with the idea of making this school his career. The student body would like him to know that all forty-four years of his devoted service have been appreciated. 14 15 a I CLOCKWISE (starting at left): MR. DONALD Director, S. FOGG, Assistant Patrons' Association; MR. LEE McCANDLESS, Secretary, of the Board; MR. BERTRAM T. CLARK, Treasurer, The Principia C o r p o r a t i o n ; MR. WILLIAM L. V A N Develop- VLECK, Director of ment; MR. CLAUDE L. H O U G H , Executive Director, Patrons' Asso- The Principia C o r p o r a t i o n ; MR. G. ELDREDGE H A M L I N , Chairman ciation. OFFICERS of the Principia Corporation and Development Office THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Roy Lee Aitken, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Harry Chester Arthur, Los Angeles, California Mary Blanchard D'Arcy, Saint Louis, Missouri Nezzell Christie Dennis, Houston, Texas Ben Bernerd Ehrlichman, Seattle, Washington Hazle Buck Ewing, Bloomington, Illinois Roy King Ferguson, New York, New York Mary Elizabeth Curtis Freeman, Miami Beach, Florida Brooks Gifford, Pasadena, California George Eldredge Hamlin, Elsah, Illinois Henry Holt, Jr., Indianapolis, Indiana Dorinda Burnett LeClair, Elsah, Illinois David Howard Morey, Saint Louis, Missouri 16 Frederic Evan Morgan, Sarasota, Florida Charles Stewart Harding Mott, Flint, Michigan Clare Robinson Sperry, Port Huron, Michigan Dale Dewey Spoor, Richmond, Virginia MR. ERIC BOLE Headmaster DR. DAVID K. ANDREWS President ADMINISTRATION MR. P. SHELDON REMINGTON Assistant Headmaster and Registrar MR. CAREY BROV/NE Secretary of Admissions MR. C. RICHARD KJELLSTROM Director of Business 17 FACULTY Mrs. Beth Carey Mr. Paul Brown Mr. Charles Brown MR. CHARLES BROWN-History, Coaching; A.B,, McKendree College, M.ED. University of Illinois. MR. PAUL BROWN—Chemistry, Advanced Placement Chemistry, Senior Class Sponsor; B.A. The Principia College, M.ED. University of Pittsburgh. MRS. BETH CAREY—English, Developmental Reading; B.A. The Principia College. Mr. Philip Edwards Mr. James Day Mr. Robert Craig MR. ROBERT CRAIG—Mathematics, Latin, Photogrophy, S.A.T. Tutoring; A.B., M.S. University of Pennsylvania. MR. JAMES DAY—History, Coaching. A.B. Princeton, Graduate W o r k , New York University. MISS I R / M EARECKSON— English, Civilization, College Class Sponsor; Ph.B., M.A. Board Tutoring, Grammar University of Chicago. MR. Review, PHILIP Sophomore EDWARDS— English, American Backgrounds; B.A., The Principia College, M.A., Harvard. MISS MARIBEL LAUFENBURG—English, Civilization, Yearbook, A B . , University of Louisville, G r a d u a t e W o r k , Northwestern University. MR. ROBERT FISHER— History, American Backgrounds, Economics, College Board Tutoring, W a s h i n g ton Trip Sponsor, Junior Class Sponsor, B.A. University of Missouri, M.A. W a s h i n g t o n University. Miss M a r i b e l Laufenburg 18 Mr. Robert Fisher Mrs. Ruth Huff Miss C l a r a Gehring Mr. John Gausch MR. J O H N GAUSCH-French, Miss Susan Godine Spanish, Spanish Club; A.B., M.A., Washing- ton University. MISS SUE GODINE—French, French Club, Honor Council; B.A., The Principia College, G r a d u a t e W o r k , M i d d l e b u r y . MRS. RUTH HUFF—Business Education, Typing Activity, Honor Council; B.S., Southwest Missouri State, M.A., State University of Iowa. MISS CLARA GEHRING—History, Home Eco- nomics, Sewing and Knitting, B.A., Baylor College, B.S., Washington sity, M.S., Women's College of University of North Carolina. Miss Ruth Gibbons Mr. W m . R. G r a y , Jr. MR. WILLIAM R. GRAY, J R . - E n g l i s h ; B.A., The Principia College. MARY KESSLER—English, Drama W o r k s h o p , Grammar MISS Review, Freshman Class Sponsor; B.A., The Principia College, M.A., San Jose State College. MISS RUTH GIBBONS—English; B.A., State College of Iowa, G r a d u a t e W o r k , University of Iowa a n d Drake University. MRS. ROSELLA KEIGHTLEY—Mathematics. B.A., Washington University, G r a d u a t e W o r k , University of Illinois. MR. JACK EYERLY—Mathematics, Music, Chorus, Band, Coaching; B.S., University of Illinois, G r a d u a t e W o r k , Julliard School of Music, M.S. University of Illinois. Mrs. Rosella Keightley 19 Mr. Jack Eyerly Univer- Theodo Mr. S. Douglas McCready MR. S. DOUGLAS pus Courier; Mr. Belmont Meserve McCREADY-Mathematics, B.Ed. University of MESERVE—Art, Art Washington. MR. Activity, Math Club, Cam- Saskatchewan. MR. Yearbook; THEODORE B.A. A. BELMONT University of MUNNECKE-Biology, N a t u r a l Science Club, Coaching; B.A. Principia College, M.A. N e w York University. MR. ROBERT NEIL—Physics, Mechanical D r a w i n g , Stage Crew, Honor Council; B.A. Principia College, M.A. Washington University. matics; State B.S. MR. College, HOWARD Maryland, PORTMAN-Mathe- M.Ed. Johns Hopkins University. Mr. Robert Neil Mr. Howard Portman Mr. Icin Winter MISS JANET Miss Janet Robinson ROBINSON-French, French Club; B.A. Bristol University, Graduate W o r k , Bristol University and The Sorbonne. MR. HUGH SEMPLE—History, W o r l d B.A. Amherst, M.A. Washington Problems, Bridge University. MR. IAN Activity; WINTER— French, Spanish; Dip. Ed., M.A. Edinburgh University. MRS. B.S. CHARLOTTE Washington Counselor~B.S. STOFFEL-Librarian-A.B. University; University of MRS. ELOISE Wells College, PYLE-College Oklahoma, G r a d u a t e Work, Uni- versity of Tulsa. Mrs. Charlotte Stoffel Mrs. Eloise Pyle 20 MISS N A N C Y DULANEY, MISS WENDY BENNET Nurses MRS. LORRAINE BOLE MRS. MARY A N N E SCHULZ Upper School Hostess Social Hostess MRS. AUDREY McCREADY Costume Room MRS. ELEANOR KJELLSTROM MRS. LOUNETTA B L O O D G O O D Switchboard Receptionist STAFF MRS. RUTH PETERS MRS. MAUDE OVERBY MRS. LILLIAN HAMMER MRS. CHRISTL MESERVE Secretary to Mr. Remington Secretary to Mr. Bole Study Hall Proctor Study Hall Proctor 21 Miss Jackie Ickes, Miss Julianne Oakes, Mrs. Helen Tuffli, Miss Evelyn Poyser. GIRLS' COACHES IJiSS MISS JULIANNE OAKES Athletic Director 22 MR. HAROLD RUSK Athletic Director BOYS' COACHES SEATED: Mr. W i l l i a m Lampmann, Mr. W i l l i a m Simon, Mr. Harold Jack Rusk, Mr. W i l l i a m G r a y , Mr. Henry H a m l i n . S T A N D I N G : Mr. James Day, Mr. Ted Munnecke, M r . Ty Anderson, Mr. Eric Bole, Eyerly, Mr. Charles Schulz. Mr. 23 Brown, Mr. Robert Yeates, Mr. Arthur Mr. Arthur Schulz, Mrs. M a r y Anne Schulz, Mr. James Day, Mr. W i l l i a m Lampmann, Mrs. M a u d e Remington, Mr. W i l l i a m Simon, Mrs. Bronna Yeates, Mr. Robert Yeates. BOYS' HOME DEPARTMENT MR. ARTHUR SCHULZ Dean of Boys 24 MRS. CATHERINE FLINT Dean cf Girls GIRLS' HOME DEPARTMENT Mrs. M a l a Pohl, Mrs. Laura Perkins, Miss Bonnie Butler, Mrs. Catherine Flint, Miss Isobel Peacock, Miss Anne Williams, Mrs. W i n i f r e d Case. 25 WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT THEM? MR. LEEL. WADE, JR. Director, Food Service MRS. ELAINE W. BELOW Transportation Supervisor MRS. ELLA MAE COCHRELL frib 26 w MRS. MARGUERITE I. RUGE Cashier MR. HENRY R. COBB Superintendent of Maintenance What would we do without all the many people who help to make our lives at school easier and more pleasant? Some of them we may never see because they work at night or behind the scenes. Others we see often as they serve us with patience and good humor. A number we call on freely for "something extra," and they supply it magnificently. (Remember the prom suppers? the "Dutch Treat" windmill? the props that glamourized our class and floor parties?) More than a few give time beyond the call of duty when special needs arise. Our thanks to all of them! MRS. SADIE MILLER and MR. GEORGE POOLE 27 SENIORS Left to right; Norm Purdy, Bill Seibert, Jim Andrews, Janie Dunn Senior Class History They were times for joy, times for tears, times we'll treasure through the years . . . soned but as spirited as ever. Showboat and Shipwreck made it a watery year. Miss Eareckson taught us to "be specific" and we soon discovered Miss Laufenburg's secret admiiation for a certain Alfred the Great . . . Spring brought finals, fudgecicles, rain and the fulfillment of "as the sowing, the mowing" . . . Suddenly we were no longer Sophomores! 1960-61 . . . What a year! One glance at those towering, sophisticated upperclassmen set us back a bit, but after cautious testing, trial and error, we found they were only human . . . Everything was new and different—Dean's Meetings, Chapels, Concerts (ugh), and Proms, but we jumped right in and were soon in the swing of things. We were boisterous daredevils who experimented in everything from campusology to roof-climbing. We amazed "Tiger" with our breathholding abilities. Rules weren't so bad—we learned how to handle them, and all in all we can "feel free" to soy it was a wild y e a r . . . 1962-63 . . . Juniors! We were coming up in the world. The pressure was on. No more "shilly-shallying slipshod" through classes—right. Comrade? One look at Mr. Edwards and the girls promptly planned a Bermuda Day! J.B.'s Bod v/os great . . . Studying into the wee hours came into vogue and the boys livened things up with their nocturnal escapades . . . The Girls' Dorm leaped into action with Mrs. Flint's arrival. Having a 1961-62 . . . As Sophomores we were a bit more sea- 30 SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary new Dean was great fun! . . . Spring, spring with kiteflying, off-campus dating, and finals—and we became the mighty, mighty Seniors! Jim Andrews Bill Seibert Norm Purdy Janie Dunn the upgrade; Elephants, Grapes, Beatles and Term Papers became the rage . . . The senior boys really found out what they were up against when the first big snow come (heh, heh) . . . Ask the Senior Girls anything about the art of partying or how to get confined without really trying . . . W e had our final football season—with a smashing victory over Burroughs, our last muddy soccer game (Hook 'em), our last glowing eagle, our last social center, our last Gabsky, our last prank, our last Campus Sing, our last. . . 1963-64 . . . Everything's coming up roses! We can't wait till graduation—no more rules, no deprivations, no more hots, no riding buses . . . no more acrimonious altercations over such contentiously mundane status symbols as pink balloons, madras headbands, crossed legs, sweatshirts. Creative and English Fun . . . Our class party was Blue, to say the least, but far from depressing. This was the beginning of the End—the year the past three years had been preparing us for. We met our responsibilities with high hopes and hard work—and took pride in our results . . . The Winter Prom was a royal success; Girls' Athletics were on We had our ups, and we had our downs, four great years of challenging work, unforgettable fun, and friendship . . . Seniors of '64 say goody, but we'll remember . . . always. 31 _^S^g^S^1^^3^^^^^^^'^g^^^^^^£^^^^5^^^^^I^^^^^jM^^U^^^^^^^^^ffig^^^^^^i^^^^^^^^j^^^^^^^^^^^^? DAVID ALLARD ALICE AUCHMOODY SUSAN JEANNE ALLYN TERRY ARTHUR VALERIE BELOW \ I. \ 32 RICHARD ALT WILLIAM BARRICK GEORGE BEHRING CORINNE BEAUVAIS 33 DEE BENTON ELIZABETH B. BISHOP MOLLIE BELZ CANDICE BROWN JOHN A. BRIFFETT BONNIE JEAN BLEICHMAN 34 JANIE CAVENAUGH ROBERT CHADWICK DELORIS LORINDA CARDOZO PATRICIA COOKE 35 CRISSY LYNN DALY SCOTT CUNNINGHAM WILLIAM A. CUTLER 36 BLAIR DEHUFF JAMES H. DAVIS SPENCER DAVIS LINDA DOWNEY 37 JANIE DUNN PETER B. FULTON " " 5 > ^ JANET ELY CONSTANCE FIFIELD 38 GREG GILBERTSON JANE MARIE GAINES LEE W. GLADDEN 39 GLENN D. HAMMER JEFFREY G. HAMLIN CAROL HAYDEN MARY LOUISE HARTMAN KENNETH HAWES EILEEN HAUK 40 CHARLES HENRY VALERIE JACOBS 41 JANE JEALOUS ALEXANDER JONES DINAH LEE KINSMAN JOAN KOHLER DONALD LEIGH KOCH ELLEN LANE 42 JOHN KURIGER GERI LAWRENCE RICHARD JUDKINS ROBERT LESTER WILLIAM MACDOUGALL 43 \ \i KAY MALTBIE MIRIAM MCNIVEN ALLYN MOSHER PAUL M. MINAULT SALLY MINER MARCIA MITCHELL 44 PHILIP NEWGENT SHEILA NIXON LINDA NUTTER GEORGE NOWELL v-N 45 RONALD ROBERTS HELEN REUTER 46 DOUGLAS ROBERTSON GARY ROBERTSON VALERIE JOAN PETERSON JON REED KAREN ROESKE / 47 V) ALGOT TALMAGE RUNEMAN CHART ROSS • S .1 „ * « 2•;^?tv... BRUCE SCHWARTZ i->f- MARIA CRISTINA SANCHEZ WILLIAM G. SEIBERT, JR. PAMELA SHARMAN 48 CLARK SPAULDING JAMES STEELE JAMES SPLETTSTOSSER ROBERT SMAUS 49 CYNTHIA STONE ROBERT STEWART SUZANNE STEWART MARDA SUNDWICK PETER TUFFLI NANCY LYNN THOMPSON 50 PHEBE WIGGINS SHARON VAN DE WALKER GALE WHITTEMORE CAROL WIEBOLDT 51 ADELE L. WILKEN HEATHER WILSON 52 SUSAN WILSON SHERRY WILLIAMS DAVID ZAREMBA GREGORY R. YEAKEL •i I \i f' f \ A. 53 UNDERCLASSMEN i"*^ aSPsii ilk MIKE VAN VLECK President BRUCE SCULLY Vice-President CLASS OF 1965 ANNE MOORE Secretary KEN LYON Treasurer ^ DARCY WHITE Honor Council GORDON THOMPSON Honor Council ^ gg ^ SETHALY JOHNSON Social Committee STEVE WITTMACK Social Committee Andrews, Eleanor A r n o l d , Potty Arthur, Mike Asher, Horry Bagwell, Jeanne Barrick, Diane Baucom, M a r t h a Bauer, Karen Beardsley, Dave Bosdet, V i r g i n i a Boyer, G a r y Brooks, Dove Brooks, Paul Burns, M a r i l y n Buschmann, Lola Camp, Dan Carbonetti, David Carter, A n d r e w Christensen, Jim Christensen, Paul ikikAiJKtii Clapp, Lisa C l a y t o n , Ted Cobb, Larry Cochran, Barb Cook, David 57 Cook, Sandra Cooper, Joan Courson, Mark Cremidas, Pete Day, Marcia D e W i n d t , Carol DeWindt, Pete Downing, Nancy Duhig, Debby Eberle, Noel c. d^' kii^ Edwards, Libby Els, Dave Erickson, Karen 4ki. ^Mk L: JH i Fait, Chase Feldman, Jackie ji'm Flaska, Astrid Flowers, Jen Fobes, Fran Foster, Heidi Freeman, Sue ll^jf^M'^ Frutig, Jenny «-f i^ -^-^ * ', Garrett, Lance G l a t t , Jeff Gerber, M a r k G l e n n , Robin f^ « \ A\ik 58 G o u l d , Rich Greenley, Bev Haakenson, Steve Haden, Hilary Hall, Dick Hall, Ty Hamilton, Hilary Hansen, Judy Harrison, Jan ^yitfe Henry, Robert f-^ 1 Higman, Jan Hoff, Bob Hoffman, Todd Holt, Carol H o w a r d , Frances kiM0i:»^'l:k Howlett, Ruthi John, Jennifer Jones, Ken King, Herb Klinke, Chris 4 Kussmann, Steve Lackey, Larry *§• Laub, Bob Layman, Anne Legant, Marty M^^mtM 59 :^:mM:maMmmm^S:U,SKt:.':^m^mmm^msnmm wa Lehman, Jeff Leonard, Caroline LePelley, Richard Linnig, Toni Lojinger, Carol Lyeth, M a r g u e r i t e Lyons, Doug M a c l n t i r e , Scott Mack, Eric Mollett, Marsha M a r i e n , Chuck M a t t e i , Ayn McCarthy, Chip if^^^ McClure, Craig McCormick, Ginny McCready, Al M c G o o k i n , Paul McGuire, Gigi Minear, Craig Mitchell, Carol M o o r e , Kevin Nicholson, Jan N i e t m a n n , Marilee Nilsson, Korin 1^'^ 60 Nysewander, Bobbi Olms, Doug Osherenko, G a i l Ostenberg, Bob O w e n , Gina Park, Fred Pearson, Ron Peters, Kort Phelps, Rich Pierce, Ken Pillsbury, Rick Poley, G a y l Rayner, Alice Rees, Bob Richebourg, Betsy Ridley, Allen Ripley, Dave Rogers, Rich Rollins, Ruth Sadler, Tom Sage, Carolyn Sanders, Frank Schafer, Lezlie Schlueter, John Schmidt, Sue Scott, M i k e 4tii^^ 61 JI^WI^ Shepard, Laura ^"^ z. ' Slee, M a r g a r e t Smith, Tarah Squires, Steve Steckler, Don ii^Ath Steen, Gordon Straw, David Talley, Betsy Towle, Amy Tyler, Robert «^A".. ' i k i ^ Von Syoc, Robert W a i t e , Nancy W a l k e r , Edith W a l l a c e , Judy W a n n , Paul ^ Wilson, Bruce / Wixson, H o w a r d '^ W o o d a r d , Lee Worsley, Joanne i^li^fj W r i g h t , Jim W y m a n , Bob Yeager, Mike Zuber, Pete Zuetell, Jill liiK^^ 62 ^ a BILL STITT BILL HEIDBREDER President Vice-President J0^ CLASS / if 4 X V OF Sl6> , . li 1966 ) JEAN PERKINS GARY HUGHES Secretary Treasurer CLOE CARPER Honor Council diWL JIM CAVENAUGH Honor Council "3 A N N CALDWELL CRAIG S I M M O N D S Social Committee Social Committee Adler, Ellen Alexander, Joy A l l a r d , Laurie Alt, C a n d y Andrews, Susan Barton, Lynda Baxter, Richard Benedix, M a r y Benoit, Kathi Bilyieu, Paula Bleichman, Shari Bliss, M a r i n k a Bosdet, Betty Bowes, Richard Boyer, Nancy Bradley, Jim Brooks, Clare B r o w n , Glenn Burke, Bonnie C a m p b e l l , Emily Cardozo, Carolynda Castle, Jim Cochrane, Cary Colby, Fred Cook, W a l t e r 64 Crooks, Ken Crow, Ken Cutler, Virginia Dearing, Hal Drake, David Elam, Julia Ellwood, Fiske Elmer, M a r y Ewing, Davis Ewing, Philip Fewsmith, Phil Gilbertson, Kris Godwin, Howie Gordon, Linda Haskell, Steve Hayes, Don I'^'rfitli Hayes, Ron Hayward, Holly Heiss, M o r y Ann Holly, Faith Howell, Dorki 65 Huff, Ann Hurlburt, Cathy Jimenez, Sylvia Kendrick, Lyn Kienzle, Nancy ^ 0 Kinsman, Dave Kjellstrom, M a r k i Liddle, W a y n e Lindley, C o n r a d m^iM M a c D o u g a l l , Jim Maclntire, Cheryl Maltbie, Barbara M a r x , Christine McKinney, Sally Misener, Bryant Morse, Christine Murdock, M a r y a n n Myers, Don Neil, A l a n N e i l , Sue Nethery, M a r t y Nietmann, Beverly Orcutt, Dennis 66 Parkhurst, Ruth Peters, Linda Phillips, John Record, John Reynolds, Helena Seelye, Bob Serton, Jim Shores, Terry Shotwell, Robyn Sideris, Cindy Simpson, Sandra Smith, Bill Thomas, Shirley V a n g , Eric Walker, Harriet W a r r e n , Anne Weeks, M a r g i e Whitson, Lynn Williams, Randy 'ov^^ Williams, W a l t Wilson, M a r k Wolf, Bill V <ito lifei&Arii 67 I il BARRY W A N N DAVE MAXWELL President Vice-President CLASS OF 1967 ^ . ^ BETTY BROWN BARB D U N N Secretary Treasurer MUFFIE V A N VLECK SCOTT HALL Honor Council Honor Council Oo DEBBIE LYETH RICK WACHTER Social Committee Social Committee Ainsworth, Chuck Ash, M a r y Asher, M a r v i n Benson, M a r y Boehm, G a r r e t t Bradley, Nate Brady, Randy ^f •1^4 III Brearley, Ginny Cose, Bill Chamney, Jane Christensen, Pete C r a n d a l l , Bob Duhig, James Dunbar, John Dunkmann, Richard Fallwell, Bruce Fitzgerald, Joe ^M^U^^ Fulton, Beth Gans, Carl Gilroy, Roger G o o d , Jo G o r m a n , Lindsey 69 G r a y , Steve Hall, Jon Hamilton, Dana H a y w a r d , Steve irJ^i ilJllkiM Heider, Linda Henley, Candy Holly, Bill Houston, Bob lifl^.' Hunter, Andy No Picture; Hunt, Kieckhefer, Ji Noel Kirk, Doug Lake, Don Langworthy, David Lattin, Dennie Leadbeater, Fred Liston, Bob Marshall, Karen M a r t i n , Philip Meanley, Bob Neale, Tom 70 N e i l , Pete Neily, Sandy N o r m a n , John Peckenpaugh, Roger Phillippi, David Randolph, Debbie Robertson, Bruce Robinson, Dave Salyer, Katie Schulz, Carolyn Smith, Lark Sperry, Nancy Splettstosser, Caro Stone, Pete Strong, Susan Tetzlaff, A l b e r t a Trick, Shelley Tucker, Clark Williams, Karen Wittmack, Sue W o r d e n , Sharon Worsley, Bob h'lL. ; ^ k 71 SCHOOL DAY - ^ ^ ^ •"^w^ "'^ m 1 i 1 Isocci; 1 org! t l l , 1 < l 'J r r i ''immi 78 AJ .X.•«*. mm NEW SEMESTER STUDENTS Jerry G o o d , Cleo Prohme, Allyson Cooney, Allison Blocker, Christine Stewart, M a r k Hebenstreit, C a t h y Saunders, John (Not shown): Ron Frager, John Garner, Gwynne Hooke, Tor Ken- McCaleb. w a r d , Nancy Lehman, Paul Skinner. 79 •?:••;• 'K'S'VtliitJfmssKii:: ';.ii??'»-»<'«ww»' i«g^^2««gj^^^^^ COMMITTEES ~'.im-T* '.^fm!mii^^fi.y^i^ms^6ss^^iitf~ SITTING: Barry W a n n , Dove M a x w e l l , Bruce Scully, Mike VanVleck, Bonnie Janie man, Bill Dunn, Paul Minault Stitt, Bill Heidbreder. (President), Jim Andrews, Bil! STANDING: Sue Wilson, Paul Seibert, Wann, Bleichman, Jeff Hamlin, Mr. Bole (Sponsor), AlNe ing, Barnie Bishop. STUDENT COUNCIL This year the Student Council expanded its functions to include serious thought on general facets of school life as well as the usual specifics of activities and policies. In response to Mr. Bole's request, the Council examined areas of pressure in student life and considered possible remedies to these pressures. It organized a question-and-answer session between the student and the home departments on the subject of dating. It sponsored " W h y W e e k " to provide an opportunity for students and members of the administration to consider together the purposes and policies of Principia and the manner of their execution. In all these activities, the object of the Council was to bring about a greater degree of mutual understanding between the students and the administration and to promote a stronger sense of school unity. The Student Council completed the plans of last year's Council by publishing the new Student Handbook. It successfully carried out the Annual Christmas Fund for the household and maintenance departments, enforced school policies concerning conference period, and organized the Student Exchange. Perhaps the Council's most important function was that of providing an atmosphere and an organization in which students could discuss their ways of living at Principia with fellow students dedicated to principles of progress and high standards of living. 82 Rune- Lee Gladden, Rich Judkins, Jeannie Danielson, Clark Spauld- V SITTING: Geri Lawrence, Chris Sanchez, Jennifer John, Bob Lester Al (Chairman), Debby Duhig, Faith Holly, Diane Barrick. STANDING: Christensen, Dave Cook, Don Koch. McCready, Ken Lyon, Ken Hawes, Mr. Bole (Sponsor), Jit CHAPEL COMMITTEE Carrying out its yearly topic, "Live It," the Chapel Committee presented appropriate and provocative subjects for our thoughtful consideration. Some of these Monday morning chapels were entitled, "Making the Most of It," "Purpose of Education," "From the Bottom Up," "Eventually . . . Why Not Now?" "Goodness vs. Goodiness," "With Vigor," "Let Go and Let G o d , " and "Giving, the Essence of Living." HONOR COUNCIL The Honor Council, after explaining its purposes and aims in an assembly at the beginning of the year, continued its dedication to uphold honesty in its every sense. This honesty, as defined by the honor system, called for individual work on the part of all students in homework, tests, and classroom participation, and for student action in making the honor system effective in every area of student life. SITTING: Muffle Mrs. Huff (Sponsor), Cloe Carper-, Darcy W h i t e . VanVleck, STANDING: Jim (President), Gordon Gale Cavenaugh, Whittemore, Allie Thou pson, Scott shown; Miss Godine, Mr. Neil (Sponsors). Runeman Hall. Not tl GIRLS' BOARD port the co-ordinators. In carrying out these responsibilities, the Board considers that one of its important goals is to be sensitive to the needs and desires of the girls and to help in working out any problem that may arise. The Board meets once a week with the Dean of Girls. The Board also oversees and selects members of the dormitory committees such as the Dress, Scholastic, Inspection, Gavel Bar, Quiet Room, and Social Training Committee, and, voting with the Boys' Board, it selects readers for Wednesday evening services. The Gavel Board, which is the Girls' Governing Board, is a group of officers elected by the girl students. It is made up of thirteen girls. Of these, six are boarder co-ordinators whose responsibility is to see that their floors run harmoniously and according to rules. A day student co-ordinator sees that the activities of day students and boarders are co-ordinated. There is also one representative from each class and one from the day students. Their job is to present ideas and suggestions from their respective groups and to sup- SEATED O N FLOOR: Barbara Osherenko, Judy Walker, Danielson, Connie Dunn, Janie Dunn, Happy Jealous, Lyn Kendrick. SECOND ROW: Miss Butler, Susan Pati Libby Edwards. Herrmann, Carol Douglass, Carol Lojinger, Jean 84 Fifield, Mollie Belz, Mrs. Pyle. THIRD ROW: s p a u l d i n g , Lee G l a d d e n , Richard Judkins, A l Runeman, Bob Lester, Bruce Schwartz, Bill Seibert, BOYS' BOARD elected to represent the boys' group on the Student Council. The floor chiefs are elected from their respective floors and are responsible for keeping order and harmony. At the beginning of each room change, the boys on each floor vote to decide who will be the floor chief for the following nine weeks. The Boys' Governing Board, or the Board, as it is commonly called, is a group of officers elected by boy students. It is made up of all the floor chiefs and two day student representatives. This group meets with the Dean of Boys once a week to discuss dormitory affairs. Then, from within this Board, two boys ore 85 FRONT ROW: Mary Louise (Sponsor), Paul W a n n Pati Carol Herrmann. SECOND DeWindt, Chuck Hartman, Lee G l a d d e n , Mrs. Yeates Happy (President), Janie C a v e n a u g h , Rich G o u l d , ROW: Marien, Anne Bonnie Moore, Jim Bleichman, Rich Cavenaugh, Jeff Jealous, Lyn Judkins, Alec Kendrick. Jones, Bobbi BACK ROW: Gale Nysewander, Dunn. Homlin, PEP CLUB Start with the first Pep Rally, the one where we met all the cheerleaders, and our football squads and coaches. There was a bonfire, a picnic dinner, and our first spirit bottle . . . Add the huge publicity posters—"Lick Lutheran," "Clobber Codasco" and "Beat Burroughs"—and the appropriate cutout badges that the cheerleaders handed out every Friday before a game . . . Don't forget the cavalcades complete with police escort, flying streamers, convertibles, decorated buses and cheers . . . Or McCalmont Gymnasium "Stadium" where we danced on the "football f i e l d " to a hired band. Folksingers came down from Prin College, and we mourned the close of another football season with cake. But then we turned toward the winter sports, and so . . . Add wrestling, swimming, basketball—and doughnuts at home gomes . . . Mix it all together, and you have the Principia Pep Club, enthusiasm, and a full spirit bottle! 86 Bob Whittemore, Rees, Janie SOCIAL COMMITTEE The purpose of the Social Committee was to create a sociable and enjoyable atmosphere for the student body—especially on weekends. Fulfilling their purpose, the Committee sponsored various activities throughout the year . . . First there was the Ice Breaker highlighted by such faculty and student groups as combos, a "Russian" ballet corps and the West Side Story "delinquents" . . . Then came the movies, headed by such ones as The Music Man, The Great Escape, and Billy Budd, as well as the unforgettable cartoons . . . Halloween brought apple-bobbing and other games. Christmas brought dancing around the decorated tree in the lobby . . . Of course, interspersed among the basketball games, concerts, and everything else, there were Social Centers, Sock Hops, and Sky Lights. All together, it was a great year and the Social Committee worked hard to moke it one. FRONT ROW: Crissy Daly, Bleichman, Ruthi Howlett. Spaulding (Social Head), Ann Caldwell, SECOND Mrs. ROW: Schulz Debbie Dave (Sponsor), Lyeth, Shari (Social Brooks, Clark Beardsley, John Kuriger, Bill Smith, Rick Wachter, Steve Wittmack, Barnie Bishop Head), C r o i g Simmonds. 87 Terry Arthur, Greg Yeokel. BACK ROW: Dave ''•--iiT'WfffiWHMmffimifi^''tam?miii USHERS FRONT ROW: Bill Cutler, Bruce Scully, Jim Splettstosser, Kent Richardson, Paul W a n n , Jim Andrews, Mike Von Vleck, Al McCready, A| Mosher, Rich G o u l d , Lorry Lackey. BACK ROVs^: Dove Brooks, Paul M i n a u l t , Ken Lyon, John Kuriger, Herb King, Bruce W i l s o n , Alec Jones, Pete Fulton, Terry Lorry Cobb, Frank Sanders, Mr. McCready (Sponsor). STAGE CREW Lorry Lackey, Steve Wittmack, Ron Roberts, Mr. N e i l , Bill Barrick, Rich Rogers, Bill Case. 88 Arthur, SUNDAY EVENING SING FRONT ROW: Jim Drozda, Potty A r n o l d , Geri Lawrence, Bob Smaus, Alice Suzanne Stewart, Auchmoody, Ken Paul Hawes. Christensen, BACK ROW: Margie Slee, Chart Ross, Herb King. BACK ROW: Crissy Daly, M a r y Cullom, M a r y Benson, G i g i McGuire, Bonnie Burke, Chris Beauvais, Linda Fisher, Nutter, Karen Dinah Nilsson. MIDDLE Kinsman, Anne ROW: W a r r e n , Lisa Corinne Clapp, Nancy Thompson, Susi A l l y n , Kathy Hurlburt, Ruthi Parkhurst, Jill Zuet e l l , Joan Kohler. FRONT ROW: Nancy Geist, Nancy N i e t m a n n , Lyn ARTS & PUBLICITY M a t t e i , Sue W i l s o n , Lynn Whitson, Nancy W i g g i n s , Jane Gaines, C r a i g McClure. Boyer, Toni Linnig, Phebe BACK ROW: Don SCHOOL STORE WORKERS Koch, Kris Gilbertson, Claire Brooks, C r a i g McClure, M a r y Elmer, Diane Barrick, Sheila N i x o n , Sandra Simpson. FRONT ROW: Mrs. O r r , Mrs. McClure, Ellen Sue A d l e r , Sylvia Jiminez, Madeline Eberle, V o l Jacobs, Mrs. Barnes, Mrs. Coates. LIBRARYWORKERS Sue Wittmack, V o l Below, Shelley Trick, Jane Gaines, Mrs. Lisle (Assistant Librarian), Conrad Lindley, Mrs. Stoffel, (Librarian), Crissy Daly, Wayne Liddle, Jim Bradley, W a l t e r Cook. SOCIAL CENTER WORKERS Sandy Cook, Ty Hall, Mrs. Schulz, John Kuriger, Dave Zarembo. Wg \ A / r * / ' \ l ^ r " ^ ! ^ / ^ SEATED: Alec Jones, Dove Ripley, Peter Christensen, Paul McGookin. KNEELING: Bruce Scully, Allie Rune- I man, Paul M i n a u l t , G o r d o n Thompson I f " I x ^ (smiling). Bob Lester, Bill Barrick, Kent Richardson, Frank Sanders, Herb King. S T A N D I N G : Ty Hall, Jeff Hamlin, Greg Gilbertson, Bob Smaus, Pete D e W i n d t , Craig Simmonds, Pete Fulton, Jon Reed, John Briffet, Ted Clayton (partially hidden), Terry A r t h u r , Steve Haakenson, Jim Cavenaugh, Bill Heidbreder, Pete Cremidas, George N p w e l l , Blair DeHuff, Bob Chadwick, Don Cramer, Jim Christensen, Bruce Schwartz, Mike Scott, Chip McCarthy, Steve Wittmack. KITCHEN WORKERS SITTING: Susan Douglass. STANDING FRONT: Chris Sanchez, Janie Linda Sue Nutter, Wilson, Gale more, Crissy Daly. S T A N D I N G Reed, Pete Fulton. MONSTER WORKERS CLOCKWISE ard (starting at left): Rich- Rogers, Barry W a n n , Don My- ers, Paul Bob Hoff, Brooks, Bill McGookin, Chip Chart Ostenberg, Hurwick, Howard Ross, Paul Wix- on. "<^J.-U«J».7 Cavenaugh, Whitte- BACK: Jon ACTIVITIES CHORUS Lisa Rayner, Cris C l a p p , Christine Fisher, Heidi Foster, Jane Gaines, Jeanne G a r v i n , SOPRANOS: Charles Ainsworth, Jo Ellen G o o d , Mary Louise Hartman, Linda Heider, Janet H i g m a n , Drozda, Noel Eberle, Lee G l a d d e n , Jeff H a m l i n , Herbie King, John Geraldine Nancy Karen Lawrence, Toni Nietmann, Reynolds, Bauer, Helen Stewart, M a r d a Beauvais, Betty Linnig, Kay M a l t b i e , Roberta Reuter, Corinne Nysewander, Karen Sundwick, Roeske, Sharon Van Debora Linda Lezlie Brown, Murdock, Peters, Schafer, Jim Andrews, Bill Cutler, Blair TENORS: Dehuff, Jim Kuriger, Bob Rees, Charters Ross, Bill Smith, Clark Spaulding, Don Helena Sleekier, Suzanne de W a l k e r , M a r t h a Sanchez, Edith W a l k e r , Joanne Worsley. Barry Wann, Bruce Wilson, Jim Wright, Bob BASSES: Richard Alt, Terry Arthur, Horry Asher, Dove Wyman. Beardsley, Van John Briffett, Dove Brooks, Glenn Brown, Don C o m p , Bob Chad- Vleck. ALTOS: Alice Auchmoody, Bonnie Bleichman, A n n C a l d w e l l , wick, Paul Christensen, Larry Cobb, David Cook, David Els, Peter Cloe Carper, Sandra Cook, Joan Cooper, Christopher Fulton, Richard G o u l d , Richard Hall, Bill Heidbreder, Todd Daly, Jean Hoff- Danielson, Karen Erickson, Judy Hansen, Jan Harrison, M a r y Ann man, Harry Hudson, Doug Lyons, Ken Lyons, Charles M a r i e n , Al Heiss, Faith Holly, Susan H u b b o r d , Happy Kohler, McCready, Moore, Jim Splettstosser, Bill Stitt, Mike Van Vleck, Paul W a n n , Lee W o o d - Carol Lojinger, Virginia McCormick, Sally Jealous, Joan Miner, Anne Sandra Neily, Karin Nilsson, G a i l Osherenko, V o l Peterson, Alice Rob Ostenberg, Ken Pierce, Al Runeman, Mike Scott, a r d , David Z a r e m b o . §BAND Ginny Bosdet, Clayton, dall, Bob Walter Nancy Chadwick, Cook, Downing, Bob Jane Ted Cran- Gaines, John Garner, Jeff Hamlin, Eric Mack, Don Myers, gent, Rob Peter Neil, Ostenberg, Phil Norm NewPurdy, Dave Ripley, Chart Ross, Frank Sanders, Jim Steele, Mike Van Vleck, Paul Wann, Walt Williams, Mark Wilson, Steve Wittmack, Susan Wittmack. 94 95 • Vinmt-»m,'-i,s-.wxi: «w&sa>:'«s»myj<>Kg.fB;gs YEARBOOK F k O N h Bill W o l f , Nancy Thompson, Mollie Belz, Mary Cullom (Editor), Phebe W i g g i n s , Jan Ely, Ann Huff, Pete Tuffli. BACK: Ken Jones, Miss Laufenburg (Sponsor), Susi A l l y n , George N e w e l l . Not shown: Donna Furr CAMPUS COURIER FRONT: Phill Newgent, Cindy Sideris, Miss Gibbons (Sponsor), Sue W i l son (Editor), Bill Seibert, Diane Barrick. BACK: Mr. McCready (Sponsor), Barnie Bishop, Laura Shephard, Bill Hurwick, Chase Fait, Gale W i t t e m o r e , Geoff 96 Glatt, Susan Douglass, Dinah Kinsman, Ken Hawes, V o l Below. KNEELING: Kathy Benoit, Mollie Belz, C a r o l Holt, Judy Hansen. SEATED: Don Steckler, Connie Fifield, Alice Rayner, Carol Gale W h i t t e m o r e , Bill Seibert, Susi A l l y n , Ken Osherenko, Bonnie Lyon, M a r y Bleichman, Dale C r a i g , Lyn Kendrick. STANDING FRONT: Sethaly Johnson, Miss Robinson (Sponsor), Jean Danielson, Edith W a l k e r , Jennifer John, Sue Wilson, Eleanor Andrews, Diane Benton, M a r y Lou Hartman, Shirley Thomas. STANDING Marsha Mallett, Cheryl English, Paula Bilyieu, BACK: Paul W a n n , Emily Campbell, Miss Godine FRENCH CLUB (Sponsor), Corinne Beauvais, Ron Pearson, A d e l e W i l k e n , Mr. Gausch (Sponsor), Cheryl M a c l n t i r e , Happy Jealous, Herbie King, M a r g u e r i t e Lyeth. SEATED FRONT: Diane Barrick, Joanne Worsley, Glenn Brown; SEATED: Donna Furr, White, Nancy Thompson, Nancy Dove Z a r e m b o , Caroline Boyer, Susan Douglass, Alec Leonard, Carol W i e b o l d t , V o l Jones, Below, Darcy Allyson Cooney, Deloris Cardozo. S T A N D I N G FRONT: Ruthie Parkhurst, Carolyn Sage, Amy Towle, Bonnie Wilson, Nancy Downing, Allison Blocker, Fran Fobes, Ginny McCormick, Diane Benton, Potty A r n o l d , Debby Duhig, Tor Kenwood, Janie Dunn, Lyn M a t t e i , Mike Scott. S T A N D I N G BACK: Jill Zuetell, Paul Brooks, Chip Ostenberg, Mr. Gausch (Sponsor), Jim Christensen, Jim MacDougall, Pete John Kuriger, Fred V a n g . 97 DeWindt, SPANISH CLUB 'I bid a g r a n d slam in spades." (Bridge Club) " W h a t do you mean, you don't have a pink b a l l o o n ? " (Drama Activity) ^P^ il " . . . " (Chess Club) "For my first sweater, I think I'll knit a mohair patterned ski sweater in five colors with r a g l a n d sleeves and a h o o d . " (Sewing and Knitting Activity) asaf jklj asfa jul; aws? j i q ^ (Typing Activity) round and round and round she goes . . . (Art Activity) Security is feeding a squirrel w i t h o u t teeth ( N a t u r a l Science Club) In 99 SPORTS X"'^ . t f l T J W - * ^ - ' JUNIOR CHEERLEADERS: Pati Herrmann (Captain), Jan Nicholson, Linda G o r d o n , Jennifer Flowers, Eleanor Andrews. CHEERLEADERS! vTI;; Carol Osherenko Cindy Stone Sethaley Johnson 102 t» m i Victory, Victory is our cry V-l-C-T-O-R-Y SENIOR CHEERLEADERS; Sethaly Johnson, Connie Fifield, Cindy (Captain), Carol Holt. 103 Stone, Carol Osherenko, Janie Dunn d O D o 1- 2 u z . ,-; O °- e o <• cn 5 E tt 3 CK: E -a Q ^ Z -x- O fe U a. UJ ^ 111 0 < U 03 ^ _y=> o X = o. d u O) > O CQ Q 5 c O Z . c o o n' -^ 0 O >. V —-- r t u Qj cQ „- o a: o S o ^ -S3 5 -^ . X = c CL o E E o >. :^ . > O 5 m — I >., J) TJ a) ^ =1 N Q. ^- O 5 O CD ^ . U < C OD ^ • ^ OJ t: o in D 0 ^ (D c E <D 3 — ? • : l -= 1 •- .!2 D 5 in 0 1 5^ cn t (U .b cs O £ O n3 .-^ .i -^ (J t n t o t ^ i . P . P I J i . P ' w I o o o_o^> ° ^ ^ ° to I I ^ O O I ^ O N Q O O C O 00 I. CO CM I I .1 " S l\ Olo u < o D o CO >D o i _^ D Q. (D O u .2 a •P E Judkins mokes an impossible catch Klinke opens hole and Els takes off Phelps intercepts against Burroughs '- *5#jS- mr^ :«. V,.. t',.„ f '>/'i ^ 1^^ FIRST ROW: S. M a c l n t i r e , G. Hughes, B. Stitt, S. H a l l , B. W a n n , K. Pierce, E. V a n g , M. Kjellstrom, R. Peckenpaugh, T. Dutton, R. R. Pillsbury, A. Carter, H, Dearing, S. Kussmann; SECOND ROW: Hayes, H. G o d w i n ; FOURTH ROW: T. Shores, Coach Munnecke, S. G r a y , M. Nethery, B. Liston, G. Simmonds, B. Rees, C. Ains- J. Castle (manager), F. Leadbeater. w o r t h , D. M a x w e l l , B. H e i d b r e d e r ; THIRD ROW: J. Cavenaugh, "B" FOOTBALL OPPONENTS Lutheran Central Western Military SCORES 7—6 (Lost) 6—0 (Won) Burroughs 14—0 (Lost) Codasco Lutheran South Lutheran Central 27-6 14-0 14—6 (Lost) (Lost) (Won) Western Military 3 3 - 1 3 (Won) 108 MMM -.i.?''j^4" r. m-: I. Crandall, (coach), Don Steckler, Peter N e i l , Don Myers, M a r k W i l s o n , Dave Don Lake, Bob M e a n l y , Peter N. Christensen. SECOND ROW: Carl Robinson, Steve H a y w a r d , Dove Phillippi, John Dunbar, W a l t Cook Gans, A n d y (manager), Mr. Anderson (coach). FIRST ROW: Rick Wachter, Jon Hall, Hunter, Dick Philip M a r t i n , M a r v i n Bowes, Bob Asher, Bob Worsley, Philip Fewsmith, Roger Gilroy, Rett Boehm. THIRD ROW: Mr. Simon "*C" FOOTBALL SCORES Prin 0 0 0 0 0 6 13 Opponent 13 28 32 28 Lutheran Central W.M.A. Burroughs Country Day Lutheran South Lutheran Central 16 23 20 W.M.A. / no FIRST ROW: Jim Serton, Jim Christensen, Kenneth Crooks, Allyn Cobb, Doug Kirk, Fred Colby. BACK ROW: Mr. Day (coach), Jim Mosher, Pete DeWindt, Richard Rogers, George Behring. SECOND Davis, ROW: John (coach), W a r r e n Shaw (manager). Phillips, Bill Hurwick, A l a n Neil, Dove Drake, Larry Dave Allard, Bob Ostenberg, Jeff CROSS COUNTRY '63 SCORES (Low score wins) Opponent Parkway Burroughs W-L Prin. Opp. L 36 19 22 38 28 W Western Military w 27 District 16th 471 Country Day W 23 36 27 Lutheran South L 29 ABC MEET Srd 63 Lutheran Central W 25 32- Pete DeWindt, co-coptoin 111 Jim Christensen, co-captain Lehman, Mr. Brown , - ••_—. ._^... - ^ ^ ^ j , ^ ^ - » . "^ iiWPIta Ilk |i"ii( iiiimitalir. -^ , . .'V:' .. r ^ -.'' FRONT: Don Hayes, A n d y Carter, Fred Colby, Harry Asher, Bob Ken Jones, George N o w e l l , Doug Lyons, Mr. Rehr (Coach). BACK: C r a n d a l l , Marvin Asher, Mike Arthur, Marc Heibenstreit. MIDDLE: Geoff Glatt, Paul M c G o o k i n , Rob Ostenberg, Bob Hoff, Bill Cutler, Ron Roberts, Pete Tuffli, Rick Pilsbury, Ron Hayes, Rick Wachter, Bruce Wilson. SWIMMING Ritenour Clayton U. City Lindbergh Western Military Ritenour Missouri Military Kirkwood Western Military Lindbergh Beaumont State Meet Won Lost (62-33) (70-25) Lost Lost (62-33) (74-21) Won (52—43) Won (55-40) Won (70-25) Lost (71-24) Won (59-36) Lost (76'/2-18'/2) Won " A D ^ " AbC A M C-l"* -» A All-Mdrana StStG FindliSt ^°" ^°^^'^' ^^^ P'°^^ 100 yds. breaststroke (82-13) 13th place Pete Tuffli Ron Roberts Co-Captain Co-Captain Mr. Sindelar Assistant Coach I f^ '^^H •^ fiiiiiiiiy^ •* ^ " ^ A *? % « « .fsifiiifir"-' ...,^ • •Vl'' •ni : i **'^ ^^n^^HHI •irtft»' ^ij^^^^j •&':''m:-«t'm;iMxmm&S't;w.>-''^ j -•••J'ii:yi:K'- iait.V'yv- :!ii.:ff:: j..a "'..'•;i.-'a<;.;:»?,'ja"i>j.: ^MHJM FRONT ROW: Spencer Davis, Chuck Henry, Rich Judkins, Marien Lee (Manager), Mr. Anderson (Coach), Dick Hall, Rich G o u l d , Mr. Day (Coach), Alec Jones. G l a d d e n , Greg Yeakel, Rick Alt. SECOND ROW: Fred Park, M a r k Gerber, Doug Olms, Ken Lyon, John Schlueter. BACK ROW: Chuck "A " BASKETBALL Prin 58 45 Opponents Missouri Military Ritenour Country Day Lutheran Central Fairview Lafayette 55 72 51 42 44 Burroughs Western Military Brentwood Lutheran Central 64 54 58 42 48 Country Day 39 48 65 48 51 67 47 68 65 74 114 Prin 73 42 65 56 28 50 61 82 Western Military Roosevelt Lutheran South Burroughs Parkway Mehlville Lutheran Central Country Day 28 41 49 Lutheran South Kinloch Maplewood Opponents 67 60 78 64 74 82 69 72 85 65 86 " A B C All Star Lee Gladden 115 '-\]'--yA\--'i^.m-''iir'^^w^'^ri^i'':::^'<'^'>.^^^^^ i- Last few words W i n n i n g t i p off Go d o w n , shoot A n d score! • - . K J ^ i i% mm i m ••ix«smssm!t^ae^m.::.:n.c..'s x. ^ BACK: Mr. Hamlin (Coach), Jim Kieckhefer, Howie G o d w i n , Randy Dennis Williams, Scott M a c l n t i r e , Frank Sanders, Ronnie Pearson. FRONT: M a r k Courson, C r a i g Simmonds, Bob Stewart. Orcutt (Manager), Bill Stitt, Bob Henry, Dave Kinsman, ^^r%ff B" BASKETBALL SCORES Principia 37 35 34 37 28 23 Eureka Ladue Fairview Lafayette Burroughs 39 43 31 39 ^ 44 Western Military Brentwood Lutheran Central Country Day Western Military Missouri Military Opponents 24 55 51 43 40 26 53 40 45 53 60 Principia 36 39 31 32 39 39 59 57 45 38 Roosevelt Lutheran South Burroughs Parkway Mehlville Lutheran Central Sherwood Day Lutheran South Country Day Maplewood Opponents 59 56 37 52 38 46 42 49 51 47 119 :\'^::^'-mwm:'»i-MXi:i:'7-v «'<••'a% '•?..-'«•*'••;i.'-...v-i',\-\v.'<a3'n;^4ms-.:'>t.M»i{yy»»i>M^ FRONT ROW: Barry W a n n , Dave Robinson, Joe Fitzgerald, Scott ROW: Bill Holly (manager), Rett Boehm (manager), David Meanley, H a l l , Dove M a x w e l l . MIDDLE ROW: Clark Tucker, Pete N e i l , Bob Steve G r a y , Bryant Misener, Chuck Ainsworth, Mr. Brown (coach). Worsley, Dave Langworthy, Roger G i l r o y , Steve H a y w a r d . BACK * t /-•» f C" BASKETBALL PRIN'S SCORE 28 25 24 18 41 30 35 26 28 38 37 28 39 OPPONENT Western Military Lutheran South Lutheran Central Country Day Burroughs Parkway North . Western Military Parkway South . Mehlville Lutheran Central Lutheran South Country Day Burroughs OPPONENT'S SCORE 26 28 49 37 12 39 31 22 38 54 28 33 21 ee 120 „»^ T""'*^"^ "-^'^" 121 SS .•j's-^'<.«y»T;.vM'S'Bw:ag'ig»a!iw«' C a m p , Don Steckler, Chip McCarthy, G o r d o n Steen, W a r r e n Show FRONT ROW: Ken Pierce, John Briffett, Paul M i n a u l t , Glenn Hammer, David Els, Peter Fulton, David Brooks, SECOND Barrick, Jim Andrews, Vince Ames, Paul W a n n , Kent Jeff Hamlin, Mr. Bole (Coach). THIRD ROW: Bill ROW: ( M a n a g e r ) , BACK ROW: Jim Splettstosser, Bill Seibert, Dove Beardsley, A r t h u r , Steve Squires. Richardson, Don "A" SOCCER Principia 3 1 1 2 1 2 0 ' 1 0 1 0 2 0 2 Whitfield Ladue Western Military Country Day Normandy University City Burroughs Western Military Normandy Ladue Country Day Cleveland De Andries Burroughs Opponents 1 1 3 1 2 0 0 1 1 3 4 0 7 3 Co-Captains Glenn Hammer Paul Minault All-Stars Glenn Hammer Peter Fulton Ken Pierce John Briffett 122 Terry WBBm 'amok FRONT ROW: Tom N e o l e , Ted C l a y t o n , Jimmy Cavenaugh, Fred Brady. THIRD ROW: Mr. Simon (Coach), Gary Hughes, Eric V a n g , Leadbeater, Walt Randy Marty Nethery, Dove Drake, Bill M a c D o u g a l l , Rice, Jon Hall, Don Lake, Steve Haakenson, M a r k Kjell- Cook. SECOND ROW: Jim Bradley, Bob Houston, Jim M a c D o u g a l l , strom. BACK ROW: Bruce Robertson, Phillip M a r t i n , Terry Shores, Andy Dove Ewing, Rick Baxter, Pete Stone, John Dunbar, C a r l Gans. Hunter, John Record, Jim Serton, Lindsey Gorman, Randy "B" SOCCER Principia 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Co-Captains Opponent 6 0 1 2 3 2 4 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 1 Hanley Jr. High Brittany Jr. High Taylor Whitfield Ladue Western Military Country Day Ladue Burroughs Country Day Western Military Ladue (District) Country Day Country Day Burroughs Roosevelt 123 Gory Hughes John Record FRONT: Fiske Ellwood, Bob Seelye, Chip Ostenberg, Todd man, Al McCready, Al Ridley, Al ROW: Phil Clark Spaulding, Bob W y m a n , Bruce Runeman, G o r d o n Thompson, Hal Gimlin. Fewsmith, Tor Kenward, Don Myers, Mike Hoff- Richard Bowes, Larry Lackey, Bill Hurwick, Tom Dutton, Peter Zu- Scully, ber, M a r t y Legant, Kort Peters, Paul Brooks. BACK ROW: Mr. Rusk SECOND (Coach), Yeager, Chart Ross, Pete Christensen, Jerry Gould (Manager), H o w a r d Wixson, Mr. Lampmann (Coach). WRESTLING ABC All-Stars Prin. 30 13 24 35 20 20 14 12 30 43 11 32 20 OpP' 24 30 24 13 21 24 30 32 Clayton Pattonville Parkway Western Military Burroughs Country Day Maplewood Kirkwood 14 13 32 11 20 Missouri Military Western Military Lindbergh Burroughs Country Day Prin. 21 8 Opp. 28 41 31 18 26 21 11 20 29 17 27 31 default by Western 20 31 47 0 33 " A " placed 2nd in ABC " B " tied Ist place in League " J V " tied 1st place in Tourney 124 12 Al Runeman Bruce Scully *A" Captains Al Runeman Todd Hoffman B" Captains Marty Legant Kort Peters ilB Hi ^ ^ ^ • ^ • ^ ^ ^ ^ ' ^ \ / l^. ^ . / . / 125 ^ *t yiJijjlljyy|^^^^^gj^je»™m»j^aj*gj2^ 126 ^al wm ^ mmm Miaa VARSITY CLUB FIRST ROW: Blair Dehuff, Lee G l a d d e n , Rich Judkins, Rich Alt, berg, G o r d o n Thompson, Clark S p a u l d i n g , Don Camp, Todd Terry Arthur, Paul M i n a u l t , Jerry G o u l d , Bob Lester. BACK ROW: man. Mr. Rusk (Sponsor), Paul W a n n , Dave Els, Ken Lyon, Rob Osten- % 127 Hoff- isH G.A.A. BOARD Mary Cullom, Bonnie Bleichman (President), Miss Oakes (Sponsor), G a l e Whittemore, M a r y Dale C r a i g , Sally Miner. White Caps J'iit Marcia M a l l e t , Jill Zuetell, Sue Freeman, Francie H o w a r d , Hilary H a d e n , M a r g e e Slee. STEAK FRYS A N D "DUTCH TREAT" 128 n M M ^ t-•;•_• t i ^ -ic^mi^EK'samamm gi TOP ROW: Miss Oakes (Coach), Sally Miner, M a r i n k a Bliss, V o l Dunn, M a r d a Sundwick, M a r g u e r i t e Peterson, Nancy Geist, Laura S h e p a r d , Cari Hayden, Mollie Belz, Whittemore, Carol Worsley, H a p p y Jealous. Osherenko, Pat Cooke, M a r y Dole C r a i g , Barnie Crissy Daly. BOTTOM ROW: Eleanor Andrews, Carol Holt, Bishop, Vol Below, Libby Lyeth, Marcia Mitchell, G a l e Edwards, Connie Fifield, Janie VARSITY HOCKEY "nHFTjIMBIillWIt^^ liiilTffl^ligMpiiniirrr-" «^ u. ^'v^ < s. Half-time Advice wg-'^fv^ Joanne mBi& •"W»««BP»**Wtti|fc' Joanne rushes in to help V o l . Remember the enthusiasm . . . the " A " football squad's cheering support . . . cold drinks at the games . . . the Victorious Varsity vs. the Fractured Faculty (3—1) . . . playing after sunset . . . running laps around the hockey field . . . the eternal cry "sticks d o w n " . . . Halftime advice 130 Gale's got it! FRESHMEN B O T T O M R O W : sue Strong, Katie Salyer, Dennie Lattin, Beth Fulton, Muffie Van Vleck; TOP ROW: Betty Brown, Sandy Neily, Laurie H u b b a r d , M a r y Benson, Linaa Heider, Barbara Dunn, Jo G o o d , Carol Splettstosser, Debbie Lyeth. CLASS TOP ROW: G a i l Osherenko, Ruthi Howlett, Merrilee N i e t m a n n ; MIDDLE ROW: Jenny Frutig, M a r i l y n Burns, JUNIORS G a y l Poley, Judy Hansen, Darcy W h i t e , Bobbie Nysewander, BOTTOM ROW: G i g i McGuire, Janet Higman, Barb Cochran, Carol Lojinger, Caroline Leonard, Carol DeWindt, Anne Layman. i-:^ ,^..i^'= TOP ROW: Cheryl M a c l n t i r e , Ann Huff, Bonnie Burke, Cloe Carper, Candy A l t , Bev N i e t m a n n , Jean SOPHOMORES Perkins; BOTTOM ROW: Ann Caldwell, M a r y a n n Murdock, Sue N e i l , Foith Holly, Clare Brooks. HOCKEY Dinah Kinsman, Chris Sanchez, Alice Auchmoody, Carol W i e b o l d t , M o r y Lou H a r t m a n , Janie Cavenaugh, Linda Downey, M a r y Rogers, Dee Benton, M a r y Cullom, Cindy Stone, Bonnie Bleichmann, Sue W i l s o n . SENIORS ^ ^ ^ A A i t i . ' xEk*.. ,^^^ , i !>|i TOP ROW: Marinka Bliss, Susie Douglass, Marcia Mattei. Day, Carol W i e b o l t , Joanne Worsley, Miss Poyser (Coach), M a r y Dale C r a i g , BOTTOM R O W : Sally Miner, Carol Osherenko, Sherman, Cari Hayden, Susi A l l y n , Mollie Belz, Laura Shepard. Mary Cullom, Libby Edwards, Carol DeWindt, Candy Brown, Ayn VARSITY BASKETBALL OPPONENTS A" Faculty Lutheran South 30- -22 Mary 1. Burroughs Ladue Normandy Lutheran Central (won) (won) 5 1 - -13 28- -27 3 1 - -27 (won) (lost) 3 1 - -18 49- -41 45- -27 (lost) (won) (lost) "B" 20-10 27-24 21-13 26-20 (won) (won) (lost) (lost) 19- (lost) Miss Poyser vs. Joanne (converse vs. nonconverse) Another swisher Keep those elbows out. Candy! ^**,.^ . 134 Pan 1 i W e ' r e breaking 50—winning by a milel i^k.' ^9^BL_^^^BHI^B^I r~ V ':SHHB ''^ wH^^IHI Victorious Varsity vanquishes Fractured Faculty Laura's got it Stinko strikes a g a i n s^mam ^\;ja}.;aBBaBWWKa:-»ia.i«ig»i»ggitiaBfe>?Mjghaaff:g#i^wBj^ FRESHMEN: Beth Fulton, Jo G o o d , Shelley Trick, Linda Heider, Laurie H u b b a r d , Dennie Lattin, Carol Splettstosser, M a r y Ash, Sandy Neily, Sue Strong. BASKETBALL JUNIORS: Talley, TOP Gayl ROW: Poley. Carol Mitchell, Gigi BOTTOM ROW: Bobbie McGuire, Anne Nysewander, Moore, Marilyn Sue Burns, Schmidt, Jenny Jon Frutig, Higman, Hilary Betsy Haden, Darcy W h i t e , G a i l Osherenko. LOST SENIORS: Mary I. (18-17) JUNIORS: Luth. Cent. (7-4) SOPHOMORES: Mary I. (25-16) Burroughs (12-10) FRESHMEN: Mary I. (17-6) 136 ^ <| # '!^ ^ ^ f^ SOPHOMORES: Linda Bevi TOP ROW: Betty Bosdet, Emily Peters, Bonnie Burke, Chris Fisher, Donna Nietmann. BOTTOM ROW: Ellen Sue Adler, Lyn Sue Campbell, Furr, A n n Neil, Jean Perkins, Sheri Bleichman, Harriet Walker, Ann Caldwell. Huff, Kendrick, CLASS TEAMS WON SENIORS: TOP ROW: Cindy Stone, Barney Bishop, Happy Jealous, Alice Auchmoody, Linda V o l Below. BOTTOM ROW: Bonnie Bleichman, Pat Cooke, Judy W a l k e r , Nancy Geist, Dee Benton. SENIORS: Ladue (28-25) Luth. Cent. (28-15) Burroughs (16-10) JUNIORS: Ladue (16-8) Mary I. (10-9) Burroughs (25-4) SOPHOMORES: Ladue (28-7) Luth. Cent. (28-2) FRESHMEN: Luth. Cent. (15-10) Burroughs (9-8) 137 Downey, ., J.'.' {vj'iiK','a«i- mf'!>'fM:-sfi''im^amss>»v:.:••:•.!/%'•' :-f.n-:-s%ts':>'?im^i,':ftj.'imsi:: MB»^^gmwis»g»5«» SOCIAL LIFE !^^'^^jti!^SSyv.iV-'i^^^: ^^W-.^"'' Antient Concerts, Sextet November 1: The De Paur Chorus November 22: Ara Berberian, Basso January 10: Bramwell Fletcher in "Parnassus ' 6 3 " February 1: "The Rivalry" by The Cleveland Play House Touring Repertory February 28: Antient Concerts Sextet April 17: Leon Fleisher, Pianist Bramwell Fletcher 140 • ' ^ " ^ " " " " ' ' ^ ^ - ^ CONCERT LECTURE SERIES Leon Fleisher, Pianist The Cleveland Playhouse, "The Rivalry" 141 ,'-'i"w;gs'g»»'.-S'H'.s. ::•.;•;•»':••••''i.'-i!J''.."?v.':tf..:i':'''".- ':'r'.:r:»iwsm:mmm'Sis^v:mmmmaAw:.^W'rwa:%.9'iiimsmtCfist»f¥m 'ssm DRAMA WORKSHOP The Four the Merrier The Ghost Story Sweet " 1 6 " The Six Queens of Henry Her Majesty the King " A n n a " wonts to be alone . . . with " G e o r g e " ut the critic IH And "George" wants HHiiiH to The life of royalty isn't always easy . be alone with " A n n a " . . . (Mee-owl) But there's a happy e n d i n g ! 143 ^gjglg "The saints come marching i n ! " and The " A " football squad . . . Singers with ice cubes in their mouths . . . The Jets from West Side Story . . . The undaunted reader . . . A character from American Bandstand—and friends . . . The "Russian Ballet," (with unbounded grace!) Quite an ice breaker, we must admit! ICE-BREAKER 144 l^^l mm ms^mi^^M,m^>^:=-:^^: : :<^.^fB«i^^«^:->-^^ -v^...^wM<m^',mwjr.i^^-!-<wm.mmm 145 -c-A IBB ••^^•™"^-^- - • •• " - ' >«?f " t^ The Workers CLASS PARTIES m^ BLUE footprints for the SENIOR p a r t y SOPHOMORE concentration that produced GASLIGHT SQUARE JUNIORS from the ROARING TWENTIES 147 Freshmen at their BEACH PARTY 1 t HI* J f • Mon 148 % 1itr " H o w the West Was W o n " by the Sophomore girls ••"*•" Seniors at w o r k Must get "passed" 149 everything 1 j^ammma^ •1 EMPIRE BALL > s. "The thing I have greatly feared is come upon me.' ^^BS^BS , ^'< " ,€ ... im^Bi ' l^^H ' '^''''^^^m i^^^^Hsv^ B W^^ R •T . ^^^p9^| '\1 i ^^W Are you sure he goes here? - ^, «• «•. r Gee, it looks like we're the first ones here. %<,^.^l 'e ii W h e r e have I seen you before? "Dance No. " 3 " — a r e you sure you tried to find them? When d o we eat? >^* 151 i^A^ncU^ 152 '^-'--'"'"^-'^ ap^«„«,.a.^,»..:>^..,. ..»^r,^. 153 m»^»ii»Ki^^ ^iSSMi,jmSik i \ 154 ' ^ ' - ' • ^ ^ ^ « « ' ^ > « ^ '-m^^mm.-Ett^m^'.: 155 i^fi m^nm 156 HS mmmmi^m,^isM mm^^'m^.-,^mtMmmm»m^.'^-^mmm» i^iSmi 157 j»>r<'?»w»aifii«w«Bi* aaBSiomi^iuiiii y \ _, ,—^ r • ? • K ' ttkJI^«!iilb::dilKMflM HiBriilM' 1 ' ' ~ 1 p-^'pMJiJI^^™' 1 mL--i9RH ^^^B"—'^B^9 S^i^^SSmiOmM mmm 159 M!MM&WSi»mvtimr'ms:mi>^^i'<s<iMm'i:*iR^ The Principia Hymn Principia, we sing thy praise. Home of our happy student days; Here in the light of wisdom's ways W e strive and watch and wait. And so all thro' the coming years. In times of laughter or of tears. Our love for thee shall quell all fears. And never shall abate. Here 'neath thy classic shades we find The joys of learning, ties that bind, A charity to all mankind Shows us the truer life. And by thy torch which burneth bright. We're led into the glorious light. Sustained by Love the only right. We're free from worldly strife. Then when to thee we bid adieu. Departing hence to scenes anew, Principia, may we be true. Thy precepts let us keep. So as the years do onward flow, In character may each one grow. And by his life to others show That OS he'll sow he'll reap. 160 i^H m mma S^H SENIOR SAYINGS Name Nickname ALEXANDER, Roy Favorite Expression City, State Oh! Darn it! St. Louis, Missouri ALLARD, David Dave Flipper St. Louis, Missouri ALLYN, Susan Susi Mo-ther, please! Garnavillo, Iowa ALT, Richard Trickle, J. B. It could be big! St. Louis, Missouri AMES, Vincent Vincey It sounds like something . . . would do! Chino, California ANDREWS, James Pasquale 1 don't need to show you no stinkin' bodge! St. Louis, Missouri ARTHUR, Terry Ter You must learn to love. Los Angeles, California AUCHMOODY, Alice Auwee Choyng'. Click! 20 million Fiskdale, Massachusetts BARRICK, William Bill Hi, Big Fella! Newport, Tennessee BEAUVAIS, Corinne Crinny Are you for real? Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan BEHRING, George Champs BELOW, Valerie Vol That was a profound stoternent! St. Louis, Missouri BELZ, Amelia Mollie, Mol But my name's not Sally . . . St. Louis, Missouri BENTON, Diane Deisel Funniest thing Charlotte, North Carolina BISHOP, Elizabeth Barnie Guess what, you guys—we just broke up! Flint, Michigan BLEICHMAN, Bonnie Bon Hey—where's Vol? Sherman Oaks, California BRIFFETT, John J. B. BROWN, Candice Browney Hey, Downey, seen Rick? Oakland, California Dee Guess what—Mom's coming! Los Angeles, California Janie Oh, hang! Jacksonville, Florida Chad Hong loose! Racine, Wisconsin James Audubon Look! It's a . . . La Canada, California Cookie What time is it? Diablo, California Doc I'm being forced! 1 am oh so impressed. St. Louis, Missouri CARDOZA, Deloris CAVENAUGH, Jane CHADWICK, Robert CHRISTENSEN, Peter COOKE, Patricio CRAIG, Mary Dale CRAMER, Donald CULLOM, Mary CUNNINGHAM, Scott CUTLER, William DALY, Christopher DANIELSON, Jean DAVIS, James DAVIS, Spencer St. Louis, Missouri Sun Valley, California Don, D. C. La Jolla, California Mer, Cullom 1 never get any mail! St. Louis, Missouri Jack Woeb Where're my shades? St. Louis, Missouri Cut Obviously! It wimps. Waterford, Maine Crissy Now, 1 have something to soy. Highland Park, Illinois Smilie Oh, you guys. Malibu, California St. Louis, Missouri Jim Speed Plattsmouth, Nebraska Easy, Beauty! 161 Nome Nickname DEHUFF, Blair B. D. DODD, Roger Favorite Expression City, State Oh, wipeout! La Fayette, California There's got to be a way out! Yokohama,Japan DOUGLASS, Susan Doug Don't ask me—ask his bird! South Pasadena, California DOWNEY, Undo Downey Hey, Browney, seen Rich? Los Angeles, California DROZDA, James Droz He's a nut! St. Louis, Missouri DUNN, Jane Dunn Poor Beebee Tulsa, Oklahoma ELY, Janet Jan See ya'll—sometime St. Louis, Missouri ENGLISH, Cheryl Cherie How gross! St. Louis, Missouri FIFIELD, Constance Con-yon, Penguin FULTQN, Peter Horry the " b o d " L'oiseau est le mot! Thanx, Jeff. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida GAINES, Jane Janie How beautiful! South Haven, Michigan GEIST, Nancy Nance Berrniee Darien, Connecticut GILBERTSON, Gregory Gilb GIMLIN, Hal Gim Extra credit. Sir? Wilmette, Illinois GLADDEN, Lee Coolie Don't sweat! Tomorrow is another day. Polos Verdes Estates, California GOULD, Jerry Ookie Got to see my critters St. Louis, Missouri HAMLIN, Jeffrey Ham the "choker" I'll get a date next weekend! Thanx, Pete. Cambridge, Massachusetts HAMMER, Glenn Nailer 1 still own half the canoe. St. Louis, Missouri HARTMAN, Mary Louise Lugi The day-pups hove been japped again. St. Louis, Missouri Guess what happened this weekend. St. Louis, Missouri HAUK, Eileen Crown Pointe, Indiana Jefferson, Wisconsin HAWES, Kenneth YWL Have you seen Janie? Darien, Connecticut HAYDEN, Carol Cari Get serious . . . How are they, Harry? . . . Denver, Colorado Interpolation HENRY, Charles Cossius, Chucker Just ease it. Beauty Kearney, Nebraska HERMANN, Patricia Hermo Haweeeeee Shawnee Mission, Kansas HUBBARD, Susan Sue, Hubs Set 'em up! Minneapolis, Minnesota HUDSON, Harry Cheeks HURWICK, William Billy How's the bod? Son Francisco, California JACOBS, Valerie Vol Oh, come on. St. Louis, Missouri JEALOUS, Jane Happy But wait Boston, Massachusetts JONES, Alexander B. A., Dion Sticks and stones will break my bones, but New Canaan, Connecticut Dallas, Texas names will never hurt old Jones. JUDKINS, Richard Jud Whop! St. Louis, Missouri KINSMAN, Dinah Kinsman Ah, gee St. Louis, Missouri 162 ^HH IgBS^SKi Name Nickname Favorite Expression City, State KOCH, Donald Don Well now—I believe Molba, New York KOHLER, Joan Joanie I'm thrilled spitless! Los Angeles, California KURIGER, John Stein, Motz, Johnny Hove you studied? Chappaqua, New York LAKE, Bonnie Bon But Mrs. TufRi . . . ! St. Louis, Missouri LANE, Ellen Ellie, El Due to lack of food Miami, Florida LAWRENCE, Geraldine Geri, Ger How does that grab ya? San Rafael, California LESTER, Robert Bob Good Morning! Cazenovia, New York MacDOUGALL, William Will Chew it Elmhurst, Illinois MALTBIE, Kay Malts Knit one, purl one Amsterdam, New York McNIVEN, Miriam Mimi Oh, phooey Seattle, Washington MINAULT, Paul Polo Springs MINER, Sally Sal Needham, Massachusetts Hey, guess what? W e mode a record-break- St. Louis, Missouri ing run to Schneithorst's! MITCHELL, Marcia Ma rey MOSHER, Allyn Moshe, Big Al St. Louis, Missouri It's going to be a big year, full of hard work Neenah, Wisconsin and lots of fun. MURDOCK, Debora Spider Could be trouble! St. Louis, Missouri NEWGENT, Philip Newge Like hi! St. Louis, Missouri NIETMANN, Nancy Nance Gosh! I'm starved! St. Louis, Missouri N I X O N , Sheila If it's doughnuts, I'll go. Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada NOWELL, George Such a deal. Evergreen, Colorado NUTTER, Undo Why? Portland, Oregon OSHERENKO, Carol Stinko Well, I think Beverly Hills, California OSTENBERG, William Chip, Ostie Howdy! Miami, Florida PETERSON, Valerie Vol Sorry, can't handle it! Danville, Illinois PURDY, Norman Norm From the Far East I send you one thought. . . Rockford, Ohio How dumb! Hillsborough, California Snookie Oh no! Oh no! I can't Milwaukee, Wisconsin RICHARDSON, Kent Belly, Jell- Flake off! New Carlisle, Indiana ROBERTS, Ronald R.X.P. Fancy meeting you here! It's such a surprise!! Hillsborough, California ROBERTSON, Douglas Doug Eh what? Cincinnati, Ohio REED, Jon REUTER, Helen ' ROBERTSON, Gory ROESKE, Karen ' St. Louis, Missouri Are you ready? 163 Elsah, Illinois Nickname Favorite Expression City, State ROGERS, Mary Liz Funniest thing! St. Louis, Missouri ROSS, Charters Chart Might as well, can't dance. Spirit Lake, Idaho RUNEMAN, Algot A.T.R. There is no life, truth . . . Wheeling, Illinois SANCHEZ, Christina Chris Well, yes, but if this were Cuba . . . Petersburg, Virginia SCHWARTZ, Bruce Brube SEIBERT, William Seibert That's ridiculous! I'm not a cynic. St. Louis, Missouri SHARMAN, Pamela Sharm, Gentle O h as if, listen dearie Los Angeles, California SHAW, Warren Smiley O h , sadness St. Louis, Missouri SMAUS, Robert Mouse Scranton for '64 Los Altos, California SMITH, Christine Schmiddi Let's have a little respect for this informal SantO' Rosa, California Name Greenwich, Connecticut gathering. Pacific Palisades, California SPAULDING, Clark SPLETTSTOSSER, James Spletz Fords are great St. Louis, Missouri STEELE, James Pittsburg Duh-h-h St. Louis, Missouri STEWART, Robert Stew Flip you a fish. Coral Gables, Florida STEWART, Suzanne Susie, Stew Hi, hon Dallas, Texas STONE, Cynthia Cindy How unreal! Perrysburg, Ohio SUNDWICK, Marda Mord Oh, brother! St. Louis, Missouri THOMPSON, Nancy Nonce Please take switchboard for me! Washington, D.C. TUFFLI, Peter Tuf And you can't ask for more than that. St. Louis, Missouri V A N G , Fred Boomer What did they do with the other half of the St. Louis, Missouri whole man? WALKER, Judith Woogs Oh! 1 can't go this Virginia Beach, Virginia WHITTEMORE, Gale Bozo I'll trade all this for your cake. La Jolla, California WIEBOLDT, Carol Wiebs WIGGINS, Phebe Pheb WILKEN, Adele Elsah, Illinois Ooooh—really? Washington, Pennsylvania But, Gail, I'm starting on my diet tomorrow! Los Angeles, California WILLIAMS, Janet Wilma Soy, man! Son Francisco, California WILLIAMS, Sherry Sher Ber Sure thing Skokie, Illinois WILSON, Bonnie Bonn-bonn Such is life! Hamilton, Ohio Tell me another one Hamilton, Ohio WILSON, Heather WILSON, Susan Yellows Let's have a party! La Canada, California YEAKEL, Gregory Yeak How's your bod? Seattle, Washington ZAREMBA, David the cZar Civilization is a drag! Pasadena, California 164 an B i '..^i.-.m^mmmwm,.,.: -' '*H:ifkff^!:>^„.Tm''"TX<x:. 2,3,4; Varsity Basketball 3,4; Swimming Team 3,4; ALEXANDER, ROY. " A " Football 1; " B " Baseball 1; " B " Soccer 2; " B " Baseball 2; " A " Soccer 3; " A " Varsity Softball 3; Bridge Club 1,2; French Club 3,4; Baseball 4; Natural History Club 4. Yearbook Staff 3,4, Assistant Editor 4; Honor Council 3; Girls' Gavel Board, Day Pup Coordinator 4. ALLARD, DAVID. " C " Basketball 1,2; " B " Baseball 2; Art Activity 1; Natural History Activity 2; Typing Activity 4; Cross Country 4; Track 4. ALLYN, SUSAN. Class Basketball BENTON, DIANE. Class Volleyball 3,4; Class Hockey 4; Class Basketball 4; Spanish Club; Bridge Club; White Cap; Group Chairman. 1,2; Varsity BasBISHOP, ELIZABETH. Class Basketball 1,2,3,4; Class Hockey 2,3; Varsity Hockey 4; Class Volleyball 1,2,3; Varsity Volleyball 4; Varsity Softball 3,4; Social Training 3; Gavel Bar 2; Group Chairman 3,4; Yearbook 3; Campus Courier 4; Social Committee 2,3,4; Social Head 4; Student Council 4. ketball 3,4; Class Softball 1; Arts and Publicity Committee 3,4; Group Chairman 4; Scholastic Committee 3; French Club 4; Yearbook Staff 4. ALT, RICHARD. " C " Basketball 1; " C " Football 1; " B " Baseball 1,2; Library Committee 1; " B " Football 2; " B " Basketball 2; Chess Club 2,3; Chorus 1,2,4; " A " Football 3,4; " A " Basketball 3,4; " A " Baseball 3,4; Varsity Club 3,4; Ushers Club 4. BLEICHMAN, BONNIE. Class Hockey 3,4; Varsity Baseball 2,3,4; Class Volleyball 2,3; Varsity Volleyball 4; Class Basketball 4; Chorus 2,3,4; Pep Club 3,4; French Club 4; G.A.A. President 4; Student Council 4; Intramural Captain 2; Group Chairman 3, 4. AMES, VINCE. " A " Football 4; " A " Soccer 4; Life Saving 4; Track 4. ANDREWS, JIM. " C " Football 1,2; " C " Basketball 1, 2; " B " Baseball 1,2; Chorus 1,2,3,4; Class President BRIFFETT, JOHN. " B " Football 3; " B " Soccer 3; " B " 1,2,3,4; " B " Football 3; " A " Soccer 3,4; " A " Baseball Baseball 3; " A " Football 4 ; " A " Soccer 4; " A " Base- 3,4; Ushers Committee 3,4. ball 4; Chorus 3,4; Varsity Club 4; Monster 3; Waiters 4. ARTHUR, TERRY. " A " Football 1,2,3,4; " B " Soccer 1, 2; " A " Soccer 4; Swimming 3; Track 1,2; Chorus 1,2, BROWN, CANDICE. Class Volleyball; Varsity Bas- 3,4; Varsity Club 3,4; Waiters 2,4; Social Committee ketball; Building and Grounds Committee; Sewing and 4; Varsity Club Vice-President 4; Class Social Head 4. Knitting Activity. AUCHMOODY, ALICE. Class Field Hockey; Class Basketball; Swim Team; Water Ballet; Chorus; Sunday Evening Sing Committee. CARDOZO, DELORIS. Drama 2; Spanish Club 4; Bridge Club 3. CAVENAUGH, JANIE. Class Hockey 3; Class Volleyball 3,4; Class Softball 3; Typing 3,4; Bridge Club 3; Sub Cafe Worker 4; Pep Club 3, Secretary 4. BARRICK, BILL. " B " Football 3; " B " Soccer 3; " A " Football; " A " Soccer 4; Track 4; Stage Crew 3,4; Waiter 4. CHADWICK, ROBERT. " C " Football 1,2; Wrestling 1, 2; " B " Football 3; " A " Football 4; " B " Soccer 3; Track 4; Library Committee 1,2; Chess Club 2,3; Bond 1,2,3,4; Chorus 4. BEAUVAIS, CORINNE. Chorus 3,4; Fanatics 3; Social Training Committee 3; Arts and Publicity 4; French Club 4. BEHRING, GEORGE. Track 1; Football 1; Cross Coun- COOKE, PAT. Class Team Hockey 1,2; Varsity Hockey try 2; Art 1; Natural History 1. 3,4; Class Basketball BELOW, VALERIE. Class Basketball 1,3,4 1,2,3,4; Class Volleyball 1,2; Class Baseball 1; Varsity Swimming 3,4. Captain; Class Hockey 1,2,3; Class Volleyball 1,3,4; Softball 1; Tennis 3; Varsity Hockey 4; Bridge Club 1; Art 1, CRAIG, MARY DALE. Class Hockey 1,2,3; Varsity Hockey 4; Class Basketball 1; Class Volleyball 1; Varsity Softball 1,2,3; Varsity Basketball 2,3,4; Varsity Volleyball 2,3; Bridge Club 1,2,3; French Club 4; Vice-President G.A.A. Board 4; Editor of "Sports'n Shorts" 4. 2; Fanatics 3; Library Committee 4; Campus Courier 4; Spanish Club 4. BELZ, MOLLIE. Class Hockey 1; Class Basketball 1,2; Class Volleyball 1,2; Class Softball 2; Varsity Hockey 165 CRAMER, DONALD. " B " Football 3; " B " Wrestling 3; Art Activity 3,4; Waiters 4. tary 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 4; Girls' Gavel Board Pres- CULLOM, MARY. Class Hockey 2,4; Varsity Hockey 3; Varsity Basketball 2,3,4; Class Volleyball 2,3; Class Softball 2,3; Arts and Publicity 3,4; Dress Committee 4; G.A.A. Board Treasurer; Sewing and Knitting 3; Bridge Club 2,3; Typing 3; Editor of Yearbook 4; Group Chairman 4. ELY, JANET. General Assembly 3; Campus Courier 3; ident 4 ; Student Council 4. Bridge Club 3; Yearbook 4. ENGLISH, CHERYL. Class Basketball 1,2; Varsity Basketball 3; Class Hockey 1; Varsity Hockey 2; Class Volleyball 1; Varsity Tennis 1,2; Typing 4; French Club 4; Chorus 1,2,3. C U N N I N G H A M , SCOTT. " C " Football 1; Footbal 4; Campus Courier 1,2; Bridge Club 4; Chess Club 4. FIFIELD, CONSTANCE. Class Basketball 1; Class Vol- CUTLER, WILLIAM. " C Football 2; Wrestling 2; " A " cial Committee 1; Pep Club 1,2, Secretary 3; Chorus Football 4; Varsity Football 4; Varsity Swimming 3; 2,3; Class Hockey 2; Gavel Board 2; Head of Scho- leyball 1,2; Varsity Hockey 4; Cheerleader 3,4; So- Chorus 3,4; Ushers 4; Monster Workers 4. DALY, CHRISTOPHER (Crissy). Class Hockey lastic Committee 3; Water Ballet 3; Coordinator, Gavel Board 4. 1,2,3,4; Social Committee 1,2,3,4; Bridge Club 2,3; Chorus 1, FULTON, PETE. " C " Football 1,2; " B " Soccer 1,2; " A " 2,3,4. Baseball Manager 1; " A " Soccer 3,4; " B " Football 3; Junior Varsity Football 4; National Athletic Scholar- DANIELSON, JEAN. Class Basketball 3; Class Softball 3,4; Varsity Volleyball 3,4; Gavel Board 3; Quiet Room Committee 3; Secretary, Student Council 4; Inspection Committee 4; Chorus 4; French Club 4. ship Society 3,4; A.M.F.A. President 3,4; Camera Club 1; French Club Vice-President 1; Monster Workers 2, 3; Waiter 4; Boys' Snack Bar 4; Chorus 2,4; Manners Club Executive. DAVIS, JAMES. " B " Football 1; " C " Basketball 1; " B " Basketball 2; " B " Soccer 3; Track 2,3. GAINES, JANE. Chorus 4; Band 4; Hospitality Com- DAVIS, SPENCER. "B" Basketball 3; " B " Baseball 3; " A " Basketball 4. Ballet 4; Arts and Publicity Committee 4. DEHUFF, BLAIR. " C " Football 1,2; Cross Country 3; " A " Football 4; " C " Basketball 1; Track 1,2,3,4; Varsity Club 3,4; Chorus 4; Waiters 2,3,4; Library Committee 1; Chess Club 1; Camera Club 1. 4; Arts and Publicity 4. mittee 4; Sunday Evening Sing Committee 4; Water GEIST, NANCY. Varsity Hockey 4; Class Basketball GILBERTSON, GREGORY. " C " Football 1; " B " Football 2; Library Service Committee 1,2; Chess Club 3,4; Bridge Club 4. DODD, ROGER. Quiet Room Committee 4. GIMLIN, HAL. " A " Football 3,4; " A " Swimming 3; " A " Track 3,4; " A " Wrestling 4; Pep Club 3. DOUGLASS, SUSAN. Class Hockey 3; Varsity Basketball 3,4; Varsity Volleyball 3; Varsity Tennis 3,4; Spanish Club 4; Campus Courier 4; Bridge Club 3; Food Service Worker 3,4; Girls' Gavel Board 4. GLADDEN, LEE. " C " Basketball 1; " B " Tennis (Captain) 1; " A " Basketball 3,4; " A " Tennis 3,4; Varsity Club 3,4; Ushers 3,4; Chorus 4; Manners Club 3,4; Vice-President Pep Club 4; Boys' Board 4; Student Council 4; Student Council Executive Committee 4; Cum Laude 4- A.M.F.A. (314) Vice-President. DOWNEY, LINDA. Class Hockey 4; Class Basketball 4; Varsity Baseball 2; Class Volleyball 2; Gavel Bar 2; Cheerleader 3; Water Ballet 3; Arts and Publicity 3; Building and Grounds 4. DROZDA, JAMES. " B " Football 1,2; Wrestling HAMLIN, JEFFREY. " B " Football 2; " B " Basketball 2; " B " Tennis 2; " A " Soccer 3; " A " Tennis 3,4; " A " Soccer 3,4; Class Treasurer 3; Chorus 2,3,4; Pep Club 4; Waiters 4; Student Council 4; Boys' Band 4. 1,2; Track 1,2,4; Treasurer, of Class 1; Social Head of Class 2; Sunday Evening Sing 4; Chorus 1,2,3,4. HAMMER, GLENN. " C " Basketball 4; " B " Soccer 4; " B " Baseball 4; " A " Football 4; Chess Club 4; Typing 4; Natural History Club 4; Art Club 4. DUNN, JANIE. Class Hockey 3; Varsity Hockey 4; Tennis 2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2; Water Ballet 3,4; Pep Club 3,4; Cheerleader 2,3, Captain 4; Class Secre- 166 ^ HARTMAN, MARY LOU. Class Hockey 1,3,4; Class JUDKINS, RICHARD DAVID. " C " Basketball Tennis 3; Class Volleyball 1,3; Chapel Commitee 2,3; 1; " B " Baseball 1,2; " B " Basketball 2; " A " Football 3,4; " A " Yearbook 2,3; Chorus 4; Pep Club 4; Fanatics 3; Prom Basketball 3,4; " A " Baseball 3,4; Varsity Club 3; Pres- Reporter 4; St. Louis Globe-Democrat ident 4 ; Student Council 4; Day Student Representative, Reporter 4; French Club 4. Boys' Board 4; Prom Magazine Reporter 4; Pep Club 4. HAUK, EILEEN. Dancing 2; Typing 2; Sewing and Knitting 3. KINSMAN, DINAH. Class Softball 3; Class Volleyball 3; Art Activity 1; Bridge Club 1; Yearbook 2; Typing HAWES, KEN. Tennis 4; Campus Courier 4; Chapel Committee 4; Sunday Evening Sing Committee. HAYDEN, CAROL. Class Basketball 1,2; Class ball 1,2; Class Softball 1; Class Hockey 2; Hockey 3,4; Varsity Basketball 3,4; Water Ballet sity Swim Team-Life Saving 3,4; Sportshead, ball 4; Trampoline Activity 1,2,3; Typing 3,4. 3; Class Hockey 4; Arts and Publicity 4; Campus Courier 4. VolleyVarsity 3; VarBasket- KOCH, DONALD LEIGH. Chapel Committee 4; Quiet Room Supervisor, Boys' Dorm. 4; School Store Student Supervisor, 4; Math Club 4. KOHLER, J O A N . Chorus 4; Arts and Publicity Committee 3,4. HENRY, CHARLES. " B " Basketball 3; " B " Tennis 3; " A " Basketball 4; " A " Tennis; Bridge Club 3,4; Boys' Governing Board 4. KURIGER, JOHN. Spanish Club 4; Usher 4; Social Committee 4; Social Center Bar 4; Food Service 4; HERMANN, PATI. Class Basketball 3; Class Volley- Chorus 4; Senior Life Saving 4; Sub-waiters 4; Chap- ball 3; Chorus 3; Social Committee 3; Coordinator 4; el Organist 4; Band 4. Gavel Board 4; Pep Club 4; Head " B " Cheerleader 4. LAKE, BONNIE. Class Volleyball 3,4; Class softball 4; Bridge 3; Knitting and Sewing 4. HUBBARD, SUE. Sunday Evening Sing Committee 3,4; Chorus 3,4; Kitchen 3; Switchboard 4; Vice-President 4. LANE, ELLEN. Class Basketball 2,3; Classics 2,3; Swimming Team 3; Bond 1,2,3,4; Yearbook 1; SunHYDSON, HARRY HARLAN. " B " Soccer 2; " B " Tennis day Evening Sing Committee 3. 2; " A " Tennis 3; Fall Tennis 4; " A " Soccer 3,4; " A " Baseball 4; Chorus 3,4 Vice-Pres. AM.F.A. 3,4; Bunny Counsellor 3; Boys' Dorm Representative to LAWRENCE, GERI. Sunday Evening Sing Committee Boys' 3,4; Chapel Committee 4; Chorus 4. Board 4; President, Manners' Club 4; Boys' Bar Worker 4. LESTER, ROBERT. " C " Football 1; Chairman, Library Committee 1; Track 1,2,4; Class Treasurer 2; Cross Country (Capt.) 3; ABC League All Star; Floor Chairman 1; Chairman, Chapel Committee 4; Chorus 2; Treasurer, Boys' Board; Student Council Executive Committee 4; Treasurer, Student Council 4; Varsity club 3,4; Manager, Boys' Snack Bar 4. HURWICK, WILLIAM. Lifeguard 3,4; Monster workers 3,4; Cross-Country, 4; Wrestling 4; Campus Courier 4; Sub-Waiter 4; Counselor 4. JACOBS, VALERIE. Camera Club Worker 1,2,3,4. 1; Student Store MacDOUGALL, WILLIAM. " C " Football 1,2; " B " Football 4; " C " Basketball 1; " A " Basketball 3; " B " Soccer 4; Track 3,4; Chess Club 1. JEALOUS, JANE. Class Basketball 2,3,4; Class Softball 2,3; Water Ballet 3; Chorus 3,4; French Club 4; Gavel Board Secretary 4; Coordinator 4; Varsity hockey 4; Pep Club 4. MALTBIE, KAY. Chorus 3,4. JONES, ALEC. " C " Basketball 1; " B " Tennis 1; " A " Football 2,3; " B " Baseball 2,3,4; Waiter 2,4; Chorus 3; Secretary A.M.F.A. 3,4; Senior Life Saving 4; Usher 4; Pep Club 4; Vice-President Spanish Club 4. MINAULT, PAUL. " B " Football 2; " A " Football 3,4; " B " Soccer 2; " A " Soccer 3,4; Varsity Club 3,4; Student Council 3,4; Waiters 3,4; Ushers 4; Boys' Board 3,4. 167 MINER, SALLY. Class Hockey 1,2; Varsity Hockey 4; REED, JOHN. Art Activity 4; Waiter 3,4; Monster Class Basketball 1,2; Varsity Basketball 4; Class Vol- Workers 3,4. leyball 1,2; Class Softball 1,2; Intramural Captain 4; REUTER, HELEN. Chorus 4. G.A.A. Secretary 4; Honor Council Representative 1; Chorus 2,4; Bridge Club 1; Typing 1. RICHARDSON, KENT. " B " Football 1,2; " B " Soccer 2; " A " Soccer 3,4; " A " Football 4; Camera Club 1; Duty Squadron 1; Typing Activity 2; Remedial Reading 2; Senior Life Saving 3; Ushers' Staff 3,4; Waiters 4. MITCHELL, MARCIA. Class Hockey 1; Varsity Hockey 2,3,4; Bridge Club 4. MOSHER, ALLYN. " B " Tennis 3; Cross Country 3,4; Stage Crew 3; Bridge Club 4; Vocal instruction 4; Ushers' Club 3,4. ROBERTS, RONALD. Varsity Swimming 3,4; Cross Country 3; Stage Crew 3,4, Captain 4; Radio Club 3. NEWGENT, PHILIP. " C " Basketball 1; " B " Soccer 3; ROBERTSON, DOUGLAS. " C " Football 1; " C " Reserve Basketball 1; Physical Science Club; " B " Football 2; Duty Squadron 2,3,4; Natural Science Club 3, 4. Campus Courier Staff 4. MURDOCK, DEBORA. Drama Activity 2; School Store 3; Chorus 3,4. ROBERTSON, GARY. " B " Footbal Chess Club 2,3,4. McNIVEN, MIRIAM. NIETMANN, NANCY. Class Volleyball •'C" Bosketbal ROESKE, KAREN. Bunny Counselor 3,4; Chorus ac- 1,2,3; Tram- companist 4; School Store 3,4; Chorus 3; Typing 3. poline Activity 2; Art 1; Typing 3; Chorus 4; Arts and Publicity Committee 4. ROGERS, MARY E. Library Committee 1; Camera N I X O N , SHEILA. Art 4; School Store worker 4; Desk Club 1; Trampoline 1,2,3; Building and Grounds 1; Duty 4. Class hockey 1,2,4; Class Basketball 1,2; Class Volleyball 1; Softball 1; Varsity softball 2; Art Club 2 NOWELL, GEORGE. Physical Science Club 1; Campus Trampoline 2,3; Typing 2; Chess Club; Life Saving 3; Courier 2; Radio Club 3; Yearbook 4; Math Club 4; Natural History Club 4. " C " Football 1; " B " Football 2,3; Varsity Football 4; " C " Basketball 1; " B " Wrestling 2,3; Swimming (Man- ROSS, CHARTERS. Cross Country 3; " C " Basketball 3; ager) 4; " B " Tennis 1,2,3; " A " Tennis 4. " A " Wrestling 4; Sunday Evening Sing Committee 3, 4; Waiters 3; Chorus 3,4; Band 3,4; Monster Workers NUTTER, LINDA. Arts and Publicity 3,4; Inspection 4; Counselor 4. Committee 4; Quiet Room Committee 3,4; Line Server 4. RUNEMAN, ALGOT. Chorus 3,4; " A " Football 3,4; OSHERENKO, CAROL. Class Hockey 3; Varsity Hock- " A " Wrestling 3,4; Track 3,4; Boys' Board 4; Honor ey 4; Varsity Basketball 2,3,4; Varsity Volleyball 2,3, Council 4; Student Council 4. 4; Varsity Tennis 2,3,4; Gavel Board, Sr. Representative 4; Chorus 3; Cheerleader, Varsity 4- French Club SANCHEZ, CRISTINA. Drama Activity 2; Typing Ac- 4. tivity 2; Library Worker 2; Chorus 3,4; Group Chairman 3,4; White Cop 3; Kitchen Worker 3,4 Chapel OSTENBERG, WILLIAM. " C " Football 3; Junior Var- Committee 3,4; Switchboard Worker 4; Class Hockey sity Football 4; " B " Wrestling 2; " A " Wrestling 3,4; 4. " B " Baseball 3; Usher 3; Monster Workers 3,4. SCHWARTZ, BRUCE. " B " Baseball 4- " B " Soccer 4; PETERSON, VALERIE. Class Hockey 1,2; Varsity Hock- " A " Football 4; " A " Soccer 4; Stage Crew 4. ey 3,4; Class Softball 1; Tennis 2,3; Class Volleyball 2,3; Chorus 4; French Club 4; Campus Courier 1. SEIBERT, WILLIAM. " C " Football 1; " B " Soccer 2,3; " A " Soccer 4; Social Committee 1; Honor Council 2, PURDY, NORMAN. " C " Football 1, " B " Football 2,3; 3; Student Council 4; Boys' Governing Board 3,4; Soccer Manager 2; Track 1; Honor Council; Russian Vice-President Senior Class; Bridge Club 1,2; Campus Club 1; Bond 3,4; Senior Class Treasurer 4; Counselor Courier 3, Assistant Editor 4; French Club (President 4; Demerit Committee 4. 4.) 168 iT^'i^jg-^-l^^gi^lc^j^^f-' SHARMAN, PAMELA. Class Basketball 2,3; Varsity V A N DE WALKER, SHARON. Basketball 4; Class Volleyball 2; Varsity Volleyball 3, 4; Varsity Tennis 2,3,4; Gavel Bar 2; Typing 2,4; WALKER, JUDITH. Class Volleyball 3; Class Softball Remedial Reading 2; Trampoline 2; Bridge Club 3; 2; Class Basketball 3,4; Gavel Sewing and Knitting 4; Group Chairman Chairman 3; Social Training Committee 3. 4; Dress Board 3,4; Group Committee 4. WHIHEMORE, GALE. Class Hockey 3; Varsity Hockey SHAW, WARREN. " B " Soccer 2; " A " Soccer 3,4; " A " 4; Class Basketball 3; Varsity Tennis 3,4; Water Bal- Tennis 3; Cross-Country 4; General Assembly 3. let 3; Chorus 3; Class Volleyball 4; Social Training Committee 3; Vice-President, Honor Council 4; Social SMAUS, ROBERT. Cross Country 4; Track 4; Waiter Head, Girls' Athletic Association 4; Secretary, French 4; Campus Courier 4; Sunday Evening Sing Commit- Club 4; Treasurer, Campus Courier; Pep Club Member; tee 4. Cafe Line Worker; Fanatics 4. SMITH, CHRISTINE. Art Activity 4; Volleyball 4; Soft- /VIEBOLDT, CAROL. Spanish Club 4, Class Hockey, ball 4. 2,3,4; Class Basketball 2,3; Varsity Basketball 4; Class Volleyball 2; Varsity Volleyball 3,4; Class SoftSPAULDING, CLARK. " C " Basketball 1; " B " Baseball 1,2,3; " A " Football 3; " B " & " A " Wrestling 3,4; " A " Baseball 3; Ushers 3,4; Varsity Club 3,4; Boys' Board 3,4; Social Committee 4; Varsity Club 4. ball 2,3,4. WIGGINS, PHEBE. Swimming 3,4; Arts and Publicity 3,4; Typing 3; Yearbook 4; Group Chairman 4. SPLETTSTOSSER, JAMES. " C " Basketball 2, "C" Foot- WILKIN, ADELE. Class Volleyball 2,3,4; Class Softball ball 2; " B " Football 3; " B " Soccer 3; " A " Soccer 4; 2,3,4; Sewing and Knitting 2,4; Typing 3; French Club Ushers 4; Track 2; Chorus 2,3,4. 4. STEELE, JAMES. Band 3,4. WILLIAMS, JANET. Baseball 3,4; Bridge Club 3,4; Dramatics 2. STEWART, ROBERT. " C " Football 1,2; " C " Basketball 1; " B " Basketball 4; " F " Football 3; Chess Club 1,3; WILLIAMS, SHERRY. Modern Dance 1; Arts and Pub- Track 1 Stage Crew; Waiters 3,4; Counselor 4. licity 2; Girls' Dress Committee. STEWART, SUZANNE. Bunny Counselor 3; Sunday WILSON, BONNIE JEAN. Spanish Club 4. Evening Sing Committee 3,4; Chorus 3,4; Swim Team 3; Quiet Room Committee 4; Voice lessons 4; Volley WILSON, SUSAN HEATHER. Office Girl 3; Natural Ball 4. History Club 4. STONE, CYNTHIA. Class Basketball 3,4; Varsity Volleyball 3,4; Class Softball 3; Class Hockey 4; Decoration Committees 3; Cheerleader 4; Group Chairman. WILSON, SUSAN. Class Volleyball 2,3; Varsity Tennis 2,3,4; Class Hockey 4; Arts and Publicity 2, Chairman 3,4; Campus Courier 2,3, Editor 4; Cafe Line Worker 3,4; French Club 4. SUNDWICK, MARDA. Class Hockey 1,3,4; Class Softball 2; Class Hockey 3; Varsity Hockey 4; Bridge Club YEAKEL, GREGORY. " B " Football 1,2; " C " Basketball 1; Typing 2; Sewing and Knitting 3; Chorus 4. 1; " B " Baseball 1,2; " A " Baseball 3,4; " A " Football " A " Basketball 4; " B " Basketball 3; Camera Club THOMPSON, NANCY. Typing 3; Arts and Publicity Art Activity 1; Waiters 1; Spanish Club 4; Waiters Committee 4; Yearbook 4; Spanish Club 4. 2,3,4; School Store 3; Remedial English 3; Fanatics Club 3; Social Committee 3,4; Natural History Club 4; Co-ed Tennis 4. TUFFU, PETER. " A " Swimming 3,4; " B " Baseball 3,4; Assembly Committee 3; Yearbook 4. ZAREMBA, DAVID. " B " Football 3; Swimming 3; Monster Workers 3; Waiters 4; Food Sen/ice 3,4; Span- V A N G , ALFRED. " B " Soccer 3; Cross Country 3; Swimming 3; Waiters 3; Monster Workers 3; Natural History Club 3,4; Spanish Club 4. ish Club President 4; Social Center Snack Bar Manager; Line Worker 3; Chorus 4. 169 STUDENT INDEX Adler, Ellen Sue Ainsworth, Charles Alexander, Joy Alexander, Roy Allard, David Allard, Laurie Allyn, Susan Alt, Candy Alt, Richard Ames, Vincent Andrews, Eleanor Andrews, James Andrews, Susan Arnold, Potty Arthur, Mike Arthur, Terry Ash, Mary Asher, Horry Asher, Marvin Auchmoody, Alice Bagwell, Jeanne Barrick, Diane Barrick, William Barton, Lynda Baucom, Martha Bauer, Karen Baxter, Richard Beardsley, David Beauvais, Corinne Behring, George Below, Valerie Belz, Amalio Benedix, Mary Benoit, Kathleen Benson, Mary Benton, Diane Bilyieu, Paula Bishop, Elizabeth Bleichman, Bonnie Bleichman, Shari Bliss, Marina Blocker, Allison Boehm, Garret Bosdet, Betty Bosdet, Virginia Bowes, Richard Boyer, Gary Boyer, Nancy Bradley, James Bradley, Nathan Brady, Randall Brearley, Virginia Briffett, John Brooks, Clare Brooks, David Brooks, Paul Brown, Betty Brown, Candice Brown, Glenn Burke, Bonnie Burns, Marilyn Buschmann, Lola 64,90,137 69,94,108,120 64 32 32,111 64 32,96,97,134 64,133 33,94,106,114,127 33,104 57,97,102,129 33,82,85,94,104 64 57,97 57,94,112 32,87,91,104,127 69,136 57,94,104,112 69,110,112 32,94,133,137 57 57,83,90,96,97 33,91,104 64 57 57,94 64 57,87,94,104 33,94,97 33,111 32,90,96,97,129,137 34,84,96,97,129,134 64 64,97 69,132 34,97,133,137 64,97 34,82,87,96,129,137 34,82,86,94,97,128,133,137 64,87,137 64,129,134 79,97 69,110,120 64,137 57,94 64,110,124 57 64,97 64,90 69 69 69 34,91,94,104 64,90,133 57,87,94,104 57,91,97,104,124 68,94,132 34,134 64,94,97,104 64,133,137 57,132,136 57 Caldwell, Ann Camp, Daniel Campbell, Emily Carbonetti, David Cardozo, Carolynda Cardozo, Deloris Carper, Clotilde Carter, Andrew Cose, William Castle, James Cavenaugh, James Cavenaugh, Janie Chadwick, Robert Chamney, Jane Christensen, James Christenson, Paul Christenson, Peter N Christensen, Peter W Clapp, Lisa Clayton, Edward Cobb, Laurence Cochrane, Barbara Cochrane, Cary Colby, Frederick Cook, David Cook, Sandra Cook, Walter Cooke, Patricio Cooney, Allyson Cooper, Joan Courson, Mark Craig, Mary Dole Cramer, Donald Crandall, Robert Cremidas, Peter Crooks, Kenneth Crow, Kenneth Cullom, Mary Cunningham, Scott Cutler, Virginia Cutler, William Daly, Christopher Danielson, Jean Davis, James Davis, Spencer Day, Marcia Dearing, Henry DeHuff, Blair DeWindt, Carol DeWindt, Peter Dodd, Roger Douglass, Susan Downey, Linda Downing, Nancy Drake, David Drozda, James Duhig, Deborah Duhig, James Dunbar, John Dunkmann, Richard Dunn, Barbara Dunn, Jane 170 63,87,94,133,137 57,94,104,127 64,97,137 57 64 35,97 63,83,94,133 57,108,112 69 64,108 63,83,86,91,108 35,86,91,133 35,91,94,104 69 57,83,91,97,11 1 57,94,104 69,1 10,124 35,91 57,94 57,91,94,104 57,94,111 57,132 64 64,111,112 57,83,94 58,90,94 64,90,94,1 10 35,129,137 79,97 58,94 58 35,97,128,129,134 36,91 69,94,110,112 58,91,104 65,111 65 36,96,128,133,134 36 65 36,94,104,112 36,87,90,91,94,129 36,82,84,94,97 37,111 37,114 58,134 65,108 37,91,94,104,125 58,86,132,134 58,91,97,111 37 37,84,91,96,97,134 37,133,137 58,94,97 65,111 38,94 58,83,97 69 69,110 69 68,84,132 38,82,84,86,97,103,129 ^ Dutton, Thomas Eberle, Madelyn Eberle, Noel Edwards, Elizabeth Elam, Julia Ellwood, John Fiske Elmer, Mary Els, David Ely, Janet English, Cheryl Erickson, Karen Ewing, Davis Ewing, Philip Fallwell, Bruce Fait, Chase Feldman, Jacquelyn Fewsmith, Phillip Fifield, Constance Fisher, Chnsfine Fitzgerald, Joe Flaska, Astrid Flowers, Jennifer Fobes, Frances Foster, Heidi Freeman, Susan Frutig, Jennifer Fulton, Beth Fulton, Peter Furr, Donna Gaines, Jane Gans, Carl Garner, John Garrett, Lance Garvin, Jeanne Geist, Nancy Gerber, Mark Gilbertson, Gregory Gilbertson, Kristin Gilroy, Roger Gimlin, Hal Gladden, Lee Glatt, Geoffrey Glenn, Robin Godwin, Howard Good, Jerry Good, Jo Ellen Gordon, Linda Gorman, Lindsey Gould, Jerry Gould, Richard Gray, Stephen Greenley, Beverly Haakenson, Steven Haden, Hilary Hall, Jon Hall, Richard Hall, Scott Hall, Tylor Hamilton, Dona Hamilton, Hilary Hamlin, Jeffrey Hammer, Glenn Hansen, Judy Harrison, Jan Hartman, Mary Louise Haskell, Steven Hii Hauk, Eileen Hawes, Kenneth Hayden, Carol Hayes, Donald Hayes, Ronald Hayward, Holly Hayward, Stephen Hebenstreit, Mark Heidbreder, William Heider, Linda Heiss, Mary Ann Henley, Candace Henry, Charles Henry, Robert Herrmann, Patricia Higman, Janet Hoff, Robert Hoffman, Todd Holly, Faith Holly, William Holt, Carol Houston, Robert Howard, Frances Howell, Dorothy Hower, Nelson Howlett, Ruth Hubbard, Lauren Hubbard, Susan Hudson, Harry Huff, Ann Hughes, Gary Hunt, Noel Hunter, Duront (Andy) Hurlburt, Cathy Hurwick, William Jacobs, Valerie Jealous, Jane Jimenez, Silvia John, Jennifer Johnson, Sethaly Jones, Alexander Jones, Kendall Judkins, Richard 115,127 Kendrick, Carolyn Kenward, Tor Kieckhefer, James Kienzle, Nancy King, Heraert Kinsman, David Kinsman, Dinah Kirk, Douglas Kjellstrom, Mark Klinke, Christopher Koch, Donald Kohler, Joan Kuriger, John Kussmann, Steven Lackey, Laurence Lake, Bonnie Lake, Don Lane, Ellen Langworthy, David Lattin, Joyce Ann Laub, Robert Lawrence, Geraldine 65,108,124 65,90 58,94 58,84,129,134 65 65,124 65,90 58,94,104,107,127 38,91 38,97 58,94 65 65 69 58,96 58 65,110,124 36,84,97,103,129 66,94,137 69,120 58 58,102 58,97 58,94 58,128 58,132,136 69,132,136 38,91,94,104 65,97,137 39,90,94 69,110 94 58,104 65,94 39,129,137 58,114 39,91 65,90 69,110,120 39,104,124,125 39,82,85,86,94,114,115,127 58,96,112 58 65,108 79 69,94,132,136 65,102 69 39,127 59,86,94,114 70,108,120 59 59,91 59,128,136 70,110 59,94,194,114 68,83,120 59,90,91,104 70 59 40,82,85,86,91,94 40 59,94,97,132 59,94 40,86,94,97,133 65 171 40 40,83,97 40,129,134 65,112 65,108,112 65 70,110,120 79,112 63,82,91,94,108 70,94,132,136 65,94 70 41,85,114 59 41,84,86,102 59,94,132,136 59,91,112 59,94,104,124 65,83,94,133 70,120 59,97,103,129 70 59,128 65 70 59,87,132 70,132,136 41,94 41,94 66,96,133,137 63 70 70,110 66 41,91,96,111,124 41,90 42,84,86,94,97,129,137 66,90 59,83,97 56,97,102,103 42,86,91,97,110 59,96,112 43,82,85,86,104,105,107,114, 66,84,86,97,137 97,124 66 59,91,94,97 66 42,96,133 70,111 66,108 59,104,107 42,83,90 42,94 43,87,90,94,97 59,108 59,124 43 70,110 42 70,120 70,132,136 59 43,83,94 Layman, Anne 59,132 Leadbeater, Alfred 70,108 Legant, Martin 59,104,124 Lehman, Jeffrey 60,111 Leonard, Caroline 60,97,132 LePelley, Richard 60 Lester, Robert 43,83,85,91 Liddle, Wayne 66,90 Lindley, Conrad 66,90 Linnig, Antoinette 60,94 Liston, Robert 70,108 Lojinger, Carol 60,84,94,132 Lyeth, Deborah 68,87,132 Lyeth, Marguerite 60,97,129 Lyon, Kenneth 56,83,94,97,104,105,114,127 Lyons, Douglas 60,94,104,112 MacDougall, James 66,97,104 MacDougall, William 43,104 Maclntire, Cheryl 66,97,133 Maclntire, Scott 60,108 Mack, Eric 60,94 Mallet, Marsha 60,97,128 Maltbie, Barbara 66,94 Maltbie, Kay 44 Marien, Charles 60,86,94,114 Marshall, Karen 70 Martin, Philip 70,110 Mattei, Ayn 60,134 Mattei, Lyn 66,97 Maxwell, David 68,82,108,120 McCaleb, John 79 McCarthy, Roblee (Chip) 60,91 McCarty, Donald 66 McClure, Craig 60,90 McCormick, Virginia 60,94,97 McCready, Allison 60,83,94,124,125 McGookin, Paul 60,91,104,112 McGuire, Gigi 60,132,136 McKinney, Solly 66 McNiven, Miriam 44 Meanley, Robert 70,110,120 Minault, Paul 44,82,85,91,104,105,127 Minear, Craig 60 Miner, Sally 44,94,128,129,134 Misener, Bryant 66,104,120 Mitchell, Carol 60,136 Mitchell, Marcia 44,129 Moore, Anne 56,86,94,136 Moore, Kevin 60 Morse, Christine 66,94 Mosher, Allyn 44,111 Murdock, Debora 45,94 Murdock, Maryann 66,133 Myers, Donald 66,91,94,110,124 Neale, Thomas 70 Neil, Alan 66,111 Neil, Peter 71,94,110,120 Neil, Susan 66,133,137 Neily, Sandra 71,94,132,136 Nethery, Martin 66,108 Newgent, Philip 45,96,94 Nicholson, Janet 60,102 Nietmann, Beverly 66,123,137 Nietmann, Marilee 60,132 Nietmann, Nancy 45,94 Nilsson, Karin 60,94 Nixon, Sheila Norman, John Nowell, George Nutter, Linda Nysewander, Roberta Olms, Douglas Orcutt, Dennis Osherenko, Carol Osherenko, Gail Ostenberg, Robert Ostenberg, William Owen, Virginia Pork, Fred Parkhurst, Ruth Pearson, Ronald Peckenpaugh, Roger Perkins, Jean Peters, Kort Peters, Linda Peterson, Valerie Phelps, Richard Phillippi, David Phillips, John Pierce, Kenneth Pilsbury, Richard Poley, Gayl Prohme, Cleo Purdy, Norman Randolph, Deborah Rayner, Alice Record, John Reed, Jon Rees, Robert Reuter, Helen Reynolds, Helena Rice, Robert Richardson, Kent Richebourge, Elizabeth Ridley Allen Ripley, David Roberts, Ronald Robertson, Bruce Robertson, Douglas Robertson, Gory Robinson, David Roeske, Karen Rogers, Mary Rogers, Richard Rollins, Ruth Ross Charters Runeman, Algot Rupert, Elizabeth Sadler, Thomas Sage, Carolyn Salyer, Kathryn Sanchez, Cristina Sanders, Frank Saunders, Cathy Schafer, Lezlie Schlueter, John Schmidt, Susan Schulz, Carolyn Schwartz, Bruce Scott, Michael Scully, Bruce Seelye, Robert 172 45,90 71 45,91,96,104,112 45,91 60,86,94,132,136 61,114 66 46,84,97,102,103,129,134 61,94,132,136 61,91,94,111,112,127 46,97,104,124 61 61,104,114 67,97 61,97 71,108 63,133,137 61,124 67,94,137 47,94,129 61,104,107 71,110 67,111 61,94,108 61,108,112 61,132,136 79 46,94 71 61,94,97 67 4^,91 61,86,94,108 46,94 67,94 67 47,91,104 61 61,104,124 61,91,94,104 46,85,112 71 47 47 71,110,120 47,94 46,133 61,91,111 61 48,91,94,124 48,82,83,85,91,94,104,124 67 61 61,97 71,132 48,83,91,94,133 61,91,94 79 61,94 61,114 61,136 71 48,85,91 61,91,94,97,104 56,82,91,104 67,124,125 MM Seibert, William Serton, James Sharman, Pamela Shaw, Warren Shepard, Laura Shores, Torrence Shotwell, Robyn Sideris, Cynthia Simmonds, Craig Simpson, Sandra Slee, Margaret Smaus, Robert Smith, Christine Smith, Lark Smith, Tarah Smith, William Spaulding, Clark Sperry, Nancy Splettstosser, Carol Splettstosser, Jo mes Squires, Stephen Steckler, Donald Steele, James Steen, Gordon Stewart, Christine Stewart, Robert Stewart, Suzanne Stitt, William Stone, Cynthia Stone, Peter Straw, David Strong, Susan Sundwick, Marda Talley, Elizabeth Tetzlaff, Alberta Thomas, Shirley Thompson, Gordon Thompson, Nancy Towle, Amy Trick, Shelley Tucker, Clark Tuffli, Peter Tyler, Robert Van de Walker, Sharon Vang, Eric Vang, Alfred Wann, Irving (Barry) Van Syoc, Robert Van Vleck, Michael Van Vleck, Martha Wachter, Richard Waite, Nancy Walker, Edith Walker, Harriet Walker, Judith Wallace, Judy W a n n , Paul Warren, Anne Weeks, Margaret White, Darcy Whitson, Lynn Whittemore, Gale Wiebolt, Carol Wiggins, Phebe Wilkin, Adele Williams, Janet Williams, Karen Williams, Randall Williams, Sherry Williams, Walter Wilson, Bonnie Wilson, Bruce Wilson, Heather Wilson, Mark Wilson, Susan Wittmack, Stephen Wittmack, Susan Wixon, Howard Wolf, William W o o d a r d , Lee Worden, Sharon Worsley, Joanne Worsley, Robert Wright, James Wyman, Robert Yeager, Michael Yeakel, Gregory Zarembo, David Zuber, Peter Zuetell, Harriett (Jill) 48,82,85,96,97 67,111 48,134 49,111 62,96,129,134 67,108 67 67,96 63,87,91,108 67,90 62,128 49,91 49 71 62 67,87,94 49,82,85,87,94,104,124,125 71 71,132,136 49,94 62,104 62,94,97,110 49,94 62 79 50 50,94 63,82,94 50,102,103,133,137 71 62 71,132,136 50,94,129 62,136 71 67,97 56,83,91,104,105,124,127 50,96,97 62,97 71,90,136 71,120 50,96,112 62 51,94 67,108 173 mam 51,97 68,82,91,94,120 62 56,82,94,104 68,83,94,132 68,87,110,112 62 62,94,97 67,137 51,84,137 62 62,82,86,94,97,104,127 67 67 56,83,97,132,136 67 51,83,86,91,96,97,128,129 51,97,133,134 51,96 52,97 52 71 67 53 67,94 52,97 62,94,104,112 52 67,94,110 53,82,91,96,97,133 56,87,91,94,104 71,90,94 62,91,104,124 67,96 62,94 71 62,94,97,129,134 71,110,120 62,94,104 62,94,104,124 62,124 53,87,104,114 53,90,94,97 62,104,124 62,97,128 ':>lfi-0-it.::fn7-, '7mmmxtmi-ffi.-mL%.i FACULTY % STAFF INDEX Anderson, Mr. Ty Andrews, Dr. David K Barnes, Mrs. Gloria A Below, Mrs. Elaine W Bennet, Miss Wendy Bloodgood, Mrs. Lounetta Bole, Mr. Eric Bole, Mrs. Lorraine Brown, Mr. Charles Brown, Mr. Paul Browne, Mr. Carey Butler, Bonnie Corey, Mrs. Beth Clark, Mr. Bertram T Coates, Mrs. June Cobb, Mr. Henry R., Jr Craig, Mr. Robert Day, Mr. James Dulaney, Miss Nancy Eareckson, Miss Irma Edwards, Mr. Philip Eyerly, Mr. Jock Fisher, Mr. Robert Flint, Mrs. Catherine Fogg, Mr. Donald S Gausch, Mr. John Gehring, Miss Clara Gibbins, Miss Ruth Godin, Miss Susan Gray, Mr. William R., Jr Hamlin, Mr. Henry Hamlin, Mr. G. Eldredge Hammer, Mrs. Lillian Hough, Mr. Claude L Huff, Mrs. Ruth Ickes, Miss Jackie Keightly, Mrs. Rosella Kessler, Miss Mary Kjellstrom, Mr. C. Richard Kjellstrom, Mrs. Eleanor Lampmann, Mr. William Laufenburg, Miss Maribel Lisle, Mrs. Reba McCandless, Mr. Lee McCready, Mrs. Audrey McCready, Mr. S. Douglas Meserve, Mr. Belmont Meserve, Mrs. Christi Miller, Mrs. Sadie Munnecke, Mr. Theodore A Neil, Mr. Robert Oakes, Miss Julianne Orr, Mrs. Katherine Overby, Mrs. Maude Pahl, Miss Maia Perkins, Mrs. Laura Peters, Mrs. Ruth Poole, Mr. George Portman, Mr. Howard Poyser, Miss Evelyn Pyle, Mrs. Eloise Rehr, Mr. Wilmer 1,111 Remington, Mrs. Maude Remington, Mr. P. Sheldon Robinson, Miss Janet Ruge, Mrs. Marguerite Rusk, Mr. Harold Schulz, Mr. Arthur F., Jr Schulz, Mrs. Mary Anne Semple, Mr. Hugh Simon, Mr. William Sindelar, Mr. James Stoffel, Mrs. Charlotte Tuffli, Mrs. Helen Van Vleck, Mr. William L Wade, Mr. Lee Walton, Ella Moe Williams, Miss Anne Winter, Mr. Ion Yeates, Mrs. Bronna Yeates, Mr. Robert 23,110,114 17 90 26 21 21 17,23,82,83,122 21 18,23,111,120 18 17 25,84 18 16 90 27 18 18,23,24,111,114 21 18 18 19,23,94,95 18 25 16 19,97 19 19,96 19,97 19,23 23,118 16 21 16 19 22 19 19 17 21 . . 23,24,104,124 18,96 90 16 21 20,88,96 20 21 27 20,23,108 20,88 22,128,129 90 21 25 25 21 27 20 22,134 20,84 112 24 17,14,15 20,97 27 23,104,124,127 23,24,104 21,24,87,90 20 23,24,110,123 112 20,90 22 16 26 26 25 20 24,86 23,24 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Miss Maribel Laufenburg Advisor Mory Cullom Editor Mr. Robert Craig, Mr. Robert Koropp, Mr. Belmont Meserve, Mr. Al Wheeler Photography Earl Webb Studios Portraits Mary Cullom, Mr. Alex Loelkes Cover American Yearbook Company Printers And our thanks to Mr. Henry Hamlin and Mrs. Pamela Webster for their advice, encouragement, and very practical aid. 174 BLADE 64 SPRING SUPPLEMENT THE PRINCIPIA UPPER SCHOOL I l l J«.c^' Sf^SWSESS-; 1 ^" «s&'.-: FRONT: Scott M a c l n t i r e , Marvin Asher, Dave Els, Bill Barnck, Rob Hall, Hal G i m l i n , Jeff Ostenburg, Squires Lance G a r r e t t , Bill M a c D o u g a l l , David Robinson, Al DeWindt, Dave Beardsley, Dave Allard, Blair DeHuff, Pete Don Doug Olms, Ken Lyon, Bruce Wilson, Jim W r i g h t , M i k e Lake, Glenn Yeager, Philip M a r t i n , Scott H a l l ; MIDDLE: Andy Hunter, M a r k W i l - (Coach), son, Fred Leadbeater. Carl Gans, Tor Kenward, Steve Haakenson, Day Tod Vleck, Randy Hoffman, Gary Hughes, Steve Kussman, Dave Drake, Dick Brentwood Burroughs Lutheran South Western Military District Meet (Brentwood) Country Day Tie 4th 1st Tie Srd State Meet ABC Medal Meet District Meet (U. City) Hammer, Hayward, Wayne (Coach), Paul W a n n , Williams, Gordie Jim Thompson, Liddle Bruce Scully, Serton, John Runeman, Mr. (Manager); Dave Steve Neil, Lampmann BACK: Mr. Brooks, Mike Van Schleuter, Doug Lyons. TRACK SCORES Prin 58 88 63 79 2nd 62 Steve Lehman, Eric Mack, Allie ABC ALL-STARS Opponents 60 30 55 34 Dave Allard Dave Beardsley Blair DeHuff Pete DeWindt Doug Olms Bruce Wilson 56 II Pete DeWindt; Half Mile. State Cfiampion in p.*. FRONT: Dan Camp, John Briffet, Jim Andrews, Rich Judkins, Clark (Managers); Paul M c G o o k i n , Rick Phelps, Dave Ripley, Steve W i t t - Spaulding, Mark mack, Rick A l t , Harry Hudson, Chris B.ACK: Garret Gerber, Boehm, Greg Jim Yeakel, M a r k MacDougall, Courson, and Bryant Bill Stitt; Misener Jones, IV Joe Fitzgerald, Mr. Schulz Klinke, John McCaleb, (Coach). Alec 11 A >> A" BASEBALL SCORES Prin 1 9 1 5 3 2 7 8 0 10 0 6 9 9 3 73 Opponent Ritenour Lafayette 15 15 Mehlville Pattonville Lutheran South Lutheran Central Ladue John Burroughs Lutheran South Western Military Lutheran Central Country Day Country Day Western Military John Burroughs 11 4 0 15 8 5 1 5 6 7 3 5 2 98 „»\>tC/P, ,V.\NC((., •»''"''%ll ,»'>* '^"'U V \ 11 B tt r D A O I Z D A I t ^ ' \ ^ L m^/ \ I L L I^RONT: Bob C r a n d a l l , David C a r b o n e t t i , Rich Rogers, Hal Dearing, Pete Tuffli, Bob Rees, Dave Kinsman; BACK: Chuck Ainsworth, Eric V a n g , Dave M a x w e l l , Barry W a n n , Richard Dunk- mann, Howie G o d w i n , Jim Castle (Manager), Mr. Brown (Coach). "&" SCORES Prin 2 2 0 11 3 6 6 5 8 3 3 " B " RESERVE Prin 11 12 10 2 6 9 3 4 4 4 13 10 0 2 0 10 Ritenour Lutheran South . Lutheran Central Country Day . . Western Military John Burroughs Lutheran South . Lutheran Central Country Day . . . Western Military John Burroughs . FRONT: Roger Skinner; Opponent Gilroy, BACK: Dave Dave 4 13 9 13 13 Langworth, Phillippi B" RESERVE SCORES Opponent Lutheran South 8 Lutheran Central . . . . Country Day Western Military . . . . John Burroughs Lutheran Lutheran Country Western John Burroughs Rick Wachter, (Manager), Noel South Central . . . . Day Military . . . . Cary Cochrane, W a l t Eberle, Ron Hayes, John Gray, John Record, Bill Wolf, Mr. Gray (Coach). ^.•Pt^' ^*'^"'l4l: Plf ir,^\H cipi pj?i:. 28 7 5 5 5 6 1 4 5 Cook, Dunbar, Paul Steve "A" TENNIS FRONT: Gould, Mark Ron Hebenstreit, Pearson, BACK: Mr. Anderson McCarthy, Lee Don Rich Steckler; (Coach), Chip Gladden, Chuck Marien. " B " SCORES " A " SCORES Prin 4 4 3 2 2 Ritenour Parkway University City Kirkwood Clayton Opponent 1 1 2 3 3 5 5 1 5 4 Ritenour Lutheran Central Country Day Parkway Western Military 0 0 4 0 1 2 3 0 1 5 3 John Burroughs Lutheran Central Country Day Kirkwood Western Military John Burroughs 3 2 5 4 0 2 Prin 4 4 5 2 4/2 1 5 4 4 '/2 Opponent 1 1 Kirkwood Clayton Lutheran Central Country Day Ladue John Burroughs Lutheran Central Country Day Kirkwood John Burroughs 0 3 V2 3 0 1 1 4V2 "B" TENNIS j^ppF^ FRONT: Craig Simmonds, Rick t4>ttT'"f bury, Jerry G o o d ; BACK: Mr. * (Coocii), - i» ,3 Chuck Henry, Geoff Glatt, Bob Henry. Al Pils- Winter Mosfier, ^z.^. W Guest Speaker-. Mrs. Marjorie Edwards G.A.A. AWARDS BANQUET FRONT: Carolyn Schulz, Lisa C l a p p , Shari Williams, Geri Lawrence; MIDDLE: Crissy Stewart, Ruthi Howlett, Patty A r n o l d , Pati Herrmann, Mary Ash, Jean Peters; BACK: Paula Bilyieu, Chris Morse, Sethaly Johnson, Sylvia Jimenez, Carol Osherenko, Gigi McGuire, Cheryl Maclntire, Not Shown; Karen Bauer, Carol Holt, Ann Caldwell, Karin Nilsson (Manager). X MODERN DANCE FRONT: Jo Good, Betty Brown, Nancy Kienzle, Bobbi Katie Salyer, Nysewander, Sundwick, Marda Mrs. Tuffli (Coach); MIDDLE: Dennie Lattin, Lezlie Schafer, Dorki Howell, Lark Smith, Vol Peterson, Carol DeWindt, Linda Belz; BACK: Heider, Sue Alice Auchmoody, gins, Jan Mollie Schmidt, Phebe Higman, wards, Candy A l t , Nancy man, Barbara Shown: Dunn. Jennifer Wig- Libby John, EdLehNot Laura Shephard. SWIMMING SCORES Prin 115 49 Opponent 78 52 Normandy Ladue Triangular: Normandy Ladue 50 21 62 WATER BALLET FRONT: Libby Edwards, Anne Warren, Marsha Mallett, Carol DeWindt, Gail Anne Moore, Osherenko, Alice Auchmoody, Dunn, Carol Kendrick, Darcy W h i t e , Nancy Kienzle; BACK: Cindy Stone, Lezlie Schafer, Cari Hayden, Linda Downey, Sheila N i x o n , Carol Lojinger, Sethaly XI Lyn Happy Mitchell, Tarah Johnson, Crissy Jealous, Jan Connie Higman, Smith, Jane Daly, Jon Fifield, Caroline Gaines. Nicholson Janie Leonard, Not Shown: (Manager). FRONT: Betsy Talley, Pam Sharman, Linda Downey, C a n d y Brown, Day, Lynda Barton, Jill Zuetell, M a r y Dale C r a i g , M a r i l y n Vol Not Shown: Joanne Worsley, Bev Greenley. Below, Danielson, Bonnie Cindy Bleichman, Barnie Stone, Adele Bishop; Wilkin, Carol BACK ROV^: Jean Wieboldt, Marcia VARSITY VOLLEYBALL " A " SCORES Prin 0 Normandy Opponent 2 0 2 Lutheran Central Faculty 2 0 0 1 0 Ladue Mary 1 Lutheran South 2 2 2 " B " SCORES Prin Opponent 0 0 1 Normandy Lutheran Central Faculty 2 2 2 2 2 2 Ladue Mary 1 Lutheran South 0 0 2 XII Burns. SOPHOMORE CHAMPIONS FRONT: Linda Peters, Emily Campbell, Shari Bleichman, Donna Ann Furr, Ruth Huff, Parkhurst; Marinka BACK: Bliss, Betty Bosdet, Lyn Kendrick. Not Shown; Robyn Shotwell, Kathi Benoit. CLASS VOLLEYBALL JUNIORS. FRONT: Karen Erickson, Hilary Haden, Judy Hansen, Bar- bara Linnig, Cochran; BACK: Astrid Flaska, Fran Fobes, Toni Rayner. Not Shown: Korin Nilsson, A y n M a t t e l , G a y l Poley. FRESHMEN. " V " : Karen Marshall, Nancy Sperry, Sandy Neily, Beth Fulton, Laurie Hubbard, Sharon W o r d e n , Debbie Randolph; TOP CENTER: Mory Benson. Not Shown: M a r y Ash. SENIORS: Mary Cullom, Gale Whittemore, Dinah Kinsman, Dee Mary Miner. Not Roeske. Benton, Shown: Janie Cavenaugh, Lou Sue Hubbard, Hartman, Sue Wilson, Sally Karen Alice Robyn Shotwell, Betsy Talley, Gale Whittemore, Carol Osherenko, Vol Peterson, Harriet Walker. Not Shown: Pam Sharman, Sue Douglass, Sue Wilson, Janie Dunn, Vol Below, Suzanne Stewart. TENNIS SOFTBALL SCORES TENNIS SCORES Opponent Prin Mary 1. Sports Day 5 3 Lutheran Ladue 4 3 Ladue Burroughs 5 22 Burroughs 3 Ritenour 1 28 Whitfield 7 Whitfield 0 Prin 7 Opponent Central 9 15 VARSITY ^ ^ y*^^ ^ • ^ T ' r ^ ^J ^ ^ / I I A [ j * \ l l Lii I FRONT: Judy Hansen, Mary Dale Craig, Nancy Geist, Kathi Benoit, Donna Furr, Hilary Haden, Den"^'^ Lattin; BACK: Susan Andrews, Ayn Mattei, Marinka Bliss, Barnie Bishop, Bobbi Nysewander, Ann Huff, Miss Poyser (Coach), Bonnie Bleichman. Not Shown: Joanne Worsley, Linda Downey, Laura Shepard, Mollie Belz, Libby Edwards, Pam Sharman. S*r FRESHMEN, FIRST ROW: Nancy Sperry, Barbara Dunn, Beth Fulton, Ginny Brearley, Laurie H u b b a r d , CLASS Linda Heider, Debbie Randolph; SOPHOMORES, SECOND ROW; Bev N i e t m a n n , Emily Campbell, Virginia Cutler, Sue N e i l ; JUNIORS, THIRD ROW: Miss Cokes (Coach), M a r i l y n Burns, Toni Linnig, Sue Schmidt, Astrid SOFTBALL Flaska, Fran Fobes, Lola Buschmann; SENIORS, FOURTH ROW: M a r y Cullom, Judy W a l k e r , Candy Brown, Miss Ickes (Coach]. } A FEW OF THE VICTORIOUS VENETIANS FIRST ROW: Jealous, Korin Bonnie ROW: Laurie Nilsson, Bleichman, H u b b a r d , Betty Osherenko, Jon Debbie Randolph, Jenny Frutig, Kris Gilbertson, Marsha Mollett; Bosdet, Chris Morse, Candy Harrison, Anne Happy SECOND Brown, G a i l Layman; THIRD ROW: M a r y Ash, Jo Good, M a r i n k a Bliss, Darcy W h i t e , Judy W a l l a c e , Paulo Bilyieu. XV G.O.P. y^ /9K!L.'' GOLDWATER IN '64 Congressman Curtis of Missouri: Keynote Speaker MOCK CONVENTION Lodge on the First Ballot f^J^, 9^Bt^^Bf^^^Kl^m'* Pi Hn i^^^^^H FIELD DAY XX na WMj^n^RW^"' '^' ^ " ^ ^ l f ' ~ ' HKH ll W^^^^ikri^^^^S pv mSmf^^^Km^^mmkm^ ^m^^^KK^^KKmm a<. ' r^«^ss^^R8H^^^^^^| "LE CIRQUE" S REFLECTIONS IN SEASON XXI ~^Hep^Hi9 B9 ' 4 < "The Piney Mountain Boys": Dick H a l l , Jim W r i g h t Pati Herrmann CAMPUS SING Toni Linnig "The Squires;" Bob W y m a n , Richard Judkins, Bill Heidbreder, Ron Pearson. XXII Ann C a l d w e l l Masters of Ceremonies: Dave Beardsley, Tod Hoffman. The V . W . Brothers: Mike Van Vleck, Paul W a n n . XXIII Suzanne Stewart V.C. BALL Three Coins in a Fountain 1 mM f ^^^^p' '^M'^M I SPRING PROM Wonderland by Night XXV Mr. Rusk receives for Principia the ABC League Sportsmanship Award The Helena Bonnes Mayer Home Economics A w a r d ; Pat Cooke The Headmaster's A w a r d for Citizenship; Jim Andrews Commencement Address; Mr. W a l d o Ewing Stewart The Headmaster's A w a r d for Citizenship; Mory Dale Craig XXVI Suzanne Heath Hedberg A w a r d : - M i r i a m McNiven a n d Hal Gimlin AWARDS § GRADUATION The Longyear FoundaHon A w a r d : Carol Osherenko Message of the Class of 1964: Lee G l a d d e n Message of the Class of 1964: Janie Dunn. XXVII WASHINGTON TRIP Mr. Schulz in Williamsburg XXVIII 175 176 raBEwSssJ^ For Reference 378.73P Not to be taken from this room
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